All Episodes

April 23, 2024 36 mins
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough makes sense on anti-Semitic protests, NYU professor Galloway responds. Joe Biden says there are fine people on both sides of Israel-Palestinian protests. Anti-Semitic protests not happening on large scale in red states so far. Will Trump be able to flip back enough suburban white women to win in swing states? Clay and Buck take calls.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome in Tuesday edition Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 1 (00:10):
Drama of course.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
In the Trump trial, as Judge Marchand comes after Donald
Trump for allegedly violating a gag order. Lots of discussion
about that. The trial continues with David Pecker. What a
name on the witness stand who was in charge of
the National Inquirer at the time there is.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
I would encourage you guys. I shared it.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
We'll throw it up on Clay and Buck as well. Amazingly,
The New York Times has published a savage takedown of
the charges being brought against Trump by a Boston University professor.
I'd encourage you guys to go read it. It's really
really well done. We may talk some about that Alec
Baldwin in the news yet again for being harassed, but

you may listen to the audio and actually find yourselves
unbelievably thinking that Alec Baldwood is not the bad guy,
which is the way Buck and I both responded.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
I just want to prepare everybody today. We have a
number of instances where we're going to have to call
out people that we usually are throwing haymakers out here
on the show, We're going to be giving them a
golf clap.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
I just want everyone to be there are a few
instances of this.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Yesterday we spent a lot of time talking about the
protests that are taking place on so many university campuses.
I would say primarily in the Northeast, although it's also
on the West Coast. Now leftist institutions overwhelmingly now having
sit in protests, tents out on quads to attack Israel

for the way that they are defending themselves in the
wake of the October seventh terror attacks and Columbia Universe.
I can't believe this is real. Columbia University has ended
all in person classes for the remainder of the semester
because they don't feel like it is safe, essentially for
students to be on campus, particularly students who might be Jewish.

This is turned into a huge deal NYU. I know
they had a raid last night from the New York
Police Department, but they also have faculty that are walking
out and trying to create human shields for the pro Palestine.
However you want to classify it. I don't think they're
necessarily pro Hamas, although some of them do seem to
be explicitly pro proma Humas. Basically, I think characterized as

anti Israel protest is a fair way to say this.
That are springing up all over the country and we
have to give credit. I can't believe it. But on
morning Joe Joe Scarborough, who is right up there with
the view in terms of regular propaganda idiocy that is
being espoused, he had a really good question. I want

to play that for you and then I will play
the response, but first credit where credit is due, Joe
Scarborough actually making sense.

Speaker 4 (03:02):
One of my pet peeves seems to be one of
your pet peeves, and that is you know, two million
people have been killed in the Sadan Civil War. I
haven't seen the protests in Yu for that. Asad killed
five hundred Arabs. I didn't see colleges burned down, five
hundred thousand Arabs killed by Asad. Saddam Hussein killed over
a million Muslims in Wars, I gassed them. I didn't

see protests there.

Speaker 1 (03:28):

Speaker 4 (03:29):
Your school is shut down right now because Israel is
responding to the worst attack against Jews worldwide since the
Holy coust Help us sort.

Speaker 5 (03:39):
Through that.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
Great question, right, I mean credit where credit is due.
He's entirely right, in Clay, You and I see this
the same way. I want to get to that guy away,
respond just real quick. Who's a professor at yu at
Nyu actually the school that I almost went to, Nyu
stir in the business school. But you could do this
in a whole range of ways. You look at the

deaths in all those wars that he brought up.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
You look at the.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
Yameni Civil War, which has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.
People are starving to death. It's been horrible. But it's
Muslims killing Muslims. Yes, And this is a little bit
like and this is where you and I see it
the same way. When we talk about police violence or
gun violence in this country, it's only very specific gun
violence or police involved violence that anyone seems to care about.

On the left, And as we've talked about, BLM pretends
that it is cops killing black men across America without
cause or justification because of systemic racism, and that is
actually an incredibly rare, thankfully incredibly rare event. But black
people killing other black people on the streets of Chicago
or New Orleans or Baltimore other cities is a far

more common. But there's no movement, there's no marches in
the streets. There's no anger about this. And you have
to ask all these they want to say they're anti war,
anti Zion his Clay, No, they're anti Jewish. It's only
when when the Jewish people are are fighting against Hamas
that all of a sudden were any terrorist entity.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
This really matters. But Galloway's he's right here.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
You want to call yeah, I even say, I wouldn't
even say it's anti Jewish. I think it's what really
also is coming out. Yes, there's partly anti Jewish. It's
that Jewish people are seen as white and as similarly blming.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
When this whole thing broke out, that this is a
race conflict. That's how it's seen in America.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
They only care BLM does when a white person is
involved in taking a black life, because remember, even when
it's police involved. The situation the murder of the guy
who was beaten to death by a collection of black
cops in Memphis, that story vanished. They put out video
of it. I mean the guy was pulled over. I

can't even remember his name right now. He certainly didn't
get any statues. There wasn't any riots to speak of.
It totally vanished. Now, if five black, five white office
had beaten this black kid to death, Memphis would have
burned down. But because it was it wasn't even just
a police thing. It's just what color are the police officers,

which is crazy, but that's how this is connected. But
the response to I wish he's never going to do it,
because that's going too far. But I wish that Joe
Scarborough had made that connection and said, wait a minute.
All these BLM protests are similarly motivated, not on actual violence,
but by what the races of the person that they

believe is perpetrating the violence. Who is, in other words,
the oppressor, who is the colonizer. But here is Professor
Galloway's response to that good question from Joe Scarborough.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
I'll give you some more numbers.

Speaker 6 (06:42):
Twenty two hundred American servicemen killed at Pearl Harbor. We
go on to kill three and a half million in Japanese,
including one hundred thousand and one nine twenty eight hundred Americans.
In nine to eleven, we go on to kill four
hundred thousand people in Afghanistan and Iraq. We weren't accused
of genocide. If Mexico had elected the hottest cartel to
run their country and then they incurred into Texas and

on a per capita basis, killed thirty five thousand people
or the population of the University of Texas, and on
the way back, took the freshman class at SMU hostage
and hid them under tunnels.

Speaker 1 (07:14):
What would we do.

Speaker 6 (07:15):
It'd be the Great Sonora radioactive parking lot. But Jews
are not allowed and Israel is not allowed to prosecute
a war, and they are prosecuting a war more humanly
than we have done. The ratio of combatants to civilians,
civilian death to combatant mortality is lower than it was
in Mosil, lower than it was in Japan, lower was
in Germany. So there's just a different standard for Jews

in Israel when it comes to prosecuting a war. They're
allowed to fight back to a truce, but unlike America
or any other Western nation that has attacked us viciously,
they're not allowed to win a war.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
It's a double standard.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
Overwhelmingly I agree with that answer. I would just say
not really fair to combine to compare casualty statistics from
the Second World War, and today we have far better
munich intelligence, et cetera. I mean it used to be
you wanted a bomb a part of a city, you
kind of just drop the bombs out of the air.
He had the Nordon bomb site, but you drop them
and you hope they hit. We have far better and

the Israelis do too, a far better intelligence now. But
put that aside, you know, because he was saying Japan
and Germany that we prosecute the war, or rather the
Israelis prosecute the war with greater efficiency. Well, yeah, it
was a long time ago that All said. His overall
point is something we've said on the show, Yeah, which
is what if if you've I think you actually you
even said a specific Cantel's yeah, did this, and it's

it's absolutely true, And I would have nothing but contempt
for anyone American or otherwise if in that example of
the you know, the cartel and they're Narco terrorists are
a real thing. In fact, if you go back before
bin Laden, the world's most wanted man was Pablo Escobar,
who blew planes out of the sky and did political

assassinations and was involved in, you know, in acts of
mass murder. Narco terrorists are a real thing. If a
narco terrorist group bring out of Mexico that had been
elected by the Mexican people, by the way, that had
won an election in Mexico, had done what that would
have just occurred in Israel to us, and we were

talking about sending in, you know, our elite units to
just you know, mop the floor with them. Anybody who
would say Geese fire, I would have nothing but contempt for.
And so I offered these Israeli as the exact same
moral calculation, the exact same moral freedom to operate that
I would give myself under those circumstances.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
I think it's perfectly well said. I don't remember the
last time that I heard a well reasoned, rational argument
on MSNBC. And I give credit to Scarborough and Galoway
for having that conversation, because that is I think an elite,
high level discussion that is probably analogous that to me,

is almost impossible for someone to respond to who is
protesting against Israel right now and be able. Now you could,
I guess, be someone who is so you could be
a Quaker and say that there is no right to
violence anywhere. But then obviously Hamas interacting violently on October
seventh is tough for that argument. But short of that,

I don't even understand what the response would be other
than but they're white. That's really basically what this boils
down to.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
Not to get too deep into this with pacifists and pacifism,
but Quakers can only exist in societies where there are
other people who are willing to take up arms the
defense of basic freedoms and rights so that the Quakers
can take the positions that they have. Just putting that up,
and I'm going to find a new Quakers in Saudi Arabia.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
Building on that analogy.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Everybody who is attacking Western civilization only has the ability
to attack Western civilization because they have the good fortune
to live in a Western civilist civilization to be able
to attack it.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
I also think that we may be and it depends
on how long this goes, right, if we look kut
BLM two point zero, Really it began with George Floyd
and it started getting really big in June of twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
We're a little more earlier.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
We're a little earlier in the in the timeline here,
it's obviously almost may. But I think the problem they're
running with is this has become the issue of the
activist left, and this is the mobilization in an election
year for the you know, emotionally deranged leftist activist mentality,
and also infrastructure that they have at some level, like

a lot of tents showing up very quickly. I mean,
I will say it does seem to have the same tense. Yeah,
it does seem like someone's doing something somewhere to help
this stuff out. Right, We can dive into that a
little bit more. But the difference is Joe Biden is
in charge, So you're mobilizing at a time when your guy,
effectively as a leftist, is calling the shots. And also

I think that there's a particularly powerful.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
Down to this.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Basically, what I'm saying is to mobilize around the cops
are racist in America's racist. That works for Democrats in
a way that having the left decide to just unleash
all their anti semitism at once, I think is politically
not only is it wrong morally, I think it's a
blunder too. And I think that there are some Democrats
who are realizing this they do not want this to

continue through the summer. I do not think this is
going to help their electoral prospects.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
Not only that, I mean it directly attacks the Identity
Politics Coalition because BLM brought together all the Arab protesters
in theory, all the Jewish protesters who are on the left.
This is tearing it apart, which is why I sent
you a message. I saw it was being shared. MSNBC,
at least this morning, was not covering at all any

of the campus protests that are going on. They are
manighacally focused on the Trump trial.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
So if you only paid.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
Attention to the MSNBC website, to be fair, that clip
that we just played you is from Morning Joe, so
they were talking about it there. But if you're just
someone who's going on to the MSNBC website, like what's
the news of the day, all you would get is
Trump is Rachel Maddow on Monday, I think she had
a panel discussion.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
It was all Trump.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
I don't know that you would be very aware of
this if you are a typical leftist person who is
consuming news well.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
I mean the New York Times. It's from page New
York Times. It's from page Washington Post. Isn't it I
mean MSNBC. I was gonna say, is MSNBC even more
to the left of those publications.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
I'm not sure that's really.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
I think that the challenge they've got is Trump is
their great satan, and they don't want to distract at
all from the fact that the Trump trial is going
on because it is probably frankly better ratings because there's
a bad guy there that they've been wanting to get
for a long time. I give credit again to Scarborough
and Galloway for having this discussion. It would be a

fun discuss. It would be fun and interesting analysis of
me what percentage. Let's compare Fox News coverage of the trial,
which I'm sure they're covering it a lot, with how
MSNBC and CNN are covering it, because I do think
that's intriguing these days. Twenty dollars bill doesn't go far,
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Speaker 3 (15:07):
The good news, America, I guess I should give you
a sarcasm alert here is that the commander in Chief,
Joe Biden, in this moment of tension with our campus,
is roiling with arrests of dozens, perhaps hundreds of students
being made, with Google employees being fired by the score,
all because of Israel Palestine stuff. With all that going on,

we can turn to the stalwart leadership of Joe Biden
and his incredible what aboutism and both sides ism? Here
he is play it.

Speaker 6 (15:41):
Do you condemn the anti submitted protests on college campuses?
I condemned that protests That's why I've set up I
told them to deal with that. I also condemn those
who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
I mean, Clay, I condemn anti Semitism, and I condemn
those who don't know what's going on with the Palestinians.

Speaker 1 (16:06):
What is it? I know he is. This is a
perfect moment.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Though, Clay for Biden, because he's trying, in artfully and
blatantly to just have it both ways. He's trying to
have it both ways, which is the problem the Democrats
have run into ever since October seventh.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
This is his attempt to say they're really fine people
on both sides. This is what he said there is
basically what they tried to say Trump said after Charlottesville.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
Now, this is a big question.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
I got into this with Laura, my wife, yesterday because
I think this is this October seventh response and leading
into the election in twenty four The optimist in me,
buck feels like this is the event that is starting

to explode the identity politics coalition on the left that
is untenable. It's only tenable when there is the great Satan,
the old rich white billionaire Donald Trump, who they can
all decide everybody who's not a white man, and even
some of the woke white men out there, that he

is the great evil. But as soon as you make
them have to decide on their oppression olympics on the
pyramid of victimization, who is a bigger victim, the Jews
or the Arabs, Who's a bigger victim women or the
trans men. As soon as they have to start making
decisions between the two, it threatens the entire calculus of

their unholy alliance.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
That's my positive ten.

Speaker 3 (17:44):
You are thinking about it as a rational person who
follows logic. Yeah, the whole system is based in irrationality
and delusion. So it makes it far more durable because
it's not based in any reality or consistency.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
I think we have to remember that.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
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Speaker 2 (19:09):
I know, sometimes I allow the nattering nabobs of negativity
to take me over. Sometimes I'm a cynic and a
little bit not optimistic generally, though, I tend to be
an optimist. And when I look at all this chaos
of all of the protests that are going on on
college campuses right now, anti Israel protests, I think it's

probably the best way to kind of classify them.

Speaker 1 (19:35):
I actually see.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
It as a positive in the context of what it
could create. And before I make that case a little
bit more, I do want to reiterate, and I think
we mentioned this yesterday. It's very telling, and maybe it
will spread and it will become more commonplace. But do

not mistake that there are almost no oh anti Israel
protests at any red state university right now. They aren't
setting up in Texas by and large. Now, maybe there
will be some small ones before all is said and done.
They aren't doing it in Tennessee. They aren't doing it

in uh, Florida, Georgia. Why is that you hear all
the time, Oh, the Trump supporters, they're racist, they're anti Semites.

Speaker 1 (20:30):

Speaker 2 (20:30):
I don't know that I've ever told you this before,
but I actually think most people who are raised in
the church in the South as I was, are actually
very pro Israel. Because if you're an Evangelical, I was
raised in Southern Baptist Church, Jesus being Jewish were actually

I was raised Jewish people are the greatest people who
have ever lived in the history of mankind because Jesus
was Jewish. Now, I understand there are anti Semites on
the right. I'm not claiming that that doesn't exist. But
I do think it's interesting that in all these red
states you're not seeing those campuses taken over. In even
a place like Vanderbilt, where I'm in a lum of

the law school there, they actually went right in when
the kids tried to protest, they kicked them out of
the main part of Vanderbilt University, and they expelled several
of the students that were engaged in alleged criminal behavior.
So they've actually been very aggressive about shutting these things down. Now,
maybe I'm not sitting here watching live feeds of campuses.

Maybe some elite Vanderbilt Duke Rice smu I'm not trying
to lea emery. Maybe some of those schools are going
to have their own protests that are building up because
a lot of the kids are from in the East
Coast and a lot of the overlap. As you well know,
college kids all talk. Maybe they're there's trends and everything else.

But I do think as a general rule, this is
a Northeast and West coast led anti Israel protest. I
saw where they're setting up in Berkeley, They're setting up
at UCLA, all these places. But I'm optimistic looking ahead
years that you're seeing the fraying of the identity politics coalition.

Right now, there are more black voters who are willing
to vote Trumpet appears than maybe before Hispanic, Asian and Jewish.
I think this could be a moment where we look back,
Buck and this is ultimately the explosion of this crazy
coalition of disparate identity politics led individuals.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
You don't buy it. I can tell by your face.

Speaker 3 (22:40):
Ah Man, I wish, and I would say, I hope
that you're correct. I would put this into a Middle
East framework for a moment. Suni and Shia Muslims at
different times are absolutely at different times throughout history, I've
been fighting.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Religious wars effectively.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
The most recent iteration, well currently Iran versus the rest
of the Middle East. Iran and its proxies versus the
rest of the Middle East is the way this plays out.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
But it was.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Even more specific and mediate in the context of the
essentially low grade civil war during the US War in Iraq,
the civil war that played out between Sunni and Shia
in that country. I just bring it up, Clay, because
one could look at that and say, oh, well, they're
at each other's throats, and so we can always yeah,

but Iran will back Sunni Hamas in order to attack Israel.
Like the identity politics, coalition is always built upon whatever
the needs of the moment may be in order to
achieve power for the various members, and old animosities or
previous hatreds or competition can be put aside in order

to attack the big enemy. And I think the big
enemy in this case is still considered the white men,
Republican conservative. Uh you know, let me let me ask
you what mean I'm saying, like, yeah, no, I understand
a k of this stuff. But eventually the left always
comes together because they're communists and they want power. So

this is the same argument my wife made, so she
is also it is probably not a surprise. I tend
to be optimistic, she says, she's not pessimistic, she's just realistic.
There's probably a lot of couples out there where that
discussion takes place.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
So let me ask you this. Let's look ahead six
months and two weeks whatever, November fifth. Let's pretend that
Rachel Maddow is crying on the air. Let's pretend things
go in the way of the good guys and that
Trump wins.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
Look at it, look at dirty talking six months in advance.
Rachel Maddow's crying Trump is winning, This is amazing.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
You're getting me excited.

Speaker 2 (24:47):
Well, so my question is, then you go back and
you look at the data, and right now, if Trump wins,
the data would reflect that the reason he's going to
win is a fraying of Biden's coalition and increase Trump
support for Black, Asian, Hispanic and Jewish voters. That would
be the way that this election would happen. Now, some

people would change their mind.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
What I think it's I think if Trump wins, it's
going to be You'll look at the data and it
will be a small percentage shift in the key states
of the white vote.

Speaker 2 (25:22):
Okay, So your your argument would be they'll look at
the data and they won't self analyze. My question is
just to what my anytime you lose, I think, if
you are rational, take it outside of politics, anything else,
you go back and you look at the tape, If
you are good at what you do, and you say, okay,

we failed, why did we fail?

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Let's be clear eyed and rational about it. Now.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
I agree, there's lots of crazy kooks who are not
going to be clear eyed and rational about it. But
if I lose, I want to go back at the data.
This is why some people get mad at me now,
because the data actually reflects from twenty leave aside all
the all the shenanigans. Right, Ultimately, Trump didn't lose because
there was a huge turnout of black voters in Milwaukee

or Philadelphia or Atlanta, or the black vote was actually
not very good for Biden, as it was not very
good for Hillary. Trump lost because of white suburban women overwhelmingly.
So if you are upset about Trump losing in twenty twenty,
go look at the suburban collars around Philadelphia, around Atlanta.

The data reflects that those women moved off of Trump.
They supported him somewhat in sixteen, they left him in twenty.
That's the election, right, I mean, Scottsdale, all that area.
You have to remember, though, there's also the voters who
didn't show. I mean, if you look at how many
first of all, unregistered white working class voters there are.

Again looking just at swing states, forget about New York, California, Texas, right, Yeah,
in the states that matter, unregistered wide working class voters
are there's millions of them, and or low propensity of
white working class voters and a small adjustment of you know,
three percentage points in the white working class vote or

two or three percentage points of the white working class
vote among the six swing states, Trump sweeps them. Trump
wins without any change whatsoever in the minority votes that
we're talking about. As we've discussed, the Latino vote is huge,
but the Latino vote is in states that don't matter,
with the exception of Nevada, I mean that is arizoncentrated
and Arizona. It's concentrated in places that aren't going to

make a difference. So the only votes as sort of ethnicities,
the only voting blocks that make a difference are in
the key states, the white vote in the black vote,
and the black vote is going to go I think
again ninety percent plus for Joe Biden. The question will
be turnout, right, so there'll be a turnout concern for them.
And then how many white working class voters decide. I

when I say working class, that's it's almost like middle class.
It's a very you know, not super wealthy like too
you know, suburban, live in a mansion way working class voters.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
I think that'll be the difference maker.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
Okay, So I think the black vote's going to go
more for Trump, and I think that'll have an impact
in Georgia and potentially in the Midwest.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
But let me hit you with this.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
So in twenty sixteen, Democrats lost, and they you know
what they lost again from the data is millions of
people in the Midwest, millions flipped from voting for Barack
Obama in twenty twelve to Donald Trump in twenty sixteen.
And they made the argument Trump won because of racism

everything else. My argument would be, and then what did
they say? They said racism, and they said Russia collusion.
They didn't actually address why they lost in sixteen. It's
interesting to me if you look at sixteen and you
look at twenty, it seems to me both parties have
been somewhat irrational in analyzing why they lost and how

fine the line is between success and failure, and to
what extent in twenty twenty four are either party going
to recognize what they have to do to actually win,
as opposed to argue, oh, the other side cheated, right,
Because Democrats spend all the four years saying Trump won

and cheated. Now Republicans a lot are spending all this
time saying Democrats. One, they cheated the data when you
actually dive into it is why did people change their minds?
To me, that's the ft that should be the focus
for twenty four Also when you think of the scale
of this, and this is why, I mean, I was
asked recently.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
I was actually at a pass over dinner last night
and I was asked what I think about RFK Junior's
role and all this will be, And I said, the
real answer is nobody knows. Because you're talking about so
many different sort of levers or pathways and playing out
in different states at a future point in time. There's
on the decision tree here. There are so many branches

that you could look at. And when you're talking about
the national president central vote, I mean one hundred what
are we going to call one hundred and fifty million
votes cast based Ish Ish right, and the difference if
you look at it just where it needed to happen,
is less than one hundred thousand votes. Yes, you know,
one hundred and fifty million down to less than one

hundred thousand. It would be like if we had two
you know, you know, ancient armies fighting against each other.
You know, we had the you know, the Persians and
the Greeks. You had sixty thousand men against sixty thousand men,
and it comes down to the last ten guys against
the last ten guys, Like, what's your difference in strategy? Yeah,
it's very, very hard to know what a difference in

strategy is going to be when you're getting that granular
and small in the data versus the overall data set. Right, So,
you know, twenty thousand people is the math changed their
mind in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona and Trump is elected
in twenty twenty twenty thousand voters.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
That's one.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Key or NBA arena of one hundred and fifty million
total voters. That's how fine the line is. And by
the way, twenty sixteen was really close to people don't
want to talk about it.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
You know, you get like sixty thousand voters changing their
minds then and Hillary wins. Hillary very easily could have
won that election just on the numbers. Again, going a
slightly different, I think if Jill Stein isn't on the race,
she would have won. I think Hillary ends up probably
winning it. I mean, I think the data shows that
pretty clearly. You know, my fellow firearms owners I got
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I realized I felt I felt empty for a moment,
and I felt like I was losing a little bit
of my edge. And I realized, I got my Crocking
coffee downstairs. I gotta go get it in our next
commercial break so I can get fired up for Hour
number two.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
It'll keep you all fired up.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
Clay reminded me that yesterday was the Battle of the
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Speaker 2 (33:33):
Please subscribe, Please do go subscribe, because I'm not kidding
when I say, if you start off your day marinating
in chaos, as you and I certainly do, and you
look at so many things going on, so many different places,
I personally sixty seven percent I was texting Buck with
this yesterday, sixty seven percent of people now drink coffee

every day. If you like coffee, if we do. The
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good over evil.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
And just amazing to know and to learn about. And
it's you, as Americans.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
We need to celebrate and understand our historydeply, So Crocketcoffee
dot Com, please do subscribe. Clay, let's take some of
our callers here. We'll also get some VIP emails from
clayandbook dot com. Please become a vip here. We have
Kurt in Kentucky wants to talk to this. What's up Kurt?

Speaker 7 (34:39):
Hello, gentlemen, It's a privilege to talk with you. And
I am hoping and praying for another repeat of history
because I remember back in nineteen eighty we had a
week president, a Democrat, a week economy, and we had
an ongoing conflict with Iran, and November nineteen eighty we

elected Ronald Reagan, who was outspoken, aggressive and a challenge
and on the day he was inaugurated as president, those
hostages were returned to the United States.

Speaker 2 (35:20):
Look, history doesn't repeat at rhymes. And if Biden loses,
I think the Jimmy Carter analogies historically will be impossible
to miss. In the context buck of Biden would be
an accidental president because of COVID. They would have found
a way to use COVID against him in the same

way that Ford lost because of Watergate, sort of this
historical aberration and then came into office and was a disaster.
I think Biden's been worse than Jimmy Carter. You and
I are too young to remember the Jimmy Carter era.
Many of our listeners lived through it. But if you
look at all the data, there's a lot of historical
analogy that connects Biden to Carter.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
Let's get Stacey and Houston real quick. Stacey, what have
you got for us?

Speaker 5 (36:07):
Oh? I'm just going to say. On our local news
it was mentioned at both the University of Houston and
Rice University are preparing for protests today. And there was
also a rabbi that was interviewed who has a synagogue
right next to Rice University, who said that this is
unconscionable at passover time. So unfortunately, the Red States are

not imman from these protests that we're seeing across the country.

Speaker 3 (36:33):
I Holly said that maybe at Duke or maybe at
some of these places, but a lot of the SEC
schools seem to not have as much of this. Yeah,
I hope that the State of Texas will shut this
down in a hurry.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
I think I mentioned Rice earlier. I hope they don't
allow this to fester like they have elsewhere.

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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