All Episodes

April 25, 2024 55 mins

Democrat Criminal Conspiracy w/ Savage Rich Baris

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

Savage Rich Baris, Director @BIGDATAPOLL and host of Inside the Numbers,' is in the arena tonight!

  • Lawfare run amok

  • Trump immunity in front of SCOTUS today 

  • Biden, the DOJ & Dem officials are definitely conspiring together

  • Deep Dive on PA primary

  • Union workers go nuts for Trump in NY


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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning. You're about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Save America with your host Sean Parnell.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
What's up, battle Crew, it is It's Thursday. Welcome to
Battleground Live. I am your host, New York Times bestselling author,
combat veteran. But more important than both of those two things,
I am a humble servant of America. And welcome to
all to the new members of the battle Crew today
who are in the live chat. I am laughing, laughing

as the show went live today because of Savage Rich.
He's putting out savage stuff on Twitter, slash x and
being his savage self, and I can't help but laugh
because he can't hold anything back. But listen, it's a
great day to be an American and from sea to
Shining Sea and everybody in between, Welcome, Patriots. Got a

huge show for you today. We've got Savage Rich in
the arena. In the arena, Savage Rich is the director
of Big Data Poll, He's the host of Inside the Numbers.
He doesn't need an introduction on this show. You all
know exactly who he is. And I'm gonna talk right
off the top about law Fair and how it's rona muck.
We're going to talk about the Trump Community case in

front of the Scotis, which I think is probably the
most important case that this this group of Supreme Court
justices has ever heard. And I'm going to tell you
why talk again, Biden, the Department of Justice and NARA
and all of these deep state organizations. They're definitely cocluding
and working together behind the scenes, which to me speaks

to a much larger criminal conspiracy where the Republicans paging
any Republicans with the spine willing to fight back. Obviously,
when Savage Rich gets here, we're going to take a
deep dive inside the numbers in the Pennsylvania primary and
dispel some myths that are out there. And union workers
in New York did you see this today? They just
went absolutely nuts for President Trump at six point thirty

in the morning. The man is unstoppable. Okay, So let's
just jump right in before I really get to some
of the headline to the day, and we're going to
talk about all that with Savage Rich. In fact, I
might even bring he's I can see him in the
virtual green room right now as we prep for the show.
Might not just bring him on early and have him
joined the discussion early, but Savage Rich told me that

he was a lawn guy too. And I'm going to
put this up there. This is from my locals, So
if you're not following me on locals, I'm a complete
nube over there and figuring it out. But Commander Melanie
posted on our chat. And what you're seeing here, that
is Pups McGee. That is my dog, Pups McGee. She
is running with a soccer ball in her mouth. And
we live in a farm in western Pennsylvania. And you

see all those dandy lions that are popping up all
over the grass right there. I mean, Pups McGee doesn't
care about the dandie lions. But you know who does
care about the dandelions. I care about the dandelions. And
you know what, I didn't realize that I was going
to ignite a firestorm of controversy when I talked about

my war with the dandelions. Here in Fort Parnell, we've
got thirteen acres. I've got to cut about five or six.
Some of you all were like, why aren't you having
your kids use a push mower? I mean, believe me
when I tell you I completely agree with you. On that.
But cutting the land that we have here with a
push mower might take six days. So we might get
to that point with my kids. If they, you know,

push me in the wrong direction or make me mad,
they might be out there push mowing the grass for
six days. But my point is these dandelions, they grow
fueled by my hate and hate alone. I just cut
the grass five days ago, and you saw them right there.
They're sprouting up. Okay, they don't. They're relentless. It's like

they're always watching me. I wake up in the morning,
I look outside, the sun's up in the sky, and
they're all looking out the window, and they're all staring
at me as I geve grown eight inches overnight or
something like that. It's absolutely insane. So there's that. But yes, folks,
I do realize that dandelions have value. And there were
lots of women who wrote to me saying this, saying that,

you know, dandelions are pretty, they're nutritious. They actually provide
nutrients to the lawn, and I can appreciate that, but
I don't care. You know, if you asked my parents,
they would tell you one of the first ten words
of me for me, one of the first ten words
that I said. One of those words was lawnmowey. I

swear to God, I've been obsessed with cutting the grass
since I was little. There's something about lawn maintenance that
has just woven into the fabric of my soul. And
I despise these dandelions. So yes, I read all your comments.
I saw your feedback, and I learned a thing or two,
and I'm very grateful for your feedback. But my opinion
remains unchanged. So I had to tell you about that. Okay,

let me just tell you real quickly. Could we get
lots of things going on? Yeah, about with these with
these law with the lawfair and then we'll bring Savage
rich on. But you have you've got the classified docs
case down in Florida. Uh And Judge Cannon and Julie
Kelly has been just extraordinary in her reporting on on

this topic. In fact, she's one of the only outside
of a couple of real strong conservative voices, she's one
of the few that has just been fantastic in her reporting.
Anyone with half a brain could tell you from the
very beginning when Biden launched the first salvo of lawfare
that Biden the Department of Justice and all of these

institutions were conspiring behind the scenes to go after Trump. Otherwise,
why bring the case when when they yeah, they waited
for Trump to declare went after him. They timed it
at the exact time that the guy who's going to
be running for president of the United States. Otherwise they
would have brought it when he left office in twenty

twenty one, right, But they waited, and they did it
for a strategic reason, and that's for election interference. But
any of us that have been paying attention to, any
of us that can think critically, and any of us
who know how the Democrats really are, well, we know
that of course they're pulling the strings behind the scenes.
But after Julie Kelly's reporting over the last couple of days,

there can be no doubt there is now empirical proof
of this happening. Because Judge Cannon, again, this is down
in Florida, he has been unredacting, which listen, I don't
know if that's even a word, but she's been adding
a layer of transparency to the case down there that

is I think necessary because I don't I think the
Judge Cannon knows how corrupt this process is and she
knows that sunlight is the best disinfectant, and so she's
exposing Jack Smith, the bead eyed, little freak commie prosecutor
who literally looks like a villain from Star Wars, like

George Soros. That guy looks like the Emperor from Star Wars.
You know. Jack Smith, little beady eyed little freak, looks
like he could be a lackey of one of the emperors.
He's definitely on the dark side of the force. But
he's he's clearly has sinister intentions here. And what was
what has been made very clear is that the DOJ,

the by Joe Biden, the Biden administration, along with Jack Smith,
along with the DOJ, along with NARA and nara's the
National Archives and Record Administration, they were coordinating behind the
scenes to to get Trump. And that's clear. There's a
paper trail now, and so it stands that's a reason

that if they are coordinating, colluding, conspiring behind the scenes
about what's happening in Florida, then they're likely doing it
everywhere else. Law Fare is a strategy that people use
to harass their political opponents, to harass people, tie them
down in the court so yesterday you have in Michigan,

Trump and his legal team named they were named unindicted
co conspirators in Michigan's with the fake elector scheme, which
really there's no such thing as fake electors. It's actually
a constitutional process that people use during a hotly contested election.
It's going all the way back to the eighteen hundreds
and prominently in nineteen sixty and Nixon versus Kennedy and Hawaii.
It's something that people have done for a long time.

It's the constitutional process that people use to contest elections.
So I reject the language of the fake electors thing.
But there was that in Michigan and then Arizona. After
the show last night, this Arizona Attorney General, who by
the way, barely one used the term loosely, by something
like two hundred and eighty votes, indicts a grand jury

indicts eighteen Trump supporters, Trump himself as well. And so
of those people she's got, you know, Trump, she got
Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Boris Epstein, Mike Roman, as well
as Arizona's eleven Republican ELEC electors. Tyler Bauer, National Committeemen
for Arizona and head of turning point Action. I mean,

you see what's happening here, right, This is this is lawfair.
So if Biden is colluding and conspiring in Florida, which
is clear, then it stands the reason he's also colluding
and conspiring in DC. He's also coluding and conspiring in
New York with Fat Tish and Pudge Alvin, and also

coluding and conspiring with Big Fanny down in Florida. And
I guarantee you the same is true in Michigan, in Arizona.
So the reason why I'm saying this is this narrati
in the media that that there's no evidence that Biden
is involved. Well, there's just no evidence that Joe Biden
is involved in any of this. In fact, the government

is working exactly as it should. Nothing could be further
from the truth. So I think, look, it's beyond a
reasonable doubt now that Biden is behind the scenes pulling
the strings. And election interference is a crime. And the
reason why I'm going this direction with it is that

like during the twenty twenty election, states and Democrat officials
violated election law, flagrantly violated election law. Now they said
it was oh, there was an emergency, there was a pandemic,
there was COVID, and they were doing the best that
we could know. But the law is the law, and
they violated it. They made unilateral changes to the law,

and that shook people's faith in the way that we
conduct elections here in this country. And people on our
side rightly said, hey, that's not right, and they fought
for election integrity. So the people that broke the law
are not being held accountable. The people that are trying
to write the ship and fix our elections are being attacked,

threatened with years in prison, with federal indictments because they
tried to fight for election integrity. I mean, think about
that for a second, because I think again, sometimes that
gets lost in the sauce here. The only like I
challenged an election in Pennsylvania. It wasn't that there was
no electors or anything like that involved. I challenged the

constitutionality of a law because nothing made sense in twenty twenty.
It was a disaster. The Democrat governor, Democrat Attorney general
in Pennsylvania. They broke the law. So it's the responsibility
of American patriots and Republicans who hold elected office to

fight for this stuff. But the Biden administration is going
after them, and the reason why they're going after them
is to shut them up. And oh, by the way,
on the same day that the Michigan and the Arizona
indictments happened, there is a swing state pole announced that
had Trump winning in all swing states by a not
statistically insignificant margin. So all of this is political. And

of course the Scotus was hearing the immunity case today.
And this is the last thing I say before we
get to Rich. But I think the Supreme Court, at
least it appears, and I talked to Savage Rich about
this prior to the show, it appears they are inclined
to uphold immunity at least I mean, at least for

official acts. And I think much of the argument, because
I listened to the argument today, was between official immunity
for the official acts of president and acts that were private,
right in his private personal life. I think it's generally
agreed upon that a president is not immune completely, especially
for decisions that he makes after he's in office or

in his private life right. But I think the Supreme
Court's coming down on Trump's side here. I think it's
going to be remanded back to Judge Judge Chutkin, Democrat judge,
and the DC Circuit. And when this happens, they're going
to have a debate then at that point, at the
at the trial court level about what was an official

act and what wasn't. That's gonna take months. This case
ain't getting heard before the November election that much, I
guarantee you. But if the Supreme Court does uphold immunity,
even if it's just for official acts, it totally guts's
Jack Smith's initial charges his case against Trump and Big

Fanny down in Georgia as well. It might even have
repercussions for PUDJ. Aalvin. Even though it's a state it's
a it's a weird you have a state prosecutor charge
argue doing a federal crime. I don't know how that works.
But if you have community for official acts, I mean,

Trump won the presidency in twenty sixteen, So look, I
don't know all this is complicated, but it seems like
things are going in the right direction. And the reason
why this is important, the reason why I think this
is the most important Supreme Court case that's going to
be heard, certainly among the people that are sitting on
the bench right now is because president Democrat or Republican

doesn't have immunity for the things that he does while
in office. It will completely destroy the office of the presidency.
And if it completely destroys the office of the presidency,
I think it will ultimately end up destroying the country
because you're going to have presidents who are afraid to
make a decision, a decision that is based on what

they believe is best for the American people or country.
We the people. And yet look, I get it, at
Biden sucks. He's a terrible president. I think he's destroying
the country. Would it be better if he was hamstrung
and not able to make decisions? I mean, selfishly probably yes.
But I think generally speaking, the president here, if the

Supreme Court doesn't rule with Trump, would be terrible for
our country. I mean, every time a president left office,
you could expect them to be charged. I mean, think
about this. If the Supreme Court it doesn't side with Trump,
then most certainly Obama could be charged with capital murder
for drones striking American citizens, one of whom was a minor.

I certainly Joe Biden could be charged for allowing our
immigration law to be violated, and about ten million illegal
aliens coming into this country, invading this country and then
committing crimes against the American people. Certainly, Dick Cheney could
could be indicted for lying about weapons of mass destruction. So,
Liz Cheney, the all shit talking that you do against

President Trump, I mean, this could implicate you as well.
So my point is is that there are far reaching
implications of this. It's not just even about Trump. I
think it hurts our country if the Supreme Court doesn't
come down on the right side of this, although again
having watched it, it looks like they will. Okay, so
let's pivot back to this. Let's we've got Savage Rich
on deck. Let's bring him in and get his thoughts

on all this crazy lawfare stuff. Sabage Rich, Welcome, my friend.
It's good to see you.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
Hey, brother, how's it going.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
It's going pretty good. I see that you're not wearing
pastel colors today, which is which I have to say
I'm a little disappointed about.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
You know, yeah, no is you know what these are actually,
and it's I get them for like Christmas and stuff
for some like special occasion. You know, the sock company Bomba.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
I don't, but I don't know you're about to tell me.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
I am. They're awesome, but they're expensive, you know, like
kind of for socks, you know, and they also have
shirts and other things. And I had seen the commercial
lore usually gets me like a few pairs of Bombas
every Christmas. In my stuck.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
It sounds like it sounds like women's underwear.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
I'm not gonna lie, no, man, I'm telling you, you
try one of these shirts. You never better not.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
You better not be wearing lacy underwear.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
I'm telling you better be doing it. I'm not feeling
like a woman here, but I'm telling you it's it's
super cozy. I am feeling like a shirt is giving
me a big old, beautiful hug. It's a great shirt,
you know. Yeah there I got like, I got a
couple of them, but yeah, not no pastel colors. They're

like this one's blue, I got a green one, I
got red one. You know, the man earth tone kind
of thing.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Okay, so what do you think? What do you think
about all this lawfair stuff? I mean, you heard, you
heard my intro. This is clearly being coordinated. The Biden
administration wants to say oh, look, we're hands off. This
process is working just as it should. You even people
like Dana Bash and the legacy media stopping Republicans like

Governor Christy Nomes saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.
There's just no evidence that Biden is connected to any
of this.

Speaker 2 (18:11):
But there is now now there is John Solomon. And
by the way, this is why you know, one of
the reasons Katherine Herridge got the can bro They wanted
for people who don't know. What happened to Katherine Herridge
similar to what happened to Cheryl Atkinson, only even worse
because the state has gotten more and more emboldened. They
wanted her sources. They wanted to hunt down and chill

out her sources. She refused to give them to them.
So what did they do? Like fascists, because this is
the economic definition of fascism, they use their connections and
their power and influence over CBS to go after her
and get rid of her. And then once that was done,
it became the property of CBS. So she's fighting as saying, no,

it's not it's mine. Those are my sources and I'm
protecting them as an individual journalist. Scary stuff. But now,
of course there is evidence. First of all, anyone who
was waiting around for black and white evidence is either
a liar or somebody who just fell off the turnip
truck yesterday. I mean, there is no serious world. There's

no serious like scenario Sean where this wasn't completely coordinated.
You had the number three guy at the Justice Department
leave to go prosecute a case with Alvin Bragg that
nobody wanted to touch. Not Robert Muller, not the Southern
District of New York, on and on and on, not
even by the way, Merrick Garland and others that were,

you know, looking at this. And then that's separate from
the document's case, which is another novel legal theory, which
is to do with the Federal Records Act, which is nuts.
The president is the president. He has the right to
classify or declassify whatever the hell he wants. It's this
is like black and white, folks. You don't have to
be a lawyer to understand it. By the way, Hillary Clinton,

she was never president. Joe Biden, he was never president.
Get away with it because they're Democrats. End of story.
But now we have John Solomon here and I'll just
read you the headline. I mean, the guy got the goods.
It's a wrap. I mean, not like you ever did
anyone ever really need these documents to prove it? You
talked about the timing Sean. They could have prosecuted him

for any number of these crimes three years ago. They
decided to do it now because this is about election interference.
It's about bankrupting him so he can't campaign. It's about
taking up a schedule so he can't campaign. It's about
hurting them politically, hoping indictments ninety one counts, ninety one counts,
over and over and over will somehow mean something to
the independent voter who doesn't give a damn. All right,

So unsealed docs expose early collaboration between the Archives, Biden
Whitehouse in the Trump prosecution and just read it, I mean,
go on justinnews dot com. Why because it's John Solomon.
The documents aren't real. They're real, it's all, I mean,
this is it? And what who who would ever believe

in the Alvin brad case, some schmuck would leave Sean?
These people work their entire careers to get to the
number three spot in the Justice Department.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
And he takes a demotion. He's actually being paid less
to go take a job to work with pudj Aalvin
to provide you do that. There's no reason to do that,
especially with these disgusting government employees. By the way, look,
look I have I am not I'm not going after

government employees here right writ large, but I am saying
that these people, a lot of these political appointees, and
this Companjelo guy, he is, Yeah, they climb the political
ladder every greasy rung. So it is unbelievable to me
that he would the number three at the to go

go down to New York with with Pudjalvin and prosecute
a case that no one thought is a crime that,
by the way, it happened damn near over a decade ago.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
Sean, they still don't know what they're gonna do to
tie a crime into this case. You understand they're taking
this case forward without yet having at least not publicly
stating it or it's not been revealed. Nobody who is
a serious legal scholar can figure this out. We've been
down this road with John Edwards. We've been down this
road before. It doesn't it doesn't fly. Because it's this

is not a crime number one, number two. They need
Michael Cohen to make this work. I mean, everyone needs
to understand what happened with the Southern District.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
Of New York and Robert Muller.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
Robert Muller, when he was the Special Counsel, was trying
to look for someone to squeeze to get something on
Donald Trump. He rifled through Michael Cohen's financials and found
that Michael Cohen is a liar who overinflated the value
of his medallion taxicabs. That by the way he put
in his wife's name to get loans against those medallion
taxi cabs they were it was of course completely fraudulent.

He promised that he would lock his wife up for
thirty years if he did not do something to give
him Donald Trump. I know his old neighbor. We were
intimately familiar with this story at the time it happened.
I know of private conversations he's had with people, and
he explained exactly what happened to him. Anyway, the problem

was Michael Cone's a liar, and Michael Cone was trying
to save his wife and himself to the point, and
he also quote hated at this point, hated Donald Trump
with the fire of a thousand sons or something. I'd
have to go back and look at the direct quote
that he said, because he felt that he should have
got White House chief of staff, and that because Trump

did not take him into the White House and give
him a job. I kid you not, ladies and gentlemen,
I swear to you this is the truth. Because he
did not give him the job, that he left him
exposed to these people. So he felt betrayed by Donald Trump.
So he decided he was going to quote get Trump
at all costs, and and of course especially if it

saved him and his wife from prosecution. Anyway, Muller tried
to work with him on a million different things. They
caught him in lie after lie after lie. Eventually Muller
kicks it to the Southern District of New York and
or it really was Andrew Weisman. You should know, Andrew.
You go on MSNBC every damn night. You should tell
this story and be an honest person for once in
your miserable existence. And then they kick it to the

SD and why they look at it. They try to
dig into some of the claims he said it's all
fab including this one, including this claim Sean. So you
know they just brought this up now because they have
nothing else.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
Yeah, it's true, it's true.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
I'm sorry, go go go. Yes, I want to just
agree with you with what you were saying with the
Supreme Court. It appears the Supreme Court. It's you know,
I don't think it's going to be like the Colorado case,
the ballot access case, but it does appear that at
least a majority of level headed court justices are thinking
about the presidency post Donald Trump. If the president is

not given immunity, the office will fall apart.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
It's that simple. Well I I yeah, I completely agree,
and so you and I are on the same page
about that.

Speaker 2 (25:13):
So at least limited, like you said, at least limiting.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
I mean yeah, I mean obviously.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
I think Sean.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Is gone.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
He's going to click back in here, so you know
what this is about to be? The People's Pundent show.
Oh yeah, I don't have a sponsor reads he'll click
back on. I could tell this Internet was going, but
I just want to reiterate what he was saying. Anyway,
and I think I'm on the air, so I'm just
gonna roll with this and talk but because he will
come back on But at least as it deals with

he just texted me, what the at least as it
deals with the acts the president official acts that they
took while they are in the office of the president.
If the president does not have presidential immunity, then you know,
it's like the one of the worst things Nixon ever said.
I'm saying, if the president does it, it's not illegal.

That was the worst way that Nixon could put it.
But what Nixon was saying was one hundred percent true.
And Nixon gets a real bad rap. He gets a
real bad rap. He was right. Nixon was right. And
by the way, Justice Gorsich brought up Nixon verse Fitch
Pat Fitzgerald in Today's Oral Arguments. Hey, welcome back to

your own chow, buddy. I told you I'm just gonna.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
Roll that you did. I mean, I don't these these
cyber attacks are It's like, I don't know what to
do with him. But well, look I told people, like,
we're just gonna keep rolling.

Speaker 2 (26:38):
I have ideas for you. Actually, though we just haven't
gotten a chance to talk about him. I do have
some ideas.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
It's like it's a pretty kick man. It's and it's
like it's it's it's normally when we have when we're
talking about stuff like this as well, it's crazy, and
it's when you and I. A lot of it has
to do with you and I doing the show together,
I think as well. I mean, like we've had a
couple of a couple of issues when I was on
your show, and now this issue when you're back here

on mine. Just it's just crazy, But I mean it is.
We're not going to stop, you know, We're just going
to keep rolling. Can we pivot to Pennsylvania. Yeah, there's
a ton of a lot of people freaking out, especially
a lot of the doomsayers and you know, the pundits

who like to bloviate do who think that they know
and understand these numbers. They are talking about a couple
of things, Republican turnout being unbelievably low, which yesterday on
the show, I said, you know, it's it's there were
no there are very few, almost no contested primaries on
the Republican side. Contested primaries drive turnout. So president is set,

that Senate race is set, almost every congressional is set,
except for maybe one. I think in PA seven and
all that we had here in Pennsylvania, at least on
the Republican side, were state House and State Senate races
that drove turnout in their locations. But that's, as you know,
is not really a major driver. So there's that people
freaking out about the turnout. And the second thing was

this Nicky Haley vote. Oh, Nikki Haley got sixteen percent
of the vote. Oh look at all the votes she's
gonna get. And you know what's Trump's gonna lose because
of that?

Speaker 2 (28:19):
Essentially, Yeah, listen, I mean we get it. And we
did this on the show and sayd hey Thursday. We
did this Wednesday on the show. Like it's like I
wanted to play this member digital Underground all around the world,
same song. It's like every damn election it's the same song,
like do the humpty hump or something different for once
and crying out loud, I'm telling you every election. They

don't understand the dynamic between the early vote and the
election day vote. There was only one day of actual
early voting. But here's the deal, you know, bottom line,
I do think because I'm gonna preface this by saying
I do think it did it least show that the
law fair for primary can have an impact, because I

do think if he was like in Wilkes Bar, he
was in Alleghany or running around, he would have gotten
a higher turnout. He could have juiced it higher. But
here's the real truth. And if you bear with me,
I have the numbers over here, right, So I just
want to make sure I get it right. First of all,
memo went out, maybe it was not shared with the
Great Republic, but there are write in votes that in

many news outlets were being automatically added to Biden's official total,
even though as you know, they are not done counting,
and those likely will not all be for Biden. And
in fact, the estimate is that about Let me just
grab it real quick. So I have it. I just
want to make sure I'm right. Just under five percent
of wright in so right, so some of them will

be allocated to Biden, some of them will not be.
He's with that taken in mind, he's around ninety percent
a little bit less actually, so keep that in mind.
And before we get into the history of the turnout,
I have to say this, and so everyone understands the context.
Just because Donald Trump is a sitting president. I mean
a former president does not mean he is a sitting president.

So there is very different standards and very different expectations.
And you may be shocked to hear this, but the
media holds Donald Trump to very different and inaccurate standards
when it comes to all of this stuff because it's
about narrative for them, it's not about the truth. The
truth is Donald Trump actually performed a little bit better
than Joe Biden did when he was running unopposed. Basically,

Bill Well was on the ballad, right, you had a
nonsense Matt Walsh I think or something. No, it was
DELAFOITTEO ended up being an independent, and yet come November,
Donald Trump supposedly still lost the state. Then there's the
other thing. In twenty twenty, when Joe Biden was running
and he was the presumptive nominee already in the state

of Pennsylvania, he only he did worse than Trump did.
On Tuesday, he got seventy nine point three percent of
the vote. Bernie Sanders got eighteen and Tulci Gabbard got
two point seven, just about three percent of the vote.
Why so, what that's pretty comparable, Rich, No, it's not
Trump outperformed that on Tuesday. And here's the real kicker.

Bernie Sanders was out of the race for two months, yes,
two months. I know, Tulci Gabbard quit in March before
the primary. This thing was over for months, and yet
he still performed that poorly. Why because when you were
a sitting president and why did Trump do so much
better when he was just when you were sitting president.

And you're the real true You are the leader and
the banner holder for the party. You have control over
so much more than just even a presumptive leader or
a nominee. No you, honestly, and I'm trying to be
nice here. You can make someone's life a living f
and hell sean if they go against you, all right,

so you can bury them. And that apparatus extends out
into the grassroots. It extends out to whoever you know,
they get out and turn out to vote in these primaries.
And people have to remember again that the primary electorate
is going to be the most resistance filled, if you
want to call it, resistance prone electorate that you're going
to get. The general electorate is going to be much

more trumpy when you're seeing all these people who are
lower propensity or no propensity voters that come out for
general presidential elections. So and by the way, as far
as turnout goes, in truth, Democrat turnout fell more than
Republican turnout fell. And I'm talking about from twenty twenty
over to twenty twenty four. In as far as twenty

two even which was a mid term excuse me, we
saw Democratic returns of absentee ballads actually down a bit
when Republican ballad returns were up slightly. So it's a
load of they're holding him to a standard that's not real.
They're fabricating the standard. Just because he's a former president
does not mean we should hold him to the standard,

even in a primary where he's a presumptive nominee as
a sitting president. We didn't hold it to Biden. We
didn't hold it to you know, Hillary Clinton, even when
she had a lockdown, and nobody seriously argued because Joe
Biden only got what eighty less it was less, it
was seventy nine percent of the vote, seventy percent. Just

because Joe Biden got seventy eight percent of the vote
when he was already the presumptive nominee, Nobody was seriously
arguing that Pennsylvania wasn't going to be a battleground state.
And truth be told, looking at the totality all of
all of this, I'm telling you because you're not you
got to take into consideration I did not vote in
twenty twenty and the low propensity voter and Zach gives

I do think looking at all of this, in its totality,
Trump has a slight ad. It's not a big edge,
but it's just pretty much is our polling sets Trump
plus two? You know, I mean that's it? Which is
I mean, it's it's not It's not easy to win Pennsylvania, ment.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
Right, It's it's really difficult. So I want to ask
you a question somebody in the live chat asked and
lead up to the show, and I think it's it's
a good question, Rich And I'll preface it by saying this,
I have been very upset with the Republican Party recently.
Uh they you know, you ask what we were. I

want to talk to you about this Axios poll and
how the vast majority of Americans want the border secure.
The vast majority of Americans support mass deportations, including something
like forty two Democrats, yeah and so, but yet the
borders still open, illegals are still coming here, and invaders
are still coming across our border. We it's like illegals
are still undercutting middle class wages. Yep. The problems not solved.

And this has been a problem for a very long time.
But you've got Republicans who had every that they had
the ability to make sure that components of HR two
were in this budget overhaul. Yet it didn't get done,
and they could have used it as leverage. Hey, listen,
you give a sum on the border, maybe we'll fund Ukraine.
I mean, I don't support funding Ukraine. I'd rather have

a diplomatic peaceful They have.

Speaker 2 (35:15):
One vote majority, one vote majority, exactly right.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
But it didn't get done, and it didn't get done
because they didn't want it to happen. Rich and they don't.
It's frustrating to me because the Republican Party just they
they they're missing the moment man in a real big way.
It seems like they lack leadership. I questioned Mike Johnson.

It feels like he's either compromised or just stupid. And
and I say that I'm not trying to be disrespectful
to the Speaker of the House. But he's either compromised,
or he's just stupid, or he's working with the Democrats.
I don't know. And so my question is, are you
sing here? Are you any evidence of people out there
and whether it's in Pennsylvania or elsewhere, of people saying

screw the Republican Party?

Speaker 2 (36:04):
Yeah? Yeah, Listen. We did a whole show on Monday
about whether Mike Johnson was becoming a liability and it's
not because it's pylon Mike Johnson day. He put himself
in front of that microphone, he makes himself the leader
of the Republican Party. He basically made some proclamation like
he's the next Abe Lincoln or Winston Churchill or something.

Is ridiculous. So if you take that mantle, and you
have to understand that people are gonna look at you
and you are now part of that brand. So when
you go to that microphone and you screw over your
own base, when you go to that microphone and you
screw over the voter who was thinking of voting for
you this time around, you know, the new normy maybe

who's gonna you have this is there, This is the
opportunity to bring them into the fold for you know,
an election. They're not gonna come out in the mid term,
and by the way, they're not going to come out
for one of your guys. This is a unique opportunity
to get these people with Donald Trump as your nominee,
and you do this. I mean, look, here's the kicker.
And this is why people never understand when we poll

a state like Pennsylvania, how we can come up with
a Trump lead and yet Democrats leading on the generic
ballot for instance, which we did, right and Dave McCormick,
I think he's got a better shot than the polls
are showing right now. But right now, he's just a
generic Republican to people. They're not really paying attention, right
he didn't win the primary last time. They don't know
him that well. They'll get to know him and then

we'll see. But that's the way it is right now,
and he's being basically just like painted as a generic Republican.
And this is what people always say to me, Rich,
How could these people in western Pennsylvania, How could these
people in northeastern Pennsylvania tell you they're going to vote
for Trump and then tell you they're probably going to
vote for a Democrat in Congress. How could that be?
Because they're partisans and they don't understand what these people

how they think. They don't understand that Republicans don't have
their loyalty at all costs like they have yours because
you're a partisan vote. These people look at the Republican
Party and say, you know, what if they were really,
if they you know, if they weren't frauds, this would
have gotten done when Donald Trump was president last time.

We hear that all the time, if other if the
Republican Party, like we know Trump wants to get immigration
under control, and we give this a lot, by the way,
from non whites, okay, which is really bad, White working
class and non whites. We know Donald Trump wants to
protect our wages. We know Donald Trump wants to secure
the border. But why the hell didn't report why did

Republicans do everything in their power to stop him when
he was president last time? Like this is what they
don't understand how badly that hurts the image of the party.
And you know, it stops people from saying I'm a
Republican when Upholster calls, you know, and that's an issue, brother,
that is never going to get better until the party

gets better and they stop screwing over their own people.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
It's it's so, it's it's a mindset. It's a culture thing.
I don't know. I mean, it just requires bold, decisive
leadership and the ability to communicate that vision and not
only that, but understanding where the country is. Think about
it like this. I was thinking about this today, everything
that's happening in Arizona, with this, with this attorney general,

who by the way, won by two hundred and eighty
votes and literally one by suing to stop like he's
got a mandate or something that's from being Yeah, Apamada,
a Republican should be the attorney general in Arizona. But
so she shoes disenfranchises all these Republicans, wins a razor

close race. But this is my point is she's indicting
all of these Republicans in a swing state rich and
you look at Republican mindset and swing states, what do
they say. They say, I gotta work with Democrats in
order to win. We got to. People have to see
us as crossed in the aisle. People have to see
us as being pragmatic and moderate Democrats don't think like that.

They're they're going after people in Michigan and Arizona. Something
with Republicans just just ain't right right now. Man, And
and it you know, instead of you know, Trump is
being persecuted in New York politically, I mean seriously on
some trumped up bullshit. They think about that a local

prosecutor and a local Democrat judge are keeping President Trump
off the campaign trail in the most in what could
be the most important election of our lives. And I
know that's said often, but I think it's this election
is this is a local DA and a local prosecutor
to threatening disenfranchise the whole country. And Mike Johnson, rather
than sticking out on that, goes to Columbia and tells

the the pro terrorists sympathizer kids to be nice to
one another.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Yeah, you actually responded because because I looked at your message,
and you know, I went to your Twitter feed to
look at how you responded to the tweet Mike Cernovich
responded to when it came to Eric Erickson saying, you know,
there's this group of people on the right it want
to use power if they get power. It's like, WHOA,

what a novel concept? They're missing the moment, man, I mean,
they're missing the moment. These are the people who are gonna,
like what be nice as they walk into the gulag
and shake their hand the Jeff Sessions idiot, thank you,
my friends across the aisle. I mean, look, this is
the mentality. If you guys want to know the mentality
Sean and I are talking about, go back and look

at Jeff sessions confirmation hearing. These are people who served
with him for years in the US Senate, and they
turned on him like a like rabid dogs. Accused him
of all sorts of things, you know, basically accused him
of would be committing crimes, uh because and the behest

of Donald Trump. And he kept referring to them as
come on now, my friends across the you're my friends
across the He's an idiot. These people will get fullaid
and thank the Democrats for fuillaying them while it's going on.
So they just showing your right in your response, which
is what I'm coming back to here. Republicans are missing

the moment, and Republicans are in a position of authority
and certainly in a position where they're having an impact
on the brand of the Republican Party. They're the ones
who don't understand the moment they are in. And Mike
Johnson gets up there and acts like he does and
this is like a new Pearl Harbor moment or.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
The Civil War.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
He's making all these crazy he's drawing all these crazy
parallels to you know himself and you know Lincoln, and
I mean, just nuts. That is not the moment.

Speaker 1 (42:49):
We're in it.

Speaker 2 (42:50):
And we're in the moment of And you just said
it feels like, you know, we say this every election,
but it is true. Well, we keep saying this is
the most important election because we're in a declining situation,
right and every year it is more and more true
that that particular election is the most important election. You

understand what I mean by that, Folks like yes, because
things are getting worse every year. It is increasingly it's
accelerating too, every year. The most important Listen to this
and I don't know if you saw this tweet, but
I wanted to pack everything together. Economic growth. This is
all This week, economic growth took a dive even lower

than where it was under Obama when they told us
to suck it up. It was the new normal. Median
home prices have skyrocketed to a new record high, which
is pricing out most normal buyers from the market, especially
first time buyers, because not only is that happening, but
because it's not worth it, they're not worth it. But
mortgage rates are also now seven exceeding seven percent, which

for most America who have an average credit score around
six fifty six seventy, which is the average actually in
this country ballpark high sixes. That puts them out of
the range of being able to be approved by the bank.
So who's buying up all these things? By the way,
these are investor properties, like you know, they're being bought
up by like hedge funds and becoming more like reakes almost.

It's crazy anyway, all of this is going on, you know,
a stale labor force participation, increase part time employment, increase
work weeks because they're more part time employment, trying to
make something out of a bunch of nothing jobs. And
then all the while, the US fertility rate fell to

an all time low. I just named and rattled off
a bunch of stats sewn that are very difficult to reverse,
and they're not the statistics of a healthy, robust, thriving,
prosperous nation. Those are stats from a dying nation. Those
are stats for a nation in decline. And that's why

it feels that way every year, because every year it's
more and more true.

Speaker 1 (45:09):
It's interesting, it's interesting, and you're right because the American
dream is dying. For the younger generation. Kids are graduating
from college, they're saddled with debt. I mean, I know
Biden's forgiving their debt, whatever that means, but they're priced
out of their priced out of buying a home. They're
gonna be perpetual renters. They're gonna they're gonna rent things

their whole life. They're gonna live in the pod, eat
the bugs, and be happy, which is what the Democrats
and the World Economic Forum want for them. And honestly, Rich,
I think that's why you see such a paradigm shift
among Democrats, especially working class Democrats, abandoning the party in
coming to Trump. And you sent me this video from
Caroline Levitt on Twitter now x of Trump being greeted

at six thirty in the morning by union workers, and
it's powerful. I don't want to play that video for
our audience of what it was, and then we'll talk
about it, Okay, Donald Trump's surprise visit to a construction site.

Speaker 3 (46:08):
Hundreds I'm cheering union members turned out to meet the
former president.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
Was quite a scene.

Speaker 4 (46:13):
These are hard working New Yorkers, Okay, union members who
have been working on this big construction site here in
midtown Manhattan near Trump Tower.

Speaker 5 (46:25):
I think these maybe were Democrats, but for me, they're
a Republican. We've built a lot of great buildings in
the city with these people.

Speaker 2 (46:32):
And they've given.

Speaker 5 (46:33):
Me great support. They're very, very talented people. They don't
get the credit for it. They have very few people
can do what they do.

Speaker 4 (46:40):
These union workers who are here to talk to the
president are paying the price of failed economic policies currently
in the country.

Speaker 5 (46:47):
And you heard in New York City chance of we
want Trump.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
A lot of people are talking about how unusual it
is to see so many Trump supporters in Manhattan at
four or five, six in the morning.

Speaker 2 (47:02):
Does that surprise you.

Speaker 3 (47:04):
President Trump is leading Joe Biden three to one on
my presidential poll out of my nine thousand members.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
Trump's turn again puts a message to Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
You we're a very patriot.

Speaker 2 (47:24):
I was wondering if you were gonna let that ride.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
I had to end. I had to want to end
it right there, because exactly, I mean, I feel like,
like that's how so many Americans feel right now. Rich.
And you look at the Democrats. The forty two Democrats
support mass deportations. I think it's because the Democrats used
to be the party of the working class. They used
to understand that immigration undercuts union labor. They don't care anymore.

Speaker 2 (47:50):
I know some folks out in Massachusetts too, where it's
working class white Democrats have been for years, you know, forever.
They're neighborhoods outside of Austin. You know that are conservative,
of course, but I'm talking about Democrat, white working class
Massachusetts still a very white state. Of course, it's gotten
more liberal because it's got more educated, but a lot
of those educated transplants have moved over to New Hampshire.

This stood out to me because I know, these people,
these are my people, those are my people. Like they
they loved Bush after nine to eleven for a minute,
and then you know, went back to being Democrats. And
Bush actually thought he had a good shot with these
voters because his approval rating was so high after nine

to eleven, and he thought that it was a unique
opportunity to appeal to them. It didn't happen. He got
a little bit closer in New Jersey than most Republicans could,
but it didn't. It just didn't happen. And now to
see that today is very very different. I mean, Sean,
those are not Republican voters. Those are not I mean

there are, of course republic in neighborhoods in the five
boroughs outside of the really bordering there are Republican areas
in Long Island and Staten Island. That's not what we're
talking about here, you know, these are this is that's
a big deal, brother. I mean, there's a reason the
Sianna College pole is Biden plus nine, Biden plus ten,
and that's a that's a pole, long standing pole in

New York. That state is going to be closer. Can
he carry it? And that you know, no, I don't
think he can, But it doesn't matter. I would still
if it was me, I'd still campaign there. Look at
how they came out to show that was Are people
aware how early that was in the morning.

Speaker 1 (49:34):
M hmm.

Speaker 2 (49:35):
They're out there getting their coffee. They believe me, They're
slow to get into work. That's how it is. You
don't want to You don't want to work too fast,
all right, you're making me look bad. Slow down, young man,
you know. They that's the way they are. They're great people,
they are. They're great. They're wonderful people. But they're not
the kind of guys who would jump up and join

a politician at six six thirty in the morning. The
don't give it. They're listening to the Q one of
four point three classic rock or right, I'm telling you,
I know, or if they're on the other side of
the river, maybe they got one on one point five
going on listening to those two idiots. I mean, that's
that's what they do. And they, you know, eat their sausage,
egg and cheeses before have their coffee. They don't go
out to the road man and do that stuff. They

don't do that stuff, all right. So it's really it
is a big deal for people who think that was
you know, some put on show, think again, because I'm
telling you, these guys don't do that stuff. And I
don't know Joe, Joe Biden, this is this is a
problem he can't get over. It's like he pushed just

a little bit too far, you know, I mean to
you and I it's a lot too far, But I'm
saying for the average normal person who's hurting, really cares
about getting back to the business of the country. He
promised them that, John, That's what he promised them. He
promised them a return to normal or return to decency.
Things are gonna get back better, you know, gonna get
better again. And I'm gonna shut down the virus, not

the economy. We're not going to start any new wars.
He's a madman who's not there for our allies. I mean,
you remember the story. All of it was a total lie.
And those guys you can't bs. They got both bs
meters that go off of them all the way.

Speaker 1 (51:19):
Man, Rich, I'm so grateful that you came on today,
and I'm also grateful that you entertained the battle crew
while I got bumped off. You just kept rolling. Man.

Speaker 2 (51:31):
Man, I'll freewheel it for a little bit, you know whatever.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
I appreciate you rolling with the punches. Man. We're working
on getting this figured out. But in the meantime, tell
us all where we can find you and how we
can support you.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
Yeah, I'm everywhere, But the best play Shawn is on Locals.
People's Pundit dot locals dot com, People's Pundit dot locals
dot com.

Speaker 1 (51:51):
All right, man, thanks Rich, thanks for coming on. We'll
see you next week.

Speaker 2 (51:54):
Brother, take care all the best, my man.

Speaker 1 (51:57):
All right, see you Rich. That was Sava Drich Barris,
the best polster in the business, and I'm very grateful
that he took the reins of the show while we
are we're experiencing technical difficulties. But that's what friends do.
We we have each other's backs, especially when times are rough.
All right, before we pop smoke today, let me thank

Bulldog Patriot and let me thank tat tone very very
and says, when's the Biden regime going to lock up
Savage Rich for insurrecting the battle the Battleground Street. So
thank you both for your for your rumble rants tips.
One hundred percent of that goes to building this studio.
And I might just invest in something to help upgrade

my internet. Although I pay for the fastest internet here,
it's a wired connection. I've done everything that I can.
Eight hundred and forty five cyber attacks over the last
forty five days on my router. It's it's crazy. What
they do is they hit the router with a bunch
of simple attacks. Firewalls in the router itself meant to
protect those protect the router from a tax and stability issues,

but the fact that it gets so many attacks overwhelms
the router and it shuts it down. To keep it,
to keep it safe or whatever. So we're work. I'm
working on the cable company right now to figure this out.
But thank you all for being so patient with me.
I'm so so grateful. Make sure that you hit that
little green thumb, that like button beneath the video, that

little green thumb, you hit it. It helps me immensely,
It helps the show immensely. It propels us to the leaderboard.
It's free for you and it's awesome for me. So
smash that little green thumb. Tell your family and your
friends to subscribe to Battleground Live. We've been watching this
show grow and it's been awesome to have you here.

We need you in the trenches fighting to save this
country and by the way, fighting to keep our own party.
The Republicans. Hold their feet to the fire and hold
them accountable as well, because they are. They have been
an unbelievable disappointment since Trump left office and that's part
of the reason why we need him back in office.
We need his leadership, we need him steering the ship.

He sets the tone for the Republican Party. As I
said during the show, it's a culture problem. If it's
a leadership problem, he needs to set the tone and
have it trickle down to the rest of the party
because they have serious, serious backbone issues, folks, and we
need them now more than ever. And we need you
here on this show with us amongst the Battle cruise.

So tell your family some friends. Subscribe to Battleground Live
also Official Sean Parnell. That's my website. You see this
shirt right here, that's Pop's McGee right here. It says Republican.
You can get all those shirts from the Battleground Apparel Company,
which is an American apparel company for folks who believe
in American exceptionalism. But anyways, folks, got a great show

planned for you tomorrow. I really do. It's going to
be great. In the meantime, God bless you all, and
God bless this amazing exceptional country that we call home.
Take care night, and I will see you tomorrow. Take

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