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April 26, 2024 36 mins
Biden lies over and over again with Howard Stern. Trump on presidential immunity hearing, Biden saying he'll debate. Bill O’Reilly, best-selling author and commentator (and, like Biden, a former lifeguard), joined Clay and Buck to discuss the latest on the presidential race, the campus protests and to preview his latest book, “Confronting the Presidents.” Hottie lifeguard from the ‘70s calls in.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome in Howard Number two Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Okay,
it's Friday, so let's have a little bit of fun.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
We have a.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
Bunch of clips. These are all real of Joe Biden
on Howard Stern. Earlier today, Joe Biden traveled to New
York to do the Howard Stern Show. I want to
give credit because I don't know how many people will
actually go and grab clips from the Howard Stern Show.

It's kind of hard to track down. It's on satellite radio.
I think maybe they believe that even though Howard Stern
is seventy years old, maybe they believe that they're going
to be able to get away with a lot of
stuff on Howard Stern that makes, as Buck was saying,
makes Biden seem hip and cool and relevant, even though

it's just really two old nincome poops sitting around and talking.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
One of you tweed me.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
This is how Joe Biden would have won the nineteen
ninety six presidential election is by doing a Howard Stern interview.
And I don't think that's a bad combination. Greg Price
clipped all of these. Greg does great work. Courage you
guys to go follow him on Twitter. So I just
retweeted these, so if you want to share them yourself

with people out there, he's got them all colated. He
did a great job with it. All right, Buck, I'm
going to call for these one at a time. You
have not heard these. I heard them during the break.
I want you to analyze as I play each of these,
the likelihood that they are true or false. Okay, you
haven't heard these at all. This is Biden sitting down

with Howard Stern. Let's start here with cut thirty. Biden
says he was the runner up in state scoring in
high school football in Delaware.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
Cut thirty, for example, remembers starting off playing Catholic League football.
So you see away football.

Speaker 4 (02:04):
By the way, I don't think a lot of people
know that you were a star receiver in high school.
Star received You would like the first string guy. You
were the guy who caught the ball.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Runner up his state scoring. You know what's a.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Wow, Buck, Let's start a year. I don't even know
what exactly that means. Runner up in state scoring. I've
never heard anyone described that way in football. I guess
maybe he's trying to say that he scored the second
most touchdowns. Yeah, I think there's a zero percent chance
this is true. It's a sports question. Do you buy
that story? I mean, I don't think Howard Stern's a

sports guy either, but even the way it's described doesn't
make sense for any sports fan.

Speaker 5 (02:44):
Yeah, it strikes me that this is actually really on
brand for Biden, who has managed to create this, or
really they've created for him this character of a guy
who can lie about anything as often as he wants,
and we are to believe that it is somehow charming
and relatable. The fact that he tells these stories about

himself that are proven, are obviously untrue.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
And can be easily disproven is what he's been doing.

Speaker 5 (03:14):
As you know, he said, didn't he say he got
like arrested going to see Mandela all the time, And.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Yes, oh is that coming up?

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Is that this is this is a new version of
that that might be even crazier. Yes, he claimed that
he got arrested in South Africa protesting apartheid with Nelson Mandela.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Not true totally, I do.

Speaker 5 (03:31):
I do want to point out that he also said
that he was top of his class and got a
scholarship to go to Syracuse Law School and you know,
no shade at Syracuse Law School. But I mean at
the time Biden was going, which is like I don't know,
seventy years ago now or something, wasn't a particularly elite
law school.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
But that's fine. Maybe people get scholarships, they go to
great place. I'm not putting it down.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
I'm just saying he was bragging about it and he
was the top of his class, but it turned out
he was actually at the bottom of his class.

Speaker 6 (04:01):

Speaker 5 (04:01):
So it's one thing to say I was top of
my class and you were actually number ten of two
hundred or something.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
That's legit.

Speaker 5 (04:08):
You could I think you can say that when you
are like number one hundred and ninety seven out of
two hundred and you say you were at the top
of your class.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
That's a problem.

Speaker 5 (04:17):
That's an honesty problem. That's not a problem with like, oh,
we should all freak out about it.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
But he's a liar. He's a lot.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Biden is on the record saying that he opposed the
civil rights movement. Remember he said that he didn't want
his kids to go to schools in jungles. I mean
when he was a politician, that's what he said. That's
what Kamala Harris came after him about But now he
says when he was a kid, he says he was
protesting desegregation. Buck, and he says he was arrested while

standing with a black family on their porch. This is
what he told Howard Stern earlier today, cut twenty nine.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
And I looked at my mom. I says, Honey, you
haven't sendything. She said, Joey, let me remember story. So
remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield. The neighborhood was, you know,
seventy homes built of suburbia. And I told you, and
there was a black family moving in, and there was
people who are down there protesting. I told you not
to go down there. And you went down, remember that,

and you came. You got to rest up. He standing
on the porch with a black family, right, And they
brought you back, the police, And I said, yeah, well
I remember that.

Speaker 2 (05:27):

Speaker 1 (05:27):
Odds that this is true that Biden was arrested protesting
desegregation as a kid standing on the porch with a
black family, I mean, it's about the same as the
odds that he was there for the surrender in Tokyo
Bay in the fall of Emperor, Hero Heroes Dynasty.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Biden was right next to MacArthur.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
You guys didn't know that he was right there signing
the You know when people always talk about the John
Hancock signature on the Constitution, Joe Biden's signature on that
thing far more impressive. He's a clay. He is a
compulsive liar. I think he can't even control it. Okay,
here he is saying maybe the craziest interview press conference

that has ever occurred in a presidential campaign was, in
my opinion, the whole corn Pop Joe Biden talking about
being a lifeguard is one of the craziest. And that
was when his brainway.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
I met the Declaration of Independence, I met the Declaration
of Independence. I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (06:25):
I'm sorry, John Hancock. I'm already getting blown up. I know,
I'm sorry, John Hancock, Declaration of Independence. Sorry, Clay, keep
going well.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
He's still bragging about his lifeguard days. Back when he
and Cornpop were squaring off. He told Howard Stern this
morning he saved six people from drowning as a teenage lifeguard,
Cut twenty eight.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
I learned a lot and I'm met a lot of friends.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Did you ever save anyone's life when you were a lifeguard.
Was anyone ever drowning the.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Yeah you didn't? Yeah, well half a dozen times, usually
younger kids, you know.

Speaker 4 (06:58):
But you do the thing, the whistle and then jump
in and the bathing suit and get.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
You got it. No, Kenny, there's a big pool we had.
There are seven lifeguards. Stand wow.

Speaker 4 (07:08):
See that would define my I would tell I would
brag about that everywhere I went.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Well, by the way, I ended up in Lake Ontario
too when I was in law school.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
Look, one of the things that well, you saved the
dude's life. When you were in law school, you were
still doing the lifeguard thing.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
Lifeguards, I mean, you know, people just need help sometimes.
I mean, it's not like it's so heroic.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
Okay, I buck six people's lives. You say, this is
harder to disprove because I would imagine sometimes people are
floundering and a lifeguard goes in and gets them out
of a pool.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Did you save their life?

Speaker 5 (07:44):
Or maybe he told somebody no diving and theoretically they
could have dove into the pool and you know, done
a neck injury on themselves.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
So you know, it's tough to disprove this.

Speaker 5 (07:55):
But Biden like heroically saving everybody at the You know what, No,
there's no way he actually saved six people's lives.

Speaker 2 (08:03):
No way.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
I would actually like to hear from lifeguards because there's
a lifeguard to the pool in my neighborhood, and I
take my kids there all the time, young kids. You know,
there's a zero entry pool. I mean we're talking about
like four or five year old kids. Been in the
same neighborhood for a decade. I've never seen a lifeguard
save anybody, and there are tons of lifeguards all around.

There's kids of all ages. Six lifeguard saves at a
public pool seems like a lot.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
That is suddenly the Biden life saver. Okay.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
Then he also said, now this is clearly untrue because
why would the Secret Service beginning these. But Biden says
that he used to get all sorts of salacious pictures
from women back in the nineteen seventies.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Listen, I got put in that ten most Elsavasser's list because.

Speaker 4 (08:57):
You were a United States senator, you were a cads.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
So and a lot of lovely women. But move was
sound very salacious pictures, and I just give them to
the Secret Service. I thought somebody think I was, uh,
and I just gave up.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
First all, this is weird because you're bragging that you
were a hot catch after your wife died when you
still have multiple kids. But it doesn't also really add
up because what you give them to the Secret Service?
You're a senator, you don't have Secret Service protection.

Speaker 6 (09:31):
Uh Like.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
And I don't know why Howard Stern wouldn't follow up,
because this is the kind of question that he would
ask a lot. This is a lie, right, I mean,
what are you going to give a salacious photos in
the seventies? Not to mention, and I'm not an expert
on seventies pornography, but I would imagine that it was
hard to take salacious photos back in the day. It's
not like it's in the iPhone era where you're going

to go have to get them developed at at a.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
To be a polaroid.

Speaker 6 (10:01):
You know.

Speaker 5 (10:01):
I don't know how popular those were back in the day.
I feel like pretty popular. I still think this is
it's also a weird thing for him to share. He's
the president of the United States, Like, why do we
you know, you don't need to tell everything about your life.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (10:12):
I think it's a strange. I really believe that Biden
is trying super hard to be relatable, and he's actually
the opposite relatable because his entire life has been a
construct to appear relatable. There's nothing normal about this guy,
not just because he's president now, he has been a
senator longer than I've been alive. This is a guy
who has been a creature of He is the ultimate

swamp creature. He is the swamp thing. He is of,
by and for the swamp, and his presentation of himself
is just another guy who likes those Union Democrats. He's
just a chameleon. Whatever he needs at any point in
time is what he will say and do, which we've seen,
by the way, on the Israel Hamas issue very clearly,
but it's on everything his entire career, both sides of

every issue. He's a man who stands for nothing except
for what most expedient for Biden at any point in time.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
It reminds me one of the most famous short stories
of all time, and if you haven't read it, read it.
Secret Life of Walter Midti, came out in nineteen thirty nine.
There is this Joe Biden character that he has constructed
that makes him the hero of every story in his mind.

Arrested with a black family during desegregation, You saved six
lives when you were swimming. You're so desirable that women
were inundating you with salacious photos. You are the second
leading scorer in Delaware high school football. All of it
is very strange, but it is very much the secret

life of Joe Biden. He has created and he does
this all the time. Anytime there is a story, he
makes himself somehow the star of a story. Bridge falls. Well,
I used to go as this bridge all the time
on the train, Well, the train doesn't go across the bridge.
Somebody dies unexpectedly. Well, this is like when my son died.

He has an inability to just address issues without telling
a why that connects to that issue. But what you're
saying is so true, And that's the point I'm making
about false connection. Wherever he is, you know, it's it's
a joke that and I think some people lean into
it as a joke. Now that when you're running for office,

whatever town you're in, that's like the Triple A baseball
team you love the most, or the major League team
you love the most, And you know it's Oh and
even like Hillary Clinton saying she grew up a Yankees fan,
which is a perfect example of this. Exactly, Yes, like
that that I think. You know, Okay, it's a it's
a little a little corny, but people will let that slide, right,
Joe Biden. You know, if he's like greeting somebody on

the tarmac who lost theirs lost his son, let's say,
parents who lost their son in special operation in the
Middle East, you know, working as part of the teams
as a seal or something, He's like, yeah, I know
exactly what that's like. It's just like when my son
came home and died of brain cancer, you know, and
you go, well, hold on a second, it's not about
It's actually not about you. And that's a bizarre thing

to try to always do. But that's who he is.
He's creating false connection to people because he is the
ultimate phony. He is a total His entire political career
has been one big parade of phoniness. And whenever he's
really you know this, he has the secret escape hatch

and it's gross, but whenever he needs it, he uses it,
and it's just well, I suffered personal tragedy, Yes, and
he goes back to losing his wife and child in
a car accident and then losing his son to cancer.
And you say, well, hold up, that has nothing to
do with the criticisms of him as a public figure.
Why does he introduce that he uses that that's always

there for him if he gets beat up too much.
Do you agree with me, that's kind of a dirty
look to have your wife die in a car accident
and then brag about how much other women liked you
when you were an eligible bachelor.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
I mean he wasn't single.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
I mean, his wife died, he had young kids, and
he's bragging about how much other women liked him.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
I mean, it just feels unseemly to me. Yeah, he
also broke back home, which never gets talked about. But
he met Jill doctor. We know she's not a doctor, yeah,
doctor Jill Biden. I think she was still married when
she met Joe, So you know that never that never
really gets talked about either. And look, I get it
to be fair with politicians now, the marriage marriages are

not something that people really judge.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
It feels way more unseemly to me when your wife
dies in a in a car accident and you're bragging
about how much fan mail you got from people who
wanted to be with you. It just it had like, Yeah,
it's the kind of thing you'd expect from a guy
that like kind of fond strange women that he doesn't
know at events, and sniff's little kids heads. I think

that all these things tie together like a is any
of this surprising when you think about the totality of
the clown that is Joe Biden eight hundred two two
two eight A two. We'll take some calls on this,
will be also we got Uncle Bill joining. I'm sure
he's going to have some choice words about the protesters
and also about Biden debating.

Speaker 5 (15:23):
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Speaker 1 (16:25):
One truth revealed after another Clay Travis and Buck Sexton,
we talked to.

Speaker 5 (16:30):
You a lot yesterday about the oral arguments at the
Supreme Court where they're looking at presidential immunity doesn't exist,
to what extent does it exist?

Speaker 2 (16:40):
All of that.

Speaker 5 (16:41):
Trump weighed in on it today and he thought it
went pretty well.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
Play ten yesterday. I think this is a rat good
having to deal with immunity.

Speaker 6 (16:49):
I heard the argument.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
It was brilliant and listens good.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
Last night I thought it was really good. I thought
the genter's question is was great and.

Speaker 2 (16:58):
To all presidents have to have him in it.

Speaker 5 (17:00):
It has nothing to do with me, absolutely, full presidents
have You don't have a president, certainly not a president.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
That they founders wanted.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
Clay, when was the last time something happened in these
legal cases that you could point to and say, I know,
in the civil trials, obviously he's had judgments against him,
but in the criminal trials, it seems like it's all
trending in his direction, with the possible exception of New
York City and what that jury is going to do.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
Yeah, it's a great question. And the fact that they
got the New York City case, I guess underway is
a negative. But the fact that that's the only result
that they're going to have, I think speaks to the
disaster that is the Lawfair campaign. And we mentioned this
I read all this morning. Everybody's suddenly saying what we
said for a while, which is these other cases are
in trouble.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Yeah, from a time, that's absolutely the case that they've
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Speaker 1 (18:44):
Clay Travis and buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. About to
be joined by Bill O'Reilly let me read him? This
just posted by Donald Trump. Crooked Joe Biden just announced
he's willing to debate. Everyone knows he doesn't really mean it,
but in case he does, I say anywhere, anytime, any place,

an old expression used by fighters. I suggest Monday evening,
Tuesday evening or Wednesday evening at my rally in Michigan,
a state he's in the process of destroying with his
EV mandate. In the alternative, he's in New York City today,
although probably doesn't know it, And so am I stuck
in one of the many court cases that he instigated
as all caps election interference against a political opponent, a

continuing witch hunt. It's the only way he thinks he
can win. In fact, let's do the debate at the
courthouse tonight on national television.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
I'll wait around. So Bill, O'Reilly with us? Now?

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Bill, you and I I think on team sanity here.
We didn't think the Democrats were crazy enough to actually
run Joe Biden. But it gets closer and closer, and
it doesn't seem like any alternative is emerging. Do you
think Biden is the guy now? And if not, when
does the switch happen?

Speaker 6 (19:58):
Well, I think he's a guy unless something happens, and
I do believe something will happen, but I don't know
what it is. So it's very hard to quantify that.
But let me go back to your first half hour.
You wanted some lifeguards to call in. Well, you got
one on the line right now.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Okay, So let me dive in here.

Speaker 1 (20:20):
Then you can give your lifeguard experience as a part
of this answer. Joe Biden said he saved at least
six people's lives while working as a lifeguard, most of
that time at a public pool, not like at a beach,
not like at a lake.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
What do you think of that as a former lifeguard, Well.

Speaker 6 (20:40):
It probably didn't happen. Just as his desegregation thing. Where
was that. I thought Joe was in Pennsylvania and Delaware.
I don't understand where the black family was with in
Rehoba's Beach. I don't know if there was a lot
of you know, Civil Rights Act there. Look, just to clarify,

I was a lifeguard at a pool. I saved one person,
a four year old boy. It was at the bottom
of the pool. I saw him looking up at me
and obviously couldn't swim, so I dunked down, grabbed him,
brought him up to twenty seconds. I gently scolded his
mother and that was it. Okay, And I never saw

a rescue at the pool, and it was packed back
in the nineteen sixties, believe me. So, Biden says anything
that pops into his mind. There's no filter there, which
is why I was surprised he did the interview with Stern,
And I don't know why he did it. I'll find out.
Stern is the liberal guy now. And I'm sure there

were guidelines to the interview, you know, you don't ask
this or don't ask I'm sure that happened, but it
was you know, Biden's been dodging the press. Somebody said
that the New York Times is in a war with
the White House because Biden won't talk to anybody. Okay,
So what does this mean. It means that Joe Biden

is a narcissist, That's what it means. Because narcissists, and
they are increasing in the United States and all over
the world, they cannot have a conversation without injecting themselves
into it in a favorable light. So, if you know somebody,
there are two indicators if for a narcissist. Number one,

they will never evenit a mistake. Hello Joe Biden, Hello
Donald Trump. Okay. And number two, you cannot have a
conversation with them without them coming in and trying to
want to up you or you know, bringing them into
whatever it is. And that's Biden, not unusual for politician,
by the way, but when you couple that with his

obvious mental decline, you really have a mess on your
hands mentally.

Speaker 5 (22:58):
Hey Bill, let's buck i'mbviously you're seeing these protests on
the campus and now there's some video of professors who
are part of these things, who are doing human chains,
and some of them are getting you know, face planet
on the quad grass as the cops are coming in
and saying you've been trespassed, you've been warned. What do

you think happens with this? They they're cutting down some
of the graduations or eliminating some of the graduations at
these big schools. I feel like there's no incentive for
these kids to stop because the universities own professorship or
professors are refusing to also back them up and come
down on them because they're part of the problem too.

Speaker 2 (23:39):
So where does it go?

Speaker 6 (23:41):
Well, I think it dies out. It's not like the
Vietnam which was an organic protest and I lived through that.
I'm going to write a column on Bill O'Reilly dot
com on Sunday comparing the anti Israel protests to the
Vietnam protests. There's a big difference. But at this point,
I sit there and I'm a frustrated guy because I'm

a simple man and I attended Merris College, Boston, you
and Harvard. I have two master's degrees. I'm way over
educated for being on television. You know there's money on
television and where you usually do. But anyway, the solution

to this problem is very simple. You say, if you
are a college president, to the demonstrators, you have a
right to protest, and we're going to give you this
area where you can protest, and you can protest from
ten am to eight pm. We don't want you to
disturb your neighborhood or other students who want to study.

And in that frame, you can say what you want
unless you threaten someone. If you go out of those guidelines,
you are expelled and we will pack up your gear
in the dorm and ship it to your home address,
and your record here will be expound. That's all that
ends it.

Speaker 5 (25:04):
In the University of Florida is doing that. I mean
Ben Sass deserves some credit. He's the president of that system.
I know if you saw bill they put out today.
You're allowed to protest, You're allowed to share your thoughts,
you're allowed to hold placards all this other stuff, threatening
people camping in the quad, causing a disturbance, shutting down buildings,
immediate suspension, and remove and trespass from campus.

Speaker 6 (25:26):
Right? Is that hard? I mean that should have been
done day two. But the problem is that a lot
of these schools are far left institutions run by people
who sympathize with the anti Israel sentiment, and they allow
all kinds of atrocities. What if you were a college

student who wanted to protest against Woke and DEI and
you ran them up on a Columbia University campus and say, hey,
this is a destructive thing and I hate it and
this is anti democracy and violates the constitution. How long

are you think you'd be there? All right, so we
all know what this is, but I did. I did
not know about the University Florida, but I don't. I'm
just shocked that didn't happen on day two of this stuff.
Why do these universities want to ruin their reputation forever?
Columbia and Harvard and Penn and my team, their reputations

are yell, are so besmirched. I don't know if they're
ever going to come back in our lifetime. That's how
the smirch they are. And most students want don't want
any part of this. I got two in college. I
got two, and they're not at Woke University, Salve Regina, Newport,
Rhode Island, and Saint John's and Queens and there's none

of that on either campus because it's not permitted, simply
not permitted. You're expelled if you violate the school rules.
And so's that hard no. And then you add on
the all the police, and the police get hurt and
they're spit at and cursed at and all the stuff,
and New York City arrests them and then nothing happen.

They get a ticket and they don't even pay the ticket.
They rip the ticket up in front of the cop.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
We're talking to Bill O'Reilly. Bill.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
Also, last time you were on correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you said you thought there was a good
chance that Trump would look at Sarah Huckabee Sanders potentially
as his vice president.

Speaker 2 (27:36):
We're coming up on.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
I think the expectation is sometime in July before the RNC,
he'll make that pick.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
Do you still like Sarah.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Huckaby Sanders or do you now look at it differently
as May is close.

Speaker 6 (27:49):
No. I think she's by far and away the best
person for Trump. She gets along with Trump, she knows
how he works, She's very smart, she can handle the media.
She's a moderate Republican, not a bomb thrower, not controversial.
You're not going to have the National Inquirer trying to
kill stories on her. I mean, you know what else

you want? If I'm Trump, that's my only selection because
he needs to have a woman on the second. And
I don't know any downside. I know her, I know
the family are going to be family. They're honest people,
So why wouldn't you go that way?

Speaker 5 (28:32):
Bill? We have word that you are going to sell
a few million more books that the millions you've sold.
You want to keep running up the scoreboard. Here, you
got another one coming out. I'm sure it's going to
be a best seller. Confronting the Presidents? What's this one on?

Speaker 6 (28:48):
Okay, So I'm sending you guys a galley in about
five weeks you'll see it. This is all forty five men,
whether they hurt or help the country, that's the litmus
tests of the book, every single one of them. I
don't rank them because that's tripe. But I tell you

what they did, how they did it, and every page
you're going to go holy, you know what. Every page
has research that you have never seen. The opening line
of Confronting the President's Out September tenth is George Washington
is mad at his mother. Washington and his mom did

not get along. He didn't even go to a funeral.

Speaker 2 (29:41):

Speaker 6 (29:43):
I mean, no one knows that. And the genesis of it,
And this is why it's such a fun book. It's
a serious book, but it's fun to read because the
genesis of it is that George, at age twelve, father died.
He was left all the lands that his father owned

and the wife, George's mother, got nothing, so she was
dependent on George for money. And she felt that George
was parsimonious and wrote letters to the local Virginia newspapers
saying that she was starving to death and it was
George's fault.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
No, that sounds pretty fascinating.

Speaker 6 (30:32):
It drove him nut, It drove Washington crazy. And that's
the kind of stuff every single one of these guys,
where do you see this stuff? We have on Linda Johnson,
Oh my god, so I'm the best selling nonfiction author
in the world.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
Did you know that we did?

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Is that a Joe Biden claim or is that is
that a definite actual claim.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
It's like I gave you my lifeguard thing. That's straight down,
absolutely fad.

Speaker 2 (31:05):
That's incredible.

Speaker 6 (31:07):
And when I was in third grade, the nuns said,
are you ever gonna learn to read? She's dead? But
if he wasn't, I'd send a free copies of all
my books.

Speaker 5 (31:20):
That's just called when you're dealing with nuns or jesuits, Bill,
that's just motivation.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
So that's how they do it.

Speaker 5 (31:27):
Confronting the presidents. Coming out in September. Everyone, get your copy,
get your pre orders in when you can. Go to
Bill O'Reilly dot com for Bill's commentary and Bill always
fun to have you man, Thank you.

Speaker 6 (31:39):
Thanks for being guys. Enjoyed it.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
Bill O'Reilly there talking about the history of the country.
He's always got some good stories. Well, one history that
we need to all make sure we're on top of
is what happened on nine to eleven, and that is
what Tunnel the Towers Foundation does. They not only helped
to tell the story of nine to eleven, they also
now help America heroes and the families out there that

have been fighting the battle since nine to eleven. First
responders who serve our communities and our country, service members
as well those who die in the line of duty
or are severely injured or are veterans. Heroes like Buffalo
firefighter Jason Arnau and his family. Arnaud was killed while
protecting his community battling a warehouse fire. He left behind

his wife and young daughter in their darkest hour. Tunnel
to Towers provided Arnault's wife and daughter with a mortgage
free home. The foundation lifted a financial burden, enabling them
to stay in the home where they made memories with
their heroic husband and father. Join Tunnel Towers on its
mission to do good. Support the families of America's greatest heroes,

the families of fallen first responders like Jason Arnou, plus
gold star families with young kids, catastrophically injured service members,
and homeless veterans. Join us and donating eleven dollars a
month at t twot dot org.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
That's t the number two t dot org. You know
them as conservative radio hosts, Now just get to know
them as guys. On this Sunday hang podcast with Clay
and Buck.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Find it in their podcast feed on the iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 5 (33:15):
All right, welcome back into Clay and Buck. I'm here
in in Raleigh, and I really appreciate being here. Thank
you to the station for hosting me. Saw our friends
at Bear Creek Arsenal. It was fun.

Speaker 6 (33:24):

Speaker 5 (33:25):
At one point I was, you know, I was putting
we had a test range, putting some rounds down range.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
Guy goes on, don't you flip the fil auto on?

Speaker 5 (33:31):
I was like, I was like, really, It's like yeah,
it's kind of like being told, you know, just to
hit the accelerator, air it out a little bit, see
what this thing can do.

Speaker 2 (33:37):
So we had a good time over bar Creek Arsenal
this morning.

Speaker 5 (33:40):
But really fun to be here in North Carolina and
uh and seeing our It's fun because I see so
many of our people, you know, even just around you know,
at the at the the hotel this morning. It was
a comfort, a comfort in saw some of our people
in the lobby. It was very nice. They're very excited.
So I always I always enjoy that. The one thing
I don't enjoy about being on the road right now.

I don't got my Crocket coffee with me. I don't
have my Cracket coffee with me. Ali, we need to
figure this out. I gotta start getting Crocket coffee on
the road because, yeah, you know, I'm not gonna lie.
I broke down. I had to go get some communist coffee.
I'm not even gonna say what it was. Communist coffee
on the way here. Clay, you've got your Crocket. I'm
drinkingcoffee dot.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Com legitimately right now, and I need it, Buck, because
we did a special OutKick draft show last night and
then I came back home. You probably didn't even know
the NFL Draft first round happened last night.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
I did.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
My third grader fell asleep on me. We stayed up
to watch all thirty two picks. He fell asleep on me.
I may or may not have started to fall asleep
on the couch with him. Then I had to carry
him downstairs. Lara's out of town, so I'd get all
the kids in up early in the morning, get them
all off to school. First thing I did when I
got back after getting all three boys off to school,

made myself a coffee as soon as I finished. The
next hour, what one minute and thirty seconds. Here at
the end of the second hour, I'm going downstairs making
a fresh pot of Crockett coffee. It's Friday. You may
be dragging just a little bit. The product is fabulous.
Go subscribe, get signed up. It's the coffee that loves

America as much as you do. And you can trust
that We're never gonna go full woke like all the
comedies at Starbucks in other places and start using the
money that we make to pay for transgender surgeries, which
is what they're doing now at some Starbucks you see
that legitimately are donating money to allow people to have

their gender changed for minors.

Speaker 5 (35:41):
I mean this in the coffee world, Starbucks is like
the communist death star.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
It really is. You know it's it's.

Speaker 5 (35:47):
It's time for the rebels to unite against the communist
death star that is Starbucks. Let's take Marion in Texas.
Marion says she was a hottie back in the seventies.
I want to hear this.

Speaker 7 (35:58):
I was a hottie in the seventh and I was
also a lifeguard, So I'm the perfect caller.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
So were you sending Joe Biden making photos?

Speaker 6 (36:08):

Speaker 7 (36:08):
I remember seeing him on the news and my thought
was that he was a creepy, bald guy that if
he approached me at a nightclub, I would get away
as fast as I could.

Speaker 5 (36:18):
We got many lives by lifeguard from the seventies calling
Biden's lies out here.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
Cliff, How many lives did you say at the pool?

Speaker 7 (36:27):
No, absolutely none. It was just a social get a
good hand.

Speaker 5 (36:32):
How many guys faked drownings they can get a little
mouth to mouth.

Speaker 7 (36:37):
Oh no, it was just little kids mostly.

Speaker 1 (36:40):
Okay, that was the great Sandlot scene, Buck yep.

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