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June 27, 2024 • 19 mins
Legendary writer Larry Stone joins Dave Softy Mahler and Dick Fain to talk about the Mariners win today to grab one game in the Tampa series, the need for another bat, the issue with road pitching, and the situation at Texas A&M between a reporter and coach.
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It's time for our weekly conversation withlegendary sports writer Larry Stone, brought to
you by the Ram Restaurant and Brewery, Bigger, Better and fresher since nineteen
seventy one, with eight fugit Soundlocations from Marysville to Lacey and everywhere in
between. There's a Ram there younow with Softy and Dick, Here's Larry
Stone. God, dude, AdamSilver is one weird looking dude. Man,

I am looking up on TV rightnow. He is a scary guy.
I'm you're just waiting for weeping nextto him and waking up and seeing
that in the morning. Holy,He's like he's like Lobot from Empire without
the electronics on his head. Rememberthat guy. Yes, I asked Larry
the question that you asked you,Larry. Cal Worthington's dog is named Spot.

Go see Cow, Go see Cow, Go see Cow. Every time
cal Rowley hits a home run,we say, go see cow Cow.
He'll stand on his head till hisears are turning red. That's right,
count go see cow. And nobodyhas any idea what the hell I'm talking
about unless you're over like forty fiveyears old. So Larry Stones back with
us courtesy of our friends at theRam Restaurant and Brewery. Always a good

day to have you on. Manand the Mariners finally salvage one today in
Tampa Bay, but not the roadseries and the road trip that we were
all looking for three and six andthought, okay, two out of three
to Cleveland, whatever, I canhandle that. But then you got to
mop up on the Marlins and theRaisin and that just did not happen.
So your thoughts on what we sawthe last six games in Miami and Tampa,

Well, first of all, canyou imagine if they had blown that
game today? Faces loaded, youwere I'm sure you were thinking when they
had the bases loaded with nobody out, that they were going to lose that
in the ninth in it, youknow, sornt and bailed them out after
Munios couldn't get anybody over and getanybody out. It was a rough road

trip. It was It's not panictime, but it's grave concern time.
I would say, I think alltheir all their flaws kind of came to
the forefront in those in those games. They're just not they're they're they're a
bad offensive team and they've got toinvest that. And there they've got some
bullpen halls too, So I thinkto me, I mean, they're still

in a fine position. Uh youknow, last year at this time,
they were ken, and they wereten and a half games out on June
twenty eighth last year, and andhere they are four and a half up
and seven and a half up onTexas. So it's not panic time.
But you really can see what theyneed to do. They've got to go
out and get bat I mean,uh, it's just it's just glaring.

They their offense was was bad thiswhole road trip really, except for you
know, maybe one or two games. Well, I think a lot of
it. You could kind of seecoming even two or three weeks ago when
they were winning Larry, because theywere winning ugly. I mean they were
they were not looking good when theywere rattling off all those wins. I
mean that White Sox series, theyplayed horrible baseball and still were able to

win three or four against that terriblebaseball team. And now is just catching
up to them, right, Yeah, I think you're right. That was
you. You scratched your head afterthose games and wondering how they came away
with them, and that's what theyneeded to do against an almost equally bad
Miami Marlins team, and they didn't, uh, and they didn't do that.
They needed to take that series.But you know you're going to have

you are going to have those stretches. And they are coming home now where
they are almost you know, thebest team in baseball close to it at
home. It's going to be arough it's going to be a tough,
a tough homestand that this will thiswill tell tell a lot. But one
thing they did was they Tampa Baywas on the verge of being a seller.

And maybe they're back in it nowbecause they you know, they won
that series. And uh, Houstonand Texas were also both close to being
realistically out of it, and nowthey've crept back in it too. So
getting somebody at the trade deadline isreally going to be tough. You know,

I was looking at the standings justnow. There's thirteen of the fifteen
teams in the National League are withinfive games of a playoff spot, twelve
of fifteen in the American League withinsix and a half of playoffs. But
that's one good week and you're you'rein bad position because of the extra wildcard.
So basically there's five teams that youcould say or sellers right now.
There'll be more, you know,teams like Texas and Toronto or right on

the brink of probably being eliminated.But if one of them gets hot,
like the Mets, you know,Alonso is not going to be traded.
They're too close to they're too closeto a playoff spot and they're playing too
well. So unless they collapse inthe next few weeks, I don't think
he's going to be on the market. So, you know, if it
stays as the parody ridden in theNational League as it is right now,

you know, the price tags forthe Luis Roberts and guys like that is
going to be a mess, noquestion. I think they're in trouble guys,
to be honest with you. Atthe deadline, as far as making
a move, I think it's gonnabe really, really difficult to pull this
off unless they change their perspective onhow much they're willing to take on financially.
I mean, they've really kind ofin the years pass for the most

part, been a team that likesto take on expiring contraction. They may
have to revisit that and think aboutgrabbing somebody who's got maybe two, if
not three or four years left ona deal because of exactly what you said.
And I think if you're looking forhelp, Larry, the help is
going to come in the form ofMitch Garverer not hitting a buck seventy six.
Honestly, the help is going tocome in the form of Julio Rodriguez
having more than thirteen extra base hits. I mean, look, every week

it seems like we ask you,are we concerned about Julio? No,
no, no, here we are. We're three months in. He had
fifty six extra base hits his rookieyear, seventy one a year ago,
and now he's on pace for liketwenty five. If we're not concerned,
now, when do we get concerned? Yeah? No, I'm officially concerned.

Now. They passed the halfway pointof the season, and this road
trip he regressed in a lot ofways. It was a terrible road trip
for it. You know, Ithink one measure of how far he's fallen
is the praise that was gushing forthtoday for a walk that he got.
I mean, it was a greatat bat, but you know, when

good at bat, taking some closepictures and earning a walk is your big
contribution for a guy who should beyour lynch pion on offense. You know,
that's worries. Yeah, you mentionedthe thirteen extra base hits. That's
just staggering. Dylan Moore has twentyfour at extra base as virtually twice as

many a part time player. Wow, So he's got six doubles. He
should be a forty double guy andhe's on pace for twelve, so something.
You know, I still think he'sgoing to have a hot streak and
maybe a blistering hot streak like youdid last year. But you know,
it's getting it's it's getting too farinto the season now for you for for

you to still be still be waitingfor that. So it's it's a it's
a huge problem. And I butI agree with you, Softy that that's
probably where the bulk of their improvementis going to have to come is guys
on on the roster. You know, JP, JP Crawford's had some great
moments, but he's hitting two seventeen. Uh, and you can just kind

of go down and go down theline. But I do think even beyond
yes, you need the guys uhon the roster. I do think you've
you've got to pick up You've gotto pick up somebody. And in addition
to what you said about picking upmoney, I think it's also going to
come down to how how deep intoyour farm system are you willing to go.
And you know it, because theyhave a lot of really good,

coveted prospects they could make. Theycould get anyone they want if they're willing
to give up enough from their farmsystem. And that's a really tough call
because you don't want to look twoyears, three years down the road and
you've given a Tatis like the WhiteSox did a couple of years ago.
You know though, that's always therisk of those kind of those kind of

deals, is that you end upgiving up the next superstar. Larry.
What frustrates me is it doesn't looklike this baseball team adjust to the park
that they're in. They pitch thesame at home as they do on the
road. They just throw strikes inthe middle of the zone and you can
get away with that at Team Mobile. It's for me, it's like,
if you use the football analogy,the Lions play the Packers twice in the
season. They're gonna play him onetime in Detroit indoors and Jared Goff can

throw for three hundred and fifty yardsif he wants to, And then the
next time they play him it mightbe twenty degrees and a blizzard at lambeau
Field. You can't play the samegame. And T Mobile Park, to
me is the blizzard of Major LeagueBaseball. And I don't understand why they
don't adjust well. I mean,certainly Gilbert and George Kirby have shown that

they could attest. Are you talkingabout the pitchers or they hit it well?
Both? Because the pitchers don't.I mean, we're winning at home,
so I guess you can't complain toomuch about what they're doing at home.
I don't think they try to manufactureenough runs at home offensively, they
just try to swing for the fenceslike they do every place and on the
road. I think the pitchers,and we talked to Steven Susan he agrees
this week that they just they don'tnibble enough. They just throw it right

down the middle. And so Ihear hit it because it works at Team
Mobile, but as it doesn't workelsewhere. Well, look, I mean
Kirby pitched to Jim. Gilbert pitched, Jim, you know those guys could
win on the road, and I'mnot worried about Castillo. But uh,
but I agree with your premise thatthat they're they're obvious, the stats are
obvious. They need to do somethingdifferent on the road. And and uh,

I mean, you don't want togo too far away from what's worked
for you. But and as faras manufacturing runs at home, you know,
they they laid down a sacrifice bunchtoday with you're hardly ever about that.
Look at that. Give him thebig blue ribbon for doing that.
Man. I mean, but Larry, you're right, because it's like,

you know, we're going nuts aboutyou know, Rojas or Canzone or whoever
has a big week and Luke Railey. The guys lead the league or the
team in ourps but or ops,but they're not even top fifty in baseball.
We're so starved for offense that anymorsel, any nuggets of success,
we just like flock to it likewolves going after a piece of meat.
Man, it's unbelievable. But LarryStones with us on the radio show,

and Larry Kaylyn Clark is back intown tomorrow. Last time she was here,
there was a lot more buzz Ithink around her. There still is
buzz around her, but it's adifferent kind of buzz, right, It's
a buzz where people are taking sidesand having all these arguments and getting mad
at her for not saying enough,and other people say, no, just
shut like Lebron. Lebron came outand literally said Caitlin Clark should just play

basketball and let everybody else worry aboutall this stuff going on. Yet a
lot of people don't agree with him. So the Kaitlin Clark buzz, the
aura around her, is it differentfor you now it was when she was
maybe first coming out. Yeah,it's a little bit different. There was
the excitement of seeing what she coulddo in the league and that's still there.
And you know, she's, forthe most part, I think,

performed very well under a lot ofpressure and seems to be getting better.
But the cultural buzz around her iskind of gotten out of hand a little
bit, you know, like youdescribed it perfectly, Everybody wanting her to
be this, wanting her to bethat, wanting her to speak up politically,

wanting her to shut up and justplay. Does it Larry remind you
of anything. I mean, youwent through a lot of this in the
Bay Area sixties seventies. Does itremind you of anything that you've ever covered
like this before? Fifties, forties? Right, it's not that old boy.

I'd have to think about it.Nothing jumps to my mind right away.
Guys, But I'm sure there's something, but I just I can't think
of it on the spot like this. Got it, Larry, We're gonna
have Richard Zaane on at six o'clocktoday. I don't know if you know
that name, but he's been inthe news the last forty eight hours.

He is the young journalist at TexasA and M who asked the Texas A
and M baseball coach if he potentiallywas going to Texas and he got excoriated
in the press conference, only tosee the coach leave twelve hours later for
Texas. So he was exactly rightin the question. Did you ever tick
off a coach with a question thatyou asked? You? Any stories where

you got done just you know,getting getting ripped by some guy? Yeah,
I have. Let's see Tony LaRussagot mad at me once long long.
I can't if somebody something about apitching change. I can't remember the

exact details, but he didn't likethe implication that he shouldn't have taken the
picture out, and he jumped allover me. He apologized like Schwatznagel.
That's the name rights Schlasnagel apologized toZay I saw today. I think it

must have been his introductory press conference. But uh, it was a perfectly
legitimate question. And you know,it's a tough situation because it's a situation
where you're almost obligated to lie becauseyou can't. It has not officially yet,
you can't acknowledge that you're doing it. But there's an artful way of
doing that where you're not lying,you're you should you should be more ambiguous.

And and he had no right toto go after the reporter who did
ask a legitimate question and turned outto be a very legitimate question because he
took the job. So uh,I think it made Schlasnagel look really bad,
especially in light of what happened uhin the uh in the ensuing twenty
four hours. For sure, Ihad that happened to me one time.

It was not like this, butit was at the eleven Alamo Bowl,
when the Huskies scored fifty six pointsand lost the game to Baylor because they
gave up eight hundred yards to RGthree seven. It's right, I'm sorry,
twenty three less than what I said. It's a totally different story.
Now. I asked Sarka about NickHolt, and he got pissed and told
me to grow up, and thenhe fired him the next day. Okay,

by the way, this will onlywork for me and Dick. This
is the scoring summary from the AlamoBowl that day. Look at that,
dude. Oh my god, it'slike it's like three pages long, the
yellow pages. But I don't know, I mean, like, what are
coaches supposed to do? I mean, obviously there's a there's a way to
handle it. There's cliches, there'sa there's a there's a reference pamphlet.
You can you can you know,reference to get yourself out of it.

But would you rather have coaches justadmit yes, I'm talking to Texas or
just lie through their teeth? Well, I mean, I'd rather have them
admit it as a journalist, butI can understand why they want to be
evasive about it. But what ifhe doesn't get the job, then your
your players know that, uh youwere you know, you were looking and

then you've you've lost some credibility.But from I mean, I was reading
that he was interviewing for that jobwhile that before the World Series even began,
which is kind of uh, whichis the kind of bogus I think.
You know, So he's coaching theteam in the in the biggest games
of his careers, first time theyhad ever gone to the World Series,

and and you could say that's hewasn't totally there because you know, invested,
because he was investigating another job.So you know, and everyone gets
on the players for the transfer portaland everything, but the coaches are just

this is a guy who you know, just jumped ship on on the program
that I'm sure, as he saidin his quote, you know, I
didn't come here to I came hereto get my heart and sould to Texas
A and M and then he's outthe door the first time he gets a
good offer. So the as longas the coaches do stuff like that,
I think the players deserve to havethe ability to change programs as well.

Oh, Larry, last thing foryou from me. We got word of
the training camp schedule for the SeattleSeahawks and a little addendum that says,
leave your cell phones in your pockets. No pictures, no videos, no
Facebook posts, no Instagram posts.What do you What do you think of
that? I know, it justit strikes me it's a little bit paranoid.
Is there really any information that's goingto be gleaned from a grainy cell

phone videos most of us, uh, you know, it seems that they're
so they're so paranoid about that sortof thing. Is that really Are the
Seahawks pouring Maybe they do this.I don't know. Are they pouring over
twenty nine other teams or thirty oneother teams social media just to see if

they see a formation that the DenverBroncos are running in the second week of
training camp. I don't know.Maybe they do that, but it strikes
me as a little bit of,like I said, paranoia. I'm totally
with you. And maybe we're justkind of getting a window into what McDonald's
all about. Maybe this is justwho he is. I mean, we

know nothing about this guy rights asa head coach, and so we'll see.
But I can just imagine I'm sittingaround and McDonald's like, hey,
guys. Get to the rams TikTokpage now before they take it down.
All right, Larry, you're theman, you know, I was gonna
say, for a guy that's supposedto be retired, he knows everything,
but I know a lot about what'sgoing on. Have you had a day
or two where you've said, thehell with us, I'm going outside and

having a beer and sitting in myold tank top and my lawn chair in
the grass and just ignoring sports alltogether. Well, I would do that,
but then I then I'm afraid thatI'm gonna get on this show and
You're going to ask me a questionand I'm not going to know the answer.
Well, we don't know the answerseither, so you fit right in.
So it's okay. You can makestuff up, Larry, and we
wouldn't know the diffights. So areyou Are you honestly watching like a ton

of baseball right now at home?I have watched every single Mariner game this
year, but I'm not watching alot of other games. I watched the
College World Series and the Men andWomen, But you know, I've been
that I'm kind of invested in thisMariner's season just to see see where it

goes. And it's kind of kindof been a fascinating season. And now
without having to work, and Ihave the luxury of just kind of relaxing
and watching the game each day.I love it. Man, You're a
fan through and through. Great stuff. And we're talking a week. Appreciate
Pale, all right, thank you? All right, Larry Stone with us.
He's working hard for the burgers fromthe ramazing are we taking care of

him? By the way, let'slet's get that guy taken care of,
taking care of get him half therestaurant. At six h five ish tonight.
Richard Zayne, the kid that youmentioned that got his head ripped off
by the head coach. Ily wonderwhy baseball coaches in college are not managers,
they're head coaches. Weird. Jimschlossel Ganger, not really, Jim
Sausage longer ripped this kid's head offand then went and took the job that

the kid was asking him if hewas going to take. The very next
day, we're gonna hear from RichardZayane, who was the young man that
got barbecued by Richard Snosselganger. That'scoming up at six oh five on ninety
three three KJRFM
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