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It's time for our weekly conversation withcollege football analyst Petros Papa Nakas that I'm
a smart guy, I'm stupid.Brought to you by Sweet James Accident Attorneys,
forty one yards. If you're hurtingan accident, called Sweet James right
away at eight hundred, five hundredand fifty two hundred. Sweet James will
be sweet to you, but toughon insurance companies that will bully you.
Don't know bo Now with Petros Peers, Dave Softie Muller. All right,
boys and girls, here we go, Happy Wednesday. Back here from Jermys
On First across the street from tMobile Park, getting ready for the White
Sox and Mariners tonight at six forty. But hey, we got baseball.
But that doesn't mean we do notget a chance to talk with one of
the premier communicators in our country's history, really at the top of the entertainment
Mount Rushmore when it comes to sports, at least in Southern California and his
family. My buddy Petros Papa Ducky'scourtesy, that would be the one and
only Sweet James, the dense beardof justice. If you've ever been hurting
a car, accident or a motorcycleaccent and up and dog has beating you.
Whatever it is cost sweet James ateight hundred and nine million. That's
eight hundred nine zero zero zero zeroerrol zerol or sweet change dot com.
All right back there? Why whatdo you mean you sounded a little off
like you got distract it or so'sa dramatic pause. What's the matter with
you? It was on purpose foreffect? Okay, I get well,
there's a lot of dramatic stuff happeningback here, no doubt, no doubt
down there in la as well.But let's talk about first of all,
this stuff happening in in Tinseltown,in your neck of the woods from I
mean, what a week for theLakers man Danny Hurley says, No,
I don't. No one I knowlives in Tinciltown whatever that is. I
can't call it Tinseltown. I don'tknow. I mean not really. It's
kinda do you want me to callyour town the Emerald City? I don't
know that mean whatever, it's fine, doesn't bother me. He's always for
twenty and buddies. Maybe that's right. I won't call it Tinseltown anymore if
it bothers you that which I willnot refer to your stupid ass town as
Tinseltown never again. In southern California. In La Danny Hurley says no to
the Lakers Jerry West passing away lastnight. My god, what a week
for basketball down there. Well,let's start with Jerry West, because mister
West, as we used to affectionatelycall him on the radio, I think
overall in the basketball world globally,is one of the most respected figures there
ever was. There's a reason hissilhouette is the logo of the league.
These are things you don't need meto tell you, but here in La
he was just an absolute icon inways that others were not, like Magic
Johnson or people like that, maybemore accomplished athletes if you can find him.
West always portrayed himself and carried himselfwith so much dignity and so much
decency in public and the golf courseand all these different things. And that's
why a lot of people that knewhim really well were very upset with the
portrayal of him on the HBO showFor people that did not watch Winning Time,
which I thought was fantastic. Bythe way, tell folks, what
the issue was with the portrayal ofmister West Well, as often happens with
historical fiction, they really embellished hisedge and really just made him into a
screaming and yelling and swearing guy witha boner running around. And you know,
I mean, it's a show.It's a show. But people that
are really really close with it,including a very old and kind of sort
of a link to the past sportswriter in LA who's still with us,
Doug Gregorian, like guys like that, were just absolutely livid when they saw
that show. I mean, I'vebeen around Kareem and not seem pretty accurate,
but anyway, overall he's one ofthe most beloved people and respected people
you know who I think of it, not just because they sort of look
similarly, but loude Olsen remember howhe was like sort of presidential always in
his approach. And of course I'mtoo young to have watched him play basketball
live on a regular basis and reallyappreciate that for what it was. But
he was, by all accounts oneof the greats and a great competitor and
remained that in his whole life asan executive and a golfer and all kinds
of stuff, but always with classand dignity. Did great things for the
Warriors, did good things for theClippers. It's very clear what he did
for the Laker franchise, and he'llbe missed. He really was one of
the classiest people I've ever interviewed orbeen around doing this job. You mentioned
that the Kareem portrayal was pretty accurate. Yeah, because I've heard him tell
a kid to f off just likethat. You've you've heard that in person?
Oh? Sure, yeah, ohreally? Oh wow, Okay,
soupy, So he's not as badanymore. He's just you know, he's
got a steel wool personality, likethe dense beard of Sweet James if you
step to him as an insurance company. How often do you get approach for
autographs, by the way, inpictures things like that, Uh, I
don't know. Every couple of daysyou ever tell you I went what is
that a lot or not a lot? Or you ever tell a kid to
f off? Oh? All thetime. I went out last night speaking
of that, and I did takea picture with a couple people. Yeah,
and I I never go anywhere thatWell, it's hard for me because
I well, the way I domy job and how I do the show
and different things. I try tokeep myself inspired, but not with the
stuff that you would normally think,you know, not watching sports. It's
movies, it's TV, it's culture, it's books, It's all these things
to try to keep myself going.But I have kids, and I live
in a suburb, and I spendmost of my time in a basement with
a lizard and porn. So youknow, you can get really insulated that
way. You know, I'm awareof this combination. By the way,
well you know, you can becomevery insulated that way and be scared of
going out, so're not import It'smostly the kids that dominate and suck my
being away. But ah, butso last night, I, even though
I had a great deal of socialanxiety, I went to a concert in
Los Angeles at the will Turn Theateron Wilshire of Beria Town, right next
to my old apartment on Saint Andrews. You know, I used to be
a really fun guy, as youknow, a lot of I used to
be. Used to be a realswinger so to speak, you know,
not the one with the upside downpineapple, just you know some you know,
like a friend Sinatra. I've heardabout the upside down pineapple man.
It's head up, its ass orwhatever the signs are. But uh so,
last night I went to the concertand I enjoyed myself, and I
even went to the original Tommy's BurgerYou go afterwards on Beverly and Rampart and
had a chili burger at midnight.And I woke up this morning and took
my kids to school and then sleptfor four hours. So geez, how's
your gut fielding? By the way, I feel fine, dare you?
Oh man? Well, but itwas good. It was good to get
out, That's all I'm saying.And I took a picture with a couple
of people. I'm glad that peoplerecognize you, because one day that'll be
all gone, or they'll mistake youfor me or something else like that.
You know. Well, that happenedearly in my career, and that was
hard to get over. Pee weeHerman, I get, I get,
I get mistaken for pee Wee Herman. Although, well, you wanted to
lose all that weight. Look atyou now? How about Danny Hurley turning
down? That's not funny, bythe way, because my wife says my
nose is much bigger now that I'velost all the weight. Well, as
you get older, your nose isgonna grow, you crue. Just tell
Gina that it's not true. Lookat John Wooden's nose and ears when he
was like one hundred years old.You tell Gina that you would be fat
and still have a giant banana newsright, Nick, Right, I love
it. He's got a big assnose. By the way. That thing
is a guy. That thing likea talent. No trouble breathing. Oh
god, well, Petros Papa Doocais with us, courtesy sweet James.
So was it was it embarrassing forthe Lakers to have Danny Hurley turn him
down? You think and stay incollege? What do you think who turns
down the Lakers to stay in collegebasketball? Man? Well, I mean
there's the people that say that theylowballed him, that they were going to
give him a hundred million and theyoffered him seventy right right. I heard
that there was a massive offer,That's what Wode said, and the offer
was reported. Was it massive?You know, I talked about this a
little bit this morning. You know, you can trace a lot of this
stuff and just what's going on behindthe scenes, or when this stuff breaks
and how it breaks, and howeverybody reacts to whose side everybody's one.
Adrian Warzenowski is the NBA sanctioned informationguy, like Schefter is for espen and
John Hayman for Major League Baseball,or Kenny Rosenthal like that, right,
or Buster Baseball's got a few more. But these are the guys they go
to when they want to break news. Except there's one camp. There's one
player that Adrian doesn't roll with anddoesn't roll with him, and there's a
lot of animosity there, and thatis Lebron and Clutch Sports. So Adrian
never breaks anything on those people.So then the run ballooner sham Sharania ballooner
who is he sends out those theSharoon balloons. He there's Woes bombs and
there's Sharon balloons. You got toget it straight. In today's day,
it's very complex. The Sharon ballooneris like Anakin Skywalker in terms that you
understand. To Obi Wan Kenoby,right, Ben Kenobi is Adrian. The
ballooner is is Vader, right,and he wears enough cologne trust me and
he and so he's got like thehis whole angle. Now, Adrian was
wrong because it wasn't a massive offer, it was a Monty Williams offer.
And then the Ballooner was wrong becauseeven in the aftermath, he's like,
well, it was always JJ Reddick. This was It's always he's always been
their primary. It's like, butwait a minute, didn't they offered this
other guy the job. How cansomebody else be their primary guy if they
offered somebody else the job before theyoffer JJ Reddick the job. So now
these guys are all scrambling because it'san information war and they both have their
own camps. And ultimately, forme, I knew it when I saw
his Greek wife, Hurley's He's gotone of those East Coast Greek wifs.
Wow, and it looks like themap of the of Pereeus the Harbor of
Athens on her face, and thoseEast Coast Greeks they ain't coming out,
They're not coming out here. Well, his parents still live in New Jersey,
I think, yeah, but likelike, yeah, his parents,
the whole Hurley thing fine. Youknow, Bobby Hurley's at Arizona State.
His wife I took one look ather, being a Greek and knowing the
East Coast Greek and say, Isaid, there's no effing way. Then
come out here and see Genie Buss'sbotox and wonder what Jay Moore is doing
and Rob Polinka looking all weird andthey're not taking that job. Is not
newity to the West Coast. No, we do not understand each other in
the same ways. So if shewas Italian or you know, whatever,
so maybe I don't know, well, I don't understand or Greek. I
don't understand theos in the same waythat I understand the break. So I
love it. And there's the otherthing too. If you're Bobby Hurt,
I mean, excuse me, DannyHurley, and you have this great legacy
that you've now built, you're apretty arrogant guy, it seems right.
And Danny Hurley is arrogant. Youever heard him talk? He doesn't.
I don't think he came. That'sinteresting. I don't notice that. Okay,
but maybe you're right. Maybe you'reright, look back at some interviews.
But he's he's obviously very he's obviouslygreat, and he's got a legacy
to worry about. Coaching doesn't happenin a vacuum, and coaches because they've
been fired and blamed for everything sooften in basket ball, especially support each
other like rare, like other businessesdon't. And it doesn't happen in a
vacuum when Lebron's rolling his eyes andbumping Eric Spolstra and trying to get people
fired and getting people fired and takingthe whiteboard and doing all subtweeting and all
the crap that he does. Ifyou're the hottest coach in the country,
why do you want to deal witha forty year old guy doing that?
And who knows? Who makes thedecisions? Right? I mean, where
does the buck stop? Nobody reallyknows, So it's no surprise. I
was not surprised he didn't take thejob. Maybe if the offer was bigger
he would have. Yeah, butyeah, how much money do you need?
You know? I mean, mygod, you're moving to la from
stores. Apparently a lot more thanit takes to live in stores. But
Harball came out here why because hewanted to stick it to Michigan because he
didn't like the ad, like thepresident didn't like the ad. Why did
Harball leave the Niners? He wantedto stick it to that Balki guy or
whatever. That guy's perfect stranger.And uh, the guy from Mepos,
you know, with the cousin wholived in Chicago. What the hell?
I want to know what else Greekwomen women are prone to do and what
they're not prone to do. There'sa reason I'm married to a white girl
from CD. I didn't want tobe driven by a Greek woman. Chickens
and goats and by back suburban backyard. If I know you, and if
your wife wanted a goat, you'dget a damn goat, right, but
she wouldn't Valley and then they don'tget goats and names not or something petrous.
Papa docus with us. Hey,we booked our our trip to Penn
State and Iowa. We're all.We're all good to go. Man.
You ever been to Iowa? Huh? I called a game in can It's
a wonderful experience. We're flying inthe Cedar rapids and then yeah, it's
not that state. For past day, We're gonna fly to Pittsburgh and drive
over. Oh yeah, are yougonna go through Gettysburg if we have time?
Dude? Is it the way?I don't know. I don't know
either. You tell me you've gotto go to Gettysburg. I've never been
to Gettysburg. A lot of roads, a lot of roads in that area
lead to Gettysburg. That's why therewas a fight there. You know,
Andrews looked that up is Gettysburg betweenPitts. Go to Gettysburg. I want
a picture of you and Gina theDevil's Den round talk and I want you
to run pickets charge Okay, okay, anyway. Uh, I've never been
to State College. I've done alot of Penn State games, but never
there. Uh. And uh,Iowa I have been to. And that's
the only thing that sucks about Iowais it's there's no easy way to get
there, right, you have todouble fly from the west coast. That
is it's stoppering in like Minneapolis.It is God's country and it is truly
what it seems like on television.Everybody is flush and white and kind and
the way fleshy white person, Ohyou won't. You won't be able to
swing a dead cat without running intoa fleshy white and uh. The wave
to the kids in the hospital isheart breaking and heart walking. I'm really
beautiful and uh and just the wholevibe is great. I mean, it
is just a cool little town.And there's another town right next door to
Iowa City where where the hotels are. The hotels were like a body of
water, and there's restaurants and andagain the white fleshy kindness. Think of
it as like spooning a really curvywoman with the fireplace and like, you
know, snow on the outside andmaybe like a Bassett hound a sleep that
was thirty years ago. God blessthem. I'm not going to mention her
name. That'd be mean. Ishouldn't do that. By the way,
did you do you see Wilner's peaceon Mike Leach in the Hall of Fame,
And how ridiculous this is, Well, they're not putting him in there.
Well, he's got to have asixty percent winning percentage and he is
at point five ninety six and theydon't round up. How stupid is that.
We've got to the standards. Yeah, that's what they That's exactly what
they said. I hate everybody.I mean, I literally I hate everybody.
Oh okay, you know, andthey're probably doing that because they didn't
like him, because he bucked thesystems and powers that be Yeah, it's
possible. It's possible that he becauseof his piracy, right. Yeah,
yeah, Reggie Bush didn't get hisheisman for years because he was a jerk,
right? Is that true? Yes? He was an a hole pretty
much. I didn't know that abouthim. I thought he was a good
dude. Was Wow, got astory? Nope, you want to make
one up? Not today? WellI will say this, I have it
on pretty good authority. And ReggieBush started the Seattle fire. Yeah,
you're a funny guy. And thereason there's an underground it was to burn
that total puggie. Reggie Bush isthe reason for Underground Seattle. Hey,
have you ever seen that show?It's an old show. It's like a
detective show on Amazon Killing. No, I have not. I'll watch it
and it's about Seattle. It isthe most depressing show. There's like four
seasons and like you're like, thiscannot be more depressing and upsetting. It's
worse. Have you seen Fallout onAmazon? No? Fallout's badass? Not
watching it? You'd like Fallout.It's about a bunch of people that hide
and uh, underground bunkers culture.Here is a one way street. You
go to yourself a lemon drop upthe Mariner's game. I will, I
will. You can suck it.Are you guys fighting about Caitlin Clark for
an hour every day? What doesDick Fane think about the Olympic team?
Uh? It comes up every nowand then. I think he's say he's
bummed out that she's left off.Yeah, Dick, fridiculous, horrible,
horrible, horrible mistake by USA basketball. What's the power? You don't give
a damn? I guess I'm surprisedthat they they really can't handle their own
marketing. Yeah, yeah, well, Steve, this is your this is
your moment. You know, It'slike getting the Thriller album and being like,
you know what, we're not puttingthis out. Public's not ready for
it. Right, never mind,just give the video. You can just
chew on MTV for a little bit. I don't know, man, I
mean, it seems like everybody's arguingand yelling and screaming and bitching and moaning
about her. The worst time isit's the worst time of doing your thing.
Yeah, and she handles it great, but it's the worst time of
year to do or the worst timeof the cycle of the life to do
anything. And that is it's acycle of the life. Yes, it's
a summer of an election year inthe United States of America, which is
just the worsting in modern times.To be in media in this time is
just it's terrible. Everybody's on edge. Man. Thank god we work in
the toy department. No question tosit here in grandstand and high step like
Dion over our opinions are we're nottalking about important stuff, hot sensitive opinions.
All right, man, you're theman great stuff and uh, we'll
talk in a week. I don'tneed your validation. Wait, don't really
bring it this week, man,Do you know I don't like that.
That was an impressive performance out ofyou. You think so? Really?
I thought last week was kind ofeh, but you really kind of made
up for it. I thought lastweek was really good. What are you
talking about two weeks ago? You'rethinking last week was? This week was
much better? What the well talking? We gotta go see you, man,
Betro's Papa Dokey's with us. We'regonna break Larry Stone. I didn't
get paid so much to do this. You didn't paid since what I would
barely show up if I get paidbecause of the way I'm treating. Larry
Stone will join us at five righthere on ninety three three kJ r f
M The Stone Boner