All Episodes

April 17, 2024 41 mins

Golden State Warriors insider Anthony Slater joins the show to discuss the future of the Warriors after they failed to advance past the NBA Play-in Tournament. And NFL insider Peter Schrager talks about his first NFL mock draft which he released yesterday.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are listening to the Dan Patrick Show on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
It's the final hour on this Wednesday, Dan and the Dana.
It's Dan Patrick Show. Going to be busy. We'll check
in on the Golden State Warriors. Their season is over,
but now the real intrigue begins. What do you do? Rebuild, reload.
We'll talk to somebody who covers the Golden State Warriors.
Anthony Slater will join us on loan from the Athletic.

Also Peter Schreger from NFL Network with his mock draft,
and it's the first of two mock drafts. He'll have
one that's been released now and then he'll have one
next week. As we get ready, this is when you
get real opinions. Now, leading up to this, nobody's going
to tell you anything. But then all of a sudden,
when everybody comes back into the office. This is what

I've been told. One of my sources says, you know,
we all go out, we all do our due diligence.
You're doing your work, and then all of a sudden,
everybody comes back into the building or you have conference calls,
zoom calls, and then now you're just gussing what you
saw and then it doesn't take long for somebody to
tell somebody to tell somebody, And that's what happened when

I reported that the Browns were taking Baker Mayfield. It
was somebody had told somebody who told somebody. I know, hey,
you might want to get out in front of this.
The Browns are taking Baker Mayfield. And I didn't even
tell the dan Ens because I didn't want them to
tell anybody. And I came in and I go, hey,
I got an announcement right at the top of the show.

And when I said that, they were like, oh, you
gotta be kidding. You better be right. I go, well,
I trust my source, and it turned out that was
the case. But this is when you start to get
the real information. There real opinions on this. And I
look at these mock drafts and a lot of these
opinions and Patriots and Drake may Jaden Daniels with Washington

and his bow Nick's going to fall out of the
first round. The real opinions have been formulated here. Now
the question is how does the draft fall where you go, oh, okay,
we can get that guy. Somebody going to surprise somebody
and go up and get somebody a player is going
to fall into somebody's lap. Happens every draft, but sometimes

it takes one team to be squirly and then that
affects everybody else's draft. But there's so many of these players.
Will Levis was supposed to be a top ten pick.
He went to the end of the second round. We
have these players that they get propped up, but they
get propped up artificially. And sometimes that happens with an

agent and opposing GM who's not interested in the player.
You've given an opinion, you tell somebody you know there's
a lot of smoke. Now you start to get fired.
And that's what's interesting because Peter Schrager. Schreger's friends with
these coaches, and you're able to ask questions. Now, the
coaches probably have to say to Shreger, look, I can't

tell you what we're doing, even though we're friends. I
can't tell you, all right, can you give me an
indication of where you think some other teams are going
to go? Or what are you not doing? Like you
can ask the questions to be fair to your source
and get some kind of answer. And Schreger's mock draft
is based off of what he you know his sources

are telling him that these teams are going to do so.
It's a long winded way of saying, Peter Schrager is
going to join us on loan from NFL Network. Coming up,
it's the women's first major of the season, the Chevron Championship.
Can Nelly Corda continue her hot start and fend off
the finest LPGA be able to see that on Golf
Channel and NBC right recapping what we saw last night,

Zion was the best player playing basketball last night until
he got injured. He dropped forty, but the Lakers held
off the Pelicans. Pelicans now have a game against Sacramento
coming up on Friday. The King's knocking out the Warriors
one eighteen ninety four. Keegan Murray had thirty two. Darren
Fox is fun. He might be the fastest player in basketball.

And he's one of those guys when you watch you
go God's right, man, He's good. Some bonus is good.
Like they they have fun players there. We just didn't know,
if you know, can you put it together on a
consistent basis. And they ended the year the regular season,
they weren't playing well, but they're obviously a dangerous team
because they do have talent.

Speaker 3 (04:21):
Yes, Marv, is there a player in the playoffs that
you think people should watch that they haven't watched during
the regular season.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
Well, I would say dearon Fox. But like, I don't
know how much basketball people watch. I don't think people watch,
you know, an entire Oklahoma City game. I don't think
they're watching an entire Kings game, Cavaliers. They're certainly not
watching an Orlando Magic team. If you said, hey, you
know Orlando in the playoffs, I'd be like, get out

of here. What year? But Orlando has got a good nucleus. Uh,
Paolo Bancaro, Like he's one of those players when you
watch him, when you go, oh, that's right, the Duke kid.
He's pretty good. So there, it's almost like some people
are going to re establish or rediscover some of these
players of the NBA, And you know, it's a fun

part of it to be able to see younger players
on the rise. But tonight Heat seventy six Ers, Hawks
in the Bulls. We started the show a couple hours
ago by talking about what's next for Golden Steak, different scenarios,
What do you do with Klay Thompson, what can you
say to Steph Curry about trying to rebuild or reload
any players that are untouchable in a situation like that.

Anthony Slater kind enough to join us senior writer for
The Athletic covering the Warriors and the NBA. All right, Ant,
what do you do with Klay Thompson?

Speaker 4 (05:45):
You you know, you, I think, try to bring him
back on a reasonable deal. You let him see what
his market is. He actually had a pretty good last
two months. I think he finished the season like fourth
and made threes. You know, he's around forty one percent.
Like he's still has the gravity of you know, an
all time great shooter, which really matters in today's NBA.

He has a reputation and a competitive desire defensively, even
if he's fallen.

Speaker 5 (06:09):
Off on that end.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
So he's a you know, I think he'd probably command
in the you know, between twenty and thirty million a year,
maybe on like a two to three year deal. How
does that impact the Warrior's salary cap? That's a big
question the luxury tax bill. But uh, they're trying to
get he was forty three million expiring this year. That's
way too much for them. How low can that go.

What is Clay willing to go? What are the Warriors
willing to go?

Speaker 2 (06:33):
Are we reloading or rebuilding, retooling?

Speaker 4 (06:37):
I don't know, right, there's like ten different type of
words we could use for it.

Speaker 5 (06:42):
You know, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (06:43):
I mean, like, I think they're rebuilding around Steph, but
I don't think that that rebuild, in my opinion, includes
like title number five coming next couple of seasons. They're shift,
they're kind of transitioning to a different error. I mean,
you probably saw it last night, right, They're they're playing
two rookies. They started one of them, Treya Shacks and Davis.
Their other rookie led the team in plus minus this year,
Brandon Pajemski. There's more cominga I thought Moses Moody was

one of their better players last night. So that's four
really young guys. That to me, You're watching that game
like these guys need the minutes, not necessarily you know,
the older guys.

Speaker 5 (07:16):
So h.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
You know, I think Wiggins is vulnerable to a potential trade.
They looked around at the deadline to see what he
could get. Chris Paul's probably not here next year, so
out of whatever, however you want to term that you know, rebuilding, retooling, whatever.
I think that's that's the way they're going.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
Well, you bring up a great point, and what happens
is we overreact, Like Clay didn't score zero for ten
of his contracts up. Now you got to move on.
And I said, if I could say to Clay, we
want you back, help us so we can bring you back.
We're going to give you a two year deal for
forty five million dollars or whatever it might be. Give

us a team friendly. We want to keep you here.
We don't want to send you to Orlando where you
know you're gonna end your career without being a Golden
State Warrior. And then you're also saying to Steph Curry, Steph,
we we want to still win a champion or if
I'm Steph Curry, I got to look around and go, okay,
can I win another championship? And I don't know how
important that would be to him as opposed to ending

his career as a Golden State Warrior. Can you speak
on both of those topics?

Speaker 4 (08:20):
Yeah, well, you know it's interesting. Steph had two quotes
last night. He said, I don't want to play Basically,
I can never see myself without Clay and Draymond, which
you know, when Steph Curry is making that public statement
and he's careful, that's that's very relevant. But he also
was like, I want to win whatever you know it
takes to win. And some people will say, you know,
it might be shifting off Clay, it might be a

Draymond trade, but you.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
Know, I'm not. They're very protective of what they've built.

Speaker 4 (08:46):
Understandably, right, it's so rare in the NBA, especially now,
like you know, more than a decade together as teammates.

Speaker 5 (08:53):
That really matters to Clay.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
But Clay has a very interesting personality where he like,
you know, you'll see it.

Speaker 5 (08:58):
You saw this.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
He's he was benched in crunch time for the first time.
He was put off the bench at you know, you guys,
I'm sure saw. He had several viral interviews where he's
like really talking candidly about career mortality. Sometimes he's really
competitive and he stews about stuff. And I do think
there's been times this season or even preseason when they
offered him too for around two for forty eight million,

that he felt somewhat disrespected by like them not committing
long term giving him big money, telling him, hey, Clay
Warrior for life, no doubt, here's like a legacy payment.
But I also think at the end of the day,
knowing him, knowing the way he steps back from those
competitive moments, and like really has this vulnerable appreciation for everything.
Steph is everything this era was in the Bay Area

and him driving his boat across the water, all the
stuff he loves. I do find it difficult to believe that,
you know, if the money's close, and even if he
feels a little disrespect from the higher ups that he'll
tell Steph hel dremnt tell the Bay Area in general,
I'm good.

Speaker 5 (09:58):
You know, I'm going out, so we'll see.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
I mean again, some of that is going to be
how close the money is and and and and how
he feels when he's actually making the decision.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
But also if I look at the West though, these
are some young teams that are really good. Okay, see Minnesota, Uh,
Denver's Denver's still formidable. You know, if I'm the Lakers
or I'm Golden State, I got to look around and go,
you know, are we on their same level? And they're not.
So that's where I don't know if they can make

a big swing either the Lakers or Golden State, and go,
you know what, let's do something a little dangerous here.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
Yeah, And and that's when I think they need to
look in the mirror and go, like, you know, if
you're if really your only goal is get as close
as possible to the next championship.

Speaker 5 (10:46):
Maybe it is a blow up.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
Maybe it's just you know, a Steph Curry trade for
all these first round picks in the future and a
couple of young guys and.

Speaker 5 (10:53):
You're on a complete rebuild.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
But you know, you guys know this, But like sports
matters more than just the titles, and they have four titles.
It's not like this era will end and you'll be like, man,
what a failure. You know, how could you lose to
the Kings. It's like, no, they won four, is it?
It's probably more important to let Steph play this out
how he wants to let Draymond, let Clay, let Steve
Kerr play it out.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
And I think they've.

Speaker 4 (11:15):
Signaled that while yeah, you're you're gonna enter next season
with them probably penciled in as like the sixth, seventh, eighth, best.

Speaker 5 (11:21):
Team in the West.

Speaker 4 (11:22):
Maybe they've extended Steve Kerr two more years. They gave
Draymond a four your deal last year, Steph's you know,
they're saying all that, even up to management saying Steph
Curry's gonna be on the Warriors for life. I just
think they've earned an ability to go keep chasing titles,
even if it's faint, even if it's unrealistic. And you
know what, I guess what, They're gonna make a lot

of money along the way, right, They're gonna have legacy
tours and fill up the building and statue presentations and
and I think it's probably more important than to them
than rebuilding, by the way, which is very hard in
the NBA. You know, just rebuilding, Yes, you rebuild a contender.
Oklahoma City seems to be the only one doing that.
To just end this era right and let them go

out the way they want to.

Speaker 2 (12:04):
Who's closer to a title? Steph, Lebron, KD?

Speaker 4 (12:10):
I mean I would say Lebron at this Lebron and Kd.
You would have to say at this moment because they're
literally in the playoffs. Steph Cray said it last night,
He's like, do I even watch the playoffs? It's April sixteenth.
This season's over. I do not like Lebron's path now
that they're playing Denver, but the Suns don't look good
to me. KD was the third one you asked, right,

I'd probably say Lebron to me, the Lakers look more
realistic that they could go on an unlikely run. I
just don't love that they're playing the Suns in the
first round. But to be honest, if Phoenix gets by,
Minnesota gets who they're lined up with in the second round.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
Great to talk to you, Anthony, Thanks for getting up
for us.

Speaker 5 (12:46):
Yep, all right, y'all.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Anthony Slater, he covers the Warriors and the NBA senior
writer for The Athletic. He kind of calmed it down
a little bit there. When you add a little logic
to it, you don't have the overreaction to Claike can't
play anymore. I just want to know how much I
have to pay play because he doesn't play at a
consistent level anymore. But he's still a spot up shooter.

You know what he does, and he does as as
Anthony said, you know, he does try to play defense there,
but I just don't want to. I mean, you're you're
one hundred million over the luxury tax there. But if
your return is you're playing for championships, then I would
be okay with that. If I'm the tenth seed and

I'm spending one hundred million over the salary cap the
luxury tax, I'm like, this isn't a good investment, not
at all all Right, A couple of phone calls in
here Garrett in Kansas City, Hi, Garrett, thanks for holding
what he have for me.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
Hey, GP, I have a scalding hot take that I'm
surprised ESPN hasn't run with yet. So Lebron has said
that he will play with Bronny on the league minimum. Right,
So with the second pick in the draft this year,
the Golden State Warriors take Bronnie James. Lebron then leaves
the Lakers goes to Golden State on the league minimum

to play with Bronni, CP three and Steph Curry.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
I don't know if I want CP three in my lineup,
starting lineup. I just can't trust him. I mean, eighty games,
sixty games, I mean he might have more game in
the State Farm pickup commercial, you know, than he does
right now.

Speaker 7 (14:33):
That game that's he's getting pretty competitive. You clark at
Reggie Miller's in there now.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Yeah, Caitlyn Clark's in there. Yeah, yeah, I don't see that.
Do the Warriors have the second pick overall? Is that
what he said? With the second pick overall, you're gonna
take Bronnie James.

Speaker 8 (14:52):
I thought he said second round pick.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Oh, second round pick, Okay, because I don't think they
have the second pick overall. Let me see Steven in Arkansas. Hi, Steve,
thanks for holding What do you have for me?

Speaker 6 (15:06):

Speaker 9 (15:06):
Dan, five eleven two o five. I wanted to take
it back to your You were talking about going and
having your estate planning done, and I just had an
idea about bringing your family in and doing an interview
with them. Maybe get some like photo albums and just

kind of do them individually. And I would score some
major brownie points for the wife. But what a gift
that would be for them to have you do the
interview like in studio individually, walk down memory lane with
them and talk about the milestones and the happy memories.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Just a thought. Okay, thank you, Steven, good producing.

Speaker 8 (15:46):

Speaker 2 (15:48):
I mean I could bring my family in for the
final day, I mean the final day on the show,
not the final final, the estate planning I'm being told
by the Home Office maybe I should quiet down my
estate planning talk here my wife.

Speaker 10 (16:04):
That's how it starts.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
Yes, I said, Hon, I'm gonna leave you in the will.
Don't worry about it. You're fine. You guys haven't done
a state planning, have you have? You guys? You guys
got wills? You got you gotta have wills?

Speaker 10 (16:20):
Yeah, Paul, Yeah, I got the full will all of
a sudden.

Speaker 2 (16:23):
Okay, Todd, you got a will? I do, okay.

Speaker 11 (16:26):
Stan, I'm much of an estate to plan, to be honest,
so I think it's all gonna get pretty wrapped up
pretty quickly.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
Like Kieran here, whatever we have, you can have it.

Speaker 12 (16:39):

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Marvin, you got a will.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
I just got money last week, so nah, okay, life
insurance I do.

Speaker 5 (16:47):

Speaker 2 (16:48):
By the way, people are wondering about the jacket that
I have on if you're watching on Peacock and why
wouldn't you be that's a pistol Pete Maravitch jacket that
I was. I was given by a friend of the show,
And uh, I just thought, you know what all this
talk about Caitlyn Clark and Pete Maravich and got the
uh the jacket it is. It is nice, it is sharp,

very very appreciative. Yes, Mark, what do you want to
be buried in?

Speaker 5 (17:17):
Is there?

Speaker 2 (17:17):
Like the ground?

Speaker 11 (17:18):

Speaker 2 (17:18):
Like a suit or casket. I'm gonna have main cabin masters,
main casket masters, and they're gonna they're gonna whip up
one for me. I'm not gonna have Ryan do it.
I don't want Ryan Chase can do it because I
don't know what Ryan. Ryan might screw it up. We
called this felled tree out of the river.

Speaker 3 (17:36):
I think not like a suit or like a specific
you know, like a blue blue T shirt.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
What do I want to wear?

Speaker 10 (17:42):
Basketball buried with you? Just in case?

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Yeah? Yeah, what do I want to wear?

Speaker 6 (17:49):
You know?

Speaker 2 (17:49):
I probably just do back to sports Center? Maybe just
a Sports Center suit and time I have to be
in your ear No, maybe holding a microphone there, I'd
be lying in the casket like that holding the ESPN
Mike flying ready, just in case. Uh oh, I just
saw Peter Schreger. He just showed up there, So I
got to take a break. He's got his mock draft

and we appreciate him joining us, So let me take
a break. Stop talking about death. Guys, really, it's morbid.
Thank you, Tom. I'm gonna live for a long time
for saying that, do I outlive any of the younger
much younger dan ets? I know one who do I outlive?

Speaker 13 (18:30):

Speaker 2 (18:30):
You know what, wait until after the break?

Speaker 10 (18:31):
Oh one of that person's gone?

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Well, what if I go before then? We'll take a
break back after this.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Dan
Patrick Show weekdays at nine am Eastern six am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio wapp two.

Speaker 7 (18:49):
NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA Grape.

Speaker 14 (18:54):
Five, all happening in only one place. This League Uncut,
the new NBA podcast with Me.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
Chris Haynes and me Mark Stein join.

Speaker 14 (19:04):
Us as we team up to expound on everything we're covering.
Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 15 (19:09):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 14 (19:13):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Prior to the commercial break, we left you hanging there
when I ask, is there a Dan at that I outlive?
Since the Dan ants you're younger than me, Marvin, you
had a quick answer to that, who do I outlive
of the dan ms?

Speaker 8 (19:36):
I thought you said a BRG.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
No, No, I said a dan at. Do I outlive
any of you guys?

Speaker 5 (19:50):
I hope?

Speaker 10 (19:51):
Not tough answer.

Speaker 6 (19:55):
You know.

Speaker 11 (19:55):
I just had a childhood friend drop dead of a
massive heart attacking forty seven. It's really freaked me out,
and it was just like, oh my gosh, that really
that happens.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Yeah, it happens. Yeah, one day I don't come in here.
One day you don't. I don't.

Speaker 11 (20:10):
Would you be Would you be sad though, if one
day you came in here and then it was one
of us that was dead?

Speaker 2 (20:16):
Yeah, you would be said yes for hours, for the
most of the show.

Speaker 11 (20:22):
How long would it take for you on the show
to make fun of us, the dead, the deceased, the Okay,
let's say.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
Todd died.

Speaker 8 (20:33):
Come on, take a minute, they say, can I get
up there on the poll question? You just got to
move there?

Speaker 2 (20:38):
No, No, I would pay tribute to you. The entire
show would be a tribute to you. What guest would
you call for your first guest post Todd's passing. I
would probably see if I could get Bob Dylan or
Bruce Springsteen. All right, No, you know who i'd get.
I'd get Billy Joel and holl Of notates that and

I would have them sing a duet or is it
a trioet since they would be through Yes.

Speaker 10 (21:07):
I sure.

Speaker 7 (21:08):
None of us passes away like the Sunday before a
football Monday.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Yeah, because there's a lot of topics.

Speaker 7 (21:13):
I know you don't like the Cowboys lose a couple
in a row, or Tom Brady flirts with a comeback.

Speaker 10 (21:18):
We're going to bump a segment three.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Yeah, if you die Sunday afternoon, I mean, I priorities.
I got to talk about the Cowboys.

Speaker 10 (21:25):
Yeah, we're gonna July would be a good time to.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
Kick Yeah, round the round the all Starbucks.

Speaker 10 (21:31):
No better coverage.

Speaker 11 (21:33):
I mean, heading into the bye week, there might be
quarterback Tom Brady could be coming back.

Speaker 10 (21:39):
We'll talk about Fritzy in a little bit.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
But Albert Breer joins us, sorry about Fritzy, and we
sail out to Peter King. Hi, Peter, Uh, Let's bring
in Peter Schrager, co host of NFL Networks Good Morning Football.
This is why we don't get nominated for Sports Emmy
stuff like that.

Speaker 15 (21:55):
Morbid Yet I really can empathize doing the morning show
for so long, it'd be like, Frank o'harris died and
the first question is like, how many minutes are we
giving Frank o' harris's death, and it's you know, well,
an NFL owner died.

Speaker 8 (22:07):
All right, blow out the whole show.

Speaker 15 (22:08):
We're talking for three hours on the NFL network about
the legacy of this owner. It was like, all right,
where do we put the obituary? Well, there was a
game last night, so let's hope we're never doing any
of those shows.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
And you see where he's got this sports emmy over
his shoulders, strategically placed right in our face.

Speaker 8 (22:25):
It out. Cobwebs were on it, brought it out.

Speaker 2 (22:27):
Okay, good for you. Congratulations. Peter Schrager, NFL Network host
and part of NFL Networks on location coverage of the
NFL Draft in Detroit starting April twenty fifth. All right,
you got a mock draft here. Explain to the audience
why your mock draft is different than most mock drafts.

Speaker 15 (22:47):
Okay, I only do two mock drafts, and I come
at it and I always say this, no one cares
who the hell I would take if I was the
GM of the Titans, or if I'm the Saints. Here
here's where I'm No one cares, literally, not one person,
And if you're making a mock draft, no one cares
who you think either. I try to come at it
and say I'm on the phone with gms and coaches
throughout the last two weeks trying to do the best

job here and putting together a list of how I
think it might go. After I released a mock draft,
which was yesterday, and they hit a lot more feedback,
and in the day of the draft, I'll put together
an official final one. But I had some curveballs that
generated a lot of responses, and that's kind of the
part of this exercise, and I take a lot of
pride in it that people respond to it the way
they do.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
Okay, the reaction you got, you don't have to name
the team or the coach where he might have been
disappointed that you took some information and put it out
there or you were completely off. Did you hear from
any of your friends yesterday.

Speaker 9 (23:47):

Speaker 15 (23:47):
They don't like it when you're They don't like it
when you're on. They're fine when you're off. They don't
like it when you're on, and they say, okay, well, like, dude,
we had that conversation.

Speaker 8 (23:57):
You don't put that in your mock draft.

Speaker 15 (23:58):
So it's there were a certain coach of the Rams
has never had a first round pick in his entire
tenure with the Rams, and I put in the mock draft,
I will go on the record and guarantee that pick
will be an offensive player. Like, there's no way mcveig's
coming out there and drafting a safety with his first pick.
He has an offensive mind. And he texted me at
about four am this morning and is like, you're putting

a guarantee that I'm going to take an offensive player.
And I wrote back, yes, you will take an offensive player.
I'll see you night one after you take it an offensive player.
So a lot of this stuff is just friendly banter.
But I had a trade up for the Giants to
number four to get JJ McCarthy, and a lot of
other teams, oddly enough reached out and said, is that

from Joe Shane? Is that from Brian Dable? Is that
you speculating? So I think that McCarthy pick and where
he ends up is very intriguing to a lot of
other coaches.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
Okay, how many teams are truly interesting. I don't understand
the JJ McCarthy fan fast here, but it seems to
be real that he's going to be a top five pick.
How many teams are interested in JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 15 (25:08):
I could tell you on I would say that there
are three different quarterback.

Speaker 8 (25:16):
Needy teams in this draft.

Speaker 15 (25:18):
You know, the usual suspects who were very active on
text chained yesterday about me going and putting him on.

Speaker 8 (25:25):
The Giants. You can guess those teams. I won't list them, but.

Speaker 15 (25:29):
It's one of those where, oh, so you really don't
think he'll be around at spot xyzer.

Speaker 2 (25:35):
So the Viking you can nod your head like Vikings Raiders.
I would say the Giants are going to be in
there as well. Maybe there's an outlier.

Speaker 15 (25:46):
I think the twelve pick with the Broncos. Yeah, they're
interested in seeing which quarterbacks go. Look if all four
of those quarterbacks go one, two, three, four, we know
Arizona's not making the pick. At four they have Kyler Murray.
That means someone felt the pressure or the need to
move up to get one. And then if they don't
get them at four and Arizona stays put and gets
Marvin Harrison then that Chargers pick at five becomes a

feeding frenzy and they might be willing to trade back.

Speaker 8 (26:14):
So it's interesting.

Speaker 15 (26:15):
You know, Minnesota is a wild one because they got
that twenty third overall pick also, and the thought and
the conventional thinking was, oh, you package eleven and twenty
three and you move up to four or five, that's great.
They also have a ton of future first round picks.
They've got a ton of picks in this draft. It
all sounds great. But if you're Arizona or the Chargers

and you're looking to move back, going all the way
back to eleven probably crosses you off on guys like
Harrison and Adunza and Neighbors and gets you out of
that contention. However, the Giants at six, you can move
back to spots if you're Arizona and still get one
of the top receivers in this draft, if not your
favorite receiver in this draft, which makes the Giants if

they're really interesting in getting McCarthy the spot that I
have them going and being the team that's going to.

Speaker 8 (27:05):
Make the move.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
I mentioned this to the dan Nets recently that now
is the real time with the draft where you get
all your scouts. Everybody kind of comes back and it's
it's quiet, like you don't hear much information. This is
when real decisions are made. The other stuff when we're speculating,
and you know, in January we're talking about you know,
where's Michael Pennix going. Yeah, this is when it's real.

And this is where you're trying to sort through what
likes somebody telling you the truth. Do you have friends
in the business who might lie to you, or how
about I say this, they don't tell you the truth.

Speaker 15 (27:45):
We've got a lot of teams that tell me the
truth and I and I really value that and it
goes a long way in those years of relationships and
they understand that. They're telling me that it's okay for
me to put in the Monck draft, and it's it's fine.
I've had multiple coaches tell me something that the day
before they're gonna pick this guy if he's on the board,
and they take someone else, and I'll say something next

day and inevitably it's wasn't my call. GM you know
made that one. In the end, it would have been
my pick. So everyone's got to cover. But the truth
of the matter is there are smoke screens. I would
like to think I've got enough years and enough credibility
where I'm not gonna put I'm not gonna be used
as some pawn by a team. And I also don't
think my mock draft isn't gonna change everyone's boards. I

had a really interesting conversation with the head coach last
night and he said, right now, in the process, and
you nailed it, Dan. We have our verticals, which means,
all right, our here's how we rank our quarterbacks, Here's
how we rank our running backs. Here's how we rank
our wide receivers. Our next step, which is the next
few days, is our horizontals, which means, okay, we love
this offensive tackle, but we love him more than the

third wide receiver. That's when you start comparing players from
different position groups. So a lot of teams haven't even
gone through that exercise yet, which may make some mock
draft a guess, a simulation, an estimation. And then I
would think, couple days before, like I've had some really
accurate mock drafts in the past, I would say Daniel
Jeremiah last year, and not to promote someone other than myself,

because at this point in my career, I'd like to
promote myself, but I would say Daniel Jeremiah had at
number two the Texans taking C. J. Stroud and then
at number three the Texans trading up from like eleven
to three and taking Will Anderson, And I said, dude,
that's incredible intel. And after the fact he was like,
I was given an indication it might happen. I went

with it, and I'm like, those are the ones where
it's a real pat in the back. When you could
project trades and get it.

Speaker 8 (29:34):
Right and nail it and get the guys. That's impressive.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
Talking to Peter Schrager, NFL Network, he'll be part of
the coverage NFL Network on location of the draft in
Detroit April twenty fifth through the twenty seventh. I don't
know if the Patriots have learned from Mac Jones that situation,
that experiment. Do you draft your franchise quarterback and then
you start to build around him, or do you try
to build something and then bring in your quarterback so

he's not empty handed like Mac Jones pretty much was
in New England. You got him taking Drake May. They
don't have the infrastructure there on that team where he's
gonna get thrown in and all of a sudden, we're
gonna go. Drake May is not ready to play.

Speaker 15 (30:15):
It's a huge uphill battle for whoever that first round
pick is. If it's a wide receiver, you're saying, well,
then Jacoby Bursett's gonna be throwing to him. And that's
nothing against Jacobe, but that's not the future of the franchise.
They have issues on their roster holes everywhere, and trade
back does sound to make sense, But then you start thinking,
how often do we anticipate to have a top five

pick at quarterback? If you're comfortable enough with May and
you like it, which I think they are, I think
that's the pick. I would say, I'm eighty percent confident
they'll go quarterback there and they're not going to trade out.
And I think Daniels goes two to the Commanders, and
I think the Patriots take Drake May. I know they
had a really good dinner with Drake May. This sounds silly,
but like they have like an hours and hours long
dinner at Davios in Patriot Place, which is right there

in Foxboro. Stakes the whole thing, and I've gotten to
know these prospects a little bit. I've spoken to a
lot of coaches who've interviewed these prospects, like they're all
very unique in their own ways. Drake May is that
southern Southern boy who's just a good time twenty one
years old, you know, country, strong, huge arm.

Speaker 8 (31:15):
He's got years.

Speaker 15 (31:16):
To go before he's a polished product, which is why
a lot of those Josh Allen comparisons are made. I
don't think it's fair to Drake May. Josh Allen is
like one of the best of his generation. We don't
know if that's Drake May yet, but with so much
youth and and so much rawability and the size six '
four in the basketball background, the whole thing, if you're
comfortable with them at three, like there's gonna be there's

gonna be a lot of people who are gonna say, yes,
you take him at three. And I think in that building,
when you have so many needs, take the quarterback.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
I still get the feeling that Sean McVay is going
to take quarterback go on, like I could see Michael Pennix.
I don't know, it just feels like our BONEX. I
don't know why I but the thought doesn't go that
Shawn's gonna look at you know, MAT's Matt's successor.

Speaker 15 (32:06):
They took obviously stetsonn Bennett in the fourth round last year.
That hasn't worked out, and we wish Stetson well whatever
he's going through. I'm not sure all the details on it,
but obviously he had some stuff last year and then
they've you know, rotated around who's going to be the backup.
They brought in Wins, they had, they had that going
for a while, that that that spot nineteen where they're at.

Bo Nicks might be on the board, Michael Pennox might
be on the board. Spencer Rattler might be on the board.
I'll just say this again. I'll say it to you.

Speaker 8 (32:33):
Sean McVay is not taking an inside.

Speaker 15 (32:34):
Linebacker at nineteen, like he's an offensive wizard, and he's
never had the opportunity to draft a guy in the
first round. If there is a stud wide out that slips,
if there's a white out that he likes, like if
he likes Lad McConkie, and I don't know if he does,
but if he likes you know, Ricky Piersoll, if he
sees Keyon Coleman, like I think Sean's gonna say to

the guys, I've never made a first round pick. I'm
taking my guy, and if that's a quarterback, it'll be
a quarterback. I think all offense for the Rams. And
you got me thinking there with the with the eventual
successor to Matthew staff Oh.

Speaker 2 (33:04):
No, man, I love Penix, I I but then I
could see Sean saying with bow Nix, you know, man,
I can bring him in. And I got a guy
similar to Stafford as hell. Yeah, I don't know. I
just I get that Pennix.

Speaker 8 (33:19):
Pennix is interesting.

Speaker 15 (33:20):
So I didn't have Pennix in my first round, and
I've gotten a lot of blowback, and by the time
I do it next week, based on the response, I
will have Pennex in the first round. He's a first
round quarterback. I thought he might be like that Will
Levis situation.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
But bloback.

Speaker 15 (33:34):
Teams that are that are in the late late twenties
or teams that have potential quarterback needs who said just
they would expect there would be a trade up into
the first round if he falls out of the top twenty.
Someone he's not going to fall to Day two. Yeah,
And that's understandable. There's two teams though that I continued
to hear for Penix and I didn't. Again, I didn't

have my first round. One of them was the Vegas Raiders.
Apparently there's a lot of fans in the building. I
speak to sources there that I haven't gotten that indication,
but from other people I've heard that.

Speaker 8 (34:05):
And then the other one.

Speaker 15 (34:06):
Is the Seattle Seahawks as a successor to Geno Smith.
Obviously the Washington connection, but also the defensive coordinator there,
Nose Pinnix. So those are the two teams I was
told for Penix, and I don't have them going anywhere
in the first round. So it just shows how wildly
different the thought process could be ten days.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
Out and all takes is one team.

Speaker 5 (34:24):
Yeah to go.

Speaker 8 (34:25):
Cebo got drafted in the first round. Yes, yeah, you have.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
One team that gets squirrely, and all of a sudden
it changes where people go, wait, wait, what happened? Who'd
they take?

Speaker 1 (34:35):

Speaker 2 (34:36):
All of a sudden, you know, you hit reset and
you're like, wait, wait, wait a hold a minute. That
person those I remember.

Speaker 15 (34:41):
When Joe Flacco went like eighteenth to the Ravens out
of Delaware. I remember being Radio City Music Hall and
everyone looking around me like really like okay, all right,
you know, as it all takes is one team. If
you take them, you take them and you go from there.
But you know, remember the Broncos traded back into the
first round to take Paxton Lynch.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
We were all like, right, yeah, give me the the
wildest rumor. You're hearing good one.

Speaker 15 (35:03):
The wildest rumor, wildest rumor I would think actually involves
Washington at two. And the wildest rumor is that they
pass on quarterback because they have six picks in the
top one hundred and Adam Peters. How they did it
in San Francisco was you lock up and solidify all

the other positions, then you get on a cheap contract
a quarterback that you like in the second round, the
third round or whatever. And I would say that's a
wild rumor, and it's possible, and that's a philosophy, and say, okay,
you dress draft stud wide receiver at two.

Speaker 8 (35:38):
Overall, you get.

Speaker 15 (35:38):
Harrison, you get a stud you know, defensive tach. Whatever
you want to do, you trade back, whatever it is.
The issue is Marcus Mariota is their starting quarterback right now.
They're not going into the season with the number two
overall pick with Marcus Mariota as their starting quarterback and
no you know, blue chip guy behind him. So that's
been the wildest rumor, and that kind of died down.
But there was a while there where people were like,

I could see Washington with Bob Myers and all these
outside the box thinkers saying, look at what San Francisco
did with brock Party. Adam Peters says he can replicate that.
Just give me a quarterback who runs the system and
we can build up.

Speaker 8 (36:10):
But I don't know.

Speaker 15 (36:11):
I feel like Jaden Daniels or Drake may Will be
the pick, and I have Jaden Daniels going to overroa.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
You got your guaranteeing that Caleb Williams goes number one
to the Bears. Yeah, okay, yeah, I know that people
have tried to add a little fire to this. I
felt all along that Chicago was getting rid of fields
and they were taking Caleb Williams, that there was nothing
that was going to alter that. I don't know if
anybody made any kind of draft day package to go, hey,

we're going to give you this if if this is
the next Patrick Mahomes, I was surprised nobody said we
want to go up and get him.

Speaker 8 (36:46):
Even if they did.

Speaker 15 (36:47):
Once you once you trade fields for what they traded
fields for, I think it's done. I mean that's it.
Like you're just gonna say, Okay, there's nothing that can
entice us. I don't care if it's seven first round picks,
Like we have our guy, We're going all in.

Speaker 8 (36:59):
We already traded just and then we go from there.

Speaker 15 (37:01):
They've had three great meetings with him. First one was
at the Combine, which is kind of like your first
get to know you.

Speaker 8 (37:07):
Second one in La they.

Speaker 15 (37:08):
Took him out to dinner out in La and it
was an awesome night and they went to this like
private dinner club called Bird Streets, which if to be
a member of, and the Bears got in and they
took Caleb and like Jamie Fox is at the next table,
and Caleb was great, not over the top, not but
just comfortable. And then in Lake Forrest, they took him out,
not in Chicago, but Lake Forrest where the facility is

and they brought members of the team to be there
at the dinner and Caleb was amazing. So they've had
great interactions with Caleb and he's been awesome, So I
think that's a shirt thing.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
We'll talk to you next week. Thank you, good to
talk to you, Bunny. That's Peter Schrager, NFL Network, part
of NFL Network Draft Days coverage the twenty fifth, twenty sixth,
twenty seventh from Detroit. Running a little late here, take
a break. Last call for phone calls after this.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live. Last call for phone calls. What we learned,
what's in store tomorrow? Great job today, Todd with getting
the guest here.

Speaker 8 (38:14):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
I don't know it's deserve a round of.

Speaker 8 (38:17):
Applying no, but it's nice to hear.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
All Right, just did a nice job. You were working.
You did your job.

Speaker 8 (38:24):
That's pretty much what I do.

Speaker 2 (38:25):
Yeah, you did your job. Ryan in North Carolina, Good morning, Ryan.
What's on your mind?

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Hey Dan?

Speaker 12 (38:32):
How are you doing? Thanks for taking my call? Sure,
I just wanted to thank you guys for you know, y'all,
y'all have provided a really healthy distraction for me the
last year and a half of my life. It's been
a tough year for me, and I wanted to thank
you for that, and I also wanted to to just
and I know I'm speaking for millions of us out

out here, but you know, the sports anything like, you
guys are in a whole nother stratus here that's like
major leagues to like Little League Baseball. I mean, so,
the fact that you aren't getting nominated or winning these awards,
to me and I'm sure millions of other listeners, is
just an absolute joke. You guys are by far way

above the competition with everything you do. You talk about sports,
you talk about life. All five of y'all are really
relatable and I love the show and thanks for what
you do.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
All right, Well, thank you, Roy. I'm glad you're doing better.
Does that make anybody feel better that we didn't get
nominated for an Emmy? Marvin for sure?

Speaker 3 (39:31):

Speaker 5 (39:31):

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Oh you feel better because of that, Okay, Ton I
feel better too, Okay, Paul.

Speaker 10 (39:35):
I feel a lot better. I really do like that.

Speaker 7 (39:37):
But I can't put it on a mantle, all right,
as much as I'd like to put that little guy's.

Speaker 2 (39:43):
Voice, Yeah, I don't know. If it's a little guy,
I don't know if Ryan's a little guy.

Speaker 10 (39:48):
Checking got a big heart, that's sure it is.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
Joe in New York, I, Joe, what do you have
for me?

Speaker 13 (39:54):
Hey, good morning fellas. I figured, as long as we're
talking about draft rankings, we should have a Danette laughter
power ranking. One of the best parts of the show
is when something funny happens the off my guy's chuckle
in the background. Whether you put it on the poll
or I can offer my top for I think that's
an important discussion to have.

Speaker 2 (40:14):
All Right, well, we're running out of time here, but
thank you. That's something that will take under advisement. Maybe
put that on a poll question? Best laugh?

Speaker 8 (40:22):
What Seaton not even close?

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Yeah? Seton. Seaton's a number one seat, number one overall seat.
You got a couple of this day in sports history, Paula,
can we squeeze in something?

Speaker 7 (40:32):
I'll just give you one. Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn
Dodgers got his first major league hit.

Speaker 10 (40:37):
It was a bunt. Leave it at that.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
Yeah, let's see anything else. Oh, we don't have time.
What did I learn today? Todd Him in Cincinnati says,
the writing's not only on the wall, but it's in
three D.

Speaker 8 (40:51):
The Warriors Dynasty.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
Done what we learned brought to you by Express Employment Professionals.
They are helping you and they never charge a fee
at Express. Check it out at expresspros dot com. Find
the location nearest you expresspros dot com. Thanks for joining us.
We hope to do better tomorrow. Talk to you then,
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