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November 7, 2022 45 mins

Now that we’ve heard the story of Dean’s proposal after a treacherous hike, it’s time for Caelynn’s side of the story.
Did she expect a proposal after the lost ring?? What are their plans for marriage and starting a family?? Will Caelynn still propose to Dean??
All these questions and more will be answered in this unfiltered Help I Suck at Dating!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hell I Suck At Dating with Dengler and Jared Haven
and I heard radio podcast What's going on Everyone, And
Welcome to an all new episode of Help I Suck
At Dating. I hope you guys listened to last week's
episode because that was the episode where I got the
chance to explain and give some more details about the

proposal that happened. I'm Annapollo host in Hawaii. UM. We
have a very special episode for you today because not
only are we recording live from the Galapagos Islands very
close towards Charles Darwin conducted much of his research, but
we have an incredibly special guest co host with us

this week, the podcast host herself new podcast, True Crime
Reality Right True Crime Reality Podcast with Eyeart Radio. Kaylan
Miller Keys is joining us this week. Thank you so
much for having me again. Thank you for letting us
have you again. I feel like last week was the

alternative fact version of the engagement, and this week we're
actually getting the truth of what has happened when Dean
got down on one knee after he dragged Klin through
an eleven mile hike near death experience just to get
a ring on her finger and not even the ring

he initially bought her, but one that he gave her
after he lost it, the actual ring. Yeah, that was
a good recap and exactly how I felt. I tried
so calin. Yeah, I'm gonna let you guys pretty much
like to. I have some questions, Amy, our producer has
some questions, but I want to hear from you guys first.
So Dean, why don't you ask Klin your questions of

you know how it felt for her when this whole
journey began. Was I supposed to have questions prepared? Now
you guys are just talking. I feel like it's better
if you just talk rather than me insert my question. So, like,
start from the beginning, Kalin, did you have any idea
that he was going to propose to you this weekend? Well?
I yeah, I do want to say. So, you guys
have already heard my story. So I'm just gonna hand
the microphone over to her and let her just go.

And it's good. That's a rare thing. I originally thought
he was going to propose in Hawaii because we were
talking about when we were both proposing, and he was like, well,
my dates aren't flexible, and I was like, oh, it's
got to be Hawaii. But then he lost the ring
and I was like, I guess he's not proposing. So

that really threw me for a loop. And all my
friends thought he was doing that to throw me off,
but he didn't. He actually lost the ring, but he
did propose with a beautiful ring that I have on
my finger now that he won't let me show anyone.
All that to say I did not know he was proposing.
He definitely threw me off. Oh you just said you

didn't know that because you lost the ring, then I
thought you weren't proposing. I gotta say something. Let interject.
I think she is being very nice by saying that
she had no idea that it was coming, because I
secretly think she had every like understanding that it was coming.
She got her nails done the day before we left.
I get my nails done every two weeks. I never

don't have my nails done. And I got them painted
dirt color. I specifically got them painted the color of
dirt because whenever I get my nails done and they
were camping, I get dirt in them. Why would I
paint my nails dirt colored if I knew I was
getting engaged. Why would you paint your nails their colored
at any moment in time. I like the color that
you have. Actually, by the way, um, oh what's here? Uh?

There was something else that you did that made me
suspicious of your knowledge. I can't remember what it is though. Uh,
I'm not going to be able to remember thinking about
something else that you did. And I was like, that's
a little fishy. Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm

trying to think. I'm trying to remember what it is,
all right, anyway, So then back to Kaylin here. So
we got to Hawaii. We camped one night in Hawaii
on a public beach and Klin hated it. She didn't
feel safe. But at the end of the day we
were safe. Right, Yes, we were safe. But when you're camping,
there's usually so many other people camping around you, and

I think a big mistake Dina and I made, um,
at least for myself. We listened to this crime Junkies
podcast that was specifically about murders happening while people are
camping in national parks, which gave me anxiety. Uh, and
it still sticks with me. So at least, like when
you're camping there are other campers around, if something's going
to happen, like could happen to someone else, But we

were the only campers, the only people intents on this beach.
So then I was like, if something happens, like, we're
the only target here. And that's what I thought about,
as cars are driving up and doing sketchy things at
two a m. That would be like watching Jaws as
you were walking into the ocean exactly here. Here's what
I gotta say about Kalin's logic based off the fact

that there were no campers around us. If you're driving
your car down the freeway, are you more likely to
get into an accident if there's a bunch of other
cars around or if you're the only car on the freeway.
I'm just saying the possibility for friction is a lot
higher when there's a lot of people around, Like if
there's no one around us, I see where you're coming from,
and I'm not trying to like diminish your feelings in

that sense. And it was a little sketchy because we
there was no marked campsites. I had never camped on
the beach in Hawaii before, so I don't really know
what I was doing um. But anyways, all this to
say is that the proposal trip got off to a
bit of a rocky start because hotels isn't quite are
expensive and we were going to start the hike early
the next day and we got in late that night,

and so I was like, well, why don't I just
book this campsite for us for three dollars and then
I'll get us a nice hotel on the back side
of the trip after the proposal has already happened. So also, UM,
I think the mistake I make in camping or hiking. UM.
For this, I started to google the campsite and people
were saying that it was dangerous and that they didn't

feel safe there. So then that added to my not
feeling safe. And also in that regard for the hike,
I did no prior research, and I told Dean from
now on, for the rest of our lives, I will
not blindly agree to any hike. I'm going to research it.
Because I started to research a week before we left,
and it's one of the most dangerous hikes in America.
I had no idea, and I probably wouldn't agree if

I agreed if I knew that. So I think my
downfall is Google in any of these situations with team
or it's Europe just because it's the most dangerous, because yeah,
you know, I don't think you researching a very dangerous
one of the most dangerous hikes in the world would
be considered your downfall. I would consider that your upfall.

Just because it's the most dangerous hike, and I'm eric
cut doesn't make it dangerous though, you know what I mean,
It's still at the end of the day, it's still
a hike, and a hike just requires you to put
one ft in front of the other until you end
up at the camp site. I'm not saying it was easy,
but I'm saying like, just because it's the most of
something doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. You know

that makes sense. That was pretty eloquent. I would say, um,
And in fact, okay, I'll hand it back to Kaylin.
So do you want to talk about the hike a
little bit. Yeah, So the hike began, and also the
day before we left, we flew to Bozeman to see
Dean's brother and pick up some camera equipment, and Dean's
brother told me, like, it's pretty sketchy, it's pretty scary,
and and his brother is so good at hiking rock climbing,

like he's pretty fearless in my eyes. So for him
to say it's a little scary for him, to say
it's really difficult or a little difficult, but a little
difficult for him, is like super difficult for me. And
another thing he said was one mile feels a lot
longer than one mile. And I'm really glad he said
that because that helped me through the hike, because it's true.
One mile we started and I was like we had

to have gone like five miles. We had gone maybe
one and a half miles, maybe two, And that's how
the whole hike felt. It was so long, it was
so difficult. It was like one of the worst hikes
I've ever done in my life. Um So, I was like,
in my head, I was telling myself we should get
to the end camp site, which is eleven miles, but

I knew that we had a backup which was six
miles in, and once we were only two miles in,
I was like, there's no chance that I could possibly
make it eleven miles when these miles just feel so long,
and mismarked, um so thankfully We camped at the six
Mile camp site and that was nice. We met a
friend there who lives there and what's his name, Don

rich Um, And yeah, it was nice. We eat mashed potatoes. Dean.
I don't mind dehydrated meals, but Dean didn't want to
do that, and I don't know if that was part
of the romance. Aspect was I was trying to make
us eat good, healthy, real meals, and he did a
really good job. Like the meals are great. We weren't
eating um hydrated our freeze, dried pat tie. It was

really good. It was good. Granted, those meals are delicious,
but they just messed with your stomach so much. We
hiked in vegetables. I cut up onions, potatoes, carrots, pepper, sausage,
and oh gosh, I'm just so great, aren't Do you
have any more questions? Um? Well, it's funny that you

say all these things, and I'm not saying they're not true,
but I do want to point out that every time
I go on a big hike or a big adventure,
Caitlin is like, are you excited? And I always say, no,
I'm not excited. I'm going to be miserable. For the
next However, many days I'm going to be hiking and
I'm gonna be exhausted and I'm just gonna suck. Blah
blah blah. And that's exactly what I told her when

we were hiking into Poli. As we were starting, she
was like, are you excited? I was like, no, this
is gonna suck. And she agreed it sucked. But what
the only reason that it's fun to do these things
and um, and what Kalin can attest to is after
the fact, we look back at it with such fond

memories of the experience. It's hard to look back on
the experience engagement aside. If we didn't get engaged on
the trip, we would still look back and be like, Wow,
that was an awesome trip. Do you disagree? You agree?
So she agrees, and that's that's the case with all
that stuff. So although it was kind of miserable in
the moment looking back, proposal or not, it was still

a very magical experience. I do agree with what you're saying.
But also, Dean is a is it type one or
type two fun m Dean's a type two fun guy
where he doesn't enjoyed in the moment, but he enjoys
it after. In the story that he gets to tell
I'm a type one fun person. I like to have
fun in the moment and enjoy every aspect of the

fun I'm having. Um So for him it's it's more fun.
It was fun for me, but more enjoyable for him.
The only reason it's more enjoyable for someone like me
and like this. The only reason something like this is
more enjoyable for someone like me is because I've done
it more often and I'm more capable of doing it.
So it's like I suffer less during it, and I

still get to feel as much joy after the fact,
like you did a great job. I want to give
Kilin all the credit in the world, because that was
a hard hike. Twenty two miles on the Napoly Coast
is very challenging, and Klin was an absolute beast. We
got to the beach and I proposed, and then the
next day we were trying to navigate how Calin was
going to get off the beach and we could have

gotten an emergency helicopter would it costs a thousand dollars?
And then calind how to go to the hospital with
an injury quote unquote, and she was like, no, I
don't want to do that. It's embarrassing. And I was like, okay, well,
then the only other option is for you to hike out.
And she was so anti hiking out, but then the
second we started hiking out, she was faster, stronger, braver
than I've ever seen her in my entire life. And

she crushed the hike out in spades, and it was
very impressive. You're welcome, and you would you agree, like
it's so we did have a SUPERI hike which is
ten miles and ten miles out, and on that hike
it's a lot more easy to get a helicopter out,
so Calin flew out of that one. And I think
that one is a little different because you actually were

like in more pain on that one. But if you
don't have an option of like just getting a free
ride out, you were very capable and you crushed the
hike out. It was very impressive, you know, as Dean
can attest to sometimes, as guys, we just have horrible thoughts,
you know, like just like things that enter our brain.

And I have moments from like I can't believe I
thought that how horrible human, I am, and I gotta
be honest. When hearing this story, there's something in my
head that goes, I think Dean went on this trip
to die because here's something. Well, I'm because, so Dean
has always said he never wanted to propose. Obviously, I'm joking.

Let me preface that before we get hate. He wanted
to propose, But like, in the back of my head,
I'm like, wait a minute, so telling me that Dean
has always said he's never wanted to propose. Never, So
here he is in a moment where he has to propose.
He doesn't want to. So I mean he wants to obviously,
but now I'm just like creating this story in my head.
Then he goes on this He picks the most dangerous hike,

hoping that you guys just fall off like Romeo and
Juliet and died died together. Before he has to propose,
he creates all these wonderful meals. One could say maybe
it was his last meals and he wanted to make
sure that they were as delicious as possible. He picks
the worst possible and then finally gets this extraordinary beach

and was like, all right, well we survived so now
I have to propose, right, It's like passing through the gauntlet.
Once you get to the other side of the gauntlet,
you know that whatever you had planned to do at
the end has to happen now because you've you've completed
all of the trials in front of you and now

here you are. It is funny too. I think I
talked about this on last week's episode. How we we
talked about last week on the episode. I think about
how Caitlin and I wanted to propose to each other
and she's now it was me a proposal, thank you
very much. I'm waiting, and how I was thinking about
if I should give her the proposal that she would

deem as her perfect proposal, or should I do it
this way, which is kind of more my thing, you know,
like instead of going to the Italian countryside and proposing
out there, which sounds pretty lovely, Don't get me wrong,
I was kind of doing it my own way, and
so now I'm excited to see how she does it
because I imagine she's going to do it her own way. Well,

that's the thing. I had it planned like perfectly for
him originally, and now my plans are shifting because I'm like,
if this was all about him and what he likes, yeah,
you proposal the year was all about no, no, no,
all the things that you enjoy. I was like, well,
maybe I should do a proposal of the things that

I enjoy. So I'm not sure I did enjoy it
and you'll still enjoy a proposal for you, Absolutely I will,
but it maybe won't be as adventures as I was
originally thinking it would be. Can I hear what your
original please? It could still happen. I just want to
hear it. But if you say it out loud then

you can Maybe then you can put it to bed
and you can do the other idea that you have.
I can tell you the one that I was the
first thought in my mind before I realized it would
have been like fourteen dollars. I was going to have
propose to you on a zero gravity flight. I know,
but it's fourteen dollars. So and if the price keeps

going up, it goes up a thousand dollars every year,
So that's not happening. I thought it was like thirty dollars.
For that it's like or maybe it's now sixteen. I
think it's eight per person. Oh really, it's actually not
as bad as I thought, because I know Nick did
that on his season of The Bachelor with Vanessa, and
I was talking to one of the executive producers of
The Bachelor. I can't remember when, and I was like,

I can't, I don't know, I don't I don't think
I was angry, but I was like, you guys took
Nick on the zero gravity flight, Like, what do I
have to do to get on that flight? Next time?
I want to go on that date. I don't care
who it's with. I don't care what happens. I want
to be on a zero gravity airplane. Um. So that
would have been a nice proposal. But since we started dating,
you have talked about that. It's three and a half
years and so I thought that would be the perfect

proposal for you, But unfortunately I don't have that kind
of money. It's just it's pretty cool to think about.
You would literally be one of maybe, like a thought, well,
they probably do them a lot nowadays, one of a
few thousand people in the history of human existence to
experience zero gravity. That's pretty sweet. That's worth the price tag,
in my opinion, I accept. I'll marry you let's go
on his zero gravity flight. Kalen, did you when did

you finally start believing that Dean would propose to you?
I can't imagine when you first started dating Dean that
he you thought going to the relationship that this could
potentially end in marriage, because if everything that Dean was
doing at the time of his life living in a
van didn't know if he wanted to get married, kind
of settled down. So when did you finally realize I
think he is down for proposing to me and getting married.

I don't know what the moment was, but I do agree.
I think we both went into this relationship not expecting
it to last long um like nevertheless end in marriage.
But I think we just had so many conversations and
like talked about I don't know if it was like
year one or year two, and we were like, okay,
this is we're like into this relationship. I don't know

if you know, and it was, but I think we
just had so many conversations that eventually we were like, oh,
we could do this. But I don't know like what
moment it was. I think it was just early on
I put the ring on, we got a cellphone plan, together,
we joined our bank accounts together, we got a dog together,

we bought a house together. That's true. We did all
the steps that married people do. So I think we
already felt married, and then we had a lot of
conversations on like should we should we not? And Dean
didn't want to and then warmed up to the idea.
For me, it's just like I had already made the
decision that I was going to spend my life with you,

So it's like, fine, if you want to get married,
let's just get married. But then people turn that into
a headline. Fine, let's get married. You're excited to get married.
I'm excited spen the rest of my life with you.
Marriage doesn't excite me as much as that. That's fair,
That's right. Yeah, So I know. We also have some

questions from our producer Amy uh that I wanted to
invite on here. She prerecorded them. So let's hear our
first question from our producer Amy Sugarman, who without this
podcast would not be possible, So thank you Amy. She
has some questions for you guys. Amy, what's your first question?
If Calyn wants all your passwords and pass codes, will

you be okay with that it sounds like this question
is directed to me. Calin already has all my pass
codes to everything, and I have hers to everything as well,
and the pass codes are I'm just kidding. I'm not
going to share the pass codes, but yeah, it's pretty
we have each have like three variations of the same
pass code. I probably shouldn't have said that, but but

we know we know each other's passwords to everything. So
and that kind of started early on too, maybe like
you're one in our relationship, we've always just had trust,
which has been nice and like transparency. Yeah, that's true.
I think it happened day one for me. I didn't
give a crap, but we started sharing our location our
first like two weeks into dating. Yeah right, Yeah, I

guess I'm just saying I've never I've never had anything
to hide and either of you. So it's very early
on that we just did that, which is nice. Dean.
Once you have children, if Kaylin decides she doesn't want
you jumping out of airplanes and doing dangerous things, are
you willing to stop for the sake of the family. Hmm,

I guess this one is directed to me again as well. Um,
what I stopped for the sake of family. Oh crap, sorry,
we're having some audio issues here. I'm just gonna put
this down. Um, what I stopped for the sake of family? Hell? No,
I'm gonna do whatever I want, whenever I want, and
no one's gonna stop me. Um, I don't know. I'm

just gonna answer, and not for you. But but Dean's
brother now has a child, and Dean and him went
on a hike, and Dean chose the option to do
like the more dangerous for vision of the hike, and Brad,
his brother, because now he's a dad, opted for the
safer version of the hike. And I can see Dean
maybe being similar, Like he's still going to do the
things that he loves, but you've given the option between

like easy versus uh, death defying, maybe he'll choose the
easier part. For the record, I don't think that Brad
shows the easier route because he's a father. I think
he chose that route because he's lazy and he was
scared of the more challenging route, which me being the
non lazy, fearless person that I am, and I didn't
really know what I was doing until I was already

halfway through it, and at that point it was too
late to turn around anyways. But I see what you're saying,
it's possible. I don't think skydiving really is all that dangerous. Yes,
you can die skydiving, but you can die doing a
plethora of other things, um, the things I do while exhilarating.
I don't think our tip particularly very dangerous. I was
gonna say, I don't think skydiving is necessarily something you

need to give up if your dad, but maybe like
free soloing. I also haven't jumped out of an airplane
in a year, so I kind of have already given
up skydiving. My main Scott having friend moved to Miami,
and now I have no friends to sky dive with.
Although John Hershey I think it is his last name,
Katie's ex boyfriend, is a skydiver and we've never met
in person, but we flirt all the time on Instagram

and I want him to be any skydiving buddy, so
we'll see about that. Um. I've never free sold anything,
except for I guess in Montana at one time when
I almost died. But to summarize this whole conversation, UH,
it might not ever matter because we might not ever
have kids. If we do have kids, I would probably

he's up a little bit, sure, but that's just because
I'll be old and lay. Yeah. I think that Dean,
you'll definitely ease up. And I also think you guys
will definitely have kids because for the past however many
years I've known this guy. Oh, I'm not gonna get engaged.
I'm not gonna ever buy a house. I'm not gonna
settle down, I'm not gonna get married, And here he

is now. Now the thing is, we're not sure if
we're gonna have kids. I don't I you guys are
having kids, But I do think that you will tame
it down because when you have a kid, and I
can speak from experience, you start thinking about death a
lot more, even because you think it's not about you
dying anymore. It's about your child being without their parents.

And that's what I think about a lot, because I'm like,
it's not so much me dying. It's like, holy shit,
if I die, this thing that I love so much
won't grow up without one of his parents, and I'm like,
holy shit, that's more heavy. So that's when I think
about I'm sure you guys will think about as well,
Like literally, right before you jump out of the plane, Dean,
You're like, here we go, and then you'll be like,
oh shit, oh no, they could all right, never mind, guys,

you guys go, I'm gonna wait till the plane lands. Um.
I will say, one of the biggest roadblocks for me
every wanting to have kids has always been just financial stability. So, uh,
one of these days, maybe when help I Suck a
dating podcast turns into like a spinoff reality TV show,

we signed on to like a three year movie deal,
and the finances just become a little bit more solid
than the child could be a lot more realistic. Um,
I don't. Kalin is back and forth on having kids too.
We definitely are open steady of adopting a kid. I
used to be like in a Big Brother program where
I at once a month, once a week, I can't
remember how often was would hang out with this young

boy a j and even that seemed like a lot
of work. Once a week to hang out with a guy,
and he was like a twelve year old kid, and
I was like trying to give you were also in
your twenties, partying and living like a selfish lifestyle, as
you should in that a stage of your life. Yeah,
that's another thing too, is I love living a selfish lifestyle.
I love to be able to just travel to Pakistan,

go to Antarctica for a month if I want to
what's baby, what's baby Hunter gonna do? I'm gonna take
Hunter with me. I could take under it with me. Actually,
pretty baby his name or that'd be pretty sweet. Yeah,
that's gonna be the boy's name if we have a boy. Wait,
are you serious? Yes? Hunter Scott Bell. Well, that's amazing

if I love that name Hunter, and if you guys
are serious about that, that's so cool that you guys
already have. Yeah, this guy. I don't know if we're
gonna have kids, but if we do, his name is
gonna be Hunter. Well, in fairness, In fairness, I've had
that name picked out since I was like twelve. So
and then if we have a girl, it'd beat Debbie

cal picks the middle name Bell. And if we have
a third child, then cal can start. Oh I thought
it would be Scott at the bird. Uh yeah, Michael Scott. No,
I've had those names picked out ever since I was
a wee little lad and I don't think you've ever

had names picked out, So, just because of that timeline alone,
my name's take President. Okay, But I know people are
going to come up to you for that, so I
think you should explain the importance of the names. Oh,
I don't care if you'll come after me, and I'll
explain the names if and when we get to that
point in life. But those are the names Hunter, Scott, Bell,

and Debbie. Calin picks the name Bell. Yeah, And it's
tricky because Debbie is an older name, and so it's
hard to imagine like a young girl, a young seven
year old girl, being called Deborah. We not Debora. But
I have a friend named Debbie and she's very cool Debbie,
So that's kind of like opened her eyes too cool.
Debbie's right. As long as she's a cool Debbie, she'll

be fine. But yeah, that's where we're at now, Klin.
If there was one thing, one behavior the Dean could
change before your wedding day, what is it? M Um?
So many to choose from you can only pick one? Um, Okay,

and we've had this conversation many times. I like to
be very punctual. My mom was always late when I
was growing up, so I really try to be on
time too. Things are early. Dean doesn't have that same
sense of urgency, so if he could just be on
time to our wedding, that would be ideal. Sure, easy enough.
I can I share my retort last time you shared this? Okay,

I won't. You're welcome, So there you go, punctuality. I'll
work on it for you, babe. I really want Russell
Wilson to officiate your wedding, and so when everybody sits down,
he's like Bronco's Country Let's Ride, Let's rad. That's funny
that you mentioned that, because the guy that I want
to officiate it is literally Russell Wilson's twin. He gets

stopped all the time. People ask him if he's Russell Wilson.
Oh my god, and he has to do it Broncos
Country Let's Ride. I can't believe he's still I cannot
believe he still does that Broncos Country Let's Ride. He's worst.
Um Oh, I don't want groomsmen at my wedding. I
don't want well, it's kind of up to you. I'd
be weird if you had bridesmaids and I had no groomsman. Uh,

I will have zero grooms man. I hate the thought
of having to have like six friends that I'm like,
your friends are better friends than everyone else in the crowd.
And then the people in the crowd that aren't up
on the groomsman part. Uh Like, oh, like, why am
I not a groomsman? It just seems like unnecessarily stressful
to me, So no groomsmen. Um. I just want one

of my really good friends to officiate, and then everyone
else is just in their seats. Yes, And I want
us to all sit on hay bales, and I want
us to have hay hooks that you drag the hay
bales into the house after the ceremony for the reception,
that you then use as a seat in the reception

as well. But that's the workshoped idea. We can figure
something out about that later. Hi, It's Bethany Frankel. My
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years behind me, and now I'm ready to put the
reel back into the real Housewives. That's where my new

podcast Rewives comes in. This isn't your typical rewatch podcast.
I'm watching only the most iconic episodes from all cities.
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favorite podcasts. Do we have another question for Ami, who
makes most of the decisions with the remote control. Biggest
pet peeve about dean um care. He likes to pick

his nose hairs out to make himself sneepy nice. I
don't love that. Infut flick. Sneezing is so underrated. It's
one of the most enjoyable bodily urges. Dude, Ashley gets
so mad at me when I sneeze because I let
it go. I'm not holding anything back because she tries
to hold in her sneezes like a psycho and she's like,

and I'm like, and I I wind up like it's
like a hole. It's like, you know, really, I guess
the next snats back and I'm let because it feels
so goddamn good. Cover cover with the elbow. It feels great.
I love it. Most annoying habit Calin has. Oh uh

do I know this or her habit that she has? Well,
I have decided just recently that Klin, in my opinion,
is a hypochondriac. I wouldn't nessarily. I don't know if
that's necessarily a habit, but you do have a habit
of scaring yourself out of things, but I think it's

more of like what's like a physical habit that you do. Um. Well,
I just wanted to get that out there. I wanted
to put that out into the ether. Uh. You don't
really have any weird habits and you're the habit is
that I don't like about. You are telling me not
to do the habits that you don't like. A mind

like I was like humming yesterday, and Calin is like,
don't hump basically, And so you're habits of telling me
not to do things. That's not that bad, though. One
word to describe Dean. One word to describe Klin, you first,
a one word to describe Calin perfect, really feel perfect.

He's my perfect little angel. But that's three words, perfect
little angels. So just perfect, say unique. You're unlike anyone
I've ever met what you are, and you like that
by yourself, Caitlin, Does Dean remember to put the toilet
seat down? No? Wait, that is a load. He actually

doesn't really lift it all the time. I am bread
with fury right now. I go out of my way
all the time to lift and replace the toilet seat,
and I am good. Now you're telling me that's going unnoticed.
You're telling me you don't recognize all this hard work
that I do for you. I thought you peter with
the seat down. Sometimes you do, because the soilet seat

is always down when you go there to use it.
Doesn't mean I pe with the toilet seat down. That
just means I'm very good at replacing the toilet seat. Yes,
blown away. Right now, I'm gonna start peeing all over
the seat. I have a question do sometimes? That's why
I think you don't lift all the time. Yeah, Is
it really that bad to pee with the toilet seat down?

Just if you miss? Well, here's here's the thing. I
I don't live the toilet. See. I've never lived at
the toilet. See. I gotta be honest. I was never
taught to lift the toilet seat. So when I in
my older years, found out that that was a thing,
because obviously, you know the toilet seats up and down.
But I was like, oh, oh, you lift it for

guys when they pee, and you put it down for girls,
because I remember, this is how I found out. This
is honestly how I found out. This is so pathetic.
I was watching What Happens in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher
and Cameron Diaz, and there is a scene in there
where he takes the toilet seat off and she goes
to pee in the middle of the night and she

falls in because the toilet seat is not there. And
then I was thinking about the toilet seat and the
purpose of it, because I'm like, obviously they sit there.
But then I was like, oh, the do you never
put the toilet seat down? Because all my life I
assumed that putting the toilet seat down was putting like
the lid down, not the seat, the lid, and that
like guys didn't do that. And I was like, but

then so many people I go to their houses and
the toilets up what I thought with the toilet seat
was And then I was like, I don't get it,
Like they always say that guys don't put the toilet
seat down, but like any restaurant I go to, it's
always up. But then I realized, wait a minute, that's
like the lid and then the seat is the actual seat,
and all my life I've been peeing with the seat down.

Soon but as a guy, like how bad is your aim?
You've got You've got a really good practice on a
small target, which is pretty impressive. There's this, uh this
tick talk video of some guy talking on a podcast
about this exact scenario. Very good. It's pretty funny. It's
a guy and who I assume was his girlfriend talking
and he's saying, why would I lift the toilet seat

up to Pete just to put it back down after
I'm done. That's two actions per yearinary event. And then
when the girl goes Pete, it's zero because she doesn't
have to put pick up or put down. And what
he was trying to say was he should pick the
toilet seat up, do his business, and then leave, because
that's one action per yearinary event. And then when the
girl comes in to use the bathroom, she would lower it.

That's one action per yearinary event. It's just an equal
division of labor, essentially, is what he's trying to say.
And it makes a lot of sense. And I'm now
now that you're telling me that you don't notice how
hard they work to keep the toilet seat down for you,
it's game over. No, no, no, I really appreciate it.
Please don't change. Also, I gotta say this to underrated
for a guy is just to sit down to Pete.

I I love sitting down to Pete, but like half
the time I'll go just sit down, pick a load
off percent because now it's just when I need some
alone time. I'm like, all right, I'm and I don't
have to go number two, Like I'm just gonna go pee.
I'll sit there and just be on there five minutes
and just just breathe a little bit, maybe scroll through TikTok,
have a nice little time by myself. Um, oh, what

was I gonna say? Oh? Dean blew my mind one
time years ago when we used to record this podcast
in the I Heart Radio UH building. We went to
the bathroom and we're in the urinals next to each other,
and Dean said something that literally blew my mind, and
he goes, you know what doesn't make sense to me?
He said, our hands are so dirty. We have to

wash them obviously, but before we wash them, we touched
our genitals, Like we touched like that part. Why would
we not wash our hands prior to using the bathroom?
And then I was like, that makes total sense to me,
because our hands are so dirty from touching door knobs
or shaking hands. They get so much bacteria in though.

And then we go to the bathroom and before washing
our hands, we will literally you know, we have to
do that. We gotta get it out, so like you
touch it and then like you're touching it and then
you're moving the back to here from your hands to
like a sensitive part of the body, and I was like,
that makes sense to me. Yeah, yeah, they should. We

should pre wash and there should maybe even be penis
washers in the bathroom too, because if anything needs to
be washed after peeing on a man, it's the penis.
So it just get like a little holes you stick
in and it just spurts this a little antiseptic on
it or something. Yeah, like a little like a little
glory hole you just go in. That sounds like it

was sting. Well, it's it's an imperfect system. Will work
out the king. It is imperfect system. There's some merit
to the idea. So my last, my final question before
we sound off and then quickly talk about what the
punishment should be for our fantasy football This time, Kalen
uh So, Dean talked about how you both wanted to

pose to each other. So is there a uh timetable,
like do you think this potentially could happen before the
end of the year or do you not even want
to say because you don't want to ruin this price
at all. No, it definitely will happen before the end
of the year. The problem is, Dean is so hard
to track down. So like my plan to make this extravagant,

elaborate proposal is just like quickly, I'm realizing it's just
unrealistic because he has a golf tournament, he's going here,
he's like always doing stuff, and I've tried to make
a plan without giving it away that I'm like trying
to plan the proposal. So I think it might be
a little bit lamer than what I'm anticipating, but it
will be before the end of the year. She's flying

out a photographer for a random engagement shoot in December.
I would be shocked if it was. No, it's definitely
not that that's in January. It's happening before the end
of the year, right right, right right. You know, one
of my favorite characteristics about myself is I'm hard to
pin down. So good luck pinned me down for this
engagement because gathering stone don't or a rolling stone don't

gather any moss, so they say, m I'm sorry now,
I was thinking. I was daydreamed about like all the
ways she could propose. I was thinking of, like, because
golf is so important to you, and not I hope
I don't want to say, because I don't want to
blowuper spot. If this is even a possibility, but like
somehow you put a ball in on like the eighteenth
hole and you've got to reach in and then like

there's a ring there. I wanted to do something golf related,
but he was like, I don't want to be known
as the golf guy. I do cooler stuff than that.
I don't want to I don't want to be known
as a golf guy. Ei. There are times. There are
times where I play golf, like like four or five
times in a week, and after I look I don't
know the week. I look back on the weekend like, wow,
I did nothing this week and I have nothing to

be proud of. I shot nine five every day this week,
and I am so upset and I never want to
play golf again. And the next week comes around, I'm like, oh,
all I want to do is play golf. But I
don't want to be known as a golf guy, you know.
I want to be known as like the cool skydiving,
rock climbing, mountain climbing cool guy. Yeah. Ashley sometimes wonders

why I play sports because I'll be in a bad
mood afterwards. She's like, do you even enjoy playing? I'm
like yes, but when I don't play well, it ruins
my day. And then I usually don't play well because
I'm not good. Um, so quickly before we signed off
on this podcast, Uh well, first of all, thank you
so much for sharing your story, and and Caitlin, thank
you for sharing the true side of the story and

not Dean's alternate side of it. Um, but congratulations to
you both. It's so exciting. Um, I'm very excited to
hear Caitlin what you have in store for your proposal.
And um, yeah, you guys are just both often awesome people.
So congratulations, it's very exciting. And before we sign off,

Dean and I are playing each other in fantasy football
this week is the annual help I suck at eating
Football off if you will. I'm four and four in
the league. Dean, what the hell's your record? Four and four?
We're both four and four. I think I'm porn for you. Yeah,
so we both suck. Um. We're also do you know
who else is for? There's so many people who are

four and four in this league? Tanner's four and four,
Chris Randon is four and four, Jason Tartik is for
and four, Nick is three and five. He sucks Joe.
Do you know what grocery store? Joe's record is one
and seven? Probably pretty bad. I think he's pretty consistently bad.
Oh my god, do you know who number one is?
Do you know who's leading the well? So Michael Michael

A is tied. So it's Michael A, Ben and Bennett.
If you remember Bennett from I don't know, uh, tastious season,
it was clarentatious season. Um, yeah, they're all in first place.
Holy ship anyway, So no Bennett, No, Bennett is the
executive producer. Oh yeah, it's Benett's because yeah, that's Bennett.

Bennett was like that he's been like the EP for
like years and years. Oh yeah, yeah, it's Bene Benett. Yeah,
never mind, I'm losing my mind any who. Um, alright,
so we do have to figure out, like what's our
punishment gonna be. Maybe Caitlin can think of something. So
Jared and I are playing each other this week in
fantasy football? What could the loser? What happens to the loser? Um?

I really liked what Mark had to do, your friend
Mark for fantasy That was for losing the entire season, though,
what was it? What we made we in our fantasy
football league. We made the loser. He had to reshoot
ESPN the Body magazine issue. So he's like naked with
a football, like you're doing a puny football post. There

is no way I'm showcasing any part of my body.
I agree, not very single game. If punishmentber a single
game has to be a lot more lighthearder than that.
Our other one is. It's pretty uh in our other league,
same league actually that the guy did the esp in
the body issue. I don't love this punishment very much,
especially because I'm in last place. But loser has to

spend twenty four hours in an eye hoop and every
pancake you eat the ducts one hour from your steak.
And it's just a little it's a little played out.
I think to many people are doing that one. But
I want maybe we can have the listeners. That's nothing
but the pancake thing. Hold on. So if you tell
me so, if I get a stack, If I don't,
because I knowing I lost the season, I would go

in starving. I would not have eaten anything. That's where
I would start my twenty four hours and a stack
of pancakes. If I ordered, I know six pancakes is
a lot, but I could eat six pancakes in one
sitting if I was really hungry. Okay, so that's eighteen hours,
and then I just spend two more hour Like I
bring my laptop. I worked for two hours, So what

am I down to now? And I have six pancakes
and then I'm still ten hours? See it's yeah, yeah,
it's a long as day. Yeah yeah, I would. I
think I would get there, get to i Hub at
like five am and just down like six pan kicks
like you said, uh, and then do my best to

eat like maybe six more and then that way I'll
be out of there by dinner time. That's kind of
the that's like the it sucks because I'm two and
six in that league, well behind everyone I auto drafted
because I was in Nepal during the draft two QB league,
and I auto drafted Zack Wilson and Carson Wentz. And
I'm like, I cannot believe ESPN auto drafts me the

two worst quarterbacks in a two quarterback league. I'm two
and six. It's unbelievable. Um, but email us what you
guys think our punishment should be? Jared and I or
d M s. You can email us I Suck a
Dating at iHeart media dot com, or simply follow us
on Instagram. Help Underscore I Underscore suck Underscore at Underscore Dating.

That's so harder to say that I expected it to be.
D M is what you think the punishment should be? Um,
I think I'm projected to beat Jared, So make the
punishment as projections mean nothing. Yeah, I agree, I agree,
But that's gonna do it. For this week's episode, Like
I said, we're recording live from the Galapagos Islands here
off the coast of Ecuador, so I'm sorry if our

audio wasn't the best, and there has been a bit
of a delay, so it's kind of why there might
be some awkward pauses. But thank you so much for
listening to this episode of Help I Suck at Dating.
If you want more of just this exquisite content, why
don't you jump over to True Crime Reality and listen
to Klin talk to who's your first guest? Gonna be
Teddy Mellencamp about some true crime reality. Um uh, stuff

that's happened to her. So let's flip over to that
and then tune in next week where maybe we suck
just a little bit less. Follow help by suck at
Dating on I Heart Radio or wherever you listen to
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