Episode Transcript
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It's the Valentine in the Morning replay. Welcome to the breakfast table a Valentine
in the Morning. I laughed heartily. I helpe, it's respectful to say
I love you. The full showpodcast starts right now. What if for
three mi fam he it is Valentinein the Morning. I've been composing a
calendar of the biggest events of everythinghappening in July. Oh, okay,
in the four main categories. Wegot holidays, we got sports, we
got television, and we got movies. Nice. We'll break it all down
so you know what's going on thismonth. First, the Summer Olympics start
this month in Paris. There's gonnabe a few events on the twenty fourth
and twenty fifth, but the openingceremony is on the twenty sixth. Wimbledon
runs through the fourteenth of this month. The MLB All Star Game is on
the sixteenth. I can't believe baseballseason is already half over. The Nathan's
Hot Dog Eating Contest is this Thursday. No appearance from Joey Chestnut that so
he's not back in it. He'snot back to terms on that thing,
no, because he had some dealwith a different hot right, Yeah,
did the yard there like own tournament? I think it was like beyond meter
one of these people or something.Yeah, he's apparently starting his own one.
That's gonna be on Netflix. Allright, Oh that's what it is,
but unclear on those details yet.Also, the WNBA All Star Game
is on the twentieth. Moving onto movies, a couple of big movies
out this month. Despicable Me fourcomes out tomorrow. Eddie Murphy's new Beverly
Hills Cop is also on Netflix tomorrow. Twisters comes out the nineteenth. That
looks good. It does look good, and the soundtrack for that is unbelievable.
Is it good? Yeah, that'sjust a blatant remake I think of
Twister, right yeah, And Idon't know if I ever saw the original
Twist. It was good. Youshould watch it. Cows Can Fly,
And then the biggest one I'm excitedabout is Deadpool and Wolverine. Yeah,
and the end of the month Julytwenty sixth. So excited for that,
all right. Speaking of Twister,though, can I go back and give
you a tip for a second.Do you ever find yourself in a tornadic
moment? Okay, the tornado's comingat you, and you're like, oh
my god, the trader's coming atme. Look, there's an overpass,
you know, an overpass in theroad, right, you gotta go hide
under there. Don't ever do it. Don't ever hide under overpast or in
a tornado. It's like a vacuum. It'll suck you out. The wind
speed is increased beneath an overpass.Really during a tornado, yep, interest
horrible place to be supposed to getlow, get deep, get low,
get flat like in ditches and stufflike that, but not under the overpass.
That in mind, right. Acouple of big things coming to your
TVs. Shark Week starts next Sunday. The Bachelorette returns next Monday, and
my girlfriend's so excited about that.One Big Brother is back on the seventeenth.
And there's this new show on AppleTV called Time Bandits that comes out
at the end of the month thatpeople are pretty excited about. And then
finally holidays after the fourth of July. Friday is National Bikini Day, lookout
and then Amazon Prime for John Holiday. It's a holiday, it's a national
holiday. What are we looking outfor? Bikinis? Just look for them,
just looks for bikinis. Where arethose bikinis? July fifth? Anything
else look out for on July fifth? Job, I believe there's a birthday
you goa be worre bikini. Actually, yeah, famous babies and we're doing
Famous Babies are coming out. Uh. And then also Amazon Prime Day is
July sixteenth and seventeen. Looking outfor you. Yeah, I get some
things. I canna keep an eyeout because I never really do Amazon Prime
Day. But I was on Amazonthe other day looking to buy a package
because I see him showing up atmy house every day, so I go
must be weird and was looking onthe go. Wait, Prime Day is
coming up. I should slow myrole for Prime Day. Yeah, check
out those deals they're coming. They'recoming. And that's your July. Thanks
John, I'll look forward to myAugust's your thing with John? All right?
Is Valentine in the Morning, sixtwenty six, It's Valentine in the
Morning, one of four three myFM. That's Stanie Levado. Cool for
the summer. It's gonna be hotfor the summer today and next twenty million
days. It's going to be sohot. Stay cool, stay hydrated,
to take care of yourself. Wesay hydrated. Hi, rit say hydrated.
We're gonna play a dumb game comingup next, and John, can
you explain to us what today's gameis. Yeah, we're playing the Valentine
in the Morning basic bets. Sowe're gonna have two people on with us,
one representing team val and one representingteam Jill. I'm gonna give both
the valan Jill a category and we'regonna bet which of them can name more
things within that category. This one'sfun, This is a good one if
you do play. Just keep inmind I just said hydrated, so maybe
be a little easy on me.But that's coming up next. On Valentine
in the Morning, I'm gonna tellyou prays and that's your topic with Valentine
in the Morning. Hey to tellyou? Can you guess the deadliest freeway
in Southern California? That's what myjob, my friend John, I should
have looked, no, no,now, look, he just goes,
hey, can you go to dude, lose freeway in so cal It's not
the five. It's not the five, Jill. What's your guess? Four?
Or five? Four or five?Another great guess five, four or
five. I might have become knockingat the door and say the one on
one, But I don't know.Yeah, you're all wrong, We're all
wrong. Look at that. It'sthe fifteen freeway, the fifteen freeway.
Yeah, isn't that wild? Stayoff of the fifteen out to save life?
Hi? John brings me that cheerystack. This hour of the morning,
I do not know. I seethings and I can't help myself.
Thank you John. The weather Today'ssunny, hot this afternoon tamps up rates
to one hundreds already mid umber seventiesto the beaches fifty nine passing in sixty
five parl ten. Jill's got theentertipment headlines coming up. Remember when Jamie
Foxx was hospitalized and no one reallyknew what was going on? Well,
he has shared some more details aboutwhat happened. They'll tell you what he
said coming up at six fifty.It's been a while, yeah, when
he was hospitalized. Yeah, yeah, yeah, April twenty twenty three.
How's he doing though? Now?Like everything good? He's okay, okay,
he's okay. What are people dostuff to get back in the news
though too not this case, butI could see a case of like you
guys, remember when I had thatbig thing going on and nobody knew about
it. Ready to talk. I'mready to talk about it. Welcome to
today's dumb game Who Today we're playingthe Valentine in the morning Basic Bets.
We're gonna have two callers on representingTeam Valid Team Jill, and they're gonna
go head to head betting on theirrespective co host. Can we ever do
basic bets where John plays? Here'sbecause it makes me and Jill we don't
like it. Number one. Yeah, we get embarrassed at our own stupidity
sometimes. Yes, I thought ofthat. But he does kind of have
to like keep track of this,not saying that you guys, couldn't he
stood a math gen requires like hejust is the guy who knows this game
Basic Bets. Richard, Good morning. You're on Team Valentine. How are
you, buddy? Good morning thing. I'm doing it out with yourself.
All right, I'm a little I'msleepy. Lydia, good morning, walkome
to Team Jill. Good morning,Happy Tuesday. Good morning. John's gonna
take over basic bets, all right. So we're gonna start with Team Jill
because the ladies go first. Okay, So lady Lydia, I'm gonna ask
you this first question. How manymetal bands do you think Jill can name
in twenty seconds? Lydia, I'mgonna say four? Four? Okay,
I'm so sorry. Can you explainto me what a metal band is?
No? I cannot, Richard.I'm gonna ask you this one question.
Do you think Valentine can name morethan four metal bands in twenty seconds?
Or would you like to challenge JillI think names more than four? All
right, yes, metal band isas well? Yes, No, I'm
gonna need five metal bands. Bryan, you'll have to say correct these guesses.
Here five metal bands in twenty seconds? In three, two one go
Black, Sabbath, Motley, Crue, AC, DC Striper. How many
is that he's for? I needone more? Yep, you need one
more? Ten seconds left? Stoptalking Metallica? Yes, good job.
I was gonna go with Gold Silver. Would you've accepted Arismith by the way,
I don't think so. They're arock band between rock and metal.
He's perfectly and it makes sense.Okay, Richard, this first question comes
to you now. I can't Richard, how many unofficial words for body parts?
What do you think Valentine could namein twenty seconds. For example,
people would say your nose is ahonker oh, or you could say cans
for your ear? Oh? Ears, Well I heard them, never mind.
I just imagine, you know thelittle cans you put the little wire
to them and can say, yeah, all right, Well Richard, how
many unofficial words for right now?Yeah? Yeah, he can't use them?
A great stop writing words? Now, Richard, how did you think
falcon name in twenty seconds? Uh? Golly? Four? Four? All
right Lydia, I'm coming to you, Scott. Do you think Jill can
name more than four body parts intwenty seconds? Or would you like to
challenge vow? I think na more? All right, Jill, we're gonna
need five unofficial words for body partsin twenty seconds. By the way,
if you need me to tap inand help you do it, seems like
my game I want to play rightnow. One go, okay, so
your peepers, your peepers, don'thold on you peeperspers your but donc dong
do your uh for booty? Yourboot unofficial? I don't know your Let's
go back to three. Oh mygod, two? You're what? She
didn't get it? How did younot get it? I couldn't think of
anything else. Family Jewels. I'mnot thinking of that area of my body
or your body. Tatas Milksha,did you say hooters? No Hooters?
No, that's two points for Teamval He went, oh, I'm so
sorry. I was waiting for Richard. I could have named like twenty seven.
Oh man, Well, Richard,you got to congratulations. You're gonna
win Ben Platt Greek Theater, Julytwentieth, ro On still now in Access
dot com, plus a bonus chancefor everybody one of four three mife in
that comp slash contest. And Iencourage you to go there. A lot
of people don't do that, guys, but honestly, there's a lot of
stuff to be won. One offour three mife in that comm slash contest.
Nice job, Richard, Thank youguys. Thank you for you Lydia.
You're a ton of fun. Ihope you have a great day.
Pomono, Okay, thank you havea great day, guys. Thank you
very much. I will because wecan can can because we're going can't come.
Is that what they were talking aboutwhen they sing that song because we
Can't Can't Come? Yeah? Well, huh, what a four three mi
fab It's Valentin in the morning,beautiful morning, beautiful start to our day.
It's gonna be hot, yes,I get that, but you know
the joy like Southern California. WhenI was driving in this morning, you
can see like the mist over thehills and stuff, and it might still
be there now and everything, andit can just be absolutely gorgeous Southern California.
Yeah, it's gonna be hot,I mean hot and sweaty, and
it's gonna be bad, but notyet, not at this hour. Right
now, it's beautiful Southern California atsix forty five. Why did Johnny?
Oh, I like that, Johnny, Johnny, Hey Johnny, Hey Johnny.
That kind of that's what my familycalls me. Johnny is there?
Really it's very Italian to add awhy to the end of all the names
for nicknames. Hey, Donmie,Hey, Polly, Danny, everybody,
Hey, Johnny, Johnny. Doyou guys, do you have like that
stereotifical Italian sound throughout your family dynamic? Yeah, it's when they get really
animated, they're very excited or they'revery angry. That's when it comes out.
You seem like you're very proud Italianto me, I think so proud
of your Italian so for sure,And you're trying to learn Italian or you
doing do a lingo or something.I'm trying to because my grandparents know it
and they're like the heads of thisItalian club down in San Diego that they
host. You're talking about something.Yes, yes, do you think and
this is and don't be mad atme if you're of Italian cent, do
you think you have any connection toanything interesting in your family? I mean
they say yes to every family,have a story, That's what I mean.
Yeah, I feel like it's hardto know. You know, that's
a tough part. You hear like, oh, you know your great grandfather
he was exactly the guy that haddinner with al Capo. Okay, hard
to say for real sort of Texansin Why did Johnny give val examples?
Wouldn't clarify what met was for Jill, that's true, but he did give
Jill examples or he gave oh hegave me examples of the honkers. Yes,
well, I guess you guessed themetal bands anyways, so those examples
still would have just helped you.That's true that you won. Jill had
metal band first, right, yeah, and Jill said, what's a metal
band? So she didn't even know, and then the person said val to
challenge him, So in total fairness, she should have got some type of
example. You know, I'm surprisedyou to know what metal band was,
though, because your fancy is kindof a metal head. Is oh he
loves Metallica, right, But Iwas just trying to think of what the
difference was between metal and rock.But you know it was a band like
musical Oh yeah, oh okay.I thought you were thinking like it was
something because around your finger, likea metal band like gold and still wow.
No, I knew we were inthe music world out. I didn't
want to start yelling out rock bandsand that not be a right. Oh
then I find you won You're you'rewonderful? Yeah, yeah, all right?
Six forty seven one of four.Three, My fam, this is
Valentine in the morning. Your teamis twenty eight days until this girl walks
down there, twenty seven have enough, twenty seven days until she walks down
the aisle. Twenty seven days untilyou become missus blank. Yeah wow,
so excited. When will you announcethe blank? I don't know. I
think probably right before before I leaveright before, like a send off,
and there she goes the new missus. Maybe she wait till after. That's
what that was saying. Yeah,when you come back, you'll be okay.
Yeah, how fun? All right? I like to send off.
What if something goes wrong, youknow, excuse wrong? You know she
stays in hawaiis Oh she never comesback? Yes, then we miss our
whole real back. Why then Inot come back because it's just so beautiful
and wonderful. Yeah, no,I'll be back. Well, also because
of us, he finally broke andwe finally wore you down to the point
where're like, I can't deal withthis frat house of boys and you know
it's too much. We do havethe battle of sexis can not? I
guess I want to play in thateight six six five four four offm By
the way, if you're up andyou're going to work, hey, thanks
for doing that, because a lotof people took this week off around here.
It is a ghost town at iHeart, So what are you doing?
How are you feeling? If youwant to do a little check in,
and it's also like a little mentalhealth check in, be honest, totally
Anonymous three one oh, four three, How are you this morning? How
are you feeling? You've got somepeople on the other side of the microphone
that actually care about you. RichardGear has just been cast in his first
major TV series role. I'll tellyou the show he's going to be on
right up traffic. What I forthree? My fam, It's Valentin in
the morning, coming up later onthis hour. If all your exes were
hanging out, what would they allagree on? All? I can guess
he's so emotional. Did you cryin front of all of them? Yes,
that's not a bad thing, thankyou, John. Yeah, Brian,
I shouldn't be able to cry.Cry from your girlfriend. There was
so much judgment, so much questionyears ago. This is we did like
this bit years and years ago.I'm not sure if you were part of
this. Not chill, because it'slike back when I was on Kiss years
ago, I wasn't married yet andwe called up all of our exes.
It just like bit like everybody onmy show at the time called their exes
and people got to grill them like, oh what did you think of him?
And one of mine was like,he just cried all the time.
Yeah, because you maybe cried.Lady that's why you're an ex. I
was not a part of that partof the calls like you were. Oh
shoot, no, thank goodness,thank goodness, we are not calling any
of my part of the show.Then a great segment call your axes.
Yeah, I quit, no callyours. Let's do this call your axes
or how much you weigh? Ohyou would be yeah. Later on this
hour all your exes are hanging out. What would they all agree on?
Texting at three one oh four three? This conve be a little bit introspective
to three one oh four to three, But right now it is the battle
of sexes reps in the menas itwas. Hector. He lives in Pomona,
works as administrator, enjoys going tothe movies. Hector, what's up,
good morning, good morning morning representingthe lady is. Her name is
Terry. She's from Riverside. Sheworks as a home loan processor and enjoys
shopping. Let's hear it for Terryby Terry. Hello, good morning,
good morning. Here's that word starryingand ask you a few questions. Hector,
feel's gonna be asking you some questions. Best out of three win,
still tied into regulation. We goto a not so tough tie breaker question.
Let us start with the ladies.What movie sees a young Viking named
Hiccup befriend the dragon? Oh myword, I have no idea how to
chain your dragon? How to trainyour Dragon's? Actually? Correct? Hector?
Oh my gosh. The House ofthe Dragon is a prequel series to
Watch You. Oh yes, allright, all right. Current scores one
to one. What does the processcalled that plants use to make their own
food? Photo syn Can you spellit? Yes? Correct? Pot yes.
Hector. A nerdy florist finds hischance for success in romance with the
help of a giant man eating plantin what movie and musical? Yeah,
good job. Current score is twoto two. You guys doing great.
Here we go. What. Denver, Broncos quarterback retired after winning his second
Super Bowl ring in twenty sixteen.I have no idea. Gronk, No,
Gronk is a tight end to playfor the Pats in Tampa Bay.
We were looking for Peyton Manning.Peyton Manning and Hector. Toby Maguire and
Jeff Bridges star in what two thousandand three movie about a horse seam biscuit?
Yeah? Yeah, guys, wincrossing the finish line. You got
it. Battle of Sex's championship certificateposted on Solcio's the ashtag Valentine in the
morning, you share that with pride. Okay, thank you so much.
You've also won a family night outto see Peter Pond Peter Pan at the
Hollywood Pantagous Theater July eleventh. You'llstart the night off at a reception with
some amazing food at the Social inHollywood. Then your head just steps away
to the Hollywood Pantagous Theater to experiencea high flying musical Pecha Pond. Tickets
around and stale now for Peter Pondat ticketmaster dot com, and you'll be
spending that time with Jillian and herfamily as she hosts you to this wonderful,
magical night where all your dreams aresoar amongst the stars. Congratulations,
We're gonna have a great time.Hector Tosticic, Thank you very much.
Yeah, very very welcome. Ihated my voice during that. I really
didn't know what I was doing.I started and then I got into it.
I didn't know what I was doing. You could stop after a certain
point, and then I didn't evenknow what it was it wasn't even like
what was it. It wasn't English, which Peter Fan would have been,
you know, it was just itwas refined, distinguished. Yes, well,
you guys are very sweet for sayingthat. Terry's you exit the stage.
This moment is entirely yours. Thanksso much for the opportunity. Love
you guys, have a great day. Love you too, Terry. Thank
you so wherever Terry to go.I hated that voice coming up. Three
things I need to know and excessiveheat watch in effect today. Already we
start the heat today. Temperature recordscould be broken, and some cities will
tell you more about that in justa few minutes. Seven twenty one.
It's Valentine in the morning. Thisis one of four to three mi fam
Temps are rising across southern California thisweek. Some areas get up to one
ten one ten by the weekend.Palm springs could reach one twenty two.
And excessive heat watch in effect forlarge parts Belly County starting this morning.
Fishers, I'm worrying about increased riskof fire danger. Please pay attention to
that. Everything you can do todecrease that risk of fire danger, please
do, especially with the legal fireworksgoing off. Do not do that.
Folks, Please understand how important itis. Can the men and women that
fight these fires that we do notgive them any more fires to fight.
You do the best you can,so please keep that in mind. Later
today, the Lakers will officially introducetwo of their newest players in your press
conference in Elsie Guondo. First thereis Dolphin Neck, the twenty three year
old guard from Tennessee the Lakers selectedin the first round. Then there's Broddy
James, the son of NBA legendLebron James. Right now, Lebron's a
free agent, but expected that hewill return to the Lakers to play with
his son, and if he didn't, there'd be a lot of people at
the Lakers going away about it.John, what's trending? So Halsey just
teased her next single. I thinkyou're going to find it a little bit
familiar. It's an interpolation of BritneySpears Lucky, an ode to the lonelier
side of fame. She said,when I was five, I thought Brittany
was singing directly to me. Twentyfour of the years later, these words
hit a little differently. So norelease date confirmed yet, But what through
that teaser up on our Instagram inthe stories at Valentine in the Morning,
I'm John Camuci. That's what's turningin music. If your ex has got
together, if all your exes gottogether, what would they agree on about
you? Texting at three one ofour three, Mike Fami. It's Valentine
in the morning. So it's akitchen table. It's a big kitchen table
and gathered around that kitchen table orall your exes. You get a cup
of coffee. All your ex'es aresitting there and they're like, you know
what I think about Jill? Oh, my gosh, it's the same thing
I think about Jill. Oh.I think that too. What would all
your exes agree on as are gatheredaround the kitchen table? Then I worry
too much, and that I like, I over talk things out, like
if something's bothering me or if I'mworried about something that might even be completely
out of my control. Sure wewill talk and talk and talk and talk
and talk about it. We're bluein the face. I'm not even one
of your exes, and I'm gonnapop in. I'm gonna knock at that
kitchen go, y, friend,I'm a friend and I'm just over here
cooking at a kitchen. I agree, Yeah I am. I'm better,
but I'm a worrier. Are youbetter? Yeah? All right, definitely?
Okay, all right, John,probably the opposite of Jill. They'd
probably say that I don't communicate mynegative emotions. Well, oh, negative
emotions. That's interesting. Okay,So any angst you're having between you and
this girl, you weren't good atcommunicating that, right. I feel like
in relationships, I think that I'man easy going guy just because I let
a lot of things go. Youcome across that way, but they're like,
no, if you have an issue, like, let's let's talk about
it, so this can build intosomething. You don't have to just swallow
everything. And I'm bad at that. I could see that, actually,
and not to break you down hereor no cycle analyze your anact, but
just in our friendship and our timetogether, I could see where you try
and let things roll off your backthat might bother you and you don't address
them. Yeah, but in mymind that's a good thing, you know,
And I know that it's not inthe grand scheme of being a human
in the long term, but like, it's so hard for me to realize
that. M. Is it hardfor you to confront problems? Yeah?
Yeah, because I think the moreenergy you spend on problems, the bigger
those problems become, and the moreproblems you end up having. So I
try and take that to the oppositeextreme right and just stay on the light
too much, right, and thenyou don't address them of the problems that
need to be addressed, right,And then they're not really connecting with me
because they're not connecting on what's wrong. What is bothering you about? John
peaks? Great? No, Isay that, yeah, right? What
about you? All your ex'es gottogether? What would they say about you?
Probably that I'm immature and that Ihave annoying friends. Would your wife
be till you seem to don't know? Yeah, she'd pop and go listen.
I'm currently married to currently and Ican't say the same thing. We
all drive Toyotas here in Valentine inthe morning, I'm gonna priest prime Jisten
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eight sixty six, five four tofour MYFM, I'm gonna tell you press
And that's your tappic with Valentine inthe morning, Natalia, all your exes
get together sitting around a kitchen table. But what do they all agree on
about? You? That if we'rein a fight, we're gonna talk about
it and we're gonna talk about ituntil the sun comes up, like we're
resolving it right now outright. Oh, you're one of these people that have
that thing above your bed, nevergo to sleep angry or something. I
don't have the sign, but that'smy motto. Oh my god. You
know it's kind of smart because herhusband might be like, you're right,
Natalia, I agree with you inthis fight. Now just to go to
bed. But he's exhausted. Yeah, he's like, no, you're right,
you wish. Oh he's the sameway. He likes to talk it
out to to the wee hours ofthe morning. No, he's like,
don't talk to me. Get awayfrom me right now. I need an
hour. Sometimes you do need,honestly, that little loving separation. You
go, listen, I just needa break. I just need a time
out. A loving timeout is whatmy wife and I call it. It
doesn't mean I have an opinion eitherway. It doesn't mean I'm arguing this
or that. It's just like,I just need a loving timeout before we
continue this situation. You know,Okay, are you guys taking your time
outing? Time out? Sunny hotthis afternoon tamps operatings to one hundred It's
mid umber seventies in the Beaches sixtyfive and Arcadia sixty seven and brand Jill's
got the entertainment headlines coming up.Luke Bryan has listed the few different names
that are being discussed to replace KatyPerry on American Idol. I'll tell you
the three ladies coming up at sevenfifty. Good morning, Becky, good
morning. So if all your exesgot together, what would they agree on
that I was the one that gotaway? Oh? Okay, okay,
I knew that was going to happen. Tell me that they all say you're
the one that got away? Ohyou have evidence? Well? I mean
like three or four of them askedme to marry them. Wow, beck
you had three or first off?Yet so many you can't remember the exact
number. Three or four of themasked me to marry them. I was
a prolific dater. Were you reallyokay? And obviously you made them feel
really good about themselves that four guyssaid, hey, would you spend the
rest of your life with me?And you didn't say yes to any of
those guys? Correct? Are youmarried now? I am? So we're
going to have our twenty seventh weddinganniversary. Congratulations, my twenty seven is
coming up to next year. Icannot believe that in your life. Then
you've had five marriage proposals. Itmight be more. I can't remember.
Stop. No, there's no way. Listen, there's no way, Becky.
Maybe there's like throw aways, like, hey, maybe we should get
married. Maybe you're including those orsomething. There's no way. Five plus
guys got down in bend and kneeand said will you marry me? I
dated a lot in my twenties andthen they just decided they wanted to marry
you. Yes, Becky. Werethe actual proposals or was it just discussions
about wanting to get married? Well? I mean they all asked me to
marry them. Wow, oh,why God? How many times have you
been asked to be married to?Call now, Becky? That's crazy.
You must have something really special.I wait a minute, don't want to
choose my own horn? Right?Well? Hold on now? Can you
tie a cherry stem into not inyour mouth? I can? Good night,
moon, Becky, Thanks for callingin. Okay, have a great
day, guys. All right,she's laughing. Good night moon Yep,
it's all over. Mildren. Don'task eight sixty six five four four My
fam texting three one oh four three. All your exes get together and they
say this about you. Jennifer textedin and said they would say that it
didn't work out and it was myfault. Emma said they would all talk
about my obsession with Hello Kitty,and then Erica said they would say she
might spend all the money, butshe's kind, loving and generous. Good
Night Moon eight sixty six five fourfour texting three one o four three one
of four three, My family,it's valence out of the morning. So
quiet or hallways? Is it quietat your work right now? Let us
know? Three one o four three. Curious I saw a tumbleweed blow by,
and you didn't say anything to usuntil now. That seems like something
I'd let people know. If Iwalked to the bathroom I saw a tumbleweed,
like the first thing back in thestudio, I'd be like, God,
there's a tumbleweed blowing down the hall. But wow, keeping secrets in
ghost, it really is three oneoh four three. And if your ex
has ever got together and sat atthe kitchen table, what would they all
agree on with you? I hadsaid most of my exes would all go,
here's a cry or a bit emotional. I've got that irish emotional heart.
Nothing wrong with us, Thank you, Jill, thank you very much.
John said that he is sometimes toopositive, needs to dress negativity.
Sometimes it's life. Yeah, that'spretty spun on. I would say that
I worry too much, or myexes would say I worry too much.
Brian's friends would all his exes wouldsay he has dirt beg friends, was
that annoying friends? And everyone inthe room see to agree, which kind
of hurt my feelings. He's changed, you know, he's a mature guy.
Now, okay, okay, textcoming in three one O four three.
As you said, all my exeswould agree that none of us had
a nasty divorce. Monica said theywould say that I was the one that
was scared of commitment, that Iwas also very quiet. Cassie said,
they'd all say that I'm their favoriteex They've all told me that, so
I'm sure they'd tell each other.And Gretchen said, my exes would say
that I'm expensive, very strong willedand hard headed, very independent. The
fifth and final season of Stranger Thingsare going to have a bit of a
change with each episode. I'll explainright after Traffic. The fifth and final
season of Stranger Things will come outsometime next year, and there's going to
be eight episodes, and they aregoing to be long episodes. Maya Hawk,
who plays Robin on Stranger Things,she said, we're basically making eight
movies. Season four and season fiveare very connected, and she said the
creators of the show are very intenseand serious about the quality of the continued
writing, and so it takes along time to write each season and a
long time time to shoot them.So every episode is going to be very
long in this final season of StrangerThings. And Katy Perry has left American
Idol as a judge, and LukeBryan, who is a judge on the
show, he spoke with Billboard andhe mentioned a few of the different names
that are being discussed. Three ladiesin particular. Number one, hold on
before you do it, let's playa game. We have to pick one
of these ladies. Guys. Okay, but as she reads Zim, we
got to say if we want heror not, and if we don't take
her, we pass on her.And then we have to accept the third
one. If we pass in thefirst two. Okay, is that a
fun game? That sounds fun?All right, here we go. First
name Umber one, Pink, Oh, I'm taking her, you're taking her?
Yeah? All right, all right. Who's on the panel right now?
BLANEA Ritchie and Luke Brian. I'mnot taking her, but I think
I think she's too Luke Brian likeaw. Okay, Well, Pink has
said in the past that she wouldnot want to do because she's want of
her people's feelings. She has saidthat in passive views. Now her mind
have changed. All right, allright, so Pink is off the board.
She's next one. Okay, MileyCyrus. Oh, I'm gonna take
Miley. She's coach on the voice. I'm gonna take Miley. I love
Miley too. I mean, listen, I love Pink and I love Miley
both. I just like I seePink and jeans and boots, and I
see Miley and jeans and boots,and I see Luke Brian and jeans and
boots. Okay, I don't know, because they've got that the country mentality,
the raw mentality. She's not.But she's got rich and jeans and
boots. But there's this raw isto them that I'm I'm just associate with
personality. Maybe I don't know.I'm not sure. I'm putting my words
out there properly, and that's whatI do for living. Let's see who
you get that I get. Thisis who I'm picking. So these again,
in the names that Luke Brian issaying, you're being discussed, he
plays Katie Parrot and Pink Miley Cyrusand Megan Trainer, who has pating for
it. She wants to be onAmerican Idol. Give me, they'd all
be great. They'd all be great. Honestly, I'm still with the tivid
headlines. Okay, seven fifty one, it's Valentine in the morning. This
one of four three min them comeup a couple of seconds here. We
got to talk to Liz first.She's been and hold, what are the
coolest songs out there right now?Understandably amazing talent, but one of the
coolest songs on the radio right nowin just a couple of seconds, Hi,
Liz, Hi, good morning,good morning. So all your exes
are gathered around the kitchen table.What they all say about you? That
I have too many guy friends?Yep, yep, yep. Yep,
I her up playing sports. Ihave two older brothers. Well there's an
insecurity there, right, there's aninsecurity on their behalf. But to be
fair, if I can speak asa guy, I can, and maybe
John will jump in if I'm wronghere, I can darn near guarantee you
there's a guy in that friend groupof yours that wants to be more than
a friend. I hope not,because they're like ten twelve years older than
me, eight years older than me, you know, like I've known them
my whole life. But I'm actuallyengaged now. So my fiance he passed
all the past, like you know, in the beginning, he was kind
of sketchy as well. I waslike, uh, you sketchy? Was
this guy? No? It waslike sketchy for him that I had so
many guys friends. You have youever had a guy friend confessed feelings for
you that you thought was just afriend. Ever? Yeah, Oh,
I feel like we all have.Really, you had a guy from the
confessed feelings for you? Yes?And I really honestly thought I didn't see
it. Who was this guy?Do I know him? I'm so nosy?
You must tell me I do knowhi, because I know all of
your friends. His name was soLiz. That was our point, Like,
guys are we're very obvious sometimes.Yeah, at that I was single
and I didn't entertain it, butI always just kind of looked at it
like, yeah, we were friends. You know, if your fiance is
cool with all this and it doesn'tbother him, obviously, that's not a
not a thing to worry about then, And you have the right to have
whoever you want as your friend andstuff, and people have to understand that.
Oh yeah, and the ones thatI did, you know, when
they do get a little bit toofriendlier flirtations, I already cut them out,
you know, like I'll say hito them if my brothers are hanging
out with them. But I toldyou it was happening at first. Like
Liz, You're like, no,that's not happened. I'm like, yes,
it is, Liz. Well,I don't know. I just I
you know, I need to respectmy fiance as well, and it's the
last thing I want is for himto be well what you need to do.
What you need to do is respecteach other, not just yes,
it's a two way street. Okay, yes, always, Thanks thanks for
calling, Liz. I have agood one. Here's your daily ghost of
happy news on Valentine in the morning. And Hi, Hi, Angie,
how are you how? I'm good. I'm excited. You probably hear that
a lot, don't you the holeAja, Oh my gosh, nobody ever
tells me that, really, whatis it? Yeah? And I have
to tell them about the songs theydon't even know. They don't know it.
And Jay, do you believe that? Oh, I'm one of those
people who don't know it? Meeither? Oh no or no? Would
you like to tell them about it? Angie? So my dad actually named
me for that song. It's asong by the Rolling Stone. What's your
happy news, Angie? My happynews is that I actually booked my spring
Bak vacation for twenty twenty five.Oh, good for you. That's something
to look forward to. Write alittle countdown, Yes, two hundred and
seventy seven days. Where are yougoing the Big Island? Oh my gosh,
how wonderful. Yeah, I've neverbeen. Just going to be in
Hawaii. And a matter of howmany days twenty seven days, should be
married in Hawaiian twenty seven days?Oh what, we'll be on a wahoo
though. But I have been tothe Big Island and it's my gosh.
I mean, you can't go wrongwith Hawaii. Every island is beautiful.
Well, congratulations, I'm so excitedfor you. Thank you very much,
Angie. Of course I'm sorry.Who ja Tuesday July second, you're listening
to Valentine in the Morning. Thisis a feed down from Michael Tomorrow on
Valentine in the Morning after eight o'clock. What is something all your exes could
agree on? Would you say,maybe you cry too much? Excuse me?
I know you mentioned that a coupleof them confidence is what I mentioned.
Yes, they would say I crieda lot. Thanks Tomorrow after eight
on Valentine in the Morning. Whata four to three mi fam it is
Valentine in the Morning coming up lateron this hour Kumuci's court. Well,
that's been dating this guy and shejust found out some information that's going to
lead her to probably end this relationship, Okay, and so she wants our
opinion on whether or not she's beena jerk about ending the relationship exactly exactly,
all right? How long is yourrelationship any idea? And I mean
they've only been dating a couple ofweeks and she found out something. She
says, No, not for me, major red flag for her. Okay,
I don't know red flags. They'redifferent for everybody. They really are,
aren't they? They really are,all right. So Collette wants to
know if she's been a jerk aboutending this relationship based on something that happened.
John, how do you find thisKomuc's Court? Are people dming you
and stuff? Here? I getsome dms and there are some that are
just really popular online that'll bring tothe show. Okay, but if you
want one, if you want toreach out to John to d m him
something for Komuci's Court to kind ofsee if you're being the jerk about something
or not. At kimuchim O Uc h E. It is the Battle
of the Sexes representing the men.His name is Alvin. He listened to
Riverside. He works a first gradeteacher, enjoys playing tennis. Let's hear
it for Alvin refreezing the ladies.Her name is Maria. She's from Fontana.
She's a nursing student and enjoys hikingwith her daughter. Let's it from
Maria. What's up? Maria?Hi? Good morning. One. In
the movie y morning, Hello,Hello morning. Here's how it works,
Maria. I'm gonna ask you afew questions. Alvin and Jill's gonna be
asking you the questions best at thethree winds still tied into regulation, we
go to an that's a tough tiebreakerquestion. But listening for the first time,
obviously in that intro you've heard alot of weird stuff a lot and
apologized for that. The hello,hello morning, we just kind of say
to each other. It comes upnow and then the whole room, so
it's it was a mess. Iget it. Then I'm screaming Alvin from
Alvin and the Chipmunks. A lothappened there. So if you're listening for
the first time, I would say, don't judge us on what you just
heard. We're gonna start with you, Maria, Alvin starting through Maria,
what famous movie series takes place inthe small town of Fours, Washington Forks,
Washington. Yeah, what's set there? Twilight? That's correct. Alvin
Pink released a song in two thousandand one with Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim
and Maya for What Movies soundtrack?Yes, he said so confidently. Look
at this guy. Current score isone to one. What is the name
of the sport that's played on ice? It's played on ice with brooms and
stones. What do you call thatwith what brooms and stones? Curling?
Is the answer? Curling? Alvinbefore taking the stage on her current tour,
who is secretly pushed out in acleaning supply cart. Yeah, that's
right, Good guess all right?Current score is two to one. Here
we go. During her acceptance speechin twenty seventeen, who did Adele say
deserve the Album of the Year Grammyfor her album Lemonade? Rihanna Beyonce Fella's
win Battle of the Sex's Championship certificate. You got it posted in soul.
She's a hashtag Valentine in the morning. You shared that with Pride. Alvin
awesome. Thanks, and you've gottickets to go see Pink at Dodgers Stadium
September fifteenth, aro on stal now, ticketmaster dot com. There's a bonus
chance, Maria, everybody else abonus chance one of four to three Minifi
dot Com slash contests. Congrats Aalvin, awesome. Thank you guys. You're
welcome. Listen Maria as you exitthe stage. This moment is entirely yours.
You take it away. I willthank congratulations to you and then thank
you for letting me say you gotit. Thank you very much. Coming
up in three things you need toknow. There is a bear on the
loose. There's a bear on theloose. There's a bear on the loose.
Hold under your kabboos. There's abear on the loose. It's in
a neighborhood of LA that doesn't typicallyhave bear sightings. This bear on the
loose in this LA suburb that doesn'ttypically have bears. Will be told to
you after the break, So don'tgo outside until we tell you, Oh,
you're the bear. We're live onthe scene. We're live on the
scene right now. We are livein the scene. I'm going to our
on the scene reporter in Chatsworth.We now go to Brian Burton, who's
live on the scene, to tellus about the bear situation. Brian,
take it away, flease. Thisbear has been on the loose since yesyesterday.
It's been seen in parking lots,near industrial buildings, roaming the streets
in backyards. Jill. We're gonnago over to Jill who has seen Instagram
videos up this bear yes from acamera from the front door. This bear
looks ginormous. This is a bigbear. Back to you, Valentine.
Actually, I'm gonna go out toJohn Cammuchu's on scene right now. John,
I understand the bear is collared andtagged. Yeah, I'm the pool
guy. The bear's just been amess in this pool right now. Not
sure what to do to clean thisthing. Back to you, pal,
all right, thank you. Peoplehave been updating the bear's location through the
citizens App, which has led toa large group of people gathering trying to
get a picture of the bear usingthe Citizens App. We'll remind you once
again, this is a wild animal. Do not get close to the wild
animal or he may eat you.Back out to Brian Ran, I've seen
anybody been eaten by the bear.So far no one has been eaten,
but do if you see someone geteaten. Do Texas at three one o
four three Back to you, vowthank you. So more and more cities
across SoCal are turning to drone shows. I think doing this out by us
because we kind of got excited whenwe heard this. Instead of doing the
fireworks, you can to do droneshows. This fourth of July. It's
an attempt to do something about thepollution caused by fireworks as well. People
don't think about that, to thinkabout the fires. With so much smoke
and junk that hangs in the airfrom fireworks. Cities like Luguna Beach,
Rancho, Pelops, Verday, It'sDowntown LA and San Fernando Valley all putting
on drone shows this year. Everyyear, air pollution reaches dangerous levels in
southern California when fireworks smoke combines witha typical smog. Of course people go,
well, it's just my one Meighty, just my sparkler. Well,
when you have a population of eightgazillion people doing it, it all
does add up. John, what'strending? Well, Eminem has dropped the
release date for his next studio album. He recently dropped two DNI this single
right here with no album release untilnow. We know the Death of Slim
Shady. That's the title of it. It's going to drop on July twelfth,
so that's a week from Friday.He also released this pretty scary trailer
to announce the news. It's alllink get up on our Instagram at Valentine
in the morning. I'm John Camuci, and that's what's trending in music.
Coming up next for doing Camucci's Courteight sixty six five four to four of
MIFM texting three to one oh fourto three wants to hear it, decide
if this lady is being a jerkor not. She wants to end a
new relationship because of blank? Wouldyou end it? Would you give the
guy a chance? One A fourto three MIFM. It is Valentine in
the morning. We're gonna launch intosomething we call Camuci's Court. John was
not a lawyer, but worked fora law firm at a point here in
southern California. And there was oneday when one of the attorneys could not
make court. And it was merelyjust a day of saying, yes,
your honor would like to submit this, Yes, your honor, here's a
paperwork for that. I pretty muchjust dressed up like a lawyer. So
he dressed up like a lawyer,went into court and pretended to be a
lawyer in a court case to signoff on documentation. Wow, whole thing
lasted what fifteen minutes top ten topsall just payperwork stuff, submitting it right
right right, So with that inmind. We go into something called Camuci's
Court. All right, we haveColette on trial today. She says,
Hey, guys, I've been datingthis guy, Kevin for a few weeks
and things have been going pretty well. I've stayed over It's Placed a few
times. But this last time,this past weekend, something threw me for
a loop. You know, whenyou've been with someone for a little while,
you can ask each other what theirnumber is, you know, the
amount of romantic partners that they've had. Well, that happened, and Kevin
was a little bit squirrely about this. When I finally pinned him down,
I was a little shocked. Hetold me it was just under fifty.
Now, I'm no prude. Ididn't expect him to say one or two.
But I'm not sure how to processthat fifty. The thing is,
he's been a total gentleman. Hehasn't rushed me into anything. But I
can't help but think he might bein it for the wrong reasons. Some
things mean a lot to me,and I didn't want to date someone who
was capable of that. I'm havinga hard time stomaching it. I can't
stop thinking about it, and Iwant to end things just based on this
fact? Am I a jurn forwanting to end this relationship based on that
question? I asked Jill your thoughts, well, because this is bothering her
so much, I would say thatshe should she should end it because it's
clearly struck a nerve. That's agood way of looking at it. But
she's so bothered by it she mightnot be able to get past it.
Now. People do different things.You know, who are we to judge?
Not judging this guy? Oh,I'm looking at you. You're judging
it. We're rolling scal we arefilming. But you know, some people
that's fine. Some people it's not. Gotcha. So that number, too,
that stands out as low yours ishigher. This just makes me uncomfortable
talking about these things like numbers likethat, because I like to pretend like
before or my wife and I gottogether, there was no one. It
doesn't matter what those numbers were becausethere was no one, because now we
have found each other. Yeah,Jean, I think to your point,
I think you're a little bit right. I think who you were isn't who
you are, but who you weremade who you are. So embracing that
past is embracing the path that broughtyou guys together. So if he's a
great guy now, then each personor each experience that he's had has led
him to become the man that heis. Now. Now you got to
find out whether or not he's thatguy right now, you know, and
you make sure he's there for you, make sure that he there for fifty
one on his way to fifty two. But if he is, I don't
think it's fair to judge the pathhe took to get there. And to
be honest, that number is likeit's not that bad for some Yeah,
wh oh yeah. In today's datingworld, that number doesn't stand out to
you guys? No what Yeah,Like if I heard that in casual conversation
out it wouldn't really make me jump. Yeah me either, Ryan, Maybe
a bit of a joke for rendingit. Just immediately give it a chance.
Maybe you'll get over it. Butyeah, people, whether you want
to say people make mistakes or peoplegrow, whatever it is, or maybe
that number doesn't bother you at all. And you know, my morality may
not be your morality vice versa whatever, or even bringing the word morality may
not be appropriate. Few I thinkyou give people a chance. But like
Jill said, if it really bothersher, why waste time. If it's
something you're not gonna be able toget past, and that's okay. It's
okay for people to disagree. Andif you can't get past something, I
would think that would be okay.I was dating somebody who had a very
high number. Which number was ait was I mean, I don't want
to go to get into his personalinformation. It was around that number,
but I immediately was like, oh, because that's a lot higher than mine,
A lot higher than mind were youthough, to be fair enough to
that guy, was there any hopeof experience learning new things in light?
You know? We never got tothat point. And there's also there is
also like little stereotype like we aremuch more forgiving of that number for men
than we are for women, andthat's raw in today's society. I agreed.
Yeah, But even though that thatnumber made to go, oh,
that's a lot higher than mine,I still it didn't. I still continued
on, Yeah, okay him,Yeah it didn't work out, But gotcha,
that didn't stop me. The numberdidn't turn you all. It made
you raise the eyebrows, but itdidn't turn you entirely off. Gotcha eight
sixty six five four four. IFMtexting three one o four three, would
that make you pause and say noto the relationship When you hear somebody's would
you call it magic numbers something?Yeah, it's say the number of romantic
partners. Thank you very well,said John. We'll drive to Otis here
in Valentine the morning. Would aPreus prime wistener Raft four Johnson and Highlander
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Talk about numbers. I can tellyou it's a high numbers. How much
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What were you going to say?Go ahead? Then? What were
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What? Wow? Find out whichToyota is right for you Toyota dot
com or get into local Southern Californiato to deal today sunning hot Safton temps
up for eighties to one seventy beachesfifty nine pass eight sixty seven brea once
again, if you are a trafficreporter, we're looking for another traffic reporter
again. This has gone downhill here. We're looking for a new traffic center,
Joe. What's coming up in entertainmentheadlines? A big change is coming
to the new Wicked film and it'sa good change. I'll tell you what
it is. Coming up at eightfifty. All right, into Kimucha's court
again we go. John A quicksaid, if you could please, Yeah,
but let's started dating this guy.She found out the number of romantic
partners he's had, and she's takenaback by it. Erica, good morning,
how are you today? Good morning? How are you guys? We're
doing good? So would you betaking it back by this? Would you
end a relationship based on this romanticpartner number? I wouldn't if this guy
has been such a nice guy toher. This whole time and like a
gentleman and rushing her. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. I'm not gonna.
I we live in twenty twenty four. I'm sorry. Times they're not like
they used to be fifty years ago. People, you know, have fun,
do whatever they want you. Imight have a lot of partners,
But I also understand what Jill saidwhen she said that if that's gonna bother
her so much, I just don'tthink that this lady like if she's gonna
ask her next person, or whatif it didn't more than that. I
mentioned to be like, Oh no, I don't know. I just don't.
Oh I should have gone with togo fifty. Oh no. Do
you think he got that number becausehe is so nice, he so sweet,
he knows how to talk to theladies. Or maybe he's not really
at that number. Maybe it's asecret ploy on his part by saying such
a high number of people, likewhat's going on that everybody likes this guy?
Oh I think, yes, tellyou, I honestly think it could
be the second one, just becausewhat really isn't he doesn't want to seem
like it's a low number to somebody. I mean because guys are so weird
nowadays that you want to show off. Okay, you know what I mean.
So I really think it could bethe second thing. You might be
honest something. So the guy mightnot actually have had that many romantic partners.
He's just saying that number to looklike he's something that she's gonna want
to get involved in, Like he'sa high priced piece of meat at the
deli. Is a black forest Ham. Is he lying about a number that's
lower than his actual number because hedoesn't want to get more judged. Oh
that could be too anymore. She'slike, oh, well, no matter
what, Yeah, that could bewhat John said could be true to because
if people ask me, I'm justgonna say, I don't recall. You
know, I don't recall one ofour presidents. I do not recall.
Seriously, I did not smoke.I did not inhale. God, there's
a reference from a thousand years ago. Sorry, I know you got it
there, Erica, Erica, letme ask you if a guy said that
to you personally, you would notbe turned off. No, Yeah,
I think it's best to just notask. I think you're right, John,
just don't ask. That's like thelesson within this. If you are
clicking with somebody in a relationship,their past is their past, their future
is hopefully with you, and thepresident is the moment you're in, So
the past unless they're just out ofSan Quentin for doing something really bad.
I mean, we all have pathsthat lead us to where we are in
life. Whether you would have takenthat path or not, that's your world.
But when you ask about how manypartners you have had romantically, I
don't know. Unless it's something that'simportant to you, then as I guess,
you're right, yeah, but yeah, but I don't know. Yeah.
No, and have been together forlike almost five years now and I've
never asked him and he's never askedme, and I'm glad the first.
Let's do this in the world ofhonesty. Let's all on the count of
three, because we all say inthe count of three. If we all
said in the count three, no, it's no, it's garbled, no,
it'll hear it. On the countof three. If we all sit
in the count of three, anumber in the counter three, here we
go. Ready, you could doit too, Here we go, Eric,
we all say in the counter three, you gotta go three to one.
Then you say it so then it'sgarbled. But we've said it so
we feel better than ourselves here,okay, ready three two one one four
three In the morning, I wasco center frequency four point three. The
point three was a weird one.For years I worked down the hall at
one of two point seven KISSFM,and then uh years of bye, and
then it was one O four pointthree. Wow. Oh yeah, no
judgment, no judgment there. ButI hope I never end up at like
uh K love or somebody, aren'tthey like one oh seven something or other
or something like that. Oh,it's one of four three mi fam and
it's balance in the morning. It'seight forty two. It is Tuesday,
July second. Can't believe we're inJuly. Fourth of July week. Hope
it's good for you. I hopeyou get some time off. I know
a lot of people around our officetook some time off. We did text
earlier young lady working at the courthouse, and she's like, my god,
holidays in crime. It's always crazy. The courthouse is jammed, she said.
Oh. Other folks said their workplacewas very quiet. A lot of
people did take that week off.Curious how yours is three one oh four
three three one oh four three?Is it quiet? Jill said there were
tumbleweeds when she went in the hall. Yeah, I thought we should alert
somebody to that. She goes,No, it's fine, it's just tumbleweeds.
But a lot of our shows upand down the hall have this week
off as well. We'll be takingoff Thursday and Friday, right right,
yes, sir, mm hmmmm mm. But your voice will still be on
the air. Oh voice, peoplewink wink, you know, feel nasty?
What one point three? What?What does that mean? Maybe you
should have taken the week off.I don't know what you're talking about.
Do regard to little ears in thecar? My friends? The summer vibes
are happening. What are they explainedto me? What you just why you
called me nasty? Because you're oneoh four to three? I got you.
Does your wife ever talk to youabout your performance in the air?
Yeah? Does she ever say,like, this is your job, you
have to keep it. We're tryingto put these kids through this little private
school where the're immersed in Spanish.You know, I'd like to move on.
I think you might be moving on. Eighty three you just one a
four to three min. Then thisis Valentin out of the morning. Good
morning to you. Oh my god, Brian what sorry? Good flame has
a plan for the US women's waterpolo team when they're done with the Olympics,
So I'll tell what he wants todo to traffic. Speaking of sports,
anybody watched last night Cope America.I was so disappointed Team USA is
out. We did not make itout of the group stage. It was
so bad. Oh, the coachmight be looking for a new job,
because we never should have lost toPanama. And there was an offside call
that didn't happen last night that costus a gold that probably should have happened.
And Cope America is just absolutely fullof bad calls and bad penalties and
bad repping. But still no excuse. The USA should have made it out
of the group play last night.If you're watching Cope America, I've now
palate cleansed you from what Brian said. Our traffic reporter. If anybody else
is going on Long Beach, letus know our traffic center. It's not
working down there. Apparently now thatstinks. We don't even if oh,
there's oh, there's a stack againsomething, Natalia, I tell you her
husband's listening right now. He's allin a panic. He'll tell you for
ES's husband, she got one child, the two of them Totalia. Are
you there, I Talia? Oh, do we take that as proof of
life? So I am so excitedfor Wicked to be in theater, starring
Ariana Grande and Cynthia Arrivo. Andoriginally it was scheduled to be released on
November twenty seventh, the day beforeThanksgiving. Now Universal Pictures has announced you
guys, yes, we're getting ita week earlier, stopping November twenty second,
Wait a minute, one week earlier. I was worried because it's Thanksgiving,
you know, the original release wasThanksgiving, correct, And I thought,
oh gosh, we're gonna have afamily in town. When am I
going to go to see this?Point? Because I want to be there
the midnight showing when it happens,when I first can see it, I
want to be there. Of course, Now I can go a week earlier.
I am so relieved it's one weekearlier for us to see it.
Usually movies get pushed ye back,we gotta wait even longer. Oh no,
they're like Nope, we're coming sooner. Guys. Can I tell you
something, Jill is a big theaterfan. Yes, she was holding her
breath for this thing. She wasturning blue when all she wanted to do
was turn green. Good one SoWicked will be released No. Number twenty
second a week earlier. Flava Flavehe has been very invested in the women's
water polo team from the US andtheir journey to the Olympics. And it
all started when one of the teammembers said that it's very expensive to go
and a lot of them need asecond or third job to support chasing the
dream of making it to the Olympics. Well, Flava Flag came out and
said he vowed to be their hypeman and he was going to pledge his
support to the team. He's goingto help any way financially that he can.
Well now he has said after theOlympics he's given each team member one
thousand dollars and a cruise on VirginVoyage crew. Oh my gosh, you
know I love him. I'm Jillheadlines Kate S eight fifty two. It's
one of four to three I FM. This is Valentine in the morning Tuesday,
July second. If you're at theoffice and it's pretty quiet there,
let's have some fun this Valentine inthe morning. Our producer stepped out for
a second taking his seat. IsJohn Peak, our boss? What's up,
buddy? Why I've got the highpitched voice, just like so.
I saw over the weekend you wereclearing brush in Gstaic. You and Rapp
were both up there mowing lawns inthe middle of the wilderness. We have
a friend that it was a ranchup there and needed help prepping for the
fire season. So I said,hey, if you can spend the day
up here, come on, andthey gave me this big giant mower.
What did he call it again,It's called a brush hog and it just
and he said to you, haveyou ever used a brush hog before?
And I said no. Now weget when I was the house the old
brush ug. I love my brushug. Yep. So you're basically like
clearing fields fields for fire season inthe Castaic area. Yes, well,
it's very nice to you. Isto be a good friend. Just be
a good friend. Help these guysout there. Yeah, good people up
there. So well, Kasak isone of those parts. It gets hit
hard with fires and stuff. LACounty in general gets hit very hard.
Riverside County is the worst county involvementsunthe California for fires. Yeah, Riverside
always gets hit hard. Well,I don't know if you go roovers when
I'm talking about fire season over there, do you know why Riverside County gets
hit harder? What's it I'm askingyou? I'm asking questions. No,
that seemed like seemed like you knewthe answer. You asked it like you
knew the answer. Tell them aboutthe intonation and how you say it.
Do you know why Riverside County getshit so hard? John? It is
hot down there. That would bemy number one guest Antpography, also geography
and climate change, everything else.Here's your answer. Just thank you.
It is nine twenty four, It'sValentine in the morning. Temps are rising
across on the California this week.Some areas we'll get up to one ten
by the weekend. If you hadto palm springs, don't go outside.
It could reach one twenty two andexcessive heat watch in effect for large parts
of La County starting this morning.Fists are warning about increased risk of fire
danger. Please keep that in mind. With illegal fireworks. I know you
might be tempted. You might think, oh, it's just me, I
can get away with it. Butif we're all doing that, that fire
danger is exceedingly high. And themen and women that fight this fires,
they do not want to be outthere in this heat. And I would
also venture to say, think abouttheir families. Oftentimes, when you go
off to fight a fire, you'renot gone for eight hours in your home.
You're off in that fire line fordays and days and days. And
these ladies and guys may have kidsat home just like yours, that are
worried about their parents fighting these fires. So do them a service. Let's
do our best to say we havefrom causing any fire danger. Later today,
the Lakers officially introduced their two newestplayers during the press conference in Elseigondo.
First, Dalton Neck, the twentythree year old guard from Tennessee,
who's the Lakers selected in the firstround. Then what up Brownie James,
the son of NBA legend Lebron James. Right now, Lebron is a free
agent, but it is expected hewill return to the Lakers to play with
his son John. What is trendingwell Halsey has been teasing her next single,
I think you're gonna find it alittle bit familiar. It's an interpolation
of Britney spears lucky, like anode to the lonelier side of fame.
She said when I was five,I thought Brittany was singing directly to me.
So twenty four years later, thesewords are hitting a little differently.
So no official word on a releasedate yet, but we'll throw that teaser
up on our Instagram in the storiesat Valentine in the Morning. Those tickets
for Pink that was talking about,they'll be tomorrow. If you win the
Battle of Sex's Pink at Dodger Stadium, That'll be after eight o'clock tomorrow morning
on Valentine in the Morning. Weare a team minus. Twenty seven days
until Jill's wedding. Yes, sheseems like me, excuse me, yes,
yes, twenty seven days. It'scrazy. Has that set in so
you get married? It's weird becauseit hasn't that it hasn't at the same
time, and I'm just so excitedthat I just feel like it's twenty seven
days? How many days until yourwheel's up to you get to Hawaii?
Because that'shen you get married Hawaii.We are leaving three weeks from Saturday,
so the twenty seventh is when weleave. So how many days we have
on the ground in Hawaii before youget married? Eight oh before we get
married? Yeah? Two two?One full day? All right? Yeah,
I don't if that math is checkingout in my head. But okay,
so wonderful day getting married on aMonday? Is it cheaper on Monday?
This place just has one set priceand it's just what every day is
opens open. It's the same placeno matter what. That was the thing.
Yeah, because it's just a ceremonyonly package. We're not doing a
big party, so it's just aceremony and it's just one flat rate basically
for anything. But you guys havelike a dinner reception afterwards for your family.
Yeah, the family's gonna go todinner after And this is on a
Monday, gotcha. Monday is agood day. Monday's a great day.
Well, it's a significant date inour family is on that Monday twenty ninth
is my grandparents' wedding anniversary, whoI just adore. So yeah, okay,
the most they were the most specialpeople in my life. They still
are, but it's just it workedout how way right. Yeah, And
when my fiance suggested that date,I was like, oh, yeah,
that sounds good, we'll do that. And then you realize we got a
couple from the venue and I toldmy mom and I was like, oh,
we're thinking July twenty ninth, andshe's like, oh, that's any
and PA's wedding anniversary. Oh,oh my gosh, it's just meant to
be. Did you share that day? Yes? I agree, Yes,
I was going to mention Solomon Grundayis born on a Monday. Oh my
god, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't because that
was more. That was better.You did Brian in here for that one.
Yeah, sing it with you,just do it? No, please,
No. Solomon grun Day born ona Monday, Christen Tuesday, Marion,
and Wednesday sick, and Thursday worsethan Friday died, and Saturday buried
on Sunday. That's the end ofSolomon Grunday. Thank you. Jamie Fox
has shared more details about his mysterioushospitalization he had back in April at twenty
twenty three. We don't know awhole lot about what happened. When I
was talking about it, Jamie,he said it started with a bad headache.
He asked a friend for an adbill, and before he knew it,
he said, I was gone fortwenty days. He says he doesn't
remember anything from that period of time. Now, we still don't know the
exact cause of his illness or whyhe was in the hospital, but he
said he was initially given a courtizoneshot, but a second doctor said there
was a more serious issue, buthe wouldn't say what that issue was on
camera. And the fifth and finalseason of Stranger Things will come out sometime
next year, and there's going tobe eight episodes, and they are going
to be long episodes. Maya Hawk, who plays Robin on Stranger Things,
said, we're making basically eight movies. Season four and season five are very
connected. You talk about how intenseand serious the writing has been, how
long it's taken to shoot each ofthe episodes, and they are going to
be eight movies. I'm Jill withtheir Ennytiment headlines. All right, Jill,
thank you for your show. Thankyou for your show. Jean,
thank you for your show. Thankyou for your show. Michae Paulman New
York City. Thank every show,Laura, who's not here, Brian has
stepped out to tal you whose Mikeisn't working. Thank you for your show
as well. I have a greatday. Lisa Fox is coming up next
capter and be the change in theworld that you want to see. And
we'll be here tomorrow morning for yourWednesday, Day before July fourth show,
Yes with Valentine in the morning.