All Episodes

October 25, 2024 • 99 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Is chili ish this morning, and that is a trend,
especially on Sunday. That's going to continue. Stage Rai's not
here today, which is weird. I just assumed he'd take
Monday off since the Cowboys are the Sunday night game,
but apparently he's getting ready for it. So I think

we have Ken Boone today, so we'll pick his brain
on what your weekend to look like. But it's gonna
be a nice one. So if you're doing the State
Fair or yeah, your kid plays football or whatever it is,
this is gonna be one of the good ones. All right.
With that in mind, we got a lot of audio

today gonna get to that. The view is a blessing
and a curse. I mean, it's a box upon society.
That being said, it is it is extremely helpful for.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
US election interference.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
This is all it is. Is he that out of it? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:08):
That he doesn't remember that he started lock her up
when he was talking about Hillary Clinton. Don't talk about interference, man,
You the big interferer, don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
So what are we dealing with?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Ms? Whoopee? If I could for a moment, do you
think him chanting lock her up, which, by the way,
is why I didn't get into the Biden thing. I
don't know if you guys, I don't know if you
guys saw this. Joe Biden kind of well he said it,
but he also was specific in the next sentence, and I,

you know, here's the deal. There's more than enough Joe
Biden audio to go around. Didn't have to that being said,
I feel like the theme on today's show is people
in the media who don't consume media because I don't know.

I don't know how if your will be this is
what sets you off, but it does, so, you.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
Know, is CV and hell to a different standard? Does
she have to have all the answers perfectly done and
he gets to walk around bloviating from his Absolutely.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
She is being helped to a different standards. She has
to be perfect while he has been the most imperfect
candidate that we have ever seen for presidency in our lifetimes.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
That is fat okay, Joe Biden didn't know where he was.
She doesn't know anything about what she does. Donald Trump? Look,
Donald Trump? Does he bloviate? Sure he does. You don't
run around do you know two shows a night? So
to speak at your rallies where you just wing it

for forty five minutes and and fill that time unless
you know you can, you can, you can do a
little bloviating. That being said, I don't think anyone's asking
Harris to be perfect. This is and Ross called it

the other day. This is copium man, and it takes
another This is people coping with the reality that they're
in and it may look, here's the deal, we don't
know who's gonna win the election, and you shouldn't assume
you know either. Okay. That being said, The way in

which people look at the polls and then it like
instructs how they talk about it is fascinating, right, because
there's different ways you can go. You can be like
you can just be in denial, or you can be
in denial but with it. And let me give you
a football example. It's like you're watching a game and

you are convinced the referees are against you, and so
rather than evaluate it, rather than evaluating your own team's play,
you've just you've just decided that that's the only thing
going on. And it's not because your quarterback threw three picks. Okay,

and let me just say she's a pick machine. One
hundred percent The Panthers should sign her. Sorry that was low,
but I mean, could it be any worse? She's a
pick machine. But you don't want to deal with that.

So you find yourself sitting there like whoopee, going, oh,
what's what? Donald Trump? What's up with this guy? I
mean he's just uh he doesn't she does she have
to be perfect? He's not perfect. No, she doesn't have
to be perfect, but like perfect, if perfect is I

don't know if if if perfect is your goal, you're
trying to get to perfect and perfect in I don't know, Moscow. Uh,
you're still in Uh, you're still in the UK. You
gotta you gotta ways to go. Just pointing this out
not the best analogy, but uh, anyway, they hold on?

What is this, Boston Paul? What does Boston Paul want?
How do you wake up with that level of hangover
every morning and send me emails?

Speaker 2 (05:50):

Speaker 1 (05:51):
You gonna talk about last night's uh football game? Oh? Ross?
Was the Bundesliga? Was that was Bundesliga in action last night?
I'm assuming that's what you mean. What's that?

Speaker 2 (06:04):

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Wow? Wait, hold on, Boston, Oh wow, look at that,
Thank you, Boston Paul. I didn't even realize that, uh,
Mayonnaise was playing Manca Gladden Ross You is Manka Gladden
one of your teams you're a fan of. I can't remember.
Is it Manka Gladden or Wolfsburg? Wolfsburg that's a great name. Yeah,

thank you, Boston Paul. I'm assuming that's what he meant.
So anyway, No, she doesn't have to be perfect. But
like you had her. This is the other thing. You
had her in the room and I believe she sat
right next to you, but she was there, which actually

is fascinating. Like I don't know the conversation during breaks
and pre and post show and all the rest of it.
But sometimes you put a person on the radio or
on TV or any of the rest, and it isn't
who they are in person, and actually it can be
a little mind boggling. I don't think that's the case,

but I don't know, because like there's video of Kamala
when she is just interacting with somebody, and I don't
want to say she doesn't know she's on the air,
because she has to know, right, everybody's filming you all
the time. That being said, it doesn't deviate like she
still cackles and talks about nonsense, even when she's talking

to a random voter. So I have a hard time
believing that she was that different on the view as
to get us here. But I don't know today's show
is going to be about copium. I watched a clip
this morning, and full disclosure, I'm gonna play the audio.
The dude technically is a coworker. So there is that

Charlemagne the God. Do you know who that is? So
he is one of the I guess he's the main
host or one of the main hosts for one of
our New York stations, But they also syndicate for a
show called The Breakfast Club. And here's the deal. They
do a fine job. I'm not judging this from a
political standpoint or any of the rest. I have been

not in New York but one of the markets they're
syndicated to and actually listen to a fair bit of
that show because I happen to be driving. Fine, great,
good job, go ahead and do it. That being said,
there's a whole lot of people I'm wondering if they
have cable and that's kind of a crazy thing, or

are they coping with the reality that's out there, And
I think it's probably more number two if I had
to guess. But the view was just on fire yesterday.
It's crazy, Ross, I sent you this. I had no
idea there would be seven? Was there seven? Cut? Eight

cuts from this? But there's just as you were dubbing
it in. Was there a moment where they weren't insane
as you were dumbing it as you were dubbing the
cuts in, or the totality of it before you cut
it into c Was there ever a moment where you're like,
there's a voice of reason here, because I thought the
view kind of had that right, don't they? You know,

the Megan McCain, the whatever, Like the whole thing is
just absolute nuts. And you're telling me there's not a
producer sitting around going all right, let's go to another topic.
But I don't know. Maybe Whoopy doesn't take directions.

Speaker 4 (09:45):
You know, her criticism, the criticism that she's getting is
that she's too scripted. I say, she's disciplined. I want
someone who's disciplined near the nuclear codes. I want someone
who is moderate near the nuclear codes. And so all
this criticism that she's getting makes it very clear to
me that not only is it a binary choice, people

are holding her to this different standard because you have
a maniac on the other side talking about they're eating
the pets and all these dog whistles, and you have
someone else that's talking about their dog whistles. See what
I did there, and they're all But on the other side,
she's talking about policies, and to blame her for the
state of immigration, I.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
Would challenge Sonny houstin hostin whatever, I would challenge you
to play me a clip of her talking specifically about policy.
And I don't just mean we want a policy. I
mean give me some details because I'm sure exists. It
probably exists, right, I've never seen it. I'd be very interested,

and I think a lot of voters would too. I
mean a policy that she endorses and says this is
going to be her thing when she's in office. I
look at way too many commonly cuts more than any
person should. I don't know where that exists. I just don't.

Speaker 4 (11:11):
And not solving immigration. I thought her answer was masterful.
They were trying to get a bill accomplished that Trump
now is running on. He's running on failures at the border.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
So I'm sorry Trump is running on the bill. A
reminder of the bill included one pathway to citizenship two.
Only twelve percent of the money in the bill actually
dealt with immigration. I just want to be clear here

because that's policy. By the way, that's policy. Right. If
you go ahead and you're like, yeah, I love this bill,
that's part of your policy. Your policy is that your
action on immigration was a bill that only addressed it
twelve percent of the time. Do you think it's a
twelve percent of the time problem. I don't, and the

voters don't because when you ask people what are they
concerned about, it's always one of the top three, and
uh is usually the top issue or the economy. It
kind of bounces depending on where you're polling people. Very clear, you.

Speaker 4 (12:24):
Know why, because he is the one that stopped the
bill from passing. And let's not forget that.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Yeah, let's well, let's not forget you know, Donald Trump
wasn't in office right that he had no vote. He
couldn't he couldn't veto or not veto like he was you, Sonny.
I mean, he was you at the time the bill
was coming up, right, didn't have a vote, but probably

had some influence. He was you, all right. By the way,
this meltdown goes on for most of the show, and
I have to assume it was predicated on the town hall, Right,
What caused the women of the view to more than

usual lose their mind? What triggered that? It had to
be the town hall? Well, because obviously they discussed politics,
and it's obvious who they're voting for. That being said,
for them all to walk in and decide that they
were just gonna conspiracy and and ramble and and cry

without crying, like something triggered that, I assume it was
the town hall. So you're kind of telling on yourself.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
He doesn't.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
He just has to.

Speaker 5 (13:51):
He doesn't even have to appear sane. That's the that's
the bar.

Speaker 6 (13:54):
At this point.

Speaker 5 (13:55):
She has to appear presidential and everything.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
You just prepare for that.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
Hey boy, he'd have.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
To like really work on being sane, you know, because
he seems he seems insane, and he doesn't show up
for anything. He didn't show up for a debate, He
doesn't show up for.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
A town hall. I love I love this narrative. By
the way, he doesn't he doesn't show up for that.
And well, in this case, the debate and the town
hall are the same. Thing, right, So CNN that was
where they were going to do another debate. And I
say another because Donald Trump did show up for a
CNN debate against Joe Biden, and I feel like you

guys all remember how that went. So this was CNN's
profer debate, which wasn't one of the main three. I
would point out. Remember when they were trying to figure
out if Trump and Commalin were going to do a debate,
they had three dates. They had NBC, ABC, and Fox,
and they ended up doing uh it was ABC or CBA,

whatever they did, they ended up doing the one network
one or one of the two network ones. They didn't
do the NBC and they didn't do the Fox because
Kamala wouldn't come to it. So CNN came along a
little later and was like, hey, we'll do one, and
uh Trump said no, she went She's not gonna do
the Fox. I'm not going to do another CNN because

he did one already. So that it got turned to
a town hall and you saw it with Kamala, just
like the Fox thing got turned into a Trump thing,
so not not to the same level, but it got
turned into a special I believe. So that's that's where

we are. That's who you're dealing with. And I don't
think they have TVs over wherever. The view is like,
there's no way these women are consuming media and coming
to these conclusions.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
Does it have bone spurs?

Speaker 2 (15:47):

Speaker 7 (15:48):
Do you think?

Speaker 1 (15:49):
I mean, I'm wondering if possible. That's fair. Here's that's
fine because I cut off.

Speaker 5 (15:54):
If she said some of the things that he said,
I mean, the name call it.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
Yeah, imagine if she said things that left people uncomfortable
and made him question her. Yeah, imagine imagine. All Right, anyway,
it's a six twenty three, A little hard there on
the first We are not even through half the audio.
Craziness continues next hang on to tell you. I am like,

I'm super curious now why Bill Clinton is a surrogate
every time this dude ends up in the news over
the last week and a half or whatever, I guess
it's been about a week and a half two weeks
since he was gonna hit southern states, but not just
southern because he was in Arizona yesterday on behalf of

Harris Right, and then when he speaks he says stuff.
If you remember he was down in Georgia and he
said that that college student probably would be alive today
if they had vetted people properly at the border. We
played the audio. I mean, that's not that's not helpful.

Speaker 2 (17:08):

Speaker 1 (17:08):
I don't know if it's helpful or not helpful. He's right.
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna deny that. But it's
a really odd thing for him to say on the
campaign trail. So he's in Arizona. Obviously, Carrie Lake is
running again. Right, the former gubernatorial camp was rough for governors, No,
it was governor right, So she's running again. Former TV

news anchor too, right. So, and Bill Clinton's in Arizona
saying this.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
A beautiful micro.

Speaker 8 (17:46):

Speaker 1 (17:48):
By the way, is that the only recording device you
had on this, dude? Because I looked, I looked for
cleaner audio. I didn't see it at least on the Twitter.
I know it exists, but like, I don't know. That's
just weird. In this day and age.

Speaker 8 (18:06):
You've got a.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Person that.

Speaker 9 (18:10):
Grew up on her sometimes challenging circumstances, who made something
of his life, running against.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Someone who is.

Speaker 9 (18:22):
Physically attractive but believes that politics is a performance.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Are all right? So's he's referring to carry Lake and
then obviously before that he's referring to her opponent. Was
it Gago or something. I can't remember, but where they
just had they just had a bunch of details come
out about and in his personal life stuff. But that's like,
what's what's getting in And he was details about how

he how he manipulated his divorce proceeding or something. I admittedly,
I don't know that I'm up on it enough to
to spill it all here, but also I don't broadcast
in Arizona, so it is what it is. But people
are like, oh my gosh, why would Clinton say that?
I don't know, because he's Bill Clinton, and frankly, I

question his one to ten scaling. To be honest with you,
like you're the president of the United States, Paula Jones.
I mean, I don't think against her. I'm just saying, like,
you should be swinging for the fences like Marilyn Monroe

in the Oval office? Is the standard? Bro? What's up
with that? So anyway, I saw some people freaking out
like what Bill Clinton was slightly slightly mildly inappropriate. I
don't know that that's inappropriate, by the way, but if you
think it is, he was mildly inappropriate as it pertains

to woman is not his wife. I am shocked. I
don't know if I'm going to recover this morning. So yeah,
keep him out there, man, Good stuff, good stuff, all right.
Back to the view. Although I got a couple in
my emails scream asking for mercy, there's nothing I can do.

That's who they are. I'm not gonna not play it.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry it's ruined your morning, sir. But
people need to know, they need to know.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Well what the thing I want to say is, you know,
people say, well, we don't know enough about her, we
don't know what she stands for. She's telling you, she's
repeating all the stuff. See what I think is extraordinary
is when she does what he does.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
People say, I don't get it.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
Because she's repeating.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
She's doing exactly what he does. He says it and
says it and says it until it takes he does.
I'm clears, but what see?

Speaker 1 (21:03):
And here's I just want to make fun of him,
but I'm like concerned because I don't care who you are.
I would challenge you to name a specific policy proposal
Trump's got him, although he bounces around, and if you
want to be critical about that, that's fine. But he's

laid out things he wants to do or says he
will do. And I know you know this because you
all freaked out when he said it. And it doesn't
matter what it is. He can be like I think
that I should be cup holders in the beast the
armored limo thing, and then the view will do fifteen
minutes on it. Oh my gosh, look at this guy.

Constitutional crisis.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
But like.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
In my brain, if I'm formulating the sentence that Whoope
and Enjoy are saying here, I'm like my brain would go, well,
I mean, can you name a pology? But these are
questions I ask myself when I'm putting like show prep
together at night, and I to scold yourself and talk

yourself out of doing something in a particular way or
putting it in the prep or any of it like
that happens every day. In fact, Ross see Ross doesn't
even know I sent him a ton of links. Yesterday's
probably mad at me, but there's four links I didn't send.
I'm looking at him right now. That's the process, right,

So like your your brain should think of these things
and you can't tell me that your brain, at maybe
after saying it, or at least in an honest person's
brain goes, I don't know what. I mean, what specifics
has she's given? I want to know? And I would
play the audio because it would be so crazy. I'd

be like, oh my gosh, here she is thirty seconds
laying out specific policy ideas and proposals. I would, I
promise you I would play that because I'd be like, OMG,
what is this is doing?

Speaker 3 (23:13):
If she is repeating what the information you need to
know about the borders, the information you need to know
about this, and it is because.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
So nothing you need to know, nothing specific I mean
by your standard. If she's repeating what you need to know, right,
So that's the she's decided what you need to know.
That's crazy, especially on that topic. Like if you pick
something else, I probably I wouldn't be playing it, But

you picked that one. I can't decide. Is she the
former borders are? Does she know nothing about the border?
This ebbs and flows? And what is she? What is
she told us specifically other than and I can repeat it.
I can tell you her answer right now, right, So

pretend I'm a Comlo, okay, and somebody asked me about
the border. I will say, and I might mix the
order up, but I'll say three things. I'm going to say,
first and foremost, Donald Trump. Donald Trump. And that's one,

and that's just on border policy, even though that's crazy
because ninety three executive orders out the window. Number two
Donald Trump again, but in a different way. Donald Trump
somehow killed the bill, the bill that finally made its
way to Congress here, you know, within the last year,

ignoring all of the years of just lawlessness, right and
also ignoring the fact that Donald Trump wasn't in office,
and you put forward a bill with twelve percent funding
and called it a order bill, but it was really
a Ukraine bill, if you want to be honest, about

the largest percentage of it. So that's you know, that's
number two on the on the border issue. And number
three doesn't involve Donald Trump, but probably kind of does
in the sense that the she doesn't know where to

be on it, and sometimes she's a border wall person
and sometimes she's not. That's it. And and even then
she won't drill down to the specifics on it. If
you remember, we played the town hall audio yesterday asked
specifically about the border wall, and she's just like, we'll
do what we need to do, which is a non answer.
But like, other than that, I mean, I say that

I know what she would say, but there's nothing of structure.
There's no structured policy in there. I guess maybe the bill,
but that's a bad policy. If you tell people that
the border bill only only twelve percent of the money
in there was for anything having to do with border protection, honest,
most honest people would be like, really, who wrote that

stupid thing? Because that's that's how people even if they
think Ukraine should have funding and Israel should have this
money and whatever else was in there, you tell people
that it's the border bill that they keep being told
about only contain twelve like that, people can People are
not well, some people are dumb, but most people, even

kind of dumb, still were able to do the math
on that. That doesn't make sense, what's up with that?
But you know, that's that's how we do politics.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
Now because we are consuming so much of her.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
But it does.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
But it's also very important for her to repeat and
repeat and report that.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
That's the point of.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
Me because statistically, you have to hear things three times
in order to remember them.

Speaker 5 (27:04):
But he has been around for a centuries. It seems
seems like it.

Speaker 1 (27:07):
See that's not true. I heard Whoopee say, uh, it
wasn't rape, rape, in response to somebody who was raped
but by a Democrat. I only heard. Well, I heard
it once and I knew I would never forget, and
then I played it on the show. But so I
didn't need the three.

Speaker 5 (27:26):
She's only been around for like a little sold.

Speaker 2 (27:28):
That's the other thing.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
She'd been around twenty.

Speaker 1 (27:30):
Okay, she'd only been around for a short time. So
is she not the Harris from Biden? Harris? So confused?
Is she not the age of college? Was she not
a senator? I mean she she just got here? Oh man,
she just got here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, she no, they

they beamed her down from space or something. Yeah, nobody
knows her minutes.

Speaker 3 (27:56):
Let's say she suddenly became the nominee. She's got get
up on top of stuff. She has to now think
as a presidential candidate and not the vice presidential candidate.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
Is that remarkably different? I mean it is in the
sense that if you're the vice president, if you're jd
Vance running around or Tim Walls falls such a lunatic man.
If you're one of those guys running around, right, I understand.
There's the there's the part where you have to, you know,

talk about your boss's platform and all that stuff that
being said. Those are presidential platforms, and even Tim Walls
doesn't know what to talk about. All right. He's running
around calling people crazy because they act weird on stage,
and then he runs out on stage like he's on

the price is right. I don't know, but I don't
know that that's remarkably different anyway. Whoopee, I'm sorry. You
go right ahead.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
You know what, if you don't know what you're doing now,
I don't know what else to tell you. I don't
know what else to tell you. You're the voter, the voter, yeah,
you know, if you if you're not sure, no, I see.
But if you're not sure by now, I don't know
what else it is people are looking for. She has
turned herself inside out practically to meet every She's met

everybody that every nobody thought she would meet. She went,
so she's seeing Joe Rogan. She went, this shows up?

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Wait, hold on, did she did? She just say she's
gonna go see Joe Rogan. I'm sorry, I I I'm
probably misinformed. Did she not decline the Joe Rogan interview? Officially?
It's the officially Ross and Mike Crazy. She officially declined that, right, correct, So.

Speaker 10 (29:57):
She's not seeing Joe Rogan at all.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
Well, maybe maybe she's going to the MMA, right. I
would actually have respect for if she was sitting front
row at the MMA and like really into it, I'd
be like, Okay, that's a little bit of normal. But
I don't know. No, no, you have a show. No,
and so no, it's more than we can see. He's

going on Joe Rogan today two day. How many of
you are listening to the Joe Rogan podcast today or
watching the video or whatever. I hope they just put this.
I hope they just put the whole thing up on YouTube.
Sometimes we'll hit or miss, like I'm making in the

same way that when we used to have a big story.
Hold on, let me let her finish. Talk is doing.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
She's doing the best she can with what she's got,
and if it's not good enough, then we're in trouble.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
You're in trouble. So there's that, all right. Anyway back
to the Rogan thing. Like we talk about appointment listening,
and I would hope for all you out there, this
is appointment listening. It would make sense. I would understand
we have fun sometimes. That being said for me, For

me who doesn't consume a lot of talk radio, by
the way, it's actually I obviously don't like talk radio.
It's simply I don't. I don't want to subconsciously pill
for others ideas. That being said, that means or listen
to Glen Beck, pause for twenty seconds. It's in the
industry thing because it sets off a little alarm. There's

more than a certain amount of dead air. It's a
Glenn Beck thing. But when there was a big juicy story,
twelve oh six doesn't matter what I'm doing. Twelve oh
six was doing it into Limba. Because the reason I
would listen to Limbaugh and make that appointment listening is well,
one he's Limbaugh, but two he would bring a unique

perspective to whatever the story is, good, bad, or otherwise.
He would at least say something that isn't the thing
being said on Twitter a thousand times by a thousand drifters.
I'm the Joe Rogan thing. That's an appointment today. That's happening,

because who the hell knows three hours? Do you think
they go a full Joe Rogan Ross? Do you think
they go like three four hours with Trump? That's what
I was wondering, Is Trump gonna do three hours with Rogan?
Because I would have sad because I remember when Rogan
talked about this. He was talking about maybe initially when
he was whatever is one of his comedian buddies, like, hey,

are you gonna have the candidates on? And he's just like,
you know, we want to, and he's explaining the whole situation.
But getting them to sit for three hours has been like,
I think Trump will sit there for three hours and
not shut up. If I had to guess, you put
Kamala Harrison there for three hours. That thing, just get that.
That gets weird in fifteen minutes. It's just who they are,

so well, uh, we'll find out anyway. It's uh sixty two.
Let me do this, Donna, I have one minute. Go ahead.

Speaker 8 (33:18):
In Bill Clinton's defense, look who he's married to God's.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Sake forty nine years.

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Yes, poor guy. I feel sorry for him. Of course,
carry Lake looks good.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
Nah, they deserve each other, so hey.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
I think I think Trump will sit for three hours,
maybe even more.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
Yeah, honestly, people are talking about that. I'm like, oh, dude,
if try as long as there's not a scheduling issue,
he'll sit there for five hours and joy it.

Speaker 8 (33:42):
Yep. Yeah, man, he'll get all his policies out there
and have a good time and or'll we make.

Speaker 2 (33:49):
Some gas or not.

Speaker 1 (33:50):
They just said maybe they talk about MMA fighting the
whole time. He knows. I don't know, Dona. I appreciate
the call this one. Take care all right, I have
a going there. Yeah, I don't know if I get
some policy in talk MMA. Remember Trump, at the end
of the day, Trump's a wrestling and an MMA guy.
So who knows. We'll be back hang on. So just

a reminder of one hour from right now, we'll be
chatting with Pete Callander. And as you can imagine, as
we're just weeks out from the election, there's a few
things to talk about, which of course we'll we'll we'll
get into. And we got to talk campaign signs too.
I don't know if you all are following the freak

out here over some I don't want to say campaign signs.
I would say signs near polling places, which the ACLU
and or their organizations are very upset about. So we'll
get into that here in just a moment. I don't
know what. I don't know what's inaccurate about it, but

that's that's why we do these things. So we'll get
into that here in just a few few moments. Because
I was reading this piece in the News and Observer
this this morning, this fine morning, and I don't know, man,
I don't know who put the signs up, But I

also don't know what the problem is. I don't know
if you know this. There is signage of pulling places, yeah,
telling you what to do, telling you you can't campaign,
not all of them, but you can't electioneer within a
certain distance. Right. So anyway, we'll get you the the deats,

as they say, coming up here in just a few minutes.
I want to finish this tour of the view though,
And I know your ears are bleeding, I know, I know,
But it's like we've we've moved past the point of
how the hell right does somebody think that too? Like

a fascinating case study of people in the media who
I guess don't consume media, which I just talked about
where I don't listen to a lot of I don't
listen to a lot of other talk shows. That's just
it's just a personal thing. But I'll listen sometimes. That
being said, I consume media. I don't know how. I

don't know how you could function in this business not
can you know, trying to pay attention to the various
other stories out there. Obviously, when I do prep, that
is that's exactly what that is. Arguably that's a much
deeper consumption of the media than most people do, because
now I got to think about audio and read, make

sure I understand the story, because I don't do notes
per se. I have a story in front of me,
but I usually talk, I read, commit to memory some
stuff and then as you know, generally go oh what
was that number again, and then wander back. So I'm
basically Joe Biden anyway. That being said, I have several
examples today and the view has to be you would

think they're chief among it, but actually they're not going
to win today. But it's really crazy because you start
to ask yourself, and it's not just the view. You
start to ask yourself, did I did I read that
this thing that you know, in your head, which immediately

would either debunk or add contexts to this crazy thing
they're saying, And then you start to question whether you,
in fact actually did learn that, right, like the Charlotte
Like the Charlottesville thing, I guess it'd be a good example, right,
whenever you'd hear some and I don't mean people on
TV or politicians because you understand why they're doing it,

but like when you know you're co workers, like, yeah,
you said good people on both sides, you'd think some
of them Nazis are good? Right? How weird is it
when somebody says that because you know, right, you know
that he didn't, you know exactly what he said, and
and and yet people's don't. Like that's still weird to me.

That being said, there's no excuse for any because like,
what else do they do? What? What else are these
women doing? They sure as hell other than coming up
with a list of stories I want to talk about, Like,
I don't feel like there's a lot of leg work
outside of just sitting down and doing their thing. And
if there is, I apologize, But I'm kind of in

this business and like I don't I don't feel like
they're doing any of the ancillary stuff, which you kind
of have to do, man, you kind of have to
do that. Anyway, let's go back to Joy behar ruining
your morning. This feels like high school the gossip.

Speaker 5 (38:58):
We don't care.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
I don't want to hear.

Speaker 11 (39:00):
It recurring to Giant Kelly in the Fascism when she's sashisms.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
All right, and they do a good job set it up.
But just in case you didn't, you didn't pick up
on it. That is a person who is referring to
an undecided voter, specifically, who is referring to the Trump wants,
Hitler's generals, the study, the Atlantic story, okay, and and
all of that. She's like, I don't care if I'm
gonna play it. I'm gonna start it over. I'll play

that part again and then I'll let you get into these, uh,
these nitwits. But like that's a pretty common that's probably ross.
I think that was your reaction to my reaction too,
Like nobody nobody's going to care this late in the
game because of everything else you've thrown, and that woman's
exemplifying it. All right. Anyway, here's the full cut with Really,

this feels like high school.

Speaker 7 (39:53):
The gossip.

Speaker 5 (39:54):
We don't care.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
I don't want to hear it.

Speaker 11 (39:58):
Recurring giant Kelly and the fascism when she let Trump is.

Speaker 5 (40:02):
The one who started calling people lambs. Kamala did not.
The Democrats didn't start with that way back when we
were watching the primis.

Speaker 1 (40:10):
Yeah, hold on, hold on, you guys did call him Hitler.
That's a name. That's a doozy of a name. Well,
what do you what do you think? What do you
think is worse, literally Hitler or cackling Kamala if you
had to pick one for your nickname. I feel like

you're going with the second.

Speaker 5 (40:32):
Little Marco and crooked Hillary. He started the name calling.
But that now we're saying that Kamala is stupid and
everything else. That woman she's not supposed to respond to that.

Speaker 11 (40:43):
No, I think that woman said earlier. If you watched
the whole interview, they were she was saying that early on.
Vice President Harris was taking a different approach to it.
I would actually think she needs to hit back on that,
considering the contrast between these two candidates.

Speaker 5 (40:57):
Should she also answer a question woman doesn't know what
she's talking a Matthew, what might have known?

Speaker 1 (41:01):
She's the woman is giving you her opinion. Yeah, it
trusts me. Every day I'm presented with something where I
don't think this person knows what they're talking about. But
she didn't, like she didn't misquote a fact or anything.
If she had come back and said, you know, uh no,
it doesn't matter to me because John Kelly was never
in the administration, he'd be like, well, I mean technically

he was, he was chief of staff, blah blah blah.
Like she didn't say it. She says, I don't care
enjoyed Beahart just can't handle it. And also, this goes
back to my other point. Bayhart clearly had no context
for the cut, Like she clearly didn't watch the entirety

of that segment. And you kind of have to do
like I've done that before, Right, I'll see a cut
or during the show. I sent it to Ross, we
put it on there. But you know, if you got time,
I mean, you know you're going to play the cut,
you should probably understand the context of it. And even
when I send Ross a cut, I'm reading, you know,

I'm trying to read the story. It's it's not a
perfect system when you're literally live on the air, trying
to process this, but like you want to understand context,
You want to know who is that? Oh, she's an
undecided voter. What was the full question they asked her,
and it was, you know, what do you think of

the efforts of the CU of the Harris campaign? And
then they coupled it with you know, Donald Trump article
from Atlantic as an example of things that somebody might
hear that might change their opinion, and her response is
I don't care, which is not a factoid other than

as it pertains this one woman.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
You know.

Speaker 4 (42:55):
The thing is, you're also answering the vice rids also
answering Anderson's question, which is do you believe he is
a fascist?

Speaker 1 (43:02):

Speaker 11 (43:03):
I do so she what is she supposed to do?

Speaker 5 (43:05):
Not answer that unless it is I'm still on the fence.
I'm still on the Get off the fence, all right.
It's a presidential candidate, the credentials versus some kind of
a nutcase. That's what you grew up against. Stop with
the fence already. I'm sick of it. But I can't
take this. I cannot wait for election day, but I

can sleep at night.

Speaker 1 (43:27):
Oh man, can you imagine like living with her? Who?
But if I could just want what she's credentialed. I
feel like Trump's resume probably looks good for this job too,
arguably better if we're just if it's just a resume discussion.

So like, that's the thing. And that's the second time
I've heard that stupid argument in just a few days.
She got the credentials to do it. Well, he did
do it right, like he was the president. The whole
thing is an insane lane for you know, arguing, arguing

one candidate over the other, like unless you again, are
I know they're aware he was president because it made
their job really easy. They just lose their minds for
an hour a day every day for four years. All right,
one more, one more? Okay, you can do it. It's okay,

you can do it. Are you ready? Okay? One more?
Mostly we'll be here, we go.

Speaker 3 (44:37):
He knows he lost the last time. And for the
last four years, Yes, all we've heard is I want
they were mean to me. They were mean to me.
That one I want, I want, I want, I want lost?

Speaker 1 (44:54):
All right, So and the only thing I'll say, because
again that's Weillby's opinion, she's entitled to it, is she
is that an accurate rendition of Trump. Did he say
those things, yes, but generally not together when they were
talking about him being people being mean to him, He's
talking about all of the prosecutors who are absolutely in

some cases getting their butt handed to him. Right now,
that Chicken Atlanta's probably gonna she's never get a lawyer again.
She's so corrupt. And after you guys saw I'm sure
clips from the New York Court of Appeals that didn't
go well for Letitia James up there in New York, right,

that's what he's talking about. Just to clarify. So I
say all these things because I have when somebody in
the media, in whatever their capacity is radio, they got
a television show, whatever, When somebody in the media says

some of the things that they say outside of opinion,
but that are clearly demons demonstrably.

Speaker 11 (46:07):
Wrong, that could not be more stuck.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
Watch out, Watch out, are so wrong. It like, why
would you listen to anything else they're saying other than
to amuse yourself or you know, to hate listen or
oh my gosh, is what he gonna pick on a
sexual assault victim by saying it was not rape rape,

which is the thing she said other than that, I
don't know why you're tuning in. Man, absolutely, and she's
not alone. I told you. Technically, this dude's a coworker.
I don't know if I need to disclose that he
works for iHeart er and or syndicates on iheartstations. So
that being said, Charlemagne the God Breakfast Club, New York

syndicated show, the whole deal. So he's sitting down with
Anderson Cooper. And again, this is my kind of the
theme for the for the show today. How members of
the media don't apparently consume media. So Charlemagne and the God.
Now he's a morning guy. I don't know, maybe naps

all day. I tried to if I can't. He's sitting
now in Anderson Cooper. I don't know what the premise
was of having him on. I mean, obviously he's there's
a certain notoriety there and they do get the candidates in
and he is a morning host in New York, so
that's fine. So he's sitting over with Anderson Cooper. He's

on CNN. On CNN, and I will just full disclosure.
I don't I never really had a problem with Charlemagne
and the God, although the way he treated who who's
the white the white dude with all the tattoosh? Who's

in the Who's in hip hop? Why? Why is my
brain not not functioning? This morning? He had him in
there and the dude was so nice. What is wrong
with my computer? No? No, no, no, no, no, dude

is what is it?

Speaker 2 (48:24):
He is?

Speaker 1 (48:25):
He? I mean he had all of those hits. I
don't know why my brain's not working anyways. I saw
him like a couple of movies too. Hold on, he's
got uh as you say, he's got tats on his face,
but that really doesn't post Malone? Why is that not
working in my head?

Speaker 2 (48:43):

Speaker 1 (48:43):
Post Malone was on and Charlemagne, the Charlemagne, the god
I I thought was was racist to the dude in
my in my humble opinion, and like you could tell
he didn't like him, you know the vibes I when
he was when post Malone was on there, and it's
kind of famous their interaction, Like there's clips of it

on the internet if you want to go watch it.
If you know what it felt like. It felt like
the w NBA Caitlin Clark stuff. If you want my
honest opinion, it felt like Charlottage. The God had a
problem with this dude dominating in many instances hip hop
because he was a white dude. That's the vibe I got.
I don't know if that's what was in his head,

but that's how I felt watching that. Okay, But other
than that, you know, it is what it is. But
all right, well, you know what I want to play.
I want to play the whole thing. So let me
do this. Well, we'll do it to here in the
next segment, because he's on CNN, and I don't. Let

me just give you the first few seconds. Okay, here's
a wet your whistle with this. I promise there's no
people from the view in this cut. It's okay to
come out the wherever you're hiding. It's okay, all right,
let me just give you the first little bit. We'll
play the whole thing here in just a few minutes.

Speaker 12 (50:06):
Like I heard more on this network about is Kamala
Harris black than I do about you know, Donald Trump
being a fascist?

Speaker 1 (50:11):
Well, am I wrong?

Speaker 2 (50:12):

Speaker 1 (50:12):
Honestly, that's bullshit. I'm sorry, So yes, he said to
Andrews Cooper on CNN. I hear more on this network
about Donald Trump or excuse me about Kamala Harrison not
being black than Donald Trump being a fascist? How else
do you explain it? He's not watching. We'll be back
phone number eight eight eight nine three four seven eight

seven four you want to get in on it. We'll
talk about signs at early voting locations. By the way,
and I haven't seen if they updated the number at
the end of the day yesterday, but about middle of
the day yesterday. And I never know how to handicap
this stuff, so just keep that in mind. Republicans, Actually

we're dominating early voting. I don't know what that means,
but it was unusual enough to throw out there, and
really dominating when he got out to the western counties,
So I know you can read a bunch and I
don't know, but unusual. We'll just say that, all right.

Back to the CNN audio and let me point this
out too. I don't know if I've ever heard anyone
at CNN battle a point as aggressively as Anderson Cooper.
Because Anderson Cooper, when we play this audio of the
radio host Charlemagne, who again full disclosure works is aired

on stations that my company owns, well not my company,
but the company I worked for. He's sitting there and
we'll we'll we'll play the it's Anderson Cooper swears first
on CNN, which you can do it not a case,
it's not a bra over the air broadcast, so they

can swear. Remember remember how excited CNN got when Donald
Trump was talking about s whole countries as it pertained
to the temporary that is the word that's in there,
temporary immigration status that we provide people from earthquakes, like

with L Salvador, it was an earthquake or a lot
of people over or other events, a temporary emergency thing
that's gone on for well over a decade for a
lot of people from El Salvador. And that's the story
that triggered in there's several other countries. And then Trump
said and then on CNN it was like a contest
to see how many times you could say shole. But

you know the whole thing. So with that in mind,
let's go ahead and get back to it, because I mean,
I know, I know, I beef with CNN on stuff,
but Anderson Cooper is correct here, and I have to
wonder if maybe there's a different CNN that airs up
in New York City and I'm not aware of it,

because there's no way you've spent more than five minutes
on CNN and still have this opinion in any way,
unless I don't know, you're not processing and capturing the information.
And Charlemagne has something and this is going to play

into it. Charlemagne also has something that I don't have,
and I think it's a very important component here. Charlemagne
has his understanding of being black growing up in America
and I don't know who he hangs out with, I
don't know where he lives. Obviously probably makes good money.

That being said, right, that is a core component of
his character on that show. And like CNN, I'm gonna
play you something. But like CNN MSNBC, every every single
I don't know if it's every time, but every time
I see one when they go and they're like, let's

get a group of black voters together, it's a wild thing.
It's and it's fear inducing. By the way, if you're
one of these CNN MSNBC people and you just bought
a new pair of Jordans and a Jordan's shirt, so
you could, I don't know, feel hip going to the
barbershop but like has be gut wrenching considering you're probably

a moonbat if you work there and you're listening to
a bunch of a bunch of voters who you probably
take for granted most of the time, who have some
thoughts and uh, anyway, all right, so here is let's
let's get into this. This is Charlemagne and Anderson Cooper
and I don't know how anyone, even people love CNN

have this opinion.

Speaker 12 (55:12):
Like I heard more on this network about is Kamala
Harris Black than I do about you know, Donald Trump
being a fascist?

Speaker 2 (55:18):
Am I wrong?

Speaker 8 (55:18):

Speaker 7 (55:19):
Honestly, that's bull I'm sorry I like that.

Speaker 2 (55:23):
No, I'm not.

Speaker 9 (55:23):
I'm not.

Speaker 1 (55:24):
Look I should say CHARLEMAGNE'SI the woman's voice is and
I'm sorry I don't have her name in front of me.
She is the one of the other two that are
on the morning show with Charlemagne on the radio, okay,
and and but I don't have her name in front
of me, just so you know who that voice is huge.

Speaker 7 (55:42):
But to say that we're sitting around discussing is Kamala
Harris Black, like, oh.

Speaker 12 (55:49):
I'm table discussions a lot for you to say that
y'all don't have those competitions.

Speaker 1 (55:54):
I've never asked somebody.

Speaker 7 (55:57):
He said, the network, anyone, only any anchor on this network.

Speaker 1 (56:01):
By the way, her job is just to tell Charlemagne
he's right or or have his back. So it's a
radio thing. Work has been going around saying is she black?
You'll never definitely.

Speaker 7 (56:11):
I mean we have had, Look, I'm sure we have had,
you know, nutty people or or people who have strongly
held beliefs who I may disagree with.

Speaker 1 (56:20):
By the way, so you're saying that all those black
dudes in that barbershop are are what nutty people? Really?

Speaker 10 (56:32):
That's a great point, casey what what I disagree? Yeah,
I mean whatever you say him here?

Speaker 1 (56:39):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a that's a great point.

Speaker 8 (56:42):

Speaker 1 (56:44):
See how that sounds. You see how force that you
get him? And that's her whole job there. There's actually
a term for it in the industry. I can't tell
you what the name. I can't say it on the
radio jam. That was a good point. Yeah. But but
so Charlamagne thinks that all they do is sit around
and question whether she's black, and what would you all, right, Charlotte,

what would you prefer they talk about please fill me in.

Speaker 7 (57:10):
Somewhere on some panel have said something, but yeah, you know,
I will just speak them for what I do on
the show. I do believe it's important to get people
different viewpoints as long as they're willing to have a
legitimate conversation.

Speaker 1 (57:21):
It's certain.

Speaker 7 (57:22):
What I don't like are surrogates who come out and
just about talking points that they don't even believe. And
those are people I tried to eliminate from having ever
on there.

Speaker 12 (57:30):
Again, I think no network has honest conversations about Donald Trump.
You haven't had nobody about Donald Trump since twenty sixteen.
I saw last night they were talking about, you know,
the double standard that exists between Donald Trump and the
vice president. But it's always a double standard with Trump,
whether it's with Hillary, whether it's you know, against Biden,
now with Kamala. You talk about him being the threat
of democracy, but we.

Speaker 1 (57:49):
Don't treat him like one.

Speaker 7 (57:51):
I mean, I don't know what you've been watching, but like,
I don't know if any Trump supporters out there are
people who like him who are tuning in to me
every night to try to get, you know, to be
validated in their opinions.

Speaker 1 (58:05):
And again I agree with Anderson one thousand percent, and
Ross agrees with me, agreeing with Anderson one thousand percent.
Damn like it for for one of you, Maga folks,
are you too? Are you watching Anderson Cooper on the regular?

Speaker 4 (58:22):

Speaker 1 (58:23):
You you consume him when I play clips or you
see something on the twitters. All right, hold on just
a little more. I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 12 (58:33):
I disagree with think it's about validating, which you mean
validating the trop Well.

Speaker 7 (58:37):
You're saying like that, We're not that that. I guess
you're saying. I'm not discussing all the things he is
saying and doing and pointing it out and talking to
you know what, John Kelly.

Speaker 1 (58:50):
All right, So so I don't understand that, And but
I understand where Cooper's coming from, right he in his
mind and by the way you see the the fervor
in his reaction there, that's the same fervor that the
media got a little dose of right after the Biden debate,

where all of a sudden they're like, oh, we don't
want to look we don't want to look stupid. And
we all saw that he was obviously a problem, and
we didn't say and then all of a sudden, you
had like this weird week of reporting. Wait, hold on Boston, Paul.
She is Ed McMahon. God, you're old, aren't you. Hey, yeah,

a little bit. She is kind of his But Anderson
cooked like that. He took personal and with the Biden stuff,
they took it personal as well because they thought it
would personally hurt their reputation. So you had, like, I
don't know, a few days where everyone's just like, hey,
maybe we should do the journalism thing. And it was,
it was, it was noticeable, and it was strange to watch.

That's what got Cooper. But also, and let me se
this last thing before we go to weather. It doesn't
matter what you do. There will be people, dude. I'm
telling you, I get emails every day every day. If
we talk about a non political story, some of you'll
lose your minds. Why are you doing this when they're

trying to destroy you know? And then insert whatever it is,
because that's what we do. We come up for air,
we get into this, we get into that whatever's whatever's
tickling my fancy. I'm gonna try to bring that back
all right. Coming up on the show, we will have
some non political stories and y'all can just deal with it.
And we have some political ones as well. And now

that I mentioned, you know, CNN going out and sticking
a mic in front of a bunch of minority voters,
we have that again in Philadelphia. I'll let you guess
how it went. We'll get to that, but first, Ken
Boone from the Weather Channel, what is raised deal today? Man?
I assumed to be taking Monday off because sun night game

Cowboys and it's not been a good year for him.
But that's true. I didn't think about that. Oh yeah,
you don't even bring it up around him.

Speaker 13 (01:01:08):
I'm assuming, well, you know, he's got some thoughts, so
I'm sure he does.

Speaker 1 (01:01:15):
Yeah, all right, Ken gooon, what's uh? You got an
easy gig? Man? What's going on?

Speaker 13 (01:01:20):
Yeah, We've got a pretty nice weather here today tomorrow,
above average temperatures all out ahead of a cold front.
It's going to cool us off though as we look
towards Sunday Monday, but it stays dry with lots of sunshine,
sunny skuys today, middle upper seventies, low to mid fifties tonight,
up around or even over eighty tomorrow ahead of that
front and then cooling off quite a bit for Sunday Monday.

Still sunny, no rain of the forecast, and mid sixties
for most Sunday Monday.

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
Okay, all right, so everyone enjoy your weekend. They'll come
up with something to ruin it next week, but for now,
you're good. Thank you, Ken appreciate it, alright, all right, yeah,
the old weather machine man, you gotta watch out, all right,
seven forty six. Remind Pete Callander joins us at eighth five.
We'll get into that. We've got more audio for you,
and you know, just including the Philadelphia group of black

men responding to the Obama when Obama came out here
about a week and a half ago, and of course
the questions from the journalists. We'll get into that next.
Hang on, play this audio for you. So they went
to Philadelphia. Obviously, Pennsylvania get the love, the big the

state that everyone has to win, but in reality, both
of them have to win it. There's different paths if
they don't. But they're kind of insane, although I think
it's less insane for Trump because then Kamala has to
win North Carolina and three of the Midwest states of

the five something like that. So AnyWho, So that's what's
going on there. But so they go in. They go in,
and they're going to go talk to these guys just
sitting around. They are they're all black men vote obviously
of age to vote, and they have some thoughts. And

I don't think there are the thoughts that the journalists
thought he was going to get, but they were the
thoughts he did get, and here they are.

Speaker 11 (01:03:23):
I just wonder for anybody who heard that, like what
they thought of that.

Speaker 1 (01:03:27):
Oh, by the way, that in this case is Barack
Obama what a week and a half, two weeks or
whatever ago, coming out and essentially ordering black men to
vote for Kamala, like, hey, what's your problem? Blah blah blah.
All right, And again that wasn't directed to me. I
can only process it, and I didn't think it was
a good look. But let's talk to the people who

Barack Obama was speaking to.

Speaker 11 (01:03:49):
I just wonder for anybody who heard that, like what
they thought of that.

Speaker 2 (01:03:54):
I was people.

Speaker 6 (01:03:55):
Defended, and it felt like a moment where it's like you,
in words, better getting line.

Speaker 8 (01:04:01):
And do what we say.

Speaker 6 (01:04:02):
And it felt like him as the czar of the
Democratic Party coming down to say, go get these n
words in line and the general tone of it was disgusting.
It was abhorrent.

Speaker 2 (01:04:12):
I don't respect it.

Speaker 6 (01:04:13):
I didn't like nothing about it. And Kamala two days
after that is like, we love our we love our
black men. We we had programs and things that were
rolling out for them, and he rolled out policies, you know,
because well, I'm tired of the good cop.

Speaker 1 (01:04:28):
I'm tired of it, all right.

Speaker 8 (01:04:30):

Speaker 1 (01:04:30):
And by the way, when he's talking, two or three
of the other dudes are nodding their heads, so you
don't hear from them, but they seem to agree with
what he's saying. Also, do you hear very subtly in
the back ross, did you hear very subtly in the background,
a razor going somebody's somebody's in there getting their hair cut,

and they got the whole light and camera show thing
over there. I don't know what that noise is going
on in the background, And I'm like, if that's what
it is, that's just some guys. I don't care about
any of this coming here. And also, do you think
you can only find black voters at a barbershop when
you want to go talk to white when you want

to go talk to white voters. What do you do?
You go to like a breakfast place in the morning.
Fox News does that during the I don't know if
they're doing it this year, but like during election they're
in the last election. Every morning they had some dude
at a bar at a breakfast place. Right, we're in
such and such, Iowa, some little town to go to
the breakfast joint. Is that you think the only place

black dudes hang out is at a barbershop? I don't know.
That's just weird to me, all right, undecidedly, Oh, okay,
all right, go ahead, person who I think I know
who it is?

Speaker 2 (01:05:45):
Hello, mister Casey.

Speaker 8 (01:05:46):
I called in the last time, and.

Speaker 2 (01:05:48):
I was real, real nervous, and you made me feel
like I could talk. And I'm a little nervous. But
I've got a friend of mine who said, like, he said, like,
is this is the only time they have ever called
the Republican candidate for president or Republican president a Nazi,

a fascist or anything like this.

Speaker 1 (01:06:14):
So and then after they rolled it out on Reagan,
they used it for everyone but Bob Dole.

Speaker 2 (01:06:18):
Yeah. So, so so this is something that they do. Secondly,
something about you know, I keep hearing this thing and
it really got me, like he would put the military
out on people. But something about Laco, Texas branch Davinian

ruby Ridge then the beautiful.

Speaker 1 (01:06:43):
Yeah, so last week. Unfortunately we didn't get to chat
with our radio buddy to the south this morning. Where
were you read a freak off or something? I can't
remember what you said? Was that a freakout? Yeah? Well,
I mean not in years no no, no, no no, no,

I did he style? Not an actual diddy one. But okay,
all right, Yeah, we didn't know where you were, so
we made up stuff and we went with freak off.

Speaker 2 (01:07:12):
Oh last week?

Speaker 1 (01:07:13):
Yeah, yeah, last week?

Speaker 8 (01:07:15):
Right? Last week? Was it? Last week?

Speaker 1 (01:07:16):
I wasn't you remember when your freak off was?

Speaker 2 (01:07:19):
That was not?

Speaker 8 (01:07:19):
Well that's the whole point of the freak off.

Speaker 1 (01:07:22):
Yeah, yeah, to forget about everything anyway. Right, So but
here you are back, having survived, and uh.

Speaker 8 (01:07:31):
Is it? I had to go. Yeah, I had to go.
I went out of town. I had to go and
do a not had to, but I was asked to
go speak to a couple of high school classes about
the role of media and the constitutional Republic.

Speaker 1 (01:07:46):
How did that go? I've only done one high school speech,
and one of the students thought she'd get cute, and
she asked me a question that was clearly designed to
be nasty about it. Yeah, which you know, I handled.

Speaker 8 (01:08:03):
I was gonna say, isn't that kind of like your
job description? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:08:08):
Yeah, but I was like, I was, no, no, no,
But in my mind I remember thinking, not, you know,
what is this girl's problem or any of that. I thought, yeah,
that was me in high school. Yeah, I mean, just
like just being a jerk, to be a jerk whatever.
So all right, well that hopefully that went well. So yeah,

no complain, Yeah, good, good, all right. What I was
going to ask you is, every single day I'm just
wondering if we're gonna be able to come up from
air on the October surprises. But like yesterday, yesterday I'm
doing the setup top of the hour, and I'm like, well, technically,
we got three of these damn things to talk about,
so let's go ahead and start. Let's go ahead and

start there the literally Hitler stuff, although the Washington Post
did have an article today that says he's not literally Hitler,
So that's good, right, that's a.

Speaker 8 (01:09:01):
Very very important distinction. He's just like Hitler. He wants
to be treated like it, right, but he's not exactly Hitler, right, all.

Speaker 1 (01:09:10):
Right, So when you throw that against the wall, the
model who says that I don't know how much you
read of her account of party, okay, and and I
only give it air because I want people to know
these things are out there. But but in her case,
like her narrative, and she is a a person who

has worked for Obama and Harris. Okay, yeah, I know, shocking,
but her narrative is full of details that you would
like see in a romance novel, Like Trump met Epstein's
eyes as he fondled me and they just knew, like
it's you know what it felt like. It felt like

the first time I watched Juicy Juicy Smoleier, Yes, Smolette
explaining about the mag dudes randomly walking around Chicago and
minus twenty degrees at two in the morning, Like I'm
just like, nah, I don't, but it was. It's also
designed to attach an Epstein Trump romance and the whole
thing was weird.

Speaker 8 (01:10:13):
Man. Well, yeah, so there's that, but there's also well
two things really that kind of crazy, Those those details,
that's what that's what sells, right, Look at the Egene
Carroll stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:10:26):
Right, Yeah, it was a too, but it was a twofer, right,
it was right, just Trump broke this woman. But also
it was to add to this narrative that Trump, who,
by the way, according to the prosecutor, is the only
person who helped get or at least provide information on
Epstein during that first investigation. But him and Epstein have
a romance. I mean, that's what's right about it.

Speaker 8 (01:10:48):
And right, and it doesn't matter becaus Like to quote
the late Perry Reid, I think I've done this before.
I know I've done this before. Is you know he
didn't win, did he when he lied about Mitt Romney's
failure to pay tax returns, which was a complete and
utter fabrication, But Harry Reid admitted that he made it
up in order to keep met Romney from beating Barack Obama.

And that's the way that game is played. And so
I don't believe any of the stories. And I don't
really waste my time because, first of all, Donald Trump,
as I recall, came down that golden escalator about eight
years ago, and so that story now coming out at
this particular time is a little too convenient. And as

you mentioned the details. There is usually people, when they
are fabricating a story, like liars, sprinkle in too many
sometimes too many details, too many things that it's like,
why would you know that?

Speaker 6 (01:11:48):
You know?

Speaker 8 (01:11:49):
And if you've ever been around an habitual liar, you
have learned this that they will come up with things
that are just a really weird and they lie about
just random stuff too, but because they think that they
need to sprinkle in the details in order to sell
you that this really did happen. But it's things like
that that, you know, meeting each other's eyes and that

kind of thing that you you kind of wonder why
that would be part of the narrative, But mainly it's
the timing of it. Why wait so long? And the
same thing goes for the John Kelly story. You know,
why did you wait all this time to say this
now three weeks before the elections.

Speaker 1 (01:12:28):
Especially when the same publication ran the losers and Suckers thing,
which right Biden and Harris both still you and Walls
used on the campaign trail. You're absolutely one hundred percent.
I wouldn't be surprised if John Kelly might have been
the source for the sucker Sure.

Speaker 8 (01:12:47):
Yeah, I mean, why absolutely, and everybody else around, just
like in the Suckers and Loser story, everybody that was
there said that it didn't happen, and it's just dismissed.
It's hand waved away, like oh, of course they would
say that, Well, what about the family, the people that
you're basically using to advance this story about their dead

sister or relative, And they're like, no, that didn't happen,
And like the quote, journalists don't care because that's not
the point, right, The point is a siop. It's to
put the story out into the public consciousness to then
use some And we've talked about this the wolf in
sheep's clothing, but the whole point that leftists, you know,

go into these institutions like the Atlantic for example, and
they will gut it and they will walk around in
its skin suit, and they will demand credibility and respect
that the institution had earned prior to the murder of
the institution. And I do not bestow that kind of
credibility on an institution because the people that are there
now they don't respect or honor that history that allowed

them to build the credibility in the first place. So no,
you don't get that kind of credibility by default any longer.

Speaker 1 (01:14:03):
Yeah, all right, let me ask you the million dollar question,
because this is what's banging around in my brain. I
don't think that story, the model or the Hitler general
story the model story. And then the third one was
and it's a it's on a it's on video that
Trump sexually assaulted a young woman on stage like seatpack

or so. I mean, it's just so dumb or a
not seatpack. But the what's the youth organization? I can't remember,
but yeah, I guess right, I don't know. I didn't
see if the stage was a run, I don't know.
But uh, but like that's immediately dismissible. That that being said,
I don't know if anyone who's going to vote for

Trump who's looking at these and gives them any credibility.
That being said, that being said, I think there's a
lot of Republicans that are are not on the Mark
Robinson train anymore. And really, you're, I mean, you're you're
you're dealing with uh. Speculation is a part of the story, right.

Even if you look at the methodology the CNN claims
to have used, they can't be one hundred percent. Sure
that's Mark. Yet I think that Mark, if you look
at the polls, is taking the hit and Trump doesn't.
So uh, turn on the radio, Bran, I mean, what
do you think, Ben So?

Speaker 8 (01:15:21):
I think with Trump, right, it's already baked in that
people who you know already hate him. They hate him.
These stories I don't believe move. People who are voting
Trump and now are not going to vote Trump. I
don't think that's the move. And honestly, like, if you
just watch the way the Harris campaign has been operating
for the last three weeks, Uh, it doesn't seem like

a campaign that knows or is maybe not even trying
to persuade those types of Republicans. They're talking to the
never Trump Republicans and she's already got their votes.

Speaker 1 (01:15:54):
And so it's like with Liz Cheney. I mean, obviously
she called Liz Cheney a Republican thought leader.

Speaker 8 (01:16:01):
Right, and then yeah, and then you had Tim Yeah,
and you had Tim Walls go on John Stewart's Daily
Show or whatever it is, the comedy show and try
to make the case that Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris
is somehow going to persuade libertarians to vote for Harris, Like,

tell me you have never met a libertarian without telling
me you've never met a libertarian that's from Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (01:16:29):
He's from Minnesota and he's the governor and all he
has to do. And I've been in the governor's office
in Minnesota and with not with Tim Walls, with Tim plenty,
but one of the Tim's. Anyway, if you walk to
the hallway going to where the main and this is
the main office, the one that's in the capitol, it's
the picture of every governor's been up there. And you

got to walk past Jesse Ventura, Okay, which was one
of the crazy by the way, dude, I'm just talking
doing radio with Jesse Ventura was governor. Oh oh what
a dream anyway, Yeah, what a dream man. You know
this dude, justu he disappeared. He just disappeared one time,
and everyone like they they were like this, the state

troopers were trying to find him.

Speaker 8 (01:17:13):
Oh, I had a similar experience. It was uh Mark
Sandford Den in South Carolina.

Speaker 1 (01:17:18):
Oh really just uh yeah, Well he went hiking on
the Appalachra Yeah yeah, okay, no, no, no, he this
is what he did. He just did. He just pieced out.
He had like press conferences schedule just pieced out. He
rented a houseboat on the one of the big lakes,
Rainy Lake, which is up on the Canadian border, and
society was going to fish for three days. Not anybody.

Everyone was freaking out.

Speaker 8 (01:17:41):
So, yeah, what a dream.

Speaker 1 (01:17:44):
So so but so with Robinson, And in respect to Robinson,
is it just because it's his first bite at the
apple with this, because they've been throwing stuff out all
this time. I'm just curious. I'm not deciding whether Mark
that is true or untrue or any of the rest, right,
I'm just saying we saw, like when Dan Forrest lost,
I did the next morning, I asked anyone who voted

for Trump but not Dan Forrest to call, and we
had phones the whole show, and people clearly they didn't
think Dan was taking COVID serious enough, is my take
on what I heard there. So my question is there
are voters who will vote for Trump and maybe begrudgingly
for Robinson, But people seem to think that Robinson has

more The Robinson thing has more teeth than anything CNN
could come up with when it pertains to Trump. But
really it's kind of the same voter. So do you
think we'll have that ticket split in which North Carolina
is famous for or are they different? That's what I'm
trying to drill down on because I kind of feel
like they're kind of the same thing where you can't

prove or really disprove with one hundred percent certainty.

Speaker 8 (01:18:53):
Right, So I think, yes, they are kind of the
same thing in the nature of the allegation, in the
nature of the attack and the timing of it, and
the attacks who did the attack. Sure, but it's different.
And I've been saying this for eight years. There's only
one Donald Trump, and there are a lot of people
that think that they can do his stick and see

the similar success. And I keep saying there's only one
of him. And also, much like the institutions that have
built up their reputation over decades, so too did Donald Trump. Right.
Donald Trump has a long record of being a part
of the culture and people had they were aware of him.

Mark Robinson came out of nowhere, and this is one
of the problems you have and Trump has some of
this too to a degree, I think, which is that
when you come out of nowhere and you're the outsider,
you don't owe anybody any favors, right, because you're the outsider.
But also nobody owes you anything either, and that's a threat.
That's a problem because now they can't they can't manipulate

you into get stuff that they want. And this is
a bipartisan thing, right, So your own members of your
own party will do this. So look, the legislature does
not need a Republican governor if it has a super majority,
so they don't care.

Speaker 1 (01:20:12):
And you thrilled this on the show. You're one hundred
perp right, And you and I probably both spoke to
people who say that it's not just accurate, it's maybe
something that people planned or have talked about and are
very comfortable with.

Speaker 8 (01:20:25):
Right, So they'd rather have somebody like Stein. If you're
the Republican leadership and you keep your supermajority, you keep
a guy like Stein in there because it's it's helpful
to have an opponent and you get to blame him
for stuff, and you get to rally your voters against
that guy. We saw what happened when they had Pat
McCrory in there, and they would have fights, and it

was awkward because you know, mommy and Daddy are fighting,
and who do I choose? They're all Republicans. Oh my gosh. Right,
and you know, people get a little bit discombobulated there,
and you end up just providing a constant source of
oppo research and attack ads for Democrats, because no matter
who comes out on top and whatever fight you know,

McCrory was having with the legislature, the Democrats got to
use both sides of those arguments in their attack ads.
So there is a benefit to not having a Republican.
But I think also that nobody knows Mark Robinson from
prior to his run for lieutenant governor. So when when
stuff like this comes out, people are kind of like, well,
I don't really know the guy. I just you know, yes,

I took my picture with him, but he was the
ascendant lieutenant governor. So that's what you do. You take
pictures with the guys from your party. I had, but
it's not like I worked with the guy for thirty
years in conservative politics, right yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:21:42):
Well yeah, just to be fair full disclosure, you work
with Pat right or you have work with Pat, you
don't in the sense that he was on the station
that you're on.

Speaker 8 (01:21:54):
Oh well yeah, so well he took yeah, he started
doing that. So, like I was a reporter and I
in when he was the mayor and then he ran
for governor and he and then he would.

Speaker 1 (01:22:05):
Just I'm just clarifying the one thing I just got
to ask. I got a minute left, Pete. Oh have
you seen the signs the election polling place signs that
say that if you voting illegally, if you're not allowed
to vote, could get you deported. That's the big hubbub.
And apparently the Board of Elections is going to have
him taken down, but they're up at some polling places.

That's true, right, you could could, Yeah, it could, so
we can't.

Speaker 8 (01:22:31):
Well, well I think you would have to deport people
in the first place. I see what you did there, right,
So yes, that would be a threat if we were
actually deporting people for like infractions.

Speaker 1 (01:22:44):
Yeah, I'm so stupid. You're right, absolutely all right. I
apologize for bringing that up. Unfortunately we're out of time,
so well, yeah, we'll have to yell and scream next week.

Speaker 8 (01:22:54):
Thank you though, appreciate it, all right, Yes, I have
a great weekend, man, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (01:22:57):
All right. There you go, Pete, thank you, and we'll
be back. Hang on I don't know if I have
a I don't know if I truly have a take
on this, because I don't know that being said one
of the reasons. Although to be fair, in the US,
there is a bit of controversy with this, as it's
not what is in the law. But under the Obama administration,

they expanded it. And then they actually tried to expand
it a bunch more as to reasons you can be
granted asylum, And among those reasons was you are gay
and you live in a country where that is that's
not a good look because you know, they want to
throw you off a building or whatever, right, and and

so they expanded that. But then they tried to expand
it to people who are the victims of mental abuse,
and and you start getting into this, all right, So
like how do you demonstrate this?

Speaker 2 (01:23:58):

Speaker 1 (01:23:58):
Having a reasonable fear for your safety is a thing,
and that's where this was kind of expanded. And you know,
if you are from another country and whatever the big crime,
you know, whoever is the dominator of the criminal enterprise
there once you dead, you can demonstrate that maybe through threats.
Here's a phone call, here's an email. Whatever it is

with this it gets a little weirder. And so there
is a student who is from Bangladesh who came came
from there when it was this in two thousand and nine,
and he's still a student. I guess he's on a
student visa. I don't know. He's taking his time. But anyway,

so he came, Okay, So here's what ipp He came
in two thousand and nine for his undergrad and then
he's getting a graduate degree. Okay, that makes more sense.
And he's from Bangladesh and he has applied for asylum
and he's been doing so. He did it like a
a while ago. In fact, this actually started in I'm

trying to find here. He's been at it for years. Okay,
he is. He's applied for asylum because he says he's gay.
And if you go back to Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, it
is illegal to be gay.

Speaker 8 (01:25:20):
It is a law.

Speaker 1 (01:25:24):
It's not quite throwing people off buildings reputation like you
have in the Middle East, but it's not a good thing. Okay.
So he goes before the judge and the judge basically said,
I don't think you're gay. And so that's how this
got propelled into into the media. However, in fact, let

me read from the actual ruling. I conclude that the
appellant is not truly gay, but is trying to pass
himself off is gay, and and he's the same. Not
just this judge, but it's been mostly this judge. Basically,
this guy's been in court like three times, and he
keeps bringing other verification and the judge keeps going at

look staged like he came back this time with a
video of him watching gay porn. But he keeps like
looking at the camera like, hey, look at me. I'm
much so I don't know who the hell knows, But
it's like I don't I don't know. How do you
How do you prove that or disprove that? Really? I

don't know? And that's you know that, that's why these
cases are so complicated when you get into the asylum stuff,
especially if you have somebody coming from I forget the Bangladesh,
but if you know somebody coming from like Nicaragua or
something where, good luck getting a hold of government documents
and you know on that front, or you know what
we ran into, I guess in the Middle East when

we were trying to get documents on folks coming there
when Trump was talking about stopping people coming from different countries,
because basically you can go get what every but when
you get into this like and then the other thing
you submitted. Now, to be fair, the judge said that
like he he comes. I haven't seen video, but he

comes across his performative. I don't know that I can
discern that just from reading this story. But when asked
why is there no why is there no social media
or anything about this up until right when you did it,
and his response is why I didn't tell anyone because
I'm from Bangladesh and that's it's not a good thing.

Don't tell people that. But now because I've now, I'm out.
And and so he then submitted some social media posts
with him wearing rainbow hat shirt and pants, and then
the video of him watching gay porn, and I like what,
I'm just wondering what the bar is now? This is

I just want to be clear. This is in the UK,
so they have you wouldn't believe me, but they actually
have a much looser set of circumstances for asylum. Well
you probably would believe me, but like even more so
than us, where we're just like da you come in.
That's fine. So it's actually a it's a little odd,

but it's just so strange. Man, Like I like, I
get I again, I can't tell what the judge is
radar is picking up. But also like if you didn't
tell anyone you were gay and he lived in mangled,
that would make sense to me. So but you know
what's the uh you gotta get somebody with a gatar
and like I don't understand, like what's the vibe? Because

he also speaks to the way he carries him, So
what does that mean? Like I know some people who
are gay and you would know it from one hundred yards.
I also know people gay and I'm like, really, oh okay,
yeah so I I I don't know, but what what
a weird thing to try to verify in a court hearing?

Speaker 10 (01:29:03):
Man wuch a documentary once about the Korean War and
there was this guy who was always trying to like
act like he was gay, so they would like throw
him out of the army.

Speaker 1 (01:29:10):
Oh wow, yeah was he It was like a private
or a corporal, I believe. Oh my gosh, So this
is the guy who's putting some time, got himself some
Uh did it work though? It did not. Oh no, okay,
all right, body do he was like wearing women's clothes

or the pink dresses. Yeah, like it's Jackie O yep.
But he wasn't actually gay though, right it was not?
Oh wow, yeah, dude, there's some By the way, Mash
had a few things. I don't know that you could do.
You do you remember the character from Mash who they
got rid of very early on? I don't know. Can
I say his name? Do you know what I'm talking about? Ross,

the character from Mash that they got rid of.

Speaker 10 (01:29:54):
Honestly, the only thing I remember is like Clinger and Radar. Oh,
it's better, I don't remember. You don't remember Jones?

Speaker 2 (01:30:01):

Speaker 1 (01:30:02):
I don't. He was okay, so this remember you're dealing
with the movie, and then you're dealing with the series.
So in the and then you're dealing with the novel.
I don't know. People know this Mash was. It was
literally a novel, and then they made a movie, and
then they made a series for you Youngin's there. So
there was a doctor there, Oliver Jones, I think it

was his name. He's one of the doctors, but they
called him by his nickname Spearchucker. Ooh, that was the
character in the novel and then in the movie, and
then you know they they're like, yeah, maybe not so yeah,
wow what is it with bird? Just sla You don't

see the friggin building in front of you. What are
you stupid? You got stupid birds? Anyway, slammed into the window,
but then flew off, so didn't it really didn't have
the follow through? Yeah, yeah, that was that was That
was a character there. Oh man, so yeah, funny bring

up Mash. That is some of the studid this stuff.
I remember there.

Speaker 8 (01:31:10):

Speaker 1 (01:31:10):
By the way, the mass you ever see the Mash
movie versus the series.

Speaker 10 (01:31:15):
I remember my father watching it when I was a kid,
and I remember it did seem a lot different than
the show.

Speaker 1 (01:31:20):
Oh yeah, yeah, it's very It's much more serious. So
that is oh the way, Boston Paul's weighing in on it, Bro,
you were probably there doing the math. So yeah, they
replaced the Oliver Jones the doctor there, with Boston Paul.

That'd be a good character. Nobody'd live at the hospital,
but they'd have fun. All right. Eight forty three, let's
get Ken Boon from the Weather Channel in here. That
all right, I'm already. Look, people are excited.

Speaker 8 (01:31:55):

Speaker 1 (01:31:56):
Obviously we've we had some weather stuff here in North
Carolina going back. We're still dealing with that. But what
a beautiful weekend, man, good, great, great weekend you get
to tell us about. It is going to be a
really nice weekend.

Speaker 13 (01:32:10):
And if you like it warm this time of year,
we're gonna get one day where it's very warm with
highs up round eighty on Saturday. If you like it
cool fall feel, that's what we're going to be looking
at Sunday. But both days a lot of sunshine. Today,
sunny skies with above average temperatures mid even upper seventies,
mid fifties. Tonight Tomorrow will be a warm one all
the way up to around even over eighty with the sunshine.

A cold front moved through Saturday night. No rain with
this front, maybe just a few clouds, but in behind
it we will feel the difference. It will be cooler
Sunday and into Monday. Mostly sunny skies both days with
high temperatures in the mid sixties, with a couple of
nights down into the lo mid forties, and then temperatures
start to warm back up into the seventies.

Speaker 1 (01:32:50):
To even near eighty as we approach Halloween. All right,
do appreciate it, thank you, sir. All right, all right,
there you go, Ken boone from the Weather Channel and
coming up. That is so weird, all right, coming up
on the show. By the way, Oh really, are you serious? Sorry,
I'm just looking at an email here. You know, there's

more than one country in Asia, right, yeah, if you're
gonna make a make a reference there, all right, So
ross somebody just said, oh yeah, yeah, Jones used to
hang out at Jimmy Wawz. All right, One, that's not accurate.

Speaker 2 (01:33:28):

Speaker 1 (01:33:28):
Vietnam and Korea are two different places, sir. So if
you're gonna, if you're gonna make a callback reference, I
would just encourage you to, you know, understand geography. All right.
Eight forty five hangout. Eight fifty two and your Bloomberg
Update with Jeff Bellinger. Jeff, what's happening today?

Speaker 14 (01:33:47):
Well, good morning, casey, Happy Friday. Investors appear to be
in a buying mood. Futures are higher right across the
board this morning. The now futures up one hundred and
twenty four points at the moment. Demand for expensive manufactured
products declined last month, but the drop was not as
big as expected, and that passes.

Speaker 1 (01:34:06):
For good news.

Speaker 14 (01:34:07):
Overall orders were down eight tens percent in September, and
a closely watched component that is an indicator of capital
spending by businesses increased more than expected. Bloomberg Economics says
we could get a surprisingly weak payrolls report one week
from today. Economists say the hurricanes that battered the southeast
knocked about one hundred seventy five thousand workers off the payrolls,

and we could hear that the total workforce shranked by
ten thousand this month. It would be the first negative
print since twenty twenty. The impact of the storms will
likely reverse in the coming months, and bee keepers in
the states hit by hurricanes Helene and Milton took a
big hit from the storms. The Wall Street Journal reports
two hundred thousand commercial hives were damaged or destroyed across

North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. The bees are needed, of course,
to pollinate crops. Tapestries proposed acquas mission of Capri will
not happen, at least not right away. A federal judge
blocked the plan eight and a half billion dollar deal,
saying it would harm competition in the market for accessible
luxury handbags. Both companies plan to appeal that judge's ruling.

It's not a good sign when an airline puts some
of its planes up for sale to raise money. That's
what Spirit Airlines is doing as it considers a possible
bankruptcy filing. Sources say Spirit has been in talks with
Frontier Airlines, and to take over by Frontier could go
more smoothly if Spirit files for chapter eleven. And of course, Casey,

there is a lot of excitement about the World Series
that is driving up the cost of tickets. The secondary
market ticket website tickpick says the average price of admission
has more than doubled from last year, seventeen hundred dollars
on average. The Yankees and Dodgers play their first game
tonight in LA where the cheap seats. The cheap seats

are going for just under one thousand dollars, and for
Game three in New York Work on Monday, standing room
only tickets are selling for nearly fifteen hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:36:05):
Casey, I'm not shocked. I mean it's the two the
top two media markets. I mean yes, I mean, what
do you think what do you think the cost is
going to be? So all right, thank you very much appreciating. Okay,
have a great weekend.

Speaker 13 (01:36:18):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (01:36:18):
Jeff Bellinger. Actually, I have a friend who's such a
Dodgers maniac. The last time the Dodgers were in the
series what a couple of years ago to three years ago.
But he and his son went out. They went to
LA and went to all three of the LA yet
Dodgers lost, but they went to all three of the
games out there. I don't know what tickets were. I'm
sure they weren't that he wouldn't spend that. So it's

all about who you're playing ross. Your mom was, your
mom is a prophet? Man? What is it your mom
told you were the most dangerous things when you were
a kid. Just to recap for the audience, were the
four wheelers and ferrets? Four wheelers and ferrets. A thirty
eight year old wan And collapsed outside of a hospital

as she was heading in to receive medical attention after
she was bit by a hamster, not a ferret, and
she died. So I don't know if hamsters are on
the list, but hamsters are smaller than ferrets, so holy hell, man, yeah,
she was reportedly bitten by one of her key I

guess it's her kid's pet. You know, it would do
you well to put a little bit of medical explanation
in this article rather all right, Yeah, they're just speculating here.
In rare cases, rabies and bacterial infections could be transmitted
from a bite. That's understandable. But like, I don't know, man,

I don't say anything about the critter having rabies. They
still have access to it, obviously it's in her kid's room.
But that is oof. So add ferrets. Add hamsters to
the ferret list, I guess. So, uh, all right this
real quick? Are you ready?

Speaker 2 (01:38:07):
And I know, I know.

Speaker 1 (01:38:08):
Oh wait, you talk about the Brian Stelter. Why are
you guys talking for three days about what happened? They're
in uh at the McDonald's. Well, no, you guys are,
And by the way, they're not just using the McDonald's
to talk about the actual time that Trump was at
the McDonald's. Newsweek ran an article yesterday talking about the

the McDonald's burger stuff. It's all it was about, was
the burger stuff, right, And the picture that they used
for the article was Trump leaning out the window waving
an article about the rep and then they threw Trump's
picture in there. I mean, they're obviously trolling. Good on them.
That being said, I feel like this deserves some follow

up so for and this also includes Newsweek, by the way,
so Newsweek commission polling, which they do. I don't know
who their partner is, but and they wanted to pull
people about the Yeah here it is about the Trump
going to McDonald's. What did you think of it? And

they wanted to pull younger people, So it gets very interesting,
especially when you look at younger male voters. So we're
talking eighteen twenty five probably that's usually how they break
these demos down. And they asked, so Trump did the
McDonald's thing. Did that make you like him more, a
lot more less, or a lot less or not at all?

Right standard answers. The majority said it really didn't move
the needle, which I understand after that though forty percent
combined if you pick the two options for forty percent
of them say it made them like him more
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