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July 25, 2024 • 99 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Watching that insanity unfold in DC arenot probably the healthiest thoughts to be having
for hours while you try to notgo back and look at some of the
videos, but you cant help yourselfbecause it's your damn job, So you

got to sit there and do that. Ah, it's uh, it's gonna
be a struggle this morning. Ithink what I'm gonna need is like some
some like soothing herbal what's the nameof the tea company, herbal whatever,

right with the sleepy time. Wellnot maybe not the sleepy time, because
I don't need to be going tosleep it's early. I might do that,
but something soothing, like a lavenderor came mill, maybe some soft
music, because as soon as Istarted on this, man, it is

on how many of you, howmany of you found yourself just trying to
mind your own business yesterday after yesterdayafternoon, maybe you know, turning your
attention to your job, maybe puttingdown the phone because it was having like
a real impact on your mental healthwatching what was going on in Washington,

DC yesterday, watching the absolute destructionand violent for every one of you who
you know sat here like Adam Schiffand when the January sixth thing was they

should never get out. They shouldall be charged with trees and all the
rest of this stuff. For anyof you who decided that that was it.
And then what you would always sayis you'd say, they literally killed
a police officer, which they didn't, by the way. But I was
sitting here and trying to have aconversation and point out that anyone who was

assaulting law enforcement and they were ringthem up on charges, I have no
problem with it. But you saidthat wasn't good enough. Anyone who was
there, anyone whose phone pinged inthe DC area you wanted hunted down,
and the FBI did it for you. They went through and they spent a

gazillion of your dollars to do anow multi year investigation, they're not even
done. And hundreds and hundreds ofpeople were charged, and as we came
to find out, charged illegally insome cases according to the Supreme Court.

But it didn't matter. And peoplewho didn't lay one finger on law enforcement
and are seen on video literally enteringopen doors, walking past law enforcement who's
playing brigging Bejeweled on their phones werehanded multi year sentences. It was one

of the largest investigative undertakings the FBIhas ever conducted. Do you think that
what happened yesterday that will happen?No? No, And it's why I

or a little tea here of Camamill some honey on heres. Moonshine lemon,
Oh, smell it more moonshine lemonhoney. Okay ah. Do you

do you think for one minute there'sgonna be whole websites created with grainy photos
parents whose kids are turning them in, kids whose parents are turning them in.
The wholesale destruction of family units,the majority of which never physically involved

themselves with law enforcement. Do youthink that's gonna happen for me? Yesterday?
Because every single clip was the wantondestruction and defacing of any monument in
DC. They could get a holdof the physical assaulting of police officers.
And I don't mean lightly. Imean you had officers that were attempting to

conduct the rest and every time theywould kneel down to handcuff somebody, some
violent piece of garbage would run outand physically grab the vests of officers,
ripping them off of them. Theabsolute pandemonium that was going on in the

lower part of Union Station there whereyou had officers that were nearly thrown onto
tracks. The attempt to take overof the Watergate Hotel, which happened to
be where Nett Yahoo was staying,as they came prepared not just with you

know, ready to physically rumble,but also dumping pests in there, pulling
fire alarms, cheap shotting officers,security personnel, you name it. And
it went on for hours, andthen the audacity of the President of the
United States to begin his little fiveminute speech yesterday with political violence will not

be tolerated, when he wouldn't,dare just point that camera outside the window
if that's the real window. Idon't know if that's the real window,
if it's the faky window. Buthe wouldn't in a million years after uttering
that line at the exact moment itwas said to be uttered, point a
camera directly out the window. Ican't be the only one. We're ti

more tie. And all the while, yeah, all the while, I'm

having to sit there and watch awholescale revisionist history unfold in this twenty four
hour span within the media over borderissues, over voting records, where it
was just erased somebody uh. Somebodypointed out, it's like the It's like
the family photo from Back to theFuture in real time, but the internet's

forever a simple montage and many hitbut a simple montage of and it was
it goes before and after, Sothere'd be a clip of before Joe Biden
stepped away from the race, andthen you know, some media outlets show

her hosts should be like, ah, she's the borders are and then and
then directly after then there was thereporting that took place over the last forty
eight hours by the same people inthe same shows in the same network.
Tamala Harris knows what she needs todo. Well, yeah, I'm sorry,
hold on, here's the clip Imeant to click quote unquote borders are.

Vice President Harris was not a bordersare being time Vice President Tamala Harris
facing some backlash what he said aboutHarris and immigration was not true. She
was never appointed borders are and thiswill be her first visit to the US
Mexico Border Regents and she was appointedas the borders are by President Biden.
People gonna have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the

borders are she wasn't the borders are. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris Vice President
Kamala Harris to be the borders areNow. She wasn't the borders are.
That's what Republicans labeled her. Theywere very article of Kamala Harris, especially
in her role as borders are Now. What she's up against is folks line
about her border record, calling hera borders are Kamala Harris who was appointed

as the borders are the Biden teamdidn't declare who the borders are. They
wanted her to work on kind ofthe root causes of immigration. There has
been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. You know she was the borders are,
calling her sort of the borders are, which wasn't necessarily the case.
So the border if they weren't planningto address it in a major way,
do not make her your borders are. She met with some of the Northern
Triangle countries, but nothing has effectivelychanged. Sorenity now, Serenity now if

the every single network, which youjust heard an example of, is to
follow the example of Axios, whoreally set this thing off. Yesterday,
Axios pointed out that she was neverthe borders are and was immediately met with
their own reporting by the same reporter, and their response once they realized that

was untenable, was to add alittle addition to the initial reporting, saying
that they and the rest of themedia incorrectly labeled her back in the day
when they did their reporting. Sowhat they went with, rather than pointing
out that the White House is fullof crap, is that they all were

full of crap. That was thesolution of the problem. If that's not
carrying water, I don't know whatis. And you had those two things
compounded over a twelve hour fifteen hourspan yesterday, and it literally, I

literally had a problem fallows asleep.I can usually fall asleep, I'm pretty
good at it. Because I ain'tget a napists today and I sat there
tossing and turning and thinking about it, absolutely losing my mind. So we'll

try to stay calm today, butit won't be easy, and I will
feel like most of it like I'msitting here and I'm yelling at this wall
in front of me with little noisedampening things on it, so literally you
can't hear me because it's you know, it's angling the sound away, so

I don't get an echo. Sothere we go. That's how we're kicking
things off today. I'm sure someof you might share the very same frustration.
Will provide a cathartic release if youtwo want to yell into the void,

We're here for you. Eight eighteight nine three four seven eight seven
four back in just a few Sure, some of them were taken into custody
and will likely be charged. Isaw a saw some folks pointing out that
they've identified. Now I guess it'sfour individuals from three different Congress members who

it was their kids out there.Now, they weren't necessarily out there,
you know, the ones who wereseen assaulting police officers, but they were
in the hoard man, And I'msure that the media will spend a good
portion of the day tracking down thosemembers of Congress, including that weird looking

Connecticut lady, and asking them forcomments on why the kids were in the
middle of the let's see destruction ofthe flag assembly and statues on Washington Circle
there in front of the Union Station. Which that part killed me because every
year when we would do the DCbroadcast, it always took place at the

Phoenix Park Hotel, which is directlya kitty corner from Union Station right there.
In fact, because of how itsits on the corner, when I
would look out the window of myhotel room, it would gaze upon Union
Station. And you know, youhad a couple of big statues there,

You had the flag assembly, hada lot of sleeping hobos at night.
I saw more than one naked personfighting police over the years, but you
generally didn't have the mayhem that yousaw. And they absolutely tore it to
pieces, took the flags down,burned the flags, tangled with police,

put the gosit flag up there,spray painted every square inch of everything they
could find, chiseled and broke partof the base of the statue. It
looks like I don't know what theysnatched or what they hit it with,
because there's like little there's like littlecolumn things on the bottom, and they
ripped one of those off, andthat can't be easy. And just absolute

pandemonium. And while while that's goingon, Netanyahu's got his speech, Joe
Biden's getting ready for his little fiveminute dinner thing described as emotionless with no
real description of why he came outof the race. I mean, are
you buying this. The truth,sacred cause of this country is larger than

any one of us, those ofus who are cherry. That cause cherishes
so much, a cause of Americandemckers itself must unite to protect it.
You know, in recent weeks hasbecome clear to me I need to unite
my party in this critical day.I believe I reckon as president, my

leadership in the world, my visionfor America's future, all merrid of a
second term. But nothing, nothingcan come in the way of saving our
democracy that includes personal ambition. SoI've decided the best way forward is the
past, the torch for a newgeneration. Watching video this morning of some

of the gatherings because you know,even though even though they're the official opening
ceremony for the Olympics, is isI guess tomorrow, there are events that
take a while to play out,so they're going on, and so they
have there's video of like a Israelfans at I'm not sure what this event

was yesterday, but basically you hadmembers of the crowd there at Paris who
are identifying them as cheering for Israelor or I guess you know, the
crime of being Jewish, and they'rephysically trying to attack them in the stands.

What are we what are we doing? And what are we doing?
And they have, like I'm lookingat the one video here, they have
like five, you know, standardsecurity guards like you'd see if you went
to an NFL game, right,trying to trying to quell the pandemonium.
So I don't know what they're gonnado when we get into some of the

bigger events, because the stadium onlylooks about a third full, So like,
feasibly you could provide separation, andthat's not but one, why should
you have to? And two whathappens when you don't have the ability to
do that anymore? Remember what happenedwith what do they call the stupid singing
competition Eurovision. I know that thatdidn't get a lot of coverage over here,

but it was pretty crazy because likeyou had, you had you had
judges who were posting videos that theywere intentionally rigging the vote against the the
Israeli singer, and they were justlike they were bragging about it. And
plus you had people that were tryingto rig the vote on the audience voting

side or harassing harassing the singer,and it wasn't just them, it was
also anyone who spoke out, likeI think it was the Norway or Finnish
singer. And then you had thatcrazy demon looking Irish singer who was using
her time to scream about it,and it was all just treated as kind

of, hey, you know what, it's no big deal. What are
you going to do? I don'tknow if you I don't know if you're
aware of Paris to the current makeupof the city of Paris, but there
seemed to be a lot of folkswho are not fans of anything having to
do with Israel, which you don'thave to be, but you can't act

like a psychopath, you know what. You can have your opinions and like
somebody's gonna get hurt. Man.I I don't know if they're taking it
seriously enough to try to stave thatoff. And I saw Israel was telling
people not to go to certain things. Why shouldn't they be able to and

they're trying to torch our capital inDC, absolute pandemonium. Simultaneously you have
that going on net Yahoo, who'sgiving his speech, well, I have
a message for these protesters. Whenthe tyrants of Tehran who hang gaze from
cranes and murder women for not coveringtheir hair. Are praising, promoting,
and funding you. You have officiallybecome Iran's useful idiots, right He also

what did he? He also didthe was making fun of one of their
signs. And again, you don'thave to like nt Yahoo and I and
I do believe people when they saythat they feel that you can't that leadership
of a country versus your affinity forthe country are two different things. For
the same reason. A lot ofyou don't like Biden, but you kind

of like the whole American experiment.That's fine, That is not what we're
talking about here. This is thisis this is criminal what's going on,
and everybody knows it. But everybodywill sit there and couch it and look
the other way. And I don'tknow how you watch any of the stuff
that I watch, you say andlook the other way, because that's not

you're not in civil discourse. AndI don't know that they even needed the
visit of net Yahoo to be thekickoff. I think they would gladly tear
up the US capital and not giveit a second thought, regardless of whether
or Netanyahu was speaking or not.And then the third thing you got going

on is you got Trump and Charlotteat the the Bojangles Center there and he's
going on for two hours. Andthen there's a photo that emerged of him.
I guess that's on his plane leavingwhere he's just kind of staring at
the TV as Biden's getting ready todo his thing. And it's just,
you know, just everything full circle, man. And I have to keep

physically like dipping out of this stuffbecause it's ruining my whole evening. I
did get a nice nap yesterday,which might have been the only saving grace.
Always good when we get because Ihaven't had a nap all week.
I know, I sound like acranky toddler, but it's almost a necessity,

man. Plus, in the earlypart of the day I had to
watch Christopher Ray come in so hecould testify about, you know, the
attempted assassination of Donald Trump, andlo and behold more of the stuff where
people really wanted to know, right, how many rounds were fired, what's
going on here? Where the SecretService director kept deferring to the FBI investigation.

Ray then would defer to the SecretService investigation. So once again,
they have absolutely zero respect for you. You're gonna do whatever they want.
You're not gonna get all of thedetails. And Christopher Ray is as smug.
If Donald Trump doesn't fire him onthe first day, what are we
doing? I know he appointed himand he should be absolutely be held accountable

for that. He screwed up andhe should make right what's going on.
So if Donald Trump's in there,Christopher Ray is fired, are we in
agreement with this? He has togo. And the FBI needs an absolute
purging over there. They're a brokenorganization that will not put in one eighth

of the effort to stop what happenedyesterday versus what they did with J six.
They're not going to give you answerson the and and and and the
news media will come out and theywill say that it is a conflict of
interest, right because he's the victimhere, and so he did. He
shouldn't be messing with the with thestability of the FBI. No, he

should because he's the only one whocan do it if he's the president.
That's it. And to show youhow, how, how how seriously they
were taking everything, Jerry Nadler andAdam Shift attempted to hijack that thing,
which was ahering into the attempted assassinationof Donald Trump, to use it as

a hit piece on Donald Trump.Because they have no souls, they have
no conscience, they have no waistline. One of them to his chin starts
where his belly. It's wild man, absolutely wild. They are scumbags and

to be rewarded with likely a Senateseat, which Adam Schiff is probably going
to get, just shows you howbroken not just California is, but everything.
This is Adam Schiff literally in thishearing yesterday morning. Thank you was
chairman, director, Thank you forappearing. Thank you for the extraordinary job

that you're doing. He's not he'snot doing an extraordinary job. He's not
doing a damn thing, But unit's extraordinary because it keeps covered what you
want covered, and we don't haveto have this moment where people step back
and go, they almost killed thisdude. Look what the FBI is uncovered.

That won't happen. And that's howshift won, which lets you know
that this is a person who inmy mind is just fine with Adam Schiff.
If you if you told me andwe had access to even the subconscious
thoughts of Adam Schiff on Saturday,you couldn't convince me. At some point

in his mind, he didn't godamn it, How did you not hit
him? Because I think he isthat level of scumbag. I remember he
lied to us for years and there'sno accountability there. Oh the big evidence.
You just haven't seen it. I'veseen it. It's crazy. And

he will sit there with a biggrin on his face and say, the
way this right here? Please conveyour thanks to the men and women at
the Bureau for their incredible work.I worked with him since I was an
assistant US attorney more than thirty yearsago. Let me start with a threshold
question. I'm curious about when Iapplied to be an assistant US attorn and

you had to go through a backgroundcheck. Do candidates for the FBI have
to go through background checks? Yes? Would someone with dozens of felony convictions
survive a background check for the Bureau? No, so they would never be
hired by the Bureau. What doesthis have to do with him being shot?

Well, clearly the Bureau has Youdon't have to comment on this,
I know you won't, but clearlythe bureau has higher standards for their hiring
than one of America's great political parties. Let me turn to the events of
the you guys, you guys,by the way, you ran a cop
killer as a Democrat one time.That's is that disqualifying, mister Ray?

Do we know if I'm not inhr over at the FBI, I don't
know. That is how Adam Schiffdecided to start this yearing, not hey,
why don't we get some answers onthis or what have you found there
any of the rest of that.He wanted to use his opening time there
to do to literally reattack the personwho got shot and ignore by the way,

the person who lost their lives losttheir life and others who were wounded.
That's Adam Schiff, all right,Hush, hush, I can't with
you anymore. Then it was JerryNadler, who is the ranking member,
so the number two on that andso even he should be more on point.
And you're going to be shocked tolearn he was an assassination attempt.

As horrific as it is, thisassassination attempt, as horrific as it is,
should surprise no one. Really,you would think a political party that
almost lost their presidential candidate through anact of political violence. But there's something
to say about the way that leaderskeep talking about the next election. Donald
Trump has warned there will be aquote blood bath. Yes, that's right.

He went for the bloodbath thing,which if you listen to it in
context, was clearly him talking aboutnot tariffing cars that China is going to
attempt to manufacture five minutes across theborder in Mexico because they think they have
a loophole to flood the market withtheir own manufactured vehicles that will not have
tariffs because of some of the NAFTArequirements. It's abundantly clear in there.

And he chose to run that.He chose to run the good side or
good people on both sides thing,and Republicans don't even sit there and correct
it. And that's how Nadler's goingto go ahead and start this thing,
and simultaneously his party as literally andcontinues to And this goes back to what

Biden was really saying. We've madethe full circle, say that it is
the end of democracy if this wins, and and the talking points that that
Biden put out during his little fiveminute teleprompter th on yesterday continue that it's

going to be the end of democracywe don't do something, and they will
shamelessly say it because there are neverconsequences at the voting booth for them,
and and that reflects on the peoplewithin the districts which they serve. Why

would you put up with this?I would be embarrassed if that was my
rep This is a hearing about anattempted assassination and they can't even talk about
it except to attempt to throw blameon this. I tweeted yesterday, there's

not enough. There's not enough soothing, sleepy time tea out there. There's
not enough. I don't I justlike I I, I am befuddled.
I want to use a different word. How literally watching the dude get shot

didn't change your attitude at all inthe way that you operate. What would
it take? What would it takeA if somebody knocks a nuke off at
the RNC, Like, I don'teven think that would change this. So
it's it's it's it's another it's it'sanother untreatable symptom. I don't know what

the answer for it is. Andthat's scary, Like you want to think
that there's something out there where peoplewould pause and have a moment and go,
yeah, we got to do thisdifferently, man. And you know,
I think for half a second,I guess you had that with nine
to eleven, but not for longbecause the my pet goat stuff was still

out there, right, They reallyshut that off. But we're so far
gone on this stuff that all ofthese things could simultaneously take place yesterday.
Everything that happened yesterday on its ownwould have made for a pretty incredible news
cycle, whether it was the protestin DC, you know, the dueling

speeches with Biden and Trump, thewholesale switcheroo by the media over things that
were correctly reported by them, whowere then willing to say, you know
what, no, we all hadit wrong back in twenty twenty one.
Every one of those would be acrazy news cycle all on its own,

and it all happened within twenty fourhours. Meanwhile, over in PRIs,
they're probably gonna murder some Israeli fans. Are they gonna get caught out on
the street. They're gonna be walkingback to their hotel. It will probably
happen. I hope that it doesn't, but I have no confidence that it
won't. So I hate to makepredictions like that, but I tell me

I'm wrong. I don't think I'mwrong, all right? Eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight seven four. And then what was the what was
the thing Trump rosse? Were?You know? I'm sorry, my brain's
up. You and I were talkingabout this off the hear What was the
Trump thing where they're still running that? Oh yeah, the the Hannible elector
thing. Hannibal elector. All right, we got to address this, do
you guys? You guys have heard. And by the way, I also

does anybody at the Trump thing yesterdayyou want to give us a book report,
that'll be fine. You know,Trump keeps mentioning Hannibal Lecter, and
I think he keeps doing it morebecause some of the reaction he gets.
But do you understand the context ofit? Okay, if you don't,

that's fine, because even if youdon't, I think in your mind you
probably do because of the way thatyou treat it. But we'll say it
very slowly for people out there,because they keep as a bone they keep
chewing on because, like he thinks, Hannibal Lecter's a real person. Right,

You've probably seen some of that narrativeand he doesn't, but he's making
a point and he doesn't when henow when he brings it up subsequently,
he doesn't always seen set it.So we'll seen set it and uh,
I don't know. Maybe then ifyou hear somebody bring it up, he
can be like, well, knowwhat he's actually talking about is this,

and let me explain it for you, even though that shouldn't technically be your
job. That is unfortunately where weare. And they say, if you're
explaining, you're already losing. Soand we also said there also the little
behind the scenes Barack Obama, JoeBiden spat that New York Post is saying
is going on. I'll explain thatto you as well. All coming up,

two more hours to go, caseO Day Radio program, Hang on.
But overall devious plan because you gotme was the way in which you
all not you all, but unlessyou were part of it, then you're
in there. But like somehow yesterdaythe news cycle found a way to put

simultaneously all the stuff that just drivesme up the damn wall within a twenty
four hour period. Right, thewanton double standard and destruction of Washington,
d C. The parading of thefailed and corrupt agencies like the FBI,
The smugness of members of Congress whono longer suffer any political ramifications for hijacking

something as serious as hey, theyalmost assassinated a president. The the the
display of the media's willingness to literallyfall on the sword right and and make
fundamental sweeping Oh no, that thingyou thought you read, You didn't read

that. Declarations on varieties of issues, whether it was the borders, our
stuff, which there's tape. It'sso it's so easy, it's so easy
just to go back and and andthen people won't care. They won't care.

The erasure of Kamali's voting record.Remember this. One of the things
that blew me away right when AOCgot in there was remember the Green Remember
the one sheeter on the Green NewDeal where it was just like, we're
gonna build a train to Hawaii.I'm not misrepresenting that. By the way.

They called for the elimination of airtravel. They also called for the
elimination of cows. And if youremember the very first, not one of
the first, the very first othermember of Congress, in this case,
Senator from California by the name ofKamala Harris was the very first to throw

her support behind the Green New Deal. She became the lead Senate sponsor,
and I'm supposed to pretend like thatdidn't happen. And you coupled that with
remember she was also the most vocalover the juicy Simolet stuff, putting out

a tweet all in on it,and even when it became abundantly clear that
it was all a bunch of hotgarbage, she still wouldn't pull away from
it, going out and pushing thebail fund for what was taking place in
Minnesota, which I took extra personalbecause I had to watch streets and shops

that I used to frequent that Iused to live near just being destroyed,
and I knew people who literally hadtheir lives. They don't do what they
did anymore. One of the guyswho ran, like I say, it
wasn't a pawn shop per se,but it was like secondary archery equipment and
a few other stuff. He didn'thave guns, but he had basically all

the other stuff. It was Igot played against sports, but for hunting
equipment. His was one of thebusinesses on Lake Street that is no more
because he was he's old enough.He just he couldn't rebuild. He didn't
want to rebuild. And then whenthey tried to rebuild, they were prioritizing
monies to rebuild, and he wasa white dude, so he wasn't being

prioritized. And it's just as deathby a thousand cuts. And by the
way, if you go back andyou look at the easily accessible voting records
and proposals of Kamala Harris, thosethemselves were being disappeared yesterday. Very different.
This is her being interviewed during thislittle week where where the spat between

the media and the Democrats was there, so there were members of the media
doing real journalism. This is anABC News interview and the bewilderment on her
face in this clip is like nothingI've ever seen because she didn't expect the

follow up question. Very different.In the policies that you've supported in the
past, you're considered the most liberalUnited States senator. I somebody said that,
and it actually was Mike Pence onthe debate stage. But yeah,
well, actually the non part isin Gov Track has rated you as the
most liberal senator. You supported theGreen New deal, you supported Medicare for

all, and she the look onher face is like, is this happening?
That look on her face she getsit every time she's actually pressed for
anything. Yes, that's why ifshe is going to do that debate with
Trump in September, it in Fox, you're probably gonna see that look a
lot. Like you press her onUkraine or the border, whatever the issue
is, that happens a lot.She starts laughing, Oh, Mike Pence

said that, and the reporter couldhave gone, yep, yeah he did.
And you know why he said it. He said it because the you
gov people said it, but nowthey don't. Is gone, go look
for it, it's gone. Andacxios. How to affix the little things?
And oh no, we all hadit wrong with the borders are stuff.

Meanwhile, they're like, and DonaldTrump thinks that Hannibal Lecter is a
real person? Does he? Isthat what you got from the five second
clip us all? Or did youtake did you bother to look into it?
Ross? You didn't know? Youbothered to look into it, didn't
you know? Because yeah, we'vementioned it before in the in the show
very like Fast. It was likea passing thing. Right right cuts.

Yeah, you know, I've seenthat on social media and I didn't care
enough to look into it because Ifigure everybody they always take him out of
context, and it had to beit had to make sense when you actually
saw it in context, right.But I keep seeing it show up on
my on my ex feed. Andthen a few days ago, my buddy
sent me a text. I waslike, hey, and he's like,
not like a you know my buddywho I'm going to bulldoze his house in

Chapel Hill, right right right,the best friends. He's like, so,
explain this Hannibal Lecter thing to me, because I'm very confused as to
why he keeps bringing up. AndI told him, I'm like, I
don't know, because I haven't lookedinto it. I have no idea.
But when I've heard it out ofcontext, when I've just heard the little
clips that like somebody like media Mattersor someone will put up and it sounds
like looney tunes. So last nightyou sent me another clip of him mentioning
it in Charlotte at the rally andI'm in bed. I We're about to

go to bed. I didn't wantto play the video because I didn't want
to wake up Marky. She passedout. So, but I was reading
the comments. The comments are like, he thinks, Hannibal Elector is what.
You want to play the clip?Yeah? You want to play the
clip? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, play it, play it? Play
all right. So here's the clipfrom Charlotte, the one that was around.
Because when you actually hear the audiofrom the clip, then suddenly it

makes sense, because when you're justreading the comments, it makes no sense
at all. It's like he thinksthe head of Elector is real. He
believes it was a real thing.He thinks it's a documentary. He thinks
it's a late great person. Whatis he talking. He's lost his mind.
He's old. He's like an eightyyear old and not making any sense.
But when I actually play and loadthe video this morning, ta da,
when it's in context, it makessense. Yes, yes, yes,

And he does keep bringing it up, that's true, And I think
he does because he enjoys the lunacyof the reactions. It's because at some
point there's I think Trump does dosome stuff like that right where he's just
like, oh, they always freakout when I say this, So I'm
gonna say this like I get Iget that sentences and our here is from
Charlotte yesterday. Prisons in jails,mental institutions, and insane as alums.

You know, they go crazy whenI say the late great Hannibal Elector.
Okay, they say, why wouldyou mention hornrible Elector? He must be
cognitively in trouble. No, now, though these are real stories. Hannibal
Elector from Silence of the Lamb.He's a lovely man. He wants to
have you for dinner. He'd liketo have you for dinner. And all

right, even that is out ofcontext kind of unless you know, kind
of the first time he brought itup. But so I wrote back to
my buddy who asked me about itthe other day, and I had an
answer for him. I wrote himback today. I'm like, okay,
it's the first time I've heard itin context. And I figure out he's
talking about people coming across the border, and he's talking about some of these
people are crazy and some of themare actually from mental institutions, which is

true. And then he switches theHannibal Elector using it as hyperbole, like
like would you want Hannibal Lecter comingover? Here. I mean, where's
he gonna go. It's gonna goto la I mean, my buddy writes
me back, and he goes,okay, well that makes sense. Yeah.
And by the way, this isthe thing what Trump's talking about pre
date. The best example of whatTrump's talking about, which you may have

forgotten about, was Cuba. Okay. I don't know if you remember who
negotiated that in Cuba. By theway, did Carrie have something to do
with that? It was? Itwas a very famous negotiation that took place.
They call it the prisoner dump theytalk about at the beginning of the

Scarface, right, Yeah. Sobasically they went in, here we go.
Yeah. Yeah, it's called theMurial boat lift. All right.
So and this goes back to nineteenseventy nine. Those are the twelve Cubans
that were looking for that, butit then became a post it was part

of post negotiations following the failed Yeah, there's three different incidents. I'm sorry
I should have pulled this up.Basically, they went to Cuba and they
said, hey, we want toget the uh, some of the folks
that were seized during the failed Bayof Pigs. And then there was a
second thing, and Fidel Castro basicallytook that as the opportunity to give us

thousands of people. And it turnedout that he had just basically emptied prisons
and and mental institutions in Cuba.So the vast majority of the people that
they sent us over were not whowe thought they were getting. We were
given the people they didn't want todeal with. And that was that was
a big fu moment with with withCuba and Castro. It's a thing.

You can look it up. Andso you had that then that is that
has been a thing that has playedout. Mexico has given us or allowed
the emptying of a prison that satnear the border, and exodus to those
prisoners were basically they're like, ifyou make it across the border, you
won't get rounded up. That's thething that has happened. So to some

extent, that's what Trump is talkingabout. Yeah, making migrants criminal,
the Murial boat lift, Miami,blah blah blah. There's a ton online.
You can go and read this foryourself. I mean a lot of
people on the left understand that heuses hyperbole a lot, right, and
a lot of times he's given likea stand up his version of a stand

up routine. He's making jokes,but he's doing it in a way that
people can relate to important issues.Yeah, I for one, look,
I find some of his delivery weird. And I've stood there. I've literally
stood and agree in the very coliseumwhere he was given his thing. Remember
that was where I went to gointerview him, and then we didn't have
time to do it, and Iwatched. I watched the whole thing,
And to be fair, it wasthe first one of his where I watched

it rather than working it right becauseI'd gone to get some some stuff before
and and you just you process stuffdifferent. But I had the opportunity just
to kind of sit back there inthe little press area. Some of you
were yelling at me like I waswr e L, thank you for that,
appreciate that, but anyway, andand they just kind of take it
in and he won't. I wander, so I'm sure I come across the

same way. But it's clear whenhe's just riffing on stuff, it's abundantly
clear. Like when he's pointing whenhe says at the end of that cut
he wants to have you for dinner, he's pointing at somebody in the audience.
He's got a big old grin onhis face. And the person,
if you look at the larger thing, kind of puts does the thing where
they put their hands in front ofhim and shake them back and forth,
Like no, no, no,I don't want to be eating by handible

lecter. There's not a serious thinggoing on there. But to the bigger
issue there is, to the biggerissue of and and that makes perfect sense
if you're Mexico or you're Cuba,or you're you know, one of these
other places, and you can literallyoffload what you consider the dregs of society.

You think that's a win. Man. Just maddening, just a maddening
collective of a day of everything andlike and and I think it was personal.
You know, I felt the sameway. Send you a text yesterday
about everything, Yeah, because Ihad to take a break from social media
because I had a solution and youknow, in the end of the day,

Yeah, I had I had avery you know, simple solution as
to how to solve the problem therein dec going on yesterday. But I
was like, I'm not posting itbecause I'll probably lose my gig. You
just need to vent. Yeah,it was what it does to air drop
coloring book. Correct, what itwas. I heard from several people,
two different people yesterday. Uh,separate occasions. Uh. One of them

and both big dissantis supporters, notTrump fans, big rhndes sandi is so
much that they were not going tobe voting in November. And I've heard
this repeatedly. One of them,I'm not going to name them, but
one of them has had issues withhis parents as well, like where they're
not really in speaking terms because they'vehad issues because parents are big Trump supporters

and he can't stand Trump. Hewanted to say going to stay home.
Sent me a message yesterday that said, you know all this crap that's going
on in DC where they're vandalizing,putting the name of a terrorist organization on
our monuments, plus combined with theaxios revisionist history stuff and everyone. Yeah,
he said, now I'm I'm goingto be voting Trump in November.

Yeah, I can't stay. Ihave gone too far and I I I
hope that that is. I hopethat it's enough to change, even if
it doesn't come around to Trump,even if you just want to hold Nadler
and Shift accountable at the voting booth, not that we probably have a bunch
of their constituents there. Like Ihope that this behavior has consequences, and

I want to be clear, Idon't mean violent physical consequences, because unlike
those who would leave it out therevery subtly just say, oh, man,
I hope something happens that stops this. Wink wink, nod nod.
Have to go there. I haveto sit here and hope that you will
all come to your senses and youreject this behavior. And you don't have

to even just reject it by goingout and voting for Trump. You can
turn your efforts into making sure thatthese folks don't have jobs anymore. And
that goes for the media as well. You don't have to go You don't
have to go all into fight clubsand start destroying infrastructure. You can simply
say I will not participate in theconsumption of any of your media anymore.

I will not take your newspaper,I will not watch your shows. I
will not give one damn red dimeto go into your website so that you
can hit me with Google AdSense stuff, which isn't easy It's not easy to
do, as few organizations control somany swaths of the media. But you

will not reward this behavior. Youwill not reward us being able to put
to montage like this together in liketen minutes. Borders are. Vice President
Harris was not a borders are.These are the same people, the same
shows backlash Sometimes creation was not true. She was never appointed borders are,

and this will be her first visitto the US Mexico Border Regents. And
she was appointed as the borders areby President Biden. People gonna have to
counter the misinformation. You already hearfolks talking about the borders are. She
wasn't the borders are. Shut up. You all should lose your jobs.
You should. Nobody should take youseriously enough to treat you with any respect

that allows you to work in themedia. And it just won't happen as
long as you keep feeding the beast. So stop feeding the beast. We'll
be back, boy boy yesterday.Man. Just one thing after another after
another. Obviously, the most irritating, I think for many of you is
to sit there and watch the absolutewanton destruction of Washington, d C or

mon Immens. The flags that weretorn down the the literally hundreds of incidents
and run ins with law enforcement,many of which turned extremely violent and useful
idiots run around screaming this. That'swhile the flag burns there in front of

you, and you just know that, even though it has all the hallmarks
of everything that you saw, orat least was explained to you that you
should have seen with January sixth,that the accountability and the effort by the
FBI and others will not even beone tenth of one percent what you previously
saw. So there will be therewill be no disincentive to come and destroy

it next time. And that's thepart where I'm sitting here and I'm like,
I don't I'm scared. I'm goingto say something this morning. So
we got like, we got somewe got some like sleepy time tea in

here. Rosscott the zither out soI can zend myself on moments. Notice
some of the tea here, OhGinger, what do you think a little
lavender in this? Or some lavender? Some moonshine lemon. That's all I

can do. Let's listen to netYat who talk about the frat boys who
frankly should have been there yesterday,but I'd understand what they were. We
recently learned from the National Security Director, Director of US Director of National Intelligence
that Iran is funding and promoting antiIsrael protests in America. They wanted to
disrupt America. So these protesters burnAmerican flags even on the Fourth of July,

and I wish to salute the fraternitybrothers at the University of North Carolina
for protective the American flag, protectivethe American flag against these anti Israel protesters.
And nobody expects that Nanna who's speaking, is not gonna have protesters,
and it's fine, dude. Look, there's a there's a lot of stuff.

If people could be intellectually honest withthis, there's a lot of real
big government stuff that nn Yahoo doesthat I'm not comfortable with, and like,
those are those are valid criticisms.Now you can argue that he has
to do it, which some peoplewill because of some some serious opposition shenanigans

that have unfolded within the Israeli government. But most people aren't plugged in.
And I admittedly I'm not plugged inall the way, but I have intellectual
curiosity enough to really see that youhave these two factions there, and you
saw a lot of the very samestuff you're seeing with Trump, with the
weaponization of the justice system within Israelto go after Remember that Yahoo just a

few years ago was being indicted ona bunch of stuff that and most of
it turned out to be absolute andutter bs, but some of it didn't.
Some of it it looks like thereis abuse within the system. Now.
Is the Israeli government system the sameas the US and are they afforded
the same protections they are not?So you can hate this, dude.

You can want a new direction forIsrael, including ones that some people think
would just spell the It would justsignal the death of Israeli independence. You
can think all of these things,but you can't come and destroy my capital.
You can't break into the Watergate Hoteland fill it with cockroaches and whatever

else they were throwing it. Probablybedbugs. Don't do that. It's bad
pulling fire alarms, physically assaulting police, trying to throw a police officer onto
a train track, and one officerprobably not gonna have a job. I
don't know if you saw the videofinally having enough of it and taking like
full scale kicking runs at this dude'shead and for a moment you can feel

good about watching that because you're sofrustrated about stuff. But you have to
pause. You got to get yourtea right, You got to your soft
music and go. You know,even in the face of that, it's
important that while there is full throatedinvestigations and it's not even help it anymore,

and you have to have a standard. You also have to have a
set standard. Christopher Ray demonstrated onceagain that he needs to be fired the
moment, the moment if Trump,if he does is send to the presidency
again. You know, they're alwayslike, I'm gonna do all these executive
orders. Is my first thing?Know, your first thing is you fire

Christopher Ray, and you have aplan to purge the FBI of the very
same individuals that would you know,sign on to a letter and you know,
ignore the laptop which we find theyhave possession of and play all of
these games and create these double standards. And you need to hold them accountable.

And that is what they fear most, which is why they will do
all of this stuff because they thinkthat they're protected and they think that there
won't be consequences, and they thinkand they know and they're correct that the
media will claim that he's going throughand this is personal and he's just doing
this so that he can have yesmen in there, so he can,

you know, he can form adictatorship and soon the SS will be running
free in the streets. And youlet them say all that garbage. You
let the same people that just didsome of the largest scale revisionist history in
a week's time that you've ever seen. You let him run that game,
and you take it as your responseilitythat when you are around people that feel
uncomfortable with change like that, youexplain to them exactly why this has to

happen. But you also tell themthat you will be vigilant and if it
looks for a moment that Trump isgoing to head into the tutalitarian uh direction,
that it is very clear this softcoup that is you know that is
currently operating right now, that youwill be a steadfast And it's dangerous stuff,
right because people when they get morepower sometimes it corrupts them. You've

heard the saying, but I don'tknow what the alternative is. The alternative
is you just let this stuff playout. And then the Adam shifts of
the world, and the Jerry Nadlersof the world, and the corrupt democrats
of the world, and the corruptRepublicans of the world for that matter,
will sit there and continue to dowhatever they want. And eventually the amount

of people that are sending me emailsright now that I think you should delete
telling me that you think violence isthe only answer. You should delete those
and you should rethink that. AndI know that's going to irritate some of
you, but that's what they want. That's what they that's what they want,
which is why when it happened inthe opposite direction they panic so much.

Because the plan is to get youto do that. And even if
you don't do it all the wayyou saw what you saw the mountain out
of the Mole Hill that January sixthbecame imagine if it's something more significant and
and and and and not just here. You look at what's going on?
Are you Are you familiar with allof the stories that are breaking out of

the Olympics right now? Do youhave you have you know, you have
soccer and you have a few otherthings that are good you know that start
early before the opening ceremonies because there'sso many matches right, some of the
swimming stuff things like that, youhave Youwish athletes and Jewish fans who were
literally being physically assaulted in the stands. There's video out right now. You

have athletes buses that literally have beenhijack or attempted to hijack the Belgian swim
team, the Australian swim team.They had one of the BMX teams had
their bikes stolen out of a van. And then we're intentionally redirected on a
path that is not the correct pathfor the purpose of attempting to hijack the

vehicle carrying the athletes. Go lookit up. All the stuff's happening.
Canada just got busted cheating. Canadajust got busted for flying drones over the
New Zealand practice for the women's soccerteam so they could spy on them ahead

of their match. And I knownot all of this is as serious as
you know the other stuff. Youhad, the sexual assault of one of
the was IT assistant coaches. It'sabsolute pannemonium over there in Paris. Why
do you think that is? BecauseParis has long decided that they're going to

be a lawless city, man,and they can have all the cardboard beds
and green initiatives that they want,but there's a reason that you know,
people have literally abandoned portions of thatcity, and people say, why the
you're have an abandon it because doctorCleeder's still service. So you know exactly
what I mean. So I don'tknow, man. You're seeing the exact

examples of what lawlessness looks like.And of course you know they've had rioting
in what London leads all over theUK this last week, and yes,
over in France and now in Washington, d C. Some of the people
doing the vandalizing are kids of membersof Congress that have already been I identified.
What do you think their consequences aregoing to be? You just overwhelmed

the system. This is what itlooks like. Also, Ross, you
say Canada has their country stripped?Is that Ross wants to make them a
British colony? Again? Why Ireward the British man? I mean,
that's just embarrassing. What's embarrassing?It's embarrassing. You're flying a drone over
what women's the New Zealand women's soccerbread. You're trying to cheat at women's

soccer. Come on, oh dude, what is Yeah, but you know
some people would just build You thinkBill Belichick if he wasn't the women's soccer
coach, wouldn't do that. Oh, he completely would. But that's American
football. It's a real sport.I no, I'm saying even if soccer
now has a job as the women'ssoccer coach cheating at euro trash? Come

on? Oh no New Zealand andCanada or not European countries. But oh
I see okay, So yeah,Ross is very harsh penalties. What are
you gonna do? Raced agic?You very get the weather right or Ross
is He's He's doling out some punishmentstoday, So definitely do not. Canada's

Canada's a colony again too very harshfair Yeah, so well harsh forecast,
especially this morning and in through today. Areas of showers on the flosh stays
in place. That's an effect.Let's see through this evening. So we
may see rainfall total inch maybe twoinches in spots. Some could get two

to four inches of additional rain alreadyseen, some rain scattered across the area,
even some heavier showers and spots,and I think it's on to get
off again all day, so we'rekind of in it. Low eighties for
highs and more scattered showers right onthrough tonight and tomorrow. Best chance early
tonight, best chance tomorrow will beas the morning progresses into the afternoon.

All the weekend does look a littlebit better. I think storms will be
off to the west and maybe intothe mountains close to the Triad, but
for the Triangle we may escape therainfall. So it's gonna kind of split
the state in half. It'll bea tough forecast. I'll fine tune that
tomorrow, but it looks like rightnow we could have sunshine. There is
a chance of showers of thunder storms, so further west you go, most
of us getting back to the littlebit eighties, and then we'll be back

into the showers and thunderstorms as theyget into next week and maybe getting a
little bit warmer. But today gottagray. Expect rain, expecting maybe some
localized flooding. So just slow yourrole, especially this afternoon if you get
some heavier thunderstorms with some heavy rain. Okay, all right, thank you
sir, appreciate it, yep,and we'll come back. Grab your calls
next, hang on, coming up. We're gonna, we're gonna we'll take
a deviation because if not, I'mgonna lose my mind today Stephen cantill join

us, our official NERD correspondent.So we'll we'll just lose our mind over
poor Star Wars shows or stuff likethat. It'll feel good. It'll feel
it. Deviation will feel good.But let me grab a call now,
Jamal, you're a first, Goright ahead. Hey, KC, I'm

sorry about you mean, the teambrought try some press Kentucky whiskey out of
a barrow. But I'm gonna tellyou this, KC. And this is
something else. You have a noticebecause I've been saying this. I told
people Joe Binden does not need todrop out because the media is not gonna
be held responsible for what they didwith his cover up. And I said
this, but this is what youhaven't noticed in the media. Whenever they're

discussing come all in now, theymake sure it's a white Republican and it's
black Democrats to defend her. Rememberthe black guy Paris who was for President
Trump in twenty sixteen, and ofcourse CNN stopped bringing him up there because
he was pushing back. I'm nottalking about MSNBC because at this point,

if you listen to anybody who's listeningto MSNBC, they didn't even think they're
gonna try to be any time fair. I got some beach one pro I'm
talking about some Atlantic front property inNebraska to sail you. But they are
now purposefully purposely putting white Republicans upagainst black Democrats, purposely doing There are

plenty of black Republicans like myself andothers whom they can Michael Steel, like
Michael Steele with his Captain America andhis crying eye. That guy, you
no, that's that's in That's NBC. We know. The only reason why
a former head of the Republican Partywhen Barack Obama won in two thousand and

eight is on MSNBC because he wasthrown out because he was stealing money.
See, they don't want to talkabout that when it comes to him.
He's a thief that was thrown outof the Republican Party as chairman because he
was stealing money. Literally, hewas caught doing it, so he was
fired. So when and yesterday whenwe saw the meeting with them turning on

the nose about Tamala being the bordersare. Oh, well, we got
it wrong, Casey. I meand you have debated back and forth about
this about the same restrictions they haveon the Second Amendment, that they need
the same restrictions on the First Amendmentwhen it comes to the freedom of the
press. Because this is to thepoint now when I'm glad President Trump did

this yesterday. He started pushing backon the media Sunday and Kamala Harris and
I'm gonna say, Kamal ain't gonnasay the other way Kamala Harris is that
she is a threat to democracy.We was told to bring the temperature down
and it's all done with me.What Adam Shifp did. The media should

have covered. They said, therehad the man who was shot at.
You got the man who's headed theFBI, and you're supposed to be asking
about questions about the man being shot. You're trying to put a political hit
to say about President Trump. Wildcorse. I'd rather vote for the fella than
the jack behind. I don't knowif you can say Jackie, I say
Jack's tae. I rather fellas check. Well, you just did so oh

into flames so I guess you canlook. Yeah, I got. I'm
just gonna tell you got about thirtyseconds, so just look. Yeah,
okay, See, this is whatpeople have been saying, that we have
to label them a threat to democracythe same way and turn the temperature back
up because obviously they're not they're notgonna throw down. Watching the news cycle

over the last twenty four hours,everybody's lost their damn mind. The republic
has lost I don't know. Infact, let's go ahead and let's let's
make all sorts of comparisons. Let'swelcome in our oh, our current Events
entertainment and official Nerd correspondent Stephen Kentto the show. So, Steven,

do you guys have fun burning theCapitol yesterday? I'm assuming that was you
dressed as Darth Vader like the onedude was or was that not you?
Hey? See, me and myfellow nerds were in our mother's basements just
playing video games and joint life,creating great memes. I was not at
that event. That was not me. What what do you live outside of

d C? Right? Correct?I do? I mean, I'm I'm
angry and I only visit like oncea year, right, But this is
it's I'm sorry to put you onthe spot because we're gonna get into little
nerdy stuff and and but some stuffthat also has to do with government that
we need to talk about. Butwait, I don't understand why the why
the residents of DC are not madderthan than even me this morning, who's

having to drink spiked canon milt teato make it through his day. It's
just far, madames far. Imean people, people are ticks and and
you know I showed showed my daughterthat video last night of the desecration of
the flag at Union Station, thespray paint that was all over the bell.
I mean, it's it's horrible.This is where I commute into every
day in d C. I getout to that monstrosity when I have to

go to the to Congress and speakto people on the hill. It's it's
horrible. Uh. And people aremad about it. But it's just you
have mayors like Muriel Bowser here inDC who won't say it out loud,
but they condown this activity. Andthat's why it happens. And I think
that I think the reason that hitme extra hard is when I would do
my annual Radio Row every year.We always did it at the Phoenix Park

Hotel, which I'm sure you knowwhere that is obviously if you meet through
Union Station, And of course thewindow of my hotel almost all of the
windows view Union Station because of thecorner it sits on, and I look,
it's always it was always really coolto go up there, even with
the pandemonium and the mayhem. Iwas up there during the Kavanaugh hearing.

But it's part of the atmosphere andit's largely contained, so I could be
I could go to the Irish barright here at the hotel, I could
go over to Union Station do stuff. I could walk around and do the
touristy stuff. But I could alsogo over and still see people exercising their
First Amendment and some of it,you know, and sometimes it did violate

the law, and there were remediesfor that, but not on the scale
that we saw. And you couplethat with what you saw in London,
what's going on in Paris right nowwhere they're literally like seizing Israeli fans and
stands. There's some video that's emergedof that, and and you ask yourself
how coordinated it is and to putthis in nerd terms for you. I

have dark thoughts and are creep intomy brain, right, which is like
the whole precipice for Star Wars,like, don't let yourself go to the
dark side, right, don't doit? Yeah, But for just five
seconds, I just in my mind, I'm like, well, what if
Palpatine's in his transport shuttle, which, by the way, they don't even
have a cool name for it.It's just called that. And he stares
out and there's a bunch of yaywho's spray painting a dreadnought? Right,

He's not putting up with that crap. And I'd watched that episode Lock them
Up. I think that's what heis saying. And by the way,
what he says his shuttle is calleda Lambda shuttle, So do your homework.
I did it, just said cruiser. I was very disappointed. Okay,
well that's good because like they havecool names like Infiltrators and Dreadnoughts and
all those things. But I'm like, it's just called the Emperor Shuttle.

That's so stupid. No, he'sgoing all lightning hands like he's not putting
up with this. No, Imean, and that's I think that's why
so many people are turning to moreauthoritarian type leaders around the world, which
is because in Western democratic nations wehave not drawn ourselves to like actually defend

our own institutions, our own buildingsfrom rioters and anarchists and people who want
to ravage beautiful things. And that'show you get, you know, more
authoritarian blowback. And we don't wantthat. You don't want help the teams
of the world to step in andgo, I will bring order. You
have to maintain order yourselves through democraticprocesses, and we just don't have the

backbone to do it. And Ihad to sit there and I had to
watch members of Congress try to hearwhich we knew was going to be a
deflection of thon by Christopher Ray atthe FBI, just as it was by
the Secret Service director, where they'reboth going talk to the other person about
their investigation. We knew that wasbaked in. But to watch members of
Congress then use it to try topistol whip the very dude who was shot.

I could Ross and I exchange messageson why it was not a good
idea for either of us to posttweets yesterday and I hate that that's where
we are. Meanwhile, what isCongress going to be dealing with today?
Not figuring out what are we goingto do about this, but to figure
out how they can screw with yourability to actually discern what your kids can

and can't consume. So let's talkabout this. I'll make that awkward transition
what are these Yay, who's upto today? I thought that was a
wonderful transition. Yeah. So Congressin the Senate today they are expected to
vote on the Kids Online Safety Act, which has been moving through the Senate
now for well over a year andis now being rushed with all haste for

a floor vote by Chuck Schumer.This is a bill which would expand the
federal government's role in moderation and contentpresent on social media in a massive way.
I mean, this is Patriot Actlevel stuff, but for social media
content regulation. What it mainly doesis it forces social media companies and online

platforms to adopt a duty of carefor their users under the age of sixteen.
Now, you might think, ifyou're a parent, I'm the one
who has duty of care over mychild. Now, social media companies would
have that in the online space wherethis is simple is child exploitation content and
pornography. But where it is notsimple is speech content that is in the

gray area of is this bad,is this good? Is this okay?
Or is this harmful? Social mediacompanies do not want to be the shoff
of what is harmful content. Andthat's what's going on here with Coosa.
And you know, one of theexamples I hear often cited and it did
offend the senses? Do you rememberand I can't remember what the how old

the child was at the time,but do you remember there was a child
who is now an adult, butwhen they were a child, there was
a video of a revenge porn postedof them. And they kept going back
to the well to the social mediacompanies and going can you take this down?
And Twitter was one of them.It predated Elon being there, but

they then made it an Elon problemwhen he bought it, where basically they
would reach out and they'd say,Hi, I'm a fourteen year old girl
and there's a video that was postedof me providing a sexual act. In
this case it was of the Lewinskyvariety. And the media companies will just
say, yeah, we'll totally getto that we'll take that down, and

then they wouldn't take it down andthe horrified parent out there and understandably so,
and that's the white horse these guysare wanting to ride in on.
Yeah. Absolutely, and there's areason that they're taking that because it's very
clear and simple, and you couldalso just have revenge peorn legislation that covers
just that single issue. What thisdoes is it just forces them to moderate

and reduce access to content for anythingthat could be perceived as harmful to minors.
And so you have a bunch ofdifferent groups on the left and the
right going well on any given dayyou call our content harmful. Students for
Life, a pro life action group, came out yesterday against this legislation,
saying all we have ever experienced inthe online space with social media companies,

is you calling pro life content harmfuland stressful and damaging to people because it
causes people right shame or something.And then you also have more LGBT type
groups coming out and saying, well, everybody's a cute using us of causing
gender dysphoria and stress and mental healthproblems and children we don't want this either,

And the answer is simple everybody.Parents need to be more involved and
activist in what devices their kids haveand what goes on them. You have
full control as a consumer. Isay this often about you know, parents
who are stressed about their kids onlinelives. Is your kid paying the bill?

You are I've never met a familywhere a teenager who's on TikTok and
social media all day where they paytheir phone bill. You are consenting to
that activity by allowing it. Andthere are alternative devices available on the market
that gives parents full moderation control.You don't need congress to co parent and

now and then the pushback would bethe kids are going to find a work
around, and I can look.I remember meeting as a kid. I
remember I remember how within five secondswhen we first got internet access to my
high school, because that's the agethat I am, where we figured out
how proxy servers worked, right,so little hacker geniuses. I remember when
I was much younger, my momabsolutely forbid me from watching Beetlejuice when it

came out, and the first thingI did is I went over to my
buddy Nathan Galiano's house, and youknow what we did. We watched some
beetlejuice. So it's not going tobe a perfect system. So I guess
the work around. If you're socialmedia, then why don't you just say,
all right, we have a newrule. Nobody under the age of
sixteen can have an account. Thatwouldn't be good enough, right because you

have to you have to create.They want you to go further than that,
even though it's a near impossibility insome instances. So I'm actually going
to give you a contrarian answer onthat no one under sixteen allowed to use
social media at all. I don'tsupport that kind of thing, but it

is actually a rule that social mediacompany could attempt to follow. It's very
crystal clear. It would require ageidentification, which requires id collection of adults
and children, but it's a rulethat they could follow. The problem with
KOSA is that it is subjective.What is harmful content besides child pornography and

exploitation material? We don't know andthey don't know either, which basically means
that they're going to be in theposition of going to court every couple of
months to defend themselves against angry politicianswho accuse them of violating the spirit of
the law. And they will say, we don't know what the law is.

Yeah, but that's a but here'swhy that's a cop out. And
you saw people wholesale. Remember theywanted to put the the uh the that
that theater kid woman in charge of, like this committee that was going to
be the arbiter of what he isor is intact. Yeah, if you
remember that, remember remember that?Yeah, the informations, Yeah, the
misinformation. Well, you know,nobody's AZAR anymore. I know they used

to be AZAR, but no,that's retroactively fixed. And by the way,
why isn't that harmful whole skill liningto kids and proceeding in nineteen eighty
four attempt to purge stuff. Somebodycompared it to the photograph from Back to
the Future where his siblings are fadingout and we watch that on steroids.
So it's never going to be goodenough for some people. But it's I

understand too why parents would be concernedthat their child, who's not even trying
to do a workaround, is onlineone day and happens to be subjected to
an episode of the acolyte. Solike, how do you how do you
keep kids from what we can allagree is harmful material? You have to
be engaged, Casey, I mean, this is this is so hard,
and I'm a very involved parent andmy daughter's limited online life because I don't

think social media is healthy for children. I think it's quite detrimental. But
that means that the onus is onme to get her a device It's called
the Bark phone, by the way, where parents have full control over every
app that is and is not downloaded, and also have full moderation content controls

over what happens on the phone,you know. And to back this up
and to how uncontrollable things are onsocial media, you know, I was
at summer camp being a camp counselorat my daughter's camp just last week.
And this is profane, but Imean every kid in this camp, age
twelve to eighteen, all know whoHawkta Girl is. Okay. Now,

the reason that that's important is becausethat kind of content would then fall into
the crosshairs of well, obviously youdon't want that shown to an eleven year
old who then goes, well whatis that about? And then they go
find out. But then adults can'taccess that kind of humorous content either.

There are not two internets. Thereis why an internet that we all share,
uh, and so you're not goingto be able to just put up
a Chinese wall in between these things, so that rich doesn't work. Which
doesn't work, by the way,in North Korea spoiler alert, most North
Koreans have access to Western media.This is and you know, you you

could argue that that is the tightestlockdown that's out there. And like they
got DVDs and stuff, They knowthis stuff, they sing K pop God
help them right it. So youthere's never going to be a perfect system.
So what of the example that Iused where your child is subjected episodes
of the alcolae? What what doyou do as a parent at that point?

I'm sure I'm gonna harp on thisnow that the thing's over, So
if you want to defend it,go ahead, But like I'm using that
as the humorous example. And andand the question is, I don't think
these cats care because they love thatthere is a level of control, even
if it's one that's often turned uponthem, such as the Republicans find themselves
that you know that they're going togo ahead and go along with this.

Sorry two minutes to package deal.Both those things fire aways here we at
this point, I guess we'll talkabout The Acolyte. I mean, the
thing that parents have to do isbe engaged with watching the shows that their
kids used to watch without any adultsupervision. It used to be the case
that you could put your kid onthe Disney Channel or in this case,
Disney Plus and let them run wildand have a great time with family entertainment.

We don't live in that world anymore, and these companies put out all
sorts of strange, corrupt stories withvery sensational plots. I mean, in
The Acolyte is a Star Wars showthat features the kind of twisted, dark
romance that you would find in Ohthat Vampire thing, Twilight. It's a

very much the same kind of story, and that kind of story is really
for kids like fifteen, fourteen andup. I would not want my nine
year old watching the trained, twistedromance of the Acolyte. You know,
these are things that we have tojust be more engaged on, and that's
stinks. You know, we don'thave time to watch and screen everything that

our kids watch, but especially especiallywhen you have people within Disney said that
they were happy to insert stuff intosome of the programs. All right,
we'll have to get we'll have toget to that another day. So the
messages don't let your kid watch theAcolyte. Thank you, Steven, kids
appreciate it. Thank you. Allright, look at that. See you're
getting some good advice around these partstoday. And that's that's what we're here

for, all right. Eight eighteight nine three four seven eight seven four
Back in a few it's bands ofpeople outside of the stadium waiting for fans
to come out and also waiting forthe team to come out, and uh,
nobody's really trying to stop it.So, uh, something band's gonna
happen over there. I don't wantit to, but I am just firmly

convinced of it. I just don'tknow exactly what it's going to be.
But things are crazy, man.I was reading a story yesterday or the
day before this guy. For thoseof you who don't know, if you
have the Apple AirPods, they alsoalthough they're not as good because they don't
always work as well. But I'veif you can use the find my iPhone

stuff to track them. Right,So you've got an you've got an iPad
or an iPhone or the AirPods,they show up on your find My Find
my iPhone app, and I've usedhim when I left them around the house
and I can't figure out where Ileft the damn things. And I've never
gotten him to make noise, whichit says it'll do, but you can

use like to geo track it whereit's like you're getting warmer, you're getting
colder, and that seems to work. So this guy had a pair sitting
in a car that got stolen inChicago, and he, you know,
he called the police obviously, andthey're like, oh, yeah, yeah,
we'll totally get on that. Wellthey didn't, so he went and
tracked him, and he've tracked himto a location where there's like three other
cars that clearly looked like they'd beenstolen because like windows were busted out and

stuff, and there's a there's somebad dudes around there, and so he
calls the police, and the policeget bad at him because currently it's not
a violent incident at this moment,and if he sticks around or tries to
take his car back with his extrakeys, as he was threatening to do,
he would be escalating it to aviolent altercation. And so they were

like threatening him if he didn't leave. I think he did go get his
car back, but it literally justshows you where we are. Hell,
the Mayri of Chicago is at thatteachers union thing the other day, jokingly
or not implying that maybe as partof the new union contract that teachers after

school hours would would not be introuble for having a drink. Whatever the
hell that means, like you canbring a you fill your stanley with booze,
and if it's after normal instructive hoursbut still on school property, the
teachers would be able to How thisis where we are. It's just one

wild story after another. It's justlike I need something. I need anything
in my news cycle this week thatisn't just the most insane crap. Ever.
I don't say this to be dramatic. I can't remember a continued news
cycle like the one we're in rightnow. And I've been doing this for

I've been doing talk radio for likefifteen years, ross you've been about what
ten years, ten eleven, somethinglike that, And I can't think of
a crazier month. I can't thinkof more stuff back to back, just

connected, and so much of itrage inducing. In the entire time that
I've been doing talk radio where itjust doesn't stop. It's been like thirteen
or fourteen for me in talk andI don't I can't ever remember it being
like it feel like like you know, people say we're in a simulation,
Like the simulation is like, yeah, melting down even with arguably even with

Trump, the Trump twenty sixteen election, I think probably would be next because
of there's the sheer insanity of allof it, right, Him, Deminition
and sixteen other candidates. Yeah,but that just that was like one topic,
right, it was one. Thisis there's so many things compounding on
top of each other. And likeI said last week, you'll need to

calm down. History needs to stop. History, just stop it. We're
tired. I don't want to sayI'm not having fun right now, because
there are things that are fun,but I'm not having fun. I'll do
my job and I'll and I willdo a damn good job of it because
we're professional. But like it usedto be, there's some stuff and like

the most joy I've had in aweek was making acolyte jokes to poor Stephen.
That brought me a little bit ofjoy. But it's a really serious
thing, right because all of thesevery same Republicans who were horrified at the
idea that the that that theater kidcould be the arbiter of what is or
isn't acceptable discourse online and remember howoutrageous that was. Are literally going to

sign up for something because I thinkthey're gonna have they think they're going to
have a modicum of control over it. But the reality is ninety nine point
nine percent of the time when arbitraryand biased decisions are made over content,
it goes against them. And andand they're willing, probably in mass,

to vote for this and then goout and attack you know the uh,
you know the Ran Pauls of theworld who are going, well, this
isn't good. Why are you sucha why are you such a lunatic?
There? Mister Paul? Literally youwant to talk about political violence, had

himself beat into broken bones by aneighbor over people who can't just deal politically.
These are absolute wild times. Man. I didn't even I didn't even
I didn't even see a good kickerstory to put in the stack yesterday.

I almost I will go out ofmy way to find one, just just
so there's there's a moment. Man. But you simultaneously you got Donald Trump
doing his thing, Joe Biden outthere talking about how oh this, I
just thought that younger people need totake over. Do you know the backstory
of what now? Again, takeit for what it's worth, but there's

there is a lot of articles NewYork Posts is primarily running this about,
which would explain why brought Obama didn'tcome out and support Kamala Harris and and
why all of a sudden he jumpedon the George Clooney thing. Right,
So, the theory is that BarackObama was doing it because Barack Obama,
like anybody else who was looking atthe numbers, didn't think Joe Biden could

win, and he's so puppet masterbehind the scenes that he thought if by
doing it this way, Joe Bidenwould come out, Joe Biden would refuse
to yield to Kamala Harris or endorseher, and that would allow the you
know, the puppet masters, ifyou will, to get Mark Warner in
who is the Arizona Senator, theastronaut that dude, is it Warner?

Well, anyway, Kelly, MarkKelly, excuse me, Mark Kelly in
there, and by Biden coming outand immediately endorsing Harris instead of saying,
let's leave it up to what happensat the up at the convention. It
under minded uh Barack Obama and he'smad as hell. Now again, that's

that's what the reporting is going on, right, and that it was Biden's
last fu to Obama for manipulating allthis stuff. That's some juicy stuff right
there. And it makes sense,yeah, because Biden felt like he was
because he was kind of sort ofbeing stabbed in the back, right,
Yeah, it was kneecap. Rememberthe they were threatening him with the twenty
fifth Amendment is what they're forty knowsthere was and I saw this before,

were like, yeah, I wasthinking it before, but like, oh,
this isn't passing the torch. I'mlike, this is like politically speaking,
not physically, but it's like whenCaesar passed the torch. Yeah,
on his knees from the wounds.Right, this is right. It wasn't
peacefully. It wasn't like he wantedto. It's just crazy man, all
right. Oh yeah, Bloomberg callingin there. I'll let you figure that

out while I chat with raced Agicfrom the Weather channels standing by. Who
will passed the torch to nobody unlesshe needs a day off exactly. Yeah.
Yeah, I won't be passing anytorch any time soon, at least
that's the hope. Anyway. Feelinggood about training camp, by the way,
that going on, No, that'sa mess. Yeah, you got

your paternity suit settled, so youguys can focus on. Yeah, now
you gott to focus on tens ofmillions of dollars that you're gonna have to
dish out to whatever. I don'tknow when did a contract ever meet anything?
I mean, I guess that's mypoint, you know, ceede lambs
like sitting on when you're a rookie. I guess. I mean that's really
that's that rookie contract once they canget it signed. If you don't hold

out. That seems to be theonly time it kind of means something.
But that's right, I mean issueright now. So yeah, no,
he's under contract for one more year, so get your button camp. I'm
sorry, should be yeah, yeah, okay, sorry, sorry bring up
short topic. They've given the they'vegiven the the inmates too many uh you

know, the inmates running the asylum. They've given them too many, too
much flood. Yeah, yeah toomuch anyway, But let's see, yeah
another day where if you're headed out, rain and actually some widespread rain showers
right now, a little less asyou go west of the line from about
Greensbo to Spencer and Charlotte, butstill another batch coming in out over the

mountains. But you go from abouta rocky mountain down toward to Edmondson and
Raleigh, showers, even some embeddedthundershowers. There's heavy rain to the east,
So if you're rolling through town headingout toward the outer banks, it's
going to be a damp morning anda damp commute, and it is going
to be a damp day with aflood watch at times. Some of the

rain could be heavy and call someflooding. Upper seventies, low eighties today,
More showers, thutter showers tonight,especially early showers, stutter showers scattered
around again tomorrow. Chanceo by theweekend and could get some sunback in here,
especially eastern half of the state,so that could mean the beaches and
from about the triangle east temperatures middleeighties to the west, there will be
a chance of showers, the stormsa little more on that forecast tomorrow.

It's kind of iffy right now forthe weekend, Casey, So everybody tuned
back tomorrow at this time, andwe can just a little bit more in
the way of specifics on it.Do we do we have? I just
saw the new drought monitor. Camethis is breaking news. Oh we got
a second. We could take aquick peek at the drought monitor. I
iain my I could tell I couldtell I go ahead, yeah, oh

let's see. Yeah. Well nowand now I can't find it. Of
course, there I go. SoI should never have opened my mouth.
But okay, well, how abouttomorrow tomorrow. Yes, let's do it
tomorrow. I'm all right, sorryabout that. There you go. We
lied, but that's okay, we'lldo it tomorrow. Thank you tomorrow,
I got it. We'll do itlater. Okay, by very good,
Thank you, sir, appreciate it. All right, there you go,
race agic who you know? Alwaysleave him once more. That's what we

do. All right. We'll checkin with the Bloomberg folks next on he's
taken away. What do you got? Yeah, we got a stronger than
expected economy, Casey, u Sconomicgrowth accelerating more than forecast in the second
quarter. Gross domestic product increasing twopoint eight percent. Annualized rate arose one
point four percent in the previous periods. That's quite a jump. Personal spending

rising of more than expected two pointthree percent, and the FEDS closely watched
measure of underlying inflation that rose twopoint nine percent, easing from the first
quarter, but still above forecast.Futures they're mixed right now. Dow higher
by forty five points, S andP five hundred futures they're pretty much flat
right now. WHOA and the Nasdaq, those futures just flipped to the positive.
You remember yesterday it was an outrageouslybad day for the Nasdaq. Ah,

week's been insane. Oh weeks,everything's been insane. New cycle,
Nasdaq, you named it. Sonothing surprises me. That's true. And
here's one weird thing, though.Amazon's popularity with millennials is actually slipping.
I mean, you would think thatthis is the Amazon generation, right,
I mean, they grew up onordering this stuff. But factious that they

do some research, they say thoseaged just about twenty eight forty three where
the only demographic whose prime day spendingdropped this year compared with the year earlier.
It's not clear to me if thisis an economic thing, maybe related
to student loan repayments or something likethat, or if it's a matter of
millennials not liking what some millennials liketo say. They like to call Amazon
their corporate overlord, but they alwaysend up ordering from blame What is a

wish dot com? And tu soyeah, yeah, it could be.
Are you planning on traveling anywhere thissummer by plane? Yeah? I love
to travel. Why you get isthis bad news for me? What's ticket
the other day for something? Didyou buy your ticket already? I did?
Yes, you get a good dealor I use points? So I

don't know. Yeah, if youif you want to go on a second
trip, you really should book nowbecause there are deals all over the place
and it is costing American airlines bigtime. They're cutting their earnings outlook as
they lose profits to budget airfares.So you know, anytime the airlines are
losing money, it's usually good forconsumers. That's the airline book which so
I did get screwed by using fullpoints? Okay, thank you? Yeah?

And I wanted to ask you,Casey, have you been over to
the can opener yet where they gotall those food trucks. I have no
idea what you're talking about. Okay. So there's this new food truck park.
It's located near that Low bridge,you know, the one that's known
for ripping off the tops of trucks. Ninth Street Journal has a great story
out today about all the one hundredand sixty Durham. That's the Durham one,

right, yep, that's the okay, because there's two of them.
There's p Street in Raleigh and thenthere's the one in Durham, which is
really bad. So yeah, Ihaven't been open. Oh yeah, so
if you if you don't get itby one, you get right by.
But I mean the one in Durham. They've got this new food park,
food truck park rather right there,and they have these really good food trucks

over there. Korean Barbecue Chicken andQ that's chopped barbecue chicken, Gussie's Greek
Food which is amazing. I've hadit, Queen Express and all and is
ice cream. They're operating off ofa double decker bus and it's all just
a reminder of how much people lovefood trucks, especially of course in the
summer, but you know fall inwinter. Two and it's really just a

huge business on a nationwide level aswell. Okay, see, people just
like that sort of beast spoke foodhomemades. They're very they're very hipster over
in Durham too. They really embracethe food truck and the breweries. They
love them well. I mean,they got the whole college thing going right,
right, and you know a lotof people stick around in Durham after

they graduate. I mean, whowouldn't you? Got the Triangle's great area.
I'd live here. And you knowsome are better than others. But
yeah, absolutely, Hey, canI ask you a quick question? Or
do you got one more in yourtack? Yeah? Go for it?
All right? All right, totalanonymity here. We the audience loves Jeff.
Okay, Jeff, We all loveJeff. But Jeff is an enigma.

And all right, so like inthe years he's been doing this,
we know very little about you,Jeff. We think he collects music.
We know occasionally he's on vacation witha lady friend, but we know nothing
else about Jeff. I need Jefffact. I need a Jeff fun fact.
I need something because he again he'svery high. Is he a record
mountain climber. I'll tell you twothings about Jeff. You his girlfriend's name

is Rita. She's beautiful, perfect, and he adores her. Okay,
And the other thing about Jeff youmight know this already, but he used
to be a music DJ, sohe used to do like top top of
the charts stuff. But no facetattooor anything. Yeah, not that I've
seen. Come on, bet Ibet he had one of those crazy seventies

names, didn't he. I mean, it's possible, but if I told
you, I'd have to kill you. So I can't really reveal that.
We won't just one track. Igotta go do another hit now. So
hopefully you know roughly the air youknow what station he might have been on.
I couldn't tell you that either.You have to try to squeeze that
out of him again. Maybe I'llshare that with you next time. Okay,
all right, didn' you spell aGreenie? That's it's just so good.

We're doing just like that Ross.That's a lead man
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