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June 25, 2024 • 92 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. They got Ron just they've
tried over and over. Remember,they're like, ah, he said,
if you say the word gay inthe state of Florida, you'll go to
the supermax wherever that is. Ifyou let's see what were some of the

other ones where they just absolutely hadhim. So they had that oh if
you are just you know, drivingdown the road doing you know, normal
stuff, and a gang of protestersliterally had and they literally physically attacked your
car or you while you're in it, or attempt to you're actually able to

flee. They thought they had himthere, and he didn't hold up because
normal people went, I don't know, man, if I'm just over you
know, going to the Walgreens orwhatever, and a bunch of people which
actually or acting like carjackers, Ishould be able to remove myself from that

situation. And the media went onfor weeks and months and not as much
as the don't say gay, butthey were not having it. Man.
Well here we go with Newsweek,who if you remember, yesterday broke the
scoop that Donald Trump might be wavingat nobody except the camera that he's clearly

waving to Governor Ron DeSantis has signeda new bill, and he's a monster.
Now to understand what this bill does, and I'll give you the full
portion of it, but let mehear the full scope of it. But
let's talk about the part where themoonbats are very upset. And to do

this, I need a hypothetical.You and the fam you go to Florida
occasionally do the Disney thing, rightor it's whatever? Yeah? All right,
So I want you to imagine you'rea Disney You're on your favorite ride.
Those are you people? Right?Yes, Ross's favorite ride is the
thing that we have at the NorthCarolina State Fair. Okay, but that's

okay. Everyone's gotta have their favorites. Okay. So you're you're relaxing,
You've been walking around all day,it's probably hot, and this is your
respite. And then all of asudden, I'm assuming the thing makes stops,
like a subway or something, right, So what do you get?
You'd you would be? I mean, yeah, when you get on it,

but otherwise it's continuous, yeah,okay, but it stops to pick
you up, all right. Solet's say you get on it's you and
your family. You settle into yourseat. You're just like, this is
why I drove all those hours toget here, and you maybe you close
your eyes for a second, justrelaxed. Then all of a sudden,

you hear a growling and you younow, you're like, what is that?
And you open your eyes and youlook, and now in your people
mover car or whatever it's called,there is a bear and they got bears
down in Florida, okay, ornot like real bear, like animatronic bear.
Uh no, no, no,no, no, not something from
that basically like singing a song orsomething. Oh, it is not a

Disney bear. Okay. It isnot the blue bear from Jungle Book.
Okay, which, by the way, that never made sense. Okay,
anyway, I'm sorry. Moving on. So this is a real deal Florida
bear and you just happen to noticeit's trying to eat your family. What
do you do? All right?So I'm in my car and I look

like four cars back and there's myfamily. Wait what okay? Fine,
yes, yes, yes, fourcars back, enjoying myself, sir on
the people movers. So I'm inmy own personal Dear God, you are
not the person dead, and Ilove and there's a giant bear attack in
my family. I yeah, no, I'm going to defend my family from
the bear. Okay, I don'tknow how, but I'm gonna try,

all right, But you're gonna yourlikelihood is you're going to try to injure
this bear. I'm gonna jump righton top of it, just bounding in
the face. Well, now that'srip out some teeth. What Now that's
legal. See, so I'm notallowed to defend myself or my family from
a bear that's attacking us. Socurrently in the state of Florida, they
don't have specific guidelines on when youcan and what you can do as it

pertains to wildlife and wildlife that maybe attacking you your family just a person
a bystander pets in some instances.Livestock Florida doesn't have specific language on it
except now they do, and itbasically says if the bear is doing that,

you can use force against the bear, all right. Specifically, the
bill allows residents to shoot bears ifthey perceive a threat, and obviously probably
aren't going to have a gun inDisney, but who the hell knows.
I don't even want to know why. I just got that air message on

this computer. All right, we'llplay with that. The law which is,
and this is what people need tounderstand. Most states have a wildlife
management master plan, Okay, andit is because it is court courts have
ruled that it is on the states, with some exceptions, to manage their

own wildlife. So one of theways that states managed wildlife is hunt team.
It can also be eradication. Youcan hire companies to come in if
you have too many of something.Up in the Northeast, they you know,
they literally, like Pennsylvania has snipersthat just shoot deer, just whacked

deer near interstates and some populated areas. All of this is part of a
wildlife management plan. Florida is kindof loose in that they have different,
you know, individual laws. SoI just I wanted to explain that,
Like in North Carolina, we havea pretty comprehensive thing, and a lot

of times if they're making a changeto it, it'll be part of the
fix it bill they sometimes call it. Now, there's some standalone stuff,
and then when you get into endangeredspecies, anything that qualifies for protection,
that is it bumps up to thefederal We can agree or disagree, but
I'm pointing this out because the bearpopulation in Florida is neither threatened nor endangered.

There's a hell of a lot ofbears. They do pretty well because
there's large swaths of land where nobodylives. Bears dig that. So now
the bill, which goes into affectJuly first, permits individuals to use lethal
force against bears if they believe thereis an imminent threat of death or serious

bodily injury. It's the same languagein the state of Florida that allows somebody
to shoot a home invasion robbery,a person trying to rob you with you
know, pointing a gun at you, a person with a knife who you
feel is going to, you know, cause death or serious bodily injury.
So it literally mirrors that language,and it's not uncommon. State of Wyoming

has stuff like this. I rememberbecause they were trying to some moonbats.
One to tweak it when they didthe wolf introduction in Yellowstone, not in
Wyoming but up in Montana, andthen Wyoming was kind of like, this
is dumb, but to make itso that ranchers basically had to watch their
livestock get eaten. But no,in the state of Florida, if a

bear is trying to eat you,there is language that allows you legal cover
to dispatch said bear. Now,in the state of Florida, could you
shoot a bear that's eating your kid? Yes, up to this point,
and then that's where prosecutorial discretion camein. But Florida simply put a bill

together that outlines, yes, ifthe bears eating Johnny, feel free to
whack the bear. Of course,the moonbats are unhappy here it let me
read from this press release. Theseare These are democrats and then some activist
groups to bill legalized is a shootfirst, ask questions later approach. All

right, obviously, you guys don'tknow anything about bears. You can't question
a bear. I have. I'vewalked out of my house looked at a
bear going through the trash and went, what are you doing? And you
know what, bear never answered me. It just ran away because it's a
coward. But yes, the stateof Florida has made it enshrined in legality

to shoot a bear that's eating yourkid. And the Left is losing their
mind down there. It's fantastic asevidence that this that Floridians are not down
with this. They presented a fortythousand signature change dot Org petition. I

have a question now that I thinkabout this, right, because you know,
most of these things they're trying toget DeSantis on seem like common sense
and a lot it is just allowingpeople to do things if other people are
trying to harm or kill them orin this case, other creatures. Shouldn't
I be able to extrap from thisthat the left in Florida wants to harm

old people using my COVID super spinlogic, right, if you want to,
If if you want to tell thestate that has the highest population of
people over the age of sixty fivethat they have to allow themselves to be
carjacked or beaten in some road dispute, or eaten by a bear, I

am left with no other logical conclusion. Then you you're trying to kill grandma.
I read this because I thought therehas to be something else here.
There is not. Let's see here. Let me read the exact language.

The law provides legal protection if thereis an imminent threat of death or serious
bodily injury to a person, petor substantial damage to a occupied dwelling.
And the reason you put that inthere is the bear is ripping through your

door, and at that point youdecide to take lethal force. That's the
bill, that's the law, andDeSantis didn't right it, he signs it.
I don't know if you know howit works for the governor. The
legislature passes it, the governor looksat it and goes nope or yep,

or I'm gonna go not be herefor a week, and then it'll legally
be in effect. That part changesin different states. So, yes,
you can now kill a bear ifit's eating your kid and they're gonna they're
gonna get DeSantis this time. Oh, right, there you go. That's

your uh, it's your Florida update. I don't know where I have a
Florida guy. We'll get to thatlater in the show, but I thought
i'd start there, all right.Coming up on the show, let's see
here, we got a full metaljacket controversy. Yes, the the Matthew

Modeen movie. Wait till you hearwhat Amazon's doing. We'll get to that,
and Germany Man what a crazy story. Plus I'll give you a rundown
on the rest of it. Butright now, six nineteen, hang on,
we got gators, we got ashark, attack. By the way,
this shark attack ross is right infront of your time share if I

can just point that out beach accessfor North Topsail? Is that a security
shark? What the heck's going on? Man? A, Where did a
fourteen year old boy was bitten atNorth Topsail? This happens Sunday. We
hear a lot of commotion, everybodyyelling get out of the water. Shark,

shark. That's a good thing toyell, you know. And and
I will say this, and thoseof you who spend any time at North
Topsil you realize this. There's thissandbar that's a ways out there. You
can walk and then kind of likesemi swim, but you can walk,
depending on where the tide's at,you know, waist deep in water and

go way out there. It's abouttwo thirds of the way up North Topsail.
I don't know how to describe exactlywhere it is, but if you
know, you know, and ifyou're all I've only I've only went out
there once, and I'm like,this is not why did I do this?
But anyway, it's out there,and people go out there. Man,

if you got if you had someshark screwing with you, out there.
I don't know what anyone do.It didn't appear to be a large
shark, thankfully. The fourteen yearold now just has some really cool scars,
but obviously very scary. And whatwas crazy is like the timeline on

this so fourteen year old in thewater, shark shark, he's bleeding.
Everyone sees what happens, and thenlike thirty minutes later they're in the water
again. I mean, I justI guess that's what you do. Let's
see paramedics on the scene quickly.All of that. Actually, and here's

the cool part. Two officers andan EMS already on the scene responding to
a distress call bystanders had already begunapplying pressure. Officers applied to tourniquit,
and Cruise transported the team to NavalMedical Center and lu June's we get to
go on the base. Oh waitis that on base? I'm assuming that's
on base, but you know thefact that you had paramedics there to get

right to it, even though itlooks like it's probably non life threatening.
But still, and I don't knowwhy the fourteen year old boy and me
would all of a sudden start thinkingof the cool stories and the upside and
I get to show girls my sharkbite. But you know that's fourteen year

old boy. That's where your headgoes. Um. So we got that.
And where's the gator thing? I'lltell you one of the I think
the biggest alligator I've ever seen inthe state of North Carolina was just was
near North Topsail. He was rightin the road at Snead's Ferry. I

mean when I say right in theI mean right on just peyt here I
am. And that was a bigbastard. I wasn't doing anything. He's
just chilling up there. But itcaused a little bit of a traffic jam,
as you can imagine, And itcaused the very same behavior that I've
talked about on this show that inWyoming we call tourists goring season. It

was Nitwitz getting out of their car. It's it was right. Try to
remember the name of that restaurant.I can't. It's it was up by
the Food Lion. Oh man,maybe it was going to the food line
Ross. Can you imagine going tothat Food Lion, not just with everyone

who's already in there. But nowthere's about a twelve foot gator in there.
I wouldn't even be surprised. Iwould take so long to shop,
I'd be like, I'm not gonnamiss them over to this. No,
but yeah, I think this wasSunset Beach where they had that's the weirdest

thing to you ever seen an alligatoron the beach, man, It's just
it's weird. In Florida. Iwas on a beach in Florida and they
had a gator that was It wasn'tlike obviously in the saltwater and there's a
big brackish This was up by AmelieIsland. Like there's a big brackish area
there for I think that's called theAlligator River, isn't it the one you

cross over and you go into Florida. But anyway, and I look over
there's a gator on the beach andI don't And it makes sense because like
where he lives is like five feetaway. But you just don't expect to
see that, So be careful,man. And I don't even know what

the laws are if in fact itstarts attacking you, I'm assuming we have
more rational laws. Although most peopledon't think about the law. They just
they just look at somebody getting attackedand they do what they do. Meanwhile,
across the border in Tennessee, avideo is going viral of a bear

who likes gumbo, and you knowwhat, why wouldn't they Everything in gumbo
is total bear food. Actually,to be honest, everything is total bear
food. They really don't they're nottoo discerning. But in the yeah,
what is this the Anakista Mountaintop AdventurePark. I've not been, but there's

a food stand among the ones thatare there called bear Can and in it
they sell pork rinds and what wasit? Pork rinds, gumbo s a
handful of stuff. And what's crazyis the video starts as the workers in
it are at the counter where theywould normally Greek customers, and there's a

black bear just standing up there likehe's putting an order in. But then
things get a little crazy because oneof the workers is returning and she has
a pot of boiling I don't knowif that's gumbo or it's hot water.
So they can make gumbo, youknow, with the rice, but she's
holding a pot of something that isreally hot. He's drilling, he's all

about this gumbo. And this bearturns around on this It's just she's a
very petite woman pulling this pot andthe bear is towering over her. Flings
out the door full arms up inthe air like you you know, the

terrifying bear attack that you would think. And she spilled the hot water.
That's probably what caused the bear togo Nope, not worth it and then
book out of there. But checkthat video if you haven't seen it,
we'll tweet a link out at Caseyon the radio. All Right, Sorry,
I was stalling a little there becausemy computer's doing this new thing where

it keeps asking me to enter mypassword. Ross this thing that happened to
you. Yeah, so I'm notusing a working able to do work at
night anymore. Guess who changed theirpassword? Yes? Yeah, oh did
you? Yeah? And now you'rehaving the same problem. Well yeah,
our company forces us to change passfrom all of your companies. Probably do
and Ross did it. He toldme what was happening a few weeks ago.

I'm like that sounds horrible, buddy. Sorry, is this for your
outlook? It's for my everything?Oh wow that he has a Microsoft product
for some reason? Correct that?Yeah, the issue I was having you
for word and Outlook. It's doingthis to me right now? You want
to go home, actually, younever mind, you want to go You

want to go down the north top, so we'll see if we can catch
that shark that attacked this poor boy. You know. That's way. When
we do go down there, weenjoy it. But we don't really ever
go in the ocean. But onebecause Lincoln is sort of afraid of the
water. He's getting braver, rightbecause he has a thing with water.
Because what's his beach thing? Everykid's got a beach thing. Is he
a builder? Is he a hazyperson? He's a walker? Okay,

well that's it too. But Iused to so like, you know,
go visit my grandparents because they livenear the beach. I would walk down.
Okay, Well, Harkey's looking forthe shark teeth, so he's been
helping with that and he found themthe last time. But like, we
never go like really into the ocean, like I'll put my feet in like
where the water's coming up to thebeach. But the main reason I don't,

he doesn't because he has a waterthinkers of his autism. The main
reason I don't is because I don'tknow if you know this, there's a
lot of animals in the ocean.Yeah, no, there is. That's
actually like, I'm not a marinebiologist, but that's actually their home.
Do you know last week? Iwait, I went and removed some of
those animals. Oh my god,to keep you safer. Are you okay?
Yeah? But now you won't beattacked by a dorado or a yellow

fin tuna. Did you die?I did not? Oh wow, I
did feel like I was gonna diebecause I ate so much. And that's
what you do. You want toeat near the ocean. So the other
animals think he died at the ocean. Oh is he eaten by the cracket
or the show? No heart attack? Yeah, just too much savice,

man, that'll get you. Ohwhat is this? All right? Hold
on, all right now, apparentlyit's accepted my password on the third try
for now, what do you mean? No, don't say that, man.
Oh. I have to be ableto access email from listeners during the

show and not have pop ups everytime I'm trying to do something anyway,
all right, I tell you,I'm gonna hit this thing with a metal
pipe and then we'll get into thethe outside campaign. Money dominates North Carolina
elections, which is now suddenly aproblem. And because I remember stuff,

we're gonna member some stuff together thatdidn't make it into the article. They
probably ran out of space on thisdigital platform. But hey, we'll get
into it. We'll do it nexthere on the CaCO Day radio program,
I saw the beer dude. Wewill get to my favorite golf story of
the day coming up a little laterin the show. So let's talk about

ral and what they're upset about.And again, I don't I wouldn't even
argue with a person who doesn't thinkthat a bunch of outside dollars should flow
into all of our elections. Imean, to be fair, I should
think it's great cash money. Bro. We sell a lot of political ads

over here. That being said issomething that just chaps people when somebody from
you know, some Hollywood person livesin Brentwood, right is stroking checks to
a bunch of candidates now, andyou can say, what would you feel
better if they were Republicans getting them? That's not the thing, man,

It's the It's not about necessarily whoit is, but where they are,
like the the the lack of interestthat they have in North Carolina. And
and then people will say, well, you know what they're doing is they're
funding Senate races, like you knowall the money you saw flow into Georgia

because that does impact them because ofwhat the Senate does, Right, But
the look at the numbers with thegubernatorial races, all right, somebody who
doesn't come to North Carolina on averageduring the calendar year doesn't have any connection
to it, whether it's a Hollywoodactor or you know, a Las Vegas

hotel model. Because Adelson used togive a bunch of money that you don't
you don't want now, it's justlike you don't want to get lectured about
what's going on in your town bysomebody who doesn't live there. So I'm
fine with that. You can havethat position. I just don't know that
it would comport with law currently.But then you realize how one sided this

thing is because this isn't about aprincipled argument. This is about attacking Republicans.
How do I know? Because theypoint to a bunch of examples and
then totally ignore what would have beenthe proper examples. So I'm here to
fill in some blanks here if youdon't mind, all right, So let

me read this. It's no surprisethat financing North Carolina political campaigns takes more
money than ever. But what hasdrawn little notice but is astonishing in its
scope is where the money comes from. I don't know. If it's little
notice we talk about it, youhaven't talked about it. And I would

argue that the reason you haven't talkedabout it up to this point, especially
going back to I don't know thelast two gubernatorial elections, is because it
was your guy news an observer evenwrote about it. And that is that.
And this is not in this storyanywhere. The current governor of North

Carolina chose not once, but twice, if I'm remembering correctly, and I
am to do his big campaign governor'srace kickoff party fundraiser, not in the
state of North Carolina. Roy Cooperwent to New York City to hold his

campaign kickoff, and people go withthe technically that wasn't it because he had
this other event called his campaign kickoff. No, no, no, I'm
referring to the very first fundraiser,an event that was held following officially declaring
for the race. That is yourcampaign kickoff. The first time you have

an event you're raising money and yeah, you want you know, you want
to get a bunch of rich peoplein there. I understand that Roy Cooper
went to New York City to doit, and it's not the only time.
And don't get me wrong, everyone of these politicians does fundraisers,
not in the state of North Carolinatalking about you know, like the Ted

Buds, the slender Man, thewhatever. Okay, that's a thing that
happens. But to write an entirearticle pearl clutching over this damn thing and
then to leave out the current sittinggovernor is wild to me. No,
in fact, Ted Buds who theystart slinging arrows at first, A detailed

examination of campaign finances in the twentytwenty two Senate race that would be Bud
Beasley found that Bud, who endedup went on to win. Thank you
for including that. Let's see hereeighty now, and this is I just
want to be abundantly clear. Theyare packaging moneies together. Here, they're

packaging moneies that were raised by thecandidate and then spent as part of the
campaign with money that was spent onbehalf of a candidate, which legally the
candidate is not allowed to direct orinfluence. But I've already told you how
they do it right. So ifsomebody's running for an office, while they

can't tell the pack, hey,this is what you should run ads on
the ads and the statements that thecandidate is making does influence what the pack
runs. And most candidates or manyof the candidates will put together b roll
stuff. I mean, just asjust as a society right where, especially

in the world is swimming. Man, the world is swimming where you have
to where you know, folks aretold that yeah, no, it's fine.
In the women's swimming event if biologicalmales compete and then dominate, No,
that's fine. You need to shutup, bigot. So the Olympic

trials just went down. Of course, the Olympics just a few weeks away
in Paris, where we're bringing ourown air conditioners. Do something love that
story? Yeah, no, themoon if you if you didn't hear this
yesterday, the moon bats in Parisdecided that they wanted it to be an
eco friendly Olympics. So rather thanI don't know, not having a thousand

drones zipping around to do a lightshow, which is on the on the
plan, in the plan, plusall the traveling and everything that goes with
it that they were not going toprovide in the Olympic village air conditioning,
keep it green, and the AmericanOlympic team said, that's fine, We'll
bring our own. And they're literallybringing portable air conditioners because you know,

our athletes trying to sleep in neareighty degree temperatures not happening. Not with
everything else we do to you know, make it, make sure that they
have the best nutrition, sleep,everything possible. We're gonna bring our own
acs. I love that. Sothis is the qualifier and one one of

the American swimmers who is a Ithink she has three medals already. Her
name is Reagan Smith has well obviouslyshe qualified in her events. She is
the best in the world at theone hundred meter backstroke. She does a

couple others, but that's the onewhere she kills it. And so at
the the in Indianapolis where they wereholding the and I saw that they were
airing on like NBCs. You mayeven have seen this. She not only
won the event to qualify for theOlympics, she set the world record.

That's pretty good. I want thatperson on my team. Ross. You
want that person representing you in Pariswith all those smug Europeans there. I'm
gonna go with, yes, yesshe did. She didn't even wait for
the Olympics. She set the worldrecord at the trials. The problem is
she then did something so horrible thatofficials in the world of swimming, a

bunch of them, think that sheshould be disqualified after winning the one hundred
meter backstroke, blazing the field anddoing the thing that swimmer what does every
swimmer do after they do their event? What do they do? They pull
up on the side of theo.They don't look at the other swimmers.
They stare at the board that isposting the times. And so she sees

that not only obviously she's won,but she sees that her time and you
know when you watch Olympics, theyalways have the you know, the world
record right there is less than theworld record. And then she swore that's

it. I know you was waitingfor me to say something else, like
she, I don't know, punchedone of the other swimmers or foul mouth
hussy. Yeah, I can't haveit. Let me tell you what's gonna
happen if at some point today Ibreak a world record. Okay, I'm
just I've going about my business doingthe things I you know, do on

a daily basis better than everybody else. Except now it'll go ahead and be
confirmed if anytime I break a worldrecord, you won't here. You won't
be able to run the audio.Oh yeah, the fact that she would
utter an obscenity. And it's inthat moment. Obviously I can't. I'm

not gonna play the audio for you, But it's in that moment when you're
reacting, that initial reaction where yourealize you are now the world record holder,
that this scandal has erupted. Sothat happened on Wednesday, right,
However, there are swim coaches,there are past olympians, and there are

others saying that she disrespected the sportand have may have violated the code of
conduct, which in my reading,I don't know how that is, because
it's it's open to interpretation. Like, you know, crossing into somebody else's
lane, that's a clear violation.Right, we don't have to debate that.
I remember, we just had theswimmers. Who one of them,

what did he do? He likelike he like leaned on his buddy,
his his teammate, and and theydecued him. Right, that just happened
in college swimming. She said abad word after realizing she broke the world
record. And there are people,ironically, a lot of folks from not

in the US who seem to thinkthat she is she's probably shouldn't be there.
By the way, we are,what is it? I think we're
one month away from the Olympics.No, it's the twenty sixth, So
July twenty six is the Super Greenopening ceremonies. They're in Paris. Uh,

and it looks like they're not goingto get their way and they shouldn't.
And by the way, as assome folks have pointed out, Michael
Phelps swore at the Olympics. Idon't know if it was on his eighth
medal or his twenty third or howmany does he have? He has like
twenty something right, Arguably, herbreaking the world record, that's gonna be.

That's gotta be super highlight moment.It'd be differentively, she broke the
world record like you know, droppedan F bomb or something. Then they
got up on the edge of thepool and just continuously flipped off everybody in
the pool in the measure appropriate.Yeah, no, no, I think
we would all agree that that isthe sportsmanship on that is lacking. That

would be hilarious. Let's say whatI like. Oh all right, let
me ask you. Let me askyou a question. Let me ask you
a question. Can you swear onyour twitch stream? I don't know what
the rules are? Oh I surecad, sure caid. All right.
So let's say you're playing ninja guiding, okay, and and you one shot

it? Okay, right, it'syeah, so I beat it like world
record time record pace, continue swearing. Yes, oh my gosh, like
your your wife's like, are youokay? Yeah? And I'll be doing
anything. I'll just stand up andflip off everybody, you know what I
mean? No question doing ninja move, hit your middle figure out, yes,

look at my katana. Yeah.Oh we are so everyone's so stupid?
Oh she said about word. Wecan't ever on the Olympic tea.
What is this? What I mean? What is this? Like? Fifteen
hundreds Massachusetts Bay colony? I mean, what is wrong with you? These

are the people that would have burnedher as a witch. She didn't break
the record in like in a newfangled bathing suit, right, hey was
an old timey bathing suit? RightI was actually one of those hijab bathing
right right, right, right,okay, good, yeah, good,
I was. I was really concernedthere for a second. She broke the
world record by two tenths of asecond, which doesn't sound like much,
but in the world swimming at onehundred meters is is significant enough. The

former world record holder did weigh in. Her name, Kaylee McCown. She's
Australian. She set the record whatfour years ago something like that. She
congratulated her, was like, awesomeand everyone needs to shut up. So
good. That's what you know.What that is that sportsmanship and all of
you rules officials and organizers. Dude, the amount of bureaucracy that goes on

when it comes to the Olympics andOlympics sports like and the World Cup.
The amount of corruption and bureaucracy that'sjust manifested into these and many of the
upper level sporting events. I'm nottalking about NFL, NBA stuff like that,
but the stuff that really is kindof for the love of the game

kind of thing. You know,swimming. Swimming is a great example here,
so crack and field stuff like that. Dude. The some of the
people that are up in there thatare decision makers, in my opinion,
have no business uh in it becausethere they become self important and I feel

like they almost look for things todo. But if I set a record
today, watch you know you're muffyour kid because it's gonna get loud.
All right, seven sixteen cac ODay Radio program. Has anyone ever gone
on a dating app and had abad date? Ross you ever? Did

you ever all go on a datingsite before you were married? Every?
No, it was really the infancyfor us. Yeah, No, I
didn't none of that, None ofthat. Okay, all right, I'm
trying to remember what was you.I guess maybe, like you know,
back in those days, they didn'tpeople used to go on like Craigslist and
stuff. I'm talking about it likeI wasn't alive at the time, but

that and then I think that peoplewould go if they wanted to be murdered,
well, I mean too often.That's like if that's your thing,
Like I'm really into being murdered.Everybody's gotta are you judging? No,
I'm not. Remember that dude inGermany speaking crazy European, He's like,
I want to be murdered in Eden, And then another dude in Germany.

He's like, oh my gosh,I want to murder and eat somebody and
love connection. And they still prosecutedthat guy. All right, this one,
you know, you talk the Catfishing'sthe thing. I'm not on the
I'm not on the the dating site. Sorry, ladies, sorry, but
too many people are just insane onthere. But like this one, Holy

hell, this guy thought he gothimself a date with a nice young woman
and let's just say things went sideways. And one of them's in jail now.
So uh, hang loose seven seventeenback in just a few ross and
I just spitballing because there is athere's a lot of nervousness apparently on the

left with how these poles are comingout, and not just the heads up.
The heads up is the heads up, right, Donald Trump, Joe
Biden, but the demographic breakdowns.In fact, I saw one outlet run.
This was the headline of the pole, and it was the Rasmussen pole
that Trump was talking about the otherday where he said, he said,

arguably the best poling outfit unless theyput a pole out that says I'm losing,
then I will change my mind.He literally said that paraphrasing, but
whatever, And that drew a biglaugh because that's exactly how that would go
down. So the Rasmussen pole comesout and it's just it's it's just bad

news across the board for Joe.And the headline that the Washington Post ran
said, Biden leads Trump by twentyfour percent among young voters. Well,
one, that number historically, ifyou just go R and D is usually

a lot higher than that. Butwhat it also showed is and this this
is a Biden advisor talking about it, right This is a campaign individual actually
trying to look at the numbers andgo, hey, guys, we've got
a problem here and we got todo something. I is to Abiden losing
ground with some Latino voters right now, Well, I don't know. I'll

think that you got to play thisthing out and see actually how it works.
Latino voters are like everybody else.They move around from space to face.
You see this with African American votersas well. The point of the
matter is most Americans want a safeand secure country. They want a stable
president, they want somebody is fightingfor them. And at the end of
the day, I think that they'regoing to vote to Joe Biden. All
right, and by the way,un tell he said Trump there you thought

he was describing or said byen there, you probably thought he was describing Trump.
They can't the duality of the border, right, and you have to
enter the mind of somebody who's willingto see something that's clearly wrong and go,
well, at least it'll benefit me. And we do that, we

all do that to some extent.But the policy on the border right now
is atrocious unless you look at itthrough the lens of well, we're letting
all the relatives in, right,that's it. I want to be clear,
these are not my words, butthis is the mentality of it.
And what they don't understand is that'snot how people who are in this country

legally necessarily see it. And thereis protective interest and it is wild to
me that they're that they're missing outon this. If you work, if
you came to this country and arelegally here, and you are looking at

individuals coming in. But let's saythat you still work in one of those
job categories where there is a tendencyto see people who are not legally here
but may now have authorization to workcoming in on. You know where you

feed your family from. They don'tcare if they're also from Latin America.
Right. The dude from Mexico whois now competing against two guys from Honduras
doesn't give a crap. And also, once you've done something legally and gone
through the proper channels, it extraticks you off and should so. I

was just playing the audio from,in this case, a Biden campaign surgeon.
Right. This guy is an advisor. He is a paid advisor to
Joe Biden. And what he doesis he acknowledges something that normally. So
normally what happens if you're one ofthese cats, and it doesn't matter which
side you're on, and you're presentedwith bad information, deflect, deflec,

deflec, just like you see candidatesin debates do, oh, great question,
Bob. That's why I designed thisbill or proposal that has nothing to
do with the question you just asked. You see it all the time,
but no, this dude recognizes thatone of the one of the more interesting

numbers is the Latino votes. Andyou saw it last time around in the
state of Florida. Remember how rememberhow much they were losing their mind when
which do they. I can't rememberif Trump or if DeSantis won Miami Dade,

but they were beside themselves. Infact, they were so scared of
what was happening down in Florida withLatin voters that remember, they wanted remember,
they wanted to what was it.They wanted to force the sale of
Spanish language but conservative talk stations.And in fact, I think that one

of Sourrous's foundation went in and boughtlike four stations down there because they couldn't
control the flow of information and theywere being lied to. That's what the
beef was. All these stations arelying to people. No, they're not
ninety nine point nine percent of whatI talk about on this radio show.
And the way that you process itwhen we're talking about news stuff. Obviously

I may arm you with the information, but you're running it through your own
experience. If I come on andI tell you the groceries are more expensive
if you're a if you're an willactually internet roll you go, well,
actually, here's a picture of somepasta that I, you know, took
last year and this year and it'sthe same price. You're fake news,

But that's that's not how people lookat it. This is why you keep
seeing these idiots on there going they'rethey're Americans, are living their best life.
They just don't get it. Theseare stories that run every day of
every week. And then I seethat and I'm like, dude, Cheetos
costs eight dollars a bag, yes, And they're like, well, Ross,

yeah, yes, the Cheetos do. But this hummus is the same
price. Yeah. Yeah, butthis bag of mostly air with cheese dust
is eight dollars a bag. Yes, but these smashed chickpeas are the same
price, and we put some oliveoil in there. Shut up, it's
not. By the way, hummusis even more expensive and rice, and

you know staples. Well, hummusis a staple in your ross. Do
you have hummus? Hummus is staplein your house. I don't think it's
ever been in my house. Fact, I think if I were to find
it in my house, I wouldjust break out. I just vomit out
of sheer rage. Probably have tothrow out whoever brought it in there.
I'd have to burn the house down. They got to live in the garage,

not in my house. You don'thave a garage, do you I
do not. That's why it'd beextra cool if you say you got to
go live in the garage you broughthummus. Anyway, so people process it
through the experience of I just wentto the grocery store and I have one
bag of groceries and I'm out threefigures. That's how people process that,

and that's a good way, especiallywhen it comes to grocery prices. That's
a good way because we tend tobuy the same things regularly, right,
not just the staples, but eventhe the other stuff. So in Ross's
case, if if they're gonna buychips for the house he wants, what
was it Cheetos you want with?Do you like the puffy ones or the

crisp ones? Man, it dependson my mood, Okay, but you're
an either or because I've seen somepeople like take a you know, grab
a hill to die on in thisthing, and I don't understand it.
Why would you not want more Cheetosand more varieties? But I think if
I mean, if I had tochoose, I'd probably go with the poofy
ones the cartmen ones. Okay,all right, I think I like them
both equally. If I'm presented witha bag of either I'm happy, but

people tend to buy the same stuff. So that's how people process this information
and the amount of denial that youhave to live in. I'm assuming that
they have more honest conversations behind thescenes, like they got to know why
they're not tracking with with Latino voters, because again, you're talking about Latino

voters and if you think that andI, well, maybe they don't because
I guess the mentality there is yougot to vote based on your skin color.
That's what Joe Biden said. Ifnot, he'll revoke your blackness.
You think that that same mindset doesn'tgo to Latino voters. I'm telling you
somebody who came to the country anduh and and did things the proper way

and is now working and raising afamily that may be second generation, third
generation, right, and who seesother people not having to do what they
had to do. It's why somany people get so enraged with these student
loan payoffs. Sorry, my miccot just got to take my little mic

cover off because the thing started crackingand I'm popping my mic so we'll have
to fix that. But they lookat it and they go this is this
is crap. Talk to anybody whomarried somebody from another country who had to
go through that process, or somebodywho immigrated here. It's crazy again.
I have I didn't have to doit. I was born in America,

but I watched my buddy, doyou who his wife, his now wife
was working in the US legally asa college music teacher. They met and
they dated for years, and shewas from Canada, and holy hell,
I remember him telling me the processand being fascinated by it. It wasn't
cheap, was lengthy, but thatwas the process. And so if you

went through that, your family wentthrough that. Just because somebody speaks the
same language as your ancestors or maybeeven you, doesn't mean that you necessarily
are bros. And you know,the other part I told you is you
better know where somebody's from in LatinAmerica because it will dictate in many instances

how they feel about somebody from anotherLatin American country. I mean a lot
of the times people too, We'veheard this before. We've had people in
the show call up right like Venezuelaor Cubert. They come over here and
they're like, hey, yeah,I escaped those countries because the policies weren't
working, and now you have thisgiant we blowed out government trying to do
the same thing they did down there, and hell no, I'm not going
to have that. That's what Thatwas the thing that really, I think

in Miami, which was kind ofunique to Miami because Miami has the highest
concentration of Cubans and Venezuelan's. Infact, I was just in Miami because
dun Duda done. I got caughtin that rainstorm and I had to get
a hotel. I had to leavemi Ia on my Costa Rica flight.

This was go. This was flyingdown to Costa Rica. I had to
leave mi Ia go get a hotelroom. And they got like two feet
of rain. It was just crazy. I'm sure you saw it on the
news. And I got I hadsome points, so I got a Kimpton
at some my HG points. Igot a Kimpton in South Beach. I'm
like hey, and because it wasreally cheap because there's all that rain.

And so I go there and Iwalk into I'm walking down Washington right of
the main deal is there and thatit's everyone that I interacted with in this
Cuban restaurant was Venezuelan. Every singleperson. It was crazy. Both my
Uber drivers were Cuban. Going fromthe airport to the back to the airport

was wild. And you know theother thing is is they they they start
h ross. You were explaining itvery well. Off the air they they
treat it like the how they imagineNative American tribes operated, right, yeah,
right, yeah, yeah. Yousee this where you're like, you

imagine like everybody in Central South America, right, just like the myth they
spread about Native Americans in this countrywhere everybody lived together at Kumbaya. There
was no you know, they didn'tgo to battle against each other. There
was no aggression, which is completelyfalse. Hold on, I want to
make sure I'm accurate what I tellyou. This is a fun fact.

I recently learned the Football War.Do you know what the Football War was?
All right? So it was ElSalvador and here we go, all
right, El Salvador and Honduras backaround nineteen seventy the two countries were in
the middle of a war. Unlikethis thing. And by the way,

it's not the first time, especiallyCentral America, because like Guatemala tried to
claim it all and then Columbia did, and it's the whole thing. In
fact, I don't know if youknow this post Civil War in the US,
some plantation owners literally tried to cometo Central America to establish plantations and
they had a war against them.That didn't work out for them. But
they're in the middle of this conflictand they decided that they're going to settle

it as part of the nineteen seventyFIFA World Cup qualifier because they, I
guess were sick of shooting people.And then riots ensued, then they couldn't
have fans in the stadium, andthen they held three matches just wild times.
Because that's the reality of it.So when when people think that you're
not if that you're trying to putthem in a box because their their skin

color, their heritage, their origin, or any of the rest of it,
you get, you reap everything thatyou sew and then you send your
idiot wife down there in the middleof Texas surrounded by people who are the
very same voters you're talking about,and she says, as distinct as the
Boga does of the Bronx, asbeautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and

as unique as the breakfast tacos herein San Antonio. She's talking about voters
and and by the way, alsoI don't know if she meant to say
no. She meant to say bodegaobviously, but it's like a half bodega
bogata thing. It's just wild.People find that insulting. So even if

they even if they might have votedfor you, maybe they maybe they're just
like, nah, I'm out raw. What was your plans? Campaign advice?
Do you want to bring back?What of the Biden campaign? They
should bring back the taco bell,that talking taco bell dog. People from
Central America like is South, butthey love that dog. You'll care pulling

numbers to the roof. Let's puthim on stage, nixt to Biden.
When he stepped on it, wouldyou feel bad because he forgot it's there?
Listen? Do you imagine, dude, you know how happy Michael Ducaccus
would be I'm finally free or HowardDean, Oh, those guys would be,

oh, I finally got the worst. He stepped out a tea cup.
Chiehwaha, all right, raced agentfrom the Weather Channel, Try not
to laugh, sir, No dyinghere dying? What are you dying.
What do you die of? Dyingof laughter? Come on, man,
can you imagine some politicians like,oh, the way I'm gonna win this

because I'm gonna get a tea cupchihuahuah and will pretend it's saying your Garatt
taco bell and then you step onit because you're an idiot, right,
play that, play that Havana songyou know the kids love and then Jack,
they would I wouldn't put past anybody. You never know what you're gonna
Ross can make those jokes because hehe has owned chihuahas. So yeah,

and I'm debating then, is speakingof the speaking of uh debates the debate.
I've got family coming into town,and I'm like, boy, would
it be fun to just sit andwatch the debate with most of us are
on one side and there's like oneor two that are and I don't know,
I don't know if that's a that'sa that I'd like to think of

the I like to think of thedebate as a fifty car pile up that
everyone should be able to enjoy.Potentially, it may not be. It
might be. Remember the first timethose two debate each debated each other.
Yes, you don't know what you'regonna get. And now everyone is more
cognitive cognitive decree, so yeah,it may be. It could be a

real and it's going to be entertaining, that's for sure. Yeah, that's
all I'm saying. That's all we'relooking for, right, is it good?
Watch the dema stay inside, keepthe air on, and a lot
of stress on the acs. Notonly have we had that the past few
days, I don't see it endingSaturday, Sunday, Monday. Yeah,
right, nothing below ninety and we'reeven talking mid number nineties coming back as

soon as today and tomorrow. Thetrya it may stay low nineties and then
as we get into Thursday Friday,low nineties, but then the humidity is
going to start creeping up too.So you got the layer in that piece
of it too, in the showerthunder shower threat. And I think we'll
keep the shower thunder shower threat mainlyduring the afternoon hours even through the weekend
with low to mid nineties and humidutelyyou'll stay up. So really not much

change today tomorrow, the too driestdays with no rain and just the heads
up we're moving out about. There'llbe storms around probably in the afternoon,
not too widespread, but Thursday righton through the weekend. Okay, all
right, well you know what youneed to fix this? So okay,
all right, all right, herewe go, Race Agic on the He's
on the job, all right,seven day radio program. Hang on Ross,

bad news, buddy, you gotcanceled, bro, unless you want
to issue an apology. Do youwant to apologize for something that you an
air that you made in the previously? You don't even know what the air
is. Nope, don't care.One are you ready? One is Cheetos,

the other's cheese puffs. They're notboth Cheetos. You're like the cheese
it guy, aren't you remember thatdebacle? Well, technically it's not.
This is this is why no onelikes you. Like, if you're ever
wondering why I have friends, somepoint during the day you said something like

that and they're like, I'm nevercoming back to this house again. That
or he lepped on a chihuahua orsomething on camera. And by the way,
I'd like to refine the pandering inthat scenario that we were talking about.
He doesn't just step on the chihuahua. He steps on it while wearing
a giant sombrero trying to whack apinata, but he hits with the same
force that de Niro did and theIrishman when he's trying to curb stomp that

shop owner and then he steps onthe chihuahua. Because look, it is
that any less pandery than Jill Biden'saudio. I'm sure she didn't you.
I mean, come on, I'mtrying to find the old audio talking about
pandering. It was during the lastcampaign where he was at some sort of
you know conference that they're trying toget the Latino vote, and he comes

up on stage and he's just like, oh man, it's a great song,
and he whips out his phone andhe plays desposito. Yeah. I
don't think was he on stage?Yes? I do. And by the
way, that's the perfect song forhim. You know, what does do
you guys know what a desposito isSpanish? No idea. It means slow
or too slow. So there's areason it's his favorite. Oh my gosh.

Do you think somebody showed him thesong to insult him and he didn't
understand. No, I think itwas just very popular at the time.
It was, you know, obviouslyit was like a top song in the
country, and he's just, oh, yeah, I'm going to play this
song and I'm to look young andhip for the kids. Yeah yeah,
yeah. ACDA Radio program phone numbereight eight eight nine three four seven eight

seven four. Man, there's alot of just little insane stories. I
mean, I guess it's not littlethat we're gonna have to get through.
And I started to do that datingstory and then I got sidetracked by something.
You know how it rolls around here. So I will do the uh
this crazy I'm gonna do this first, and then we'll get into these other

things. This. I was tryingto think of some other high profile stories
with horrible, horrible dating apps,and I'm reminded of one I think we
did just a few months ago.Do you remember in Las Vegas, this
dude met this chick on I thinkbetter on like Plenty of Fish or something,

and she's like, well, whydon't you show up to my hotel
room or my apartment or whatever itis and we'll get busy. And then
when he got there, she triedto revenge kill him for it because of
anti Iranian sentiment, not by him, just by the US and she's they
said, oh she's crazy. Idon't know. That seemed pretty organized,

so this ain't that, but it'sstill pretty bad. Sumara Thomas, an
eighteen year old woman who arranged tomeet I think let's do twenty anyway,
they arranged to meet, and notin some weird hookup way. He was
they were gonna go he's gonna pickher up, and they were gonna go
out on a date. Now,judging by her mugshot out of here not

my cup of tea. But Idigress. But when the guy showed up
and I don't It doesn't say ifif he didn't look like what he looked
like in the picture. She doesn'tindicate that she got cold feet. And
I don't know, maybe maybe she'san introvert shy person. Thought she could

do this and then she couldn't.That's fine. You tell the dude.
Hopefully he's like, I mean,he's probably not gonna be happy. Drove
all the way over there, andbut you know, ultimately, adults can
adult, even if you're young adults, and the dates off. But she

didn't. She didn't have the courageto have that conversation with him, so
she did the logical thing. Shepicked up the phone, called nine to
one one and reported that her insane, abusive ex boyfriend had just shown up
at her residence threatening to stab herand because she was pregnant with his baby

and had cut things off. So, as you can imagine, please get
that call. They respond, Theyshow up, They see this dude literally
walking away from the apartment complex,and it's investigation time. They they they
detain him. It says it lookslike they actually put him in cuffs.

So I don't know in Iowa howit works, but clearly clearly because he
had indicated to them that he washe knew this woman, right, So
there all of a sudden, nowthey're trying to figure out he's got a
knife, what's going on? Andhe goes, no, I showed up
to pick her up for a date. We met on like Tinder or something,

and then he literally showed the textsand then police unhooked him and they
went over and arrested her. Thankfully. I think in some states they wouldn't
have done it. She admitted tolie, claiming she got cold feet upon
meeting him and no longer wanted togo on the date, but felt she
had to fabricate the tale of abusebecause she didn't think officers would show up

otherwise, You're right, they wouldn'tif you called nine to one one,
even if you called the non emergencyand said, Hey, I have a
guy coming over. We're supposed togo on a date. But I'm really
nervous and I'm I'm gonna tell himwere not going on a date. Will
you show up and remove them frommy They're not going to show up unless
you continually call, and then they'regoing to show up to arrest you.

Oh, she charged with. Idon't know a few things there. People
are absolutely insane, man. ButI guess at least he didn't get stabbed
for the honor of Iran, Soyou got that going for you, all
right, So check this out.One of the things that you see with
all of this student loan in sayingis Joe Biden, Right, Joe Biden's

like, I'm just going to dothis, and then the Supreme Court's like,
no, you can't just do that, and he's like, fine,
I'm just going to do this onehundred times in small doses. And that's
what they've been doing, and theykeep getting smacked down on this. So
this last time around. What isabout a week two weeks ago, the

latest swath they decided, well,what we need to do is we need
to say we're doing it and thenliterally do it starting that day, because
once we've forgiven it, what arethey gonna do. You can't go back
and be like, ah, no, your loan's not forgiven. Well,
here's the problem. According to thecourts, you can. And yes,

two different federal courts have blocked portionsof the latest Biden student loan boondoggle.
And what's wild is I'm on Twitteryesterday and there is a woman on there
losing her mind. And she liveswhere she lived Missouri or something, because

I think it was the Missouri rulingthat put the pinch on this, but
I think it goes to everything,so I don't know, I don't know
who cares where she lives. Andshe said that after this was announced,
she realized she was eligible. Andin some cases you don't even I don't
even think you have to fill somethingout. I'm not clear on the way

it's described in the story in theHill, but she had gone on a
website, on the website where herstudent loans are and it had indicated to
her that she would not have torepay her loans. So when she saw
that, what do you think shedid? What do you think that this
woman decided was the best thing todo because this one website told her about

this thing that she was gonna nothave to pay anymore. And keep it
in mind that if she's paying anyattention to the news, she's realized that
every attempt at this so far hashad the court slap it down. What
do you think her educated mind?Remember, this woman went to college,

She's smarter than the average bear.What do you think she did? Breathed
a sigh of relief. I guess, and I'm not agreen with the thing,
but I understand why an individual maylook at it and go, this
is good for me. Breathe asigh of relief, and maybe just I
don't know, have a little lessstress in her life that day. Nah,
she bought a cruise. And nownow she doesn't know what she's gonna

do. She's got a cruise,and she's probably gonna have to keep paying
her student loans. But at leastyou have a cruise, man, a
cruise that she says she cannot afford. Yeah, you got a You can't
get too far out ahead of thisstuff already got it, got it all

spent. You just sometimes you gotto. You gotta make sure it's real.
Man. That's like if you hada lot even if you had a
powerball ticket right now and you werelooking at you're looking at You've looked at
it one hundred times. You're like, those are the numbers. I got
forty mili coming or whatever. Idon't even know the power balls are right
now, but those are the numbers. Right, you've looked at it.
Maybe you've shown I wouldn't show anybody, but maybe you've shown a trusted friend

or family member who will stab youin the back down the road here pretty
quick. But that's still just aticket, man. And until you walk
into the lottery office, which,by the way is right here by the
State, the old Raleigh station.So you want to come by the station
first, Uh, ross and Iare your friends anyway? Uh? Before

you walk in there and it isyou know, lawyers have become involved and
you've signed stuff and they've got Idon't even care if it's the big check
until that hits your account. Don'tgo by a yacht, you absolute fool.
Now, this isn't a yacht,but what are you doing. I'm
sorry that you now have to goon this cruise that you can't afford.

It'll probably impact your finances, butyou are a wildly uninformed consumer and you
pay no attention to any of this. And way I find that interesting is
these are the individuals that by doingthis, the Biden administration the Biden campaign
rather is hoping to attract somebody whoobviously doesn't pay attention to anything that's going

on or has no understanding of it, even though they went to college.
Hell's that might even be a personwho doesn't vote. So, yeah,
tell it hits your account. Probablydon't do anything. I check this out.
So did you know in kay inthe state of California, believe it

or not, they have a alot more state government. How would I?
I guess say this, They havea lot more state agencies in California.
They got agencies for everything. Iknow. You're shocked to learn that.
It is a massive, unwielding bureaucracy. And one of them is the

California Legislative Analysts Office. It's kindof like the Congressional Budget Office, but
not really because it actually falls underthe purview of the Legislature and the Joint
Legislative Budget Committee. So I want, I want you to know where they're
coming from, because it's it isa it is a an office, an

agency that is not just under thethumb, but is generally one of those
jumping off points for legislators to endup in. And since California is run
by moonbats, it's chock full ofmoonbats. So they put out a report,
a year end report for twenty twentythree on job growth, which all

of the reporting that was coming outof the Governor's office and the legislature talked
about extensive job growth in the stateof California, and the national news was
just taken it at face value.So this this agency, which again is
friendly to all these idiots. Iknow that they said, well, we're
nonpartisan. They're clear. Everything inCalifornia's labeled nonpartisan in these agencies, and

none of them are like redistricting Committee, none of it. None of it.
Well, they put out the reportand are you sitting down that was
all fake And I don't mean thenumbers were juiced. I mean that according
to the twenty twenty three report,there were zero jobs gained in California in

twenty twenty three. In fact,well let's see what did they show.
They were showing an increase, aquarterly increase in twenty twenty three of about
one hundred and twenty thousand jobs,so for the year, nearly a half
million. That's a pretty good show. None of it was true, I

know, as crazy as that sounds. So how does none of it get
true? Well, you're reporting truejob growth, but you're not reporting job
loss. So I don't know ifyou've noticed in the city of California with
the twenty dollars fast food minimum wage, they are hemorrhaging those jobs. Specifically,

they're hemorrhaging those businesses. In fact, I just saw in San Francisco,
like one of the oldest McDonald's isclosing there, and they have another
list. But I can never tellif it's crime or insane policy for pay.
So, and the reason I'm tellingyou this story not because California's job

growth or lack of growth is particularlyinteresting unless you're listening from California. It's
to show you how you can manipulatethese numbers so that if you are in
you know, in in there,you can just come out and say,
because you have revisions. You know, every Friday, what do we hear
from Jeff Bellinger? We hear,we hear the jobs report right Thursday and

Friday and so, and then whatdo we hear at the end of that
job's report? Sometimes we'll hear thatthe previous jobs reports numbers have been revised.
And do you remember all the weirdrevisions that were going on during Trump's
thing, like in the opposite directionof how things are revised, and the

manipulation that was going on with Biden'scoming post COVID, and they would make
these revisions. That's what California wasdoing. So you know, yet another
thing that's supposed to be a trustworthynumber of guiding lights you can try to
get a handle on how things aregoing, that is just being manipulated for

politics and hemorrhaging trust. Just asyou saw with school teachers during COVID.
The amount of goodwill that was justtossed in the trash was amazing to me.
And polls like you saw during thetwenty sixteen presidential election, does anybody

believe a poll anymore? I mean, it might be right, it might
be close to right, And alot of them probably are closer to write,
but once you get into controversial stuff, not so much. People don't
trust it anymore. And these areall things that were sacrificed for immediate political
expedients, but they probably probably don'tcare. All right, So here we

go. This is my second favoritegolf story of the week, after the
Moonbats getting pancaked on the green atthe Travelers. What's this guy's name?
All right? Hold on? Uh? Nick Bens nick Ben's Nick Ben's has
become an instant golf hero. I'llexplain why coming up here on the CaCO

Day radio program. Just maybe oneof the most effective viral marketing campaigns for
hip hop music I have ever forrap I have ever seen. So yesterday
on the show, we told youabout the passing of Florida rapper Folio.
And the reason that we told youis not because obviously you know this is

it's a you know and do alot of rap hip a ton of that
stuff, but because of the odditythat was surrounding it. And the oddity
was that the rapper Folio, notto be confused with Coolio, did a
wrapped about out the death of oneof the dudes he has beef with now

it was you know, it was, hey, this is how he should
go. And what was wild isI'm gonna play this for you that the
dude who's rapping is Folio. Itmirrors almost exactly how he was killed over
the weekend, a self fulfilling thoughreversible prophet on his birthday and a worse

way he kill. Doesn't know mewhat happened now? All right? So
anyway, and so what happened overthe weekend? Fulio's at the Holiday Inn
having a party in a presidential suite. I didn't know they had those,
but Ross tells me they do,and he and three other people were shot.
Now he's the only dead one.Fast forward to yesterday. So this

happened on Sunday, yesterday we findout. So yesterday a rapper who is
the current dude that Folio had beefwith, by the name of young Young
geen Ace, dropped a new songcalled do It, a dish track about
Folio getting murdered. Absolute absolute moron, have karma? Man? Come on,

is this is this what's gonna happen? Now? If you rap,
if you do it, if Ido a dis track about somebody, is
that now how I'm going to die? Because that's what I'm picking up on.
This is what happens when you've neverseen final Destination or you don't.
Yes, well you know what Imean. Like, so, so the
first guy you know writes a distrack and you know, ends getting shot

his birthday, and then Fulio makesa song about him and gets shot right
on his birthday, right, andthen this guy is making a diss track
and in the same manner, andin the same manner Ulio rapped about yes,
all right and so yes this dude, Yeah, that's the last thing
you want to do, right,Well, I don't know. I think
it's how you construct the song.Like if you're like, no, I
get a murder I got murdered underfifty hotties or you know something, That's

what I'm saying. You've got tounderstand at that point, right, Like,
don't write a disc track about theguy that just does, because that's
how you're gonna die. Well doyou want to know what it says in
the disk track? What do youmean? Well? I would So the
song that was released yesterday, whichis now, as we just showed you,
is now how this rapper's going todie. Do you want to know

what he because he penned his owndeath note here if you will, all
right, I'm sure this will befine. Ca there is a slight knotty
word in here, so we'll supplantthat with butt, but it will still
make sense, all right. Thesong entitled do It, which already has

a video trazy uh, includes thefollowing hook catch his butt, do his
butt, then he'll be double finished. It's a brutal What a brutal way
to go. Why would you writeyourself into death by prison rape or whatever

that is? How did you notpick up on the trend here? Talk
about how you drowned in the grottowith fifty playmates at the you know,
imagine or something? Right, Yeah, he's so dumb. Now you're just
like dah a violent death assault.Right, put together some rap about death
vieu, you know, death viachiefing or something, you know what I

mean? Yeah, yeah, somethingman, So that'll be we'll keep an
eye on that. See what's goingon with that? All right? Check
this absolute legend out twenty seven yearold Nick Bens. So. One of
the things, you know, certainPGA events have play in qualifiers, and
if you go to these, it'susually a mix of some PGA, guys

who used to be on the PGAhad their card. Maybe I've had sponsors
exemptions in the past, or justamateurs trying to work their way up in
there. And so Rocket Mortgage,the sponsor, held a qualifier yesterday and
this dude showed up. He hasnever played in the PGA event any of

that, And I think you haveto have a gin that's in your handicapped
thing. It's good. I don'tknow why they call it gin. I
think that's so stupid, but whatever, So anyway, you have to be
in a certain range. So like, he's a good golfer, but he's
never played. In fact, heworks at Golf Galaxy. I'm not putting

him down on that, but it'llcome into play here in just a moment.
So he shows up for this event, and anyone who golf knows,
there's just some days we're just onand on. For me, means I
might be sniffing low eighties. Maybeeven in my delusional mind, eighty is

achievable, but you know, eightytwo, eighty three, I cut.
I think the lowest round ever shotwas eighty one, so been close.
But you're just on. Everything youhit works your puts are going. It's
just great, Well that dude,this dude was having that day. Now
he's already a good golfer, right, he's scratched golfer. Essentially, he's

extremely nervous. Though. Dude putsup a sixty five. Now, granted
five other people or four other peopledid, and they only take the top
four from this event to next week'sPGA event, so they have to go
into a playoff. And so he'ssitting there and he's he's completely nervous,

and they figure out how he's squashinghis nervousness. He's slamming beers. The
dude in act just in the justin the time from when he finished to
the playoff event, which was Ithink it was less than an hour.
He's sitting there, he drank threebig poor beers, just slammed him and

then went out and won the coalor one won the playoff. Was one
of the ones to win the playoff. I know some dudes. It's guys
who play pool, and then somegolfers who feel that there's the perfect drunk
zone. I think darts guys willget it too. I used to.
I used to shoot on a poolleague when I lived up in Minnesota because
you gotta find something to do whenit's freezing cold out. And one of

the guys, John on our team, he was convinced that he couldn't play
good pool unless he'd had three beersand then it was in the three to
five range. But hey man,this is these are the uh, these
are the oh what is the wordthat I'm looking for? The super prestitions

that haunt does and if it worksonce, then you assume it's gonna work.
Ross thinks he just ruined the Yankeeseason. I just want you to
understand how well I know people areI I know I did, right,
So the Yankees have been and Rosswent to New York and now they're not.
I have not been watching, similarto Buffalo Bills. Right, when
I don't watch, they win.And but I told I said this year,
I wasn't gonna pay any attention atall at all until after the All

Star break because a few seasons agothey dominated and after the All Star break
they lost them on well, what'sthe point of the first half of the
season, right, So I haven'tbeen watching and they've been dominating. I
went home to New York to visitmy mother. We watched every game that
was on and they lost every singlegame. And they're they're they're a great
pitcher who was a body ridiculous eraand record. They were like before the

game, hyping them up as thisguy's gonna win the cy young. Yeah,
completely destroyed, like seventeen to twoor something. Yeah, he put
a few earned runs there, andDave, I don't I don't think they
Oh oh and Jill Gill Carloston,Yeah, puld his handy. Yeah he's
out because he's made of paper.Stop at it? Kind of is he

is injured every year? Does everysingle season? Yes, he's like my
entire Viking squad. So right,Yes, Ross was bemoaning the fact that
he did. Let me ask youa question, just a hypothetical. All
right, NFL kicks off, right, let's get Ray stage in here,
because I'm curious. His answer toall right, so NFL kicks off,
your team is they're twelve and ohright, it's been an amazing two thirds

of the season run. You're pumpedand Ray, you're a Dallas fan,
so nobody even wants to be aroundyou. And by the way, did
I just see your coaches trash talkingyour own Yeah you did see that.
That beefs fun. But anyway backto this, so ross the bills are
twelve and oh and you go visityour mom for I don't know what would

that be, Thanksgiving, Christmas?Right around there. You go visit your
mom and they lose and they loseto think of the worst team that you
can think of, right or something? Right? Yeah, they get destroyed
like fifty nothing. Do you evervisit your mom again between the months of
really your your sweet mother? Wow, I'll see her in the summer during

her birthday. Wow, that superstition. Man, I would say, yes,
I would, because I'm afraid ofmy mother. So oh, considering
how big you are, how tallyou are, what is your mother?
Is she a giant? No,she's not. She's actually very small.

It's just the it's the intimidation thing. It's the respect. I guess in
the it's because we're I mean,I'm not saying maybe brother mother, but
it's because we were beating the children. I understand. Yeah that too.
If you know what you guys,Yeah you didn't. Did you have horses
growing up? Right? No?Dude, A curry brush? Do you
know what those are? The bighair brushes you used to comb horses.

Yeah, we had a lot ofhorses, so we had a lot of
those, and that was my mom'sfavorite implement. I am terrified of those,
not the ones you put your handin. They have some with handles
on them and they flip over thebackside. Holy hell, stay away from
those. Yeah. It was basicallythat whatever. She would shake the drawer
that had the wooden spoon in it. She'd be like, I'm gonna get

the spoon. She shaked the drawerand get the strap. You know you
got the strap, right you youremove that? You remove it. No,
my sister moved at one time thestrap. No, the brush because
she had there was only one insidethe house and it was in the drawer.
Sewing machine. Ooh, that probablyover well. And let's just say

my mom sherlocked that crime in abouttwo seconds and it didn't go well for
her. So oh boy, allright, well there you go. Uh
yeah, so dudes are summer's moresuperstitious and some are terrified of their mother.
So yeah, there's your learning lesson, right. The weather. Yeah,
weather, it's hot, getting hotternext couple of days, maybe some
upper nineties, especially in the triangle. By tomorrow, and we'll stay dry

for now, so it's been abnormallydry. It'll stay that way. Then
the humidity will start coming up.And that's the difference between why we don't
have heat advisories and why places likeat Texas do, and through parts of
the Central Gus because there's more humiditythere. We may see advisory criteria heat
later the week depends on how muchcovers we get on the showers and thunderstorms,

which will start Thursday afternoon, thenFriday, Saturday, Sunday, mainly
afternoon stuff, so we'll start toget back to the storms. A lot
of lawns probably need a drink bynow, so that'll be a good thing,
or we'll still be in the nineties. Okay, all right, thank
you sir, appreciate it. Yep, yep, yep, and come back
with Jeff Bellinger and I choke yourself, Colleen forward and choke yourself a little

bit of that. Hang on,lookod morning. Casey had a mixed close
yesterday. The blue chips did well. The Dow closed up two hundred and
sixty one points, but the Nasdaqfell one hundred ninety three points in the
p five hundred loss seventeen, lookslike that trend will be turned around.
This morning, the S and Pand the Nasdaq futures are higher, the
Dow futures down ninety one points,and video shares fell another six point seven

percent yesterday. Investors are starting tospeculate that the tech sector, which is
powered the recent bull market, maytake a breather, and video shares are
rebounding in pre market trading, thoughreports on home prices and consumer confidence will
get some attention today. Carnival andFedEx are scheduled to release their quarterly results.
The Danish pharmaceutical giant no Vaux Nordiskhas another US factory on the drawing

board. The maker of Ozepic plansto invest more than four billion dollars to
build a plant in North Carolina.It goes up in Clayton and A.
Novo Nordisk says the plant will createone thousand jobs. And the Casey A
Threat analyst says he has identified thehackers who took down CDK Global, the
provider of software used by thousands ofcar dealers and analysts at the security recorded

futures as A group called black Suitwas behind that cyber attack Bloomberg News has
reported c DK was prepared to paymillions of dollars demanded by the criminals to
get it systems back online as ofthis morning, though those systems are still
not functioning, Casey, So they'restill going to pay him. I actually
was reading this article just a fewminutes ago. It says they're still going

to pay him, but it'll takeweeks or something. Well, initially they
said it was going to take takeweeks. Now they're saying as of yesterday
was saying days. Yeah, they'regonna pay. Could we not stick a
drone missile into Moldova or wherever thesefolks are Like, sorry, I'm feeling
a little murdery today. Oh okay, anyway, all right, I get

on frustrated. You didn't hear nothing, all right, all right, take
care, like seriously did you justlike we have? And by the way,
when you think of drones now,it's like it's not the Predator drones
with the big missiles and you knowfrom that one Born movie that and have
Born in it still a good movie. Like if you see some of these

drones are using over in like Ukraine, Russia stuff. There was a video
the other day of it. Itlooks like the toy copter your kid would
have, except it's you know,it's backed to the C four or whatever.
And there's this dude out in thefield. Looks like he's trying to
swat a bee, but it's thislittle drone and as soon as it hits
him, it's just explodes. Man, I don't know why that is so

incredibly terrifying. But if your peoplecyber attacking all of our infrastructure over here,
maybe you'd like to see one upclose. No, we'll just go
ahead and pay him. It's okay, that's crazy. So anyway, all
right, so check out. AmazonIs says they have restored the helmet cover

photo to the movie Full Metal Jacket, one of the most iconic movie photo
covers movie posters ever produced. PrivateJoker, Why did you join my beloved
cold sir to kill? Sir?So you're a killer? Sir? Yes,
sir. Let me see your warpace, sir, you got a
war face. Ah, that's awar base. Now let me see your

war pace. You didn't convince me. Let me see your real war face.
You don't scare me. Work onit. Got a question, how
many of you have ever attempted awarface after seeing that movie. You could
all right, fine, don't admitto it, but you know what happened.
So anyway, the problem was whenthey put it up on Amazon,

they made a change. Instead ofthe helmet which has the about five or
six rounds in the little band aroundit, the peace symbol and the words
born to kill. Somehow the wordsborn to kill all got removed.
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