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April 15, 2024 31 mins

Interview with Mozzy on The Bootleg Kev Podcast.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Talking about it.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Hell Gang Masie, you know I had to pull up
on my biological love when Bootleg cav we liked then.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Run all are your bootlet cab man. We in here,
we got my guy, hell Gang Mazie.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
Yeah, Mazarella Fella Hexa Ala.

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Extra new album comes out on the nineteenth.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Can't wait. Excited.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
I'm excited for you, man. It's your first project since
you obviously you know you got out and.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Uh my little turn around, your little Yeah, it was quick.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
It was about a year.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Round something light Monday night with nothing.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
It's good. It's good to see you home. Now. We
were talking a little bit like obviously people who know
people who have been incarcerated or been incarcerated, when you
get out, that's not where it ends, right, So for you, like,
what is life like dealing with probation and all? You know,
because stiff stipulations, that's what happened to you before, right,
was it a violation?

Speaker 1 (00:53):
Uh? Nah? So I built out.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
I was actually on Bill, you know what I'm saying,
and uh so they had their stipulations on me. But
if you're talking about prior, yeah, that's what happened before.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
I keep biling out. I got that.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
Check mail, make bail every time.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
I got that baggage clear.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
But your stipulations are like, is it like a curfew?
Do they have to know where you are? Do you
have to piss like all?

Speaker 1 (01:17):
Etcetera, etcetera, all of the above.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
So I gotta piss, you know, little ankle, monitor, house arrests,
et cetera, et cetera. So you know they got me.
They got me like way fake race shackle. But I
can't complain none of these restraints.

Speaker 3 (01:32):
Yeah, because you're free, you can and you can record from.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Home all this ship.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
Yeah, cook cup, I'm still cooking, and you know it.
Give me more time with the girly face game.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
For sure. I was talking to uh uh, there's a
kid in LA named X four, and he was saying
that like low key like him being on probation like
really like prevents him from He's like, it really keeps
me out of bullshit for real.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Now you got to look at it in a positive manner.
You've got to everything, I mean, the turn around positive manner,
you know, anything that's called accountability.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
You know, do you feel like your legal situation because
your last album was your major label debut and you
really weren't around to kind of push it properly fucked
me up. What was that like just going through that?

Speaker 1 (02:21):

Speaker 2 (02:23):
I mean I already know I had to go walk there,
turn around down, so I was already irritated, aggravated over
the fact. But uh, it was just like, damn, you
know what, that's what I wanted to see. I wanted
to see the way that machine. I wanted to Now
when I got behind the bars, Bruh hit me and
told me, like, peat the numbers they going crazy.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
You feel me.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
And that machine working. But it's like I didn't get that.
I ain't get to fill it. I ain't get to
do no content, I ain't get to push the envelope.
I feel like, you know, I didn't fulfill my part.
But uh, I'm excited. I'm excited to double back on
their try again. Yeah, still WITHG for sure.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
Yeah, my loved ones.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
What was it like? Obviously you've lost a lot of
people who were very close to you. We talked about
this a little bit of rolling loud, but god, he
losing his brother had to be a big loss to
the label, and just you know, he every time an
artist would coming from CMG, he'd be with.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Him, fella. He tapped into them trenches to streets. You know,
he grabbed him. He grabbed him once and so uh
you know you could see the outpour of them ones
reciprocate the love.

Speaker 3 (03:31):
Did you guys have I mean, you weren't with CMG
too long before you know, obviously everything happened, But did
you guys have any sort of relationship? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (03:39):
I funk I functioned with him heavy. Yeah, you know,
he was tapping in while I was locked. Uh, Nigga
tapped in on the regular, just checking on the mentality.
Was had it or he heard a new one, that
new one going crazy, et cetera. So I most definitely
functioned with him and peace joke.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
The new album you have. You always have great collaborations
with singers. I'm a little sad there's no Blast on
this album, m because that's look, it's the one two
punch there.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Smell it, come on.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
But you do have Eric's on the album. Shot you
be in a shot to Friday, who's got one of
the more incredible voices for I don't even know, bro,
his voice is like goose shirts for short shirts. How
did you end up working with Friday? Uh?

Speaker 1 (04:28):

Speaker 2 (04:29):
He's just been functioning with me out the gate. You know,
I'll be pulling up to his events, checking on him,
in love with his music. The whole squadron maybe tweaking
off that ship. So uh, you know it's only righteous,
you feel me. He reciprocate the love anything I sent
on me a body slimming.

Speaker 3 (04:48):
So he was like a fan of yours or like,
how did like was it just like you just.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Refucked with me? He fucked with me.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
I fucked with him, And you know what I'm saying,
Dave put the al you together. We bumped into each
other a couple time, you know, But that nigga, his
music do something to me, and so I'm really a
fan of his shit, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
More than anything, you are a rappers. Rapper, you take
the skill of m seeing very serious. Look at you
as one of the top tier guys. I gotta ask you.
You've also been through your beefs in life and on records.
What did you think of Jake Hole apologizing to Kendrick.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
I would like to utilize my rights to remain silent
because anything I can certain.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
It's hip hop.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
I mean a lot of people are saying him apologizing
was a non hip hop thing to do.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
I feel that I can feel that everybody got their opinions.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
You know what I'm saying. It's all opinion based. It's
hip hop.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
And you know, I feel like he didn't want to
smut his brother out, or he was scared of the smoke.
Either way, he back and he back pedaling, and they
come with this ship.

Speaker 1 (05:55):

Speaker 2 (05:55):
You know, I'm waiting for Kate dot to double back
with the active release. He said, you heard Cole, he said,
I have my chin out there you go, yeah, there
you go.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Yeah, you see. I don't think. I don't think like
most of the smoke I thought was just going towards Drake.
Obviously the motherfucker Big three is this big mean?

Speaker 1 (06:14):
I mean, who ever bite? Yeah, that's how this media
shit work.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Yeah, whoever bite, Nigga, bite what I'm saying, bite down.
If you feel like I'm holing at you, you know
what I'm saying, let's run that cound curR. So uh nah,
I'm excited. I'm excited for it. You know, I know
it ain't over.

Speaker 3 (06:30):
It can't be over.

Speaker 1 (06:31):

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Still lingering, it's lingering too thick too, it's lingering too thick.
This's the topic of discussion. Somebody gotta do suffer.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Yeah, I'm just I don't know if now Drake's got
to say something you would think, right, man, listen, watch
watch we hear a leakage in a minute. I feel
like whatever Drake had in the chamber, once Jake Hole apologizes,
does he have to go back in and change some shit?
Oh like and address that too.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Oh you probably ain't lying.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
You know he gonna tweak too when he do, is Douggie,
he's the caption guy.

Speaker 3 (07:06):

Speaker 1 (07:06):
Yeah, but you know, Nigga, come on, man, I'm team do.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
Of course, I'm put on the Black Panther soundtrack.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
That's my thug brou I'm saying that nigga Drake can't
spit a sleep walking verse.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Cole Case spit a sleep walking verse, Nigga.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
I've been saying it. When it comes to Kendrick, it's like.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
The different.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
It's like, Yo, you could be the like the biggest
pop star rapper of all time and be a hell
of a MC, but Kendrick Lamar is like it's like
a tear and he's just all there alone.

Speaker 1 (07:40):
When it comes to the like, it's like it's territory.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
Yeah, that's why I don't think no. I don't think no.
I mean, we've never seen somebody of cold stature or
say sorry nah. He tweakering right two days later too,
he tweaking right now. And the other thing was like they.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Expect the growth and development though.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
I do, because I actually think like there's a there's
a truth to that, because him and Kendrick are friends.
School Boy Q was on.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Homies put the battery in my back and yeah, so
you know he probably he probably did, sincerely and genuinely
mean that.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
And that happens a lot, not even just in life.
Motherfuckers will put a battery in your back. And have
you had a character real quick, bro, I'll.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
Show you a text message. You pumped me up, like Nigga.
You you let him talk to you like that? Yeah, okay,
hold on this, nigga. But now that's how so most
definitely I feel like, you know, he said it, he
said the homies pumped him up, and Nigga he bit
down on it, and Nigga he double heat backpedaling.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
I'm smooth. I ain't really function what you like that.
I hope you ain't take that out of context for sure.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
Talk to me about this album. I was talking to
David a bit about it. He's like, this is just
classic street Mazi.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Yeah, you know, I'm on that type of timing. You know,
I'm on that type of time.

Speaker 3 (09:03):
With the album title, it's gotta be you gotta be.

Speaker 1 (09:06):
Yeah, that's what niggas don't understand too.

Speaker 2 (09:08):
They think they expected that that old school turned up.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
Or man, listen, you see the title.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
You know what I'm saying me, children are the slums. Yeah,
we're taking you straight there. You feel me in h
it's uh. I think it's one of my better projects
up to date. I'm in love with it. How make
you said it's only two features? I'm set a necklace
on there. Somebody told me I had like forty four
projects up under in the catalog.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I ain't believe him. I thought it was more like
a hunter.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
That's still even if it's forty four, that's crazy.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
I need a hundred, I need a hundred. I gotta
keep gunning. But yeah, that you know, that's that of work.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Ethic. Man.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
I've been enjoying what I'm doing. I'm enjoying it. Shit lick,
It's been lifted ten summer straight. I'm ecstatic, and uh,
we're just staying at it.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
I was gonna say, like everybody to get goes to
a point where we're doing something we love, but we
get burnt out.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
For sure. I have to wait. I wake up a
day and have to reassure myself.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
I was gonna take that. Like, have you ever hit
a period where you're like, man, I need to just
take I need to. I mean obviously you fell back
involuntarily for sure, for sure, but in just terms of like, man, like,
your output is so high, like especially like if we
go back three four years ago, you're putting out so
much music, Like it is it ever hard to be
motivated to hit the lab.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
Or No, it just naturally ooze out me.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
So you know, it ain't too much pressure on me
on that on that part, but just putting everything together
and you know, uh, going through the whole process, et cetera.
At motherfucker sometimes I'd just be like, fuck this shit
some other shit you feel me? And what I mean,
the process is just it's just it's like an internet

world we live in right now. That's crazy, you hear me,
Just sure, it's crazy. It's like nigga who could Who
could know? But it should be sucking me up. But
I'll be trying to disappear and stay away from that ship.
Run up a lucrative bag on another hYP right, but
this rap shit, it's in me.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
I gotta let it do what it do.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
So are you doing any of anything like investing in
outside of I.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
Got to uh right now, I'm trying to get these
apartments in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
It's just it's a little ten dough complex.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
I think they were like one point something but uh,
and then I think I'm a tweet to see if
the Airbnb shipped out there is doping in LA because
you know, we got rent control.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
It's definitely better out there. La. It sucks, it is, yeah, yeah,
because like they'll let you squat if you stay if so. So,
someone gets to Airbnb too long. So let's say you
got someone who like stayed in there. I think it's
three months. This actually happened some dude without getting my chicken,
and they just they legally don't have to pay you
anymore and you can't kick them out.

Speaker 1 (11:51):
That's crazy. I ain't running the Vegas play.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Yeah, I'm gonna run a Vegas play, but I've been
on that type of time, just really flood, taking my
chicken and putting and giving it straight the ass.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Bro, is it still like, are the police still making
it very hard for you to do shows at home?

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Most definitely anything you put my you put the MAZI
stamp on anything, it's a problem. We're not doing that.
Anything I've ever done in Sacramento, I had to sneakily
do it. You feel me slipping through the back door.
They just pop up unannounced, crazy unannounced special guests around
the s motherfucker he's here.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
Well, I've been seeing the Kings have been tapping in
a little bit more with like some of the local
artists like dB and Ship Like has the Kings ever
reached out?

Speaker 2 (12:37):
They fucked with me, but they don't fuck with me,
right hear me? Hey, I ain't gonna lie, nigga. The
Clippers putting me on the front row. You know what
I'm saying. Back to back dates had me performed back
the thing the Clippers game like three folks. Ship, stop
me when I'm lying. You gotta Dave.

Speaker 3 (12:56):
Take that footage and send it to the Indian dude
on the King's doing? We doing? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (13:00):
What is we doing? I don't be tripping though. I
still pop up on that front row once in a while.
You know, I'm like the bean O King get heart,
like the Bean. We was doing our thing. Huh this
year saying I ain't even paying attention. You know, it's
it's not bad. This is not what it was like.
Last year was like like the Bean last year, Yeah

for sure, od.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
Yeah, and then y'all traded taller Halliburton, which.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Fucked it all off.

Speaker 3 (13:26):
No, no, no, you guys did well without him last
year with some bonus. But the Halliburn kid is special.
Y'all let him walk. Y'all should have picked him over
over Deer Fox.

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Nah, Fox Nigga, that's my thud. You ain't been seeing
how you perform.

Speaker 3 (13:40):
Hey, man, Bro, you ain't come on, Bro, I'm just
telling you gonna do that.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
We're not gonna do that over here, thug like nigga,
Fox Nigga, I was in jail.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
They had the whole year going up.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Yeah, the whole Fox is great.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
You know, when it's California smoke, everybody is relatable on
all sides. You know, either you a Lakers nigga, or
you Golden State or you Sacramento.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Where were you locked up at up North?

Speaker 1 (14:05):

Speaker 2 (14:07):
Yeah, I was down here, damn there. I think that
motherfucker add water. It's corner from a desk sto or something.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
Okay, yeah yeah, so everybody goes there, uh for sure
if you California base?

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (14:18):
Is it for you like being obviously you're a star
at this point when you're locked up with your status?
How how hard is it just to like sit down
and have like lunch?

Speaker 4 (14:30):

Speaker 1 (14:31):
You know, you know that's a very masculine environment.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Like motherfuckers be like yo, man, I right, every fucking
with me, bro, But you know it's off the driber.
They got to get comfortable. They don't just walk in
eight brut Some niggas like that, right, but mostly you
feel me there. They're settle in like a nigga won't
say nothing to you for a minute, then a weik
letty pop out.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Bro, you mine's here.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
Hey, by the way, you know I spent something for you.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
It's cool. I'm let niggas do all that. This ship entertainment.

Speaker 3 (14:58):
Never find somebody in it, Like, like, was there anybody
in prison this last go around who you were like?
Oh you actually you actually could you could rap like
keep you know, when you get out of here, you know,
take the shit serious.

Speaker 2 (15:09):
Yeah, I had a couple of niggas. It was a
couple of niggas. They be you feel me for the yard.
They go crazy too. The niggas doper than me. But
hell yeah, would you rap?

Speaker 3 (15:20):
Are you at this point wrapping on the yard in
your life? Or you just let everybody else do it?

Speaker 2 (15:23):
I try to let everybody else do it. But every
once in a while, I got it. You feel me
showcase my talents. Uh, they be growling on me. Brush
spit that one youear me? So I might come with
some new shit, some exclusive something. NA ain't hers yet,
but uh, I was doing my daddy right about nowadays though,
Oh no, I'm bowling.

Speaker 1 (15:42):
I ain't nigga. I'm not spending the rap for nothing
in the world. Nigga.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Are you writing in there? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Ay day, but I ain't walking around spit. Nigga. We solidified,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
But initially on the come up, for sure, Yeah, I
enjoyed anything. This shit been a crazy come up too crazy.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
We well we hear teen summer straight. It's crazy. It's
crazy in summer straight.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
No break I'm no, it's wild. Yes, I mean ship,
we're twenty twenty four. I think the first time we
had you up at the station was twenty seventeen. Okay,
when you kick that Wu Tang freestyle.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
Yeah, I think I think I PLoP. I think I
applied twenty fifteen.

Speaker 3 (16:20):
Yeah, yeah, you were buzzing you already. This you came
right before h on up top ot drop was what
was when you when you came to the station twenty seventeen?

Speaker 1 (16:28):
Right? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (16:31):
Any more other independent plaques happening? I feel like you
have so many records out there that they're damn near gold.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
I got some other shit on the way, you know, bro,
be keeping me updated. You'll send me a little text message. Nigga,
we thirty thousand away from this, right, you know what
I'm saying, seventy five thousand away from this. I can't
name them right off the back, but we most definitely
got some on the way plaques.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
I'd like to hear that. Man. Yeah, you and YG
obviously put out a couple, not a couple of a
single dope project. You guys got some amazing records together.
We need a couple, y'all need another one.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Yeah, we need a couple.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
What was that like, because you guys, I remember seeing
Nima and everybody going out to Mexico and y'all shooting
that video and yeah, that that looked just looked like
a fun thing for you guys to do. And it
also kind of made to me, It kind of made
yg like step up his ship, you know, like, oh.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
Yeah, that nigga was tweaking on that album like he
had to. Yeah, he was doing this ship.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
So so it was like, you know, still still sharp
and steel, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (17:29):
Nah, for sure, but that motherfucker was at that whole
trip was lit. I think that Nigga brung like twenty
GAG members, you feel me. I had like twenty niggas
in a in a in a federal building trying to
get they passport, you get them. Niggas just came home
from doing eleven and seven and shit, niggas trying to
get it.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
And they was getting them too, busting, you feel me.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
And that we jumped on that flint night, yeah, and uh,
it was lit over there.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
We fucked around.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
What was that? Because you've done a lot of collab
projects with a lot of people over your career obviously,
especially being independent. But was that project, what was that
like because there was like a real push y'all had
a radio single and you know what I'm saying, and
YG's I mean, you've done shit with Burner, with gun Play,
with hell of people, but like YG's fucking YG, you

know what i mean, Like been holding the West down
for a decade, is kind of the face of this shit.
Like for sure, that had to be like just cool
to be like, well, shit, it ain't all on me
this time.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Nah, for sure.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
It's a you know, I ain't gonna lie with any
collab project. That was one of the dopest collab projects
most definitely my.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
Favorite ones on Burner though.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
I like burn Burn Go Brazy.

Speaker 3 (18:38):
That album's crazy though, That a record. YG's on that
record and.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
On my Mama Yeah, with Logic Hey, but anything like
whenever I'm functioning with another individual, it's kind of like
hella easier cause it's like I'm letting them lead.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
I'm letting them lead what direction we're going with it?

Speaker 2 (18:57):
You feel me, I can and that just give me
an opportunity to flourishing different, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
The avenues like right now.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
I got one coming with Kaitlin for real, and it's
like focused on functioning with the vibes.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
How many records we probably do, like.

Speaker 5 (19:11):
A little EP six sept Yeah, and it's I mean,
because he got the vibes on lock. So what killings
ship shot I need that I need in besides Kaitlin?

Speaker 3 (19:24):
How many unreleased songs?

Speaker 1 (19:25):

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Which artists you have the most unreleased records with sitting
on a hard drive?

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Probably my gang members, the Maji gang.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
Yeah, whether it's Ema Zi Snubs, you know what I'm saying,
Little Nick, little Dallas.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
Uh, it's my gang members. That's who you know. That's
what niggas grew up doing music with. So it's undisputable.

Speaker 3 (19:46):
I feel like someone else who you've worked with would
be done with y'all the ep is millies or that
Sho would go crazy. He's the white Mazi.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
What one of my favorite cards. Niggas ain't fucking with
that nigga hard for sure?

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Yeah, for sure?

Speaker 2 (20:04):
He tweaky Uh. Yeah, he one of the niggas. You're
getting that laboratory with free surf another one? Yeah, you
getting that laboratory which you gotta you gotta you gotta
raise the board for sure. You know they gonna they
gonna put that press on you make you perform.

Speaker 3 (20:19):
What on this on this album? What's your what's like?

Speaker 1 (20:22):

Speaker 3 (20:24):
Your favorite record?

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Red Nose Bully. I think Red Nose Bully. I just
dropped that like on the Radar some games and ship
on the.

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Radar Ship that you did.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Yeah, Red Nose Bully, that's my favorite song.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
It's just showing my growth, you know what, I'm seeing
me as an artist, as a man, and uh, I'm
really excited about y'all, you know, being able to tweak
on that. I think another song is Ebony from twelve,
a kind of lightweight, just started the whole thing for
the album, the theme you know what I'm saying, et cetera.

Speaker 1 (20:58):
Uh So that's one of my favorite songs.

Speaker 2 (20:59):
It's a up Like I said, I'm damn there to
the necklace on the whole project.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
So I gonna ask you, I feel like your fan
base is so like dedicated, but it's because you're you're
so vulnerable and you're so relatable on your records, like
you're you're a gangster rapper, but you're not afraid to, like,
you know, pull the fucking too hard.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
They be too hard, but they be insecure with that
gangster you know what I'm saying, They're still chasing something.
We adults, you gotta be able to merge in adulhood,
transition to adlhood and uh you know, uh, I think
that come with being vulnerable and come with accountability, you
know what I'm saying me, And so uh that's it.

I'm just I'm just I'm just applying my doorhood to
this gangster ship man.

Speaker 3 (21:46):
You know how annoying is it for you to always
get called from like people thinking from the Bay. Like
people always be like, yo, Barry Rapper Mazi. I'll be like, Bruh,
Sacramento is not the bag.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
I already get it.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
That's what happens all the time. People will talk to
me about you and they'll be like, yeah, Mazy from
the Bay, and I'm like, I'm not Mai from the Bay.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
When I had the little yeah yeah, we slid down
Nigga a bird bank to go get some chicken. But
the whole time, I'm thinking, I'm in la we in Burbank, right.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
You hear me?

Speaker 3 (22:17):
No, But it's not even not that Burbank's a lot
closer to La than Nah, it's like, what a two
hour drive?

Speaker 1 (22:23):
I hear you, But that's what you naturally feel.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
If you go to a long beach, you feel like La,
a northern northern California individual.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
It mean, it's more like if someone from San Diego
got called LA Rapper.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Oh okay, all right.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
San Diego is like an hour fifty minutes away, forty.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
Five an hour an hour. Yeah, look at damn. I like,
but nah, you know, don't mind, you know, because I understand.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
They lingo. Hey, you know what I'm sammy. They just popping,
they lingo.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
You hear a nigga from New from from Buffalo, you
hear him talk like you're from New York.

Speaker 3 (23:00):
Broth, No, then Buffalo guys got there.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
What about Jersey?

Speaker 3 (23:07):
Jersey? For sure? Very simil. That's fair, that's fair. What's
the next few though? Bro? Like, obviously, you know being
with CMG, you know you had a crazy run with Empire,
dropped the last album on Interscope. This album is still CMG,
but it's still independent. What is your plans for the future, bro?

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Uh, just transition to cold, transition, that's ship. I just
want to transition and just diversify my portfolio. Like, just
get on some different, totally different ship, hear me, like
business wise, Yeah, I just want to jump in the
business field, like functioning with the houses.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
Uh tweaking on the day trading.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
You'll be seeing day trade.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
You be seeing niggas balling off day trading. Oh you
wanted them what? No, but you wanted them on was
sh Yeah, I'm start it off. I'm still on robber Hood.
I ain't on we Bull.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
Yeah. When I get bull, I'm gonna let you know.
So so you you trade every day, Yeah, I'll be
functioning with it.

Speaker 3 (24:07):
Hell, it's fun. It's kind of like it's kind of
like gambling gamblers.

Speaker 1 (24:10):
That's what it is.

Speaker 2 (24:11):
But they told me, they told me, when you get
your ship right, once you learn it, it's the percentages
just raised for sure.

Speaker 3 (24:19):
So what's like your best performing stock so far?

Speaker 1 (24:22):

Speaker 2 (24:22):
Of course, Tesla. I was just telling somebody I had
those coin, those cords.

Speaker 3 (24:27):
Oh that's the crypto. Oh yeah, the doge. What year
did you have dose?

Speaker 2 (24:30):
I had it win a year and and didn't sit
there and when it didn't sell it bro.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Hey sends the story of everyone in crypto.

Speaker 1 (24:40):
That's the famous oneever.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
Bruh. I had doge coin, and then Elon Musk went
on Saturday Night Live and everybody was like, yo if.
During his monologue he mentions dosee coin, it's about to
blow this ship up. He mentioned it, and the opposite happened.
You're fucking taintd And I was like, god, damn, I.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Ain't know what was going on. I put like ten thousand,
and the motherfucking hit for a hundred K. I'm like, oh,
it's gonna go to a dollar, so you should have
sold should have sold it on damn.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
So no bigcoin, not no bitcoin on the fucking around.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
Bigcoin's back.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
I know, I seen it moving. It's moving.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
So Tesla stock has been good for you?

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Yeah, I mean that's the one in my portfolio that's
been performing the best.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
For sure.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
Would you get a cyber truck?

Speaker 2 (25:28):
I was plotting on it. I was plotting on it,
but you know I can't be plump faking playing with
these pre orders and ship nah, the little charge and stations.

Speaker 3 (25:38):
And oh yeah, it can't be your only car.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Now, it can't be your only car. But now I
like it. That's a fucker doe zo d. I'm getting
they tweaking it right now too.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
Two weeks are you on your way? Yeah? Oh you
ain't playing with them? What you spend it? Two fifty?

Speaker 3 (25:53):
N It was like one ten, two fifty. What kind
of fucking stop? They don't even got a two undred
three thousand of cyber truck.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
I was just on the internet tweaking on that motherfucker.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
But ten something wait on the Tesla app.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Bro, don't make me pull my phone out.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
BRO, I'll show you right now. Look you should one
tear yeah, one ten for the foundation. One Look.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
I think at this one t just type in Tesla
truck for a seal.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Someone's trying to hustle. Look if you get it from
the actual look one hundred one on one. But I
bought the battery pack, so it second next year, like
seven that they're going to release.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
You ain't putting me up on it, bro.

Speaker 3 (26:45):
They a two hundred thousand. That's that's like the flip
someone's flipping there s But the thing is, if you
buy a Tesla truck, you can't sell it legally. They'll
sue you if you sell it within two years for real,
because they don't want people flipping them. So somebody got
caught trying to like flip their Tesla truck and their
banned for life from buying Teslas, which is crazy, that

crazy thing to ban somebody.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
They know what they're doing. They know what they're doing.
Watch out, quit playing with our ship.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
Yeah, shouts to you, damn show you you so do
you day trade man? That ship? How do you like
to do your research for day trading? You? Just like?
Are you on fucking MSNBC in the morning? Like?

Speaker 2 (27:22):
Nah, So I've been tweaking on a hell of a
little different websites and apps, but I also got my
pot and texting.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
What you what you've been on?

Speaker 3 (27:29):
What you like today?

Speaker 1 (27:31):
What you're putting it on? Man?

Speaker 3 (27:32):
You ever been on sports?

Speaker 1 (27:34):

Speaker 2 (27:34):
I don't fuck with that. That's too many smart. I'm
scared of that now. Stock's smart. Yeah, I don't watch
enough sports for it. But stocks, I'll just be playing
with it. I'll be flirting with.

Speaker 3 (27:42):
It because even if your stock has a bad month,
you still double it can go back double best hold
on to it.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
Yeah, I've been doing that. I've been doing that.

Speaker 3 (27:50):
Damn shock at Mazie the day Trader. Oh, I go
up like stock podcast and fuck them off. Oh, Yeah,
that'd be crazy.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
But you're gonna pull up a function with me?

Speaker 3 (28:00):
Of course, I would you ever host a podcast?

Speaker 1 (28:05):
No, I don't think I fucking around, Bobby Brown.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
I was gonna say, like, the podcast interview circuit has
gotten really toxic.

Speaker 1 (28:10):

Speaker 3 (28:11):
It's like it's all like it just feels like if
I was an artist and I was on the come up,
I would I would turn down most of this shit
because if you really think about it, most platforms they
gonna bait you into like saying some shit that's gonna
have you looking crazy. We're talking about some some gang shit, or.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
They body slamming niggas, they body slamming niggas. But it'd
be like, you know, it'd be due to a lack
of conversation. Else they gonna talk about and what nigga's
gonna talk about.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
Kid, It's up to you whether or not you answer
the question. It's accountability. Like you said, if you could,
you could pass.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
I'd like to utilize my rights to remain silent one
hundred percent.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
One hundred percent. Man, So we got stock, we got
real estate shit going. Yeah, the album's coming out on
the nineteenth, nineteen. Children of the slums. How much? How
much are you record? And still are you like every
every week still in the lab?

Speaker 1 (29:02):
No, I flirt with it during this process.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
So uh, you know my schedule is full of pulling
up on niggas like you.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
So well, you're not allowed to really move around and
like really like travel right now.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
They got me restricted. So I'm restricted as of right now.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
But you was at a when you did you have
to get a pass? Come on?

Speaker 1 (29:20):
You know he looked out for me, throw me you.
So is it fellow for that?

Speaker 3 (29:24):
Any show? Will you get a pass?

Speaker 2 (29:27):

Speaker 1 (29:27):

Speaker 3 (29:28):
Only Cali because you when you first got out, then
you go to a show in like Midwest and there
was some shit they got ugly. Yeah, and they try
to put it on you.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
I don't know why they do some merror ship like that.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
You was just there. I'm like, bro, I'm here. Ship
be happening at the club?

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Come on, bro.

Speaker 3 (29:43):
I feel that it's so crazy because like that's one
thing like being a club owner, Like you know, an
artist could be booked somewhere and if some shit happens
at that club, you responsible. No, the artist gets a
bad rep with the police department.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
Oh yeah, they ain't functional with us. No more we
out it. I don't care it, don't even got it.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Because they think, go you know you brought you brought that.

Speaker 1 (30:06):
It's like us, I don't have nothing to do with us.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
But if a fight happens when there's no artists at that,
ain't club.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
Ain't nobody that ain't nobody depended on. So look through
how that club like treating you.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
It's lit. Oh yeah, but come on, I got to
book you.

Speaker 3 (30:20):
I can't book you yet, but nah for sure, but
you so you you did my birthday party at the
place I own now, but it was a different club.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
I'm trying to get in.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
I'm ready to say for school, get money with you off.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Come on, man, let's get it.

Speaker 3 (30:32):
We'll listen. The new album is out on the nineteenth,
Go support it. Hopefully we get some more music after that.
I mean, your output is wow, appreciate. Is there gonna
be another CMG compilation.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
As soon as that? Soon as that motherfucker drop? You know?
Hell gang manzi on it. There it is, man for sure.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
I'm proud of you. Haven't started saying like cubing on
crubing the Memphis. It ain't rubbed off on you yet. No, Bros,
Memphis with actions my favorite shit in music. I've been listening,
just listening to Whole Glow Real album and she said,
she said one word. I was like, damn, I gotta
take that. They got a little curbans, my guy. I

appreciate you, bro.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
Appreciate you.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Yes, sir,
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