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March 13, 2024 38 mins
On this weeks episode of the Slightly Messy Show, Mike is mad at Meaghan for... Stealing his phone? Plus it's finally Pie Day (ish) and Meaghan proves that key lime really is the best pie, and she definitely doesn't write these descriptions. Plus we talk about the questions that must be regional that you always ask to get to know someone. 
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Episode Transcript

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Oh my god, Mike, Ibought a full grown fly and then I
ate a lot of it already mystomach kind of hurts. And Neanderthal,
you ate out of the middle podcaststeps for goddamn podcast. I have a
problem, Michael, and I amso sorry that you faced part of it.

There is one joy of being singlewith no kids, and it's I
have no real responsibilities. This isthe slightly Messy Show with Mike and Meghan.
State means a messy show, messy, messy Mican Megan. It's a
slightly messy show with Mike and Megan. It is the slightly messy Show with

Megan and Mike. And this isbeing recorded on the thirteen on three one
three day. But we figured PieDay is three one four three point one
four three point one four one?Do you know really? Was it really
long? Yeah? Oh? Doyou like know the whole again? I

used to, but I think itwent The song went up to like one
hundred decimals. Holy Jesus. Sowe are celebrating uh Pie Day by both
bringing in our favorite pies. Uh, clearly we had we clearly both took
the assignment two different ways. Yougot this very nice, very sensible size

pie. What kind of pie isthat? It is a key lime pie
because a couple of episodes ago,we were arguing over what the best pie
was, and I said key limepie. So I went to Astoria in
Greek Town and I picked up mylittle key lime pipe. But if it's
in the palm of my hand,it's just it's just so cute. That

is a personal pie. That issomething that a normal, reasonable human being
would get when they're told to goget a pie. I, on the
other hand, went to the store, went to my ears and went to
their pie section and got a fullsize to feed a family pie. Apple
pie, that's my favorite. ADutch. I almost called it a Dutch

of it, and it's not.It's Dutch apple crisp pie. No,
man, nothing. I couldn't evenwait. It couldn't even wait. You
want to know how I know applepie is not the best pie because you
have to serve it with ice creamfor it to be good. You have
to literally accompany it with something else. No, it just makes it better.
I don't need ice cream right now? Oh, right now, what
if this podcast was just fifteen minutesof us eating, I'll just say nothing.

We just eat m hm. Igotta tell you though I haven't had
any. Like my cheat thing iscookies, not pie. I do love
a good key lampie. Though thisis so sweet and so sour. Mouth
is actually watering right now and I'mlike, okay, cute, that's real
cute. But I do have tothank Donnie because she's in the comments right

now on our Tech Tech Live andshe said, yeah, that was the
episode where is Mike said, islime a fruit? I didn't know?
Is it? It is a fruit? Right? It seems like it'd be
a veggie. It's not. Itseems like it wouldn't be a veggie.
Doesn't make any sense if I saylime, I just think of a veggie

like I just think of it likea cucumber or a line. Say it
RIGHTBA. Have you heard that songcukomba cukomba electro lights? You don't know
that song? Oh God, I'llpull it up today. I swear to
God. Nobody on Mojo in theMorning is cultured on the internet. It

drives me up a fucking wall house. I don't know it all the time.
No, no, no, becauseI know what you're saying right now.
That's a weird internet song, Megan, Yeah, sure, whatever,
Mike. The other day, somebodywas talking about identity theft and I said
on the air, identity theft isnot a joke, Jim, which is
a iconic line from one of thebiggest that office. I did not hear

you. Crickets is what I got. No, somebody I yes me later
in the day and said, Ithink it's really unfair. Nobody reacted to
this. I'm dying laughing. Sofirst off, I'll agree with you that
the cricket thing happens a lot,a lot a lot. It happens in
the group text, and it happenson the show, and it makes its
the most probably the top five mostfrustrating things in the entire world. It's

just like, why even why wouldI say any think if everybody's just gonna
sit there silent, Right, SoI agree with you there. But I
did respond to the because I evensaid the office. I remember, because
I even gave like the reference.I even said the office, and then
it was moved on. But Imay not have given you the proper laugh
that you felt that it deserved,but I did respond. Okay, I'll

take it. I will take Imissed it, but I accept it.
Now. Do you remember a coupleof days ago before the show, I
was, well, a couple ofdays ago, I'm really glad you brought
up the whole crickets in the groupchat thing. A couple of days ago
before the show. We have ameeting every day and we go over you
know what we're gonna do on Mojoin the morning that day and we were
talking about somebody said something in thegroup chat and I said, oh,

I missed it, and I saidwhy. I said, the chat is
silenced, and they were like,why'd you silence the group chat? Because
the friday before y'all had gone ona goddamn motherfucking rampage and there was easily
one hundred techt set in ten minutes. It was overwhelming, so overwhelming.

I had not muted it in literalyears. I had unmuted when Ellen left
because she would text me when Ineeded to respond to the group chat.
And when she left, I waslike, shit, I gotta go unmute
it. And I muted it forthe first time and everybody was like you,
you don't participate in anything, andYadA gotta get I was like,
y'all leave me on fucking read.Every time I text the goddamn group chat,

y'all went off without me and thenignored me and then want me to
respond, you motherfucker. At leastthough now you because I agree with you,
I put mine on mute. ButI don't have as many texts that
are unread as you do. Iread all of my like there's no notifications
on my phone that yeah, soI'll check. That's saying it's better or

worse. I'm just saying that.I uh, that's the only reason I
see all of mine. But mindsme to two. But what I will
say is you sit in the studiowith everybody, and I'm still out here
on my lonely island in Grand Rapids. So when everybody's silent in the studio,
it's like, hello, hell,But really, you guys could be
reacting and I have no idea becauseI can't see your faces. Okay,

I get that, But I thinkyou think I'm in that studio way more
than I am. Most days,I feel like I'm still in Toledo,
because as soon as we go tocommercials, I leave that stu udio and
I don't come back until ten secondsare left in the commercial breaks. But
that's okay. I have it work, so there's no communication, there's still

face to face, there's still it'smuch you know, you know, you
know that it's much different to bein the studio when we're on the air
than it is to be in thestudio. There's nobody's building. There's nobody
here. I know, but honestly, would be naked right now and nobody
would ever know. I'm very jealous. I would treat you, I miss
Toledo. I don't believe here.I don't believe you. If you get

to just bounce out to your ownstudio, anyways, you still get the
best of both worlds. No,no, no, oh, ask me
why? Ask me why why?Because I have no control over the temperature
here. And let me show youwhat I have to keep in my studio
that's currently turned off because it's tooalloud to record with what. I have
a space heater because it's so incrediblyfrigid in this building. My favorite thing

when we have a Totago viral iswhy is everybody wearing their winter coats in
the studio. Isn't it march like? It's fifty eight degrees in here?
And my shiver all day. Iwould much rather it be cold, though
than hot. Hot you can onlytake off so many clothes. Cold,
you can at least put on morethings until you're warmed up a little bit.
Yesterday I was here so long inthe cold that I had to start

doing finger stretches because they were socold. I was like my fingers.
So the pros and cons, mydad, pros and cons. You know,
I used to have my own thermostatthat worked, m Yeah. Yeah,
but you also get to sit aroundhumans daily. The most excitement I've
had to the most excitement I've hadtoday is this pie. Is this delicious

pie that honestly, I've eaten waytoo much of and I can feel it
already. I literally am trying toprevent myself from smashing. Yeah. I
think you should just tell a goodstory, Mike, so I can eat.
Okay, My first I'm just gonnaask you questions. My first question
is, I'll how often do you, because you have lost weight and you
look great, and how often doyou do cheat days? Okay, so

I am really against cheat days ingeneral because I love them. No,
no, no, no, thatdoesn't mean I don't cheat. I don't
like classifying cheat days. What doyou call it? Pause while she eats
another bud at pie. Okay,so I'm disgusting. I am under like,
I'm truly trying to do this thehealthy way, and I know that's

lifestyle changes and not drastic changes.So the other day, I am also
a really big emotional eater, andI am fully aware of that. So
when I'm having a bad day,all I want is comfort foods, and
comfort foods for me are French friesand a hamburger. That is my go
to. Like i'm sad, Iwant a piece of cake or a black

and white cookie and a burger andfries. That is my gu too.
Black and white cookie like with theblack cookie with a white Macadamian nuts or
whatever. In Michigan has these.It's driving me up a wall. They're
in New York's table. You everwatch I almost sid Jerry Springer wrong show,
Jerry Seinfeld? Do you ever watchthe Seinfeld Show? Yeah? Yeah,

I did do. They had awhole episode on black and white cookies.
They're like a New York thing.They're like a dense cake with like
chocolate icing on them, and they'remy absolute favorites. And there's one bakery
right by my old house in Toledocalled Wixi Bakery, and they had phenomenal
black and whites. Now I loveme some astoria, but they're black and
whites in Michigan are very different thanNew York and what we had in Ohio,

where it's like a hard biscuit that'scovered in like a layer of chocolate
fully around. I'm like a dencecookie versus like a thin layer chocolate.
So they're very good. They're verygood. I cannot find real black and
whites in the state of Michigan,and it is the saddest thing in my
entire life. So roundabout way ofsaying I don't do cheat days, I
don't do that. I just ifI want a burger, I'll go eat
a burger. Like I'm not tellingmyself like I've got to wait till Friday

because that's the cheap day, orI'll just binge. So like, honestly,
the best way to do it.I Mean, I'm not a health
expert, but I kind of dothe same thing. And I truly think
that it mentally, it doesn't itdoesn't put that focus on you know that,
So then it becomes a thing,and then you're worried, am I
having too many or too little?Or yeah, it's draining raining. Yeah.

And I also do this thing whereif I'm going out to eat instead
of cooking at home, my ruleis there are always exceptions. I'm in
Toledo a lot. It's so funnyto me. Somebody that worked with me
and Toledo was like, she doesn'twork here anymore, She's never even here.
And I sent a list to thedates that I was in Toledo,
and I was in Toledo in thelast thirty days, sixteen days. So

like I'm there every other day.There are lots of days where I'm gonna
pick up chippotlem I went home.Do not get me wrong. But if
I'm eating down to like I livedowntown, if I'm eating downtown, my
rule is if I'm going out toeat, I have to walk there.
So even like this Astoria Bakery,Like if I'm gonna go, that's fine,
but I have to walk there andI have to walk back, Like
you gotta go, there's got tobe an incentive, you know what I

mean. And it's not like Igotta go work out for two hours of
running. Yeah yeah, but it'sjust if you're gonna do it, that's
fine, but you gotta go,you gotta walk. Yeah, that's fair,
and that's fair. That's healthy,that's very, very healthy. So
that's what I've been doing. Butit's so funny to me because I truly
don't and everybody keeps asking what I'mdoing. And a big part of it
is inter minute fasting. And Ihave not eaten this early in the day.

It is noon. I've not eatenthis early in the day and months,
So just eating right then. MyBoddy was like, wait, can
we go to bedsom I'm like,I feel like I need to yawn.
So a lot going on the showtoday. We're eating pie first off,
Oh yeah yeah, and oh II oh, oh, oh oh,

I have beef with you. Iknew as soon as you got that excited
and that loud, it was notgonna be good for me. I don't
know. I don't win this habit'sspeaking of to Leedo. It had to
have happened the last time I wasin Toledo. That's my only guess.
At some point, I have setmy phone down enough times around you or

your brother that you or your brotherhave grabbed my phone, and I have
random pictures of you, your brotherand you and your dad. I think
flipping off the camera sounds exactly likeyou. And there's about fifty of them
scattered through my phone. And I'mexaggerating a ton, but there's a lot

in my phone right now, tothe point where I don't know. I
would have to go through like fourthousand photos to find each and everyone.
But what will happen is I'll belike, somebody will be like, hey,
can I see a picture of Sebastian? Do you have a picture of
Sabbat? Or I'll bring it upand try to throw a picture, or
I'll try to find a picture ofsomething, and I'll go to scroll through

and all of a sudden there's apicture of Megan and her brother just going
boot flipping me off. Oh yeah, oh yeah. I would never behave
like that. That is that issuch a grog gronious, erroneous. I
don't know, egregious, egregious,those are egregious accusations, as my God

worked my way to get there.As keV would say, accusations, false
accusations. So that's a lady likebehavior. I would never except the problem
is is that it's a photo.So that's literally the definition of proof.
It's it's a live photo. Solike you click no about it. If

there's anything we've learned in the pastweek from the royal family, I believe
that's photoshops. That's a photoshop photo. It's absolutely photoshopped. I would my
father flip a camera off? Whodo you think he is? Do you
know how disappointed his mother would belooking down from at her son, who
she wanted to be a priest,flipping off cameras at every opportunity. You're

acting like every family photo I haveends with somebody flipping off the camera,
like this is a tradition for us. Absolutely not. We would never be
better be bet our mic. Ithas a time stamp, and it has
the location. It's literally there's noway around it. And I don't know
when you or I do know whenyou did it. And uh so now

my goal is to at some pointhe I'm never putting my phone down around
you ever, ever, ever,ever, that's what you think I know
because somehow you got it and Ihave no idea. I have no I
think we were eating. It mighthave been dinner one time, but there's
other times where I don't remember settingmy phone down and walking away from it.
But I'm going to get your phoneand I'm going to have a photo
shoot and I don't know what it'sgoing to be, and I don't know

where it's going to be, butoh, it's going to happen. It's
definitely not going to happen. Iwould say, if I could put it
on a resume, I would.One of my skills is stealing people's phones
without them realizing and take photos.The part that hurts my soul is when
they don't realize that I've done it, like you know what, you've done
it, and then you put thephone down. You're like, they're gonna
find it and the next day this'sgonna be so much fun. And they
never text you back or go,what the fuck is this because you know

they've just taken other pictures of liketheir kids, or screen grabs, or
it comes lost into the abyss thatis all of our photo albums on our
phones. But I do it waymore often than you think. I'm so
good at stealing people's phones. Well, I think that's why I knew.
I did know you did it onceI knew that, because I think I
did text you the next day.But there are so many on there that

I'll just go, I'll just go, I'll just go randomly to look for
a photo for something, and Igo, are you gotta be fucking gidding
me? It's a gift One daywhen I die and everybody has to put
those like photos together for my wake, They're gonna like search for my name
or my face and their iPhones becauseyou know they have those search features now,
and it's just gonna pop up witha ton of middle finger pictures from

when I've stolen people's phones. Iremember this photo. You know what it
is. It is my four yearold like behavior. My four year old
does the same thing. He willfind your phone and you don't even realize
you set it down or that hehas it, and then literally just takes
photos of everything. So there's likesixty photos of his feet, him walking

towards the cat, the cat runningaway from him, his face but like
half of his face that is you. That is you. But you're good
at it. You're very very goodat it. I cannot confirm nor deny,
but also definitely I do think it'ssomebody that you were like, you've
stolen my phone? Like which time? Yeah? Right, this happens way

more often than you think. Whois the best Who would you say is
the best person's phone you were ableto get and put a photo? Mm,
let's think. Let's think anytime.Like on my last morning show,
we would have comedians and every weekwhoever was going to be at the Funny
Bone that weekend, and sometimes theywould like and the younger ones were good

at this, but the older oneswere not good at this. They would
leave their phone behind when they wentto the bathroom. So they come in
get introduced during commercial breaks, sayoh wait, we're about to go live.
Can I go to the bathroom?Where to the bathroom? Leave their
phones? I did it all thetime with comedians, but I'm trying.
I think my favorite is one ofmy girlfriends, because like she always sends

photos of her baby, and shedoesn't realize that I've done it until she's
going through and picking out the babyphotos and then she's like, God,
damn it, Bagan. I doit with Shannon a lot because she sits
next to me, so she'll like, go grab audio for the dirty and
her phone's sitting next to me.And that's what I'm wondering too, is
if I have any studio ones inthere, if I've ever left my phone
in the studio when I was inthere, it's just gonna pop up one

day. It's gonna be you flippingoff the camera. Oh my god.
So there were I don't want tokind of say where I live by,
but I lived near a restaurant andthere were a bunch of women that were
leaving and they all looked really cutetogether and they were taking like photos of
each other's in groups. And Iwas walking to my apartment door and I
said, Hey, do you wantme to take like a group photo of
everybody? You look so cute?And they were like, yes, Oh

my god, it would be sonice. Ik you so much. You
gotta get you in And I waslike, I'm gonna take a whole bunch
that we get lots of ankles foryou to choose from for Instagram. They're
like, oh, tak you thinkyou Before I took any photos of them,
I took about thirty selfies of myselfcrouched down trying to get a good
angle, and then I took aboutthirty of them. It's like, you'll
never find them because they're back sofar, but right, you're welcome.

See, I ALWASO appreciate that morethan when you give a phone to like
an older couple or a couple that'sclearly not it doesn't take a lot of
other people photos. And then theytry to take a photo but you can
tell they're not taking it correctly,like they're holding it weird, or they
crouch down super super low, orthey even get at regular level, like

eye level. You can just tellthat that photo is not gonna be good.
But you don't want to be rudeand be like, hey, can
you give it to the younger personstanding next to you? So nothing will
make me angrier. Then every timeit pops up in my timeline of like,
hey, remember this from max amountof years ago and it was at
the I Already Music Festival where Mojowas taking a picture of me and Taylor

Lawtner and you can't fucking tell becauseit's the blurriest photo I've ever seen in
my entire life. And I waslike, thank you so much for this,
I was t Edwards. So itdoes make sense. It feels like
karma, uh did scold me inthat moment but I'll fucking hear you.
And he took one too bye,like a one. Absolutely, it was
one you could tell he didn't care, like he was almost walking away when

he took it. It was likewhatever. And then I was like,
you got well. My goal.My goal now is I will get your
phone at some point you won't knowwhen, you won't nowhere, and I'm
going to have a photo, shoota photo. There will be an album
fully dedicated to the probably three minutesI get your photo or your phone.

Yeah, I wish you lucky.It won't happen. Two millennials who only
agree on one thing. Jack couldhave totally fit on the door in Titan.
It's the slightly messy show with Mikeand Megan. Facts absolute facts.
So if you don't know, Meghanis from Toledo and I am from Grand
Rapids, and Meghan is in theDetroit studios right now, and I'm in

Grand Rapids studios. But she saysthat everybody has a certain way based on
where they're from of doing this,and what is that it's finding out where
people are from. And I'm actuallylearning that this is a uniquely Toledo trait.
And I didn't realize that. Okay, but I can't even find anywhere
in Ohio who does this as well. I could be wrong, But when

you are asked where you're from,Mike, even though you grew up in
Belding, did you always like ifyou traveled, would you say Grand Rapids?
So? Yeah, I would sayif somebody said, hey, where
are you from Michigan? Well,where are you from in Michigan? Grand
Rapids? And they'd be like,well, where is that? You know?
In relation? Sometimes you do thehand from Michigan. Yeah, yeah,

which is an easy way from ifyou're even if you're from Michigan.
Back of your hand absolutely not palmtowards the other person. No, something
bout your hand? Why I don'tknow, but you'll be the only person
I've ever seen use the back oftheir hand for the math of Michigan.
I look, it's aesthetically pleasing.It's aesthetically pleasing. Inside of your hand
is gross? I say, yourhand sound off? At the comments section?

Do you use the front of yourhand or the back of your hand?
Because everybody's calling it an inch andthey are correct? No, false,
false, it's no, it's notbackwards. Why does everybody say no,
it's no, no. No.If you're looking at it right now,
it's a smooth, aesthetically pleasing.I can't tell you how many comments
I just got. You are wrong, No, I refuse to don't live

in the hairy knuckle section, No, no, I live in the cracks,
the crevices of the inside of yourhand yuck. Okay, anyway,
anywhow So you would say generally,even if you were from the suburbs,
you're from Grand Rapids. Yeah,yeah, give it time, be like
fifteen minutes away. So when Itraveled and then people are like, oh,

where are you coming from, youwould go Toledo, and then Ago,
where's that? And you go,Ohio, well where in at there
was eight million Thanks, I've neverheard of it before, YadA YadA,
And then you do the random jokeslike well, uh, oh my god,
Katie, what homes is from there? And YadA YadA. Yeah,
like you start doing the whole listof like everybody who's from there, and

like a lot of cool stuff happensin Toledo. We're the home of glass
in the United States. Glasses madethere is very cool. We're called the
glass City. Everybody's like, whofucking cares. So most people in Toledo
when they travel say they're from Detroitbecause it's just a big city that's very
close. It's forty five minutes away. It's a huge everybody knows where Detroit
is. You say, different states, So yeah, but like forty five

minutes. There are suburbs of Detroitthat call themselves Metro Detroit that are an
hour and fifteen minutes away. Yeah, but that'd be like me saying I'm
from I'm trying to think of theclosest. It'd be like not Chicago,
because that's like three hours, butsomewhere in Indiana. It'd be like me
saying I'm from there. Well,if there was a major city near the
the border, when you say,yeah, I'm near there, No,

if I lived on the border,if I lived on the border of Michigan,
right, so, if I wasI was down here right pointing to
my hand, right now, downhere by Indiana, I wouldn't say I
live in Gary, Indiana. Iwould say I live in Michigan. I
wouldn't say I live in Gary,Indiana. I literally whatever, I just
I'm not having this argument with you. I don't fully understand. I don't

fully understand it. Somebody are sundingoff in the comments. Now I feel
like I need to address this.My dad was born and raised in the
city of Detroit. My family isfrom here, my dad worked here.
I spent all my time here.God damn it. I did not think
this is gonna be a big discussionabout somebody from Ohio claiming they're from Detroit.
I worked here for six years.When I was traveling, I was
spending a lot of time of year. It was just fucking easier. Okay,

I'm no, I was not youthis guy. This guy have a
commons me. I was rough.You're talking to me, You're talking to
the guy in the comments the comment, Well, honestly both. You hate
when people do what jen, I'mfrom Detroent. I hate when people do
that say they're from Detroit when they'renot from there. It's just to make
life easier. You've never had tohave small talk with somebody who maybe English

is their second language and they're tryingvery hard to practice with you, and
you don't know how to do thewords to make the conversation flow, and
everybody's trying to be nice, andit becomes a very long conversation. About
the state of Ohio, which nobodywants to have. Sometimes it's just easier
to say yes, Detroit, becauseI wanted That's all I wanted you to

say, is that Michigan is betterthan Ohio. All I wanted you to
say. Do you want to listen? I love it here, I truly
do. I do not understand theMichigan vi Ohio hate because, let me
tell you, Michiganders Ohio does notreciprocate the feelings. It's so funny to
me anytime I'm like, oh,I'm from Ohio doing that state down there
or that one that champion am orOhio sucks and I've never been like,

yeah, I moved to Michigan andpeople in Ohio be like, oh,
Michigan. It's not reciprocated by anybodyI've ever talked to ever. By the
way, it is a weird,one sided feud, you guys, and
you gotta get over it because theyjust don't care. I don't think.
I think, really it's just Michiganfootball, and I don't really care either.
But it's a big it's a bigdeal to Michigan football fans. That's

fine, but that's it. It'sonly a football discussion. If I say,
oh, I had a really hardtime at the DMV, They're like,
damn, b it's a secretary ofstate. That's state down the Oh
shucks. And I'm like, okay, well, let me tell you.
Cost a living very nice down there. Everything's very affordable. Oh, for
sure, you want to talk aboutshitty things, Let's talk about run prices,

because Ohio is where is that?You want to talk about car restorts?
Hello, Ohio, take me back, please dear God. But anyways,
this is the longest roundabout story toget to. When you're in Toledo,
there's like five questions to start aconversation with a new person. Jesus
took us a while to get here. It's Hi, how are you?

What's your name? What do youdo for a living? It's never where
are you from? The question iswhat high school did you go to?
That's how we use where are youfrom? And it's such a normal question
that it's crazy to me because everybody, whether you're from Sylvania, and there

are lots of people in Sylvania thatlook down on the city at Toledo to
Perrysburg to Oregon to what like anyof the suburbs. If you ask them
where they're from, they'll say Toledo. Not like when people ask me where
I'm from. I lived in Sloveniafor twenty eight years, and I'll still
say I'm from Toledo. I'm fromSylvania. But when I meet somebody,
they'll go, what high school didyou go to? And that's how they

determined where you're from. That's interestingbecause we know we don't do that here
because there's so many schools with thesame name. So you you say,
like you said you went to doyou care for that? I say the
high school I was I went tochew Okay pop quiz which two? I
know? Northview, that's the onlyone I know. Northea is where I
graduated from. Uh, but Iwent to Saint Ursula. But Saint Ursula

is the tricky one because it wasa private high school. So I would
say Saint Ursula and then they wouldbe like, ugh uh because you couldn't
pinpoint where I was from. Youcould be from anywhere and go to the
school. Yeah, okay, okay, So kind of the same thing is
like, except for there's so manyhigh schools. But there's I mean probably
eight million north Views here. Youknow what I mean, so if you
say north View, it still doesn'tpoint out exactly where you're at. That's
so crazy because all of the suburbs, I mean Toledo has I looked this

up the other day. There's likethree hundred thousand people in Toledo, right,
that's a guess. But all ofthe suburbs are relatively small. So
most of the suburbs only had onehigh school. I'm from Sylvania. It
used to be Sylvania High School.It got so populated it created Northby and
Safio. So there were two highschools. Okay, Sathyo. But there's

Perrysburg High School, there's Mommy HighSchool. There's you don't like, that's
how you figure out where somebody's from. It's not where'd you grow up?
It's well, high school did yougo to? Because it'll tell you all
the information you need to know.And those are all those So I could
say Belding High School, then Iwent to Belding High School, and then
they would know. Okay, Iguess that would work. We just don't
do that. It's interesting. Doyou have like a question like that that's

used in new conversations with people?It's always it is always where are you
from? And then usually it isuh. With with Michigan, it's it's
very much like they'll say the city, and then they say, well,
what's it by or what's you know, what part of it? What's it
close? You know what I mean, what's it close to? And then
there's always like a land, likea specific thing in that area. Oh,

it's by the McDonald's over on twentyeighth St. Okay, I know
exactly where you're talking about exactly.There's always a thing in that area that
stands out the most. And soyou you pointed out that way. Oh,
oh you're by Smirna dam Oh.Yeah, I know exactly where you
are. And everything's like minutes.There's no miles, there's no it's not
thirty miles from somewhere. It's you'rehalf an hour from there, forty five

minutes from somewhere. Here's the problemwith Toledo. Toledo is twenty minutes from
everything. That's kind of nice ifa dude moving here. Has been wild
for traffic because I don't know whatit's like to sit in it, and
I am learning very quickly. Iam not a patient person. What's the
average drive? Would you say anywherefrom a suburb to suburb, and the
Toledo the metro Toledo area is along drive. A long drive is twenty

five to thirty minutes. Same here. What about in Detroit, Well depends
on time day. Who are youturning it to? Yeah, because my
commute home sometimes is thirty five minutesand other times it's an hour and ten
minutes. It's crazy. It's crazy. I'm just supposed to sit patiently,

and I don't. I don't understandwhy there are morphist fights on the side
of the roads in Michigan because I'mmad all the time. There is.
Uh So, Grandap is very muchlike Toledo in every the longest I probably
ever drive to anything on a veryvery long I mean pushing it is like

thirty minutes, forty minutes we're goingfor the day, forty five for an
to an hour we're going. We'reprobably gonna be gone a few hours.
But if I'm just making a tripback and forth, it's a seventeen minute
drive to work, and half anhour's the longest I usually drive throughout the
day. Dude, I went toBG for college Bowling Green State University.
I don't do people know, likedo you know when I say BG,

what that meant. No, Ido, only because you've said it a
million times waiting. I was college, but you didn't know like what it
was. Yes, yes, okay, I know it's a college. I
don't I wouldn't know Bowling Green,but I know it sounds very college.
So I went to BEG for college. And BG is in Bowling Green,

Ohio. It's out in the fuckingboonies, right, okay. And I
remember that when, like at thetime, I was working in Toledo and
I was working on my morning showthere and I was leaving after the morning
show to go to class, andfrom downtown Toledo to campus and BEG was
like thirty minutes, and people wouldbe like, oh my god, I
can't believe you commute to school.That is so incredibly far. And I

remember because to get to big backto Slovania, where I lived when classes
were over, was like a goodforty five minutes to an hour, depending
on traffic whatever. And my dadwould be like, I don't think you
want to commute to school. Ijust think that's going to be quite a
long commute for you. Now.And now I'm sitting in the car for
forty five minutes every day, andI'm like, I mean, I'm I
moved to be closer to work andI'm still so far away. Well that'll

change when they move, when theygo downtown. When they go downtown,
you're going to be living the dream, the dream walk to work if you
want, and if you want,I don't know if it's walkable. I
don't know if i'd walk, butI would definitely ride my bike. Yeah,
that's that's yeah, I'm I wouldlike to work. That is sod.
Everybody thinks I'm crazy. I usedto ride my bike to work when
I lived in Toledo, and everybody'slike, ohnodrus so different. Not at

five o'clock in the morning. No, no, no, I know.
I promise you that I see exactlythe same amount of people. I know
what to expect. Do you thinkdo you think with traffic getting the way
that it is, I guess it'salways been like this, but now that
you're experiencing it more that the selfdriving cars eventually someday are going to be
like the thing where we all haveto sit and ride in cars and like

handle like you could literally do workand just ride around in a car.
All day, absolutely, which Ilook forward to. I just wish public
transportation was better because now that I'mliving in the city, I use public
transportation a lot, like a lot, a lot. I use it almost
on a daily basis, and Ilove it. I think it's so convenient,

it's so nice. It's so funnyto me that I come from a
small area where typically the only peopleusing and the only public transportation we had
where buses, where people in Indianpeople who didn't have the funds to pay
for cars and gas and insurance andall of that. And area I grew
up in. It's an affluent areathat wasn't a ton of people, so

a lot of people are like,we don't need public transportation. As soon
as you get into a place thathas accessible public transportation, let me tell
you, it's a game changer.And it's packed constantly, Yeah, constantly.
Like could you imagine living in likea Chicago where you don't even need
a car, You don't ever needa car. That made me so jealous
when Ellen moved there and sold hercar. Yeah, no car insurance,

no car payments, No if itbreaks, you don't have to worry about
you just pay a I don't eventhink it's that much to ride the train
everywhere, right, But I'm sayingwith you is like I come from a
town or area anyways in West Michiganwhere we don't have I mean, we
have buses, but we don't havetrains or subways or anything like that.
Because it was always it was alwayskind of a thing where like, well,

you should get a car, youdon't really need to ride transportation,
because that's like the that was likethe if you couldn't afford to do those
kinds of if you couldn't afford toget a car, you had to ride
those things. Now I look atlike what you were saying, I look
exactly what you're saying and going,You're absolutely right, like that's that would
be great to have. It wouldbe amazing to convenience, especially where I
am like getting my car in andall of a sudden it kind of does

suck, especially if I'm staying inthe city, Like I don't want to
pay for parking, I don't wantto do all that. Instead, the
people mover is free. I justwish it went more places. Yeah,
and same with a queue line.It's great and most of the time I
don't I think I've paid for thekey once. Most of the time is
like free days or whatever it is. They've got like cool promoms going on
all the time. I also havethe app for it that I pay on

sometimes. But like, I justwish they went more play. I wish
they had longer tracks. Yeah,because I use them and I think they're
great services. They're just in asmall area. Are they making a train
I know you got to you gothere in a second. Are they making
a train that goes from here allthe way up to like up north.
Isn't that like a project that's onthe way. I think so, because

it's supposed to connect like Toledo toDetroit to Chicago. And I'm I was
like for me personally, if Ilived and worked in the city, I
could take a train home to myfamily or take a train to go see
Ellen that was efficient and not tooexpensive, I'd consider getting Like just no,

I wouldn't get rid of my car. I love my car too much.
Well, it's probably faster to drivethere, it probably will be like
a longer commute, Like I know, even the train from or yeah,
the train from Grand Raptis to Chicagois still as much longer than it is
to just drive there, but youget to sit back and sleep if you
want. No purely for parking,it's one hundred dollars a night. A

cheap place is for me to parkin Chicago, So if I don't have
to take my car and I canwork on the way there and work on
the way back. Great. Andwith my brother stays the night in my
parking garage, there are better places. I'm not trying to say everything's this
expensive, but in my parking garageif you're not, like, if you
don't have a spot, it's twentyfive bucks a night, twenty five bucks
a day. So if he staysthe weekend and he's paying what seventy five
one hundred bucks to come visit me, yeah, it was kind of good.

Cheap train ticket, that's insane.Do you think we can get our
pictures on the side of the train. When it comes to my brother literally
staying with me for six nights soonand I was like, I'm gonna come
down and pick you up. I'lljust come down and get you so that
you don't have to pay for twohundred dollars for the parking. Yes,
insane, right, that's absolutely same. I know you have to go.

I'm excited to see you all thisweekend for Irish me too. It's gonna
be a lot of fun, alot of fun. I know you guys
are riding in the alley together.That sounds like a blast. I'm excited
to see you guys. Well,I'm gonna be honestly, no, oh
what, I'm more excited to seeSchmidy than you. I know you are.
Everybody is, everybody is exactly coming. Yes, yeah, cool,

my girls are coming. I guessI'll see you there if I see you
all right by What is the piscesand what is it cancer? We have
no idea what that says about them, but we're sure it's not good.
It's a slightly missy show with Meganand mine. I do love you,
I know I do love you too. Okay,
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