All Episodes

April 26, 2024 53 mins

This week, Sandra helps us learn the meaning of dreams and nightmares from Dream Expert Dr. Janet Piedalato!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And you're here.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Thanks for choosing the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network. Your quest for podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural,
and the unexplained ends here. We invite you to enjoy
all our shows we have on this network, and right now,
let's start with Chase of the Afterlife with Sandra Champlain.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
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only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
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and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself. Hi,
I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been
on a journey to prove the existence of life after death.
On each episodisode, we'll discuss the reasons we now know

that our loved ones have survived physical death and so
will we. Welcome to Shades of the Afterlife. We've spoken
a lot in the past about dreams we have at
night of our deceased loved ones. You know those dream
visitations also lucid dreaming, getting into that very real space

and inviting your loved one in. Dreams of our loved
one are so comforting. But today we're going at a
different angle. This is in that time between just waking
up or just falling asleep and being awake and inviting
our loved ones in through the dream gate. Today you'll

meet doctor Janet Pete A Latto, who is a psychologist
and has given her life to the dreaming world. She
holds two doctorates, including one in trans personal psychology, where
she studied with doctor Stanley Kripner, a world renowned dream psychologist.

Through her writing, she offers a glimpse of the inner
world that we can access through our dreams. Let's meet
doctor Janet.

Speaker 4 (02:15):
I am a dreamer, and most people who do know
me know that I already have my memorial stone in
the ground, probably for the last fifteen twenty years, and
beneath my name it says dreamer. I look at a
life that I've worn many hats. I've been a daughter,
a wife, a mother. I've been a professor, I've been

an author, but I've always been a dreamer through all
of it. So while the hats come off, and I
move through different phases and new chapters may open in
my life. It is the dream gate that basically gives
me life. Most of us look at our lives and say,
we get up in the morning, we go to work,
we see, feel here, touch and taste everything around us.

We communicate with our physical world, but we're only half awake.

Speaker 5 (03:04):
If that's all we pay attention to.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
Sandra, it really is moving the waking world to join
with the dream world, to elevate consciousness. Consciousness is all
around us. We sit in consciousness, as opposed to those
who think consciousness is and little envelopes inside our brain.
The Egyptians pulled the brain out and threw it away.
They were right because it's only a transformer. But that invisible,

hidden part of ourselves, thesaura mystica, is really what life's about.
And for me, that's the reason why I'm alive without it.
What I see in the physical world is not enough
to seduce me to be here. But when I join
my dream gait information all of what I get and
I don't mean dream by just putting the head on
the pillow, going to sleep at night and perchance remembering

one out of the five dreams that we have. Every
ninety minutes. At night, we're going to have a dream.
We just don't remember it because we don't wake up,
and memories of dream material made at night are not
stored the same way as our working material during the day,
And so we may get one dream at night we remember,
and if we're clever enough, we write it down. I

have thousands of pages of dreams from the time I
was a child, and those dreams will still have something
to tell me, because the superficial of the story of
the dream is not what we need to see. It's
what's beneath it, and that's what dream therapy is about.
The dream may tell us that there's a particular person
in a particular place and particular events, but each one

of those is an image, and that image is a doorway,
and that doorway brings us to remember something else, until
in the end we have this Eureka moment when we say, oh,
my goodness, this dream is telling me something that you
need to know in your life that you've missed. Do
we only get it during sleep? Absolutely not.

Speaker 3 (04:58):
During the day.

Speaker 4 (04:59):
We can be out of you to doing our work,
and all of a sudden, like bubbles in a champagne glass.

Speaker 5 (05:04):
Material rises.

Speaker 4 (05:05):
We're thinking about someone, we're thinking about event in our life,
or if it's someone like me, Suddenly I'm in Egypt
and I'm seeing my friend, my families that are in Egypt,
and I'm seeing them doing certain things, and I can
pick up the phone and call them. We call that
remote vision, and I'm seeing something that happens. Why, it's
not out of body. If we're out of body, we did,

but when we extend our body, expanded body is what
I like to call it. We have an expanded experience
because we're welcoming consciousness all around us. It's very shamanic.
What does a shaman do? Or shaman goes into the
dream world? What do the Aborigines do? They go into
the dream world. That doesn't mean that you put your
head on the pillow and go to sleep. If each

person in life would only do this, would be aware
of they're standing in a grocery store and all of
a sudden, they're remembering being a child, and their grandmother
is making a cake that they like, and they're sitting
down and they're talking to her. If they would realize
that that's a message you're seeing something on a landscape
that's not around you, that's not in your physical environment.

But you've gone beyond time and space to connect with
something or someone that's not in your environment right then
and there, and you've put that material down, and of
course you begin to analyze it and walk through the
doorways as to what it's going to tell you.

Speaker 5 (06:27):
For me, this is what life is about.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
I've had tragedies in my life, and if that's all
I would be looking at, why would I want to
be here? I would say life is just tough, and
these tragedies are not pleasant. Therefore I could curl up
in the corner and cry all day or say it's unfair.
But I don't look at it that way. Every tragedy
is an opportunity. The heart breaks open so that more

can happen and we can see more. And by going
into the dream, we understand our life here is so transient.
Look at all of the generations and millennium that have
passed before us, Sandra, They've all gone somewhere and we're
going to join them. We're going to connect with every
one of those ancestors, and we can do it here

and now too. So my life is very much about
walking that magical path of the viamistical mystical path. What
I see in waking reality is important. We have to
pay our bills, we have to pay the taxes, we
have to eat. Yes, and I have a chef's degree
as a pastry chef. I went to the French Culinarians
and actually moved into the city while I took the coursing.

And unfortunately, my first born, my little Jeannette, developed leukemia,
and then shortly after, unfortunately, my beautiful son Ignatius passed
away with aortic stenosis.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
I've grown up with death.

Speaker 4 (07:46):
I often tell people, and this is good for anyone
who's suffering and has lost a loved one, that we
have the story of the Garden of Eden, and there's
a tree in that garden, and the Judeo Christian story
where we eat off the tree, and this is why
we are sent down as the fall from grace. And
I have a little different interpretation. We have a fall,

but it's not a fall because we did something wrong.
It's a falling consciousness. We're in that garden and there's
a tree, and there's wisdom on that tree, and that
wisdom is spoken by the snake, the snake that's immortal,
that sheds its coat and becomes new over and again,
that never dies. And the snake tells us, come, would

you like a bite of the apple? But there's a
contract if you want that apple. The apple is bittersweet,
and if you wish to bite it, the contract is
that you will suffer as well as having joy. You'll
see your beautiful life, but you'll also be disappointed in things.
You'll have losses, and you'll have gains, all pairs of opposites.

Would you like to experience this? And so each one
of us that's here has bitten into that apple. And
the cooks of the matter is there's always an image
of Adam and Eve being escorted by an angel through
a doorway through which the grim reaper stands. Death is
by the doorway. And if we understand that that's the

hope that death will bring us back to the great
Garden of Eden, that's the promise that we're going to
be born. But the birth that brings us here, there's
another birth that brings us back into the garden. Death
is our best friend, saying that our life here as
wonderful or as horrible as it can be is all transient.

Every moment is flowing toward our return home. And I
can look at this and say, truly, I had an
experience which showed me one hundred percent this is what
it is. My daughter was ill for five years and
she was taken care of in Slow Memorial in Manhattan.

Speaker 5 (09:56):
I met many.

Speaker 4 (09:57):
People with children like mine that were on the line
to go home. And it was interesting because at this
place I met people from all over the world that
I'm still very dear friends with. We experienced something that
no one wants to experience, and yet it opened our
eyes to something great. When my daughter was at the

very end and the hospital could do no more for her,
they sent her home and they sent me all the
injections and everything to do for her, to give her
the infusions, and I would wake her up at four
o'clock in the morning. I still wake up every four
o'clock in the morning, and I would have to attach
her medporch to the chemo. But the chemo would only

run forty minutes, and I was not given a chas
of sailing that I could go to sleep, so I
would kneel on the wooden floor. And it was September
because she was in palliative care under me from September
through January, and while I was on the floor, I
would have my rosary beads with me. I'd just say
the one prayer over and over and over and over

and just don't think. And that's what I would be
doing at four o'clock in the morning, watching the chemo drop.
And suddenly I found myself on the ceiling of the room,
looking down at my body that was saying the rosary,
my daughter that was getting the chemo, and I heard
a voice, and the voice said to me, you agreed

to this? Do you remember? And believe me?

Speaker 5 (11:21):

Speaker 4 (11:22):
When I was up on that ceiling, I'm not only
remembered and knew that I agreed, but I also knew
that it was absolutely no big deal. It was as
though I had agreed that my daughter would go and
play in the park for a while without me, and
then I would eventually go to join huh. And then
all of a sudden I would be washed back into

my body and I'd say, what was that I agreed
to that? That's horrible. And I would move through September, October, November, December.
Every week she had that infusion that I had to
give her a chemo. By the time she passed away,
I was totally convinced that there was a truth to that,

that each one of us has a pre birth contract.
We bite into that apple, but we're given choices of
what we're going to experience in life, and then we're
sent and usually there's the story of being dipped into
the what is a forgetfulness? So if we realize death
is our friend because we're going home and we're not home,

we're visiting here, we're visiting. And I remember telling my
mother that when I was a child I was visiting,
she wasn't really my mother, the family wasn't really my family,
and my name is not really Janet because who was
I before she gave me that name.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
I'm going to stop Janet here until after the break
because she goes into a story about meeting up with
her grandfather who is deceased. Now, notice that Janet had
those supernatural experiences at four o'clock in the morning while
she was giving her daughter chemo. There's something about that
twilight time. Hear more from her when we get back.

You're listening to shades of the afterlife on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Stay right there. There's more Sandra common right out Hey
the Coast to Coast a YouTube channel. Cham Go to
Coast to Coast am dot com for more information. Hi,

it's doctor Sky.

Speaker 6 (13:47):
Keep it right here on the iHeart Radio and Coast
to Coast AM Pyronormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain
and we're here with doctor Janet Peter Lado Dream Expert.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
I was home.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
I was not in school yet, so I was about
four years old. My mom got a phone call that
my grandfather, her father, had taken a stroke, and we
went down to Grandpa's house. I stood by his bed
and I held his hand as Grandpa died, and Grandpa
passed away holding my hand, and my mother opened up
my fingers and brought me home and I ran up

to my bedroom to play, and Grandpa was sitting on
the bed and we played and talked. When I was
taken as a little girl in my little white dress
that my mom made me to the funeral, Paula. I
still hate Gladiola's.

Speaker 5 (14:51):
To this day.

Speaker 4 (14:52):
The whole hole was lined with them. And Grandpa was
in his box, and I couldn't understand because I knew
he was still all right. And he came to visit
me again on the eve of my wedding, coming into
my bedroom. So I've been extremely lucky. My daughter also
appeared to me after she passed away. It's very interesting

because it was twenty five years after her death. I
was not looking for her. It was and this is
important for people to realize. It was not listening to
somebody's voice, speaking and getting energy around them. Was in
the middle of the night this time of the year.
My husband was an accountant. He was working. I kept
on getting up from bed to tell him, come to

Betty's working too late, it's too late, too late. And
I finally wake up and I think I see him
standing by the bay window in our home. And then
I realized that it's not my husband, it's not Biggie.
It's my daughter, Jeanette. And I knew immediately that this
was going to be very fast because I knew she
had passed. She came to me. She was physical. I

hugged her and she was warm, and she said to me,
don't forget me, mommy. Now we had boxes that we
had put together with her toys, and we had only
begun to dismiss them and pass them away. And I
called my husband to be in the room, and he
appeared in the room, and she said to him, thank you, daddy,

thank you for saving my pony. And I didn't know
what she was talking about. In the morning, I realized
that I was in what was called a hypnopoptic state.
You're coming out of your sleep state, but you're not
quite in waking reality. And she disappeared in my arms.
I said to him, do you remember dreaming last night?

Because I knew he hadn't physically walked. He didn't remember anything.
I said, it's strange because Jeanetti said, thank you, daddy
for saving my pony. He was very quiet. There was
one box at the very end of what we were
putting into a big dumpster, and I said him, don't
even bother to open it. I can't bear to look
at these toys. He looked at me sheepishly, and he

said there were two things I saved. I said, what
did you say? He said, I don't know what I saved.
I said, wait to put them. He said, I left
them in the garage. I didn't want to hurt you,
so I didn't bring them in. He brings it in
and one is my little ponies. With the little ponies. Now,
the connection of Jeannette in the middle of the night,
giving me substantial confirmation that she's there telling me something

I don't know. He doesn't know that he actually has
to go out in the garage and get That was
an amazing experience. But at the same time, my husband
lost a brother when he was only twelve years old,
and he really never recovered. I had a hard time
speaking to him about it. He played the accordion he

never played for me. His life changed. It was just
the two boys. The brother was much older, he was
nineteen when he passed away. I never met him, obviously.
And at the same time that this happened with Janette,
I'm in my office which was next to my husband,
and my brother in law walked in to my office
and I knew it was he because I know what

he looks like. And again, Sandra, I was not looking
for him. I said to him, don't you tell me
that you love Iggy because I know that already. I said,
give me something so that I know you're really here.
So He opened up his hand and he showed me
a photograph of my husband dressed in a baseball outfit.

I said to him, no, absolutely not, I know he
doesn't like sports. This is impossible. So he disappears. I
went into my husband the office right next to me,
and he said to me, I don't know what to
tell you, he said, you know me. I said, did
your brother ever dress you up for Halloween or what? No? No, no,
he knew nothing. A couple of months later, Iggy's best

friend walks into the office. He has an article from
our Staten Island newspaper and the article reads, Ebitttsfield's last
game had Island flavor, and in the very center is
a picture of my husband in a white baseball outfit,
the same picture that his brother showed me months before. Now,

I didn't see the entire group. He only showed me Iggy.
Iggy recognized immediately from what I had told him.

Speaker 5 (19:19):
And he comes in.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Apparently the Staten Island group had played in this game.
And he comes in and he says, to me, this
is what Vito showed you. I said, Iggy, I didn't
see all the boys around him. I just saw you
in the white outfit. I said to him, don't you
remember it? He said to me, no, he said, I
don't remember anything about it. So I looked and I
said to him, when did Vito die? This was taken

after Vito died, so obviously my husband was in shock.

Speaker 5 (19:46):
He's twelve thirteen years old.

Speaker 4 (19:48):
He doesn't remember anything even decades later taking this picture.
So I walked back in my office. He's standing with
his childhood friend and Iiggy's brothers the office waiting for me,
and he said to me, go back and tell my
brother to show you my best friend, so you'll be hysterical.

I'm not very polite with these visits. And I turned
around and I said to him, they were all little
boys in that picture. I said, what are you telling
me you're best friend?

Speaker 5 (20:16):
You're a lot older.

Speaker 4 (20:17):
He disappears. I went out and I said to him,
Iggy Fido just said that you're And again, my husband
knew I always saw things. And he puts his glasses
on and he points to one of the men at
the top and he says, yeah. He said, this was
my brother's best friend. He wanted to try to make
a match with our cousin. So how do you explain.

Now you spoke about Stanley Kripner. I told Stanley this,
and as Stanley said to me, this is called super SI.
He said, you have somebody from the other side coming
to tell you and show you a picture of something
that happened after they died. And that picture is not
going to show up in a local newspaper until a
couple of months later. It's probably not even an important piece.

It's a filler. This is not really news. This is
something that happened years ago.

Speaker 5 (21:06):
He said.

Speaker 4 (21:06):
Your mind would have to go to the past, to.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
The future, to the back. He said.

Speaker 4 (21:11):
The easiest explanation is that Veto came and spoke to you,
And of course, unfortunately he never came back so that
I could.

Speaker 5 (21:18):
Apologize and say to him.

Speaker 4 (21:20):
I'm your sister and Lauren boy, I didn't.

Speaker 5 (21:22):
Give you a great meeting.

Speaker 4 (21:24):
But for those that suffer and don't have these experiences,
know that they're for all of us to understand. We
don't die. We absolutely don't die.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Those are verifiable bits of information, and I am sure
that he has forgiven you.

Speaker 4 (21:39):
I wasn't looking, and I give classes for a lot
of the mediumship places I taught an author finlay on dreams.

Speaker 5 (21:45):
But one of the things I don't like to.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
Do is to sit and listen to voices, and because
there's energy around people, so I love the fact that
mine comes spontaneously. I'm in my office mining my own
business and my brother in law shows up. I'm not
thinking about him, I'm not looking for him. We haven't
spoken about him, but he gives me such a validating
and really are non believers. They're not going to believe

because I tell them something. They need to have the
experience themselves, which is what my therapy is about. People
will come to meet at a grieving and I bring
them into dream through what I call the lucid waking
dreaming stage, and that state brings them communication from ancestors
near and far, because we're related to everyone, but dreams,

dreams make us live, and they make us move through tragedies,
understanding that it's just another experience. It's like my daughter dying.
It was such a gift to have her, and I'm
going to join her. She hasn't gone anywhere that I'm
not going, but the communication from her was amazing the
same way for my grandfather. And I've been lucky because

I've had many others. I don't want to spend the
whole time on them, but it just to give people
a little sight and hope that it is in dreams
and not just head on the pillow at night, but
in waking dreams that they can connect.

Speaker 3 (23:06):
Can you give us some things that we can do ourselves.
I'm fascinated by the whole lucid world. Let me just compare.
There's so much evidence of the afterlife out there, but
to most people, that tipping point hasn't occurred. That most
people have the information, and I think the dream world
is the same thing people go to bed at night.

They think of their dreams as just what happens. Maybe
they remember them, maybe they don't. But I also think
that tipping point can come too with how valuable our
dream world is to so much. But I know so
many of us want to connect with our loved ones.
Would you offer any tips as to how we could
get into that lucid world ourselves and know that loved

ones are with us.

Speaker 4 (23:51):
And first of all, a lot of people think that
the lucid for the dream is at night dreaming and
being aware that you're dreaming, and that's it's very true,
but as I've had a communication when I taught for
the society that studies the dreams, and I disagreed with
them because again, I'm always walking the opposite direction of

everyone else. But for me, it's not just lucidity during
a night dream. And many people can't do that, and
that's fine, it's not important. But we can have a
lucid dream one we're awake. A shaman has a lucid dream,
he's awake, he's aware that he's in another state. A medium,
especially a trance medium, is aware that they're in another

state unless they're so deep in trance and then they're
not aware, and that one is not really the state
we want to be in.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
We can do this, and how do we do it?

Speaker 4 (24:42):
All? Right? First of all, I'll start with the night dreams,
because that's what most people want. You don't need to
look for a lucid dream at night. But when you
wake up in the morning, if someone is going to work,
if someone has an appointment at a certain hour and
they need so much time to get themselves ready, to shower,
it to take their coffee, whatever it is, put your
alarm clock on with a soft gentle waking like chimes.

About twenty minutes to a half hour before you need
to get out of bed, and then don't move and
say to yourself, where was I?

Speaker 5 (25:14):
Where was I?

Speaker 4 (25:15):
The Egyptians felt that dream was a noun, and the
hieroglyphic for dream was feet and an open eye, an
eye that was seeing they were going someplace. Dream was
not a verb. Dream was a place and a lot
of healing that happened during the dream, and part of
healing one we're grieving is connecting with an ancestor who

passed to show us that they are still alive, because
our waking life contradicts that and says that's not true.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
So you're awake, you've.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
Got twenty minutes a half hour you ask yourself, where
was I, what was I doing?

Speaker 5 (25:55):
Who was I with? And how do I feel about this?

Speaker 3 (26:00):
We'll go to the break now and then we'll come
back so you can hear it fully her description how
you can walk through the dreamgate. You're listening to Shades
of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Pirinormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
Keep it here on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Sander Champlain will be right back.

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Speaker 3 (26:51):
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Speaker 7 (26:53):
All the info is waiting for you now at Coast
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this is your followgist Kevin Randall, and you're listening to
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain
and we're with dream expert doctor Janet Pete Lato. She
recommends setting your alarm clock to chimes or gentle music
twenty minutes to half hour before you wake up. Let's continue.

Speaker 4 (27:45):
So you're awake, You've got twenty minutes a half hour.
You asked yourself, where was I, what was I doing,
who was I with? And how do I feel? About this,
and then you say, I remember, okay, it's fine. Either
get a tablet or a piece of paper or pay

it or whatever you want to do. Sit up and
say to yourself, right now, where am I all right?
For me, I'd say in my grandpa's bed. Why, simply
because that's what came to me. And I'm holding his hand,
and yeah, what's happening here? My mother is off to
the side. I'm in the family house. This is my

maternal background, and Grandpa is there, and what's happening here?
Grandpa is transitting because the next thing I see, we're
still in a bedroom, but it's my bedroom and Grandpa's
sitting on the bed, hugging me and talking, how do
I feel fabulous? Okay, so you're going to say you
just made that up. Yes, I made it up by

faculty of my imagination, the faculty which allows me to
make images. The image is important. Without that, we wouldn't
know where to go in the morning. We wouldn't even
know where we were. People that have alpheimis, that's part
of the problem. There's no connection to these images anymore.
They don't know anything. When people say to me, it's
just my imagination. Cut out the just and say, yes,

it's my imagination and thank god I have it because
it's the tool that allows me.

Speaker 5 (29:16):
Now, what is this telling me?

Speaker 4 (29:18):
Actually it was the perfect example because I don't hesitate.

Speaker 5 (29:23):
If you notice, I don't.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
Have to sit here and say, oh, where do I
want to be? I said, what wanted to come? Grandpa
noticed I didn't say dying. He transit it because we
did transit. We moved from his bedroom where the physical
passed into the eternal, which was me as a little
girl sitting on my bed seeing my grandfather very much

alive communicating with me. The dream, which I just literally
let come out of the unconscious, is here to say
to me there is life after passing from the body.
There's absolutely no question. It's giving us the hope in
something that should come, and it's opening up another doorway

for me. And that doorway was in another dream that
I had where when I came to the door, there
was writing, and I knew the writing was the Kabbala,
but I don't know the Kabbala, and I'm Loucid in
the dream, and I'm saying I wish they would have
given me hieroglyphs because that's what I was studying. I
could read hieroglyphs. But then I pushed the cock webs

away and pushed the door open, and a voice from
inside literally said, we don't die. The next day, my
husband's friend and my friend as well, a Jewish man
had passed away, and I called his wife and I
said to her, and that dream was for you, because
the door had the writing of the Kabbala, which is

from Judaism, I said, And the message from Mark was
to tell you we don't die. So notice that from
a little girl standing by a bed with a grandfather
that's passing, to a little girl moving to sitting on
her own bed an hour after the incident with the grandfather,
who now is quite alive and vibrant. Sir Isaac Newton,

one of the most brilliant brains that ever came on
the planet, spent years decades in alchemy looking for the truth.
And he wasn't looking to make gold. He was looking
for the enlightenment of knowing. And what is that memory
that we've lost. The memory is that we think everything
that's around us is real. The truth is nothing around

us is real. My hard desk that I'm banging on,
that's going to disintegrate. Someday it's going to fall apart.
But what I see in the imaginal realm is internal,
which is why we can go past, and we can
go present, and we can go future, because it's all
there outside of time and connecting like that. So in

the morning, when you wake up, whether or not you're
remembering the dream, you do what I just did. If
you don't remember the dream, what's popping into your head?

Speaker 5 (32:02):
Where are you?

Speaker 4 (32:03):

Speaker 5 (32:03):
You wish?

Speaker 4 (32:04):
What's going on? And how do you feel? And you
keep on writing, And then of course you have to
amplify as I did, to say what is it making
me think of? Where is it passing? Even to the
door for Judy who was my Jewish friend who was
to lose her husband, and I had the message the
night before of the kabbala saying we don't die. That's

one of the ways. And I certainly had a patient
that worked with me. I do complimentary medicine. He had cancer,
but we were working on dreams and he never remembered
a dream in his whole life. He was in his sixties,
and I said to him, we're going to do this.
I said, I'll help you but you have to make
up a dream every morning when you wake up. And
for weeks he came, and every morning, every time he came,

it was a made up dream, until one day he
came and said to me, I didn't make up a
dream for today. So I thought, okay, Al, that's fine,
not a problem. He said, no, I actually had one.
So that's one of the ways that you can begin
to have a dream. Also, you can dream incubate, so
that before you go to bed at night, sit there
and if someone just passed, or at somebody's anniversary or

somebody's birthday, and you say it because you miss them,
actually work yourself up into teas, be emotional about it,
admit how you feel, and then pad it in paper
or hand to tablet and write down I want to dream.
I want to connect with this person and ask them
a question and not a yes and no answer, something
you would like them to help you with in life.

Show me like I was with my brother in law
that I had only met twice, to say, show me
something that's confirming, tell me something that'll give me hope,
and then go to sleep. Now, if you have trouble
that you think you might not remember the dreams. A
little hint is to me, I drink so much tea
every day and I'll have two or three cups just

reading my book at nights, and I don't mind. I'm
going to wake up during the night to your Nate.
And one of the things is you wake up, you're
going to wake up at the tail end of one
of those dreams and you're going to remember it. And
so I've been known to write as many as five
dreams a night. So you can do that if you're
willing to wake up and record the dreams, that will
help you. If that's not working, we can do the

waking lucid dream. And this is when we do what
the Shamans do. We dedicate ourselves to the harmony of
the universe. We don't want to see anything that's going
to be in any way invasive to anyone or hurtful
to anyone. Never then we ask that there's a guiding

spirit that will be with us, and this can show
up as anything. It could be a grandmother, grandfather, could
be a relative, dear friend and someone that in.

Speaker 5 (34:48):
Our life passed away, but we would like to be.

Speaker 4 (34:52):
With them as the guardian who is going to pass
through the dream gate and we can close our eyes
and let the images wrong. Some people hear things, some
people will see things, clairvoyant audio, voidings, it doesn't matter.
And then we come up with some sort of a question.
We're dream incubating. What do we want? Maybe we just
want to see our beloved who passed away, our husband,

our son, our daughter, and we ask that we might
be able to see them. We close our eyes, soft music,
something that's going to lull us, or just the quiet
breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out, and then
asking to be brought to a memory, a memory of

something with the beloved. And what we tend to notice
is the places that we go shift there's something in
it that we didn't see before. Perhaps there's a painting
on the wall that we don't remember. In the room
there's another room or a closet that we don't remember,
or something on a table that's there, and we begin

to communicate in our mind. We start a conversation sitting
at a table of the questions or what we wish
to say to this person that maybe we didn't have
time to say. I often have people grieving and they'll
come to me, and there was an argument, and somebody
passed away and they did not have the time to

put an end to that argument. So this is the
time to do it. And then they come back and
they record and write everything that they saw because there's
little details in that vision that will give them the answers.
And often when you're beginning on your own, which is
why people go to people like me, you need somebody
to help you. It was called young working with people

for years, each image opens up to something else that
you didn't think of. So that dream that you may
wake up, or even with the waking time, when you're
thinking of someone that you want to be with, you
to go through the gate. You imagine a gate or
a door, maybe the house where this person lived, a
table where you're going to sit in a conversation. You

look for all the details of things that are in
that because each one will open up to a memory
that will tell you something else, and all of a
sudden you'll be able to say, oh, my goodness, I
didn't think of that. It's called mnmnieces. I didn't remember that.
I didn't think of that. That makes me feel so good.
That shows me this person is here. And sometimes it's

only something little.

Speaker 5 (37:27):
I opened up the.

Speaker 4 (37:28):
Doorway one morning and inside there was somebody that I
didn't know in life, I'd never met, but it was
a husband of one of my clients. And all this
person said to me was, my name is not and
he said the name that I knew him by from
what his wife said my name is. And he gave
me something I didn't understand. He said, but it's that's

not my name. And when I spoke to her during therapy,
I said, I'm not quite sure what this means. I
wasn't told anything else except this is not my name.
She said, My children don't even know that.

Speaker 5 (38:00):
She said.

Speaker 4 (38:00):
He grew up in a society where his religion was
not accepted, so he had to pass himself off as
a Christian, and so that's why he took a Christian
name for everybody to know.

Speaker 5 (38:12):
But that was not his name.

Speaker 4 (38:13):
I said, I wish I had more. She said, no, absolutely,
you're telling me. And again I wasn't looking for him.
I go through the doorway every morning, every night, and
during the day spontaneously things happen, and I know I'm
sitting at my computer. I'm quite lucid, but I also
know my consciousness has expanded. It's not left my body.
I hate that expression out of body experience. It's expanded

body experience. But it's all dream. So I tell people,
if you're not making the dreams at night happen, if
you're not getting up and making up one in the
morning and realizing that making up that dream like what
I just did with my grandfather is important and perfect
for Grandpa to come forward for everybody today because that
message was for everyone. We don't die, and that's the

message that you give. But if that's not what happens,
then you have to give time to it. It's the
via mystica, the mystical path. You have to be willing
to be open, and you have to realize that that
ridiculous dream that seems to be so totally crazy is
not crazy at will.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
Next, doctor Janet will tell us about frightening dreams. Yes,
we all have nightmares. The first let's go to the break.
You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio
and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
Stay there, Sandra will be right back.

Speaker 6 (39:49):
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Speaker 4 (40:24):
This is Afterlife Expert Daniel Braakley and you're listening to
the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (40:47):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain
and we're with dream expert doctor Janet Pete Alatto. Next,
she'll talk about those duretded nightmares.

Speaker 4 (40:58):
I've had people come with dreams that they've been terrified.
You usually have a frightening dream so that you remember it,
and then you need to go through the doorways to
what the dream is actually telling you. And the dream
may be totally opposite of what you think, which most
of the time it is. The dream is made of images,
and the image is the key, because it's the door.

We put that key in and we open it and
we go somewhere else. I was at a funeral that
I wrote the eulogy for one of my best friends,
and her mother died when she was like I think,
six years old. She had an aneurysm. So this girl
it was a tough life. But it was her stepmother
that passed that I knew, and certainly that this girl

grew up with. But as she was presenting the eulogy
for her stepmother, her real mother was there and I
saw the real mother, but this is not the real thing.
Next to her, there's another woman, and this other woman
is not the woman who died. But she's telling me
I was second mother. And again here I am saying,

I know you weren't. Irene who died was the second mother.
We came out of the church and I told my
friend and she smiled and she said to me, you
didn't realize that, she said, but that was my grandmother.
She was my second mother. My grandmother took care of
me for years before my father remarried, and I didn't
know that. So again, these are all substantial to tell people.

Now I'm sitting in a church awake, totally awake. I'd
be some witness in court, that's for sure. They wouldn't
be able to look at me and know where I
was seeing what. But it's all to confirm that there
is a life.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
It is exciting and the commitment has to be there.
So I love that. I love what you say about
setting the alarm half hour early to nice music or
chimes or something, because I know I've had it and
those in between moments. But then paying attention to the
dream if you can, and if you didn't have.

Speaker 4 (42:58):
It, we can create created, and that the creation is
just as important, and that's just realize.

Speaker 3 (43:05):
And then we could invite our loved one, right and
then see that gate and walk through it. And how
do I feel? And I think the most important thing
that you said to me is throw out the word
just just my imagination. The imagination is the key to
the gate.

Speaker 5 (43:24):
Oh yes, this is.

Speaker 3 (43:26):
Good, This is real good because everyone wants to feel.

Speaker 5 (43:31):
Everyone can.

Speaker 4 (43:33):
I have nothing against mediumship where someone will get on
a platform and give some messages. It helps in grieving,
but it's a band aid at best unless someone has
their own experience and That's what I'm about. It's about
giving you your experience. I can tell you what I've experienced,
but I want you to experience your own. Which is

why all of my work on the Vamistica and is
at least a week that I'm on with classes. It's
all about people going in on their own and having
experience it then sharing it.

Speaker 5 (44:08):
I often laugh.

Speaker 4 (44:09):
Christina Morgan loves it because she's down under and the
sun is above and it's night for me, and the
sun has gone down, and I'm saying, no, how well,
each one of us we're looking and saying the sun
has set, the sun has risen. The sun doesn't do either.
The sun is always in its location. Our perception makes
us believe that's what it's doing. Our perception is transient

and passing and not true. So realize in life what
we think we're seeing is an illusion half the time,
and what's hidden is beneath everything we see the same
way that when we look. I have my tarot cards,
and I remember when the senior editor look the images
all put together and said to me, every card is
filled with all images. It's not a typical terot, which

some people hate because they want a typical tarot.

Speaker 5 (44:57):
That's fine, you can use.

Speaker 4 (44:59):
It as But the thing is, I'm filled with images
because that's what I'm about. The one card that only
had an onion on it. She said to me, maybe
you want to change this. I said to her, no,
absolutely not. I said that card is one of the
most important because you have to peel that onion. It's
many layers, and it may be sweet or it may
be bitter. It may make you cry, or it may

make you remember maybe going out to dinner with you
beloved and they served onion soup and that was one
of the times when you knew you loved them. In fact,
sometimes you might look at it, it might be a
ball and other times, like I remember being at Authur
Finlay and using that card with a couple of people
and for one woman, I said to her, no, it's
an apple. It's the apple from the fairy tale from

snow White, I said, And it's the evil witch and
it's snow White having to leave home because it wasn't safe.
I said, there was something in your childhood that wasn't safe.
And she said to me, yeah, my father was abusive
and she had to leave. And of course the card
that was the onion turned into an apple for me,
and a rotten apple at that brought me a fairy tale.

And that fairy tale was right on for what this
woman had a self in her life. So you see
what I'm saying. That's what I mean by an image
being doorways. The onion brought the door of the apple,
the apple was rotten, the wicked queen looking in the mirror,
and then snow white running away. It always fit.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
You know how connected we are. Just before you started
talking about the onion, I saw an onion in my
mind and started peeling it away, and then you start
talking about the onion card. Perfect goosebumps. Connected. Would those
cards be a good tool when we wake up in
the morning and we're in this spot and if we

don't remember our dream, to just take a glance at
the card.

Speaker 4 (46:47):
Okay, let me stop you for a minute, because one
of the tools that I do recommend is shuffling the cards,
just randomly picking two cards, placing them on the side
of the bed at night, thinking about what it is
that you want to dream about or who you want
to dream about, and then taking one of the cards,

look at the image and it's someone with a crow
on their back. But there's clouds in the sky, but
a rainbow is about to appear, And so it is
certainly appropriate for anybody who's suffering the loss of a beloved.
They're sitting on the stone in the middle, with the
waters of the unconscious floating around them, the sun and

the moon on either side. It's cloudy day. They've had losses,
and I've had people around me now with new losses.
But it's showing you that there's something good coming. There's
a rainbow in the clouds now. It's the only one
that you look at. And you go to bed at night,
and then in the morning you either make up the dream,
Like I said, where were you, what were you doing?

Speaker 5 (47:51):
Who were you with? And how do you feel?

Speaker 4 (47:54):
So in a way, it really is saying go into
the dream, and the dream will help you to survive
the tragedies of the physical. Because like the sun that
neither rises nor sets, but gives us the illusion of it,
so does death not be the passing of the great
spirit of who we are. We're eternal and we go
to that mansion of millions of years, but we don't

know that unless we join with the dream. Consciousness, And
as call Young used to say, if all we do
is look to the waking, rational world, we're not awake.
So don't we want to be fully awake? It's only
by going in dream.

Speaker 3 (48:31):
My mom woke up this morning and had a scary
dream about my dad who's deceased, and he was really
mad at her in the dream. Just because we dream,
that does not mean our loved ones are mad at us.
Can you just talk about some of the.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
Yes, right, I can share a dream that a woman
who'd lost her husband had and came to me and
was terrified, so upset. In the dream, she's walking down
a street and suddenly there's a tsunami and she's caught
up in the water of the tsunami. If things could
not get worse, there's a big black bear that's trying

to get at her from this tsunami. It's a dream,
So there's a telephone booth that she manages to get into.
The water is swirling around her, the bear is banging
on the door of the booth and the phone rings.
She picks up the phone and it's a deceased husband.
He's babbling on, not listening to her, being frightened all

of these eyes are on her as though there's all
these beings around her, and they're just smiling, and she's terrified.
And she finally gets so upset with her husband because
she's asking him for help and he's just being nice
and kind, and she just wants to communicate with her.
She wakes up terrified, so she brings me the stream.

She say, it's the worst dream I've ever had. I
said to her, I have to agree with you. It's
a superlative dream, probably the best stream that you might
ever have. First of all, the waters are the waters
of the unconscious. You are not knowing how to swim
in these waters. That's why they are swirling around you
like a great tsunami. You're getting ready to drown in them.

But the waters of the unconscious are trying to bring
you a message, and the messenger is that big bear. Certainly,
in the Native American tradition, the bear is the healer,
and the bear wants to heal you. So you get
yourself in a box. But the box is still a
box of communication. And all of those eyes that are

around you are all the eyes of the ancestors that
really want to help you to see listen to the communication.
They've got you boxed in. You're in the waters that
are of the unconscious, and the communicator wants to give
you a peaceful message, telling you do not be afraid,
don't worry. I'm here for you. I can always communicate.

But you're so excited and you wake up. Now why
were you excited and upset so that you'd remember that
your husband communicated with you in the dream, Because otherwise,
when we have a pleasant dream, there's no reason we
wake up. But when we have a terrifying, frightening, horrifying dream,
we wake up, and that's when we really know something important,

not necessarily bad, often good. And her whole life turned
around realizing, yes, he was able to communicate through that
dream and through that box of communication. So your mom's dream,
the fact that he's trying to communicate and that there's anger,
first of all, means you're going to wake up remembering this.

I want to shake you up, and second of all,
I'm here. I want to let you know, and you're
not angry. When you pass over, the human emotions like
that are gone. So I often say in any of
the mediums that I'm in their circle. Know this that
if they're present venting somebody that's mad over something, angry
over something or whatever, they're giving the imprint of what

that person was here not on the other side, we
all come to manifest a certain aspect that's important for
the balance of the universe, and everything has to be
here so those of us who've come to carry our
weight of sorrows are balanced by those who have the joys.
I look and say, every time I cry, someone else

is going to smile and laugh.

Speaker 3 (52:30):
Thank you cham It visit her site at jam It
Peterelado dot net and always come visit me at We
Don't Die dot com. I'm Sandra Champlain and from the
bottom of my heart, thank you for listening to Shades
of the Afterlife and the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast

am Hairinormal podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (53:01):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost
Day and Paranormal podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
to iHeartRadio dot com.
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