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September 22, 2023 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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He is America's favorite husband. Alsothe wife whisper. He is comedian Steve
Trevino. Welcome to The ellen kMorning Show. I know so much of
your act is based on your lovelywife, Renee. How long have you
guys been together. We have beentogether for for seventeen years, okay,
you know. And the crazy part, I've traveled the world doing stand up
comedy. And she's from my hometown. Oh no, we grew up together.

I've known her my entire life.I'm older, and I always tell
people so I barely graduated from ourhigh school and then she graduated valid Victorian.
And then people like to be impressedwith that, and I'm like,
you should have been more impressed withme, because it was harder for me
to graduate. Like she's just oneof those brain acts. I didn't get
to change classrooms, so you shouldbe proud of me. But but the

crazy part is we are I can'teven tell we are the exact opposite,
okay, And I tell people allthe time that that is the success of
our marriage. I bring things tothe team. She'd been seen the team,
and then together we make a team. Like, for example, I
come up with great idea and thenshe craps on him. That's and my
wife's the organizer virgo. She's avirgo. Okay, I'm a virgo too.

What's her birthday? September ninth,the nineteenth Virgo Vigo, that's all.
It's my vergon ass and Virgos arespecial, And I'm like, Virgos
are not special because it is thenumber one sign in the world. Do
you know that? Yes? Ido. There's more Virgos because we're New
Year's babies, right, because ninemonths before September it's Christmas. Your dad
put together a swing set for yourolder siblings. And guess what he got

for Christmas? He got and hemade you and he made you Happy year
Virgo. That's that's. Do youdo? You do you believe in the
whole astrology thing, because I don'teither. You know what, Ryan doesn't
either? I do. I thinkyour virgo. You're my wife, and
my wife came with through the day. She goes, you don't hate your

mad I go, you're gonna tellme, sure, Yeah, she's it's
because mercury is in retro. Ohmy god, my life. I go,
what and she was? That's whyyou're angry? I go, really,
because I thought I was angry becauseI wrote a check to the I
r S that I was not preparedfor. I thought, maybe that's what
it was. Apparently, but that'show she is with the You know.
So, my wife has a newfriend, and I hate when she has

a new friend because when she hasa new friend, a new friend has
a husband. I gotta hang outwith that because she puts me on her
husband play date. You know,And if I don't like the way it
works is if my wife likes herand I don't like him, we're hanging
out. But if I like himand she doesn't like her, I'm never
seeing that guy again. It workswell, I don't like the new guy,

and then she comes up to me, she goes, you don't like
the new guy because he's a leo. Oh, I go, I go,
that's why I don't like him.I thought I didn't like him because
he shakes my hand like a littlebit. I thought, that's why he
doesn't like sports and he drinks whitecloths like him. Turns out, it
turns out he's a leo. Ihad no idea. I had zero clue

he's a le But yes, mywife and of the oils. Are you
into the oils? No, I'mnot into the oils. Oh, she's
in the crystals to the whole thing. I mean she's a witch. My
wife is a full blown, fullblownwitch. And I get the I had
the flu, and she comes overwith her little freaking Essential oil book and

I'm like, listen, Harry Potter, I don't I don't need a potion.
I need you to go to CBSand get me some NC. Well,
okay, that's what I need.I don't need your little magic book.
I'm here, little wand like,what are you doing? I don't
need your little oils? And youguys are making me laugh. There's the

life you live, right, it'sthe life you're living. She's am What
is your sign anyway? Do youeven know I'm a Capricorn? Of course
I know I'm married. I'm marriedto a witch. Capricorns, you know
about capricorns climb They climb the mountainbecause you're very you know, you're you're
ambitious to a fault. So youclimb the mountain all right, like you're

doing with comedy to say it thatis me. And then you get to
the top of the mountain. Guesswhat I destroyed myself. You're all alone.
Well, yeah, that's that's secretsis a Capricorn. It's so funny
you said that, because one ofthe best advice I ever got. You
know, I used to palle aroundwith with Vince Vaughn here in town,
and oh he did. He'd alwayscome to this comedy store and hang out,

you know. And when I metmy wife and I was like,
oh my god, I like thisgirl. And he told me he goes
work just as hard in your careeras you do on your relationships. Yes,
because you don't want to get tothe top and be alone. So
that is why you know I didit. And then also me and my
wife do everything together. So theNetflix special that we're filming on November twenty

fifth, my wife's the director.Well you know, all the all the
specials that we've done on our own, my wife is the director producer.
Because she's so smart. One,she's so smart organized contain yes, oh
yes, she buys containers to organizecontainers. My wife will go out and
buy containers to replace containers at shealready ball because you know what, let's

light money on fire. She'll comehome from from the container store because I'm
talking, I might as well havemy wife. She'll come home with sixty
containers. Second, like, Ilook at my containers. I'm gonna spend
the next nine days organizing my containersand labeling them. That way, I
can go to the grocery store,I can buy things that already come in

containers. I can bring those thingshome. I can take them out of
those containers and put them in prettylabeled containers. And then I will walk
around the house bitching and complaining aboutall the work I created for myself.
That's what I hear at my houseevery day. I can't, I can't
so much, so much, somuch. And then I'm sitting on the
couch going with then don't my wifeacts like when we got married. I

walked in the pantry and said,is this oatmeal in its original container?
This is unacceptable. Yes, yougo out and you go by a container,
and you like, I want myhouse to look like a biology lab.
That's why I don't laugh. You'llprobably the same. That's the life
I live. Yeah, well yeah, but I will say, you know,

and it really truly is why wework because we're so different. Science
has proven that opposites really truly itworks on stage. I say that.
You know, there are times thatshe agrees with me and I don't know
what to do. Oh you knowwhat I mean where she's like, yeah,
you should do that. I'm like, what's going on? Well,
don't you want to be happy?I'm like, well, no, I

want to be with you. Idon't want to be happy. I want
to be with you. Answers,no, wonder you're the wife, whisper
Yes, I am the well Ijust say yes. I've learned. She's
gone nuts with her Halloween decorations.You should follow my wife. You would
lose your will. I'm going toright now. She did a chicuitary board

on our island. Did you seeit? She's out of her mind.
I told her, you women likeyou, you're she's a crazy person.
Yea. Our house looks like adepartment store. Oh I love that.
It looks like the Halloween. Wehave nine Christmas trees? Oh, no,
way, nine? Oh my god? Nine? So is it every
holiday like this? Yes? Everyholiday? And where does she store all

the step in the container we haveYeah, we have a big container for
their containers. Container. We havea shipping container. It's so funny.
You say that it's hilarious. I'musing that stolen thank you. Yes she
has a container for her containers.But yes we have you know, those
giant shipping containers. Yes, Ido. It is we've maxed it out.
We're on shipping. We have toget another one. Oh my god,

every holiday. And I'm her employee. And you know, I'm the
maintenance man. I'm the employee.You know, I bring everything in.
But you know what she did.I told her, I go for Thanksgiving
because I'm a workaholic. I'm avery busy person. I said, for
Thanksgiving, I want to watch footballwith my dad and do nothing. That's
a nice day. And she goes, okay, right, I said,

I don't wanna do anything nothing.So then all of a sudden, from
the corner of my eye, atthe end of Thanksgiving, she's dragging in
boxes. Okay, and I go, I go, what are you doing?
She goes, enjoy your day.I go, no, no,
no, no, no, no, I go, what are you doing?
She goes, she was, well, I'm gonna start decorating for Christmas,
but enjoy your day. I go, no, no, no,

no, you are an evil humanbeing. I go, you know,
I can't enjoy my day. I'mnot gonna watch my wife right set up
a Christmas tree while I watch.She was, well, I'm not asking
you to help. I'm like,you pretty much did your your evil virgo
ways. You found a way,you found a way, and so now
I'm doing this. And then shefluffs the Christmas trees. Okay, she

fluffs them, Yes I'm talking aboutYeah. Yeah, it's I think officially
called flocking flinging stuffing. Is shelike opens them all up right, yeah,
you like needle needles and she evendoes the side against the wall.
Oh got it. Yeah, that'syou're not a crazy person. Yeah,

that's crazy. You're a crazy I'venever fluffed a Christmas tree. So she
opens it like you know how theyas you squish it back, yeah,
and evers, Like what is happening? Beds pillow situation, A lot of
pillow a lot of pillows in herhouse. And then the crazy part is
that when it's time to go tobed, if I go to bed first,
yes, I will take off allthe pillows. Yes, I'll take

them all off in a hotel,yes, take and take them all off.
I put them to the side inthe area that my wife wants them
in, Yes, And then Igo to bed because I know that she's
coming into bed, and why don'tI move her cushions? Okay, right
when she goes to bed, first, my side cushions still there. Yeah.
Yeah, she only moves her cushionsshe gets she gets in her burrow.
Dude. Yeah. So I'm inthe yard all the time. I

have we have eleven point three threeacres. I'm constantly working in the yard.
I'm constantly doing stuff. And oneday, and so, by the
way, when I was a kid, me and dad would work in the
yard and then my mom would makesun tea for us, you know,
fresh squeeze lad and should bring outthe lemonade for us. You know,
my wife doesn't do any of that. That's not happening, right. So
one day, all of a sudden, there's a fridge in the garage and

I'm like, you know the littlemini fridges. Yeah, she's loading it
up with waters and gatorades and cops. Great. No, And I'm like,
finally she's thinking of me. Igo to grab on. She goes,
that's for the ups driver. Likewhat she's you could have one,
but replace it. She's that's forthe UPS, the FedEx, the all

the guys that deliver packages. They'rehot. They are hot, and I'm
like, really, dude, orwhat's in my life that? Oh?
Man? Look at my wife andof course she labeled it UPS like she
labeled the fridge. And I'm like, finally, I thought to myself,
man, she's really thinking of me. Put an nice fridge out there to

drink. No, that's for theUPS driver color coded gatorade. You should
see how excited the UPS ever comeswhen there's a package with my name on
it. Oh oh okay, wellI'm so proud of me. Oh yeah.
He's like, Steve, you gotwhat it's for? Luck, it's
for you. And I'm like,is it really He's like, yeah,
that's your dame on it. I'mlike what And then it's usually like something

for work, right, But yes, that's the life I live. Every
day. You live a great life. Well people have they? What do
you get your material? I go? I just live life, right,
I just I go through life.We live a very normal life. Yeah,
you know, I cut my ownyard and we live in Texas,
so my neighbors are not in thebusiness. We're just we live a very
normal life. Yeah, that's nice. And yeah, I always say the

weekends on the road is when Igo back into the circus, Okay,
go back into the circus and thewildness of being on stage and the vegases
and the comedy clubs and the theatersand and then I go home and I'm
in my little world, and that'swhere the material comes from. Yeah.
Have you always thought this way?Yeah, you know, I've always well,

you know, I was trying toalways trying to find myself. You
know. I moved to La earlyto be a comedian, and I quickly
realized that I'm like, man,I'm not these guys. You know.
I grew up in a very smalltown in Texas. I grew up very
very very humble and very modest,and it's just I didn't fit in.
Yeah. And then it wasn't untilI met my wife that I started talking
about her and all the things thatwe have together. And they always call

like finding your voice, and that'swhen I realized it, Oh my gosh,
I found something here. It isme, you know, and and
the normal you know. I alwayssay I want to be a stand up.
I don't want to be famous.Okay, you know the fame.
I think there's a lot of comediansthat go, oh, I just I
want to be favor famous, right. I can't wait to be famous,
and I can't wait for people torecognize me on the streets and I'm gonna

hang out with celebrities and I'm gonnabe famous. That was never on my
page. I wanted to be astand up. I'm a giver. I
love making people laugh, I lovemaking people happy. I'm a host.
I like celebrating other people's birthdays.So when I'm on stage watching them last,
it's like me going, hey,this is me giving to you because
I'm yeah, you know. AndI think that's again why my mine and

my wife's relationships work, because she'sa taker. Yeah. I have a
question for you. I have areally good friend, Matt Matthew mais a
he's a deputy here for Elle CountySheriffs and he's marrying a nurse. They're
getting married November ninth, and Iwould love you to give him top tips

for marriage. Oh, he's what. I think. We're almost forty,
we're like thirty seven. I think, oh yeah, oh, you know.
The advice is that's a tough onebecause you know, you have to
learn to speak the language wife.Language is a language, and it always
comes in the form of a question. Right, you know, are you
thinking about going to the store.You're going to the store. Right.

You have to learn early on inyour marriage that you don't say, well,
no, not really, I wasjust going to watch the game.
No, dummy, get up,go to the store, because that is
her way of saying, get yourass up and go to the store.
It's always it's always in the form. And if she says do whatever you
want, do not do whatever youwant by all means, do not do

whatever you want. I had ayoung guy tell me that he goes due
my wife is cool, and Igo, oh, you just got married,
how do you know? And Igo because you still think she's cool.
Right. But my advice too,is is my honest advice is do
things together. Yeah, my true, down to earth advices do things together,

party together, hang out together,enjoy each other's company together, and
you can't get in trouble. Youknow. I always tell people if I'm
in Vegas by myself or with mywife, it's the same. I'm not
a different person when my wife's notthere. If I'm having drinks with the
guys in Vegas. My wife wouldbe there. Yeah, she'd be there
hanging out. She'd be a crackingjoke. She'd be there hanging out with
me. You know. So everythingwe do we do together, and I

think that that. Nowadays, unfortunatelyit's a lot of well I need my
girl time and I need to bewith a girl. Yeah, and then
the guys are like, well,dude, I need to have bro time.
I don't get bro time. Wellwhy did you get married then?
Or yeah, this is your bestfriend. Right. We do everything as
a couple. We do everything andwe have friends. Now they're like,
you know, Steve, you byyourself, you know. I mean,

we're glad you're here. But butbut you know, the combination because the
banter and you know, me andher, we're always looking for the joke.
We're always looking to be funny.We can we have our thing,
but we also have completely different things. Yeah. Yeah, she does not
watch sports, will watch like intoit, okay, and that's great.

So if I'm choosing to watch agame, she's like, I'm going shopping
and yeah that's what I like.So we do have our things that are
that are that are separate, butfor the most part, we try to
do everything everything together and be together. And we I I always tell people
like, I'm a weird husband.I guess because I prefer to be with
my wife. Oh that's great.You know, what do you think she

finds is the sexiest thing about you? We found out it's the funny.
Oh okay, it's the funny.Okay, it was because I mean literally,
you know, she does the peloton, my wife. Yeah, you
know, I am Renee with ana that's her the peloton. And then
she's been making me work out withher, so she doesn't peloton. I
lift weights, you know, andI know it doesn't look like it,
but I do. We don't haveone of those. Okay, we don't

have the ab one. But we'reworking out. And then the girl in
the peloton, she goes, Iremember my first crush. And then I
told Renee, I go, doyou remember your first crush? And she
goes, yes, it was soand so and he was so funny.
And I was like, we seea pattern here. She likes the laugh,
it's the it's the I think thatthat's the most valuable part of our
relationship is that we both loved.I love making her laugh. She loves

to laugh. Yes, you know, so I think for sure that is
her thing is sense of humor.And me, I like a nice butt.
She has one, so that that'syou know, that's she's a homeowners.
But no, but but I lovemaking her laugh, and I love
making her happy, and and Ilove you know, all the pretty things.

You always say the you can alwaystell a man of successful by the
way his wife looks. Okay,you know, my wife looks stunning and
she gets all the and I dressedlike this, and I'm happy that I'm
happy to be this. You know. I love walking around with my wife
and people go, how funny,Steve, And they go, oh,
he's that funny. Do you knowthat? What was that scientific fact about
decorating your your wife dressing and beingyea, So it's basically the reason that

women are attracted to uh, priceyhandbags and shoes is that it's a repellent
for other women, basically saying,my man is so committed to me that
he's putting this on me. Yes, yeah, that was one of the
funniest things that you know, shegets hit on all the times, always
gonna hit on these these young punkswere hitting on her and are the other
husbands were like, and I'm like, nice, Renee will handle it.

Yeah, they let my wife handleit. And then she just looks at
him. She pats him on thehead. She's, oh, you can't
afford us. And it was thefunny. And the dude was like can.
She was like, no, youcan't, can't afford us. But
then people ask me, they goSteve, she gets hit on. Are
you worried that somebody's gonna take heraway? I tell people like, well,
number one, it's a compliment,and number two, I'm not worried

they're gonna take her away because they'rejust gonna bring her back broke. You
know, she has put containers allover my home. She dresses me,
all my furnitures in the garage.She's gonna sell it. That's my wife.
I'm gonna sell it. I'm gonnasell it. I'm gonna throw it
away. I'm gonna throw it away, give it away. Okay, not
her, she's a order. Ijust moved in. We're on day eight

and I moved in with my girlfriend. We've been dating almost two years now.
And oh you're that guy. Yeah, And the amount of stuff that
I brought is minimal. Okay,her stuff massive quantities. But I had
a I had a I'm a cubfan, I'm from Chicago cover. So
I we had a dormat that Imy parents gave me. I don't know,
I've always had it. It's justkind of a thing that I like.

She's like, that is no.No, I like, it's I
brought a doormat. I'll put itin the garage. No no, no,
no, no, no. Wellyou don't realize is you're the new
doormat. No. One of theone of my favorite things recently. I
was on stage and I go,let me I go, just after my

set, I go, let mefight your fight, right, yeah,
I if anybody has a fight.No, And this guy raises his hand.
I go, I go, Igo, what's the fight? He
goes, she won't let me pickout the cabinet colors. She I want
to print the cabinet color. Shewon't let me pick out the color.
And I go, I go,I go, but I go, sweetheart,
have you picked everything else out?She goes, yeah, I picked
everything else out. I go,can you have the cabinet color? And
she was like, no, hecan't hu. And then I go,

I go, I go, well, what color does he want? And
he goes, I want eggshell?And then she goes, well I want
white. I go, oh,you're not even really the negotiate a shade.
She wanted to negotiate a little bitof a shade, like you're evil,
just a shade, you just negotiate. I gotta understand if he said
I want purple and you want it, why, like's so clarious. Yeah,

just give him one, Just givehim one. I've just learned to
stay outside. I stay outside,and you know, I will say.
You will also learned that I amproud of my home and I love walking
in my home and people going,wow, your house is beautiful. Yeah
yeah, that's all my wife's doing. Uh huh. Yeah. You know.
I have friends that are my ageand they're single, and you go
to their house and you're like,how do you how do you live here?

Where's the where's the where's the gaypillows? Like you don't have you
know, there's nothing soft in here? You know, so you learn,
you know, and in my olderage, like you, my wife has
the face scrub. Oh yeah,yeah, are you doing it too?
I'm all over. Yeah, it'sshe caught me. Yeah, she's I'm
going through my face crumps so fat. Well, I just can't live life

without it. It's just look,I think it's beautiful. And I tell
my wife I fall in love withher more and more every day, you
know, because she's the mother ofmy children, and I see her raise
my kids. And my favorite partright now is we have a little girl.
And that little girl's turning out tobe exactly like her. So now

she's seen what it's like to livewith her. It's been so entertaining.
Yes, you know. The otherday, my wife's in her room going
pick some shoes and let's go.And I'm like, oh, now you
know how I feel with you.That's always me going, can you pick
out some shoes and let's go.And though she is with my daughter,
we need to go. You're gonnamake me late pick out some shop.

I'm like, oh, paybacks abit. It is right. The universe
is taking care of you. ButI just I'm tripping out on how quickly
my daughter turned into a little lady. How she shops. She's about to
be three, but she's like shoppingand that's her little purse. Just like
what like, no, don't turninto a girl yet, like be my

little squish. Yeah, but sheis like with behind mom and the shop
and the purses, and the otherday I brought her up new Louis Vatan.
Okay, yeah, nice. Bythe way, you're getting married,
Louis a time you cannot go wrong. Yeah, okay, okay, don't
buy other kids. Yeah, ifyou buy, I would buy other gifts

and my wife would open the giftand go oh yeah, oh my god,
the same verse the same day.But Louis, I know, I
know that if I get her Louis, we're good. Yeah. Yes,
So I got her this white Louisand I gave it to her, and
then my daughter the next day goes, where are you going with my purse?

I told my wife that, andmy wife was like, no,
baby, this is my person.Goes, no, it's not. That's
my purse. So she hides it. Yeah, she steals the purse from
my wife. So if my wifeleaves it out on the table, should
be like, Delilah, where's thepurse. She's like, I don't know
what you're talking about. My wife'sa little clepto. Stealing my wife's Louis
Vat and my wife said, well, I think you're gonna have to get

her a purse. I got herlike a Kates Bade person. Oh yeah,
it looks that looks like it verysimilar. She knows the difference though,
because she's but I'm done, justlike your wife. Yeah, I'm
not in trouble. I'm like,I'm already behind a three year old,
a Kate's baby. Like, I'mdone. I couldn't afford this one,
and now I have this one.Now it's two nail appointments, two hair
appointments, two microneedle lea you knowwhat that is? You know what that

is? Yeah, I just gotmicro needle. You have no idea what
it is. No, you shouldlook at your face. Acids. They
take aminos and sometimes placenta and theydo a combo and then they micro needle
it in your skin and it's supposedto It does work. I say,
it works too, and you cando it like whatevery three months. You

do the she does a deep one, she does the you know the sometimes
I don't even know if she's mador not. Her forehead, yeah,
you know, she does the botox, the micro need chemical peels there's a
things too. What's the exosomes theyinject under your skin and it's a combination
I think of placenta, amino acids, and something else, and it's you're

going to learn all that use becauseyou're still dating. Yeah, yeah,
so now you're in phase moving in. She's got you, so she'll start
to reveal more of her true self. And then once you really get married,
then you're really going to learn.Yeah. Then the matt gone,
Oh yeah, it's gone. Oh, we're in a we're in a stone
mate, me and the wife becauseI put I put a ninety inch TV

in the in the playroom, andthen next to it, I put two
forty two inch TV's And she's like, what do you need so many TVs
to watch football? You can watchone, they have watch all three.
I got red Zone on one.I got you know, and I'm not
kidding you. She goes, she'sthis is not a sports bar. She
goes, I want them gone,and I'm not gonna pick up in that

room until they're gone. Ye,Like she punished me. I'm like,
hey, nobody's picked up in thisroom, and she's like, and it's
not gonna happen until those TVs aregone. I'm like, wow, evil,
That's why I call her captain.She's just trying to keep you in
line. No, I'm glad forit. You know, I tell me,
I truly believe she saved my life. You know, I was a

complete disaster and a mess. Andmy love for her I always telling that.
I know the problem is I'm abetter man because she demands that I'm
a better man, and if I'mnot a better man, she will leave
me. And she happens to knowthat I can't live without her. The
bigger problem is that she can livewithout me. So I am in a

bad situation. It's so true,it's so true. Well but right,
Ryan, when you get to thepoint, I mean, there was and
I don't want to brag, butthere were so many other women before my
wife that they would be like dothis or I'm leaving. Do this and
I'm leaving, and I'd be like, they leave, yeah, right,
because I just didn't care. Youdidn't care, yea. And then she
showed up and was like do thisor I'm leaving. I'm like, hold

on, I'll do it, don'tleave. And that's when like there's that
moment of oh I am willing tochange. Yeah, it's maturity, Yes,
it's emotional maturity and growing up andlove and look, look, I
think that I have true love,and I think that that is something that
is very very rare. You know. Divorce is never on our tongue.
You know. I did a jokeabout it because I used to be the

one that'd be like, I'm outfoul for a divorce. Yeah. One
time she called me out. Shegoes, do you do you realize that
I never tell you that? Uhhuh, She's I'm not leaving. She
was, and I plan to behere, let's figure this out, and
it just, you know, ithit me hard. I'm like, okay,
well I guess I'm staying, youknow, and not with kids.
So they're gonna be here. They'regonna be in Irvine. Oh good,
Okay, so we've got Irvine Improv. Let's do the twenty four tonight through

four and then Ontario Improv in NovemberDecember, and then your Netflix special in
November. What you're life is directingand producing, Yes, directing and producing.
Incredible. We are we are apower couple. We are a team.
You really are. And somehow shefinds a way to still be the
boss. I know, even inmy SUP special, she's like, I'm
the director, I'm the boss.So but I love it. I love
we were together all the time.You know. We want to be the

new I love Lucy. Okay,yeah, you know we're the new comedy
couple. That's one of our favoriteshows collectively as a team. That Lucy
was so brilliant. She was amazing, And because she's so funny, you
you pretend to forget how stunningly beautifulshe. Yes, there's pictures of her
that you go, oh my gosh, what a beauty beautiful. Yeah,

and Desi just being Desi, youknow. Okay, there's a song you
need to play for Renee. It'scalled Ricky Ricardo. Really yeah, it's
hilarious. So I played around yourkids though. Yeah, it's yeah,
just not with just for you andyour wife. It's my son's. It's
a little dirty. It's very dirty. Well, people like me and my

wife will be somewhere, we'll meetsomebody new and they'll say something off color
or whatever, and they'll look atmy wife and go, oh sorry,
and my wife's like, really,there's nothing you can say that is off.
Yeah, this one's pretty nice.Ricky Ricardo. Ricky Ricardo, I'm
yeah, I love the movie.We saw the movie. Did you see
the movie? No? Oh?Yes, yeah, that was great.

The movie was unbelievable, you know, gorgeous movie and the ups and downs
that they had. I mean,it was just unbelievable to watch. I
mean, I'm in garrel. Andby the way, another great movie to
watch for your listeners is the NewSpace movie about the Mexican farm worker.
Oh my gosh, it's aunt It'sa beautiful a million miles a million Okay,

I'm getting about Amazon Prime. We'llput that on our cried twice.
I mean, it was a beautifulstory. So something else to watch.
And then, by the way,the wife and I are watching Entourage again.
Oh you are. Oh that's sucha great show. Oh my god,
that show. Does not get madefriends with Jeremy Piven. I'm not.
He's a comic, you know,and we just haven't crossed paths.

Adrian Grenier lives in Texas, okay, and I run into him occasionally,
you know, and he looks.Look up at Adrian Grenier. Now it
looks the same. It's unbelievable.What's he doing the thing that you were
just describing from. But I'm watchingthat shel thing to myself, there's no

way this show makes it in twentytwenty three. It's yeah, it's just
a different Yeah, it's a differenttime, you know. But it's so
fun to watch. And you know, because I lived here for fourteen years,
and it's like, oh, Iused to go to that restaurant.
I used to hang out there.I used to do that, you know
that, because that was around thetime that I was running around was that.
You know, I got here inoh three, and then I didn't

leave until fourteen or fifteen. Okay, so you know quite some time.
Yea. And how do you likeit compared to Chicago? I love it.
And you know there's a Portillos,I know, yeah, that set
apart. Yes, there's a Portillos. And then now Luminatis is doing their
things. They are yep, yep, they're coming yep, yep. God,

nothing better than Portillo's. No,I know, we got we gotta
wrap on a disgusting rap video.Oh oh that's the alarm. See that's
our alarms. Yeah. Steve headliningthe Irvine Improv September twenty one. That's
today twenty fourth. Hey, Lucy, this is great. It's so good.

Been come back dancing. This isbrilliant. My son is in college
with these frat cardies. They're constantlypulling off Spotify and cool stuff. Yeah.
Where does he go to school?He's at Stanford. Yeah, congratulation,

thank you. That's hard to do. Yeah, good, Okay,
we're having so much fun with it. It's like at the coffee table at
my house. Just pull off themimosas. Let's just have Did we miss

anything? I share? My wife'sgonna be so upset that she wasn't here.
Bring your back next time you're comingto Ontario, so please come back
in here. Bring Captain Evil.Yes, bring Captain Evil. I want
to meet her. She's my sister. Oh yeah, you guys are kindred
spirits for sure. I don't knowwhat your two virgos. I think you
guys might end up fighting. Ithink we have the same tid. You

believe in the moon and the starsand it's all be it. Well,
we're so happy that we got tolaugh with you today. Ste congrats on
all your success. Well, andthen you know, we've known each other
twenty Yeah, he told me wehave a pass before. This is pre
two thousand and three, is whenwe met. That was when he moved
to LA. That was when wewere all. We were. We were

fun. It is crazy that allthese years later that we catch up with
mutual friends and yeah, but itwas a special time. Abe. I
know, Abe, he's the best. He's so funny, he's so I
gotta get him to do bits foryou. Yea, his poppycho little bit
poppy. I love that. Werenot alright, Yes,

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