Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:06):
Five o five A fifty five k r C the
talk station. Happy Friday Eve, s.
Speaker 2 (00:26):
Vacation, prod no idea, what's going on?
Speaker 1 (00:30):
No, that may be true, hold on, hold on. Apologies.
You know, the first words are come out of my
mount in the morning or five o five, and sometimes
you have a little frog in my throat. So that
was one of those things. So I apologize for that.
Happy Friday Eve to you, uh, what's going on today?
Thank you Joe Jrekker for lining up guests. Truly appreciate
what you do for the program. I gotta wait till
seven thirty though, Donovan and Neil Americans for Prosperity Action,
we'll get the latest on the Bernie Moreno Shared Brown race.
All over that one here in State of Mohan. Thanks
for Americans for Prosperity, for spreading the word and getting
people out there door knocking in the name of sanity.
By they're really trying to find shared Brown. Is this
moderate guy, moderate moderate man, populous moderate shared Brown?
Speaker 3 (01:19):
Speaker 1 (01:20):
Right, take a look at his voting record anyway. Sherry
Poland haim on Kenny Bard of election. Sherry Poland returns
of the program eight oh five, talked about early voting
and the all critical, all necessary poll workers and God
bless the pole workers. It's an important role you're playing.
You need people to, you know, take some time out
of their year and not much and you consider how
long a year is. It may seem like a very
long day, and it can be a long day, but
it's a very worthwhile day. So if you're not helping out,
generally speaking, if you don't have a charity that you're
working on, and you're looking for maybe to some way
to give back, well give back by working at the
at the polls. We'll talk about that ED eight o
five with Sherry polland coming up eight third Pready Phil Kirpen,
President of American Commitment, question, is the economy strong? And
we'll talk about interest rate cut? Those are the topics
will Phil Carpent again eight thirty for that. I love
talking with you as well, so feel free to call
five one, three, seven, nine fifty five, eight hundred eighty
two to three talk or pound five fifty on AT
and T Funds Tech Friday tomorrow as they stare at
some interesting tech related stories. Just trying to figure out
which direction I want to go out of the gate.
So let's talk about this one. We'll get to the
tech stuff because I guess it's Israel added again. The
walkie talkies blew up, and some are suggesting and it
looks like it may very well be that Israel is
going to go full on invasion, launch an offensive war
against Hesbala, and that may very well happen. Israeli Cabinet
gave the Prime Minister Benjamin and Yahoo the authorization to
undertake military action against Hesbala, even if it leads to
an all out war. And it makes sense if you've
got bombs planted in the Hebala pagers and you have
bombs planted in the Hezbala walkie talkies. That was the
number two killed quite a few people. I think it's
reportedly twenty people died in the walkie talkie explosion. A
whole lot more injured, four hundred and fifty or so injured.
You effectively shut down communications, or you've scared the living
crap out of them so much that you know they
stare at some electronic device and they're afraid to pick
it up. Are they going to go back to using
the mail system? I mean, do they even have an
effective postal system?
Speaker 2 (03:41):
Speaker 1 (03:44):
So it's strategically brilliant how they were able to get
the cell phones or rather the pagers and the walkie
talkies with the bombs in the hands of just the
Hebala people, and they seem I mean, there are reports
of civilian casualties or civilian injuries, but they're because those folks,
civilians were parked or seated next to or otherwise standing
close to a Hesbala person. So the intelligence on this
one has just, I don't know, I find it absolutely amazing.
So thousands of these devices blew up in the hands
of the his Balla people injurings, A lot of the
his Balla fighters or would be fighters, right, yeah, they're
the hospital with groin injuries or worse. You've rendered there.
You've really, I don't know if they've completely unplugged the
ability to communicate among these his Bbel numbers, but you
really have done a massive, massive, or have a massive
massive success in reducing their ability to communicate with each other.
You've got to communicate. These are not soldiers flying under
color of a flag. They're not divided into true groups
and standing there in row and engaging in marching exercises
where they're all close to each other on a military base.
These folks are spread far wide in them on the community.
That's what terrorist organizations are, and sometimes they don't even
know who each other are. The work within cells. Cells
have perhaps one person who's a leader who knows one
person that it is involved in another cell, and the
rest of the cell members are unknown to the person
in the other cell. It's brilliant the way they were
able to stay away from each other and yet communicate
because they are so dispersed and broken up together theoretically
but separated by distance and their desire to keep their
identities hidden from the Israeli defense forces. And of course
Masad take away the electronic device because they're not using
cell phones. They already figured out that it's easy to
triangulate in a cell phone and find out where you are.
So we're putting our cell phones away. We're going with
beepers effectively, So we're assuming it was the Israelis responsible
for getting a shipment of explosive laden beepers. And now
we learn walkie talkies into the hands as falla members
only and you pull the plug out of that. Isn't
that the best possible opportunity to invade. They are knocked
way back on their heels. If you know where they are,
you know where the tunnels are, and you know you
can get a leg up on them. Because they're not
prepared to coordinate a response, that seems like the perfect
time to invade. So you're probably going to see that,
maybe as early as today. I don't know, but strategically,
and I know they're getting international pressure and the UN
has condemned them, and Alexandria Casio Cortes has condemned them,
So there has ball of folks I guess have AOC
on their side. But beyond that, I just look at
it as this and yet really really scary thing on
a broader from a broader viewpoint. And to that end,
I saw this article about Chinese vehicles. Chinese Communist Party
not our friend. They would they sort of love our
willingness to buy their stuff and things. It keeps the
economy of float, allows them to build their military, build
up their military. We would report from the China Strategic
Risk Institute c SRI warning about the growing market share
and dependency on Chinese made electric vehicles. Now this is
in Britain, but they expressed concern about economic and security
risk to the United Kingdom. They note that the UK's
domestic car industry is responsible for a whole bunch of
manufacturing jobs, almost two hundred thousand manufacturing jobs. Oh by
the way, yeah, I saw the team. The teams are
not going to endorse anybody. United Auto Workers aren't. They're
all in the bag for Trump. And so rather than
endorse Trump, management just said not going to endorse anybody.
So that's a different story. But over in Britain they're
concerned about the jobs. And this report points that out
Chinese made electric vehicles in Britain have increased market share
in UK from just two percent in twenty nineteen to
thirty three point four percent in the first half of
last calendar year. That's a pretty sizable chunk of the
automobile market, now, isn't it. Now. The think tank has
a bunch of ideas about how to, you know, flatten
the playing field or otherwise prevent the European Union in
the UK from being a dumping ground for inexpensive, cheap,
maybe slave labor made Chinese electric vehicles. But this report
also warns, and here's the point. It's connected to the
blowing of the exploding cell phones or pagers. The CSROI
warned the components within the foreign electric vehicles could be
weaponized by the communist nation. Yeah, they've had a talked
about this before. The whole idea of you have a
system that could be hacked into or pre programmed by
a nefarious actor. In the case of a Chinese vehicle,
it could shut down in the middle of the roadway.
All the vehicles at one time remote controls shut down. Boom,
they stopped. Now that would be minor compared to well,
maybe they have an explosive charge in the vehicle. Maybe
the airbag will send shrapnel like a grenade into the
driver on remote control, as opposed to well, the people
know what I'm talking about. Remember the airbag recall issue
that put the airbag manufacturer out of business because well,
shrapnel would blow up like a grenade into people. What
if you intentionally made an airbag to do just that.
Pardon me for my allergy. I'm struggling with those. Allergy
season has really got me this year. But it's a
worthy consideration. You know, you look back at the weird
world and in which we live, and the idea that
on one hand, we're doing everything we can to sort
of push back the Chinese growing strength military and otherwise.
Obviously they have designs on Taiwan. They have taken over
the entire uh South China Sea, which of course means
territorial disputes with the Philippines in Japan and other countries
where are allies. Their military is growing mightily, and to
what end they're cozing up with the Russians and the Well,
the North Greens have always been under their thumb as
far as I'm concerned, but the Iranians, the axis of
evil is growing because they're on the other side of
the ledger from US. And here we are embracing the
idea of buying things Chinese. We've looked. There was an
article about the ports and the cranes we have there.
They're all Chinese made. They all have well communications systems
to send information. In the Chinese Communist Party, you don't
think our ports might you know, have some sensitive things
going on. It wouldn't it be nice to know if
you were an adversary, to sort of have like a
glimpse into what's going on in the ports. Well, that's
what we've got here. The Chinese Communist party has installed
these communications systems in the cranes that we bought from them,
and I'm sure they sold them at a profit to
the Chinese. Right, Oh, look more money, let's build our
military with it. So anyway, I know, quite a rambling
sort of get it out of my system, start of
the program this morning. But listen, if you can coordinate
the explosion of thousands of beepers and walkie talkies, what
might the reality be with hundreds of thousands of Chinese
electric vehicles that have the ability to well't be manipulated,
maybe not explode, but shut them down, take over the
automated driving features and run them into maybe a power
station or something. These are things you have to consider.
This is the world we live in. Technology can be extremely,
extremely frightening when you think about the uses to which
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five one three six four four twenty six, twenty six
six four four twenty six, twenty six.
Speaker 4 (13:32):
This is fifty five KRC an iHeartRadio station.
Speaker 1 (13:36):
We're just hours of week going Funky Joe five twenty
two fifty five kers You Talk station five three sevente
fifty hundred two three doom his book not UAW is
a Teamsters union one million members. They said, no, we're
not going to dose anybody because they did a pall.
They polled their own members rather than just have their
uh president just say hey, we're going with the Democrats again.
Sixty fifty eight percent of the Teamsters support Donald Trump.
Oh how about that? Thirty one percent or backing Kamala Harris,
six percent undecided, five percent unsure. Somebody answer me the
question what's the different between undecided and unsure? Bottom line
is though no endorsement by the Teamsters. Let's see what
Greg's got this morning. Greg, thanks for calling the Morning Show.
Happy Friday, eve to you.
Speaker 5 (14:36):
More than Brian.
Speaker 3 (14:37):
Speaker 6 (14:37):
The other day you was talking about on your bucket
list of doing the fifty cow, yeah, which we refer
to as the BFG.
Speaker 1 (14:45):
Yeah, that's a eg. Absolutely.
Speaker 7 (14:49):
Speaker 6 (14:50):
There's a guy used to do business with that had
one and those were fun to hit intine blocks with.
Speaker 7 (14:56):
And cender block with.
Speaker 1 (15:00):
Oh yeah.
Speaker 7 (15:00):
So he was also talking about.
Speaker 6 (15:03):
How the Democrats were blaming Trump for him getting shot,
which if he saw the I know, if she saw
the Babylon Uh.
Speaker 1 (15:12):
Be uh me me or meme meme.
Speaker 6 (15:16):
The Democrats blamed Trump for continuing inciting violence by refusing
to die.
Speaker 1 (15:26):
I I got so many memes come in my direction
from you know, a handful of people I call my
mean friends. I wake up like this morning, I woke
up there must have been twenty from one guy alone.
So yeah, I didn't get I didn't see that, but
that is. That's funny. It is.
Speaker 3 (15:41):
And while you.
Speaker 6 (15:42):
And Will was at the gym, while you was uh
talking about that, and CNN was on there in the
head they're having j d Vant on there saying, Hey,
the only ones getting shot at is President Trump. It's
not come Kamala Harris getting shot at. Oh he's strying
to incite violence towards Kamala Harris saying, gee, she gets no,
that isn't one. It's coming from one side exactly.
Speaker 1 (16:08):
Point well taken exactly. And maybe that has something great
to do with the fact that they run around calling
him a threat to democracy and the embodiment of Adolph
Hitler every single day. Oh gee, you think that has
anything to do with it? You're right, it's a good point.
Nobody's tried to take a shot at Kamala Harris. I'm
not asking anybody to do that. Nobody tried to take
a shot at Joe Biden, not asking by anybody to
do it. The anger and the evil, the pot that
has been stirred is the is the consequence of the Democrats.
If anything, I mean, I will acknowledge. And I've said
it before, the world's filled with nutcases. Sometimes those nutcases
are driven by things that have no connection with someone's
political affiliation. They're just batcrap and sane people out in
the world. There's not a damn thing you can do
about it, except, you know, don't be cognizant or be
aware of your situation and you're surrounding and if you
are someone who's engaged in politics like that, well, thankfully
the Secret Service there who are supposed to well, take
a walk around the golf course before we come out
and play golf on it. Just thought five twenty five
fifty five care see the talk station. Feel free to
call five on three seven four nine fifty five eight
hundred two three talk don't forget fifty five care Sea
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Fifty five KRC the talk station free iHeartRadio Fision five
thirty on a Friday, Even a happy one to you. Yeah,
I talked to you early in De Sanza yesterday. Frank
LeRose and got a new book you need to get.
It's one of those fun books, the Little Sorry, Tiny Blunders,
Big Disasters Book too. Jared Not returned to the program
talk about his second book. They're fun books to read
and it's really amazing little things in history. Funny story.
It's a bathroom book, which I think is a fun
thing because that means there are short stories about little
tiny events that impacted things in a very dramatic fashion
over local stories. During a press conference last night, officials
report of the body found your exit forty nine off
Ice seventy five is likely Joseph Couch. They said they
found items associated with him in the area. Officials said that,
in their words, very confident this brings closure in the
search for Joseph Couch. Corn Officials weapon found at the
side of the body and vultures were a clue in
finding the body. Found by another a couple who will
receive twenty five thousand dollars for the role in helping
to find the body. I guess they kind of stumbled
upon their outlooking Kentucky State Police Commissioner PHILP. Burnett, Junior
said the people of Laurel County can rest easier now
and that this was a collaborative effort, so that closes
that chapter. Union Township Police Department released bodycam video yesterday
of officers arresting suspects in a wave of gun store
robberies in the area of video showed two juveniles caught
and taking a transport by police. Teen's part of a
group that participated in several gun store robberies using stolen
cars to ram through the front of the stores. Court
of Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco on Firearms. Group used six
stolen vehicles in the crimes. Union Township officers caught up
with the suspects that Sportsman's warehouse in East Cake, where
police said teens broke into a gun safe. Fourteens facing
more than a dozen charges ATFSID. They stole around one
hundred fire arms, and they are offering a reward for
reward for information that leads to the recovery of all
of them. So far, only ten have been recovered. Gover
to Springboro. Springboro planet A permanently banned recreational marijuana businesses,
but has extended a temporary moratorian the moratorium on them
until that time a final ban goes into place. I
guess city currently finalizing a measure to prohibit granting any zoning, occupants,
or other permits and applications for adult use cannabis, cultivation, processing,
or dispensaries. They had done the same thing with medical
marijuana businesses a few years ago, according to law director
Gerald McDonald speaking with local news WCPO HMM, consensus among
city officials has been a preference to treat this the
same as medical marijuana, with action likely to go to
city council next month. The court to McDonald. Temporary ban
on recreational weed approved by Springboro in December last year,
about a month after Ohio voters approved its legalization, So
if you're over twenty one, you can have up to
two and a half ounces of weed in a plant
form or up to fifteen grands of an extract form,
and you're allowed to grow up to six marijuana plants
per adult captain twelve plants per household. Temporary freeze on
marijuana business has also been passed from Beaver Creek, Carlisle, Centerville, Fairfield, Franklin, Hamilton, Cattering,
Miami's Berg, Monroe, Oakwood, Vandelia, Waynesville, Xenia, and several other
cities in Ohio. The three hun a day ban in
Springboro set to expire in early October until city council
recently extended until the end of the year, So no
weed for you. Police seeking information about the whereabouts of
a man in connection with the fatal shooting in August
and Cole Raine Township detectives with Cole Raine Township Police
issued warrens for Samuel M. Jordan, the third in the
death of Christopher Potter, who was killed in a shooting
that also injured too others. Jordan forty two years old,
five nine, two hundred and thirty six pound, black hair,
brown eyes. They say in the report, Jordan should be
considered armed and dangerous. On August twenty second, Coreyan police
were dispatched to the office, which is a bar on
Springdale Road reports of a triple shooting. They located three
victims suffering from gunshot wounds. Forty one year old Potter
died of the scene and two other victims survive. Anybody
with information on this guy's whereabouts contact the Corean Township
Print Police Criminal Investigation Unit at five one three, three
two one twenty six seventy seven, or the United States
Marshall Service. I won't give you the number. I figure
you can look it up there you have it. It's
five point thirty five right now fifty five KC detalk
station stack A stupid coming up. Alternatively, give me a
call at five one, three, seven four nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred and eight to two three talk pound five
fifty on AT and T funds. Another call you need
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Speaker 8 (25:18):
Fifty five KRC Veterans, It's.
Speaker 1 (25:22):
Five forty here, fifty five KRC DE talk station. Happy
Friday Eve. Of course, normally every Thursday at a thirty
we hear from my Heart Media Aviation Extwerk Jay Rattloafe.
Today we will not, and I'm asking everyone to keep
Jay and his family in your thoughts in prayers. Jay's
father passed away earlier this week, so he's taken a
pass on the report this morning, but I know he
thought the world of his father and he's lucky to
have had his father in his life for so many years.
So rest in peace and uh, you know, godspeed without
further deal. Let's heit it to the phones before I
get to the stack. Is stupid, Denesh, Welcome back to
the fifty five KRC Morning Show. It's always good hearing
from of you, of my friend.
Speaker 9 (26:00):
Good morning Brian yesterday with the eye opener of the
interview you had with our Secretary of State, and it
was amazing that he really had not changed his position
that he had back in twenty sixteen, after so many
experts with extraordinary talent and experience and credentials have given
to him to look into. He's still selling his election
system as being christine and accurate.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Gold standard, I said. He easily refers to it as
the gold standard.
Speaker 9 (26:43):
Right right, Well, here's what happened. When I was listening
to you, and he did a fantastic job yesterday in
guiding him through finally to doctor Coulci. I was excited
to see what the responsibill be and it was again
the same as he repeating. So let me give you
my perception quick perception for it. I realized when he
was talking and talking and explaining stuff, he was getting
a lot out of boys of things that normally should
be done by anybody who's in that position. What he's
ignoring to answer is the questions and evidence has been
presented to him over the years, and he just two
parts that and throws them aside and says, no, everything's okay.
So what happened was I had an awakening. I realized
that our sexual estate is actually replicating doctor Fauci, that
it is only one position that's his. That's his position
is science, and everybody else is wrong. What happens is
and I was excited to hear that you're going to
have doctor Corcy on.
Speaker 1 (27:56):
Doctor Corci is another couple of guys. Coursey's got one
theory of concern about this algorithm and the other component
the two guys that I heard at the Northeast Republican
Women's meeting, And these guys are great crunch numbers relative
to I believe it was voter registration issues, so two
separate problems. But the guys at the meeting, and again,
those are the ones that are going to be on
the program at Lease. I anticipate they will because they
say that, they said they'd enjoy doing that. They presented legislative,
easy legislative solutions which should be absolutely unoffensive to anybody,
most notably since the Republicans are a complete control of Columbus,
it should be so simple to pass the fixes that
they have identified. So that's why I wanted to bring
them on the program to elaborate on that. But they've
been at this for a couple of years, and for
whatever reason, they keep kicking this can down the road,
and it doesn't really have any explanation as to why.
Speaker 9 (28:51):
Well, he mentioned that nobody's given him any evidence that
he can follow. I have some few observation that I've
collected over the last ten fifteen years. The question to
ask Sectory is should the count for a candidate vote
count go up and down during the day of the falling?
And he should answer that because he was given evidence
that all through the day the counts reported on television
and on my New York Times feed are going up
and down, up and down, up and down all day
long till the final LUSA should never happen because the
vote should only be adding to each candidate as the
day goes on. The other question I would ask him
is he said the machines are not connected to the internet,
so he needs to explain to us how does New
York Times and Edison Feed get the minute per minute
counts of votes from every piece in every county and
every state all over the United States. I mean administry
because they're not connected to the Internet. Well, how are
they communicating that?
Speaker 1 (30:16):
Well, I can come up with a gas which is plausible.
The machines themselves are not hooked up to the Internet,
but the people at any given polling place have access
to the current vote count. Doesn't have to be hooked
up to the Internet for some physical count to take place.
Like I don't know how it works, but if I
was able to walk over to a machine and look
at the numbers that are tallied right there on the machine,
I could get the number of votes and who's been
you know, and in which direction it is going, or
report numbers to media outlets if I wanted to. It
doesn't require that machine to be hooked up to the
Internet for media outlets to report any given figure that's
passed along to them. I don't know that to be
the case, but it is a plausible explanation and solution
or possibility. So not defending him, Jodd Denashan, I know
where you're coming from, but we'll have more on this
specific topic when we get those guys on the program,
because you will find it fascinating, and my goal is
to hopefully have them in studio for a full hour,
so we'll do a deep dive on that one, if
and when it happens. Denash, always wonderful hearing from you.
I appreciate you staying right on top of this extremely
important issue. Got to take break here five forty six
fifty five cares Detalk station. Cancer sucks. We all know.
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Speaker 8 (32:15):
It's ohcare dot com fifty five KRC.
Speaker 1 (32:19):
The following, isn't it Uh? Here's your weather forecast. I
don't like. Sorry, sunny and ninety day. Night's kind of
be clear in sixty four sonny and ninety Tomorrow overnight
sixty three with a few clowns and a ninety three
degree high. Saturday with sunny sky sixty six degrees. Now
time for traffic from the ucl Traffic Center.
Speaker 10 (32:44):
The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is open, the most
comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation.
Speaker 1 (32:49):
The future of CancerCare is here.
Speaker 10 (32:51):
Called five one three, five eighty five UCCC Highway traffic
that's in decent shape, no accidents to deal with as
of yet. Then Saturday, I'll be able to use the
westbound lateral once again. They're gonna start taking those barrels
and barricades down on Friday night. It all goes as scheduled.
Ingram on fifty five krs the talk station.
Speaker 1 (33:13):
By fifty one five KRSU talk station gonna dive into
the stack is stupid. Here far in North Dakota, where
we have a motorcyclist now charged with DUI gord to
North Carolina Highway Patrol. Motorcycle driven by ridden by a
thirty nine year old woman from Fargo, traveling eastbound on
I ninety four about twenty minutes till nine in the evening.
Motorcyclists eventually caught up to traffic that had slowed down.
There's some construction going on. Traffic had slowly begun to
move forward when the motorcycle tipped to the right and
the woman fell off. Officially say the woman landed in
the middle of the lane when the traffic started moving again,
and she then got run over by a camper trailer
and drag for ash or distance. What happen, Troopers said,
the woman suffered serious button non life threatening injuries. This
is why I'm chuckling. Was taken to the area hospital
facing DUI charges and driving a vehicle other than permitted
by license because she did not have a motorcycle endorsement,
which may explain why she fell over when the.
Speaker 8 (34:19):
Traffic slowed down.
Speaker 1 (34:21):
United kingdomman accidentally fatally stabbed himself while trying to separate
two frozen hamburgers with a knife. Fifty seven year old
Barry Griffiths died accidentally by plunging the blade into his
abdomen at his home in Poe's Whales last July. Why
are you doing that? He lived alone, described as very
private man, been dead for several days before a welfare
check led police to discover his body, blood splattered throughout
the kitchen and bedroom, his phone, whilet computer all left untouched,
no signs of struggle. Police found him fully clothed in
his bed with no evidence of an assault. It was
only after discovering uncooked burger patties that detectives pieced together
what had occurred. According to the Chief Inspector, the bottom
drawer of the freezer had been left open and pulled
in a forward position access food items. On the work
surface the kitchen. Adjacent to the fridge freezer were two
uncooked burgers and a knife and a tea towel. Said.
The wound of the abdomen would have been approximately the
height of the work surface. My hypothesis at that stage
was that mister Griffiths was attempting to separate frozen burgers
using a knife.
Speaker 8 (35:31):
As this tradition.
Speaker 1 (35:35):
Okay, here's an interesting one parish Union Parish, Louisiana, where
the Sheriff's office said they arrested a teacher there who's
been accused of threatening to shoot third grade students. Union
Paarish Sheriff's office had apparent contacted I'm on Tuesday, claiming
Robert Mitcham not that guy, not the actor, That guy's dead.
Seventy years old teacher in Downslow Community Center school threatened
students after becoming angry. Parents said Mitcham told students that
he had bullets for his gun and would bring it
to the school and shoot, allegedly adding that quote some
of the students would not survive close quote yeah really.
Parent told authorities that their child was scared, so were
other children in the class. Deputy's work with the office's
Criminal Investigation Division to investigate the incident. They say they
learned Mitcham allegedly also told the students that there were
quote too many of y'all to get rid of, and
that he only had six bullets in his gun.
Speaker 5 (36:31):
Keep your stupid mouth shut.
Speaker 1 (36:34):
God bless you. J Ratliffe. Mitcham did apologize to the
students after he was called out for these comments. Deputy
said Mitcham told him he felt overwhelmed and one of
the children to settle down, that he was not threatening them.
Mitcham arrested booked into the Union Parish Detention Center. One
kind of terrorizing bond set at fifteen thousand dollars. Now
Here in Hamilton County you take shots at police office
as your bond set at five thousand dollars. That's when
you actually shoot at police officers and they may have
an order to give out. Here we have Port Clinton,
Ohio couple o in disbelief when they heard gun shots
outside their home as a FedEx driver was making a delivery.
Priest of the driver admitted to firing his gun on
the job because he was afraid of his afraid for
his life. And CJ. Perry just gone inside the home
after work meeting when she heard what she thought were gunshots,
looked out the window saw FedEx delivery driver outside her
neighbor's house. Taking a picture of his delivery, and nothing
seemed out of the ordinary. But well after her roommate
asked what was going on, she realized she had in
fact heard gunfire. She said, looked out the window and
there were a bunch of cops standing outside court to
the Port Clinton Police Department. FedEx driver said he was
delivering packages when a neighbor's two German shepherds ran outside
of the house toward him. FedEx driver fired at one
of the dogs and they both ran inside. Police said
no one was hurting, the dogs were okay. Found a
couple of shellcases during the investigation. Perry said, you believe
one of the bullets rick is shade off the sidewalk
and hit her truck. Parry and husband said they were frustrated,
but glad the truck was the only thing hit. Please said.
The driver was carrying two magazines and a clock twenty
three in his ways. Driver was released from the scene
and the investigation is ongoing. No charges have yet been filed.
Speaker 11 (38:21):
Perios the biggest douche of the universe in all the galaxies.
Speaker 1 (38:27):
There's no bigger douche than you. Hey, you tend that
in power you America summon or night. You can ask
the lawyer. There's the gun expert if shooting at dogs
who are running at you is an acceptable form of
self defense. Five point fifty six. Stick around. We've got
more to talk about in the six o'clock hour, and
I'd love to hear from you as well, so feel
free to call on. I'll be back after the news.
It's what motivates your vote.
Speaker 7 (38:51):
The Democrat racist now and they were the racist back then.
Speaker 1 (38:54):
Fifty five KRZ the talk station or six just six
d here at fifty five kersite talk station, the Freudian
slip here. I wish it would day, does it? Brian
Thomas happy to be here. Just a little bit sleepy
this morning for whatever reason. I don't know anyway, Looking
forward to Donovan and Neil Americans for Prosperity Action. That's
the hat he'll be wearing this morning. If you give
us the latest lowdown on the shared Brown Bernie moreno race.
So that'll be at seven thirty. Fast forward to eight
oh five. Sherry Poland from ham in County Bard of elections.
Early voting poll workers are well, of course, always needed.
If you can work the polls, please do certainly not
too late to sign out for that rewarding work. It is,
and it's certainly important to maintain the integrity of the vote,
which shared Brown. I mean, yeah, sure, not sure. Frank
Rose joined the program yesterday. We went down some of
the issues people are concerned about, and there'll be more
on that on the fifty five to fifty five KRS
Morning Show in the coming day. So Sherry Poll on
an eight to five to fall by Phil Kerpin, president
of American Commitment. He'll answer the question, is the economy
strong and what about this interest rate cut? Half point say,
the Fed knocking the interest right down even though it
may not really have been necessary. I don't know, we'll see.
I know it is an election year and some people
are suggesting maybe, just maybe politics has something to do
with that. Five point three seven four nine fifty five hundred,
eight hundred eighty two to three talk pound five fifty
on AT and T Funds. You'd like to call up
love to hear from you when you get something on
your mind again the podcast My conversation yesterday with Orlando
Sanza and another strong push for this empower You America
UH seminar that's taking place tonight. Orlando will be speaking
for the first half hour, and then Sean Maloney from
the second called defense. He's a lawyer that specializes in
firearms related litigation of the law, defending people who've been
accused of wrongfully using their firearms. He's going to be
talking about lethal force and the law. So if you're wondering,
under what circumstances you can actually use your firearm to
defend yourself, that's the subject of tonight's conversation. Back to
back winners tonight. You can log in from home just
RSVT there at empower Youuamerica dot org, or show up
at two twenty five Northland Boulevard, which continues to be
the empower You studios thanks to Dan Reganold even though
he no longer owns or runs from USA anyhow, got
to retire at some point. Again, feel free to call
what do we got here? I'm obviously immigration problem. We've
been talking about a whole lot over the past several
years and even longer. Yesterday, more than one hundred and
fifty House Democrats voted against a bill that would deport
illegal immigrants convicted of a sexual offense or commitment conspiracy
to commit sexual offenses, violence against Women by Illegal Aliens
Act past the House by a substantial majority of two
sixty six to one fifty eight. All the Republicans were
there voted for the bill, and fifty one Democrats joining
the Republicans because who doesn't think it's appropriate to kick
out someone who is guilty of a sexual offense. Notice,
I said illegal immigrants, not those that are here I
legally under any executive pen created program like many of
the Haitians in Springfield. Can't refer to them as illegal though.
Just listen to Mike de wine on that they're here legally, okay, whatever, anyway,
But illegal immigrants convicted, which means due process has been
through the UH factored into this. So you've got a
convicted sexual offender, and one hundred and fifty eight Democrats
said no to that. In addition to porting migrants convicted
of sex crime, the legislation also deems illegal immigrants who
admit to domestic violence or sex related charges or are
convicted of them will be inadmissible into the United States.
So there's your border vetting process going on right there.
Representative Nancy May speaking of Fox News, So if you
vote against it, you're sexist against women. She said, I
mean truly, because we're talking about illegals who are here,
who are committing domestic violence, rape, and murder on women
and children. They've got to go. They shouldn't be allowed
in our country. And what's the retort on that, try
to support your opposition to that, what would you say? Well,
let's ask Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramla jpol here we
are again demanding another partisan bill that fearmongers about immigrants
instead of working together to fix the immigration system. That
I probably shouldn't be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting
to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to
be a time honor tradition for Republicans. Well, the Republicans
and the fifty other Democrats who voted along with them.
How is this scapegoating anyone? You are talking about criminals?
The one difference here we have. You can kick somebody
out who's in the country illegally, You can send them away.
You don't have to put them in prison. If a
United States citizen is convicted of any given crime, you
have to lock them up or put them on probation,
or find them or whatever you do under any given circumstance.
But deportation is not an option. We wouldn't even have
a prison system. I suppose if you could deport everybody
who's committed a crime in this country, right, plus, it
will probably be considered cruel and unusual punishment until you
kick somebody out of a country for some sort of
minor infraction. But these are molesters, rapists, murderers, molesters of children,
et cetera. And they are convicted under the terms of
the bill, which that allows them to be booted out
of the country. Nothing wrong with this picture from my perspective,
but this whole concept of fear mongering about immigrants instead
of working to fix the immigration system. No, you can
do both. Part of the fix to the immigration system
might be the option to deport convicted rapists. I'd say
this is a step toward fixing the problems brought about
by open borders. Open borders which bring some valuable, decent
people who are escaping whatever you know, horror they have
at home and may participate in with our economy. They
may be good people, but then among them, when you
have an open border, a whole bunch of criminals. And
speaking to my point, about getting booting people out of
the country who being convicted of crimes. It is widely
known and well documented that many countries like Venezuela who
don't like us, they empty the prisons out and sent
them into our country. Huh can you imagine if we
did that would the reaction? B All right, we're gonna
empty out all these big prisons, We're gonna put them
on buses, and we're gonna ship them down to Venezuela. Hey,
here's some of your replacement populations since your economy went
in the toilet because you went full on socialists, runaway
inflation and joblessness and no food, deteriorating infrastructure. Here, these
guys will help you out. Rather comical, but pivoting over
to a city who's been struggling with this, and remember,
it's xenophobic and it's racist to go after any group
of immigrants coming across the border illegally. Democrat Mayor Brandon
Johnson of Chicago got an earfull an eighty year old
black woman who said she grew up in Jim Crow
in the Jim Crow South had to drink from her
own water fountain, the Blackwater Fountain, as opposed to the
white water fountain. You remember those days when you had
separate Jim Crow laws which required a black people to
sit in the back of the bus, etc. This is
a woman who experienced that. She spoke about how Johnson's
office a wave after wave of migrants and has ruined
the black communities. She said, you have allowed all these people,
and I say these people with emphasis, because you know,
if you're a white person and you say you people
or those people, you get accused of being a racist
for whatever reason. So this is a black woman talking
about these people, and these people for her are the
illegal immigrants who have ruined her neighborhood. You have brought
all these people into this city. You are destroying this city,
and the black community is flooded with all these immigrants,
violent ones, prostitution gangs. You did that, You are doing
this to your people. You're an absolute disgrace to me,
She said. What a feisty eighty year old woman. She
went on like I said, I drank out of that
colored water fountain, but I could go back to that
black community. That was intact, her point being, yes, there
was racism and Jim Crow. It was all terrible, and
she didn't like doing that, but she had her own
community that was intact. The black people live together, dwelled together,
and played nicely with each other. It was nice. And
now to her point, she said, you are destroying the
black South side of Chicago with your politics, all under
the Democratic Party. She made a point of saying that
women are crying, taxes are going up. What I'm going
to do with? What am I going to do with
my children? She said, where are we going to go
and live? This is because of you, Brandon Johnson. How
about that?
Speaker 7 (48:58):
Speaker 1 (48:58):
Is she racist? I would argue, no, it's not races
to be upset about the overwhelming number of Haitians who
have been planted in Springfield. They're having cultural issues. Driving
happens to be one of them. The Haitians don't have
many cars, and very few of the people that came
into this country probably have never been behind the wheel
of a car, and yet, for some magical reason, behind
the wheel of cars in Springfield well documented having reres
all the time. They don't know driving laws here, they
don't understand how things work here. Many of them don't
speak English. So it's a cultural thing. It's not a
color of the skin thing, and it's a resource thing.
Going back to schools and and and the expense of
housing and sheltering and feeding and clothing and providing medical
care for a bunch of people who otherwise wouldn't have
any of the above. Now that's our responsibility. Now. It
has nothing to do with the color of their skin.
Is everything to do with economic and realities. The finite
number of tax dollars and the finite and the infinite
number of services that the government is supposed to be
taken care of. You can't flip a switch and immediately
deal with successfully the influx of humanity on those levels.
Six to seventeen fifty five ks detalxation Dave. I will
take your call in a moment. I got to take
a break, though. I want to mention affordable medical imaging
because I want everybody to save a heapload of money
and I don't want you to support the hospital's air
conditioning bill. Hospitals are huge. I don't know dys hospitals.
I've gotten great care at hospitals before, but if you
look at the overhead they have, they have to have
big profit centers, and one of the biggest, got to
be the biggest, is the Imaging department. Thousands and thousands
of dollars is the bill for any given image, whether
it's an MRI, CT scanico cardogram, ultrasound, long screening, your
cardiac scoring, and you'll pay extra separate bills for the
idiologist report that you need, and like a contrast, that's
a separate line item. There are no separate line items
at Affordable Medical Imaging. Everything comes in one low price.
An MRI at Affordable Medical Imaging without a contrast is
four hundred and ninety five dollars. Contrast that to the
three thousand, four thousand dollars the hospital charge, and after
your your your insurance fament, you're still gonna have a
heapload of money given deductibles and copays, et cetera. If
you get a contrast, an MRI is only six forty
five and that's the most expensive image you get at
Affordable Medical Imaging. Doctor Jeff, Jeff, my friend who saved
thirty one hundred dollars out of his own pocket by
just taking my advice and exercising his choice, which we
all have when it comes to our medical care. Five
one three seven, five three eight thousand five one three
seven five three eight thousand. Learn more online Affordable Medimaging
dot com.
Speaker 8 (51:48):
Fifty five KRC.
Speaker 1 (51:50):
We're just hours away God Day. Today sunny sky is
going up to ninety clear overnight down to sixty four,
another sunny eight ofm R another high of ninety over
night lowis sixty three with a few clouds, and on
Saturday real hog in ninety three with well sunny skies
sixty five. Right now, it's good enough down on traffick.
Speaker 10 (52:10):
From the UCF Traffic Center, The University of Cincinnami Cancer
Center is open, the most comprehensive blood cancer center in
the nation. The future of cancer care is here called
five one three five eighty five U see see see.
Highway traffic in pretty good shape, with one exception that's
a wreck northbound seventy five that blocks the left lane
before you get to Ezer Charles. But even with that,
I'm not seeing a huge delay out of downtown as
of yet. Chuck Ingram on fifty five KRC, the talk station.
Speaker 1 (52:41):
Six fifty five KRCD talk station, Feel free to call
five on three fifty five hundred and eight hundred eighty
two to three talk Dave held over the break. So
I'm gonna take Dave's call his promise. Dave, thank you
for holding Welcome to four what Welcome in the Morning Show? Hello, Yeah, Ed,
you're on.
Speaker 12 (52:58):
Hey. Just a little aside from the original reason why
I called, I was just in Chicago yesterday. You were
talking about Chicago. There's Mexican flags all over the place
up there, driving around with cars all the time.
Speaker 1 (53:10):
I lived there back in between nineteen ninety and ninety eight.
My wife and I lived there and after our first
apartment we moved to Oak Park. But our first apartment
was in an area called Logan Square, and at the time,
we were, without question the minority population there. It was
Puerto Rican and Mexican, a huge population of both, and
they they would drive around with flags all the time.
Speaker 12 (53:37):
So it makes me wonder, if they're so patriotic for Mexico,
what are they doing here. But anyway, the great reason
why I called your Biggest is ish at the Universe
Award this morning for that FedEx driver. I was gonna say,
I used to deliver pizzas and I was attacked once
by a rotweiler trying to So I think the homeowners
certain ones that I mean, if you're you know you're
expecting a package or a pizza or something like that.
Keep your dogs up, put them on at.
Speaker 1 (54:04):
Least well that yes, fenced in yard. I know we
have the same thing we have you know, for service
people over the guys that come into our irrigation system whatever.
And of course we got a dobmin or some quite
often too because my daughter's dobmin. We we we grand
grand dogs sit however you want to call it. So
sometime there's two. And of course when someone shows up,
they usually knock on the door and say, hey, can
you put your dogs away while I'm here? And so
no problem because we don't know that they're there until
they arrive, and so I can't read their minds and
know ahead of time when to bring the dogs in.
I get that, and I'm with you all day long.
And like I said, since that's seminars tonight, the lethal
force and the law, it may very well be it
would make perfect sense that if two dogs are, you know, angry,
running at you and appear as though they're going to
attack you, that you may very well have the right
to utilize deadly force, which is a great thing for
homeowners to know if you can, because if you have
a dog someone might I'd shoot your dog if your
dog is inclined to run at them in an angry manner.
So good point. I will not argue with you on
that one at all. I just don't like the idea
of anybody shooting a dog. Six twenty five. If you
five kc DE talk station, got some local stories or
your phone calls. Either way you want to go, that's
fine with me. I'd prefer talking to you. But a
quick word here for my friend Peter Shabia Keller Williams
Seven Hills buyers agents and sellers agents. When it comes
to buying and selling homes, you're in the best possible
hands with Peter Shabria, Keller Williams and the Shabri Group
because the area's top real estate group, number one real
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Just call the subregroup. Within forty eight hours of them
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have a subgroup, So check them out online seven zero
eight three thousand dot com seven zero eight three thousand
dot com. Put a five to one three in front
of it and call them up five one three seven
zero eight three thousand.
Speaker 8 (56:30):
Fifty five KRC your morning cup of Sean.
Speaker 1 (56:36):
This is a Sean Hannity.
Speaker 11 (56:38):
Morning Minute, the underpinning of her campaign, and she repeats
it as Trump will be a dictator on day one.
That comment he made to me in an interview when
I said, well, they say you're going to be a
dictator on day one, because yeah, you're going to be
a dictator goes, well, only for one day and then
he goes just to get the border secure and to
get us back to energy independence, and they just like
the Charlottesville hoax that they lie about, just like Project
twenty five that they lie about, just like abortion that
they lie about, just like Trump is going to tax
Social Security and Medicare that they lie about. I mean,
this is a non stop lying campaign. And of course
Harris is not held accountable for her statements and her
own words ever by anybody. It would destroy America's economy.
Speaker 1 (57:23):
A conservative underground meets later today on the Sean Hannity Show.
Speaker 11 (57:32):
All right, remember the old way of shopping for custom
window treatments, waiting around all day just to get an
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Speaker 1 (58:05):
They're my favorite, and much more.
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You get unlimited custom window treatments installed all for one
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Rules and restrictions may apply.
Speaker 1 (58:32):
Are you feeling the impact of the recent shape time
forty nine first warning weather forecast sonny and ninety for
the high today overnight gonna be had clear skies and
sixty four sunny again Tomorrow high of ninety down to
sixty three overnight with a few clouds and ninety three
high Saturday with sunny skies sixty five. Right now, time
for traffic from the UCL Traffic Center.
Speaker 10 (58:55):
The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is open, the most
comprehensive blood cancer center and then the future of cancer
care is here called five one, three, five eighty five
Speaker 1 (59:05):
Highway traffic that's not bad.
Speaker 10 (59:07):
There's an accident northbound seventy five, blocking the left lane
before you get to Ezra Charles. But even with that,
I'm not seeing a huge delay out of downtown. No
break lights yet. Northbound fourth seventy one into the barrels
near Grand Chuck Ingramont. Fifty five KRC the talk station.
Speaker 1 (59:26):
Coming up on six point thirty here, fifty five KCD
COX station of the local Stories. I got a call
coming in, but they will take that in a moment.
Got a yearly tradition in Butler County helping to raise
awareness about veterans suicide. It's called Silent Watch. It started
a half hour ago, I guess today guards watching over
a flag draped casket and it goes on for seventeen hours,
which is the average number of veterans to die each
day from suicide, seventeen. It's a Butler County tradition. Mike Farmer,
executive director of the Butler the Veteran Services Commission, and
said the veterans suicide is a crisis across the country,
also in Butler County. Talking to Fox nineteen, he said,
we lost nine veterans last year to suicide. We've lost
five this year already to suicide, so the need is huge,
she said, I feel like veterans need to know that
we as a community are behind them. Silent Watch an
idea to bring awareness to the problem. Hundreds of volunteer
stand guard of the casket for twenty minutes, each switching
for seventeen hours until the watch ends with a twenty
one gun salute. According to Farmer, he said, it honestly
leaves you a loss for words. I know the support
that's behind you as a community. I certainly don't understand
every veteran's struggle or individually what they're going through or
what their crisis is. I'm here to come to the
table with them. I have a great team that's going
to find solutions for them and a solution that they
can get through the crisis. Any veteran who's dealing with
the mental health crisis called nine one one or dial
nine eight eight, and when it picks up, press one
and you have reached the Veteran Crisis Line again. That's
nine to eight eight, followed by one Veterans Crisis Line.
Got police bodycam video. Union Township Police Department released this
video on yesterday, officers arresting suspects in a wave of
gun store robberies in the tri State. It's juveniles. Two
juveniles that get caught by police. These teens Utes Yes
Joe Utes teams part of a group that participated in
gun store robberies using stolen cars, ramming through the front
of the stores, then ransacking them. Bureau alcohol, tobacco, and
firearms said the group used six stolen vehicles for the crime.
Union Township officers caught up with the suspects at Sportsman's
Warehouse and Eastgate, where police say two of the teams
broke into a gun say four facing more than a
dozen charges. Atf said they stole around one hundred firearms.
They have a reward out for information leading to the
recovery of all of them. Thus far, they've only recovered ten.
Let's go to the funds A Bill's got for a
dive into further local stories. Hey Bill, thanks for calling
this morning. Happy Friday Eve to you.
Speaker 9 (01:02:11):
Yeah, thank you.
Speaker 5 (01:02:12):
So we're getting a lot of rain at her Florida.
By the grandson in my backyard are growing so fast,
I'm getting crop circles.
Speaker 1 (01:02:19):
Well, we'll tell you what we'll take it. I mean,
if you want to get rid of some of that rain,
you can ship it north, we would be more than
happy to accept it.
Speaker 5 (01:02:26):
And so anyway, some weeks ago I heard Glenn Beck
say that upon sentencing, they plan on taking Trump into
custody immediately. Now, if he doesn't get elected, that could happen.
What's your take on this steal?
Speaker 1 (01:02:46):
Well, that's assuming that he is going to be sentenced
to prison time. It'd be a very rare thing under
the circumstances that mister Trump is facing right now, considering
the Trump trumped up no pun intended charges actually manufactured charges.
So I really don't think that you or I necessarily
would go to jail for the UH for committing an
actual crime along the lines of what Trump has been
accused of. So just I think it would be politically
stupid as well. So don't really think it's going to happen.
That's my conclusion on that. In the optics will be terrible.
And can you imagine the reaction from the Trump supporters
out across this land of ours were they to take
him into custody for this nonsense. There can be a
bit frightening, very frightening, honestly. That's why I'm really thinking
the aftermath of the election either way it goes, is
not going to be very pretty. I hope I am
wrong on that one. Appreciate the call.
Speaker 7 (01:03:41):
Speaker 1 (01:03:41):
Sorry, I can't answer your question more fully, but then again,
I really don't think he's going to be going to prison.
Let us see here, no no, no.
Speaker 7 (01:03:52):
Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
Triple shooting suspect police looking for information the whereabouts of
a man in connection with a fatal August shooting in
Coleraine Township. Detectives with the Cole Ryan Township Police issue
a warrant for Samuel m and Jordan the Third, who's
responsible apparently for the death of Christopher Potter, killed in
the shooting that also injured two others. Jordan forty two
years old, five foot nine inches five feet nine inches
to all two hundred and thirty six pounds, black hair,
brown eyes. Keep your eyes peeled for this guy, police
wrote and release that he should be considered armed and dangerous.
Happened August twenty seventh, or second Rather, police dispatched to
a place called the Office, which is described as a
bar on Springdale Road for reports of a triple shooting.
Officers found three victims suffering from gunshot wounds. Mister Potter,
who was forty one, died of the scene. Two other
victims survived. Anybody with any information on Jordan's whereabouts please
contact either the Coal Ring Township Police Department Criminal Investigation
Unit or the United States Marshall Service six point thirty
five IFY five k STEE talk Station'd love to hear
from you if you've got something to say. But we
have certainly a lot more on the topic list here
in the studio, but I can dive into some of
that stuff. First. Zimmer Heating and air Conditioning, Yeah, they're
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go Zimmer.
Speaker 8 (01:05:51):
Dot com fifty five KRC. Wake up with football every
morning and listen.
Speaker 1 (01:06:00):
Now for the weather. Channonine says it's going to be
sunny and hot, going up the ninety degrees today. C
there skis over night sixty four for a loan. Another's
sunny hot day tomorrow at high in ninety overnight a
few clouds sixty three for the low and come Saturday,
a hotter day with a high of ninety three. Sunny
skies continue sixty five degrees.
Speaker 10 (01:06:19):
Right now, let's get an update on traffick Chuck from
the UCL Traffic Center. The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center,
it's open, the most comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation.
The future at cancer care is here called by one
three five eighty five.
Speaker 1 (01:06:32):
You see see see.
Speaker 10 (01:06:33):
North Bend seventy five doing fine out of earl Linger
into town. That's less than seven minutes and they've cleared
the accident on North Beound seventy five before as the
Charles Left Lane is now open again. Chuck ingramon fifty
five KRC the talk station shy six forty Here fifty
five KRCD talk Davi Well, after telling you the have
no right to free speech, Hillary Clinton's at it again. Okay,
I just find this comical.
Speaker 1 (01:07:10):
I'm sorry. Hillary Clinton arguing that Vice President Kamala Harris
does not have to clarify her policy positions. This is
you in an interview talking to podcasts hosts Kara Swisher
on the On with Kara Swisher podcast. Not heard of.
That one doesn't matter, But this is a quote from
Hillary Clinton. She does not have to do it. Referend
to the policy position explanations. She does not have to
do it, Kara, I'm going to just cut to the chase.
In fact, she's put out policies on her campaign website.
Anybody who's truly interested can go and read about them.
She referenced policies. She actually just doesn't just have policies
and concepts, she has plans about what to do. I
think it's you know, it's a double standard, and it's
a double standard. That is partly because they are still
getting to know her, but it's also because they're still
grappling with the idea like, oh Am, I really gonna
vote for a woman to be president and commander in chief.
It's particularly this is particularly true. She said, let's just
say it and underline it about white women voters. Really Okay,
If she has a policy position on her page, I
guess Hillary Clinton is saying that no one should be
bothering to ask her about it in the unlikely event
that Kamala Harris like does a press conference, which she
hasn't done now in almost sixty days, that she's not
required to explain, for example, what the hell opportunity economy means.
I still don't know what the hell that means. She's
uttered opportunity economy so many times. If I had a
dollar for every time she did it, I could read hire.
And this notion that we have we would have a
problem electing a female president I think is absolutely nonsensical.
H Those days have are passed. Just ridiculous.
Speaker 5 (01:09:16):
Cheap, your stupid mouth shut.
Speaker 1 (01:09:21):
She had previously been on an MSNBC's Rachel Mattow. They're
talking with Rachel Mattow, the press is still not able
to cover Trump the way they should. Now here you
get into WTF territory. I know that because someone wrote
that next to Hillary Clinton's quote on that. Along those lines,
they kareem from one outrage to the next. I don't
understand why it's so difficult for the press to have, Oh,
here we go, so difficult for the press to have
a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. Now pause
and reflect on that. She is telling the press basically
that you guys all need to be the same page
and all reach the same conclusion, and all perpetuate the
idea that Donald Trump is somehow dangerous. Don't you think
that's frightening? Can you imagine if if she said that,
or really anybody who's on the Trump camp said that
the press needs a consistent narrative about how dangerous Kamala
Harris is. I think they will probably go like an apoplectic.
They put the poll on their hair out. Do you
believe this? They don't want an independent press, They want
a unified message. That's what the left wants from the press,
and sadly they get it. For the most part, Legacy media,
mainstream media. They're all in the bag for the Democrats.
We all know it. We talk about it all the time,
you and I. She went on, you know, the late
great journalist Harry Evans one time said the journalists should,
you know, really try to achieve objectivity, And by that
he said, I mean they said should cover the object
These are her words, folks, I'm not stumbling over them,
just reading them verbatim. Well, the object in this case
is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his dang injure to our
country and the world, and stick with it. Close quote
Hillary Clinton not exactly big on the freedom of press. Okay,
now pivot over to Kamala Harris, who apparently is not
obligating to explain what her positions are since she can't
do it. We got words salad coming from yesterday, and
she's getting mocked online all over the place. Harris was
speaking with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute's forty seventh Annual
Leadership Conference taking place in Washington, DC. At one point,
Harris was speaking about providing families with the necessary resources
so the parents can raise their children. Well, her words declaring,
and I'll quote, I grew up understanding the children of
the community are the children of the community, and we
should all have a vested interest in ensuring that the
children can grow up with the resources they need to
achieve their God given potential. Hey, Joe, were you aware
before she told us yesterday that the children of the
community are the children of the community.
Speaker 10 (01:12:12):
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened
to it.
Speaker 1 (01:12:19):
And you hit the nail on the head on that one. Joe,
Thank you six forty five five care see the talk
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five car the talk station Dale Donovan here for my
favorite cause. Here's your nine first warning weather forecast, sunny
skies and dry conditions and ninety degrees for a high
can see how disappointed ay and by the tone of
abolition mixes the talk like that was this hot anyway,
mostly clear of night, down of sixty four to ninety
degrees with sunny skies again. Tomorrow is sixty three overnight
and a sunny Saturday going up to ninety three sixty
four degrees. Right now for a five kerr sea talk station,
let's hear about traffic, Chuck Ingram from the uc UP
Traffic Center.
Speaker 10 (01:14:20):
The University of Cincinnata Cancer Center is open, the most
comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation. The future of
cancer care is here called five one, three, five eighty
five U see see see step pound seventy five slows
a bit past the Reagan Highway, then heavy out of
downtown to an accident before you get to Kyle's.
Speaker 1 (01:14:36):
The right lane is blocked off.
Speaker 10 (01:14:39):
Just before Kyle's lane northbound four to seventy one is
already over a ten minute delay from Grand into town.
Chuck Ingram on fifty five kerr see the talk station.
Speaker 1 (01:14:51):
Six fifty five kerr se de talk station. EH, Happy
Friday Eve. The children of the community or the children
of the community. There was one to commentator in response
to that nonsense. I would call this a tautology, but
she doesn't even bother using different words say the same thing.
Who can argue with that? No, Oh my god. You know,
this would be a lot funnier if she had if
she had no possible chance of becoming the president. But
the sad reality is she stands a significant chance of
becoming the president under the current state of affairs. The
other day, former White House advisor Susan Rice, you may
remember Susan Rice, of course, on MSNBC again accusing Donald
Trump of wanting to deport American citizens. I think she's overstating.
The Trump administrations are the the Trump campaign's platform argument
about deporting illegal immigrants. But anyway, we know the left's
going to been the truth. They're allowed to. The Republicans
or the Conservatives are not. She said, this is really
quite terrifying. We've heard from many, many months about his
plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the
United States. The troubling statement here, she said, that would
be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, cause of millions
to be expelled through the use of force. But what
he's saying is now something quite different. Then she went
on to accuse him of one of the deeport American citizens.
People who are here legally, have a green card, have
authorization to be here, and I certainly do not believe
that at all. There are laws on the books that
would prevent that from happening. But she went on to say,
with the Supreme Court saying that the president literally has
literally no constraints on what he does in that office,
that also a lie. That is not what the Supreme
Court decision said. It's within the scope of his affair
duties anyway. And she concludes with this, then there is
nothing preventing the federal government from literally without due process,
walking into people's homes and separating families if they don't like,
you know, the color of your skin, or the country
of origin, or the religion or you name it. Again
stirring the pot and claiming something that is certainly fabricated.
But she's got a problem with the federal government literally
without due process, walking into your house. Flipping back to
Kamala Harris back in her San Francisco District attorney days,
she would disagree with Susan Rice. Quote from Kamala Harris
May two thousand and seven, feet with a group of
reporters back in the days when she would actually speak
with reporters. Not presently, We're going to require responsible behaviors
among everybody in the community. And just it's because you
legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked
home doesn't mean that we're not gonna walk into that
home and check to see if you're being responsible and
safe in the way that you conduct your affairs. Close quote.
Oh so, in the context of a violation of the
law regarding safe storage of firearms, it's okay for them
to kick in your door without due process, without a warrant,
Just to make sure your mind in your p's and
ques under those circumstances, playing fast and loose with the
Constitution and your rights and freedoms and liberties to say, okay,
But if there were a law in the books that
required you to be deported because of your legal illegal
immigrant status, going into the home and separating the family
under those circumstances is not okay. Now, I would argue
it's not okay under either circumstance. If you're gonna enter
my home, you damn well better have a warrant to
do it. But to get a warrant, you have to
probable cause that you're doing something wrong. Going back to
the gun storage saying, how would anybody know where your
guns are stored? I mean unless somebody tipped them off,
in which case maybe that would serve as justification for
probable cause and a warrant issued by a judge. But
law enforcement would have to go through that step. I
guess the same thing they go if you are illegally
in our country and there's a lot of the books
that says you need to be deported. That currently obviously
is not the status right now. But as long as
due process is involved, as long as a judge is
making during an assessment on whether there's actual probable cause
supported by an affidavit limited in size and scope that
search must be, they'll least be able to go to
court later and argue that the warrant was inappropriately issued,
there was no probable cause, or someone went in there
and lied to the court negating the effect of the warrant.
It seems to always be with the left. It just
depends on whose ox is being gored. Six fifty five
fifty five KRC. The talk stations stick around, we're to
talk about and come in to the bottom of the hour.
We're gonna hear from Donovan and Neil with his Americans
for Prosperity Action hat on. We'll get the latest on
the situation in the Bernie Moreno Shared Brown race. That'll
be at the bottom of the next hour. I hope
you can stick around.
Speaker 12 (01:20:16):
I don't care about anybody else.
Speaker 1 (01:20:18):
What motivates your vote. There's evil for.
Speaker 12 (01:20:21):
Verden and they're trying to destroy.
Speaker 1 (01:20:23):
Or fifty five KRC the talk station Talk Station. Brian
Thomas happy to see an update on the fifty five
KRS Morning Show rundown and please as I can be
to Welcome to the fifty five KRSS Morning Show. He
is the captain of an elite commando unit in the
Israeli Defense Forces. His name El kana ak aka Kuno Cohen,
and he's joined the program to talk about his new
book and give us an update on the situation in
Israel right now. The book October seventh, The War against
Amas through the eyes of an Israeli Commando Officer. Welcome
to the fifty five KRS Morning Show, Captain Cohen. It's
a pleasure to have you on today, sir.
Speaker 13 (01:20:59):
Thank you for having and it's a great privilege to
participate your program.
Speaker 1 (01:21:02):
Well, before we get into October seventh and the aftermath,
I want to quickly ask you, and I know Benjamin
Yahu has not gone on records saying Israel is responsible
for the cell phone blowing the his balla cell phones
blowing up, and yesterday the walkie talkie's blowing up. I
just am in awe of how that was able to
be pulled off. What is your reaction to the ability
to get those devices into the hands of the members
of the terrorist organization and set them off by remote control.
That has really had to have blown the his Ball
of minds, not literally, or maybe it is literally in
some cases, but they have to be reeling from the
effectiveness of that attack.
Speaker 13 (01:21:46):
Yeah, I think it's amazing. As you just mentioned, Israel
or the government or the idea into the responsibility. But
I think that we can learn from these action that
we work very accurate to make sure that there is
no any collateral damage. And the only people who got
HERI in this action was the terrorists themselves. That the
world holding figures and Milwaukie Toky they only used for
a terror risms well.
Speaker 1 (01:22:16):
And that you got him in the hands of the
terrorists alone is pretty amazing. Now, I saw that the
Israeli Cabinet has given Prime Minister net and Yahoo and
Defense Minister Gout the authorization to undertake military action against Osbalwa.
Is this the the the limiting nature of the attack?
In other words, you've taken away of his balla's ability
to communicate or you haven't. Their ability to communicate has
been severely disrupted. Is that does not that represent a
great time to move in because they're going to be
in a state of disarray for a while, because the
only way they apparently could be able to communicate is
by mail.
Speaker 13 (01:22:55):
Whom not connected to all the information. At the end,
I'm an captain enough there in the Idea, But as
you just mentioned, I truly think that we did harm
their communication, and it's it's probably a good time for
us to react. Sometimes, you know, we don't have all
the information. Probably the Prime Minister and the Idea have everything,
and I'm assuming that we are playing serious things ahead.
I also can tell you that the Idea has mentioned
that he's moving the center of the fight into up
north instead of the Gaza strip.
Speaker 1 (01:23:35):
Okay, well, pivoting back over to the Gaza Strip, which
is the subject of your book October seventh war against
some as the is is of an Israeli commando officer
prior to that that terrible day October seventh, What is
it like to be an Israeli citizen on the Israeli
side of the fence and Gaza being right there, obviously
literally next door with it's an area that is run
by a tear furst organization that has held bent on
eradicating the Israeli people. What is the stress level, like,
how do the people feel prior to October seventh, day
to day living with that threat right there, considering the
rockets being launched and everything. I just can't imagine.
Speaker 13 (01:24:15):
Yeah, I think it's good that you manage how that
you mentioned the fact that we are a citizen. Also
me right now while I'm talking to you, I'm a
reserve captain. I'm not an active duty and on October seven,
I figured that I had to go into the army
to the idea to defend my country. But that day,
on the morning, I was with my father in law,
with my parents in law who were celebrating holiday. And
then it's a shocking knowledge, it will be shocking knowledge
for you.
Speaker 7 (01:24:46):
My wife woke me up.
Speaker 13 (01:24:47):
It was five point thirty in the morning.
Speaker 9 (01:24:49):
She had a.
Speaker 13 (01:24:50):
Nightmare and she told me she worked terrified and told
me that in her nightmare, one hundreds of tubles were
chasing us and I couldn't use my gun in order
to defend ourselves. I hugged her back and I told
her she don't worry. Everything will be fine. And then
one hour later was awaken up by the iron dump
system that were activated from the missile that we're shooting
from God that towards Israel. You ask me, how is
to live here in Israel? So I think israelis. Everyone
who know israelies, they know that we have great spirits
and we've been through some dark times. And unfortunately, while
we're talking, we still have one hundred and one hostages
in captivity. One hundred and one. It's it's an insane number.
They're incuptivity already for three hundred and forty eight days.
It's it's unbelievable. But I think we are with a
great spirit. We have our time here right now, but
we know that we will we will manage that and
we will be able to defeat uh this evil and
these terror group. By the way, it's not just come up.
I went through Gaza, and soon I'm going to share
some of my experience there. But I just want to
tell you then, majority of the people who leave at Gaza,
at least the places that I've been to the northern
part of the Gaza Strip, support the elimination of Israel,
the elimination of the West in total.
Speaker 1 (01:26:24):
Well, that certainly is the picture and the image that
I get. And I suppose that the October seventh terror operation,
the murder of innocent women, children, young people, people who
are not uniformed military combatants, that reminded me a lot
of nine to eleven. And we use nine to eleven
as a justification for launching wars in the Middle East.
And I hear a bunch of people who are anti Israel,
at least lean that way, complain about collateral damage. Were
you going into Gaza to defend yourself against the horrors
of the war that was launched on your country. I
don't understand that, sir. So to those people who complain
only about innocent women and children in collateral damage, would
you explain to them the efforts that Israel goes through
before they enter into it and start launching bombs and
going into combat in areas like Gaza.
Speaker 13 (01:27:14):
Yeah, let me answer your question. First of all, let's
put it in numbers. And on October seven, two hundred
and fifty three people were kidnapped and one thousand, two
hundred people were slaughtered. If we compare that to the US,
it's in the seven thousand, five hundred people were slaughtered. Sorry,
we're kidnapped and thirty six people were.
Speaker 7 (01:27:37):
Slaughtered that day.
Speaker 13 (01:27:39):
It's number that everyone just cannot think about it. It's outrageous. So,
first of all, when people say, you know, like proportional response,
what will be your proportional response for this amount of
people who getting kidnapped and slaughtered? But I'm putting that aside.
One second, I want to share one of my experiences
during that time in Gaza. One of we got an
intel of a school that were full with infrastructures for Terra,
and we knew that we have to conquer that place.
But we also knew that that school was school with civilians.
So as we always do, I'm telling him, as we
always do, we stuck calling them all out, but no
one left the area. So we used the drone in
orders to scan to scan the school from above from
the air, and then we saw that there is Hamas
guard inside that school that didn't let those citizens to
leave the school. More than that, one of the kids,
I think it was five years old, try to run
away and the Harmas guard shoot him in his head
and kill them in front of his mom.
Speaker 1 (01:28:41):
Oh my god, that.
Speaker 13 (01:28:43):
Time I realized, We realized that we had to kill
those guard. So after a couple of moments later, one
of the Hamas guard went on the rooftop and who
went holding was holding a baby just in front of us,
holding a baby. He knew exactly where we were. We
were a couple of one hundred meters away. He knew
where we were, where we are staying. And behind them
was a guy with a camera that just waited for
us to take that shot. And we didn't took the
shot because unlike those savages, I have no other wand
to describe that, we don't use innocent people, and we
don't we don't slaughter baby as they just did on
October seven, and keep doing, by the way, because a
few weeks ago we just got a great reminder murdering
executing these six lovely hostages that were about to get rescued,
so he was holding that baby. What and we didn't
took the shot, even though it's meant for us that
we're putting our life on the line, because as I
just told you, they knew exactly where we were. They
could have aimed any RPG missile at forty seven that
they had towards us. Yet we put our life on
the danger and we did it. Took that shot. Later
on the same Hamas guard went on the rooftop again,
it was surrounded by group of women, one of them
banned a little bit. It was enough for sniper to
take that shot and to eliminate that threat. And I'm
sharing this experience because I want people to understand what's
actually going on through this war. We're doing endless efforts
in order to avoid any casualties. And then you just
mentioned there's people who protest against us.
Speaker 1 (01:30:29):
Yeah, and I find that hard to believe. But I
understand the disdain so many people have for Israel. I mean,
I know that it exists. I don't understand where that
hatred and disdain comes from, but there it is. And
you mentioned the Gaza citizenry. Generally speaking, they're all anti Israel.
They want to eradicate Israel generally speaking, which of course
is the goal of Hamas, who runs Gaza. What is
your belief how what would you consider success, Captain Cohen?
I mean if you went in and you were able
to eliminate every single member of Hamas and or his Baala,
the citizenry, maybe people who are not members, haven't yet
taken up arms, still have that same philosophy, So you'll
still be living next to people who want to eliminate you.
Don't you see that as a possible they could just
make like phoenix from the ashes, arise again in a
different form or reform under the name Hamas or his Bala.
How can you win this war?
Speaker 13 (01:31:29):
I think first of all, we need to understand that
we need our brother and sister back here alive as
soon as possible, and this is what we're fighting for.
We're fighting for our sake, but also for the Palestinian's sake.
As I just mentioned that Hamas doesn't care about these
own people. Here's human chills. You're right, you just mentioned
that they can rise from the ashes and through different organization.
So after remaking sure that everyone who support our desks
is not able to do anything like that, again in
the future. Our main goal will be to re educating
them and to show them what life's supposed to be like.
You know, if you look at Israel, if you I
don't know if you've ever been to Israel, but Israel
it's a lovely place. We have huge Haite company over here,
the nicest resort, amazing innovation, and just seventy years ago
we went through a holocaust with six million Jews were killed.
So we had every reason to be miserable, to tell
the world sorry, and we can't do anything. And yet
we managed to build an amazing state. And yet you
can hear the Palestinians as they pronounce themselves. Even if
there is something like that, they always looked for the
pass they have. I'm telling you, I've been through Gaza.
They had the nicest bitches o reserve, but unfortunately they
take every money that they had in order to invest
and build terror tunnel, terror infrastructure. And we need to
make sure to show them that we can do different.
I want to have a boying life. I don't want
to spend the last year I spent over two hundred
and pudding days on reserve. I shut down my business
that day and as I told you, I'm an expecting father.
I don't want to participate war, but unfortunately, I understand
that we have to fight it. And as long that
they are fighting and they want to destroy my country,
to kill my people, I'll do everything that it takes
to make sure that I'm protecting them.
Speaker 1 (01:33:45):
I understand that, like a grown up sir, I certainly
understand that. But the biggest problem, the elephant in the room,
if I may be so bold, the Iranians are the
ones that are funding this. If the Iranians would not
provide the weaponry, the money, the war machinery to these
terrorist organizations, I think you would be in a much
better place because the terrorist organizations, as much as they
might want to eradicate you, are unable to do so
without military hardware and rockets. What do we do with Iran?
Speaker 13 (01:34:13):
You're definitely right, You're definitely right. I think the entire
worlds should understand that and to do embargoes.
Speaker 3 (01:34:22):
Speaker 13 (01:34:24):
You know, just world pressure against terrorism against Iran, against
Chris Bala, against the terror organization in the m and Lebanon, Syria.
They all part of the same network and just amazing
because as we just saw two days ago, one of
the Iranian representatives in his in Lebanon got heard from
those walkie talkie explosions. They just show learn only you know,
only the people who connect to his Balin had those
radio and yeah, this guys got hurt. So just show
you that the connection that they that they have between
Iran to riz Bala. And I can tell you that
I saw multiple weapons inside the Gaza stript that were
made by Iran. So yeah, I think the entire world
should understand and and and do as much pressure as
we can.
Speaker 1 (01:35:26):
Well, if it was up to me, I would do
everything in my power to get the Iranians eradicated myself.
They are obviously a source of discontent, weaponry, and war,
and they hate us as much as the the Hamas
hates Israel. So sir, you're you're obviously very brave. I
wish you all the best, and you're the fact that
your wife is pregnant, you're you're you're waiting to become
a father in the middle of this crisis is proof
that the world continues to evolve and move on and
and live, thrive and survive. So I wish you and
your wife the best of health and uh and you
have a w you want to say about your fellow
soldiers before we part company today.
Speaker 13 (01:36:05):
Yeah, so, first of all, I want to say about
my fellow soldier and about my comrades. I think that
I have an amazing team, and I have an amazing people,
and I wish the world knew them, you know, privately,
because like personally, I'm sorry because we all people who
want to leave, who want to be with our family,
but we know that sometimes we need to put everything
aside and fight talk for our country. But I also
want to say thank you for all the people in
the US who are supporting us. It's mean a lot
and I'm very.
Speaker 7 (01:36:40):
Grateful for that.
Speaker 13 (01:36:42):
Please keep do that, keep support, keep even share this interview,
do whatever you can in order to show the world
what actually is going on right now while we're talking.
And if anyone has any question, you're more than welcome
to talk to me through my Instagram account it is
Kanna under school kuno e l k a n A
under school k U n O or through my website
el cannatdashcoin dot com e l k a n A
dash c o h e n dot com. And I
can tell you last thing that hopefully I'm coming soon
to the US for speaking to our to share our experience,
to share the world that what actually is going on.
And if there is anyone here who wants me to
come to his congregation, to his uh his community, You're
more than welcome to reach me out through my website
or through my social account, and I would like to
talk to you with everyone.
Speaker 1 (01:37:42):
Captain Elkanna Kuno Cohen. It has been a real pleasure
having you on the morning show. Thank you for documenting
this in the book October seventh, The War against Some
Us through the Eyes of an Israeli Commando Officer, Sir.
That book is on my web page at fifty five
KRC dot com. My listeners can easily get a copy
of it and reach out to you if they are
interested in engaging in a communication with you. I wish
you all the best and safety, and I wish you
the best of success, sir, in your effort to wipe
out these terrorists.
Speaker 13 (01:38:10):
Thank you very much in my pleasure.
Speaker 1 (01:38:12):
My pleasure having you on the program seven coming up
on seven twenty two. But if you have KSTY talk station,
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Speaker 8 (01:39:30):
This is fifty five KRC and iHeartRadio station.
Speaker 1 (01:39:36):
Time for the nine first one weather forecast. I hope
you like it hot, because it's going to be hot today.
Ninety for the high with sunny skies overnight, clear skys
in sixty four, ninety for the high tomorrow as well,
with sunny skies overnight, just a few clouds and low
of sixty three. Even hotter on Saturday, sunny skies ninety
three right now sixty five degrees. Time for traffic from
the UCL Traffic Center.
Speaker 10 (01:39:57):
The University of Cincinnata Cancer Center as open, the most
comp hints of blood cancer center in the nation.
Speaker 1 (01:40:01):
The future a cancer care is here called.
Speaker 10 (01:40:04):
Five one three five eighty five U secce northbound four
seventy one problems. There's the barrels and an accident blocking
the left lanes. Before the bridge. Only traffic getting byas
on the far right side that is backing up into
South Cape for close to an hour delay. Southbound seventy
five cruiser working with an accident left hand side and
should come off of the bridge near twelfth Street. Chuck
Ingram on fifty five KR see the talk station.
Speaker 1 (01:40:31):
Seven thirty here fifty five KRCD talk station Happy Friday.
Speaker 7 (01:40:34):
Speaker 1 (01:40:35):
Always pleasure to have Donovan O'Neil on from Americans for
Prosperity Today with his Americans for Prosperity Action hat on
which you can help out afpaction dot com. Welcome back, Donovan.
It's always a pleasure to have you on the program.
Speaker 3 (01:40:47):
Brian same here, Glad to be back with you, and let.
Speaker 1 (01:40:49):
Me sing a little bit of praises for AFP generally speaking.
You know, we've been as conservative minded people generally frustrated
at the very successful efforts of the Democrats over the
past month, ultiple years of coordinating getting their message out
of you know, busting people to the polling places to vote.
You know, it's just such a well oiled machine, and
I've been seeing for years. You know, damn it, if
the Republicans would do that type of activity. If they
had a better, you know, more organized way of fighting
back against this leftist organization, we could win more races.
So lo and behold, this is exactly what AFP action is.
It's an opportunity for us to do that a well
oiled machine. You are providing everyone with the information and
resources they need to go door knocking to try to
convince voters. Of course, in the case of the the
Moreno Brown race that Bernie Moreno is a far better
person to vote for than the shared Brown leftist record
he's running on or trying to avoid.
Speaker 14 (01:41:48):
Well, yeah, absolutely, And it's what we do, right. It's
why our endorsement, our support carries so much weight is
because we aren't you know, in no no offense to
these organizations. I'one to describe here, but we're not an
organization that shows up in even numbered election years, pops up,
does a bunch of activities, stumps a bunch of money
in a race, and then disappears to the Bellway when
it's all over. We live here.
Speaker 1 (01:42:12):
We live here in Ohio.
Speaker 14 (01:42:13):
Were operate twenty four seven, three sixty five. We're training
people in the off season on how to canvas, how
to talk to the neighbors how to make an impact
in the public policy government arena. And then we don't
just stop there. We go out into the communities, into
the neighborhoods, and in times like this where we are,
you know, less than fifty days away from the election,
we're talking those friends and neighbors. We're putting that train
to action, and we're letting them know about what's at
stake in an election, and in this case, about getting
out and talking to folks about Bernie Moreno as positive
vision for our country and Shared Brown's failed career in
Washington that's hurt in cost ohiolands hundreds not thousands more
every month in there and their family budgets.
Speaker 1 (01:42:59):
You know, you point out, you know, you live here
in iow We all live here in Ohio. We care
about the state. This has turned into like most races anymore,
everything seems to be local. But the money that's going
in to Share A. Brown's campaign is coming from way
outside the state of Ohio by people who are really
committed and weed to this leftist movement in our country.
That's that's difficult because they've got fat bank.
Speaker 7 (01:43:24):
Speaker 14 (01:43:24):
Well there, you know, I think one of the concerns
that was out there at the beginning of summer, and
I've been seeing some reports actually just coming out this week, Brian,
that are pointing to the amount of Republican resources right
of center pro Bernie Moreno financial resources that are arriving
into this race. And I think we thought at the
beginning of summer shared Brown with to way out spend Moreno,
we're finding this is a head to head race because
what you see is this is a national race. This
is about the balance of power in Washington, and with
the the presidential election in swing state's a toss up
right now, we need to make sure we have a
firewall against the potential Harris Wall's presidency, and that firewall
starts in Ohio. We'll be the fifty first vote will
be the vote that puts Republicans in control of the
upper Chamber of Congress. And that's also critical given some
of the challenges that exist in the House of Representatives,
but also the potential of having an executive out of
control like the Kamala Harris Tim Walls White House.
Speaker 1 (01:44:35):
Will be no doubt about that. Let's pause. I want
to bringing back. I want you to let my listeners
know the type of progress you've been making to AFP
the number of doors you knocked. But I also want
to ask you what are you hearing from the homeowners
that you're talking to the citizens, the voters, because you
know we've got a terrible situation with the border. We
all know that the economy is terrible. Everybody's struggling with
grocery bills, gas prices, energy bills are going through the roof,
and are going to hire. I want to see if
those are the kind of things that people care about,
and what the reaction is to the options of Morino
and brown Paster moment Americans for Prosperity Action AFP action
dot COM's Jonavan and Neil will turn in a moment
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eodor exit dot com fifty five KRC the talk station.
Here is your nine first warning weather forecast. Sunny and
hot today, ninety for the high overnight low of sixty four,
sunny and hot Tomorrow high on ninety overnight low of
sixty three, and Saturday sunny and hoteur with a high
of ninety three sixty five degrees.
Speaker 10 (01:46:31):
Right now, let's hear about traffic from the ucl Traffic Center.
The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is open. The most
comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation of the future
at CancerCare is here. Call five one three five eighty five.
UCCC northbound four seventy one. They've moved the accident behind
the barrels. The lanes are now open and that's going
to help. But traffic still over a forty five minute
delay out of Southgate northbound seventy five now running heavy
from Burlington Pike into town. That's an extra half hour
plus stathbound seventy five slow through Lockmark Chucking Ramon fifty
five kros the talk station.
Speaker 1 (01:47:10):
Seven forty here if you have KRCD talk station Return
of Donovan and Neil with his Americans for Prosperity Action
hat on afpaction dot com. Please get involved. You got
an hour's time you can spend knocking on doors. They
need you. If you can do it all week long,
they can need you. And you know what, if you
want to contribute a dollar or five dollars or any
amount of money, please contribute to the work for Americans
for a Prosperity can continue. Donald'neil give my listeners an
idea of how many doors you've knocked on in connection
with the Moreno race thus far.
Speaker 14 (01:47:41):
Yeah, well we're we've we crossed that half a million
mark a couple of weeks ago. We're working towards three
quarters of a million. Our goal is to hit a million.
We're not the only ones out there knocking doors. You've
got a number of other organizations that are focused on
different messages out there. So it's a it's a concerted effort.
But yeah, we're over half a million. Our march is
to a million, and I think you know, you're probably
your listeners who are really.
Speaker 3 (01:48:05):
Good at maths are thinking how are they going to
do that?
Speaker 14 (01:48:08):
Well, you know, as we get closer to the election,
that intensity ramps up. It's a it's a marathon, not
a sprint, Brian, and so we've been building our capabilities,
building our strength, and we think we're going to get
We're going to get to that million. That's our goal,
a million from Moreno. And we only do it if
folks like your listeners come out and join us.
Speaker 3 (01:48:26):
On days of action.
Speaker 14 (01:48:27):
Get out there, take an hour after work on a
Wednesday evening, Thursday evening and join us tonight Thursday evening
and knock a couple doors in the neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (01:48:35):
That's how we get this done. It's doing it together and.
Speaker 1 (01:48:37):
By working with Americans for Prosperity AFP action dot com,
they'll give you all the resources you need. You're not
sending you out cold into the wilderness unprepared for the
door knocks, because occasionally you may run into a confrontational situation,
but they give you the tools and resources to minimize
confrontation and cut to the chase and talk about the issues.
And to that end, Donovan Neil, what are you hearing
from your door knock and contine engine out there in
terms of the reaction from people? What are people you
know day to day folks that you're speaking with, What
do they care about? What are they concerned about?
Speaker 14 (01:49:08):
Well, happy to talk about that, but also on the
confrontation part, you're absolutely right. We train in equip folks
with that. If you're your first time, we take you
out with one of our staff or a season that
are in canvasser. But I'll tell you what over you know,
pushing three quarters of a million doors, now you're going
to talk to a few folks are upset, but by
and large most folks are happy to have a dialogue
and a conversation about what's going on in this country
because nobody else does that. Nobody posts COVID, nobody talks
to people face to face or they're doing that. And
when we're doing that, what we're hearing is that there's
the concerns about the economy continue to be the number
one issue. Thirty five, thirty eight, forty percent of voters,
if you're following the polls, are saying that inflation, fuel prices,
cost of living is the number one factor as they
go into the polls on election day. And that's bearing
out in the conversations we're having at the doors with
voters from Cincinnati to Cleveland, Toledo, the Stupentville. The inflation
and the economy are the big issues for folks right now.
Speaker 1 (01:50:10):
Okay, So is that is that sort of an ice
breaking conversation? Hi, We're here to you know, talk about
the issues and the concerns you have and get an idea.
Someone says, well, you know, my problem is the price
of groceries, or my problem is me and my energy bill.
Do you use that then as a vehicle to say, well,
are you familiar with how shared Brown voted along the
lines of causing this problem? Is that how that works?
Speaker 14 (01:50:35):
Absolutely, it's you. It's like you are watching us, Brian. Yeah,
we have those conversations, and that's what it is. It's
a conversation from one ohioland to another about what's going
on in this country and so whether it's concerns about
the border security and drug problems, concerns about the economy
and inflation. I've had a mom just a last day
of action for US, I was over at Ashland, Ohio,
talking to some voters over there, and you know, had
a mom who was talking about how, you know, she's
got our kids and you can see the toys in
the yard, talking about how like just getting harder to
afford everything. It's getting harder to afford the groceries, to
afford putting fuel in the car, paying the electricity bill,
and let alone like being able to like pay for
all the kids' school supplies. And you know, we hear
these stories across the state, and those conversations then give
us the opportunity to say, well, you know, you know
who's responsible for that, right and they'll know if you
can see it, they know, Yeah, with the politicians in Washington,
and that gives us the entry point to talk about
shared Brown his record and how it's sailed Ohiolands, and
it's contributed in a meaningful way, an unfortunate way, to
how Ohiolands are paying more and getting less in all aspects.
Speaker 1 (01:51:51):
Of their lives. One more thing before we part coming today,
Donald and O'Neil, I know, and I'm so pleased. And
it was early in the process. It was January. You
endorsed Orlando's He was on the program yesterday. And I've
talked to Orlando multiple times and what a tremendous, tremendous
man of character he is and just a brilliant guy.
He's got great ideas, he's honest, he's he has integrity,
unlike his opponent. Are you are you door knocking? I
know you are endorsed Orlando, but are you also door
knocking on behalf of Orlando Sanza.
Speaker 14 (01:52:23):
Well, for right now, our focus for Orlando has been
to connect voters to his to him, work to increase
his name I d and help make sure folks understand
greg Landsman and in short, not even two years yet
in Washington, his record, Uh, connect voters to that and
what we'll do is we're gonna We're evaluating, are you.
Our number one priority is the US Center race, and
we think if we can drive that turnout off the
top of the ticket, that'll that'll flow down ticket. But
we're constantly evaluating that and we are we are for Orlando,
and we've been pushing mail digital and in those same
voters we're having these these conversations at the door about
inflation and border security, having those same conversations with them.
Speaker 1 (01:53:07):
I can't encourage my listeners enough to join Donovan O'Neil
and Americans for Prosperity Action. Just go to the website
AFP action dot com. If you don't have any time
in your day, you can't door not, go ahead and
throw some money their direction. It will be used, well used.
It is well worth the expenditure of a few dollars.
But if you have any time, join up with the
team make a difference. Donovan, thanks to you and everyone
with AFP Action for doing the heavy lifting on this
and best of luck with all your days of action.
And you're always welcome here on the fifty five KRC morning.
Should have spread the.
Speaker 14 (01:53:38):
Word, thanks as always for your kind words. Brian will
keep the work up out here.
Speaker 1 (01:53:42):
I know you will. God bless you all. Fifty five
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Electriccincinnati dot Com fifty five KRC. Well here it is
your nine first one and weather forecast mostly sunny skies today,
be hot, dry and a high end ninety over night,
clear and sixty four. Another hot dry day tomorrow with
a high ind ninety under sunny skies down to sixty
three overnight with a few clowns. Sunny on Saturday one
to ninety three sixty four degrees. Right now, it's time
for traffic updates from the UC Houth Traffic Center.
Speaker 10 (01:55:30):
The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center has opened the most
comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation. The future of
CancerCare is here called five one three, five eight five
U SECC. They cleared the wreck northbound fourth seventy one
on the bridge, but damage done. You're over a forty
five minute delay out of Southgate into town. Southbound seventy
five continues heavy approaching Union Center, then through Blachlan and
out of downtown due to a wreck left hand side
near twelfth Street, Covington, Chucking, Vermont.
Speaker 1 (01:55:58):
Fifty five KRC talk station coming ABU seven fifty two,
fifty five k r CD talk station right the time,
I sarre wishing you know, very happy Friday. Eve'n gonna
be talking to Shery polland how mu kindy of ward
of election, Sherry polland after the top of the our
news about early voting, and of course the need for
poll workers help protect the integrity of the election by
volunteering to be a poll worker. My wife's not doing
it this year. She's I think a decade plus back
to back. She's taking a breather from it. But I've
seen what it takes, and it's a rewarding day. And
of course poll workers are always desperately needed, and we
are in obviously a one of the most important election
cycles that I think I've ever seen in my life,
and people like to say that all the time. But
you know who in the hell is Kamala Harris.
Speaker 3 (01:56:51):
You know who?
Speaker 1 (01:56:55):
I don't know. That's the problem in Hillary Clinton defending
her saying she doesn't have to explain herself. Seriously, she
doesn't have to explain herself. That's the bottom line of
what Hillard Clinton said the other day. Just look at
her webpage. You don't have to get Kamala Harris to
articulate what is on her web page. You don't have to.
You don't need to Kamala Harris to explain to you
how she is going to achieve what she claims to
want to achieve on her website. I mean, you get
these words salads. I brought this up the other day.
I mean, what the hell is this supposed to mean?
And everybody on the internet's making fun of her yet
again another word south. This is why she doesn't do
open press conferences. I grew up understanding that the children
of the community are the children of the community. That's
a quote, and we should all have the vested interest
in ensuring that the children can grow up with the
resources that they need to achieve their God given potential.
Oh okay, not against allowing children to achieve their God
given potential. But what specifically, miss Harris, are you talking about?
What is the children in the community or the children
the community is supposed to mean? What does opportunity economy mean?
I think that phrase irks me, frankly pisses me off
well than anything. I mean, if I'm a reporter and
I have an opportunity to ask a question, I'm sorry,
come on, miss Harris. You keep saying opportunity economy. What
do you mean by that? And telling me that, yeah,
you're gonna give me a twenty five thousand dollars down
payment for my next home acquisition. I don't know how
that means opportunity economy. That's just a handout from government.
And of course, if you do the math on that
one giving people twenty five thousand dollars for down payment,
the obvious effect on that is that houses will go
up by twenty five thousand dollars a pop. I mean,
you're starting at twenty five thousand dollars and then working
up from there. Anyhow, she's getting a pass on this,
and she hasn't had one of those open press conferences
where you'd have the opportunity to ask a question like
that fifty eight fifty nine days, like a month and
a half away from the election, and here we are
with a candidate who is actually running neck and neck
with Donald Trump, at least that's what the polls tell us,
whether they're real or not. Whether that's just to defeat
the pro Trump folks out there or take the wind
out of their sales, or it's to bolster people's enthusiasm
for this empty suit that is Kamala Harris. I don't know,
but to the extent there even is a remote possibility
she's going to be president when she hasn't articulated a
syllable that makes any sense on where she wants to
take the country is just beyond my comprehension that anyone
would vote for her not knowing what she stands for,
or that actually takes a look at what she has
said and done in the past, what she has actually
been for, since her values have not changed. I think
we can get a really good indication of which direction
he's going to take the country. But it just seems
perplexing to me that this point in history, we are
here and one of the candidates hasn't said really anything
of substance coming up with some fifty six fifty five
KRC Talk Station Sherry Poland. At the top of the
our news, we're gonna hear from Phil Kirpin. He's President
of American Commitment. Is the economy strong. We'll get his
reaction to the interest rate cut as well. That'll be
at eight thirty. I'll be right back.
Speaker 14 (02:00:16):
You're just minutes away from refreshing your news feed at
the top of the hour.
Speaker 4 (02:00:20):
I have never seen anything like this.
Speaker 1 (02:00:22):
Exclusively fifty five KRC the talk station. This report today
future of America. Trump is president in breaking news happening
right now. It could all change. Keep up with life
one fifty five KARC the talk.
Speaker 10 (02:00:38):
Station eight o six. You're a fifty five kr CED
talk station. Happy Thursday.
Speaker 1 (02:00:46):
Brian Thomas here, welcoming back to the fifty five KRC
Morning Show. We get her every election season and it's
coming at us like a freight train. Welcome back from
the Hemlin County Bard of Election, Sherry Poland. Always great
having you on the program. Good morning, Thank you for
let me start off by thanking you and everyone at
the Hamilton County Board of Elections. I think the last
couple of elections. We've gone down to early vote. You know,
get the car load of the family members and zip
on down there with my son and daughter. It is
such a well oiled machine. Even times when I have
voted when there's a line out the door, that line moves.
I mean, you're not outside very long if there is
a line, so don't let it discourage you. Plenty of parking,
such a major improvement over the prior location. And you
got a wonderful website that answers everybody's any possible question
you could have about it, which is vote Hamilton County,
Ohio dot gov, Sherry polland congratulations on the wonderful work
that you're doing it. So, like I said, a very
well oiled machine. So with that in mind, early votings
fast approaching. What day are we going to start voting?
Speaker 15 (02:01:49):
Yes, voting begins on October eighth. That is the day
we open our doors for early in person voting that
you just talked about. And that's also the day we
begin mailing absentee ballots to those voters who have requested one.
Speaker 1 (02:02:03):
Okay, absent de voutes go out on the early voting
start date. That's a good question to answer. I was
kind of wondering about that. Now insofar as getting registered.
If someone's going on I got to get registered, how
do they go about doing that? And how do they
go about updating their voter information because if you changed
address things like that, you need to update your voter role.
Speaker 15 (02:02:26):
Absolutely, that's a great question because that's the first deadline
that we're concerned about with this election because it's fast approaching.
So for those citizens that have not yet registered to
vote in the state of Ohio, the deadline is October seventh.
Speaker 2 (02:02:43):
It's easy to do.
Speaker 15 (02:02:45):
Folks can register online by going to our website. You
just gave that website, I'll give it again. Vote Hamilton County,
Ohio dot gov. When registering online, citizens do need to
provide two forms of ID, both driver's license number or
State of Ohio Identification Card number and the last for
digits of their social so when you know, it's an
extra layer of security. When folks are registering online, they
can also register at their local Bureau motor vehicle at
a public library, they can come here to the Board
of Elections. When registering using a pay per form, only
one form of ID is required, and on Monday, October seventh,
our board will be.
Speaker 2 (02:03:29):
Open until nine pm to register people to vote.
Speaker 1 (02:03:33):
Sure you mentioned you need a photo, a proper photo ID,
the state issued idea or the driver's license to register online.
How do you get the driver's license information when you're
registering online? Is it just your driver's license number? Do
you have to scan it or how does that work?
Speaker 8 (02:03:50):
It's just your driver's license number.
Speaker 15 (02:03:52):
You input your driver's license number when you go to
our website, it'll actually take you to the Secretary of
State's website. The state wide voter Registration database communicates with
a BUA Motor Vehicle database.
Speaker 8 (02:04:07):
They share inform, they share data and information.
Speaker 15 (02:04:11):
So when you register online, that's why you have to
have both forms of ID, and then we use the
signature that you have on file with the BUA Motor Vehicles.
Speaker 1 (02:04:22):
Fair enough, and in terms of your hours of operation,
you're normally eight to five Monday through Friday. I see
you have eight to four pm hours on Saturday. This
is after early voting starts, but you're also open on Sunday.
I was amazed to see that.
Speaker 15 (02:04:37):
Yes, so our normal office hours are actually eight am
to four pm and then when once early voting starts
on October eighth. Early voting is from eight to five,
and then the closer we get to the election day,
the more extended hours we have for early voting. So
the first two weeks is eight to five Monday through Frida.
The third week is eight to six. The fourth week
it's actually eight too. I'm sorry, it's actually seventh thirty
thirty to seven thirty. Yes, yes, And then we're open
the like you mentioned, we're actually opening because it's a
presidential year. The two weekends before, so two Saturdays and
two Sundays, people have the opportunity to vote. You know,
the hours changed throughout the month, so I highly recommend
people go onto our website and get the scheduled.
Speaker 1 (02:05:29):
It's a really easy website to navigate. Again, I'll give
you props for making it so easy for my listeners
and everybody else vote. Hamilton County, Ohio dot gov. Now
moving over to the all important subject of poll workers here,
Sherry Poland, let me guess you're in need of poll
workers for the upcoming election.
Speaker 8 (02:05:47):
Yes, yes we are, and you know, I know it's
a long day.
Speaker 15 (02:05:52):
I think that's the that's the reason we are given
most on why people do not want to work the polls,
and we understand the team here at the Board of
Elections arise at the Board of Elections before the poll
workers get to the polls, and we're here for hours
after the poll workers have gotten home. So I understand
it's a long day, but I'll tell you this one
will go quickly because you'll be busy and it's you
know it will. And you know we typically see high
turnouts and presidential elections Hamilton County, you know, usually somewhere
between seventy and seventy four percent.
Speaker 2 (02:06:27):
So that's good. You are paid for your work. And actually,
earlier this year, our.
Speaker 15 (02:06:34):
Board of Elections, along with the Board of County Commissioners,
gave the poll workers a race. Poll workers now make
two hundred and twenty five dollars for their service, and
if you have a manager's position and with additional responsibilities,
you'll make up to.
Speaker 2 (02:06:48):
Two hundred and seventy five dollars. So you are paid
for your work.
Speaker 15 (02:06:52):
It's a great serve your community and it's not a
difficult job. We really do everything we can to support
the poll workers. We train them and then we have
a special help desk line dedicated just to them for
their questions on election day.
Speaker 1 (02:07:08):
Well, and I can only go back go to the
experience of my wife and some of my other friends
have had working the polls. I don't ever recall hearing
about anything involving confrontations or arguments that I think. The
people who volunteer to be poll workers are in it
for all the right reasons, and the motivations are pure
and clear. They want them and maintain the integrity of
the vote. And it doesn't matter what party you are,
You're there to do a job on behalf of the
public and the voters. So yeah, I mean low likelihood
of anything going wrong. I would imagine Sherry.
Speaker 2 (02:07:40):
That is so true.
Speaker 15 (02:07:41):
It is very rare that we have any type of
problems amongst the poll workers. It's just like the team
here at the Board of Elections that I'm so proud
to be a part of. It's Democrats and Republicans. You know,
we put our politics aside when we walk into the
board and poll workers do the same when they walk
into that location because we all have a common goal,
and that is to administer affair and free election.
Speaker 1 (02:08:06):
Vote Hamilton County, Ohio dot gov. All the information you
whatever need in terms of getting registered, changing your address,
updating your information, and of course all the information on
the dates and times when you can start early voting.
Cherry poland thank you again on behalf of all my
listeners and folks in Hamilton County for the hard work
that you do each and every year, and for providing
this information today on the morning show. And get in
to vote and get out to vote. You got to
get registered to do it, so get over to vote
Hamilton County, Ohio dot gov. Sherry, have a wonderful day
and best of luck as we fast approach November.
Speaker 2 (02:08:39):
Thanks Brian, I appreciate you having me.
Speaker 1 (02:08:41):
I'm happy to do it, happy to do it. You're
always welcome here in the morning show. It's eight fourteen folks.
If you have care see the talk station. You know
it we're going to pull. Is rewarding too, don't give
me a phrasing button on that streker. It is rewarding.
You're helping out. And you know, if you don't do
anything by way of campaigning, door knocking, working for camp
and it's whatever. The integrity the election, most notably in
this presidential election year, is very very important. So it's
nice to know that you've got both parties there keeping
an eye on things and making sure people are minding
their p's and q's. And that's the job of a
poll worker. Okay, let us move along. We got a
little bit to talk about before we get to the
bottom of the how Phil Kerpen's going to join the
program at eight thirty. Sadly, and please thoughts prayers to
Jay Ratliffe and his family. Jay's father passed earlier this week,
and Jay dearly loved his father and he's a lucky
man for him being alive as long as he was
considering the age. But he did pass away, so he
won't be joining us this morning. He's involved in the
grieving process, which I certainly understand. So prayers to Jay
and his family. A fifteen fifty five KC the talk
station and Cover Sincy. I'll tell you what my buddy Jeff.
I talked to my buddy about my buddy Jeff all
the time, and Jeff is a supporter of the sponsors. Now,
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Speaker 8 (02:11:35):
Dot Com fifty five KRC.
Speaker 1 (02:11:38):
We're just hours away KRC Detox Station five one three
seven fifty five hundred, eight hundred eight two three talk
before I go to the phones, I want to mention
real quickly. Here I mentioned the most influential teacher I
had in K through twelve education. Man, I have so
much respect for and I think probably my introduction to
the Socratic method form of teaching. Chuck burkhol Is my
government teacher. Just a great guy. He really got you engaged.
He allowed that free exchange of ideas in a high
school classroom environment. A profound impact on my education and
my interest in government, most notably you know Constitution et cetera.
And he wanted me to let you know that the
Harrison Sims Museum Foundation is going to be holding its
second annual Historic Walk this Sunday, six thirty pm. The
event is free, so it's parking is located the Miller
Stockholm American Legion twenty nine on East State Street, and
there's a trolley there that can shuttle people who prefer
to ride to each event. So again, Harrison Sims Museum Foundation,
second Annual Historic Walk this Sunday at six thirty. There
you go, Chuck, Happy to help you spread the word
on that. Going over to the phones, Mississippi James. Always
good to hear from you, my friend. Welcome back to
the Morning Show.
Speaker 3 (02:12:50):
Good morning, doctor Bryant. Okay, this morning, I'm confused.
Speaker 1 (02:12:56):
Like I am a lot of time I joined the club.
Speaker 3 (02:13:01):
Hey, that's my state of mind. But you know, as
I hear the Republican ramp up ways to get more
peoples involved than elections, you know, that's the same thing
the Democrats are saying. Yeah, well, I guess there's only
so many pieces of vice as you can put out there.
Both of them are saying the same thing. But then
I hear Republicans say that, hey, the Republican Party did
not choose Trump. Trump pretty much kicked the door in
and became a candidate. So now when you look at
that and I guess the fact he's a candidate now,
so hey, the party got to put you know, got
to be a legiance to the party and put it over.
Speaker 1 (02:13:43):
Well, he did have challengers Mississippi James. It was a
primary process, and they did have a convention where the
delegates picked Trump over the alternatives that had run in
the race. Some of the alternatives that were originally running
ended up joining Donald Trump and supporting Donald Trump as
the candidate. So I mean, at least there was a process.
It might not have been Trump, it could have been
somebody else. We had other people who were opting to run.
They just couldn't beat Trump.
Speaker 3 (02:14:12):
Yeah, that's true too. You see a couple of Republicans say, hey,
he more or less kicked the door down and didn't
want it. But he's here now. So he's sort of like,
what do you do with this? Is he a counselor
is he what? But I'll tell you what now when
I heard him say it, and I know a lot
of people are tribute stuff to Trump that he don't say,
but maybe you can fact check me on this. When
he said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and
never lose any votes.
Speaker 1 (02:14:41):
Yeah, no, I think he said that. But you know,
there is something out there called the tongue in cheek
comments humor. You know, I can think of a lot
of very broad, bold, you know, could be interpreted other
than what it was intended to mean, statements that anybody
could make. Was that was the only point he's so
full of. He's such a malignant, narcissistic person who is
so thrilled with himself that he believes he could, you know,
get away with anything kind of statement. I mean, that's
just Donald Trump being Donald Trump. Do I really believe
that he would go out and shoot somebody, of course not.
I don't believe that was something to incite violence. He
was just merely talking about how popular he is, which
goes back to your original point. Yeah, he had a
built in massive people who are always Trumper people. You know,
there's these never Trumpers, there's always Trumpers. And I'm talking
about on the Republican side of the equation. Of course,
a lot of people are just Trump fanatics. I don't
get that either, Mississippi James. I'm in favor of Donald
Trump to be president. I think he offers a better
solution than whatever Kamala Harris is offering, which I don't
know because she really won't tell us and won't explain it.
But I'm not enthralled with the man. I wish he
was somebody else, just because he would take the wind
out of the Democrat sales that they don't have this
built in evil Orange man component which is built in
the Democratic side of the ledger. I mean, people just
lose their minds if you even bring the guy's name up.
It's that that's sort of that joke that Trump is
living rent free in their heads. So yeah, if he
wasn't here, I think would be in a much different place.
Most notably because Kamala Harris has now gotten the nod
from the Democratic Party again, depriving Democrats of an opportunity
to choose who they want. Going back to twenty nineteen,
when she dropped out of the presidential race because not
a single Democrat would vote for her. Polling reflected that
she couldn't generate any traction whatsoever, so she quit. Now
she's the nominee, so that one. You know, I'll leave
it to you to decide one where another whether it's
right or fair or whether it matters an iota, but
the Trump factor can't be denied. You know, there's built
in anger on one side, and there's built in just
absolute adoration on the other among certain segments of each party,
and the rest of us are scratching our head. So
I share your confusion to a certain degree in Mississippi, James,
I sure do. And I appreciate you calling in a
twenty five right now. If you have Kerse detalk station,
Phil Kerpin is the economy strong? What's the story with
the interest rate cut? President of American for Commitment On
next first, Susette Losa Camp. You should call Susette if
you are interested in buying a home you need a mortgage,
She's the one to call. You got a mortgage already,
you want to get some equity out of your home,
or you have paid off your home and you want
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Just call Suzet loads Camp. I'm not a fan of
reverse mortgages, but she can handle that. If it relates
to mortgages, you're talking with a woman that I think
has more experience in the mortgage business than anyone thirty
five years, and I know Suzette well. I can't believe
she's even old enough to have thirty five years in
the mortgage business. But she's with Cross Country Mortgage, so
any state in the Union and Puerto Rico, she can
help you with your mortgage related needs. Best possible human
being in terms of customer service, You're gonna love working
with her. She's sweet and she will get you through
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application fees. It's always just great rates at a low cost.
Her number five one three three one three fifty one
seventy six. We're kind of outside business hours, but if
you call it, she'll get right back with you. She's
great about that. Five one three three one three fifty
one seventy six or center an email. Same thing goes
sus that dot Low's camp is spelled l O s
E kamp ss A dot Low's camp at c c
M dot.
Speaker 8 (02:18:17):
Com fifty five KRC.
Speaker 1 (02:18:20):
Are you receiving letters from the off UH channel line
says a sunny day to day high and ninety over
night clear in sixty four Sunday tomorrow high have ninety
over ninety few clouds in sixty three and on Sunday,
it's or Saturday rather a sunny day high of ninety
three sixty three degrees.
Speaker 10 (02:18:37):
Right now, time for a traffic upbeat from the UC
how Traanffic Center. The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center. It's open,
the most comprehensive blood cancer center in the nation. The
future of cancer care is here called five one, three,
five eight five u se c C northbound seventy five
continues to run close to an extra twenty minutes between
Burlington Pike can the Cut in the Hill northbound fourth
seventy one, and that the late times dropped under the
fifteen minute market from before Grand into the city. Southbound
seventy five continues slow through Wakhan Chuck Ingram on fifty
five krc the talk station.
Speaker 1 (02:19:13):
Hey thirty here fifty five KRCV talk station. That little
bumper music saddens me because, in spite of the fact
that I'm pleased at Phil Kirpin from American Commitment on
the program, I heard media aviation expert Jay Radliffe is
not here because his father passed away again. Prayers to
Jay Ratliffe and his family. American Commitment dedicated to restoring
protecting American commitment to free markets, economic growth, constitutionally limited government,
property rights, and individual freedom. Amazing concepts those which are
fast eroding. It's led by Phil Kirpin, who is a
leading free market policy analyst and advocate in Washington. Before
his involved with the American Commitment, he worked with a
group we were talking to earlier, Americans for Prosperity, was
there for more than five years. Also he was with
the Free Enterprise Fund, Club for Growth, among other things.
Welcome back to the fifty five KRC Morning Show, Phil Kurpin.
Heny my pleasure again. It's Americancommitment dot org for my listeners.
Want to strongly recommend that they check out your information there.
Let's talk about the interest rate it is. They did
lower it half a point yesterday. Since you deal so
much with the economy and matters economic related, what is
your reaction to it? Was it necessary to I know
most people are going to say, great, the interest rate's lower,
But what impact do you think it's going to have
and was it necessary to lower the rate?
Speaker 16 (02:20:33):
Speaker 7 (02:20:35):
I think that it was probably time. I probably would
have just done a twenty five basis point, not the
fifty basis point, and they're forecasting two more cuts this
year now they sort of telegraphed and additional cuts next year.
I mean, you know, the inflation outlook has improved pretty significantly,
and there's a lot of economic weakness and the fundamentals,
and so the case for cutting was pretty good right now.
The reason I I think they may be being too
aggressive though, is the there are still some mixed signals
on inflation. In particular, the gold price is very high
in rising and I'm very concerned about the lack of
discipline on the fiscal side of spending that they're going
to do another massive onto the spending bill, most likely
later this year. They can't seem to break their habit
of doing that almost every single year, and especially depending
on the outcome of the election. I mean, we've got
Kamala Harris has endorsed Biden budget that spends seven trillion dollars.
I mean, if something like the only thing that's rending
that from happening now is that you get a Republican
House that's sort of giving a little bit of gridlock
that's flowing some of those ambitions, but you know, we
get democratic control of everything. And they're also the races
on spending again. Inflation is going to shoot back up.
There'll be a lot like what happened in the seventies,
where you know, we had one episode that came down
and we had an even bigger episodes kind of back
to back, and so there are risks in both directions.
But I do think that some cut it was probably
time because the economy softening and we want to maintain
economic growth. We don't want to go into a recession.
And the inflation measures for the moment happened pretty muted
with the exception of that gold price. So I would
have cut a quarter point myself. I think they're cutting,
probably more aggressively than the data would dictate, because I
think they want to give a more of a short
term boosts the economy, because they probably favor the Democrats
because Trumpet said he would fire j. Powell. So that's
my take. I would have cut, but not as much
as they did.
Speaker 1 (02:22:32):
What's your reaction and probably low hanging fruit for you,
Phil Curvin, but your reaction to Kamala Harris's proposal to
tax unrealized capital gains. I think that would ultimately be
found to be unconstitutional. But what is your take? What
would the real what would the how would the market react,
and what impact would it have on the American economy
if she got what she wanted.
Speaker 7 (02:22:54):
Well, let's think about this, right If if all of
these big holders you know, and sh they say, oh,
it's only for the one hundred millionaires or it's only
for the billionaires. I think the proposal is it's over
one hundred million a network something like that, and you say, oh, well,
that's only super rich. They want to say, oh, it's
only super rich, you don't need to worry about it.
But those are the people that hold massive amounts of
shares and all the most successful companies in the country,
the founders, the early investors and so forth. And if
you tell them you've now got a huge tax build
that you have to pay whether you sell your stock
or not, they either need to take out huge loans
to not sell their stocks and pay the tax are
more likely. What will happen is you'll have a selloff,
and that means everybody who's in all of these companies
is going to suffer the consequence of you know, that selloff,
and they're going to lose value. Also, I think it's
completely unworkable, and of course you know, the other aspect
of this is every tax starts only on the super wretch.
I mean, the income originally came in was only on
the super wretch. And then of course it starts to
creep down over time. And you know, so when people say,
oh my god, this is terrible, they're gonna end up
having basically a federal property tax on my house when
the value goes up. And then then you know, the
fact checkers say, oh, no, no, no, this is only
for super rich. I think the normal people that are
worried about this, they're smarter than the fact checkers telling
them not to worry about it, because if they get
this in, they will move it down the income chain
over time.
Speaker 1 (02:24:19):
That's what always happened without question. And I think oftentimes
people who are embrace this class warfare mentality, Oh they're
just the evil billionaires of the world. I think they
quite often forget who their employer is. It's those evil
rich people who make that much money are the ones
that create jobs and offer opportunities for folks and invest
that money that evil profit into businesses and create even
more jobs. Without them, a lot of us wouldn't be working.
Speaker 7 (02:24:46):
Yeah, and just make our lives better in a lot
of ways. Like you know, especially you know, you turn
out these tech billionaires. I mean, like you know why
the Google guys make billions of dollars because now you
can find literally any information you want in a second,
free of charge by going on their website. You It's like,
if we creat an economic system where we don't reward
creating things and venting things, making new things, making people's
lives better, we're gonna get less of all of that,
and we're gonna have worse lives as a result of that.
Speaker 1 (02:25:15):
Okay, before we part company, feel current an American commitment.
Energy prices are gone through the roof. If I know locally,
Duke Energy was seeking a rate hike. We've already experienced
a thirty percent increase over a year. It looks like
it's going to continue to go up. This is the
direct consequence of and I think the product of a
sort of a win for the left. I mean, you know,
I always go back to Barack Obama. The price of
gasoline will necessarily go up. That is not because of
market forces. That is because of legislation and regulation and
denying us access to an energy resource we need. This
is a high energy prices are a win for the left.
I mean, I can't look at it any other way.
Is there any solution to it? Can we go back
to when we didn't have such a heavily regulated, green
focused energy production.
Speaker 7 (02:26:01):
Oh, I sure hope so. And you know, the the
amazing thing about what the Democrats have done on energy is,
you know, like ninety percent of it was not done legislatively.
It was done through abusing regulatory powers of the various agencies.
And that famous quote from Obama about how I'm gonna
make your electricity prices necessarily skyrocket. He was talking about
his cap and trade legislation that he had proposed to Congress,
which passed the House barely even with a huge Demograph majority,
and then crashed and burn so hard they never even
voted on in the Senate. And if our systems government
were working the way it's supposed to, they would said, oh,
it didn't pass, I can't do it. Instead he said,
I have kind of phoned the EPA is going to
cap it. Instead. We're gonna do it. We're gonna have
you know, a million regulations to accomplish all the same things.
And Trump turns a lot of those off, but Biden
gets in turns all of them back on, and then something,
we actually have regulatory costs now in access to what
we had under Obama, which I thought he was there
gonna be the world champion forever. I didn't think his
records could be beat. And Biden has bet And then
of course now we've got this strange spectall of Kamala
Harris claiming that she's going to be totally different than Biden,
and she's going to solve all our problems. But she
supports all the policies that have caused this situation, particularly
with respect to energy and the obsession with local warming
and the green energy stuff and anti oil and gas.
And you know, we are all seeing the consequence of
that in our electric bills. And I'll add another part
to that also, which is the Democrats want to repeal
the Trump tax cuts, which means higher corporate taxes, which
also will directly mean higher utility builds, because when we
cut the corporate tax, dot cut utility builds. Because they
did they passed those savings on. They actually have to
in most states as a regulatory matter, pass those federal
tax savings on.
Speaker 1 (02:27:42):
Oh you have a choice. It is in November and
its Phil Kirpin points out the better choice is Donald
Trump if you're concerned about your energy, build a national
debt and everything else. Although I got to point out Phil,
donald Trump wasn't exactly a deficit hawk.
Speaker 7 (02:27:55):
Yeah, he's not great.
Speaker 3 (02:27:56):
I didn't look.
Speaker 7 (02:27:56):
I don't want to lie to you. He's not great.
He's not great on spending, that's for sure. I think
he was very good on tax he was very good
on regulation, he was good on energy. He was very
bad on spending. But Democrats are even worse. So it's
not it's a problem. It is a problem. And I
don't know what to tell you other than we're going
to keep trying to make the case that we've got
to have some some spending restraint and some discipline on
the on the budget. But you know, if all they
do every year is do nothing all year and then
in December past some gigantic monstrosity, it's very tough to
get to fight any of the specifics. And then I
don't know they've been doing it every year for how long.
That it's a mess. It's really a disgrace because every
time a new speaker comes in, what do they say, Oh,
regular order. We're gonna funk this. We're going to fix
the institution, and then what happens.
Speaker 1 (02:28:42):
Nothing changing, Continuing resolutions and kicking the can down the
road is the order of business these days, Phil Carpon,
find them online, check them out the website. It's Americancommitment.
Dot or Field's been great having you on the program.
Serve best of health, all right, eighty five cac DE
Talk station. See there, I'm not the only one who
could be critical of Trump, Ernie. I'm a half assed
conservative apparently, and because I'm not completely committed to the
man who is Donald Trump, although I am voting for
him and I do support him. One of the reasons
I'm somewhat disappointed in his presidential term. The deficit went
up by massive amounts. Somebody's got to put a lid
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Speaker 8 (02:30:20):
Fifty five KRC Man.
Speaker 1 (02:30:22):
If you're suffering, Hey, forty eight five kr CD talk station,
same old song and dance ton Joe on over to
the phones. I got Evelyn on the line. Everyone, Thanks
for calling this morning. Happy Friday eve to you.
Speaker 16 (02:30:43):
Hey, Brian, you know the description of Trump you gave
was sort of the opposite of what is true. He's
a subtle, funny, Abraham Lincoln ish type of speaker. He
talks to the issues. He They sound funny to people
who aren't from New York, but people are really going
to have a wonderful opportunity if they take the time
to listen to him whenever he's on. And he's sort
of the American modern Abraham Lincoln. The way he talks.
He's a riot, he's not hysterical. He does issue things
that are, you know, horrible, He's talking to the issue.
Speaker 1 (02:31:33):
So thank you, thanks to the call. Evlyence Harry draws
her own conclusions. And you know, I'm entitled to be
critical of the man on certain areas. You know, we
all have our own style. People may be very critical
of me. I've been doing this every day and for
like eighteen and a half years. And hey, I am
who I am. I think Donald Trump's presidency probably would
have been a perfect presidency had he just minded the spending. Folks,
we are facing a genuine, one existential threat with ardent
with the debt. It went up five to six trillion
under trumpet, It's going up seven trillion dollars under Biden.
It's gonna go up another seven plus trillion dollars under
Kamala Harris. It's what Phil Kerpin pointed out. I mean,
at what point do you think this? How long can
this this this go? Other countries have done this before,
run the printing press until they have gone into oblivion.
Like every man, woman, and child with a measure of
with a modicum of money, income, resources, or intellect left
Venezuela because they went full on socialists. They ran the
printing press until the inflation rate was beyond comprehension. Same
thing happened in Zimbabwe, same thing happened in the Weimar Republic.
It's gone on. It just it's it's a stupid experiment
that doesn't work. At some point, the bill has to
be paid. And right now we got north of one
hundred percent of GDP I guess going into the debt
service or a trillion dollars annually, A trillion dollars that's
your credit card interest payment on what we've racked up
to date. Social Security, Medicare are not funded sufficiently. The
running out of the fictitious money that they have, those
programs are going to have to be fixed or I
guess they're going to run the printing press to start
printing out social Security checks further well, imperiling our entire country.
It's just a reality. So yeah, I'm entitled to be
critical on certain elements and that I don't necessarily cotton
to Donald Trump's lingo. Hey, that's just me. We're all
on tied opinions. We all know opinions are like, we've
all got one sphincters. I am not being critical and
I'm not saying vote Kamala Harris. I would never say that.
I encourage you to vote for Donald Trump for a
variety of reasons, not the least with which we saw
what he was able to accomplish during his four years,
in spite of the fact that he was facing NonStop
twenty four to seven attacks, lies made up in an
effort to undermine what the job he was doing. The
deep state hates him. He is a threat to the
deep state. They've built that administrative state up so large,
and people quaked in their boots when Donald Trump got elected.
Oh my god, what are we going to do. Let's
make up stuff about him and keep him busy and
back on his heels for his four years in office,
and that way he can't accomplish what he wants to.
He was able to get rid of a lot of regulations,
though didn't he get rid of two for every one
new one you put in. That's the kind of president
we need. I'll take him back again. I'll embrace the
idea of a Trump candidate or presidency again. I will
sigh with relief if he beats Kamla Harrison November. I
am frightened of a Amala Harris presidency. So that does
not mean that I can't be critical on certain levels.
So go ahead and call me a half assed conservative
if you want. I am a little libertarian. I trust
you with your wallet and I trust you with your zipper.
I want a small government, limited government, free markets, fiscal responsibility.
There's old Tea Party principles that did was just they
were just abandoned in favor of embracing I don't know
whatever direction they win. Limited government, free market and low regulation.
Small government that means no micromanagement of your life, market
forces at work, an energy policy that makes sense that
allows us to have inexpensive energy, like, go ahead, embrace
nuclear power. How come that hasn't been done. It's one
of my favorite things to complain about nukes are doable
modular nuclear plants. These aren't the three mile islands of yesteryear.
We have advanced decades in the area of modern nuclear
technology that would create so much energy in a very
small platform and not put out any carbon dioxide. Not
that I think carbon dioxide is bad for the planet.
I think it's good because trees eat it. Anyway, we
got to talk for one more Joe Sherry, welcome to
the program, and a very happy Thursday to you.
Speaker 4 (02:36:25):
Thanks for taking my call. Brian, happy to I just
I agree with you. I love Trump's policies. He'd done
a great job for our country, but he could do
better as far as the spending goes. And anybody who
does a household budget can tell you that you don't
have to own a business, you don't have to be
a rocket scientist if you do clear mass money coming
in versus money going out. We have to make money
and not be spending every single penny that we make
because we can't afford it. We have a trillion dollars
worth of debt that we have to pay on the
thirty four trillion dollars that we owe every one hundred days,
A trillion dollars in interest.
Speaker 14 (02:37:14):
Yeah, that's crazy.
Speaker 4 (02:37:16):
We can't afford it. All that does is invites China
to come in and take over us. All that does
is invites Russia to see that we're weak. It doesn't
do us any good. And so being critical and not
overly critical, but just being critically thinking and saying, gosh,
he's done a great job on these things, but he
could do even better in this area.
Speaker 1 (02:37:40):
That's positive.
Speaker 4 (02:37:42):
And I think he would respect you for saying that
he wouldn't. He wouldn't be upset at all.
Speaker 1 (02:37:48):
You know what I think. I think you're right, Share,
and I appreciate the support along the lines that I'm talking. Yeah,
we like him, but there's certain things that could be better,
and hopefully term number two he'll demonstrate better in terms
of our reckless spending policy. Share, you have a wonderful day,
and thanks for listening to the program and calling in
this morning. Dan, I apologize don't have enough time or
out of time in the program this morning. For tune
in tomorrow Tech Friday with Dave Hatter and get the
conversations on podcasts Donald and anil American for Prosperity Action.
You can help get in touch with AFP action dot
org and or common and help out Sharry poll on
Board of Elections. All the information is right there at
the Hamilton County Board of Elections webpage. Early votings fast approaching.
They need poll workers, so please if you have any
time to work the polls on election day, they could
sure use your help, so register right there at the
Bord of Elections website. Fifty five KRC dot com for
all the details Tech Friday tomorrow. Thank you Joe Strecker
for all the work that you do. Folks, have a
great day and stick around gunbex Right up, worldI guys
don't exactly happen on a schedule. What the latest talk
days do at the top of every hour fifty five
KRC be talkstation. This report is