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November 13, 2024 • 11 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Ceiling the globe's future in terms of the climate religion
they're pressing down upon us.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Yeah, yeah, right, twenty nine years in counting. You know,
none of the major leaders are attending this year, and
it's in Baku, I know.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
And apparently the head of the leader of the country
views petro oil and gas as a gift from God.
And how dare anybody tell him that he's not allowed
to extract that and get it out to the world,
a world which demands and uses these products every single
day to survive.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Yes, absolutely, And you know, Brian, I think the wheels
are starting to come off of some of the more
left leaning versions when it comes to comes to energy. Right.

Speaker 1 (00:52):
It's just you can write Greta Thunberg.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Off, Well, you know, she's going to be out there,
and she's going to be out there for a while,
and I suspect we'll look back on this time and go, huh,
we listened to a.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Hysterical twelve year old.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
Yeah, yeah, that was actually a create.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Emotionally, she's still twelve emotionally.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Well in the creation of her parents and left leaning
organizations right as the poster child.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
You know, I've mentioned that before. I have never ever
bought into this nons I still call it nonsense that
you know, given all the ebbs and flows of the
global temperatures over the millennium, I mean, we've had the Earth.
It's just you cannot just stop and one day say
all the other climate changes that this globe has experienced,

just we're on their own, and then immediately say well,
as of the global or after the Industrial Revolution, it's
all on us now we are responsible for every weather
event that comes our way. Yeah, just nonsense. We're going
to look back on this and I hopefully laugh at ourselves.
We have been victims of the biggest global scam. P. T.

Barnum couldn't have thought this up in his wildest dream.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
You know, it is green. The only thing green about
it though is the money.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Yeah, global wealthy distribution. This is how they characterize it.

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Absolutely and yeah, it is part of that sort of
that global elitism. And you know, quite frankly, what's been
very difficult for me to understand. And last Friday at
Hudson we had an all day conversation with our friends
from Canada about North American energy independence and how we
can continue to link up on certain things, is that

it is difficult for me to believe that in this
day and age we would have politicians and administration that
would give away unilateral disarmament of what could be our
number one strength in the country, that is our energy independence.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
No question about it.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
So today, you know, the landscape has changed a little
bit post election, and I think if we look at
the new president, the new administration of Donald J. Trump,
we're going to see a return to a lot of
different things. But one of those is to restore American
energy independence and replace subjective criteria with objective criteria, meaning

that the president wants us to have energy that is
available wherever and whenever we need it, and that it
is more affordable than what we have seen here as
of late.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
In other words, solutions that are good for America, regular
consistent energy supply at a price that does not put
us into bankruptcy. Interesting concept of that.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
Well, it's common sense, right, and I think that.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
The world we used to run on things like that.
Now I know there's always been winners and losers being
chosen by elected officials. Thus it has ever been but
I mean it's I don't think it's any ever been
any more egregious than in connection with this so called
Green New Deal type stuff.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
You know, Brian, I don't doubt that at some point
in the future we will have energy. We will continue
to have new emerging energy resources that result in fewer
emissions and not just you know, we're so fixated on
CO two, which is point one four of one percent
of the atmosphere. But you know, there are other gases,

there are pollutants, there are things out there that will
continue to work on. But you know, the America has
reduced if you want to keep score, America has reduced
its greenhouse gas emissions and CO two greater than any
other industrialized country by just being smart and making some
common sense decisions. Nuclears on the rise, We talked about

that a lot last last week. Even fission is on
the horizon with with several demonstration machines coming out before
the end of this decade. So that energy mix is
going to change. But there is no reason, and I
know the new president believes there is no reason to
tie your hands behind your back and jump in the

deep end of the pool, while China says here, good gully.
Another two coal places popped up this week. That's so weird.
How did that happen.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Yeah, and I think that I saw that sight. It
is one of the reasons some of the countries aren't
attending this. The Global cop twenty nine is for that
reason alone. You know, Wait a second, why I'm over
here cutting my throat, bust to my hump, reducing my
available energy. Look at Germany has almost put itself into
bankruptcy over this. One of the most powerful economic engines

in the world has now been reduced to sort of ashes.
And over this the zero carbon emissions crap.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
It is, and it just goes to show that great
countries can take a wrong turn that is literally fueled
by this religion.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
It is religion, it is.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
And you know, meanwhile, the other thing I'd love for
us to keep in mind that China wants to see
us unilaterally disarm and I don't mean just the military,
but I mean economically. And so for example, when we
have a new pharmaceutical company try to spin up in America,
China dumps pharmaceuticals in the US to kill that new startup.

This is how these people roll, and they want our
auto industry to go away. They want us to be
dependent on them because people that are dependent are weak.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Well, and they will create dependence because it's all ready
cheaper to do business in China because they have no
environmental rules, they have no OSHA protections, they have nothing
by way of the rules, regulations and things that we
in hurdles we have to jump to even stay in business. So,
of course, and by making us back ourselves or cut
our own throats as I like to call it, and

rely on windmills and soul panels that we parenthetically have
to buy from them that don't provide us an abundance
of energy. Back over to where we are with Trump
going forward, We've been through the other stuff. What are
we going to see legitimately going forward here?

Speaker 2 (07:14):
Brigham, that's a great question. I think we can first
look at his first term energy policy, which is focused
on achieving what he calls energy dominance, and that's prioritizing
domestic production, deregulation of the industry, which adds substantial cost.
And we don't think about that. But all these federal regulations,
and some of them, quite honestly, are pretty silly. They
don't add value, but they add to the cost of

everything we buy and a shipped away from these climate
agreements like the Paris accord. These priorities are going to
be emphasized along with the energy independence, economic growth, and
national security. It's that simple.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
Well, including the Strategic Petroleum Oil Reserve. I'd like to
think we might start filling that up, although I saw
Biden paying lip service to doing that again after he
trained it in the name of trying to get himself elected.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
Yeah, you know, it's been drained to our lowest level
in decades and two. I think yes, And some people argue, well,
we don't need it any longer because we have a
lot more domestic production. But you know, if something hits
the fan, so to speak, you don't know, and you
know you don't to drain your bank account when you
don't know what's around the corner, with especially how volatile

geopolitically the world is today.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
Well, isn't that the point? I mean, we're all told,
I mean, federal guidelines online will tell you at least
have several days of non perishable food in your home
just in case that's not quite enough. I don't ever
want to use the non perishable food that I have
stored away for that day. I don't ever want that
day to come, but there it is, just in case,

it does, and that gives me peace of mind. That's
isn't that the strategic drolling Oil Reserve.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
It is, and it was originally envisioned to give us
ninety days worth of supply, and to be fair, nobody's
actually gotten it to ninety days because welvish million barrels
a day. That's a lot of oil, but less than
a couple of weeks. That would make me nervous.

Speaker 1 (09:07):
And if we go with nuclear and we have modular
nuclear reactors, one size, kind of fits all platform, those
can be built not for billions and billions of dollars
over a period of fifteen years of rules and regulations,
they could go online rather quickly by comparison to way
we have to go through now. If you get rid
of these ridiculous regulations.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Yeah, it sure does. And I think you will see,
especially with the announcement yesterday of AVEC and Papa Elon
as I like to call them, the Doach team. I'm excited.
I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
I'm so happy about that. They're going to hit the
ground running with the scissors and they're going to cut
wherever they possibly can. And you know what, I don't
think there's a man, woman, or child in America that'll
even notice the loss of those government jobs, with the
exception of the families of those who no longer have
jobs in government.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
Yeah, I think you're absolutely right. And back in the
Navy days, Brian, we call that a target rich environment.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
No question about it. And getting rid of the Department
of Education. It really has not been around since. I mean,
it was the Reagan it was the Reagan era, was
a Carter administration thing. But we live without the Department
of Education. Up till that long in our country apparently
was able to live, thrive and survive and prosper pretty
damn well.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
Yes, And you know, while I'm not an expert over there,
I can tell you that since the Department of Education
has been around, we have only lost standing. We've only
slipped in the in the world polls of highly educated people. So,
you know, a lot of these cabinet agencies people think
have been around, No, no, no, you know it was
the Department of War, Treasury, Commerce, and not even commerce there,

but the Coast Guard and you know things. A lot
of these agencies came into being in the sixties and seventies.
And once you create it, even if you solve the problem,
they don't leave. And if you don't solve the problem,
they only get bigger.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
No quote. And they're not in the jobs in the
business of solving problems. They solve a problem, they're out
of a job. That's not what they're all about. Why
it doesn't work anyway, brig him accown. I wish we
could talk longer. Hudson Institute. And you're gonna be part
of the administration right with energy policy?

Speaker 2 (11:06):
Oh well, we'll, we'll. There's a rumor, but.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
I that's not a no. That's not a no. I'm
gonna take that as a definite possibility. Bringham. It's wonderful
to have you on the show and have access to
your intellect when it comes to energy policy. We're doing again,
very very soon.

Brian Thomas News

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