All Episodes

July 8, 2024 109 mins
Newly Show Game, Thor's Checkride, Thor Breaks Bro Code
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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San Diego and welcome to the show. A new new day is here,
and what better way to start itthan with I feel like the show is
going to be great. This show. I would like to introduce you to
the ringleader, Eddie. I havea young mindset, okay, the mother
of this crew Sky. If youdon't know anything about me, you may

not realize that I get cold veryeasily. I'm very rude, I'm obnoxious
that I don't care and Emily,ever since I can remember, I've never
wanted to sleep with another human.Welcome to the show. On San Diego's
rock station Rock one oh five three, We're back. We were off for
the fourth of July. We allhad all kinds of different, wacky plans.

I spent the fourth of July atDisneyland. Wow yeah, different,
very different. Wow. Yeah,you know I was thinking, you know
all this, the fireworks there aregoing to be crazy when they were at
least that's what I heard, andactually stick around for the fireworks. Wait
a minute, Edie, there yougo to Disneyland for the fourth and don't

watch the fire work Yeah you heardme right. Oh, I don't care
about fireworks. I don't care aboutfireworks. Even a little bit. They're
the same to me every single time. I'll look at that one. Oh,
look at that one, look atthat one. Whatever. But on
the fourth, you don't even care. On the fourth, no, oh
my gosh, especially on the fourth. If I'm around and I'm there to
catch them, I'll catch them.And of course you guys don't I get
easily excited over stuff, but Idon't. But I will, Like if

I was home in Le Mason,I wasn't going to go somewhere I see
fireworks, I would like seek itout. Yeah, I'm not a fireworks
guy. Oh man. So wewere at the park all day. It
was exhausted. It got to belike eight something, and I was like,
you know what, guys not doingthis. I'm not doing this.
I'm out here. I'm going backto the hotel. You guys can stick
around watch fireworks. Let me knowhow it goes. Peace out. I

did. I I was so happywith my decision. Honestly, that kind
of agree with it because, like, first of all, I'd like to
go and sit at the hotel roomfor a few minutes by myself. That
sounds glorious. And then because itwas so hot all day, Oh,
that sounds even better. And thenafter the fireworks are done, you're not
with a giant sea of people walkingback. It was you already done.
It was insanity. When you've seenthe Disney fireworks a billion times, that's

different. They're they're gonna play GodBless America. I don't know. I
feel they may do a flag orsomething up there. Can they do that?
I don't know. I mean Ifeel like I don't know. Yeah,
I'm good. I didn't really skywas this patriotic? Well, like,
would we go to Disneyland and we'venever even been for the fourth?
Uh? Like, We'll book aroom to make sure we have a view

of the fireworks because I I'm notreally into watching them from the park and
the crowds. But if I'm there, I'm gonna walk and especially on the
fourth, so I'm I'm blown away. I probably could have got up from
my bed and opened my window andlooked up. Didn't even I was laying
down watching TV having the time inmy life. Actually, Wow, I

know where you stayed. There wasreally like a walk away. No,
I don't, I don't care.I can hear them. They sounds crazy.
But this rerun of the office isway better. Wow, it was
way better. I was happy asa clam. Oh my god. No,
no fireworks for me on the fourthsky. No, you had big

plans. How did your fourth go? Uh? Well, kind of canceled.
All plans honestly canceled. We werewanted like a house party. Yeah,
yeah, the bird talking about itnon stop. Fourth of July.
You got invited because you never getinvited. Well, I didn't think i'd
get. You're going to have yourdaughter there, so you were worried about
dealing with her, and was justgoing to be you in the hub,

right, So I was really lookingforward to that. And then it was
Wednesday, the day before the fourthof July, when, to our surprise,
are our backyard was actually finished afterbasically being under construction. Since we've
owned the property for six years,we basically have had this part of our

yard we've never been able to usebecause it's been a construction pit. And
the construction fences came down late onWednesday. So Thursday, instead of going
to a parade and a party forthe Fourth of July, I decided it
was going to be more fun tostay home and arrange my lawn furniture and

clean construction dust off of everything.That's going to be more fun for oh
yeah, Oh and it was thejoy I had, the joy I still
have looking out my window, walkingout my backyard. I mean, it's
we're going to have this party prettysoon, right, We're all getting the
house to do that rather than gobe with people. Yes, I mean,

well, here's the thing. Howlong does it take to yeah clean
yet? Four days? Oh I'mstill doing stuff? You have four days?
Like, there's this party's only goingon during this time frame, right,
so pop by at least for anhour, never get invited anymore.
I was not in pop I wasnot pop By ready. I was sweaty,
frizzy, no brab and scrubbing constructiondust all day. You faces very

confused, But I know you guysare confused, and I know probably every
human listening is confused. But Iam not lying. I am not putting
on a front. I had somuch more joy organizing my backyard and just
sitting there than anything anywhere anymore,anything I could. I know, I
understand you, and we understand thatthat makes sense, but we also like

that's not healthy to do that.You should be around people and have fun
and enjoy yourself. I mean,I think whatever brings somebody joy is healthy.
No, you're not going to convinceme, because literally I'm still cloud
nine. Like I could, Ihad to restrict the amount of pictures I
was posting on my blog, notof any humans or parties of turf and

you know, backyard. So I'mI'm on cloud nine. Wow. All
different, really weird. We're alldifferent, really weird. All right?
What about we were actually staying atmy sister's house in Point Loma, stay
there? Actually am too? Actuallysign away, Yeah, totally, you

stayed there. We stayed there.So she went out of town for a
softball turner for my knees over theweekend. Love it, and so she
did that. So she my dad'shealth as if he and so it would
be better if we stayed there tokind of keep an eye on him.
But at the same time, no, Dan, like for like the fortieth
time it's dance you met it,like a handful of times. He's always

so nice, says his moments,it was just a little ragged, so
old and grizzly. All right,I still love him. So she wanted
us to stay there to take careof him finger quoting, because also she
knows that we love a good likeuh staycation, we love a good like
Airbnb house where in the pool her, Yeah, it's legit. So she

knew that we could do both,so she offered us to stay there so
free, free steak. So wedid that. We got there and then
I just had a couple of friendsover and we did the pool all day
long and that was a blast.I was very freaked out the whole time.
You were in the Point Long Obarea, right, Yes, any

trolls nod you were telling your son, Hey, reed, check this,
grab your skateboard. No trolls atmy sister's house. You know when you
walk down to the wall control break, you'd roll up to him and go
big babe boom. That wasn't right, and we had to get in there

and show how didn't do our versionof a big baby boom at the Obi
Pierre. We didn't do that.If you don't crack a skull, you're
a puss. Yeh wow, wedidn't do that. We did drive down
to the Point Loma side of thehill and watch the big baby boom.
You are like a hill a streetover there. We're just so much better,

by the way, like those uphigh hill Point Loma streets get a
perfect view and you don't like you'renot into like Shelter Island dealing with any
traffic. So amazing. It wasan amazing tip writing it down here.
Yes, elevated spot to watch fireright. Good. Well, you know,

find out what you did on thefourth. But I know that the
fifth was the big day. Wehad heard last week that the fifth was
the day that you were going todo your pilot license check run. This
was the big thing, like likeyour driver's test basically, yeah, So
what'd you do on the fourth?So the the third that day, I
got a text from the called theexaminer, is called the DPE Designated Pilot

Examiner. So if I say DPE, a bunch of times swimmings. So
he texted me, and you haveto do a cross country. You have
to do a mock cross country.So cross country is just one airport to
another airport that's over one hundred miles, so it's not actually going across the
country and no, so and you'reall and you do it on paper like
old school style, and so ittakes you got to calculate winds, different

headings, times fuel. It takesa long time to do all this stuff.
Do you got to do that ifyou have all the equipment? Because
they I agree with you readie,It's like why nobody uses that anymore.
It's all like used. You shouldknow how to like on your on your
app that you use for flying,it's called four flight. You should note
how to be able to correctly readeverything. But you shouldn't have. But
they make you do the old schoolway to prove that you could Thomas Brothers

map. Yeah, but like fivehundred times more in death. That's brutal
because you have to literally plan outlike when you get to your top of
climb and how long it's gonna takeyou to get there, how much few
you're gonna burn distances. I hadlike a map and a plotter, and
so it takes a long time.So that's basically how I spent That's how
I spent my fourth July. Ididn't go to the party I wanted to

go to. You're talking about it. It took me over five and a
half hours to do this check thiscountry. Then I have to get all
my paperwork, and the paperwork takesa couple hours because you got your registration,
your licenses, copies you gotta get, you gotta go on this website.
And then I had to study,so like literally I sat inside all
day for seven eight hours. Ijust did when it was worth it,

right, So I'm gonna have tocheck ride later. And we've been we've
been waiting for this and tell meabout it, just just to breaface this
too. I was supposed to havea check RD two other times, but
one time my cylinder blue and thenthe other time there was a crack in
my engine. So I couldn't dothat those two times. So Friday gets
there and on my plans at kS which is Gillespie for people that don't

know, why would you say?And I was flying to k c r
Q, which is Palomar. Imean that's where the check bry was going.
So I blew it and I noticedI noticed as I was flying over
the coast it was still a littlecloudy, which was kind of weird over
the coast on fourth of July.But whatever, I figured it would burn

off. I land, I getready to go. It's like I'm there
like fifteen minutes early. I gota collar shirt on, gotta do it
gotta do it. Wow, Paleywanted me to wear pants. I'm like,
it was one hundred degrees wearing pantsand I couldn't get over On July
fifth, how busy it was thatkind of freaked me out. I mean
it was crazy busy. There hadto be one hundred planes in the sky.

It was nuts. So I waskind of worried about that. Well,
I was talking about the smaller planes. I'm sure they were doing.
No, this was a lot ofyou're right, for sure, but this
was also a lot of people justtraining because they're in there. There's some
training areas, like over Alpines abig training area over like Vista areas a
big training area. So I wassurprised to see that because hot, Yeah,

and it was day after fourth.I figure people wouldn't be out.
I was wrong. So it'd mademe a little nervous because it's a lot
of like air to air calls youhave to make, and I was so
was nervous. So I land atPalmar, I get there fifteen minutes early
and waiting for the DP. Italked to a guy who I thought was
the DPE had happened to have thesame name. What I said his name,
and I want to say what hisname is? Yeah, and uh

brown, Yeah, I said Joe. His name wasn't Joe, but I
said Joe and he looks at meand he goes hey, and I'm like,
oh, okay, this is great. This is him, and I
go, good to see you.It's Tyler. And then he acted like
he knew me. And then Igo wait, he was waiting for a
tiler? Yeah. Yeah, thenwait, and then I go wait,
are you by DPE? And hegoes, no, I'm not a DPE.
Oh wait. He's so random,like he acted like he knew me

and was he wasted nicess on him? So I go inside the lobby.
I'm just waiting there, and Isee this other guy who's clearly an instructor
with a student, and the studentslike probably like twenty one twenty two,
very twirpish, no, very twerpish, bish twirpish. It's guys in aviation,

a lot of weeds and works whothink they're really cool, very cool,
who think they're very cool. SoI'm sitting there, we're all sitting
there waiting and they have the euroCup on, which is really which puts
me in a weird mood. So, yeah, it's Portugal versus France.
Watched the whole match, and I'lltell you why France won in a shootout

on the edge of your seat.Yeah, I was. So the DP
comes out, he goes, hesays all right, uh, he says
to the other guy. He goes, all right, let's get your check
right done. So I stand upand I go, hey, Joe,
my check rides right now. Andhe goes, no, it's not and
I go, yeah it is,dude, and I go check your text.

I go check your text messages andhe says okay. So he checks
his text. He goes, Igot forty you had red text messages?
Can you text me again? SoI text him again and I see his
face change and he goes, ohman. He goes, I'm so sorry.
He goes, they tries to blamemy website. It's his fault one,
it's his fault. So he doublebooked me. He double booked me,

and I guess the person the DWEPguy was doing a commercial check ride.
So it goes ppl IFR and thencommercials commercially the last one apparently it's
the easiest one. So he says, let me do him first, get
him out of the way, andthen I'll do yours. And it's okay,
But now I have to sit therefor four hours. Four hours?

Wait, what do you mean?That's how long the other guys thing would
take. It's probably should taken three. But I sat there for four hours.
No, and I had remember Idon't have social media on my phone
and I wasn't gonna download it forthis, and I had no way to
go home because I'm not going tofile back to Gillespie and then drive to
my house. And then so Isat there for four hours. And while

I was sitting there, I'm gettinga little nervous about the cloud coverage.
It's kind of hamfho hovering around gilessPalomore. But I'm like whatever. I'm
obviously annoyed and disappointed. But theyfinished their the ground portion, which is
like the verbal test, and likeI said, this guy was he was
very deweevish and very nervous. Soit took them a lot longer. Took
them about three hours to do theground portion. It shouldn't have taken that

long. So then they go,hey, we're gonna go fly, and
then they go I go okay,it's like two fifteen, and I'm like,
all right, we'll get this checkright in. And at this point
they're in the shootout with France ohMan, so I'm giving an eye on
that, and then they go dotheir pre fly. Prefly takes five to
ten minutes max. They were outthere for forty five minutes, and I'm
like, what is going on?Like, so clearly this kid was super

nervous, but it's weird because he'spassed two other tests. So then they
finally take off and I'm like,finally, right, And then ten minutes
later they come back and I'm like, so, either a he failed or
something or they just did the shortestflight of all time. And they come
back and the DPE is pissed,and I could tell he's annoyed, and
I guess the dueve guy decided.So it was a little hazy, but

once you so when you when youwhen you take off and you turn,
it's called turning crosswind. So therewas an early crosswind turn because the cloud
coverage was a little much and hedidn't early cross wind turn, and it
was kind of hazy. So hegot nervous and said he wanted to discontinue
the flight because he couldn't see.So I sat there for three hours,

over four hours, just for thatguy to not finish his fight. So
you could have done yours, Yes, And the DPE was clearly mad,
of course, and he's and theguy the kid comes back and says,
like, what would you have done? The DP says, I can't really
say what I would have done,but then eventually concedes that if I was
the pilot in command, I wouldhave continued to fly. So then he

comes to me. So then theydo all their paperwork, which takes forever,
and leave and now we're looking atlike three forty five and the cloud
coverage is isn't great, but it'sit's not bad. And I could tell
he's tired and doesn't want to dothis check right, So he says,
hey, the cloud coverage is reallybad right now. I know that's gonna
get worse. The ironic thing isit didn't get worse, by the way,

But I can't legally start a testknowing we're not gonna finish, so
we're gonna have to reschedule. Oh, it was pretty brutal. Again,
Still this is crazy, sou Sothen I asked him, well, what
can we do it again? Andthis is where it's not cool. The
guy says to me, well,July twenty ninth is my best available I
don't have right now. It's anI know it's it's it's easy to get

pissed and be like, yeah,that's not cool, blah blah blah blah.
But it's such a small community thatif I am a dick to this
guy, he'll blackball me and I'llnever really get a check right, So
there's not much I clearly was annoyed. I've never been more discouraged and frustrated
in my life. I don't knowwhat I want to do at this point
because this is like the third thing, specially because you were already so much

time and waited that long. Yeah, couldn't even do it. Yeah,
I'm pretty crazy. I'm pretty.I'm pretty. And people were texting me.
I mean, Emily and Scott didn'ttext, but Eddie texted me.
My family and friends texted me.But everyone was saying hey. Everyone was
saying like hey, good luck,congratulations, or like we were thinking of
you. Sure, So you knowit's so disappointed. Yeah. Wow,

The journey continues. They stop yougot to you got to do it.
I'm hearing from people that I maynot get a check right till September,
and I'm like, I can't.I can't waste what happened. Yeah,
so that's what he says, right, but he wants me to text him
the week of to be sure.No, like I clearly don't trust him.

I clearly don't trust him. Yeahfail, Yeah, well that's good.
Yes. Well, speaking of travelingand flying, everybody seemed to be
doing some sort of travel this pastweekend. It was a big one.
Well, we're going to see whata study on travel says are the worst
things we can do on an airplanewhen we're flying. When we get back

on the show on Rock with afive three, that's green day on the
show, It's Rock five three.So it was a very busy travel weekend,
if you will, a lot ofpeople on the roads, a lot
of people flying places. The airportswere really jack packed. I heard this

year was record breaking like that everyyear and not every year every holiday?
Yea, every holiday record breaking?Yes, how is it possible say Labor
Day? Labor Day? Like,yeah, ly Thanksgiving, Christmas, because
the next one will be Labor day, and it will be record breaking.
It's gonna be crazy, the amountof traveling guarantee. Very true, very
true. Well, they decided tolook into this and try to figure out

different things about travel. Yeah,and no surprise, when they survey people
and their feelings about travel, peoplesay more and more every year that it's
getting worse. People have less respectfor other people, they're less considerate of
other people that they're sharing their spacewith. And they say that people,
the people's behavior on planes is gettingworse and worse every year. And so

they decided, okay, so thisyear again, let's ask you what are
the worst things you can do onan airplane, Whether it's a safety thing
or just a considerate thing, whatare the worst things you can do?
Oncea a person tried to put ascreen protector on their cell phone as we

were taking off. I don't thinkthat affects anybody else. The pilot says,
we're going to do our take off. Everybody buckles their seats. This
person, this person takes down theirtray and then starts to do cell phone
screen protector. Yes, detailed work. As the plane, isn't it kind

of shaky and turbulence as you're takingoff. Think what. I don't think
that that harms anybody. I knowyou guys are talking about Yeah, I
feel like the plane that doesn't affectthe same person trying to beat on a
flight on little beads, it'll doon a plane. Yeah. Once again,
something harmless, doesn't smell, isn'treally encroaching on anybody's space. I'm

just sitting there, person, Ihave a fidgets, So I thought I
wasn't talking about you. You weresome simple bead bracelet that just was a
good idea. You on your wayto a tailor. Swift call. What
are we? What are we doing? I don't think it harmed. Okay,
okay, okay, okay, allright. List So they survey thousands

of people and in twenty twenty four, these are the worst things that we
think people can do on an airplane. Number ten doing stretches or exercises in
the aisle. Oh yeah, realdo the people that like, I think
the aisle is just their spot.Yeah yeah, like letting your kid run

up and down that one. Itwas crazy, the kids and it was
like they were like stopping running complained. Yeah, yeah I did. I
don't like that, and I don't. Don't like the people that mid flight
stand and turn and start talking topeople. Stretch what you your bedroom like?
Sit straight? Yeah? Blood clotissues like why are you doing right

behind like I'm trying to read orsomething like get out of here. You're
trying to I used to study onfight like a book. No, no,
okay. Next thing that people sayis the worst thing you could do
on an airplane is trying to exitbefore the row in front of you exit.

The weirdest thing I've ever seen,like bucket. Yeah, we all
have to get off. We allhave to get off, and you're only
going to get up like four orfive more people Like you're not going to
get all the way to the front, like chill out, like like relax.
Number eight. Worst thing I don'tknow about this one not listening or
paying attention during the pre flight safetydemonstration, like the fights. If we're

going down, telling me to youknow, put my head between my legs
ain't saving me. Okay, that'sabsolute worst. Come down. I'm freaking
out. Nothing you tell me isgonna stick with me. I'm losing my
mind. Okay. Eating strong smellingfood, we say is the worst.

Using both armrests. When people areon both sides, you feel like if
you're in the middle seat, youkind of get you get both. Yeah,
you could fight. You can fightfor both. I'm gonna fight you
back, but you could fight forboth. Either go on front seats or
back seats. Like you're not gettingthe whole thing, leaving trash around your
area, just throwing it like theplane is like a garbage can. Watching

a movie or listening to music withoutyour headphones lost that leaving your seat during
turbulence is the number three worst thingyou could do. That shot up the
list with all the turbulence in thenews lately. Number two is getting obnoxiously
drunk on a flight, and thenumber one worst thing, according to this

news survey you can do on aplane is letting your kids play in the
aisle. It is insane, like, I don't what you're thinking, and
it's safe. No, it's crazy. Yeah, we know that prices of
things are ridiculous right now. They'vebeen going up and up and up for
a while now. Well, thereis a video that has gone viral of
somebody who hit the reorder button ona Walmart order from two years ago to

see how much more things cost nowtoday. This is gonna be fascinating.
We're gonna see what happened coming upnext on the show on Rock one of
five to three. That's the FoodFighters on the show. It's Rock one
o five three. So we allknow that prices of things have been going
up and up and up and upand don't seem to be like going down

anytime soon, and so it stinks, you know, we're all dealing with
it. It's not fun. Well, if you have any sort of app
on your phone that orders things,you know, you've seen the reorder button,
I'm sure before, whether it befood delivery apps or any kind of
shopping app, it will ask youif you want to reorder something, you
know, something that you've ordered inthe past, and you know it makes

it just easier and then to goand find it again and put your order
in and whatever. Well, Iguess there is a video that has gone
viral because a guy went on aWalmart reorder situation and his last order was
two years ago, and so hewanted to check this video to see and

when he hit reorder at how muchthe prices were two years ago compared to
what they are now. Yeah,like, I don't know if you guys
do this, but this guy didthis. I've done this occasionally where you
just get in weird wormholes with yourapps and you start like looking back,
whether it's like Instagram posts from twoyears ago, or in this guy's case,
he got in a wormhole with theWalmart app and he was just scrolling

back looking and just like Edi said, he came across this order. Now,
it didn't break it down each individualitem, but it showed him the
total and allowed him to readd everythingto the cart, so he knows the
total he paid for fifty three itemsback in twenty twenty two. Now you

think Walmart, and maybe you're thinkinglike, oh gosh, you're buying a
tent and you're buying a t shirt. It sounds like he did a lot
of groceries. So even though they'refifty three items, it could be like,
I know, it's five cup ofnoodles, you know, like it
could be stuff like that. Wedon't. We don't need any sort of
video or app. We just wehave Emily. Yeah, you could just
ask me ago, I could tellyou seriously, Yeah, I mean things

I haven't Walmart's prices to me Ifeel like they're they looked like the pretty
Setty. But also I go allthe time. I mean, I guess
it would be shocking to see whatthey were two years ago as opposed to
now. If you took two yearsoff and then all of a sudden came
into the store, what it wouldlook like. And so people thought this
was really interesting. So in twentytwenty two, he ordered fifty three items,

mainly groceries. He says that wasabout a whole month's worth of groceries
for him. And in twenty twentytwo, it told him his order total
was one hundred and twenty six dollarsfor those fifty three grocery items. Okay,
so bam reorder add to cart.What is his new total in twenty

twenty four, His new total isfour hundred and fourteen dollars. From one
hundred and twenty six bucks to fourhundred and dollars. I thought maybe one
hundred dollars more, I'd have beencrazy. I thought maybe double would be
insane. Right, that's crazy insane. I mean four times wow in two

years. How that doesn't seem possible. I'd really like to see the breakdown
of this. I'd like to take. I'd like to take. Things are
just so much more expensive. It'scrazy. I watched a whole I was
watching the news a lot over theweekend, and they're saying inflations should start
going down by like September, maybeearly next year, right before the election.

Yeah. Right, but still evenif it goes down, it's never
gonna go back to the way itshould go back, which is the way
it was in twenty nineteen. Right. Yeah, so this is not it's
not that surprising when you think aboutit. Yeah, well, this went
so viral that an economics professor fromUniversity of Berkeley, Emily not Emily,
she's a University of College Grove Walmart, thank you, Well, what a

special university. I'm I'm proud aboutit. Oh wow, degree hanging on
the wall with so Yeah, andthis professor basically said, yeah. Walmart
recently announced how they've rolled back pricesagain on like seven thousand items. Target
made a similar announcement, but theysay they've basically been kind of price gouging

and using inflation as a cover.No, yep, they say Walmart hiked
their prices on their great value foodbrands. They said, what was it?
What was the result of that,well, their net income spiked ninety
three percent at Walmart. So yeah, so our our you know, income

goes up ninety three percent while everybodyelse's groceries are four times the amount.
Sanity, Yeah, people could stillwon't be anywhere near they should be.
Well, yeah, and that's that'sthe thing people are finding. Yes,
now we're announcing, oh, we'regonna take care of you, we're gonna
give you a value meal, we'regonna whatever. But you're rolling back off
this new massive price, like Thorsaid, exactly, it's not gonna be

anywhere near it was before. Whatare some of the the main things you
get at Walmart? Emily, Likegrocery lies, Well, I do lots
of my veggies and fruit there becausethey're cheaper, But like lots of can
goods, spices like stuff like mayonnaiseand mustards or salad dress Are they cheaper
now or have they got have theycaught up to the vonds and their routs.
I don't know. I'm just askingyou. No, absolutely not.

They're like significantly different, significantly Likelike I said, like a can,
a can of something at Walmart rightnow is like sixty cents and then at
like Vonds is like one twenty five. Like that's the difference for that.
Like, and I noticed the meatsare royally cheaper too, and it's not
like Walmart brand meat. It's likethe Geneo Turkey ground turkey. Right,
it will be like three ninety nineat Walmart, but at like Albertson's it

will be like five or six ninetynine. So I still feel like their
prices are wildly cheaper. But Idon't know where the skill's going. Yeah,
I do, So, I likeand got all my Fourth of July
stuff, and I like loaded mycart up like it was really it was
packed, right, But I dolike pick and choose the cheaper items and
all that other stuff. I couldn'tbelieve when I went to check out and
it was like around one hundred andfifteen dollars. And like I know for

a fact if I would have doneall that at Albertsons, it probably would
have been like two or three hundredbucks. Wow, Like it's so much
cheaper in my experience. So eventhough Walmart's gone up, you're saying,
everybody else has gone up too,And they were hired to start with?
What is Trader Joe's fall into thisare they're just pretty cheap too. Yeah,
but they just don't have everything.That's a tough part, you guys.
Oh that's the sad part. Sad. Yes, Well, Thor apparently

did something recently that maybe breaking brocode. I guess he told the girl
something about her boyfriend that he probablyshould have kept to himself. Well,
we're gonna see if this is breakingbro code or not when we get back
on the show at Roqua five tothree. That is the Chili Peppers on

the show, it's Roquado five three. So I don't know if we have
a situation here with Thor or not. I can't figure this one out yet.
Thor as a female friend, andhe is sure if he broke bro
code or not. Yeah, whatexactly went down? Yes, she's she's
I haven't talked about it with you, guys. She's really cool. We
hang out from time to time.She helps me flying stuff. She was

my wife's old CFI. So yeah, no funny business, Haley. My
wife gets weird with everything. IfI said hi to a guy, she
gets weird. I don't know ifit makes sense. So we were on
a fight recently and we were justchatting it up. And I guess her

and her boyfriend are pretty serious.And I don't really know the boyfriend met
him Once's a nice guy, butwe're not friends. I'm friends with her,
and she was telling me that hementioned because he's usually the cook.
They're eventually they're gonna move in together, but they haven't yet, but they
talk about it. And he sayshe said to her that she's not a
great cook and been there, andI ready to have that conversation with my

wife in the beginning, really well, she she made like three things,
and then when she'd step out ofthat comfort zone, it wasn't good.
Oh no, And so I hadto teach her how to cook otherwise it
was going to be me cooking,you know, every single meal. How
long do you wait to break newslike that to her? Like? Was

it right out of the gate whenshe got be careful guy? Okay,
married, she can't go anywhere?Oh okay, knock it down and then
tell her horrible pretty much? Okay. So he says that she makes a
couple of good things good, verysimilar situation. But she says, no,
she's a good cook, and shewants to prove it to him,
So she was saying that to me, and you know, they're younger than

me. They're like twenty seven andtwenty eight, which makes me feel really
old, that I'm fat old adecade. I'm a decade older of them,
a decade older than them. Andlike I said, I'm friends with
her, not really friends with him, don't know him that well. Being
very defensive, Yeah, I knowwhat's going on. So I laugh and
she says what and I go,well, I mean, we know what's
going on here. You're gonna bemoving in together soon. He clean weirdly,

doesn't want to cook and he wantsyou to cook, and like it
looks like a light bulb goes offin her head and she goes, oh
my god, you're right, andI go yeah, And then I immediately
start thinking should I not have saidthat, Like did I break broke code
there? Because I would have donewhat he's doing. I don't want to
cook. I would have said thesame thing to her, Oh I bet

you you're am a better cook thanyou. Why don't you prove it?
And then she cooks more and I'mliving. I'm free. I get to
not cook and I'll do the dishes. So she the light bulb goes off.
She realizes that, and then shesays she's gonna talk to him about
it. I mean, what ifthey break up, They're not going to
I'm not real relationship. But again, but again, I feel like I'm

doing her a solid. I'm friendswith her. I don't really owe him.
I don't know him. I methim a couple times, A nice
guy, but I don't owe himanything. I got her back. You
do, clearly, I mean clearly. I mean I would be stunned if
this isn't the game plan he has. I've been there, I know what's
up. I've done this befo,but not everybody's pulling games like you do.
I mean, come on, we'reall doing this. We're all doing

this now. Would it have matteredif it was like doing laundry? Or
I do this with Haley, likeI'll say things that I'll say, I
don't know how to do something,admit that right Luckily she's on a flight
right now. But I'll admit I'lldo this with my mom too, Like
I'll go home, I'll go backto Florida to see my parents, and

I'll I'll have laundry and my parentsare washing dryer, and I know my
mom's gonna do it. So I'llsay to my my mom will go,
I'm not doing your laundry, andI'll go, Mom, can you just
throw it in the wash? Andthen she'll go, no, I'm not
doing it. So I'll walk overwith the clothes and I'll go, how
do you use this washinger? It'salways so weird? And then she'll come
over and show me how to useit. And the next thing you know,

she's taking it out of the wash, she's throwing it into the dryer.
My wife's the same way. Iwant to make a sandwich and I'm
like, I don't know where anythingis in the fridge. Where's the table.
I can't find the turkey. Howcan you not find the turkey.
It's in there, Haley, I'mnot seeing it. I'm not seeing the
turkey. And then she comes over, she goes, I'll just make it
all right. Oh, So,how how would you feel if one of

her friends told her? I'd beannoyed, But but I'm not. You
know, if it was one ofher friends I didn't know, you know,
I would understand it. I mean, guy, your husband does this
kind of stuff to you all thetime. Oh yeah, yeah, I've
slowly started cluing our daughter into hisgame. I'm like, no, he
really knows how to do that.You know you don't have to do really

Oh yeah, well, because he'she's the king of this of like making
it like it's it's better for youthis way, and then you look at
him and you go, no,that's just what you want. It's not
better for me that way. Soyeah, so I've totally started outing him
to our daughter as well, soshe can so she can see this in
other humans out there in the wildwhen they're playing the game. Well,

I mean, I feel like thiskind of happened and a little bit because
I think I came in I don'tremember how long ago this was, and
I was talking to you guys abouthow Robert had kind of hinted that he
didn't want me to make my turkeymeat loaf for his nephew when he was
coming nobody. You don't need thisword vile. That's a little bit.

It's pretty bad. You're pretty fun. And I think, and I think
when I told you guys that story, you guys said, yeah, he's
probably trying to tell you something.So you guys kind of did this god
in my head because Robert I believereally likes my cooking. But I did
go home that day later and broughtall this up and was like, so,
what are you trying to say?You don't like my cooking? We

got into a fight about it,like it kind of a little bit ugly.
It's you guys fault. You guysare the ones that told me he's
basically hinting at like what thor didRobert? I think it's not cool because
this could explode on this couple,right, she can't go back and be
upset at him. You make agood point, but she's also not crazy.

Oh I'm crazy, She's pretty levelheaded. I just feel like,
what does does? Does it?Bro code not matter if I'm friends with
the girl, you know what Imean? I try to always have a
guy's back, but if I don'tknow him and I know her, you
know? Or has bro code evolved? Because I feel like, back in

like you know whatever, like thelate nineties early two thousands, bro code
was like, oh, whatever thedudes are doing when you have their back
and you're going to keep their secrets. But now to be bro code is
having your friends back. She's thebrother and if she so, I think
she's we are gross. Yeah,so you guys are best, bro Katie.
Yeah, well it's interesting because,like you know, I'm obviously closer

with Sky and Emily than I amwith your men. Yeah, so I
would have your backs first, youknow, even Scott, But I would,
I would say I would tell themthough, you know, hey,
you guys are the ones who arebeing jerks here, you know, so
I don't know, kind of goesboth ways, but I don't know.
I wouldn't want to try to ruinyour relations over here. I just thought

it waste your cooking. I thoughtthe whole situation was really funny, and
I was like, I've done thisbefore. I think you're just projecting what
you do. Yeah, he couldjust be a normal guy not playing any
games. No, no chance,you don't games. That's what we do,
is what we do. That's thecase. Very strange. Well,

it looks like the Padres are goingto be well represented in the All Star
Game. We're going to see howmany Padres made the squad next in Sports
Dirt as well. The Padres definitelyhad a come down after their incredible comeback
win on Friday, where they wonon a Manny Machado walk off home run.

They lost in ten innings on Saturdayto the Diamondbacks, and then yesterday
they were in a tight one untilit wasn't too now. The game was
tied at one after Jerks and Profarhit another home run in the first inning
to tie the game, and itstayed that way until the seventh when Eugenio
Suarez hit a two run home runthat led to eight unanswered runs by Arizona

to give them a nine to onewin to win the game and the series.
So the Padres get the day offtoday and then they're gonna start a
series against Seattle tomorrow. You wereat the game on Saturday. I was,
and it was awesome. Man.I mean, I wish they would
have won an extras. It wasan extras. It was come back win.
It was so packed. I'll tellyou what. Listen, they came

back to tie it up to sendit in extras in. The place was
packed, was it was completely soldout, and it's just it's such a
great atmosphere. But I'll tell youwhat, Like this Padres team, you
know they're not going to give up. At least I'm like last year where
they would lose. They have tohave more comeback wins this year than any
other team in baseball. It's crazy, and they have all these All Stars
and you're gonna talk about a secondbut they're going to be in it until

the end. So it was alot of fun. Man. Well,
the Padres are going to be wellrepresented in the All Star Game. We
already heard that profar and Fernando TuttisJunior were voted in as starters, but
a total of five Padres made theteam, joining the two outfielders are going
to be closer, Robert Squarez,Luis Arise and then the surprise selection,

rookie Jackson Merrill made the first AllStar team. I mean, it's crazy.
You think, you know Merrill ishaving a Rookie of the Year type
season. You know, he's hittingtwo eighty eight, He's got twelve home
runs. He's definitely in the conversation. So the entire Padres outfield made the
team, which is remember all weheard about was the biggest question mark outfield
throughoutfield, they have no outfield.That was the biggest question mark going in.

So Preller, I mean knew whathe was doing. I guess I
guess right, or just having towork out really well. Jackson Merril is
playing like a stud of his mind. Profar is having the craziest season of
all times. It's crazy with Profar. At the game Saturday, he struck
out three times, he was zerofor three, walks up in a big
spot in the ninth and cracks adouble. And I'm just like man because
I've said, Okay, this guy, they'll start coming back down. See

guys like him will have years likethis half a year's. But it doesn't
belink he's going to be stopping anytimesoon. It's crazy. He's one of
the keys to their successful carsel.It's been amazing. Things are not looking
so good for you, Darvish.He has been placed on the restricted list
to deal with what they're saying isa personal matter involving a family member.
Now there is no timetable for hisreturn, but I mean it could be

up to sixty days on the restrictedlist, So I'm not really sure what's
going on. Obviously we don't know. You know, it is what it
is, but it's very strange.The Mets. Pete Alonso is going to
be back for the home run derbyhe announced that he is going to be
participating in his fifth straight Home RunDerby and he's going to try and win

his third title. Now, KenGriffy Junior is the only three time winner
of the Home Run Derby, sohe's going to be trying to match that
mark. Other participants that they announcedwill be the Oriole's Gunner Henderson and the
Phillies Alec Baum so far, sowe'll see who else is gonna participate.
But Pete Alonzo again, yeah lovesit, Yeah, he does, he
loves it. He's a weird guy. He's a weird guy. Really.

Yeah with the me they still haven'tsigned him because he's like, he's just
very awkward, but he loves thehome Run Derby. I'm interested in Gunner
Henderson. This kid's he's on theOrioles. He's gonna be like one of
the faces of baseball for the nextlike twenty years if he stays healthy.
So I'm interested in that. It'sbummer Aaron, but Iron judgesn't doing it.
But the Yankees are in a massivefree fall right now, so I'm
not surprised. Yeah, we'll see, We'll see what happens with the home

Run Derby that is Sports Dirt ortoday. You know how it goes.
Sometimes when you break up with somebody, you say, oh, let's stay
friends. Gotta stay friends? Doesthat ever work? Well, we're gonna
see what one guy is asking youabout staying friends with your ex. Coming
up next on the show on Rockone O five to three Metallica on the

show it's Rock one O five three. So you'll hear this from time to
time, or maybe you've gone throughthis from time to time where you break
up with somebody and you lay thething out there where you still want to
be friends. That's a great sentiment, you know. He's like, oh,
you still want to stay friends?Well? Interesting, Sometimes it works

out, like Emily she stays friendswith it like family, family to talk
to any of them in a while, You just we're friendly, Oh I
don't text them all the time.Or sometimes you just say that because you
want it to end, let's stayfriends, or you're like yeah, or
you're like if you're like heartbroken overit, you start saying stuff like we

will be friends again one day,but not. One guy has a situation
with a recent breakup that he's tryingto figure out. Yeah, he said
that they dated for a year andit was just one of those relationships that
honestly fizzled out like hot and heavyin the beginning. And then after about

a year, they realized, oh, we're just friends. We're not really
actually into each other that way anymore. So they broke up and just like
Eddie said, let's still be friends. Like, you know, nobody cheated,
nobody you know, heard or stole, Like, let's just be friends.
And so that's what they decided todo. Plus the fact that they
have mutual friends in common, andso they decide, we're going to be

friends. And he's totally cool withthat until he decided the other day,
I'm gonna just see what's going onsocial media. You know, sometimes you
get in a little wormhole, youstart checking out different accounts. One thing
leads to another thing. However,I mean, please, we all know,
right, yeah, just check itup on your ex so total.

So he goes and just happens tobe checking her page and he's checking her
page and that's when he realized hehas been blocked from all of her social
media page. And like I said, since they have friends in common,
they see each other occasionally and it'sbeen pleasantries. Hi, how are you?
Oh? Everything great, good andgood, and so nothing bad has

happened. So now he's wondering numberone, should this upset him? And
number two, next time he seesher, should he bring it up?
Or is this just part of thebreakup territory and just let it go unsaid?
Yeah? I mean I think it'spretty clear what's going on. She
doesn't want him to see what she'sup to. Yes, then that's okay.

You're not together anymore. So ifyou know, she's fine with being
friendly with you, but if she'sgoing out on dates or she's you know,
seeing somebody new or whatever it is, she clearly doesn't want you to
see that. That's okay or thator the other thing is she's not as
over it as he is, andshe doesn't want to look at his stuff

anymore, see his stuff. Soshe blocked him. Oh, she's like
protecting her She's like, yeah,protecting herself, because I always say,
when you bring up with somebody,immediately blocked him and not look at their
stuff. Really. Yeah, ifyou if if you get out of your
relationship and it doesn't end grade orit's just over, it's just not a
good idea, because no matter whatthey post, you're gonna take it the
wrong way, at least for me. Well, it depends you know how

you broke up. If I wasthe guy that got broken up with,
I have to immediately block you becauseif I because if I see you post
something and who's that? Why youwith that guy? You know what I
mean? And I start spinning out. So I immediately block people. If
you're the person that broke up withthem, then maybe it doesn't affect you
as much. But huh, Ifelt I'm thinking maybe that this breakup didn't

go as well as this guy thought. Well, clearly in his mind he
thinks it went perfectly, and she'sstill bitter about something. Obviously she I
mean, if she's there, ifhe's saying they're they're still friendly when they
hang out and things like that,why would you think that? Yeah,
I guess you're right. I guessyou're right, But you definitely he asked
in the email if he could orin his problem he didn't ask if he

could say something to her too,And I think absolutely not. You don't.
Why would you? Yeah, youcan't. It's getting weird, totally
weird. Yeah, oh you knowI'd probably say something, what do you
mean? Well, you guys knowme. I Like, we're hanging out
with a group of our common friends. Maybe I've had a drink, and
then I just start over talking,and then I'd I think I'd be being

funny. I'd be like, oh, so blocking me on social media?
And you know, I would havegone into that meeting being like, don't
say anything, don't say anything,don't be stupid, don't say anything,
and then it would have come outanyway, because honestly, I couldn't help
myself, like, you know,I, what do you need to know?
I don't know. I mean,it could just be the fact that

I haven't been in very many relationshipsor gone through very many breakups in my
life. But honestly, if Ibroke up with somebody and I thought it
was friendly and we agreed to befriends, and then I noticed they've blocked
me on social media, kind oflike why do you still have their phone
number? Right? Well? Yeah, but why do you why do you
need what do you need to see? What do you need to block?

Like if we're friends, just tomake it not weird, but now you've
made it weird. Here's an ideathough you're making him well, I always
make it weird, but I feellike the kickoff of me making it weird
was you blocking. So I gota buddy who when you break up with
somebody, he remains friends with themon social media and then tells you about
what they're up to. Louis andhe did this to me, and he

did this to my buddy Doug,and he did that and we're always like,
lou what are you doing? Sowhat this guy needs to do is
find out if Louie's friends with her. He needs to know she's living it
up with some guy and Greece,time of her life, greatest thing ever.
That's usually what he does. Butyou didn't want to hear that.
You want to protect you. Ididn't want to hear that she was in
love with somebody else. That wasfrom Louis, Louis specifically. So no,

I don't think that's a good idea. Just leave it alone. Yeah,
for me, I mean, everybody'smoving on and that's okay. Yeah,
if you're if you're really saying what, I have to take the guy
for what he's saying. Yeah,and if he's if everything he's saying is
true, then let it be it'smoving on. You got to move on
with your Yeah. I think sheclearly doesn't want to be friendly. Really,

she's just just being nice to him. Yeah, but the blocking says
it everything? Is it? All? Well? And now I'm suspicious based
on what you guys are saying,like maybe she moved on before they broke
up and that's why. Well,no, there's like already somebody new like
that fast. I don't know.What are we fighting here, nolma suspicion.
What do you care? I don'tknow broken up with I didn't care

until I honestly didn't care until youblocked me. And now that you've blocked
me, now I care, andnow I want to know. This is
bad. Hopefully you're not a skyall right, we are going to see
how much do we know about eachother. It is time for our version
of the newlywed game. We're gonnaplay the newly show game. When we
get back on the show, I'llrock with O five to three. That's

Radiohead on the show. It's rockone five to three. All right,
it is you're gonna get a littlecreepy, possibly as we are about to
learn a lot about each other.It is time for our version of the
Newlywed game. And it's time forthe Newly Show Game Save the date for
right now, it's the Newly ShowGame. It's time to have a little

fun with Eddie Sky, and it'sa game all about their Meridith list,
So I hope they can't all stayfriends. And now you're maze of dishonor
Eddie Sky for and Emily with theNewly Show Game. Yes, here we
go the Newly Show Game. Thisis of course, where we partner up.

Two of us go into a soundproofbooth. The Great Laura Kane is
back and she is going to beasking us questions and we will try to
answer to the best of our ability. Our partners will come back in and
try to match our answers. Hi, Laura, Hi, welcome back.
Thank you so happy to have youhere again. Nervous, Stop really nervous.

It's so weird, Like it's notlike I haven't done this for like
thirty years, right right? Whoa? You got this? This? Why
this is so difficult? But thisis gonna be so fun. Here we
go. The partners this time aregoing to be Me and Thor versus Emily
and Sky. Guys, versus girlsthis week. So Thor and Sky,

you guys are going to the soundproofbooth first. Laura is going to ask
us the questions, and then you'llcome back in and try to match our
answers. Okay, that is howit's going to work. Oh you know
it. I'm the queer to keepit cool, not not worried about it.
Thor, Hey, here we go, all right, Laura take it
away, all right, Eddie,I'll start with you. Okay, what's
wrong with your voice? The worstfor the July and the whole wide world,

the worst fighting drama, passing out, weird things, lots of work,
and that's therefore the voice is gone. That's okay, okay, you
know what. Life is good andI'm happy to be here. Oh see
telling himself that. Okay, that'snot that's okay. Let's go, Eddie.
Yes, would you rather have abad sunburn, a bunch of mosquito

bites, or a few hang nails? Oh god, I don't want any
of those things. Horrible bad sunburn, a bunch of mosquito bites, or
a few hangnails. Hangnails. Nobodylikes those. Those are horrible because they
catch on things. They hurt alittle bit. No, uh, sunburn,

it's gonna hurt too. So likethe mosquito bites are annoying, but
I think I I've had those moreoften than I have other things. So
I guess I'll deal with the mosquitobites, okay. And they're not gonna
last that long, you know,So I'm taking the mosquito bits, okay,
Emily, Yes, would you ratherhave a bad sunburn, a bunch

of mosquito bites or a few hangnails? I agree with Eddie. Hangnails
are awful. I actually get becauseI have horrible hands. I've got horrible
nails, like, so I gethangnails like not often, but I get
them more often probably the normal people. And they hurt. They throb like
you're trying to sleep, and itlike it'll like start throbbing when you're just
laying there, Like it's awful.So hey, giant hand, giant hangel.

Sunburn is awful because you can getsunsick, and also it keeps you
from being able to be outside.Like if you get a sunburn at the
beginning of a vacation, you're kindof screwed, right, So I think
I'm gonna go mosquito bites. Ifeel like you could put some cream on
it. It'll be okay, it'sgonna be itchy, but mosquito. Alright,
all right, Emily, does yourpartner have a harder time falling asleep

or waking up? Sky? Doesshe have a hard time falling wak?
Oh? Man, I mean she'spretty good about both. I think she
always falls asleep like pretty quick,like when she puts her head on the
pillow. But I know that sheis fine waking up too. It's not
her favorite thing. But I thinkout of the two, I would say
a harder time waking up? Okay, Eddie, what about thor both?

Honestly, he has a lot ofsleep issues. He sets multiple alarms to
wake up, things like that,But as of late, he's talked a
lot about having a hard time fallingasleep. So I think right now it's
going to be the falling asleep.Okay, So I'm going to go with
that one. That's one with him, Yeah, because it really really is

both. Yea in the swimming pool, Eddie, does four like to go
with a floaty, a pool noodle, or nothing at all? A floaty,
a pool noodle or nothing at all. I mean, he had a
pool for a little while, andI don't remember if he had a floaty

or not. He might have hada floating but I don't really remember.
He's not much of a swimmer,so that's tricky for him. I don't
think he's a noodle man, SoI'm gonna go with nothing. Okay.
I think I have no idea Emilyin the swimming pool. Does Sky like
to go floaty, pool noodle ornothing at all? I mean, she

likes she swims all the time they'rein their pool, like every day.
She does like doing her swimming,so that would be a nothing at all
answer. But I also feel likeshe might want to like hold her arms
and kind of dangled over a poolnoodle when she's like talking with her daughter.
I don't think she lays on likea floaty and floats around the pool.
So I think it's between the noodleor nothing at all. Shoot,

I'm gonna say I'm gonna say nothingat all. Really, I think she
likes to just let it fly.I think she's a lounger. I think
fly. Yeah. I don't knowthat my psychic has kicked in and she's
not right. Really, Lam sorry, we'll find out. So do we

even need to go? Really?Do they even need to answer Flora?
I mean she knows strong. Theycould not hear anything, so they are
not going to try and match ouranswers. All right, here we go?
Okay, Sky, Yes, didEmily say she'd rather have a bad
sunburn a bunch of mosquito bites ora few hangnails? Hangnails? Oh okay,

I feel like mosquito bites are out. Emily and I last summer talked
about how mosquitoes were eating us alive. We hated it. Nobody likes the
sunburn. I've had some really badYes, it's so true. South from
work for a sunburn, it seemsinsane. Some have had second degree sunburns.
Second degree had to be prescribed asteroid cream that was after my home

treatments. But anyway, but ahangnailed they suck. And Emily is not
proud of her hands anyway, soit's not like she's a hand model.
So I'm gonna I mean, nooffense, I take a shot at my
hands. Well, you've said it. I take shots in my own hands,
But you don't need to take ashot. I'm just saying facts hang
nails. You were incorrect? Really, Yes? What mosquitoes? Yeah,

I mean we talk about they dobite me, but i'd wave the hang
nails. I actually get hang nailsand they make your hand throb and it
makes me not be able to sleep. And I get like more hang nails
to the point where you can't sleep, like they hurts so dramatic. I
didn't even know that was possible.You never had one of the hangover I
had hangnails. I picked my nailsall the time. I get hangnails all
the time, and I feel likewe can't sleep well, like it'll keep

me up a little bit. It'snot insane. And then the mosquito bites.
I feel like I could just puta little some cream on it and
you're getting a little bit better.But sunburned lasts like a couple get a
hangnail. What's your motto? I'mlike your moto, big hands, big
hangnails. That's what you're welcome tshirt. That's that. I thought that

was easy. I can't sleep,okay, wow? Four? Yeah?
What did Eddie say? Would yourather have a bad sunburn, a bunch
of mosquito bites or a few hangnails? Yeah, I'm going off of I
feel like hangnail is the obvious onebecause the sunburn. If you have a
bad sunburn, that's brutal. Andthen mosquito bites are just paying the ass.

Hang now, I get hanged.I picked. I still bite my
fingernails and pick. It's disgusting.I've done it. I was a little
kid. I can't stop. SoI get hangnails. I don't lose sleep,
So I'm gonna say hang now,you're incorrect. Really, mosquito bites
doesn't bother you. No, Imean, because they're not gonna last for

very long. You know, thethe hangnail is bothered some sleep. I
don't lose sleep hangnails. That's notmotto. But I would rather deal with
a with a mosquito bite. Wowthor Yeah. Do you have a harder
time falling asleep or waking up?Oh? Falling asleep without a doubt.

I can never fall asleep. Istay up until I was up till ten
forty five last night. I justI hate falling asleep. You hate it?
You were incorrect. You said yousaid waking up? You didn't,
he said falling asleep? Dude,Yes, Then you got one wrong.

Wow, No, no, hesaid, you have trouble with both.
Yeah, because you set the alarm, but things like that. But I
know I gotta get up for work, so I'm going to be here.
But as of late, it's beenreally bad for you falling. I can't
do it. Yeah, that's right, I can't do it. Okay,
it was going so well. We'reonly one question. Oh no, okay,

okay, Sky. Yeah. Doyou have a hard time falling asleep
or waking up? I'm actually verythrilled to say I'm pretty good at both.
Falling asleep, I could sleep,honestly anywhere. I love a good
nap. I put a dang pillowon my face and I am out on
your face. Okay, you don'tneed to say that. So waking up,

I mean, you know, I'mnever late to work, knock on
wood, but you know I dohave those groggy mornings, you know,
in case in the moon days.So I'll say waking up. I put
down here falling asleep, but Icould have swoop, I thought, I
said waking up. I got apoint one, okay, Sky. In

the swimming pool, do you prefera floaty, a pool noodle, or
nothing at all? Oh oh,okay, so I'm not a pool noodle
chick. I'm just gonna let youknow right now. I'm not into pool
noodles. I don't even get whatthey're really four. Okay, so I'm

honestly I'm fifty to fifty, butI do. I do like a good
lounging in the pool and floating around. So I'm gonna say that I'm floating
around and really said nothing you swim. You're right, it's fifty around with
your daughter. You're twing things around. Oh yeah, big Frisbee pool people.

I know you were a pool noodleperson. Oh no, that pool
noodle. Oh see, I thoughtyou for sure would be a pool noodle
person. Really, yeah, thoseare I love those things really. Oh
they're so fun to hang out.Okay tho, yeah, does Eddie prefer
thor do you prefer a pool noodle, a floating or nothing at all when

you swim. I'm not a poolnoodle guy. I don't. I'm not
my thing. I you, Ihaven't swimming a while. I prefer a
basketball hoop. I don't think thatwas when I do enjoy I enjoy lounging
on a floating and just chilling becauseI don't swim that much, so lounging

on the floats, I said nothingwant anything. I did say, you're
not a new Yeah, everybody everybodyknows that legs. That's good, good
one though, that funny? What'sthe thought about that? Yeah? Damn
all right, Well, it lookslike we're all tied up after round one,

so we have a whole nother roundto go. It's round two of
the Newly Show game. Coming upnext on the show, I'll rock five
three, popa roach on the show, it's rocking five to three. We
are in the middle of playing ourversion of the Newlywed game. It is
the Newly Show game. It isguys versus girls. This week it's me

and Thor versus Emily and Sky didn'tgo great the first round, I'll be
honest with you. We both gota point a piece, so it all
comes down to this round two.So now me and Emily are going to
go and do the soundproof booth lorKane is gonna ask Thor and Sky the
questions and then we'll come back inand try to match your answers. Yeah,

I still can't believe Emily said shecan't sleep it's a hangnail. That's
that's gonna stay with me all day. It not like all week like I'm
gonna be so it's wild. Okay, I'm gonna start with you Sky.
What artist would your partner wish theycould see in concert? Alive or dead?
Oh? What is she going tosay? So? Jana Jackson is

her favorite artist? She just sawJanet? So would she say that alive
or dead? There's somebody dead thatshe really likes? Like, would she
say she'd want to see Sublime?Oh? God, I'm gonna overthink this
thor huh, I'm just gonna sayJanet. I'm just sticking with Janet.

I don't know, I don't know. I'm panicking now, but I mean
she did. Janet was in townrecently and she didn't go, so but
she always says over and over that'sher favorite artist, and she went because
Janet was just here a year andthen left early. Okay, okay her
and then left early? Okay?Four? Yea, what artist would your

partner wish they could see in concert? Alive or dead? You know,
he's seen Guns and Roses recently,and he's so he's seen Pearl jam a
ton. I know Eddie is likea big Elvis fan, So I'm gonna
say that he wishes he could seeElvis. Wow, because he's a big
Elvis fan. He does the impressionand he likes Elvis. Okay, all

right, that's wild, that's rightnow. And the theme of music,
what song would your partner want playedevery time they entered a room? Man,
I don't know. Immediately, Ithink Christmas music and Michael bou Blake.

Every time, it's just a linehe walks into her room. Christmas
music. No, that does notlike him. I'm gonna say, I'm
gonna go to the Star Wars worldhere, and I'm gonna say the dark
Side theme like the Darth Vader thememusic. Okay, okay, okay,
that is so random, Okay,okay, all right, sky Yes,

what song would Emily went played everytime she enters a room? Well,
she's gonna have no idea, she'sgonna panic. But she recently was on
a TV show, a local TVshow, and they asked her for a
walkout song. She was on air, and again sticking with Janet Jackson,

she went with a black Cat.So I'm gonna say that and hope she
remembers her own life. Yeah rightnow. She may be in an anxiety
written moved, or maybe she's ina country mood, so she wants to
lady will say, okay, Sky, Yes. Would Emily rather be super

rich for five years and then loseit all? Be a list famous for
three years but then be forced togo to rehab or continue with her life
she has? Now? Oh that'sa wild question. Okay, five years
super rich, lose it all,three years a list again, lose it
all, rehab and then or justnormal, Let's not lose it all,

Let's just go to rehab. Oh'sjust go to rehab. Okay, So
three years famous and then rehab andwe got to try and make a comeback.
Hmm. That's tough. It's toughto come back. Don't always work
out. I know. I thinkif Emily was younger, she would go
with the famous, and she's soantsy. I don't think she you know,

she wants to change all the time. So I'm gonna go with the
rich. Oh okay, I didn'tsee that coming. I don't know.
I did not Okay, rich allright? Thor what about Eddie? Would
he rather be rich for five yearsand then lose it? All like super
rich, be a less famous forthree years, but then be forced to
go to rehab or just continue withlife as it is now. I think

he's going to contain with life theway it is now. I mean it's
you know, he's got in prettyhe loves coaching, he's got the host
of the show. It's pretty good. It's a pretty good gick. So
I think continue with life that hehas now. Oh so wide, I
feel like I'm gonna get yelled atfor some reason. Okay, Okay,

you guys keep it cool. Soit was a whacky round talks some wild
question. Yeah right, Well,Emily and I were in the Sadproo booth.
We couldn't hear anything, so wewill now try to match your answers.
Okay, Eddie, yes, Laura, what artist, alive or dead

do you wish you could see inconcert live? Well, I mean most
bands I've seen in concert, andI don't feel like I'm missing anything,
so it would probably have to besomebody who's no longer with us. I
always wished I saw Michael Jackson inconcert. Maybe Elvis. I'll go Michael

Jackson, he said, Elvis,because I know you like him. I
know, but I just guy.Before you see Michael Jackson, I never
got seen, but you got toeat Michael. I didn't meet him Indian,

which is why. Yeah, whichis because I know you you you
got the Elvis impression. You loveElvis. I don't know, I don't
know. That's just what popped inmy head. I don't know. Like
Michael, I'm more of a fanof dig you know, you're doing an
impression of what Elvis? Yeah,Alura, this will be the last time

Laura's on the Okay, Laura,okay, okay. What artists Emily Alive
are dead? Do you wish youcould see a concert? Oh? Man,
I do love live music. Ilove you. I love love music.

I mean, like one of myfavorite artists of all times, Janet
jack But like i've seen her andshe was just here recently. It does
kind of depend on my mood.That's I said one of but that that
wouldn't because she was just here andI didn't see her. But as far
as one you've never seen before,it's one that you've never seen before.
I'm sorry, you just wish youcould see. No, it doesn't say
you've never seen no. That's soit's not Janet. I actually do love

Frank Sinatra a lot, a lot, and I would have loved to have
been able to see Frank Sinatra.I love to bring him back. That
would be so epic. I'm notthe biggest Michael Jackson fan. Elvis would
be probably pretty epic. I mean, it's Elvis freaking Pressley. I do
love Johnny Cash too, Okay,an answer, Yeah, she's going through

the Billboard artists list. This istough. I'm gonna I actually, we
just talked about Johnny Cash recently,like for randomly, So I'm gonna say
Johnny Cash. I think sky panicked, and she said Janet because we've never
discussed this for a second, Iconsidered Sublime, thinking of like dead people.

But I'm like, she's never saidanything, so I'm just gonna say
who her favorite artist is. Andso I just went Janet, And then
Thor pointed out all the stuff abouthow she was just here. Man,
that was a tough Okay, Emily, Yes, would you rather be super

rich for five years but then loseit all, be a less famous for
three years but then be forced togo to rehab or continue with life the
way it is now? Okay?Can you repeat it really quickly? Sure,
rich for five years, super richand then lose it all, famous
a lister three years and then goto rehab or life as it is now?

I mean, who wouldn't want tobe super rich? Oh? And
then you lose it all though infive years? Oh damn it. I
think I'm going to say, justkeep life as I know it right now?
Sky said you'd be rich, wantto be rich, lose everything?
Yeah, but I mean yeah,I mean like not like your life now?

Yeah, I'm doing fine. Idon't want to lose everything. I
want to lose your riches. It'slose everything. Oh I took it as
to lose your riches. But Isee what you're saying too. I just
figured you're too answer your life now, okay, my life now. I
just thought this is so antsy.You would pick one of the two,
You would pick something, So Iwent with the money. That's not they

didn't keep doing. I mean,I like my life now, thank you
very much. Pretty nice life.Would you rather be super rich for five
years and then lose it all,be a less famous for three years,
but then be forced to go torehab or continue with life as it is?
Now tell you what. That thata list that looks like it's gonna
be a good time to rehab.Yeah, like we're gonna have a real

time for three years. I wouldn'tmind that the rehab parts sucks. So
so I know I'm just chilling.I'm gonna I'm gonna live my same life.
And that's exactly what's thorough. Yeah, yeah, I mean there's nothing
wrong with what's going on with me, Emily on the crazy very much.

So there's that's. Oh you skipthe question. You skipped the second question.
Look, she's so, she's likesmoke's coming out of her ears,
trying so hard. Okay, yougot it, drink you okay, Eddie?
Yes, what song would you wantplayed every time you entered a room?

What song would like? Oh?You just got excited? I means
it's easy, man, play mesome raw bass takes two? What's up?
I said? I screwed this up. I screwed it up. This
is my fault. He went wildthe Star Wars Darth Vader theme. I

don't know the Imperial March. Idon't know what I was thinking when you
just said rob bass. I went, oh my god, what an idiot?
I can't believe that was the easiestquestion of all time. I thought,
Hey, I'm embarrassed. Should Idon't? I don't blame you.

That was embarrassed. I can't believeI just got that wrong. I can't
believe it. Emily, what songwould you want played every time you entered
a room? Black Cat? Well, so funny you said that, because
I was trying to think of asong for this Kosi thing I was on
recently, and like they asked mewhat my walkout song would be, and
I like couldn't think of one singlesong, like like even a little bit,

like nothing came to mind. Andalso it depends on my mood,
which is what, Like, youknow, I don't really have a fall
time favorite song shuffle, so itdepends on the mood. So since Sky
knows I just chose black Cat,I'm gonna stick with it and say black
Cat I am. And that's whatshe says. Her mood changes so much,
you just have to go with thelast thing she did. That's the

only way we have a chance atthis excreamed it out to say that anyway,
But that means we have to goto the tie breaking question. We
are all I'm mad at you too. Okay, so here we go.
All right, So you could pickwhoever you want to ask, and then
the other person will try to cassit. Four okay. How many times

have you had food eaten off yourbody in a sexual way in your lifetime?
Okay, so you're asking both meand Scott both because then Emily and
I and sky Sky you too.How many times food eating off my body
sexual? Oh? Man, letme count my chart. Okay, I've

read in my eyes. Okay,you guys ready, all right? Thor?
What I don't? How many times? Twice? Okay? Boy?
What I know Thor is pretty sexually, you know, advanced freak show.
He's kind of a freak show.I figured there would be whipped cream and

things like that. Wouldn't be thatbig of a deal your body, no,
oh yeah, but still I don't. Food in the bedroom not my
thing? Man, I thought itwas gonna be way more. I broke
five times, five times, fivetimes, five times. Damn it.
This is day if we lose,it's on make no I know's okay.

This makes me nervous because Emily's answercould be high. Because my husband is
known to be a bit for he'sfreakyky, but I'm not into this.
This is messy. So we wereone and done with food in the bedroom
once I said zero, not youguys were closer. That means the girls

is my fault. This is myfault. I know you what you There
is no debate, this is yourfault. Unbelievable, All right? Do
we have talked many times about Emily'scooking fails, hey and boom? Do
we not remember that? Right?Okay, you're right, and we will

see what other people say are theirbiggest cookie fails coming next on the show
at Rock with a five three boom. Well, we have talked quite a
few times over the years about Emily'scooking fails. She loves to cook.
She claimed for a really long timethat she was a great cook, but
then we tried a couple of herthings that didn't go so well. Of

course, there was the famous grilledcheese incident. That wasn't my fault.
She claimed she made the best grilledcheese out there. We made a grilled
cheese. We said, oh,we'd love to try a good grilled cheese.
She tried to cook it and itdidn't didn't go so well. Money
wasn't even really even cooked. Itwasn't grilled. Well no, that's the
key part to the grilled cheese.But that wasn't I did, excuse me

cheese sandwich. That's true. Itwasn't the best grilled cheese ever had.
Well I know that. Then youclaimed that you made this great turkey meat
loaf. Oh yeah, she lovedthat, and we were like, well
you want to make it for us, made it for us and who It's
another thing that was not that Isaid you eat with your eyes. I
had to have my eyes closed.Oh really, very unfortunate. I've since

realized that, you know, justthose few things, not the grilled cheese,
because that wasn't my fault. Thatwas the burner's fault. The meat
loaf. Turkey meat loaf is anacquired taste. I've realized that I've grown
to love it because it's so healthy. Okay, then of course I can
keep going. We had the peppermashed potato incident and Thanksgiving that Thor was

invited to that he told us allabout where it was where everyone in the
family was just like yom man becauseit comes up eating a black and white
cookie. Robert my man, Ididn't close the pepper correctly. So when
I went to pepper, the mashedpotatoes didn't work out at all. Spilt
always something always if there's things okay, well then of course you know,

we discovered that you have posted aYouTube video once of cooking hacks. Yeah,
and the cooking hacks that didn't work, and you still posted the video.
Yeah, that was pretty much.She was trying to like do something
with corn, right, Yeah,Like I had a couple, so it's
like it was like it was abudget much cookie guys. So like one

the first ones was take it astraw and post like poking through a strawberry
to like take the the stemile forwhatever. That kind of worked, but
it wasn't like that bad. Thewatermelon was just cutting it into like little
cubes so you can almost have likelittle handheld like sticks. Wow, that
one kind of worked. But mymain thing, my main attraction was my
closing my clothing one, which wasthis corn husk Bang corn where you put

the corn in a microwave with thehusk on x amount of time that I
saw online, then you pick itup, take it out, and then
you shake so that then it's supposedto fall out. And I was shaking
it members going it's not working theboom. The crazy thing is it's not
live. So you could just go, hey, I'm gonna I'm gonna take
to this puppy out and then getit, or even just keep doing it

until it comes out and then cutit up. But she kept it all
in. Your whole video is aboutcooking eggs and they don't work. That
seems like a ridiculous video. Youknow how Emily is like she starts off
really strong with things and then atthe end it gets frustrated from the hack.
But it wasn't. Yeah, Emily'shad some cookie fails in the past,

and that's cooking. True love morethan a bunch of things, really
honest. I love watching the NFL, but I'm not good at playing it.
You know. Okay, you didn'tsay. Well, they looked into
a lot of people's biggest cooking failsout there. Yeah, they surveyed over
two thousand US adults and found thatabout thirty percent of us say that we

are embarrassed of our own cooking.Oh and thirty three percent of us have
been told at some point that somethingwe made was just not good, Like
I mean just blatantly to our face. And another interesting stat is a third
of married people say their spouse isnot a good cook, but they don't

have the guts to tell them.My wife's a great cook, but if
she makes something bad, man,I don't know. It has to be
one of the worst things I've evereaten for me to say something, really,
because she'll get so offended. Iget that, and I just wouldn't
be Yeah, I can't say anything. I can't so show no, I
don't like it if I don't finishit, because I always finish it because

I'm a fat ass. I know, if I've done something and I'll say
it, I'll say it first,Yeah, I got this needs a little
bit more seasoning, or you know, ah, man, I've overcooked this
pork choppers. I'll say it andI'll go no, No, that's great.
Nice to clay done. Well done. So our top biggest or our
top fails in the kitchen while cookinga tie for fifth place between serving spoiled

food by mistake, tied with actuallycatching your kitchen on fire. Bad fail
Number four is forgetting a key ingredient. Number three is under cooking the dish.
Number two is injuring yourself. Andnumber one is burning the entire dish.

Sure, burning things. It seemslike that happens all the time.
Yeah, it is what it is, that's crazy. Uh. Sky's husband,
the Boo was not a fan ofsomething that Sky bought recently and he
let it be known. And nowSky, as you can hear, not
that happy with him because of it. We're gonna see what it is that
the Boo didn't like when we getback on the show. I'm rock on
a five three. That's green dayon the show. It's Rock one five

three. So apparently Sky made apurchase recently and it did not go over
so well with your husband the Boo, so much so that he's taken drastic
actions because of it. What arewe talking about? I'm very annoyed.
So a big target trip happened acouple of days ago. Everything's a big

deal with Sky. Everything. It'sjust a regular go to target. I
go to target. Everyone goes totarget. Everyone like Potter game. It's
a massive It was almost a twocarter. Okay, that's a big trip
again. Let me tell you whyyou do is a big then leaving the
house. Everything is a big trip. I can't take. So got this

big trip to Target, and actuallyit was just gonna be a small trip.
I was looking for some some outdoortoys, just finally got a lawn,
got some turf for the first time. After so I was I was,
what are we doing, botchy ball? We need? Do we need?
What are we doing? Badminton?Didn't think about it? So I

want to see what was the backdoor activities? That's the one you didn't
think about. It seems like themost popular it would be. Yeah,
but I feel like bad You're goingto get a net. I'm looking at
that we can put away that wecan you know, store away easy and
pa put the net up, takeit down. Okay, can you get

off of Badminton please? So goto Target and I make the mistake of
saying to my husband before I leave, Hey, you need anything from Target?
It's such a big trip. Well, it wasn't going to be a
big trip until guy drops on methat we need all paper products. So
that means we need a massive thinga tepee, we need a massive thing

of U of paper towels, weneed uh tissues, and we also need
napkins, a costume card. Sookay, So I get there and I'm
I'm looking at my little games first, and that is when I passed the
bedding section. And it's been anissue for a while. We've needed new
pillows, you guys, I knoweverybody's been talking about it. It's time

we need new pillows. The pillowsare disgusting. They're like super flat.
You take them out of the pillowcase. They're like discolored, perfect old
pillow. You and your twenty yearold pillow. I miss it. Well,
after we shamed you have of it. I can't sleep. So I'm

like, we've needed new pillows fora while. I'm here, let's go,
and so I get all new pillowsfor my daughter's room and for our
room. So that is a totalof eight pillows. Oh my god,
no, we need we need twoeach. And then like for my daughter's
room, there's four pillows. Youknow anyway, so I don't. I

don't. Actually, so my cartis overflowing with pillows. And then I
got to get all the paper productsand throw them in there. So that's
why it turned into a big trip, thor it was. I almost took
out the ankle of some guy infront of me because I just literally couldn't
see where I'm going and imagine herlittle tiny little hair Barbie dream house the

pillows in there. Time I gethome, I'm so proud of myself that
I've accomplished this massive trip. Igot these. No one got injured.
Nothing who felt get injured. Butthe dude in the flip flops that I
almost took out a see hole,he almost got injured. And so is
an accomplishment and such an accomplishment.Well, I'm extra proud because it was

so much stuff, and also thefact that I finally got these damn pillows
I've wanted to get forever. SoI've kind of got a little extra pep
of my step. Yeah, liketaking care of business here, right TC.
So I get home with the pillowsand the husband sees the pillows and
he goes, oh, you gotpillows, And I'm like, yeah,
was he like me love pillow?I guess like, I don't know.

I thought he'd be like, ohmy god, that's so awesome. We
needed these. But anybody's that pumpedfor new pillows when you have that little
going on in your life, youokay? And when my wife goes out
to a store, she comes backwith something that that I didn't tell her
I needed, but I needed.It's a good feeling. I don't I
don't throw a parade over it likethis guy's doing. But I'll say,

but I'll say, oh, thisis great, thanks. Wow. So
I didn't like his underwhelmed reaction,but okay, whatever, wash all the
bedding to put it on fresh pillows. Okay. Immediately he's doing it with
me, and he's just ripping tagsoff the pillows. Immediately ripping all the
tags off before he puts it inthe pillow. That's a risk. You
don't take the tags off anything untilyou're sure. Yeah, And so I'm

just like, and that's why Isaid, oh, I forgot to do
that on you know, our daughter'spillows. And he's like looking at me
like I'm you know, yeah,like a delinquent, like a So I'm
like okay, So I start rippingtags off to put him on the bed.
Next morning, wake up guy isin a foul mood. Oh he
I come home from yoga and somethingsomething tragic like that has happened or no.

That is when he realized that Ihave bought firm pillows instead of the
medium pillows and it was way toofirm for him, way too firm were
it's clearly ruined his day, andhe blames me, like you can tell
just by the way he's walking aroundthe house, okay, And I'm like,

really, get over it, guy, Like get over it. I
mean, like squish it down alittle bit. It's a pillow like firm.
It's both. They're always super fuffyimmediately to work it in a new
pillow. Isn't that great, tobe honest with you. Yeah, So

he's talking to me about how muchhe basically hates these pillows. He can
tell that I'm mad because I wasproud of my big pillow purchase and yeah,
and then I mentioned, well,we could have returned him, but
unfortunately somebody Wow. And that's whenhe says to me, well, do

you think you can remove some ofthe stuffing from it and sew it for
me? And that was my reaction, Eddie, Like how much were these
pillows Target breaks? I believe tendollars? Why doesn't he just go to
Target and buy himself a new pillow? I don't know, I don't know
take out the stuffing. And soI laugh at him like like he's made

like literally you're making a joke rightnow. And so he did not care
for that reaction. And then pillowtalk ceases. And that is when I
go get ready for bed. Lastnight, I come out and I see
my daughter sitting on the couch witha needle and thread sewing his pillow and
I say to her, what areyou doing? And she said, Dad

paid me five bucks to take thestuffing out half of the stuffing out of
this pillow and sew it back up. That's one of the craziest things I
think I've ever heard in my life. He secretly went and bribed our daughter
to do this instead of going toTarget buying a new pillow. We still
had the old pillows. You couldn'tused used the old pillow, and then

put the new pillow as a guestpillow in. Wait a couple days and
break it in like you guys said, Like this man is paying, Like
my daughter is in a sweatshop.You're getting on her. And though she
should have said ten, once youoffered five, ten, it's done.
Yeah, So I kind of annoyedher for that. Oh really, pillow

five for pillow? Yeah, SoI don't know why this has annoyed me.
On such a drastic level. ButI think because it's psychotic. Okay,
okay, thank you. So thething about this story is psychotic.
Are you being proud of buying pillos? Like that's a hard accomplishment. The
large Target trip is crazy. Andit's not like you didn't buy great Like
that's another thing if you would havebecause there's expensive pillows, there's good pillows.

It seems like you bought like thecheap Target brand pillows. No I
did well. There was a threefifty pillow. Didn't buy that one went
for the ten ten dollars, SoI would have been kind of annoyed by
that, Like, really, you'reso proud of these crap pillows. You
bought what you want a twenty dollarspillow. If I'm sleeping on it,
what are you the king? Idon't know the world, but it's guys

fence. If I came home andmy man Robert to the store, like
you're going to complain about what Ibrought and what I brought home, and
you're the more on that ripped thetags off, thank you. You're also
the more on that didn't. You'reprojecting a lot. You're also girl on
the idiot wrapping the pillows you didn'tfeel with your own two hands, and

Nope, this isn't gonna work,and then just put it aside and been
like, I'm gonna go return this. It says firm on the cover like
he did there, Like I feellike he was just trying to prove a
point. How about the fact thatyou've been together for over twenty plus years
and don't know that he's a mediumman. Yeah, you gotta know that.
I gotta know that. Well,you would know not maybe pillow.
No, I don't. I'm nota firm pillow guy. I'm not either,

but nobody is. Yeah, firm, So sorry, guy was on
your side. Maybe that's okay.Yeah, I don't know. Okay,
we don't. I'm on a brick. Okay, you're fine with it.
What was calling? That's true,that's true, But you don't tell me.
Well, this is a nightmare fromtop to bottom. May over pillows.
I don't know. The Padres aregonna have lots of representation at the

All Star Game. We're gonna seewhich Padres made the team, including a
surprise selection next in Sports Dirt.Well, I think the Padres were emotionally
spent yesterday. I mean, it'sbeen crazy. Their games have been wild
recently. They have a lot ofcome from behind wins. They had this

huge come from behind win off ofManny Machado walk off home run on Friday,
and then their game went into extrainnings on Saturday. They unfortunately lost
to the Diamonbacks on that one,and then yesterday they were in a really
tight one, well until it wasn't. The game was tied at one after
Jerks and Profar hit another home runin the first inning to tie the game,

and it stayed that way all theway until the seventh, when Eugenio
swa Is hit a two run homerun and that led to eight unanswered runs
by Arizona to give them a nineto one win and to win the series,
unfortunately for the Padres. So they'regoing to get the day off today.
They're going to start a series againstSeattle tomorrow. Weird day off.
It is a weird It's not likethey're traveling. I don't know. I

understand. I think that there wasgoing to be the up until you told
me earlier. I was like,oh, for sure, there's odd.
Yeah, I'm so because I goto I work out right down there,
Jim, right near pet Goo.No traffic for the day off, Yeah,
like Seattle. I was like,yeah, I actually found once the
game starts, there's like no trafficdown there. No kids crazy? Is

that crazy around the stadiums? Idon't know. Guess what when the game
ends, traffic again, Yeah,right down It's a secret tip. I
just you know, traffic yeah yeah, not during the no, no,
not during the game. I justassumed what was going on, there'd be

people walking around. I don't know. Clearly I was wrong. Clearly top
of the fifth not much chuffing downthere. Huh. Well, the Padres
are going to be well represented inthe All Star Game. Now. We
already knew that Jerks and Profar andFernando Tatis Junior were voted in as starters,
but a total of five Padres madethe team. Now joining the two

outfielders are going to be closer.Robert Suarez Luis Arise made the team,
and then the surprise selection is rookieJackson Merrill. Wow. Yeah, I
mean, honestly, I wasn't reallythinking he was going to be an All
Star, but but he got hegot in. Merrill is having a Rookie
of the Year type season. He'shitting two eighty eight, it's got twelve
home runs, and obviously he's beengreat in the outfield. So the entire

Padres outfield made the team's great,which is crazy because that was the biggest
question coming into the season, iswho's going to be our outfield? Yeah,
you know, like we were like, all right, well, I
guess we'll throw Merrill and see howhe does in center field. That is
an all start jerk and profar.He's gonna be a platoon guy. You
know, maybe he'll play every oncein a while. No, he's the
everyday starter and he's the best playeron the team. Wow, what the

hell happened? Yeah, I'll tellyou what. Right now, they're four
games over five hundred. If theycould just continue this for a little while,
then you get bow guards and tatisand we gotta get yeah you darvish.
We'll see what happens with Musgrove hopefullycomes back. Yeah, it's not
good when you go into sixty dayl with an elbow sore nous. But
but yeah, I mean they shouldbe right in it. Yeah, well

they should be right in Yeah.Things are definitely not looking great. For
you darbish. Though, he's beenplaced on the restricted list to deal with
a personal matter involving a family member. Now I don't know what that means,
and there's no timetable for his return. So hopefully you know, everything's
okay, But it seems a littleodd. Yukon and head coach Dan Hurley

have reached a new deal. Hesigned a six year extension for fifty million
dollars. Now it's also incentively becausehe did turn down that Laker deal that
was worth more. He turned downa six year, seventy million dollar deal
to be with the Lakers. Sosix year, fifty million come of odd.

I'm not really sure what's going onthere, but yeah, he'll be
your coaching the NBA team in acouple of years. I don't blame him,
though. I look at the Lakers. They're disasters. I mean,
they just signed Brownie James's kid,they just drafted, and ESPN was acting
like this. His his summer leaguedebut was so huge, hit four points,
hit four points and how pathetic isthat? And they're tweeting about it
ESPN like he's Lebron. Okay,say sports is brought to you by Jersey

Mike's be a sub above. Todayis the first day that I came into
work and Sky did not have onsocks with her SAMs. It's been a
minute, which not a great look. But we're gonna see why socks and
sandals are becoming a thing. Sky. That's coming up next on the show.

I'll rock on a five to threeSarah Smith on the show. It's
Rock one five three. So everysingle morning I walk into the office first
thing in the morning, and Iglance over at my office mate and she's
sitting there in front of her computer, and what I see gives me the

chills every single warm. No,it's the opposite. It gives me a
chill up my spine as I glanceover at Sky sitting there with her full
fluffy socks jam wedged into her sandals, and I'm always I always look at

it and go, oh my God, like, what is going on there?
I'm worried I'm going to break myflip flops. The socks are too
fluffy. I'm too, I'm toodefinitely broken my spirit. And then a
little bit later we all join eachother in the main studio, and I
feel for you the most. Somebodywho consider herself a bit of a fashionista.

When you see her stroll in herewith those socks and sandals, the
emotions you go through, it's wild, Like look at my face right now,
like I'm I'm grossed out, I'msad about it. You're visibly disgusted.
Yes, I get those same chills, Eddie as well, feel a
little nauseous. Yeah, then angerhappens from Thor when Sky decides she's gonna

leave the studio and he will alwaysgo. You know, people can see
right you're gonna walk. I justdon't get it. So I came to
the station yesterday to record something.Yeah it's a Sunday, no one's here.
And I got here at like threeo'clock. There's literally nobody here,
and I was wearing shorts and Ihad I had slides on because I didn't
feel like putting. I was literallygonna go right back home. And I

but I was like, but Iknew no one was here, but I
was like embarrassed for somebody to seeme because this is a place that have
socks on soalks with your slide No. No, but I just feel like
I feel like a man shouldn't wearbarefoot shoes at work. I feel like
it's unprofessional as is as it's unprofessionalforless. Yeah, I'm trying to say.

Yeah, I feel like if youif you're unless you have like nice
little you can't have flip flops.No, if you're a guy, in
my eyes, you should not bewearing flip flops to work professional business here.
If I was the manager anyone,If I was the manager of this
building and you wore flip flops towork, okay, that's a little stream.

I would think the wearing these sockswith the sandals is more fire.
So females can get away with wearingopen toed shoes to work. And I
understand that. You know, Idon't know about the gender equality there,
but I understand it. But ifI saw a female wearing what Sky wears
to work, fired on the you'rewalking in the hallway, she'd go,

she'd go, this is how Iwalk when I have five minutes, And
I go, hey, you're fired. But sir, I've been doing mornings
here for the last twenty years.Yeah, I don't even I don't even
know your name. You wear ifyou're twenty years socks? Really, it's
very off putting. You recognize that, please. I wouldn't use the word
off pudding. I would use notpious then maybe a little eccentric centric,

but but not off. It makesme uncomfortable thinking about, like how much
how uncomfortable that must be like tojam that sock and spread your feet your
toes out even more with the littlethong thing. Why not just wear sneakers.
I have a pair of sneakers thatyou wear to work and then take

them off. No, why Igot some toe issues. I got a
foot over here I call my grandmafoot, and we can't jam that into
anything close toed. So you cannever wear sneakers. There are very few
types of shoes my feet don't crampup in so and flip flops and ugs
are on that list. That's whyyou see me ninety nine point nine per

send the time and either flip flopsor ugs. So cold toes, flip
flop season socks and flip flops,because then later in the day when it
gets warmer, you take these socksoff. Yes, when I got flip
flops. When I go about mybusiness and I leave the radio station,
So strangers, you know, Idon't care if you guys or anybody in
this building sees the socks and theflip flops. But then when I go

out in the real world, youknow, to like Vond's or what have
you. Yes, I'll take that. See the rest of the wardrobe,
I'll take. So last week Irealized I had three pairs of fuzzy socks
in my big old purse because Ido I take them off here at work,
I throw them on my purse,and then I forget to take them
out. Well, I forget becausemy purse is so huge that, like

literally I had three pairs of socksin there the other day. So why
I'm sorry, I just once again, I just can't figure this out.
Why not wear ugs the whole timeyou're here at work and you just have
flip flops in your car, likeyou know, easy it is to slip
an ug off and just put theflip flop on for your errands and stuff.
But now I'm carrying ugs in andout of my car every day.
I can't throw the ugs in mypersonal too much, Emily, that's too

much, too much. I don'tneed that in my life. Okay,
So it's quite a scene whenever she'srocking those socks and sandals it's a lot
to absorb. Yeah, thank youas people, and to think that other
people besides us see that in thebuilding. It's oh yeah, I go
in our shared kitchen head and I'lldo small talk and pour a cup of

coffee and just pretend like nobody noticesthe socks and the foot pops. It's
a lot. Well, apparently Skyis not alone. What's wait a minute,
Socks and sandals is becoming a hottrend. So sooner or later we're
gonna see Emily rocket it going.It was it right now? I guess
so stuff. So I hate tobring this up, but this is how

this study started. The study startedoff asking about the length of your sock
and what length sock you are wearingwith your tennis shoe right now. Door
ran into this issue for a while. That my situation now when I work
at long, when I work outnow, I have socks that go just

below my calves. They don't goup all the way like I'm from East
County, but and they don't gouh half calf, it's right just below
the calf. They shrank a littlebit in the dryer Costco, thank you
for that, But so they're alittle over there like, but they're good.
Now what do I do now?Like, I'm wearing shorts right now,
but I have ankle socks on,so I need I know, it's

I need to get higher socks.Yeah. The whole fiasco is just about
working out only in regards to thechanging Now. I don't know what you
look at this? Yeah? Yeah, I want to go. Why don't
you just wear your gym socks?Aren't those because they're very gym sockey They
have like AATIS logo on them.What's wrong with that? I don't know

if they're not classy enough to wearoutside of the gym? Are you a
classy guy? Classy you're wearing shortsshirt with the backwards night Yeah, tell
me about it much. You can'twear Dtish socks with Nike shoes. That's
another thing. That's another thing youcan do that. Wow, wow,

the same All right, So bigsock issue going on. I guess clearly
Thor is not the only one turnsout disaster. Right now in America,
forty one percent of people are doingankle sock, So still not with the
trend yet with the with the newThe thing too is it's eventually going to
come back but get read all myankle socks where I just keep them.
Oh my god. But nobody reallycared about that. There was one stat

from this study about socks that peopledid not see common and it had to
do with the question of is itokay to wear socks with sandals? And
they were shocked to find the youngergeneration a quarter of them, twenty five
percent of people under thirty years old, say yeah, that's a good look.

Are they talking about like birkenstocks though, because like burket stock slides,
big birkenstock. I pee they Isee the kids socks with with socks,
my my son, you know,it's twelve. It's very lazy guy.
So he doesn't like to tie shoes. He'll you know, sit there and
jam his foot into something that's alreadytied. I'm like just on tired and

tired. Uh. And so hewill rock slides with his socks all the
time. Yes, I would preferthat, to be honest with you,
and so that that's fine to me. But it's the something about the flip
flop with the toe. Yeah,that's the thing that just it's so bad.
It's uncomfortable. And every time ifI ever did it, like like

when you know the sand's really hot, so you throw some socks on were
at the beach. I'll put myfoot, I'll put my foot in a
uh in a flip flop, andit's just so it always feels like your
flipop's gonna fall off. You gottado some work. You really got to
tuck the sock in between that bigtoe and the second toe. And and
well, it's interesting because you knowJamie here on our show, who answers

the phones, he tried to shameme by taking a video of me in
my socks and sandals, and Ithink, and yeah, well he's new,
he doesn't he doesn't know yet.So he put it on the Rocks
Instagram account and that was all thecomments. If you want to wear your
socks, if you have to doit, then get slides. Does make
sense. It's weird that you don'thave Birkenstocks because they're like ultra company.

Yeah, I used to see.Yeah, when I first met Eddie,
he knew Birkenstock sky with the overallsand the hemp choker. That was definitely
part of don't have to go thatfar. You could just get this.
I can't. I don't need toset the entire and those are actually in
style sky though, So you guyswould be okay if I came in here
birkenstocks and socks. It's better thanwhat you got now. Anything is better

than what you have now, includingthat sweatshirt. I just saw your eyes
start to my sweatshirt. This isa legit sweat well, I believe I
bought it at San Diego. Somebodyfrom Arizona's rocking the same sweatshirt right now,
going, yeah, it was justin San Diego. Oh they look
legit. Then they get it.They know where all the coastal towns are
because it's right there on their chests. So it turns out the younger generation

says it's a good look. Twentyfive percent of them say, but again,
they just said sandals. They dependson the sand. Does okay you
say, you say socks with flipflops. Nobody understands. I don't think
anybody would be knowing that because youdon't see even the kids doing that.
And it's it's not even regular socks. They're like the thick, fluffy say
there may be tread on the bottomof you don't slip when you're walking around

the house all right. Coming uptomorrow, we're gonna play our favorite drinking
game, a little Bombed at thebeach. Plus, we have an email
from a p one who is nothappy with something that his wife is doing
for her birthday this year. We'regonna see what that's all about tomorrow morning.
We'll see you then,

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