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This is Dan Caples and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download, and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform. If you're a conservative, and I
know we get plenty from the leftwho listen to the show, and I'm
glad they do. Glad you're here. But if you're a conservative like me,
this has to be one of themost fun times in your life politically
right because the whole left is gettingexposed. It's not just Biden. As
I said before, he's virtually irrelevantright now. It's not just Biden.
It's the whole left getting exposed fundamentallydishonest, not who they claim to be,
the media being part of the coverup. And if you say,
ah, yeah, Dan, that'sold news. Here's what you're missing,
respectfully, you're missing the fact thatthere are so many Americans who just don't
pay attention to this stuff the wayyou and I do. They don't.
It aggravates them. Why would they? It just brings them down. And
then they'll show up and vote,but they vote habitually. They vote because
they're all famili has been Democrat forever, and it doesn't mean they're stupid or
anything else like that. It's justhabitual. And now something like this,
this is one of those rare events, right that can cause people who normally
don't pay attention to pay attention andthen they look at this and they say,
oh mg, no, this isn'twhat I thought the Democratic Party was
and it causes a significant number totake a second look at the party and
the people involved. That's why thisis so seismic and earth altering, not
just because it means Joe Biden's notgonna be the nominee. I've been telling
you that for a year and ahalf. It goes way, way,
way beyond Joe Biden because every singleelected official and person in charge in the
Democratic Party now has to answer thequestion why were you part of the cover
up? Are you saying you didn'tknow this was going on, which means
you're not paying any attention? No, you're part of the cover up.
Why why did you do that?How can I trust you? That ends
so much more so, this isa beautiful moment we're living through. And
listen, if I could waive theMadgekwandya, I would want to have the
twenty fifth Amendment invoked because right nowthis nation is in grave danger because our
enemies see, we do not havea president, we do not have a
commander in chief. We don't havea leader who can rally this nation to
war if that's necessary to protect ournation or necessary to stop horrific aggression that's
going to hurt our interest across theglobe, they know America doesn't have a
leader who can do that right now, so we're in great perils. So
yeah, if I couldn't invoke thetwenty fifth Amendment, I would, But
we know it's not going to happen. We know it's not going to happen.
Kamala Harris half the cabinet, that'sonly the start, and it's never
going to get that far. Thenyou have to have two thirds of the
House and Senate to prove it becauseBiden would contest it. No way that's
going to happen. So given thatreality, yeah, we want this to
last as long as it can becauseevery day it goes on, it makes
it more and more likely that DonaldTrump wins this election and that the Left
destroys itself way beyond losing this electionand way beyond losing the presidency, that
they lose further down ballot, andthat they undermine their credibility for a long
time to come. So we needBiden to hang on as long as possible
as the presumptive nominee. My belief, as I've said, is that I
think he'll hang on until he hasthe exit package he's after, and then
he will get out. So Ithink Hunter Biden is calling the shots.
I've been saying that a long timebecause Hunter could walk into a prosecutor's office,
in my belief, or a newspaperoffice right now, he could walk
into the press room at the WestWing and destroy Joe Biden, utterly destroy
him because Hunter was as bag man, right, I mean, what did
Hunter have to sell, all theseLLCs, all these different corporations, all
this, all this that from someof the worst nations in the world or
people within those nations. What didHunter have to sell other than access to
Joe Biden. So that's the onlyconceivable explanation I submit to you for how
Hunter Biden is now, according tomainstream media reports, the gatekeeper for Joe
Biden in the White House. Whatelse would it explain that except Joe Biden
has to do what Hunter Biden tellshim to do, and Hunter Biden does
not want him to give in andget out right now. Hunter Biden wants
the right deal in place first eightfive to five four zero five A two
five five the number. With thatin mind, and we'll go to phone
calls and text as well. Withthat in mind. Thank you Lord for
the GOP Convention next week, becauseI understand there are a lot of smart
people I respect to say this ishorrible. No, we got to keep
the attention all on Biden. TheGOP Convention is going to take it off
Biden, take the heat off him. Yeah, thank you Lord, because
we want Biden to remain their nomineeas long as possible, So you take
this pressure off him next week withthe GOP Convention, it helps him hang
on longer. If it wasn't forthe GOP Convention, he might be done
in a few days. He mightbe done in a few days anyway,
But with the GOP Convention, maybewe can get him to hang on another
week or two or three if we'relucky all the way to the convention.
Could you think their nominee really willbe who would be the toughest to beat.
As I said earlier, there areonly two Kennedy's for president who could
beat President Trump. One is PresidentTrump and the other is Michelle Obama.
With regard to President Trump, Brian, I am so impressed with how he
has conducted himself since he thrashed Bidenin that debate, and since Biden thrashed
Biden in that debate. But Trumpdid some really good things too. Not
all he could have, but hedid some really good things. But I've
been so impressed with the way he'sjust let the left eat itself right now,
yep. And that video that peopleput out, the video that people
say was leaked of him on thegolf card and everything else. If you
haven't seen it, it's President Trump'sin a golf cart, paying caddies a
few hundred bucks and just talking likea regular guy about everything that's going on.
And Biden's done and Kamala Harris,she's blank and pathetic and all this
and that, and people say leakedvideo yeah by Trump, yeah, yeah,
and for and listen, why whywould he do that? First?
Well, it just makes him looklike a regular guy, and he's paying
the caddies, well, which isa former caddy I really appreciate. Second,
he wants Biden to stay in thisrace. Is there any doubt about
that? No? Does anybody disputethat? Please call this show text to
show tell me eight five five forzero five A two five five text D
five seven seven thirty nine. DonaldTrump wants Biden to stay in the race.
So that video got leaked to tryto cause Biden to stay in the
race just out of anger. It'sso personal, right. I think the
video helps him too with voters.That makes him look, like you said,
like a regular guy. But itshows strength and I believe right right
now, barring your theory, thisis a total campaign about strength versus weakness.
It's Trump's strength versus Biden's weakness.But Dan, how would you explain
the remarkable discipline the Trump campaign hasshown to this point. Is it all
credit to Donald Trump? Or arethere new handlers that we should give credit
to? Well, first of all, it's Trump, right, I mean,
because Trump gets to decide all ofthat, including who his handlers are,
and I think the handlers help withthat. I think Donald Trump is
very, very highly motivated right now. I think he wants the second term,
and he doesn't want to go tojail, and his best defense to
these bogus charges all along, hisbest chance of staying out of jail is
to win a second term. SoI think you have a very focused,
highly motivated Donald Trump right now.I want to get to some of these
great texts, but we'll start withCarol from Beautiful Denver, Colorado. You're
on the Dan Kaplos Show. WelcomeCarol. Hello, Hell are you?
I'm living the dream? How aboutyou too? They have a quick question,
what are your thoughts. I'm alittle concerned about this crazy judge who's
got he's going to be determining Trump'spunishment. Yeah, coming up? Is
there a chance in your mind thathe'll just throw the book at him,
just so he'll be the hero ofall of the left. Who's worried right
now about Biden's condition. I meanI am worried because couldn't he legally do
that? Couldn't he say no,you're you're going straight to jail? Oh?
He could, but he won't.Right, And the best workup I've
seen on this is done by AndyMcCarthy at National Review, former federal prosecutor
in those same parts, and Andy'stake his wait a second, And Andy
agrees this was a bogus prosecution,bogus process, bogus conviction, all politically
motivated. But Andy's take his waita second. You're the presiding judge over
a trial where a candidate for presidenthas just been convicted. Obviously, in
my view, in Andy's bogus boguslee is that a word? It is
now of thirty four felony accounts.But here's the critical point Andy makes.
He was convicted, wrongfully convicted ofcommitting those felonies in order to interfere with
the outcome of an election. Thatthat was that the thrust of that case.
So Andy's point is, listen,in a situation like that, if
the judge, given all of thisis wrongful to begin with, in my
view and Andy's, if the judgedoesn't hand down along prison sentence, it
kind of exposes the mockery the wholething has been from the beginning. But
I don't think at this point,Carol, anybody is expecting that sentence to
be anything other than staid pending appeal. Now here's the other thing, Carol,
and I understand there are the questionswhether it be home detention this or
that at that point mid September inthe campaign. I'd be shocked if that
happened, and then shocked if ahigher court didn't step in to reverse it
if it did. But Carol,keep this in mind. This same court,
after the Supreme Court immunity ruling,has just moved that sentence into September
in order to weigh whether that convictioncan stand given the Supreme Court immunity ruling.
Because within that Supreme Court immunity ruling, it said, hey, hey,
guys and gals, there's certain stuffyou can't use as evidence when you
are prosecuting a former president for thingsthey can be prosecuted for. And it
may be that some of those thingsyou can't use were used in the New
York case. And so there's aquestion as to whether they'll even be a
sentence scene in September. Here onthe Dankpla Show and now back to the
Dan Kapla Show podcast, there arecertain immutable facts of life, and those
were painfully obvious on that debate stage, and the President just doesn't seem to
come to he hasn't come to gripswith it. He's not winning this race.
He's more likely if you just lookat the data and talk to people
around the country, political people aroundthe country, it's more likely that he'll
lose by a landslide than win narrowlythis race. And that's David Xelron right.
So eight five for zero five Atwo five to five. Yeah,
Biden's done. It's just a matterof when, and for the sake of
the Trump campaign, let's hope Bidenkeeps this charade up as long as possible.
Eight five five for zero five Atwo five to five text d A
N five seven seven three nine.Came Jeffries coming out a few minutes ago,
the Democrat minority leader. Came Jeffriescoming out and saying that quote.
Yes, I made clear the dayafter the debate publicly that I support President
Joe Biden and the Democratic ticket.My position has not changed. So I'm
seeing all these headlines that say Jeffriessays he's sticking with Biden, this and
that. So I wanted to gosee the actual quote. That's not how
I read that quote. I don'tread that quote any great endorsement of Joe
Biden remaining the head of the ticket. I certainly don't view it as being
a long term commitment of any kind, So just a matter of time.
Longer the better for us. Hey, the very best scenario, since the
twenty fifth Amendment is not going tobe invoked, to which it should be,
the very best scenario for us thenis that Biden remained the candidate all
the way until election day, right, because that then eats at the Democrats
all the way down the ticket.We know that isn't going to happen,
though at this point, Boy,how great that would be electorally. Let's
go back to the phone lines.Get some text in as well. Dan,
it's easy to explain being a demas a cult member. It's literally
turned into a mental illness. Iwish that person would call the show,
because I don't know how many Democratsthey know. That's just not an accurate
statement. And unless we fully appreciatethe different constituencies within the Democratic Party and
why they're there and how to persuadethem, you know we're not going to
win all the elections we should.Dan, I heard if Kamala takes the
nomination, she can get Joe's cashif not another candidate can't. That's what
I've read as well. I haven'tconfirmed that independently, but what I'd submit
to you, Texter is so whatI mean, the Democrats are so all
washed and cash. If the Democratthe leftist power people decided that another candidate
was better, what's two hundred andfifty million to them? So I don't
think that cash would be the determiningfactor Dan, other than Hunter's demands.
Biden is not accrude enough to lastfor life. How much does he need?
Great question, Texter. I haveto believe that Joe Biden at this
point is very, very obsessed withproviding for his family long term financially.
Biden has been so money motivated,and lots of lots of good people are
obsessed with providing for their family longterm financially, and so there's no doubt
in my mind that that's a majorfocus of Biden's I mean, if I
remember it right, you know,he had very very little net worth,
which is fine. Listen, anybodywho measures ultimate success by money, I
think is making a huge mistake.So I'm not saying, oh, Joe
Biden's not an ultimate success because hedidn't have much money until he left the
presidency and now he's worth eleven millionNo, I don't think that eleven million
net worth makes him a success atall. I still think he's a failure,
a horrific failure in most of thethings that matter most. But yeah,
he did acquire a bunch of moneyafter he left the presidency. Look
at the rest of his family,I mean, you know, Hunter Biden,
the whole crew, everything else.This is a guy who, in
my opinion, used his son asa bagman to collect money from some really
bad actors around the globe. No, I think at this point the reason
Hunter Biden is, according to NBCand others, Biden's gatekeeper in the White
House is because Joe Biden has todo what Hunter Biden tells him to do.
And I think Hunter Biden does notwant him out of the race right
now. Hunter Biden wants to leveragethat into the best possible exit package for
the entire family. Obviously, HunterBiden's going to get his pardons from Joe
Biden. Joe Biden, Will hepardon himself? Will he cut a deal
that has you know that if aDemocrat becomes president, a Democrat pardoner.
I'll bet you're Ryan Biden tries topardon himself because he's got to know at
this point that there's a real goodchance that a Trump administration is going to
take a close look at him ina legit way through DOJ not in the
corrupt kind of way, not ina prosecutable sense, but a moral sense
that I believe Biden has misused EJSTrump a president ever pardoned himself. No,
in the history of the country.No, And there's a debate as
to whether that could be done.But I wouldn't be at all surprised if
Biden tried to do it. Weknow he's going to pardon Hunter. I
remember there was talk that Donald Trumpmight do that or try to do that,
pardon himself from like the impeachments orwhatever. I don't know, and
he never did that, of course. Yeah, no, that's right,
but Biden in his situation be interestingto watch that. So Yeah, bottom
line is, I think Biden willbe out. It's just a matter of
the timing, I do think,and it's not going to be reported in
the Wall Street Journal. I thinkit will unfold over the years. But
I do believe that there's going tobe some kind of parachute arranged for him
and his family. And now it'sjust a matter of when, and the
longer he stays in there, themore harm it does. But again,
I've been saying this for a longtime on air, and I love to
have somebody try to poke a holein this. Do you think Joe Biden
wants his successor, the Democrat nomineeto beat Donald Trump. I don't.
There's no doubt in my mind JoeBiden wants whoever the DEM nominee is now
going to be, to lose toDonald Trump. I mean, look at
Joe Biden, his obsession with himself, whatever's best for Joe Biden. If
the dem successor loses to Trump,then Joe Biden is the only guy who's
ever beat Trump. Right, Hillarycouldn't do it, whether it's Kamalin now
or somebody else, they couldn't doit. Unless you really, in your
heart of hearts, think Joe Bidenwants whoever this DEM nominee is going to
be, to beat Trump. Itwould be a typical Biden maneuver. He's
been this kind of politician his wholelife. He's that craven and shallow and
self interested. And I think Danif he does do the whole quote unquote
ceremonious exit with all the plaudits,et cetera, and the dem loses who
replaces him. I could see himtaking a victory lap saying you should never
have gotten rid of me. Sure, sure, absolutely, I mean this
sets up perfectly for Biden right now, absolutely perfectly. He is on track
to lose to Trump anyway, andnow he's got this leverage. My personal
belief there's gonna be some kind ofdeal cut that's going to be very good
for him and very good for hisfamily. Then he's going to leave to
all of this triumph. You know, how unselfish of him to put the
interest of the party first. He'sgoing to leave in this great moment of
glory, a race that he wasgoing to lose anyway, and then the
Democrat loses and he gets to say, see, it should have been me.
It sets up perfectly for Biden rightnow, and it sets up very
very well for Donald Trump, becauseevery day Biden hangs in there, it
gets better and better for Trump.Eight five five four zero five eight two
five five When we come back.Is this a real tweet? You sent
it to me? Ryan? I'vedouble checked, triple checked. It appears
to be a real tweet from JaredPolis. He probably never saw this one
coming. Why did he do this? What's his game? Because there's a
play involved here, and I thinkI know what it is. We'll have
that at five thirty five. You'reon the Dan Capitalist Show. You're listening
to the Dan Kaplis Show podcast.Very basic direct question. Wait wait wait,
wait, wait, hold on,hold on wait wait wait wait?
Is an acond wait times or atleast one in regards I just wait,
hold on a second? Wait nono, no, no, no,
no, no wait a minute,come and please a little respect here,
please. Every year around the president'sphysical examination, he sees a neurologist.
That's three times, right, SoI am telling you that he has seen
or a neurologists three times while hehas been in this presidency. That's what
I'm saying. I am telling youthat he has seen them three times.
That is what I'm sharing with you, right, So every time he has
a physical he has had to seea neurologists. So that is answering that
question. No, it is,it is you're asking me. I also
said to you, and I alsosaid to you, for security reasons,
we cannot share names. We cannotshare names. We have to. We
have to. We cannot came here, we cannot share We cannot share names
of specialists broadly, from a dermatologistto a neurologist. We cannot share them.
There are security reasons we have to. We have to. I understand
that, I hear you. Icannot from here confirm any of that because
we have to keep their privacy.I think they would appreciate that too.
We have to give them. Wehave to keep their privacy. I hear
you that. I have guys,Guys, what's the right guys, Hold
on a second. There's no reasonto get back and go back and forth
with me in this aggressive way.Missed a rout here about how information has
been shared with the press. Whydo you miss the mess? He just
asked about what do you And thenevery time I come back and I answer
the question that you guys are correctly. I never answered a question incorrectly.
That is not true. I wasasked about a medical exam, I was
asked about a physical that was inthe line of question that I answered,
this is why and that's CBS right. And then you said, Nora o'donald
kelly, o'donald kelly o'donalds Pardon me. I mean that that is the left
right there. I mean these areoften function as extensions of the left,
you know, devouring KGP because honestly, she's being decept Obviously she's being deceptive,
and they all deserve it. Imean they all deserve it because they've
all been in on this cover up, right and America's seeing this right now.
Are you telling me that Ed O'Keefe, the questioner, and and all
these other people at CBS and NBC, etc. That they haven't known that
this is the real Biden. Theyjust got surprised and the debate. Give
me a break. But it's greatto see them now, I think,
largely to try to, you know, protect their own images and reputations going
after it. But I was justgoing to say, it's one of the
many things that makes me so gratefulto do what I do for a living.
Okay, because I'm a trial lawyer. I get people under oath.
I have subpoena power, and whenyou get garbage like that back from a
witness, you know, you justdestroy them. I mean, it's better
for you in front of a juryif they act like that, then if
they concede the truth because juries,they give up their time, they leave
their family in jobs, somebody's goingto sit in the jury in the witness
box and do something like that.No, So I'm just very grateful I
get to question witnesses under oath andbecause that kind of nonsense that would not
fly, and it's not obviously flying. Now she's trying to buy time and
this is all over the Parkinson specialistvisiting the White House, which she won't
concede, and they're just trying tobuy some time, buy some time to
get the right exit deal and circumstancesin place. But in the meantime they're
just so undermining themselves, which isbeautiful for Trump. Eight five five for
zero five eight two five to fivethe number, Ryan, do you have
that new cut? Okay, thankyou. Ryan's going to play it for
you. I picked up on thisduring the break, and then we'll get
to the Polish tweet that I hadto confirm was actually real before we talked
about it on ericause it's so bizarre. But this is sound that I came
on during the break. It's fresh, and it's from the Kirby presser today.
As a Pentagon presser as well asand it was being done at the
White House as well as from KGP, both separately referring to Biden's upcoming press
conference in the most bizarre way.After that, the President will hold a
press conference I guess a big boypress conferences we're calling it, and take
some questions from me. All thisweek, President Biden will speak to national
labor leaders of afl CIO post theNatal summit to show the unprecedented strength of
our alliance, hold a press conference, a big boy press conference. According
to Justin Sinc from Bloomberg, Wow, so why do you think they insist
on using this bizarre term big boypress conference? I mean, are they
have they infantalized him to that point, Oh, this is a big boy
press conference. He's actually gonna takequestions. I think it's something else.
But Ryan, why do you thinkthey're insisting on that terminology. Let's start
with the very end of what youjust heard there, because I just noticed
that after cutting this for you inreal time conference according to Justin Sinc from
Bloomberg. Justin Sink from Bloomberg,I think it was almost in like a
mocking fashion of Oh, finally,Joe Biden's going to hold a big boy
press conference, and they're playing alongwith that, like as you call the
big boy press. Yeah, Idisagree, and here's why. Okay,
and I said last week that waita second. If they're going to try
to salvage this, then one ofthe things they're going to have to do
is a substitute for the next debate, because Trump wouldn't agree to debate again,
would you? In that situation?Threshed him? And the only way
they can try to substitute for thedebate is to have an all on presser,
a real presser where he has totake these live fire questions. And
here's the point, not the questions. The questions are meaningless. It's the
follow up, and he has totake the follow up. So, Ryan,
I think we've got a possible scenariohere. I mean, we know
he's not going to be the nominee, right, We've got this this scenario
where maybe there's a deal in place. Maybe there's a deal in place that
Okay, you know, he's he'sgoing to go out and prove that that
that was one bad night and hereally is competent and he's not what he
appears to be and the only waythat he can prove that is through a
real, live fire press conference.And so maybe he does intend to try
to hold on his the nominee,and this is what he has to do
to prove it, whether it's toSchumer, Jeffries, Pelosi, the whole
crew. Maybe that's what's going onhere with this presser, because he is
last time he had one of thesefared very very poorly, and he's obviously
gone downhill since then. Yeah,And every time they have to put him
out into the wild, so tospeak, Dan, with all the kind
of protections that they have in place, squirreling him away, hiding him away,
you know, long weekends in Delaware. He's been exposed and he has
to do it. You're right onthe one hand. On the other,
if he goes out there, Danand flames out the way, remember that
night time press conference he held impromptubecause he wanted to answer for her record.
Right, If he pulls one ofthose, yeah, I mean,
where does he go from there?Yeah? And this one would be even
harder on him if it is trulya big boy press conference. And that's
why I think they're using the termbig boy is because they want a big
audience, and they know that termwill get attention, and they want to
send the message, Hey, thisis going to be a no holds barred,
take your best shot. Joe Bidenwill prove he still has it.
And they figure, ironically, inthe words of Donald Trump, what the
hell does he have to lose?Right because right now everybody sees him understandably
is at this point being mentally incompetent. So what does he have to lose
by going out there? So thatapparently is their calculation. But he it's
on the schedule right now, andthey're promising big boy, which means that
they're going to allow these follow upquestions. I'll believe it when I see
it. They have no moves leftin the chessboard, Dan, I mean,
they are essentially checkmated here on thecognitive stuff that at O'Keefe was peppering
KJP on she's got no answer.She's hiding behind this you know, privacy
thing. But you told me duringthat clip that you wouldn't even have to
put the name out there, justverify that it did happen this visit and
that it was anurologist. I mean, totally, they don't have these moves
left. Joe Biden himself doesn't.So yeah, he's boxed in. He's
got to do this. Yeah,and we'll Yes, he's decided to do
it apparently. Well see if itactually happens and then the outcome I think
everybody knows at this point. Buthere, one thing they may be banking
on is he was so awful inthe debate. They may be banking on
the expectations now for this quote bigboy as they're calling it press conference,
may be so low that that ifhe's just awful, if he's just grade
F that he's the winner. Becauseright now people are expecting, like literally
a collapse, right I have tohave them carried out of there on a
stretcher, which, believe me,I do not wish for him or anyone.
But the expectations are so low,maybe they feel it's a no lose
for them. What do you think, Kate five five or zero five eight
two five five? Sorry I didn'tget to that weird poliss text because of
this fresh und we got, ButI'll get to that right when we come
back. At five point fifty one. Why did police send this? I
had to double check to make sureit was real. What's his game?
I think, I know You're onthe Dankplas Show and now back to the
dan Kaplas Show podcast. After that, President will hold a press conference I
guess a big boy press conferences we'recalling it, and take some questions from
me all this week, President Bidenwill speak to now labor leaders of afl
CIO post the Natal summit to showthe unprecedented strength of our alliance. Hold
a press conference, a big boyprince conference. According to Justin Sink from
Bloomberg, Wow, so why didthey want to use this term big boy?
You answered all the questions show yes, eight five five for zero five
eight two five five. They wanta huge audience. They want to replace
the debate with this. Put JoeBiden up there, say oh, see
what a great job you die.You can really handle these questions and the
pressure. Well, we'll see,we'll see what the format is, we'll
see if follow up questions are allowed. But the bar is so low for
him right now. He's almost certainto do better and expected right because at
this point people literally don't expect himto be able to put a sentence together.
Eric and Denver, you're on thedan Kapla show, and then I
want to get to this weird Polishtweet and what I think is behind it.
Go ahead, Eric, Dan,you're a great American, you know,
young man. Big it's significant,that's that's the key word big boar
equals big guy stone for the bigguy. Okay, yes, oh yes,
Kelly, your brilliant producer, sheis. They stopped. They just
stopped. They should stop using thatword big. Yeah, good one,
Eric, Thank you for that.So what what do you make of this
tweet from Jared Polus today? Thisthis came down this afternoon and I had
to go back and see if itreally is Jared Polis. But yeah,
it's his official account. He hasa governor's account and then another account of
his own. Here's what he tweeted. You tell me why none of my
intelligent friends one thirty plus IQ friendsuse act slash Twitter. They only read
accurate, vetted news sources and almostnever use social media spontaneously on their own
time. This has been a longterm consistent observation, but today confirmation came.
A new meta analysis showed and thenhe goes on to side a study
that showed that as your IQ goesup, your use of Twitter goes down
now. Of course he's posting allof this on Twitter, but it's so
obviously intentionally elitist, arrogant, andsnobby. You know, why do you
think he did this? And we'lltalk about it a bit more tomorrow as
his story rolls out. I've gotmy theory, right, Ryan, Why
do you think he did this?It's totally fitting his personalities. A condescending
elitist snob who's lived his entire lifeand complete wealth. He does not know
what it's like to struggle. Henever will, and this is just part
for the course from him. Yeah, here's what I think is going on,
my friend. He knows that Biden'sabout to be done, right,
just a quick recap of how Istarted the show. Biden is done.
As I've been saying for ye anda half, He's not going to be
the nominee. It's only a matterof time since they won't invoke the twenty
fifth Amendment. Then in that case, the longer he hangs on, the
better, because the better it isfor Trump. But yeah, he's not
going to be their nominee. JaredPolist knows that Jared Polis's positioning. Jared
Polis is positioning. He knows he'snot going to be the nominee, but
maybe he thinks one hundred million bucksand this and that and the Connie's trying
to pull a being some moderate inquotes. Maybe he figures that might get
him a VP slot, or ifa DEM does happen to win, might
get him in a cabinet. SoPolis is positioning, and what he's trying
to do right now is undermine thelegitimacy of Twitter, because once Polis does
become actively involved in this race,what's going to happen. There are going
to be a lot of legitimate storiesabout Polis that circulate on Twitter. So
he's trying to undermine Twitter. Yeah, that's what's going on there. Yeah,
I could tell you this though,to his dreams and aspirations. The
only politician I can remember in recenthistory that had the smug arrogance of Jared
Polis was Mitt Romney, and helost Michigan and Dan. Mitt Romney was
born and raised in Michigan, SoPolis's act it ain't gonna play in my
home state or in the Upper Midwestat all. Yeah, and listen,
I'm upset with Mitt Romney. I'vehad him on the show. But I'm
upset over a lot of things.But listen, I think Mitt Romney had
a lot of genuine empathy and caringfor people. He just got into such
a hate thing with Trump that Ithink its just distorted things. But Jared
Paulas and I don't say this tobe mean. It's in the context of
the office he holds and in thecontext of what he's trying to position for
now. I've never seen anybody inpublic life, even Obama, with less
empathy. Well to that point though, relate ability. Dan Pulis has none.
But here's where Mitt Romney didn't either. Again, a man whose father
was loved as governor of the stateof Michigan two terms in the six weeks
George Romney hold On. He wasasked on the campaign trail Mitt Romney,
a guy I voted for. Hewas in Michigan, Governor Romney, what
is your favorite thing about Michigan?You know what his response was, I
can't get over how tall the treesare. OK, this guy had no
relation. I wonder why Donald Trumphappened. Trump came from wealth two,
but he was able to connect withthe average you know, guy in Galumu
Street Listener comes down to respect,right, and that's one thing I believe
we're born with. Almost everybody hasa very finely tuned respect antenna, and
people can tell when people respect them, when people look down on them,
when people look down on them becausethey don't happen to have as much money
or as much power. People havea very finely tuned antenna for respect.
And Donald Trump has a lot ofgenuine respect for working people. You know,
as a guy grew up son ofa police officer or a mom who
could have been anything and had thehardest job staying on with we five kids,
and had the greatest childhood imaginable becauseof them. You know, Believe
me, I experienced at firsthand andjust laughed at it because I knew in
the end we had what mattered most. You know, we had what mattered
far more than their millions and theirpower and everything else. We had what
money couldn't buy. We were therichest family in America on a police officer's
salary because we had what mattered most. But you can tell when people have
a genuine respect for working people andwhen they don't. Trump does, and
very obviously most of these lefties,including polists, do not see I think
Polis is trying to inoculate against somestories that are going to start circulating on
Twitter once Biden's out and Polis triesto get into this race. Great job,
Brian Kelly, please join us tomorrowon the DANKAPLA shelt