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This is Dan Capless and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download, and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform. No, no, Dan is not
here. It's made. I'm JohnGeldera. Sorry you got to put up
with me for just this one moreday. That's it. That's it.
It's not that bad. We canget through it together. It was as
always a treat listening to Uh,who's that guy who was before me,
Brian Yueling anyway, Brian who broughtup some great points about how it is
Brian, isn't it? Yah wouldbe absolutely yeah, good, all right?
About how they're trying to already changethe story on our vice president soon
to be our president, Kamala Kamalah. That's it. I always have a
problem with Kamala, and I lovethat, you know, it was it
was she's not she's not the immigrationsare She's not the immigrations are She's not
the immigration Why? I was thata wonderful, wonderful thing. Let me
let me take a moment here andplay for you a clip from Media Research
Group did this. They Media ResearchCenter did this, and you'll hear what
what they say about Kamala not beinga immigrations are and then they go back
to the exact same network before Bidendropped out to hear what they called what
the liberals called Kamala I think youmight enjoy this. Orders are respect quote
unquote, borders are. Vice PresidentHarris was not a borders are being time
vice president and borders are Tama Harrisfacing some backlash what he said about Harris
and immigration was not true. Shewas never appointed borders are, and this
will be her first visit to theUS Mexico border region since she was appointed
as the borders are by President Biden. People don't have to counter the misinformation.
You already hear folks talking about theborders are. She wasn't the borders
are. President Biden tapped Kamala HarrisVice President Kamala Harris to be the borders
are now. She wasn't the bordersare. That's what Republicans labeled her.
They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as borders are
now. What she's up against hissoas line about her border record, calling
her borders are. Kamala Harris,who was appointed as the borders are the
Biden team didn't declare her the bordersare. They wanted her to work on
kind of the root causes of immigration. There has been so much Chrisism against
Kamala Harris. You know, shewas the borders are calling her sort of
the borders are, which wasn't necessarilythe case. So the border if they
weren't planning to address it in amajor way, do not make her your
borders are. She met with someof the Northern Triangle countries, but nothing
has effectively changed. I just loveall of that. So in each one
of those you heard Afterbiden dropped out, and then from the very same network,
how they referred to Harris as theborders are before before that. This
is what I love about our activistpress. It's not that it's not even
that they choose sides, it's thatthey actively work for that side. Yep.
I've never seen a pack of wolvesjump on a politician like the left
media did on Joe Biden. Itwas amazing to see that the same people
who covered for him for three anda half years, as as a guy
who was fit and ready to goand turned a blind eye onto everything you
and I have been talking about forthree and a half years. And then
as soon as it's obvious the guycan't win, they go after him.
And for years Kamala was the bordersare. Let me just do a little
bit more of this, just becauseit's it's so fun. Let me give
you the the companies here, bordersare. Vice President has CBS News are
the time Vice President's CBS News Haresfacing some backlash what he said about Harry
CNN immigration was not true. Shewas never appointed borders are. And this
will be her first visit to theUS Mexico border regions. And she was
appointed as the borders are by alsoCNN. People now ms NBC, what
about the borders are? She wasn'tthe borders are. President Biden tapped Kamala
Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris tobe the borders are. She wasn't the
borders are. ABC News labeled her. They were very critical BBC News again
especially in her role as borders Are. Now she's up against MSNBC Border calling
her borders are. Kamala Harris,who was appointed as the borders are MSNBC
declare who the borders are? Theywanted her to work on kind of CNN.
There has been so much criticism againstKamala Harris. You know, she
was the borders are CNN sort ofthe borders are, baby c She wasn't
necessarily the case, so the borderif they were, CNN address it in
a major way. Do not makeher your borders are. She met with
some of the Northern Triangle countries,but nothing has effectively changed. It's just
it's just lovely. It's just lovely, and it's worth not. I know
it's not a surprise to you,but it's one of those things you want
to have in your back pocket forwhen when your friends go she was never
she never the borders are. It'slike, no, you you guys called
her the borders all we just we'rejust using your words, that's all.
Is it? Is it really thatbad? Anyway? How how delightful if
you have a thought three or threeseven to one, three eight two five
five seven to one three talk andof course feel free to drop a text.
She is on a roll. Sheis on a roll. Let me
read this from Axios HM HM exclusivepoll. Harris opens up early Edge with
young voters. Here's the question,if the twenty twenty four election were held
today, who would you vote forif the candidates were Joe Biden or Donald
Trump? And in that one itwas it was fifty three to seventy four
for Joe Biden. Hmm. Howabout this one if the election were held
today, who would you vote forfor the candidates were Kamala Harris and Donald
Trump? It moves to sixty forty. Sixty forty. Harris is significantly more
popular among America's youngest voters than PresidentBiden. Well that's not a surprise,
is it. This came from GenerationLab, a left leaning polling firm,
so keep that in mind. Hmm. Former President Trump appears to be chipping
away at Democrats in decades long holdon the youth vote, but Harris could
be extending that gap once again.That's that's odd. Forty five percent of
young people say they have an extremelyor somewhat favorable opinion of Harris because they're
stupid. If you're not young inliberal, you have no heart. If
you're not old and conservative, youhave no brain. So these young voters
Gen Z millennial voters were key toBiden's victory in twenty twenty, they came
out in huge numbers, favored himby twenty points for a Pew Research Center
analysis. So it's not a surprisethat this is going to be a big
part of Harris's plan as well.But of course, as you know,
there is no one election. Thereare fifty separate elections for delegates, and
it's the states that choose the president. So that's going to be the issue.
And I'm not at all surprised bythis honeymoon phase with our vice president.
It was going to be the mediawas going to clear a field for
her. No matter what, itwill erode, there's no question it will
erode. The difference between Hillary Clintonand Harris is just one of exposure.
People hated Hillary Clinton because they knewher for so very long. She was
the first Lady and people didn't likeher. She senator and people didn't like
her. She became Secretary of State, people didn't like her. Why because
she just has that personality that peopledon't like. And I know a lot
of Republicans don't like hearing this,but it is the reality. People vote
for candidates they like, not candidatesthat agree with them on policy. I
don't understand that, but that's theway that is. We had so many
years hearing Hillary's voice and watching herturn off crowds. She was just a
delightfully unlikable person. She is theopposite of her husband, who could go
into pretty much any place and theywould love him because he just knew how
to charm people. By the way, our own Jared Polis has a lot
of that too, as did Hickenlooperwhen he was in his prime. Corey
Gardner on the Republican side also hasit. These are likable people for swing
voters, but we don't have thatmuch experience with Harris. Yeah, they
know we're in California, but shehasn't been a national harp for that long.
Clinton was a hard people just tooka dislike to her. Harris has
a cackle and a lot of peopledislike her, but they haven't had years
and years and years to get tiredof her. That is my fear.
Is it a worthy fear? Letme know? Three oh three seven,
one three eight two five five Andfor Dan, I'm John Keldrek keep it
right here six point thirty k howand now back to the Dan Kapla Show
podcast. Steve Matthews still doing alot of stuff. I define stuff,
John putting out new music that peoplewant to purchase and listen to that front,
not as much, but definitely touringstill and making a lot of money
doing it. I used to dolights for him, no kidding, Yeah,
way back when, back when Ihad a real job. I used
to I used to actually work fora living. It was it was Were
you a key grip for John?I was not a key grip. No.
I I owned a stage lighting company. Oh more than a gaffer.
You were a gaffer. I wasnot a gaffer. I don't really even
know what a gaffer is. Wereyou a best boy? I'm a best
man? Hikes. No, Iowned a stage lighting company, and I
used to do lighting design and dida lot of a lot of rock and
roll and did lights for them atRed Rocks, And uh yeah, they
were. They were nice guys.I'dlike YouTube. They were nice guys.
What you heard about the whole debaclewith the dumping of the Pooh right in
Chicago, that was them, Nohelp me with that. Now. There
was an incident, Kelly, youremember this in the news, right Their
tour bus was getting rid of somewaste matter. I don't know. It
was of something they were tr emptyingtheir tour buses. Yes, bathroom And
what happened? I think it wentonto a ship down below in the lake
Michigan, Chicago. I think itwas an airplane though they were. They
basically dumped the laboratory and it landedon top of the ship, on top
of what. I had to havea ship dump. That word ship,
she said, ship ship A shipmade that very clear. There there was
a banned bluegrass band, a folkband that I did like for are called
the mother Folkers and their tagline wasthe most carefully pronounced folk band in the
world. That's awesome. Yeah,all right, three all three, seven
to one, three eight two fivefive seven one three talk turn our sites
to the to the local world.This from Colorado Politics. Eli Bremmer,
the former Publican county chair, launchesa bid to run for Colorado chair if
the party ousts Dave Williams. Agroup of former former Republican county chairs led
by Eli Bremer, launched a bidtoday to replace the GOP chairman, who
is facing a vote this weekend tofire him from the party position. God,
I hope. So what an embarrassment. No, to be fair,
I don't have a dog in thisfight. I am not a registered Republican
was for most of my life.I am not now, So so what
do you think I got? Agroup of a group of people have now
called for a special meeting to decidewhether or not to oust to Stave Williams.
My suspicion is they probably will besuccessful, at which case they've got
to They've got to find someone toreplace him. So members of the State
Party Central Committee plan to meet ina church in a church in Brighton this
Saturday to consider whether or not tooust them and the other elected party officials
that's Hope Shepplman and Anna Ferguson that'sthe vice chair and the secretary if they're
unseated. The agenda then includes electinga replacement for those officers to serve through
this election. Wow. Dave Williamslast week sued to block the meeting from
being considered official party business, butthe lawsuit has yet to be heard in
court. State party officials have urgedRepublicans not to attend, calling the meeting
illegal and fraudulent. Are we gettinga little tired of that? Are we
getting a little tired of it's afraud. So apparently there's other people who
are looking at running for the partychair in addition to Eli Bremmer. Let's
see former Weld County chair Scott Scott, James, Kevin McCarthy, Don Yittberg.
These are the people who are whoare running in different positions. Also,
who are britt a horn fun ladyis looking at that. This is
this is good stuff. This isgood stuff. It shows that even Republicans
have had enough of this, enoughof this. So I wonder if you're
part of the Republican Central Committee,and I believe there's what like four hundred
ish of them. I believe,and I could be wrong, they need
to get sixty percent of that ofthose folks to vote to oust him.
And so Williams saying it's fraudulent,just don't go is a wonderful way to
try to make sure there's not enoughpeople there to get the vote across.
If you were a Central Committee member, how would you vote on this?
Three h three seven one three eighttwo five five Feel free to drop a
text as well. Of course I'dvote to oust him. Not only is
he an embarrassment, he's he's misspendingthe funds. Is this a guy as
republic kids are trying to build?Voters told people to burn the gay pride
flag. What the this is thelet's get out and lose big team?
Keep it here here in six pointthirty K how, I'm John Caldery.
You're listening to the Dan Kaplis Showpodcast. I'm assuming a c D C.
Oh yeah, Brian Johnson lead vocal. There. I don't I don't
get it. I don't get it. It's old time rock and roll.
Now, that's not old time rockand roll. Helbrry is old time rocking.
Well, this is just like whinyeighties stuff forty three years old.
You disparage a c DC. Thegreat Angus Young, Great Angus Young.
Can you imagine lifting up a newbornbaby, honey to name him Angus?
This is? This is This isthe kind of name you can get away
with when when your wife is sohigh on epidurals and painkillers, she doesn't
know what's going on. Oh shehears, Angel Angel. What a beautiful
name for our son Angel. Allright, Angus it is. Did you
have any wonderful names you wanted foryour kids? I don't have any kids.
But that kid did Angus. Yeah, after the great Angus Young.
I always wanted to name one ofmy kids Dragon Gunner, but I had
a very uncooperative partner in that,so I got nothing. You got a
chance. That chance is cool.But you know, if I had my
way, my son chance would beDragon Gunner. And if not that,
he would be named Elvis. Ohyeah, Elvis Caldera. Would that be
great? Actually sounds pretty good.Elvis Caldera. Yeah, it would be
great. And you know the grandparentswould go, oh god, I can't
believe you did that. But ina couple of years, maybul go Elvis,
where's Elvis? Hey? Elvis?Yeah? Yeah. The problem is
there are just not very many goodboy names. There are tons of spectacular
girl names, boy names, arethey all? Yeah, let's name him
Chad. No, there's just nogood names out there for guys. That's
why you gotta do something military andand macha like Dragon Gunner. Anybody wants
to use that, feel free,come up and show me your baby called
Dragon Gunner. I wouldn't. Uh. And so someone texted us, apparently
the Dave Matthews band. It wasa tour bus. What I said,
killer bus Kelly doubted me. Yeah, and he also says Dave Matthews band
also sucks. No, they don't. Well, they they're nice. I
tell you they're nice. All right, let's get back to this, this
little civil war going on inside theColorado Republican Party in a lot of ways.
I think it's how to put itmeaningless, No, that would probably
not be right. I think theproblems with the party are so deep that
whether whether Dave Williams leaves now indisgrace or after the November races in disgrace,
it it doesn't it doesn't really matter. I don't know, given that
there's only eighty days. Let mesay that again, eighty days until ballots
start dropping in Colorado. Isn't thatamazing? Would a new would a new
administration be able to do something intime that was meaningful? So Dave Williams
took money that came to the RepublicanParty, used it for his own race,
which might have helped if he onlyhe won, but he didn't.
And then the incredible purity test ofbeing a Rhino and their Rhino watch.
It's almost as if Republicans don't wantto win in Colorado because Republicans don't want
to win. In Colorado. There'sa real problem with reality in politics,
and it's something I deal with allthe time in my role as running the
Independence Institute and taking a look atthe political time temperature of the state.
And I have found that Republicans areamong the worst when it comes to denial.
You know, there's five stages ofgrief, was it? Elizabeth Koopler
Roth studied that, and the veryfirst one is denial. When you lose
somebody, you deny that it happensbefore you can start to get angry about
it, before you can start tobargain, before you end up finally having
acceptance. The first one is denial. And I have found in my over
three decades of political activism that Republicansin the state of Colorado, maybe not
nationwide, but here in Colorado,in my area of the Woods, have
raging with reality. They really haveraging disconnect with reality. Now, I
think it's a good thing to havea spirited and effective fight about when Republicans
act like Democrats. And in mymind, it's pretty simple. When you
raise taxes, you're a Democrat andwe should we should oust you. We
don't need Republicans to grow government justa little more slowly than the folks on
the left. But on other issuesit's usually been a wide tent that works.
Why because we need the social conservativesand the fiscal conservatives and the libertarian
leading Republicans and those people who areconcerned about crime and those people who are
concerned about society and all the restto join together to beat a well formed
leftist team. But when you havenothing but purity test after purity test,
and especially if that purity test isbuilt on hero worship, that you have
to you have to not only loveDonald Trump, you have to agree with
him that the election was stolen.And if you're not doing that, well,
then you're just a rhino. Iused to think that a rhino was
someone who grew the size of government, and Republicans have many, many of
them, but that's changed. It'sit's this odd thing that if you don't
accept denying things, you won't beloved. You'll be put on the rhino
watch list. Are you on therhino watch list? John? I am?
Yeah, it was. It washysterical. Actually, not me personally.
The Independence Institute, the organization thathas brought us tabor and term limits
and flat taxes and concealed carry permitsand school choice and charter schools, and
I can just keep going down therue. The organization that has fought for
thirty years against tax increases is arhino organization and on the Rhino watch list.
Now, really, what that hadto do with was Dave Williams hit
me up for money for one oftheir lawsuits. That they wanted us to
put money into one of their failinglawsuits. I basically said, no,
that's not our mission and I'm notspending our donors' money doing that. And
the next week, surprise, theIndependent Institute was a rhino organization, the
which is just laughable. So you'relooking at these these people who have been
good conservatives. I look at ourfriend Christy Burton Brown and why you and
I might have policy differences. Thisis not a woman I would call a
rhino. A woman who several timestried to put a personhood amendment and get
it through, get it through tovote. She's the one who spearheaded a
late term abortion and she's a rhino. It makes it really makes you wonder.
So the party is out of touchand watching it burn down to the
ground is sad. But I thinkit has to happen. There is no
way the conservative movement politically is goingto get any better until you clean up
the system. So whether he goesnow or whether he goes later, I
don't think it matters a lot.This is going to be This is going
to be a horrific election for Republicansin Colorado. Keep in mind, you've
got both Donald Trump, well hatedby swing voters, and abortion beloved by
swing voters, on the ballot thisyear. That is, you have the
presidential ballot, but there's also aninitiative to put protecting abortion rights into the
state constitution. This is not goingto be pretty. Who knows, maybe
Republicans could win back a seat ortwo. That would be a step in
the right direction. They should beable to pick up the seat up in
Weld County that's held by Kevin Priola, who turned Democrat and out of step.
That should be a very easy pickup. But we'll see about the other
ones. If you're going to thisspecial meeting that's been called that Dave Williams
says is illegal and fraudulent, howwould you vote? And if and when
they vote to you're no longer theparty chairman. What happens when he doesn't
accept the vote? When he pullshis own Donald Trump, He's already saying
that this meeting that has been brought, the special meeting that has been brought
by members of the Central Committee,which apparently they can do by the bylaws,
is he doesn't recognize it, andhe doesn't recognize it. He's not
going to recognize them yanking him fromoffice. Then what happens? Do you
then have a shadow Republican Party?How does that work? If you have
an answer, I'd really love toknow. Three h three seven three eight
two five five What happens? Shouldthey oust Dave Williams? And he goes,
yeah, that doesn't matter because thevote was fraudulent, and therefore I'm
still the guy. I am notgiving you the keys to the car.
I'm not giving you the codes tothe bank account. I'm not giving you
our checkbook. You know, comeand take it. Then what happens three
three seven one three eight two fivefive I'm John Kel Derek, keep it
right here? Six point thirty khow and now back to the Dan Kapla
Show podcast, Back when rock androll songs could happen in the backfield there
you go. It would be greatif ac DC did that. I'd like
to see that Nash up. Actuallyyeah, from the text line, John,
the Republicans want to be part ofthe ABC wild world of Sports,
actually wide world of sports with atagline about snatching defeat from the jaws of
victory. How very very true.Still no takers on this. I'm surprised
if you you are in the RepublicanCentral Committee, would you vote to oust
the chairman Dave Williams three or threeseven to one, three eight, two
five five, So no one's answeredthis question. Williams says this special meeting
that has been called is fraudulent,that it's outside the bounds of of the
party. It's not a real meeting. So assuming that that is not real
meeting, they vote to oust him, and he says, I said it
wasn't a real meeting. Who decidesit probably goes to a court hearing.
If it goes to a court hearing, it's gonna take longer than what it's
going to take to get a newelection anyway. So the proof of the
put in is how many Republicans win. That's that's what the Republican partners to
do. Traditionally they would run primariesand those primaries winners would then be get
a lot of help from from theRepublican Party. Now the Republican Party is
playing in the primaries stealing money.I guess you couldn't say it's stealing because
they got it, taking money andplaying favorites in the primary. Real quiet
of yeah, this actually happened inmy home state of Michigan. Almost an
identical script in which Christina Karamo isone of these very maga election denying type
Republicans was the chair and they werelooking to oust her and replace her with
a longtime congressman he may have evenheard of him, more establishment ty Pete
Hookstra and the National The RNC hadto step in and basically settle the dispute
because to your point, Karama wasrefusing to leave that. She's like,
no, you can't just ouse me. And did the Nationals come in and
say no, you're out? Yes? And Hookstra right now is the chair
of the Michigan Republican Party. Whydo I have a feeling that even if
the RNC came into Colorado and said, Dave, you're no longer the chair,
Wait, how do you hand overthe checkbook. Does he still have
money? Right? And remember howhe got this money. The money really
wasn't from fundraising. The money wasgetting some money from the nationals, but
also shaking down presidential candidates for fortygrand each if they wanted to appear on
the Republican primary ballot in this state, many states, most states, I
don't think do that. But thisis a way to get all these guys
to you know, Haley gives youthis, and Ramaswami gives you fifty to
forty grand, and everybody gives youforty grand. Before you know it,
you got hundreds of thousands of dollars. And it's not fundraising. It's just
a shakedown. What if Trump himselfcame in with Laura and said, Dave,
if I had would even listen toDave, Dave, you're fired.
I don't you know. The realityis again, I know Republicans don't like
to deal with the reality. Thereality is Trump has no shot in Colorado,
and therefore he's not gonna really comein here to help Dave Williams or
to hurt Dave Williams. My guessis he doesn't care. That would be
my guess. So help me outwith this. If Dave Williams doesn't leave
office after he's kicked out, whatshould happen? I'm John Caldera three oh
three seven one three eight two fivefive seven one three tough, keep it
right here. You're on six pointthirty. K out