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June 6, 2024 34 mins
Honoring the service and sacrifice of the young men who stormed the beaches of Normandy on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Dan shares the prayer of President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the invasion began, the motivational speech of General Eisenhower for his troops the night before, and the salute to veterans and the fallen by President Reagan on the site in 1984.
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Episode Transcript

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This is Dan Caplis, and welcometo today's online podcast edition of The Dan
Caplis Show. Please be sure togive us a five star rating if you'd
be so kind, and to subscribe, download and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform. Playing some of that real time sound
from Dday that is so powerful andso moving, will continue to play it

throughout the show, obviously talking aboutwhat's going on right now, there's choice
between a victory and defeat, warand peace, and talking about Biden's appearance
at Normandy today, which endangers usall right, because the enemy is evil,
but they're not dumb, and theysee his weakness, they see the
vacuum. They know we don't havea commander in chief. We certainly don't

have one who will fight. Lotsof exhibits on that, and so we
are endangered by his performance today.But important for you to know because you
don't want to be fooled, youdon't want to look like a fool,
and you want to be a fairperson. And there's plenty of real video
today just showing Biden in a dazedand confused stage and looking weak and frail.

But there's a video that's been dishonestlyedited that makes it look as if
Biden defecated on the stage and hedidn't, and he didn't. And some
really really smart people have bought intothis video which is put out by the
RNC, and the rn C doessome really good stuff, but shame on
the RNC for this one, becausethe video shows Biden appearing to lean forward

and kind of crouch down. I'msure you can picture it as if he
was relieving himself in his pants,and it showed it a couple of times,
and it sure did look that way. And listen, I've been predicting
on the show for a long time, we're soon going to have, Unfortunately,
because those who love him should havetaken him out of the public eye
a long time ago. You know, We're soon going to have Joe Biden

have one of those ultimate meltdown,freeze up moments in public. And that's
going to be the end of it. That's going to be the end of
this charade that he's somehow going tobe the demnominee, which he isn't,
and it might be the end ofhis presidency, and it'll be it'll just
be a moment that we should neverhave to have. They should have taken
him off the stage ages ago.So it looked like that might have been

the moment. So I wanted todo my research, and I wanted to
see the full video. Well,when I found the full video, No,
he's clearly attempting to sit down ina chair. Now he's doing it
before other people. He's obviously outof sync. Fine, but he is
attempting to sit down in a chair. And so this was dishonest and it

was wrong, and it should nothave been done. And I wanted to
make sure you knew about that.Eight five five four zero five eight two
five five text d an five sevenseven three nine. Really encouraging swing state
polls out from Fox which lean's leftand they're polling, and now it's tighter
in Florida than expected, fifty fortysix, but we all know Trump's gonna
win Florida, Virginia, Trump hasgained, it's a tie. Nevada Trump

is I think about the same,maybe up a point fifty forty five.
In the Fox polling. Arizona,he's gained two points fifty one forty six.
They haven't come out with Michigan yet. I expect we'll get that tomorrow.
I want to get to the latestfrom montred Polis, the latest hypocrisy,
and I just say, outright dishonestywhen it comes to race and the
treatment of blacks and others by theDemocrats. But it also shows a real

opportunity for Republicans in Colorado. I'llget to that in a second. I
want to go first to Yeah.I'd love that sound, don't you?
Ryan? Very romantic? Yeah.I want to get a backrup to that
someday. Don in Denver. You'reon the Dan Kaplis Show. Welcome,
Hey, Dan. Have a questionfor you from more of a legal standpoint.

I've been following what's been said aboutthe Trump trial, and I'm reading
that while the jury did not haveto come to a unanimous decision on the
charges as to why he falsiplied businessrecords, and I thought there was a

case Ramos versus you or something thatsaid that every jury had to find unanimously
against the defendant. Do you knowanything about them? I'm trying to remember.
I don't remember that case, particularlyif I remember maybe a Justice Scalia
case. And I think that legalexperts across the board right now fully expect

the conviction to be thrown out onappeal in part because of what you're referred
to. I can't say it's thatparticular case because the jury was told they
didn't have to be unanimous on akey element of the alleged offense. So
well, from what I understand inmy reading, is that they could find

him guilty on falsifying his business records, but then the judge gave them the
opportunity to find him guilty on oneof three different pick and I thought that
had to be aimous. Yeah.I do too, I do too,
And I'm with you on that,don And I think a lot of legal
experts from both sides are with youon that. And you know, it's

just too bad that the appellate courtprocess doesn't work quickly enough and it doesn't
anywhere, you know, to havethis conviction thrown out before election day.
But again, that's why the Democratstimed it this way, because this was
never about the justice system. Thisis about the political system and perverting the
justice system. Eighty five for zerofive eight, two, five to five.

The number lots we need to getto, but let me throw this
one out there. It's probably noton your radar right now. But it's
it's an important point in part becauseit just shows the great opportunity here in
Colorado for Republicans, and obviously Republicansrunning for office in Colorado are going to
have to do a lot of thingsdifferently to win. We've had a lot
of very very good candidates lose.Polus signs to jumpstart Colorado Racial equity study,

History Colorado will study the impact ofracism on black Colorado's. This is
a Channel seventh story. Well,if History Colorado, which is created by
this bill, is going to studythe impact of racism on black Colorado's,
it must start by studying the ColoradoDemocratic Party. It must start by studying

Jared Polis and the Colorado Legislature whichholds power in Colorado, because the policies
that they pursue and advocate and glorifyin effect, are the most racist policies
imaginable. Now, I'm not sittinghere and calling Jared Polis a racist,
or this Democrat a racist, orthat Democratic racist. People can make up

their own mind on that. I'mI'm just telling you the truth. These
policies are the most racist policies youcan imagine, and in many ways.
Let's start with, for example,I mean and listen, slavery. That's
in its own category of straight outof hell evil, right. But when
we talk about the kind of policiesthat are being debated today in modern times,

can you imagine anything more racist thanabortion? And Jared Polis and the
Colorado Democratic Party and the Colorado Democratswho've just authorized this study of the impact
of racism on Black Colorado's first thingthey need to buy for the study is
a mirror, because you look atabortion, what could be more racist in
modern times? Polis and the restof these Democrats absolutely glorifying to the extreme

a policy that literally kills four blackchildren before birth for every white children that
kills. And no child should bekilled, but that policy, and they
know it, they know that's whatit does, and they celebrate it,
and they glorify it, and theypush it. So this idea, and
now that Jared Polis signs a RacialEquity Study bill into law Tuesday, the

legislation creates the Black Colorado and RacialEquity Commission, which will direct history coloradut
or to study the impact racism anddiscrimination have had on Black Colorados in a
variety of areas, etc. Obviously, obviously, what has impacted black Coloradins
the most and the most negatively iswhat the Democrats have done to them.

Just think about it practically for asecond. Just think about it practically.
How many blacks have been killed inColorado because of these Democrat policies that pol
Us and the rest of the leftpush and celebrate. How many blacks have
been killed over how many years?And it is a lot. It is

tens of thousands, It is likelyhundreds of thousands. I don't have the
exact number, but it is alot. And then you think about you
think about all the deep destruction thathas done to the black community killing all
of these black people. Think howmany of these black people had they not
been killed by what Polus and therest of the left left push and advocate

in every way they can, includinghelping to raise money to kill more blacks
before birth. That's what the leftdoes. How many of these blacks had
they not been killed because of theseDemocrat obsession with more and more and more
of this killing before birth? Howmany of these blacks now would would have

gone on to fill in the blank, maybe be elected governor? Right?
Oh yeah, the Democratic Party.They they haven't ed a black governor,
right, this state doesn't add ablack governor. All the lip service they
paid a racial equity. Yeah,Democratic Party, where's your where's your black
nominee for governor? Where's your blacknominee for Senate? Oh yeah, No,
we haven't had the black governor.We haven't had the black senator.

Right, Yeah, just just suchphonies on the left. So if they
hadn't killed all these blacks before birth, there to be more precise, celebrated,
glorified push these policies that they knowkill four or five blacks for every
white man. How many black wouldhave been elected to high office who instead
are dead? How many blacks wouldhave you know, done all of these

great things in all these different areasof life. Yeah, So when you
think about negative impact on the blackcommunity from policies, you go right back
to Jared Polus, You go rightback to the Democrats in Colorado when you
look at what they have done tothe black community and the GOP. GOP
wants to win again in Colorado,GOP has to stand up loudly, clearly

with the facts and make that casebecause it is an irrefutable case, stunning
levels of racism in these Democrat Partypolicies, and abortion is the worst of
it, but it's not the endof it. You're on the Dan Capla
Show and now back to the DanKaplis Show podcast. So, you,

sailors and airmen of the Allied ExpeditionaryForce, you are about doing bark upon
the great crusade toward which we havestriven these many months. The eyes of
the world are upon you. Thehopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere
march with you. In company withour brave allies and brothers in arms on

other fronts. You will bring aboutthe destruction of the German war machine,
the elimination of Nazi tyranny over theopcussed peoples of Europe, and security for
ourselves in a free world. Yourtask will not be an easy one.
Your enemy is well trained, wellequipped, and battle hardened. He will
fight savagely. But this is theyear nineteen forty four. Much has happened

since the Nazi triumphs of nineteen fortyforty one. The United Nations have inflicted
upon the Germans great defeats in openbattle. Man demand. Our air offensive
has seriously reduced their strength in theair and their capacity to wage war on
the ground our home front. I'vegiven us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and

nisians of war and place that ourdisposal great reserves of trained fighting man.
The tide has turned. The freemen of the world are marching together to
victory. I have full competence inyour courage, devotion to duty, and
scale in bottle. We will acceptnothing less than full victory. Good luck,

and let us all be seek theblessing of Almighty God upon this great
and noble undertaking. Well, soblessed literally to have men like that at
these critical moments in American history.And look back at all of these swing
moments in American history, and we'vebeen blessed that way. Now we're in

a swing moment right now. Wehave the opposite with Joe Biden, but
it is not over yet. Speakingof which, contrast to this Biden,
who was obviously, you know,so weak and so fragile and frail and
decrepit today in so many different ways, not every moment, but many moments

today in Normandy, And this wasan interview with ABC. I know for
years you resisted the idea of Americanweapons being used for any sort of direct
strike inside Russia. But we didwitness this shift in recent days authorizing American
weapons for limited direct strikes. AreAmerican weapons being used right now inside Russia.

They're authorized to be used in proximityto the border. We're not authorizing
stripes two h miles into Russia.We're not offering the striction on Moscow on
the Kremlin. Think about what hejust said, and think about the way
he said it. The way hesaid it just invites attack, right,

so feeble, so weak, soslow, like he's barely hanging on.
And then think about the words heuses, which again are a sign of
his diminished cognitive capacity. If thepoint you want to make there is wait
a second, No, we're notauthorizing, you know, strikes deep into
Russia. We're authorizing hitting some AMMOstorage along the border, things like that.

You've got to be very precise inthis point. But with his failing
mind, he's talking about, ohno, we're not authorizing strikes on Moscow,
which immediately, of course, causesthe evil Enemy and others to think
he's thinking about strikes on Moscow.He's just so incompetent right now. But
I do think, and I wantto be the first to suggest this to
the Trump campaign. No royalties required. They need to very quickly, Ryan,

very quickly. They need to resurrectthe classic daisy commercial from the nineteen
sixty four presidential campaign. You knowwhere it was named at Barry Goldwater and
the fact that if he became president, he would blow up the world in
a nuclear war. And it hadthis little girl picking daisies. It would

be can you find that we playthe sound. I know it's mostly visual,
but it would be. You wouldn'thave to change a thing in the
spot, you know, you simplyhave the little girl picking the daisies and
then you have the nuclear cloud.Because this election is in so many ways
a choice between war and peace.A vote for Biden is a vote for

war. We know that from havingseen his first term. Vote for Trump
is a vote for peace. Weknow that having seen his term. I'll
grab that ad for the next segmentand I'll tell you this added detail.
You remember the little girl, she'scounting up, she's going one, two,
and then that transforms into a countdownof a bomb being driven. And

it's a classic ad for that reason, Dan. It was vivid, but
Also, if you think back,the only presidential ad I remember so far
is another one of those callback ads, which was the brilliant rfkad and the
Super Bowl that basically mimicked his uncle'sad Kennedy Kennedy back in nineteen sixty and
I thought that was very effective.Yeah, and the money put up by

who then became his VP. That'scorrect. But listen, I'm happy to
have Kennedy in this race and lotsof these swing states because Trump normally polls
better. Then even better, Ishould say, Greg in beautiful spouts bluff
here on the Dan Kaplis, you'llwelcome, good Dan. I just want
to tell you last night I gotto watch President Trump on Hannity and he

answered the question that you just said. They said, are you going to
go to retribution? And he said, why then, we're no better good
than who they are good. Hesaid, I could have put Hillary in
jail. He said, but whatgood is that? What good does that
do? He said, our successgetting America back is going to be an
I was so glad to hear youlast night because that's going to keep the

independence there. If he said he'sgoing to go out and do the same
thing they did. Then the independencewould leave him too. Now when they
listened to that last night and understandhe wants to be president and get us
back a man great points, Scottglad to hear he said that, and
listen, I think he made Hemade this one mistake in one interview yesterday,
made a comment that sounded like hewould think about doing to them what

they did to us. And forthe reasons I discussed at length, big
mistake, because right now it's ahuge winner for him. You want to
be in a republic, vote forthem, you want rule of law,
vote for me. Now, thatone mistake in that one interview yesterday,
that's not going to decide anything.As long as Trump is set on the
right message moving forward, you takeit into the debate, you take it
into every speech you hammered at home, and he will win on that message

because we know what they did tohim. The whole country sow it,
and they won't be able to foolthe American people, deceive the American people
because of one mistake in one interviewby the president. He has the credibility
of being the victim of this wrongfulconviction. So as long as he's on
message going forward, Ryan, hewins that point. Quick point. I

think you're a little harsh on Trumpand that Hugh Hewett interview, and Greg's
right, I heard that same.He cleaned it up maybe a little bit
with Hannity, but basically with thesame point that doing that to Hillary would
have been wrong, but they're doingit to me, So what do I
do? And he kind of advancedthat football down the field, saying we're
not going to be like them,We're not going to do what they did.
That needs to be the constant winningmessage and the right way to approach

the office as well. Hey,when we come back, who among the
VP choices? It's been narrowed down. I think there's one clear winner and
a falsely edited video. You needto know you're listening to the Dan Kaplis
Show podcast. On a lonely windsweatpoint on the northern shore of France,

the air is soft, but fortyyears ago at this moment, the air
was dense with smoke and the criesof men, and the air was filled
with the crack of rifle fire andthe roar of cannon. At dawn on
the morning of the sixth of Junenineteen forty four, two hundred and twenty
five rangers jumped off the British landingcraft and ran to the bottom of these

cliffs. Their mission was one ofthe most difficult and daring of the invasion,
to climb these sheer and desolate cliffsand take out the enemy guns.
The Allies had been told that someof the mightiest of these guns were here,
and they would be trained on thebeaches to stop the Allied advance.
The rangers looked up and saw theenemy soldiers the edge of the cliffs,

shooting down at them with machine gunsand throwing grenades, and the American rangers
began to climb. They shot ropeladders over the face of these cliffs and
began to pull themselves up. Whenone ranger fell, another would take his
place. When one rope was cut, a ranger would grab another and begin
his climb again. They climbed,shot back, and held their footing.

Soon, one by one the rangerspulled themselves over the top, and in
seizing the firm land at the topof these cliffs, they began to seize
back the continent of Europe. Twohundred and twenty five came here after two
days of fighting. Only Nighty couldstill bear arms behind me as a memorial

the symbolizers the ranger daggers that werethrust into the top of these cliffs,
and before me are the men whoput them there. These are the boys
of Puendejo. These are the menwho took the cliffs. These are the

champions who helped free a continent,And these are the heroes who helped end
a war. Gentlemen, I lookat you, and I think of the
words of Steven Spender's poem. Youwere men who, in your quote lives,
fought for life and left the vividair signed with your honor. Wow.

If we had a webcam, youcould see probably the biggest goosebumps I've
ever had. And I'll bet youI'm not alone. Wow. Man,
the difference a great leader makes.Right. We played General Eisenhower on D
Day earlier. We'll play more ofthat throughout the show. But makes all

the difference, right, It makesall the difference. And then you look
at where we're at right now,and you know who are the great leaders?
Right now? Where have the greatleaders gone? Obviously, Joe Biden
is the polar opposite of that.The entire left is the polar opposite of
that. But it's one of thereasons I'm so optimistic. We've been blessed

with these great leaders at pivotal momentsin American history. And listen to the
election of Donald Trump, and youknow, Donald Trump obviously like every human
and is his flaws, but hehas his strengths. And the election of
him in sixteen saved American democracy.I mean that's a matter of fact.
Look at the Supreme Court. Butthose leaders like Eisenhower and Reagan, and
you can criticize some policies, butwar leader FDR. I mean, it's

one reason I'm so optimistic about thiscountry. I believe, like the Founder
said in the Declaration of Independence andelsewhere, they bet it all on divine
intervention, on God, divine providence. And I believe that. I believe
that's why we've been blessed with thesekey leaders at key points. And I
think we're going to have more.I think we're going to have more,
and I think we're gonna have oneof those breakthrough leaders who who goes a

long way towards unifying America, notto the point we all agree on everything
that's pollyannis and will never happen,but to the point where we can manage
our intense differences in a way thatwe still stay together and move forward and
you know, protect ourselves and againstand defeat you know, true enemies out
there. So yeah, I believewe will have that again. Let's go

to the phone lines. Eric inDenver, you're on the Dan Kaplas show.
Welcome, Hi Dan. You're greatAmerican, no greater than you,
Eric, whoever you are. Youknow, nobody has brought this up.
I was telling your brilliant screen andBritain is Kelly. She is, hands

down is going to be the DEMnominee. That's who I would choose.
If I'm betting the sticks, Iprobably bet on that as well. You
know, I'd pray for Kamala Harristo be their nominee, but I'm not
sure we'll be that fortunate, dependingupon when Biden leaves the race. Wait
a minute, young man, I'mtalking about President Trump here, But what

were you? What's the newsome stuff? Then known as Oh I misunderstood.
No, oh you mean so,I'm sorry, Eric, you mean nun
Yez for VP. Yes, he'snot even on the list, He's on
my list. Okay, Well,well, you know, if you're our

nominee, then I'll be looking forNunez. But here's what the Washington Post
says, and it echoes other reportingthat the potential candidates who receive requests for
paperwork include Marco Rubio, jd Vance, Tom Cotton, Tim Scott, Doug
burgham Elise Stephonic Byron Donald's and BenCarson. Yeah, and there's a lot

to like there. But I thinkthere's one clear obvious choice. That's the
light years I had in terms ofhelping Trump win and then governing, and
that would be Marco Rubio. ButEric appreciate the call. Man, appreciate
the call. Every time we geta call from Eric, I picture in
a good way, like a cartooncharacter, right, or a character out
of a Western. Just his voiceis so unique. He could make a

billion dollars with that voice. It'svery distinctive. Yeah. I love Eric.
He's great. Yeah, he's greatAmerican, and he's very complimentary towards
you, and I love very kind. But he could make big, big
money with that voice. But no, the Rubio thing, give me one
second on that. And I loveyour thoughts as well. Eight five to
five for zero five a two fiveto five. The number text D A

N five seven seven thirty nine.We'll start to get back to more of
those texts. But Rubio, here'swhat I think he does for you if
you're Trump, and by extensions,because we need Trump to win, is
with mar rub I mean, you'regonna win Florida, but you absolutely nail
that down. Bot. I knoweverybody's focused on Latinos. You know,
Trump has a such great momentum withLatinos. This will just increase it.

And Latinos are so huge, particularlyin some key swing states. You know,
I get all that, and that'sall true, right, But here's
what people miss, my young friend, is Trump needs to do better with
with certain categories of women, right, and Marco Rubio would help him enormously
there. Everybody assumes, well,you need a female VP to do better

with women. No, you don't. I mean you need a VP who
is going to, you know,just address the concerns that that you know,
say, generally speaking, college educatedwomen et cetera, have with with
suburban women have with Trump. AndMarco Rubio would do so much to help
Trump there and then globally, Rubiois really going to help Trump because He's

what they call the political types calleda norm me right, I mean yeah,
because Trump is viewed as being uniqueand populist and Rubio's viewed as more
of a normy. But in termsof come on, when you look at
a VP, is that person youknow ready to be president in the United
States. You may disagree with hispolicies, but I don't think any honest

person could look at Margot Rubio anddoubt that he's ready to be president of
the United States. He was astrong candidate I thought in twenty sixteen,
Dann when I got down to kindof the finalist a little market saying God
remark he survived that, he enduredthat, and like Lion Ted, he
came around and he was a goodsoldier and he supported Donald Trump the way
the Ronda Santis is right now.And I think Rubio would be a strong

addition to the tab if you andI were both Rubio voters. I think
in the primary in twenty sixties,my pick in sixteen before Trump became the
nominee, I've called him the CubanKennedy. I think he offers a lot.
I think he brings a lot tothe table, and I still though
I still part of me thinks toall of this as a head fake by
Trump, and he surprises us offthe top rope with Sarah Huckabye Sanders,

who I prefer her just a littletiny bit over market, and I hope
you're wrong and she's great and allthat kind of stuff, but I helpe
you're wrong about that. Yeah,because Marco Rubio, he's known, he
has this enormous national name recognition.He has everything I just mentioned a second
ago. He is. He isblanking, absolutely brilliant. He has this
real foreign policy expertise, and everybodyknows right now, thanks to Biden in

the left, we live in aneven more dangerous world. But hey,
when we come back, speaking ofall that, first one to talk to
you about a little uh polis extremehypocrisy slash dishonesty when it comes to blacks
in Colorado. But also, Iwant to give you a heads up on
a video out there. It's aboutBiden and it's been falsely edited. I
don't want you to fall into thetrap because some big names around the country

right now believe it's real and they'refalling into that trap. You're on the
Dan Kapla Show. And now backto the Dan Kapla Show podcast. And
then finally, long about six inthe evening, I went over to Adas
from what's the Airborne American Their bornstarted out. Now, I couldn't go

to all these fields because there weremany of them, but I did go
into the one hundred and first division, and it's a very fine experience.
They were getting ready and all camouflagedand their faces blackened and all this,
and they saw me, and ofcourse they'd recognized me and said, I
quit worrying. Generally we'd take careof this same boy. And that kind
of of things was a good feeling. As they started off, I watched

them out of sight. Then ittook me a couple hours to get back
to my headquarters. One of themost famous pictures of D Day was of
you talking to the paratroopers in theircamouflage, and one of the versions of
that visit, I think, saidthat as you turned away, this reporter
saw a tear in your eye.Well, I don't know about that.

It could have been possible, becauselook, here's the kind of an operation
you start. You know are goingto be losses along the line. They're
going to be bad because we knewthis. They were mobile troops, German
troops in that area with all sortsof flock because you know, anti aircraft
stuff, and there could easily havebeen fighters coming into these hopeless troop carriers.

It's a I would think if aman didn't show a bit of emotion,
that would show that he probably wasa little bit inhuman. And the
goodness knows, those fellows meant alot to me. And you just had
to make these decisions on the baitwhen you're in war. I'm going to
do something that will be to mycountry's advantage for the least costs. You

can't say without cost, you knowthey're going to lose them. TROYT.
Eisenhower and that we've been playing realtime sound D day sounds throughout the day
to day, and I want tokeep doing some of that, not just
limited to today. It's obviously importantand it's compelling and text says Dan.
I met Eric at King Soopers.I heard him from across the store and
followed his voice until I found him. I asked if it was him and

introduced myself. Okay, about ourcaller, Eric, Dan, you should
play YouTube clip with Reagan. Ibelieve it's called a soldier's pledge. I
forget if it's specifically asked to dowith d Day. That's Sonny in the
bathroom. Thank you, Sonny.Dan. I'm very happy to hear what
the caller from Scott's Bluff said.I indicated just day I wouldn't vote for

Trump if he was planning to prosecutehis adversaries. Our Scott's Bluff caller said.
Trump said last night he would notdo that, and I'm glad to
hear that too. And he needsto send that message over and over.
It's such an important distinction with theleft. You want to be in a
republic, you vote for Biden orWell. I fell into the trap.
You vote for the DEM nominee.You know you want rule of law,

you vote for Trump. Uh.Dan, you just jettisoned me back in
time with the mention of that commercial. Mike and Henderson and Mike, it
shoud jettison everybody back in time becauseat Trump campaign it is political practice if
they don't immediately start airing the nineteensixty four daisy commercial with the little girl
picking the daisy and counting down,as Ryan pointed out, and then the

mushroom cloud because this election, Trumpcan stand up there and he can back
it up. A vote for Bidenis a vote for war. A vote
for Trump is a vote for peace. It's that simple, Dan, I
saw that clip you talked about.I saw it first without the edit,
then with it. I knew itwas a fake, but I did chuckle.
Interesting what he's talking about, andso important for you to know is

there's a video clip out there,put out by the RNC, and it
is dishonestly edited and it makes Bidenlook as if he's defecating on stage at
Normandy today. And some really crediblepeople like Ben Shapiro, you know,
came out and do you tweeted itout and Ben Shapiro said, and I'll
find the verbatim because I laughed myhead off at the time. Ben Shapiro

came out and he said, ifTrump doesn't hit Biden with the poop and
Joe nickname within twenty four hours,I'm not even sure what world we're living
in anymore, because that's what itlooked like. And I've been the one
predicting that Biden is obviously incompetent,is going to have that final meltdown in
public sadly, and it's going tobe the end of all of that,
And so I thought, maybe thisis it. So I did the work.

I went and I found the fullvideo. No, the RNC dishonestly
edited it. Don't fall into thattrap. Biden was at an inappropriate time,
of course, attempting to sit downin a chair, and it was
very difficult for him to do,but there was a chair there and he
did eventually sit in it. Soit was just dishonest and wrong to make

it look like he was defecating onstage. The man is obviously incompetent,
but that you know, we've gotto be honest. Let's go to Brian
and Arvada. You're on the DanKapla show. Welcome Dan. That's the
least of his problems. I mean, the guy was showering with his daughter.
Okay, guys, let's face reality. At some point we got an

FBI does protecting child molester from Epstein. Okay, So basically we've been taken
over by the criminals. So myquestion is, who's Trump going a point
for a turn? What who doyou want? Well? I would like
Flynn. Actually, who's your secondchoice him? What's that? Who's your

second choice. It's not going tobe General Flynn. Who's your second choice.
Uh, certainly not Barr. Hesold us down the river. He's
protecting the child molesters too. Idon't think Bill Barr is protecting any child
molesters. Do you look at thatcase where he cleared Epstein's suicide, Well,
what what child happened? Dan,It couldn't have happened. Give us

the fact maybe I'm missing something,Give us the fact you guys fall asleep
A no, no, listen,I'm not defending I'm not defending the official
version of Epstein's death or anything likethat. I'm just saying I've seen no
evidence that Bill Barr is protecting childmolusters. But Brian raises a great question
that I haven't even started to thinkabout. Who do you want as Trump's
Attorney General? Tracy and Longmont hereon the Dan Kapla Show. Welcome.

Hey. You know, I appreciateyou your voice and your concerns for black
people, and I wanted to letyou know there's a little town east of
Kersey, Colorado, that's in northeastColorado. It's called Masters and it was
a black community and they used tohave a little store there, and I'd
go there when I was a kid. Tracy and I got to pull the

plug because we only have ten seconds. Love hearing from you. I hope
you call us tomorrow. I wastalking about Jared Polis is just dishonesty when
it comes to African Americans. Thankyou, Ryan, Thank you Kelly.
Join us tomorrow.
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