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June 26, 2024 35 mins
Dan is late-arriving due to legal work at his firm, so Ryan reprises his Tuesday primary night interview with the victorious Rep. Lauren Boebert who successfully moved from the 3rd Congressional District to the 4th and won.

Dan then explains why Tuesday's results are so important for a Colorado Republican party, and more importantly its voters, looking to win in November.
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This is Dan Caples and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download and listen to the show every single
day on your favorite podcast platform.And with you here for an extended version
of the Dan Caplis pregame shows.I like to call it Ryan Schuling.
I do a show locally here inDenver from two to four pm. You

can catch it on the podcast yourfavorite podcast platform if you'd like. What
I do is I set the tablefor Dan Caplis, and then he serves
the meal and typically the handoff whathappened right now, but we were talking
earlier today. He's got some stuffgoing on at the law firm, and
we're gonna fill in the gaps untilDan gets here, which should be no
later than four thirty six, soit'll be the third segment of this hour.

In the meantime, it is KellyCouchera's birthday, and for all of
you listeners out there, if youwant to wish her a happy birthday,
send those messages along to five sevenseven three nine Start him Dan, but
include the word Kelly and we'll makesure those get through to her. Also,
if you want to call and wishher a happy birthday, she is
on the phones. That is herjob. One eight five five four zero

five eight two five five. It'seight five five four ought five eighty two
fifty five. Now. I wasanchoring about four hours solid of election night
coverage last night for the Tuesday Coloradoprimaries, and as luck would have it,
we got right up until the lastsegment. Wasn't sure if we're going
to hear from the fourth Congressional Districtprimary winner, Representative Lauren Bobert, but

she was able to dial in.I was able to have that conversation.
I think you'll find it interesting.This is right in the wake of her
victory and it was a very resoundingwin for her as she heads now to
the general election in November. Thevictorious Representative Lauren Bobert, winner in the
fourth Congressional District primary, branded afirebrand by ABC News tonight. Lauren,

welcome to it, Ryan. Itis so great to be on with you
this evening, and you know,it was an all to celebrate this victory
that belongs to the voters of Colorado'sSports District. We've heard a lot of
turns attached to you. Do youlike firebrand? Is that accurate? I?
You know, I think Firebrand isjust fine. You know, Mac

Gaates is the Firebrand and that's oneof my greatest, strongest allies in Washington,
d C. And I frequent hisshow Firebrand often. And if you
haven't tuned in, you know thelisteners here, give it, give it
a look, see sometimes, becausethat's where you're gonna get all the intricate
details of what goes on in Washington, d C. But Brian, it's
not about the names that are thatI'm labeled with, because I, as

you know, am defined by whatGod calls me, what He has called
me too. I am blood washed, blood bought, a daughter of the
almighty God. And that is whereI get my value, my strength,
my joy, and my determination tostand for righteousness. In this time,

Laurence, you've been through a lotover this last year or so. I
mean, moving over from one districtto another might be the least among them
from the third to the fourth.You've been through a divorce, You've got
your five boys, you've relocated them. Take us through just that personal journey
for you and what that's been likeyou know, I mean, life is

a journey, but I try toenjoy it as much as I can.
And as I as I just said, I have the joy of the Lord.
That is my strength. That's whatkeeps me motivated, that's what keeps
me moving forward. And you know, my boys are just in such a
much better place. Tonight. Iwas able to catch the beginning of one
of my son's baseball games before wewent to the Greenhouse and Windsor to watch

the results come in. And myboys are flourishing, they're happy. I
think, I mean, it's anunderstatement to say that everyone goes through tough
times in life. It's just amatter of is it going to bring you
down? Be your downfall and yourdefeat. And I think there's been much,
there's been too much that has beenbought for paid for for us to

live in victory, to be defeatedand have that victim mentality and a mindset
of and things are never going toget better. So I look at every
new day with new opportunities, andyes, life there there's been some struggles,
but I hope that I have gainedstrength and wisdom and knowledge through them.

I hope I can apply that knowledgethat I've learned going forward in life
and continue to grow and help thepeople that are around me. I mean,
after all, Brian, I'm fromthe federal government and I'm here to
help. I like that Representative LaurenBobert joining us. That was very tongue
in cheek, But just this move, Lauren. I talked with Floyd Cerulei

earlier, and he's been involved inColorado politics, dating by about forty years.
It is unusual. It's not reallya standard for somebody to go from
one district to another. Yet youwere able to do this, and you
were able to do it in aprimary field that was packed with talent,
and you almost lapped the field fortythree percent as it stands right now,
your closest competitor Jerry Sonnenberg at aboutfifteen percent. What was the secret to

your success in this race? Well, it's no secret. It takes hard
work. And you know, Iobviously had the President Trump's endorsement. I
spoke to him tonight and I reiteratedhow grateful I am to receive that,
but I also told him I knewthat I had to put in the work
to earn this victory. Tonight.And that's exactly what I did this year

in CD four and what I've donein previous years. I've been fighting for
all of Colorado since before I evenconsidered running for office, and that's just
something that I'm going to continue todo. But it is that work,
in those connections with the voters,the relationships that are built, that is
the most precious part of my job. And if anyone thinks that they can

just be be dubbed victorious or treatan election like a coronation, or say,
because I have this endorsement or thatendorsement, I have to have your
vote, then they've got it allwrong, because this is a victory for
the voters. This is who theywant representing them. They have seen my

voting record. They know that I'mgoing to stand for them, that I'm
going to fight for them, thatI'm going to deliver for them. And
I'm glad that they were able tosee through the lives that were that were
said, and of course just storiesthat were exaggerated or stories that folks won't
allow to die or go away orhave to mention it, you know,
as they get their clicks. Thisis this is all about putting in that

effort and building those relationships, becausewithout relationship, where are we? What
are we? We saw in twentytwenty that the Democrats want to separate us.
They do not want us to assemblebecause they understand there's power in our
unity. When we are unified,there is nothing that can stop us,
nothing that can slow us down orhold us back. And so right now

I want all of my opponents,all of the candidates in the CD four
racer in this year, to unify, and I want to work with them.
I spoke with Commissioner Jerry Sonnenberg.He was the first one to call
me with a very precious, sincerephone call. I let him know what
an honor was to get to knowhim, his heart, his faith,

his vision, and that I lookforward to working with him in the future.
And you know, he had somevery kind words to say, and
just an amazing man of strength andcharacter. But this is what we need
right now. We don't need aUNI party to run us and excuse or
regulate or legislate or are right away. We need a unified Republican party that

puts America first, puts her peoplefirst, and will not relent. And
that's what the voter's here in thedistrict wanted, and I am honored to
have the opportunity to prove to themthat that's something that I will fight for
and provided every opportunity. Representative LaurenBobert joining us as we close out our
coverage here toward the top of thehour, kind enough to spend some moments

with us. And more good newsfor you, Lauren, and that is
Greg Lopez wins the special election andhe will be in that seat from now
until when you, presumably if youwin in November, are ready to take
the baton from him. Now.He just defeated Tricia Calvarese, and it
looks like she is going to winthe Democratic primary and be your opponent in

November. How do you replicate hiswin against her in November yourself? Yes,
well, I'm so thankful that thevoters elected president or Congressman Greg Lopez
to finish out ken Buck's term,that he abandoned voters to resign and and

do his own thing. I'm justso happy that he's going to be up
there with me, you know.I know that he's going to legislate as
though he was the congressman for thefourth district for an entire term, and
I have pull confidence in him.I'm very excited that he won. And
also, you know, with thisDemocrat race, it's I will treat it

like a race because that's what itis, and the voters deserve that.
However, this is a Republican district. If they do not want a socialist,
they do not someone who you know, has all the right talking points
or will pretend to be a moderatewhen we know exactly how Democrats act when
they get to Washington, DC,and worse, how they vote. And
so this is a Republican district.I will continue to work hard. I

will continue to put in a miles, continue to build relationships and fight hard
for not just the fourth district,but also the third district which I currently
represent and I'm currently working for anddelivering for, and all of Colorado.
We are all so precious and we'vegot to take our state back desperately.

So I'm not worried about November,of course, Ryan, you know,
all of the left wing media willtry to find some thin with this victory.
Oh she didn't win by enough,Oh this, oh that, and
she's in major trouble. Now there'ssome push pull that the Democrats did with
their own party, their own campaign, and Warren Bobert's going to lose to

them. You know, all ofthis nonsense that we know is coming our
way. So you know, Ijust encourage voters to guard their hearts against
that, to see through the media, see through the political tactics, and
cling to truth because right now thatis something that's lacking in our country and
that we need to strive to adhereto once again. So I'm honored to

be in this. We are goingto win November fifth. No headline is
going to scare me or to cheerme from that. And more importantly,
we need President Trump back in theWhite House. Final question, Lauren,
appreciate your time. People voted foryou, and we heard from some of
them tonight because they know who youare. What you see is what you

get. You're the genuine article.Washington hasn't changed you. It changed ken
Buck. Why has it not changedyou? I can't say why it changed
him Buck. I can tell you, Ryan, maybe I've said it before
to you or to your listeners atleast that ken Buck still has my favorite
political book during the swamp, andit taught me a lot about Washington,
DC, and how corrupt it reallyis even within our own party and our

own party leadership at times. AndI was prepared for Washington, DC because
of his writings. And I'm notsure what happened with him. I can't
speak to that directly. I've triedto figure it out. I don't have
an answer, but I can saythat I am focused on on the people
of Colorado and America, that Ihave God guiding my way. And uh,

if if you, if if youare persistent and and uh on the
word of God and for truth andrighteousness, then you will you will be
right. And in every instance andand every and every term of the phrase
like that. That is something thatis so important right now to to focus

on. I you know, whenwhen struggles come to my life personally,
my first thought is always the peoplearound me and how are they going to
be affected. I am in aposition to bring levity to American citizens,
to Colorado's and I never want anyof my actions to be burdensome on them

or or uh bring gravity to thesituation. Uh So, uh, they
are always my first thought. Andyou know, we have we have some
family priorities in the midst of that, and it's just an honor to serve
and to continues to be in thisfight. Looking forward to President Trump being
in office so we can deliver evenmore victories for Colorado and beyond. And

a big victory for her tonight andthe Republican primary by about thirty points.
As it stands right now, LaurenBolbert will be the nominee in the fourth
congressional district coming up on November fifth. Laura, congratulations once again on your
big win tonight and best of luckgoing forward from here until November. Thank
you so much. Ryan. Greatto talk with you, and we'll talk

to you again soon and often.And enlightening conversation that I had last night
with Lauren Bolbert. A big winfor her in that fourth congressional primary,
a field of six, she wonby about thirty She was hovering right around
forty three percent. And I thinkit's sent a very clear message, and
I said this during my own program, as we go to break here and
Dan Kapla should be returning on theother side, and that is I think

Lauren Bobert was the natural reaction andthe pendulum swing to ken Buck. Ken
Buck abandoned his district. He wentsquish, he went rogue. People didn't
know what to expect from him.And the thing that I heard time and
again from Rob Dawson, who wason site at her gathering in Windsor,
was ken Buck abandoned us. Hedidn't fight for us. Lauren's going to

fight for us, and I'm tellingyou that's why she won. Well,
take this time out, Dan caplisback. We hope after this break you're
listening to the Dan Capla Show andnow back to the Dankaplass Show podcast.
Well, it could be a bigsmile on the face of Republicans across the
state of Colorado today, with theexception of a relatively small handful out there,

because last night, last night,I think is the day. If
you're going to look back to oneday, you're going to look back to
one day where the state of Coloradostarted to turn around for the Colorado Republican
Party. I think you looked toyesterday and yesterday's results, I think they're
enormous in a much much broader waythan just the victory of a lot of
good candidates. Last night. Eightyfive four zero five A two five five

the number text d A N fiveseven seven three nine. Can't wait to
hear from you. Thank you toRyan Schulling for starting the show for me
today. And as you know aboutthe last show, I would ever be
late for us a show after electionday, but there was something very pressing
in my law practice. So thankyou Ryan for covering that. And just
a ten second aside, I'm tellingyou you talk about something that can bring
the people state of Colorado together.There is so much unnecessary killing and maiming

on our roadways right now. Wehave got to come together and just fight
back. It is an attack onour state by reckless drivers, reckless truckers,
reckless drivers, and we got toreally get tough and start protecting ourselves
because stuff I see in my lawpractice, man, it is it is
just unforgivable what a lot of driversare doing out there right now. And
then all of a sudden, dadgoes off to work in the morning and

they never see him again, youknow, or they never see their child
again because some son of a bitch. Can I say that? But I
just did, you know, itdecides that they're not going to stop at
that stop why, or they're goingto get high and they're just going to
drive as fast as they want toknow. We have got to fight back
against that form of evil, andour traffic laws are way too gentle in
this state. People are literally gettingaway with murder. Right back to the

politics of this. I was goingto start this show by saying what I
just said, and then by makingthe point that, hey, last night
is so important because it was sucha thorough rejection of the people of the
Republicans in Colorado. This is aRepublican primary, and I understand you had
some independence voting, but I don'tthink anybody's claiming this morning that independence caused
the loss of Dave Williams or RonHanks or anything like that. So the

Colorado GOP, the Republican voters inColorado spoke loudly and clearly get rid of
that crap. Not the individuals.I mean. I like both individuals.
I've never met Ron Hanks, I'vemet Dave. I like them both in
talking to them. I just disagreewith their approach, and I think their
approach undermines the causes we all careabout and helps left, and we've talked

about that on air. But Ithink you had a thorough rejection last night
from the Republican voters in Colorado whoguess what they want to win, and
they want us to conduct ourselves asa people as a party in a manner
consistent with our morals and our ethicsand our standards and the way we want
to be viewed as individuals and theway we want to be viewed as as

a party. And it sure ashell does not include hate. You know,
there's only one Donald Trump, andI love him and I hope he
gets a second term. But everybodyout there has tried to be a minimi
and pull off their own thing.Only Trump has been able to do Trump
and the other people who try toimpersonate that have just hurt themselves in the
party. So a big, bigmessage last night, and the fact that

the Colorado GOP made the horrendous decisionto start endorsing candidates in primaries just as
part of this awful overall approach tothings. I'm so glad that most of
those candidates lost. No offense tothe individuals involved, But the Colorado GOP
should be providing a level playing fieldin primaries. It should not be out

there trying to put their thumb onthe scale. So a very important step
forward last night and then we getthis for immediate release. Republican State Central
Committee calls for a special meeting toconsider ousting the chairman. So I'll come
back. I'll get you those details. Do you think he is going to
be removed? Should he be?You're on the Dan Kaplas Show. You're

listening to the Dan Kaplis Show podcast. I know that's meant for Kelly,
and it's well deserved for her mom. And that's the funny thing is,
you know, we all we getcelebrated on our birthdays. It should be
our moms. I mean, whatdid we do on our birthdays? Okay,
time for rojes, you know.But Kelly, we're celebrating you.
But I like the broader meaning ofthat song today, which is it is

it is the birthday of the ColoradoRepublican Party. This is the rebirth of
the Colorado Republican Party today, andit will win again. It will win
again statewide. And I've got avery concrete path to victory in mind.
But it started with last night,which was enormous, and you're seeing the
effects of that already. I wantto read this to you. This is
a for immediate release State Republican CentralCommittee calls for a special meeting two Chairman

Dave Williams c C State Republican ExecutiveCommittee and Republican State Central Committee pursuant to
CRC Bylaws Article seven, Section Dthree. Attached are the signatures of over
twenty five percent of the Colorado RepublicanState Central Committee, who hereby requests that
you call a special meeting for thepurpose of a vote on the removal of

Chairman of the State Republican Party.We request that the special meeting be held
in person with closed paper ballot voting, on a Saturday and at an acceptable
time and play so all SCC memberswill be able to attend. Please respond
within the ten days prescribed by orby laws to call a special meeting no
later than thirty days of this letter. Sincerely, Todd Watkins, State Central

Committee. Remember we're trying to getmister Watkins on the show, so your
take, should Dave Williams now beremoved? Do you think Dave Williams should
resign? Do you think Dave Williamswill resign? We'll start with that eight
five five four zero five eight twofive to five. The number texts d
an five seven seven three nins.So this goes back to the rebirth of

the Colorado GOP last night. Onething I want to make clear is for
those who say, oh, Dan, you're just being a rhino An establishment
guy. You don't respect the grassroots, I am grassroots and I have so
much respect for the grassroots people inthe trenches all over Colorado and people who
aren't familiar with the Republican Party andthe people who make the Republican Party actually

go each and every day, whichare the grassroots in the trenches, many
of whom be described as as farright conservatives, which is a compliment based
upon who they actually are. Thereis an enormous difference, in my opinion,
between the vast majority of people whowould be described as far right in
Colorado and Dave Williams. And here'swhat it is, and it's not personal.

I'd like Dave personally, but Idon't like people who hide, and
I don't like leaders who hide.And Dave Williams makes himself up to be
so big and bad and tough andsuch a leader, Well, where the
hell are you? You know,the people at Colorado deserve an explanation for
crap like sending out on behalf ofall Colorado Republicans hate email. You know,
God hates flags, which I think, my constitutionally protected opinion is a

thinly disguised parroting of the evil andawful Westboro Baptist Church. God hates fags
and then the burn all Pride flagsin June. That's not who we are
as a people. But if you'regoing to do that as a leader,
because you say you're such a toughguy, then come on the show.
There has been no friendar place forColorado Republicans for the last thirty years than

this show. And Dave Williams can'tcome on this show to explain to the
people of Colorado, the Republicans,why he depicted them that way. He
owes it to the people to explainthat to him. And you tell me
last night, Ryan, David calwho is as nice and professional reporter as
you ever gonna find that David wasdown in the springs trying to find Dave

Williams and couldn't get a whiff.It was a wild goose chase. It
was something else. It was likewhere's Waldo? He tried a couple different
locations. I guess Dave Williams endedup having a very small private gathering.
But to your point, Dan,it's bigger than that. You are the
chair in the face of the RepublicanParty. You got to come out front
and own it when you lose,and he lost big lee to Jeff crank

Well and own what you did whenyou sent those email on behalf of all
Republicans in Colorado wrongly depicting them ashaters. You know, you have to
stand up and explain that. Buthe wouldn't. He wanted to keep sending
surrogates, all of whom I respect. But that's my point. For those
of you who don't know, youknow the actual grassroots people in Colorado who

would be described as far right,hardcore whatever. They are strong people,
they are tough people. They workhard. They are doers, not talkers,
and they're the opposite of haters.They have very strong beliefs about very
important issues, and I respect tothe end the way they do the hard

work to fight for those issues.Dave Williams is the opposite. He's a
talker, not a doer. Hewants you to believe that throwing these bombs
he wants you to be is somehowa sign of strength. He went and
going and hiding is somehow a signof strength. He wants you to believe
that hate equals toughness. It's theopposite of that. And so the vast

majority of grassroots people who I believesupporting him, and I'm talking about that
what other would describe as far right, and I admire their positions, that
they would that they would somehow admirewhat Dave is doing. No, that's
not who they are. They're doers, not talkers. They get things done
in the trenches. What has Davegotten done in the trenches. All he's

done is call attention to himself throughthese extreme statements and throwing bombs like burnal
pride, flegs. Listen, wegot very very serious issues when it comes
to the radical, far left agendaof this administration to try to impose that
far left radical you know, menin women's sports, men in women's bathrooms,

you know, undermining women, underminingparents, undermining religious liberty. These
are very serious policy issues that weneed to win on and throwing the kind
of hateful bombs Dave was throwing thatonly helps the opposition. So that's why
I think last night was so important, so important, and it's so great
to see that at least twenty fivepercent of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee

is moving to oust him. Ihave to believe that even before last night,
there was going to be a lotmore than twenty five percent voting for
that ouster. Now, after lastnight, Ryan, I would love to
hear from anybody, and I'm surethere are some fine people who at this
point still support Dave's chair, ButI'd love to hear the rationale, because
after last night, if you wantto win, after the antics Dave has

pulled that undermined the party, andthe resounding rejection of Dave last night by
Republicans in his home district, howwould he have the credibility, How would
he have the ability to lead theColorado GOP. So the only reason for
him to hang on right now wouldbe selfishness. And what I'd suggest to

Dave is that would be a bigmistake, because again, I like him
personally. We've talked off air some, I've enjoyed him. He is,
he's a young guy, he's thirtyseven. You know, he could still
have a very bright future ahead ofhim in politics if he you know,
I'm not saying adjust your position onissues. But you can't be taking this
hateful, firebombing approach and expect toadvance the cause. You may gratify yourself

in the moment, Oh look howbig and bad I am, and maybe
kind of like screen therapy, butyou're only going to hurt the cause.
But Dave Williams has a lot oftime left, a lot of time left,
have a lot of success in politicsby just changing his approach. But
he's got to recognize right now heis a liability to the causes he claims

to care about. And so it'sgoing to be a real test right now
as to what he puts first.Is it these causes we all care so
deeply about, or is it himself? So what do you think, Ryan,
Do you think he resigns. Doyou think he fights this? If
he fights it, do you thinkhe gets ousted. I think he's got
too much pride on the line.It goes along with the narcissism that I
think he's exhibited in each of thesemaneuvers that make absolutely no sense from a

pragmatic standpoint in building a winning coalition. It wasn't about that. It was
always about him. I think itwas about him sending out a signal to
draw attention to himself. But Dan, he just lost by about a two
to one margin in a district thatknows him best. As Dick Wadhams told
me earlier, it's a complete repudiation. Out of eighteen endorsements, he offered

up only four of those candidates,one including Lauren Bobert, by the way,
and that was kind of a slamdum. And that wasn't because of
the Republican Party endorsement though. Sheis a force of nature. And when
we come back, I want totalk about her, right Ryan, because
think about what she's just done.And I loved your interview with her,
and I enjoyed your coverage last nightvery much. But Lauren Bobert, and
this is such a beautiful thing towatch unfold. Congressoman Bobert has just completely

outmaneuvered the entire left and so shewas about to lose down in CD three
and the Republicans were going to losea seat. And what's happened now is
through through her and her maneuvering,Republicans are going to keep CD three.
Democrats are going to waste fourteen millionbucks in the process of losing CD three

to Jeff Hurd, and Lauren Bobertis going to be congresswoman for life in
CD four, So she has justcompletely oup maneuvered the left. It's a
beautiful thing to behold. You're onthe Dan Kapla Show and now back to
the Dan Kaplas Show podcast. Lastnight, that was the first step,
first step, just you know,kind of getting the vehicle out there onto

that highway to heaven for the ColoradoGOP. Very important step last night for
the reason we've been discussing. Andthen of course we're reading the call right
now formal demand that the Republican PartyCentral Committee hold a vote on ousting Chair
Dave Williams. They say they havetwenty five percent of the committee on a
petition to do that, so therewill be a vote unless Dave resigns.

So we're talking about that, gettingyour take on whether you think he will
or should resign, whether you thinkhe'll be ousted. Much more to talk
about as well. Obviously, wehave maybe I think the most important debate
of our lifetime tomorrow night. Forthe reasons we've discussed as well. We'll
go to the phone lines and texton that. But I do want to
give you this good news, thiscoming from Nate Silver. Now, Nate

Silver's a lefty who wants Trump andevery other Republican to lose. He's a
respected pollster, and he just cameout with his very first model for the
twenty twenty four presidential and he givesTrump a sixty six percent chance of winning
the presidential. His quote is thatthis is not a toss up. This
is not a toss up race.Quote, but the race isn't a toss

up. That's at best a whiteLiah, convenient fiction that allows everyone to
sharek accountability for their forecast and decisions. And Silver was acclaimed in twenty twelve
for correctly picking this and this andthat and that. Anyway, he says
Trump solidly ahead right now. Ofcourse, we all know it's a nice
sign and it's a good thing,but we know in the end Biden isn't

going to be their nominee, sovery soon all of the entire playing field
is going to be upended. Butthat's why Trump is going to benefit so
much tomorrow night from the very goodnight I expect him to have, because
it's not about Biden. He's astage prop tomorrow night unless he freezes up,
and then it's just over immediately.This is about undecided determining whether Trump

is really not says the Democrats say, and he's not. And the Democrats
have made out to be this cartooncharacter, this villain, which he is
not. So that's one of manyreasons Trump is going to have a good
night tomorrow night. It's going tocause movement in his favor from people in
the middle, and it's going toput him in a great position against whoever
the Dems put up. Stephen inDenver, you're on the dan kaplis sho'll

welcome Sperry song to is spurry songtout comes, spurry tutu all. I
called to talk about the debate tomorrow. Yes, but the Highway to Hell
lead in really made me think aboutthis call. Rat Republican Party needs to

get rid of Williams. Is hewas he can't say the things he said,
He just can't. Well, no, because you undermind the party.
But let's think about the positive man, think about what great shape the Colorado
GOP is GOP isn't. After lastnight Jeff heard very high quality guy and

candidate will be a great congressman.Crank is going to be a great congressman.
Bobert is going to be congresswoman forlife out of c D four.
You know, George one, thatDA's job. He's going to do a
great job. But but and nowthe thorough repudiation of Dave Williams one way
or the other, even if hestays in office, he's not going to
have any platform or any influence.So the party took a big step forward

last night, not just short term. Yeah they did. But see I
don't want you know you're so gentlewith people. It must be that here
for the last segment. Yes,I've been listening. I listen, thank
you all the time, and you'rekind of I'm not criticizing that. I'm

just saying that this guy's got acall said, he's an hindrance, he's
not going to be a help.I thought I was tougher on him than
you are. I said, Iwith the compster and just say, you
know, Al Gore, let itgo, Hillary, let it go,
Yeah, Ldy and Georgia let itgo. And after I win, I'm

going to let it go and justbe a magnanimous, kind of quiet,
chilled guy. Yes, that's agoal long way because there's only about three
percent of America that's going to moveon this. Steven, appreciate the calls,
Thank you. Whatever he does,it needs to end with we need
to be looking forward, right andthis just as we go to other calls

and text. I was just thinkingabout it more last night. Remember what
I was submitting to you at theend of the show yesterday for Biden's camp
to give up the option because theywon the coin flip. They could have
chosen to go last, to giveup that opportunity because they know mentally he's
not capable of processing what Trump saysin his closing and responding. What a

gift to Trump, Ryan, Becauseif Donald Trump doesn't stand up there tomorrow
night and have the perfect closing argument, which they have plenty of time to
prepare, at that point, Ijust have to say, Dear Lord,
please serenity now. Serenity now.Because Trump has so much to work with
right, all of his accomplishments,but he can just stand there in the

closing and just repeat that Reagan moment. Are you better off now than you
were when I was president? Ofcourse not. Your life was better when
I was president. I succeeded,he felt and just go through the list,
just those dynamite killer lines. Avote for me as a vote for
peace. You saw it when Iwas president. A vote for him is
a vote for war. You've seenit when he's president. This giving trump

closing argument is just what a giftand all because Biden doesn't have the mental
capacity to respond to what Trump hasto say. Texters, Dan has been,
not have been. Thank you forthat you misspelled, Ben Dan.
Happy happy birthday, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly that from Frandy, So happy
birthday to both Kelly and the ColoradoGOP, both celebrating a birthday and,

in the GOP's case, a rebirth. Today, Dan, I think Dave
Williams should leave because all of theair is out of his balloon now.
He's just has been after last night, Dan, so awesome that mister Brockler
won. Wooho, Alexa. Ididn't know George's dad was running. Was
he on the ballot? Yeah?I don't think George would appreciate being called
mister Brockler. Ryan. We're fiftyeight minutes into this show. Not a

single at a boy. I mean, I was perfect every production. What
else law is perfect? Well?Maybe acknowledge it. I have would iology
a FI five zero five, Atwo five five one more victory left for
me when we come back. Rememberhow I've been saying that Biden will soon
be out more proof of it fromColorado's own Jared polus here on The Dane

Kapitla Show. That's up next
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