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June 12, 2024 35 mins
Calling back to the days of Caplis and Silverman, Dan continues his heated debate with Tim Leonard over whether 'burning all the Pride flags in June' - a phrase advanced by the state GOP under chair Dave Williams - is a productive message for Colorado Republicans to run on this election cycle.
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This is Dan Caplis and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download and listen to the show every single
day on your favorite podcast platform.So we've been trying to get Dave Williams
on the show. He's been onthe show many times before, but we've

been unsuccessful in booking him to talkabout whether he should stay or go as
party chair. I believe he shouldleave his party chair, that he's become
a great asset for the left.He's doing a lot of damage to conservative
causes, and I believe it's timefor him to go. And more importantly,
some prominent Republicans do. They believethey have the vote. So we

want to get Dave on to presentthe other side. We've had no success
with that, so we're grateful tohave Tim Leonard, a former state rep
on who disagrees with me and believesthat Dave should stay in the job.
So we've had two segments together already. Obviously I won't repeat what's happened in
those two segments. You can pickthem up off of the podcast as well.

We're going to continue the conversation fromthere. Briefly, what we've touched
on is the Colorado GOP, atDave's direction, presumably putting out the God
Hates Flags, that Hates Flags email, which my personal opinion and belief,
is clearly aligning with the horrific WestboroBaptist Church insidious God Hates fag slogan.

In fact, it's their website.My opinion, Dave is openly aligning with
them, and at that point itshould be a no brainer that he has
to leave as party chair now.Also, we've been talking about the Colorado
Republican Party putting out the tweet burnall the Pride flags this June. Again,
I think that in and of itselfmeans that Dave cannot continue as party

chair for lots of different reasons,including the very important First Amendment issues involved
here. But bottom line for me, and then will turn it over to
Tim, bottom line for me isand I think Tim and I agree on
this. The point of the ColoradoRepublican Party, and it's a critical one,
is to win, is to winso we can stop bad things and

accomplish good things. And the overararchingquestion that I pose to our friend Tim,
as we debate this is how doesany of this that Dave is doing
do anything other than undermine our candidatesand help the left defeat conservatism. Tim,
thank you for coming back for anothersegment. So yeah, just take

and run. Tell me why youthink Dave should stay as party chair.
Super So we have talked about twopictures in the two emails that he's put
out. But here's what we needto talk about. Because I do have
the opps of you. I thinkDave has been the best party chair.
I think he has unified the partyand he has strengthened the candidates because one
of the things that the party chairhas to do is to say, listen,

if you're going to run as anR and people are going to vote
for you, and you're going toput our brand on, you better believe
in, promote and defend our principles. And many many times, you know
very well, we've had plenty ofours that maybe come from D districts.
Well they're D people, but theycome from our districts. So they put
an R in their name and thenthey go in and promote co aboard or

any other concepts that are good forDemocrats. But yet the Republicans, that's
what's on their tag. But whatDave is doing is he is saying,
here's our principles that you all haveagreed on. So let me said,
Hey, we are focused on protectingthe innocence of children and stopping trans aggressors

from our children. That is,come and stand right out of a resolution
that in April we all passed unanimously, all the Republicans in Colorado that we
represented their pass unity. We wantthat. We want Dave to stand and
tell our candidates and tell our votersthat says, this is what we want.
We want to protect their innocence.And because this is one of the

things we would agree on, nopedophilia, grooming and prostration and mutilation and
all this lude behavior at these homosexualparades and drag shows that children come participate,
use all the pictures in those emails. That's the thrust of it.
And what did they do? Hewent on offense. He took that ball,
that hand grenade for the Democrats andhanded it right to them and say,

go ahead, defend this. Thisis your guys platform. You guys
are the ones that stand for allthis stuff. Why don't you defend it?
But like John Caldera says, Republicanscan screw anything up in a circular
firings. God, what happens Republicansgrab the hand grenade out of the Democrats
and start to pass it around themselves. Oh, I can't believe he's saying,

meet, I can't believe. Well, we shouldn't judge. We're all
sinners. And what are the dumsdoing right now? They're just enough hand
in us shovels and say, youguys, go at it. So the
problem of here is it's not days, it's the reaction that republic things who
don't follow the party platform half becauseif they would just let it go and
go yeah gums, Why do youanswer this? Why are these people doing

these tweeks in the streets in frontof these kids? Why are you after
kids? Why are you going inthe schools. Why do you have these
clubs these schools. Why are youtrying to confuse them with all this gendercup
Why are you castrating them and givinga period of bocket block is that you
can't reverse for the rest of yourlife. You'll never have told me for
the rest of your life. Whyare you doing that? And no matter

who they are, everybody shouldn't standingup saying yes, that's the truth.
Well but Tim, Tim, andyou can pick it up from there.
But I'm eight points into your caseright now, and you can stay all
day and all day tomorrow and we'llget to every one of those points,
and I believe that I can essentiallyrebut every one of them. But let's
start with that one. Tim.Wait a second, Hey, everybody I

know in conservative circles is working veryvery hard to defeat this radical LGBTQ agenda
that we talk about in these policyterms, and they're doing Tim. I'm
sorry, man, I got tofinish this point. I gotta finish this
point. And all these people areout there, most of them working very
very hard to win these issues,whether it's in the court for religious liberty

and freedom and parental rights, whetherit's on air like we do on this
show exposing what this radical left administrationis doing to try to further the disfigurement
of children. We work very hardto do that. Your hero Dave Williams
sits back and throws cheap shots thathelp the left and blow up in our

face. So it's not fair toact as if Dave Williams is some champion
out there leading the way on theseissues. Nonsense. There are a ton
of people out there working very hardon these issues every day in adult,
mature, intelligent ways that matter.And Dave Williams is undermining the cause by
sitting back there with this hateful,violent rhetoric that is only a gift to

the left. So you tell me, once again, my friend, how
does this How does burn all thePride flags in June? How does God
hate flags which many people, includingmyself take as aligning with the evil Westboro
Baptist Church, insidious God hates fags? How does that help the GOP candidates

win and defeat the left? Explainthat to me? Well, here's what
I will explain. No, no, no, no, no, no
no no no, Tim, Tim, explain that, Tim, that's at
the heart of it. We agreeon many of the same issues. Tim.
I'm sorry, we've had two anda half segments now of you dodging
my questions. So tell me this. How does Dave's approach? Okay,

I'm gonna put you on pause.You're welcome to stay, but you have
to start answering questions. Let meread you some of the text we're getting
here. It's just for those justjoining us who think I may be a
little rough in our guest. Theseare some of the texts we've been getting.
Dan, your guest is skirting everyquestion. Dan, your guest defending
Dave is avoidant and weak. Dan, this guy's completely unqualified. It goes

on and on, tim, Soplease just answer the question. How does
Dave's approach God hates flags wink winkto Westboro Baptist Church. I believe,
in my opinion, God hates fags, that insidious slogan, burn all the
pride flags in June. God hatespride, which again you can find right
on the Westboro Baptist website. Howdoes that help our candidates win and defeat

the left on these issues that youcare so much about, Dan, Dave
is standing up against deviant sexual behavior. We all are, we all are.
Don't act like he's the only oneout there. And what has he

done besides throw these juvenile, selfdestructive bombs. What has he done on
these issues? They're not juvenile though. This is where if you would give
me a moment to be able tonot answer some very side answer about side
issue. No, Hey, we'regoing to hit a break Tim, we're
going to hit a break. Youcome back and I'm going to give you

the floor. I'm going to shutup as long as you're answering the question,
how does this help us win?To tweet out God hates flags?
And what do you think he reallymeant by that? If not trying to
align with Westborough? Maybe I'm wrongin my opinion, but tell me how
how does Dave's burn all the Prideflags this June? How does Dave and

it appears to me my opinion,essentially labeling all the Democrats groomers. How
does any of that help the GOPcandidates win and defeat the left? If
I'm missing something, Tim, I'manxious to learn it, but you got
to explain it. You're on theDan Capla Show and now back to the
Dan Kapla Show podcast. Hey'm veryhappy to have Tim Leonard with us former

state Rep. CD twenty five.Tim's taking the opposite position from mine and
from those within the Republican Party.You want Dave Williams removed his party chair.
We have so far been unsuccessful inour efforts to get Dave on the
show to talk about that. SoTim appreciates you staying and I'm trying very
hard to focus on the issue ofwhether what is what Dave is doing is

undermining the GOP and undermining our candidatesand making it more difficult for the GOP
to win, and is serving asa big boost to the left. And
you disagree with me on all ofthat, But let's break it down individually.
We're now in our fourth segment together. The first three are available on
the podcast, so let's just takethem one by one. The tweet god

Hates Flags, which I and manyothers believe is directly aligning our opinion that
Dave's directly aligning the Colorado GOP withthe insidious Westboro Baptist Church that picket soldiers'
funerals, thank God for Dead Soldiers, signs things like that their website is

the awful God Hates Fags dot com. So the God Hates Flags image that
they've published on behalf of the ColoradoGOP, unless you're telling us somebody else
did that. Does that help theGOP win or does that hurt the GOP's
efforts to win? Well, Adan, the good news is you've asked me

the head about five signs, andthat's the only umits you go on.
No, I've asked you about allthe others. Take let's use some other
images. I'm the same. Howabout this one. Let's start with this
one. Why can't you answer thatquestion because that's not the meat of the
issue. No, no, no, no, Explain to me why that's

not the meat of the issue.We've got all these We've got all these
articles out there, right, allthese articles out there for the persuadable voters
to read that say, wait asecond. The Colorado GOP now is adopting
the language of Westboro Baptist Church.Every thinking human despises Westboro Baptist Church.
And it's thank God for dead soldiers, picketing the funerals of dead soldiers.

So why isn't this the heart ofthe issue. What do you think Dave
had in mind when he had theColorado GOP tweet out God hates flags.
I think we situated the fact Iknow nothing about Yeah, like you said,
everybody, But what I do knowis I do know that you've avoided

the other images of DV and sexualbehavior. I haven't I addressed it.
No, you didn't. This isthe ones you should be talking about.
To say, well, put thesepictures and they're disgusting, unbelievable. These
these people are after your children.Thank you, Dave for standing up.
Okay, the voters, let's talkabout that. Let's talk about that.

Tip, Tim, we just dida segment on this. I'm sorry,
we just did a segment on this, and what I said is, yeah,
I sure as hell agree that youhave some radical lefties out there who
are doing terrible things to children,and they have an agenda to undermine religious
liberty and parental rights and freedom ofspeech. And there are a lot of

us working very hard in the trenchesevery day to try to defeat the radical
left on that. While Dave underminesundermines these causes. So let me ask
you about another one. Let meadd the can I just finished concenters on
that one. Because these are thetrenches. Dave is in the trenches.
This is called the political arena.And this is what it looks like when

you fight that sexual battle, thatmoral sexual battle in the political arena.
Got to do it this way,so God blessed the attorneys that are working
on it in all different ways.But when it gets right up close and
personal, it looks like this.You have to tell people these people are
after your cast rating and mutilating yourkids. You should be. You are,

I know, very offended by that, but you're not using that Danage's
total crap. That is I'm sorry, man, you just say these bizarre
things. I sit here on thisshow four years exposing that wrongdoing on the
left, exposing the agenda of someof these radical lefties. We talk about
it all the time, but I'min it to win it. And when

you downplay the role of attorneys,guess what who's going in and winning.
No, no, no, Tim, It's not about pro attorney. It's
about who does the real work andwho throws cheap, juvenile bombs that actually
are very counterproductive because there are alot of people doing the real work out
there to try to win on theseissues. Well, Dave Williams is undermining

the cause. That's why you don'twant to talk about You don't want to
talk about the God Hates Flags thingbecause why because it's indefensible and it hurts
the cause. Well, if Icould say, you just downplayed politicians and
those that write laws. You saidthe real work is done over here where
the attorneys are. Now, Idon't know what the attorneys are doing,

Tim well, then you need topay more attention. Just like, how
in the world have you never heardof Westboro Baptist Church and you've never heard
of them picketing soldiers funerals with GodLove's dead soldier signs. You've never heard
of that. Tim. I'm sorry, but first of all, and I
want our listeners to know Tim,because you're misrepresenting. I'm going to put
him on pause for a second becausehe's misrepresenting. There was a prior segment.

We went through all of this,We went through all of these serious
policy issues and all of the goodpeople working hard in every arena to defeat
the left, while Dave Williams throwsthese cheap rhetorical shots that undermine everybody efforts.
So I didn't limit it to lawyers. But tell me this, Tim,
if you're right, then why dowe have so many in the GOP

right now who actually do the hardwork in the trenches, like Nancy Polazzi
at the Jeffco GOP, like theseother I think it's twelve other county gops
around the state. Are you tellingme those people don't work in the trenches.
They work hard in the trenches everyday, many of them for more
years than Dave Williams, and theywant him gone. So what do you
think their true motive is? Youknow that our audience is also forty six

affiliated. What do you think theirtrue motive is? They don't. They
don't. They lacked the fortitude tobe able to carry the same thing that.
Okay, so they're week. Dave'sstrong and they're weak. So let
me I think it's the exact opposite. Sorry, Dave's just standing up for
this one issue. He's this isthe issue on the table today. He

handed it like a gift to theDemocrats and explain how that was going to
be effective. It's going to beeffective because it divides the Democrats exactly where
we all know, because there arecrazy Democrats and there are Democrats that are
leaving the party because they're too crazy, and so Dave coming out and talking

about hate. So when Dave callsit has the Colorado GOP called the Democrats
godless groomers. Do you agree withthat statement? Do you think that helps
the GOP win to label Democrats godlessgroomers? Well, I don't think he
said the Democrats. I think hesaid godless groomers. Go back to the

website, my friend, because whatI'm looking at is is let me point
out to the listeners. Colorado RepublicanParty reposted a post from not the Bee
Colorado GOP calls for burning of prideflags, calls democrats godless group. So
the Colorado Dave Williams is not tryingto hide from labeling democrats godless groomers.

The Colorado GOP reposted that do youagree with that statement? Here's a statement
the month. Okay, we're goingto hit this break. I just read
it to you. I just readit to you verbatim off the website.
Tim, please address this during thebreak. Go look at Twitter GOP Twitter.
I quoted it for batim. Doyou agree with the Colorado GOP posting

that? You're on the Dankpla show. You're listening to the Dan Kaplis Show
podcast. We spent a lot oftime on this show talking about whether Dave
Williams should be removed as party chair. We've been unable to get Dave on

the show to talk about this,even though he's been on many times before.
There are many Republicans in Colorado nowwho want to remove Dave as chair
and Nancy Pelosi's been on with usfrom Jeff go Gop, who is helping
to lead that charge. She believesshe's ultimately going to have the votes,
but that it will be close.We'll find out together. So since we've

been unable to get Dave on,we put out the call for anybody who
wanted to come in and make thecase for Dave. And we're grateful to
Tim Leonard for coming in. He'sbeen on with us now for four full
segments, and I told him he'swelcome to stay throughout the entire show if
he'd like. So I'm not goingto go back and try to summarize the
ground we've already covered. It wouldtake too long, but we'll pick it

up from here. So my maintheme has been, first of all,
do you agree with this stuff Daveis saying, which I think is in
many ways so hateful and wrong.And then separate apart from that, do
you think this helps our candidates winor do you think it undermines them?
And I think Tim and I disagreeon virtually all of this. So Tim,

picking up where we left off outof the break. I don't know
if you've got a chance to lookat Twitter and see the tweet I was
referring to where the Colorado Republican Partyreposted that, not the b tweet,
which has twenty eight thousand views atthis point. Colorado GOP calls for burning
of Pride flags, calls democrats quotegodless groomers. Do you think that it's

fair it's accurate for the Colorado GOPto label democrats godless groomers? Okay,
Dan, can we do a groundrole here for a second, just because
we have it's a yes or noquestion. No, We've been through four
segments, so it's a yes orno question, Tim, And that's been
the frustration through these segments is youwon't answer my fair, direct, yes

or no questions. I know yousay they're fair and direct, but let
me just tell you, well,let's start with this one. Explain why
this question is not fair and direct. I have a battle of ideas and
you say we're going to clash,we have battle videos. But instead I've
seen your wonderful expertise as a crossexamined litigator, and that's what you have
done through this. You've litigated me. You have only posed the questions that

you on, even those ones youintroduced and said, hey, is this
helped the party? Do you believewhat's dan, what Dave has done is
good for the party. Give methose questions. Let me be able to
make my statement of why I thinkDan is great for the party. Instead,
you're you're giving me a tweet fromTwitter and yeah, from the Colorado

GOP. Important. I don't haveanything to say on that. Okay,
well find yourself someone who has Waita second, tim if you are here
to say Dave should remain his chairand that the reason that all these good
people in the party want to removehim is the public statements the Colorado GOP
has made. But you're unwilling todiscuss the public statements the Colorado GOP has

made. Then what are we herefor. I'm here to say it,
Okay, So i will absolutely dothose things, and I've Kim, I've
I want to do it. AndI'm looking at a statement from Chairman Dave
Wins sent out as an email,the one with the eyes of Jesus right,
and I'm going to read it.It says the month of June has

arrived and once again the godless groomersin our society want to attack what is
decent, holy and righteous so thatthey can ultimately harm our children. Now,
somebody put democrat in there. Yourepeated it. I'm not saying you're
at fault Dand, but somebody putdemocrat in there, but Dave did not.

Well, we are godless groomers usingthe month of June in pride to
attack what is decent and holy andinnocent in our children. Let's talk about
both. But first I've got toclarify the record, Tim, No,
No, it's the Colorado GOP thatdecided to repost and and are you familiar

with Twitter how it works? Iam, I don't know, Okay,
So what happened here? Words andyou keep them going, yeah, yeah,
So what happened here is the ColoradoGOP adopted this tweet by reposting it.
And the tweet says Colorado GOP callsfor burning of Pride flags. And
you agree that the Colorado GOP calledfor burning to Pride flags. Right,

Well, I'm looking at I'm lookingat a that's flame one you said,
yes, okay, and then itgoes on that's feeling others in violence that
you said, and it goes oncalls democrats godless groomers. So the Colorado
GOP reposted this, which is,oh my gosh, that's Dan. Then

you just go but you have todo if you were in the courtroom and
somebody did that, you'd go yourhonor. Come on, No, no,
no, I don't know what courtroomsyou go in. Tim. Every
single juror would agree that, yeah, you're ifspurt. But if they repost
it, they adopt it. Andand they they're not trying to refute it.

They're not trying to rebut it.He's bragging about it. But let's
go to what you Let's go towhat you will concede. Okay, and
I say exhibit see right from thehorse's mouth you say objection. Oh no,
I want to talk about it.I want to talk about it,
and I want to ask you.Okay, let's talk about godless groomers.
Okay, who are they? Tellme? Right now? Tim, the

Colorado GOP puts out this statement,which you agree is Dave Williams right the
month of June. I'm looking atthe email, right, that's okay,
gear of all of Nancy Plazi's everything, everything they said, this triggered us.
We want to that's what we drawthe line. No they no,
no, no, tim that justisn't fair. I've had around multiple times.

You're misrepresenting her position. They zerowin that the people who want to
remove zero in on multiple things Davehas done to undermine the party. This
is one of them. So explainit to me. This email that says
the month of June has arrived,and once again the godless groomers in our
society want to attack what is decent, holy and righteous so they can ultimately
harm our children. You agree thatI'm quoting that correctly? Right? I

do? Okay? Who are thegodless groomers? Who agree? Godless groomers?
They are the people that put underpantson and walk in the street and
jiggle in front of children's eyes.Okay, Well, didn't he need to
say that then, because it isn'tthe message that well? Right, But
he's got the pictures, all right, all right, what it looks like.

So so let me ask you,my friend. Let me ask you,
my friend. When Dave tweets outColorado Gop tweets out the month of
June has arrived. That's referring toPride months, right, that's right,
okay, And once again the godlessgroomers in our society want to attack,
right, So at that point,can you blame anybody out there, including

these voters we're trying to persuade,for thinking that the Colorado GOP is tweeting
out that gays are godless groomers.WHOA, no, no, no,
yeah, I don't nobody would thinkthat, right? You just you just
said gay? All right? Didyou tell us? You tell us when
when the GOP tweeted those When theGOP put those words out, you're telling

me the GOP was unaware that anybodywould think the GOP meant gaze as a
whole. You okay, But I'lltell you what your listeners know. They
know that godless groomers are attacking theirchildren, and they know that Pride Month
is over the top. And whatpercentage of gays do you think are groomers?

I don't know? Yeah, whatdo you see? This is this
is where my friend you and Daveare hurting the cause and losing elections because
guess what that guess what, thevast majority of gays are not groomers.
You have a radical segment out thereback by this administration that are trying to
indoctrinate. They are trying to undermineparental rights. They are trying to undermine

religious liberty, and Dave Williams ishanding them a victory by implying that all
gays are groomers, and you're theones you're defending the ones you say,
oh, these are gays, butnot groomers. They should be running to
the front and go. Dave isright on, right on. We're good
people and we hate these groomers givinggays a bad name. Yeah, and

they should be right out there forwhere are the silent? We're the dem
Yes. So how does this helpexplain to us? Then? How does
this help the Colorado GOP win?How does this help the Colorado GOP win?
Now? Are you going to letme make the satement? Yeah,
but do it after the break andfor those who just joined us, by

the way, because we're up againstour break. This is like our sixth
segment of the show. And Ikeep coming back to. Okay, tell
us how this particular statement by theColorado GOP God hates flags. Many take
it as a thinly veiled reference tothe horrific God Hates Fags of Westboro Baptist
Church. God Hates Pride, alsooff the Westborough Baptist Church. You can

find that on their website at allas well, burn all the Pride flags
this June. How does all ofthis help the GOP win? How does
it help the GOP persuade unaffiliateds youneed to win? How does this actually
help us serve the cause by runningthe left out of office? I think
it's a gift to the left,and Tim will tell you why he sees

it the other way. I hopeon the other side. You're on the
Dan Capla Show and now back tothe Dan Kaplis Show podcast. A lot
of Republicans Wante Williams removed as partychair. Nancy Pelasi has joined us to
say that she thinks they're going tohave the votes to do that, but
it's going to be a close vote. We've asked Dave on multiple times so
far. Note response Tim Letard,former state rep and CD twenty five kind

enough to join us, taking theposition that Dave should remain as party chair,
and timsman with us for the lastfour or five segments, and so
we continue our conversation. My constantrefrain is, Okay, how does what
Dave is doing help us win?My premise and the premise of the Republicans
who want him gone is he's underminingour chance to win and he's helping the

left win. Tim disagrees. SoTim continuing that conversation, My friend,
this burn all the pride flags,this June tweet with the image of the
flame, the active of an imageof the flame, which has received so
much attention here and nationally. Howdoes this help the GOP win over the

unaffiliated? You need help us winelections? Well, hey, just a
quick note. I'm was a representativeof h D Best. It's all right,
I just just because I thought itwas a typo. But so you're
the question of is this something thatdivides the party, unites the party gets

more Republicans elected. Here's what theseemails mean because they're at the heart of
a philosophical issue that does belong inthe public arena, and because it's come
here. It wasn't this way twentyfive years ago, but it's come in

front of the public arena before.According to all the things we've body talked
about, this issue is good forcandidates, it's good for Republicans, it's
good for unaffiliates who say I'm goingto vote Republican. Why Because I watched
this issue, this radical issue ofpedophilia and grooming. I watch them defend

it and they can't because it's indefensible. Of course, and my children this
is a major issue for me.So it divides THEMS. It brings those
people each other. Republican party andits strength is a Republican party. The
Republicans that are in go. Finally, we have candidates that are on point,
we have issues that are on point, and we are dividing the Democrats.

We are finally in the stride thatwe need. And that's what they're
doing. Ok let's take that piece. Okay, let's take that piece.
Wait a second. I agree thatthis is a great issue for Republicans when
it's pursued right, But my questionto you didn't go to whether this is
a great issue for Republicans. Itis because what the radical left is doing

on this issue is so awful.And I talk about it all the time
on the show. Lots of peopleon the right do very hard work on
this on multiple fronts all the time. What I'm talking about is how does
this tactic that the Colorado GOP underDave Williams has adopted of sending out a
tweet. This tweet doesn't have pictures, it doesn't have anything else. It

just says, burn all the Prideflags. This, to my premise,
is doing something like this undermines allthe good arguments that we have, all
the good ways we have to makethis a winning issue for Republicans and help
protect religious liberty, freedom of speech, parental rights children. Undermines all of

that by making us look like abunch of haters who are calling for people
to commit violent acts and infringe onthe free speech of others. So please
tell me this tweet burn all thePride flags this June with the flame image.
How does that help Republicans win?This is the litigator. You can't

help. You're so good getting tothe truth. No, that's what I
do in court. Now let meask you, Tim, because you made
that comment a couple of times,do you really think all these judges all
over the state and everywhere else Ipractice, what would allow me to go
on for one second on cross examinationunless I was actively getting to the truth.
Of course they would not. I'mjust trying to pin you down on

something. You're avoiding the underlying issue. We agree, great issue for Republicans,
but this tactic, burn all thePride flags this June with an active
flame. Please tell us we onlyhave a minute left in the show.
How does this tweet help Republicans win? Dave's standing between the government and these

godless groomers and children and their parentsis a winning message to all the voters,
all the vote Democrats. So thiscall to burn the Pride facts.
Okay, that's exactly what he's saying. He's listing the groomers, he's listening
to the pedophilia, he's listening allthis deviant behavior lude conduct. That's the

issue that we have not been talkingabout. We talk about it all the
time on this show, my friend. We do the hard work on this
show. Lots of Republicans do thehard work in the trenches. Lots of
Republicans want Dave Williams gone because heblows up all their hard work with a
stupid tweet like this that looks likea call to violent action. By the
way, this tweet I'm looking at, Tim, this tweet doesn't have any

of the other points in there thatyou're trying to make. It doesn't have
any of the other pictures. Itjust appears to a lot of reasonable people
in the middle is if the ColoradoRepublican Party has lost its mind and is
causing on people to go out andstart burning Pride flags and you can't see
that, well, that's obviously themost important issue to do. No No.

By the way, those who havejust joined us, I've touched on
six or seven other things. Timreally appreciates your time. Appreciate the fact
the music means that we don't havea choice. We're going to be out.
Tim appreciate you coming on. Davehas not been willing to. I
appreciate you doing that, and hopefullyDave will himself someday soon. So thank
you Tim for that. Ryan,great job behind the glasses always, Kelly,

you're the best. Anxious to getyour take on all of this and
more. More indications that Biden islooking for a way out of this race
and may use Hunter as the excuse. Join me tomorrow at Fork
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