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July 1, 2024 34 mins
Dan sings the praises of the U.S. Supreme Court after their ruling on Presidential immunity in Trump v. United States in the wake of special counsel Jack Smith's politically motivated January 6th prosecution of the former President. In a 6-3 decision, three tiers of Presidential actions are delineated - core Constitutional powers, official actions of the office, and unofficial acts as a private citizen unrelated to the Oval Office. 

Dan evaluates what this means for Trump, and if it might help hasten the exit for Biden from the race - with virtually all remaining lawfare now off the table before the election.
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This is Dan Kaplis, and welcometo today's online podcast edition of The Dan
Kaplis Show. Please be sure togive us a five star rating if you'd
be so kind, and to subscribe, download and listen to the show every
single day on your favorite podcast platform. United States Supreme Court steps up to
save this nation. And that's anunderstatement, that's not an overstatement, that's

minimizing it. And it is remarkableto think about all the people who got
Donald Trump elected in two thy sixteensaved this nation. And you can point
to multiple ways, but none moreimportant than the makeup of the US Supreme
Court. Because if Trump had lostin sixteen, can you imagine who we

would have right now instead of EmmyCony, Barrett, instead of Kavanaugh,
instead of Gorsicic. Can you imaginethe three that we would have, And
we would obviously have liberal justices rulingin an entirely different way than this Supreme
Court rule today. And for anexample of that, just look at the
look at what happened in the lowercourts when Trump made these immunity arguments,

when the Biden administration brought these criminalcharges against him, and for obviously political
purposes, and the lower court said, no, no immunity here, and
I'm sorry, but clearly there mustbe. There must be some degree of
presidential immunity from criminal prosecution under atleast certain circumstances for this country to function,

particularly since the Left has opened thebox and has threatened the very existence
of this nation by this horrific precedentof politically motivated criminal charges against a president
after leaving office. So this isjust what the founders had in mind when

they put this government together with theUS Court did today Now, Listen,
reasonable people I think can differ withwell, should they have done this mechanically
or should this have been broader ormore narrow? But those who say to
you, oh, no, thepresident shouldn't have any immunity from criminal prosecution
for any official acts, let's havethat conversation. I'd love to know.

I'd love to know how they seethis country surviving that Now, as you
know, it's not enough to say, well, Supreme Court was right,
this nation cannot survive without the presidenthaving some level of immunity. It wouldn't
be enough. The Supreme Court wouldn'tbe allowed to just decide what good policy
is. There has to be aconstitutional basis. So the Supreme Court,

I think very brilliantly in this opiniontalked about, you know, the separation
of powers. We have these threebranches, right, and if all of
a sudden, one of the branchesand this would include the judiciary, etc.
You know, can just take downa president. You know, you
don't have the separation of powers necessarywhen it comes to official acts. And

that's the key, that's the keydistinction, right, The key distinction is
official versus unofficial acts. So obviously, if the president is doing something that's
purely personal, well, no,they don't have any immunity for that.
You know, say they're involved insome affair or something and they commit some

terrible crime or a crime of violence, horrific like that, No, they're
not going to have any kind ofimmunity. But when they're out doing things
that relate to their official responsibilities aspresident. Can you imagine a nation after
what the left has done to Trump? Can you imagine a nation where the
president has to sit there and wonder, oh my goodness. You know,

I really think it's absolutely critical thatwe pursue this policy, and I know
it's going to be unpopular, andif it doesn't work, I'll die in
jail. How is the president goingto feel free to do what's best for
this nation? So we'll get intosome of the nitty gritty of the opinion.
I have to tell you, I'veread a lot of US Supreme Court
opinions. I've been a lawyer forforty years. This one is probably going

to take me days to fully digestand process and think through counter arguments and
applications. Blah blah blah blah blah. Right, this is not one of
those, at least for me,that I'm going to be able to just
fully digest in a matter of ours. I think I have the pretty clear
gist of it at this point.But this will be evolving for me at

least over days. And I'm surewe'll continue the conversation because guess what,
this isn't going away. I Mean, what happens now because the Supreme Court
got this right, is that itgoes back to the federal trial judge,
and the federal trial judge is goingto have to make certain findings now before
a determination can be made. Isto you know whether and when Trump is

put on trial. So, ofcourse, big question looming over today as
we have this just stunningly important dualissue slash battle going on of how long
Joe Biden is going to remain thedem nominee. We know he's not going
to be their candidate on election Day, we know he's not going to be
the candidate that comes out of theconvention. How long will he hang on

and why? Yeah, we're goingto talk about all that today as well.
It's not just going to be this, this truly historic opinion released today
by the US Supreme Court on presidentialimmunity. But I at least want to
open with this because it is socritical, not just for today. But
my guess is, you listen toa show like this, you care a

lot about this country, You carea lot about your kids, care about
future grandkids, you care about thecountry that's going to be here one hundred
years from now. And I'm tellingyou, without this ruling today, this
country probably isn't here another fifty yearsfrom now. So this will go down
in history as one of the highpoints of the US Supreme Court and and

a great day for America. Ryan, as we take a little sound on
this, and believe I cannot waitto get back to the issue of how
soon Biden will announce he's no longergoing to be the nominee, and what
all the fallout from that is.And that's where we'll spend most of the
show. I do want to geta couple of different perspectives on this historic

opinion today, Ryan, let's startwith cut eight. This is Jonathan Turley,
who's done such a great job asa legal analyst Georgetown law professor.
Well, this is along the linesof what many of us anticipated. That
the Court did not go with absoluteimmunity on everything, but did say that
there's absolute immunity when it comes tocore constitutional powers. We're still going through

the opinion to see if there's anyassistance on where that line is to be
drawn. This case is going tohave to go back to the district court,
which is going to have to tryto I sort of thread this needle
to determine what in the case wouldnot fall under these protections. Yeah,

and so please keep in mind,well, Jonathan correctly talked about the absolute
immunity for core functions. For example, the court talked about, hey,
wait a second, when Trump's sittingthere talking to his own attorney general and
saying, hey, I think there'selection fraud, you need to go out
and fix it, find it andfix it. That's a core function.
He's just flat immune from criminal prosecutionfor that. But then the court got

into this next step of a functionof the president that's not core function,
but is at the quote outer perimetersof that official responsibility. And that's when
you start to get into things likethe president interacting with state officials, state

officials in Georgia and elsewhere, thepresident acting with private individuals regarding what the
president that was a stolen election.Then you get to those outer perimeter responsibilities.
And so there there is immunity,but it's not absolute immunity. So
under what circumstances does that immunity goaway? And that's what the court got

deeply into in this opinion, andwe'll talk about some on the show today
and in shows to come. Sobottom line is will this trial, will
these trials, these obviously in myopinion, politically motivated prosecutions of the president
by the Biden administration, will theymake it to trial before election day?

I will touch on that first thingwhen we come back, But then beyond
that, then, I of coursewant to get into all right, I'm
the guy who's been telling you fora year and a half Biden will not
be the nominee. Biden will notbe their nominee on election day. I've
been proven. Right now, howis it going to unfold? How fast?
Where does it leave them? Whois their candidate going to be?

And a very prominent Democrat in thatconversation made the first move today in that
direction. Now, Newsom has beenfor a long time, but this was
even more blatant. So we'll dothat as well. Let's call it four
twenty. You're on the Dan KaplasShow. And now back to the Dan
Kapliss Show podcast. There's got notrials come out. Time for the good,

Yeah, Biden say, plenty oftime for that. That was last
week. But the point being thatit was clear what was going on here
all along, right, You hadthe Biden administration. You had the left
as a whole corrupting the justice systemin the moral sense, not the prosecutable
sense, in order to try tojail a political opponent, or at least

wound a political opponent so deeply throughpolitically motivated criminal charges that they could defeat
them at the polls. Because theyknew they could not otherwise defeed him at
the polls. That will end America. That kind of behavior we have not
seen before in our lifetime. Idon't care how old you are. That
kind of behavior will end America andended pretty quickly. So thank god.

Literally, the US Supreme Court steppedin today and said, nada not going
to happen on our watch, andlaid down a very sound rule. No,
the president has immunity from criminal prosecutionfor official acts corps official acts,
and some immunity for prosecution for otherofficial acts personal acts have at him.

So you know, just Biden justconfirming in so many different ways, such
as that bite we just played thatthat's what they've been doing all along.
So thank god the US Supreme Courtdoing what it can to save this nation
from that, because we all knowit can go both ways, right,
I mean, how many calls haveyou heard and I understand the emotion and

sentiment behind it. How many callshave you heard for Okay, we've got
a stuff. We got to prosecuteBiden as soon as he gets out of
office for opening up that southern border, for aiding and abetting Iran, etc.
So you can see how you know, different official decisions of the president
can then be turned into criminal prosecutions. And Dan, boy, you look

at all the death and destruction inthis nation from opening the southern border.
Yeah, bro, isn't it thenmyopic and short sighted? We hear all
these people on the left and Jonesothers included, that are lamenting this ruling.
But for the reason you just cited, isn't today's ruling by scotis actually
a favorable one for Joe Biden becauseof these things? Yeah, you think

they care about Joe Biden. Well, no, they don't care a few
rods in a cell somewhere. No, all those because listen, here's what
the left knows. Right, theleft knows Conservatives aren't going to do this
because conservatives respect the Constitution. Whatabout rule of law. Conservatives are never
going to go out and engage inthis kind of lawfair meaning prosecuting somebody who

you would not otherwise prosecute, prosecutingthem for political motives. Conservatives. You
may have a little something flare uphere and there, Conservatives aren't going to
adopt it as a rule. Itis now page one of the lefty playbook.
They don't want to lose that pagebecause Listen, the left depends so
much on keeping great conservatives out ofpolitics through the politics of personal destruction.

This is their ultimate trump card.Literally, think of all the great conservatives
who won't even think about running foroffice now because holy blank, you know,
the left can put me in jail. I whether I win or not,
the left can find a way toput me in jail. No,
so so yeah, I think that'swhat Van Jones and the rest of the

left is so upset about. Theydon't care about Biden. But you could
see Alito refer to it in oralargument, how Biden needed a name of
my name could end up being criminallyprosecuted for aiding and a batting Iran.
But hey, let's get back tothis fun stuff, the fun stuff of
how soon I'm proven right and Bidenis no longer the nominee and now we

all know he will not be theircandidate come election day. How soon will
he go? What's that going tolook like? How much awfulness is there
going to be for the Democratic Partyin the meantime? Unfortunately, how much
awfulness for America? Because the guyis not competent. He should be thrown
out under the twenty fifth Amendment.We're in grave danger every day he's in

that job. But I do wantto cover some of the latest with you.
Fun to see the headline in NationalReview, I think is fair.
Gretchen Whitmer your Gale Ryan. GretchenWhittler fires the first shot. So Gretchen
Whitmer, who I think right nowis considered one of the leading options to
be the Democrat nominee, wouldn't shehandicap it as Michelle Obama? It's hers

if she wants it. Kamalo willbe hard to get out of the way,
but all the left cares about hiswinning, so if they can find
a way, they'll do it.I think Whitmer may be a nose ahead
of Newsom, right really, whydon't you? But I mean, being
female and being from that swing stateof Michigan, I think she may be
a nose ahead of Newsom. Andthen the fun part. So she according

all these published reports, Yeah,Politico reported it, Jonathan Martin. So
she's on a call over the weekendwith Biden's campaign chairman, General Malley,
and she tells her, Hey,I'm behind Biden all the way, Nobody's
ever been more loyal, et cetera. And then she drops the bomb and
says that, hey, Michigan isno longer winnable for Biden after the debate.

Wow, isn't that typical Democrat?She and Polist must have gone to
the same school, you know,just come in and say, hey,
I'm behind you all the way.Yeah, with this big old knife,
I'm behind you all the way.But by the way, after the debate,
you can't win Michigan. And comeon, if they can't win Michigan,
then very very small chance that theDemocrats can win the White We'll get

into the Steve Kernaki bite that yousent me to. Dan. There is
a post debate poll showing Trump plustwo in New Hampshire that has been a
blue state the last two cycles.That is a harbinger of things to come,
including Michigan. But allow me.I know I'm not supposed to on
the show. It's been banned,but to advance my theory as to why
Joe Biden stays in, they're goingto use him as a sacrificial lamb.
They know this election is now lost, it's over, and to that point,

Gavin Newsom, Jared Polis, GretchenWhitmer, they don't want to be
thrown to the wolves in an electionwith a three month ramp up to campaign.
They want to be alive and kickingfor twenty twenty eight to be able
to run against Ronda Santis or whoeverelse. They have ambitions, They have
pride, they have self preservation inmind, and they don't want to be
the person just thrown into this race. I don't think any of those three

do it. Michelle Obama might,these other three governors, they won't.
Boy, Ryan, here's why Irespectfully disagree with that. First, for
everybody you just named, the shorterthe campaign, the better for them.
I mean that that's their only realchance. If you have any time at
all to really dig deep on JaredPolish, there's no way, well there's

no way anyway. If the deeperyou dig on Gavin Newsom, it just
gets worse and worse for him.I don't know Whitmer well enough to say,
but I knew it's I know it'strue generally of lefties, because they
pretend to be a lot more moderatethan they really are. So I think
they would benefit from this very shortcampaign. Now. The other thing,

my brother is is this. Imean, all these professional political people they
know that things change so quickly.You know, Man plans and God laughs.
The ones who believe in God,which you know certainly not all of
them, and so they know,listen, when that opportunity presents itself,
you gotta pounce. And that's whyI think we saw Whitmer make this move

over the weekend. But the otherthing with Biden, and I'd come back
and admire you for your generosity ofspirit, but my brother, a good
man like you, you cannot evenbegin to imagine the level of hatred that
the Left has on a personal levelfor Donald Trump and the idea that they

would concede the White House to him, No blank and way, no blank
in way. So, now thatit's clear that he's going to beat Biden,
there is no way Biden's going tobe that nomination. One nd One
key interjection that I want you torespond to that I've heard from various sources
is that if it's not Biden orHarris running, because that's those are the
names on the ticket, funds thathave been donated to that ticket, Biden

Harris cannot be transferred to a thirdcandidate outside of those two. Who cares
the left prince money they've got somany gazillionaires willing to spend it on politics
because then they get they get theirbenefits. No, they can. They
can come up with as much moneyas they need for the candidate they think

has the best chance to beat Trump. But it is so much fun to
think about the Kamala peace because theyknow Kamala can't win with maybe one exception,
one thing has to happen. Whatis that one thing? We'll talk
about that at four thirty five.You're on the Dan Caplis Show. You're

listening to the Dan Kaplis Show podcast. This case will not go before the
election. It will not be triedbefore the election. And here's why Supreme
Court has just said there is suchthing as criminal immunity. The test as
we anticipated, essentially official acts versusunofficial acts. We're sending it back to
the district court. And this isan important detail. The court says several
times, whatever the district court findscan be appealed before a trial. Jack

Smith had made an argument of well, maybe the district judge, the trial
judge can work it out and sendit to the jury and then the jury
can separate official from unofficial acts.Several times in this opinion, the Supreme
Court, the majority says explicitly,whatever the judge decides about what's official or
unofficial, what's immune or not immune, that can be appealed back up zero
percent chance that happens before November.Yeah, he's right that Seli Hoonegan CNN

And again the US Supreme Court savingthe country today a text or ass Dan,
what is this big ruling? Andthank you for that text because I've
got to remember, right, Imean, everybody else has normal lives,
you know, a log geek likeme. I'm the guy waiting there refreshing
my computer this morning, waiting forthis decision to drop. On presidential immunity

that the ten or fifteen second versionis, the US Supreme Court said,
wait a second, Yes, thereis absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for a
president who is performing their core functions. And there's immunity for a president who's
performing outer permissive outer perimeter perimeter officialfunctions. Though that immunity can be overcome

with a certain showing. So thatis a truly historic like Top twenty,
you can argue Top ten US SupremeCourt decision in the history of this nation.
So anyway, we'll take some callsand text on that as well,
But depending a lot of time todaytalking about the really fun stuff, which

is, you know, the Left, they've been busted their own lies,
that their own cover ups, theirown deceit, their own you know,
commitment to things other than merit firsthave now put them in an almost impossible
box. So how do they getrid of Joe Biden? When do they
get rid of Joe Biden? Whois his successor? Some of the legal

interplay there. This is as goodas it gets eight five to five for
zero five eight two five five textd an five seven seven three nine Because
all of this floundering and she andwhaling, all of this helps Trump get
elected once again, saving America fromthe Left. Let's work in some calls,
though. Let's start out in beautifulDouglas County with Craig. You're on

the Dan Caplis Show. Welcome,Hello, Dan. I have a couple
of comments on the upcoming general presidentialelection. Yes, I'll tell you,
I'd have to say Governor Whitmer wouldbe a fearsome thing because of she's a

female. Women voters, Michigan antitrumpers of the Michigan anti trumpers of the
Republican Party. I'd be real concerned. And I was real concerned with you
when Biden was elected because he justhad this back in twenty twenty, because

he just had this, ah thispeople had the belief of how modern he
was and such, and he wasjust a friendly old guy and he wants
Yeah, and I sort of sawthat coming. And I fear her Governor
Whittmer more than anything. Yeah,better worry that that President Biden hangs around.

Well, we better pray that theDemocratic Party right now stays so committed
to identity politics that they cannot oustKamala Harris. That's what we have to
pray for, because I think Whitmerwould be ten times twenty times the candidate
that Harris would be. Oh yeah, and I just as I previously stated,
I just think the numbers are therewith you for the for the very

continuance. Well, thank you,Craig. I appreciate the time. Man,
thank thank you very much. Andyou know, yeah, Whitmer would.
Man, she concerns me a lotmore than Newsome. For example,
she concerns me more than anybody exceptMichelle. Obama concerns me the most.
But with Whitmer, that's going tohelp him in the Upper Midwest. I
have to believe that would help inPennsylvania. I did, Yeah, Dan,

she would really concern me. Butis the resident. Is the resident
Michigander here who followed that race veryclosely, both of them. I interviewed
both candidates, Gretchen Whitmer and BillShooty the first time she was elected and
she won, but I think thatwas more about Shooty losing this last time
around. She did defeat Tutor Dixon. What was a tough year, I
think across the board, tougher thanwe expected for Republicans in twenty twenty two.

But I got to tell you,Dan, I watched two debates between
Gretchen Whitmer and Tutor Dixon. Dixondemolished her and it was not even close.
Gretchen Whitmer won in there, Ithink very overconfident, did not have
a full grasp of the facts.I think on paper, on the surface,
yes, Gretchen Whitmer looks formidable,But like to your point on these

other candidates, once you dig beneaththat surface, once she's put into that
spotlight, that's unlike any other runningfor president, even if it is just
a three month ramp up here.I think she's going to fold under that
kind of pressure, and she's goingto get demolished by Donald Trump, including
in Michigan. You've met her,I haven't you know her? I don't,
but but this I do know,and that is a There aren't going
to be any debates, right,So, so she wouldn't have to worry

about wouldn't she have to do that? Wouldn't a newcomer have to debate Trump
to get the NAT Trump's gonna wantto, He wouldn't necessarily have to.
You're right, he will. No. I listen, let me ask you
if the other night had flipped andTrump just had a horrible night, do
you think Biden would be debating Trumpagain in the fall? Probably not?
You're right, right, right,right, So no, I don't think

Whitmore would have to worry about adebate. And and then beyond that again,
I go back to my point aboutshe would benefit from this very escalated
process because there's less time to digin. The third thing is she you
know she her chance to win wouldnot be because she's gretching Whitmer. It
would be because she's not Donald Trump, just like Joe Biden. Probably got

no more than six votes for JoeBiden twenty. Every other vote he got
was a vote against Trump, avote against the Republicans, and Gretchen Whitmer
will attract more votes for Gretchen Whitmerbecause you mentioned she's female. There's a
great hunger in this country for afemale president, you know, and a

lot of people fortunately believe it hasto be the right one based on Merrick.
But yeah, she concerns me morethan Newsome a couple of things I'm
wrong on that. That's good news. The middle of the road voters,
those that are decided that probably don'twant to vote for Trump A mayn end
up doing it anyway, like we'reseeing in New Hampshire for instance. Two
points, Dan, how can theDemocratic Party go? You know what,
we got it wrong on both counts. We're o for to Biden and Harris,

so we can't go with either oneof them. And further that we're
gonna have this usurpation of the willof the people through a primary process that
selected Joe Biden, to whom allthese delegates are pledged, and we're just
going to go for our own candidateby fiat by fiat. Now and none
of you voters going to say init. You think people are gonna go
for that crap? No no,no, no, no, no,

no, brother, it's not goingto come down that way. Biden's going
to leave on his own unwillingly.He doesn't want to do it, but
he will be forced to get upthere and say, you know, I'm
the best man, etc. ButI'm going to pass the torch. Blah
blah blah, have me a parade. Kamala Harris is either going to be
the nominee or leave quote unquote onher own. But the only way she's

going to leave on her own isbecause she's going to come under such threat
from within the Democratic Party. AndI don't know what those details would be,
because how can I know sitting hereright now what kind of dirt they
have on her. But she wouldleave under either such threat or inducement from
the Democratic Party that she would leaveon her own. But they can't get

rid of her, in my opinion, they can't get rid of her unless
she voluntarily does it, at leastnot at great cost. But then again,
brother, if you're the Democratic Partyand you know she is going to
lose, and let me get towhat I promoted for this segment. She
is certain to lose with one exception, and even then I think she's likely

to lose, but not certain.Here's the exception. If the twenty fifth
Amendment is invoked, or if sheotherwise becomes president with at least a few
months left in the term, thenall of a sudden, her chances of
winning the election go way up.I still don't think she wins, but
they go way up because now she'scloaked in the presidency. Americans, many

across party lines, very patriotic,We rally together, you know, in
times of gov crisis, in timesof a new president, it would be
you know, first female president.If she then gets cloaked, she's got
Air Force one, she's got this, she's inaugurated this and that. Then
maybe she gets enough people in thecountry viewing her differently or paying attention to

her for the first time, thatmaybe she's now a more formidable candidate.
But the only chance she'd have towin is if she comes president between now
and then. Yeah, I thinkthat bolsters her claim, and then she's
definitely not leaving minutes and nobody else. I'm not talking about her claim,
brother, I'm talking about her appealto voters. If she has all the

cloaking and majesty of the presidency duringthe course of the campaign, she may
be seen in an entirely different waythan she's seen right now. The way
she's seen right now, she doesn'thave a chance. All of this,
I'm gonna put a fine point onit. All of this happens over both
Joe Biden's dead body and Jill Biden'sdead body. Is why when we come

back, I'll tell you why JoeBiden is irrelevant, very highly irrelevant at
this point. But we'll do thatat four point fifty one. I'll get
to our textures exploding. I'll devotethe next segment to text You're on the
Dankapla Show, and now back tothe dan Kapla Show podcast. This isn't
just his political opponents saying he shouldget out of the race. This is

worry within his own party, concernedwithin his own party, forty five percent
of Democrats saying that Biden should stepaside. And obviously that performance I think
just reinforcing it and maybe even increasingin terms of its potency. The main
concern are one of the main concernswe've seen over and over when it comes
to Biden, and that is hisage. This is a Gallup poll just

before the debate and already going intothe debate, sixty seven percent of voters
said they considered Biden too old tobe president. That's thirty points higher than
number for Donald Trump. And justtake a look at the other oldest nominees
in history, John McCain in twothousand and eight, Dole ninety six,
Reagan in both of his campaigns,the number was somewhere in the thirties,
even the twenties for Reagan. ThatBiden number is a number we've never seen

for any candidate before. Wow.That off MSNBC, which is significant for
two reasons, right, First,the number and how that would affect election
day if in some alternative universe Bidenwas actually their candidate on election day,
which he will not be. Second, the fact that MSNBC is doing that

story, doing the poll, thenpumping up the pole results. Right,
because obviously I've been saying for awhile, MSNBC, CNN, the left,
they want Biden out and that's whyJill Biden doesn't matter anymore. And
I understand that the perception is andit's probably accurate, just can't confirm it
from the outside. But the perceptionis that it's Jill Biden who is behind

all of this elder abuse and underminingAmerica, et cetera by forcing this guy
to continue. So let's assume forthe sake of discussion that's true. Here's
why she's irrelevant at this point.Jill Biden has never been exposed to the
wrath of the left. And thegreatest threat to this nation right now is
not the evil g the evil Putin, the evil Iatola, is the evil

Kim Jong un, and they areevil to the core. The greatest threat
to the US right now is theleft. It is the left, and
the left has proved in itself tobe as potent as it is wrong,
and it is very, very wrong. But the Left is determined to crush
anything in its path, and theLeft will stop at nothing to defeat Donald

Trump. The left knows Joe Bidenwill lose to Donald Trump. You think
the left cares about Jill Biden.Jill Biden has been living in a cocoon.
She has been living in a protectionbubble at the mercy of the Left,
which has protected through its media arm, has protected Joe Biden and Joe

Biden from all the stories fully exposing, fully exposing Joe Biden's corruption. Once
the Left decides to green light andlet loose on that and let loose on
the other stuff surrounding Biden, JoeBiden will get blown away. She'll get
washed away. And that's what's coming. Anybody who thinks for a second the

Left is going to hand the keysto the White House to Donald Trump because
they had overcome Joe Biden has notbeen paying attention and Joe Biden, obviously,
Joe Biden is many times not eventhere. Now, Now here's the
strategy from from the Biden White House. They're gonna take advantage and I put
that in quotes depending upon how itturns out. Right, They're going to

take advantage of this historic Supreme Courtruling today to wheel Joe back out there.
So can you even imagine what he'sgetting pumped up with right now,
because at five point forty five Mountaintime, they are putting him on national
TV to talk about the big SupremeCourt immunity ruling today. Now it'll all

be teleprompter and it'll be as freshas they can make him. Whatever that
entails, and it probably won't bevery long and there won't be any questions,
you can be sure of that.But they are going to wheel him
out there tonight. I think thisis hilarious because I don't care if he
goes out there and looks like JFK. It is not going to change the

public perception. One I owe,the public knows what it's seen now for
a long time, and it sureas heck knows what it saw on Thursday
night. And so Joe Biden lookinggood in front of a teleprompter with half
the bronzer in America poured onto hisface. No, that isn't going to
change anybody's opinion. And if hehappens to have an off minute or two

on the teleprompter, then yeah,that that just makes it quicker. Eight
five five for zero five eight twofive five. We will carry that right
here on the show. Now,this show ends at six, so we'll
take as much of it as wecan. But again, I do not
expect this is going to go long. What would you think, Rian,
what's the over under on the rollingout of Biden again? Tonight? He'll

be out for a grand total ofthree to five minutes. And he very
likely will be late later than thatforty five minutes after the album, depending
on how he's doing. Right.But but come on, how hard is
it to get through two or threeminutes, no question roster, no questions,
no questions, that is for sure. Textures, and we'll get into
heavy textures in the five o'clock hour. Dan, I'm a woman, and

I can't stand Kamala. She's sucha phony. Dan. Others who know
the process with all this say itwould really be difficult and won't be done
that Biden will still be the nominee. All I can say, texture is
I hope you're right, Dan,says a texter. It's getting tedious how
much you need to be right?First of all, I don't need to
be right. I work hard tobe right. I admit it when I'm

wrong. But I'm just right anawful lot because I work hard at this
stuff. I've been doing it along time. Why can't they just admit
I'm right? And then I'll getto the rest of that later. It's
kind of fun, hey, whenwe come back. Quick recap of this
truly monumental, historic critical Supreme Courtruling today that really did save America and

then back to the fun stuff ofwhen are they going to replace Biden?
And with whom you're on The DanKapla Show.
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