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June 7, 2024 34 mins
Donald Trump spells out to Sean Hannity why he won't repeat the Biden administration's draconian weaponization of lawfare, because it needs to stop if we're going to save our country from being a banana republic. While Dan applauds this response, it doesn't stop CNN from deceptively editing Trump's remarks to make it sound like he's going to target his political opponents.
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This is Dan Caplis and welcome totoday's online podcast edition of The Dan Caplis
Show. Please be sure to giveus a five star rating if you'd be
so kind, and to subscribe,download and listen to the show every single
day on your favorite podcast platform.We're starting to see more and more Republicans
rise up against party chair Dave Williams, who I personally like and enjoy,

but he's gone rogue and he's doingthings that are just just crazy and a
gift to the left, and theydon't represent who we are as the GOP
and very much harming the causes.So jeff go GOP the first to break
the Colorado Republican Party. Well,the statement gets along, but released today

from the Jefferson County GOP, verypowerful, very prominent GOP county in Colorado
and Nancy Palazzi, chair the party, joined us at four six you can
pick it off the podcast, andsaid the CHIP they're calling on Dave Williams
to resign. In part, thestatement says we have witnessed state Chairman Dave
Williams continually encouraging division instead of unifyingthe party. Examples of this are numerous

emails endorsing President Trump prior to thepresidential primary, violating the Colorado Republican Party
long established position of primary election neutrality. Then, surveys aligned with the state
Committee issue position were sent to allRepublican candidates, mandating that they completed to
determine if the state party would givethem their endorsement. Finally, this week,
a very divisive email message was sentthat is not in alignment with the

voices of over one million Republicans andConservatives in the state of Colorado. And
of course that was referring to thesix' to three email that in part
I think it was labeled God HatesPride, but it went on to say
things like, the month of Junehas arrived and once again the godless groomers
in our society want to attack whatis decent, holy and righteous so they

can ultimately harm our children and sodoing all sorts of stuff, and then
again legedly using party funds to sendout mailers supporting this on primary campaign.
I mean, first of all,in any sane world, doesn't the party
chair I don't care what the partyis, doesn't the party chair resign the
chairmanship if he or she is goingto go run in a primary. I

mean, isn't that the first stepyou take, but then allegedly using party
funds to send out mailers that supportthe candidate. But this last business of
sending the message, sending a hatemessage when it comes to these very important
policy issues, is just a giftto the left. It's backwards, it's

wrong. There are legitimate, seriousissues about a radical left administration trying to
impose its agenda, contrary to religiousliberty, contrary to parental rights, trying
to divide children from their parents andchildren from their faith, and all sorts
of improper stuff. These are seriouspolicy issues. But to make it about

hate when there isn't a sane Republicanout there who hates individual gay people or
thinks this issue is about at allabout hate, it's quite the opposite,
Quite the opposite. The typical Republicansas no individual problem with gay people and
doesn't hate gay people or discriminate againstgay people. They are just serious policy

issues. But by choosing to makeit about hate, Dave Williams has undermined
the conservative position and handed a victoryto the left. I mean, it's
all at this point, so goofyand harmful, all right, let's start
with eerie. Mike. You're onthe Dan Kaplis Show. Welcome Mary,

Well, Hi, Hi, Tinberor yeah, you can call me,
okay, you can call me Mikethen. So, but your eerie Michael,
thank you, no, thank you? On the thirty congratulate Amy.
That's tough duty, right there.I'm sure it is. I'll congratulate my
wife on thirty six later this year. That's impressive. Hey, Hey,

yeah, I gotta, I gotta. I gotta say. It's interesting,
uh, your position on this,because up until today, it always seems
to me that you have always beenright in line with the talking points and
positions that I'm familiar with with theMAGA Republican Party, the New Republican Party.
Can you be a little more precise, Mike, a little more precise?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Soevery every policy decision, it sounds
to me that winds up with MAGA. You've wind up with this one.
It feels to me it feels alittle different in that, you know,
most of the MAGA Republicans that Iknow find homosexuality abomination. Well, that's
not your position. Wait for ahold on, Mike. First of all,

you're just making stuff up, right, now second in terms of a
MAGA position, it has been avery very consistent position among conservatives for a
very very long time. There's nopersonal animist toward gays. There's no personal
hate. My life is a classicexample of that. I had gay roommates
before it was cool. I chosea gay to be my campaign manager,

Walt Blower, when I ran forstudent body president before it was cool.
You know, I've represented gays invery prominent you know, rights cases and
injury cases. So and that's theapproach of virtually every conservative I've ever met.
There's not an ounce of animists towardindividual gays. There are important policy
issues, and that's where the disagreementhas come. So by Dave Williams suddenly

making it about hate, that's bizarreand backwards and preposterous. You talk about
maga. My friend Mike that therehas not been a more pro gay rights
president than Donald Trump. So howdo you make it a MAGA thing.
You got all these people who youlook down on, and you make cartoon

characters of who vote for and supportloyally a president who is very very pro
gay rights. Well, I guessthat's my point is that the now I'm
not making anything up, Dan,I said, the majority of people that
I know, and I have alot of people in my extended family and
friends who are MAGA supporters who findhomosexuality to be an abomination. What do

you mean by abominations? The evangelousthey are evangelical Christians say homosexuality is a
sin. Sure it is? Yeah, sure, No, why would I
want to deny it. No,that's the last thing I'd want to deny.
That's my point is is that isthe teaching of my faith. I
don't back away from that at all. I don't deny it at all,

not one little bit. That's whyI say, we have these very serious
religious liberty issues here where you've gotthis radical left administration in Colorado and nationally
trying to take away people's religious freedom, impose the radical left agenda on this.
That has to be addressed in anadult way, not with Dave Williams

throwing up this goofy hate email.I just find an odd that you're kind
of opposing that while you support prolife positions and whatnot, I think from
your faith. No, no,wait a second, my faith is consistent
with my pro life position. Butmy pro life position stands regardless of faith.

Regardless of faith. I mean,you could be the most hardcore atheist
in the world and it would beinsane for you to be pro abortion just
as a matter of basic science.Yeah, I don't disagree with you on
that. So let me ask youthis then, So why wouldn't your faith
somehow influence the way you feel aboutgay rights? If you think, if

you think homosexuality is a sin andabomination, why would you accept first of
all abominations? Your word, notmine. Gay. Absolutely, my faith
teaches and I do not deny itor try to run from it or try
to counter it or contradict it,that homosexuality is a sin. My faith
teaches that lots of things are sins, and we're all sinners, and that

certainly includes me. So No,what my faith teaches is love, and
you love people. And part ofloving people is being honest, and is
being honest about reality, and isbeing honest about what public policy should be.
And public policy should start with It'sa reason the founders put it right

up there in Nu Maruno should startwith religious freedom and religious liberty. So
we're involved in a very important andvery important policy battle right now over whether
that the radical laugh Jared Polis,the administration is going to be able to
strip away religious liberty in the nameof gay and trans rights, and all
Dave Williams does is undermine the causeof relay religious freedom when he goes on

this bizarre hate email escapade. Well, Mike, k I appreciate the comments,
Fran I've got jam lines when Igot to get this think because I
know we got a break coming.This is so important, though, Dan,
I read a good portion of thisarticle on my program today which we
really got into this issue. AndMike is entirely off base. I don't
know who he thinks are evangelicals orportions of MAGA or whatever. But here

this is entitled from Maggie Haberman,New York Times, April twenty two to
twenty sixteen. Mike, Donald Trump'smore accepting views on gay issues set him
apart in GOP. You're right,Dan, Donald Trump is the most pro
gay president we've ever had in termsof rights. He opened mar A Lago
to gay couples, the first privateclub in South Florida to do so.

So he's way off base by sayingthat any of this attaches to Donald Trump
or that movement and that the relatedi'd say more important point is it contradicts
what Mike and others say about thosewho support Trump, those they label MAGA,
because you look at all of thesepeople who support Trump and you know

they don't abandon Trump over his gayrights positions. So this whole stereotype,
this whole evil, dishonest stereotype ofRepublicans and Conservatives and mega hating gays.
It's one of the worst lies ever. And all Dave Williams has done with
his BS email that I think wasintended to call attention to Dave Williams at

the expense of the cause in theColorado GOP, all he has done is
hand the left a gift. Andnow back to the Dan Kaplis Show podcast.
Those that want people to believe thatyou want retribution, that you will
use the system of justice to goafter your political ederal number one, they're

wrong. It has to stop becauseotherwise we're not going to have a country.
Look when this election is over,based on what they've done, I
would have every right to go afterthem. And it's easy because it's Joe
Biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that's going into
the family and him all of thismoney from China, from Russia, from

Ukraine. During one of the interviews, I said, what about the three
and a half million dollars paid tothe Biden family from the mayor of Moscow's
wife? What about that? AndChris Wallace defended him, said, you
can't ask that question. Well,then it turned out to be a big
deal. Long after that debate.That was one of the debates, and
it turned out to be a bigdeal, and Chris Wallace said, we

can't go there because we don't knowthat it should turn out to be true.
Millions and millions of dollars. Yeah, well, Trump on Hannity say
no, it has to stop.So I'm glad to hear him say that.
And then yeah, that Chris Wallacebusiness remembered during that debate, Such
a disservice to America, Chris Wallaceprotecting Biden and really robbing Americans of a

true debate. There. I amordering one of these tonight. Ryan.
I'm hoping you do too, andI'll find out very quickly what my HOA
thinks of it. Oh, it'sa national review is to their credit selling,
they say they won't make any moneyoff. It a Justice Alito flag,
because you know the faux flag controversygoing on the left, trying to

attack him over flags his wife wasflying and this one, and they're attacking
him on the Appeal to Heaven flagwhich flew on George Washington's battleships. But
anyway, it's a yellow flag withblack and it says an appeal to law,
and it has a picture of JusticeAlito and it has the evergreen symbol

the same as from the Appeal toHeaven flag. And so I am going
to fly it proudly. Hope itgets here soon. Quick question, Yes,
how does your wife of thirty yearsfeel about that? Do you think
that one hopefully she won't notice it? Well, what do you mean by
that? I'll just get her,hey, go out the back door,

right right eight five five for zerofive eight two five five the number if
you just joined us. A tremendousday to be a Republican in Colorado,
because we're starting to see and Ibelieve it will grow to very large numbers.
It should starting to see prominent Republicanspush back against party chair Dave Williams.
A nice guy. I like Dave. We've had him on era bunch.

But he's gone rogue in my opinion, and he's doing, in my
opinion, very harmful things that arewrong and that undermine the cause. Is
he says he believes in undermine theColorado GOP and hands the left victory.
And none of that is good.So anyway, we had Nancy Pelazi with
us on at four oh six.We have a bunch of text saying like

this one, how unfortunate for NancyPelosi to have a name so close to
such a horrible person that from Kimberlyand many people do pronounce it Pelosi.
But she's a tremendous chair of thevery powerful Jeff go GOP. She's county
chair, was with us at fourh six. You can pull it off
the pods saying no, that Daveneeds to resign and then giving the various

reasons, including this totally bizarre emailthat the Colorado GOP sent out. I
say, that's Dave Williams. Andhe didn't he certainly didn't run from it
afterwards. You know that just talksabout hate and hating pride and this and
that, and just feeding the leftslie that Republicans hate gays and so I'd

love to get Dave on and himexplain how that helps the cause and is
supposed to help us win elections andactually win on these very important policy issues
when you've got a leftist administration tryingto strip religious liberty away, you know,
under the guise of gay LGBTQ rights, et cetera. And these are
issues we need to win. Weneed to win politically, we need to

win in the courts, and Daveis doing stuff that just helps the opposition,
and really, I think so unfairlymakes individual Republicans look bad, and
that's just unfair to them. Let'sgot a beautiful Boulder color. I don't
talk to David. You're on theDan Caplish welcome. It's been a long
time. Dan. Well, thankyou, Dave. We've missed you.

There's a big butt coming. Davealways starts out great voice and starts out
with such man on. But nonetheless, I'm also competition you take. After
hearing that ugly rhetoric via email,it's uh yeah, that's what people hate

about the Republican Party. That's whatpeople hate about MEGA is for you to
come on, you know, reallycall it out the way it is.
You made a comment ninety nine pointnine percent. I don't believe that way.
We know it's not that small andunfortunate. It's a dark underbelly of
the party which turns people off ina huge, huge way. But so
for you to come out and sayhow ugly it is, that's uh the

powerful things our listeners need to hear. And four, well, thank you,
David. I know there's a bigbutt coming. But let me see
this, my friend, let mesee this. I love you because you're
on the right side of the time. Well, thank you, But let
me tell you this my fair andI'm sure you and I would disagree on
the underlying policy issue where I thinkreligious liberty and parental rights are under severe

attack from this administration and polists onLGBTQ, et cetera issues, but on
the issue of Dave making this abouthate, which is so wrong and unfair.
I'm just telling you this one guy'sexperience. But I'm not a monk,
I get around. I mean Icame to the GOP. I get

right. I came to the GOP. I was a Democrat, then an
unaffiliated and came to the GOP.And then I had the great privilege and
still do of speaking to many,many GOP groups all over the state.
So the chance to get to knowso many people, and you know how
those gigs go, Dave. It'snot like you blow in and you have
you have a nice choke. Youknow. I have not been invited.

I'd love to. But here's thepoint is you spend a lot of time
with folks. And I'm just tellingyou, Scott is my judge Ryan.
Bring in the Bible. We havethe station Bible right, bring in the
Bible and the station polygraph. I'llof one hand on one and one hand
in the polygraph machine. And Ihave never once all those events all over
the state, all those hours spenthanging around, we're drinking, we're having

dinner. Word. I have neverheard one person say one ill word about
gay people, one hateful word.I don't even know if I've heard a
joke that you can joke about anything. I haven't heard any of that stuff.
It is just not who Republicans are. So for Dave Williams to make
Republicans look like that so he canattract attention to himself that that's as wrong

as it gets. You can Ican agree he's not one in a thousand,
but you've got a big voice.Well appreciates your Yeah, that rhetoric
ugly and you know that it willas a blue state anyways, it doesn't
really make any difference. No,it's not going to be a blue state
forever. And this is that thegop is is coming back and this pushback

against Dave Williams today from the JeffcoRepublican Party very important. First step,
love your thoughts. You're on theDan Caplas Show, you're listening to the
Dan Kaplis Show podcast. Well,two things. Number one, I don't

like thinking about it out of sight, out of mind. I don't know
if that makes sense to you.I don't want to think about it.
Number Two, I have tremendous support. I have the people support. I
think if I didn't, I wouldn'tbe able to handle it so easily.
Want to judge who has conflicts likenobody's ever had. Wants to put me
in jail when he puts a gagorder and say if you talk about these

things, we're going to put youin jail. And I'm the Republican candidate,
I was president, I'm leading theDemocrat by a lot. He wants
to put me in jail, Ilike not to think about it. That
was fascinating to me, that converse, that part of the conversation with doctor
Phil where he just said, hey, and then he listed all of what's
been thrown at Trump, and Trumpjust said, out of side, out

of mind, I just don't thinkabout it. Fascinating, fascinating kind of
mental tactic there, right, becauseas we all know, so much of
life is just psychology. So muchof life is how we handle it in
those few inches between our ears,and that's how he handles that. That's
fascinating to me. A text saysDan Williams is trying to compete with Buck

on the making Stupid Moves thing textor Dan, the vibes I'm getting are
the Dave Williams and Ken Buck arenot on the capitalist Christmas card list this
year. That from Alexa. Youknow, Alexa, The truth is,
I really like both guys, andif either called up and said, hey,
let's go get a beer, Iwould jump at the chance. I
like both guys. But you gotto be honest. We all have to
be honest whatever we do in life. Right, But if you have this

job, you've got an obligation tobe honest, and you praise the good
and you criticize the bad. Andthere's so much bad right now from Dave
Williams. It's hurting the cause,and it's hurting the GOP, and it's
handing the left a gift. AndKen, oh my lord, how do
you go from conservative champion for decadesto doing the stuff he's doing now.
Love to have that conversation with him. But Mike Lynch kind enough to join

us, another really good guy.Mike's one of the candidates for c D
four. Lynch l ync four Coloradodot com. Mike, Welcome back to
the Dan Kaplas Show. Hey Dan, great to be with you. I
wasn't listening to the previous parts ofthe show, so I feel like I
missed something. Well I'm glad youasked, which you didn't. But yeah,

see, we opened this show withNancy Plazia, as you know,
Jefferson County chair, saying that JeffcoGOP had called on Dave Williams to resign
for multiple reasons, including this latestbizarre email, you know, regarding pride,
and so I was just praising herfor that and hoping that other Colorado

GOP leaders stand up and do thesame thing. Not that Dave will resign,
but it's important that others stand upto these crazy destructive tactics. So
that's what we've been talking about.Yeah, absolutely, Yeah, Now do
you agree with that, disagree withthat? Stand away from that. You
know, Dan, I've been involvedin Northern Colorado Republican politics forever and you

know the number one question. Youknow, I'm a business guy, right,
so I have signed both sides mypaycheck the last twenty years. The
bottom line is how does that getRepublican elected? That m be the question
asked before any action is ever takenfrom a state party or from a party
from at any level. You know, the entire mission of the Republican Party

should be to get Republicans elected.What is going to push that ball forward?
And we don't have the time orenergy to to to not be one
on that mission of moving that ballin the right direction. So yeah,
it's a sad that's a sad deal. It hurts us all that are out
there, you know, representing theconservative brand, and uh so it's a

bummer, but you know, wejust we just keep moving on. So,
yeah, what's the state of therate? Well, part of it.
And part of what I really objectto, and I'm hoping more and
more county chairs and other activists riseup, is this business of endorsing in
GOP primaries. Now I'm no partyinsider, but you know I as you
know, I speak to some groupsand I'm involved here and there. I've

never heard the GOP endorsing a candidatein a primary before. When did this
start? And whose bad idea wasthis? Yeah? I think this has
all started under under Dave Williams,So I have never heard of that.
Like, I thought it was ajoke when I first heard that, Oh
yeah, the state Party. Canthey endorse people? I like, oh,
knock it off, quit quit creatingall this rhetoric. And then oh

my gosh, really, I meanit's the fundamental purposes of the Republican Party
to not endorse people, right,provide a level playing field exactly. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, And listen,I know they endorsed what Congressman Bobert
in your race and some other peopleon some other races, and whether I

like or don't like who they've endorsedis irrelevant. You just don't do that.
But yeah, So hopefully others willwill be rising up on Monday and
the GOP can start to come backand rebuild because there are so many great
people and including a lot of greatpeople who absolutely disagree with what I'm saying
now, but it needs to besaid. So, yeah, what's the

state of that race in c Dfour and why should folks pick out?
Yeah, oh my gosh. Youknow, we're having so much fun getting
out into this district. I wasin Stratton last night along with all the
other candidates too. By the way, you know, we're getting all over
that district. You know, I'vebeen stuck at the State House passing legislation,
so I haven't been able to getout there, and we're just going
crazy great response from folks. Youknow, we have never sent somebody to

d C, at least in CDfour that has never been elected. So
and the last legislator we sent therewas Corey Gardner, and you know Ken
Ken was. I don't have anyproblems with Ken. I've never spoke ill
of him. I don't like whathe did, don't get me wrong,
but you know, leaving us hangingon the national level to lose that one

vote is crucial. But he alsowasn't a legislator, right, and you
know, I really respect what Coreydid. Corey knew how to represent people,
how to get out there and grabwhat their issues were. And that's
what I've been doing the last fouryears. And it's so nice to not
be in that capital where it's crazytown all the time and be with regular
people and go, oh yeah,that's right. That's why we do this

job, is to make sure thatyour taken care of as the citizen.
And so it's so much fun toto a be out of the state House
and be I'll here with these goodpeople. And it's such a diverse district.
You know what I mean, Man, it is you got a no
egg and I said on all theegg committees and the water committees. And
but you also you have to knowwhat's going on in the largest hoa in

the world, which is Island's right. Yeah, it's it's a fun challenge.
I mean, this is why Igot into this Dan because you know,
I was doing the same thing Iwas making belt buckles for the last
twenty years. And the diversity ofthis job and the and how you have
to get smart on issues. Youdon't you don't arrive knowing everything, but
you you have to learn how toget that input from folks that do know.

I was talking last night with aguy about water, about aquifers.
I didn't know that much about oquers. I hear my own land with uh
with tubes and you know, asit flows down the ditch. And he
was explaining to me at works inaquifers. You know, learning about that
stuff is just it's so fulfilling.It's it's great. We're having we're having
fun doodes. Yeah, good andwell, appreciate the time today, Mike,

and again the website l y nH. Lynch for Colorado dot Com.
Have a great weekend. Great,thank you my friend that is Mike
Lynch. Good guy. Uh,Texter here Dan, Speaking of no Republican
representation, how about the Denver DA'srace. One, what is your opinion
of the quote best choice? Two? Do you know if either candidate received
funding from sorrows or any of hisancillary groups? Uh? You know that

Denver DA's race. Got to tellyou it's John Walsh versus somebody. I
don't know who the somebody is becausebecause both are Democrats, and I would
assume I don't know this that Johnis John and I probably disagree on almost
every you know, policy issue outsideof law enforcement stuff. But I got
to tell you, I I I'vehad some dealings with John Walsh, candidate

for Denver DA in private law practice, and have just been very very impressed
with him. And then I lookedup some of his stuff online and there
appears to he he is to besaying a lot of the right stuff on
law and order, et cetera.So what I'd suggest for Republicans voting in
that race is just give them areal hard look, you know, and

read the stuff and make your owndecisions. But I have been I've been
very impressed with John Walsh and mydealings with him. Eight five for zero
five eight two five five the number. Hey, when we come back,
we'll continue to take more calls intext on the Jefferson County GOP calling on
Dave Williams to resign. They saymore county chairs are about to do that.
I'm glad that they're doing that.Want to get your take on that,

particularly if disagree and they get tosome other really hot news of the
day involving you will not be surprised, President Trump. You're on the Dan
Capla show. And now back tothe Dan kapla show podcast, and this
practice of weaponization is that a promise, You're going to have to do it,
but it's awful. Look, Iknow you want me to say something.

I want you to say. Idon't want to look naive. I
don't want they've done to the RepublicanParty. They want to arrest on no
crime. They want to arrest theperson that won the nomination in a landslide
it was nobody even close in alandslide. The person that got millions of

votes, more votes than any othersitting president in history, in the last
election, the person that won anelection that he wasn't expected to win against
Hillary Clinton in twenty sixteen. Theywant to arrest that person on no crime.
They want to arrest there was nocrime, There was no criminality,
there was no crime. And youcan go back to all of these legal
scholars. They can't believe what's happening. Some of them don't even like me,

and they're saying this is a veryvery dangerous thing that's happening. Yeah,
well I heard him saying that.No, he's going to stop that
cycle and he's not going to beprosecuting political opponents real quick, Dan,
I profiled this on my show too. But the absolutely deceptive and manipulative editing
of what you just heard a portionof it happened on CNN. Kate Bull,

Dan I, ken Buck, andken Buck just went with it,
hook line and sinker like it wastotally unedited and responded to it. It
was absolutely disgraceful. Do we havethat particular cut. I've got some ken
Bucks? Which one is it that'sgonna be? We got kind of wait,
okay, all right, well let'ssee what Ken said. Will you

pledge to restore? Let's see whatKen said? People are claiming you want
retrograd a right, It's five pointfifty three on a Friday afternoon, So
I will fire that one time.Let me mention something. This is not
a paid advertising. I pay fullfreight. But I've had my car now

two years and so I got itdetailed for its two year birthday. First
time I've had it detailed, andit's remarkable. It's like a brand new
car had it done. It's Steve'sdetailing out in the DTC. Just a
hard working guy show listener. Justyou know, he's the kind of guy
Norman Rockwell would paint. So justwanted to unpaid, but just wanted to

put that out there because he didtremendous work in his crew. All right,
here's Ken Buck on CNN claiming,you want what does happened? Sorry,
I did everything right. I dideverything right, and that we'll blame
Ken for that. Right, No, that would be unfair. But listen,
the point being right, I thinkthe broader point being Ryan that right

now, this is such a beautifulphase we're in because all this lying that
goes on on the left, onCNN and other places, I think America
has tuned it out. Ryan.I don't think it's having any impact whatsoever.
I think that what's going on nowis that people know what they feel,
they know what they experience in everydaylife, and so I don't think

any of that is going to matter. It is Donald Trump's to win.
It is Donald Trump's to lose,and barring Martians landing, and we don't
know yet who's a oponent, it'sgoing to be right. We know it's
not going to be Joe Biden disagree, but it's Trump's to win or lose,
and so nothing that none of theseleftist lies or anything else they're going
to matter. There's so much gaslighting on the CNN clip though, I
think Kelly just recuted it for you. But it's totally blowing by the fact

that the law fair had just beendone to Donald Trump and they're fast forwarding
too. Well, will he doit too the Democrats, Well, we'll
give it one more try. Inpublic comments, he's done three times in
three days, suggesting that, youknow, political political opponents should be targeted,
and what you often can do offerCongressman is nuanced when it comes to

this. It comes to a lotof topics, which is there's not a
lot of nuance in what I'm hearingfrom Donald Trump. I want to play
for you one example of what he'stalking about in terms of targeting political opponents.
Here he is speaking with Hannity justthis week. People are claiming you
want retribution, People are claiming youwant what has happened to you done to

Democrats? Would you do that?Ever, what's happened to me has never
happened in this country before, andit has to stop when this election is
over. Based on what they've done, I would have every right to go
after them. And it's easy becauseit's Joe Biden, you know, And

of course that they at this pointon the left, they want to say
that, no, if you electDonald Trump, we're going to be a
banana republic. He's going to useDOJ to come after Democrats because they know
right now it is such an acefor Trump. America can see this was
a wrongful prosecution and conviction of him. Americans don't want to be a banana

republic. He's going to get somany votes from people who don't even like
them because it's the only way tovote against the Left because they don't want
to banana republic. So you canexpect over and over and over again the
Democrats trying to, as you say, gaslight people on that butt. President
Trump has to be careful. Hedid make a statement that gave them some
ammo on that, despite all theother times he's said no, he won't

do it. He made one statementthat gave a mammo. And nobody's perfect,
but he's got to be really goodon that because it's such a tremendous
advantage for him, and when hewas in office, we saw it.
You know, his DOJ did notprosecute Hillary Clinton, who I think was
guilty as sitting on so many differentthings. So hopefully again, as I

was saying, and I know we'reabout to end this show, America at
this point is not going to decidebased upon lives from the left. They're
going to decide based upon what they'reexperiencing in life and what they remember of
Trump's first term, which was alot of peace and a lot of prosperity.
Trump has so much to work withbased on his own accomplishments and the
failures of Biden. So now it'sall about Trump and how well he does

in this campaign. Right now,we don't know who his opponent's going to
be. It's going to get tougherfor him. It doesn't get much easier
than Joe Biden. It's going toget tougher because he's going to have a
different opponent. Now, if it'sKamala Harris, we all together get down
on her knees and say, thankyou Lord, this election's over. But

it could be somebody could be somebodya lot tougher than buy. And so
Trump's and the man, what he'sbeen through, it's so admirable he's still
standing. But we need him toget back to that AA plus Trump because
if he is, nobody's going tobeat him. Ryan tremendous job as always
my friend and Kelly human sunshine,just making every day brighter and warmer.

Have a tremendous weekend. Join usMonday on The Dan Kapla Show
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