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June 21, 2024 119 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yeah, rip tough news to needadvice, So you don't have the We'll
come running just as fast as wecan. Show Shooter's gonna help come man,
This is the Troubleshooter Show. NoTom Martine. Hey, I'm Tom

Martino. Welcome to the show,the only show of it's kind anywhere in
the universe. We are here tohelp you solve your problems and make life
just a little easier. So whatyou need to do is simply give us
a call at three oh three sevenone three talk three oh three seven one
three eight two five five, andwe were going to go right to the

phones. This hour brought to youby waterpros dot net, the best water
systems at the lowest prices bar none. If you want pure, wonderful drinking
water for coffee or for drinking atyour kitchen sink fourteen hundred dollars fully installed.
Three zho three eight six two fivefive five four. Let's talk to
Donna has an issue with a contractorwhatever your issue is. Here's the bottom
line. Don't let those issues fester. Don't wait a long time. The

longer you wait, the harder itis to get them solved. Sometimes it's
too late. But what's going onwith you, Donna? What's happening?
Hey? Tom, goody? Howare you good? What's going on?
So? I have a small sideyard that I advertised on the next door
app, yes, or air rightfor somebody to come and air right the

yard. Yeah, you know Facebook, Marketplace and also next door and all
of those. I mean, theyhave their place, but I'm telling you
more and more people get ripped offon those sites because there's no oversight.
Anyway, go ahead, what's goingon? Count me in on the ripped
off thing? Anyway. I gota call and this guy introduces himself,

my wife and I would like tocome look at your yard, and you
know, well, we'll tell youwhat needs to be done. So they
get over here. He says,your card doesn't need to be air rated.
Really, that's not going to help. He said, what we can
do is get a rent a rototilleror you know, a skid. How
much did he quote you? Wellhe didn't. That's Tom, I got

to tell you a lot of thisis my mistake. Okay. So when
you when he said well you needthis and this, did you say,
okay, just go ahead or howdid that go on? I said,
Well, tell me how that works. Do you do it in stages?
Because I said, I also wouldlike to have a small fence built.

We can do that. I said, So could you also lay some papers
for a patio? Oh yeah,we can do that. Well, everything
I mentioned they could do. AndI said, okay, well you know,
oh another thing. His wife wassupposed to draw out some plans to

bring back the next day and showme. Well I never did get that.
I never got a drawing of anysort at all. And I think
it was the day after that daythey came back and I said, oh,
did you do the drawings? Oh? I left him at home.
Well, Tom, I can tellyou that that was on April eighteenth.
Okay, is that when you firsthired him? April eighteenth? Yeah?

Yeah? Now did he did hedo any of the work first? Yes?
Did you pay any money up frontor did you pay as you go?
I paid one thousand dollars for materialOkay? Did you at least get
let's take one thing at a time. Did you at least get a thousand
in materials? I might have,but they didn't end up here. Oh

my god? So what did youget? Okay? He did rent a
rot of tiller. He did usethe rotatiller the down payment of a thousand
when I got an invoice, Ihave a rental of the rototiller and fuel,

which he says is two hundred andseven dollars and seventy four cents.
Okay. So without going through eachand every item, he rented a rototiller,
did he do any rototilling? Hedid, okay, So you got
the you got that done? Idid, okay. He also, on
a different invoice invoiced me for pickingit up, the labor and returning it.

So I've got, like I said, the rental and the fuel,
and then an hour to pick itup, four hours of labor and an
hour to return it. So thewhole thing, that part of the job
costs how much according to him,Oh gosh, ninety one eight events just
all together, he's seventy a littlebit. Why as five hundred dollars okay,

So by his calculation, you hadfive hundred dollars coming. Did you
get five hundred dollars worth of work? No? After that? What did
he do? After that? Whatdid he do? So? Then he
said, well, you know what, your yard's not level, so we
need to rent a skid steer.I said, oh, he said,
yeah, the rotortail or you knowit can it can chop? So did

he rent one? Did he doanything else after that? What jobs did
he accomplish after that? He did? He did run, he and his
wife operate can operate a skid steer. So we had one delivered and he
did do the skids steer work.And then how okay on the skid steer

at to level the yard? Thenwhat did he do? Then he put
some string to indicate where the patiois going to go, and it was
about a twelve or twelve patio,okay. So he also picked up rock
from a local rock company and spreadit where my cars are going to be

parked. So it sounds to me, Hold on, Donald, where do
you complain? Because it does soundto me like you hired a guy and
he didn't take off with the money, but he attempted to do some work.
Now, I'm not going to sithere and say he did a great
job or anything, but what exactlyis the complaint? Because you kind of
got what you hired. You gottwo people who did some work, and

whether or not you agree on theindividual pricing, that's on you. But
what is the problem right now?I mean, at least you didn't get
completely ripped off? Right? Notcompletely? Well, where is the problem?
Tell me what you're complaining about rightnow? Okay? So on an
invoice that I got from him.Yeah, he has two by four's construction

screws and roofing screws for two hundredand fifty dollars and you never saw that
part. No, and landscape fabric, patio fabric, drum none of that
is that your place? No,the landscape fabric is the drums and belt.
I don't even know what that is. Why don't you just go through

that invoice and pay him? Youpaid a thousand bucks and it sounds to
me, unfortunately like the roto tillingand the skid steer probably and the rock.
I mean you, the thousand dollarshas gone. Now the question is
how much more or less do youowe? Wow, that was the first
invoice. How much? Let mejust cut to the chase. How much

does he want right now? Inaddition to the one thousand he doesn't want
anymore, I've paid him, andaltogether, Tom, I've paid him thirty
two hundred and eight. We Well, where wait a minute, you told
me one thousand dollars. Where'd theother money come from? That was on
the first invoice. The second invoicethat he invoiced me for was the rototiller,

pickup labor and return. Okay,hold on, I don't want to
go through each item. You paida total? Love you? Okay,
you paid a total of thirty twohundred dollars. But why did you do
that? Well, that's my mistake. And when I asked him for a
receipt, I haven't seen one receiptfrom him. Well that's but okay,

So now where where do you standright now? Like the work right there?
If I went to your house andlooked at the work, how much
of that work has to be redone? It's been its being redone as we
speak by who to a friend ofmine? And did they say all the

work he did was useless? Notuseless? No? Okay, then you
need to figure out here. It'svery simple, and we don't mind calling
the guy. But I doubt you'regoing to get a dime from this guy.
He probably is a church mouse anddoesn't have anything, and you hired
him off the next door. Youdidn't have a contract. The guy doesn't

sound like a rip off. Hesounds maybe a little incompetent. So what
you have is thirty two hundred dollarspaid. You have to go through that
and figure out how much he overcharged. I don't mean, by opinion,
overcharged. I mean for things youabsolutely did not get. If he overcharged
for skid steer, that's on you. If he overcharged for what at rot

or tilling, that's on you.However, if he said you're going to
get this, this, and this, and it absolutely isn't on the job,
then you should subtract it, comeup with a total, and we'll
go after him for it. Imean, that's what you do. But
at this point we need to putthe word out. Although I don't think
that guy is a rip, heobviously left a lot to be desired.

What's the name of the company.It's called the and it's th h E
E. Life Outlets l LC,the Lights Outlet. Okay, the Life,
the Life Outlets, the Lights Okay, okay, okay, Well what

do you want right now? Whatwere you hoping we'd say to you?
This is just what we said,because that's what you need to do.
You need to figure out how muchupside down you are with this guy,
Well, I can't until I seereceipts. Well, no, that's not
true at all. That's not trueat all. You need someone to look
at the work. Here. Here'swhat you need to do. Okay,

you got receipts for the first sum. You need to have whatever he said
you got. You know you dohave some invoices. And then you need
to have somebody look and say,was this this done, this done,
and whatever was done? Value iton a reasonable value. And if it
comes to twenty eight hundred dollars,he owes you four hundred. If it

comes to twenty five hundred, ifit comes to two thousand, he owes
you twelve hundred. You need tohave that valued. Now, you need
to have it not discount valued,but valued. The quality of work,
unfortunately won't come into it unless hedid damage. You just have to give
us some idea. You. Firstof all, he owes you no receipts.
Okay, I know you think hedoes, but he doesn't. All

you need what he owes you isa reasonable amount of work for thirty two
hundred dollars. What did you get? What did you not get? Call
us back. I'm going to markthis down and I took copious notes,
so call us back and we'll startfrom here. I want you to go
through and find out if what yougot was worth thirty two hundred or what

was it worth got? And Ipromise you we'll go through it one at
a time. Three oh three sevenone three Talk three oh three seven one
three eight two five five. HiTom Martino, your troubleshooter. Three oh
three seven one three talk three ohthree seven one three A two five five.

We got uh Eli. Who wantsto talk about a mobile home?
Whatever you guys want to talk about. Listen. What I love about this
show is we talk about everything.Now. When it comes to investing,
I know you're going to hear allthings from all people, and I'm going

to tell you something that you're nevergoing to hear anywhere else. There is
no such thing as the perfect method. There are different areas in different times
of your life, different seasons wheredifferent investments make sense, and there are
other seasons where they don't make sense. There is not one solution for everyone.

Now. The reason I say thatis because so many people have ideas
on how to invest money, andit became a passion for me, like
health became a passion to me toinvestigate that, and I found that there's
a little bit of truth in everythingand then also a little bit of exaggeration.

So we're gonna be talking about thatcoming up, and I want your
input. And I'm also opening upmy Google line once again. It really
worked out. And I'm serious aboutthis. Don't abuse it, okay,
as they say, don't abuse it. But I'm going to open up my
Google Voice number. It's my privateGoogle Voice number. So please, if

you want to message me here onthe show today, you can do it.
You can text me at this numberand here it is seven four seven
nine nine, nine fifty to eighty. I think it's cool number. That's
my Google number, and that numberyou can text even you know, and

so so I just want to leavethat open to you. And I did
it for the first time this weekand it worked out pretty well. So,
Eli, what's going on with thismobile home? What's happening? Well,
my I'm sorry, I'm a littlenervous, but anyway, I'm sorry,
Eli, listened look at it asa conversation between you and me and

hundreds of thousands of people that willhear it. Go ahead, okay,
Okay, So Okay. So Ibought a mobile home approximately about four or
five years ago. Was it newerused? Eli? New were used?
I'm used? Okay, go ahead? Uh huh? So I paid fifty

five thousand for it, okay,And I don't know what what happened that
that we we got evicted, afamily of five? We got wait wait
wait wait wait wait wait wait waitwait wait. You bought the mobile home
from a private owner, yes,and it was set up in a park.
Yes. And then when you sayyou were evicted, well, there's

a special eviction process for mobile homes. So did they did you have to
move your mobile home? No?They that that park you can't take any
of the mobile homes out like youcan't. You can bring one in,
but once it's in, there's nobodycan take it out. That that's that's

not that's not true. Now theytold you that when were you evicted a
week ago? Now I don't understandthis. Why were you evicted? Were
you not paying the lot rent?You know what? We Yes, we
were. However, they said thatour that our that our graph needed to

be maintained, and that the yardwas messy. However, there was nothing
messy about it. So were youwere you paid up? Were you paid
up on your mobile home? Rent? On your lot rent? You know
what I was. However, theydid not accept any of the payments that

because our yard was mess. Whendid they stop? When did they stop
taking payments? In May? SoMay they didn't take the payment anymore?
And when were you out when youwere just okay? So for May and
June they would not take your payments? Correct? Correct? Now? Listen,

this is we got to get righton this. We got to get
rid of this. There is aspecial procedure for evicting mobile homes, and
they're not. They can't tell youyou can't have your mobile home. They
told you that they're taking your mobilehome. Not only that, but they
didn't only evict us, but theychanged the locks on me. Oh no,

wait did they go through court?Wait? Did they go through court
to do this? Yes? Butwhen we were wait, well hold on,
hold on, I need to knowthe process. Hold on, now,
Eli, what was the process?You actually went to court then,
but they didn't. They didn't showup. They said that the only reason
why we went to court is sothat we that we knew that the whole

family knew that we were going toget evicted. Hold on, hold on,
they had a court date. Yeah, how did they Did they change
the locks after the court date?Yes, they did on Monday. On
Monday, I had the mobile homefor sale through a realtor, and the

realtor went to go look on theproperty and there was a big notice saying
that we were evicted and that nobodycan go in there. What is the
name? I don't know if theydid this legally or not. I mean
maybe they did. I don't know. What's the name of the mobile home
park. It's a front Range communitymobile home park. And where is it

in. It's in Broomfield. It'sright off of like most Way Boulevard and
zunif All right, hold on,I got Deputy Bow, I have Deputy
Dollar guys, which went Seriously,we need to at least make sure they
did it according to the law.This doesn't sound right to me that they
went to court and locked the doors. I mean, just this doesn't sound

like a normal eviction. You're sure, Eli, you own the mobile home?
Do you have a mortgage on it? Do you have a mortgage on
the mobile cash? I paid cashfor it, but I have the documents.
Oh my, so what I don'tunderstand is how they can. Yeah,
not only evictors. Okay, we'reevicted, but how come they are

taking They're already taking it apart.They took everything apart. Now they're putting
it on wheels so they can haulit away. But it's my home.
I don't understand this. Okay,who's gonna take it? Kachina, tell
me figure it out. We gotwe really need to talk about this.
This is unbelievable to me. Imean, it really is. There's something

going on here, and we gotto Now. I know Brad O'Brien,
didn't he say once he doesn't knowabout mobile homes or laws. We got
to figure out who does. Guys, let's get on this. Hold on,
I'll be right. I'll be rightwith you, or one of our
people will be right with you.Okay, three ozho three seven to one
three talk now, listen to this. Amber says she's being sued. I

think it's a discover card. We'lltalk about that and more coming up on
the Troubleshooter Show. This is,I can tell already turning out to be
a dreadful day for people, especiallywhen you get your mobile home lockdown by
the way eight eight eight heating dotcom. If you want honesty, integrity,
value, you want good people,how about just putting it that way?
Great prices three O three seven sevenzero two seven seven six. Hi

Tom Martine, your troubleshooter three Othree seven one three talk three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. I'm gonna go to a whych I
hear? I'm also joined by branIvans and now Ideal Home Loans talk a
little bit about loans. I alsosaid I wanted to talk about investments and

behind the scenes, what's happening withmortgage rates. First, mortgage rates are
used, or interest rates are usedto control inflation. Uh, the FED,
they'll raise the rate a bit,and that rate will be raised in
order to slow down borrowing and slowdown the economy and the use of money.

But that's one rate. And thenthere's another rate that banks lend to
each other. But the rate thataffects mortgages brent, is what rate that
the FED sets. Well, sothe FED sets are benchmark interest rate prime
correct, and then they're okay,funds rate, So federal funds rate,
the bank's right right. So withthe federal funds rate, that's the rate

that banks pay the FED when theyborrow money overnight. That's exactly right.
The discount rate is what banks chargeeach other, and the prime is what
they charge their best customers. Butit's all based on federal funds. Yes,
and then what ultimately drives mortgage ratesis the tenure Treasury, so we
will follow the tenure Treasury. Soa tenure Treasury bill is a benchmark for

thirty year loans. Yes, usuallythey are a bit lower than thirty year
loans, right, Yeah, Sowhat you'll have happen like right now,
Historically, what you've been able todo is you take the tenure Treasury add
one point five to one point eightto it. So we call that basis
points in our business, right,and that should be where the thirty year
fixed rate is. Right now,what you're seeing is the tenure Treasury is

at four and a quarter roughly,and you're running about a point and a
half ahead of that. So we'rerunning a little or two and a half
points ahead of that. So we'rerunning at four right now. It's four
point four eight, you're right on. So, and that's the tenure t
bill, ye ten year t billso or or yeah. Yeah, So
what's happening is we were discussing offair before we got on, is that

you're seeing this spread run out aheadof everything because there's all this unpredictability on
what the Fed's really going to doand when they're going to do what they're
doing, right, are they goingto raise, are they going to cut?
Are they going to stay? Butokay, so normally on a four
and a half percent federal excuse me, a T bill on a on a
or T notte, it is forten years. So if it's a teen

not ten years at four and ahalf, normally your mortgage would be what
would be six er six? Okay, but now this spreads wider, Yeah,
the spreads wider. So today we'reat seven and a eighth on a
thirty year fix, So we're runninga full point in an eighth to a
point in a quarter above what thattraditional historic spread has been. And what
my my goal here is to tryto educate as well sure and to people.

So here's the bottom line. Whatyou find when rates go up,
it's because it's let's put it thisway, they have to lure investors to
the mortgage market and pay them morethat means people have less faith in borrowers
and less faith in the economy.So it's not just the FED rate that

does that, but it's the ratethat people are attracted to. So if
people have no faith in the economy, they want won't go to mortgage and
they won't buy mortgage bonds. Sothey have to offer these investors more money
for those mortgage bonds. And ifthey pay the investors more, you're gonna

pay more. And that's really areflection of the economy. So it's a
little bit of everything right now,Yeah, it is. It is a
little bit of everything, for sure, you know. And look, part
of what we're battling economically is duringCOVID, we handed out thirteen trillion dollars
in money. It takes a longtime for the work its way through the
economy and through the system. Butwe are starting to see signs of inflation

weakening. We are starting to seesigns of unemployment, which, look,
the FED is not going to comeout and say this, but essentially what
they're trying to do, they aretrying to create a job loss recession to
cool off inflishing because that's the toolthat they've had got it now, So
that's where they're trying to that's friendIvanson ideal home loans. By the way,
Amber, go ahead, what's goingon now with Discover? What's happening?

Amber? Him? High? Amber? What's happening? So earlier this
week, I had a process servercome to my home and you know,
brought me to the paperwork that I'mnow, this is Discover a credit card?
Right, yes, it is okay? And now why now? I

actually don't have any issue with thedebt because it is my debt. I
pay How much is it? Itis six thousand roughly okay? And why
did they serve you? Did youstop making payments? I actually couldn't make
the payments because I lost my job. Okay. Now I have a job

and I'm getting back on track,and so I don't have any any issue
with you know, it is adebt. It is my debt, and
I will pay it. How manymonths does that represent? How many months
did they wait before suing you?It was approximately four months? Okay,
So what is your question? Somy question is, so the process server

came to my home, knocked onmy door. My children answered, you
know, closed the door, cameand got me. So I come to
the door and I'm talking with her, and she, you know, tells
me who she is, tell mewhat she's doing. And it's like,
okay, well I'm going to refuseyour service, Like I don't even that
doesn't matter though, No, you'rejust putting off the inevitable. I mean,

refusing service doesn't help you. Okay, go ahead, And I understand
that. But my issue is that, you know, I told her that,
I figure, you know, you'rejust going to leave it on my
porch or something along those lines.She reaches inside my door, passed my
daughter and puts it on my couchand you know, walks away, and

I'm like, hold on a second, can you do that? And I
yea she can hold on the trespassingpart, I don't think she can do.
But you were served, though there'stwo separates. Really, the real
issue isn't whether you can be servedor not. I mean you're served.
I mean you know you owe themoney, so so really what you should
do is contact them and try toavoid court. And I'll tell you why.

You don't want a judgment against you. It's going to really hurt worse
than if you had a payment plan. Both are going to hurt your credit,
the missing payments and all that,But a judgment is really going to
hinder you. Okay, see,here's what I'm doing. Here's what I
want to say. In essence,no matter what that processor did, right

or wrong, it's not going toprevent It doesn't address the core issue.
But you're rights. She should havenot have done that. That is absolutely
wrong. Absolutely, in fact,it's trespassed. I don't think anybody will
do anything about it, but theyshould. She should have never done that.
Can I have least I mean,and you know, nothing may come

of it, but can I atleast report that to some Oh? Absolutely,
to the police. It's trespassed.They were not supposed to come in
your house and do that. It'strespassing, especially if you told her not
to and told her to leave,or told her you're refusing. Now,
what she should have done is justthrow it inside the door. I don't
know why she walked in there andput it on your table. Yeah,

but listen, Amber, if youcall that collection attorney, most likely you
know, if you tell them youjust got your job back and you start
making payments, they'll withdraw this.But don't whatever you do, show up
at court unless you actually get adismissal. Okay, when is the court

date set? July eighteenth? Well, I would contact them and see if
they'll not dismiss it, but withdrawit until because you're going to make payments
and set up a payment plan.That's the best thing. Now, if
you get a judgment, I meanyou, you can also get a judgment
if you don't care, and you'llget a judgment and then they'll be entitled

to collect payments and they'll garnish wagesand stuff like that. But try to
avoid that if you can. Butyou're right that process server is not allowed
to cross your threshold. Three allthree, seven to one three Talks seven
to one three A two five five. Hi Tom Martino here, Welcome to

the show. Denverregen dot com forSemiglue Tide on a compounded basis monthly for
just two hundred and fifty bucks amonth. Unbelievable price for the weight loss
drug Denverregen dot com. Hey,Nick wants to talk about a parking violation.

Brent Ivnson is with me for idealhome loans. We're also going to
talk about mortgages and what's in storefor us, especially with an election year.
You know, election years really playhavoc on the stock market and on
loans. Hey, Nick, what'sgoing on? What's happened to Nick?
Good morning, tom My name isNick. First time caller. I've been

listening for quite some time. Thankyou myself. I do appreciate that.
I hope I can help you.All right. Well, I found myself
in a parking situation. I've parkedat this lot. It's also it's by
a McDonald's on like Pennsylvania and likeCullfax, just north of full Fax,
and I've worked there before, andthis time I parked here and they served
me a parking violation. And nowwhat kind of a parking violation? It's

it's good you weren't toad tell meabout the violation. So I parked,
I paid, I left, andthen they send me something in the mail
saying that like, hey, look, your ticket was expired, so we're
servicing you parking violation. Was itexpired? I well, according to the

picture I took of their so sign, it's three dollars per hour, nine
dollars per day, or nine dollarsper night. I got theared of the
according to their ticket at eleven ohfive pm the twenty fourth of February,
and I left at one forty fivethe twenty fifth, so from Saturday night
to Sunday night, I believe itwas. And you know, are you

let me just ask you this.Are you basically saying because I wasn't keeping
track of the days there? Areyou basically saying that what they're saying is
is inaccurate? Yes? Okay,you left and they claimed that they're violating
you because you were still there.Yes, okay, you know the plot

thickens a little bit more because I'memailed them. I was like, hey,
look guys, I paid you know, I was only there for like
less than three hours. You saidit's three dollars per hour. I paid
nine dollars, so that satisfies.Okay, I know what you should do,
nine dollars per night. I wantyou to hang on. I know
what you should do. And there'ssomething about these tickets. I want you
to know that you may or maynot know. I'm Tom Martino. We'll

talk about this coming up along witheverything else on The Troubleshooter Show three oh
three seven one three eight, twofive five, or you can call three
oh three Martino. Yeah, realbad news to need, advice who you

don't have the come running just asfast as we can. Shooter's gonna help
coming man. This is the TroubleshooterShow. No Tom Martino, Hi Tom
Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three O three seven one three talk
three all three seven one three eighttwo five five. We are here to

help you in every stage of life. We try to help you with problems,
questions, complaints, information that youneed to make your life a little
easier. That's really what I've dedicatedmyself to. Now. Brent Ivenson is
with me for ideal home loans,as I always say, for your next
ideal home loan. But I'd liketo talk about rates. And a lot
of people are waiting to buy becausethey're waiting for rates to drop a little.

I kind of think it's foolish,and I'll tell you why. When
rates drop, I perceive that realestate prices go up. Brent, That's
what I perceive. What do youthink? I think you're absolutely right.
I think we're seeing a little bitof a softening right now in real estate
prices and listings and people cutting prices. But I think as soon as you
see rates drop and again when wesee that first move from the Federal Reserve,

which now the cut is scheduled tobe in September. Seventy percent probability
they're going to move rates a pointin a quarter potentially at that point.
And when they do, and ifthey do, you are going to see
a lot of buyers hit the market, and that is going to run up
prices because look, our inventory levelsare still very very low. There's just
not a lot of inventory out.But as soon as rates go down,

people are going to put houses onthe market. They're purposely not doing it
now, and then you're going tohave more buyers hit and you're going to
have more competition and rates and pricesare going to go up. Now.
I'm not recommending you go out andpay anything or buy a house, but
even if you did buy a houseand you're paying even a full one or
two or three percent more, whatyou to get the deal now and then

refi later. That's absolutely right.I mean, look, we talk about
this concept we have inside of IdealHomeowns is marry the home, date the
rate, Okay, the rate.We can move the rate down as the
rates go down later on with ourinterest rate. Get your house lock in
the price now, because you're goingto get the best price by dealing with
what's on the market now and buyingnow, whereas later that price might be

dramatically more expensive. And look,it doesn't take much of an increase in
that price to offset whatever goes onthe interest rate market, so you somewhat
insure against that by buying now andbeing able to refinance later. Okay,
Now I ask people they can andtext me now. Not only at our
five seven seven three nine, whichis the iHeart number. You can text,

of course, put Tom in thesubject or Tom in the beginning.
It'll come right to me five sevenseven three nine. You can also text
me on my Google Voice number,which is my private Google Voice number,
so it comes right to me sevenfour seven nine nine nine fifty two eighty
Jr. From the Road says thatsouthbound two twenty five is a parking lot
from I seventy southbound. I don'tknow what's going on there. Somebody else

wants to know what I think ofrelief factor and Alpha Bran and these other
pain relief things. I just wantto say this right up front, Okay,
one thing you're going to get forme all the time is complete transparency
and honesty, because I don't careanymore. As far as well, I
shouldn't say I don't care. Icare a lot, but I don't have

to behold to anyone, all right, I don't. I never really have,
and I'm gonna. I always thoughtthis way. What good is it
to be you and to have youmake a wrong decision and have you hate
me the rest of your life?Why would I ever do that to myself?
And you don't last on the radiofor nearly fifty years on radio and

TV by exaggerating and lying to people. So relief factor and all of those
are very limited in help. Thereis no cure in a cream. Ever,
there's temporary relief and it's simply analgesic. That's all it is. Okay,
aspirin tile and all relief factor.I mean, these people will say

I couldn't do this, and Icouldn't do that, My life has changed
completely. It's just bull crap.Okay, I'm just I'm sorry, it's
bull crap. Does it give yousome relief? Yes, it does,
Ben Gay gives you some relief,Okay, because what it does it either
stimulates blood flow in that area orit simply numbs the area, or it

gives you heat and it distracts yourneurons. Do you understand distraction sometimes is
a way of pain relief, andby creating that heat, it's a distraction
from the pain many times. Orit can deaden nerve impulses if you have
a certain compound that can do somenumbing. But there's no there's no cure

here, okay, And I'm notpicking on relief factor. I'm just telling
you the God's honest truth. Theseproducts work to a limited extent, okay,
And there's plenty of over the counterstuff that works, but they all
work to a limited extent. Thereal help for painful joints and muscles are

supplements like magnesium, potassium, andcalcium for muscles. The three best minerals
you can have for your muscles andstretching which increases blood flow and then movement
motion is lotion. I know itsounds simple and honest, and sometimes simple
and honest is the only thing thatworks. Now, let's keep going,

so Nick on the parking thing,keep going. You said that they said
you you expired when you said youleft earlier. What do they say to
that? So it's you know,as you may have noticed, this happened
like four months ago. So we'vebeen emailing back and forth about this.
The most interesting email I got andI'm going to read it to you at

the times on it is. It'sactually with an attorney now Daniel B.
Kelly, attorney at law. Iguess is now the one that's his department
has the ticket. So they Isaid, hey, guys, can you
always look into this. I youknow, it says this, I paid
this and I still got a violation. I'd like to know why. Well,
they sent me a thing and Iwant you to list of the times.

Here it says at the time thenotice was issued. The receipt displayed
on the dash of the vehicle showsan expiration date time of two twenty five,
twenty twenty four, at eleven fiftynine pm. The parking notice was
issued on two twenty five, twentyfour. Now, I don't know if
I'm crazy, but I think thatwhen they issued the notice, they're saying

that the expiration time was at theend of that day. Okay, here's
the bottom line, Nick. Youknow what that parking violation is, right,
you know what it is. It'sa bill, It's a private bill,
private, Okay, no authority whatsoever. Now, for example, if
I told you you can sit inmy outdoor dining as long as you order

every half hour, and your creditcard was on file, and you left
and I ran up another drink sayingyou stayed an extra half hour, it
would be exactly like a parking violation. I am simply saying to you,
you owe me the money you're sayingyou don't. The fact that it goes
to an attorney means nothing whatsoever.Nothing. They can send it to their

priest. I don't care who theysend it to. It is an accusation,
it is a claim, it isa bill. You are as right
as they are until someone proves itnot you. Then so they have to
prove that you stayed there beyond expiration. Okay. A lot of these parking
violations, by the way, getit wrong. You know these new little

signs that you go park, youknow, park by phone or whatever,
And I have it, and ithas the number and it says are you
here? You know on that numberit's a three zero, three sixty six
four nine or something. You sayyes, and then you pick your car
number, your license. Pay.Have you seen the pay by phone.
Parking. Okay, you'll get noticesas your time is about to expire.

Now, when you leave, youstill get those notices and it tells you.
Now, technically you're supposed to sayyou left, but if you don't,
they don't bill you automatically. Butsometimes they get it wrong. It's
up to them to prove it.You have to prove nothing. You simply
say I left, it's done.That attorney you will have to take you

to court, and in court willhave to prove there is no proof that
I know of, unless they havephotographic evidence that is time stamped. Okay,
So people lose too much sleep overthis. Here's what I say.
Here's how I answer those violations.I know when I left, and that

is my stance. If you musttake me to court, that's the way
I leave it. They have noofficial capacity whatsoever. It's not like the
parking. It's not like a policeofficer gave it to you. If a
police officer gave it to you,there's a certain amount of credibility and a
certain amount of objectivity that a judgewill take into consideration. For example,

why does this police officer care?Why would they give you a ticket?
If you weren't really there. Blahblah blah blah blah. So this is
not what happens with private parking lots. And I've owned five of them,
Okay, I can tell you,and Republic Parking used to do my parking,
and they would do the tickets andall that. They were very honest
and very good. I don't knowwhat company gave you this ticket, but

I am telling you that it isnothing more than a bill. So way,
so, on the ticket, itdoes show pictures of the time that
I showed up with my license plateat eleven oh five pm and of me
leaving at eleven forty five PM.And my argument is like, hey,
look I paid, here's the ninedollars that should satisfy the thing. So

is that a good enough defense.Well, if it was nine dollars for
that time frame, yes, thenwhy are they saying you owe them more?
I don't know. That's why.I think it's just well, then
then their own proof shows that you'reright. Okay, So I mean I
don't unless they're saying that nine fortyfive was the next day. I think

that's what they're trying to say.They want to say that my parking lasted
from the twenty fourth at eleven fivetill the twenty fourth at eleven fifty nine,
which you know I paid nine dollars. It doesn't make sense that I
only got a forty five minute windowwhen the sign says nine dollars per night.
Well, here's the deal. Ifyou know you're right, you fight

it in court. You just showthem that. I doubt they're gonna take
you, but I would go andmake your argument. Or you pay how
much do they want? They wanteighty two dollars. All right, that's
up to you pay it. UntilI noticed this, well, then that's
up to you. I wouldn't pay. If I thought I was right,
I wouldn't pay. Three oh threeseven one three eight two five five clam,

hang on, we'll give you someWell, we'll hear your problem coming
up and whatever you have. Giveus a call if you have a problem
question complaint three all three seven onethree eight two five five. Hi Tom
Martinez here, three oh three sevenone three talks seven one three eight two
five five one clear choice garage doorsfor your garage door needs. I love

these guys, guy. They're prompt, they're quick, they're twenty four to
seven and all of their prices areon their website. One clear choice doores
dot com. Seriously, there area lot of shlocks in this business with
a pickup truck or an suv andthey know nothing. These guys are factory
authorized for both doors. They cando the doors, the openers, any
part of them. Seven to zerothree seven zero thirty nine eighty seven one

clear choice doors dot com. Don'teven think about it. Brent Evans and
Ideal home loans real quick here onmortgages, someone wants to know, do
you do that loan that a lotof people talk about. I used to
advertise one of them where what isit called? Jim? Who does it?

CMG? You know the Actuay acceleratoraccelerator where they can do you do
those kinds of alone? Now wehave the ability to broke or that,
but we don't do it very often. I think we've probably have done.
Yeah, these are it's just whereyou can how does it work? And
even forget it now? Kurt Rogersused to advertise it. But but this

loan was supposedly you take out aloan and it's really like a thirty year
line of credit. You pay upor down, up or down. It's
basically the concept is it's a giganticheelock on your house, yet will sweep
the cash that you have available appliedagainst the balance on the helock lower your
effective interest. Yeah, yeah,so and again, and I think it
worked really well in very you knowmarket times. But I think now that

helock rates are up as high asthey are, I don't think it's as
effective as it used to be,just because the rate is higher. Do
you do reverse loans? You know? We also do reverse loans? Yeah,
you really do. Yep, wehave the ability to do them.
So I don't know if you wantthem or not, but I know we've
got a lot of inquiry. No, for sure, No, we do
reverse mortgages. I mean, look, it's is we have an aging baby

boomer population. It is becoming agreat, great way for people to access
cash. And we're even having wealthmanagement professionals reach out to reach out to
us and say, hey, look, I think it makes more sense for
these people to get a reverse mortgageon their home because their homes free and
clear. It's a it's an asswell, it's a certainly better than credit
cards for God's So I have peoplesay why would you tap equity and let

it eat up your equity. Whatyou don't understand is it doesn't have to
eat up your equity. You canmake payments on it. You can actually
make interest payments rather than a creditcard. But I mean, what all
I'm saying is this is it's anoption. I'm not saying, as I
said before, Brent, there isno end all for all investments. And
that's the one thing that I learneda long time ago is that there's nothing

that's completely right or completely wrong.Well, and in the reality of it
is this. Every single person whocalls our office, everybody, everyone's situation
is totally different. It's unique tothem. And that's why we look at
it and say, listen, wehave all the products available, we have
every option available. You tell mewhat it is you're trying to solve and
where you're trying to go, andwe'll give you the vehicle mortgage why and

get there. That's why I alwayssay, hey, ideal home loans for
your next ideal home loan. Iinvented that slogan. People, Hey,
clem, let's talk about your problem. What's going on with you, Clem?
Tom. I am having a lotof trouble trying to find a lawyer
to represent my sister in Oklahoma City. Okay, tell me what the situation

is with your sister. Well,she is the victim of I guess you
might call it elder abuse, financialexploitation by her daughter and son in law.
Now, hold on, does sheknow she's a victim? Or is
this you recognizing it? She knowsshe's a victim. I mean she back

in twenty twenty when COVID was goingon, they courced her to go to
their lawyer. And while she wassitting in there talking with the lawyer,
they were both sitting one on eitherside of her, coaching or well,
hold on, any good attorney mightrecognize us. How old was she when

they did this? She would havebeen seventy nine. So here's what I
want to know. She has onedaughter only or are there other siblings you
can call as well? She hasone daughter and one son? And does
the son know what the daughter's doing? He knows? Now, okay,

so what's okay? Now I wantto know what are they doing. Let's
let's start there. What are theydoing to her? Well, for starters,
they got her to sign a powerof attorney to the daughter a will,
make a will that had the daughterand son in law and their kids

as the only beneficiaries. Well,hold on, hold on, hold on.
What is wrong with the mom makinga will for her daughter and son.
Well, the problem right now isshe wanted to move from Oklahoma City
back to Billings, Montana, Okay. And in the meantime, along with

this process of power of attorney anda new will, they did a new
deed. Or my sister transferred thetitle in her home to not only just
her but to her and her daughter. Wros Wait wait a minute, Wait

a minute, wait a minute,what does that mean? Though she transferred
the will, I trust me,she transferred the deed upon death. Is
that what it is? Or whatkind of transfer? Or was it a
quit clean immediate transfer? What kindof transfer? I don't understand this.
It was it was a quit claimimmediate transfer. And your sister says she

didn't mean to do that, Wellshe didn't mean. According to what's happened
now her daughter owns half of thehouse. Well, they just screwed themselves
out of any tax benefits for aBut is the sister is your sister?
What's her first name? Irene?Is your sister Irene willing to take action

against her daughter to say than beingvictimized? Does the daughter and son in
law do they live with her?No, they have their own home.
Do you think they'll be mean toher? Oh? I know they have
been. Do you think she's afraidof them? Yes, to a certain

extent, she is. She isn'tright now because she's moved to Billings,
Montana. Wait and her home shegave up? Well, her home is
still setting in oaklea home a city. And yeah, but the daughter owns
half of it, you said,does Why didn't the daughter move in?

Because they have a much better homeof their own. What are they trying
to take? Is your sister rich? What are they trying? What is
their endgame here? Just greed?Just greed is the only answer I have
to give you. Okay, Dothey say, hey, mom, we
have your best interests at heart?Or and what is the brother thing?

Is he mad at his sister forthis? Or what? Oh? Definitely
he's mad at her. Is hedoing anything about it? Well? I
don't know. He's a truck driverwho is works a lot of hours.
And you know this, this iskind of out of totally out of his

area of expertise. Okay, I'vebeen trying to help my sister. Is
she willing to hire an attorney?She is? Okay? Okay. And
you think it's truly elderly abuse.Oh, I've talked to Adult services in

Oklahoma City there and he's interviewed me, my sister, her son, and
he what did he call it?It's an old brainer elder abuse. Okay,
Now listen, I I want togive you a couple of names here.

Okay, Okay, There are there'sa law firm that's pretty famous there
for looking into nursing home abuse andneglect cases. Now that doesn't mean they
handle what you do, but itdoes mean they have a heart for older
people. Right. That's Cain cAi n Law Office, Cain, the

Caine Law Office. Now, I'mnot saying to hire them, I'm saying
to interview them, Okay, becauseusually nursing home types of people know the
law for elder But there is anotherfirm that does elder abuse and victims of
negligence, reckless behavior, and wrongdoing. Okay, but it's mostly again in

nursing home stuff. So you haveto ask them straight up. Look,
if you can't help, can youplease refers to someone. These are respected
law firms. One is Dan Davis'Law, ok. And then the other
one again nursing home and stuff.And the reason I give you those they've

made quite a name for themselves inthe and like I said, when they
handle that kind of stuff, youpretty much they pretty much know what elder
abuse is. Did the agency haveany recommendations at all? Yeah, you
have tried the state bar. We'lltry these law firms and let's see.

Okay, able, don't do that. Talk to the people that have actually
fought for elderly Okay. And againkeep in mind that any attorneys that do
this kind of law for nursing homes, it's it's usually on contingency, So

you know, it doesn't mean they'regoing to take this case, but they
probably would be a good place tostart it. I can't stand when kids
start doing this to their parents.Does your sister have any money at all?
Well, she's got some money,but what would her entire state be
worth, house and everything? Whatwould it be worth house and everything?

Well, after spending a bunch ofmore money on a law lawyer to fight
off wait, she's already hired attorneys. Yes, we've hired attorneys for guardianshipcase
that the daughter and son in lawbrought against my sister. Wait, so
the daughter and son in law wantedto get guardianship over her. Oh yes,

and they did not succeed. Theydid not succeed the judgement. Okay.
The other firm before I forget Abelab E l Able law firm.
So you got Cain. Honest toGod, you have Cain and Abel.
You have one Cane law firm.The other one is Able law firm.
I don't know if they're brothers,but anyway, then you have Dan Davis

Law. I swear to God there'san Able law firm and a Caine law
firm and they both specialize in olderstuff. So listen, here's the deal.
I'm so happy she has someone lookingafter her that there's nothing worse.
We've had cases where homes were stolen, money was stolen, undue influence.

We even have a case from somescumbag that went to a guy's house to
do home health care and bought acar from a guy for sixteen hundred that
was being sold for sixteen thousand,and she just just robbed him blind.
It's a terrible situation. But inany case, the best to you.

Let me know what you find.You can always call us back too,
and let us know. Please,I'm going to mark this down and just
go ahead, man, take careof her and go after these scumbags.
Well, I'm doing the best Ican. Problem I have right now is
signing a law firm to try toget her house back. I mean right

now, the daughter doesn't want herto sell her house. As matter of
fact, what did the daughter?Why is the daughter on the house?
What excuse did she give to getmom to sign over? It was part
of the process. They were tryingto get all the mom's money. How
much money? Just tell me whatdoes she have? A million dollars?

No, it's more like six sevenhundred thousand if she s okay and is
able to keep the proceeds of thehouse if she sells it. The daughter
wants half of it right now,is what she says. And for what
reason? Why would the daughter beentitled to half? We have no other

reason but greed. This sucks,man, So listen, I wanted to
ask one other issue, what isthat? How she was while my sister
was in the nursing home. Thedaughter put her in a nursing home.
While she was in the nursing home, she went into the house and stole

about thirty thousand dollars worth of jewelryand won't give that back either. God
Almighty, there's a special place inhell for her. I'm telling you,
you know, you know I havesaid exactly the same thing, Tom,
and it's just terrible. And Imean, they put my sister on there

so much stress from May thirty firstlast year until the case well through court.
I'm hoping. Okay, you're listen. I want you guy, when
when if your son or excuse me, your nephew can call back, her
son call me. We'd like totalk to him too. We can help.

He can, he can take matter. He has more of standing than
anyone to refute that. I wantto talk to Hey, Kachina, do
me a favor. Clem hang on, I gotta take it break. We
have a power of you. Wait, you have power of attorney right now?
Yes, for my sister. Okay, So is the daughter out of

it right now? Out of everything? The daughter's out of it other than
she's got a title on the okay, from the title of the right.
I want to talk to Dan Mackenzieor Kielan Park so Kachina. Keep Clem
on and see if we can getone of those on for a minute,
because I know they must they musthave come across something like this. I

got to take this break. I'mTom Martino. Three oh three seven one
three a two five five. HiTom Martino here three o three seven one
three talk three oh three seven onethree eight two five five. Welcome to

the show. Let's continue here andhelp you any way we can. And
I have ideal home loans with ustoo. If you have any home loan
questions at all. We are gettingsomeone on to answer for Clem about his
sister. You know, this isa very common problem people elder abuse or

people being taken advantage of who areolder when it comes to home loans and
getting the proceeds or even reverse loansand getting the proceeds or getting people to
quit blame their home to them oranything like this. It's become very very
insidious, and unfortunately with the olderpeople, it's usually someone who knows them,

like their own kids taking advantage oftheir parents. It's really sad.
Three three seven one three a twofive five or three oh three Martino three
three, six, two, seven, eight, four sixty six. I
want to get on Kiel and Parkto talk about this if we can.

And I also want to mention thatwhen it comes to wills and probate and
stuff like that, there needs tobe a provision as to who takes over
for incompetence. So all of youlistening, if you have older relatives or

if you're older yourself, put aprovision in your retirement plan or excuse me,
in your estate plan as to whoshould take over and take care of
your affairs. Brent Ivenson ideal homeloans. Are people doing arms anymore?
You know, we're not seeing manyof them. The reason primarily that's adjustable

rate mortgagees. For those listening,they're priced very close to your thirty year
fixed rates right now, so there'snot a huge advantage for arms. And
part of the reason is that,look, with this jump and higher rates,
everybody's anticipating at some point in thefuture, and we don't know when
that will be, that rates aregoing to go lower. So those ARM
prices aren't priced nearly as well becausethey know they're ultimately going to refinance off

to a lower rate. So that'spart of what we have going on in
the mortgage backed securities market. That'spart of what we're seeing with you know,
the market as a whole, isthat things aren't priced as competitively as
they normally would be because they knowthat these things are going to go down
later at some point in time.Okay, So as far as people,
we talk to a guy the otherday two point seventy five percent. I

mean, that's really hard to getout of, but he needed some extra
cash. So let's talk about helocks. We we do them. It's a
great option, it is, youknow, we'll look at the whole picture,
and I will tell you in someinstances because look, you your helock
rates are you know, can beanywhere from nine and a half to eleven
and a half percent, just dependingon you know, loan to value,
how much you need, what yourcredit score is, all those things.

But ultimately we will look at everyaspect. If a helock makes sense,
that's the route we're going to take. If it makes sense to give up
that ultra low rate on your currentmortgage because we have so much debt we're
paying off, and when we lookat a blended rate and how much we
can save you and applying some ofthat savings back towards the new loan is
going to get you a lower effectiverate that maybe is somewhere in the fours.

Then we'll tell you to do that. We're going to look at all
the options. And again, thegreat thing about what we do, the
math tells the whole story. Eitherit makes sense or it doesn't. There's
no fudging the math. It eithersaves you money or it doesn't save you
money. And we'll look at everyoption to make sure we're putting you in
the best possible situation. And whenit comes to mortgages in general, you
know, like when people we alwaystalk about levels of responsibility and I don't

really I've never actually explored this legally. I know that there's a big thing.
When it comes to investing. Youhave a fiduciary responsibility to your client.
Some people have what's called the bestinterest responsibility. It's not quite as
high as fiduciary, but you haveto look for their best interest. And
then with mortgage people, there wassomething called suitability. Do they enforce something

like that and explain what that is? So what happened when licensing all changed
several years ago after the mortgage meltdown. So we now have an obligation to
make sure that we are putting somebodyin a mortgage that they can afford and
they can pay. OK, wegot more coming right up. We'll talk
about that and more. Hi,Tom Martine, you are trumbleshooter three all

three seven to one three talk threeold three eighth seven one three eight two
five five. So on my Googlevoice texting, which is private straight to
me, you can also do fiveseven seven three nine as well. That
one is not. I mean,that's what iHeart uses. And you put
Tom there and it comes to melike it says here, Tom Bs.

Was that case you had of peoplebuying that car off of an old man
for sixteen hundred? I hope yougot it sorted that out. You know,
we're working on that that that's areally bad situation. And I gotta
tell you, man, it suckshow that woman came in from this healthcare

place and took advantage of that man. She he was selling it for sixteen
grand. She called her dad.Her dad came at sixteen hundred and counted
it out to him and took thecar, had him sign it over,
and then he called us and saidhe was confused, but he clearly had

it for sale for sixteen thousand orsomething like that. But the bottom line
was they just ripped him off.They just ripped him off. There are
so many cases we have like thatof old of elder abuse. Now my
parents have a significant amount of goldcoins. I need to get them converted

to spendable money without being ripped off. That's one of my texts. We're
going to get someone on about that. Tom. Let's see we already talked
about that one loan. Let's seewhat else. I've been a longtime listener
who recommend your show, Please recommenda trusted source to talk over health insurance.

We're going to talk about that comingup too, because there are a
lot of people asking about that now. Three o three seven one three eight
two five five. Stick around forany useful information you need. You can
always call us as well. Threeoh three Martino, Yeah, ripped of
mad news. You need advice soyou don't have the come running just as

fast as we can show. Shooter'sgonna help come man, This is the
Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino,Hi, Tom Martino here, Welcome to
the show. Three all three sevenone three talk seven one, three,
eight, two five five Welcome,How is life in your lane? What

can we do to help you?This hour brought to you by Waterpros dot
net. As I said, thebest water and I got it right here
if you're looking on YouTube. Igot the best water ever out of my
kitchen sink with water Pros for justfourteen hundred bucks fully installed three all three,
eight six, two, five,five five four. Now my guests,
say Brent from the owner of IdealHome Loans. I've known for many,

many years, and we were talkingloans, and we'll get back to
that in a minute. I wantto take Michael though, and if you
call people, give me calls.I also have a bunch of questions on
my Google Voice that I'm letting peopletext me. It's not that I don't
like the station's text. I meanyou can text me there and that's five
seven, seven three nine put tomin the in the code, or you

can go to my Google Voice number, which comes directly to me all day.
And the reason I say that istruly I have no problem having access
for people. Because people need help, they have questions, you can text
me and I checked this throughout theday and get you on the show if
I need to. And the Googlevoice number is seven four seven fifty two

eighty seven four seven nine nine ninefifty two eighty Okay. Now, by
the way, I have a lotof questions I want to get to there,
but I need a couple of peopleto answer these questions. I need
Integer Insurance for one. I alsoneed Mark mcchowski at Budget A one and

transmission repair and there's a reason forthat, so I want to get him
on. Michael. What's going onwith you? Hello, Michael, Hi
Tom? What's going on recently?Well? I got a recent encounter with
this Brink security company. What happened? Well, for years we've been using

a DT and they've been all right, but we've got a phone call from
someone. They I don't recall themidentifying themselves at the time as Brinks,
but that's who they turned out tobe. And what did you use them
for? What did you use themfor? It's a security some equipment and

monitoring, Like give me the ohoh ok for Brinks? So you recent
so you got an alarm? Likeis it for home or business? It's
for a home. So you gota home security system from Brinks? Yeah?
Okay, so what's the problem.Well, we had some issues with

it. It basically locked up ifthe alarm would not turn off, so
we had to disconnect the equipment.And how long did it take to for
a problem to show up? Oh? Probably? Well we got it in
November, so that's what nine monthsor so? Okay, Okay, so
it's not a big deal. Soit malfunctioned and then what happened then,

well we were waiting on to repair. They can't get somebody here to figure
out what's wrong with it now untilJuly the night. Yeah, and I
did contact them. They said theythey could probably give me some kind of
credit once they get it repair becauseI didn't have service at this point.
Okay, However, all this hasdecreased the confidence of my wife, particularly

in the system, so she wantsto go back to ADP. Yeah,
however, ad ADT is not great, but go ahead. Okay. Well
we've been using them for years,but I kind of agree with you.
Okay, they keep raising prices andset whatever. But anyway, I pulled

the contract out and come to findthe help that we had signed a consumer
note or twenty four hundred dollars tothis company called sun Nova. But let
me ask you something. What's thetwenty four hundred for for the equipment?
For the equipment and they're charging fortydollars a month on the loan for five

years. Okay, but hold on, hold on? What about the monitoring?
What do you pay for that?The monitoring is another forty five?
I say, well, okay,that's not terrible. So right now,
though you're paying for the system itself, plus you're paying for the monitoring,
what does the cancelation provision? Say? Well, that's a good question.

Do you think that should be inthe contract somewhere? Of course it is,
I guarantee it is. Okay,so here's what I want to know.
There's going to be a cancelation provision, but the equipment is may not
be you. You see, itdepends on what equipment it is. If

they use universal type equipment, thenanyone can take that over and be your
monitoring service and your company. Andthere's only one security company I really recommend
in the Colorado area because the securitycompany suck. ADT absolutely sucks. I
don't know about Brings, to behonest with you, We've never had a
lot of com pints about Brinks,but home security systems. Most of these

national companies suck. They're really notsaid, it's not the kind of thing
that should be done nationally. ButADT absolutely sucks. Okay, they absolutely
suck, and don't go back tothem now, Brinks, I'm not sure
what's going on here, but Iwouldn't let one problem like this after nine
months dissuade me from the entire companyfor the rest of your lives. Okay,

I think you're overreacting, but ifyou want to get out of the
contract, I'm for sure certain you'regonna have to pay for the equipment,
but I'm not sure what you committedto monitoring. Yeah, well, what
was your original inquiry about? Tellme what were you wondering about. I'll
answer to the best of my ability. Well, I guess as a worst

case scenario. They I guess bestcase would really be their shake to the
equipment. But my wife still doesn'tlike it for whatever reason, lack confidence
in it. Well, lack ofconfidence for what reason? You had a
problem nine months later? Big freakingdeal. I mean, you know,
it could be a power spike,it could have nothing to do with them.

I'm not trying to convince you tokeep them. I'm not trying to
to. Yeah, all I'm sayingis this, if you really want to
make that so you don't have anyproblems like that. Again, get a
power supply like you would for acomputer. That's really what you should have.
With a battery back up, that'swhat you should have. You won't
have any more problems. In fact, have you tried rebooting the whole damn

thing? Oh? Yeah, manytimes, but it still comes right back
to that alarm. When you whenyou rebooted, did you disconnect the battery?
Yeah? Okay, so you knowhow to pull the wire off good,
and then you turned it off,and when you boot it back up,
it gets another It has an errorcode. It's not exactly an er

code, but it brings the alarmright back in and you know, brings
the bell. Oh so you meanit's going off like or going on like
somebody is breaking in right right?Okay, something something happened. But here's
the thing, man, You're dictatedby a contract and one problem in nine

months is not breach of contract.So you're not going to get out of
it unless you go by the terminationprovisions of that contract. Okay, you're
not going to make the argument thatthey breach the contract, and you don't.
I mean, well, actually Ishould amend that if they take too
long to fix this damn thing,it will be a breach of contract.

So you know, I don't youknow, I don't like the idea that
it's taking them this long. Whydo they say it's going to take this
long. Apparently it's an issue withgetting the dispatch out here, getting someone
to hear here. Come, man, can't you know that kind of thing
today? Do you want us togive him a call for you? Well,

if you would do that, Iknow, it's kind of a minor
issue. No, it's not otherthings to handle. No, it's not.
What neighborhood are you in? Giveme your exact I'm just kidding.
I want to know where you're Iwant to know where the alarm is broken.
Anyway, I'm just kidding about that. But in general, what neighborhood
is it? In general is alocal suburb to exact? You know what

I mean is do you have alot of break ins in that area?
Hmmm? I would say no.Recently, we've had a lot of people
knocking on the door selling roofs andwhat have you said? Yeah, don't
ever, Hey, don't buy aroof at the door. Okay. The
only thing you should buy at thedoor of girl Scout cookies. Otherwise nothing,

all right? Man? So holdon, I want to give this
who did we give the other oneto? Uh, let's see bo.
Then let's give this a deputy dollarsthere, right, hold on, Michael,
and we'll have a deputy dollar.Give a call over there, see
what we can find out. Threeoh three seven to one three talks seven

one three eight two five five.Hi, Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three
oh three seven one three talks sevenone three eight two five to five.
By the way, let's get tothese phones. We have Anthony as a
question on home security. We justhad a complain about brains. Now,

we don't get a lot of complaints, but we do get complaints about home
security in general. And I wantto give you some general tips on home
security that are thinking are very important. But first I'm going to take your
call and see what you want,Anthony. Go ahead, Yeah, I
want video security, but I don'twant to pay up a subscription. Do
you have a a h troubleshooter?Remember that does wiring camera install hard drive

connected to the internet, the wholekick cat and kaboodle. Yeah, so
you want to do a closed circuitTV system just for you that you can
monitor online, and I don't wantto pay a monthly subscription. I get
it, man, I get it. It's never really been easier to do.
Now, do I have someone specificin mind? No, not right

this second. But it shouldn't bedifficult because what you're looking for is very
easy. It's a low vultage.In fact, what you really want to
do? Okay, Anthony, whatit really amounts to? You don't need
a server? Okay you don't.Oh, hold on, yes you do
if you don't want to pay monthly. But let me explain something. If
you did some well placed rings orr lows and they all fed to them,

you can for one subscription price ofjust like it's not much, you
can monitor all of them from anywhereat any time. But that to you,
you'd rather buy a serve than dothat? Pretty much? Yeah,
why is that? I'm just curiousthe subscription right now? Go ahead,

I avoid I read an article recentlythat subscriptions are the best way to spend
yourself into you know nothing, nus. I just try to avoid. Well,
I know what you mean. Everybodyhas a subscription. You're absolutely right.
There are people paying. They don't. They forgot they're paying. Yeah,
and they add up. I meanthey do. And I respect you

for that, bro, I do. However, you don't sound like the
type that's going to let that happen. Okay, let's talk about money.
If you get a server, yourserver's got to be on your Wi Fi,
and then you have to be ableto get into that server. How
do you plan on doing that?Well, that's why I'm calling. Okay.

Well, what I'm saying to youis this, You're going to have
to maintain that serve. Do youhave broadband at your house? Yes?
Okay, so you're paying for yourbroadband. Here's the danger of having an
IP that you tap into on yourserver at home. It can be hacked.
It's a very terrible situation. Thereis almost no home security that you

can do that can ward off attacksunless you buy security software, which is
going to be a subscription. Ihate to give you bad news, but
Anthony, it sounds good and itis good. You know, Mark and
I used to do this. Weused to have our own servers and our
own stuff that we would tap into. Okay, and he had his,

I had mine. And here's thedeal. It sounds good, right,
But you're constantly on the internet,and nowadays there are about one hundred thousand
more attacks being done than there werewhen we had it. And you have
to have such sophicial sticated software andit has to be upgraded so much.
You're not going to buy this.You're not going to get this software free.

So even though you have broadband rightnow, and you may have a
server that you put online constantly,you are going to be subject to attacks.
You see, my computers don't stayonline. My computers go online when
I get on my computer and goonline. Otherwise they're not online. I

have nothing that is online all thetime except my ring doorbell, which is
through Ring and these guys they makeit, you know, they pay for
all of that. I pay andallows me nine bucks a month or whatever
the hell I pay, and I'mdone. Now. If you had one
ring or six rings, you're onlygoing to pay the one subscription fee and
then you get to tap into whichevercamera you want to look at. I

just it's not that I don't knowpeople are we can't find people to do
it, but I don't think you'regoing to get what you're looking for.
And there's nothing wrong with a subscriptionif it is of value, and you
don't just keep having them pile ontop of each other. You are correct,
people don't keep track of their subscriptions, and you're right they it is

terrible. I'll bet you people arepaying so much they don't even know about,
but you're not. So just havea I have a sheet, a
Google sheet that I keep on myGoogle Drive of everything that I'm paying for
monthly and what subscriptions I need ordon't need. But that's what you need
to do, and truly you will. You will not find a better system

than these on That's what they're madefor. And they're not being hacked into.
Okay they're not not. If yougo through the official companies, they
spend hundreds of thousands of dollars forInternet security. Now I know there are
people saying, well, how doyou know the people right there aren't doing
it? You know, first ofall, they have millions of subscribers,
and I doubt they would bother doingthat. But what I recommend is you

find a good closed circuit. Excuseme, a good Wi Fi cam that
you can put into your a goodWi Fi cam that you can put into
your Wi Fi at home. Now, there are ways, by the way
to have Like rlow doesn't have anysubscriptions, you can make those into your

home and then tap into it.But it's insecure once you do that.
If you go through a subscription service, they take care of all the security.
That's the only thing I'm saying,how do you sell rlow A r
l O rlow? Now? Thereare many more systems out there, but
Arlow's good and ring is good.They're proven. But there are others,

and in fact, I believe Googlemight have its own system. All of
these places have systems. What youreally want to worry about more than the
system is the interface. That's reallywhat you don't want is your own server.
I mean, right, I understandit's just too much to keep up

my home to my home computer.You want to hook it to your home
computer. No, no, you'resaying, do not use That's right.
You do not want your home computeror even a server on the internet.
All the time, someone will getinto it. They will get into it.

And I'm telling you for the moneyit takes for you to make your
home secure. It's easier that youit's easier that you get a subscription and
cheaper because you have to keep upon that all the time to keep it
secure. Being online twenty four toseven nowadays is the most insecure thing you
can do. And the only thingthat we have that's on the air all

the time for most of us,I hope, is our phone most of
the time. Our computers. Wego offline when we get offline and stay
off line. Now, you mightbe at your home WiFi, but you're
not to the outside world. Soin any case, I'm sure there are
people that are going to have suggestions. My YouTube morons probably will, and

also other people. I'll pass themon to you because people are now texting
me. But it's really important,as I said, And by the way,
that is a pretty cool I loginto my cameras all the time and
it's they're really good systems. Ihave both r Low and Ring at different
houses, so it's it's worth havingthree h three. Oh, by the

way, Wayne's got a comment,Wayne, quickly, what do you want
to say to Anthony? He's listening. What do you got Wayne? Hey?
Tom? How are you doing?How are you doing, Anthony good
Man, what's happening? Hey?Quick comment. I've been installing cameras for
about forty years. And the bigthing on cameras right now, especially in
residential properties, he is number oneis like you said, definitely do a

closed loop system. But also UHcameras like Lorex and r Low and everybody
else that you can buy off theshelf. Make sure that they are n
DA or THAA approved. That preventssome hacking software that some companies are putting
in. UH China's putting in andstuff like that. But we do them

for the government and the military,and I do a lot for residentials.
And it's really important that way becauseif we put we put in an MVR
instead of uh uh. It's anetwork video recorder. And I just got
back from Tokyo and I live ina ror and I was able to log
into my cameras and sit there andview them and I don't have Okay,
hold on, Wayne, So you'resaying that without a subscription, you're doing

this from your home, right Yeah? Absolutely, Okay, So tell him
what you have. Basically, it'san MVR with a network card in it
that is all password protected. Youplug it into your router, uh,
whatever your vendor is, you know, whether Comcast entering only Curtingman house.
And then when you log into it, you are actually logging in with your

past word and past code or administrativeword and pass code and connecting to it.
And then when you log out,it takes it off of the network.
And it's pretty oh really, holycrap. That's a good Wayne.
Do you mind giving now? Doyou have your own company? Yes?
Do you mind giving it out now? Be ready for calls? Yeah?

Absolutely. It is Elite security andthey can reach me at seven to two
zero three two five zero four eighttwo. Yeah. And I always tell
people go ahead shirt people you knowwe I'm sorry, no either one of
you were saying something. I'll givethe number again. Okay. And by

the way, Wayne, you oughtto talk to us about the referral list.
I'm serious. We look for goodpeople all the time. And yeah,
and I'm serious man, Yeah aboutBurger alarm systems too, because those
have all changed. But yeah,I mean the big thing we don't We're
not a cheap and I don't wantto say cheap, I want to say

inexpensive vendor. Our systems have aten year warranty on them. They're all
low light cameras our Burger systems.Wayne, as long as you do a
good, honest service, cheap isnot a requirement of mine. Okay.
Honesty and honesty and integrity and goodquality. Now, people who charge money
just because they're proud of themselves,that that crap. I don't want.

You know, there are people thatthat, you know what I'm saying,
They just charge out the nose.If you have good quality equipment and you
work on reasonable margins and integrity,that's what counts. I'll give you that
number, Anthony. You ready forit? Yes, Now, I want
everyone to know. I don't knowWayne, but he called in. He

sounds pretty good. It's Elite Security. I gave you the disclaimer. I
don't know, but he sounds likehe knows what he's talking about. Elite
Security seven to zero three two fivezero four eight two. What I might
do is have Mark call you though. Wayne. I'm serious. We can
use good people and I'm not tryingto do a sales job on you.

It. It's the best value thereis in advertising anywhere. It's very it's
very inexpensive, Anthony. Thanks forcalling, Wayne, Thanks for calling I
got to take this break, andthen Joe's got a comment on home security
coming up. Hi Tom Martino herethree three seven one three talks seven one

three eight two five five. SoBrent Ivenson Ideal Home Loans is going to
skid out on in a minute here, And I wanted to mention you you
have a special affiliate program. Youwanted to let him know about it.
They call you, tell me aboutthat. Yeah. So what we've got
is we have a preferred network ofagents that we've worked with and accumulated over
the years. Being in the mortgageside, they're in real estate side,

and what they're willing to do ishelp out with lowering fees. Either when
you're selling your home and buying another, they'll reduce their listing fee on the
home that you're selling to get youmore cash out of that property to take
onto the next property. To buydown the rate. Yeah, you can
buy down the rate. You canuse it towards closing costs or on the
buying side. If you're some let'ssay you're a first time buyer, they're

willing to work with you and contributepart of their commission towards buying down your
interest rate. On the buying sideof things, so that you can qualify
for more home for a lower monthlypayment and increase that buying power in the
marketplace. Ideal Home Loans dot Comthreeh three eight six seven seven thousand now
prent real quick. When you saybuy down a rate, can you give

me an example, like, what'sthe what is the rate today? Today?
We're at seven and eighth on athirty year fixed rate. So seven
and an eighth on a thirty yearfixed rate. So what does it take
to buy that down? How muchwould it if you if you wanted to
buy it down, Let's say aquarter of a percenter, and this is
a permanent buydown, not a twoto one buy down, it would be
it would be a total of apoint would get you another quarter better in

interest rate. So if your houseis whatever, it's one percent of that.
Yeah. So whatever you're buying,whatever the loan, whatever the loan
is, that's right. So yeah. So let's say you're borrowing five hundred
thousand dollars and you want to lookat hey, six point eight seven five
percent makes a material difference for me. Then you could put a point towards
that, which would be five thousanddollars to buy that down to six point

eight seventy five percent. And youmay think, well, I'd rather make
it monthly. But here's the thing. It helps you qualify. That's the
point. Yeah, absolutely allows youto qualify for more for less. Makes
you a little more competitive out there. Again, we're also doing two one
buydowns right now as well, andwe're looking at that as well for our
clients because what ends up happening.Let's say that you don't stay in that
buydown for the full term of thebuydown, Well, when you refinance out

of that buydown, think of itas that money goes into an ESCRO account
of sorts. Yeah, that's buyingthat rate down and subsidizing it for you
every month. Let's say you don'tuse the full two years of it.
When you refinance and pay that loanoff, the remainder of that buydown fund,
we'll go towards reducing the principal payoffwhen you're refinanced. So now,
on a buydown, is the buydowntemporary or as long as you stay in

your house? It depends? Itdepends. There's both options. Some of
them are temporary, like a twoto one buy down, is temporary in
a permanent buydown, which we canlook at too, is for the entire
life of your loan. Okay.And by the way, I think rates
will be coming down anyway, youwon't have to worry about it. But
they do what's called a an interestrate guarantee anyway, So that's really something

you want to keep in mind.Thank you, Brent, appreciate it,
you bet. Okay, Now wehave some comments. I have Mark mcchosky,
I want to take in a minutehere, but I got to take
this guy. Was Joe's been waitingon a home security Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah. Tom. There's a companyI went to and installed it myself,
and it's a pretty unique system.It's a plug and play in VR

and they have their own security andwhat have you. It's called CTV Security
Pros. And where'd you find it. I found them on doing some research
about four or five years ago.They're out of New Jersey and these guys
are ex retired military security and there'sno there's no monthly subscription, that is

correct. They do their own securityupdates. You buy the whole system in
VR and the cameras and they doeverything else. You can hook it up
to your phone. It's pretty neat. I can check my cameras anytime of
the day or night. They're verygood four K and up to eight megapixels.
You can get zoom, you canget them to read license plates and

one time. If you buy it, you're done. You don't pay any
more fees to participate and they dotheir up. Do you recall what a
costume? Do you recall what acost Yeah it did? It cost me
over two thousand and well three camerasin an MVR give the name against her
dc TV, but they're called securitypros and I do have their phone number.

Go ahead eight eight eight six fivethree two two eight eight and they'll
help you set it up. Theseare a pretty complex system like UPS seventy
eleven. There's a lot of governmentagencies that use the same thing, but
it's a plug and play unit andthey're very high tech. Uh, they
can't be hacked into or they canjam. Some of these ones that you

go airless with. They can.If they're going to rob an area,
they'll go through the neighborhood, jameverything else, steal it leaves and then
your cameras will come back on.Well, these are all hardwired and plug
and play. They don't do that. All right, thank you, Joe.
I got to take this break.I'm Tom Martino more coming up.

Hi, Tom Martino here three zerothree seven to one to three talk seven
one three A two five five.Don't forget ideal home loans dot com.
And how long does it take toclose, Brenton? We can get in
your loan clothing as little as twoweeks. And what's written in the guarantee.
So the way our interest rate guaranteeworks is that or you're talking about
closing guarantee anything either. So ourclosing guarantee, we will underwrite, preapprove

your loan upfront, will guarantee thatwe close in two weeks. Jeez,
can't beat that. Yeah, ithelps when you're out making an offer on
a competitive environment. And then ourinterest rate guarantee. If rates go down,
we'll refinance your loan to lower interestrate with no lender fees. Yeah,
and that's a two year guarantee.That's a long time. Three oh
three, eight six, seven,seven thousand. By the way, Mark
mcchowski, Hey, Mark, Ihaven't talked to you in a long time.

Brother. Hi, Hey, hello, Tom, how are you Are
you doing good where I'm at?Do you know where I'm at? Where
my son was granted a scholarship toGIA out here in California. Yeah,
and they had granted me a fulltour of this place. So I've been
holding on the radio because my sonis ang. Sorry, man eat his

whole tour. I'm so so yesdoing budget a one transmission auto repair.
But you also do gold and silverright? And coins? I am a
professional new mismatist, Tom. I'malso a professional coin and currency grater.
Okay, bullion everything, But canyou help people sell it? Sure?
Okay? Because I just got atext and it's from someone who says their

parents have a lot of they havea lot of gold coins or yeah,
I think they or they said coinsand they want someone honest, and I
didn't know if you were still doingit, so I will give them your
information. Thank you, okay.And I've been doing it for thirty five
years okay, And you know,I really do appreciate you taking care of

people. So I want you toremember when they call, he will be
calling you about his parents. AndI guess a lot of people have coin
collections as they get older, Andis it hard to get them converted.
No, not at all. Youknow, there's two different ways we can
do that. I can either purchasethem outright or and if these are coins

that have a high numismatic value,you know, sometimes and I've done many
of these through the years, hasdone it on a consignment where the coupcain
gets more money, you know,Thank you, Mark, I appreciate it,
by the way, Thank you verymuch. And you can always reach
him in his place out it's thethree oh three seven eight to one ninety
eight fifty eight. Three oh threeseven eight one ninety eight fifty eight.

And don't forget Ideal Home Loans dotCom three oh three eight six seven seven
thousand. Usha, what's going onwith your parking lot? Usha? You
had a car accident. No,it's a very small thing, but I
want to know the principle of whathappens with your health. I turned into
my parking lot, which I normallydo spark in the same place as a

rule, because it takes a newturn. The doctor who was standing right
there was waving at me saying hello. At the same time I was parking
maybe one mile an hour. That'sslow. She could have stopped my car
touched my car, or said anything, but nothing happened. I scratched a
little rubber off the car, justa little rubber. Yes, but my

steak farm says, oh, youhit a push But I said, I
didn't hit the Porsche. The ownerwas standing right there. She didn't stop
me. Well, are they tryingto get a lot of money from you?
Yes, they're trying to get Isent you the email right now,
he says. It's close to fourthousand because they want to open up the
whole thing to see how badly.I want to see the email and we'll

call you right back, or youcan hang on now I know. Is
this doctor Usha Warma? Yes?I know, but I didn't want to
give your last name unless you wantedto. But doctor, I've known you
for years. Hold on, we'lllook at this. Uh, we'll look
at the email and we'll either callyou back or you can hold Thank you
very much. I'm Tom Martinez.We have more coming up on the Troubleshooter

Show. Three O three seven onethree talks seven to one three eight,
two five five. Don't forget.You can call three oh three Martino anytime,
day or night. If you're onthe line. Hang on, We'll
be right back. Yeah, rippedup bad news. You need advice,

so you don't have come running.Just as fast as we can. Show
Shooter's gonna help come man, Thisis the Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom
Martino, Hi, Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three O
three seven one three talk three ohthree seven one three eight two five five.

Well, we are here to helpyou, and all you have to
do is call us at three ohthree seven one three talk three oh three
seven one three eight two five five. Welcome to the show. Now.
Life is complicated, folks, andthings happen each and every day, so
I want to get right to you. One of the problems we have.

Usha called and had a parking lotincident, and I feel for her,
She says, My god, Tom, I was going one mile an hour.
I pull into a parking lot.I had a Porsche Cayenne or shot
Yeah, that's what I think they'recalled. And it's an SUV. And
I looked at the repair estimate andUsha first and foremost, I want to

tell you something. I had atiny scratch on my BMW, A tiny,
tiny, tiny scratch. Someone scuffedme and left, so Unfortunately,
I had to do it myself,and I thought, I'm not going to
put it through insurance, I'll justdirect pay. And I went to a

body shop and it was three thousanddollars and I thought it was going to
be be five or six hundred dollarsand this is not. I just want
you to know something, Usha.I'm not giving you my opinion right now.
I'm telling you what's going on inthe world of body shops. You

are going to pay every bit offour thousand dollars for that Porsche Cayenne damage.
I know it does. She wasthere though she distracted me. You
know, the fact remains. Okay. Now if you're saying, if you're
saying you're not at fault, that'sa whole different ballgame. Now, I
understand see that she was standing there. She didn't stop me, and I

have poked in that space a thousandtimes. Now, when you did part
there and hit the car, whatdid she say to you? Nothing?
She walked off, She didn't doan exchange insurance information. I had to
call over within a couple of hours. Did she know you hit her car?
Oh? Yeah, she was standingright there and she well, did
she say hey? Ushi, youowe me money? Or you hit my
car? Or did she say nothing? She took a picture of her car

and walked out, and oh,okay, my car in a different place.
Then I went there and I tooka picture of my own the same.
Now now, now, Busha,Busha. Let let's just I just
want some scenarios, like let's say, let's say it was it was you
know, you did hit them,and yes, Here's what I want to

know. Are you dispute You're notdisputing liability, you're disputing the cost.
Because what they're saying is it's likeI banged the car so bad that they
have to open the whole thing outthere. But she's the proof that I
did not do that. I didn'tbang the car. I just touched her
card. But what difference? Here'swhat I want to know, though,

What difference does it make what youdid? If the damage is the damage?
That's what I don't understand, Like, for example, whether whether we
disagree on the amount, you doagree you did the damage right and I
got distracted. I done it athousand times. Yeah, But what does
that mean? Usha? I'm tryingto figure out what that means. Does
it mean? Why stop? Whydoes she not stop and touch my thought

and say stop? That's usha,Usha, I'm not listen. We have
to take one thing at a time. Okay, First, let's take the
fault. Let's not talk about damage. Are you saying it's partly her fault?
Yes? Okay, that's different.Now the cost of the matter,

unfortunately, is not going to bedebatable. Okay, it is what it
is. Now, what you're sayingis I shouldn't have to pay all of
it because it was partly her fault. Is that what you're saying? Okay?
Now I'm saying, does she agreeit was partly her fault? No?

I asked my steak farm to giveme what she said to them.
She's not said anything to me.She's not talked to me nothing. We
didn't even exchange information on what isyour deductible? How much is your deductible?
Thousand? Which is that's fine.The problem is seems to take ownership
of a little bit. What butif you pay but no matter what,

whether your insurance pays half of itor all of it, you only have
to pay one thousand dollars. That'sright, and I don't mind that.
So the part you're worried about isthat she's not taking responsibility. Yes,
okay, let me tell you,and I'm going to clear this up for
you. When it comes to aninsurance claim. Since you already called your

insurance company, it's up to themhow they want to handle it. All
you have to do is submit theclaim, tell them what you think,
and pay your deductible. It's upto them whether they want to pay the
three grand or if they're going tofight her for what's called comparative negligent.

What you're describing is what is calledcomparative negligence. Now, I want to
explain something to you. There usuallyis not comparative negligence when one car is
standing still, usually not. Youhave a very unusual situation where you're saying,
she saw me moving toward my carand toward her car and did nothing

to stop me. Well, itcould be. It could be she didn't
realize you were going to scuff thecar. It was so close. Maybe
she didn't realize it. But butwhy do you care if your insurance is
going to pay two or three Whatdo you care? Because the way she
acted towards me and the rudeness thatcame afterwards, Okay, why don't you

come and tell the truth to yourcompany what really happened, rather than making
it look like I banged your carso bad, which and they want to
remove all the stuff and the tBut by the way, her value of
a car will go down when shemakes them do that, because somebody who's
going to buy that car will goto car Facts and say, oh,

this car has been in a bigproblem. That's my not my problem.
But don't ever mention that to her. Okay, got it. I'm going
to tell you why, because there'ssomething called diminished value, and I don't
think, by the way, thisis going to have diminished value. But
here's what I would do, usha, I would leave it to my insurance

company. I truly would. Okay, I would leave it to them because
they're the ones that make a decision. It's out of your hands once you
put in the claim. Had younot put in the claim, you could
have and you were paying it directly, you could have argued with her what
you're going to pay, and youcould have just given her half and said
sorry, I'm not paying the otherhalf and then fight it out. But

once you put it in with yourinsurance, according to your policy. You
are the one required to do whatthey decide. So if they decide pay
it all and you pay your deductible, you have no say about it.
That's that's just the way it is. So I understand now you weren't disputing
so much. What you were sayingis she should have taken responsibility. I

don't think technically she needed to,though, because her car was standing still
and you were expecting her to seewhat you were doing and stop you and
know that it was gonna hit.I think that's too much to ask.
Three oh three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five Now
hold on, I want to talkto uh. Who's next here? Israel

Israel? Go ahead, what's goingon? I've been in a collegecident.
I'm sorry, I'm Israel Israel.I don't know what's going on. What's
going on? Both of all,I want thank you forever. If you

do for the people, you know, you're really an angel. Well,
thank you. I free shit.That is what's going on. I've been
following your show for a lot oftimes. Last time you call it,
I wasn't going known. I stillthink, first of all, I want
to compliment the Realtel Frank Ran thereally said, man, what a wonderful
man. Yes, huh, youbought a house. Yeah, I bought

a house from him, and I'mgoing to sell a house with him because
of you. Okay, that's onething. A second thing about I did
something that I shouldn't have done.I may years old than be in July.
Uh huh. And I decided I'mgoing to have classic surgery. So

I did classic surgery with that intelligentand I almost died. I had the
physical before the plastic surgery, youknow, with my with my doctor,
and everything came good. But hewent in too deep. I asked him
not to go. What kind ofplastic surgery was in Israel? What kind

of class six surgery on my faceand my neck? And what was it
for? What was it that hewent Was it a face lift? Yeah,
facelifts? And okay, and yousaid he went too deep? You
said he went too deep it did. What happened was he could end up

in intensive scale for about a weekand they called me names there, you
know, not the doctor, butthe staff called me a Jew and the
kite. What wait a minute,wait a minute, they call they were
calling you ethnic names, Yes,sir, are you sure that what what

I'm I'm not lying, I'm notlying. I'm a hundred percent sure.
But what's helping me? What's helpingme? I almost died now, I
was bleeding, you know, pneumonia. I didn't stop walking. So are
you blaming this Israel? Are youblaming the doctor for malpractice? I don't

know. I don't know what todo with you and Assal, you know,
I don't know because the como,the stuff, you know, I
got so sick and tired, andI asked him to let me go home,
and they did you did you getin it? Let me ask you
this Israel. Let's talk one thingat a time. First, the plastic
surgery itself. Did the plastic surgerygo okay? Or are you claiming the

doctor did something wrong. I'm claimingthat the doct over did okay? Do
you go? Man? You shouldhave let me sit down and talk to
me a little bit more about it. So, you know, almost died.
And as I went to my mydazel yesterday an appointment and they said,

you lucky, you're not dead.Okay, hold on right now,
Israel, come Israel, hold on, and I'm going to come back to
you. Okay, hang on fora second. I got to take this
break. Hi, Tom Martino herethree oh three seven one three talks seven

one three eight two five five.Yeah, listen, Israel's talking about plastic
surgery, and I'm telling you it'snot the greatest thing in the world when
this is something like this happens Israel. I'm gonna I want to tell you

a few things, and I'm hopingyou understand. I know you'll understand malpractice.
Malpractice is a very very, verylong and grueling process to go through,
even when you're right, even whenyou're one hunt undred percent right.
And here's the I want to tellyou something else. The older you are,

the more difficult it is, becauseI'm going to tell you why,
Because they assume that you're not goingto heal and respond like a younger person.
Now, whether or not this doctorshould have turned it down or should
have done something differently, that's awhole different story. You need, though,

to talk to someone to see.But I'm telling you, unless how
are you doing right now? Letme ask you that, how are you
doing that? But you don't haveany permanent injury. You don't have any
permanent injury right us now? Howdoes it look? Hello, blue dopad?

But it little better than a log. Yes. Now, the other
thing that it's a separate issue fromthe hospital treatment. The hospital treatment concerns
me. But here's my own humbleopinion. It's not a legal opinion.
If you were my dad, ifyou're my brother, I'm going to tell
you Israel, don't take the timeand energy at ninety two years old to

pursue a malpractice. Two, I'mnot ninety two. I'm d oh.
I thought you said no. I'msorry. I thought you said ninety two.
I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. Okay. I would not at
eighty take the time and energy itwould take for a malpractice because you don't
have permanent injury, and I don'tthink it'll be worth your time and money,

and it'll be too depressing. That'swhat I'm saying. Okay, however,
unless you're permanently scarred and have permanentdamage. But listen to this.
I don't like what you're telling meabout the hospital. Are you really serious
that they were calling you names andmean to you. It's a Martino I

made years old. I will notlie to you. There's no way in
hell I will lie to you.You know my doctor? They did they
come right out in the did theycome right out and call it to your
faith? I tell you, Itell you exactly what happened, mister Martina.
I want that hospital, and Icouldn't help the abuse. Besides,

was very sick. My kidney felland I had pneumonia. I was intensive
care and I ran away. Whatdo you mean by I ran away?
I told me, cannot hold meagainst my will? So fine. I
was bleeding all over the place.Doctor was the fine. I cannot so

I said it made. They mademe sign something and then I signed it
and then they let me go.I got somebody picking me up and I
left. Then my wife. Iwas bleeding all over the place, so
my wife called nine one one.They came from a house and it took
me back. That's what happened whenyou went back? How did they treat
you? Not good? What doesthat mean? Basically? It's about very

abusive. But they call me names, and she is I don't know.
You know, you know my religion, you know Israel? Israel? What
I mean, listen, I knowthere are people that are insensitive, but
it's almost hard for me to believethat you're in a hospital and they call

you names about being a jew.So so I will not like you.
I'll respect your love. I willnot do that. What hospital did you?
What hospital was this? What hospital? I cannot talk about the guys
now, I cannot tell them becauseit's a good hospital. It's a great
hospital. That's not going with thehospital. I'm not talking about the hospital.

I'm talking about the SEF. I'mnot talking about the doctors and the
big shots. I'm talking about onenose. Okay, there was so busy
that let me give you an example. There was so busy that they couldn't
handle it. When I came back, they tried to do all blood on
my hand, and there was sobusy. They got one of the girls

and the phone. She almost walkedthe needle in my arms. She couldn't
get out. She was not thenoose. Okay, listen, lem it's
Christie. Do you do you wantto put a complaint in with the patient
advocate at that hospital? Every hospitalhas a patient's advocate? Yes? Did

you ever call them? Doctor?No? I did not. My doctor
told me I need to see themfor male parctice. But I don't know.
There's no mal forget about suing Israel. Seriously, the way to handle
this is to let us call them, or you call them and put in
a complaint. Really, the malpracticeis means you're permanently injured from some lack

of care. You know, thesepeople might have one or two people there,
as you say, might have beena jerk to you. That's not
malpractice, exactly, exactly right,that's not malpractice. And if you want,
did you get the names of thejerks there? No, I cannot.
I don't want to. Well,I I listen, you tell me

whatever you want. I'm gonna putyou on hold whatever you want. Did
he just hang on anyway, Israel? If you want us to call and
complain about these people, we will, all right, three oh three seven
one three talk three oh three sevenone three eight two five five all right.

I was giving out my number forpeople to text me, and I
have a bunch of a bunch ofquestions. I promise I'll try to get
to but right now, Frank,I'm going to come to you right after
this about wheelbarings on a jeep Liberty, whatever you guys got. Remember,
by the way, tomorrow's car dayas well, And we're going to talk
a lot of car issues. ThenI'm Tom Martino three O three seven to

one three eight two five five.Hi Tom Martine Here, John Jones Juniors
with Integra Insurance Group. They dohealth insurance. John, would there be
a reason that you can think ofthat I'm getting numerous texts right now about
health insurance premiums and people wanting toswitch. Open enrollment was over at the

end of the year. Why doyou think I'm getting caught And it can't
be. They don't know each other. I'm just getting some texts right now.
Why do you think that's a greatquestion. Premiums are set for the
for those under age sixty five,right, Individual family health insurance premiums are

set for the year by the Divisionof Insurance, and so those don't change
during the year. There could beseveral factors. I mean, I guess
technically, you know, Medicaid redeterminedas far as income limits change on April
first, and maybe something something ah, maybe people are now shopping for Maybe
people go ahead and so somebody whowas getting a big tax credit because their

income is right at that border Medicaidincome or that that border increased, and
so now they technically and so maybethey lost their tax credits and they're getting
a surgeon. Yeah, my premium, I just lost all my tax credits
I'm getting I'm being charged the fullpremium amount. Now, I guess that
could be something. Hold on,hold on, John, I may have
to get you back on tomorrow.But I want to ask you this,

Are there any bargains out there?I'm hearing from single individuals that say seven
hunts more? Is that possible?It all depends on income. It all
depends if you qualify for that tashuthat sorry, not the tax credit.
And so it depends on income whetheror not you qualify for those tax credits.

And you can get pretty much yourhealth interns for as low as zero
dollars a month. Yeah, butokay, what I guess we're going to
get you back because I want toknow what the new what the tax credits
are, and what the levels are, and maybe advice for people. Some
people are saying they were recommended thatthey get catastrophic coverage. I want to

talk about that and more coming uptomorrow. I'm Tom Martino. Stay tuned
for that. We'll try to gethim on tomorrow. Don't forget three oh
three Martino for help, information andreferrals. Three oh three Martino

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