All Episodes

May 22, 2024 138 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yeall ripped up news. You needadvice, so you don't have come running.
Just as fast as we can.Shoot's gonna help come Man. Six

is the Troubleshooter Show. No TomMartino. Hey, I'm Tom Martino.
Welcome to the show. Three ohthree seven one three Talk three oh three
seven one three eight, two fivefive. What's on your mind today?
We love talking to you about problems, questions and complaints. So anything that

you need give us a call atthree oh three seven one three talk now.
Of course twenty four to seven youcan call three oh three Martino,
including now while we're on the airthree oh three six two seven eight four
sixty six, and we will ofcourse get you on the air as soon
as possible. If you leave amessage, we will call you and we

will get you on the show.Today. I have the trolley roofing with
me from Colorado Springs. We havea lot of friends in Colorado Springs and
uh, Michael Malley, Mike,thanks man. Hold on, shit there,
you you're my friend having me.You're my friend because you brought me
some stuff from some French, fancyfricking bakery. What is it's beautiful?
Wow, Napoleons and the Claire's andall kinds of stuff. Was that in

the Springs? Yeah, if youhaven't tried it in the Springs, you
have to. Oh my god.Anyway, welcome. What's new? What's
new down there? I mean,do you have a lot of storm damage
from still left over? Got somuch left over from hill? Yeah,
it's it's incredible. The adjusters thatI talked to, they're running five five

roofs a day still individually, whichmeans that still. Yeah, it's crazy.
And you know what we're doing thoughtime. What's new for us is
we just kicked off our Hearts andHammers giveaway. We were talking about a
heart for veterans and every year wedo a free roof and so if if
how do we do that? Mango to our website and nominate somebody that
you know is in need, thatany of your any trolley listening and those

listening petrolley if you've been around thatyou don't it's not really p E T
R A L I. Yeah.And and if they go they can nominate
somebody that's in their neighborhood, aneighbor, an veteran, parent, a
veteran, It could be a widowa elder, elder, early person.
I'm sorry, veteran. Okay,somebody that's in need, let's help him

out, all right, excellent,And yeah, Mike's a great guy when
it comes to helping people. Sonominate at Petrolley roofing dot com. We'll
talk more about that if you haveany roofing questions. Anyway, how far
north do you come? Or westor east? What's your area? Uh?
We go to Denver. We don'tlike it as much. Yeah,
you know what I mean. Butyou're yeah, we're out in Calahan.
We go out to Buena Visa.If there's anybody out there, we go

Canyon City. We've got an installgoing on right now, so monument absolutely
all right. So anyway, Dwight, let's start out things with Dwight.
I'm Tom Martino. By the way, those tuning in. I've been doing
this a long time, forty fiveyears, and you know on radio here
and also TV, but I don'tdo full time TV anymore as far as

stories, just commercials. Dwight,Hey, man, what's happening with you?
What's going on? Man? Thankyou? Dwight? What's going on?
Man? Well? What I havegoing on is probably I don't know
if you have enough time on yourshow. Well, we always have enough
time, you know. People whosay it's going to be a long story.
I say, look, I canhear the story of creation in an

hour. So why don't you justtell me start and we'll just take it
from there. Go ahead, man, Okay, all right. What we've
got here is a fulse was falselyarrested in twenty and seventeen. And what
was that for? Well, thereason I was you were not falsely arrested.

You were really arrested. But butit was false for false you're saying
what they were. The circumstances weresketch. So what was it about?
So my wife had called me herdaughter who was married to a guy that
was twice her age, and herdaughter was being basically beat up by her
husband. Was this your stepdaughter?It is for to say your stepdaughter?

Yeah? I should have Yeah,I should have clarified that that was my
stud No, No, that's okay. So your stepdaughter was being was being
manhandled or beat up? Manhandled makesit sound too easy, but she was
being abused by this uh, thisbully. That's probably more accurate manhandled because
he was trying to restrain her totake her home. She was visiting her

mom at our house, and hewent over there to take her from my
god. Okay, yeah, okay, let's just let's just call it what
it is. She's she's being abused. What happened? Then? Well,
I go out there. It's twelveo'clock at night, pitch black, and
they're like two hundred feet away frommy house or my condo. Now,
wait a minute, So you wentthere and you witnessed this when you got

there. Actually I did witness it. Actually they called I was at I
was in my condo. I wasupstairs watching television. Now, hold on,
hold on, are at the timeyou were not married to this woman?
Common law? Yeah, okay,so this your wife calls you and
says, or were you home withher? I mean, you got a

phone call from who? I gota call from my wife, and she
was and she said, and shesaid, my daughter's being hurt. Get
over here. Her daughter and herwere visiting each other. And they weren't
in my bedroom. They weren't inthe house that I know of. They
were outside visiting. And Elizabeth's husbandshows up, and whose house was this?

Whose house was this? It wasmy place. It was our case,
but you said you were it wasyour place, but you were not
there. I was upstairs because,oh, got it. The altercation took
place outside, got it. Youwere in the house and she called you
right, you got it? Sorry, sorry about that. And I was,

you know, basically watching television andI get a call says, get
down here as soon as you can, less us beating the crap out of
us. And so I go downthere, and this isn't his first time
doing this. Uh he literally,well, let me, I can keep
that out of it. But hewas down there trying to reach well.
Usually usually when people do this,it's not a one time thing. Usually

people have a history of this.So I don't I don't doubt that,
but I need to know what happened. So how the hell do you get
arrested? So I go down thereand he has got her in a choke
hold, and uh, I godown and I said, let her release
her. I say his name,I said let her go, release her,
and he ignored me, and Isaid it again. And of course

now he's done this before. Inever saw it before, but I saw
it this time. And so whenhe didn't release her or acknowledge me.
The second time, I engaged andhit him a couple of times in the
ribs. May have hit him,I don't know, a couple more times,
but it wasn't a beatdown or nothinglike that. As soon as I
hit him, well who cares?I mean, the guy was so you

tried to help your stepdaughter, right, right? And he did? Really
And what happened? Man? Afteryou're engaged and he says, I'm going
to call the police, And sohe steps aside and calls nine one one,
and basically I go back to thehouse, my daughter and my wife.
They take off going somewhere, leavingthe scene, and he's called the

cops and they're knocking at my door. I go downstairs and the police.
Now, wait, wait a minute, How the hell does this guy call
the cops when he was the oneand you were just trying to defend her,
right, That's that's what my attorneysaid. I should have been given
a medal protecting. Well, whathappened, man? What happened? You

weren't found guilty of anything, wereyou? Well? No, no,
but what happened? Tom? Igo upstairs watch my television Again. I
didn't think he was going to callthe police. Actually, I think I
did. I think I did.Know he did. So your daughter,
your stepdaughter and wife took off.They take off, they went. Why
wouldn't they stick around to tell policewhat's going on? Man? Well,

to be totally honest, my daughterwas being a little bit of a trouble
maker, and there was a restrainingorder. My wife had put her a
restraining order because she was drinking andgetting out of line and coming by and
just starting trouble. There was arestraining order between the two of them.
However, you know, once theywere getting processed back all right, twight,

So I'm getting a picture here that'sall weird. So okay, So
the girls in the choke hold,you punch the guy out, The guy
lets her go. She and themom takes off even though there's a straining
order between him. He calls police. Police arrive. Then what well,
I'm already back in my bedroom upstairs. I didn't wait for the police to

show up because I didn't think,well, yeah, so go ahead,
Now what happened? The cops areknocking at the door. I go downstairs
and I'm talking to the police officersthrough a screen door, and they say,
hey, do I come on outhere? You know, why are
you gonna just wait? Come onout here? And so I go outside
and about ten to fifteen seconds later, one of the officers starts reaching for

my head and I'm like, whatare you doing? They never bring up
the altercation. All They basically hadme come outside and I was talking about,
you know, what's going on herein this and that, but we
never got to the altercation. Theguy starts trying to take my hand and
put it behind my back, andI'm like, what's going on here?
What do you do? And atthat time they both throw me to the

ground. And now remember this,okay, remember this. When the police
show up, all they know iswhat this clown is telling them, right
right, Okay, we don't knowwhat he told them. And so you
go to the door. When youwent to the door to talk to police,
were you polite? Yes? Yes? Never did you tell them I

was protecting my stepdaughter. Didn't geta chance the altercation ever came up.
Well did you tell them? Didyou say I know why you're here?
You knew why they were there?I mean, come on, man,
anyway, you didn't. You obviouslydidn't. So they arrested you. Let's
get right to that point. Theyarrested you. Yeah, and there was
no blank space. And by theway, you don't you don't have to

give each and every detail. Ofcourse, they put your hands behind your
back, they put handcuffs on you, they arrested you. Then what happened,
Well, I get on to theground and take them to the police
station. Okay, I know,and you were booked in all of that,
but let's get to the bigger picture. Well, I think this is
probably an important part of it.As I'm sitting down and the officers doing

the paperwork, he had another policeofficer go to retrieve animal my record and
she comes back and she shrugged andsays nothing. And the police officer doing
the payperwork and he just about hasa stroke. He jumps up and has
a go check again, and he'ssplunning his name right because I'm sixty one

years old without a police record.That was kind of it kind of surprised
him. But anyway, well,hold on, so you do have a
record, Dwight, I do,now. No. I meant, man,
why was the guy when you weresixty one and you were at the
police station in twenty seventeen, yousaid, the guy was shocked at what

And I didn't have a police record. Oh why would anybody be shocked that
a sixty one year old doesn't havea police record. There are a lot
of people without I guess nowadays,Tom, I don't know. Hold on,
hold on, Dwight, hold on. I'm fascinated with your story.
I want to know where it's going. I want to try to help you.
Wonder what the issue is today.I'm Tom Martino. That's what we
have to find out. Three ohthree seven one three talk seven one three

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zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartinez here three oh three seven one three
talk three oh three seven one threeeight two five five. Now we're taking
calls, any and all calls.Problems question complains? Uh, basically,
Dwight just telling us the story aboutback in twenty seventeen. He said,

Uh, his stepdaughter was being bulliedby her husband. Choke hold, he
punched him out, get him tostop. Then that the husband calls the
police. They show up and arrestWhy. Okay, take it from there,
Dwight, No, no backdragon.What's the problem today, Dwight,
Well, the problem today is thatthis is carried over. Well, let

me let me finish real quick.So anyway, I go to court,
and the judge looked at the videocam the whatever the cops were on their
U body can kids on their bodycams, and he says, I can't
see why this man was arrested.I never used a swear word, never
give them any attitude, you know, And so the case was thrown out

of court. My attorneys were atthat time they see on you and uh
so that basically I guess I hadI had beat the cops that apparently had
a ninety nine point nine victory.Well, police, what police? What
police? Is the department? Thiswas? This took place at the Aurora

courthouse and well, I'm asking thepolice department? Was it Aurora, Aurora?
Yes, I'm sorry. Now,please don't tell me ever since twenty
seventeen because you beat them there afteryou well, I believe it started a
vendetta. Come on, dway,dway, do you realize Please don't have
time for that crab. I'm serious, man, I mean it would be

different if it would be different ifyou're a career criminal that keeps beating them
at their game. But if youhad a one time encounter with these guys
and the case was dismissed, theydon't even remember your name. That's probably
true in most cases. Then what'sthe case? Man? Tell me?
How? Tell me? I needto know. By the way, let
me just say this. I talklike this everyone because I want to make

them tell me what's going on soI can help them if they need help.
What have they done to you ineighteen, nineteen, twenty twenty one,
twenty two, twenty three, twentyfour in seven years? What has
happened? Well? For what?I try not to get Let me ask
you that. No, I'm goingto ask some questions because you're not being

forthcoming, have you. I've beenarrested again in the last seven years,
Yes, how many times? Once? Okay? For what? For?
What? Next? For what?I got arrested for supposedly pointing on God?
And a guy who basically was arrestedand served time for the same charge,

and he said that I committed.However, the guy right next to
him said, I never saw aguy. Now I want to know what
year was that second arrest? Thatwould have been a year later. Okay,
So then let me just get thishold on. Then in twenty eighteen,
okay, you were arrested for brandishinga gun for threatening someone? What

was the charge. They call itmenacing. Yes, yes, yes,
okay, Now you were charged withmenacing where you found guilty? Yes,
I didn't have a jury, andall right, it doesn't matter. You

were found guilty. Did you havea gun in your possession? Yes,
and for a very good reason.I don't care, man, I'm not
asking for excuses right now. Iwant to get to the essence. So
menacing with a gun, found guilty? And now what now? Okay,
now we're in twenty eighteen, helpme out here? Where do we go
from there? Go ahead? Okay, I was the manager over ten units

and I had these guys and evictionnotice because what year was this the same
same thing? Twenty eighteen? Okay? Was this after the gun thing?
No, this is what happened.I don't want to hear what happened.
You were already found guilty too late. Move on, tell me next thing?
Now, what's going on now?Well, next thing is and this

is unfortunately what's the next thing.The next thing is the accident that I
just got into about six months ago. Okay, Now, let me ask
you this. So so far,Aurora police hasn't been they have a vendetta
against you. You beat them intwenty seventeen, you were found guilty of

menacing with a gun, which theyhad nothing to do with, nothing at
all. They were nowhere in sight. You were arrested for that, and
because somebody complained about it, andeven though that person was guilty and you
feel you were not guilty, youwere found guilty. And now you're in
an accident six months earlier now orsix months ago? That accident? Did
that have anything to do with AuroraPolice? Yes? Okay, what happened

six months ago now? Because Isee no connection so far at all,
even though you're knit knees together,Dwight, you called me for help,
and I'm telling you something. Someof the best help I'm giving you is
I'm giving you unfiltered, unbiased opinionshere on what's going on in your life.
So now, six months ago,tell me the accident. What happened

six months ago? Okay, I'mgoing to give it to you, just
cut and dry. I'm basically beingframed. What happened six months ago?
Tell me what happened. I'm goingeast, the driver of the other vehicles
going west and he makes a lefthand turn in front of me. There's
no we had a common green light. Anyway, I t bone the guy

and I go to the hospital.I call nine one one and I go
to the hospital. I thought Ihad broke my arm. But before I
went to the hospital, I hadnine one one on the line and I
said, there's nobody here. Itwas like a ghost town, and I
says, I need to check onthis guy. So I went and I
checked on the guy his vehicle,and now I was facing the direction I
was going. Anyway, I goover and ask the guy if it's okay.

He's not even trying to get outof his car. He's a young
guy, probably twenty sevent eight yearsold, and he's inside of his car
along what color shoes did he have? Come on? Man, what happened?
Yeah, that's what I want toknow. So listen, So you
hit another guy and what happened anothercar? And then what happened you were
checking on him at the scene orwas this at the hospital? Well this

all ties in together, Tom ifI put the gaps in there, yeah
they're not going to connect, justwith the gun thing as well. But
anyway, here's what I'm trying tosay. There was nobody there. When
nobody Dwight Dwight, Dwight, stopnobody where you had an accident? You
were taken to the hospital. Here'sthe problem. You're telling me details I

don't need, and the details Ido need, you're not telling me when
you were taken to the hospital.Is that where there was nobody there?
Or was it at the accident scene? It was at the accident scene,
there was nobody there, and youwent to check on the man or the

young man that you hit. Isthat what I'm getting so far? Yes?
Then what happened? You went tocheck on him. See, I'm
trying to keep you in track here. Now what happened you went to check
on him? What happened? Okay? So I went to the hospital.
Okay, So checking on the guy, you skip right past that. Now,

now you go to the hospital.Okay, fine, go ahead.
You're in the hospital, now goahead. Okay, I'm at the hospital.
The police show up and gives mea ticket. And a ticket is
for running a red light? Andwas this a roar of police? Yes?
Okay? And that was going back. They said, Hey, this

is the guy that beat our assin court in twenty seventeen. Let's throw
the book at him. Yeah.Well, I'll tell you what tom So,
Dwight, That's what happened, rightThey charge you with running a red
light, even though they didn't thinkthat was true. They did it just
because you beat them back in twentyseventeen. Somehow, seven years later they

remembered this and they said, bygod, now we're going to get this
guy. Well, I think whatthey do they put a tag or a
flag bake. Yeah, okay,sure they do, Sure they do.
You have a nice stage, Dwight. It was great talking to your brother
because you haven't got what's the problemright now? Just tell me in a
sentence today, right now, what'sthe problem today? Right now? I

can't find an attorney. Nobody willtake this case. And why do you
think that is? Why do youthink that is right? When you say
you can't find an attorney? I'mcalling bs on that. You want to
know why, because you can callan attorney right now and get one.
Are you saying you can't get anattorney free of charge to try to soothe
a city with some bull crap chargesof discrimination or harassment? Or are you

saying you can't hire a criminal defenseattorney on an hourly basis? Which one
is it. Well, I guessI had the kind of money. So
wait a minute, So wait aminute. You say you can't find an
attorney. You see you mean youcan't find a free attorney. Is that
what you're telling me? Well,that's not what I was in. I

wasn't that. I can find youan attorney Joseph A. Lazara right now
will talk to you and take yourcase. He'll talk to you free of
charge. And if it's a if, well not if he'll defend you,
you can. It'll be a flatrate and I can give you Joe Lazara's
number. He will take the case. So I solved your problem. You
got an attorney. Well, Iwas just told by an attorney yesterday that,

yeah, I can defend you.He says. It's going to cost
you four or five thousand dollars.You know that's right. That's right,
that's what it will be. That'sexactly right. Maybe more, maybe less,
depends on the case. But here'sthe point. Defending you against what?
What are you trying to defend yourselfagainst? Number one, there was
no witnesses here. Here's what I'mgetting at, Dwight. Why not take

the ticket for running the red light, be done with it, because it's
going to cost me. Number one, I lost my truck and a really
good truck. It's total. Numbertwo. The guy has not even filed
yet, you know that, haven'teven filed anything to say that he got
hurt or anything. But down theroad, if I get if I get
guilty on it, I'm sure thingswill come out of the river work.

No, no they won't. Nothey won't, No, they won't.
Here's the thing. Do you haveinsurance? Did you have insurance? Yes?
Okay, your insurance will take careof it. No they're not.
I didn't have I didn't have fullcoverage. Well no, no, no,
no, no no, I'm talkingabout liability. Did you have liability?
I did? Well, liability takescare of that for him. That

they'll take care of that guy ifhe comes after you. Yeah, probably
to a certain extent, well tothe policy limits. But then they won't
go after you personally because you don'thave any money, so they will settle
with your insurance company. Dwight,you're making this way more complicated, and
you're trying to see some big giantconspiracy. Dwight, I'm telling you you're

way off base. There's no conspiracyhere. The guy probably is trying.
Maybe he is wrong. You didn'trun a red light, so what That's
a separate case that has nothing todo with twenty seventeen, That has nothing
to do with you pulling a gunon a guy. This is a separate
incident. You're not going to findan attorney because they think you don't have

a case. And you know what, quite frankly, they think you're a
nut because if you start talking tohim about some police conspiracy seven years ago
and now you're getting popped with ared light, you're never going to win.
What you need to do is letyour insurance take care of the other
car and move on with your lifebecause by my calculation right now, you're

about sixty eight years old, rightright, all right, move on with
your life. Bro, not worthit. I'm telling you from experience,
it is not worth it. Justgo ahead and be guilty when I was
innocent. Yep, that's right.No, you do you can do a
please, you can do us somekind of a plea with this. These
people you were in an accident,there were no witnesses. What I'm saying

is it's going to cost you fiveto ten thousand dollars to defend yourself,
and after you win, you getnothing. So your life whether you whether
you plea a, no contests orwhatever to this or defend yourself, your
life will not change one bit,not one bit, not one bit.
Will your life change? If youwin or lose this case. Your life

does not change. Your insurance willcover that you lost your truck anyway.
So tell me tell me this day, one way or the other. If
you won this case and you provedyou did not run a red light,
which is impossible with no witnesses,tell me what how your life changed?
You tell me right now. Howwill your life change after spending five to

ten grand and you're not guilty?How does your life change? There is
one problem I thought about. Howdoes your life change, Dwight. I'm
gonna make you stay on topic.How does your life change? Well,
let me say this. I thinkI have a left arm. Now they
cannot raise buf No, okay,how does your life change? It hurt?

The arm is not going to bedifferent. How does your life change
whether you win or lose this redlight case? I thought about it.
Yeah, you're right, it doesn'tchange. Goodbye, joy, goodbye you
really need some help, and thehelp is not legal. I'm Tom Martino.
Go with a sure thing Denver's bestroofer Excel Roofing dot com. You

don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, callCompass Insurance. Pay too much your
coverage at dozens of insurance companies findout now Wow three O three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you'rehis only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate Man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three oh

three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martine, your troubleshooter three
O three seven one three talk sevenone three eight two five five. I
for sure thought we were gonna geta blizzard or something. But because I
told you right Mark that Stephanie,I found her vacuum me and uh the

kitchen one time with an electric youknow those sweepers though, and I thought,
Okay, a blizzard's for sure coming. I don't know, but anyway,
I digress. It was just alittle joke because uh Shannon asked me
why I don't have, you know, coffee closer to me, I run
upstairs in between. Yeah, whynot put a little curriic down there?

Yeah, I guess I could.I have a bar right here down downstairs
here, So you got Jack Danielsthere, but you don't not no,
no, I don't have it likethat. I mean, it's a bar,
but nothing in it. But Ishould, I should put it downstairs.
That's a good point anyway. Threeoh three, seven to one three
talk. Let's go Robert real Estate. What's happening, Robert? Get your
calls in, folks. Listen.You might think, holy crap, holy

after how he slicing dice that guy. I don't want to go on a
rato. I'm gonna tell you something. I'm really serious now. I want
to clear out all the bs.When people call me and they do have
a problem, we'll fight like hell. But some people they have to see
through the clutter. They have beenso mired in their own bs and crap.

And then here's the problem. Alot of these people don't have real
friends. They'll listen to them,but they won't say to them, you
know what, Dwight, You're sofar off base. They just listen and
humor them. What you want isa friend who's going to say to you,
get over it, man, Imean, think about living your life

that way. Here's a man inhis sixties and most of his sixties are
gone now, and he's been thinkingthere's a conspiracy against him because one time
he defended his stepdaughter and the guythat he punched out calls police. Okay,
that's unfortunate. But when police showup, they don't see anybody.

They don't see anybody there that neededdefending. They just see the two of
them. They arrest him. Thecharges were dismissed, so he feels since
that time they were out to gethim. And so somehow he's arrested a
year later for the guy says hepulled the gun on him. Now,
this is a guy making an accusationagainst him that he pulled the gun and

he did have a gun on him. Now, how did Aurora police orchestrate
that? And then after that,seven years later, he gets in a
car accident. The guy who hehit, he t bone, said he
ran around. Duy says, no, I didn't. Okay, He says,
the police are out to get him, and now he can't get he

can't get an attorney because he wantsto fight this red light charge because his
arm is sore and he lost histruck. It doesn't matter. He's not
going to get his truck back.He doesn't have collision covers, and he's
not going to get his arm fixed, and and and and you know there's
no witnesses, nothing, nothing,zero's it. So all of this is
a conspiracy against him. Do youunder Do people hear this? Or am

I? Am I being harsh onpeople? Or do you hear this?
Bs? So? Would I bea friend if I tried to tell him?
You know what, I'm gonna havea deputy look into this. We're
gonna help you, Robert, what'sgoing on? Man? Hey? So,
I don't know if you uh I'massuming you give advice one way or
the other. But uh so Ihave a small company in town, or

my son have a small company intown. He had it. Let me
tell you that, Yeah we don'thave well, yeah we're I'm not in
business anymore because we had a largecompany that had an agreement with this that
kind of renigged on their agreement andwe didn't. We had all of our
eggs in that basket because it wasjust me and him. Oh that's too

bad. Man. Okay. Yeah, and so with this company who had
this agreement with us, they kindof renigged no matter. You know,
some of the familiar managers that we'vereached out to to help us out,
even the one who originally made theagreement with us, we haven't really gotten
anywhere with that now. Is thatstill Is that still going on? Rate?
Is that what you're calling about?Or you're calling about something else?

No, that's yeah, That's whatI'm calling about. Okay. So you
owned a company that did what whatdid your company do? So? We
were a drain cleaning company? Ohthat clean drains and then somebody hired you?
Or are you worked primarily for onecompany that did not pay you?
That's exactly right. Okay, who'dyou work for? Who'd you work for?

Yeah? You can, but Ijust need to know who did you
work for? Well? I workedfor a company that was my son's company
that he No, No, I'mI'm in your son's company. That Who
did you guys work for that thatdid not pay? Atlas real Estate?
Okay? And you asked if youcan tell the story from the beginning,
You absolutely can, But it's myfault. I'm rushing you. So hold

on, I just want to getget the spot. I promise you I'll
let you tell your story right afterthis. Go with a sure thing Denver's
best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.
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three O three seven seven to one. Help. You'll think you're his only
customer when you choose Frank durand thereal estate man dot com to list your
home with Remax Alliance three oh threenine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi

Tom Martinez here three or three sevenone three talks seven one three eight two
five fives. So Robert says heowned a or his son owned a company.
They did drains for Atlas. Goahead, now tell me the rest
are what's happening. So the storyis is a few years ago we were
in Saint Louis. My son decidedhe was coming back from coming back to
Denver. We moved from Denver likein twenty eighteen, and we went to

Saint Louis. And the reason wewent there is because I grew up there
and my mother was getting elderly andI had to get clothes to help her
out. And we had a companyhere in town, and we did work
for Atlas back in twenty eighteen,and we did quite a bit of work.
And so the people that we knewfrom Atlas, the managers, they
were very honest and ethical people andit was a it was a pretty good

gig and U so we went back, We went to Saint Louis, and
then my son decides that he doesn'tlike the Saint Louis area. He's coming
back to Denver. Well, whileI'm in Saint Louis, I land a
job as a manager. And keepin mind, Okay, Robert, I'm
I'm sorry. Like I said,I want to give you more time,
but and then I want to knowwhat we can do to help you.
I normally like that first, thenwork backwards. Hold on, Please go

with a sure thing Denver's best rooferExcel roofing dot com. You don't pay
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you're his only customer when you chooseFrank durand the real estate man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliancethree oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty
two. Ripped news that you don'thave run anxious as a cam. Shoot's

gonna help? Come Dix is theTroubleshooter Show. No, Tom Martino,
Hey, Tom Martino here, Welcometo the show. Three oh three seven
one three talk three oh three sevenone three eight two five five. Let's
talk and do what we see whatwe can do. Now. I want
to go back to uh what didhe hang up? He probably hung up,

but to bed because I want tohelp the guy. Oh no,
there is Atlas. Robert, Okay, so Robert continue, so listen.
So so, I don't know whyyou told me all that story about going
elsewhere and coming here and going there, because we if it all boils down
to Atlas. But I'm going tolet you continue where you left off.
Go ahead, sir, keep going, Thank you you you. I'm going
to progo some of that. Sohere's the thing is, I got a
I got an email from one ofthe managers at Atlas saying that if we

would uh start our because we didwork with them in the past, and
I get it, we're happy withour work. And so they sent me
an email saying that, hey,if if we would carry a certain type
of uh what do you call it? General liability and workman's and stuff like
that. They managed six thousand propertiesin the Denver metro area and they will

give us first door on all thoseproperties if we go enter into business with
them. So I tell my son, Well, first, when my son
moved here, I reached out toall the time. Now, now,
Robert, I swear to God,I know you think that all of this
is necessary. But here's what Iwant to tell you. If it's simply
that they hired you and did notpay you, we can go right to

that part. Okay. So theyhired us, and I actually quit a
job in Saint Louis where I thoughtI was going to reach. I get
it, I get it. Youhad some detrimental reliance. So how many
jobs did you do for them?And what's the accounts receivable? How much?
Well? They probably the thing isis they milked us, so they

would pay us a little bit ata time. If they owed us twenty
five thousand dollars, we would geta check. You know, I need
to know this. How much dothey? Oh, you bro probably ten
right now? They probably yeah,right now, they still was somewhere around
ten grand. Now, why didn'tyou put Leans? Well? Okay,
because that costs money per house,Robert, you know, if it costs

nothing per house, pennies pennies,you could do it yourself or you could
have somebody do it. But inany case, do you have any of
those jobs where you worked that havebeen We have all those jobs. I'm
going to finish the question. Now, do you have any of those jobs
where you have finished the job withinthe last four months? We haven't done

well, I don't know. Let'ssee. We probably stopped doing work for
him in January. Okay, sonow it's probably a little late for Leans.
But let's see what else we cando. You got about ten grand
in receivables that they have not paid. Is that right? That's correct?
What reason do they give you fornot paying? They don't give us a

reason. They just don't pay.Okay, in January our I don't know,
maybe it was February. I reachedout to the owners. To the
owners, both of the owners havekind of separated themselves from the company.
They don't want to you know,they don't want to run it anymore.
So they're trying to make it anemployee owned company. So they started what

was called their own Home Services.But I hold if they Robert, I'm
going to tell you something there.Eh, if Atlas went out of business,
you're screwed. Yeah, but theydidn't. They didn't go out of
business. Now you tell oh God, I'm not talking about your opinion if
they went out of business. I'mtalking about legally, if they went out
of business. Let me explain thisto you. You did business with Atlas

Real Estate. Is that what itwas called? Yes? Now was that
an LLC or a corporation? Whatwas it? I believe it was a
corporation. So I've reached out toattorneys. The only thing is is,
I'm not talking about attorneys now,I'm talking about so substance of the transaction.
If this company, Atlas Real EstateIncorporated, if if they dissolved,

if they in any way changed,if that corporation you can take let me
explain this to you. You cantake the name the same exact employees,
the offices and simply have a newbusiness. And to you it looks like
the same old business. But it'snot. So that's the first thing we

have to figure out. Can wego after Atlas real Estate because you would
win? But is Atlas real Estatestill around? Yes? Okay? So
what this thing about the employee ownedbusiness, So that the company or the
owners were just trying to distance themselvesbecause they were getting Okay, So what

did the owners do? They created? What they did was they started a
company called Atlas Home Services. Okay. And what did they do with Atlas
real Estate. It's still in business, they still do you know, they're
still man Okay, So then that'sgood, okay, okay, So now

why won't they pay you? Well, I don't know that. So is
this an empty cart? This couldbe another thing. You say, Atlas
real Estate is still around doing business. Then how do they decide when someone
calls if the business goes to Atlasor does it go to Atlas Home Services?
How do they decide? Well,they that's what they've tried to do

is create Atlas Home Services so theydon't have to hire outside contractors. Okay,
And so I think almost all ofthe calls go to Atlas Home Services.
But what they will do is ifthere is an outside contractor involved,
they will ask for their bid andthen the Atlas Home Services will just typically

underbid it unless it's so cheap.Yeah, well, that's pretty normal to
have subsidiaries that do that. There'snothing wrong with that. So as long
as Atlas real Estate somewhat unethical,No, it isn't. If Atlas knows,
no, it isn't. What's HomeServices knows what you bid and then
they get the opportunity to underbid it. No, no, it's not.

No contractor gets the opportunity to underbidAtlas Home Services. That's okay, that's
their business. They can do itthe way they want. It's not a
public company, bro, they cando what they want. Let me explain
this to you and Robert. Thereason I'm emphasizing this is so you don't
go off on a battle you're notgonna win. You don't have any power
there. I can start a companycalled ABC real Estate. I can have

a subsidiary called one two three realEstate. I can put my stuff out
to bid all day long and giveall those bids to my other company one
two three. I can ask onetwo three to underbid them and they do,
and if they don't, then theydon't get the job. But here's
the deal. There is nothing wrongwith it. Now, if people like
you find out about it and saythat that's not fair, then don't bid.

There's nothing in the law that saysI can't put crap out to bide.
I mean, you know, itdoesn't sound like fair, but who
cares. The way the argument is, the argument is is the agreement they
made with us, and they don'tuphold that agreement. That's the whole issue.
Here is one thing and one thingonly. They owe you money.

Well, there's that, and thenthe agreement they made with us and how
they drug us out for a yearpaying us Okay, which cause, what
agreement did they make with you?What agreement did they make with you?
They agreed that if we join intobusiness with them and be their contractor,
that we would get first door onall of their calls. Okay. Now,

by the way, that is thatis a binding agreement. Do you
have the contract? Yes, Ido, and it's signed and it says
that Robertson's company ABC whatever it is, gets first crack or exclusive rights to
all of our jobs. Yes,pretty much. Okay, if you get

me that agreement, which, bythe way, I've said this, Oh,
I would say one hundred times inthe last month for people that said
they had agreements, and I've notgotten one that said what they thought it
did? You send me that agreement, Robert, and I promise you I
will kick their asses if they havean agreement saying you have an exclusive and
they're not giving them to you.Okay, send me the agreement, Katschina.

There's no reason talking. He's gotan exclusive agreement that they get everything.
Let me ask another question though,here, Robert, this is important.
As an exclusive can you charge anythingyou want? What if you wanted
to charge one hundred grand, wouldyou still have the exclusive or what?
How does that work? Does thissay in the contract? No, I'm

it doesn't say in the contract.Well hold on then wait wait wait it
says you get the exclusive job.But they didn't protect themselves with a price.
No, they did not. Howdoes it How is it worded?
I think they assumed that because wehad history in the past. Word okay,

Robert. So they say basically,no matter what you charge, no
matter how much you charge, youget exclusive rights to the job. Yeah,
they don't say that, but theyyou know, that's what the agreement
says that we get. Are yousure it doesn't say this that you get
the first crack at the job,but you can always be under bid.

No, it doesn't say that.Okay, I want to see the agreement,
Robert. I'm gonna Robert, Iwant to see the agreement. Hold
on, get the agreement before theend of the show. We need to
see this agreement. It would bethe dumbest agreement ever made in the history
of contracts if a company gave exclusiverights to a company to do the work

exclusively with no limit on pricing.So you're in the driver's seat, Robert,
I'm gonna help you kick their ass. I'm Tom Martino Moore coming up.
Go with a sure thing Denver's Bestroofer Excel roofing dot com. You
don't pay a cent until you're contenthtime for an insurance check up free,

no obligation. In comparison, callCompass insurance paying too much your coverage at
dozens of insurance companies. Find outnow three oh three, seven to seven
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Frank durand the real estate man dotcom to list your home with Remax Alliance
three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three

oh three seven one three one threeat eight five five. All right,
so let's talk to Bill. Hehas a question about his standard warranty and
keep your calls coming. We alsohave trolley roofing here, got a few
topics here. And then we alsohave a question that I find very important
on that new requirement of employers toput in a retirement plan? Do you

really know? Do you really knowwhat's up with that? Hey? Bill?
What's happening? Man? Hey?Hey? First, first, you
want a pizza? Suggestion? Apizza? Yeah? Yeah, Anthony's I
love Anthony's. No, I'll tellyou what. You know? How Dominos
have been advertising in New York stylepizza. Yeah, it's not. We've

got two of them so far.It's pretty good. Oh really, Dominoes.
I'm telling you. I never wouldhave thought i'd say, Well,
Bill, I'm I'm guessing your lastname doesn't have a vowel ending. Yes
it does. And I was bornin Brooklyn, not of state, New
York. Hey, you're telling methat Domino's has a New York style pizza,

trust me. And if you wereborn in Brooklyn, you wouldn't have
said pizza. You would have saidI can't believe I'm saying it mine.
Yeah, yes, but I've livedhere, specift, doc, Doc,
you don't have any Italian in you. My dad was Italian, my grandfather
from Sicily. I didn't know that. You didn't ask. I'm a perfect

New Yorker. You're not handsome enoughto be Italian, but any my mom's
Jewish. My dad was Italian,perfect New Yorker, good man. So
now, Bill, Okay, what'syour question? Okay, I'm getting towards
the end of my lease as amatter of fact, like tomorrow is okay?
So your lease on a car oron a on a home? On

a car, I'm like, okay, you're getting to the end of your
lease. How many miles on it? By the way, are you over
or under? Fifteen hundreds? Wellwhat does that mean? Are you over
or under? I got fifteen hundredmiles on it? Oh my god?
And how long have you had it? Three years? It's a twenty one
man. You're a you know whatyou are? A perfect lease candidate.

And I want to tell people,if you know you're not going to put
a lot of miles on it,you should get the lowest mileage you can
get and get the lowest payment outthere. So go ahead, what is
your question? I'm going to buyit because, like I said, it's
the thing is like brand new,and I'm just you know, yeah,
but you're screwing yourself. I'm justsaying this. And the reason I'm saying
it, you can buy it,but why because the way you drive,

you're a lease candidate, and it'scheaper. If you buy it, you
are now spending a lot of moneyon the car because you kept it so
well, you're actually getting a higherreceis. It's a long story, man,
anyway, go ahead. What didyou want to Yeah, well,
yeah, I know, a goodlease. Let me explain this to you.
A good lease is a terrible oneto buy. Go ahead. It's

just I'm like, I'm your age. I mean, I don't need another
call bill. Don't you ever saythat again about my age? But go
ahead? Yes, who we areanyway, but so don't we don't talk
about age anymore. That's a restrictionnow, But go ahead, But so
I called up the sales I madean appointment for tomorrow, and he wants
to know if I want an extendedwarranty. I don't. I don't know.

You don't. No, you don't. That's what I think, Bill,
Bill, let me explain something.Are you paying cash for your car
tomorrow? Yeah? I'm going towrite a check. Yep. What's the
residual value? It's about twenty threeI think. And what kind of car?
Is there? A truck? It'sa twenty twenty one Colorado? Yeah,
not bad. That's a good deal. You know what, here's what

you're doing. You're buying a usedcar from yourself. So it's not such
a bad idea. And it's notsuch a bad idea. And because you're
so damn old, maybe that's whatyou want to do, because otherwise you'd
want to keep leasing. But well, no, I've been leasing for probably
twenty five years. Yeah, you'rean excellent candidate for excellent Hey, by
the way, have you ever thoughtof an EV? I'm just not sold

on them, I am. Idon't have one, but man, do
I want one? Would you drivethe flord In one? Hey? Mark?
Yeah? Answer that? Would youdrive your Teslat the floor. I
mean if you were going to driveanyway, is what I'm saying. Would
you take a long, long trip? Would you feel confident? Yep?
Yeah? Really? How much longerwould it take charge in the battery?

Mark, talk about it, Man, It doesn't take that much longer.
Man, I mean, I don'tknow how else to put it. They
map it out. If you followthe map, it's not bad at all.
You might charge five, five toseven minutes at a time. I
thought you had to do a fullcharge takes a couple hours. What you
get for thinking? So Mark,explain the explain the short charging for me.

What do you mean? It's calledsuper charging. So when you put
in a destination that's I don't care, two thousand miles away, it'll map
out when you stop and show yards. It'll start prepping the battery about a
half hour before for supercharging. Thenyou'll stop and generally you will charge between
five and seven minutes, and thenyou're on your way for another two three

hundred miles until you stop for anotherfive or seven minutes. Oh, I
didn't know that, See the reasonI'm asking Marcus. That's on my long
range. I don't know, likewhat a model I don't know, like
what Vonnie's is. I have noidea how his works. I know how
mine works. Okay, Well hiswould have similar but probably different stops,
right, it would all be atailored to the car, right. Yeah,

I'm just saying I don't know whathis distance is on a full charge.
Okay, Okay, I've driven backand forth to New York. God
knows how many times. You're notgonna do that anymore. Not being so
old and decrepit, You're not goingto do that anymore. We used to
drive thirty six hours straight. Yeah, but you're not gonna do that anymore.
I know. That's why I'm saying, get an ev For goodness sakes,

Hey, Shannon, I did takethe fifteen break? Please tell me
I did? Yes, Okay,see, I'm getting so old. I
forgot now, Bill, Bill listens, no extended warranty on that. Okay.
That's that's just it, bro,that's just thank you for calling.
Three zero three seven one three talkseven one three two five five Dane,
what's going on there? Going?I'm doing? Good man? What's happening?

Oh my god, You're gonna lovethis time. Oh I love your
show. I've lived in Colorado sinceninety two. I loved you fighting pre
the civilians. Because this city andstate has gone crazy. What's going on
with you? I showed up tocourt up at Adams County Judicial Center one
day, well because my my tenanthasn't paid rent since okay, so I'm

doing a furse deviction. He's prettymuch squatting. It's ridiculous. I owned
the house outright, but that's notthe that's not the issue. This last
Thanksgiving, my dermac deep will pickup truck, which I absolutely love,
was stolen from right in front ofmy house at ten thirty in the morning
in North Denver in the Highlands.And I thought it was long gone,

probably down in Mexico, who knows. But I show up to fricking court
on Monday, and uh, Ipark right next to my stolen truck.
Now do you know? Wait?Wait, do you know for sure?
It's your truck? On? BroOkay, hold on, bro hold on.
We got more coming right up.I got to hear this story.

I'm Tom Martine. Can you believethis? What would you do if you
saw your stolen truck? By theway, this hour brought to you by
the Risk Free Service Fee eight eighteight heating dot com for one lo fee
twenty eight bucks. They come toyour home and service one item, whatever
it is, and you get theservice, and if there's anything really wrong,
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Com. Go with a sure thingDenver's best rufer excel Groping dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance check up
free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much your

coverage at dozens of insurance companies findout now three oh three seven seven to
one help. You'll think you're hisonly customer when you choose Frank durand the
real estate Man dot com to listyour home with Remax Alliance three oh three
nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Yeah, Hey, tell Martino here three

oh three seven one three talk threeoh three seven one three eight two five
five. I can't believe what Dane'stelling me. Now listen to this.
Dane says, last Thanksgiving, hisDerrimax truck that he loves was stolen.
He thought, hey, it's gonewent to Mexico. I assume you got

paid for it from insurance right,Dane. Yeah, I got an insurance
quan, but I love that truck. Well, I know, but did
you how much should they pay you? Was it worth it? They paid
me twenty six K I got aToyota four Runner. Now okay, so
hold on, So now you go. Now you're showing up to do an
eviction and you see this parked nextto you in the parking lot and you're

positive. How are you positive it'syours? I've owned this truck out right
since two thousand and nine. There'sso much right, So what happened?
Tell me what you did? Youcalled the police? I hope yes,
get this bro. First of all, I walked the truck to make sure
it's mine. I'm like, holycrap. My lawyer's standing next to me.
He's a personal friend of mine.He's like, yeah, that's your
truck. And there's so many differentaftermarket pieces on this truck. I know

it's mine. The dents match upforensically exactly what this truck is. I
walk up to the window. There'ssome guy and there's smoking heroin in the
fricking parking lot of the judicial system, you know, smoking something off of
foil. I'm like, holy crap. This guy's in my car currently,
and it just so happens. There'stwo Adams County Courthouse officers walking in the
parking lot. I flagged them over. They look in the window, they

see this guy that call. I'mlike, this is my truck. This
is my stolen truck. This isa hundred. I showed him pictures on
my phone of that exact truck andand how the tail lights are custom and
the headlights well, anyway it wouldbe on it, it would be on
a hot list YEP. So it'sstill registered in District six, is stolen.
So the cops arrest him. Theyput him in handcuffs. Uh.

They called the Brighton Police department becausethis guy lives in Brighton and supposed it
had his wife's tags on it ofa super ruse, so it didn't even
match up tag. So it's obviouslya stolen truck the Brighton police. So
I go into court. I'm like, okay, this is a slam dunk.
I just handed you this criminal ona fricking silver platter. Please arrest

this man. I'm going to buythis. I called my insurance company and
to be like, sure, we'llsell you back your truck and I can
sell my foreigner. I just reallylove that truck. I want to back
because I have a big boat thatI pull on this one team that can
pull my boat. So either way, this guy's in it doing drugs in
a in a state parking lot.The cops arrest him, but then the
Brighton Police Department comes and lets himgo. Why that's when I'm walking.

Uh So they checked the vin inthe way when you said they came,
hold on, bro, when yousaid they came, they came to Douglas
County. No, this is AdamsCounty. It's right next to Brighton.
I'm sorry, I meant I meant, I'm sorry. So they showed up
at the courthouse and they let himgo. Yeah, so they let him
go because the vin in the windowmatched his a truck that he had before.

So he took the vin off ofhis old truck and put it there.
And I'm like, I can't believeyou guys just let this guy go.
Wait, hold on, did theydid they let him go and tear
up the appearance or did they lethim go pending a court appearance? Neither,
they just let him go. Theyjust completely let him go. So
in other words. In other words, they dropped the charges yep. So

essentially it was obviously my stolen vehicle. They thought that this guy was legit
and it was registered to him,even though the plates didn't match up.
I don't know how big of ablunder between Adam. Wait wait a minute,
Then what happened? So I seethis truck leaving the parking lot,
and I didn't have time to lookfor the cops and say why'd you let
him go? So I just followedthis guy and he's blowing red lights,

going crazy. And then I'm onthe phone with the police saying why did
you guys let these guys go?And they're like, you need to stop
chasing him. It's against the law. I'm nice student, you guys just
let my truck stolen truck get away. So I stopped chasing him, and
then I go back there and I'mlike, I call the police. I'm
like, what the heck is goingon here? How could you guys possibly
let this guy go? First ofall, he's high on drugs. Second

of all, the plates don't matchup. Third of all, that is
one hundred percent of my truck.I've showed you the forensics of it.
It's still registered as stolen in Districtsixth in Denver. So they just did
not do their due diligence and theyjust let this guy go. And now
the cops are they're completely reeling becauseI called the chief of police. They're

not the cheap but the up rollup there in Brighton. I told him
the whole story and he's laid intohis His name is Corpole Maleski. Officer
Cannon. Accuse me, he said, if you have to come up to
if you come up to the BrightonCourthouse, we're going to rescue for reckless
driving. So wait a minute,Officer Cannon is the one that let him
go. Yeah, what a moron. What's his first name? Oh?

I got his badge number. Idon't have his name, but he was
so rude to me. He waslike, wait, officer, that's because
Officer Cannon didn't want to take awayfrom eating donuts to write up a report.
So so you're telling me that OfficerCanon, Brighton police let this guy
go. Yep, Well hold on, they have his address, they can

go get him. Yep. Theyeven gave me his address, which is
crazy. I'm going to go gethim if I have to no, no,
no, don't do anything stupid.But listen, one good question is
it is it Danes after he acceptsa check. Isn't it the insurance company's
car and not his? Well?Yes, yeah, so yes, And

I already called my insurance company andI was like, listen, can I
have the opportunity to buy it backfrom me once it's ree to that?
Now? Did you call the district'sattorney's office? Not yet. I'm actually
out here in Kansas right now visitingmy mom. She said, let me
explain something to you, Dane.You're in what Ken's deputy doc is right,
Your insurance company is going to haveto be the one that insists that
the police go get this. Okay. I mean I've already talked to them

and I'm working on that. Butthe fact that here's the rest of the
story. So they staked out thisguy's house and they found an old Silverado
in the back. Wait wait,wait, so they did go Brighton.
Police did go to his house,yes, and and but they didn't do
their due diligence. There's another truckin the back that he pulled the VIN

number off of one of his oldtrucks and threw it on my truck.
But there's vins. There's multiple vinson a truck. You can check the
frame. Wait wait, wait,so they sent hops to his house.
Did they get your truck? No, they did it. They completely let
them go. And they're telling youthat that's not my truck. But I'm
one hundred percent sure it is.I've had it verified through so many different
things. Well, hold on,so did he remove all of the vins?

Do you think? Nope, hejust did the one in the window.
He didn't do the one on theframe or the inside of the door.
I'm shure. How do you know? Don't? I don't know.
But if these cops actually did theirjob and actually looked at that, So
you're telling me that Brighton Police refusesto investigate. They don't have a detective.
They have more than reasonable cause tolook at this truck, and they're

not going to do it. Ithink they know they've screwed up. Now
since I've been on the phone withyou, they've called me twice. I
can tell that Cope Wright and policeyou are morons, and especially officer Cannon.
Who the hell's the chief up there? Barnet, what's his name?
Barney Fife, What the hell isgoing on here? And I'll think,

I'll think I'm gonna let him go. I ran out of all it in
my pocket. I mean, comeon, I cannot Yeah, I cannot
believe this. It's completely thrown meback. Like the videos in my truck.
I got videos of me. Oh, what morons are they? I
mean, come on, we're wonderingwhy crime is skyrocketing because you have moron

police officers. It's just it's justridiculous that they're they're victims. They're making
me. Oh yeah, they're makingyou the bad guy, Officer Cannon.
Yeah, he wants to make youthe bad guy. Oh my god,
I can't believe it. I've beenon the Yeah, since I've been on
the phone with you, they calledme twice. But it's just like I

know that there's I know that youknow this is okay. That's me playing
this song. I'm looking for theMayberry RFD theme song because I swear to
God, I can't take it.I can't take it. Wow, I'm
gonna get to the bottom of this. I want to get to them.

I don't do not let this go. I want to scream from the hills.
About Brighton morons. Brighton morons.That truck was stolen from my driveway
ten thirty in the morning. Theaudacity for these criminals to do this,
because they just get a flap onthe wrist and then they're gone the next
day. That's why Colado is thenumber one stolen. Oh God, and

this idiot let them go. Youknow what police investigate? Do you remember
when they investigated crime. That's whyI called you, because you actually investigate.
Oh. I want to hear thereal theme. Why isn't the theme
coming up? I'm hearing this craptheme. I want to hear. Don

dum da dump dump dun dum dumpdump dump Find it, Shannon. I'm
dedicating it. Find it, Shannon. I want to dedicate it to the
Brighton Police Department. You freaking morons. You know what, they're just the
honest to god, you know,I can't believe it. And then they
go to his house and they stilldon't do anything. They have more than

reasonable cause you know what what they'redoing is, they're saying to him and
all his friends, not only canyou steal, but you can smoke heroin
as well. We don't give adamn because We're Brighton where crime runs free.
That's Brighton, My god, youknow, call the district attorney.
I would do not let this go. Hold on, I'm gonna come right

back. Hold on, I'm TomMartinez. Three oh three seven one three
talk seven one three eight two fivefive. By the way, renew Home
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two thousand renew Home Innovations dot com. Okay, you got the theme there.
Let me hear it. We're fromBrighton. You can come here and
steal at tom you want. Wedon't even carry bullets in a pocket.
I mean, you know what,smoke your hairman, We don't care.

We're Brighton Police Department. We're nota sanctuary city. We are a city
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choose Frank durand the real estate mandot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino,
your trouble shooter. You know,people, I know it's hard to believe.
We often wonder why crime is outrageousin this state. And Brighton Police

Department just put a cherry on thatcupcake? Oh yeah, baby? You
know what? Isn't that weird sounding? Was that weird? What the hell?
Why can't I find a clean versionof this freaking song? Anyway,

here's the bottom line, and I'mI'm going to work for Brighton Police Department
because I don't want to fight crime. Dane, did you call him back
by any chance? This is aguy who saw his stolen truck in Adams
County, Brighton. Please let theguy go. This is his stolen truck.
He has photos of reported stolen,still on the hot list, and

he's smoking dope in the front seat. Brighton police shows up and they look
at the VIN number in the windshieldand go whoop. It looks to me,
Lock it's the right VIN number.It was written on an index card
with Scotch tape. No, I'mjust kidding, but you know, listen,
what kind of a moron cop wouldlook at your photos, look at
the hot list, look at thistruck? What moron would do that and

then think, well, maybe heswitched out that one little tag in the
windshield that automatically, automatically just matches, but the plates don't match. Now,
Dan, how many things were wrongwith that truck that would have given
him reasonable calls to at least lookat the doorjam, I mean, like

the certain events I showed him thoseI showed him the custom Ellie, the
headlines weren't upgrade. You showed himyour photos and and it was on the
hot list, and they simply lethim go. Yep, they let him
go. And he was high onheroin and I had actually chased him,
and they told they threatened me withgoing to of course they did, of
course they did, because Brighton Policeand many other police, not all of

them Brighton Police. They are inthe book under Morons and why people should
not be in police work. Sotell me did you talk to the chief
of Did you talk to the chiefup at Brighton? Do they have a
chief and by the way, doeshe have any teeth? I spoke,

Well, corporal's not cheaf. No, I need I need to take this
all the way up the ladder.That's why I wanted to take it to
you first. Yeah, well youhold on because I'm not done with him.
Well, we're Brdon Police where crimeruns free. We don't care.
Come on to Breton with your stolenthe vehicles. That's all we care about

is our donuts. We are notgonna arrest anyone, No, especially Officer
Cannon. Go with a sure thingDenver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Leave time for an insurance check
up free, no obligation comparison callCompass Insurance paying too much your coverage at

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estate man dot Com to list yourhome with Remax Alliance three oh three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two ript needso you don't have to run anxious as

the can. No suit's gonna help. Come man, This is the Troubleshooter
Show. No Tom Martine, HiTom Martine. Here this hour brought to
you by Grossman Wellness, where forone monthly fee you get prescriptions and supplements
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Com welcome if you're just tuning in. I'm just shocked at Brighton Police Department.

Dane had a truck stolen Aduromax.He loved this truck so much.
You knew where every ding in dentwas, every piece of custom equipment he
had photographed, and it was ona stolen truck list. He knew it
has pictures he sees it parked nextto him. When he goes to the

Adams County Courthouse, the guys insidesmoking dope on a foil. He calls
police. The police in the parkinglot want to they're not part of Brighton,
right, They weren't, uh Dane, who were the first police that
wanted to arrest him. The firstpolice that were on the scene were Adams

County, the guys that actually workedin the judicial center, the Sheriff's apartment,
the sheriff's department. Okay, someanwhile, Brighton put they call Brighton
police who come, and Brighton Policethey go like, well, we ain't
gonna we ain't gonna arrest anyone.He didn't do nothing wrong. He's just

smoking dope. What's wrong by it? And and and he changed out the
then so so he's not arrested.Yep, even yeh even h Adams County
Sheriff was like, I can't believethey let him go. That's crazy.
Like the Adams County Sheriff were flabbergastedwith their incompetence and indifference to the whole
issue. And honest to god,I am so pissed, I can't even

see straight. So so they letthe guy, go, now you complain.
So then they went back out tohis house. Yep. And then
and then the corporal calls me lateron that evening. He's like, Yep,
we're closing this case. There's notenough evidence. I'm like, oh
my god, I gave you everything. I handed this to you on a
silver pole. There's something called reasonablecause where they can impound something and they

can look at stuff and you know, to forget the fact he had dope
on him. I mean, thesepeople are see. This is why crime
We wonder why why is Colorado thethird the third worst state in the nation
for crime? Why is there whyyep in number in number one in process?
Now? Why is that? Becauseyou got morons like Officer Cannon and

you have the the police department inBrighton. Why the hell did, honest
to god, what do they haveto do to enforce a crime? You
know, I don't know. Imean you pretty much the citizens have got
to bring us in their own handsand just give it to them. Well,
I don't want citizens taking the lawin to their own hands. What

I like him to do, butwhat I'd like him to do is get
rid of the Brighton. But youwant to talk about defunding police. Defund
them, you wouldn't even notice themgone. That's the thing. Defund Brighton
police. I'm all for it.Defund them. Give it to the sheriff's
department. Now does the sheriff's departmenthave authority to arrest them? They put
them in handcuffs, and no,I'm saying, now, I know Brighton

let them go, but can canCan the sheriff's department go out and get
them? Do they have the authorityto do it? You know what,
I'm going to call them and letthem or the District Attorney's office. Yep.
I'm going to call the District ofTurney's office as well. But the
thing is is like even the AdamsCounty sheriffs were like, I can't believe
Brighton just let them go, Andthen I can't believe I followed this guy.

Well, I understand they said thatI shouldn't chase him because he's reckless,
but I mean, like, yeah, you should be in red lights,
now you shouldn't. Yeah. Idon't want you. I don't want
you getting hurt. I don't wantto get stupid here. But man,
John says, let's listen to thisstory. John, what is your story?
Oh Tom, I live out westof Brighton in Well County, and

I travel one hundred and sixty eighta lot, and I always I've been
here twenty seven years. When Iturn left off of one hundred and sixty
eight, I always check my mirror. My friend has been hit twice in
his driver's door turning left by people'sfeating, and I've had one near miss.

So I'm heading. I'm heading east. I checked my mirror. There's
a car about three hundred yards back. So I'm my turn sick. While
I go to turn, look inmy mirror and the car's coming around me.
I swerve back, straightened out.The car comes around behind me,
gets on the inside, passes me. I pull up. The guy gets

out of the car, foaming atthe mouth. He's beating on the window
on this on the passenger window andbeating on the door. So I head
into Brighton and I'm about six milesout pull State Patrol they transferre you to
Well County. I'm talking to WellCounty Sheriff. They ask me where I'm
at and I tell him I'm justcrossing Highway eighty five, and they say,

okay, we're going to transfer itto Brighton dispatch. If I get
transferred to Brighton dispatch, the carstill follows me. I keep going east
one hundred and sixty eight and there'sno stop sign. So when I get
up to a main street that Ican turn on, I turn right and
the car turns right and follows me. I'm still on the phone to Swift

bright and Dispatch telling the lady said, Nissan Xterra. It has a big
Extera across the front rift rack abovethe windshield, and it has a Burt
Kicker on the license And where arewe going? What's happening? Then?
What happened? Well? I drivearound Brighton twice. Every time I get

to a stoplight, I slow down. If I get stopped there and this
guy is still following you still followingme, And I'm hey, people,
listen. Let me just put aprogramming note doubt. If you want to
break the law, Brighton is theplace to do it, because Brighton police
do not enforce the law. Sodid they ever come out and investigate or

anything with a guy following you?No, this is probably twenty minutes at
least two lapped around. Well,they were still listen. That's hold on
now, I understand. Hold on, man, I understand. Do you
know how long it takes to eattwo egg clayers? It's come on and
give him a break. Then.What happened then? So I tell her

I'm heading for the police department.She says, good idea. I said,
is anybody there? And she saysno, but we'll have somebody there.
And I said, okay, letsyeah, yeah, they're going to
have some Officer Potzi. And whathappened probably Officer Cannon was there sitting on
his ass. What happened then?Well? I told her I am licensed
to carry, I am carrying.This guy approached my vehicle in a very

threatening manner. You probably, okay, get to get to the punchline.
Did they ever do anything? Ipulled in, I was a block away.
I turned left on the Brownley Lane. The car figured out what I
was doing, turned right, headedwest on Bromley Lane. Two police off
police cars drove right past him.Five of them showed up and searched me.

Searched you searched you? Yes?You because I told him I was
carrying a gun. Yeah. Well, okay, but you know what,
nothing prizes me anymore about Colorado orabout bright especially Brighton my god. You
know, there's some pretty bad policedepartments in this state. You know,

you know, Greeley's a joke,Weld County's a joke, Okay, Brighton
and Edgewall, si Englewood. Imean, you know, it's really really
a shame. I'll tell you what. But but Brighton, Brighton has the
award right now, Brighton has theaward. Yeah, yeah, they have
the award. It was like eightyears ago. But it looks like nothing

obviously. Well and no, no, nothing has changed. Dane. I
want you, I want to Iwant to get your information. Dane.
We need to stay in touch.This is fricking ridiculous, Dane. In
fact, in fact, uh Kachina, get me his information, cause because
we need to have you back on. Did you call them back since they've

called you. Let's let's burn theseguys in the stake. They've called me
three times since I've been on thisradio show. They're obviously trying to say
something some interesting. Call them back. I'm gonna put you on hold.
Call them back, or hang upand call us back. You can call
three oh three Martino. You'll getthrough three oh three six two seven,
eight, four sixty six. MichaelO'Malley's with us with trolley roofing by the

way, and they are doing aroofing giveaway, and they're also doing a
car giveaway. Michael, can youtell us about the uh? Tell us
about the car giveaway. Yes.So this year we're giving away twenty nineteen
BMW I eight and a brand newtwenty twenty four Toyota four Runner Tidy Pro.
What are you kidding me? No, man, we love How do
you give away? How do yougive away these vehicles? What do you

have to do? Yeah? Soif you refer a customer or you're one
of our customers in the two thousandand twenty fourth period, you're automatically entered
into it and we're just giving backto the community. The last winner was
a Jenny. She had worked atwaffle House for twenty six years, never
had a new vehicle, and uhyeah, she won the riffle. She
was thrilled. Oh, no,strings attacked. We just want to bless
the community that we're in. Wow. And and and by the way,

also the free roof how do youdo that? Yeah? So you go
to our veteran website for a veteranYeah, you know, there's just so
much need in the community, peoplewho lost insurance, people who are taking
Advance dot com. Right the Trolleyroofingdot com and there they nominate a veteran,
nominated a veteran or a senior citizen. Something that we cobody in need.

Yeah, first responder that we couldreally help out. So seven one
nine three seven five eight seven seventhree that's but trolley Roofing p A or
p E t R A l I. We got more coming right up,
Go with a sure thing Denver's bestroofer Excel Roofing dot com. You don't

pay a cent until you're content.Time for an insurance check up, free
no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance payingtoo much your coverage? That does of
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com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three all three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. I'm Tom Martinez.Let's socks to Sean Sean. What's going
on with you? Hello Sean Atwenty ten f three point fifty. Back
in September and then I picked upCarshield insurance in October. Yeah that's a

bad deal. Car shield sucks.But anyway, what happened, Yeah,
they do is a big mistake.And then my my motor blue in March,
and they're not going to cover it. They didn't. Yeah, they
denied the claim. Is there anythingI can do about that? Well,
let's ask you, man, let'sask you what. Why did they deny
it? They say that the partthat failed they don't cover age it would

fail the part that they do cover. Yeah, no, no. By
the way, every warranty says thatif an uncovered part causes the failure of
a covered part, the covered partis not covered. And I will tell
you ninety percent of all failures startwith uncovered parts. So tell me about

tell me about the part that failed? What was it? So there?
What happened with cylinder pits? Andtwo failed? And they're sailing saying that
the coolant system somehow for that partcaused the failure the coolie. Now,
how okay? How are they sayingthat happened? I have no idea.

So they had their own mechanic comeout to look at it, and he
can if you talk to my people. If you talk to my mechanics,
they will tell you that car shieldhardly ever pays. Ever. Yeah,
it's terrible. I brought it toyour referrow. I brought it to Colereado
Engines. They did a fabulous joband they said that the piston failed due
to fatigue. It had nothing todo with that coolant. Oh really,

hold on? Hold on? Doyou have a written report from them?
Yeah? Okay, Now did youcontact them since you got that report?
I did. I filed with theBetter Business Bureau and then I sent them
Acrod the Better Business Bureau. Holdon, hold on, hold on.
You filed with a Better Business brauw. I love when people say that,

what exactly does that mean? Youfiled with the Better Business Brow. They
don't even have a place to file. All you do is complain to them,
right, correct. I filed thecomplaint. They reached out to Carshield,
and Carshield just came back with thesame answer. And so what the
Better Business Bureau was said was theywere satisfied. Right. Yeah, Well

I told them I rejected the whatthey're proposing, and the Better Business Bureau
said, we're closing it. Soit's just not resolved. Okay, here,
here's the Better Business Bureau. Nowadaysthey're dinosaurs. That's that listen,
hold on, that's the office.I have a hitting mic in there.

Yeah, yeah, that's that's whatyou. Uh. You know. It's
really funny that today's you know,millennials or gen z ors or whatever,
that they even know about the BetterBusiness Suau because they're so sleepy and old
and dinosaurs. They take no action. Look what they do, they're the
best they do. The best isa depository of complaints. But even then

they are satisfied if there's a response. It doesn't even have to be a
good response, just a response.The next thing they do is nothing.
Nothing. They accredit you, andit means nothing that we have a guy
sitting in prison with an A plusrating as an accountant. He's sitting in

prison for cheating people and they gavehim an A plus rating. They can't
get around that. They are dinosaurs. But anyway, I digress. I
want to get to you. Iwant to get to you now. I
want to get to you about helpingyou. If you have how much these
repairs cost you seventeen thousand? Ohmy god. And Carshield says that even

though that you have a report,they do not believe it. Is that
what they're saying, They say,they stick by their original claims. But
what cause did you have a coolingproblem back then? Not that I knew
of. I don't know. Theengine just lost power and it stopped running,

and they said cylinder two failed.So it was of the diesel daydreams
and all right, we went backinto forest for a month. But the
people that the people that Colorado engine, they said, yes, absolutely,
he did not fail. Is thatright? Yeah's m what do you think

because of the cool They said no, they said, we think it's uh,
it was piston fatigue. I said, would you put that in writing?
They said absolutely so they yeah.But what caused the piston fatigue to
fail? Though? That's what Iwant to know. I am not exactly
sure this truck, that engine inparticular, and this year it was problematic

that that would fail. And theysaid maybe it was the rings or something.
All right, I think we shouldcall I think, hey, you
know what, Kitschina sues tells methat Deputy gear Head is back. Did
you hear about that, Kachina,I have not been told anything, Deputy

Gearhead. It's one of our deputiesthat knows a lot about car issues.
I'd like to check with sus tosee if we can get him on this.
Would you do that for me?Yes, I want to. I
want to see if he's if wecan do that, and we got more
to talk about coming up. Threeoh three seven one three talk Frank Drand

the real estate man does free marketvaluations. If you're home, what you
have to do is ask. That'sall. It's free, it's complimentary.
He'll tell you what your house isworth on the open market, what he
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And you can trust Frank Duran therealestateman dot com. So if you're
wondering, find out from Frank threeoh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Go with a sure thing Denver's bestroofer Excel roofing dot com. You
don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up,
free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass insurance paying too much your
coverage at dozens of insurance companies findout now three all three seven to seven
to one. Help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank

durand the real estate man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
A three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Tom Martineau, Hey, who
is playing that music? Send thatto me, man, send me the
link. I can't find a cleanversion of that song anywhere. It's in
our system, so I can playit on Oh, I see it's in

your system. Okay. He wasplaying the uh Andy Griffith theme in honor
of Brighton Police Department. Yeah,you see, this truck is stolen on
a stone list. This guy's gotphotos of it. He's got every little
dent and ding mapped out. Thepolice show up and let them go,
especially the officer Canon. Let themgo. They said, well the vin

in the and the windshaled matches,even though the plates don't match anything.
And the door jam they didn't evenbother to look at. They didn't even
bother to investigate. That's the point, because deputy or our officer Canon didn't
want to be disturbed from Uskrala.So what they call him craulass those krellas

or maybe an Ed Claire who knowsand and you know, so he managed
through the uh the sugar the powderedsugar on his on his uniform to get
the badge number two Deputy Cannon.So Brighton please stands by their there's the
stands. We are proud in Brightonto contribute to the crime of Colorado.

We're proud that we're the number onecar theft capital of the country in Colorado.
And we're not going to do anythingto help it. We're just satisfied
collecting our paycheck and doing nothing.In fact, I'd like to know any
crimes that Brighton has solved recently.You know, I get these hidden microphones

in these places. You heard theone I had in the the one I
had hidden in the Better Business Bureauright there. Now here's the one I
have hidden up at Brighton. Yeah, and in the Chief's office. So

if you if you live in Brighton, you have nothing to worry about.
There is no crime. Because theysay there is no crime. I see
nothing, I hear nothing. Youhave a comment, Julia, what's your
comment? Something similar happened to myfamily member. Their truck got stolen and

the Westminster they espoused the truck inthe parking lot. My family member they
called Westminster police. They came outand they did the same thing. They
went off the bin at the onthe dashboard and let the guy go,
even though it was my family member'struck. Well, two weeks later,
me and my grandson were driving around. We've seen the truck in our neighborhood,
and we followed it and found outwhere this guy lived, and so

I called my family member. Hewent up there and he blocked the truck
in. He did have his gun. He shouldn't have did that, but
he called Adams County Sheriffs and theycame out and they went through the truck
and found that there weren't bins allover it. It was his truck,
and he got his truck back.Bravo for Adams County Sheriffs. In fact,

in fact, Adams County Sheriff wantedto arrest this guy, but Brighton
police came to the rescue of thecriminal. Right, Julia, thank you.
You know what We're hearing more andmore. I'm getting more and more
or text about Brighton being a joke, and it is a joke. The
police department is a joke. Theentire department is a joke because they do

not believe in enforcing crime. It'sthat easy so if you want to,
I want to give a few instances. Now, if you want to steal
a truck or a vehicle, Brightonis probably the best place because they will
not arrest you. They will not. All you have to do is if
you change that ven number out inthe windshield, just just put another little

plateator. In fact, I thinkyou can get a label maker and do
it. I think you get alabel maker or a magic marker, and
then Briton Police just show up andsay, you know what, Tom,
we don't think we got some crimehere. Now. God forbid if you
steal one of their crullers. Butyou can steal vehicles all day long.

I have never heard of more moronsin my life. And you know what,
I would love they don't have theballs. I would love to hear
from somebody at Brighton. I'd loveto hear the PIO public information officer.
I think they have one, maybemaybe not. I would like to hear

what they have to say, becauseno matter what, there is absolutely nothing
they can say to justify There's nothing, nothing at all, nothing at all.
So let me hear. I thinkthe public information officer is calling in
hold on, Oh yes, andwhat about like letting the guy go after

smoking dope in the cab. He'sgot heroin on him and obviously a stolen
vehicle. Oh okay. And thenyou followed up at the house and saw
the same exact thing and decided notto take action, right, thank you?

Okay, Well, at least theywere they had the balls to come
on the show, right, allright? Three h three seven one three
talk Tina? What's going on withlandscaping? Did you call the other day?
No, this is my first time. Okay, Tina, what's happening
with you? Two weeks ago,they were mowing my yard. Who was

mowing it? There's people who've beendoing it for the last two years.
Okay, it's a landscape company,gotcha. They were timing right by.
I was sitting in the living roomand I have a big picture window,
and I like a gunshot And thenI looked and my window you shattered?

And so did it fling up arock? Well, he must have picked
up a rock out of my yardsand it just catapults in my window.
Anyway, I showed them, Ipointed it out, and he said,
well, I will let the bossknow, and I said, okay,
So anyway, I talked to Carlosonce. I'm Tina, I might want

to interrupt you, and you maybe very upset with me. But if
they were simply mowing the lawn anddid and did nothing negligent, they're not
going to be responsible. Okay,that's that's what That's why I'm calling.
I wanted to know now if holdon, now, if they saw several

rocks or even that rock, andthey thought to themselves, I better turn,
you know, and they they thought, you know what, that could
kick up. That's dangerous, andthey said, the hell with it.
I'm going to run over it.I don't care, you see. But
normally kicking up a rock now andthen is not unusual, and it really

is not. I don't think,in my personal opinion, I don't think
you can hold them responsible well,and that's why I'm calling. But then
at the same time is wait,why doesn't he want to talk to me?
I mean, I've been very niceabout it. I said, you
know, let's at least look atit, let's talk about it, and
he doesn't. And to me,that's kind of like, well, why

don't you just hire another company?But I don't know of any company that
would if they're just mowing the lawn. If that's all they're doing is mowing
your lawn, and there happens tobe a rock and it happens to kick
up and break the window, thatthey're responsible for that. Now to see,
just because something happens doesn't mean itis negligent. It could be,

but I don't know. In thiscase. Here's the deal. I want
to ask you, how much isit going to cost to fix? The
first estimate I got was three thousanddollars? Wait? Wait, wait,
how much did you say three thousanddollars? Wait a minute? What kind
of freaking window is this? It'sdouble pain, big picture window. Now

do you have homeowner's insurance? Whatyou're deductible? Two thousands? Oh?
Well, homeowners would cover it.Yeah, that's what I'm That's the reason
I called, just to get someof you. But you know, you
have to decide if you want toput the claim in. But no,
I'm serious, Tina. You cantake them to small claims court. But
here's what's going to happen. Inmy opinion, maybe the hard pointing people.

I just wanted to talk to themand say, you know, Ken,
we just kind of figure out.But but Tina, they don't want
to pay because they're thinking we didnothing wrong. All we're doing is mowing
your freaking lawn. They could blameyou for having a rock in your lawn.
Now, now, if they didsay that to you, it's your

fault for having a rock. Whatwould you say, Well, there are
rocks. I mean I pick themup all the time. Okay, so
that's what you would say. Thereforethey didn't do it right. And listen,
Tina, I'm saying this. Ifyou want to try something, try
small claim squirt. I personally thinkyou will lose, but you ought to

try it. I want to hurt. I mean the hardworking people. I
just wanted to know much to best. We're all hard working people. The
point is you're right. I agreewith you, Tina. They should have
at least talked to you. Itotally agree with you. You might want
to call another another company. Threeoh three seven one three eight two five
five go with a sure thing Denver'sBest roofer Excel roofing dot com. You

don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, callCompass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies. Findout now three three seven to seven to
one. Help. You'll think you'rehis only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three all

three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here three all three
seven one three talks seven one threeeight two five five. Mike's got to
comment on Brighton police who fails toenforce the law and let a dope smoking,

heroin laden driver pull off with astolen truck without any repercussions whatsoever.
Just let them go, they sayto Adams County sheriff, who wanted to
arrest him. Let them go,go ahead. Mike, what's your comment?
Yeah, I know you've had problemsbefore with the Pueblo police. Oh,

no, Pueblo, they're jokes too. Yeah. I gotta put them
right in the same clown car.Yeah. But who's worth them or they
not? So bright Off police?I don't know actually now in Pueblo that
one time we had two girls inan apartment. The guy. They have
a recording the guys outside the doorpounding on the door saying he's going to

kill them, and he's going todo this, and do that, and
do that. They have a recordingof it. There. They go on
the phone, they go on withthe police, and Pueblo doesn't respond.
Now that's just one Pueblo police.They're just as bad. Maybe, you
know, what is it with thesewhat is it with these police? You

know, you have people complaining sometimesthat police, you know, are too
heavy handed, But then you gotpolice like Brighton, and you have police
like Pueblo who do nothing nothing.I'll bet you Brighton cannot give us a
list of any crimes whatsoever they've investigatedit. No, I can tell you,

Tom, they're civil servants. Wellwhat do they do? They drive
around in cars and eat donuts?What do they do? And you know
that stereotype doesn't work for all policedepartments, but I'll bet you it works
for them. What else do theydo? And they probably eat taco bell
too. I mean, I'm notgoing to discriminate and say that's only eat
donuts. And they're probably fat andoverweight, and they're probably inactive. I

can see them right now. They'reup there right now doing nothing, and
they're pissed off at me because Ifound them out, but there is no
excuse. I don't listen. Ipromise you, with all joking aside,
if they have a PIO or anyonewho wants to address this on the air,
I will not treat them with disrespect. They can talk. They can

tell us why they let this guygo, because you see reasonable cause would
tell you that have nine out often indications are this truck is stolen.
They have the right to look atthat door jam. They have the right
to proceed, but they didn't.In fact, I wouldn't mind getting Joe

Lazara on. Uh. He's acriminal defense attorney. He'll tell you what
they have a right to do.He knows he fights police all the time.
He never has to fight Brighton.I mean Brighton would actually come in,
probably on the defense side. Buthere's the deal, because Brighton,
as far as I'm concerned, arefour criminals not against him. They were
against the guy that wanted something done. They told him, now, you

better drop this buddy. You betterleave this heroin smoking car thief alone.
You son of a bitch, Youbetter leave them alone. So Mike,
thanks for calling. I don't knowwho's worse. I mean, it's too
bad that we have to have thediscussion at what police department enforces the least
amount. Jr's turn, JR.What's going on? Oh, you're slipping,

Martino. You're slipping. What's that, sir? You're slipping Martino?
I am Oh. Hold on,we're running out of time. I don't
want to cut you off. Holdon, I want you to have time
to say whatever you want. Hesaid, I was slipping. I don't
know what the hell he means.Don't forget. Petrolley Roofing is with us.
If you want to nominate someone toneed for a roof, or if
you're looking for to win a vehicle, check out the website Patrolley Roofing dot

com. P E t R Al I. Patrolleyroofing dot com. We
have more coming up on the TroubleshooterShow three oh three, seven to one
three talk Go with a sure ThingDenver's Best Roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance check up
free no obligation comparison call Compass Insurancepaying too much your coverage at dozens of

insurance companies find out now three ohthree seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot Com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three to zero sixteen
twenty two. Yeah, ripped upnew needy, so you don't have come

running. Just as fast as wecan, Shooter's gonna help. Come man,
This is the Troubleshooter Show. Now, Tom Martino, Hi, Tom
Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three oh three seven one three talk
seven one three eight two five five. I went out, I went out
my door. Here I got withme Michael Mallley from Petrolley Roofing. He's

the GM and Cheap bottle washer there, and they're giving away a car.
And I'm thinking to myself, okay, you know they're giving away twenty nineteen
BMW. Oh my god when Isay this car is awesome. What I
didn't know BMW even had that withthose kind of doors. So are they
gold wing doors? Yeah? Yeah, it's and and it's a hybrid electric

and as fast as a mother Holycrap, what a beautiful car. You're
giving that away? Yeah, onelucky winner is going to get that.
And then somebode's giving it away andall you have to do is if you've
recommended petrolley or your customer or anything, you enter this now. Now,
holy crap, when are you gonnagive it away? It's gonna be end
of April next year. And yeah, we throw a big bash, We

bring everybody in, We give awaytons of masses. It's awesome. It
is so cool looking. Now,how long have they been making that hybrid?
What model is it? They madeit from two thousand and fourteen to
twenty twenty. What is the nameof it again, the am I eight.
I've never even seen that. Yeah, it's so rare, Like the

mystique is awesome. It looks likea supercar but it Yeah, and it's
because you could get it just BMWservice, is it right, Like you
don't have to go to a Ferraridealer or and it's only got three thousand
and four thousand miles on it.I've put a couple more on there now
case five thousand miles care free.Yeah, it's awesome. So yeah we
uh, I'm not going to tellyou how fast we got it, but

it was definitely over seventy five milesan hour. It looks like an exotic
no it really does. It lookstruly amazing, amazing to me. Now,
wow, why don't they make himanymore? You know, I think
no, I have no idea,Tom, I'm not a car These are
expensive cars. Bro. Yeah,Petrolleyroofing dot Com. Will there will there

be details on there. Yeah,there will be details on there. And
remember, if you're a customer orrefer a customer, you automatically get entered.
Got it? So yeah, Jr. I'm sorry I left off with
you. I wanted to give youmore time. Go ahead, you say
I'm slipping, Go ahead, sir. You know you're slipping because you didn't
check out that story about a truckof being stolen. How do you which
one? Which one are you talkingabout? Oh? The one that the

Doramax that was stolen and that hesaw it at the courthouse. Yeah.
The guy said for those listening thathe partnered to his old stolen truck that
was stolen last year on Thanksgiving oraround Thanksgiving. He said that he saw
it, matched the dents and matchedhis custom equipment everything. He got photos
of it and it's still on thehot list. And he says that he's

convinced this his The guy was smokingdope in the cockpit that the Sheriff's department
detained him, but then Brighton policelet him go because they said that the
VIN number in the windshield, youknow, that little metal thing matched whatever
registration he had. Anyway, Sogo ahead, What did you want to
say about it? What did youverify a story? You just you took

a voot line and sinker baby.That's right, that's right. And you
want to know something, I'll betListen, I'm gonna I'm gonna do this
right now after forty five years ofdoing this. You're absolutely right. Should
I verify stories? I probably should? But now and then I get someone
and I just know, I don'tknow, I get a feeling for it.
I've not been wrong too many times, but I've been you'okurd a few

times, I actually have. Andyou're right, Jr. I did not
verify his story. You're absolutely right. But I'll tell you this. I
will bet you publicly right now,one thousand dollars that it's a true story.
I have other issue here. Iunderstand, Okay, no, no,
no, I'm just saying that's that'show I just have a gut feeling.

But but you, you are technicallycorrect. I did not verify it.
Oh you're pretty sure. I haveanother issue about one of your commercials.
Yeah, go ahead, sir,Okay, you do a commercial for
Compooner the attorney good attorney. Yousay you only pay a small fee if
he wins, or if I saya percentage fee. I don't know.

If I say small, I mighthave set a small percentage fee, but
I doubt it. I think Isay a percentage fee. No, you
said it just now for the perperentageof the earlier. But you say small
fee. What do you consider asmall fee for fifty percent on a small
fee? Well, he never chargesfifty percent. Ever at forty he might
charge forty percent. Yeah, andthat's only if it goes to court.

Right, but that's not a smallfee. Well, in my opinion,
it is because you get to getyou get to keep sixty percent and not
pay any legal fees. Right,But it's almost happened a small fee of
the it's well you are when people. Okay, that's a matter of semantics.
First, I doubt I've said small. If I've said small, hold

on, I still stand by small. But I don't think I say small.
I think I say I may havesaid a small percentage fee. I
might have said that. I canhear myself saying it a small percentage fee.
You're right, I think I thinkI've set a small percentage fee.
But here's the point. I feel, for that effort of going to court,
forty percent is small. That's myopinion. I think under normal circumstances,

it's thirty three percent, and Ifeel that small. You're wrong,
You're you're don't defend. Okay,good, good. I say you're wrong,
and you say I'm wrong. Whena consumer can keep sixty percent and
not pay a dime, I feelthat's reasonable and small. So okay,
we disagree. Now what j areNow what that's that's it? Okay,

thank you, we'll see it.Bye. Three oh three seven one three
talks seven one three eight two fivefive Eddie? You did I take Eddie
already with a comment on Brighton?Please Eddie together? Oh no, I
didn't, Eddie. What's going on? Hey? Tom? I I live
in Brighton and I have had manydealings with the Brighton Police Department, and

you are one hundred correct in theirincompetence. What the hell's going on there?
I almost got into a stist fightwith a police off. Take it
to somebody blocking my driveway? Whycame and got in between us? He

told me that I do not dictatewhat he does for his job. Oh,
I'm sure. I'm sure I canhear you know what. I'm sure
of it. I'm sure now thatI've heard listen, you wouldn't believe some
of the stories I'm getting from texttwo about Brighton police. Apparently I did
not realize. I used to think. Here's what I used to think.

If we were going to give anenema to the state, we do it
in Pueblo. But I'm thinking nowit might be Brighton. Yeah, I
would agree, And for information wisefor you. The chief of police in
Brighton is Dominico. His name isDominico. Yes, I do not know
his first name. I've only dealtwith him personally once. But he wasn't

very useful, you know. LikeI said, I don't think that they'd
be able to come up with anykind of accomplishment whatsoever that they've ever done.
That's the only officer, because heis a fair person and he actually
does his job. Is h sergeantto breathe I've dealt with him for many

years and he's a top notch guyregardless of him working for Brighton. Well,
you know what, that's the that'sthe first stupid thing he did then
has worked for Brighton. But reallyand truly to have a car thief in
your midst and just say bye byeis crazy. They catch and release in

Brighton, that's all they do.Well, how do they justify that?
You know what, Now, therewould be a move to defund the police,
that would be a good move.Their their justification is is the District
Attorney's office would not try the case. That's their justification for it. Well
hold on now that no, no, no, But but sometimes that's you

know, to be fair. Sometimesthat's sometimes that's okay. If you know
something is not being prosecuted, Idon't think you put it on police.
They don't want to waste their time, correct, But when you actually catch
somebody doing a crime that they're onprobation for and release them and the district

attorney does not charge them anyway,Wait a minute, tell me you know
of someone who was on probation.There was a small store in Brighton,
in mainst old Town, Brighton thatwas robbed at gunpoint by three people.
Two females and a male. Theywere caught by the Brighton Police Department arrested
guns in hand. They were releasedwith no charges as they were on probation

for armed robbery already through. Ohcome on, come on, you can
research it. It's fair tom,I promise, well, you got to
give us something to research. Igot to see this in writing somewhere.
I stay on top of that stuffbecause of where I look. Would you
listen and Kachina will give you ouremail. I really want to know about

this. I will look into it. I promise you. Okay, but
thank you Eddie. If you getKaschina you're trying, or give him our
email that he can text us somekind of link when he finds it.
Three oh three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five.
All right, man, this isa good show. So much going on,

and today we star the Brighton Morons. The no, no, I'm
not going to insult my YouTube morons. I'm so sorry YouTubers. I will
not bestow upon them the title ofmorons. They are the Brighton what do
we call them? Let's come upwith a name for Brighton Police Department.
That's what we need to do,right, now Brighton Bezos, Brighton Bozos

bro that is very good dragon theBrighton Bozo Police Department. I'm gonna go
with that for now. We havemore coming out. Biden bullies, Brighton
bullies. But they're not bullies.They let you go. They're they're the
good No criminals love Brighton. They'renot bullied. Well, they're kind of
bullies to the law abiding citizens.Brighton bullies, Brighton Bosos are a little

better than that. And some alliterationof course, Brighton Bozos, Brighton Boso
bullies. Hey, we got somethingnow that you want to talk about alliteration.
By the way, Genesis Total Exteriorsis getting into mold mitigation. They're
detecting mold and getting rid of itand they're not exaggerating about it. That's
what I love about them. Sofor that, Genesis tootalexteriors dot com.

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pay a cent until you're content.Time for an insurance checkup free, no
obligation. In comparison, call Compassinsurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now threeall three seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate

man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three all three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartino here at three all three seven one
three talks seven one three two fivefive. Robert has a question about Oh
no, Robert, I'm sorry Ihave you on because you called earlier son.
Your son owned a company you guysdid drain and cleaning, and you

say that you hooked up with acompany that did not pay Atlas real Estate.
You got accounts receivable of ten grandthat for sure we want to help
you with. But there was aquestion as to what else they might owe
you, or did they breach anyagreement with you? And you said,
and I'm just gonna I went backto the call to check. You said
you had a contract that said youhad the right to do the exclusive right

to do all of their drain work, and that there was no price mentioned.
And you you have no such contractthat you sent me zero So I'm
wondering what you were thinking of,Robert. And I'm not doing this to
give you a hard time. We'regoing to help you try to collect this
ten grand. But I see noother money or any obligation they have to
you. So tell me where youthink you have a contract to do all

of the exclusive drain work regardless ofthe price. Well, I sent you
the emails, right, yeah,but there's no contract attached to that.
No, but the emails themselves area contract. No, they're not.
Who told you that a lawyer?Well, okay, that lawyer is a

moron, and you can tell himI said it, and he can call
me and we can debate it.You do. An email is not a
contract. It can be a contractcontract. Yeah, they can be verbal
or they can be email or Okay, I'm gonna give you a tale of
a verbal contract because people say thatall the time. Can a verbal or

oral contract? It's an oral contract. Can it be enforced? The answer
is yes. Do you know howit's enforced? See the nature and definition
of a contract. Listen to Thisis an agreement of terms and conditions,
mutual agreement number two acceptance an offerand acceptance. Money has changed hands,

right, Okay, now you hadno money changing hands, and in a
verbal agreement an oral contract, theway it's enforced. Is this They say,
yes, I agreed to this,and you say, okay, do
it if you don't have agreement toterms. See when people say oral contracts

are enforceable, it's laughable because they'reonly enforceable if both parties agree that they
said it. Okay. So that'sthe wh whole nature of the disagreement is
they both have recollections of different termsand conditions. So the only way you're

going to get a verbal contract enforcedif you both don't agree that you said
it is to have third parties notrelated to the contract who testify that those
were the terms and conditions, andthen they would be destroyed on cross examination
like on what date was this doneand how long was it for and what

money changed hands? So I don'teven want to go there. Okay,
But since you've talked to an attorney, I'm not sure why you're not letting
this attorney handle it. Because hetold you that these emails were a contract.
I'm just going to tell you something. He lied to you. Okay.
He may not have done it intentionally, but he thought he was being
kind. You do not have anythingnear a contract. What they said was

we can throw some work your wayall of the drain work. I mean,
you don't have a contract anywhere.And then what if you wanted to
charge him twenty five thousand dollars orone hundred thousand dollars. Are you gonna
say they have to do it?Are you gonna say you could enforce that?
Where's the contract that says that?So listen, man, you don't
have a contract. Now, ifyou have accounts receivable for ten grand,

we can have some people start totrack that down. I'll put Deputy Bow
on it. Okay, are youin the studio, Bow, We can
put him on it. Try Tom. Yeah, we can try to track
that down. I believe you.If you say you did, you got
ten thousand dollars worth of work notbeing paid for. It's not gonna be
hard to figure out if you didthose drains. But I can't enforce some

exclusive deal that you get all ofthe drain work. I mean it's impossible.
Just out of curiosity. Who isthe attorney that would tell you these
are contracts? Oh, I don'tremember the name I have. There was
two of them that I talked to. Well, then why don't you hire
them to enforce it? Do yourealize listen to this. If they believe

they could enforce that contract, doyou realize what a windfall it would be?
Do you realize how much money itwould mean? Every single job that
they gave to someone else would havebeen a breach. So let me let
me ask you this. So,based off these emails, we invested in

a company to service this, basedoff these emails, and you're saying that
I don't have anything to stand on. No, no, now, I'm
not going to give you legal advice. But here's what I'm going to tell
you. I'm going to turn thataround on you and ask you a question.
You say, based on these emails, So based on these vague emails,
literally vague, there's no definition atall. I mean it is absolutely

vague. So based on these emails, you're thinking you had some kind of
big contract. So which how manyjobs did you think the emails meant per
week? Well it started out,well, you said you had a contract,

So read it to me, Readit to me? What just tell
me? You know you should beable to look at that email? How
many jobs do we you get?It says I can list you as the
first contact for all six thousand doorswe manage in the Denver area. Okay,
that first contact does not mean youget the guarantee job. No,

I didn't say that. It didguarantee that. But we were and he
said I can. He didn't sayI did. And he's saying that if
I got workmen's comp insurance, hewould do that. No, he didn't,
he said he doesn't. It's okay, you know what, Hey,
listen, bro, the best toyou hire, hire that more on attorney.
We'll see you now. I'm notgonna I'm not gonna argue. I'm

listen. I'm not taking up goodairtime to argue about something that isn't possible.
You don't have a contract. Okay, when you need help and you
want real help, call us.Otherwise, I'm not gonna play with your
fantasies. Three oh three, sevento one three talks seven one three eight
two five y five. Listen,there is no good that will come from
this for me talking about how wrongthis guy is. After a while,

it's ridiculous. Okay. I've beenon the air forty five years and I'm
gonna tell you something. Okay,I learned not to waste people's time.
This man is hell bent on believingsomehow that he had a contract and based
on that contract, he went outand bought equipment, and now he doesn't
have the contract. There is nothingthat guaranteed anything what soever. So here's

the deal. If you believe youhave a case and this attorney believes it
was detrimental reliance, that's what itwould be called, have him sue and
work on a contingency. You don'thave to pay. Have him do that.
You're not going to get them todo it because you don't have a

case. Three oh three seven toone three talk seven one three A two
five five. If you need windowwashing, it's hard to find, especially
commercial building. They also do windowtinting now Premiere window cleaning and pressure washing.

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find out now three all three sevenseven to one help. You'll think you're

his only customer when you choose Frankdurand the real estate man dot Com to
list your home with Remax Alliance threeoh three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martinez here three oh threeseven one three talks seven one three
eight two five five. Uh,how do I pronounce it? Is a

choi chew? What is it?I'm sorry with the name. How do
I pronounce it? Boh? MisterChow? Okay, sorry, mister Chow
had a problem with Triple A ServicePlumbing right they put in they put in
a sewer line or something, andthey did not back Philip properly or Tampa

Bo tell me what the problem was. Yes, actually enjoy I enjoyed working
with this consumer because he had allthe documentation, the invoice, the invoice
number, and he sent good pictures. But he contracted with Triple A Plumbing
and Service to get a drainline replacedin November of twenty twenty three, and

slowly sinkhole developed and mister Chow hasbeen trying to contact them to try to
get it filled because the sinkhole createwas created right next to the sidewalk which
was at a hazard. Am Iright in those facts, mister Chow?
I think he's there, But anyway, you there, well, yeah,

I'm here. So what have theydone so far? Did they improve it?
Yes? Base there up a wholesiloping good, but I will be
way almost more than two weeks.Then really had to contact the management only

answer ladies, yes, were theygood to deal with? Over a trip,
I can just talk about the wholething. I had to make three
calls over there, and I didn'tget a call back. But on the
fourth call I was able to geta hold of a service manager by the
name of Mike, and I thinkthat company is so big you just have

to take some time to get theright department. And he promised me that
after our calls that he would getout there within the week and send a
crew out there to properly fill thissinkhole. And mister Chow sent me some
pictures the other day to verify thatthe work was done. So the company

did step up and get this jobcompleted for mister Chad. All right,
thank you very much, mister Chow, and thank you bo. Let me
give it. Well, you gota well deserved hold on, hold on,
hold on, yo, Now,George, what's going on with you?

George? Hi town, thank youfor taking my call. What's happening,
man? I inherited my my father'shome. It's the older home,
and I don't have to sell itimmediately, but I would love to get
a extension done to see what kindof work needs to be done to it,

hang it up to code or thosekind of things like that. You
know, since you already inherited it, I would not get a home inspector
for that. I would get acontractor. Like do you think mostly inside
or outside or both? I thinka I think inside but electrical and a

couple of things like that, andthen outside. I'm pretty sure the old
clay pipe is broke that goes outto the main street. Uh oh uh
oh. Now listen now that yousaid that, now I understand what you're
saying. George. You may soyou're not really looking at stuff that you're
afraid that. See, you haveso many different areas there, so either

you get an expert. See there'snothing wrong with a general home inspector if
you're buying a home, but onceyou own it, you really want to
get some hard pricing, So whyspend five or six hundred bucks on a
home inspection and then have to goand have each person come out. I
would just pick main areas, likeif you need the sewer inspected, calls

you know a really reputable company toyou know, and remember you're going to
get a big and a vast differencein pricing, So have that come out
and inspect the plumbing and the drains, and then have if you're concerned about
electrical, have a good electrical companydo that. If you want to look
at the exterior, the siding andall of the house itself, Genesis Total

Series, if you want someone,you know, that's what I would do
if I own the house, ratherthan doing an inspection, because then you
pay for the inspection. Then yougot to end up calling people anyway.
So just go ahead and call thecontractors from our referral list. Now that
makes sense. Well, the reasonis because they're going to be doing the

work. So so a drain guywill come right out and and let me
just give you you know, likethere's so many good ones, and I
always talked about the same people,but you do want to get there's a
variation even on a referral list onthe price you're going to pay. So
you want to like Master Services.He's pretty reasonable in his ing, okay,

and he's good, But so isplumb Line fix It twenty four to
seven. So what you want isto get that kind of thing. If
you want a water heater, thenyou're a plumbing But what you want to
do is pick some experts in theirexpertise and have them inspect that kind of
thing. If you get a generalcontractor out there, you're going to pay

a fee on top of he's justgoing to bring in subs. So you
want the people that are doing thework. So if there are areas of
concern, pick that category and havean expert come out. Do that makes
sense? And this might sound likea dumb question, but I haven't dealt
with saying or even buying a homein a long time. But is there

some kind of checklist or something thathere's what a home inspector looks for so
that I can, Okay, Iunderstand what you're saying. Yeah, there
is. You can go online andyou can find those. There's an American
Society of let's see, I forgetI think it's called ASHY as something.

And if you go to like doyou use AI at all? No?
Okay, But if you go onlineand you search ashy, okay, search
Ashy, what you can find is, uh, it's American. It's the
American Society of Home Inspections. Ifyou search ASHY, I am positive you

can figure out what are the mainareas of inspection. Okay, that's perfect.
But I'm going to tell you it'snot hard for you to figure it
out. Okay, I can tellyou in a very quick phone call that
you can watch on YouTube again orgo to our podcast. Okay, you
look at a house, You're gonnalove this. You visualize it as a

target. Okay. The how andthe living space inside is the bullseye.
The outer ring is your lot.So what you do is you start with
your lot as you're walking into thehome. The lot will give you the

sewer line, the landscaping, thetrees. Then you go to the next
ring, which is the exterior ofthe home and the windows and the doors.
Then you go to the next ring, which is right inside the house,
which would be your floor coverings andyour structure inside and your foundation.

Then the next ring are your systems, and what do you have plumbing,
heating and cooling, drains and electric. That's it. That's the entire house.
So it's not that difficult to findexperts in each one of those fees

fields. And uh how old isthe house? George was built in the
sixties. Okay, Uh so allof those expertise. Do you think you
have any foundation issues whatsoever? Ah? That I don't think so, okay,
good, So visualize the target andthen go to Ashy's website and and

and then start looking at the majorsystems. I'm Tom Martino. More right
after this, go with a surething Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance checkup
free no obligation comparison call Compass Insurancepaying too much your coverage at dozens of

insurance companies find out now three Othree seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three nine two zero sixteen twenty
two. Hi Tom Marchino here,Okay, let's recap real quick. Here

you are giving away not only awonderful car, you're giving away a roof.
People can go to the website petrolleyroofingdot com anything else, Michael,
No, it's time to file yourclaims. If you haven't, at least
gets your roof inspected by us.There's so much damage that that's out there
people don't even know about. It. Just gets your roof inspected petrolleyroofing dot
com seven one nine three seven fiveeight seven seven three. Hell, let's

get you in there. You havea comment on the brighton buffoons where crime
runs free go ahead, taking thebite out of crime go ahead. How
they actually pretended to do police workduring the pandemic when they had that ordinance
that no more than like five peoplecould be together in the park without wearing
masks, you know, unless theywere a family. There was a family

of three that were there and thepolice department d just harassed him. The
guy even pointed out the sign tohim. This made the news and it
was him his wife and his littlegirl, his daughter, and so the
police who came up without masks,violating their own ordinance, grabbed the guy.

They were showing that and they didn'teven wear gloves or anything, but
you know, they're Brighting police,so they don't need to. And they
actually detained them in the car forlike a half an hour before finally letting
him go while his daughter's over therecrying, wondering what's going on. So
I didn't know if he did alawsuit against him or anything. But yeah,
they actually, you know, pretendedto be cops for a moment.

You know what I'm telling you thatthe Yeah, of course they would try
to enforce that. I after hearingthese stories and getting these texts, I
am so shocked that we have apolice department as bad as them. They
are the reason crime is spiking.Spread the word people. I swear to

god, you have never heard astory like Brighton police before. And I'm
getting this, but trust me,I'm gonna let people know about this stolen
car. These idiots. I'm TomMartino. Hey, it's been fun,
hasn't it. Three oh three seven? Well just three oh three Martino twenty
four to seven for your problems,question complaints,

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