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May 28, 2024 140 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Thank y'all ripped up that news needadvice, so you don't have you come
running. Just as fast as wecan. Shoot's gonna help coming, man.
This is the Troubleshooter Show. NoTom Martino, Hi high, Hi

Tom Martino Here three oh three sevenone three talk three o three seven one
three eight two five five. Wow, you had an extra day. Today's
Tuesday. We're starting off the showand there should be problems built up or
not. Here's what I want totell you. If you have a problem

lingering, festering, growing, juststarting, now's the time to call.
Don't let look, don't let thingsget too far. That's the biggest problem
in solving problems, and that's whatwe do here. We don't just bitch
and moan. We solve if wecan. That is, you know,
sometimes quite frankly, it's impossible you'vedone something wrong, but it's good to

know what you did wrong and thenhave the right bullets, the right ammunition
going forward to minimize damage or toundo the damage. We've recovered on this
show hundreds of millions of dollars overthe years and cash, merchandise exchanges,
refunds, and services. So welcometo the show. What's on your mind

today? Sus is on the phones, Kachina's off. Sus who usually does
loftier administrative duties, is in thetrenches today, and sus, Hey,
Tommy, where's Mark home working onprojects? Yeah? He's been busy this
springb yep, both business and personalprojects, right, lots of both.

Yeah. So I noticed YouTube isnot up yet, is it? Yeah,
he's going to get that going herefor us. I just want to
let my morons know it's coming atthree ozho three seven one three talk three
oh three, seven to one,three eight two five five, don't forget.
You can call three oh three Martinotwenty four to seven three oh three

six two seven eight four sixty six. Joel is with me, Doctor Joel
chertact is with me. As youknow, they're doing compounded weight loss drugs,
semaglutide, enterzepetide. You may nothave heard of truezepetide as much as
semaglutide. It's actually better and worksbetter and doesn't have quite as many side
effects. Even though semaglutide is relativelysafe and they're looking they're finding all kinds

of benefits to both of these drugs. For kidney disease and addictions and all
kinds of other side benefits. Andof course you're going to also see a
lot of people on the internet saying, don't take it. It's where it's
gonna you know, it's it's theworst thing that ever happened. As with
anything, there's always going to bediscussions on the benefits and the disadvantages or

the risks, and uh, Joel'shere from time to time to talk about
that. Plus he also has aclinic that does stem cell therapy. So
Joel on the let's just talk aboutthe semiglutide, and there's a tzepetide.
There's controversy. Have you seen someof the the the videos from so called

the health experts saying don't ever takethis stuff. He can paralyze your your
your intestinal system or whatever, yourgastro intestinal system, your digestive system.
Yeah, and we're not seeing thathappen to people, you know. The
most that we're seeing in terms ofside effects are some mild gastro intestinal discomfort
some people have. They have tworeactions. One is the jamming up the

constipation. The other one is tooloose. Why is that, well,
because you're tinkering with the speed atwhich your body is digesting food and absorbing
sugar and carbs correct So it takesyou a week or so, sometimes two
weeks for your body to adjust tothe medication. And we always start people
off at a low dose and escalateit up in that first moment. Bottom
line, these drugs simply slow downabsorption and make you satisfied longer. Isn't

that the most simplistic way of sayingit. That would be the most simplistic
way of saying it. And asa result of doing that, you do
stay satisfied or satiated longer. Youdo, and you wind up not feeling
the craving of constant snacking or theor feeling that you're not full, which
is the problem that a lot ofpeople have with trying to lose weight,
is that they continuously are not stationNow, people who have gotten back to

me who started this say that theyhave completely and I'm not saying you do
it for this lost they're craving.I don't know if craving is a good
word, because they're not alcoholics,but they might have a drink of wine
here and there, they don't evenwant it anymore. What is the compulsion

why? But not everyone who wantsa glass of wine or a drink now
and then margarite or whatever. They'renot alcoholics necessarily, but they say they
don't even want that, not evenoccasionally. Well, you have to consider,
you know, when you're satiated,your body is triggering the rewards.
A lot of people say that alcoholsare craving for sugar. So what it
is is that suppressing the reward thereward cascade in the brain that's associated with

that saciation. So it's gonna applyto food cravings as well as to other
types of cravings and drugs they sew. Some people say it's working to help
addiction. Other people are saying,you know, so anyway, listen.
They do this sema gluetide. That'stheir main one, because that's the one
most people know about, and comparedto the twois, a little cheaper,

but there they have to. They'rethe lowest anywhere, two hundred and fifty
bucks a month, and they're they'regoing to be raising the price a little
till like two seventy five, butthis week they'll honor the two fifty.
If you call to sign up orinquire, you don't have to sign up
right this week, but you gotto get your name down. And yeah,
if they go for the doctor,even if they go online to our

website and fill out their intake paperwork, we'll hold that price for them for
another month. Okay, So yougot to fill it out and inquire this
week. And that is UH Denverregion dot com. By the way,
if you had to pick one togo on, which one would you do
trius epetide or semaglutide I It dependson how much weight my weight goal is.

I would do trus epetide. Basedon what I'm reading. Yeah,
a turs eppetize seems to be amore powerful drug. It seems to have
less side effects, and it seemsto work more effectively. It is a
little bit more expensive, but notmuch more. No, we're talking for
twenty five a month versus two seventyfive a month. But there's not much
down side as far as supply.You don't have a problem right now.
No, we can get the drugs. It's starting to get a little bit

tighter, which is why we've hadto raise the price. There are a
lot of compounding clinics showing up.There are but we stick with one particular
company that we know has a greatproduct that we know gives good results.
I get offers all the time fromother compounding pharmacies that want our business.
We won't go anywhere else because weknow that what we supply is very effective

and very safe for people. Larry, what's going on in your life?
Larry? We're talking about a bouncecheck. What's happening. Yeah. I
just happened to out of the Bloodget a check in the mail and it's
been I don't know it's day.So when you say this check, Larry,
is it made out to you?Yeah? Your name and address,

and and is it from a companyyou recognize? No? You know,
you bring up something really really,it's amazing you're bringing this up because I
was going to talk to Sus aboutthis. I recently got a check and

in fact, I'm going to bringit up right now. This shows up
in the mail, Sus. Ohyeah, listen to this. The Junk
Luggers aka Lug Junk NJLLLC. Thisis on thirty one Maple Avenue in fair

Haven, New Jersey. They havea phone number here and I do want
to call it. A check showsup for twenty two thousand, five hundred
dollars made out to me. Ohmy goodness, yeah, sus it's it's
made out. Actually, I thinkit's Troubleshoot or network. It might be
me, but there's no explanation whatsoever. Now many times these scams. The

way these scams work is you mightget a job somewhere and the check shows
up like this, but it's notfrom the company you got a job with.
It's from the like this. Let'sjust say I took a job working
at home doing some scam thing andI don't know what's a scam, and
I get this check and they saythis isn't payment for what you've just done.

So then you cash it and thenthey want you to send some money
back. They say they overpaid you. That's the usual scam. But I
suspect, sus if we call thiscompany, they won't have any idea that
I received a check. What theydo is is non hasmant interstate transportation.

And I got a check for twentytwo grand. Of course I never cashed
it. But man, anyway,so tell me about your check. Well,
I just got down of the blue. Yeah, tell me, tell
me what it is. What doesit say anything at all? No,

not a thing. It's just okay, it's just a check. And how
much is it for? One thousand, three hundred and ten dollars and fifty
eight cents one thousand dollars? Basicallyokay? And does who is it from?
What company? Arlington LLC, BO, miser, JAC Q, U

E T I MS. Now didyou look this company up? No?
Okay, this is I'm wondering whythis is happening. Have you been contacted
it all? After the check?When did you get it? It's day
to eleven seventeen of twenty twenty.Mike, Wait, wait of twenty twenty.

My basic question is I deposited inthe bank, and then why would
you deposit it though I don't knowI had my name on it? Okay,
all right, fine, okay,then what happened? So my question
is the bank never told me inany way, shape or form that it
bounds. I just took the moneyback out of my account. Can I

come back on the bank for that? No? No, okay, listen,
you you cashed it because your namewas on it. Just know this.
If you cash unrecognized checks in thefuture, here's what happens when that

company gets a copy of that canceledcheck or the scammer, it will have
your bank account information on it.Now I'm going to tell you something.
Well, when did you actually depositit? Oh, just a week from
after or last from after? Igot it? Well, when was that

back in twenty twenty eleven seventeen oftwenty twenty, So, oh my god,
you're just learning about this. Ohno, I've found out they bounced
it back a couple three months later. Okay, okay, so you were

just wondering about it today. Iget it. I get it. Yeah.
I don't think you can go backon the bank for it. But
but you're lucky. So nothing weirdhas happened to your account since then,
right, because they have your accountinformation correct, You're lucky. You're lucky
because the thing I'm telling you isthere is a tendency once they have your

routing number and your account number totry to grab money from your account.
So it's good, it's good.It's good that you that you haven't had
an incident. Thanks for calling Larrythree oh three seven one three talk seven
one three eight two five five waterprosdot net the best water systems at the

lowest prices waterpros Pauldwaterman dot com.You can get a whole house system for
around thirty five hundred bucks. Uhdrinking at your kitchen sink for just fourteen
hundred bucks fully and solved. Letme just say this, it's one of
the most important things you'll do.You see, I love like environmental stuff
that keeps you healthy and also servesa purpose. And this is great water.

Three oh three eight six two fivefive five four. Go with a
sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofingdot com. You don't pay a cent
until you're content. Wait time foran insurance check up free, no obligation.
In comparison, call Compass Insurance payingtoo much your coverage at dozens of

insurance companies find out now three ohthree seven seven to one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when youchoose Frank durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here, Welcome to the show. Three O

three seven one three talk seven onethree eight two five five. All right,
here's someone they here's someone, andthey want to know what happens when
I put a car in for restorationand I can't get it back. The

shop is ghosting me, and Isuspect they're not doing the work well.
First and foremost, here's the problem, okay, with a lot of these,
whether they're major repairs, restoration,body work, wherever you have to
drop your car off. One ofthe biggest problems a lot of even legit

Okay, not even, but let'stake legit shops first. Legit shops might
have problems with parts, managing money. They're just not good at what they
do as far as the business end, but they have every intention of fixing
the car, and they get justin over their heads. Now I call
it legit in that they don't havean intent to rip you off, but

they pretty much suck because they don'tknow how to run the business. What
people don't understand is you can getripped off as much with people that don't
know how to run the business asyou can with people who want to rip
you off. That's the problem.Now, let's talk about this, don't

I don't know if I can helpyou. Now it's already there. We'll
call for you. I got thename here, but don't drop your car
off until you order and get theparts. Now, you have to pay
for the parts sometimes, and ifyou do, that's okay. If you
verify they're being ordered in your nameand then have them shipped to the shop

is fine because if they're for yourcar, the chances are this guy's not
going to rob Peter to pay Paulwith parts. Your parts are for you,
but don't drop it off until theparts are there. I actually had
this where I went to a legitshop locally. It used to be Murray
Body and now it's run by SonicI believe, or they might just be

still Murray. I don't know.They're a great body shop, and I
went there and ordered the parts thatthey were very willing to do that,
and then they called me when theparts were there. Now, when they
take it apart or they need moreparts, that's something different. But at
least you're ahead of the game.So that's one thing you can do.
Another thing is don't give a lotof money up front, because once that

money's exhausted, it's hard to motivatethese people to keep working. Money upfront
is not a good idea ever.And people who say to me will tom
im I'm supposed to trust the consumer. Well, for God's sakes, there's
got to be a balance. Iwant to hear it from contractors about money

up front because I'm sick and tiredof contractors taking money but not applying it
to the job. It's not foryou, it's for the job. Linda,
what's going on with your rental deposit? What's happening, Linda Thomas in
regards to my daughter. They livedin an apartment they moved out of in

April twenty three and they never gotthe deposit demand letter sixty days later.
Is there a cut up? No? No, you said April and it's
only men. No April twenty twentythree. Oh my god. So they
moved out last year and never gottheir deposit right. And how they found

this out is they applied for anew place to move to and got denied
because this old apartment house reported thatthey owe money and never paid it.
But when they moved, they putin the they put in the when they
were moving, they had forwarding ontheir mail. They approove the mail was
being forwarded and they got nothing inthe mail with this letter. And when

they contacted the apartment house because ofthis report a couple last week, the
apartment house forwarded them obviously of demandthat was just generated less. Well,
do you know was it backdated theone that they supposedly generated? Yeah?
Are you? And they they claimedthe apartment house claims they had mailed it

out. They claimed they mailed itto the apartment address that they moved from,
even though they had the forwarding address. And I get it, but
they say they sent it, yes, but it was never received by USPS
because they get pictures of all ofthe mail that they receive every day.
Yes, so do I that's good. That's good. Do they have records

of those of their their those emails? Oh, that's excellent. Okay,
Now how much is it? Howmuch is the deposit? How much is
the deposit? It was seven hundreddollars, so trouble would be twenty one
hundred, right, And this iswhat I would do. Did they have
a copy of their lease? Now, by the way, the lease can

allow for sixty days if there's nothingin the lease, it's by law thirty
days. It was sixty in thelease. Okay, okay, okay.
Then she needs to go to smallClaims court for twenty one hundred dollars.
I don't see how she loses well. And the other question I have though,
is this is this is keeping themfrom moving to a new place because

they're old place. Now, ifyou're if you're asking, are there a
additional damages? I doubt she's goingto get those consequential or subsequential damages.
I don't think she will. Butuh, well, they put a deposit
down. They put a deposit downfor the new lease, for a new
apartment, and to a fee tohold debt until this came up last week

that they owed this money. Sowould that deposit be able to be added
to the small claims? Are theygoing to lose the deposit? Yes,
I would certainly try. Let's putit. Let's put it this way.
The worst that can happen is thatthe judge turn it down. But they
need to get Please don't just talkabout it, do it. I mean,

these people have to do more thanjust show a demand. Your daughter
has good records of her postal service. And did they say they sent it
to the old apartment or to thenew address? Where did they say they
sent it the old apartment? Aggress? Okay? And and your daughter had
all her mail forwarded from that oldaddress. Yes, and she has proof

that she started receiving mail forwarded fromthat old address to the new one within
like ten days of when they movedout. Oh man, okay, okay,
I don't see. Like I said, you keep in touch with me
because I want to. I wantto walk through this with her. Okay,
I want you tell her to goon site, get the small claims

thing downloaded, cite the law,cite her leaves, and then have them
served by an independent party. Yougot it knocked. Now the question I
have, Yeah, they can't getinto the new apartment until this gets removed
off whatever. Well that's not necessarilyso. That new apartment could. That

new apartment could do a few things. The new apartment could give him a
break and say, look, Ithat you have this legal issue. The
new apartment may not want to,but it's not going to be I don't
know what to do. You can'tjust keep If you're asking, can they
keep racking up damages? No,I don't think they can. No,
But I don't mean that. I'mnot asking that. Where were they living?

Here's what I want to know.If they moved out April of last
year, where were they living inAurora? Okay, but hold on the
place they're living now. They therewas a place when they moved out of
there, they moved into a newplace, right, yes, And did
they leave that place? No?They're trying to now, but they can't

because it's all okay. Well,then they have to keep living at that
place that they can't be homeless andclaim it's that apartment's responsibility. But they're
not doing that. They put ina thirty day or they didn't renew their
lease because they were going to moveto a new place. So now they
have to ask the current landlord ifthey can do a month by month until

this is resultd, which they are. But they can't get into the new
place because the new place won't givethem a break and they're stuck at the
old place until they get this lawsuitresolved for these and I don't understand.
If they're in good standing with thecurrent place, why would this place care.
Well, then they're trying to movefrom the current place to a new

place. I'm asking you, ifthey are in good standing with their current
landlord, why does the new placecare about a previous one. I don't
know, but it is stop well, then then you know what, then
this new place is the problem too. Okay, so you need to include
that deposit. How much deposit didthey put down? It was like three

hundred and fifty dollars to do awhole deposit and an application. Okay,
then she needs to include that inher small claims court. And I'm confident.
I'm confident she'll win. And thenMike, Mike, are you a
contractor? Can you for the lastforty years? Can you hold on?

Sir? I really would love totalk to someone with your experience, but
I must take this break. Soif you can hold on, I will
come right back to you. I'mTom Martino. Three oh three seven one
three eight two five five. Gowith a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel
Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for

an insurance check up free, noobligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance
paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three oh
three seven seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer. When
you choose Frank durand the real estateMan dot com to list your home with
Remax Alliance three oh three nine twozero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino

here, Welcome to the show.Now Mike has a comment on money up
front. I have a whole poston this I did socially, getting quite
a reaction, and I just Idon't mind paying some money as work begins,
as it goes along. This ideaof being ahead of the game only
ends up whenever a consumer is pissedand ripped off, it's usually because they

left money on the table. Goahead, Mike, what is your comment?
Well, it kind of depends ifI have to special order something for
a customer that I can't return.Yeah, you got to pay me for
at least the cost of it.An Mike, I totally agree with you,
Okay, And the same thing.If I was a roofer, I'd
want the money in case those shinglesended up on top and then you decide

you didn't want to go any further. Then you have your shingles and I'm
not out anything, you know whatI'm saying. There's nothing wrong with that.
But at the same time, Idon't want any labor money ahead because
if I owe you money or time, I have to be nice to you
you want, you want walk away, you want walk away freedom. I

think we should all be kind ofeven at the end of the week.
If we can help, if wecan work it out, well we're in
agreement. Mike. What kind ofcontracting do you do? I'm a handyman?
Okay, good, I was acontractor, but now I'm too old
and fat, so now I'm ahandyman. So what kind of handyman work?
Do you do? Everything except gettingon the dang roof? And I

don't do carpet. So how doyou work? Mike? Somebody calls you
and you give them, You givethem an estimate. Of course I always
go over and look at it.I never give an estimate over the phone.
And do you have a name ofyour company? Yeah, it's called
d Bear Construction. And that wasonly a stupid name because my accountant said

you shouldn't have your own name attachedto your LLC. So I named it
after my dog. So, Mike, I know you for calling her.
Listen, man, of all thethings on our referral list, we get
handyman requests all the time. Youshould consider it someday. Thanks Mike for

calling three zero three seven to oneto three talks seven one, three,
eight, two five five. SoLinda has another question or two. Her
daughter rented an apartment left in Aprilof last year, never got a letter
of explanation on why they were keepingthe security deposit. Not only are they
keeping it, but they want moremoney for damages. And of course the

daughter never responded because she says shenever got the letter. As a result,
it's impeding her ability to get anew apartment, even though she has
been in an apartment since then.So I don't know how that happened.
So she's currently in an apartment,wants a new one. The new one
says no because the landlord before thisone says you owe them money. Go

ahead. What is your additional question, Linda? What part is the credit
or background check? Is it pullingthe information from it? There's no jump
judgment against her for this VCS.I have no clue. Oh oh oh,
hold on, There doesn't have tobe a judgment. In order to
report negative on your credit bureau orcredit report, they simply have to be

a member. So what does amember mean? Well, let's say they
regularly check credit through TransUnion. Theybecome a member. That means that they
can pull credit, but they alsoare required to report credit. That's how
it works, so they can simplyreport it. In fact, in fact,

you bring up a good point,Linda. There doesn't have to be
a judgment to have a negative report, and many landlords use that as blackmail.
We've had cha. So this isonly a negative report. That's on
the report that's catching the eye.Well, it should be a negative report

and not a judgment, because letme tell you both ways, many landlords
use a negative report as a wedgeas blackmail. It's credit blackmail. They
say you ruin the carpet. Yousay I did not. They it was
like that before. They say,no, it wasn't, and so in
order to collect money from you,they put a mark on your credit.

And therefore, even though they didn'tget a judgment, even though it wasn't
proven, it can keep you fromrenting in the future until you pay.
That's blackmail. The other way itworks is this they sometimes claim like they
claim they sent her an explanation.They sometimes claim they served her. It's
called gutter service. It's where theysay they served the person but really did

not. As a result, thelandlord goes to court or the landlord's attorney
and says, your honor, theydidn't show up. Then they get a
default judgment. So it could bea default judgment if it's really a scummy
landlord, but as a result ofsewer service. Either way, it's on

our credit report. Most likely it'snot gutter service and a default judgment,
because gutter service and a default judgmentusually you gotta be really sleazy to do
that, and you have to havea sleazy attorney too. Okay, thank
you, that's I just wanted toget you. Just call me back when
you find if you need more information, Okay, I'll be happy to help

you. Three zho three seven onethree talk three oh three seven one three
eight two five five. Now Dwayneneeds advice on a roof replacement. Dwayne,
what is it? Yes, thisis Dwayne. Yes, Dwayne,
what do you need? Well?I found out, Well, I knew
that I had an older roof,like I think fourteen years old, getting

to be in that twenty year range. So I've been thinking about needing and
we get hail and Colorado springs allof time, like the front range.
So I had a gentleman show upat my door Saturday, which I let
him do a inspection. I didn'tsign anything good, just want him check.
And he said, yes, wehave haill damage and it should be

covered by insurance. And then Ihad another company come out just today and
they said the same thing, andI didn't sign anything. What companies were
they? Hold on? I wantto come back to you, let me,
let me take this break. Thisis You're at a very crucial point,
Dwayne. I want to make sureyou make the right choices and I'll
save you trouble. I promise youcoming right up. Go with a sure

thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dotcom. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurancecheckup free, no obligation. In comparison,
call Compass Insurance paying too much yourcoverage at dozens of insurance companies find
out now three oh three seven sevento one help. You'll think you're his
only customer when you choose Frank durandthe real estate Man dot com to list

your home with Remax Alliance three allthree nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Yeah, Susan, are we upon YouTube yet? Anyway? I know,
I know, But if we're upon YouTube, we're streaming and you
see my shirt New York Yankees.Here's the deal. Okay, it looks
nice on your time. Huh said, it looks nice on you. Now.

The reason I use this here isbecause it brings back great memories.
Let me just tell you, growingup in New York as a kid,
it was so arrogant of us,but we didn't even realize it. This
is the question we would ask eachother as we approached baseball season. God's
honest truth. Now listen to whatwe would ask, who will the Yankees

be playing in the World Series atthe beginning of the baseball year? I
mean, how many years did wego to the World Series? My god?
But I remember that and all ofthose wonderful players and they were great
to the kids. And anyway,all right, let's go back. Dwain

needs advice on a roof replacement,Dwayne, go ahead, Sorry, go
ahead, yes, sir, Hitom so heil damage. Here's what I
want to know. What when didthey say the hell happened? The first
contractor was listing like last year,June twenty first, is what? Okay?

Where they came up with the storm? Do any of these want you
to sign anything? I haven't thefirst one wanted to be assigned something was
just what he assessed, went upwith the roof and looked. I said,
I wouldn't sign it. I'd talkto he'd give me a call.
Okay, what's the name of thatroofer, Premiere, and then tell me

about the second roofer. Second onejust shook pame this morning. Who is
it? Ian? Christine? Andokay, now there's only two roofers I
want you to call. And I'mtelling you, Dwane, if you call
these two roofers, in my opinion, in my opinion, there's one hundred
percent chance you will love the experienceand not experience any kind. Well,

I know you won't. You're notgoing to get ripped off, okay,
because they're solid. You call PetrolleyRoofing or you call Excel Roofing. Okay,
I have appointments for PETROLLI to comeout at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.
So that's and just sign the contractwith him. You know what I'm telling
you. You can trust O'Malley inthe gang. Just don't even think about

it, Okay, I'm serious.Now, whatever you can do, you
can do what they say. That'show confident I am of these people.
I'm Tom Martino three O three sevento one three talk seven one three eight
two five five. If you're onthe phone, stand the phone, I
will get to you. We alsohave doctor Joel Chrudacht with us from Denver
Region dot com. So any ofyour questions give us a call. Go

with a sure thing Denver's best rooferExcel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Pleasetime for an insurance check up free,
no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance payingtoo much your coverage at dozens of insurance
companies find out now three oh threeseven to seven to one help. You'll

think you're his only customer when youchoose Frank Durand the real estate Man dot
com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three oh three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Ripped News need avessel you don't have? Run a cam

shooter is gonna help? Come man, This is the Troubleshooter Show. No
Tom Martino, Hi, Tom Martinohere three oh three seven three top three
oh three seven one three eight twofive five. This hour brought to you
by eight eight eight Heating dot comthe risk free service fee. That means

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Joel Trudek with US two from DenverRegent dot com. If you're looking for
weight loss drugs that are compounded,no shortages and way lower prices. Okay,

Jennifer has a shout out. Let'sgo to that one. Jennifer,
what what are you doing? Whatare you doing? Jennifer? Hey,
I'm doing well. We just movedinto new house. And am I the
only one who can can hardly hearher? Am I the only one guys.
I could hear her. Tom,okay, good, go ahead there,
yeah, go ahead right now,I can hear you there, go

ahead, okay. I use yourreferrals as often as I can. And
yeah, I had some great servicefrom Steve the painter. He redid our
deck last year and the stain failed. We waited until the spring to have
it redone because he couldn't. Hewas real busy during the fall and we

had to get our house on themarket and get pictures taken. Yeah,
by a couple of days ago,and he was so busy, but he
and his wife and his daughter outI think two days ago. I'm losing
track of time. Yeah, Idid the whole thing in one day.
And it was just great just tohave follow through on their work. Isn't

it nice to have a company thisstands behind their work absolutely? You know.
I have a funny story about him. Thank you Jennifer for calling.
So I texted him, gave himhell about my front door. Say,
man, you just did this doorand it's already showing somewhere and he says,
what, I never did your door, And I remember that now.

He came and did my stucco andhe did garage doors but never did my
front door. But it was afunny story because I sent him a text
saying, what the heck's going on, Steve, and he says, wait
a minute, I never did yourdoor. All right? Three oh three
seven one three talk. Larry wantsto talk about a bounced check. He
got a check in the mail.I don't know why he's back. I
thought we finished it. But hegot a check in the mail for a

thousand bucks from a company he didnot recognize, and then he deposited it,
then it bounced, and he's upsetabout it. So I told him
there's nothing he can do about hisbank. His bank didn't do anything wrong.
In fact, cashing a check you'renot really sure of is kind of

weird. So anyway, what happened, Larry? Why are you calling back?
Sir? Well, I'm not reallyupset about it. My basic question
is how can the bank take moneyout of somebody who's account and simply not
inform them that they did so?Okay, technically or not technically, it
would be nice, obviously they shouldlet you know. They should say,

by the way, this instrument failedand we and we took it out.
Okay, that's the way it usedto be. Nowadays they don't do that
anymore, and I'll tell you why, because they figure you have online access
and you have statements that you checkmonthly or weekly or daily whatever, and

they don't do it anymore. Theyjust don't. Everything is electronic and they
don't do it. Now. Iwant to give you the pure sense of
what you asked. How can theytake money out of your account? The
real substance is you never really putmoney in your account. Nothing you deposit

is yours until they are verified funds. Otherwise you could make that argument for
anything. Any kind of check youdeposit, your bank is not responsible for
that. If you deposit bad instruments, they give many times what's called provisional

credit, meaning after a few daysthey give you access to the money.
But it is provisional credit, andunless it goes through the tire ach process
or the automated clearinghouse process, it'snot a permanent credit or debit. So
it you know, we may notlike it, but there's nothing illegal about

it that I know of. Thankyou, and I listen. I know
what you're saying, but really,Larry, and again I am not you
know, trying to call you outon this, but it was kind of
reckless to deposit a check you didnot recognize it's It could almost be fraudulent.

Did you know that? Even thoughit's in your name? Now,
no one could ever get you onfraud ever. But what if you had
bogus companies writing you checks all thetime to try to see how many get
through, or let's say you didit on that other companies. I'm not
saying you did Dwayne. I'm justexcuse me, not Dwayne Larry. I'm

not saying you did it. I'mjust saying that it's weird. It's a
weird practice. We never you know. That's why when I got this twenty
two thousand dollars check from this jugthing, I never even thought about cashing
it. Well maybe for a splitsecond too, but when I thought about
cashing it, not to keep themoney, but to think what will happen?

That's what I thought, you know, what will happen? And of
course I didn't do it. Threeoh three, seven to one to three
Talk Steve has a super U issue. Hello Steve, what's going on with
your Good morning roue? Yeah,good morning Tom. Thanks. Thirty eight
years I've been listening, and Inever thought i'd have to do. Man.
I really seriously, Steve, Itruly appreciate that. I really do.

Go ahead, Man, go ahead. It was great. So I
don't know. I want to.I want to. I'm at a very
crucial point involving a brand new Subaruoutback, and I want to make sure
I do the right thing. Whendid you get the super Ru? Yeah,
I'm not quite at the lemon lawproblem yet, but I will be.
When did you buy it from?I'm in Cold of Springs. I

purchased it on April twenty second ofthis year, okay four. Just about
three weeks after that, I developedan oil leak and I took it back
to Huburger. Unbelievable. They couldn'tbelieve it either. Brand new. How
bad is the oil leak? Yeah? Bad? Two hundred and ninety two

miles and they're doing a major enginerepair. They have to. They said
they had to drop the entire engineto get to this leak. They've not
seen it on anything on these newermodels. Where is the leak coming from?
Let me, I don't totally understand. It's called the cam carrier top
of the cylinder, the housing aroundthe drive shaft, there's a silicon seal

and it's leaking oil. So theygot to remove the entire engine and then
put it back in. So theycouldn't believe it either. And they even
recommended getting hold of Sugar Ru America, which I did called filed a report.
Of course, it was just startinginto the holidays, so I didn't
hear anything bad. Yeah, butbut what I'm asking is this, what

about it? I mean you you'rethey're doing exactly what they're supposed to do,
and that is repair it. Well, true, I don't want this
car back and why but why Well, they have to replace it. Now
they're saying they're going to put adifferent engine in it, a long block
instead of the one that was init. And wait, wait a minute,

what was in it? A shortblock? I don't know, I
have no c Well, no,a long block simply means they're putting in
the whole engine, right, That'swhat I think they mean. That's what
they mean. I think when theysay short and long, I think what
they mean is they're they're doing anentire replacement. Okay, so I'm not
at the point yet where they've offeredanything to me. What I'm afraid of

Well they they wait wait, theyjust said, they said to you they're
putting in a new engine basically,right, Okay, go ahead. I'm
not sad. What would take itare with a different engine? I mean,
can I ask you something. It'snot a different engine. It's a
manufacturer's engine. It's a super Uengine. I don't understand it. And

listen, I know what you're saying. You're thinking, in a perfect world,
they shouldn't have to do it now. Warranties are made for imperfect worlds,
and we agree when we buy thecar that it's warrantied now if they
refuse to do it properly. Ilike that they're doing the whole engine rather
than sealing it. I like that. Okay, gotcha. In other words,

I think, and I don't mean, this is not a put down.
I think Steve, this is moreof a psychological thing. You thinking,
Wait a minute, I just boughta brand new car, and now
the entire engine has to be replaced. I know what you're thinking, but
there are probably there's probably a betterchance at that engine built specifically as a

as an engine, or the longblock is going to be probably better.
I don't know. In other words, you now have a record that you
had a bad engine. They puta new one in. I don't understand
why you think getting another car wouldbe better, Tom, What happens in

five or seven years when I goto trade it in and that's that's on
the that's on the list showing nothing. So I didn't warranty work. It
wasn't a crash, it wasn't anaccident, gotcha, no, lie I
had do you know? Do youknow something? This is the truth.

I had the same exact thing happenedyears ago. I bought a subar ru
I think it was. It wassome kind of wagon, maybe I'm thinking
Forrester. I don't remember what thename was. And it was turboed and
I don't know why. But theengine went out, literally went out,

and I had about six thousand mileson it, and they put a brand
new engine in it. I remember, it is yours turbot, it is,
yes, you know what. Iwonder how often that happened? Seriously,
Anyway, mine did not have anoil leak. Mine just went out.

It just over redded one time andjust I don't know, it just
didn't run. And then they hadto take it in and replace the engine.
It happened after I went to acar wash. Maybe the kid in
the car wash over rebbed it.I don't know what happened, but they
covered it. Are you thinking you'regoing to have less of a car?

I don't understand the point you're making. And did you ask them for a
car? Did you say I'd ratherhave a new car. I'm at that
point with them. They finally callme today from Super America and I said,
that's an alternative that I'm looking at. Well, what did they?
They just said, we need todo some more inspections. He still hadn't

contacted the dealers. Well, whoknows, who knows? They may they
may do it. I'm just sayingthat what makes you feel do you feel
like the luck of the draw thatif you get a new one, it's
not going to have any problems?Right? Right? And chances are it
won't. But I think with it? Are you thinking with a new engine

now that you screwed with it all, it's going to somehow be different.
Yes, Okay, I get exactlyhow you feel. I would not feel
that way if it's an excellent shop, but it is. It is an
excellent shop. It's in color ofspring Schuberger. You know I'm going to

tell you another thing. Sometimes,on an individual installation of an engine after
market, the you know, samemanufacturer's engine, but done after it's sold,
after it's on the road, canactually be better than a factory installed.
But again that's up to you.Here's my here's the bottom line.

I don't think you can demand anew car. I don't think you have
the right under any laws I knowto ask for a new engine, excuse
me, a new car that Butlet me know how it goes and see
what they say. Three oh threeseven one three eight two five five.
Welcome to the show. Listen tothis, folks, Listen to this.
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renew home Innovations dot com. So, uh, we have some questions,

Doctor chold that your Joel chert Ak'swith Denverregen dot com. Let me open
up his mic hear and get onthis wide shot. And we're talking about
somebody wants to know about the pillsSemiglue tide. They don't like shots.
I think they're a little whoosy whisses. Well, uh, just a little

bit about the oral compounds. Sothe oral compounds, you have to take
them. They have to go throughyour digestive track, which which means that
your stomach acid's going to eat themup what we call the bioavailability or your
bodice. But you still get someglue tide. You still get somebody's far
less effective than the injectables, whichis why we don't sell them. We
don't offer them to patients because they'rereally not efficacious. They don't get the

job done, and so patients arewelcome to try them with other clinics.
It's just not something that we're willingto offer because it just doesn't do the
trick. Somebody also wants to knowwhat's the difference between semiglutide and urs epetide,
because I talk about both of them. So turs eppetite is a little
bit more of a specific drugs andit's a bit stronger. Uh. The

best way to describe it is thatit targets the satiation center, is a
little bit better than cemeglotide does.It has a little less side effects,
and it works more, It worksmore quickly. That being said, cemeglotide
works great for a lot of patients. Uh What happens sometimes with cemeglatide is
occasionally we'll have patients that plateau orpatients that it doesn't work as effectively as

we would like it to, andthen we'll recommend the urs epetide, and
almost invariably, the turs epetide getsthe job done in terms of the patient's
goals for weight loss all right,and as far as the uh aailibility,
both are equally available right now.Yes, you know, as everybody knows,

there's a high to these drugs.So they're starting to see shortages on
the compounding side as well. Butas of now, we can get them.
We're not not having any where dothey come from? Where does where?
Do you know where they could Wherethese compounds come from? How do
they how do they make them?Well, the pharmacy that we work with,
the compounding pharmacy, is down inTexas and they get all of their
precursors from FDA. Approof what Imean is what is some of gluetite?

What is it? I mean,where does it come from? Humans?
From animals? Where does it?I mean, I'm just curious, do
you know it's it's a synthetic peptide. So what they do is all proteins
are made up of amino acids andamino acid strings a lot of that,
and these are proteins that do everythingin their body. In your body,
their hormones basically. And so whatthis does, it's a short chain amino

acid. It mimics the hormone inyour body. It's a hormone called glucagon.
So people have heard of g LPone, that's glucagon like protein.
That's the type of drugs that itis. Glucagon is the protein that your
body produces to tell yourself that you'resatiated. So it just mimics the satiation
protein in your body, causing yourbody to feel like you're fault. Okay,

So the reason I asked where it'sfrom, somebody, somebody on YouTube
was talking about what it was.So I forget what they said, but
they were they were talking about wherethey get it from. I'm talking about
the semigluetide itself, Like how dothey make the drug? Like what do
they make it from? What issemaglutide? Like do they They obviously don't

harvest it from people, right,just like just like hormones are not taken
from people. You know, they'rebioidentical hormones, either from plants or from
animals or something. Right, Andthe same with insulin and all of that.
So do you know how I mean, if you don't know, that's
fine. I just wondered because someonewas talking about it. Anyway, do

you I can tell you what itis? So what it is is,
you know, if you're familiar withan amino a, what an amino acid
is. An amino acid is thebasic building block of a protein. So
many many amino acids together create aprotein. If you have just a short
chain of amino acids, it's calleda peptide. And that's what this is.
It's a peptide. And these peptidesare they exist in your body.

Your body produces them in their signals. They're like hormone signals, all right.
So when I get some of glutideor trzepetide or whatever I get through
the compounding pharmacy or through you orthrough anything, where is it coming from?
I mean, it's like, whereis the sequence made? You know,
I'm not exactly why. I don'tknow either, And that's why I'm

curious. Because someone said it camefrom. I forget what they said.
I'm trying to find it right nowas I'm typing here. But they were
trying to The argument they were makingis it comes from I don't know,
animals or something. No, it'ssynthetically put together. Okay, So you
have the individual amino acids. Idon't know exactly how the chemical process works
to string them together. Uh,but it's the same way that they make

insulin. Now, okay, here'swhat I just looked this up here.
It says glutamine, nocetol, whichis an alcohol, sugar, glutamine,
and special enzymes and peptides are allput together to form semic glutide. Right,
So basically, they take the aminothe individual amino acids, and they
put them into a string, ashort trained string, which is a peptide.

And that's what this is. Andby the way, if you guys
have any questions about this or anyweight loss, give us a call three
oh three, seven to one tothree talks seven one three, eight two
five five or problems, questions andcomplaints. Now, I have a lot
of important consumer updates as well comingup, and I want you to stay
tuned for that. Let me seeWe also have, of course, a
discussion on this is a big discussioncoming up on intellectual property and AI because

this is causing unbelievable problems when itcomes to likenesses. Now we're talking about
likenesses like what people look like.How much of that can be protected?
Like if you look the way youlook, it's not patented, it's not
trademarked, it's it's even different thanthe name. So how can they stop

someone from doing that. We're gonnatalk about that and more coming up on
The Troubleshooter Show three oh three sevenone three Talks seven one three eight two
five five. Don't forget waterpros dotnet the best water systems at the lowest
prices, bar none, drinking waterall you can drink at the kitchen sing
fourteen hundred bucks fully installed water Prosthree oh three eight sixty two five five

five four. Go with a surething Denver's best roofer Excel roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance check
up free no obligation comparison call Compassinsurance paying too much your coverage at dozens

of insurance companies. Find out nowthree oh three seven seven to one.
Help you'll think you're his only customerwhen you choose Frank durand the real estate
man dot Com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three oh three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Tom Martino, you're troubleshooter three o three seven one
three Tom three oh three seven onethree eight two five five. So we've

heard about actual inflation, but dowe know really how it's affecting us now?
The top states, the top statesfor inflation when it comes to groceries,

where do you think? Hey,I don't understand. This is a
wide mixture of states, and Idon't understand the the array. I just
don't understand. There's no rhyme orreason in this array. But Mississippi,
Hawaii, and Kansas, for example, pretty high rates of inflation for groceries,

followed by West Virginia, Kentucky,and Maine. Then Montana, Oregon,
New Mexico, Wyoming. I don'tget it. I just don't get
it. Now. When it comesto actual inflation items, the number one
item affected by inflation. If youhad to take a guess, sus,
when you're when have you grocery shopnow? And then, and I don't

mean that as I just mean whenyou grocery shop, have you noticed any
one item that is affected most byinflation? I have a list here of
the things affected the most. Itseems like eggs have gone out. Why,
that's exactly right? So why isthat that there? Do you know
that they're up fifty percent? That'sa lot? Holy crust? Do you

know that beef forty flour thirty sixpercent? Now sugar and substitutes which we
shouldn't be carrying so much right now? Now? Hold on, beef roast
forty percent, beef steaks thirty twopercent, but sugar thirty four point nine,

so thirty five percent? Carbonated drinkswhich you don't drink at all?
You guys, really, we don'tknow and I don't either anymore? Right,
did you notice I don't drink itwhen I come to the station because
you guys have it there. ButI have stopped completely any carbonated drinks.
I don't have any. And let'ssee fruit salads now, butter and margarine

up thirty percent. But I justcan't believe how badly beef and eggs and
flour, wow, sugar? Yeah? Oh, anyway, in general,
it's all supermarkets items, all groceryitems are up in general about twenty five

percent when you average everything out,that is one tremendous increase in what people
are spending. Holy crap. Threeoh three seven to one three talk seven
one three eight two five five.Now, as far as the stock market,
you know, people are saying thestock market it's great. Other people
say it's all to other people saythis, it's that. Well, you

know what, it has been great, no matter how you look at it.
But there is something called a risksentiment gauge, whether people are willing
to take risk or not, andit's different than it's different than consumer confidence.

Consumer confidence is a really important gaugefor regular people, meaning for all
of us, how do we feelabout the economy? And consumer com evidence
is not that bad right now.But the risk sentiment gauge, they say,
really gives you more insight because itreally surveys and looks at the habits

of investors, people who are activelyinvesting, and if they're willing to take
a risk on things, it showsmore positive outlook. And right now there's
two things they're willing to take arisk on, which says they don't believe

in the economy. Those two things. The ten year treasury bill, why
because they don't believe in the insecurityof a risk investment. So treasuries are
usually no risk, whether it's thetea bill, the note, or you

know, the notes or the bills. The first of all, you have
the shortest duration is the t bill, and then you have the note,
and then after that you have thebills or yeah, that's the way it
is, and then you have tips, which are the inflation protected bonds.
But to make a long story short, when people start flocking toward those instruments,

it tells you that they're feeling alittle wary about the economy. Another
thing that tells you that they're goingtoward gold. So when people go toward
gold and government securities, it's tellingyou they don't feel good now, even
though you know the normal consumer maynot see this. Right now, that's

where the investments are going. Butas far as not taking risks, they're
not taking risks. Mostly if thismakes sense, or the least risk is
being taken on oil. People haveno clue what oil is going to do
next. Is the S and Pfive hundred believe it or not, They

don't want to take a lot ofrisks on that they're not taking flyers.
They're investing mostly in solid stocks.The Nasdaq is also off when it comes
to risk and the US dollar.So if you look into the investing habits
right now, it's looking like peopleare pessimistic, yet the stock market keeps

going up. So it's a veryweird time right now. There are no
fundamentals that are responsible for what themarket's doing. Nothing. It is all
consumer sentiment. But when it comesto investor sentiment, even though some of

them, many of them are flockingaway from investing in stock, the stock
market still seems strong. And thatcould be because what some people call the
odd lot theory. That theory iswhen people don't know what to do,

a lot of unsophisticated investors will dothe wrong thing. And that's what they're
saying. Could be the reason forthe stock market going up so much is
that you have a lot of unsophisticatedinvestors flooding the market, where the more
sophisticated ones are going more toward securities, no risk, low risk, and

commodities like gold. We have morecoming up on the Troubleshooter Show, Go
with a sure thing Denver's best rooferExcel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Timefor an insurance check up free, no

obligation. In comparison, call CompassInsurance paying too much your coverage at dozens
of insurance companies find out now threeall three seven seven to one. Help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate
Man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three all three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Hi TomMartino, you're a troubleshooter. Three oh

three seven one three talk seven onethree eight two five five. Welcome to
the show, and we're here tosolve your problems, answer your questions,
and take your complaints of any kind. And after a long holiday, many
times we have a lot of complaints. Let me go to the uh,
let me go to this. Okay, what does it cost? Somebody wants

to know for tur Zeppetide fifty units. Well that's a hard thing. And
for those listening, fifty units isone injection. And if you take four
injections a month, okay, fourinjections a month, you get four or
the supply they give you, andeach injection is fifty units, So I'm
gonna do this real quick, andyou get four a month. So so

for their supply, you get twelveinjections at what price? Hold on there?
You go go ahead basically to dothe math, that would be anywhere
between ten to twelve weeks. I'mjust saying so so I can do that.
Just so, how much is monthly? Is this Churs eppetite or kiss
me? How much every twelve weeks? Is four hundred and something? Or

how much is it a month orwhat? How does it work for woods
drunk, Churs eppetite or Churs appetite. It's four to twenty five a month,
So for twenty five and then anotherhalf of that for the for the
duration, right is that what?No? No, it's so for three
months. That's what it is fortwenty five times three okay, so that's
what times three divided by twelve.Okay, we'll give you your weekly price,

okay, okay, so one hundredand six bucks a week, yes,
for per injection? Yeah? Okay? Yeah, all right, So
but I don't I don't understand whysomebody wants a price it per injection.
Well, because some clinics do thatand they ask their patients to come in
once a week for an injection.We don't do that. We give you
your own supply, and you're ableto do that yourself. And we don't

charge by the week. We chargemonthly for a three month supply. All
right, three oh three seven onethree talks seven one three eight two five
five. Now on Consumer News again, we have a lot happening and there
are things you need to know about. Do you know? This is what
I find insane. They took everythingwe have, our keys, our cell

phones, everything we have on ourbody. What do you think came back
with the most dangerous bacteria? Giveme a guess, Joel, give me
a guess, sus, What doyou think? I would say, your
phone? No, I would thinkso too, because here's what I noticed.
One time I take my phone andput it down places, sometimes on

the on the sink in the restroom, when I'm washing my hands, when
i'm you know, you know whatever, and then you pick up your cell
phone. You don't realize it's beingcontaminating. That's true, it is.
It's very contaminating. TV remote willtell you. Tom Han, TV remote
oh, this is something you carryaround in the public and then we'll talk

about it. I'm going to tellyou money and it wha. Actually this
doesn't include money in this study.Hah, weird. We don't use money
anymore. What are you telling you? We don't know so much. I'm
going to tell you the number onething with dangerous bacteria coming up. Go

with a sure thing Denver's best rooferExcel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Timefor an insurance check up free, no
obligation. In comparison, call CompassInsurance paying too much your cover at dozens
of insurance companies find out now threeall three seven seven one help. You'll
think you're his only customer when youchoose Frank durand the Real estate Man dot

com to list your home with RemaxAlliance three all three nine two zero sixteen
twenty two. Yeah. Rit Newsneed advis so you don't have the come
running just as fast as we can. Shooter's gonna help. Come man.

This is the Troubleshooter Show. NoTom Martino time, Tom Martino here.
Welcome to the show. Three ohthree seven one three talk is our number
or three all three Martino, andyou can call that twenty four to seven,
leave a message, we'll get backto you, or you can come
right live on the studio when we'reon the air three oh three Martino three

O three sixty two seven eight foursixty six. This hour brought to you
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They want to leave you with agreat impression of thirty nine bucks. Now,
this is for most legit companies thathave specials, but especially this one.
Now, but here's the deal.If they do find something wrong,

they want to tell you you havea choice but if you ever have a
question about anything, ever, whenit comes to any kind of loss leader
or deals for any company, nomatter who it is, what you should
do is basically get a second opinionor ride or ride it for a while.

I mean, unless something is urgentand you don't have poison spewing into
your home, or when it comesto your water heater you don't have leaking,
and you don't have big problems,then take it one step at a
time, for all home services,for all mechanical issues, for all problems.
Anyway. That's that's my little twocents there now, Steve, welcome,

appreciate you calling, and anyone elsewho wants to call give us a
call right now. Three oh threeseven one three talk seven one three eight
two five five he wants to talkabout an HOA, Go ahead, Steve,
Well, thanks for taking our call. Sir. We have lived in
this home about the seven years andfour and a half years ago, we
wrote a detailed letter to our HOAabout their property that's adjacent to our backyard.

We gave them pictures, showed themplants that had died. It's just
gotten worse last eighteen months where asizable portion of our backyard. We've lost
about ten plants. And if theerosion of their property are they just totally
not maintaining it all this time.It's been four and a half years.

They have not changed it at all. In four and a half years.
It's got quite a slope and itdrained straight into our sideyard and then last
year during the heavy rainstorms, itcontributed to helping flood our basement. Okay,
so it's really have you talked tothe neighbors. Well, the Ahoa

is our neighbor in this case,they own the piece of property adjacent to
us. Wait a minute, Waita minute, So it is not a
residence. I know it's hoa property, but when you say, ha property,
is it a swimming pool? Isit a clubhouse? Is it?
What? What is it? Commonarea? What is it? It's just
a piece of dirt, open space. So it's common uncommon area. Yeah,

it's uncommon You no one uses it? Really? Okay? So okay,
so it's the ho's property, whichmeans part of your property. What's
going on again? Like, whatlike what are they doing about it anything?

I mean you would think they'd wantto fix it, right? Well
you think so? Again, wetried a few years ago, and then
we just tried again about ninety daysago. We asked them to come out
and look at it, and itwas getting so bad they brought out a
landscaping company. The landscaping company thoughtthat, you know, during the discussion

it needed to be repaired. Butwhen it went to the board meeting,
this last is your house the onlyone? Is your house the only one
affected by this it is? Andwhat specifically did you have an expert look
at it? Like, is anyonetelling you specifically what's wrong with it?
It's just poorly grated. We started, Is there grass? What's on it

right now? Is it dirt?What is it? You know? I
think at one time it was justweed and so forth, But because of
the size of the slope, it'sjust erode it into nothing but a large
swaths of dirt and so nothing's holdingback to dirt from pouring onto our property.

Okay, did you know that youcould go to the county about that?
You know, I did that actually, and the county came out and
sent several emails, and uh,once the HOA got involved, they said
it was their private property. Butthe county did believe that it needed to

be regraded and now several of yearsago. Why why is the HUA just
resistant? Do you have an activeboard? Do you have a man management
company? We do have a managementcompany, and I don't know if the
board is active and knowledgeable, butwell, what do you do? They
have meetings? Does the HUA boardhave meetings? They do? I believe

it every other month. I wentto a meeting four and a half years
ago, gave him my rule.That's not going to help you obviously,
have to go again. There's probablyeven different officers, and you're gonna have
to threaten legal action. I don'tknow what else to do, man,
I mean, we can call themfor you. But has of all the

problems we handle, hoas are theworst because no one cares. If there's
no one person who is the HOA, so no one cares about any part
of it any There's not one HOAthat I know of where people care.
They they say they care, butthey don't. They all care about certain

things. No one cares that asa community. The management companies, especially
you don't care. Management companies simplywant to keep the HA quiet and peaceful
so they can collect their fees.That no one no one and I mean,
no one wants to address HA issues, No one, they don't.
There's they that the officers want toavoid it, and the management company wants

to avoid it. It's the sheernature of the operation. So what you
have to do is upset the statusquote. You literally have to upset the
status quote. Now, one ofthe unfortunate things is that if you had
an attorney write a letter to theHA threatening legal action if they continue to

damage your property, you're going tohave to show damages and all that,
of course, but then if theyrespond with an attorney, it comes out
of the HA. So you're goingto be paying for part, paying for
fighting you. What they should do. What they should do is say,
instead of hiring attorney and fighting you, they should say, what can we

do to correct the situation? Butagain, they don't act. They react,
so honest to God, I'm notjust pointing us out to you.
It's just the nature of the beast. No one cares. No one does.
And frankly, when the people areon the board who think they care,

they get discouraged too because they suddenlyfind out that no one cares.
And so they're thinking, well,I'm on the board and none of the
members care, so we don't care. I mean, they may have brought
it up with each other and theydon't want to spend the money. It's
just the weirdest thing in the world. Some you know, here's the thing.

Who's your management company? What's thename of them? It's Canterbury Crossley
is the Homeowners' Association. The managementcompany is a local company downtown Parker.
Have you ever gone in to visitthe management company? Actually, I've talked

to the head of the management companyand also he sent out a management person
about three months ago, and whatdid they say. You know, they
said they would take it to theboard. They had the landscape company come
out here and meet them. Andduring those discussion, I was fairly encouraged

because the management or the landscape company, what happens. What happened basically on
Monday night, they met and theydecided that they're not going to do anything.
Okay, that's what we got toman. Then then they aren't ignoring
you. You got your answer.They're not going to do anything. And
by the way, that is exactlywhat's supposed to happen. They're supposed to

talk to an expert. Then they'resupposed to meet amongst themselves and make a
decision. And so they are handlingthis. They have decided it is not
an issue they hand unfortunately for us. But that's not what I heard during
the meeting with the landscape company.He could see all the damage being done.

Yeah, but they decided not todo anything right right, Well,
they have a choice. They cando that. I'm not saying it's right,
by the way. I hope youdon't hear me saying that. But
what I'm saying is you live undertheir rules and they say, now there
is no problem. Now you disagree. But when you disagree and they don't

agree with your disagreement, that's whyit's a disagreement. You have to take
it to an outside arbiter. Andif either arbitration, if that's what you
assigned up for, or you suethem. There is no other answer.
They've already handled it. I thoughtthey weren't handling it. We were going

to call and try to light afire under and to look at it.
They've already looked at it. Nowyou can use in your lawsuit. You
can use the landscaper. What didthe landscaper say it would take to fix
it? How much did you findout? He never gave us the price.
He just talked about how he wouldgo about fixing the issue. Get

a price. You're gonna before youdo anything. You need a damage And
your insurance company did they subrogate againstthe HOA when your flooding happened. You
know, we ended up doing mostof the cleanup, and then all we
had to do was replace about atwelve x twelve piece of carpet for four

hundred bucks. Okay, well,then you're lucky. What you ought to
do right now is get a priceon what it would take to correct that
drainage, a real solid price.Then your attorney presents to the HOA the
choice of paying that and getting itdone or being sued. It's, unfortunately

what you have to do. Andthen you know and then and then you
can stay in touch with us eachstep of the way. But sometimes it
sounds like a pain in the Assteve. But it's something that once you start
might just they might just have enoughcommon sense to say, let's fix it.

Like what if it's only going totake five thousand dollars to fix it?
I don't know. I would callthe landscaper and see if they'll,
if he'll give you an idea ofhow much, all right? And then
when you always put here's the quickestway to a solution. You present a
problem and then a solution. Andif you present just the problem and the

solution is wide open, they don'tlike it. So give me a call
back and let me know what happens. Three oh three seven one three talk
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your home with Remax Alliance three allthree nine two zero sixteen twenty two.

Tom Martino here three h three sevento one to three talk three all three
seven to one three eight two fivefive. We have Compass Insurance Group with
us, and my goodness, we'vehad a lot of insurance calls. And
now I'm going to go some textmessages about insurance. And somebody said,
Tom, you were going to talkabout increases, but you didn't talk about
it yet. Why. Okay,I know what you're gonna say, losses,

But does that go for auto andhome and everything and around the country,
Brian, we're talking about around thecountry. Okay, we're not just
talking Colorado. So let's talk aboutwhat's going on around the country. Why
why why insurance is going crazy?Well, I mean if obviously, if
we're talking about auto, yeah,let's okay, let's take one at a

time, whatever you want to do. A big reason for the increases in
auto is also the increased cost ofthe vehicles that we're driving. So I
mean, just look at what thecost of vehicles are. They're going up,
and the more and more they're becominglike computers, a small fender bender
is costing substantially more now today thanOkay, I can buy that, So
that's going to have an effect onyour insurance rates. It's going to go

up, you know. And Iknow we're talking across the country. Uh,
obviously in Colorado we have added elementsto that that is causing our rates
to go up even more. Guys, there's one word for this, and
you both know what it is.Inflation. Bidenomics. Do you think so,
Mark? Really? I mean,what do you think Brian not been

getting but our current economic client.I don't know if that if that is
it, I don't know. Iknow it's not COVID anymore, is it?
What is it? Well, II'm going off of with Colorado.
If you're there was actually an articleand I wish I would have pulled it
up in Denver posts just uh maybea month ago, a couple months ago,
talking about how Colorado rates have justgone nuts here, Okay, so

that's not bidenomics. Colorado. Colorado. Colorado has had more hail losses to
vehicles. They're number two in theentire country, right behind Texas. So
they've had more losses as a resultof hail than any other state in the
country other than Texas. So you'regoing to see that that's going to have
an effect on your rate as well. So in Colorado it's higher than the

country. And how about the thirtyfive percent of people that aren't even covered
with auto insurance in the state ofColorado and the sixty percent plus that are
actually undercovered. How about, ifwe change right, are not covered at
all? Which, Mark, you'reexactly right. Another piece to what you're
seeing your where you're seeing your ratesgo up is on the uninsured motorists.
Right, So far, so farin twenty twenty four, the number one,

New York has the highest rates.Florida is number two, Louisiana is
number three, Colorado's four. Wow, yeah, number four in the top
five. Oh my god. Andthat's because ours can be tied to hail
damage. That's pail damage is andfires. Let's not forget fire, but
not cars though, Mark, We'renot talking to houses now, but cars.

Yeah. Yeah, And then okay, what about homes? What about
homes? Well, home insurance stillare we number five? Are we?
I just saw the thing that saidnumber four underneath auto insurance. I'm not
sure about home insurance. What whereare rates compared to the entire nation.
But I guarantee you it's it's upthere. It's up there, and costs

it's not going to be as muchas Florida. Okay, we're gonna find
out in a second year. I'masking Professor Bying. So really, Oklahoma,
Kansas, Nebraska, guess what Florida, Colorado, there there, there
we are And that's all because ofweather. That's all hail and tornadoes.
And in Mark's right, there isfire, but fire is even though it
dominates the news a lot of times. And there are places that are hard

to get insurance period. What drivesthe said Colorado is one of those.
Yeah, what drives the rates inColorado for home insurance too is hail.
Hail is what they say here inColorado. Wildfires and hale are the two
biggest ones. Yep, wildfires andhal now in Florida. Hurricanes in Nebraska.

Hmm, it says similar to Kansasand Kansas is basically they don't give
a specific it must just be weathered. Well yeah, I mean you think
of tornadoes, tornadoes are isolated.I know that what tornadoes offense to me.
I don't understand tornadoes because they're isolated, although they do devastating damage right

hit and then Oklahoma is the same, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, they're
all they're all right up there andand they're they're a close top five by
the way, So it's it's atough business. How does this make your
your business difficult right now? Well, people are getting pissed off and you
got to find them a deal.But you can't find them a deal three

or three seven to one three talk. By the way, if you guys
have a problem question, complain oryou have an insurance issue, go ahead.
Yeah. The biggest struggle we haveright now is that there's a lot
of carriers that have really made itclear they don't want to grow in Colorado
right now. A lot of themhave shut down business. They won't even
take new business. So we havecustomers that will call or we'll reach out
to them at renewal and say,listen, here's your rate. We couldn't

look at other options, but itmight cause a higher deductible. We need
an insurance pool. At some pointwhere they're talking about takes over. They're
talking about it but specifically for thefire risk areas, and they but it's
a very limited amount of coverage,and it's it's only covering fire, so
you still have to have insurance.Well you also have that for hail companies

start pulling out, you would haveto. Yeah. I don't see Colorado
having some kind of pool together forhail damage. What I see. I
see hailproof roofs as being the onlystandard. Yeah. Yeah, like Mark,
you have that roof there wa right, it it hail and just absolutely
nothing happens to it. Your yourroof can can take the impact? Yeah,

and I is that right roof can'ttake it. It's catastrophic, That's
what I mean. Yeah, yours, And I'm just wondering if more and
more people are going to go tothat kind of roof. And mine's in
essence heals prop too when you talktile stone. Yeah, Well, the
problem with the hail proof stuff ismost people aren't going to come out of
pocket like my roof would have been, I don't know, seventy eighty thousand

for a normal class four. Thisstuff is double in more so, so,
I mean, most people aren't goingto pay for that. It's a
problem. Brian, No, you'reright, but if because it for that,
but if it gets to the pointwhere you're paying for your own roof.
In the case of a loss,you're going to do things to Mark
where it's not going to happen asfrequently. So, Mark, what is

the So the upgrade on that wasbasically double Yeah, it's a little more
than double. Wow. And nowwhat do they say about premium? Did
you save? Did you could youcalculate that? Well, the premium doesn't.
The reason the reason it changes isbecause you up the deductible. That's

why very high deductible they don't justbecause they do, though you get a
reward for it. But Mark,you're right, the bulk of your savings
is going to be the fact thatyou don't care if you take a twenty
thousand deductible anymore because your roof canhold up to this catastrophe. Specifically for
Hale. Is when I'm talking whenin hail deductible, you can raise that

up because you're not worried about thatloss. I say this to people that
have concrete tile roofs, I say, you know you have the investment already
in the roof. I would takeadvantage of that, get your premium lowered
because the chance of you having wedo we see and that's because of the

the hail proofness if the that'st wordof the roof. All right, let's
go to Bry or deductible by theway of the barrels? Are these both?
No? I want to go toBrian with the homeowners insurance question.
First, go ahead, Brian,how are you? Hey? What's happening?
Hey? So, what we're doingis we are going to be building

some modular homes. Now, whatI'm wondering is when we get them built
and they're in transport, how arewe going to ensure that? All right?
Hold on, I mean, that'sa great question. We're gonna because
I I that's weird. That's weird. We'll we'll look it up. We'll
talk about it. Coming up threeoh three, seven to one three talk

that. Brian's next, then Briananother, Brian is after that, and
then we have Brian Burns with usfrom Compass Insurance GRIPT Brian Day. Yeah,
I'm Tom Martine. Go with asure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing
dot com. You don't pay usuntil you're content. Time for an insurance

check up, free, no obligation. In comparison, call Compass insurance paying
too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies. Find out now three oh
three seven seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when you
choose Frank durand the real estate mandot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here

three oh three seven one three talkthree oh three seven one three eight two
five five. So back to Brian. He had a question. He's building
a home, manufactured home while it'sbeing transported. I want to ask an
obvious question. Does the transport companyhave insurance? Well, and it's usually
who is owner the owner of thehouse. Usually they don't. You don't

take ownership until it rerives that you'reI don't know, like your land.
Like Brian, explain that to us. You're gonna have a transported you bought
it from a company. Do theyensure it until it's set up? But
we will be the company and wewill be shipping them. Now what do
you mean you will be Oh,wait, you are building, you're in
the business of building manufactured homes.Well, we're not quite yet, but

we're getting pretty close. And it'skind of really Now, hold on,
do you have a factory or startingUh, essentially, yeah, we're we're
getting the numbers right now, sowe're gonna we're gonna try to start start
building some manufactured home. How areyou going to do it? Are you
going to do like two pieces?Four pieces? How are you going to
do it? Actually, these aregonna be two stories and they're gonna be

three pieces. Very cool man,that's what gave me the idea to do
this. Well, it's kind ofweird because I talked to you about it
before when we were building sheds andwe were we were training the sheds over
the houses, so it's sort ofmorphed into this. Okay, so do

you have your first design? Ido, and I'm actually talking with I'm
getting some architecturals right now. We'vegot to get some structural details, but
other than that, we'll be readyto go. And we've found some properties
that are decently priced to where peoplecan afford them. So we're the only
problem with the building. The onlyproblem with building it in pieces like that

is you have to have you haveto have actually more structured than you would
if you built it on site becausesome of the things you can keep in
common you can't do while transporting.But right, right, but let me
ask you this. Do you havea transport company? No, but we
will be will be supplying transport orno. I understand that, But have

you talked What I'm getting at isthis. Have you talked to transport companies?
No, talking like APEX or someonewe have not? Well, I
would do that first, so you'renot redundant. Many of these transport companies
have already tackled this. But Brian'stoo. Yeah. One thing that we
have to do is we're going tobe building the main structure on the actual

trailer. Why on what trailer?So on Goose Neck trailer will be But
why why would you do that?Let me ask you? And then how
do you get it off that trailer? When you get it to the house.
You crane it. Yeah, we'regoing to crane it. But why
build it on the I'm just curious. I'm not I don't know anything about

this, but why would you doit on there? Is it just easy?
Is it just one less step?Then? Is that what you're thinking?
Exactly? So you don't have toget a crane out there to lift
it onto the trailer. Okay,well that's pretty cool. If you got
the trailer sitting right next to it, you might as well build it on
it. No, I mean that'sa very good idea. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. So well, as thebuilder, you're you're going to have

to have an insurance policy. Yeah, you'll have to get an insurance policy,
which we'll have the commercial general liabilityand property and all that. But
the transport is going to be aspecial animal. Well, but it's going
to be part of his because he'sgoing to be regularly doing this. So
he's going to just make sure thathe has the coverage to protect him up
to a certain dollar limit of whatever. Or he's protected up to the point

that it's hooked to that transport companyand they might take over, no,
no doubt. If he can getthe transport company to actually take on the
responsibility, great, If not,he just needs to make sure that his
policy will extend. Now. Youknow, I've often said this, Brian,
that building stuff under strict controls,if you have an environment of strict
controls, if you're not just stickbuilding it anyway, you're just doing it
off site. I mean, butif you're doing it to certain standards and

jigs and all of that, youcan actually turn out better quality than stick
built on site. Sure, well, we have to we have to abide
by the IRC rules you know anyway, So hurt for HUD or any of
that. So we're yeah, butyou want to go beyond that. I'm
talking about going beyond that anyway.So are they going to be what price
like? Like? Are they goingto be considered medium kind of homes?

Higher end homes, fancy homes?What basic homes? So they're not We're
going to, like I said,we're going to try to keep them as
affordable as we can so people herein Colorado can't actually buy them because it's
almost impossible. Now what price point? What price point do you have?
We're trying to stay within two fiftyto two eighty two fifty to two seventy

five. So if you stay totwo seventy five, would that include transport?
That's a three bedroom that's going tobe complete? Is that okay?
That's on site? Yes, ontheir foundation, So we're not going to
be doing foundations. We're going toput these units on case on so that

we don't have all what if theyhave a foundation, will you put it
on their foundation. If they wantto put a foundation in, Yeah,
we can absolutely put on so whateverthey want to do. So, if
they're looking at two seventy five tothe site and then you set it up
and they have a foundation, dirtwork, and lot, then they're looking
at a complete package of five orsix hundred probably we're going to try to

stay under that five or six hundredthousand? Is that what you're saying?
Well, here, okay, twoseventy five for you, the foundation is
going to be a minimum of twentyfive grand it's or more, yeah,
minim. Then then you have thelot, which is going to be two
to fifty if it's If it's alot that's going to allow them to have
that right, No am I amI exaggerating? I don't think so.

No, that's but we're looking atproperties that are more in the twelve thousand
dollars range. What fees that areare twenty five thousand. So you're you're
talking about like maybe half acre,quarter acres, Yeah, you know down
in Peblo, Colorado. Ste No, no, no, now I know
what you mean. Okay, soyou could keep that package to three point
fifty oh yeah, easily huh,that would be high. Now would you

include the lot or will people callyou with their own lot and their own
dirt work? Well, well,that's that's what we're doing. We're sort
of doing a spec to start.We're going to do it all ourselves,
figure out, you know, allof the everything incorporated into it for pricing,
and we're going to go from there. But we're going to try to
stay under two seventy five. Whatname are you giving the company? So

it's going to be called Cubic Hose. Yeah, okay, all right,
Hey, keep in touch with us. I'd like to know how it goes.
I love entrepreneurialism. I love it. Sure, I appreciate it,
all right, And so bottom line, as Brian said, there will be

general liability insurance and a certain amountup to a point. They may or
may not cover transport unless you includethat, but you may not have to
if you call a transport company andthey've already done this before and have the
insurance. We got more coming rightup. Michael wants to talk about a
car accident. Brian wants to talkabout the other Brian's social security and we'll
have that right after this. Gowith a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel

Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance checkup free no obligation comparisoncall Compass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find outnow three all three seven seven one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate

Man dot com to list your homewith Remax Alliance three all three nine two
zero sixteen twenty two. Sir,Hi, Tom Martino, you're a troubleshooter.
Three oh three seven one three talkthree oh three seven one three eight

two five five. Welcome to theshow, and let's talk now to Mike
to Brian of our Social Security Brian, you have a question, Go ahead,
Brian, I'll go on, Tomgood Man, what's happening? Okay.
I'm attempting to record a death withmy mother in law, so I

called Social Security because I'm still gettingmedical federal benefits. She passed away in
December, and I've been trying tocall Social Security, but all I get
is a recorded line saying you gottawait on hold. He stead stay on
hold. For hour and a halfand then finally it gets to a point
where you say to leave your nameand number and we'll call you back because

of done forcine call volume. Soyou're trying to she's still getting Social Security?
Correct? Have you been keeping thatmoney in an account? Yes?
Good? In a savings account account? Good. I just don't know.
I mean, do I take offa company because they're going to eventually when

they find out, they're going toclaw it back anyway, So what should
you do? I would if Iwere you? First of about your mother
in law? So who's the legalrepresentative of your wife? My wife?
Yeah, she needs to make anappointment with Social Security, probably because it's
hell on the phone, it reallyis. It just sucks, Okay,

I mean has she tried to dothat and not? Well, she recently
had to make an appointment for GMVbecause that's the only way you can get
in there get a new license.So she'll have to. Yeah, I'll
have to set her up for thatand see when exactly they can come see
her. Now, another thing onthe same item, the healthcare facility that

she was at, the assistant carewhere she passed away at. We've been
trying to get an itemized statement ofwhat the last month charges were, because
it's different than what she was typicallypaying. What do you mean how much
off is it? Well, it'sabout seven hundred dollars. She paid seven
hundred more than she was normally paying. That's what they're asking for. They're

asking for twenty three hundred, butshe normally pays about fourteen to fifteen hundred
for What is this for a monthor what one month? Correct? Well,
it's because of unless she died perfectly, she has notice required and they'll
charge you per diem. Okay,Although I'm trying to get a hold of

them. I've left multiple messages atthe accounting department and we even got a
live person one and they said,oh yeah, well, we'll boss an
information very unlikely that she died perfectlyon thirty days notice. Sometimes it's sixty
days notice. Hold on, thoughI have information on reporting at death as

well. We'll come back to you. And also Michael wants to know about
an auto accident. Hang on,I'm Tom Martine more coming up on the
Troubleshooter Show. Go with a SureThing, Denver's Best Rufer excel roofing dot
com. You don't pay a centuntil you're content, Leave on time for
an insurance check up free, noobligation comparison call Compass Insurance. Pay too

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dot Com welcome to the show.Speaking of health, they also have doctor
Joel Cherdack with me at Denver Regendot com, which is doing compound as
semiglue tide and tersepetide for weight loss. Let's talk to Esther. She has

a tiny homes advice or she wantsadvice on tiny homes. That's a new
trend of course in around the country, smaller homes, tiny homes that are
really really kind of cool. Anyway, go ahead, Esther, what did
you want to know about? Ijust don't know where to try. And
to be honest, I mean,we've got we went and checked out a

n r V, A r Vwhat do you call it? A park
in mantras and mantras. I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm not from
Colorado. I grew up in theSan Francisco Bay area. Mantres is funny.
I was like blown away by oh, oh, it's absolutely beautiful and
there tell your ride. It's justbeautiful. Yeah. Right, So,

but I didn't like the park.You know, the park was like it
was like a place you'd go fora vacation. Now, are you talking
about these tiny homes that are inr V parks that look kind of like
long and narrow, and they're likethey're pine or they're like they look like
little log cabins. Well, theycould be there. There, there's several

there's several terms that are thrown outthere for tiny I've done some research,
right, like there's what a parkmodel is what we were looking at,
and it's it's like a like amenu factured. Yeah, that's yeah,
that's a little different than a tinyhome. It's a manufactured home on a
frame and it's set up in asemi permanent basis in a park. And

is the exterior kind of like awood it, Yeah, I think it
is. You're right, Yeah,they look kind of like little log cabins
exactly exactly. They can make theymake them all in different They're beauty there,
they're they're kind of some of themare really beautiful. They have some
up in sues. You've seen someof those up in Breckinridge right where where

you we used to go and yougo Tiger Run. Now, they were
always called chalets. I'm yeah,they call them different things. They call
them different things, yeah, right, exactly. And so we've got some
names of some you know, likemanufacture. But I'm like you know,

the one that's that we were talkinglooking at is out of Goshen, Indiana,
And I'm like, what is itcalled? You know, I don't
know. It's called gosh, it'sk n O p F. But is
c U pronounced quat k r Op s. But it's spelled ky n

No, no, k k NI mean yeah, yeah, k k
r O p S and peter F. Oh okay, yeah, now listen
here here's what I want to knowthough, and this is important. This
Park Model Home. I've seen thembefore. These are really kind of cute.

And are you thinking about buying onedirectly and putting it on your own
land? What we're thinking about isbuying one and putting it on a friend
who said that we can put itonto land. Oh hold on, but
okay that I don't want to getinto all that. That could be complicated,

course, because if you have afalling out, you've got to go
move it. So what is yourquestion about the Craft Model? Yeah,
I'm just I just don't I haveno I mean, everything you look on
the internet of course about them,they're gonna it's gonna be good. No,
no, no, they're they're good. No, they're definitely good quality.
They're good quality. Your problem isn'tfor what you're getting. How much

do they want for it? It'sone hundred and thirty thousand, Yeah,
they're they're excellent quality. Okay,for for God's sakes, it's like a
luxurious motor home, and the motorhomes would go for twice or three times
that or more. I don't thinkyou have a problem with the actual manufacturer

of this home and the price.The reason there's so reasonably priced is it's
done under it's it's a manufacturer home, and it's done under controlled circumstances.
And they're very good quality. Theyhave very they have very good ratings.
The problem isn't with the home.The problem, listen carefully, will be
with the transportation, the setup,and the land. Be very careful.

There are all kinds of restrictions youhave to worry about when it comes to
when it comes to transporting them,when it comes to setting them up,
and who will allow them. They'rebeautiful homes. They're like a big motor
home without the motor home. Yeah, yeah, they are. And you're
right, I mean, that's that'sreally where where we're at now. Because

my now the friend that says youcan set them up on. How good
of a friend is this? She'sincredible, she's got such a giving heart,
and I know she's you know,now, does she live on this
land or is it going to beexclusively for you? But no, she
lives on the limbs. She's gettingmarried this fall, so she's going to

be I don't really know. Ithink that when you sell property, I
guess, can't you put a contingencythat so and so can so say on
the property? You know what I'msaying. Not really No, I mean
you can, but I mean you'dhave to subdivide it. Of course you
could always do that, but Ineed to know this though. This is
where the danger signs come up forme. If first of all, what

size lot does she have that shesays you can put the house on it.
Oh, it's it's over. It'slike an acre and a half about
she's had an RV on her propertybefore you're consuer. How would that work
on that? That's what I'm gettingat, exactly, Yeah, you're right,
that's exactly what we need. Doesshe have Here's what we have to

ask. Does she have first ofall a home on that property? Yes?
She does. Is it in amunicipality, It is in a it's
county, it's unincorporated, it's whatcounty? Yeah? What county? Okay.
Now you have to see a mobilehome is sometimes allowed to be there

because if somebody lives there, theycan have a mobile home there. She's
not a mobile home. A motorhome there a whole. A manufactured house
is completely different. You never wantto spend one hundred and thirty thousand dollars
and find out that this home isnot allowed to be there. And that
is what my fear is. Whatyou're really doing is you're doubling the occupancy

of that lot. Now does shehave neighbors? She does. Well,
you have to see if covenance andzoning and building on all of those ordinances
will accept that home there on apermanent basis. Otherwise you could be screwed.
And the other thing is this,if she sells her house, you

don't necessarily get to write in therethat someone else can stay on there and
still sell that house. And ifshe runs into that problem, she may
have to say to you, Ican't sell my house. I thought I
could, but you're going to haveto leave or you get a new owner
who's on there, and the nextthing they do is try to get you
off of there. There's too manycontingencies. I would rather you buy your

own lot to put this house on. You know. That's but even then,
when you buy your own lot,it must be a lot that allows
these kinds of homes. Not manylots allow these kinds of homes. That's
why they're called park models, becausethey're usually made for parks. Right right,

right now, I get what you'resaying, and they're not made now.
There are some mining claims you canbuy. There are some big acreage
lots you can buy where people don'tcare what you put on them, and
then you could buy it and putthis up. But as Sue said,
you still have to worry about sewerand water and electricity. Yes, yes,

and all these things we've considered.That's what this is. What's like
sticking with my husband. He doesn'twant to. She's kind of like on
the fence about it, because arethose three things? You're absolutely right.
My friend said that, you know, her property is so secluded that,
I mean, you couldn't really seefrom the road. She said, why,
father asked telling their charney, I'mlike, well, my god,

because ones they did it doesn't matterhow secluded. Once they find out about
it. The last thing in theworld you want is for someone to tell
you to move. Yes, yeah, I mean after you set it all
up. Also, do they haveseptic and water? What do they have?
Where would you hook up septic andwater? She has a septic system,

But how much will it cost todig over to it to tap in?
And is it big enough to accommodateboth? And will the state allow
you to do it? There arestate laws regarding septic systems as to how
many people can be on it.Oh really, I didn't. Yes,
yes, there are there health departmentrules, which means, listen, you

can't just go set up something becausesomeone says you can. There are rules
and regulations and water. What aboutwater, whether you have to dig a
well? No, No, I'mI forget what you told me about the
water now, I mean it soundsstill it sounds still planned to me.
I don't mean to burst your bubble, I really ure. No, I'm

glad. I'm glad you're killing youbecause this is exactly you are framing,
exactly what my husband's thoughts were.He wasn't able to put it to you.
But you're right, these are alot of things I need, we
need to consider. Otherwise, you'remaking a one hundred and thirty thousand dollars
investment and you got a problem becauseyou have nowhere to put it. That's
why they're usually set up in mobilehome parks and RV parks. Now,

you said you didn't like the park, but are there is there a park
you do like where you can putit? You know what? The part
that I looked at, I'm notsure they have any space, but I
could go back and ask. Butyeah, no, you're right. Now
there might be you And even ifyou find your own land, don't put

money down on land or buy ituntil you know that they will accommodate these
homes because these are these are consideredmodular or mobile homes, and a lot
of people do not like them.They do not like them. Yeah,
yes, you're right. I thinkthey're darling, but I think they deserve

a place. Now, keep anotherthing in mind, Ester, More and
more communities are opening up to theidea of more than one abode on a
lot. For example, all overthe country, they're trying to cure homelessness
or make more affordable housing by allowingpeople to do this. But until those

laws go through, you can't assumeyou can do it. You must,
Okay, check all of the lawsfirst before putting before investing in this.
Okay. You know. Another thingpeople you might want to consider is buying
a conventional lot in a subdivision.What is your budget, By the way,

it's below to two hundred thousand.It's going to be very difficult to
get a home for under two hundredwith a lot. Do not buy a
house. Do not buy a housefor one thirty And then think, on
the goodness of a friend's heart,you're going to be able to put it
there. Why not just ask thatfriend to sell her your to buy her

house? Yeah? She if sheis her house paid for? Do you
know? Oh, you know,you're brilliant, you really are. She
may she may sell you. Shemay sell you that house for a deal
where you can put some money downand make payments to her. She may
even own her finance where she canhave payments coming in. I'm just saying

I don't want to see you getinto trouble. Oh my gosh, you
are so smart. I did,yeah, because she was trying to figure
out what to do with the house. She's marrying someone who's got who's very
wealthy, and they so rather thanput a house on there, you got
a house already, the house islegal. You can buy that house,
or rent that or lease the house. You can lease it with the option

to buy. That would be waysafer than buying a house and hoping you
can piggyback on the lot. That'swhat I would do. So, so
try it and if you need anyany more information, let us know for
sure. Kevin's got a comment,Kevin, what is your comment? Sir?
What is your comment? Well?I worked at the s Word one
time selling insurance the State Farm,and we tried to ensure those kind of

people with those homes. If theycouldn't get mailed delivered there, they couldn't
get insurance. Wow. Well,that's a good point. These are not
really considered homes. They're not likeI don't think they're HUT approved. I
think they're literally like a stationary motorhome almost they really are. But I

think that parks are set up forthem. Parks are set up for them.
In fact, if I was goingto go to a mobile home park,
I'd rather have one of these thana mobile home. They're different,
They're totally different, and they're betterquality. We have more coming up on
the Troubleshooter show. Go with asure thing Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot

com. You don't pay a centuntil you're content. Time for an insurance
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three oh three nine two zero sixteentwenty two. Hi Tom Martino here at
three O three seven one three talksseven one three eight two five five.
Don't forget Genesis tootalexteriors dot com nowfor mold mitigation and detection without the fear.
Genesis Totalexteriors dot Com. You'll getstraight information. Now let's see I

have a text and but by theway, we have lines open at three
O three seven one three talks sevenone three eight two five five. Uh,
Tom, last month, my aunthad two checks written and she's putting
her out going mailbox with the littlered flag that goes up. You see,
that tells the male person that youhave people, you have mail going

out, and she had checks there. Most people know when you put the
red flag up, you have checks. They took the checks. Somebody took
the checks out of the outgoing mail, wipe them clean and made them out
to themselves. Warn older people primarilynot to put mail in their box for

the mail mean to pick up,especially checks. And that's true because people
are on the lookout for outgoing mail, knowing or thinking that it might be
bills you're paying. They can takethose checks and reroute them to themselves.
It's easy to what's called wash acheck and to put another person on there

or not even that. They canliterally just take the check and sometimes cash
it. That's how little some ofthese banks pay attention. This is another
question tom It says, tom orMark is Mark around SEUs. He's not
okay, because I'm sure he'd havesomething to say about this. Tom or

Mark, I have a question.Why do people blame Biden for inflation?
That's interesting, that's very interesting.Why and here's why presidents are blamed for
inflation when the president and Congress arenot just you know, Senate, I

mean Senate and representatives both collectively knownas Congress, but or their lawmakers and
the president. They're only I shouldn'tsay only, but they're responsible for fiscal
budgets and spending. And the monetaryfunctions are the Fed and the Treasury.

But Biden and his teams, orwhat they call the administration, they're in
charge of the fiscal policies and that'sbudget and spending. Also, this loan
forgiveness and all of this is allpart of of you know, the presidency,
right, the executive orders and stuff. So when a president, any

president, I'm not saying Biden,but any president, increases spending and they
increase these money supplied by forgiving debtor that kind of thing, it adds
to inflation. You can't just putyou can't just put a lot of government

money into the system with government spendingand not have an impact on inflation.
So what Biden and his people didand what a lot of presidents do.
Again, I'm not trying to makethis a political thing, but you ask,
how can Biden be blamed? Let'sjust put it this way. How
can a president be blamed. Notjust a president, but a president and

his supporters his administration can be blamedfor inflation by their policies, their physical
policy. You know, they don'tdo the discount rates and the FED and
all that the money supplied directly,but when they increase spending and put more
money into circulation, you have moremoney in general, causing inflation. That

that's the way inflation is caused.Another way is by forgiving debt and doing
that kind of thing, so people, that's how inflation begins. And then
it's fueled further by the cost ofmoney being cheaper than it should be,

and then that grows, and that'swhere the FED comes in and tries to
They try to quell the inflation byraising rates to try to slow it down.
So you had Biden on one end, listen, doing what he called
inflation reduction by actually increasing spending.He did just the opposite of what you

should do. Everyone knew the InflationReduction Act would not reduce inflation. They
just gave it a name. Imean, it's so stupid to call it
an inflation reduction Act and you actuallyincrease spending is so contrary to logic.
But he was allowed to get awaywith it. But I'm not saying it's

because I don't like the guy,although you know, I have my own
thoughts on him. I think hispolicies are crazy comes to the economy.
Now, other people would argue thathe's done great and that it was Trump's
policies in the beginning that led tothis, But again everyone does that everyone.

If you're in office as a presidentand things are not going great,
you blame. You blame the previousadministration. If things go great, you
take credit, and then the nextpresident will do exactly the same. They
will never ever ever take blame.Have you ever once ever heard of president

ever take blame ever? I wantto know if you have. I heard
one president come close to taking blame. Do you know who that was?
Well, he didn't actually even takeit personally, but he did in a
way. He said, we allhave to tighten our belts. And who
wasn't Carter? Jimmy That's exactly right. And you know what, Joel,

people didn't like Jimmy Carter for that. They didn't like him because they thought
he was pessimistic, he didn't lieto him. In fact, he was
one of the most honest presidents weever had in our lives. Yeah,
and he didn't last because of it. Isn't that weird, It's very very
weird. He was a very goodhe's still alive, right, he's a

good man, just hanging on.He's barely hanging in person. The good
people. Just about how good peopledon't make good presidents. No, they
just don't. And and then ofcourse, you know, then you had
president. A lot of people thoughtReagan was honest, just a good,
honest man who knows, I mean, as honest as an actor from California

career. But but if you thinkabout who we have had as presidents and
who've made good impacts, I mean, if you think about Clinton, Clinton
was not that super liberal when youthink about it, he was not.
I mean, Bush was not thatsuper conservative. I mean, you've had
some pretty you know, some prettywe had a variety of presidents over the

years. I think Biden is themost liberal president we've had in a way
more liberal than than Obama, waymore and uh, as far as conservative,
I don't know. Uh, Trumpwasn't that conservative. He was conservative?
Who was I think? I thinkI think changed, you know,

because once the Bush junior Bush wgot in office, then all the uh
fear about overspending kind of went awayin all both conservative and liberals. They
all started to spend. I know, I know. And then again there's
the thing called buying votes, andthat's what people are doing. That's that's
what people do. They pander forvotes. They know that there's certain numbers

of people that will vote in certainnumbers that are not big enough to make
a difference. That's why everyone goesafter billionaires. It's such a small class.
I mean, you know, notthat they shouldn't go after I don't
know. I'm just saying that it'sa small class. Whereas if you pay
off student loans for people, orforgive student loans and you and you go
for minimum wage, what you're goingis for the masses, you're buying votes.

That's that's all there is to it. Okay, we got more coming
up three oh three, seven toone to three talk seven one three h
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sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martinehere three h three seven one three talk
three oh three seven one three eighttwo five five. Welcome to the show,

folks, Doctor chrdeck of This isUH and we're talking about I have
a text now about stem cell becausewe said you did stem cells. Now
when stem cells and when PRP?When? When do you call that?
Uh? And that's a good onebecause PRP is a pretty damn good therapy.
And let's talk about that. PRPis platelet rich plasma. Yes,

it's your own blood's concentrated plasma orplatelets, and then reinjected correct to the
sight of injury. Correct. Whatdoes it do? So uh, in
our experience, we'll recommend PRP therapyif somebody has up to a small muscle
tear, so a chronic spraint,chronic ligament injury, chronic tendon injury,

small muscle or tendon tear. Itwill repair those types of injuries. When
you're talking about a larger muscle tearlike a rotator cuff, when you're talking
about a degenerative arthritic joint, it'sjust not powerful enough to regenerate the tissue
to a point where you have alasting, long term solution. I know
there are some clinics that will injectup into a knee or a hip or

a shoulder, but those are reallymore for temporary relief or for minor inflammation.
If you've got a major injury ormajor degeneration, stem cell therapy is
the only thing that's going to reallyregenerate the tissue, all right. Someone
else said that if you use stemcells for hair regrowth. Have you monitored

patients and gone back to them?I know you because we talked about Denver
Regen doing some hair stuff. Yeah, some hair restoration. Have you gone
back and what are the results?We've been doing it now for about two
years. We get so, howis it? It takes about a full
year to get your full hair backin third so does it really come back
or is it just like like howyou look of mine? Okay, I

have really thin hair right right,I mean, and I have it real
short now because you know what,when you have thin hair looks stupid when
it's like you look like Einstein orcrazy Einstein. But in any case,
I don't mind the way my hairis. I mean, but does it
really fill in somebody like me?Does it really? For somebody like you?
It would because I'm not totally bald. Because you don't have a total
bald spot, you have thinning hair. So just the stem cell treatment to

regenerate hair growth, we're really thickingup all the thinning areas and regenerate hair.
Yes, yeah, and so butif you have a bald spot,
a bald area, what we recommendis a full hair transplant. Well yeah,
yeah, that's where that's where youactually do all the transplant, and
we add stem cells, which otherclinics don't do. We add stem cells
to that procedure. So we havetwo procedures. One to regenerate thinning hair,

which is the stem cell procedure,and one to do a hair,
a full hair transplant with stem cellwith your own stems. So if someone
wanted to have the thickening done likeme or and I'm I'm asking for this
this texture, hint, hint,No, I really am, But what
seriously is it like a helmet ofneedles? I mean, I mean,
how do you do all of theareas that have to be injected? I

mean that sincerely, how do youdo it? Do you just take and
start just going all over the head? Not quite like that. So okay,
what we'll do is we'll we'll usenerve blocking with a small insulin needle
around the scalp line. Yeah.Yeah, so that the top of the
crown of the head is numb.Yeah, and then we have different types
of needles. We have a multiportinjector, so it is like a little

pad with a bunch of needles in. Yeah, that's one way we'd go
across the head that way, andthen we take different needles of different lengths
so you get it to different depthsof area within the scale. But it's
not that painful, no, becausewe know, like I said, we
numb up the scale. Now,how long does the procedure take. It
takes about three to four hours todo that. Wow, to do that,

you know, full hair transplant's afull day, a morning of doing.
But I'm talking about just the injection, just just the stem cell procedure
alone for regenerate thinning hair, ittakes about three or four hours and you've
seen results. Literally, is therewould there be a reason why it doesn't
work? Have you had it whereit doesn't work or people are disappointed?

Not really, No, we haven't. As long as we're as long as
the objectives are clear. You know, we're not going to recommend somebody that
has a full balding balding area justthe rejuvenation. We're going to say to
them, Look, if you reallywant the result you're looking for, you're
gonna need a hair transplant with thestem cell therapy. Now, we evaluate
each case on a case by casebasis, so we have you send those

pictures of your scalp, and ourteam goes over that with you, comes
up with a plan, talks aboutwhat your goals will be, and where
do you get the stem cells?We get the stem cells from both bone
marrow from the hip and from adiposetissue from fat. Fat and bone marrow
mixed together, so you do both. Yes, So when I had my
stem cell on my lower back,where'd you get You got mine from the

bone r right. We just forlower back procedures only, we just used
the bone marrow based stem cells andwe mixed that with umbilical cord cells that
we get from a supplier. Okay, and that's our back procedure. For
most other joint procedures, we usethe patient's own fat with their own bamb
It was amazing what happened. Itreally was amazing. I like I told

you, man, I damn nearjust four went surgery completely. And my
doctor said, that's fine, youdon't have symptoms, but your physical ailment
is so bad that it's going toresurface, you know, because because but
it was remarkable with that much physicaldamage, how stem cells could take away
pain. Well, I remember,we looked at your images and we decided,

well, let's just give it atry and hope that you get something.
It was amazing. I mean,like I said, if I didn't
have such bad physiology, I justdidn't want to be faced with this bad
physiology in ten years. But Iwas amazed. But like I told you
before, one of the dis notdisadvantage, one of the challenges you guys

have is it was so slow overa four month period, I had forgotten
why I got so better, Right, I'd forgotten it because it was so
and I kept getting better and better. And then I think Stephanie says,
Tom, that stuff really worked.Yep, And we've changed the protocol.
Since you've had it done, it'seven better. Yeah. We have another

product that we had, what doyou do? We have a product called
microvascular tissue, and what's that.It's used in heart surgeries and used in
vascular surgeries to repair heart and vasculartitches. It's a regenerative product. But
once we've started adding this to ourprocedures, we see patients starting to feel
better within two to three weeks ratherthan a month or two. Well,
it doesn't matter if it's a monthor two or three or three weeks.

If it really works and it reallydid so anyway, Denver Regen dot com.
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three seven seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when you
choose Frank durand the real estate Mandot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here
three O three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five.

So it's weird. Some of thequestions I get texted okay, one,
Here is my son ran his carsixty miles on low oil? What should
I do? Nothing? You cando an oil analysis if you want,
But here's the deal. Sixty mileson low oil is nothing you can as

long as it wasn't out completely.And even if it's out completely, I'm
now obviously you shouldn't drive it all. But believe it or not, there
are some cars even when you're out, if it was a good quality oil,
have enough viscosity to keep it fromseizing. It would all have to
do with the temperatures and other indications. But on low oil sixty miles,

I wouldn't even give it a thought, that's for sure. Also, somebody
wants to know what is the differencebetween depreciation of houses and cars. Well,
okay, cars have a lifespan,a total lifespan. I mean,
think about it. Okay, wecan say ten years, but okay,

let's even say ten years. Okay. Uh, if a car has a
lifespan of ten years and it's morelike eight, but you would have more
depreciation because theoretically it's not worth muchat the end of that whereas a house
can be around fifty and sixty years, so obviously would have less actual depreciation

of actual cash value. But thenyou have something called market. In cars,
the market goes down. In homesthe market goes up, so you
have appreciation as well. By theway, I want to tell you Denverregen
dot com to get a hold ofJoel for weight loss or stem cell therapy
or hair replacement. Denverregen dot com. I'm Tom Martino. Remember to call

three oh three Martino. You cancall three oh three six two seven,
eight four sixty six twenty four sevenfor your help, information and referral.
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Monster: BTK

Monster: BTK

'Monster: BTK', the newest installment in the 'Monster' franchise, reveals the true story of the Wichita, Kansas serial killer who murdered at least 10 people between 1974 and 1991. Known by the moniker, BTK – Bind Torture Kill, his notoriety was bolstered by the taunting letters he sent to police, and the chilling phone calls he made to media outlets. BTK's identity was finally revealed in 2005 to the shock of his family, his community, and the world. He was the serial killer next door. From Tenderfoot TV & iHeartPodcasts, this is 'Monster: BTK'.

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