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July 22, 2024 137 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yeah, ripped up. You needadvice, so you don't have come run
instant as we can show. Shooter'sgonna help coming man. This is the

Troubleshooter Show. No Tom Martino,Hi Tom Martino, you're Troubleshooter. Welcome
to the show. Three oh threeseven one three talk seven one three eight
two five five. As you'll see, my wifesid. I got a guest
here. I have Mark with mefrom pro Bit Energy about solar. You
know, there's only a couple solarpeople I've endorsed because the industry is really

really difficult because so many companies comeand go. Mark, you even told
me that a lot of business,a lot of solar businesses have gone out
of business. Why do they comeand go so quickly? You know the
ones that recently went out. Oneof them is typing in there a Titan
was Giant Giant and they're just asales organization. They subcontract the installs out.

So once that's done, that customeris not going to get service because
the EPCs it's not the okay,So when a consumer wants solar, well,
how do they protect themselves? Andby the way, I don't mean
this against you. At all oragainst Red Rocks. I love them.
I love you guys, Probid Energy, but maybe you guys aren't going to

be around forever. So when peopleget solar systems, is there I mean
no, No, obviously your wholemodel and red Rocks your whole model sales,
service end, and not even serviceeven those you haven't installed. You're
trying to be a full service solarcompany. And the components are made by

companies that don't go out of business. The components are solid. Yes,
the people that so can a consumerfind let's say, pro Bid and Red
Rocks and around, and they boughta Maybe they're in another part of the
country listening right now. They boughta solar system. None of the people,
none of the people that they're theywere associated with, are around.

Who do they call for help?Can they call the manufacturer and say do
you have anyone that services there?Yes, they'll call the manufacturer and they
might direct them the inverter and facesolar edge. They might say, yeah,
here's a here's an installer that wework with. I think there's a
room. And again I'm not talkingabout here. We have two good companies
here that I love and today's probidEnergy dot COM's day and and you do

everything Redrocks does. But here's whatI want to say. We need independent
solar servicing companies, YEP. Iwonder because think about this, if you
did nothing but serviced solar systems,I'll man, I imagine a good servicing
company and you guys will do that. Haven't you been able when I sent

you out to people who whose companieshave gone away? Haven't you been able
to even get warranty work done undertheir manufactured Some cases we can connected to
the manufacturer because if the components areare warranted, they don't care that.
As long as it's a component servicecompany, you can get it warranted.

Right, you bet? And weare with all the people I want to
concentrate today on all you orphans,solar orphans yep. A pro bid has
helped a lot of solar orphans.And a lot of these solar orphans need
their systems taken down because of thehell we've had and put back up and
put back up. And if acertified installer like US doesn't do it,

it negates their warranties. All right, people, there you go, and
by the way, this are broughtto you by waterpros dot net. You
know how I feel about them.I'm serious. First, you need a
water system, especially for drinking water, and they're the best systems at the
lowest prices. Three h three eightsix two five five five four Jasmine.
What's going on with you, Jasmine? And of course I am well aware

that there is there's major news allover the country about politics and all that.
Now, now, I only mentionedpolitics here when it has to do
with you and your personal finance,or when it comes to education of our
rights, responsibilities as I call it, life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. Right now, things arein a state of flux. We know

that. Feel free to comment ifyou want. I only talk about things
as it relates to inflation and thingslike that. As you know, and
I've gotten a lot of flak forthis. I don't take strong stands and
try to change your mind, yourhearts or anything. I just want to
help you not get ripped off.Okay, But I'm not blind to the
fact that you guys are tuning inand I know you have a lot of

places to listen to. But ifyou want to break from the let's put
it this way. The pontification.You can come here. That's not to
say I won't talk about it.I've talked about issues before and how they
relate to us personally on a dayto day basis. Right now, speaking
of that, inflation is still makingthings more expensive, and it's not as

terrible as it was. Investing,the stock market's doing pretty good. The
problem with the stock market that Isee is that when the stock market does
well for no reason, when there'sno fundamentals driving it, it gets scary
because there's really no prediction. Imean, you know what I'm saying is

usually stock markets do well for reasons, and they do badly for reasons,
or bonds do well for reasons andbonds don't do well for reasons. Right
now, everything seems to be ahodgepodge as far as personal finance, but
again I acknowledge it. But Iwant you to call with your problems,
questions, complaints, and if youhave any comments on today's news in the

world and how it relates to usus on a day to day life.
Let's do it. So, Jazmine, what's happening with you? Hi?
So I need some help with myapartment complex? Okay, So what's going
on, Jazmine, what's happening?So we had a kitchen fire. Sadly
that was pretty bad. Did youhave renters insurance? We did. We

have really good insurance, and wetook the insurance and the apartments really complex
right away. Their insurance is waitingfor the apartment complex to fill out peoplework
or do something in the way yourinsurance is waiting. Your insurance is waiting
for the apartment complex. Yes,yes, yes they have been for the
last four months. They tried sittingin an adjuster out, but they didn't

have all of that. I don'tunderstand what your insurance need. What does
your insurance need? They need themto go right, like an estimate of
like and tell them, like whatappliances need to be replaced and the cabinets
and the wall. So you soyou're you can make a claim? Yes
I started one, but they neededinsurance or so you're your renters insurance.

Now this kitchen fire, was ityour fault? It was an accident,
but we weren't home when it happened, so we tried. I still haven't
done it yet. I may notI may not have phrased that the right
way an accident is your fault ifit started in your kitchen with you,
unless some like for example, whereit wouldn't be your fault a squirrel gets

in and does something, or oryou know what I'm saying. But but
you were cooking and it happened.Is that what happened? Gentlemen, I
was I was not cooking. Tellme what happened. I'm just curious.
I'm just curious if your insurance isgoing to pick it up what happened.
No, yeah, they'll don't takeit. They'll definitely take it. They
will take four responsibility and pay foreverything. But what I'm thinking is happening

is that I have a new puppyand I think he tried getting something on
the counter and got something on fire. Okay, got it. When we
came home, our whole kitchen wasn'tblamed. We oh my god, out,
may I ask how's the puppy bythe way, Oh, puppy fine,
we have a back door. Hewas outside on a back door,
so she had a kitchen. Youhad a kitchen fire. Your renter's insurance

will cover it, but you needinformation from the apartment complex that they're not
providing. Now. You would thinkthe apartment complex wants to get this fixed
up, So why aren't they providingthe information? Then, I have no
idea. I call them every otherday and I don't talk to anybody.
They never call me back. I'vegone in there on person trying to talk

to a manager. Manager's ever there. Every time I call and actually get
a hold of someone, or someonecalls me back. They said that they'll
call me back. They have togo figure out the answer for whatever I'm
asking, and I'm not getting anywhere, like they just how long has it
been? How long has it beenfour months? Oh my goodness, Wait
a minute, have you been withouta kitchen for four months? Or are
you now temporarily living somewhere? No? No, no, because I didn't

want to pay for a temporary airbnb. Yeah, but your insurance should pay
for temporary housing. Yeah they should, But apparently my apartment needs to They
can put us into another apartment,complet or another apartment. Okay, so
right now, the reason for thecall today is you need to get it.

You need to get damages details frommanagement as to what they expect you
to fix so you can submit itto your insurance. Yes, that's reasonable.
Why would it take four months?And you still don't have it.
I I have no idea that Idon't I don't even have the managers everything

seen the pictures I sent in oreven came to my apartment. I had
to take my mark away that wasall melted and burned down. I took
a part from the burnt cabinets becausemy entire house old. Oh my god,
this is unacceptable. Now were youable to get wait, did you
at least have a restoration company goin and clean it up? And they
paid your insurance? I asked youtimes to have the the apartment complex and

my insurance, and they said,well, we have to get I want
you to hold on. Yes,I got two things I want to do
for you, Adjasmine. Two things. I want to first get our insurance
experts on from Compass Insurance Group.Then I want to get someone once we
ferret through this and see what theirresponsibilities are. Then I want to put
somebody on it. One of mypeople, I know Doc is listening in

the studio right now. We needto put someone on this. But first
let's talk to our insurance expert,which is Compass Insurance. So hang on
three all three seven one three talkseven one three eight, two five five
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You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance check up
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nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Hi Tom Marchi on your three all three
seven one three talk three all threeseven one three eight two five five.
Welcome to the show. Did weencompass on Kitchina or read too busy talking
to your your boys behind the scenesabout politics? Come on, I need

Compass in the house. I wantto ask them some questions about the insurance
issue, about renter's insurance, becauseI personally don't think renters insurance necessarily needs
the apartment complex. I think theycan send an adjusture there and start the
process. To me, it soundslike a delaying tactic technically, So until

I get them, until I getCompass on, we'll talk about other things,
whatever's on your mind. Three three, seven three talks seven one three,
eight, two five five. Andspeaking of insurance, I read today,
Oh my god, it's amazing.All over the country homeowners insurance.

Homeowner's insurance is skyrocketing all over now. Condo developments are being dropped altogether,
completely dropped, and an apartment buildingsand places where the losses are so hefty,
and a lot of condo owners arefinding themselves self in short. Now,

let me tell you what that means. You're going to have a big
problem when they're you need a roof, and it's a five hundred thousand dollars
job, and you have to payyour share, and it doesn't matter if
you're on the bottom floor or themiddle floor. You're going to have to
pay your proportionate share. Now theymight go by square footage of the condo,

not just divide it by the numberof units. But you're still going
to have to pay a good amountof money and that is going to devastate
a lot of people. So here'swhat's really weird. A lot of people
that buy condos are younger or olderbecause it doesn't have the impact of buying
a home. But it's artificial becauseall of that responsibility is still yours.

It's just delayed. Now here's thetwin edge sword. People who live in
condos. They want low HOA fees, so they lobby for low HA fees,
or they have boards that give themlow HOA fees. But then the

coffers get low and when they findout they have to pony up a crapload
of money on a deductible or aco insurance penalty or for maintenance. These
owners are faced with giant assessments andassessments they can't pay. When you live

in a condo, you are subjectto everyone you live with. It's like
having a thousand roommates because if they'renot financially stable, you're not financially stable.
I'm going to give you some examplesthat will break your heart. There's

a place that a club Valencia,and this is an amazing situation. I
think the people are still out ontheir asses. But there was a catastrophe
there. I believe that was afire, but they discovered asbestos and other

things and they couldn't rebuild. Soeverybody suing everybody. Really, tenants are
suing. Insurance companies are suing,the management is being sued, the owners
are being sued. And it's anightmare because it's been now years and no

one can get back into their units. They're just places. I don't even
know what they're doing. A lotof them has walked away from their equities
that the hell with it gone bankrupt. There is no equity. That was
the problem. There really wasn't anyequity because most of them mad loans.
I believe it was in twenty twentythree. According to this lawsuit, fire

originated in unit one one and thedefendants have property, they own it or
part of it. Then they saidat the time of the fire, the
defendants had least or otherwise permitted someoneto live there and that person's being sue

too. Then the fire and theremediation efforts caused considerable damages to the major
premises that exceeded five million dollars.The violations of duties, obligations and blah
blah blah are against each defendant.Now they're asking I mean, okay,

they're asking these defendants to pay up. They're not going to pay. Their
insurance aren't going to pay they sothe HA won't pay. No one will
pay. So the South Metro FireRescue Authority concluded that the fire was let.
The fire was that a person leftunattended something or the person was ninety

four years old and cause the fire. Basically, I'm trying to read through
the legal ease and the negligent actscaused all of this, but they didn't
have enough insurance. This is anightmare. So well by Tom. The
same was with individuals. If yourecall with the Boulder fire, ninety five

percent were underinsured. I mean that'smassive. There's a lot of people out
there right now that don't even realizeif their house burned down, they don't
have enough to rebuild it. No, they don't. You're right, they
were sadly under insured ninety five percentand as a result of that, by

the way, they have to walkaway and when they walk away. They
lose every dime of equity they hadin that home. Now, had there
not been a fire, they wouldhave been able to sell the house and
make the equity right, or payit off and have the house. But
what happens when you're under insured,They you're screwed. Now here's probably what

happened with all of those fires.People wanted to save money on insurance,
and they went to the insurance carrierwith the lowest cost and the lowest premiums.
And a lot of these insurance carriersdid not do their due diligence.
They did not accurately assess the valuesand therefore offered cheaper insurance. And this

is how that works. A lotof people believe, well, if my
house is worth a million dollars,why should I ensure it for a million.
The only time that'll come into playis if I lose the whole house.
But ninety five percent of the time, or maybe even ninety eight percent

of the time, I'm not gonnalose the whole house. I'm only going
to lose the roof or the siding, or maybe some water damage or maybe
this or maybe that, And thebiggest claim I might have might be one
hundred, one hundred and fifty,maybe two hundred thousand. So they look
for places that will insure them forlet's say five hundred thousand instead of a

million, and they think they beatthe system. You see, they think,
hmm, now I'll get a roof. There's no roof that's going to
cost five hundred. I'll get aroof, I'll get if my sewer backs
up, I'll get covered. I'llget covered. But they're only fifty percent
covered on their home. Therefore,the insurance company looks at your total insurance

and says to you, oh,oh yeah, you're only fifty percent covered
for any damages. And you wait, you say what, yeah, even
though the roof might only be thirtygrand, we're only paying fifteen. And
then you have to pay your deductiblebecause you were not insured for the whole
million dollars. You were only insuredfor half of it. So you see,

these shlock insurance agents who you getwho offer you super cheap prices might
be doing that because they're under insuringyou and you are being screwed in the
long run because it'll come out inevery single claim. So, man,

I have to tell you this iswrong. Some shlock insurance agents are even
lying about the condition of the houseand the roof. So if you need
a roof, they make you buyone before they ensure you if you need
one if it's old. But someagents, in order to get the business

they want to get their commission,they won't say, hey, this roof
is old, they'll just overlook it. Then the underwriter gets involved at your
next loss and say, wait aminute, you should have replaced this roof.
And they don't say our agent waswrong, they say you're wrong.

So there's a lot to lose whenit comes to insurance. You don't trick
the system when it comes to insurance. And I'm no great lover of the
insurance industry, but if you wantto be insured, you have to be
insured for what it's worth. Ican't tell you how many times people have
said they had a car and ithad this and this and this and this

and this and this, all theseupgrades, so it was really worth thirty
thousand more than it's apparent book value. We've had this happen all the time.
But were they insured for that,No, they were insured for book
value. They want the benefit ofthe more expensive car, but they don't
want to pay for the coverage ofthe more expensive car anyway. Those are

the pitfalls of insurance. Now,Jasmine, hang on Kaschina, give me
an update. Is Compass not availabletoday? Are they not around? No,
They're going to be available in aboutfifteen minutes. Thank you so much.
Okay, so we'll have Jasmine withCompass because I'm want to get their

take on this, because I believethat her Renters Insurance might be jerking her
around. Three oh three seven onethree talk seven one three eight two five
five. By the way, ifyou're having any AC problems, you're getting
a break in the heat eight eighteight Heating dot com good people you ought
to call. They can come outand check your air conditioning. And if

you have a solar system, bythe way, they specialize in high efficiency
electric systems. That's three oh threeseven seven zero two seven seven six go
with a sure thing Denver's Best rooferExcel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent to your content time foran insurance check up free, no obligation.

In comparison, call Compass insurance payingtoo much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three ohthree seven seven to one. Help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate man
dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three nine two zero
sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martinohere, three oh three seven one three

talk three oh three seven one threeeight two five five and uh, we're
here with a pro bid energy bythe way, talking solar, talking anything
you want. We have Jasmine here. We were talking about homeowners insurance and
problems, and I'm telling you wegot a big, big, big problem
when it comes to when it comesto insurance, especially when it comes to

congregate living, but even regular homeownersinsurance is getting out of the realm of
reality, and all over the countrypeople are wondering what to do. Do
you know rates have gone up sixtypercent in some areas. Can you imagine
paying sixty percent more? Now?That's so ours went up. Listen to

this man. Our auto insurance.I literally just got it from Compass while
we've been on this trip. Firstof all, the only ticket we had
on there at all was Adelines,and she had like a speeding ticket or
something. It was a very smallfraction and it dropped off, so we
have nothing on there. My record'sperfect, Suzanne is perfect, and ADDIE's

is now perfect. As of acouple months ago, our insurance went up
two thousand dollars for the year forauto, but our driving records are perfect.
Perfect. Wow. Wow, allright. So now we are getting
a discussion that because of this textsaying Tom, I disagree with you on

the use of checks mark. Theysay that getting the account number, and
by the way, they could disguiseit in some kind of a code on
the bottom, but they don't.Getting the account number and getting the routing
number will not allow people into myaccount. They said they did. Okay,
let me. I want to clarifya couple things. Go ahead,

and I'm being very serious about this. So when we say that just having
those two things we can take moneyfrom anybody, that's true. And I'll
tell you why. Both Tom andmyself have multiple businesses that we can accept
acch payments. So we have gonethrough background checks, we have opened accounts,

and we have money and reserves incase if we did try to screw
somebody, they can yank it rightback out. So when we say Joe
blow like some homeless guy is notgoing to qualify for an ACCH account.
But in general, if you canqualify for that, and most people can
qualify for what's called a merchant account, you can have simply the routing number

and the checking account number, andyou can you can ding people all day
long until they see it all daymarket. You like a lot of these,
A lot of these guys on thesleeves Brigade, they they had,
they had ach they made as theyhad merchant accounts. If you have a
merchant account, you can steal creditcard numbers, you can steal anything.

And it's not hard to get amerchant account. I just I don't want
people to think if some homeless guyhas their check he knows how to do
it. You have to have amerchant account. No, but it's easy.
But let me tell you this onestep further. If you gave a
check at a restaurant and somebody await or a waitress, await person,

a dishwasher, whoever took a pictureof the routing number, and you know,
took a picture with their phone,they would use that information to pass
it on to the black market.When I say black market, I'm going
to talk about like, no,absolutely, they could to someone that has
a black market. It is ablack market checking this round or you know
what I'm saying. Yeah, andI say black market meaning you know people

that will trade in that and justlike they trade in cell phones, they
will they will use that information andin credit card numbers. Money. No,
no, no, you actually saidit perfectly. You can go buy
valid credit cards credit cards right nowbecause I have an a merchant account,
or numerous merchant accounts I could runthrough and ding. I could ding a
thousand of them for five hundred dollarseach. There's no doubt I could do

that right now and buy those validcredit cards on the dark web. It
is a black market form, that'sit. It is. Okay. Now,
I just got an email. I'mon both mailing lists, by the
way, and I got an emailhere called dishonest Mondays and this is this

is true. Campaigns out on Mondayall of the things that we're dishonest about
the weekend anyway, So they're they'rehighlighting Harris here. I just think it's
funny. And then I got onefrom the from the Harris camp from them
Biden Harris Camp saying that Joe butexcuse me that. And now that Joe
Biden is concentrating on his presidency andHarris has taken over the campaign, it's

more important than ever to stop DonaldTrump because you know, of course he's
the greatest threat in history to democracyand the country will never be the same.
And again, I just I lovegetting both emails because you can read
everything you want anyway. Three threeseven three eight two five five. Jeremy

is with Compass Insurance Group and we'regoing to talk about Renter's insurance and how
it works, because we also hadanother case that came in where someone had
stuff stolen out of their garage ata rental. Uh So I'll talk to
him about that as well. Allof that coming up on the Troubleshooter Show
three oh three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five.

And by the way, don't forgetif you have a problem, question or
complaint, you can always call threezero three Martino twenty four to seven to
get in the queue. We'll callyou back. That's three oh three Martino.
Go with a sure thing Denver's Bestroofer Excel roofing dot com. You

don't pay a cent until you're content. Time for an insurance check up free,
no obligation. In comparison, callCompass Insurance paying too much your coverage
at dozens of insurance companies find outnow three oh three seven seven to one
Help. You'll think you're his onlycustomer when you choose Frank durand the real
estate man dot com to list yourhome with Remax Alliance. Three oh three

nine two zero sixteen twenty two.Hi Tom Martino, your troubleshooter three oh
three seven to one three talk sevenone three A two five five. Hey,
Cheryl, I just noticed you onthe line there. Hang on for
a sec please, I got totake Jeremy. Jeremy, I got a

quick question for you on renter's insurance. So this woman, Jazzmine, she's
not on now, but she's listening. I hope she had an apartment or
a kitchen fire in her apartment,and it was four months ago. She
said she contacted her renter's insurance andthey're waiting for a statement from the HOA

on what needs to be done.Well, that doesn't sound right to me.
Why can't they send an adjuster?Yeah, that doesn't sound right to
me either, I mean I thoughtso. Yeah, they're responsible for what
the damage is. The HOA shouldhave additional stuff and that could be taken
care of potentially with US supplement,but it doesn't. I can't think of

a reason you would delay the initialpayout and the obvious stuff that's right,
and I think her renters insurance isdelaying her. Yeah, that doesn't sound
right. I agree with you.The adjuster to come out clearly see what's
damaged, and it's not predicated offthe HOA. What if there wasn't an
HOA. I mean, they're stillresponsible to fix the damage that the fire

caused, regardless of what an HOAsays, right, and now if in
fact you would think that they wanttheir own adjuster to make that determination.
That's my first thought too, isit's not like, I mean, the
HOA can't throw on stuff that wasn'tright damaged, right, So you don't

typically hear of, you know,a big participation with the HA if she
owned the condo or whatever, youknow, there could be some stuff with
that, but from on a renter'spolicy, I don't see how there's much
relevance with their involvement. Thank you, Jeremy, if you could hold on,
Jeremy, I want to take Cherylreal quick and come back to you,

Cheryl, And that's Compass Insurance Group, by the way, home of
the insurance checkup at three h threenine ninety six, nine thousand, Cheryl,
what's going on? Were you scammedwith a check like we were talking
about where someone used your numbers orhow Absolutely so. We've got a business
in downtown Colorado Springs and we buypre owned luxury watches and we had written

out a check a few years ago, and somebody had used the routing number
and the account number, and theywent to Walmart, they paid their T
mobile bill, you know, ina couple other things. So I mean
it is real, that's right.By the way, you can do that,
see Mark, that's not a merchantaccount. That's just where you can

make ach payments to someone. Youcan put in someone else's information and get
it. That's that's right, that'sreally yeah. You can go to Walmart
and buy whatever you want with thatonline. Just put those numbers in.
You're right, because they they wherethey allow credit card or ACCH payments.
You can put that. You're saying, I can go to Walmart dot com.

I'm right now and put in anach payment for anything. I don't
know about that, Cheryl. Iknow you can go to the mark.
I know there are some websites Iswear to you that take ACCH payments.
They really do. They take directThey call it either ACH or they call
it electronic check. Yeah, butthen they're then that's possible. But then
they're just back ending it through areal system somewhere. No, of course

they are. Yeah, yeah,yeah they are. But the consumer has
no connection at all to them otherthan being a customer, and they're using
yeah, and they're tapping your accountto pay for it. Cheryl, that's
really telling thank you very much.That and that's why you should I'm telling
you. Checks shouldn't even be usedanymore. Now, why don't they come
up with a way on a check. You would think they'd have a magnetic

strip instead of the print out.For God's sakes, there are machines sophisticated
enough to read those, and ofcourse then the argument can be made the
scammers will have those machines to readthem. Thank you, Cheryl. You
know, one of the best weapons. I've said this before is vigilance,
because you look at abnormalities in yourbills and stuff and you then say I

didn't do this. Three o threeseven one three eight two five five.
Now, Jeremy, I wanted toask a question, but we're out of
time, So if we could callyou back, or you can hang on
about contents uh for people with rentersinsurance and how that works, especially if
those contents might be in a garagewhich is not actually in the condo uh

or excuse me, or in theapartment. So we'll talk about that coming
up. Three oh three seven onethree eight two five five. Go with
a sure thing Denver's best roofer ExcelRoofing dot com. You don't pay a
cent until you're content. Leave timefor an insurance check up free, no

obligation comparison call Compass Insurance. Paytoo much your coverage at dozens of insurance
companies find out now three oh threeseven seven to one help. You'll think
you're his only customer when you chooseFrank durand the real estate Man dot com
to list your home with Remax Alliancethree oh three nine two zero sixteen twenty
two ripped you need so you don'thave come running as fast as we can.

Shooter's gonna help. Come man,this is the Troubleshooter Show. Now
Tom Martino, Hey, Tom Martinohere, Welcome to the show. I
finally got online so I could talkto my morons and my flunkies and anyveryone
else who's street or downloading in thefuture. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome.

I'm Tom. We got we gotpro bid energy solar in the house.
We got a lot of things totalk about. I want to give out
my text number as well. Nowyou know, iHeart has the five seven,
seven thirty nine, so you canalways text me there always, uh,
you know, put Tom there andit comes to us and then we

I also have my Google number Igive out and here it is. It's
it's a private Google number, andit is mine. I get every single
text sent there seven four seven ninenine nine fifty two eighty seven four seven
nine nine nine fifty two eighty Youcan text me there too, some of

the texts I got. Let mesee tom Our car insurance went up for
two of us one thousand dollars.Now I don't know what he's paying before,
but it went up one thousand dollars. We haven't had any kind of
claim in fifteen years, neither oneof us and I don't remember the last

time I said uninsured drivers and saidthat's a big part of it. I
don't know what there's what he's saying. I guess, let's see, neither
one of us is having a Idon't remember. Oh, okay, never
mind. He said that was partof autocorreg So he says, neither one
of us has had a ticket intwenty years or more or an accident.

He so, then he says,So, I asked him how come it
went up so much? By theway, he's from Compass, and he
said, well, the hail claimsand uninsured drivers. So, Jeremy,
why is car insurance going up somuch? Jeremy is with Compass Insurance Group.

Why. This is not why Ihad you on, but this came
in this text, so I wantedto ask you. I mean, what
are the I mean, is hailthe biggest reason? Because all over the
country car insurance is going up allover the country. It's a combination.
I mean, the hailstorm certainly causedmore frequency, but the cost of repairs

right now are really high, andespecially these new vehicles with all the technology
and sensors and everything that's coming onthem, the cost to repair. Those
are just astronomical, and Jeremy,look at the cost. Jeremy, I'm
sorry to interrupt you. It's mark. Mine went up. In fact,
mine went up two thousand dollars.You guys shopped it everywhere. We didn't

have any speeding tickets. The onlything that changed is one thing actually dropped
off about two or three months ago. Our records are perfect, everything's the
exact same, and ours went uptwo grand man, how is that possible?
Golly whoa? Because it's money comingin versus money coming out. And

I know that's That's what I'm saying, though I'm saying it has nothing to
do with that's all it has todo with. That's exactly why it went
up. You can be a perfectdriver and your insurance will go up every
single year. You can be aperfect homeowner, never have a claim and
your insurance can go up every singleyear. Of course, yeah, I
know, ye yeah. And Ithink the thing to realize is it would

go up a lot more if youdid have those accidents, if you did
have those claims. So people feelI'm being punished because their rates going up
when I didn't make a claim,and I get where that sentiment would come
from, but it would go upmore if you did. And so it's
not everyone's rate goes up the same. Regardless of whether you have a claim

or not, or an accident ora ticket, you still are going to
get surcharged for those if you havethem on top of the general rate increase,
and it's going to be that muchmore of an increase for those folks
that have that. Okay, nowlet's talk about renter's insurance and contents.

Does renters insurance cover contents? First, let's take it in the apartment.
It does. Yeah, what aboutwhen you have a garage as part of
your rental agreement? But it's notobviously in the apartment. Now you have
stuff in the garage that would stillbe counted as on premise. So that's

the key. As on premise oroff premise. And whether it's a renter's
policy or even a lot of homeowners'policies, they're going to have a limit
for personal property. Not every company, but most are going to have a
limit of ten percent for the youknow, so let's say you had one
hundred thousand personal property limit, that'sgoing to be limited to ten percent or

ten thousand in this case for offpremise. So a garage that comes with
the apartment complex would still be onpremise. But let's say you have it
in a storage unit or somewhere else, and every policy is going to vary
a little bit, but expect somesort of limitation if your property is off
premise. Now there is a newtrend out and I got a text about

this and where the insurance complex requiresyou to have If you don't have your
own, you're allowed to get yourown, but if you don't have your
own, you must take their policy. So would they It seems to me
if they offer a policy it wouldbe bare bones just to protect them,

but I'm not sure it typically is. Their concern is more that you have
liability coverage. They don't care ifyou ensure your own personal property or not.
They want to make sure you haveliability coverage so if something happens,
they're the ones who aren't getting sued. They want to make sure you have
a source for someone to go afteryou and something that you're actually responsible for.

Okay, So, in any case, this person had a garage broken
into at the complex, but aswe said, it was forced by the
complex. The insurance, so probablythen contents would not be covered. What
do you think, probably, well, you can add it. See that's

the problem if you go into rentingan apartment and you're just looking at the
cost of it. They may say, we have a renters policy for you
eight bucks a month, and that'sgoing to be what they require, and
that's going to be that liability coveragethey require, and it's probably going to
have very little, if not anypersonal property coverage, which is for your

actual stuff. You could probably say, hey, I want to change this,
or they may have some you know, variety of what you can add
to it, but most people aren'tlooking at it that way. It's a
means to an end. I haveto have this in order to get the
keys and move in, and thisis the cheapest option, so we'll go
with it. Renters policies don't verymuch much and price, so you know,

you really could go from you know, let's say eight nine bucks a
month for just what their minimum liabilityis, to about fifteen to twenty a
month for really good liability and alsopersonal property to cover your stuff. So
there's not much of a price differencebetween the two. And so if you're
expecting to have your property insured.Make sure you have that personal property on

the renters policy. All right,thank you very much, Jeremy appreciate that.
That's the Insurance Health Center dot Comwith Compass Insurance Group. And if
you want to insurance comparison three hthree nine nine six nine. Frank,
you have a comment on insurance.Go ahead, Frank, what's your comment?

Yeah, I have a board Fone fifty twenty twenty two. Yeah,
and everything in my truck is beingreported to the cloud. How fast
I'm going, What radio station I'mlistening to a sensors Yeah, everything in
my truck. And that's not forit. It's all vehicles. Everything in

the vehicle is being reported to thecloud. And insurance companies now have access.
They know that if I'm going twentymiles over the speed limit. You
know, so you could say Inever get a ticket, but the insurance
companies know you're speeding. Well,I thought that. I thought though that
in order to get that information,they either read the app that you have

or the thing that the little portdata port. You have to put something
in that data port. Are yousaying now it's being done by the manufacturers.
Yes, that's what I was told, Everything in my truck is being
reported to the cloud. And Ithink there's only two states that you can

opt out. One was California,and I forget what the other one I
want to ask. I want toask John Fuller that. Bring John up,
because he's here for a commercial andI want to ask him, Hey,
John, have you heard of thatwhere Oh, we don't have him
yet. Okay, so I'm here. That's okay, But John's coming up,
so I might ask him that too. I'm here, Tom, Yeah,

John, have you heard that thevehicles report to the cloud? And
now insurance is tapping that? Yeah? You know. This comes up periodically,
and I think we actually discussed iton the show a little while back.
And while most vehicles, or atleast new vehicles, have that capability,

they all require you to give consentbefore that information is shared. And
so I believe that the listener wereto look into it in a little bit
more detail, he would find thateither he unknowingly gave consent, or perhaps
he has not given consent and thatinformation is not yet being shared. So
I definitely see that as being theway of the future, where right now

you do have the ability to optout of it. And again, people
with dash cams, you know,the reason they have a dash cam is
so they can have information so underthe scenario that you know you want them
to know, or is it ascenario where you don't want them to know,

or is the dash cam for adifferent reason. Sure, well,
dash cams are wholly unrelated to theinformation that the listener is talking about.
Okay, well, the type ofreal time data that helps an insurance company
decide what your risk level is basedon certain data metrics like how abruptly you
stop, how fast you take yourtag mark does yeah, how how fast

you drive down the country roads,or or anything like that. All those
data points can be used to assessyou know, I mean how many liquor
stores you stop buy on the wayhome. I mean, you could just
go down this list and go crazy. But the insurance companies would love that
data because it helps them predict whothe people that are most likely to get

in to accidents and cause planes andto be able to charge them more or
just not ensure them. A dashcam, on the other hand, is
used solely to record what is goingon while you're driving for your use alone,
and so in the event that there'san accident, you have a four
K color video of that event.And so if somebody hops out of the

other car and says you were atfault, I didn't do anything wrong.
You now have a video proof ofexactly what happened and you have the ability
to completely rebut any suggestion that youwere at fault, that's a different I
see. So yeah, that's weird. So, John, do you think

there's ever going to be a timewhere insurance is going to be such that
maybe they will start pricing based onhow much you're actually in that car?
I mean, because really, ifyou think about it, they're trying to
figure that out right now. They'retrying to figure out well, I totally
think that's in the in the onthe horizon, Tom, I mean,

they're they're basing insurance on every othermetric that they can get their hands on
your health data. Every time yougo to your PCT doctor and you sign
the you know, the the authoritythat gives them the ability to just you
know, disseminate all of your privatehealth information. You know, there's a
lot of people that want to gettheir hands on that, and insurance companies
are certainly one of them. Thetopic of today's insurance company is exactly that.

Why why you should never sign arelease for an insurance company to get
your medical records? You know,all right, let's do that. Let's
do that during let's ding do thatduring your spot. I want to take
Frank's comment and then we'll go toyour spot. Frank, go ahead,
what is your comment? Well,I just wanted to say I heard this
on the Kim Commando show where shewas saying that a lot of this information

is being sent to the cloud.And when I bought my truck brand new,
you know, I wasn't I wasn'teven aware of it, and I
wasn't given any option or well,okay, hold on, let me just
hold on. Let me say kindof what John was saying. This might
help you out. So like onHondays, we have something called blue Link,
and if you subscribe to blue Link, you can remotely start your vehicle,

turn the AC on, locket,et cetera. But when you subscribe
to it, I could very wellsomewhere in there when I say yes,
I want it, acknowledge it,they'll sell my data. I think that's
what John was trying to say.Yeah, that that you don't have anything.

And as John said, it mightbe it might be uploaded without consent,
but it can't be used without consent. I mean what he was saying
is for them to distribute that information, they get your consent. But we
have been staying with real quick.My understanding with Tesla is, first of
all, Tesla has got more datathan any other car con company about their

vehicles. They know everything. Sowith my information they gather every second I'm
in that vehicle, they will useit if they're selling me insurance. Tesla
actually has an insurance company or asubsidiary or something, but they will not
sell it to other insurance companies.So there's an idea of how Tesla works.

All right, We have more comingup. Go with a sure thing
Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing dot com. You don't pay a cent until you're
content. Time for an insurance checkupfree no obligation comparison call Compass Insurance paying

too much your coverage at dozens ofinsurance companies find out now three O three
seven to seven to one help.You'll think you're his only customer when you
choose Frank durand the real estate mandot com to list your home with Remax
Alliance three oh three nine two zerosixteen twenty two. Hi Tom Martino here

three oh three seven one three talkseven one three eight two five five.
Welcome to the show. We gotpro Bit Energy with us, and right
now, if you have hell damage, this is a big giant problem with
detaching and reattaching to get your rooffixed and so why is it important because

it could void your solar warranty?Is that right? Mark? Okay,
go ahead, sir, that's correct. You really need to go with the
certified installer like us Probit Energy.Well, detach, work with the roofer.
Once they're done and inspection is approved, we come back and reattach your
system. We work with any systemSonova certified and some Power certified. So

if you have one of those systems, you really should give us a call
to get your detached resect done.Detach and reset. Now on the detach
and reset. What else is involved? Anything at all with calibration or anything
or is it just taking off andputting back. It's basically taken off and
putting back on and making sure thesystem is running exactly like it was before

we got there. Do solar systemsneed regular checkups or not. I was
told they're pretty resilient or not resilient, but dependable and don't take a lot
of calibration or a lot of repairs. It's true in today's day and asia's
apps that can tell you. Butyou know, why on't you get your

thirty thousand dollars car checked out everyfive years? It doesn't hurt to have
it looked at if you're not payingattention to it, or it's out of
sight, out of mind, lookat your app, find out and if
there's an issue, we could probablyhelp you. Okay, And again,
these are one of the few companiesthat do service along with whether they sold
it or not, they can helpyou with your system. There are a

lot I coined the Raised Solar Orphanspeople who have systems and don't know where
to go now. And that's aterrible thing. I mean, I cannot
tell you the number of companies wehave seen come and go over the years.
Yeah, it's been terrible, beenterrible, totally terrible. I don't
even know what you would do ifyou leased your system and the company goes

out of business. Have you seensome of these where people are leasing.
Oh yeah, oh yes, Sowhat happens? I mean, do they
stop to make their payments? Isit an independent finance company or what You're
still paying it? You know?Some power is one recently that his suspended
PPAs and leases. They're not outof business, but their stockfell seventy three
percent the other day, so I'mpretty close to being in trouble. We

can service those systems, but yourservice agreement is with them, and I
don't really know what else to advisepeople, but will help you, will
make it affordable, and you're dealingwith a local company. Now, I
have a question here State Farm.One guy texted me on my Google number

and he said, why do yousay State Farm is not a good insurance
company. That's a fair question becauseI give the bad five the top five.
I'll come back and answer that andmore, because there is a reason
I don't just say things out mybutt like Mark. I'm just kidding.
I don't mean you, Mark.I met Mark, Mark. Mark.

He's so used to me saying stufflike that. One clear choice garage doors
for your garage door needs twenty fourto seven service for emergencies. People say,
how do you have an emergency?Well, you know to come home
at night. Right, you can'tget your door closed. It's midnight.
You don't want to go to bedwith your door open because everything will be
stolen, unfortunately. One clear Choicedoors dot com. What a great company.

They have all of their prices ontheir website. One clear Choice Doors
dot com. Go with a surething Denver's best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.
You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Wait time for an insurance

check up free, no obligation.In comparison, call Compass Insurance paying too
much your coverage at dozens of insurancecompanies find out now three oh three seven
seven to one help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the real estate Man dot comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
oh three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Hi Tom Martino here three O

three seven one three talk three ohthree seven one three eight two five five,
Hey Mark, I got a texthere. I've noticed lately retailers charging
fees when I use my cards,my credit cards, and uh so we've
gone to cash instead. Other peoplesay that's not allowed. Now, what

is the rule on that, Mark. The reason I'm asking Mark is we
put together a company for credit cardSay that again, I missed your question,
please, Yeah, I was justgonna say on a asking Mark,
because we put together a company forcredit card processing with no long term contracts.
No, no, we don't chargefor equipment. Blah blah blah.

We have the best rates in thebiz, and we put it together to
help we call it, we callit what do we call it? Here?
The merchants first, churchens first,that's right, merchants first, because
we also have a consumer's first organization. But merchants first. Now, Mark,
So somebody said they're being charged aconvenience fe or something for the credit

card. What's allowed on that?You can charge pretty much convenience fees.
I don't care what the law reads. The reality is you can they You
might state it as a cash discountinstead of a credit card fee, but
it doesn't matter. People can chargeWell, why is there why are there
so many? We do it?We actually, we have companies we structure

that for once again it becomes acash discount, not a credit card fee.
But it's ultimately the exact same thing. Okay, so how you word
it? In other words, youragreement with the credit card company is that
you won't surcharge, So you're notin Colorado. Other places you can.

In fact, I think in Colorado, I'm not up to the exact laws
right now, but they might haveeven changed. If you drive down to
Colorado Springs, every single gas stationthat has digital signs will have a cash
price and a credit card price pergallon. Okay, so that's the answer
there, Thank you. Now onyou know what I used to do?

I want to say something. Ihad a small business years ago, one
of my first businesses, and Ihad a Wells fargount through my own company.
And what I mean by this is, you know, this time,
I sold computers, and you knowafter we would do all our business leading
up to Christmas. In the beginning, because people, this is early nineties,

people just weren't buying PCs yet.So I had this consumer credit card
attached to my own company. Soif I ever had cash flow issues,
I would swipe my own credit card, pay my own my own credit How
do I put this? I'd swipemy own credit card into my own account
and then I would choose the ninetydays same as cash option. So I

would be operating on their cash flowfor free for ninety days on both parts.
Does that make sense? Yeah,but I didn't know that. That's
weird. Yes, so, Andthere was nothing against doing that, well
I know. I mean I nevergot stopped for it. I bet if
I read the rules, I wasn'tsupposed to do it. But it's just

a way that small businesses. Iput that out. There's hurting on cash
flow. It is a way toget money in there. So explain how
you do it again, slowly forthem, because it was a little complicated,
but I got you go ahead,Okay, I'm going to put it
in a different way with a differentbusiness so it makes more sense. I
owned a bunch of Good Years.You can buy a good Year credit card
or not buy one. You canapply and get a Good Year credit card

to use it any Good Year acrossthe country. You follow me, right,
right? I mean you can getone right now. I still have
one. Yeah, so gotcha.There's a ninety days same as cash option
to use on a ninety on aGood Year credit card, at least back
in the day, and I probablyit's still that way. If the purchase
is over five hundred, you mightget ninety days same as cash. So

let's say you get ninety days sameas cash. I have a good Year
credit card in my name. Ialso own Goodyear stores. I could swipe
it right on my own terminal forfive thousand dollars, choose the ninety days
same as cash option. That fivethousand dollars would be in my bank account
the next day. Oh my,and I wouldn't have to I wouldn't have

to repay it for ninety days withzero percent interest. Now was that?
Did it have to be tied toa purchase when you swipe the five grand?
Yeah, of course it did.But I would just phony up.
I would phoney up a ticket.It didn't matter. Well, no,
it didn't have to be tied toa purchase. Inside my point of sale
system. I would just swipe thecredit card like I swipe a visa and

put in a certain amount of money, five hundred dollars whatever it is.
Okay, You wouldn't put it throughyour point of sale system. It would
be invisible on your books. Itwould just be cash flow coming in until
you're reconciled and did a journal entry. What I thought? I hear?
I hear it? Now? Thinkabout it too. No, there's a

lot of people out there that coulddo that. In fact, I'll give
I don't mind saying this to people. If you have a small business right
now, go ahead, I'm listening. Let's say you have a restaurant and
I don't care. You have arestaurant and you're in a cash flow crunch
and you got payroll coming up.You can grab your credit card or your

wife's credit card, wipe it rightthrough your terminal, and you've got operating
capital. You know, it's nota good position to be in, but
you can do it. Wow.Okay, I said, I was going
to talk about State Farm because thisone guy said, you know, he
texted me wanted to know why doI say State Farm's not a good company.
Let me clarify this, Okay,when I give you the top five,

because I say Farmers, State Farm, All State, Fred Loyer,
and American Family. Now, thenumber one reason I don't like these companies.
First of all, none of themare illegal, I don't think.
I mean, you know, theygive you insurance, they pay claims most
of the time. They give youa little harder time than most. But

one of the reasons that the mainreason I don't like them is because there
are no options. Now, thereare times they will have better rates that
you can get elsewhere, so yougo with them. Nothing wrong with that,
but that agent is captive. Thatagent cannot sell anything else. So

if you want to save money,they can't find something to save you money.
I went one time, I waslooking at someone's insurance and I said,
and I notice that you have thisinsurance for her, and I want
to know, can she get abetter product at a cheaper rate? Oh

no, this is the best inthe market. I said, is it
the best in the market or thebest you have? And it turns out
it was the best they had.It was State Farm, but you could
get elsewhere cheaper now sometimes State Farmall State Farmers. They might beat your
current rate. They may okay,So in that regard, I don't like
the idea that you do not havechoices, so you can go with them.

That's fine when they beat your price, but don't stay with them.
And that's the problem people do.They stay with these companies because they assume
they're getting the best deal. Theother thing I don't like is their emphasis.
And again there's nothing wrong with this, but their emphasis on profits for
shareholders over insurance. They're insured,so they have a vested interest in turning

down claims, and when it comesto turning down claims, they fight the
most. If you talk to roofers, if you talk to people who cover
homes and do repairs, if youtalk to people who fix cars, if
you talk to people in the business, they will tell you these are the
toughest committees to deal with, evenwhen it comes to personal injury. The

toughest companies to deal with when itcomes for them paying liability to others.
So they're just not a great eight. I don't know, they're just not
a great bunch of people. Uh. These captive companies, they're not illegal,
they're not scams, and they dopay claims, but many times the
customer service sucks big time. Andthat's it in a nutshell, really okay?

Uh? Three oh three seven onethree eight two five five. By
the way, waterpros dot net youcan get a whole house system for soft
water, which is a wonderful waterfor cleaning and for your skin and for
your plumbing. All of that youcan get for just around thirty four hundred
bucks fully installed. That's waterpros dotnet. Go with a sure thing Denver's

best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.You don't pay a cent until you're content.
Time for an insurance check up free, No obligation can be Harrison call
Compass Insurance paying too much your coverageat dozens of insurance companies find out now
three oh three seven seven to onehelp. You'll think you're his only customer

when you choose Frank durand the realestate Man dot com to list your home
with Remax Alliance three oh three ninetwo zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom
Martino here three oh three seven onethree talk three oh three seven one three
eight two five five. Welcome tothe show. We're talking about everything you

can when it comes to UH consumerissues. All you have to do is
call, and you can always callthree oh three Martino three oh three six
two seven eight four sixty six.So one of the things I talk about
in solar and I have my solarexpert one of them with me at probid
Energy dot com. We talk aboutthe need to get a professional solar contractor

up there to give the t detachand reattachment of panels and stuff for the
UH forgetting your roof fixed. It'sreally important keep your warranty of the components
alive. Let's talk about REAP.Now, REAP r e a P.
What is it? Do you knowwhat it stands for? Rural Energy Assistance
Program? Now REAP is when theysay rural, they just mean not in

a dense city. You don't evenhave It's not like you have to be
out with the cows. No,no, not at all. You could
have a business in it and hisonly business though, right, yes,
okay, so this is really important. The REAP program is a grant you
don't have to pay back, correct, and you get it in addition to

tax credits. Correct, you couldessentially, in fact, why aren't Okay,
go ahead, tell me what I'mworking on right now. We submitted
to the to REAP. There's essentiallyit's zero zero dollars system. Now,
now here's the deal. If it'szero dollars and they then they get free

electricity, Well, why wouldn't everysingle business do it? They just don't
know about it. There is aprocess to go through which we help you
through. We do the grant writingeverything, we do it for. Yeah,
I mean, so what's considered ruralfor there are business owners listening right
now, saying, first of all, what's the what's the business? Second

of all, what's rural. I'dhave to define that, you know,
through a mapping system and you canlay in your address and it says you
qualify for REAP program. Okay,I'm like I said, it doesn't have
to be out in the prairie.No, I'm doing one in Longmont,
right outside of town. It's abeautiful farm. They raise vegetables and it's

a huge system and a huge opportunityfor them because they can overbuild it as
well to sell back to the gridif it makes it worth it, which
it's tough to do right now,let's excel. They don't pay it back
at a decent rate. But look, you your power in your own farm,
the whole farm, on this wholesolar system, and now alone,
it takes you thousands and thousands ofNow I heard landlords of commercial buildings can

do it. I'm not sure ifthey can do a REAP grant, but
there's a lot of programs out there, Colorado Pace loan where it basically folds
into your taxes, so it transferswith the sale of the building. But
you're still producing all your own energy. Plus you can charge tenants. You
can charge tenants. Yeah, thatthere's some great systems out there. And

right now Excel has an rac ARenewable energy credit about four cents per kilowatt
hour. So what does that mean? So on top of on top of
all the other benefits, what doyou what do you mean? Tax credit?
A thirty percent depreciation. If youcan depreciate your system twenty seven to
twenty five percent, then you getan AREAC A four cents per killowat hour.

That might get you close to azero dollar system without the reap,
without the reap. So there's alot of ways. It's just I think
people are afraid of it. Tolook at it. It's free to look
at it. Call us, callProbate Energy will take care of you.
Now, are any of these availableto residential systems? No, No,

I'm they're really But you can stillget your tax credits, absolutely, tax
credit And there's some other opportunities comingup with a new solar release that we're
gonna do that really really and peopleyou ought to consider on rentals as well,
because you can charge a tenant forelectricity. We're doing a couple of
those right now go with a surething Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot com.

You don't pay a cent until you'recontenth time for an insurance check up
free no obligation comparison call Compass Insurancepaying too much your coverage at dozens of
insurance companies find out now three ohthree seven to seven to one help.
You'll think you're his only customer whenyou choose Frank durand the real estate Man
dot com to list your home withRemax Alliance three oh three nine two zero

sixteen twenty two Ripped Up News.You need advice so you don't have come
running. Just as fast as wecan. Shooter's gonna help coming man,

This is the Troubleshooter Show. NowTom Martino, Hi, Tom Martino here,
Welcome to the show. Three ohthree seven one three talk three oh
three seven one three eight two fivefive. What's on your mind today?
I mean, I hope that youdon't have a lot of problems, but

if you do, you can alwayscall us because we love helping people.
So I'll give you some quick excellenceexcellent. So people, if you're listening,
you can call three oh three Martinoat any time, day or night,
twenty four to seven and leave amessage that's three oh three six two
seven eight four sixty six. Theonly thing Mark's going to have to live

with when I'm going here is thatnumber. It is gonna He's not gonna
be able to say major because it'snot enough letters. So there anyway,
three oh three six two seven eightfour six six, go ahead, O,
my god, I almost clock,remember me, Yeah, hold on,
I almost called you something else.I don't even want to say what

it is. I don't know ifMark heard it, but maybe heard me
slip. But anyway, go ahead, doc, what is happening? Remember
George called up on Friday about hiscar being a jewel and I said I
would, yes, his twenty twoDodge twenty twenty two Dodge pick up right

Dodge raam right. So I wentover to UH to jewel and it was
the wrong one. I didn't knowthere were two, and George didn't know
there were two. There's one UHin Denver by Parker Road, and that's
well which one. He didn't knowwhich one it was at. He didn't
tell me which one was at.So after I went there, I called

him back and he said it wasat the one on Wadsworth. So I
called them up and he said,I called him up to get the number,
and he said, they must haveheard you on the radio because they
told me today that my truck isactive instead of being a shop, it's
actively being repaired. How many timesdoes that happen? Bro? How many

times? What's that? Where wherethey hear it on the show and they
get to h and yeah. Iremember Dominique had a problem with Xcel.
Yeah, so I told her,I said, do me a favor.
This one was where she inter herroommates movement. Oh god, this was
so complicated. Anyway, here's whathappened. They moved into an apartment and

one of the roommates I thought shetransferred her electric bill over to the new
apartment, but she but Excel failedto make the transfer, so they were
paying on the old apartment. Goahead, anyway, So I spoke to
Dominique. I said, look,this is very complicated. What you need
to do is go to one ofthe Excel brick and mortar places and show

them what's going on, because noone's going to listen to it over the
phone. And I said, gopick you know, just go to one
new and she do that. Ididn't know they had brick and more they
still have some, Yeah, theydearly. So I said, look,
go to one near you. Ifthat doesn't work, call me back and
I will go down with you andwe'll get this straightened out because it's so

complicated. Oh, it is complicatedbecause while they're paying on the old apartment,
or the one roommate was paying onthe old apartment, she was collecting
from them for their share of theand it was really the old apartment.
Meanwhile the new apartment was racking upbills that the management company had. Oh
it was terrible, right, terrible. I think it's so much easier to

do it in person. So she'sgoing to get back to me, let
me know what happens, and ifit's complicated, I will of course.
Of course, that's part of partof what we do is help people help
themselves. Right, So let's realquick here. Let's talk to UH.
Do you have another one done?Those two? Okay? Excellent? In
the shoot on the one with theUH that's the one for the body shop

there. That's cool. Hey,Martha, what is going on now?
Had you called us before you wereworking with the Deputy Bow, Is that
right? I did? About threeweeks ago, I had a brand new
LG dishwasher that was leaking. Ohwhat I think? I remember that the

ELG. I thought it wasn't afridge, it was a dishwasher. I'm
sorry, Yeah, it was adishwasher. Okay, got it. I
just had the wrong notes here,I think. So what happened? Well,
Kelly hooked me up with Deputy Bowla week before last and he called
LG's media relations and got me aphoto. They my relations told him they

were on top of it. Itwas handled. He got me a number
I could call him by darn.They called me back and we negotiated for
a full refund. Oh man,that now are you happy about that?
Getting a foot? What are yougoing to get now? You know what,
Tom, They're letting me keep thedishwasher. I'm going to rent it

into the ground. Oh my god. That is so wonderful. But what
about the leak. The leak isstill there. They sent me actually a
gasket. But the problem was isthey use sears A and E as repair
and they never came out to doit. So you're gonna be money ahead.
Here's why you got the dishwasher.You got the refund, Now get

it repaired exactly. Damn, that'swhat I'm gonna do. Gosh, that
is you wouldn't have made that call, man, that is hold on,
we got another one. Then memean, thank you by the way from
calling and letting us know, Bo, that's pretty good work. We're good,
good, good Martha. Yeah,and they appreciate it. Sure.

And then and on top of that, they say you can keep the dishwasher
for goodness sakes. Wow. Nowthree oh three seven one three A two
five five Mark with pro Bid Energy. I was told Mark that if you
source materials in the US, youget a forty percent tax credit, not
just thirty. So some of yoursystems truly would have forty percent tax Absolutely

absolutely. I mean that that's ahuge boost, uh for for residential and
commercial solar. Now let's talk aboutthis. I want to talk about the
landlords. This is something we've neverreally talked about. But the way I
look at it is, if youhave an apartment house, would would that
be considered a commercial system where youcan get all that family? But would

you be able to get that reapon it? No, I don't believe
you can for for Okay, it'snot a rural business. But if you
had let's say a four plex,a duplex, if even any kind of
a rental okay, apartment anything.Yeah, so if you did a system,

you could charge for electrical use.Sure, I mean if you do
that, if you think of well, they might have their own meters.
They may not, but you say, we're going to collapse your meters into
one and we're going to take careof your electrical but something. Yeah,
you're locking in rates. There's nocar answer. Your rates to escalate because

you're producing all your own energy.You throw a couple of huge batteries in
there too. You're powering your homeovernight, or your condo or your apartment
complex, things of that nature.There's a lot of great solutions, but
they do take them upfront. Investmentgoing away. Mark one said, Mark,
are you still did he did hetake off? I was wondering.
He said, if incentives go away, credits, you can kiss goodbye solar

Is. It can be It's canbe tough. Yeah, it'll be tough
because it's tough now and people getincentives. Finance rates are kind of ugly.
But we we've got a new loancoming up that is pretty attractive that
I can't really say too much about. But once we do get that approval,
it might make it again affordable.What do you think the biggest objection

now is to solar? What aresome of the biggest objections you know,
I think some of the biggest objectionsor interest rates are high. So the
tax credit, of course, leavesa balance, and that balance has to
be paid, and if you don'thave cash to pay for that balance,
you got to finance it. Andbut do the interest rates outweigh the savings

in electrical or can you at leastbreak even? If you even broke even,
it would be okay. Yeah,I mean I think you can break
even and people just want, youknow, they want that. And there's
some of those rates running right nowfor solar. Well there's those renew loads,
which are probably the best loans becausethere's no dealer fees or at eight
point seven four it's still out.Are we going to see and this is

an overall question maybe for even myYouTube morons, we ought to put up
a poll, but do you thinkwe're going to see any interest rates that
come down? By the way,I wonder, I wonder well, they
keep threatening that they're going to dropthe basis of what a point or whatever

it is. But till it happens, I don't believe anything anymore on rates.
Now. By the way, Inoticed one of my YouTube morons is
on that and he's I think he'sgetting into renewables and electric effcation or stuff
like that. And we have anotherclient eight eight eight heating dot com.

He says he for people with solar, they a complete electrical package. I
guess part electric furnace and part regularfurnace, and then water heaters and stuff
that can go back and forth.Hybrid heat pumps. Yeah, the hybrid
heating systems are you keep your gasfurnace or get a new Yeah, but
you try to get as much onelectrical when you have electrical yep. And
then you do an electric heat pump. And what you do is you set

up your system so when electricity ismore expensive because it's harder to pull heat
out of the air in the winterwhen it's twenty degrees, it auto switches
to your furnace, so you're savingmoney that way. So it's a great
way to balance the residential system withsolar and heat pump. Hot water heaters,
heat pump, HVAC systems and havinga hybrid system. Now, as

far as Misty goes, she hasa problem with a truck. Misty,
what's happening? So I take mytruck and Mike Shaw on the two day
sixteen Okay, Tuesday, Okay,the sixteenth, we're talking. Okay,
got it all right? Okay?So then I take my truck in.

They don't tell me that they're goingto keep it for three days. All
I want is an oil change anda diagnostic on a lifter kick. Now,
wait a minute, did you askhim how long it was going to
take? No, I should have. That was my battue I And it
was on Tuesday. The what daywas that? Did you say? In
the sixteenth? Got it? Okay? So what happened? So then I

take my truck in to get thediagnostic and the oil change done for the
lifter chick. So I pick upmy truck on Friday, I think it
was, and I go to getin it. I go to start it
and it won't start, but it'skicking like it's a loose connection. So
the guy that was well ticking soundslike your lifter. Now, oh you
said it wouldn't start. You mean, so it was going click click,

Oh, I get it? Okay, got it? Yeah? Yeah,
like it was clicking like it,you know, like a loose connection.
Got it? So I go inthere. So the guy hears it.
The guy who's helping me hears this, and he grabs the another guy to
come over with a jump box.Yeah, jump bus on it. And
then if I lance starts well asmechanics, I would think that if they

didn't bring my truck, my trucknever had an issue starting before, they
would check that, you know,before they left me. Let me leave
the lot. So I go home, I park my truck. Mind you,
we have to rent a car becausethey have our car for three days,
so well turn by the way byjust just to be fair. Three
days nowadays is not unusual for anything. Anyway, go ahead, I get

that. So we run a carwhatever that you know is more money,
but I go. We don't driveit to that day or the next day.
We go, get in it,we drive it to best Buy.
It starts flying and then it dies. We go, we go under a
store, come back out and won'tstart again. So we call it back
my chap. They send a guyover there to come over there to do
the with another jump box. Theguy tells my husband that My husband's like,

I'm pretty sure that the the negativecable is loose, and the guy's
like, oh, it's okay,it doesn't have to be tight or it
just to start, Yes it does, or well, yeah, it would
be optimal. I mean technically ifit's strong enough and it's not tight,
it would. But but anyway,where are we going with this? So

we're sitting there for three years,like out in the middle of nowhere.
They leave my truck there obviously,then they call me and tell me that
they tell us to take it backto this the dealership. The dealership tells
us we were thinking after they leftthere they would come back and meet us
there to get keys or something.Nobody comes back. The whole store is
empty. They're gone till the nextmorning. Well, misty, wait a

second, I guess I lost youhere when you said you picked up your
truck and you needed a jump.Then a few days later you right,
non, few days later, thenext day, oh, the next day,
the next day, hold on right, and then the next day you
needed another jump. As we're comingoutside of the store. Yes, so

we're coming out of the store,right, I get it? And they
came. Did they come and giveyou a jump or not? Three different
people show up there because they can'tget it to start, So they if
they don't believe that it's our battery, to bring it back to the dealership
and they will find out to lookat it and see what's wrong. Oh,
I get it back to the dealership. I got it. Nobody else

returns back to the dealership with us, and the service departments closed. Nobody
comes back there. So here weare stuck with the truck still won't start
again, and stuck out the dealershipwith nobody there. Wait, how did
it get to the dealership? Didthey toe it? They finally yeah,
after the third person. Note theytold us they didn't have toe trucks.

The third person that came and finallyput jumper cables instead of the jump box
on it. And then it started. Oh okay, my thing is their
customer service and their whole thing ofit is is okay, it was something
minor, It was only the batterycable, But they still tried to get
me to buy a brand battery.Didn't they try to make me convince me

that it was my fault that Chuckwouldn't start anymore. So let me ask
you something though. This is thebig question for me, Misty. Did
they loosen your battery cable for anything? Yes? For what? That was
my question? Wait for what?Why? Why? If you went in
for an oil change or for lifterdiagnostic, why would they have touched your

battery? So that's my thing.Well, no, I'm asking. I
mean, in other words, isit possible it wasn't their fault? No,
it's not. They have to takeoff whenever they're doing the diagnostic and
they put the computer on or whateverthey have to have do stuff with the
battery and they have pulled it offto check the claric code is what they

did. Okay, so they didmess with the batteries. What you're saying,
yes, all right, okay,hold on, I'm gonna come back
to you. I want to knowwhat we can do and what you need.
Uh. I get why you're pissedif they mess with the battery cable.
They didn't put it back properly.It was a really inconvenient. Okay,
we got that. We got morecoming up. Go with a sure

thing Denver's Best Roofer Excel roofing dotcom. You don't pay a cent until
you're content. Time for an insurancecheck up free, no obligation. In
comparison, call Compass Insurance paying toomuch your coverage at dozens of insurance companies
find out now three O three sevento seven to one help. You'll think
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to list your home with Remax Alliancethree three nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hey Tom Martino here three oz threeseven one three talk three three seven
one three eight two five five,Welcome to the show. Here to help

you. And Misty was complaining,and I don't blame her, she says.
She takes her truck in now.She was upset anyway because it took
three days to get something done,and you know people are having that problem
all day long. Anyway, shesaid they had to take off a battery
cable. When they put back,they apparently didn't put it on tight,
so it didn't start right away.When she went there, they had to

jump her and instead of tightening thecable, she goes her merry way and
the next day it has to bejumped again, and it goes back to
the dealer and she's just pissed offbecause you know it's fixed now. It
was just a battery cable. Butanyway, misty, what did did they
offer you anything like maybe a giftcertificate for oil change or anything. Nothing.

So my diagnostics that they gave me, if they don't even know that
it still try to sell me astarter out give the fact they still try
to really believe that it was mystarter. Wait wait, wait wait wait
once but once, once they changedout the cable and it worked, what
did they say about stop the cableall? They never changed out the cable,
are not changed but tightened it oncethey tightened it. They never even

I don't know if they tightened.They not to tighten it at the shop
when they weren't back to look atit. But when they called us,
they told us that it was ourstarter, that it wasn't the battery,
and that it still wasn't starting.So they gave us a quote of fifteen
hundred dollars. God, so myhusband told him, no, is my
truck starting right now? To startright now? They told us no,

it would not start. So myhusband said, I will fix that issue.
On my own. Then don't touchmy truck anymore. Good, it's
not the starters. Then what didhe do? What did he do?
Then? A we called Triple A, had Triple A call bring our truck
home. Yeah, as soon asthat truck came off of that truck,
I started it. And we've neverhad a problem since starting it. So

how am I supposed to believe thatthe diagnosicsss? That sucks? It misty,
it's misty that sucks. I mean, if they tried to put you
together for fifteen hundred bucks, thatsucks. Did you let him know that?
Yes? I told him all this, and then I've called the general
manager today to speak to him becausehe was out for the weekend. I
can't get him on the phone.I can't get a return call. I

paid three hundred and twenty something dollarsfor an oil change and a diagnostic,
and now I don't even know ifthe diagnostics correct because they don't know.
They're trying to do me everywhere else. So what am I say? Can
I? Can I ask you somethingreal quick? I need to ask you
something real quick. The diagnostic youwanted on the lifters? Why because it's

kicking so they say that fifteen hundredshave a heimmy kick or whatever. We
just wanted to know if it wasthe lifters or if it was an exhaust
leak, because if it was thelifters or lifters are still covered under a
warranty that is through Mike Shops,I mean from when we bought the truck.
If not, and it's just anexhaust week, we can fix that.
My husband can fix that on it. I got it. What year

is that? What year is that? As a twenty seventeen dollars ram fifteen
hundred? Okay, so you knowshared an auto tech fix? Hey,
you see what you can do?Leave a bad review on it on Yelp.
These dealers are so concerned about badreviews. I just bought a Hyundai

and I must have gotten at leastfour or five different surveys about customer service,
et cetera, and the dealership calledme up several times to make sure
that I filled out the questionnaire andgave them good reviews. So I would
definitely put a bad review for sure. They are really what else do you

want? Miss my money back?Wait? Wait, wait, wha wha
now now now wait a minute.Now we're getting somewhere money back for what
for the diagnostic? How do Iknow that that's even the right diagnostic?
If they weren't a charge me fifteenhundred dollars for a how much of that?
Okay, let's analyze that though,missy. How much of that was

for the diagnostic and how much ofit was for the oil change? Okay,
so they charged me one hundred andten for the oil change. They
gave me a package deal for twooil changes. They didn't rotate my tires
like they were supposed to. Ihad to remind them to do the oil
change after the diagnostics. But howmuch were you charged for the diagnostic?
One and ninety something? One hundredninety eight dollars for the diagnostics? And

what was the result of the diagnosticchange? Hold hold on, I'm getting
fifteen quote? Hey, hey,hold on a second. They the result
of the diagnostic? The lifters?Did they recommend any work? I didn't

hear you before? Go ahead?They just said that they gave me a
fifteen hundred dollars quote and said thatit was an exhaust leak on exhaust menicoles.
Okay, now here, okay,So here's what I suggested. I
got an idea for you, thenI really do. What I would do
is I would go to Sheridan AutoTech and I would say to Kevin,

I was on the show, andI call him and ask him and say
that they told me we had anexhaust leak causing this tick on the lifters
and they quoted me fifteen hundred dollars. Can you verify if there's truly because
if there is an exhaust leak,like you said, you want to deal
with it, but ask them tolook at that because if it is not

accurate and they charge you one hundredand ninety five to tell you a lie
or to quote you, I wouldagree with you. We'll fight to get
your money back. But we don'tknow. It's a bad it's a bad
diagnosis. We don't know that.But so my thing of it is is
that exactly I don't know now,So that's my whole thing. Well,

I know, but we never candemand You can't demand a refund because you
can't demand a refund because you thinkthey gave you a wrong diagnosis. We
got to verify it, right,And that's my only that's my only things.
Like we don't have times of hardright now. You know what I
mean. We don't have another twohundred dollars. Let's ask Kevin. Hold

on, hold on, I wantto ask Kevin how much it'll cost to
verify that or not. Maybe it'snot going to cost that much at all,
So hold on and let's figure thatout. Three zero three seven one
three eight two five five. Gowith a sure thing Denver's best roofer Excel

Roofing dot com. You don't paya cent until you're content. Time for
an insurance check up free, noobligation. In comparison, call Compass Insurance
paying too much your coverage at dozensof insurance companies find out now three all
three seven to seven to one.Help. You'll think you're his only customer
when you choose Frank Durand the realestate Man dot com to list your home

with Remax Alliance three all three ninetwo zero sixteen twenty two. Hi Tom
Martino, your troubleshooter three all threeseven one three talk three all three seven
one three eight two five five.So Mark has a question for pro bid

energy, I'll have him on firstand uncle back to Misty. Go ahead,
Mark, Yes, sir, Yeah, I was just curious as to
how hard it is to sell thetax credit, the large tax credits.
Uh. Oh, you know that'sa good question because people that get tax
credits can't always you use them.Yep, now I know that I'd love

to buy tax credits. To me, it's a no lose situation. If
you know someone has tax credits andyou can buy them, let's say for
eighty cents, why wouldn't you doit? That's a twenty percent savings?
So Mark, what is the realdeal on selling those? I really wish
I had an answer on that.I just don't. I mean, it
sounds like well good to be true. Have you heard of people buying them?

Oh? Absolutely absolutely? In factbringing up a historic But is there
a broker? I mean, we'rewho do you go to to sell them?
And how do you transform? Likeif Mark got him for his system
here he's calling in, how wouldhe transform to me if I wanted to
give him eighty cents on the dollarthat's above my pay? You know what?
You know what we maybe should ask. That's a good question. Mark,

You've heard of selling them though?Right? Yeah? I went through
a brook and I'm getting one.But I'm just I'm scared to death that
I'm wall Wait, wait, socan you use your tax credits or not?
I don't make enough to I'm anowner operator. I don't gross enough
to use that much tax credit.How much credit are you getting? Yeah,

sixty seventy thousand is what would berequired to make it a zero?
And what would you be willing tosell them for? Because you know what,
I am not kidding when I tellyou you'd be a moron not to
buy them if you can get adiscount. I mean, you're not expecting
one hundred percent of it, right, you know you have to discount them,
right? What I understood is Iwould get eighty five percent of it.

Okay, even eighty five percent isbetter than paying one hundred percent,
right, I mean, in otherwords, it's to me, why wouldn't
anyone do it? The only timeI think there would be risk is if
you didn't really get them. Sodid you get them yet? Not yet?
No, it's still undera you know, I think I think you know

this has been brought up enough thatI think we need to actually explore it.
So China's he's a She was notnearly as enthused about tell them is
what I've been told? Now,who wasn't a grant writer, did you

grant? Yeah? What? Yeah? When you said the grant writer,
you're getting a grant, Yeah,I'm applying for the grant and wait,
wait, wait for a commercial Soyou're putting in a commercial system. There's
supposed to be a commercial system.Yes, but the delete grant covers either

you know, I want I understand. You can get the large commercial system
or you can get a smaller system, which I'm kind of leaning towards doing
now because I'm really worried about gettingmy tax credits sold. When after I
spoke to that grant writer, whatcompany are you going through? Red Rocks

and hold on? So when youtalk to red Rocks, what constituted a
commercial system? What do you do? What is it? Well? It
was when I, uh, whenI had first talked to her, and
you know, started she told mehow it would be, she explained to
me. And I don't really amno, No, I'm asking what is

the system going on a home,a building, a factory. What is
it going on? It's ground basedon my property. Are you in a
rural area? Yes? And butwhat classifies it as commercial the fact that
it's on your property in the countrydoesn't necessarily make it commercial. What's trucking?

But is that land? Is isthat area? Do you live where
you're putting the solar system in?Yes? How is it being classified commercial?
Do you know? I don't.I'm sorry, I don't. Okay,
Okay, I don't understand it.But is the grant going through?

Well? Now, that's another thing. I mean, because you got to
compete for these grants and right,yeah, and the oh, you don't
really compete, but there's a there'sonly a certain amount of money. That's
money. Yeah, and the largercompanies come first, the bigger, the
big commercial systems. That that's right, and that's right. But but but

she's been successful, she's been successfulat getting smaller ones done. Right.
What I want to know is whatstage are you in right now? I'm
just waiting on the grant writer toand then to see if I get a
pre do not had it been submittedalready? Yes? Okay, So it

takes about three months to get ananswer back from REAP. But I'm curious.
I'm just curious. And again,you know, I have faith in
these companies in pro Bid Energy here, probit Energy, dot Com and red
Rocks Solar I mean, I havefaith in them, but I'd like to
know how if you were eligible fora commercial system, I can ask.

Yeah, that's I'd like to know. But I would also like to know
how you buy a dang tax credit. Let's explore that. Because we have
another hour to go, I wantto maybe get someone on who can tell
us how to do that, howto buy and sell credits. I'm Tom
Martine. Go with a sure thing, Denver's best roofer Excel roofing dot com.

You don't pay a cent until you'recontent. Time for an insurance check
up free, no obligation. Incomparison, call Compass Insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companiesfind out now three all three seven to
seven to one. Help. You'llthink you're his only customer when you choose
Frank durand the real estate Man dotcom to list your home with Remax Alliance

three all three nine to zero,sixteen twenty two. Hi, Tom Martino,
your troubleshooter did Mark hang on?Okay? As he did? Sorry,
all right, But in any case, we're going to get someone on
to try to talk about the transferfrom the research I see they say there

is a form you have to fillout an IRS form, and then a
purchase contract has to be executed andthen they literally transfer with this form the
tax credits to you. But againI don't know exactly. I think the
form is called fifty six five.Now that's to claim the tax credit,

right, Yeah, you know thereare some clearinghouses that do market the tax
credits. I'm trying to get somesure they take a commission on. I'm
trying to get somebody on the linefor us. I have Mark back o
good r Mark or the other Markar Mark? Okay, Mark, what
I saw you were calling me Mark, and I can pick up what's going
on. Listen. So this guy, there's a lot of Marks on the

show today. So look this freakingmoron who you just talked to and I
know he's listening. You are amoron. I talked to him, Well,
I talked to him like two weeksago. He emailed Helpi Troubleshooter dot
Com saying, hey, I thinkuh I think Brooke in Red Rocks is
screwing me. So you know,I dropped everything I'm doing. I call

him up. Well, it turnsout he went around and called some grant
writer or whatever, which is nobig deal. There's nothing wrong with that.
But then after his conversation, hisassumption is she's screwing him. So
I called up Brooke and I said, what's going on here, Brooke?
And she's like, I have noidea. This guy hasn't called, this

hasn't do anything. So I said, reach out to him and see what
he wants to do. She's triedto reach out three times now. I
just talked to her again in thelast five minutes, and he will not
call her back. She'll let himout of the contract. It doesn't even
matter. Now they've already done workthat they're basically going to have to pay
for, which they already did aboutthirteen grand, which was doing trenching to

lay the electrical line to go towherever they're laying down the solar panels.
But this guy, he's like,under the assumption, for no reason whatsoever,
he's not going to get the grandmoney. That's all I can get
out of him. A hold ongo with a sure thing Denver's Best roofer
Excel roofing dot com. You don'tpay a cent until you're content. Time

for an insurance check up free noobligation comparison call Compass Insurance. Pay too
much your coverage at dozens of insurancecompanies find out now three all three seven
seven to one help. You'll thinkyou're his only customer when you choose Frank
durand the Real Estate Man dot Comto list your home with Remax Alliance three
all three nine two zero sixteen twentytwo. Yea ripped news ned advice who

you don't have Come run anxious asfast as we can. Shooter's gonna help.
Come man, This is the TroubleshooterShow. No Tom Martino, Hey,
Tom Martino here, Welcome to theshow. Three oh three seven one
three talk three all three seven onethree eight two five five. This hour

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dot Com through a three nine zerofour to two thousand. Welcome to the
show, and I want to bringsomething up. We're talking about tax credits.
The actual process for selling tax credits. Do you have an expert that'll

be coming on in a few dayshe couldn't make it, or maybe even
tomorrow and tomorrow or not an emailright now, we're gonna find out.
But that's what he does. Hebrokeers them. So what we're talking about
is this when you put in asolar system. Let's just say you got
fifty grand in tax credits or thirtyor ten or twenty, but you don't
pay taxes, or you pay sosmall of a tax burden that it would

take you years to eat those up. Well, in that case, you
could actually get a media cash byselling them, and you sell them at
a discount. And to me,it's a no brainer, man. I
mean, I swear to you.If I could buy tax credits, and
I know I'm going to have topay tax, why wouldn't I write So
anyway, here's the bottom line.Let's talk to this guy. He called

in originally, and then Mark calledback after he called in. So this
smart called in and said he's he'strying to figure out how to sell tax
credits. He's not sure he canuse them all. In fact, he
knows he can't. He says,there's a seventy thousand dollars tax credit,
but he goes through with this.He's in the process of writing a grant

and he was putting in a solarfarm and I asked him, I said,
is this a commercial system? Hesaid he didn't know. He said
he thought it was, but it'swhere he lives. And I said,
well, how did that happen?And then I guess he said he wasn't
sure, but he was using redRocks by the way, who by the
way, I love I love RedRocks, roof and Solar good people,

and we've had great reviews about them. So he was mentioning that, and
then Mark Major Major, Mark Majorcalled up and said, this guy's a
moron. This guy, you know, basically, he was complaining. He
went out on his own and didsomething, and I didn't understand it completely.

So what I wanted to do ispunt some perspective on this to begin
with, so to be fair,and I want I want this caller Mark
to know I promise you Mark,I will treat you one fairly, Okay.
I want to get a perspective onthis, not from Major Mark Major,
because he was hearing it secondhand,and I don't want to hear it

secondhand. I want to go rightto Brook at Red Rocks and ask her
first and foremost about your system.Then you, by the way, Mark,
we want to get you help,okay, and see what's going on.
So Brooke, if you could justtalk to me for a minute.
Mark is a customer, and bythe way, I didn't get the sense
he was complaining. I truly gotthe sense he was simply asking questions and

he didn't have a lot of answers. So Brooke, could you explain Mark's
system? Is it a commercial system? Yeah? Absolutely so it is.
We are applying for the REEF grant, which is ties to here arms or
slash ad or commercial projects. Sohe has a business and ll F and

so that's how it's qualifying as abusiness aspect. We are intelling this project
as a ground mount. It's notgoing on his residential home. So again
that allows him to utilize the greenand utilize it as a commercial project because
it's not on his residence and hisLLC business is tied to that address.

And what kind of an LLC businessis it? Is it just to get
this grant or is it for somethingelse? No, it's been functioning for
a while. I spoke with hisaccountants prior to him signing the contract a
few times to make sure that allof this made sense and worked out for
him. So from my understanding,the accountant was working with him on his
personal as well as his business taxcredits. So okay. And so he

was going to get this he wasgoing to get this system paid for and
was he going to sell some ofit back to the grid. So he
wanted to install as big of asystem as possible because there's no downfall to
doing that with the grants. Sowe're installing a twenty five point eight kilowatt

system I believe is what the contractsays. I don't have a contract in
front of me. I apologize,but it's a pretty good size system.
It's not a solar field, buthe would be overproducing depending on what his
power is. He hasn't lived atthe property, so there is no historical
data, so we're unsure what he'llmake off of it, but he will
make some unless he utilizes all thatpower. Okay, And then now I

want him to explain what his concernswere. So let's go to Mark the
solar mark up here. Hey Mark, okay, Now I understand what you're
doing, So now what are yourconcerns? Go ahead, sir? Okay,
Hi Brooke, if you're listening,uh, don't listen to Mark Major.

I mean I was. I justcalled in to ask a question on
how I know you did it.I know you did. Go ahead,
sir, go ahead to sell.So when I talked to the grant writer,
she had some things to say thatcan brought concern because she was like,
this is going to be a sixtysix year loan and and she told

me, and that's what I waswhen I wrote in on the email.
I was trying to get like auh you know, somebody that didn't have
a dog in the fight. No, I met Mark, Mark, Mark,
listen, I promise you. Idon't have a dog. I promise
you, I don't. I likeBrooke and she's a sponsor, but I

listen, I will find out exactlywhat you are Tom. What's that to
work? She's okay, I didn'twork with her, but I will.
I will get you independent information ifyou want me to. Okay, But
but I need to ask you somethingwhat I don't understand what it is that
the grant writer was trying to explainto me. And that's why I was
trying to good help. I wantto know too, buddy, who could

who you know? But hold on, Mark, when you one thing at
a time, Mark, Mark,one thing at a time. You mentioned
the grant writer told you that it'snot really a grant, but it's a
sixty six year loan. Well,that's what my obligation would be because I'm

not going to be able to shewas explaining to me that, and I
don't understand what she was talking about. I'm sorry, but I won't be
able to get the system fully paidfor and when I told her, well
that Brooke had told me that shecan sell my my credits and would pay

that back. She was very concernedthat that doesn't work very well. Well,
okay, everything I'm reading says itworks one hundred percent to say you
can sell to credits all day long, everything I'm reading, So I guess,
but I want to ask Brook toexplain a few things. What is

the Brook, What is the thesixty six year obligation he's talking about.
To be honest with you, I'munsure. And so what I did after
hearing this concern is I started havingone of my staff, with the individual
doing the grant as well as ourgrant writer, to all sit in together

to make sure there wasn't any confusion, because it sounds like there's some confusion
going on here. So again Isat down with Mark and his account and
we knew his tax liability wasn't high. So over the next six years,
I modified when he would be ableto recoup the tax credits and the depreciation
and the other benefits because we knewit was going to be a small amount

throughout the next six years, butthat he would recoup all of that value
within six years. Marty is afantastic grant writer, she's the best in
the but she's not an accountant,and she's only looking at part of the
picture. So that's probably where thedisconnect happened, if she's only looking at
a small snippet of financials. WhereasMark, please tell me, how long

have you been working with your accountit. Well, I've known James for
years and years. But hey,yeah, he didn't quite understand how this
was all going to piece together either, you mean, hold on, he
didn't understand which part of it thegrant, the depreciation or the tax credits,

which part How how I would regainthe Okay, so it's one hundred
and thirty one thousand dollars system,how I would get that paid for?
If I don't qualify for that much? Okay, Okay, hold on,
hold on, one thing at atime, first and foremost. On that

system, you would get tax credits. And if you don't qualify, if
you're not going to use tax credcredits to use your tax credits, as
Brook said, over the next sixor seven years, then what you would
do is sell them. And whatI heard the going market is about eighty
five percent. You would get ofthose tax credits. Now a Brook,

you can correct me on that ifyou want. But so after that there's
depreciation. But if you're in atax bracket Brook, that isn't high enough,
depreciation doesn't do you any good either. Sure, so he has a
tax liability give or take of everyyear between eleven and twenty thousand and so

that's what jas is what I thinkis feasible for for this tax liability this
year based on his history. Sothat's the part that we were working on
to make sure that he would recoveall the value within six years and James,
myself and Mark agree to that.Now, if you will sell the
tax credits, you can't gain thatdepreciation. And if he does an equity

partnership, then that equity partner cangain the depreciation and write the check to
Mark as well. So there's acouple of different ways that you can skin
a cat in this instance. Andthe first part, though, gets the
grants. If a grant gets awarded, then that's fifty percent of his system.
Then we can figure out the otherpieces because he still has the option

to get out of the contract ifhe doesn't get the grant or if the
tax part of it doesn't work outin his favor, But the biggest thing
is getting the grant approved before September, and then we can kind of do
next steps on how he wants towork out the rest of the system.
So Mark, what she's saying is, Mark, what she's saying is if
it doesn't work out where it's notthe economic picture you want, you can

get out of it. Yeah.I'm in the game to squeeze people out
of money or to do things right. No, I know that. I
know that, Brooke, I knowthat. I'm so. I was just
concerned that maybe there was a misunderstandingbetween you and the Brook and the because
she told me some things that andI was like, well that didn't really

square up. Now I'm not Look, I'm I want the system. I'm
I'm I'm happy with everybody you sentout to the property and you know,
and you guys have taken really goodcare of answering my questions. I was
trying to get some outside information soI could compare what you know everyone's telling
me. And and and when Marksaid, Mark Major said that I went

out behind everybody's back and called agrant writer. That's that's not true,
Brooke, and Pamela set the meetingup for me. Okay, hold on
and hold on, I want tolisten. I want to just make sure
you get the information you need.And I'm going to go back to Mark
anyway, because he wanted to saysomething. But let me just say that

quickly, you called in to findout about selling tax credits, and also
you had a question, rightly soabout the grant. But I want to
did she insinuate the grant writer thatthe grant is an obligation. It's hard

to explain what she said. Shesaid, I was because I put such
a large down payment I wasn't goingto get because Brooke told me I was
going to get like a sixty fivethousand dollars check from the grant when the
system was installed and approved and thenthey would write me that check. And
I had mentioned that to the grantwriter. She said, well, you're

not You're only going to get Idon't know fifty eight or whatever it was
that she told me. And youknow, these numbers are just off the
top of my head. And thenwhen did you say you'd get the rest
of it? That would be allI got from the grant from the because
it had something to do with theamount of money I put down thirteen thousand
dollars and so, okay, okay, this is this is clearly okay,

fine at least now I know though, that you're in the process with an
out clause. But Brooke, doyou understand why. I'm just curious why
a grant writer would even talk aboutthe actual whole deal when they're only concerned
about the grant part of it.I'm confused about that. Well, so
the grant entitled every aspect of theproject, so they got to know that

whoever's the grantee can come up withthe funds either have to finance the funds
or they have to have it intheir accounts. So that's probably why she
was talking about the loans. Andthen they always have to write kind of
worst case scenario for the grant.So let's say that Mark doesn't get any
of his tax credits, so there'sa couple issues that go down the road

or anything like that. That's probablywhat she was trying to go through because
that's how she's going to write thegrant. Because again, when you're writing
grant, it's a pretty lengthy process. It takes about two to two and
a half months for her to publishit true, and so again I would
assume what she's chatting about is worstcase scenario. Now, if for some
reason all of the folks doing thisgrant don't get the full fifty percent covered,

that's what's written in the contract.So then I have to come up
with a difference. And that's howI feel for me to do. So
what's to work with whatever needs tohappen on this project? Mark, I
just wish that maybe having conversations withus, we could have given you all
this information to say, here's alength to look at this reason and Mark
Major. I want to bring MarkMajor up because Mark Major said he told

them all of this. I guessMark, go ahead, Mark, I
got to take a break, butgo ahead. Start coming from my ears,
every bit of this. I hadthis same conversation with So I want
to read you something that I receivedon July ninth. So I had talking
almost two weeks ago. Here's whatstarts off, and it's for Mark and
I'm not even going to say hislast name. It starts off Hi.

I thought i'd let you know BrookeWhite appears to not be a straight shooter.
Then it goes on to condemn her, and this guy's so full of
crap. I called him immediately,And for people listening to the show on
referral lists dot com, if they'rea sponsor or, an endorsement or on
referral list, I call immediately onany problems. Yes you do, I

guess you do. Mark, Whatthe hell's going on? This is crazy?
And he starts talking to me aboutsome third party that told him he
might not get something, and I'mlike, whoa, what are you even
talking about? Mark? I mean, what do you want me to do?
Do you want me to call Brookback and have her canceled the deal?
Do you want me to do this? What are you looking for?
He goes, I don't know.I don't understand, And I said,

well, if you don't understand,why are you starting off with Brooke White
appears not to be a straight shooter. And then when the conversation finally ended,
I thought everything was solved. Ireally did. Then I'm leaving today
and I hear him on the phonelike like he might talk to something called
in and asked I just called inand asked how hard it is to sell

a tax credit? That's all Idid, Mark, Yeah, that's what
he did. Okay, Mark,I still don't understand. I'll tell you
right now, if you want outof the deal, Brook's going to let
you out. I don't even knowwhy he didn't say he wanted out.
He would, Yeah, let himchoose, just go bad. No,
I can play the tape. Hewas talking about grant money and possibly not
getting it in this conversation before Icalled in, So don't act like it

was just about tax credits. Iheard it. I'm not anyway. I'm
asking questions, he talked, Okay, more and Mark and Mark, you're
you're You're welcome to ask questions.I get it, I get it,
and and this is a big purchase. I gotta take this break, no
matter what go ahead were dragging.We got to do it. Go with

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your home with Remax Alliance three allthree nine two zero sixteen twenty two.
Hi Tom Martino here, Welcome tothe show. Three h three seven one
three talk seven one three eight twofive five. Mark has a plumbing question.
Another Mark. We've had so manymarks today, so anyway, go
ahead, Mark. Yeah, Ihave a house that's built on a slab.

Yeah, and uh the leak isunderneath it. Uh. Oh and
I've I've confirmed that that that's thegeneral location. My wife, Now,
what kind of leak is it?Do you know? Is it fresh water?
It's yeah, on the water systemDenver water is there. So it's

your main, it's your main comingin. No, it's it's not the
main coming in because uh, Iturned the valve. The valve at the
house. So everything's good up tothere. Okay, I shut up all
the all the Now let me askyou this. When and how did they
plumb the house. You have amain coming up to the house, you

turned it off and nothing is leaking. So from then it goes from your
meter into the house. Does itwas it all buried in concrete? Uh,
it's buried under concrete. They whenyou say under concrete. Okay,
got it, but it's not inthe concrete, correct, Okay, go

ahead, keep going. So nowwhat So now, I would wanted to
get a plumbing company that you thinkthat you have on your list there,
that you think can come and helpme out with that, because first thing
I do, I gotta know wherethe leak is and then we're right get
it repaired. Now, as faras finding the leak, I'm not sure

I have someone. Now I havegreat plumbing companies, but I'm really not
sure I have someone who can pinpointa leak like that. There are companies.
I don't know how they do it, but there are companies that do
that. I don't know how theydo it. I think they they they
have to go inside the pipe,but I'm not sure. They're leak detection

services actually, and that's not thename of the company, that's the name
of the genre. They're leak detectioncompanies. And I don't think we have
anyone on the referral list. Sothere's two parts to this. One is
finding the leak and then the otherone is fixing it. Now, fixing
it. Let me tell you thedanger you have with fixing it. Okay,

if you find a company, alegit company, good companies like Plumbline,
like Brothers, like fix It twentyfour to seven, like any of
them. If you find a goodlegit company, it's going to cost you
a crap load of money, okay, because they sub out what they don't

do and they have to be responsiblefor it, so there's a markup on
what they don't do. They're goingto have to find people the jackhammer to
the slab in that area to excavateit out, to do all of this
work. Okay. What I'm sayingis it's expensive as hell. All right,
Now, this slab is in abasement or is it on your main

level? It's the house built ona slab, so it's just underneath the
concrete. No, I get it. But what I'm what I'm asking is
this. There are houses built ona slab, but they have kind of
like an elevation and then a firstfloor. But this is your first floor,
right correct? Okay, well,then you're going to have all the

cosmetics. What if it's right smackdab in the middle of your kitchen,
so gotta get it fixed. Yeah, but if there might be I'm going
to tell you something. You maynot want to hear, but it might
be more advantageous to vacate the pipeand reroute it, depending on where it

is and which if it only goesto one line. Like, I don't
know how your house is plumbed.Do you have a plumbing plan of that
house? No? This house isbuilt back in nineteen fifty four. Okay,
so you don't have any You don'thave any idea where the pipes go

under that slab? Well, Ikind of do because of the way it's
only out a bathroom and a kitchenthat there's water too. Okay, Okay,
Now is there a way to isolateIs there a way to isolate either
of those lines underneath the sinks?Uh? Not? Well, h I

have shut off elves on all theall the lines that come up on the
thing, just like any Here's whatI'm getting Here's what I'm getting at.
If there are people smarter than methat do this for a living, and
they'll figure it out. But ifit's if you go from your main and
offshoot to the kitchen and offshoot tothe bathroom. If that's the way it

works, and one of those freshwater lines is leaking, sometimes rather than
trying to fix that line. It'sit might be better to literally do some
pecks and and try to just goin another way to get to your bathroom

or kitchen. It might be betterthat way rather than trying to just jackhammer
the whole damn thing. I mean, you could have one hell of a
mess on your hand with with PEXplumbing, you might be able to get
it routed to the kitchen or bathin another way. I'm not saying you
can, but there are all kindsof creative things you can do with the

new technology. Again, it's gonnano matter what, just trying to figure
this out, the detection and diagnosisis gonna cost you some money. Hold
on, let me see if wecan recommend someone. Hold On, go
with a sure thing Denver's Best rooferExcel Roofing dot com. You don't pay
a cent until you're content. Timefor an insurance checkup free, no obligation.

In comparison, call Compass Insurance.Pay too much your coverage at dozens
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help. You'll think you're his onlycustomer when you choose Frank Rand the Real
estate Man dot com to list yourhome with Remax Alliance three all three nine
two zero sixteen twenty two. HiTom Martino, you're troubleshooter three all three

seven one three talk seven one threeeight two five five. Now here's the
deal. We uh need to talkto Mark about this plumbing question. And
he said he has the underground leak. Now, Mark, I looked online

here. Okay, I'm gonna tellyou that we don't have anyone that specifically
does groundwater leak detection. Okay,I'm gonna tell you that, but there
are companies that do just that,okay. And what you really want to
do is find someone who does that. That's that's step one. Then getting

it repaired, you're gonna have togo to a plumbing contractor like a plumb
line or fix it twenty four toseven. And I bring up I'll bring
up others. I mean, youhave Master Services, you have a number,
you have eight eight eight heating dotCom, you have a number of
companies and get bits because it's goingto be expensive. But pinpointing it is

the first thing you want to do. Are you there, sir, Yeah,
I'm here. So it's the detectionpart I want to do first.
Now, let me. I'm lookinghere on leaked detec detection, and even
though they all say they kind ofdo it, they really don't specialize in

it. They don't, not inthe ground, not in what you're talking
about. There are some companies thatliterally like that's what they do. They
do just leak detection, and you'rejust gonna have to google it. Bro.
I just don't have anyone I cantell you offhand. But there are
companies that's all they do, andthey have really good they have really good

ways of doing it. And thenafter that then you can contract to have
a pinpoint kind of repair done.But man, is it going to be
a mess because they're going inside yourmain floor to dig down through concrete.
Think about that. I mean,now, there are some other there are

some other ways. Plumb Line doespipe, they do something. They do
it with drains. I'm not surethey can do a fresh water line where
they pull a fresh water line throughdirt underneath, but I don't know.
I don't know. Excuse me.They do it with sewer lines. I
don't know if they can do itwith fresh water lines, but it's going

to take some research on it.How bad is the leake? Do you
know, not really, I canonly to make kind of from the UH
meter, you know. Okay,you know, go on the internet and
do I did groundwater leak detection.Okay, that's what you want, because

that's what it's called ground ground plumbingleak detection, ground plumbing leak detection.
And then once you kind of located, I'll help you find someone to do
it, but you you need toyou need to locate it first, all
right, all right, and theyhave special ways of doing it, they
really do. Three oh three sevento one three talk Nina or is it

Nina? Nina your mom's estate.We're gonna try to answer that question for
you right after this if you canhang okay, because I got behind because
of that that controversy. You'll callwith all the marks so we got more
coming right up. Go with asure thing Denver's Best roofer Excel Roofing dot
com. You don't pay a centuntil you're content. Time for an insurance

checkup free, no obligation. Incomparison, call Compass insurance paying too much
your coverage at dozens of insurance companiesfind out now three all three seven seven
to one help. You'll think you'rehis only customer when you choose Frank durand
the real estate man dot com tolist your home with Remax Alliance three oh
three nine two zero sixteen twenty two. Nina. But Mark, you guys

do the rep grants right and it'san absolutely Uh, you do it right?
Yes, absolutely, and you canhelp commercial operators too, absolutely.
Probinenergy dot Com three O three sixtwo three fifteen thirty one. Uh,
Nina. What is going on withyour mom's estate? Nina? What's happening?
Well, my mom was ninety threeand she passed away last December,

and I discovered that she had hadher will changed six months prior to her
death. She was ninety three,elderly, some dementia going on, and
her entire estate was turned over toa person who none of the family has

ever heard of. Oh you knowthat sounds that stinks of that really stinks
of something fishy. And did thatperson get everything already or not? We're
in probate right now. But theycame and stole my mom's nineteen sixty one
Classic Corvette out of her garage.Now, wait a minute, did they

steal it or was it in thewill? The content it was in my
mom's garage. She did not delignatespecifically the corvette. Who is this person
that took who are these people?Who are they? Was it a caretaker?

It was a relation to the lawyerwho wrote up the will. Well,
that's ridiculous. Did you wait aminute, have you gone to the
Supreme Court Oversight Committee about this attorney? I don't know where to go.
Wait a minute, Nina, thisis this is unbelievable. We're going to

continue this. Let me get thisstraight. Your ninety three year old mom
dies and someone who's a relative ofthe attorney that did the will stands to
inherit everything. Yes, oh no, no, no, no, this
sucks you hang on, uh Kaschina, Let's get her on. This is
ridiculous. Let's start her off tomorrow. See you, guys,

The Troubleshooter News

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