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We talking about it earlier on theshow. The fact that OSU is they're
making plans for protests during the graduationon Sunday. They're stepping up security plans
ahead of graduation. Higher State notconsidering counseling commencement at this time. They'll
adjust staffing and public safety plans ifneeded, and they're looking forward to celebrating
with the graduates and their families onSunday for the commencement there at OSU.
Mike has been on a whole longtime. Hey, Mike, welcome to
the show. Thanks for waiting,brother, thanks for having me. Guys
love your show. Just a commentabout Sunday. My daughter is a senior
at Ohio State and we'll be graduating, so we are really looking forward to
this, and if something happened andthey didn't have it, it would be
so devastating for her because of thehard work she's put in, not only
this year, but she got screwedfour years ago in high school because of
COVID. She didn't have a graduationceremony then unbelievable. So would that be
for these seniors if they could nothave their graduation twice? That would be
heartbreaking devastating, no question about that. And man, I hope and pray
because how many stories are like yourswith regard to not necessarily just OSU,
but other universities who were in thatsame predicament who had to deal with COVID
And then you know, gosh,I mean, there's going to be a
lot of Yeah, so many thatis the same story, and unfortunately we're
going to see stupid stuff happen,hopefully not on Sunday. But I would
plan or have some sort of youknow, Plan B or whatever, just
to just in other words, don'tcall, which I don't know for whatever
reason. It's kind of striking meas you're not the kind of guy that
would not have some sort of athought about something secondary. But you hope
and pray that they've put enough forwardthinking into this that they would somehow be
able to keep these people at bay, because they're going to attempt, I
would imagine, to disrupt this onSunday, because they are going to get
the widest exposure, as it wouldbe not only disrupting just you know,
a Sunday afternoon in Columbus, butan actual commencement at the Ohio State University
too. Yeah, just be horrible. I feel so bad for her.
She's worked so hard and so ofthese other kids have to and she's basically
paid her whole way herself. Well, congratulations on this, Mike, what
an incredible feat. It is reallyreally an honor to have an Ohio State
diploma. Really is that goes along way in this world. It really
does. Yep. Well, thanksfor taking my call out. Yeah for
sure, Mike. Thanks thanks forwaiting all that time. I know you've
been on a whole while. Hey, Dave, welcome to the show.
Yeah, I'm in the same boatas as Mike, or I should say
my daughter is. Yeah, she'sgraduated most Sunday also, same deal.
Didn't have the graduation from high school, and she's not happy because she says
there's a good possibility that it willbe canceled because they are expecting issues down
there. And I'm just I'm I'mone of those people. I'm set up
if if the city and the universitycan't get this under control to the point
they can't hold a graduation. I'vegot eighty thousand dollars invested in her education
at no issue. I want mymoney back. I tell you. The
one good thing that's going to comeout of all of this is we have
to understand we're dealing with a psychologicallymentally deranged minority of students on campus that
are involved in this kind of crap. I understand it. Hold on,
let me finish one. Let's letme finish my point real quick, and
the forums yours. What this isgoing to do is you have these normal,
average college kids who are just tryingto get an education, trying to
get out in the workforce, etcetera, and the fact that their lives
are being disrupted, destroyed by thesepunks. You are going to have a
new generation of conservatives coming out ofcollege. I promise you this. This
has opened the eyes of so manykids who do you know, they hear
like, oh well you know this, that and the other. Now they
see it in action. That's theone benefit I'm going to take out of
all this, Dave, is thatwe're going to get a new generation of
conservative minded kids who are tired ofthe crap from these losers. Oh yeah,
no doubt. And what I wantto just when I say I want
my money back, I don't somuch want the money for myself. My
daughter is going to get that moneyor the other, because if they can't
allow her to walk across that stageafter all the hard work she's put in,
she deserves that diploma, She deservesto get that money. You've got
that, right, Dad. I'llbe on and if I got any of
these little pomdcasts decide if they wantto start something in front of me,
I'm gonna bust their head in.Good for you, Dave, Yeah yourself,
Man, just be so careful.And I don't know if you've been
watching any of this stuff, butman, I know there's so many people
that feel like you, Dave,that are like, you know, they
have had it with these sniveling littleidiots. And then you got the professional
protesters who are being funded by someonequite frankly, and you want to do
that. I don't know if youwatch any of this footage, the incredible
restraint we have seen from law enforcementand you know, go around the country.
I don't know if you saw anyof the UCLA stuff. I am
still in shock that we have seenthe restraint they exercise there. This morning,
they're live on TV hours of footagewhere they're dismantling this barricade that these
idiots were behind. While all thewhile they're having uh you know, a
firey singwichers, you know, shotat them and people throwing stuff at I
mean, it was unbelievable to watchall of that because I'm just I'm proud
as a law enforcement you know,we bleed blue on this show, and
we're a thin blue line, andto watch them do that an exercise restraint,
it makes me so proud to flythe blue flag, if you will,
for law enforcement. Yeah. Youknow, I have no problem with
somebody protesting. That's their constitutional right. Yep, I fought for it.
I'm gonna say, ah, that'syour right. The second you start becoming
violent, I'm sorry, you're gonnaget met with violence. That's the only
way to put a stop to it. Yeah, and let's not let's let's
start. Yeah, and let's notlose fact to something right now. When
you are when you are occupying area, is that you aren't being told you
have to leave. You are notno longer protesting. You are now committing
engaged in criminal behavior. And youshould get your ass pepper sprayed and dragged
off to jail. Period. Andthe story no doubt. And you know
what if all these people are paidprotesters. Somebody's paying them, most likely
sorrows. Yep, that's George him. Let him. Let him pay for
their medical insurance. Also, whynot, he's paying for their you know,
he's paying for their all the allof the things they've used to create
barricades. The ply would that's notcheap. And we're watching they have tools
and screws and zip ties and it'sjust like they're incredibly organized. This is
crazy. The other thing too,Dave, to remember back here closer to
home with you guys on Sunday.God love you guys for uh for doing
this and going down there and beingpart of this. What a what a
proud day it must be for you, Dave, with your daughter graduating.
I think President Carter, we gota new sheriff in town. I think
it's gonna be I think everything's gonnabe okay, so to speak. That
there's gonna be people trying to disrupt, but I feel like he's going to
be in cahoots with the law enforcementthat we need in place to hold these
people at bay. And while they'regonna attempt to do this, I think
it's gonna end up happening. Solet's hope and pray that she gets to
walk across that stage, man,because she earned it, no question.
Yeah, I hope so. Becauseshe's she's graduating Matt at cem Laude.
She's she's worked her butt off andshe deserves and you got to be proud.
That's awesome, Dave, That's awesome, very proud. Thanks for listening,
brother, We appreciate you. Goodluck, good luck. Thanks man.
I'll tell you one other thing,man, is you want to talk
about start contrast? And here heis, after he spent his tenth day
in a kangaroo court with this faithphony garbage trial in New York. He
leaves the courthouse. Where did DonaldTrump? Just goes on Fox Live.
He went to a fire station,started holding court. It was awesome.
No, just now he was locked. He left, He left the courtroom,
went to a fire station and wastalking and greeting the cops and the
firefighters. Now that's the difference betweenand meanwhile, Joe Biden is probably taking
a nap as we speak, orso the Purdy passed his bedtime. I
mean it is five point fifteen onthe East coast. Hey, Mick,
welcome to the show. Longtime mccaller, first time listener to see what he
did there. I like that helseAlice Shuton. I was reading comparing these
riots to January six And if he'scompared it to January sixth, and they're
locking up the people from January sixth, why can't we lock these guys up
under the same padding circumstances because theydid the Republican Because sixty year old women
walking in between the velvet ropes inthe Capitol taking pictures, that's dangerous.
Twenty year olds with twenty year oldswith you know, glass bottles and rocks.
No, they're fine, they're they'reno threatening. Yeah. The other
thing is if they're throwing pros andbottles of water, how are they freezing
them? Man? What's going on? They got a solder powered freezer there?
Nope, they're they're they're they're truckingthem in. It's all organized.
You set up base somewhere where youhave electricity and and like kind of like
your ear there, you're HQ.Right, you set up inside and I'm
building somewhere and you go down tothe protests. That's that's how they they're
supporting them us. I should setup their HQ inside a hospital. I
am one hundred percent. They oughtto go to the heart of Gossen set
up HQ. I'd like to seethat. Hey, Micky, you bring
up some you bring up a greatpoint there, and uh well, once
again, Al Sharpton starts flapping hisgums and he hadn't put any thought into
it, because yeah, people arejust dismantling him now, which I mean,
that's really unlike him to say somethingthat, you know, people are
just dismantling. Yep, I gota dumb Joe Choria. Where do you
find a cow with no legs?Nice? Mick, thank you. I
just you never know where some ofthese jokes came. I got a finger
on the dump, but I wasready. I was ready. You're right,
you never know exactly where they're going. I love our listeners, but
man, sometimes you did, theydon't. They're not going to suffer the
consequences of fcc LL. All right, we'll be all right. We got
the dump button on our side.Boots just sent me a text and he's
like, my daughter's graduating from OhioState on Sunday. First of all,
congrats, dude, that's really amazing, So good for you, and you
got to be proud Papa Man.Good for you. But I have a
feeling with President Carter. It isa it's just gonna be a little di
I that's my prediction. I feellike it's gonna go off Sunday again.
There may be some disruptions, butI don't think they're gonna end up calling
it off. And good for himto not, you know, kind of
bow to them at this point andgo, oh, we're too scared.
We're just gonna know. Hey,Pam, how are you welcome? Hi?
Good? How are you? Hey? Good? Thank you? So
what you got? Well, I'mjust thinking that maybe we should just ship
them all the goazam. Yeah,let them go over there and uh and
and protest or or do their stuffthere. For sure, That's what I'm
thinking. Yes, thanks, that'sall I have. Yeah, thanks,
thanks, ma'am. Yeah, Imean, great point, you know.
And chickens for KFC as we callit.