All Episodes

April 12, 2024 34 mins
Watch Sherri Shepherd's daytime talk show, Sherri, airs weekdays at 12pm PT on FOX! 
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Episode Transcript

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She's a queen of daytime talk.She has a baton and she's not afraid
to use it. Erry Shepherd.We're celebrating and encouraging the vital role of
women in American history. So Ilove this moment so much because a lot
of times people will say on thephone, oh, I'll come in when
I'm in town, or you knowwhatever, and then it's just like something

to say. It's words filling theair. But Cherry Shepherd, you said
it, and you are here andwe love you. Thank you for saying
no. But I always listen toyou, Like I've lived in la for
so long, So are you stillthe voice of the Grammys? I do
it every once in a while.I do like packages and stuff like that.
Oh correct, because I liked allthe specials. I just always listen
to you. And I'm always likewhen I would drive and I would drive

with Jeffrey, like we would hearyour voice. So it's very it's just
very cool to be here and likelooking at you, Oh my god,
it's so good. You have areally great voice, but you're so much
more beautiful than your voice. Likeit's really, Cherry Shepherd be here.
There's a reason why everybody they callher the feel good TV man. Good
you really do, thankful to bewell, thank you for having me?

Well my god. Okay, socongrats on season three. We got renewed.
Yes, season three. But youact like you're surprised. Was that
kind of your your Like you're you'rehumble, So is that just part of
who you are? It's like,yeah, something good happens, You're like,
I can't believe it. Yeah.I choose to go that way because,
you know, because then it's Iappreciate it so much more like and

I guess I've been in this business, as you know, you're in the
business so long, you're so usedto disappointments and knows that you're used to
Well, if it doesn't go,I've been through it before, so I
didn't. I didn't have my hopes, so so I I just go,
I take it for what it is, and I'm so thankful to be here
in the present. And you know, if it didn't get picked up,

I go, I go back tobeing an actress, stand up comic.
But it did get picked up,and it's like, oh, I get
to live this dream another season.So it's it means more to me I
guess than if I went, yeah, we're gonna get picked up, and
if we don't, yeah, andI know, it's a different kind of
attitude. So I choose just beover on the other side of Oh my
gosh, you get picked up.Do you think that makes any sense,
Sherry, comes from your comedy background, because I think comics tend to sort

of lean toward that. We're morein the pessimists. Yeah, because we're
so used to, you know,and I don't know if it's just comics.
Being in this business, you're soused to people telling you things and
it doesn't happen. And I've beenthis has been a dream for so long.
It's almost like, is this realkind of thing? So even and

you know, when you go onauditions, I do it and people go,
how is that audition? I don'tknow. I did it. I
let it go. So if Iget it, it's such a surprise.
That's just that's a great way tolive. How many auditions have we had
for your voiceovers? Oh my gosh, I mean a million, just a
million voices auditions. I almost gotPampers, But okay, on a level,

Sherry, it was because I wouldhave been passing it Pampers, you
could wear Pampers for babies. That'dbeen my jam boy. It was one
line. It was Pampers Live PlayLove. I mean it was like Pampers
Live play and I love in mypampers. Why are you telling me about

that, Yellen? It was fourcallbacks. It would have been big money,
girl, and they gave you themdiapers. For get the money.
You got free diapers at this agethat's still coming hands. Oh my god,

Sherry, you haven't seen each otherin person since the reduction. You
look amazing. Thank you. Thisis the body you must just feel so
comfortable. And there's there's you knowtoday, Yellen like like, we've been
on hiatus for two weeks. That'swhy I like working, because I don't
eat. We've been on hiatus.We were in Vegas. I ate my
way through Chippendale's and Vegas. Wecame to l A. I ate my

way through la because I had togo to all my restaurants that I love.
Then I went to UH I wentto Birmingham, Alabama to perform.
I ate my way through grits andsugar and grits and salt and butter.
And now I'm back and I atemy Way, so today I got a
more metal literally Waiste trainers and Spainand if you like hug me, you

will. It feels like I ama warrior underneath all of it. I'm
so uncomfortable just at this moment.Now, I'll be fine once I get
back on there on the fifteenth,because I'm going. I'm gonna. I
haven't worked out, I haven't goneto the gym. You know when you
feel just like I need them pampers. It looks like You're gonna be in
Baltimore this weekend and I'm gonna eatmy Ways. It's good to eat Jimmy's,

Jimmy's, Jimmy's Crab, Jimmy MyWay through all of the Jimmy's.
I will be in Jimmy's. Letme know I'm coming. But but I
feel gird. I have to sayI feel really good. I haven't because
I've been traveling so much. Ihaven't been able to go to the gym
because my my call times for everythingis so early. But this is the

best that I have ever felt,and I'm feeling healthy. I feel great.
I love that I got a breastreduction. It's just I can go
without a bra. I'm never girl. Yes, they may have my Instagram
smart small look on Instagram. Tellme you tell me, let me tell

you something happens when you get abreast reduction because when you're you know,
when you have big boobs, youhave to wear a bra all the time,
and they're heavy and it's just likeyou're leaning over and all of a
sudden that is gone. You arelike like, I didn't even know I
had headlights. I do, likeyou know, and you know, my

show's gonna make me deleted and probablylike three days. But until those you
better go to Instagram and check itout. Who do they go back and
say, hey, share, you'rea little over the line on this girl.
John Murray, who's our executive producer, he's sending behind me, I
feel eyes born into the back ofmy skull. But yeah, he comes
to my room, he closes thedoor and he goes, I need to
talk to you. You are atalk show host. You have to behave

like a talk show. So inmy mind, I'm going through all the
talk show hosts who show the nipplesand I can't find it. So he's
like, you know, this isnot befitting. It's brand we got,
you know, we got advertisers,you know, and I'm like, well,
what does bleach have to do withmy nipples? But you know,
so, yeah, I'll have topull it down. I will have to
take it down. But until Ido take it down, it's Sherry E.

Shepherd. Don't leave like I gotlike almost twenty five hundred comments.
Everybody else likes him much. Youknow, we have a talk show.
You got to be standards and practicethe standards. Yeah, it's all of
that stuff. It's a whole differentlevel of you know, you're you're You're
now a leader, You're you know, people look up to you. Because
one lady was like, my fiveyear old watching you, you are a

bad example. I'm not trying.I don't five. I got fifty years
on this little girl or Taylor Swiftwho shows their nipples by the way,
anyway, but not for you.No time. We got the congrats on
your LP award. That was forbest talk show Host. That was very

cool. Yeah, that was reallycool. That was another thing, like
I didn't write a speech because Iwas just like, I don't know if
so it's such a surprise when theycall my name. But the problem is
is I need to write a speechbecause everybody is doing these great speeches.
Yeah, when they come full circlethe circle and they say such deep things,
and so I don't say anything deep. I was gonna use the bathroom.

That's not deep, like when youget up to except so I have
to I'm going to write a deepspeech. But then I'm scared I won't
win deep speech that I'm just gonnabe, you know, doing in front
of my son's class. Right,It's refreshing when you know you're unprepared because
you're so humble you don't expect it. Everybody who does the deep speech shell
and they're prepared, like they've writtenit, so it comes out and like

because you have the right inflections,like nis Na said, I want to
think me. You know. It'slike even even Cameron Mannheim, remember when
she went this was the fat girl. Like, it's just there's something deep
about it. I need deep.Yeah, you know, maybe something about
reductions or something. Yeah, likethe reduction of my of my hope led

to the greatness of my expectations.I'll get it. I'll get it.
Can we talk about stand up alittle bit? Like so I feel like
for a lot of us a lotof us know Sherry Shepherd as an actress
or a talk show host. Wewent in to see Fluffy, our friend
Fluffy, and and so we're likewait. We get there and we're like,

wait, Sherry Shepherd's opening for Fluffy. Oh my god, you have
that my sequence, but my sequinblue and my blue and white high heeled
shoes. Let's get for a datenight. Let me tell something of my
friend Gabriel Glasias and I love himso much. We were on a sitcom
called Mystery Glacias on Netflix. I'veknown Gabe since I was a struggling comic.

He was a struggling comic. Nowhe's riches, I don't know what.
And he used to give me aride to the comedy clubs and his
car would backfire, sounded like freakingbullets hit in the back of the car,
and I'm like, look, I'mfrom La you from me, and
you from Long Beach. This cannotbe happening, Gabe. But he would
always give me a ride, andwe struggled together, and he asked me

to be on a sycond But Gabe, like, I've never performed in front
of sixty thousand people. So whenhe asked me. I started crying that
he would honor me, you know, he would bless me to be on
a stage with him, because Iknew how much that meant to Gabe.
And nobody recognized me. He thoughtI was one of the security guards.

Oh my god, I was willingup. They were like, can you
tell us where you know? Likeyou know, Gay was like, I
don't work here. Then after Ileft, they was like, oh,
she's the one on the show game. But to go up with all of
his friends. I was so honoredand he sent me a big cute I
mean, it was so many people. I couldn't believe it. Well,

and he knew that that would meanso much to you. Guys have so
many great memories together. We do. And I love Gabriel Iglaciers just for
that reason. Like he calls meall the time, and you know I
call him. I just love himso much because he remembers his friends.
That's the thing. Gabe just hecame on the show. He got we
got really great ratings when Gabe cameon. So like, if I was

ever sick, I would want Gabeto sit in the whole group. Joe
Koy does the same thing. Wherehe he brings he brings his people with
Tiffany. Yeah, it's like they'rereally tight and I love that about that
that team. That's the thing.It's like, you know, you remember
your friends because they have been grindingjust as hard to do that with my
laugh lounge, like bring in peopleon my show. We got our laugh

lounge where I can bring in comicsthat I know have not had the platform
to be able to, you know, showcase what they can do. And
it's been like the audience loves itwhen they come into comics because people need
to laugh and look and you're doingit for those people and think one of
them makes it big and you gavethem their start. Absolutely, I'm always

hoping that if somebody is on theshow, that there's somebody that's watching that
can do something. Like we evenstarted Funny over fifty, which is comedians
who are over fifty, women whoyou know really pretty much put their life
on hold for their kids, theirspouses, their partners, their jobs,
and they feel like, you know, almost giving up. And so we

wanted to give those women a chanceto be seen. And our winner,
jan Nita Lolita, I just tookher on the road with me, and
she was so fantastic and it wassold out and they loved on her when
she came. It is so cool, So I you know, and she
said, and I remember, shesaid, all I want to do is
just get one line in one sitcomand I go dream bigger. But she's

been struggling for so long, mowinglawns. That's what she was doing,
taking care of her kids and divorces. And I go, no, dream
bigger. You got on a nationalTV show. You want to be a
series regular on a sitcom? Likestart, start speaking differently. So it
was really great to give a platformto women. And you do that every
day on your show. And youknow you're not the feel good Queen of

TV for no reason, So it'sgood you. I mean, you give
a lot of people a lot ofhelp. That must feel so good when
you go to bed at night thatyou've helped people. It feels really good.
Say if I feel when I goto bed and now I'm like,
well I'm a little lonely over here, that's really was on my mind.
More so than I help people.I'm like, some got to change up
in this bed. What what areyou looking for? Are you looking or

are you Are you letting it cometo you? You know what, you
have to be open. You haveto you have to be open, but
you have to I would say lettingcome to me. But I'm also like
I tell people who I like,yeah, you know, like, so
I'm open to Trevor Noah, likeI want Trevor. No I'm open.
And you know what, I'm learninga South African whatever the language is with
Trevor is from because I figured thatdream is probably not manifesting because I'm not

speaking in the right language. SoI'm learning. I got my du A
lingo, so I'm learning like eighttypes of African language. So I'm putting
out there, Trevor Cherry Shepherd date, how do you? How do you
meet? Where do you do?You know what I was doing? My
girlfriends who are on bumbo and hingeand all of that, they would find
somebody they thought would be good forme. And my one girlfriend, Sally.

She's Puerto Rican and so she wouldalways go to their page and say,
I have a girlfriend. I thinkshe would be perfect for you.
You know, she's a celebrity,so she's very private and she would set
me up. There was a coupleof people I went out with, and
then there were a couple of peoplethought I was Puerto Rican. So I
was like, well, that's notgonna work. But I did get set
up with a lot of guys.My girlfriends would do that, so I

went out on a lot of dates. That's what I think women have to
do. You have to date morethan one person. My problem was I
was not dating more than I wasdating the one person. And then I
was curly cueing my name and hisname and how many even miss sitting in
a tree. It's amazing. Istill remember them from when I was like
seven. But my dating coach said, you have to learn to date and

just have conversation, yeah, andjust have a good time and not be
worried about what's coming next. Youget married the first time you date.
So that's what I started doing.My girlfriends would set me up. I
would tell people I'm single and theywould say, Sherry, I got a
friend who and I go, yeah, let's just go out. So if
I got ghosted, it was nota big deal because I had another date

like the next day, or likewhen I went to Atlanta, I had
three dates, one for breakfast,one for lunch, and one for dinner,
three and one day. Girl,I have my throatle date, I'm
telling you, And it was greatbecause you got so When one was like
he was like, really like boring, I was like, it's okay,
because I have lunch. Should Ihave dinner? Yeah? Right, any

of them exciting. The one thatI got ghost about was really exciting.
Like we went out and had agreat time. He took me to a
really nice steak restaurant. We laughed, we had a really good time.
And then he didn't call me back. And you know, my biggest mistake
was I let him nibble on theside of my dagone face. But he
was so fine, girl. Iwas like, don nibble, don't nibble
nibble on the side of my face. In that ear, he didn't call

me back, and I was like, you will never get near this cheek.
But then when I went back toAtlanta, he came back like he's
some big monkey muncky with the governmentabout there. And then he's got his
own like he builds decks with people, and you know, he got the
money and he came to my showand he was like, I really want
but you were so busy, andI stopped calling and I'm like, no,

got another date? Sorry? Keptlooking in my ear and I was
like, yeah, I know thisear. You want to touch that ear?
I know because it looked good.No. Sorry, So you just
have to date. You have todate more than one person so you can
find you just you go out andhave fun and you learn how to just
flirt. Are you going to dosomething about this on your show? Like
maybe you'll have a dating segment orsome kind of advice or you know,

you're living it so you could helpother women who are out there and women
my age too, because I thinkit's hard for women who like you if
you're divorced, you've not been married, and you're trying to get out there
into this dating world. It's scary. And so we have a dating expert,
Devin Simone. She comes over.I want a whole segment on like
just seasoned women, like what dowe do? You know, because the
old school ways you just kind ofsit there, you don't go out,

you don't make the first move.But we're in a different world now,
Yeah, you know. Now Ilike to go up to min This is
what I say. Now since I'vebeen to Vegas, I'll go up to
men, I don't care what theylook like, and I go, were
you one of the Chippendale's dancers?That's just all let me tell you.
This man had a belly bigger thanhis head. He was like, well,
you know I was. I wasaboucked up, you know, audition

for Chippindale's. Yeah, yeah,I think you might have seen me.
And I was like, I thoughtit was you are so fine. I
do that all the time because thenthey get to go telling friends that,
yeah, yeah, they thought Iwas little Chippingdale there, so I could
be. So you gotta do someicebreaker. You go up to him and
go, what is that you're wearing? You smell amazing? Men like I

came out, You smell amazing.Wouldn't you feel good? I would,
yeah, I can smell you thirtythree thirty three yep, And I would
say that you need to get somemore. I went by man at the
airport. This is the kind ofstuff we're gonna do. There was a

man at the airport, lax,and he had tattoos of skulls all of
his arm, like, your theheck out of me. But I walked
up to him, I said,I like those dats and he was like,
wow, man, thank you somuch. Cherry's flirting everybody frid Now,
I didn't want the skull man tocome after me. You gotta practice.

You just have to practice. Butwe take on our show. It's
letters to Ellen, okay, Andso I got a letter from a step
daughter and I'm wondering if you wouldread it sure for our listeners, okay,
because I think it would be UsuallyI read them because they are letters
to Ellen, but this could beread by Sherry Shepherd. And I love
how you loved me because this isan eighty six point font and I love

it. I was about to askfor read girl, you love on your
guests. Thank you so much.It's this, Dear Ellen. I'm twenty
five and I have a stepmother andI don't know how to handle what's happening
with her in my life. Mymom passed away eight years ago, and
it took my dad a long timeto want a date. So when he
did, we were kind of happyfor him because no one will replace Mom,

but seemed dad happy makes me sohappy. Fast forward to Dad falling
in love with Angela and recently marryingher and moving her into the house.
That I grew up in. Angelahappens to be an interior designer happiness,
and my dad gave her permission torenovate the house. I can see this
going down, and because of that, I feel unsettled and sad. Now

Angela wants to replace Mom's magic gardenwith the spa Jakouzie, and she plans
to make my childhood bedroom into heroffice. Oh. I wish they would
just buy a new house. Thenat least I wouldn't have to spend holidays
in a house that's barren of mygood memories. I am struggling, Ellen,
I feel torn between wanting my fatherto be happy and wanting to hold

on to the memories of my childhoodand my mother. This is a delicate
balance, and I'm not sure howto navigate it. I know that life
brings change, and I'm trying toembrace that, but I also believe there's
value in holding on to the thingsthat make us who we are. Please
help me figure this out. Ilove my dad so much, but I
don't want to lose sight of mymom. Thank you, Ellen, it

means the world to me. LoveTeresa, It's not I mean, what's
she gonna do. Couldn't there bea compromise like build your garden, keep
my bedroom. I think it's hardwhen a new person comes into your life,
because you know, on the sideof the stepmother, because I don't
know when she says she's twenty five, so she doesn't live there. You

got a woman who's now into intothis life. She's married to this man.
She loves them. She wants tocreate memories with her husband. It
must be really hard to turn aroundand see this, you know, of
what was. Nobody wants to liein bed with the man and he's still
remembering his ex wife even though she'snot there. Nobody wants to be The

family comes over and they're still owingand on and over how it used to
be. So this is hard forthe stepmother. She wants she wants to
create new It's hard for Theresa becauseshe wants to she wants she doesn't want
to let go right, and shewants her dad to be happy. She
wants her dad to be happy.But but take some of the I would

say, take some of the thingsthat gave you the best memories, because
you're not gonna it's gonna be toomuch tension to be putting that on your
father, so I know how thatis dating a man and he's got kids,
and they're looking at me like,you don't look like my mom,
you don't sound like her, you'removing stuff around, you don't cook like
her. That's a lot of pressure. Yeah, so it's tension. I
think that you got to take thethings that made you feel good. But

and some therapy learning how to Yeah, I know, because I'm supposed to
be talking about therapists right now.But I love you so much, Ellen,
because she keeps buzzing my phone.We're supposed to be doing zoom,
which I don't even. She getson my nerves because she puts up this
back. You don't live in thebeach. You put that beach in half.
Your shoulder disappears when you're giving me. But it's unsettling. But I

think it's the therapy on letting goand moving forward because you remember your mom
like you remember Evan. Your momis I am believe in afterlife. She's
smiling on you, and I thinkyour mom would want your father to be
happy and to move on. She'salways there with you. Letters to Sherry,
Oh my god, you do itbetter. Ellen, What would you

say to Teresa, I would saycompromise, but I like your plan better.
I would say keep the bedroom,have the garden. But but I
see what you need off. Sheis an office. She needs to create
her new her new home. Ionce dated a guy. I remember going
into his bathroom and his ex wife'sbathroom was still hanging on the And that's
a little it's a little creepy.It's creepy. It is creepy. Do

you put it on or do youleave? Yeah? What do you do?
It's just I was like, Iput that baby, and I'm a
dance for you. Now see mayjust but you smell good, thank you.
You may be disgusted, but youstill good. Like I don't know
what to that's homer. Yeah itis. She's got to walk in the
room and it's the childhood bedroom andshe's looking at you and you're twenty five.

Yeah, we're supposed to keep aneleven year old's room this, You
know, when we can use thisroom, at a point, it does
become almost sad. Yeah, yeah, you have to move on. You
have to all. We all remembermom, everybody remember like maybe once a
year, y'all get together and goand burn something and like you know,

you know the favorite restaurant, butbut keeping everything the same and you got
new energy in It's hard for thatto coexist. I think, well,
you, as a woman dating,how do you know when or do you
ever introduce anyone to your son?That's a hard one. I gotta you

know. I first of all,I'm very protective, so I got to
see he's got to become friends withmy son. I'm not asking you to
love my son. I'm asking youto respect my son because it's hard to
come and just loving somebody else's kidsand my son to look at you and
tell y'all don't want no new daddy, so you already starting behind the eight
ball. One time, Jeffrey's like, I don't want a new daddy.
And if you get somebody in thishouse, I'm gonna, I'm gonna,

I'm gonna do something. I'm like, let me turn this recorder off.
This I'm I'm posting this on thisBut how do you how do you know
then when when when Jeffrey respects himtoo, tell me he will Jeffrey will
tell me interest. But I trynot to bring too many look at me.
I try to dang I sound like, show yourself. Oh my god,

drink you drink. You won thatgame. We have a surprise for
you. Do you like surprises?Is his name? Trevor? Now,
I'm like, who is coming throughthe door? Open up the door,
girl, If it's a subpoena,my cousin want a subpoena? Come on
in. It's my that's my cousin. That's who I love. So I

was scared for number em don't knowme that well. Who she got coming
through this well, he kind ofcan make it look like that's my cousin.
That's like my cousin, Marcus,and I love him so much.
And and he's got four. Howmany Emmys you got, Marcus? How
many of me do you have?I'm a producer extraordinary and you're producing specials

and you're killing And I got oneEmmy, he's got four. But I'm
gunning every time I get nominated.I'm like, I'm gonna go text him
and I go, I'm gonna giveme another email, like you're competitive in
the family. But I love mycousin, yeah too, And nothing against
you, Becuzo. I'm glad youwalked through the door. But I sure
was hoping it was a man likethat. It was like a date.

I love you, but we justgonna go have drinks and I'm gonna just
whine a lot like I was.I was like, oh my god,
like they got Jason is about towalk to my god taste next time.
I set up a little straighter.I pushed these boos out. I was
like, somebody is walking through thisdoor and going nozzle on my neck.

Jason is he? Like? Ishe a dream man? Jason Momoa is
a dream guy. Yeah, Trevor, Noa's a dream guy. Even regular
Like if you you haven't, yougot to have a job. You gotta
be able to tribute. So I'mnot I'm not paying for no more like
dinners and lunch. Right, yougot to taking care of your shery.
No, you don't have to takecare of me. You just have to
match me in something. You know, I'm pulling out my credit card.

Like we can be together for awhile and then we can start going judge,
but don't bring up Dutch to meand we're first meeting, Like,
I believe you should always date,but you got to look at who you're
dating. So if you come tome and go oh my god, my
credit card is one time I wentout on a date with the celebrity I
can't say who. He went throughnine credit cards, every god declined and
I'm sitting there in the Rose RoyceCorniche. I'm sitting there like do you

not pay? What bills? Doyou pay? And I said there and
I was like, I'm not takingout my car. Well, I'll be
in jail before I take out mycredit card. I will go to no.
Is he white or black? He'sblack? Okay up there, He's
like, I almost white to me. I'm you smell good. You're like

that? Get nine cards declined.That's a white guy, so you know
already hit money. But I guesshis business manager wasn't paying the like we
literally through all these credit cards andI'm sitting there in the Rolls Royce,
the Rose Royce. It was eitherBitley or Rose Royce. He picked me
up in the Bittney Old Rolls Royceand he was taking me home and I'm
like, I'm not taking my cardout. I will not. It's so

embarrassing for Michael B. Jordan's slenderdon't get us soon, Get up soon.
That was Michael Jordan It's okay.He listens, he knows what I'm
talking about. He's got it together. He's good, he's got his money.
Can I ask you one more question? You don't answer this. I

don't know. I don't know thatthe internals of this relationship. But I'm
a huge wrestling fan m v POh my god. Okay, he lives
for wrestleman wres. We're trying toget Roman rains. That's where we're trying
to, like, you need Roman. But we've had Jake car Gill,
We've had Ford and Montege, Ohmy god, and we've had a trinity
fattoo. Nail Naomi, so nailme now. I'm sorry. I'm trying

to we're trying to get Were youin a relationship with MVP. We weren't
in a relationship, but I wascrushing on him, so we did go
out on a couple of dates.He took me to my prom. What
he took because I had never goneto my prom when I was eighteen,
So MVP took me to my prom. You know what this like, sitting
with a bunch of seventeen and eighteenyear old But I didn't care. I

loved it and he dropped me offand he gave me a kiss. It
was so great. I did.I crushed on MVP like a lot.
I really did. But we wereboth so busy and like him being with
the w W, the WWE,like he was always on the road everywhere.
You never really like he had toget permission to come off the road
to even do stuff with me becauseand that was that's his money. But

we still talk. I love him, that's awesome. Yes, he's great.
And Ryan's like, oh my god, I don't know if I yea,
I love I love MVP so great. But yeah, so we're wrestling
fans. John Murray is and Iam. So we always try to get
We always try to get them onour show because we love jehan Urry.
You've got a big job. Yeah, he's got because I'm always going,

can we get so and so?And that's my line I also use now
and also in addition to you smellgood, I'm like, you need to
come on and sit on my couchand play with me, like that's my
life's resources a little bit more thanyou smell good. Yeah, they'll come
on my couch. Yeah they likeit. I mean the show now,

the ship I'm like, thinking aboutyour living room couch. I'm like,
okay, to smell good? Allright now? I like that. I
could say it for that too,you know what I mean? The show
like if I want them to comeon like that's a good you know with
Lenny krappits like comes in on mycouch and play. Don't don't talk about
it? Do you have a linelike where you go? Well married for

so long, I can't remember linesanymore, but the fantasies you have I
have. Here's the thing. Ellenflirts but she doesn't know she flirts,
or she does, she doesn't.She flirts, but you have to flirt.
When she's flirted with she plays like, oh I didn't know he's flirting
with me. Bullshit. You know, I'm serious. You're in a bar.
This really no, just listen,just take it for a second.

She's been the guide. You hearall this really like tattooed, like really
good looking, like younger guy,built great everything. Ellen was like,
can I try the red taste itbefore I commit to it? Because I
hate sweets. She's like, canyou pour me that? And he goes,
I'll pour you anything you want,And I said Ellen, he is

like into you, and she's like, no, he's not, Sherry,
he was gorgeous. I was,and but she doesn't ellen like why would
you not think he was into you? Well, but I don't know.
Is that what it is? You'vejust been with your for so long?
Yeah, twenty years. So I'mjust like, I don't notice years he
watching football, You walk in frontof it and naked, pick up the
remote control while slow, and thenI want to do nothing. He goes,

thanks, don't even look up.You said, like you need to
you need to let this is yourlittle flirting beautiful Yeah, look at him
and just smile like that extra threeseconds. It's nice to make somebody make
you feel good. All lock eyesand smiling eyes and smile and then a
like run away and cow, we'rein the corner. Girl, we need

to go out. I know.I always observe you and take something.
Girl, you ever do your showfrom LA for like a week? No,
we have to you know this thursdaysand let us get some like really
amazing ratings and all of that stuff. I'm saying, we got to like
travel on my suggestion list, andthen what we do. But I don't
want to wait a year, likeI will come back and we just go

out, Okay, like we'll justrename ourselves. We'll give ourselves a new
name. Okay, gonna who gonnaI'm gonna be. I'm gonna be Veronica
me like ok Jamika and the K. Yeah. I love that. We
got to talk in a different accent. Girl like, you can't be Russian?
Russian? No, I'm not Russian. Okay, I'm gonna be Ukrainian.

Ukrainian? All right, what areyou gonna be with the Ukrainian girl?
Compton? What's your name is?My name is Misha. This is
my girlfriend, Vermonica with a cat. Is that your car right there?
I like that. I like you. We gotta do it. And what's
your accent? Come on? Giveit to You're gonna have to you gotta

practice it. I got to practice, I know because your Ukrainie gonna sound.
Okay, you gotta work on thisaccent. Do in front of your
husband and you know what you're gonnado. Y'all have been married, Solar.
He's gonna be like, what thehell is wrong with you? But
you know, I want to looklike I want to have one of those
Bob black hair. Bob with bangslike, oh, you want to be
the spy who lives like you wantto be a whole that's my I want.

That's what I want to do.That's it. We got we gotta
go and just have fun. That'swhat we're gonna do. Me and you
do you love How do you feelabout living in New York compared to here?
I love it? You do?Yeah? Really? You know what?
I like the vibe in La,the weather. I love La,
and you know, and I missedmy pool. But in La it's just
kind of like, yeah, andI'm going to work this morning, We're

gonna go have lunch. In NewYork, it's just like a hustle.
So you wake up like you wakeup, people are moving, You're on
the train like it's just it's anenergy that New York Manhattan has. And
I love it. I love walking. You know, everybody's working and they
go hey mommy, mommy. Youknow it's just like I just I love
that good. So I will bein New York for a while. Oh

love it. But I'm gonna comeback for you, for Ronica. I'll
be back for you, that's right. With the Little Black Bob, I'm
gonna send you a wig. I'mgot a wig I think in my in
my suitcase right down. That matcheswhat you want to be Lord, Season
three, Sherry Shepherd Tune in twelvepm on Fox, twelve pm on Fox.
Thank you Godry, honestly, becausewe're in here. We work a

lot till one in here. Afterthe show. You bring what we try
to bring on the radio. Doyou bring that to TV? We do,
and you bring that through the radiowave, but you do so,
and thank you are just a joy. You really are appreciated. We all
love you. We do. Weneed to laugh, we need to smile.
We need to just bring lightness intoa world where you know, we

weren't designed to take on as muchas we have to take on in social
media, and so it's just niceto be able to and this is what
you bring as well, you know, or you just lighten someone's load for
just just an hour, just thirtyminutes. It's just like people need that
to be able to let go andlaugh. And that's what we bring.
We want to bring a good timeand joy and laughter. Play on the

couch with Shy, Play on thecouch and share it. I like that
with Veronica and all of a sudden, there are four of us.
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