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March 19, 2019 16 mins

Amy now has ‘The 5th Thing’ (a bonus episode) where she answers your questions every Tuesday! ‘4 Things With Amy Brown’ comes out every Thursday, but on Tuesdays Amy will answer questions you’ve emailed in. This week Amy addresses: whether or not you should put Vital Proteins in your lemon water, where you can watch a “beach wave” hair tutorial video that she made with Kelly from @velvetsedge, how to join the next round of Step Bet with @ErinOprea, and what it’s like resuming back to “normal life” after the loss of a parent. You can send in questions directly to Amy here: one week your questions will get addressed! 

(Episode 21)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Fifth Thing. It's the Q and A
episode of my Four Things podcast. So every Thursday we've
got the four Things episodes and then every Tuesday we
do the Q and A segment. So what I want
to ask of you guys, because I'm loving all the
questions that are coming in, But if you're sending an
email and you are hopeful or you wanted to end
up on the Q and A, or you'd like to

get an answer, then what I want you to do
is in the subject line in like all caps, put
question or Q and A or Q and A for
the fifth Thing, something like that, to where it really
stands out that you've got a question for the Q
and A segment. And I think that will be really
helpful when we're sorting through stuff. Four Things with Amy
Brown at gmail dot com is the email. So we're

really trying to get to them all and loving everything
that comes in. And I hope that if one of
you has this question or these questions that I'm about
to share, that maybe there's multiple people that have it,
so me addressing it here on this Q and as
fully helpful. So I'm gonna start with an email that

I got from Catherine hey Amy. One question. Is it
okay to put your vital proteins in hot lemon water
that you drink every morning? So, Catherine, I wouldn't keep
that part just the lemons, so it goes straight to
work detoxing. If you add the protein or the collagen
peptides from vital proteins, like, your body is going to
start breaking that down. And I'm not an expert, but

I've heard others that are experts say to keep it clean,
just hot lemon water. That's it. Your body has been
detoxing while you're sleeping, so you want to keep that
going by drinking that first thing. Prepare your body for
digestion and food after that. And the protein is gonna
disrupt that process. So I would keep the hot lemon
water plain and simple so that it can do its thing.

I hope that helps, Okay. This next question is from Abigail,
and she said that when or here's let me just
read the email. I think it's easier when I just
read it as they send it. When your hair was longer,
how did you style it? I love the color and
all that, but as far as mastering that wavy look
like a soft wavy look, any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks for sharing all the things. Okay, Abigail, if you
go to Radio Amy dot com, which just launched on
Thursday's episode, I told you all my website is finally up.
So if you're not caught up on all the four
Things episodes, well, Radio Aimy dot com is in business.
And about four years ago, Kelly from Velvet's Edge and

I made a hair tutorial video on how to get
that beach wave look, which is what I would do
when I had longer hair. But I still use the
same technique with my short hair too, just looks a
little bit different, so y'all can reference that. I mean,
it's still works, so I thought might as well do
a throwback and post this video so hopefully it'll be
helpful to y'all. And again that's Radio Amy dot com.

And then this next email, man, I am so sorry,
and I've gone back into the emails to try to
find the name. But when I copied and paste this
one to my document that I keep with running questions,
I didn't end up getting the name. But if this
is your question, here's the answer. Hello Amy, great podcast.
Been listening since the beginning. I got a smart watch
and downloaded the step bet app. How do I find

the Aaron Opria challenge that you have joined? Thanks? Okay,
so here's the deal. We're currently in a step back
game right now. That's too late to join, but I
texted Aaron and asked her when the next one starts.
And it's April, so you've got some time. What you
could do is start, you know, walking a lot. I
would say, at least try to get ten thousand steps.

That's a healthy goal. And once you do that, your
your new smart watch will start to get a pattern
of what you do, what you're able to do, and
then you'll be ready to join and sign up for
the next step bet game. And what you do is
download the step bet app and then when it's time
you they have a game code and you enter Aaron
Opria as the game code. So that is how you

find it, and that way you can play with us.
And you're doing the same one. And let me tell you,
I forgot my watch the other day. I wear an
Apple watch to track my steps and I barely even
wanted to move, like I forgot it, and I was
so not motivated. I'm like, if I don't even have
my watch on right now. I'm not I'm I'm not
getting any credit for these steps. Why would I even
move like just I don't even want to play anymore.

I think that was my free day. So with step
bet you do four days that are regular days, then
you have to power days where you have to step
a little bit more than usual, and then you have
one day off and that rounds out your week. So
hopefully that helps. And if y'all are playing with us
right now, hopefully you're having a lot of fun. So
this next email I got is from Haley. Hey, Amy,

I'm a new listener and just listen to the podcast
when you took your mom home? It got me and
all my feels at work with tears and laughter. Six
years ago, my mom was diagnosed with hunting in his
disease and it was a lot to take in. My
sister and I took four years of our life off
to take care of her at home, and then two
and a half years ago we finally got her place
into a nursing home. Hearing that not every day was

the best for you all makes me feel so much better.
I would have times of ignoring her, hating her and
crying for her all at one time. My mom is
at the point in her disease where she's not always
right in her mind. I miss her and who she was,
and she, like your mom, made the best of her
disease after she went into the nursing home. I had
no idea who I was and have no clue what

makes me happy. So hearing your podcast really comforts me.
I wish I would have written down all the advice
she gave me and could remember the good times, but
they're gone now. Nothing passed her being sick. So how
did you get back to your life after your mom?
My mom is still living, but I almost had to
mourn her normal life, and whenever God decides he wants

her home, I'll have to mourn her again. PS. I
never use a microwave either. Are glad I'm not alone? Haley? So, Haley, Man, gosh,
all of this that's so hard. I'm so sorry that
you're having to go through that now. My sister and
I would say we're still figuring it out, even four
years after losing our mom. I just feel like everybody's
experience is so different. It's like, how do you return

to life normal? And now we're going through our dad
having cancer and we were caring for him and now
we've got a caregiver that helps out a ton, which
has lifted a huge load. But you know it, you know,
you do pour a lot of yourself into that, and
I can't even imagine, like you having to do that
for five years and be her caregiver. I mean, that's

that's a lot. You know. My sister actually just called
me this week because something was going on and she
really needed to talk about it. And she says that
from now on, anytime she wishes she could pick up
the phone to call mom, she's going to just call me.
And it's taken her four years to realize that she
kind of would just sit in it because she would

want to call mom and she didn't do anything about it.
And now her plan is to just call me. And
we're like the next best thing to our mom. And
so I am thankful that you have your sister and
hopefully y'all can be there for each other. But yeah,
when it comes to writing things down, gosh, it's so
important to just jot down in journal your thoughts or

advice or tips that your mom has. I know, this
is not really like advice but our mom made the
most amazing cheesecake ever, and she just made it in
her head, like she didn't really have the recipe written
down a bunch of places, and after she passed away,
we knew she had it written down somewhere, but we
couldn't find it. And then we were gonna be able

to recreate it. And so many people love Judy's cheesecake
like it's it's a recipe like since then, my sister
has found it. But there was a moment where we
were freaking out because we could not find it, and
we're like, how could we let this slip through the cracks?
I mean, our mom had cancer, we knew she was dying.
We should have been like, Mom, where's your cheesecake? Rest
be we have to keep this alive. But obviously we

were focused in thinking about other things. But you know,
it's like taking the time to write down stuff from
the really important, like serious amazing things too, stuff like cheesecake,
I mean, which is pretty serious and important as well,
if you ask me. So Eventually, like I said, my

sister found it, So I think I'm gonna have to
find Judy's cheesecake recipe from her and post it on
my website for you all because it's just so good,
Like nobody makes a cheesecake like my mom did. Back
in the day. My dad had a restaurant when they
were married in the eighties. My dad was a restaurateur
and they had one called Christopher's, which was my mom's

maiden named Judy Christopher, and he named the restaurant after her.
Isn't that the sweetest? And it was across the street
from our neighborhood, so it's really We spent a lot
of time there, my sister and I when we were
really little. I have a lot of memories there, and
she her cheesecake was one of the desserts called Judy's Cheesecake.
And it was like a really nice, like steakhouse ish

like there was seafood and steak and the waiters wore
black bow ties and I don't know, it was just
such a fun time. My sister had a recipe named
after her as Christie's Catfish, and then I had some
weird beef recipe with my name in it. I don't
know why my dad put our names and all the recipes,
but he did. And it's ironic because I'm like the

one that doesn't eat meat, but mine was a meat recipe.
So anyway, going off on a tangent here, but Haley,
just know that you're you're not alone in this and
talking to others about it or getting advice. I mean,
that's what I would recommend if you know anybody else
that's been in your particular shoes. I mean, because everybody's
journey so different. Um, but I would just try to

ease back into your normal life. And if you're trying
to figure out things to do that you love, just experiment.
Try different hobbies, see what clicks. Maybe you've changed. Honestly,
I feel like part of me is a little bit
of a different person post my mom. There's a part
of me that you know kind of died off with her,
And you may blossom in other areas where you didn't

once blossom. You may be able to pick up a
hobby that your mom had and maybe you know your
mom is still alive actually, so may you think about
something that she would love to do if her mind
was right, if she was healthy and she wasn't in
a nursing home, what would she be out doing as
a hobby. I mean, that would be something that I

would think would be cool for you to try out
and see if that resonates with you or that clicks,
and then that's something you can carry on, Like, this
is something my mom would love doing, and I'm going
to carry this out for her. Who knows. Maybe you
won't like it, but at least you'll know, and then
you don't like it and you move on to something else.
I would say getting outside is important A lot of times.
I know that it's easy to just want to curl

up in bed and watch Netflix and disappear from the
world and not really deal with anything. But don't do that.
I mean, maybe occasionally you're gonna have to, and that's
okay occasionally, but if you see yourself getting into a rut,
don't do that. Get some vitamin D. Make appointments with
friends to go do stuff like get your nails done
or go to the park or get coffee or whatnot.

I don't know. Did I just say make appointments with
your friends. I mean maybe that's what you need to do,
whatever you wanna call it, like, just get together with people.
Don't feel alone in this. So hopefully that helps. Um
let's see what else. Let me get one last question
in here. This is from Rachel. Hey, Amy, I usually
would never reach out to anyone in regards to a podcast,

but for yours of making an exception, I have to
be at work pretty early, as so do you. So
seeking no sympathy here, l O L. But every Thursday
and now Tuesday, I listened to your podcasts first thing
when I get to work, and I wish it was
something I could do every morning. One thing I would
love for you to talk more about is your yoga practice.
How did you get started? Any helpful tips for newbies

like me? Thanks to aunts Rachel. So, Rachel, thank you
so much for the question. I started yoga in like
two thousand and eight, so I've been doing it about
eleven years. And we got challenged by this news station
in Austin, the Bobby Bones Show. Did I can't that
they covered it on the news like we were in
some fitness challenge where we had to like measure our

body fat and do all this stuff. And you know,
we were on a team and you don't want to
let your team down. It was like our show versus
the news station. So I started trying everything. I mean,
we were we did these boot camps, we were running
the trail, and then I heard about Beakram yoga, which
is ninety minutes of hot yoga where you sweat your
face off, and I thought, I'm gonna start doing that
because we're not gonna lose. And I started doing it

and I loved it, like it was awesome, And my
mom would actually go with me and we would meet
when she would get off work because there was a
studio right by her office, and I mean, those are
some of my favorite times. When I first started doing yoga,
and I did straight beakraum for years, that's all I
ever did it, and then I finally later branched out

and tried Vinyasa flow, still hot yoga, and I really
loved that. It's very different from Bakram, like you do
a lot of chataranga's, like in Bakram you don't do
that up dog downward dog, and Beakram there's none of that.
So that's two options for you to try. And don't
be intimidated by yoga. I know that going to a
studio for the first time may seem intimidating, but all

people are really friendly, they're really nice and everyone and
you're encouraged there to just focus on you and your practfit,
practice and look inward, don't worry about anybody else. So
that's what everybody's doing. And I think that you'll be fine.
And you need to figure out which kind of class
is good for you though. And now these days yoga
is so much more popular that they have a variety

of classes. Like you, some studios have yoga with weights,
or hip hop yoga or booty yoga, which is like
a dancing yoga b U t I. I really like
those classes. So now that I've been a mom, though,
I haven't been going to the studio at all. And
I would say, um, I went what a couple of
weeks ago, depending on when you're hearing this, I went

to a Saturday morning class for the first time in
a long time, and they're like, oh, welcome back. You
haven't been here in nine months. I was like, oh, awesome, thanks,
But I still was practicing yoga just at home. And
if you're looking for good YouTube videos to do, there's
this girl where I really really like, um the ones
that she posted. Her name is Adrian, And if you

just go to YouTube and type in yoga with Adrian,
all kinds of videos are going to pop up and
you could start at home and then maybe find a
studio that you like. But at home it's just not heated.
You're not going to sweat as much. But again, you
may not want a hot yoga studio. So it's all
about personal preference. But yoga is totally something that I

love that I have in my life. My son will
even do it with me if we do the yoga
with Adrian. She has a a detox one. I think
if you type in YouTube the key words yoga with
Adrian de Talx and digestion, this particular twenty minute practice
will come up and it's like the perfect twenty minute
little flow and it's really good for like your digestive

organs and stuff. And that's the one Stevenson and I
do together, and it's a lot of fun because it's
only twenty minutes and you feel good after you do it,
and it's a little bit challenging. And you know, if
that one's only twenty minutes, but you feel like you
could do another more, well, then just find another practice
that's twenty or thirty minutes and double up and do
both of those and then boom, it's like you had
a practice like a forty five minute to an hour

long practice at a studio. So anyway, hope these little
Q and A shows are good for you guys again,
send in your questions love seeing them four things with
Amy Brown at gmail dot com and put question in
the headline all caps cool or the subject line all right, okay, thanks,

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