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August 1, 2024 22 mins

The weird thing Amy does while she is sleeping is revealed when Adelyn (her niece) answers what it's like to live with Amy. Since it's Adelyn's final night as Amy's roommate + summer intern, they thought a Q&A from listeners would be fun!! They cover everything from where they get home inspiration (shout out @rootdesignco) to favorite desserts to capsule wardrobes (and wearing same things over & over) to suggestions for bonding with nieces/daughters to what they've learned about each other to why Adelyn describes Amy as a 'high functioning wreck" to what's happening with more live podcast events + more (like 4 things gratitude!)


HOST: Amy Brown // // @RadioAmy

GUEST: Adelyn Dozier // @adelynedozier

Follow Amy on Instagram:

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:13):
Cast up, man, little food for yourself.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Oh it's pretty bad.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
Hey, it's pretty beautiful, man, beautiful for that for a little more,
said he your kick in with full with Amy Brown.

Speaker 2 (00:32):
Happy Thursday. Welcome to four Things Amy here, and this
is the final Thursday having my niece join me for
the summer. Adeline, Hi, I can't even really look at
you or I might start crying.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
No, I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
I sent you a voice text yesterday. I was driving
to work and I originally was voice texting you about
something else, and then it just popped in my head
that you were leaving. So then that's what I started
talking about, and then I started crying. So we're sitting
here and we put up a question box last weekend
and people sent in questions and I'm going to hand

you the reins as part of your internship.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Okay, Well, to start things off, I wanted to start
with a list I came up with for those of
you wondering what it would ever be like to live
with Amy. Some things about Amy and living with her
is that she only drinks water from a measuring cup.
She uses the word bandwidth all the time. If she
doesn't want to do something, it's because she didn't have
the bandwidth for it. If she just want to cook,

it's a bandwidth issue, not anything else. And the list
goes on and on and on. I like to be
in my bandwidth. Yeah. And her bandwidth is not large. What, No,
it is big because you do so many things. It's
funny when it comes to the little things and it's
like cooking or so many little things, and it's the

word bandwidth just comes out of her mouth. Every time
she slaps her face before bed every single night when
she's doing her skincare routine, like slaps her face.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Make sure it's all on there.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Good. Yeah, but you can just rub it in. I
rub it in. Slap. She puts Greek yogurt on everything
leftover spaghetti, Greek yogurt, toast with jelly, We're adding Greek yogurt.
Eg salad, We're gonna add grek yogurt. She likes to
do her brain exercises in the kitchen with little three
pound pink dumbbells alongside her Tracy Anderson armworkouts on YouTube

that are like twenty years old.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
It's one video she made it for Gwyneth Paltrow when
Gwyneth was training to be on Iron Man.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
No and your arms are toned. She does meditations on
YouTube and plays books while she's sleeping to absorb the
information subconsciously, is how she describes it. Are you sharing
about the move?

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Yeah, we can.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
It was when mom was here, when Christy was here,
and we walked in from the Zach Bryan concert and
you were sleeping in the kitchen and you had a
book or something playing. It was like two in the morning,
and you said you were absorbing the information subconsciously, So
that was funny. You toss the what does this make possible?
Phrase around all over the house. If anything goes wrong,

she just says, what does this make possible?

Speaker 2 (03:08):
And while I said that that's how I survive.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
Yeah, While I said that in a way that sounded
like it was annoying, it actually has helped me a
lot change my mindset about certain things because there's a
lot of truth to that phrase.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
And I did learn from you though and Stashira. With
certain things, I don't need to say it off the bat,
Like if it's with me and my own stuff that
I'm going on, I can say it to myself right
off the bat. But it's not helpful for other people
to hear that right away. I need to sit with
them in it. And then later, what does this make possible?

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Yeah, oh, enters a room in the house, and usually
the first thing that comes out of her mouth is
do you smell that? Then usually it's cat peep. Then
the whole day is derailed cleaning the rug where the
cat pee potentially was that I can't even smell.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
You know, I always find it, and she always.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Finds it the entire day, some.

Speaker 2 (03:59):
Hours at a time, and I might have a domino
effect that impacts the day a little.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Yeah, I have three more Should I make dinner? I'll
say that sometimes, like, oh, we should make dinner, and
she's like, oh, I was just thinking we could order
food tonight, And usually it ends up being a Caesar salad. Well,
we went through a phase. We got that caesar salad
from Urban Market and the salmon burger. It's the smash
Burger beef. Yes, slash Burger's really good.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
And I love Chipotle takeout or Chewiese.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
We're getting Mexican tonight.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
My zeks that rice and salmon and oh yeah that
was really good. Yeah, No, I mean it's a bandwidth thing.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Bandwidth. Yeah, almond milk and cold brew must be in
the fridge at all times. And if there's not ice
for the almond milk and cold bread, then that's an issue.
But that's always the ice and ice maker. So we've
been having a hard time with ice.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
We've been buying ice and then putting it in the
freezer and it's fine.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
No, I just yea, it's not an issue. I'm just
saying that's a thing I noticed about you. Yeah, it's like,
oh man, yeah, which ice is really important to me too.
And the last one is wearing the same outfit for
a month or two months at a time, which I
believe just takes a decision off your plate and that's
why you do it. But you've been wearing the same
blue workout set for two months now, and I'm leaving tomorrow,

but I'll probably see you in it bear the fall.
So but it's it's one of your colors right on
your color palette, the blue.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
It's Yeah, from my it looks really really good when
I had my colors done. I'm a cool summer and yeah,
this is part of my cool summer palette.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
Yeah, and that is the sum of my list. If
you're ever wondering what it would be like to live
with Amy.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
Wow, I feel like i'd be really fun to live
with that girl.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
Sounds fun and funny and put together and inspiring.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Sounds like she has a good time. Oh yeah, it's
a good tash, just like some clean catfee and vacuum
and mop and I'm fair she say anything about cleaning counters.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
Oh well, I did put in here. I didn't even
say it, it was right now. You're kind of obsessed
with your vacuum, like you clean in your stressed and
clean encounters. Yeah, but you recently been vacuuming a lot.
I don't even know if you know that you're doing that, but.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
I know if I'm vacuuming.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
You walk in and you pick up the vacuum and
you start like vacuuming the kitchen rug and you're like,
everyone move and I've just noticed it. And yes, you
do it with the counters too, but lately it's been
your vacuum and oh gets the house all loud and
then you're like, Okay, I have to go.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
What do we need to do next?

Speaker 1 (06:35):
Like then I can work?

Speaker 2 (06:36):
Sometimes I can't.

Speaker 1 (06:37):
You guys got laundry finish.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
I love laundry. I love laundry, but I sometimes I
can't finish my work, like my computer work.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
Or relaxed till the house is clean.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
Yeah, y'all, like if we want to just chill out
and relax and watch something, I understand. I want everything
to feel clean and maybe I need to chill out
on that.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Okay, what's your favorite dessert.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
I feel like it's chocolate chip cookies right now with
sea salt on top. But I've got to add peanut
butter in there somehow, because anything with peanut butter is
just so good. Like we had those peanut Minem's and
a jar.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Yeah those went quick.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Yeah, the store had buy one, get one and they
were the big bag and I filled up this big
jar that was for nuts. Probably cashiers are almonds, but
I was like, well, peanut Eminem's, that is a nut,
and dang, that was a really nice dessert. A lot
of nights just sticking my hand in there and grabbing
a handful of those bad boys because I like salty,
sweetish situations. That's why I want sea salt on my cookie.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Oh yeah, you like salty sweet everything, Like if you
have jelly toast, you put salt on it, or if
you have anything sweet, I always see you adding little
pinches of salt, pinch of everything. Mine is any kind
of ice cream for dessert. My favorite is chocolate cookie dough.
But I only like it if I pour milk on
top of my ice cream because then it makes the

outer layer crusty, and it's so much better and you
can stir it up and make it like a milkshake.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Yeah, it's really good.

Speaker 1 (07:59):
Are y'all present similar? Different? And what's the same or different?
If so?

Speaker 2 (08:04):
I feel like we are a lot alike in some ways,
but you're very not but and but but versus how
we're different. But you're you're more organized, and I can
tell you're a better student, like the way you are
in school and even your internship, and like, Wow, she's

really got her life together at twenty one. I don't
think at twenty one I had that for myself.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
I think we have a lot of the same quirks,
like weird, random things, and we got to a point
where we had been around each other so much that
we started kind of thinking the same things before we
would say them out loud, or me working for Amy
she would be thinking something in her mind and I
would already have it pulled up, and.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
Then I would say, hey, we need to do this,
and you'd be like, you show me your phone. You'd
be like, already on it. I probably show my stress
more than you do. I think that you get stressed,
but you hold it in similar to your mom.

Speaker 1 (08:57):

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Neither way is right or wrong. By the way, I'm
saying this with love, but I know that Christy and
I are different in that way is that she internalizes
it more and you wouldn't know she's stressed, whereas, especially
in the comfort of my own home, I'll show it more.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Yeah. I think you show your stress and I do too.
But I think I've been not stressed being here because
I'm just helping you. But I see your stress, and
then you resort to different things when you are stressed,
like things you can control, like cleaning. But I feel
like we're more similar than I thought we were after
spending two months together.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
Which is fun.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Yeah, it's really fun.

Speaker 2 (09:32):
And we love to powerwalk. We love to power walk,
we love to snack, walk and snack and talk.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
Okay, what is something you love about each other that
on the outside we wouldn't know.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
I love how goofy you are.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
You're very witty.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
People just may not know that about you if they
don't get to see it often, or they might see
a more serious side of you at times. It just depends.
I don't know that my listeners have seen how yeah
silly you can be. You'll just make the most random
silly comment and pope fun or close. So I get it,
but like you're not scared to go in and be

like with a little zinga yeah, and it makes me laugh.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Once the ice was broken, not that we really had
to break the ice, but I definitely got way more
comfortable as time went by. I love how much you
talk through things, Like the way you talk and process
things that are going on. You'll just kind of like
go off on a tangent. It's something I actually really
love about you, the way you like process what's going
on in your mind and when you talk to me

about it. I love that you grew your trust in
me to tell me lots of things going on in
your brain, because there's a lot that goes on in
your brain.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
Or even if we're driving, I know there's times where
I'm sharing things with you and I'll even say I'm
downloading a lot of things and I'm thinking it through,
and maybe at the end of what I've said, I've
changed perspective from when I started, but I needed to
say it all out loud to get there. I do
that with the kids too, which you've witnessed a lot

a lot of parenting moments too.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
Yeah. But that's something I just love about you that
you may not notice about yourself because you're the one
downloading all the time. But it also makes me feel
comfortable to just share everything with you because you do
that with me lots of times. Okay. Next one, where
do you go to for home inspiration? Okay? Next one?

Where do you go to for home inspiration?

Speaker 2 (11:32):
My sister? Your mom?

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Duh? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Their company handle is at Root Design Co. Yeah, so
they're going to start getting more active on social apparently,
Christy said. We were just talking to her before we
came up to record, and my sister had made a
sausage ball video that they're going to put up on
the Red Design Beautiful because they're going to turn it
more of a lifestyle type page. But they have beautiful
design and spell and she's probably annoyed at me. Texting

her and sending her things like there's a table for
sale today on Facebook Marketplace and I think it's a
really good deal. And they said they deliver it. And
I got my dining room table on Facebook Marketplace, and
now I might get my kitchen table there. And it's
this beautiful marble table. I sent Christy a picture. I
normally do that about anything that I'm about to buy,
is get Christie's approval or get her opinion on something.

And I will say, this is where Christy and I
are different. Sometimes if I see something online I like,
I might just go for it. Like the wallpaper, oh
where she orders stand So yeah, she likes to order
a sample. And sure enough, I was about to pull
the trigger on this wallpaper and she said, let me
order a sample. So she did, and she ordered it

to her house in Colorado and she got it in
and she said, Amy, I don't know why this isn't
showing up online, but this wallpaper is metallic. And it
would have been horrible if I had ordered all this
wallpaper from my dining room and it came in metallics.
So that's just you know, a reminder to anybody out there,
be like the Christie's in your life and order the

dang sample and be patient because if you act too
fast you may regret it.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Yeah, we have mom on FaceTime a lot for house decisions.
What has been Adelin's biggest surprise living with Amy this summer.
I would say the biggest surprise was realizing that she
is a high functioning wreck. She she has a lot,
She has a lot. Please, yes, she has so much

that she balances, but somehow it seems like chaos. But
she can function really well in the chaos. And when
life is a wreck, she functions through it. And on
the outside it looks pretty good from my pov, like
I'm thriving, No, notriving.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Well, you're inside so you may see it, but the
outsider is like thrived.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
There some moments you were not thriving. But there was
one point we were like sharing a bed in the kitchen.
We were having food on the floor and it was
just funny and she kept her cool even though life
was absolute chaos.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
Yeah, the eight Days Lost kitchen was like and multiple
other people in the house, like your family came, two
of your brothers came. Then Shira had a friend that
was spending the week with us, which I had agreed
to months before, and then Stevenson, but we had no bedrooms.
So yeah, we were in the kitchen in the dining

room and I'll blow up mattresses and the whole process
was comical. But yeah, it's good times. I feel like
summer of twenty twenty four. I will remember the bed
in the kitchen and shahboozy.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Yeah, shahboozy. That dang song a bar song played over
and overever, which it.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
Finally hit number one on country radio two weeks in
a row.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
By the way, Yeah that doesn't surprise me. I mean
it's a good.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Song, song of the summer.

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Okay, let's wrap with fire a few more. What's an
old fashioned activity that you do well?

Speaker 2 (15:00):
I want to garden again. I have had a garden before,
and now I want a garden again. That's old fashion.
Other than that, I'm pretty dependent on the future that
we have, like takeout technology.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Yeah we can leave it at that.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Yeah, what about you?

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Me and my boyfriend have been writing letters to each
other like every week all summer, so I have a
pile of letters that I've accumulated, some of which the
dog Kara has eaten. But I feel like that's pretty
old fashioned and not a lot of people do that anymore. No,
I love it, but I have a major respect for it.
What are some ways moms can foster good relationships with
daughters and nieces. My advice for this, what the niece part,

would be that it should be a role that you
have to go live with your aunts all alone for
two months in your life, cause no one does that.
That should be something that is normal, like normal that
my brothers go live with one of their uncles for
two months at a time, and nieces go live with
their aunts. It changes the game.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
It's been really special, Like I don't know how some
families could do it, or it's like you do like
a kid swap for a little bit, so you just
get that quality time, but maybe not even a full
kid swap. Because I've also liked that you've had the
time with my kids. That's been priceless.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Yeah, me and Stashira, I mean we're closer in agent
Stevenson and he's just a funny boy. But me and
Stashia have had like some really special moments and I
feel a hundred times closer to her than I've ever been,
So I'm really grateful for.

Speaker 2 (16:26):
That, I agree. And then if you do have them
near you, or you do have an opportunity to have
them stay with you, or you're just looking to connect it,
maybe you do the old fashion thing you write letters,
maybe you send them cards, be more intentional about what
are their interests and hobbies? How can you go do
that stuff with them? For us, it could be though
when we go on our walks and talk. So for

another ant, it might be like, do they like to
go running? Are they training for a marathon? I'm not
going to go run with you.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
But I was like, where are you going with that one?

Speaker 2 (16:56):
Because someone else might like maybe they have an aunt? Yes,
so you're not ye, when did that cooking? When we
have made meals in the kitchen, you can put on music,
pick up the recipe.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Do your brain exercises in the kitchen like.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
Adams. That's the inside joke. She made a TikTok about
me doing my brain exercises. While she was making it,
my TikTok's radioing me if you want to see which
she put up?

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Okay, capsule wardrobe, yes or no?

Speaker 2 (17:27):
Yes, I'm a big fan of capsule wardrobe.

Speaker 1 (17:29):
I've never done it.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
I'm not totally set up with my capsule wardrobe, but
I do think it's a great way to keep staples
in your closet and you always know that you have
things that are going to go together. You're not buying
unnecessary things. I haven't been buying much this year anyway,
But once I start buying again, I'm going to build

more of a capsule.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Okay, few more. Are you going to do a live podcast?

Speaker 2 (17:55):
Yes, it is still a plan to do that in
the fall, which you saw the dates right.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Yeah, I was looking at the calendar today and I
saw some dates come up, alternative dates.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
They're tentatives, so I'm not saying them yet, but it'll
be the fall time, and we're bouncing between exactly what
cities it will be. But right now it's Austin, Tampa,
and d C. Which I thought it was going to
be Boston, but now I think it might be DC.
But at least that's east and close ish kind of

maybe we can do both, but it's more of a
timing schedule thing and wanting to make sure that I
can give my all when I go.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
Yeah, it's going to be so awesome. Okay, last one
to wrap it up on a good note. How has
this experience been living with your niece and are you
sad she's leaving?

Speaker 2 (18:49):
That's how you want to end. I mean, the experience
has been absolutely amazing. I wouldn't trade it for a
single thing. I'm just forever grateful for the whole experience.
It You came at a time that was perfect, and
I know the internship probably didn't look exactly like you thought,
especially because I decided to move.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
That's what I think is so beautiful about all of
this is that I came here for an internship. I
really didn't know what to expect, and a lot of
things didn't go as expected or as I saw it
in my mind, I think, But in the most like
beautiful set out way with us moving and just different
things that popped up over the time of me being here.
I just felt right that I was here at this

time these last two months. And I used the word
internship as a reason I come here. But another thing,
and I wrote this out saying I came to Nashville
to live with Amy for an internship, but I use
the word internship as a code word because I just
wanted to spend time with you and spend time with
Stevenson and Stashira because we just don't get to spend
all that much time together as many aunts and nieces

and families.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Six summer or Christmas days summer.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
So internship that's the word. You got to use. Nieces
out there to go spend time with your aunt.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
Right, Let's wrap with four things gratitude. Okay, four things
you're thankful for rapid fire like for real.

Speaker 1 (20:05):
Okay, four things grateful for. I'm grateful for you in
our relationship. I'm grateful for Stashira and now we're best friends.
I'm grateful for getting a new Jeep while I was
in Nashville and not having to deal with my old
car problems. And I'm grateful that I have friends coming
in town tonight so that I don't have to do
the twenty hour drive back to Colorado alone. Love it.

Speaker 2 (20:28):
I am grateful for well you being here and with
that our relationship, And then second thing would be watching
you in Stasher I create that best friendship you just
talked about, and her having you as a guide and
to look up to as a mom. I couldn't ask
for a better role model for her, and I'm glad
that y'all had this because I now know y'all have

created such a bond, which y'all were already close, but
there's something lived your six in America, even six years,
and so I know the first two years of her
being in our family, not you know, knowing English, and
just her turning into a young lady like being seventeen.
You'll have more in common now, and I'm grateful for that.
And then I am today thankful for the Mexican food

that we're going to have for dinner tonight that we're
picking up take out, and then just to share wants
to get a cake because Adeline's leaving any excuse for that.
And then I am thankful for your vacuum, my vacuum,
all my cleaning supplies. Yeah, and my countertops for a
new laundry room floor.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
Oh yeah, yes, it's so pretty.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
Uh huh, your renovated bathroom. Oh yeah, my gosh, the
guest room bathroom, which is where Adeline's been staying in
our new house. I decided, per your mom, we were
going to do boutique hotel vibes, and it's just, uh,
it's a vibe. So yeah, grateful for that. Okay, y'all
have the day that you need to have. Thank you
Adeline for this. I know that you wants to share

going to go to spin class, So yeah, I love you.
I'll go enjoy it. Bye bye fro

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