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June 8, 2021 23 mins

This is Amy’s ‘5th Thing’ (a bonus episode). ‘4 Things With Amy Brown’ comes out every Thursday, but on Tuesdays Amy shares emails and answers questions that have been sent in. Today’s emails address: some good items to have with you in your car to help out the homeless, some possible bird mom items might be in the works, a listener asks if there is an important life lesson Amy learned from her dad, and a piece of art that Amy will receive soon! (Hint: It’s of the famous drink/snack combo that Amy’s dad used to have.)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Happy Tuesday. Welcome to the Fifth Thing. This is the
bonus episode to the four Things podcast where I go
over emails that you have sent in and I appreciate
every single note that I get. I love if you're
wanting an email to show up in this episode. If
you don't mind, you can put fifth Thing in the
subject line. That definitely helps a lot. And I always

start these episodes off with a quote. I also love
when you guys send me quotes that you would like
for me to share as well. That's always helpful. Today's
quote comes from Instagram, though I follow an account called
Quote of the Day and this one popped up and
I was like, oh, that's kind of nice. I like it.
I tried to search up who originally said it, couldn't

find anything other than that they put this on T shirts,
so maybe you have seen this on a shirt before.
But the quote is, whatever you're doing today, do it
with the confidence of a four year old in a
Batman shirt. All right. First email is from Cat, and
I'm going to set up her email because she's emailing
about things that you can keep in your car to

pass out to the homeless. And she brought all this
up because she herself used to be homeless, and then
also she was listening to last Thursday's episode that I
did with Steven Young, who's the founder of Home Street Home.
He has been on the podcast before. He came on
in two thousand and nineteen to talk about his homeless ministry,
but he was back on last Thursday to talk about

his new book, which y'all are so awesome. He sent
me a text message saying that y'all started ordering the
day the podcast came out, and that he had said
if a hundred books were sold, he would autograph the
first hundred, and y'all did that, and he sent me
a text message the day wasn't even up and he's like,
we've already sold over a hundred. So thank you all
so much for showing up for him and supporting him

and wanting to buy his book. Still not too late
to do that. If you go to Home Street Home
at t N dot org, that's where you can find
Steven's book, from Chains to Change, and it's just a
really awesome way to be able to support what he's
doing and learn more about his amazing story that's full
of of hope for sure, and of the proceeds go

back into his ministry. So that is what Kat is
emailing about that episode. Because in the episode he also
shared things you can keep in your car in the
summertime to pass out to the homeless as it's getting
really really hot outside. Well, she's kind of piggybacking off
of that and sharing more things that you can add
to the list. So here's her note. Hey, Amy, here

are four things. Ha ha. Wasn't my intention originally to
be four, but these are super awesome things to add
to kits that people don't think of. First thing, aspirin
for those that are older with heart conditions. Second thing, socks,
good socks. This can make a huge difference. No one
ever thinks of socks, but a pair of good socks
can make the biggest difference. And you put good in

all caps. So I think this is me talking here,
not the email. But I know Steven's told me before
when he talked about things to give homeless people in
the winter time. But I guess summertime, anytime is good
to have clean socks. But he would rather you invest
in a really nice pair of socks and give that
to someone rather than buy a twelve pack or something
like that of cheap socks, because the good ones will

definitely last some longer alright. Third thing neo sporin or
other topical antibiotic band aids for those scratches and blisters
or bug bites that get infected. Fourth thing electrolyte additives.
And the heat. We sweat so much and it is
very important to stay hydrated. Sorry, I don't have time
to write much more. I'm listening to your podcast at work,

but I wanted to make sure I passed this along
to you. I was homeless off and on for years,
and I always carry homeless kits with me. I often
keep kits in a large gallon zip block bag, because
when you're homeless, you always need zip block bags to oh.
Other quick things that you can add that are super
affordable are solar emergency blankets and hot hands rain ponchos

super cheap, especially if you buy in bulk cup instant noodles.
They can always get hot water at a gas station
and then they have a cup which they can use
for so much more before they get rid of it. Deodorant,
Q tips, fingernail clippers, women's hygiene products. Disposable razors also
include a little info sheet in your kit, which can
include local information for resources they can reach out to.

With just ten minutes of research, you won't believe what
you could find, and someone might not know what's out there.
And always include the local VAS contact information for those
who have served. Thank you and sending you love, positive
vibes and hugs your friend in Pennsylvania Cat which Cat.
Thank you so much for this email. You definitely know
a lot more than a lot of us would, being

that you have been homeless yourself. So this note and
your advice for us and your input here means so much.
And I love that you started off with just sharing
four things, but then you realized you had a lot
more to say. I'm so glad you did because the
information and resources for the area that is such an
amazing thing to put in there, because you're right, you
never know if someone knows what is around them that

might be of help, especially the VA's contact info for
the veterans. So shout out CAT. Appreciate that note for sure.
Second email is from Alicia, which Houston. Let's go ahead
and throw some bird minute audio in before I read
Alicia's email, hit it and now it's time Amy spid minute. Hey, Amy,

A couple of weeks ago, I went to water the
flowers on my patio and found a bird's nest with
four tiny eggs in it. And I can't tell you
how excited and happy it made me. Then I went
on vacation for a week, and when I got home
on Sunday, I had babies. I had to share these
pictures with you. I can't think of anyone else who
would appreciate this as much as you, your friend Alicia

and for Worth which shout out, I am so glad
you sent me the picks. They are the cutest things
I've ever seen. And congratulations on your baby's First of all,
I just love how many of you tag me in
your bird pictures or if you're emailing them to me. Okay,
but I know some of you are posting on Instagram
and tagging Radio Amy. I love, love, love seeing them,
and I also love that you refer to yourself as

having had babies and like you really really feel like
a bird mom and Ray from the Bobby Bones Show
his wife Laura, who we call Bay Ray and Bay
on the show. She sent me a message one day
and she was like, I think we might need bird
mom shirts or something, so Mary and I were kind
of joking about that, which we don't have bird Mom. Now,

we do have dog Mom items, which are a really
cool way to help out wags and walks in Nashville.
They're a nonprofit that helps bring in dogs off the
street and foster them out and adopt them out. So
they're doing really great things, So shout out dog Mom.
We have had cat Mom. I think we might need
to restock that. And I'm still not a cat mom yet.
My daughter and I were trying to be, but I

think we got scammed by someone online, which is such
a bummer. So I'll just throw this out here on
the podcast. We've been talking with a couple of other people,
but we're specifically looking for a Balinese cat and so
maybe some of you happen to know someone that can
have a Balinese baby kitten for us, because that would
be super helpful and awesome. So I'm sure once I've

become a cat mom, we can for sure restock those.
Bay Ray's wife, she is a cat mom. I think
she might have some cat mom items. But anyway, all
this to say, I love the bird pictures and maybe
maybe maybe we'll work on a very limited round of
bird Mom items. If that's something that you all think
that y'all would want, let me know Radio Amy on

Instagram or just send me an email four things with
Amy Brown at gmail dot com. I would love to
know your input on any bird Mom stuff. So third
email is from Hannah. Hey, Amy, I was listening to
your episode with Houston and heard you talking about the
name of your dad's scholarship fund. One idea for the
name I had was Cabe Bueno Scholarship since that was

something that he said often and you feel it's important
to have a scholarship fund. Well, the name it after
his favorite saying. Now my question is what's an important
life lesson that you learned from your dad? You rock
Hannah from Iowa. Now, Hannah, thank you so much for
this note in your suggestion. We actually made Cabe Bueno
t s which support the fund, but we have named

the fund after my dad, so it's the Harvey Clifton
Moffatt Scholarship Fund, and then things like the Cabe Bueno
items will help support that fund. All the proceeds will
go to that and heads up like it's Tuesday the
eight while you're listening to this and Father's Day shopping
is about to come to a close, and all Father's
Day items that we have are supporting the scholarship fund

for my dad. So you can go to the shop
for dot com slash Dad defined a lot of different
shirt options and a few hat options that could be
really cool if for your dad for Father's Day. But
we are getting down to the cut off. If you
have been wanting to order for Father's Day, I would
definitely do it now, and you'll be contributing towards an

amazing cause. I know I'm biased, but it really will
be something cool. And k wino by the way, in
case you don't know what it means, if you're interested
in maybe getting your dad that shirt because it was
made in honor of my dad, might be a cool story.
K Bueno means that's good in Spanish, So anytime you
know something positive is happening or something cool, instead of

saying oh cool, you can say oh okay bueno. So
that's kind of how you would use it. That's how
my dad would use it all the time. He was
fluent in Spanish. But anyway, these shop for dot com
slash Dad, I'm not trying to be annoying, never want
to push sales on any of you at all. But
this is an avenue or platform where I get to
tell you about cool things that we have made or
put up to help support various causes. So never trying

to push y'all in any way, shape or form to buy.
But if you're going to shop anyway, it's super cool
that you do choose to a shop with us, and
we're able to do a lot of cool things. So anyway,
we're down to the wire. This is the last week
to make sure you get it in time for Father's Day,
So heads up, Okay, cool, cool, cool cool? All right. Oh,
and then I guess I should go ahead and answer

the question from Hannoh, which was what important life lesson
did I learned from my dad? I learned a lot
from my dad, even things that I didn't want to
carry on that maybe he carried on because of his
relationship with his family members his dad. I mean, he
didn't even have a dad, so there was some things
there that I think he was lacking that I wanted

to stop with my generation. I want to pass things
onto my kids. But my dad's dad died when my
dad was only one month old. He was a watermelon
farmer and his watermelon truck he was unloading it and
something went on with the break and it started rolling
down the hill and he was on a hill and
it ran over him and he couldn't get out from

underneath it. So pretty tragic. But my dad was only
one month old, so I didn't grow up with a dad.
I say all that because I think that we can
learn a lot of great things from our parents, but
what we can also learn is what we don't want
from our parents. And I think my dad being the
youngest of seven and his mom having to take over
the farm and be really busy, like there was things
that my dad lacked as a child that maybe his

other siblings got that he didn't get because tragedy struck
their family um when he was only one month old.
And I think it's important that we realized things that
we don't want to pass on. And I think had
my dad done some therapy and done some work, he
could have worked through it all. But it just wasn't
his thing. But I will say, um, there are a

lot of amazing things that I got from my dad,
but I want to share specifically a story that my
brother shared at my dad's funeral, Hannah, and you know,
he was talking about when he was in college, he
went to work at one of my dad's restaurants called Christopher's.
And it was in Austin, a really nice restaurant, like
the waite staff wore black tie, the menu was pretty pricey.

It was named after my mom's maiden name. Her name
was Judy Christopher, and it was it was a really
special thing for our family. I remember going there a
lot as a kid, but um it closed down before
I was old enough to really make tons and tons
of memories there. But my brother actually worked there, and
you have an opportunity as a waiter server to make

really good tips because the menu items were pretty pricey.
But even though my brother was the son of one
of the owners, like, my dad made him start in
the kitchen, so he started washing dishes. Then he worked
his way up to like a line cook, like helping
out different things. Then he finally made it out front

to bus tables, and then he made it to waiter.
And he said that that's one of the things that
my dad wanted him to know, is that if you're
going to work somewhere. You need to know what every
position has to do, Like you're just not going to
roll in here and take over as waiter and not
understand what every other position is going through. So everybody

there had respect for every position that was happening and
valued it and knew how important each person was. So
I thought it was really cool that my brother shared
that story and that you know, he didn't get treated
any differently because he was my dad's son. And then
he went on to say, which I think everybody that
knew my dad would agree with this, that he really

could get along with anybody when he was at the restaurant,
even though he was one of the owners. He got
along with everybody that worked in the back from the
beginner start out positions to you know, the fancy people
that were coming in to dine and eat their which
fun fact, Willie Nelson was someone that dined there regularly,
So that is kind of a cool little story from

back in the eighties in Austin. So pretty cool that
Willie Nelson would go in there to eat. But I
I say that because you know, my dad could kind
of he really could get along with anybody, and everybody
in all walks of life, and he never treated anybody
any differently because of where they came from, or what
they had or what they didn't have. So that is

how I am going to answer your question, Hannah. So
I did learn a lot from him, but I think
we would be here all day if I started rambling
through all the stories. But that was just a cool
one from the funeral that my brother shared. Alright. Fourth
email is from Kelly. Hey, Amy, you probably don't check

these messages, but I wanted to let you know that
I'm sending a print of the coke and peanuts painting
attached below to you at the station address. It came
as part of a membership to Bitter Southerner and it's
very cool, but I have no personal connection to it.
I know that you do, and I know how much
you love and miss your dad. It is a sad

sorority that we both belong to. I hope that looking
at it will bring a smile and a beautiful memory.
And if someone has already sent this to you, please
feel free to pass mine on to your sister or
another relative. Praying for strength and comfort, Kelly, which Kelly,
I just wanted to say, thank you so much for
this thoughtful gift. I cannot wait to get it in

the mail at the station. Nobody has sent this to me.
I had not ever seen it before, but thank you
for attaching a picture so I know what to look
out for. It's adorable. And if some of you are like, wait,
what coca and peanuts? What are you talking about? My
dad's funeral, we had a cooler full of coax and
a basketfull of peanuts, and what my dad used to
do on road trips was he would pour the peanuts

into the coke. And I know this is a thing
that a lot of people maybe grew up with a
grandma or grandpa or maybe even parents that did this
as well. But it's something I'm going to pass down
for sure. It's if I'm on a road trip, I'm
going to do this in honor of my dad. But
it's a way of snacking efficiently while you're driving. So
when you take a swig of the coke, you get
a few peanuts in your mouth and boom, you get

a snack and a drink at the same time. And
my sister was telling me too that my dad, you
still also do great soda with peanuts, which is a
nice little combo. Probably tastes like a little peanut butter
and jelly sandwich or something, so if you've never tried it,
give it a try. But I had posted about it
on Instagram when I was at his funeral, and so
I guess Kelly you saw my post on Instagram, and

thank you so much for sending me this, this picture
from your membership to Bitter Southerner. I have never heard
of that, but if you all want to check out
Bitter Southerner, the Instagram account is just that at Bitter Southerner,
and I guess they have really cool art and maybe
you get different drawings all the time. Don't know how
it works, but I am grateful to be a recipient

of one of the pieces. So thank you Kelly for
thinking of me and sending that in all right, I
appreciate each and every one of you so so much.
And before we go, um, I'm just letting you know too.
I know I went on a Father's Day spill a
minute ago. But tomorrow, on Wednesday, on the Bobby Bones
Show at Central, We're gonna be putting up our Patriotic

Pimp and joy Line, which is going to help build
a veteran a home, and we've done this for the
last four years. This will be our fourth veteran that
we've helped build a home. We partner with building homes
for heroes, and these veterans are so deserving. They sacrifice
so much for our country. This one in particular is
Army Staff Sergeant Majetic and his name is Jerry, Jerry

Magetic and he was struck by an I D. His
car was or his truck in Iraq and when he
exited the vehicle there was firefight that ensued as well
and he was shot. So he has burns, he has amputations. Uh,
he's had eight d surgeries to date. So man, he

has been through a lot. And to be able to
be in a home that is fitted just for him
in his needs so that he can get around better.
He's now in a wheelchair and it's just a whole thing.
And I think he was over there fighting for our
country and that something that happened to him. Um As
he was just driving along and he was targeted because
of certain relationships that he was making. So someone did

this to him on purpose and it's crazy just to
hear his story. But then also, um see what an
inspiration he is, and it's a story of hope him
and his new wife. They're going to be moving into
the home that we build. The current home that they're
in is not equipped for him at all whatsoever. So
this will be the biggest blessing in the world. And
all proceeds from Pimp and Joy will be going to this.

All proceeds always go to the cause that we have
going on, but I love the Every summer leading up
to fourth of July, we put out the Patriotic line,
which is red, White and Blue stuff. So if you've
never bought anything Pim and Joy, now might be the
time for you to check it out. If you're listening
to this on Tuesday, it's on Wednesday Central, you can
go to Bobby Bones dot com or these shot forward

dot com slash Pimp and Joy and you can help support.
And then I would advise if you're doing Father's Day
shopping to buy separately because for shipping, you know, we
want to make sure you get your Father's Day items
in time for Father's Day, which is June twenty, and
then Pimp enjoy the Patriotic stuff. We will just make
sure that you get that before fourth of July, So

if you can separate your orders, that would be amazing,
really really amazing. Just a small business trying to figure
it out. I know, Mary and Ashley we're talking about
possibly being able to sort out the items, like if
people did order together, to make sure that you get
them at the same time, but that's just a lot
to figure out and again might not be doable. So

we don't want to mess up anybody's orders, but just
kind of a weird timing thing. But thank you in
advance for everything. Thank you for supporting all the different
causes that we have going on like it truly means
a lot. And thank you for just listening to the
podcast and for rating and reviewing, and for screenshotting and
sharing on your social media. For subscribing, I know that

I thought it was a follow button, and I guess
for some people it's changed to follow, but for some
people it's still subscribe, And I actually looked at my
phone and it still says subscribe. So however you want to,
you know, make sure that you're getting the episode every week.
If you follow or subscribe, then anything I put up
on the four Things podcast will automatically download every Tuesday
and every Thursday when I put new episodes up. So

I just appreciate this community a lot. You'll have been
very very very good to to me, to us, to
all the things that we have going on. Mary and
I are so grateful for all of the support. The
Bobby Bones Show is grateful for everything that you'll do
to support. Especially if you're listening to this episode, the
Fifth Thing, I know that you're hardcore because I know
there's a lot of people that still listen to the

Four Things because that's a more substantial episode full of things.
Um well, I don't know. I'm saying substantial because more
work goes into it, but I don't know that it's
like substantial and value depending on who you are and
what you need at any given moment. But you know,
as long as somebody benefit, it's maybe even one person
benefits from an episode, then I have done my job.

Not every episode is going to be for everybody, and
I totally understand that. But yeah, if you're listening to
the Fifth Thing, I feel like you're definitely hardcore. You're
likely a B teamer And I'm gonna do a live
on the B Team Facebook page by the way, tomorrow night,
so Wednesday night if you want to go join that

um but I think in order to join the B
Team Facebook page you have to get approved because they
don't mess around over there. They are all about positive
vibes and kindness and if anybody is rude for even
one second, they are kicked out. So but I feel
like everyone listening to this is probably super kind. So
just a heads up. There is a B Team Facebook page.
I think there's like forty members now, and that's different

from the Bobby Bones Show Facebook page, which you know
has tons and tons of people, but it's mean over there,
Like I don't go hang out there at all whatsoever.
People complain about everything and if they've got something rude
to say, they definitely say it over on that page.
And that's why the B teamers formed their own Facebook page,
because they wanted a positive place to go to, you know,

bond and talk about the Bobby Bones Show. So thank
you all so much for that. I don't know what
I would call, you know, hardcore four things listeners. I
guess a team, but then I don't want to counter
the B Team, so who knows. Just know that you
are appreciated and you are awesome and if anybody has
any name ideas, then maybe y'all could email those to
me as well. So all right, I will talk to

you on Thursday. Mary and I will be doing the
first thing together on Thursday. We had a friendship moment
where she kind of called me out on something, so
we're going to break that down just in case maybe
it's something that you might need to hear as well.
And then for the second, third, and fourth thing, I've
got Michelle Williams on from Destiny's Child, remember her back

in the day. Well, she wrote a book and she's
been through a lot, including depression, which is what inspired
her to put the book out. So I'm gonna talk
with her for the last three things, So I hope
you will listen on Thursday as well. Alright, see then bye,

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