All Episodes

June 11, 2019 19 mins

On today's episode Amy will address questions about: Her favorite lipstick duo, why owning an air fryer could be a game changer, advice for balancing a different bedtime than your partner, ways to include spirulina & kelp noodles into your diet, and her experience on how to be supportive to those you love during times of grief.

You can send in questions directly to Amy here: one week your question will be shared!!

(Episode 45)

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Another week has gone by. I can't believe it. I mean,
time just flies. Here we are doing another Q and
A though, and uh, I have a funny little story
to share too, because I was in Uper and my
Uper driver was like, you're never gonna guess who my
customer was before you, and I was like, mmm, I'm
probably not going to guess. I mean, I was thinking
maybe a country artists, a country star or something like

we're in Nashville, maybe he drove Keith Urban or something.
But he was like, no, it was a rooster. And
I was like, oh wow, that's awesome as a rooster.
But he said that this couple got divorced and they
have shared custody of this rooster and they don't like
interacting face to face, so they don't like to drop
the rooster off at each other's houses whenever, you know,

from week to week, whenever they have to trade off
because then they have to see each other, and so
they use a uber driver every time to transport the
little rooster, like every week, Like I don't know how
often they switch, but it's just like, oh wow, that's crazy.
So that's my little fun Uber story. So if you've
ever wondered will it Uber like, can you uber or Rooster? Yeah?

You can. We play that game on the Bobby Bone Show.
Sometimes we haven't done in a while because Bobby started
to get a low Uber writing and he didn't want
it affecting his Uber score because we would uber the
most ridiculous things and if the uber driver was annoyed,
he would give him a bad rating. Um. But that's,
you know, fun game. If you're ever born on the weekend,
you can play will it Uper with your friends. UM.
Thank you so much for sending questions in for this

week's Q and A. Really appreciate that. If you ever
have anything you want to share or question, you just
know that you can hit us up. Hit me up
at four Things with Amy Brown at gmail dot com.
First question is from Rochelle. Hey, Amy, I've been a

listener for many years and I love your podcast. Also, love,
love love Dr Lewis. He's our family physician. Can't do
any better. I just want to ask what color of
lipstick you wear in most of your picks because it
looks great. Thanks so much. Well. First of all, Rochelle,
shout out Dr Lewis. He's amazing. He's my husband's best friend,
Dr Kevin Lewis. So if you live in Austin and
you're looking for a family physician, you definitely should go

check him out. And then secondly, I wear Nars Crushing
is the name of it. I put that on first,
and then over it I put Ice Queen, which is
by Lipstick Queen. So there's a lot of queens in there.
I get the Nars, like you can find that really anywhere,
but I get it at Nordstrom, and then Lipstick Queen.

I get a cosmetic market, but you might be able
to find that online. And again it's Ice Queen and
just adds like frosted over it. Maybe sometimes it's like
too much frosting, like I need to calm down. But
I really like that combo. So there you go. Um,
next question, I get this one a lot um, But
this one happens to be from someone else named Amy,

and she said, I see on your Amazon page you
have an air fryer pinned. I've been on the fence
about getting one for a while and was one of
how often you users and what you genuinely cook in there. Um,
I've seen a lot of good recipes on Instagram. Very
interested in your opinion and thoughts on size. And I
don't want to keep it on the counter, so wondering
how portable it is. And it seems quite large, so Amy, yes,

it is large. I don't keep it on the counter.
I keep it in my pantry and it's but it's
easy to pull out and put on the counter back
and forth. Um. I will say, when I first got it,
I used it a lot, and I got the extra
large because I have a husband and two kids, so
I was making bigger batches of things. Um. This these
emails like, I don't know why. I guess maybe because
of my Amazon page, I've been getting this question. But

it's making you want to bust it out more because
um like, Oh, when I first got it, I was
obsessed with making sweet potato fries, which is a really
easy way to make it. You can make it with
a little bit of oil, or you can make it
oil free. Um. But Laura Lee Balanced, Um. She her
website is l l Balanced dot com and she has
an air fryer buffalo cauliflower recipe and it's amazing. It's

so good and it's crispyqulifier like it tastes like you know,
buffalo chicken wings or that you would eat, but it's
you know, with cauliflower. Kelly the VEC also has a
similar recipe, So you can just google air frier recipes.
And I do think that you'll use it, and I
do think that you'll like it. I personally wish that
I busted out my more, but I'm just being honest

that I definitely use it a lot in the beginning,
and now I'm kind of reminded that I need to
use it more. So if you've got a good family
and you're trying to eat healthy and maybe cut back
on fried stuff, but you still want that fried feeling. Now,
don't get it wrong. It's not going to taste like
a legit waffle of fry from Chick fil A or anything.
But it does taste good, and it is an easy

way to cook, and a lot of times you don't
You don't even have to use the oil if you
don't want to at all. So air fryer for the wind.
It is on my Amazon page. You can get to
that by going to radio Amy dot com. And again
I got this size extra large. Next question is from
Olivia said, Hey, Amy, I work similar hours as you.
I'm up at four, back home by nine, and then

I'm a full time stay at home mom to a
three and a four year old. My husband and I
own some businesses. He works sixty hours a week. He
doesn't get home till eight o'clock some nights when I'm
winding down and ready for bed. So how do you
balance sleep in time with your husband? He wants me
to stay up till ten and spend time with him,
but then I'm barely functioning as a human trying to
keep two kids alive during the day. Help. Oh girl,

I feel you on having different schedule than your husband
and then even all your friends, quite honestly, because sometimes
you're just trying to go to bed because you have
to wake up so early. But normal people are having
dinner and out to eat. Sometimes when I am out
to eat, Like if if I'm having an abnormal week
night and I'm out at like seven or eight o'clock
at night instead of getting ready or in bed by eight,
I'm like, WHOA, the world is still a lie at

this time, Like this is what normal people do. Um,
Because I do think that the majority of people are
not waking up at like four in the morning, But um,
I will say that you just have to be intentional
about time with your husband and even with your family
for that matter. UM. I think the best thing that

you can do is like if your husband can be
considerate of what time that you need to go to bed,
then maybe he can come and get in bed with
you and like fall asleep with you. That would be
super sweet. Sometimes my husband will do that with me,
like we'll throw on some Netflix and then all fall asleep,
and then once I'm asleep, he'll get back up and
do some work because he doesn't have to wake up
as early as I do. Um. But with that said,

I will say, there's a lot of mornings he just
wakes up with me, and it's amazing. I don't know
if that's an option for your husband, but it's actually
really thoughtful. And he'll wake up and make my hot
limb and water for me and just stay up and
then he'll get his day going and he feels like
he gets a lot more accomplished. But again, your husband
is working sixtyr weeks, so he probably wants to get
his rest and maybe sleep in until at least six. Um,

you can, you know, find other ways to connect, like
out side of the bedroom and outside of sleep hours. UM,
you know, just make sure that you've got some undistracted
time together on your calendar where you can really focus
on each other. My husband and I love taking walks
together and when we can, or we'll sneak off and
go grab a bite to eat without the kids. I

know that you have a three and a four year old.
It's a little different. You can't leave them at home alone.
But or maybe I'll just schedule time at the dinner
table together to connect or have a glass of wine
together if you want to. Um, But I will say, say,
my husband and I get to go on a walk,
like I will not bring my cell phone. Um, sometimes
I forget and I bring it. I'm like, uh, but
when I'm being intentional about it, I leave my phone

at home and it's a lot easier. And maybe this
is on the weekend that you get the opportunity to
do this. But you're being intentional about connecting and having
that one on one communication and you're not being distracted
by TV or sleep or um sorry, Instagram or emails
or anything like that. UM. I guess I through sleep

in there just now because I was thinking, just because
you can't go to bed together at some time, Like
sleeping together is it's it's cute and awesome at all,
but it's not spending quality time together, which is a
lot of times what you're lacking. Um and just laying
in bed together watching Netflix is really amazing too, but
you're still not connecting connecting, and then also like just
communicate and be respectful of each other and each other's

schedules because you're both working weird hours, you're both you know,
have demanding things happening, and just communicate when you're feeling like, okay,
I need time with you, like this is gonna be
a little bit of sacrifice on my end or you're
in when it comes to rest, but we have got
to find time to connect, whether it be emotionally, physically,
um or whatever the need is, You've got to communicate

about it because if you don't, then it's going to
be something that kind of builds up inside and then
you end up fighting about it because you just don't
feel connected, and then that's just like no, no, no
fun at all whatsoever. So I hope that helps. I
know that. I mean, I'm certainly not an expert when
it comes to that, but I do understand that disconnect
that happens when you're just trying to go to bed

at eight o'clock and somebody else gets to stay up
until ten, and then you feel like you're missing out.
But UM, so good luck with that, Olivia, and UM,
you know, ask other friends what they do to see
what you can do there, and tell your husband about it.
Make sure that he knows that you're feeling this way. Um.
Next email is from Becky. Hey, Amy, I've got a

couple of questions about some items on your Amazon page. Um,
spire Lena and help noodles. Just curious what you do
with those. Keep up the great work. Thanks so Becky.
Sperlina just kind of clue people in on what it is.
It's like a blue green algae. It's got a lot
of nutrients and B vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin E, antioxidants, minerals,

chlorophyll and it's also used as a vegan protein. So
you can stir a small amount of sperlina into a
glass of water and just throw it back, or you
can add it to some juice. I personally don't really
drink juice because there're a lot of sugar in there,
but you could do that if you wanted to just
knock it back. And some people mix it with coconut
water though, and it's like extra hydrating. Then you can

also throw it in smoothies, which is typically what I do.
Um And like it's you can sort of taste it,
but it will definitely make whatever you put it in
like this bright green blue color, like a really deep, deep,
deep color. So don't be freaked out by that. If
you do shoot it straight, it might turn your teeth
that colorful a little bit. To make sure you've got
some clear water to like swish around in your mouth

and swallow so that way your teeth are not blue. Um.
And as for the kelp, help is an edible brown
seaweed and I love the noodles because they add crunch
to things. Um. And it's an alternative to pasta and
not listen, if you're like a carbo freak and you
love spaghetti, like this is just you're gonna be like,
what this is not an alternative. This tastes nothing like pasta,

but for me it works, and I actually mix it
with spaghetti squash to add more to my meal without
adding more like calories or anything. And it mixes right
in and again kind of gives it a crunch. Kelpt
noodles or low calorie, low carb, fat free, sugar free.
They've got vitamins A, B, and C. They have minerals
like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron and UM. You can

really just play around with a bunch of different recipes.
There's tons online you can google. Um. Kimberly Snyder has
a really good one that's a mixed veggie and kelpt
noodle salad recipe. Again to the salad, it just adds
like an extra crunch, and kelp noodles will kind of
take on the flavor of whatever you add to them.
They kind of soak up that that flavor. So Kimberly,

you can just google Kimberly Snyder Mixed veggie and kelp
noodle Salad recipe if you want to find that. One
last email is from Misty. She said, Hey, I know
you had to deal with the death of your mom

and now my family is going through a similar situation,
so I wondered if you had any advice. We found
out my mother in law has stage four lung cancer
and both lungs and another type of cancer. They can't
treat it, and they've given her weeks to live. So
I just wondered if there was anything you wish you
had asked your mother and done. We're spending all the
time with her that we can. UM, she's talked about

the wishes for her funeral. I just really don't know
what to do and don't know what to do for
my husband. UM. I think the pimp and joy line
that you have an honor of your mother is the
best thing ever. My daughter and I saved up and
we were finally able to both get a T shirt
and we wear them proudly. UM. Misty, I'm so sorry
that you are having to go through this. I know
that it's really really hard. UM. What stood out to

me most with the is when you said I don't
know what to do for my husband, because I feel
like that's how my husband felt about UM, me and
my sister and my family when we were going through
the loss of my mom. And you know, no, no
two cases are the same. So I'm sharing with you
my experience, but really everything that you're experiencing might be

a little bit different. But I got your email and
then I talked to my husband about it and we
kind of talked about things that were really helpful and
that UM I appreciated from him. And so I think
what what you can offer to your husband and his
family is to listen. Like you you can't fix anything,
but if you're a good listener during this time, that

means a lot, Like it's really meaningful. It's very helpful
for maybe your husband or his family, like if they
could use you sometimes they just need to vent and
share and they're not looking for you to actually say
anything or solve anything because you can't. UM, but you
can be that ear and you know, you can just
be there to just understand that it's hard and be

a shoulder for them. UM. And you can't pretend it's
not happening. So when you're there listening, it's like, Okay,
I'm here. I don't know what to do, but but
I'm here with you, and I will listen and try
to do the best that I can. UM as someone
that is like I don't know how close you are
to your mother in law, but I mean I'm sure

that it's hard, especially because you're super close to your husband,
but you could be someone that may be helped with
daily tasks or at least could coordinate with daily tasks
or set up an email or text chain. My husband
was really good about that for me and my sister.
And we're kind of lucky too because my husband and
my sister's husband have been best friends since they were kids,
so they were able to tackle things together for us,

but they would coordinate things with other family members and friends,
like because my sister had four kids and she was
busy caring for my mom, and you know, my mom
was in hospice care in my sister's house, so there
was a lot of stuff that needed to be done
like laundry and cooking, and you know, during the final
week of her life, just so that everything did in
spiral out of control. So um, like someone has to

spearhead coordinating the people and the daily tasks and stuff
that needs to get done to keep the house moving
so that there's not that added stress of just yoss
and hectic nous. And then people also want to be informed,
like how how is she doing day to day, especially
if she's on the decline and she just has a
few weeks. I I think with that said too, I

think it's good that you'll have discussed her funeral plans. Uh,
I know how hard that is. Like I remember my
sister and I having that conversation with my mom and
it's just that's a that's a tough one. But I
think it's so good to know UM her desires and
what she wants and that you can do your best
to fulfill that UM once the time comes. UM. But

a lot of people are gonna be want to I
want to be up to date on on where she
is daily and then when that time comes, like they're
gonna want to know. But you don't need your husband
doesn't need to be the one like having to update
everybody UM. So maybe you could help coordinate with that,
like again on an email or text chain or something.
And that also UM can be the same group of

people that can be providing meals for the family if
there's stuff that needs to be brought over UM. And
then just I think making sure that you're supportive to
other people that might be caring for her or other
family members to not just your husband UM because it's
such a stressful, stressful time so and everyone's kind of
juggling a lot UM. But again, you can kind of

be that liaison to the other people that want to
help and you're kind of unfortunately the stage that you're
in isn't the beginning. Actually, I don't know how recently
she was diagnosed with stage four, but um, you know,
if you are towards the end. This is just another
piece of advice that I'll give to anybody. Maybe you

don't have anybody in your life that has cancer now,
but maybe you will in the future. And I would
say that in the beginning, you kind of have all
hands on deck and there's so many people that want
to be involved and support is coming in like crazy.
But I would say, just make sure you're one of
those people that continues to offer support because sometimes a
cancer ignosis can you know, lead into a year or

two years or three years of treatment and you do see,
you know, the help kind of, you know, not, it's
just not as many people show up as they did
in the beginning. So if you can kind of be
intentional about someone that's around from like day one or
as much as you possibly can, um, then that's my

encouragement to anybody else listening that maybe on this journey
at some point in their life, is like, don't be
someone that just shows up right in the beginning. When
it's really tough. And this is a reminder to myself
too and in other people in my life that are
going through something. It's like you're shocked at the beginning,
You're like, oh my gosh, what can I do? I'll
do whatever, and then you know, several months into it,
people aren't showing up as much when they're still just

as much happening in that person's life as day one.
So um, yeah, Misty again, I'm so sorry that you
all are going through this thoughts and prayers. I hope
that that was helpful information. That's just know what my
husband and I talked about. If you have any other
questions maybe um you can email me again. Uh, and

just will be praying for you during this time because
I know it's super tough. I appreciate everybody's emails as always.
Hope you're having an excellent Tuesday, and we will be
back on Thursday. I've got Adam Bobo coming back on
so um. He is Immerse, my male nurse guy that
comes on from time to time. He does i VS

here in Nashville. He has a business called Arete Nashville
and they do the i V hydration and I don't know,
he's just kind of knows a lot about different things.
So we're gonna really hone in on glue to thigh
on because that's another thing. I get a lot ever,
every time people listen to the podcast with him where
he came on and sort of briefly brought up glued
to Thaion, and I get a lot of emails. So

I thought, well, I should have him back on and
we'll do like a deep dive into that. So he
will be on, and then we'll talk about three other
things in addition. And don't have it quite figured out
exactly what those other three things are going to be,
but I will keep y'all, keep y'all posted, and if
you have any other episodes that you've missed, which I'm
sure they're probably is some, you can go back and

listen to them. That way, you're all caught up. Okay,
thanks for listening and subscribing and rating and reviewing and
all the things. If you haven't done that, well, there's
still time. There's still time.

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