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July 7, 2020 17 mins

This is Amy’s ‘5th Thing’ (a bonus episode) where she answers your questions every Tuesday! ‘4 Things With Amy Brown’ comes out every Thursday, but on Tuesdays Amy answers questions you’ve emailed in. On today’s episode Amy's husband joins her to address: forking the noise, where she shops the most, her relationship not being perfect, the new Hunger Games prequel book, and a few questions about #PIMPINJOY gear!!

(Episode 161)

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Happy Tuesday, everybody. Hope you had a great Fourth of
July weekend. My husband and I are doing this Q
and A together coming to from Colorado in a closet
that I was hoping it may help the audio sound
a little bit better, but I really have no idea,
so just apologize in advance. We're recording this while we're

on a little family vacation visiting our family in Colorado.
So I do have some questions from y'all that were
sent in, so I want to make sure we don't
miss an episode and address these questions. For sure. I
appreciate y'all emailing me so much, whether it's just encouragement,
ideas for the podcast, or questions like for today's episode.

For Things with Amy Brown at gmail dot com is
where you can do that. Sometimes I get d MS
asking I don't know where to email, so hopefully that
will help you all out. We do start Tuesday's episodes
off with a quote, and today I have one from
Mother Teresa. I alone cannot change the world, but I
can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples,

and I love that. One reminds me of the Starfish
story about how you can make a difference. Little by
little doesn't have to be this huge thing. And also
it makes me think of Pimp and Joy and the
recent campaign that we did it which is still going on,
by the way, to build a home for a hero,
and y'all are awesome. I saw y'all posting on fourth

of July wearing all your Pimp and Joy red, white
and blue and feeling so proud that you were wearing
it and it helped build a home for a veteran
that you know, sacrificed for our country. So very very cool,
And really it's it's similar because Pimp and Joy has
been able to donate a lot to various causes, but
because people buy one shirt or one hat, or one

pullover or one coffee mug at a time, and so
you know, you can sust one stone. Just like Pimp
and Joy. You buy one shirt and it has a
ripple effect. It keeps giving. So I just wanted to
say that we appreciate that. And I guess I'll have
been start off with the first question, all right from

Crystal hey Amy. The other day I worked, my boss
asked me if I lost weight because I looked very skinny.
It was like the little devil on my shoulder was saying,
this is amazing. You need to go lose weight. Thankfully
I could stop and thinking, no, I don't need to
do that. I just need to eat what makes my
body feel good and not gross and crummy. My question
is should I have said something to her or educated
somehow on these words? How these words can be detrimental

to people? How should I have handled this situation. I mean,
she's my boss and I haven't been working there full
time for very long. Well, Crystal, I would say, first
of all, wonderful job flagging the noise. My outwag co
host Lisa, who's at the well Necessities on Instagram, she
is all about forking the noise and the fact that

you recognized the noise is definitely growth on your part,
and you made the effort to stop the comment from
triggering you. So job well done. But I don't think
it's appropriate for you to have a conversation with your
boss about it. It's definitely case by case for who
you can have these types of conversations with, But your
boss at a job that you haven't been out for

very long might not be ideal. But I definitely want
to recognize the fact that you heard the noise, you
forked the noise, and I hope that you're able to
continue doing that. Next question from Sarah Hey Amy, I
absolutely love your style. I was wondering what stores you
shop at most. You get so many of your cute
findes either an actual store or online. I mean, I

would say Target is such a good one lately. And
I got the Target app, which might be trouble, but
it's so easy. You can just pay with Apple Pay
and if you have an iPhone, then you and you
have your credit card in there. Then you just do
your pass code and you check out and it arrives
at your house and it's awesome, and they have some
of cutest clothes. For sure. You probably don't like that

because you don't like that I have the Target app,
but it makes it too easy. And especially with coronavirus,
you can't really go to Target anymore, and so having
the app, they send you notifications. I have a lot
of apps on my phone, but normally I say no notifications,
but the Target app I do allow because I love
to know when they have a good deal on something.

Which speaking of Target, and this has nothing to do
with clothes, but We got some of the cutest patio
furniture from Target for our new house, So if you're
looking for outdoor stuff, they have some amazing things. Back
to clothing, another shop or that I go to a
lot while through the app I do a lot of

online shopping is Free People, And yeah, I would say
not eight times out of ten I'm wearing. If I'm
in real clothes, I'm in Free People are Arget. And
then if I'm not in real clothes, I'm always just
in Lululemon like yoga pants and some sort of shot

forward T shirt or pull over real clothes like a
skirt or you know, with a cute shirt like what
I've been wearing. So are not real close my leggings.
I mean, I get that they're all real clothes, but
I mean, if I'm getting dressed to go somewhere, like

those Free People had the cutest cut off denim shorts
that I got, and they're part of their curvy line,
I think it's I don't know if they spell it
with the U. They may be c r v Y,
but either way, I think if you go to their
website and type in curvy with the you the whole
line of things will short show up, but they have
these cut off denim shorts that are longer in the back,

which I know a lot of you may feel me
on that. I don't know why denim shorts have to
be so short in the back, and when you're almost
forty years old, you don't want to I can't do that,
so and being a mom, like, I want a little
bit of length, but I kind of want them shorter
in the front and longer in the back. Do that
makes sense, Like a mullet part in the front, there
was business in the front, party in the bag. Yeah

about the opposite? Yeah, okay, next question from showy, Hey girl,
you have been seemed like the perfect little family. I'm
currently struggling in my relationship and just curious if you
can relate and have any encouragement. Well, my encouragement would
be that nobody has a perfect little family at all.
And so you know, I think a lot of what

gets put out there of our family might be cute
little Instagram photo or a story here and there, or
maybe even a story on the podcast. But you know
you've come on before and we've been transparent about how
it's not perfect at all. That takes work and I
think that marriage and I don't know if you've got
kids in your relationship, there's a whole new different dynamic

with kids. But I don't want to say, oh my gosh,
it's so much work and discourage anybody from getting into
a relationship. But friendships take work, any office relationships, co workers,
everybody takes work in your life if it means something.

So just know that if you're feeling disconnected with a person,
or like us, if we we know when we're off
and we have to have we have to go take
each other aside and be like, hey, why are we
doing this and try to get to the root of
what it is. And a lot of times one of

us will have created an entire story in our head
about what the other person did and what they meant
by it, and it was really just a lie. The
other person didn't mean it that way at all. So
I would say communication is super important, and then you know,
I'll just say something about me real quick. With Ben,

I know that I can nag too much, and I
don't want to be a nagging person, and I feel
like that's really negative, and you know, negativity can really
bring down a relationship, and so I am admitting that
right now to everybody. I'm a nagger and I have
to work on it. And Ben, I hope that you

know that I'm recognizing that and I'm going to try
to work on it. And then, like I had to
come to you yesterday because I felt like you were
really uptight for no reason. Well, I just I'm a
pretty up type person, right, but we need to relax,
especially because we're we're supposed to be up here relaxing.

And I know that you're trying. But maybe that was
me nagging that you needed to relax, but somehow I
needed to communicate to you. So if you have something
you would like to talk to your partner about it,
just make sure it it comes across in a non
nagging manner and that maybe you need to breathe before
you talk. Well, can I talk to this one yet? Absolutely? Um.

I would just suggest that, like you, don't look at
other couples and judge them based off of your relationship,
because a lot of times I think that we've looked
at other couples and they're like, man, it looks so
easy for them. They're just in love and it's so
like organic and natural, and yet we're you know, we're
working on our relationship. I would I think that everybody's
working on their relationship, whether you see it on Instagram

or you see it in real life. Like, everybody's got
issues that they're working on. So don't compare yourself to
other relationships. Just do the best to make your relationship
the best it can be. Yeah, and be willing to
get Depending on your personality, getting vulnerable and talking about
how you're really feeling might be hard, but both of
you have to be willing to do that. In our relationship,
it's easier for me to do it than Ben. It's

hard for him to get vulnerable, but you work on it.
I'm you're really trying and I appreciate that. Um. I
think another thing that I saw that I just want
to share with you, Shelly, is that if you're in
a quarantine situation, there's so much negativity on the news
and then the world. And I don't know what kind
of job you have or how much news you're actually watching,

but be intentional about limiting negative stuff that you consume.
And then because it just perpetuates the negativity and its snowballs,
and then it's it's hard to bring in the positive
um and complaining. There's I feel like sometimes if I
get negative and I get real, start to complain about everything.

So I just want to encourage you to try to
keep things positive and check on your mental state and
where you are with everything that's going on in the world,
and try to have a healthier, more positive perspective and
that may transfer into your relationship as well. So just
a thought. Next question from Danielle. I've seen you and

Mary post about the new Hunger Games book, The Ballat
of Song, Words and Snakes. I haven't read. I have
not read any of the Hunger Games books. Should I
start with the first book or join all in reading
the prequel book? So you should start with the first book,
for sure, Danielle. You have to. You can't start with
the prequel because you need to know about the character
in the prequel. I would rather you know him from

as an adult in the beginning or an old man
in the first books. So even though the prequels technically
the beginning, UH start order all the books and read
them as she put them out, and I think you
will love them. It's such good entertainment. I'm super excited.
I brought my my book with me the prequel on

our trip, and yeah, I can't wait. I think we're
gonna show the kids the Tonguer Game movie tonight. Maybe
we were trying to decide if it was appropriate for
our son. I don't know. There's some parts that maybe
we could just explain to him. He's good about saying like, hey,
this is this is scary, and that's another route you

could go. If you're not into reading, well, you can
watch the Hunger Games movies, which there's four of them
because they divided uh the book, like the last book,
I think, into two different movies. I haven't I haven't
seen the last two movies, but I've read all the
books so good. And Mary and I have an unofficial
book club happening with this book. I don't really know

what we're going to do with it, but we're both
reading at the same time, and I know a lot
of you are as well. So if you want to
get the book and join us, we may do some
sort of Instagram live on shop as splat or the
shop forward or something and try to just have some
discussions about it. I don't know, I've got a Google
how to run an online book club or something. Um,

but yeah, I'm excited. I showed my Hunger Games trailer
to my brother in law here this morning, the one
you did, the one I did. So if you'll haven't
seen that, it's on my Instagram page at Radio Amy.
I posted it like a month or two ago. You
have to scroll through and find it. Last question, all right?

From name not attached? Do you think you guys will
reach let me address? Name not attached? It means like
sometimes people email the my the podcast email, but I
guess they don't want you to know who they are,
and either they create an account to do it they
don't sign, but then they don't sign their name, and

then the email address might be like one two three
four ABC and then so that's why name not attached.
I know it seems weird because I like to know
who it is that's emailing me, and I love knowing
you's names. But this one's from name not attached? All right?
Do you think you guys will restock the new tiede
Pip and Joy shirts? Also, I noticed that the camo

and black hashtag Pimp and Joy isn't the same as
it used to be or the same as a born
your hats is there a reason for that, are you
guys go once you changed him back again when they
run out? Well name not attached. You can go to
radiome dot com and click on the Pimp and Joy
picture of me and Stevenson and then click on the
tight eyed shirt that says sold which stands were sold out,

and then go to the far right on the web
page and click email when available, because Mary does plan
on restocking them to the shop forward, but she doesn't
have a date yet from the printer on when that
will happen. But if you click the email when available,
then you'll get an email notification as soon as she
loads them up. And then As for the hats, are

original hats, the first ones we ever made, which we
still have by the way. Those are mesh and a
snap back and more of a flat brim thing going on.
But the new hats that you're seeing that are black
and Camo our Dad hats, so the fit is a
little bit different. But I personally am loving the Dad
hat lately. You can google Dad hats to see why

they fit differently, but it's it's just a different, more
comfortable look. And I guess while we're talking about this
sort of thing too. I'll make a note that y'all
are awesome because Stashira put up her bracelets for sale
and they sold out super fast, and I getting tons
and tons of emails asking when she's going to get more,

and so I'll just throw that in with this email.
She's going to make more, probably in the next month
or so, so I would say maybe by September we
could have some more for sale. But we'll see. I
can't force her to work, so she's only thirteen. If
she doesn't want to make them, I can't make her.
But she does really enjoy making bracelets, so hopefully she'll

have some more up for y'all soon. And then Stevenson's
be the chain shirts with his handwriting. I just saw
a d M on Instagram asking where to buy those
and the same thing. Uh, they're at the shop forward.
But I know a lot of that can be confusing,
so that's why I send you all to BRADYO Meet
dot com. But even right now, if you click on

the image, it will take you to the pimp and
joy stuff. But I guess the easy way to send
you there would be the shop for dot com slash
ally a L L Y and that will take you
to the Ally Fund and that all the shirts there
of the proceeds go to fight racial injustice, so all

at the shop forward. Um. Sometimes people don't know exactly
how to navigate that because there's so many different causes
and items that are up there. But hopefully I'll figure
it out. If not, just always send me a message
and hopefully we'll be able to get back to you
and send you a link and help you out. But
thank you all for the questions for today, and thanks
Ben for being here. I'm pleasure. Next time, let's find

a bigger closet. Yeah, we're in a really tiny closet
right now. The legs are numb. Okay, all right. Uh,
I'll see y'all on Thursday's episode, which I'm very excited about.
I have uh Chase's friend Cassie coming on to talk
about human trafficking, which I is a It's I almost

feel like I need to put a disclaimer at the
beginning of the episode. It's gonna be hard to listen to.
I don't want it to be a trigger for anybody.
But if you're just wanting to get more informed and
know more about what's going on in our country, when
it comes to this. I mean, I think some people
don't realize that this happens in the United States, but
it does. So I'm thankful for Cassie's insight and that

episode will be this Thursday. Okay, see y'all in by

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