All Episodes

January 11, 2024 21 mins

Where do parasites come from? What is hair analysis? Why don't they show in a stool test or colonoscopy? What is the significance of cleansing around the full moon? How do you get ready to parasite cleanse? These are just some of the questions answered in today's episode about parasites with Integrative Health Practitioner, Katie Decker.

Katie's Bio: I live and play in Southern Utah with my incredible husband Taz and our 3 girls. I graduated with a bachelor's degree from The University of Utah in 2004 after becoming a D1 All-American athlete. In 2007 I began my personal health journey to address my hypothyroid + hashimotos and repeated miscarriages. After deep internal healing work I came to realize that it was my unique gift to guide others along their journey to healing. I created an online small group coaching program and began hosting women’s healing yoga retreats. I am a certified Life Coach, Yoga teacher, and Integrative Health Practitioner that uses the incredible tool of epigenetic hair analysis to guide health and healing. I have been offering hair analysis for over 2 years now and have seen close to 1400 hair analysis reports. I work with clients in person and virtually all over the United States. I am so passionate about empowering people with information about their health and giving them this practical guide to overall wellbeing!

HOST: Amy Brown // // @RadioAmy

GUEST: Katie Decker // @Simply.well.katie //

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:13):
Cats up little food for yoursel.

Speaker 2 (00:18):

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Oh it's pretty bad. Hey, it's pretty beautiful thing beautiful
for that for a little more said he you're kicking
with full thing with Amy Brown.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Happy Thursday, Amy here and today we're talking about parasites.
Where do they come from? How do we get them? Symptoms,
how do we get rid of them? Parasite cleanses, hair analysis.
I mean, this is a topic that I'm very interested in.
So I'm thankful to have an expert on Katie Decker.
I first learned of Katie and her parasite expertise through

Haley Hubbard on Instagram and Katie's on Zoom, which Katie,
I'm so greatfull you agreed to come on and answer
all my parasite questions. But I want to know about
you first, your background, why you love knowing all about
the body and how it functions, why you know so
much about parasites, and well also where you're coming to

us from.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
So I live in southern Utah. I grew up in
a very medical household. My mom was a nick you nurse.
My dad did search and rescue. He's EMT trained. I
grew up knowing like all the names the proper name
is all the bones and muscles and organs, And I'd
always just been like fascinated with the body itself. Then
I moved into becoming a really high level Division one

All American athlete, and through that learned about how nutrition
fuels the body, and then how the body performs right
and recovers from injury. And then you know, like as
a mom, like growing and birthing another human being is
like the most blind, like mind blowing experience ever. So
even just like seeing that process, I've always just been

deeply curious about the body. And then into my mid
twenties started connecting how our past traumas and our emotional
dysregulation can show up in our body as physical symptoms too.
I thought Yoga certified started like really diving into that
mind body soul connection. Became a life coach to help

understand the thoughts that we tell ourselves how that affects
our physical being. I am an integrative health practitioner, so
I take diet and lifestyle changes to apply to people
so they can prevent future disease and discomfort in their bodies.
And then along the path, about almost just over two
years ago, hair analysis came into the scene for me

and I was like, Oh, this is the tool that
puts all of that together and gives us an actual
report to flow. And it's just been so amazing since
everything has kind of taken off over the last two
and a half years, I've been able to help so
many people get to those like cause answers, and so
that's kind of my history, my background.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
So the hair analysis is that what leads to confirmation
there may be parasites.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
That is one of the best ways to identify parasites.
In the hair analysis. It will kind of give us
your parasitic overgrowth levels. It'll also tell us so many
different things. You know, it's going to tell us the
deficiencies and vitamins, minerals, aminos, batty acids. It's also going
to tell us how to support the systems in our body,

what our gut help and pardiovascular health look like. And
it'll tell us if we have an overburden of toxicities
like chemicals or having metals, radiation along with any of
those really deep gut disruptors like a bacterial imbalance, a
fungal or candida overgrowth, there's mold exposure, your viral load,
and parasitic overgrowth. Yeah, so it's one of the most

effective tools. And a question that I get asked all
the time is like, why can't we test for these things?
Why aren't god doctors finding these parasitic overgrowths in like
blood or stool, right, So the answer to that is
it's kind of simple, actually, Like our blood recirculates every
twenty four hours, and it is our body's job to

keep our blood clean. If something is showing up in
our blood, it's already pretty bad off. So blood typically
doesn't harbor a lot of parasites. And when you go
to get like a stool test or a colonoscopy, these
tests right now can detect about ten different parasites, and
there are seven point seven million parasitic infections that are

known of right now, so they're missing a whole lot
in a colonoscopy. I mean, even when you go to
detect like colon cancer, thirty six percent of the time
colon cancers missed, and parasites are so much smaller majority
of the time on a microscopic scale than that, So
seventy percent of those are so small you kind even

see them with the naked eye. It makes like almost
impossible to detect. And unless you are like currently doing
a parasite cleanse and you happen to have killed off
a parasite that's going to pass in that one stool
sample that they test, which I have had clients do
that just because we were curious, like could we get
it during a parasite clans tested with infectious disease. But

unless that is like that really small window, you're not
going to find them in stool testing or gimapping or colonoscopy.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Well, so where do we get parasites or maybe the
question is how how do we get parasites? And why
aren't we talking about them more? Especially here in America.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Yeah, And the crazy thing is is like if you
start kind of looking into it, you'll realize, like, oh,
this is an ancient practice that are ancestors and different
places all around the world have incorporated and normalized. But
in the Western civilization we have tried to take on
this idea, idea that we are a sterile environment, right,

like our bodies are these sterile places, and we live
in clean homes, we drink clean water, we do all
the things right. So a crazy fact National Geographic actually
came out and said that parasites have killed more people
than all of the wars of the world combined. They're
far more common than you would realize. There's a lot

of studies that are coming out that are like showing
links to MS and the brain lesions from MS are
actually parasitic overgrowth, cancer tumors, bundles, and nests of parasites.
It's estimated that like eighty five to ninety percent of
us have a parasitic overgrowth. And yes, you can more
commonly come in contact with them if you travel, but

it also can come from just your regular food and
water your pets. If you have like a dog or
a cat that you love and you're snuggling up and
smooching them, Right, we deworm our pets. Why wouldn't we
regularly marshals. Also, like kissing in sex, you can transmit parasites. Obviously,
undercooked meats, right, soushi is one where you find it

a lot. Pork tends to harbor more parasites. Not washing
your produce because there's parasites in the earth. So if
you're not like thoroughly washing produce before you're eating it,
you can definitely catch a parasite that way. And then
another really common one that people don't realize is food poisoning.
So when you go somewhere and you get that violent
reaction after you've eaten something where it's just trying, that's

your body trying to expel a parasite. So if you've
ever gotten like food poisoning and you have, you know,
like you ride that wave, you feel like things are
getting better, then your gut never fully recovers and you
still kind of feel like things are off down the road.
It's because you need to go in and do a
little bit of parasite support and parasite cleanup after that. So, yeah,

lots of places we can get parasites.

Speaker 3 (07:55):
So that would be parasite support. Is a cleanse?

Speaker 4 (07:59):
Yeah, okay, So what does that look like?

Speaker 3 (08:01):
And why is it recommended that we start a cleanse
when there's a full moon?

Speaker 2 (08:06):
This is a great question. It's one of the most
commonly asked questions that I get. So during the full moon,
as humans, we have a down regulation in melatonin and
arise in serotonin just naturally, and because parasites love to
feed off of serotonin, they come out of their biofilms
and they kind of like act out and they have

a feeding frenzy during the full moon. Two things happen,
right Like, you'll see an increase in your symptoms over
the full moon if you start paying attention right like,
and we'll talk about like the signs of a parasite
and the symptoms of a parasite, but you'll see an
increase in those. And then also that makes it the
best time to target them and kill them off because
they are more alive and active and kind of come

out of those biofilms that they like to hide and
protect themselves in. Have you ever heard the phrase lunatic
right Like, there's a reason Luna lunar and lunatic like
things get crazy around the full moon, Like women tend
to go into labor more at the full moon. The
tides are controlled by the moon sil the women's a
pretty powerful tool to help us parasite clans.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
Okay, when I picture parasites, I picture gut area, but
I know they hang out other places. So where do
parasites hang out in our bodies? And what are all
the ways they exit our bodies? Because I saw a
crazy story on your Instagram about one that was in
your nose or something where did parasites hang out in

our bodies?

Speaker 4 (09:39):
And what are all the ways they exit our bodies?

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Because I saw a crazy story on your Instagram about
one that was in your nose or something.

Speaker 2 (09:48):
So parasites are actually capable of migrating around the body.
One of the most common ways that they enter our
system is intestinally. So many of us have low stem
my guessid we're not able to kill them off right
get food poisoning, we have a major exposure of work
with traveler pets or any of those things. But once
they're in, they can perforate your intestine walls, and they
can get out into your interstitial tissues and your interstitial fluid,

and they can migrate throughout your body. This is how
they show up as brain lesions for MS. This is
how they can be in your sinus cavities. And yes,
my own very first paracyclones that I ever did, I
got a parasite out of my sinuses. I was not
expecting it whatsoever.

Speaker 4 (10:31):
You just blow your nose and it came out.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
I didn't even blow it. I was doing a paracyclone.
It was the full moon, and I started feeling like
it was in this side. Oh, backup, because like backstory,
I had been suffering with major chronic Cyanidis back to
back sinus infections. I had staff in there. At one
point I had gone and gotten a CT scan. This

was July, and you can see, like I it on Instagram,
the exact picture of my CT scam. This whole side
is completely blocked. And I was told, like, you have
no choice, you have to have surgery. And I was like, okay,
let's wait to insurance changes in January, right, like, let
me put this off a little bit. So in the
meantime that fall, I think it was like September maybe

I was like doing a Fulman parasit cleanse and I
start to feel like it almost felt like a muscle twitch,
but totally different. It was almost like little puffs of
air into my tear duct. And I documented this whole
thing in real time on Instagram, so if you go
and look at my highlight bubbles, like that's real time,
and I'm like, this is the weirdest feeling. It's really
like the only major symptom that I'm having during this cleanse.

And I would feel it and they would kind of subside,
and then I was like at the park with my
kids one night, and I wasn't plowing my nose, I
wasn't doing a sinus rint nothing. I literally felt it
dislodge move and I spit it into my hand.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
Oh so it came out of your mouth? Yeah, okay.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
People can't see my eyes right now, but they're looking
at you and they're just like, my eyeballs are so
big right now, because I'm trying to understand how I
would react if something right wiggling around in my face
and then just came out of my mouth.

Speaker 4 (12:14):

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Sinus cavities are a big one obviously, coal rectal, right,
vaginal cavities. A lot of women, they'll pass clocks and
parasites through that way. And then also you know your ears,
any orifice that there's an entrance, there can be an
exit for parasite.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Okay, so when you're on a cleanse, how long does
it last? And then if we can be picking up parasites,
it seems like anywhere and everywhere all the time. How
often are we supposed to cleanse?

Speaker 2 (12:42):
It's really important to go about parasite cleansing the right way.
You need to spend a little bit of time getting
your body ready. If you've never done anything to help
like break down bilephones in your gut and like do
some liver cleansing support your kidney, liver, gall bladder. We
got to do some time to take care of that
and get your drainage pop open before you jump into
a parasite cleanse. I mean, parasite cleansing is a hot

thing right now, right like it's trending. People are like
jumping on Amazon and buying a cleanse and then they
end up super sick. This is because they didn't do
any prep work to get ready. When you work with me,
if we have the time, we'll get you ready for
thirty days before the full moon. If we're in a
time crunch, I do have an option for a liver
cleanse that takes about seven days before the full moon,
and then when we move into parasite cleansing, we do

this the five to seven days around the full moon.
You want a full moon to fall in the middle,
so you'll start a couple days before and go a
couple days after the full moon. And it'll include like
really great anti parasitic herbs. I work with a couple
of companies that's all herbal but the dosing and the
different products. You want to make sure that you're using
products that have like mamosa pudicused sage, tansy clove, holy basal,

time black walnut hole is a big major anti parasitic,
and you definitely always need to take some kind of binder.
My favorite is is an active carbon binder, because when
you're killing off parasites, parasites will hold on to toxins.
They harbor a lot of heavy metals, a lot of chemicals,
So when you kill them off and they're dying off

in your system, they can release like ammonia, which is
one of their byproducts, lots of toxins, mold, candy to lime,
all of that. So you always want to be making
sure that you're like mopping up anything that is left
when you're targeting them and killing them off.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
Okay, so I want to circle back to the epogenetic
hare analysis because you mentioned that in the beginning. If
someone were to do that with you, what is that?

Speaker 4 (14:38):
Is that just them? Like I'm picturing plucking hair and
mailing it to you or something?

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Yeah, So how it works? I see clients in person
and virtually at this point, you know, I've seen over
fourteen hundred clients. If you can't get to me in person,
what happens is I send you a kit. So you'll
get a kit in the mail, comes with instructions, it'll
come with wheezers, it'll co with the packing material, the
EMF protected envelope to ship it back. It helps to

have someone, I'll tell you, because it is kind of
hard to get them. You want to do them from
your occipital plane, so somewhere along this line of your head.
Typically I like to grab it from the back of
the head because the roots are more boldless, and you'll
grab three or four hair bulbs. You'll ship them back.
The receiving center processes it and then drops the report
into my back office, and then I jump on zoom

with you and go over like for over an hour
in detailed explanation of all of your results, explain all
of it to you, and then based off of your
symptoms and what your report is showing, I put together
like a customized ninety day protocol for you to get
moving forward to like optimize your health.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
Okay, thank you for explaining that. I'm curious then and
I just now got around to asking it. But back
to parasites. And then cleansing, what types of things do
you see clients or people or you could even speak
for yourself, what do you see happen like, how do
you see them suddenly? Do they have more energy? Are
they off certain meds? And how does our life improve

once we start to get a handle on these parasites.
And now the question in my head is does everybody
have a parasite? I mean, should we just lean on
the side of like everybody has one or two or
five million.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
Yeah, it is estimated that like eighty five to ninety
percent of us do have parasitic overgrowth. Right, some of
us struggle with symptoms more than others. So you definitely
want to, like I mentioned, cleanse the right way. When
you're cleansing, you want to do at least four back
to back full moon cleanses because you want to kill
off parasites in all of their life cycles. You don't

want to put in the time and the money and
the effort and the energy to then have those eggs
hatch and repopulate and in a year down the road
be in the exact same place that you were in.
So four originally back to back, and then at that point,
if you're still seeing and noticing like a lot of
your symptoms, or you're still seeing a lot pass from
your system. You can go to doing them quarterly and

then semi annually and then like an annual cleanup. That's
kind of like maintenance space. I do suggest everyone should
do a parasite cleansing annually. I do mind every fall,
just to make sure or unless one pops back up
on your hair analysis, like if you've traveled or gotten
food poisoning or picked up one in any of those
other places that we mentioned. Yeah, so the things that

people see, right, So let's talk about symptoms of parasites.
And these are the things that you'll see improve as
you go through your rounds of parasite cleansing. The first
is teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Also really restlessly. They
are nocturnal, so they will come alive at night and
cause you to have restlessly not be able to get
into that deeper, storative rem sleep, and you'll notice that

worse around the full moon, really vivid dreams or nightmares.
Multiple food sensitivities, if your bollols slow down or you
have a lot of gassy bloating, all of that can
be connected to parasites, skin issues, trouble losing weight, IDs
and gut issues, brain fog, candida, chronic UTIs really low energy,
your chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression because of remember they

feed off of serotonin. Also, a big clue that you
have pinworms is anal itching. You can also have vaginal itching,
muscle and joint I know, right, muscle and joint pain.
Gall bladder attacks. This is a huge one because parasites
tend to block bile ducts, so as your bile ducts
are blocked, that file can't flow properly and you tend

to grow stones. So if you're having gall bladder attacks
or having kidden your gall bladderstones, it is a lot
of times a parasitic overgrowth issue, post nasal drip, or
issues with sinus cavities like me. Oh and just so
you know, I never had sign a surgery after and
my sinuses have been fined since. Wow tonight. It's that's
a big one. Ringing in your ears, neurological and autoimmune issues, hair,

thyroid and liver function issues. Another big one is low
iron and ferretin because parasites will siphon that from your system,
so people will just be told they're chronically low and
iron and they're given iron supplements, but they don't see
the needle move because they haven't addressed parasites.

Speaker 3 (19:18):
Right, So, my sixteen year old was recently diagnosed with asthma,
but the inhaler seems to do nothing and she has
a slight headache all the time and is really tired
a lot. And since I think I have parasites now
especially or think it's worth me looking into it, I

would assume that my daughter, who is from Haiti by
the way, which during some very brief research I saw
that parasites are more prevalent in tropical parts of the world.
But then again, she's also lived here in Nashville with
us for the last six years. But I do wonder
if she has or actually if both my kids have parasites.

Speaker 2 (19:59):
Yeah, I do. A lot of times see that connected
to mold, and I've seen, I mean, I have quite
a few clients in Tennessee, specifically Nashville. They tend to
find mold in their houses. So I mean, this is
where the hair analysis is such an amazing tool because
it's going to tell you where to focus your energy. Right,
It'll prioritize what's out of balance in your body and

then instead of guessing right, like, because there could be
a billion different reasons why someone has a headache, right,
did you not drink it of water that day?

Speaker 1 (20:28):
You know?

Speaker 2 (20:28):
So it helps narrow down what's happening in the body,
and it gives us that roadmap to be able to
support it best without guessing.

Speaker 3 (20:38):
Okay, yeah, it's official, I'm in and all you're talking
just now. I looked up the next full moon is
January twenty fifth, so I want to start a cleanse then,
and then I guess I'll go for the next four months,
So I'll cleanse during the full moon's later this month
in February, March, and April.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
Then what after you've completed that, then based off of
how your symptoms are or what you're seeing past, because
you will see it if you if you decide to
kind of go fishing in your bouse movements, you'll see stuff.
Then at that point then you can go to like
quarterly or if you feel like your levels are pretty good.
So my annually and then goal would be to get

to just an annual cleanup.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
Okay, gotcha, Well, Katie, I appreciate your wisdom on all
of this. Y'all can find Katie on Instagram. Her handle
is at simply dot well dot Katie and her website
is Braveheartliving dot com. And I'll be in touch about
my cleanses. We shall see what happens and I will

keep everyone posted.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
Thanks so much, Katie, thanks for

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