All Episodes

November 15, 2018 28 mins

In our first episode, Amydiscusses tricking yourself into having self-confidence, her struggles with trying to get pregnant, has a conversation with accredited health expert Dr. Oz about why attitude and gratitude are important to our health, and shares a kid-approved recipe with her son Stevenson.

(Episode 1)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:13):
Cass up little food for you so life. Oh that's
pretty Bay, he was pretty beautiful things beautiful laugh a
little mouth said he can you kicking with fourth with
a brown? Okay, here it is the first episode of

my podcast. It's finally happening. Which full disclosure, I thought
this podcast was going to be going down like this summer,
which that was the goal. And then my dad was
diagnosed with cancer and he had surgery and things were crazy,
and it was in the hospital for months, and I
was back and forth between Austin and Nashville and trying
to work and be a wife and a mom and

a good daughter for my dad and you know, sister
to my siblings. And anyway, podcast got put in the
back pocket and now I'm finally busting it out because
things are still a little bit crazy. But you know what,
I figured, I just got to do this. Once I
throw it out there and it's happening, then there's no
turning back. And every week I just make it happen.

So here we are. We're finally launching four Things with Me,
Me and myself and I and hopefully four Things with
a lot of other people will do interviews and four
Things with you listeners. I want to interact with you
all on this podcast for sure. So just to kind
of kick things off, I want to give four things
about me in case you're just finding me randomly and

you don't know anything about me and you're like, what
is this? Who is the Samy Girl? So four things
about me is. First thing I am in radio. I'm
a co host on the Bobby Bones Show, which is
a nationally syndicated country morning show, and I've been with
Bobby for twelve and a half a year. Got into
radio randomly, never was on my radar at all, but

met Bobby long story short, ultimately became his co host
and been working with him ever since. The second thing
about me is I am married to Ben. He's been
my husband for almost twelve years. On December thirty one, Yes,
we got married on New Year's Eve, we will celebrate
twelve years of marriage. And we recently, in the last year,
actually last December, adopted two kids from Haiti, Stevenson, who's

eight years old, and stuff Shira, who is now eleven
years old. And it took us five years to get them,
so it's a very long process and we're super excited
to finally be parents, and so some of this podcast
will be about mom stuff, adoption stuff, whatever. The third
thing about me is I have a speech impediment. Again,

never intended in being in radio. See, I don't even
know if that made sense. Just then again, I never
intended on being in radio. The fact that I paid
to talk is still beyond me. But I do have
an issue with w's and rs so, especially when they're together.
So the ironic part is West Rock Coffee is an

endorser on the Bobby Bones Show, and I do the
commercials and it took me months to get it down.
I still don't have it down. But if I get
really warmed up, I'm fine and I can knock the
commercials out. But sometimes if I haven't done them in
a while, then the West walk West Rock. It's really
hard for me to say. See, and their slogan is
West Rock rest Rock Works Wonders. Obviously I haven't warmed up,

but West Rock Works Wonders. There we go. The fourth
thing about me is I have two tattoos. I have
Joy tattooed on my wrist, which is in my mom's handwriting,
and I got it about a year after she was
diagnosed with cancer and um. Ultimately she lost her cancer
battle UM, but during the two years that she was

fighting it, she like was determined to choose joy. She
made that her motto, choose Joy UM, and she knew
that the joy of the Lord was her strength and
that's where her true joy came from. And she tried
so hard to choose joy even on the really hard days,
and it wasn't always easy, and honestly, some days she

definitely did not choose joy and I was okay with that.
But my sister and I adopted that theme and then
on the Bobby Bones Show it became a thing, and
from that a movement was born called Pimp and Joy,
which you may hear me refer to that and you'll
be like, what what is this pimp and Joy thing?
And it really stems from that my mom's cancer journey,
and it's all about representing joy, choosing joy for yourself

even when things are hard, and then spreading joy to others.
And through the Shot Forward, we have a line of
pim and Joy merch that you can wear or gift
to people, like if they're going through cancer, they can
wear it as a reminder like you know, hey, got
this I'm strong, like you know, choose joy um even
on the hard days or whatever. It doesn't have to

be cancer related. That's just the roots of it. So
I used that as an example, but it can be anything.
It's a great gift for people or a gift to
yourself where you can wear it as a daily reminder
to to choose joy. So that is my joy tattoo,
and that's what Pimp and joys about. And then I've
got Spua tattooed right below that, and a Spua means

hope in Haitian Creole, which is what they speak in Haiti,
so it's my children's first language. Now they're learning English.
But I got that during the adoption process because it
took so long. I felt like I needed to look
down on my wrist and see a daily reminder and
have hope that one day they would be in our
home as our kids. And from that, spoa Um the

brand was born because my friend Mary and I were
looking for a way to help the orphanage where my
kids lived. Financially. They kind of hit a rough match
and we were like, gosh, we need a way to
help them. So we developed the Spua brand where we
just put a SPUA and the definition on a shirt
and we started selling that to support the Orphanage. And
then that brand has really grown and we have other

products under a Spua like the born Year hat, and
then we have the four Things tote, which is the
inspiration behind this podcast Four Things. So for my birthday
when Year Mary gave me this bag personalized just for me,
and it had my favorite four things on it. She
put yoga, green juice, Pimp and Joy and Dirk Spinley

and um. It was so adorable and thoughtful and precious
and I posted it on Instagram and a lot of
my followers were like, oh my gosh, that's so cute.
And then again, the Orphanage had fallen on some more
financial hard times and we were like, okay, whoa what if?
What if? What if we put these four Things totes
up under a Spua and they helped support the Orphanage.

And then it took off from there and out there's
like tons of totes out there, and it's really fun
to see people customize them for themselves or as gifts
for friends and knowing that they're going towards a good
cause at the same time. And then from that you
know fourth thing. We have four things, pullovers now and
all these things with four things, and it just kind
of became a part of me. Or was like, hey,

wait a second, what if we had a podcast and
it was structured into four things every time? So it's
comes from the tote and I have a d D
and I'm all over the place, so I think it's
good for me to have structure of four things. But really,
you know, it's going to cover a variety of things.
When you tune into this podcast, you're going to hear

about all the things like whether it's health tip, self care,
a recipe um, an adoption thing, an interview with someone
really cool or inspiring, or maybe one of the things
will just be a quote that really hit me and
I felt inspired by it and I wanted to share
with you. I hope you feel empowered by some of

the stories that we share. And really, I just want
you to be grateful for four things each day. I
think that's something that will focus on, is four things
of gratitude, especially with guests that we have on like
I'm just gonna ask them four things that they're grateful for. Really,
there's gonna be four things every episode that will hopefully
impact your life in a positive way. So coming up

on this episode, we're going to talk about self confidence,
unanswered prayers. I've got a tidbit from I sit down
with Dr Oz and I'll even share with you four
things that he is grateful for. I guess he's going
to do that. And then my son joins us to
give us one of his favorite recipes that's kid approved
and adults even like it too. So with that said,

let's go ahead and launch into the very first four
Things podcasts. Here we go. So the first thing I
want to talk about today is self confidence, because I
think we've all been there where we're just really not
feeling ourselves. I'm gonna use my friend Elizabeth as an example,

and Elizabeth, I've been there, trust me. So she took
like a two minute shower, she's barely gotten any sleep,
she's got some eggs on her hair and her braid
like a hat on, no makeup, just kind of you know,
baggy clothes like, but I think she looks super hute,
by the way, but she's just like, I'm just not
feeling myself today. And you know, a tip for sometimes

when you're not feeling yourself because yes, I have been
how Elizabeth feels. But if you've got something going on
or you want to feel your best and you're just
not like, you gotta come to play, you gotta like
get up, you gotta do your hair, you gotta feel good,
and then you gotta find your superwoman post. Because I'm
in New York right now, so I'm able to look

Elizabeth in face because she's here in the room with me,
and I'm here about to speak on a panel with
our CEO and some other I Heart Radio personalities, and
I'm well nervous. Is not gonna like because it's like
I don't know they've ever spoken on a panel before.
Like in fact, when my company sent me the email
to invite me on the panel, I question if they

got the right amy They're not really inviting me to
speak on this panel, like somebody must have been busy.
I don't even know. This's got to be a mistake,
But sure enough, turns out it was addressed to me legit.
So here I am. I had to come to New
York and I'm gonna have to get up on a
panel and really own it today and be confident and
be proud of myself so well, I show up to

the panel looking like Elizabeth. No, I'm going to show
up to the panel in my suit that my friend
Kelly picked out, which Kelly is someone that I will
definitely have on this podcast for style and beauty tips,
because that's not really my jam, Like I'm really not
that good at it, but I have a friend who
happens to be really good at it, and she has

a blog called Velvet's Edge, which a lot of you
can get a lot of tips from. But I'll definitely
bring her on to share the tips. But she found
me a power suit and it's this black and white
stripe situation, and I got my nails done red and
my toes red because I felt like that was powerful.
Like I set myself up to come to New York

feeling good, so you can definitely trick yourself into feeling
more confident. Because trust me, y'all again, I thought, you know,
they got the wrong amy, Like I'm not supposed to
be on this stage later today. But you know what,
when I walk on that stage, She's are gonna be like,
oh okay, she she's supposed to be here. And that's

because I'm tricking them and I'm trigging myself and it's
gonna work and I'm gonna own it and do great.
So that is my tip for you guys. And then
once you got the look down, you gotta get your
superwoman posed down. In Shanda rhymess book The Year of Yes,
she talks about the Superwoman pose and you know everyone's

might look a little bit different, but you just gotta
look in the mirror be strong. I mean, right now,
you need to envision me like standing in the mirror,
hands on hips, legs spread out like I'm strong and
nobody's knocking me down like chest up, chin out. I
got this and you just have to own it. Smile big,
own the room, look around. Ain't nobody going to get

you down? Like that is the power post. So that
is what I have to offer when it comes to
self confidence, because I don't know. I don't know, honestly,
I have no idea what listeners think of me when
it comes to self confidence. They may think I'm super confident,
but I feel like, no, I'm just not, and some
days I'm really not. But I think we owe it

to each other to be honest about that and know
that we all have insecurities and we all struggle with
different things that we wish we could do differently. But
instead of just focusing on what we wish could be different,
let's just own what we've got and use what we've
got and power forward. So that is the first thing

I wanted to discuss, and that was self confidence. If
you aren't familiar with Pimp and Joy, it's all about
choosing joy for yourself and spreading joy for others. And
we have a whole line of hats and shirts and
sweatshirts that is dedicated to you wearing and putting on
that daily reminder. So we always have a cause that's

attached to it. The proceeds go to that. And right
now we're currently supporting the victims and families of the
tragic shooting in California which twelve people lost their lives.
So we've got Pimp and Joy items up to support that.
If you're looking to help out and you want some stuff,
go to the shot forward dot com Pimp and Joy.

So you know that Garth Brooks song Unanswered Prayers. Some
of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. I'm not a singer,
but it kind of goes like that, and I just
wanted to share with you all the story and offer
up some encouragement in case you're going through something in
your life right now. We're like, why is this not
happening for me? And Lord, this is what I want, um,
and this is what you're praying for, but you're not

getting it, and you can't really see the big picture
as to why. Because last time I was in Austin,
I was there with my friend Mary, were visiting my dad,
Austin's un front Born and Raised, went to Austin High
School Shout Out Go Maroons. And Mary was going through
my senior year book and she found a section in
there that said where do you see yourself in ten years?
And there was only a few quotes featured, And I

kid you not, I had no idea. I had totally
forgotten I was featured in this part. And then Mary
was like, oh my gosh, Amy, you're quoted in here.
And my quote was where do you see yourself in
ten years? I said, married, with children, teaching aerobics, and
being a good housewife. And so I was eighteen at
the time that I said that, So that would have
been at twenty eight, and so at twenty eight I

was married, but only for a couple of years. I
did not have kids. I was not teaching your bis um,
probably not being like the best housewife, but I was.
I was working too, and probably still trying to figure
out my husband was in the Air Force, and like
what is keeping a home? And how do I even
do this? And what is adulting? Why is adulting so hard?

But really the point of the story is more the
children part um, because that's something where at eight I
probably thought I'd have like three kids at that point,
and I didn't get kids until I was or become
a mom until I was thirty six, So almost eighteen
years from where I saw myself in ten years that

I actually become married with children and UM. My husband
and I we tried for kids for years and years
and years, probably in two thousand and ten. We started
pursuing it two thousand and nine, like really trying to
get pregnant, and I just wasn't getting pregnant, just wasn't happening.
And we went through um fertility stuff, some stuff we
were just open to, some stuff not, and it just

wasn't happening. But every time I would take a pregnancy test,
I would pray like, Lord, just please let this be positive.
Let this be positive, and it would be negative and
I didn't understand why, and I started to get frustrated.
But what I'm offering to you guys is that sometimes
you have to be patient and understand why those prayers
are not getting answered because there's something beautiful ahead and

you can't see it at the time, because I certainly
couldn't see it back them every time I saw a
negative test and I would start crying. But now I'm
a mom to two beautiful Haitian children that we adopted,
and they're older kids, so I actually I was able
to keep my job because now they're in school, so
I didn't I always thought once I got pregnant, I
would quit working and just stay at home, and so

I guess I'm still sort of a good housewife in away,
but I also work, so I'm balancing both of those things.
And my job, by the way, is not teaching aerobics,
because I do know that when I was eighteen, I
failed that UM test. You know, you have to take
a test to become an instructor, and I went through
the whole program and failed. I did not get my
teaching certificates so I mean that's sort of an answered

prayer because then I got into other things and I
got into radio. Otherwise, who knows. I mean, you know,
sometimes life just does not go on the course that
we think it's going to go. So I'm here to
offer you that comfort that maybe where you saw yourself
ten years ago, Like at this moment, you're like, this
is just not where I saw my life. Well, you

never know, So I'm just sharing this story, as you know,
comfort that sometimes life doesn't really turn out the way
we think it was supposed to, and maybe you're not
quite there yet on your journey, but it will start
to mold together and become a life that is amazing
if you're open to seeing it. So I don't know,
where do you see yourself in ten years. I'm trying

to think of where I'll be at forty eight. I
need to think on that and maybe we can revisit
this later. But I just wanted to share that little
story with you all that sometimes some of God's greatest
gifts or on answer prayers. Okay, so now you're gonna
hear a little bit from my interview that I did
with Dr Oz. Like I just sit down with him
for a while and got a lot of different things

from him. So I split it up and I'm gonna
spread it out throughout various podcasts in the coming weeks.
And I apologize for the shift in audio sound. I
recorded this at his studio, so it definitely sounds a
little bit different. We were at his ABC studio in
New York in the middle of Dr Oz show taping,

so he literally like stuck into a room, hung out
with me for a while and re recorded a lot
of different things. And here's one of the segments. Here
you go, why do you think practicing gratitude is important
for your health? So if I look at the secrets
to happiness, and you can make up lots of reasons
for them, but the number one, without any question, most
important is gratitude. Because we look past the things that
mean the most to us, we take them for granted oftentimes.

Yet that's the whole reason for this. You know, I
was blessed to go to a place called Quebec, to
the Tepe, which you've never heard of, probably, but that
the English translation is pot belly Hill and it is
the oldest human settlement ever. It's twelve years old. That's
three three times longer than the pyramids. This is where
humans first started coming together and they built these big temples.

And the reason they built these temples was so people
could get together and basically give each other a little time,
a little moment of gratitude. And yet and because of that,
we're able to grow and evolve our species. So at
the very dawn of humanity, gratitude as part of what
we did. To ignore it now will be foolish. It
got us where we are for a reason. It's not

an accent. We are hard wired to be grateful. It
just let ourselves experience it. Yeah. Well, so in sticking
with the fourth theme, four things theme all closed with
this with you, can you just quickly name four things
that you're grateful for and kind of or thankful for,
just like lip it out. And that's what I would
encourage people that are listening every day. Just think of

four things that you're grateful for. I'll give you before
and now we're just talking about a wife. You know,
she tolerates a lot of stuff. I just had the grandkids,
we had them here for some festival events and just
watching them interact with each other. It wasn't even getting
to kiss them myself and watching them play with each
other that moment, that's what I had gratitude for because
you see how their beautiful little minds you're sort of

picking up the world. I'm very grateful that that I
have the job that I get to go to every
day where that I love and I work with people
that I adore, And that's why I like to show
the podcast is all part of the same team. That's
a special to me. And I know a lot of
people create that you work hard to to make a
culture that works for and uh and I feel gratuated
for that. If I I've always had gratitude that I
was blessed to be a doctor because I know there's

a lot of barriers you have to get through to
be there, but it was the job I had to have.
It was it was perfectly designed for my personality. There
there are a lot of things I probably could have
done that I wouldn't have been very good at or
I would have suffered through. Medicine was the perfect marriage
between It's awesome. Thank you for sharing that with me. Okay,

right now, I want to take a second and talk
about the Shot Forward, a place where you can shop
and everything you buy pays it forward. So if you've
got to do some Christmas shopping, I'm gonna give you
some ideas of some great gifts for maybe others in
your lives. So or if you're looking to treat yourself,
like if you love Hallmark Christmas movies, which I do,
you've got to check out their Hallmark Movie Watching sweatshirt.
I'm actually wearing it right now and it's definitely super

cozy and when you buy this you can feel really
good about it because it's supporting military families in need
this Christmas. Speaking of Christmasy things under the spaw line.
Under the Shop Forward, which is something I'm involved in
because it supports Haiti Um, you got to check out
the four Things Christmas Lover pull over. It says Joy, Santa, Hot, Coco,
and mistletoe, and that is supporting My Life Speaks, which

is an orphanage that's caring for special needs and typically
developing children. So there's two little Christmasy ideas, something super
cute for you or the girlfriends in your life, for
the moms, the sisters, whatever. Check it out the Shot Foward.
They have tons of other things up there as well.
The Shop foward dot Com. Okay, I've got my son

Stevenson here with me. Can you say hey Stevenson, Hey Ston.
I guess I didn't tell you to say that. Um, okay,
So I brought you on for a reason. I've only
been a mom well less than a year, right, buddy,
how long have you been here? Do you know how
long you've been in America? No? Eleven months? Eleven? Yes?

Do you know how old you are? All right? You
were seven when you got here. Now you're eight. When
our seven I was welly small, you were small. I
know you're growing. You're growing because we try to eat good.
What do we tell you when about eating food? Eat? Yeah?
Because and everything you eat you're like, mom, is this
going to make me grow bigger and strong? Right? But

still you want to try vegetables tomorrow? Yeah, you can
have vegetables. But you know, um, what I wanted to
bring you on to share with everybody is what is
one of your favorite things to have for breakfast? Pancakes?
And so as a mom, I know how hard it
is sometimes to try to find recipes that your kids
will like. And I've got two Haitian kiddos under my

roof that they eat relatively well, but they're very picky
because they're not used to a lot of things that
we have. And both my kids love these four ingredient
protein pancakes and they are so easy. So I'm gonna
run through the recipe really quick. You wanna help me, sure? Okay?
So can you say one large banana, one binny, Yes,

and you need to mash it up in a bowl. Yeah.
You have to match it up in a bowl, and
then you add two eggs. Yeah. We have to add
two eggs if you like it tastes good or a lot. Yeah,
if you wanted to taste good, you better add the eggs.
And then you do two tablespoons of vanilla protein powder
so or any we've used, chocolate protein powder, We've used

like a cinnamon like whatever you've got, as long as
it's a good tasting protein powder, two tablespoons of that,
and then you add an eighth a teaspoon of baking powder.
That's optional but totally recommended. So you mix that all
up in a bowl really quick, right, buddy, You mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, Yes,
smash it all up. I do. I smash the bananas first,

then I add in the two eggs and make it
really get a lot of liquid going. And then I
add the protein and the baking powder, and then you
just get a medium skillet over medium heat and cook
the pancakes as you normally would. I do about like
three tablespoons per pancake and that gives like a good size.
And then what do you like to put on top
of your pancake, buddy, Yeah, get a little extra fat

and protein for the day. So that's our four ingredient
protein pancakes. I got the recipe from willow Bird Baking
dot com. That's willow Bird Baking dot Com. I just
found it online. But it's super healthy, super clean and
great for your kids, right Stevenson, Are they Stevenson approved? Yes? Okay,
say bye everybody, by everybody still lady, Okay. Episode one

is out there. This thing is officially happening. So now
that we are launched and in business, I just want
to say thank you for listening to this whole thing
and making it this far, and hopefully you'll come back
for episode two, where I'll have more with Dr Oz.
I'll share with you our talk about microwaves. Another little
fact about me is I don't have a microwave and
I haven't had one for years. I want to know

his thoughts on that. Then we'll talk to celebrity trainer
Aaron Opriam how to minimize weight gain over Thanksgiving since
Thanksgiving is next week. And then I'll have my friend
Kelly on with some fall fashion advice. What's trending right
now for the fall. She's awesome. She runs Velvet's Edge.

She also has a podcast called Velvet's Edge. So anyway,
all that will be coming up in episode two, and
we've got some other things as well. But if you
have any feedback, thoughts, et cetera, definitely tweet me at
Radio Amy use the hashtag four Things or you can
email us at four Things with Amy Brown at gmail
dot com. Before we go, I definitely want to give

a big thank you to Walker Hayes. He's a singer
songwriter here in Nashville that did my theme song and
I'm obsessed with it. I love it when he sent
it to me. Walker is going to always have a
special place in my heart because he wrote my mom's
Pim and Joy theme song and it's on YouTube. You
can check it out if you just Google. I think
if you if you go to YouTube and search Pim
and Joy Bobby Bones Show. Oh No, search Joy like Judy.

That's the name of the video. My mom before she
passed away. Um got her own theme song and we
recorded a music video to it and she's in it
doing her signature joy dance and it's adorable. So Walker
Hayes did that, and then now he's doing the theme
song on my podcast, so it's just super special. When
he sent me the file of the song, definitely got
all the fields even a little bit emotional because it's

just super cool and Walker is amazing and you'll hear him.
Go be kind, Choose Joy, left a Lot Eat Cake
and that is actually a four Things pull over that
we have through the shot forward and a spoa um
that supports Haiti, and that's a stock item, so you
can get that. If you like those four things, then
you can go ahead and order the pull over and

be repping the podcast and supporting Haiti at the same time.
A big thank you to Dr Oz and thanks to
Victorian Elizabeth for being at my first recording about the
Superwoman pose when I was in New York. Shout out
to my little dude Stevenson for making his podcast debut
as well, sharing his pancake recipe. Thank you Mike D
and thank you listeners to everyone listening, like all five

of you or maybe ten or maybe maybe there's even twenty.
I don't know. I'm gonna try not to count, but
hopefully there's at least ten of you. You can check
out Nashville podcast Network dot com for more podcasts to
listen to. Um but Yeah episode one. That's a wrap,
and we'll see you next week for episode two. Yeah,

be kind to joy, love life. He can't. He can't
be kind ve life casts up roath things a little
food for yourself. Man, So life ain't always pretty, but hey,
it's pretty beautiful things beautiful, laugh a little more, Families
tightened up, becose course said he can't. Your kicking it

with four Things with Amy Brown

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