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June 29, 2024 18 mins

OUTWEIGH: Last week Stephanie shared her incredible transformation from crockpot enthusiast to slow living guru. She's back on Outweigh to share the secret sauce behind her success. She walks us through "The Success Formula"and shares invaluable insights on how this formula has been instrumental in her journey to success, offering actionable strategies for harnessing the power of mindset, taking decisive action, and maintaining unwavering consistency along the way.

GUEST: Stephanie O'Dea

Stephanie's Website:

Stephanie's Podcast: Slow Living with Stephanie O'Dea

Link to preorder your copy of Stephanie's new book: Slow Living: Cultivating a Life of Purpose in a Hustle-Driven World HERE!


HOST: Leanne Ellington // // @leanneellington

To learn more about re-wiring your brain to heal from the all-or-nothing diet mentality for good....but WITHOUT restricting yourself, punishing your body, (and definitely WITHOUT ever having to use words like macros, low-carb, or calorie burn) check out Leanne's FREE Stressless Eating Webinar @

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I won't let my body out be outwait everything that
I'm made done, won't spend my life trying to change.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm learning to love who I am. AGA strong, I
feel free. I know every part of me. It's beautiful.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
And that will always out way if you feel it.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
But you.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
She'll some love to the vid why get there tag,
go day Anta?

Speaker 4 (00:31):
Did you and die out way? Happy Saturday, Outweigh.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
We are back and we're back with Stephanie O'Day and
if you missed last week's episode, definitely go back and
check it out. She shared her entire five step framework
for what she calls slow living, but really the why
behind the what, how she came to understand what she
knows and her her story that really led up to that.
And so Stephanie was one of the mentors in this
incubator competition thing that I did. And now she's a

dear friend and we hit it off and you can
hear a bit about her story last week. We're going
to dive in a little bit more this week. But
she's a New York Times best selling author and the
host of the Slow Living podcast, and she really specializes
in helping people figure out how to reach their goals
in a slow, steady, and sustainable way without the hype
or hustle, and we talked about what does that look

like practically. Last week we looked at there's five different
steps for her slow living framework. This week we're going
to talk about her three part success formula. So now
that you're grounded, now that you're in this kind of
slow way of thinking, and you'll know what I mean
when you listen to that episode, what does success look like?
And I think it's really important for us to redefine
it as we're doing this week, because it looks so

different for everyone, and I know she personalizes it, so
I know that.

Speaker 4 (01:45):
Obviously you came across this because.

Speaker 1 (01:48):
Of your own experiences in your professional life and your
personal life. So kind of share with us a little
bit how you discovered this success formula that you teach
with your clients and that you're going to share with us.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Thanks so much for having me back. Lan. Last week
is interesting.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
I talked about how I quit working to take care
of my youngest at the time because she was getting sick.
That's how I started the crockbot site. But what I
didn't share is what I was doing, so I have
a background in child development and psychology, and at the
time I was working for the county running preschool centers
and it happened to be housed within a homeless shelter,

and so we realized.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
Obviously that kids need stability.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
And structure, and especially that particular clientele because they were homeless,
really did need stability and structure. And I've found as
we sort of grow an age, grown ups need stability
and structure also. And I think sometimes people balk, like
when they hit twenty one, or maybe they hit twenty

five or thirty, and they're like, no, no, I'm a grown up.
I don't want to be told what to do anymore.
I want to just do whatever I want when I want,
which is fun some times.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
But also if you have goals or if you.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
Want to get from where you are to where you
want to go, there does need to be some structure
and a system in place. So I am not a
mather in any imagination, but the success formula is mindset
plus action plus consistency is what equals success. And so

if you are in that kind of good mood, good
mindset framework, and my favorite way to do that is
with journaling, you then listen and you're like, okay, so
I'm getting myself into this good mood, this is how
I want to feel.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
What do I need to do? So then that's the action.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
Your subconscious is coming up with that, the voice of God,
your intuition, the universe. That's what you need to do.
And it's not somebody else's plan. Your plan established by you.
But if you have this idea, like, you know what,
my body actually really feels the best when I'm somewhat

low sugar, and I've limited this, So that's the action,
and then just do it in a continuous way. And
again it's tailored to you. And that's true with your
home organization. You can search Pinterest or Instagram all day long,
but your particular pantry is probably not going to look

like that other ladies. But it doesn't mean you're doing
it wrong. You decide what your action is and then
just continuously do it. Sometimes what happens is people try
and auction their way out of a problem, and so
they're doing something for a while and maybe they skip
a day, or maybe they're not as consistent as they like,

so then they're like, oh, I'm not gonna limit this
anymore now, I'm going to go vegan, or now I'm
going to do keto, or now I'm gonna do this,
trying to.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Constantly action, action, action out of what.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
Might be a consistency problem or what might be actually
a mindset problem.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
And I love that you're starting at the essence of
who we are, because as we're navigating either coming out
of a eating disorder or maybe you're left with the
residue of disordered eating. What I found, at least for myself,
is I had everyone else's voice in my head, like
you should do this, you shouldn't do that. And of
course that was the second problem, which is I was
actioning my way through a deeper problem, but I also

didn't take time to do what you're sharing today, which
is like ask myself what I want, what feels best
for me? And what that does is again when you're
asking instead of telling, it leaves room for you to
understand what that is, but also identify, like where is
my clarity gap? Like I actually don't know where my
body feels best, or I don't know what I actually
want because I've been listening to other voices for so long,

and so it really it's in that quietness or in
the asking where the magic can come. But again, if
we are so busy to get to the action action
action side of it and try to action our way through,
because that was me for so long too. I was
such a you know, high achieving kind of like, let's
like successes in the doing and the action give me
a checklist. We miss out on what we need, you know,

So can we come back to that asking piece of it?
Because this is where I think a lot of the
people that are listening to this are going to be challenged,
is like, well, what if I don't know what I want?
What if I don't know how I want to feel?
What if I don't know what feels best? There's this
tuning in and this like kind of intuition and is
a practice and it's a building, right, But can you
kind of speak into that because I think that might

be where I think ever a lot of people on
here resonate with the Okay, I get action my way through,
but like, if it's not the right intent that's shaping
the content, can you bring us through some of more
of the mindset heart set stuff.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
Yeah, I'm really like acronym So the acronym I like
to use for slow is to simply look only within,
and if you're trying to go quiet, if you want
to kind of hit the metaphoric pause button, really stepping
away from the noise and the nonsense of social media,
of all of the people, all of the voices in

your head. So for me, I like yoga. I like
to sit on my yoga mat and sometimes I don't
even move because honestly, the hardest yoga move is to
roll out the mat. But if you're just sitting and
you're quiet, maybe you're doing a little bit of journaling
at the same time, but just letting your brain wander
and then go back. Many of us have squirrel brains,

and I absolutely do also. But if the main intention
is how do I want to feel today? How do
I want to feel? And then just let your brain
answer yourself, Okay, what do I need to do about that?
And then let it answer. Most of us have this

kind of nagging thing like, oh, I really should do this.
So the first thought, that's your thought, that's what you
write down, and and then you create an action to
do that, because chances are the first thing that pops
in is the correct one, not the second or the
third of like, oh, but you really should do this,

or you really should do that. Many of the people
that I work with want to write a book and
they have this idea like, oh I want to do this,
or oh what I really want to do is quit
my job. Okay, that's an okay thing to want. But
what are your action steps that you're going to do.
Maybe you need to know what your financial independence retirement

number is. Maybe you actually need to help fulfill that
rather than dismissing it as a pipe train or well
I can't write a book, or oh I can't retire,
or oh I can't quit my job. Well, if your
intuition keeps bubbling up with something, that's something to kind
of explore and poke at. So Wayne DIYer used to

always say, you don't want to leave this planet with
the music still side of you. So for me, the
music that's always been inside of me is helping others
as much as I can.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
So it started at a very young age.

Speaker 3 (09:09):
I like to quote unquote mom all the people, and
I absolutely would Mom the worms in the backyard, and
if they looked like they were going to fry in
the sun.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
I needed to go save them.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
So that's my personality, but other people have different personalities.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
I'm so glad that you touched on this because I
think what happens when we're so in our own heads
about food and our body.

Speaker 4 (09:31):
The music that's left inside of us.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
It's one of those things that kind of goes by
the wayside that we almost at least for me, I
didn't even want to look at it because I was like, oh,
I can't ever do that because of my body or
because of the beliefs that I had about myself. I
love how you're just saying, like, no, that that almost
that still small voice that scares you, that says the
thing that you've been afraid of. It's like, no, write
that one down. And even if it's not a right

now thing, sometimes the action is like to just acknowledge
it and wrap your head around it and explore it
because a lot of times fear helps us keep quiet
and keep stuck. But also coming back to what you're
seeing last week, that first step was decluttering, right. I
know for me, oftentimes I would shut my bigger, deeper
dreams down with some sort of distraction. Nowadays it's Netflix

or social media, but it's like that decluttering is also
like no, to put down your phone, get quiet. And
that's why we talked about the slow living five step
process last week to even get you, because oftentimes success
is like, Okay, how can I get to success if
I can't even quiet my brain and quiet down and
slow down?

Speaker 2 (10:30):

Speaker 1 (10:30):
So that's why I love that we kind of did
it in this order. But really, you know, this is
where that quiet voice and it's like, what.

Speaker 4 (10:36):
Do you want?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
And sometimes, you know, one of the questions I always
ask my clients is like, what is on the other
side of your food and body freedom? Because that's the
one that they're like, leanne, I don't even know how
to think about that.

Speaker 4 (10:46):
It feels so far away.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
So for somebody who that dream feels so far away
for them because they're like, I can't even picture a
life where food in my body isn't overtaking me and
that music that's in my heart, it might feel a
little bit painful to even think about. Is there any
kind of wisdom or advice in that slow down when
they're simply looking only within? What is the mommying version
of you want to share with them? Because they might

need some more love and encouragement right now? Is there
any kind of wisdom or advice in that slow down
when they're simply looking only within what is the mommying
version of you want to share with them because they
might need some more love and encouragement right now.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Yeah, Honestly, if there was a way that I could
just wrap everybody up and let them know right now
that they are worthy and they don't need to wait
to feel enough, or wait to feel worthy, wait until
they're a certain size or fit into this certain token outfit.

Right here, right now, the sun still comes up every
day and the birds still tweet, and paying attention to
that and realizing, Okay, I'm going to make the best
of today and love right now instead of waiting, and
essentially some of us go through life kind of holding

our breath and waiting to exhale. And so if I
could just hug you tight enough that you actually let
that breath out that you've been holding, because you are
worthy and you can do the things you want to do,
And it doesn't need to look a specific and certain way.
It is just kind of a decision that you get

to make for yourself, like, Okay, enough is enough. Today
is the day that I'm going to truly truly love
me right here, right now.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
I love that you said that, yeah, because it doesn't
have to be some deep, dark bottom, but you do
have to get to that point where you're like, no,
I'm so done living in this world of despair, and
I'm done ignoring my deepest dreams, and I'm done finding
all the reasons that I don't feel worthy, and I'm
ready to establish that worthy worthiness And coming back to
your three part success formula, where first is this mindset,

heart set like soul set piece of the puzzle, and
then comes the action and consistency.

Speaker 4 (13:06):
I love that action is after that, right, But you.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
Mean anybody who's listening to this and that just spoke
to your heart, because I know it spoke to mine.
I like feel Stephanie's arms wrappeding around me, letting me
know and reminding me. But part of it is like,
what if that little piece of your ritualizing success was
just first acknowledging, like no, I am ready to even
look for what it looks like to feel worthy as
I am before I've lost the weight, before I've healed this,

not when I lose the weight or when I look
a certain way or when I feel a certain way
or reach some metaphorical mountaintop right right now. And so
coming back to your second step of action and consistency.
If the first step is just like Okay, I'm ready
or I'm getting ready to get ready, to get ready,
or whatever it looks like, to just like try on
this idea of feeling worthy as I am right now,

the action and the consistency is just around, almost like
reminding yourself that you made that decision. So can you
kind of speak into that because I know a lot
of us are like, Okay, I want to feel that worthiness.
But if I were to back it up with action
in consistency, and sometimes it's the smallest thing, I might
come back to that journaling process that you were talking
about last week. But how do we actionize and consistencize

this idea of like, Okay, I am deciding to feel
worthy even if I don't feel it fully yet, I'm
deciding to step into it.

Speaker 3 (14:21):
So it's interesting that the actioning that I ask my
coaching clients to do sort of does stem back to
when I was teaching preschool. In any preschool center that
you walk into or kindergarten classroom, there is a schedule
on the board, and that is actually what time blocking is.
When people are like, oh, teach me time blocking, it's

literally what a preschool or a kindergarten schedule looks like,
like eight am circle time, nine am snack time. So
you decide that for yourself of what feels good and
then trust that when you were in a good mood
in came up with this action step. That's what you
need to do in a consistent way and not second

guess yourself. So if you come up with the idea,
like say you do want to write a book, I
have this idea that no matter what, I'm going to
set the timer for ten minutes every day and I'm
going to do this at two o'clock. Well, two o'clock
rolls around the thing. Do the thing that you said
that you were going to do in a consistent way,
and that will get you from where you are to

where you want to go. Sometimes people spend a lot
of time with the mindset stuff and that I'm not
worthy of chanting affirmations and doing things like that. And
it's tricky because if your brain is going to argue
with yourself, the affirmation is not going to work. So
if you say I am worthy. I am enough, and

your brain's like, no, you're not. That's something to pay
attention to because I'm a mom and I like to
mom all the people. Sometimes I ask you to switch
it and change the eye to a you and decide
that you can use me, you can use God, you
can use the universe of you are worthy, you are enough.

Speaker 2 (16:12):
And that's really sort of.

Speaker 3 (16:14):
A way also to help heal your inner child who
maybe didn't hear these things or maybe had criticalness in
their life that they're still trying to work through. And
so shifting that those eye statements to you is really
another way to sort of feel that loving warmth surrounding you,

because then you're not arguing with yourself.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Yeah, you're borrowing the eyes of unconditional love, You're borrowing
the eyes of trust, because yeah, that can be really
challenging for us.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
And you guys have heard me talk about this before.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
When we actually don't believe what we're saying in these
affirmations or the kind of fake positivity, it actually lays
down negative neuro associations alone.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
In our brain and we'll never learn it, right.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
And so I love that you're speaking to that, because yeah,
sometimes we don't know what we don't know, and can't
see what we can't see, and we need to borrow
the eyes of that unconditional love.

Speaker 4 (17:02):
And that's why Stephanie's like, you can borrow.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
Me, but you know, borrow the eyes, but borrow somebody's eyes,
right if it feels a little bit foreign for you.
And then and then I love that this is what
we are now actionizing and creating consistency around because I
think for the hard working, like success achieving kind of
people that you know, I know.

Speaker 4 (17:19):
I was for, I was always like, okay, what is
the action item?

Speaker 2 (17:22):

Speaker 1 (17:23):
And now so we're meeting you where you are and
you want an action item you want to take, you know,
take action and create that that checklist, but do it
from a place of like how am I serving my wholeness?
How am I serving my worthiness? How am I creating
action around this inner work of simply looking only within
right your slow acronym and really actionizing that. And it's

it's again, it's meeting us where we are of like, okay,
I'm going to do something, but now I'm going to
do something that actually changes who I am and how
I be rather than just what I'm doing, and that's
what you're creating consistency around.

Speaker 4 (17:57):
I love it so good, so good.

Speaker 1 (17:59):
So where can people find you? Google Stock, you all
the things.

Speaker 3 (18:04):
So I met stephanieoday dot com and O day is
ode a and I'm the host of the Slow Living
podcast that's on all of the platforms and uh Leanne,
thank you, thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 2 (18:16):
This is a joy.

Speaker 4 (18:17):
Absolutely, thank you so much for sharing.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
And there's and Stephanie is so much more than we've
been able to put together in the in these two podcasts,
So definitely check out her website. We will link it
all in the show notes. She's got an amazing podcast.
She's also documented her year slow cooking if you love
the recipe side of it, and we'll put all of
this in the show notes for you to access. Stephanie,
thank you so much for being here. This is us

for outweigh for right now and we'll be back next
week with more.

Speaker 4 (18:42):

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