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August 4, 2022 25 mins

Amy's friend Sundi (@MockingBirdOnBroad) is back on! She was visiting Amy in Nashville from N.C. and they decided to take some of their off mic conversations to the mic because Sundi has been feeling particularly irritable and she wanted to know if she's the only one?? Amy assures her that she's most definitely not alone in this! 


A few good quotes from this episode: 

"Staying positive doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time."

"You're never going to be as young as you this very moment."

"Life is really hard at times...but good can come from it." 


They also fangirl over Shania Twain because they watched her new Netflix documentary together and it is so good! They definitely recommend watching that along with another documentary about the founder of Victoria's Secret (Angels & Demons on Hulu). Then Amy has Sundi share 4 things she's currently thankful for (shout out to friendships & the simple pleasures in life!!) 




Sundi's Shop: Mockingbird On Broad 


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Okay, cass up roAP, little food for yourself life. Oh
that's pretty Bay, it's pretty beautiful. Thank you, laugh a

little moth kicking. Four Happy Thursday, four Things, Bam. I
have my friends Sunday back again, except for this time.
We're at my house in Nashville. Sunday is visiting from

North Carolina and we just got back from a walk
on Radner Lake. Do you know who Mel Robbins is Sunday? Okay, Well,
she's an Instagram follow you need to add to your collection.
Sunday is the best at memes. By the way, if
you're not fall hollowing her on Instagram, you're missing out.
Her handle is the mocking Bird on Broad. Mocking Bird

on Broad. No, just mocking Bird on Broad. But what
about like the name of the store is it just
a mocking Bird on Broad? So there's no the no
okay by bad? I thought the well, like my friend
Mary is the shop Forward and my friend Carrie is
the Nashville beauty Girl. So anyway back to Mel Robbins,

who was not the Mel Robbins. She posted something recently
that said, staying positive doesn't mean you have to be
happy all the time. It means even on hard days,
you know that there are better ones coming. And that
quote is unknown, but she posted it. And I don't
know why I made me think of you, because I
feel like you would be like, no, unacceptable. We do

not have to be happy all the time. Stop being
so joyful, Amy, Yeah, that's me. You and I are very,
I feel like, very opposite and how we approach life,
but we've been for for a very long yes, And
I think how you handle life is beautiful and wonderful
where I'm always like, come on, girl, get it there.

I'm just always better. Things could be better, but also
things could be worse. But I always really am on
the lookout for the how things could go wrong. And
I feel like we were talking about this earlier. You
always think of the things that could go right right, Well,
what's the good that can come from this? Like, surely
I'm going through this for a reason, and once I

get on the other side, I will know what that
reason is. Another thing that mel Robbins recently posted. My
listeners are used to me quoting her, but she was
sharing a few things that she wanted you to remember
in this moment, and she's like, you're never going to
be as young as you are at this very moment.
I told my friends that all the time. Oh so
you're basically Mel, Yes, I've been playing you all for

a fool. Okay, so what do you tell your friends? Well,
because I'm the oldest person in my friend group, the
oldest person I know, basically, and I it makes me
so sad to see these young, beautiful girls with this
great personality get hung up on the way their arms look,
or the way their face looks, or their hair. And

I'm just like, you're wasting it. You're wasting this valuable
time of your youth. You're never gonna be who you
are again as you are right now, and it's lovely
and wonderful, So don't get hung up on these things
that no one else notices. And it really breaks my heart.
And I was just the same. I'm still the same,
you know. I don't think we ever grow up. Really,

we always are striving to do better. But I agree
with Mel Robbins shout out. So follow Mel Robbins and
mocking Bird on broad because clearly they're both full of
what we are aligning, except for you know, Sundays full
of wisdom. But also she is curious, which is why
we decided to come upstairs and get on the mic,

because you are wondering, is it you or is everybody
a little bit irritated? Yes, I find myself fractious, like
the least little thing really derails me, and I feel
like I need a vacation. I'm not sure where or why,
and I'm not sure I actually deserve it because I
was out of work at back surgery. I was out

for eleven weeks, so showing back up to work and
after five weeks me thinking I really have to get
out of here. It feels incredibly wrong. But I am
just wondering, is everyone run down from surviving a plague
or is it just me? Well, I mean we survived
COVID ish, we're still in it. But then now there's

monkey Box. I got the monkey box, which is a
whole thing. Take a deep breath, like I don't even
know what's happening thing. But then also people are still
getting COVID. Like my son went down to ask a
friend if he could play earlier, and he came back
and was like, they have COVID, they can't play. But
I went into their foyer and I'm like, cool, awesome.

I hope you didn't contract anything in the foyer, But
it's also showing me the difference of like, if he
had gone in the foyer of someone with COVID a
year and a half ago, I probably would have lost
my mind. Well, also, there are different variants right exactly.
Variants are much more wild right now. And so now
I'm like, oh, okay, cool, Well we're not going to
hang out with them right now, but hopefully they'll be

better soon and it's fine. And then my cousin Amanda,
who I'm supposed to go see in Austin in about
two weeks, she texted me. She's like, well, COVID got me,
I haven't. And her mom has cancer, and so she's like,
I'm just praying my mom doesn't get it. Her mom
lives with her and she's on hospice. That's my aunt Lisa,
and so I'm kind of going there in mid August

to spend time with them and get quality time as
she's you know, in this process, her strength is amazing,
Her strength and tenacity is like beyond so she's already
surpassed what we thought. But I'm going there. Well, they
were just best friends, but It's one of those cousins
where you're not related, but you call each other cousins
and you say, ant, Lisa, did you have that? No,

but I understand what you're saying. Okay, and this is
my cousin that she's also psychic. It's the whole thing.
But I am like, okay, yes, you stay quarantine in
your room. Thankful you have it now. I hope your
mom doesn't get it, but I'm glad. I'm going to
come see all soon. But it's COVID is still a
real thing. And she said it hit her like a
ton of bricks, like she's down for the count. And

so for some people it is affecting them like crazy
or they've got the long COVID and different things. And
then there's all this stuff that we're living through. So yeah,
tension is high. Popcorns still tastes like flowers to me
from your COVID. It's absolutely I twitching lee infuriating that
I'll go to a movie, which we can finally go
back to movies now, and I get popcorn and it

tastes like roses or an artificial flower taste. That's sad,
it's real. It's a real kick in the knees. Yea.
So I mean, if you're irritable, we are still in
the middle of it. So I think it makes sense,
like we've all been through a lot, but I don't
think you're alone in the sensitivity of things. Yeah, maybe

maybe right, Because I went wedding dress shopping with my manager,
Courtney was getting married and she has been wanting to
ask me if I would be in her wedding since
the beginning of the year, but she's been afraid because
I got COVID for a second time. I had long COVID.
I was like on a heart thing, and then I
had back surgery. So she's like, you had a really

bad year, and I didn't want to add to your stress.
And I was looking back and I thought, oh, dang, Yeah,
I guess it hasn't been a little rough. Maybe I
should ease up on myself. I don't know. Yes, absolutely,
but you don't feel wrung out. Oh I'm wrung out.
So the next I think, for me, I'm in it,
and I'm very emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve,

and sometimes I try to be tough in certain situations.
I mean, I'm in so much therapy that I'm constantly
trying to assess, like why this is happening. And I
saw a quote from I guess it was Benjamin Franklin,
and I'm gonna paraphrase here, but basically like stop making excuses,
Like if you're ever giving an apology for something, like,

don't make an excuse. But I feel like lately I've
been in such an assessment mode that even when I'm
either getting called out for something or maybe apologizing for something,
I'm trying to evaluate why I did what I did,
because clearly there's a route to it, because I wouldn't
ever intentionally want to hurt someone. So even in the moment,

I'm trying to gather my evidence, which is sort of
like trying to come up with an excuse for the behavior. Well,
I think an excuse and finding a reason is very different.
You can try and figure out why you're behaving, has
your behaving, and that's totally different than excusing that behavior,

right right, And I think it's really good. I think
anything bad that's ever happened to me, we were talking
about this earlier. If you can step back and really
evaluate it, there's so much to learn there, there's almost
more to learn from the tragedy than there is from
of success. Do you find that well, yes, but if
you allow yourself to sit in that, a lot of

people just want to move on and never learn from that.
And I think I wanted to learn opportunity. I absolutely
want to learn. But back to your irritability, it's like,
if you were to assess the whole big picture of
what we're going through, then it's like, oh, you're snapping
at a three year old in your shop. Completely makes sense,

that's true. You know. It's like right now but recording
and my son is knocking on the door, and Stephen
sin do you want to come? Say hi? Come say hi.
I'm not going to get irritated. It's fine. Oh are
you talking in a funny voice? Okay, that's his like
prank call voice. Yeah, he likes to frank called people,

mostly Mary, where that's his voice where he acts like
he's a dentist and he's like hello. So you know,
I mean, I even glanced over as he was shutting
the door, and I can see the lock up for
the puzzle speaking of Mary that we made, and it
literally says it's fine, I'm fine, everything is fine, and
it's sarcasm, because we're not fine. I had a kitchen
towel that we were selling in the store and that

things sold like hotcakes. Yeah, because it's we're just holding
on by our fingernails here, right. And I never was
into puzzles until my world was falling apart and I
was not fine, And suddenly I loved puzzles because it
was a distraction. My therapist said it was good for
my brain. And suddenly I enjoyed piecing things together and

seeing the fruits of my labor. It's like a silent focus, right,
And suddenly I was working towards something and I was like, oh, well,
isn't this pretty? And this is making me happy and
this is the thing. And then while look at me,
I've completed a whole puzzle. Isn't this beautiful? Still not fine,
But in the moment that was working on it, like
it was when I was bird watching and doing lots

of puzzles, I now know that I was depressed. And honestly,
even right now, I've had some moments where I'm like, hmm,
I'm high functioning depressed person right now, And that's just
the honest truth. Like I am some days holding it
together by a threat. But I'm functioning. And so that's

what's confusing, is because sometimes you're led to believe that,
like depression is this debilitating curtains drawn dark room, can't
get out of bed. So I feel like, because I'm
getting out of bed and I'm going to work and
I'm keeping up with all these different things, there's no
way I'm depressed. But then I'm like, no, but I'm

thinking somevery stuff going on in movies where someone who's
you know, they've had a loss or breakup and they
can't get out of bed. That's a luxury most of
us can't afford, right, And so I think it's totally
reasonable for you to be mildly, too acutely depressed and
still be a functioning person, a mother, and you know,

someone who shows up to work every day. I think
that's a probably a lot of us. We're in the
same boat, don't you think? I don't know that you're
alone in that, And only to say that and to
make you feel not alone, do you know I'm not
trying to say you're not the only one. Kid, buck up,
But I think that we're all of the community of
people I think that are white knuckling it. It's more

of a it's just a confusing space because you feel
like the only way to I'm not trying to play
the victim, but I'm trying to understand what I'm going through.
Stuff is just off, and like for you, You're you're
asking me, You're like, is it just me? Or am
I just very irritable? Yes? And like why would I

ever got jumping to wrong conclusions, to the wrong conclusions
a lot the worst exactly in a situation more than normal.
I mean, I do. I do have a friend who
made me a birthday t shirt that says everything is terrible,
because that's a somewhat of a motto of vibe and

are barely trying to change it's terrible. But yeah, I mean,
things are can be terrible, but things can also be
what I've learned to from my therapist, two things can
be true at the same time, and like, this can
really be hard, but it can also be amazing, and
like those two things can live side by side, and

I just have to sit with that sometimes for a second.
Mm hmm. That's hard to get your brain around, really,
especially when you're in the misery of it. But two
things can be true at the same time, and then
also just again trying to like live in the moment
and not live too far in the future, trying to
figure out what's going to happen, or live to live

in the past of like, oh, this is what happened.
It's like being president in the moment, and that circles
back to like we're only as young as we're ever
going to be in this exact moment. So I mean,
I know that you, like are assuming the worst in
people and picking fights with three year olds, but I
look up to you. I picked a fight with one

child who was mussing around in my windows. Like you're
so fun and have such a good personality and out
look on life, and you've been through a lot, but like, yeah,
everything is terrible, but you also like like to make
it a good time. That is true. That is true,
Like this might be the worst thing ever, but I'm
going to tell a good story and make you laugh.

That's true. As longer on this planet that's on fire,
Let's have a good time. Absolutely, yeah, which speaking of
a good time, Sunday and I watched the Shania Twain

documentary on Netflix, which was called Not a Girl. I'm
not a Girl, Not this girl and a Girl. Maybe
you know how to find it. It'll be in the
trending on Netflix. And uh oh totally crazy lady man
shirt Shore. It's good. It was so good. She is

so wonderful, and that she was driven. She was open
to other people's insights where it wasn't just sort of
like this is how I'm going to do it, no
matter what. You know. She was like that, but if
someone brought up a good point, she was open to
it and it only made her better, which I think
is really a delicate balance. She was very smart, she

was so so savvy, still is so savvy. But oh yeah,
is yeah, she had limes disease, her voice changed all
of it. It's just such a powerful story and for
her to be still in the record books for selling
as many records and albums and hard to this day,
it's bonkers. So it's called Not Just a Girl, and

I highly recommend you watch it. It's a ninety minute
talk about her life and it'll empower you. I watched
it and was like, I am ready take on the world.
Let's go. Let's go girls. That's who she says at
the beginning of man I feel like a woman. It
was really good. It was I mean, I walked away

from watching that more of a Shania fan than I've
ever was before. One also made me download her music
because it all still holds up for sure. Her ballads
are so beautiful. I got married to a Shania song? Yes,
which one? I can't wait? The other this song you

got married to, Brian. I hope you're not listening to this.
From this moment on, Oh, from this moment, life has begun,
life has well. Highly recommend you watch that. Another thing
you need to check out, which is not as empowering
but might get your riled up, is The Victorious Secret

Angels and Demons about Less Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein. In
a way, it's more about the Victoria's Secret brand. But
if you've watched any of the Jeffrey Epstein stuff or
listen to any of the podcasts, he definitely makes a
big splash in this series. Now I'm only a few

episodes in. If you watched the whole thing, I had
a quick because it was so depressing. But there's no
question he was a genius and he thought about things
globally no one had done before. Started limited in Victoria's
Secret and then I think things just started going south
with who he started to hang out with an associate with.

He was the most wealthy man in Ohio, tried to
make it in New York. He was rejected and which
watching that part made me think of the Gilded Age?
Did you watch that on HBO Max? Okay? That was
so fascinating to me because it was like the late
eighteen hundreds, I think, But it was society in New
York at that time and new money rolling in and

how they were not accepted even though they were the
wealthiest people coming to town. They were not accepted because
you have no status here, so less Wexner. He tried
to go to New York and make it and he
could not fit in. He was a billionaire and could
not make it with New York society. So he went
back to Ohio and created his own fake city, yeah,

fake little town, New Albany or something like that, not
New York, but New Albany. And then Jeffrey Epstein eventually
had a place there too, And the whole story is
just why bizarre. So yes, it's very dark, but if
you're looking for things to watch, that one is on Hulu,
and then the Chinaia one is on Netflix and Sunday

you've seen where They're called, Dad saying I haven't seen
it yet, but did you read the book too? I did,
but it was so many years ago. I remember loving
the book, and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was
visually beautiful, you know. It takes place in the marshes
in North Carolina, and it's visually stunning. And I was
trying to think halfway through the movie, how did this end?

You know? And I could not. I didn't remember how
it ended, but something fell off about the ending. But
I haven't googled it or anything, so I'm interested to
know other people who read it if if they noticed
anything different. But it was wonderful, I'd see it again.
I tried to get you to see it again this weekend,
I know, but I wanted to go to Bar Taco
and we got to chat, just hang out and talk.

Because I've heard a movie. You're here for less than
forty eight hours. So if we to a movie, then
that's a few hours where we're not talk. You're here,
it would but even if you do the math, you're
not even here for forty eight so it's like, but
thank goodness for airplanes because that get does give us time,
which thinking of things that we're thankful for. Would you

do four things gratitude and share four things that you
are currently thankful for in this moment today? Absolutely, I
would say I put my health up on the top
of the list because I'm walking around. I mean, you'll
put a bend over and put my own shoes on,
which these all seem like very minor things, but I'm
super thankful for that, super thankful for my coworkers. Every

day I come to work and we laugh and have
a good time. And of course I'm thankful for my
work because I think once you work in a place
that you're not happy, and and then you find a
job that where you're happy, it's pretty amazing. Well, and
you've created that because you own mocking Bird on Broad
You're like, I of working at a place that's pretty amazing,

I founded it. That does sound pretty bad. It doesn't
sound bad. You've also been a sheriff and true have
gone diving for seashells, and you've had other jobs that
are not as fulfilling to you. I mean, the seashell
thing was amazing. And I feel like your time as
a sheriff allowed you to meet your husband and gave

you a lot of things. It was terrible, but a
lot of good came out of exactly I feel like
quote her, this has been terrible, but a lot of
good came out of it. That's the essence of what
we're trying to say. Yes, life sucks, but there's some good.
That's right, but look for the good. It's fine. I'm fine,
Everything is fine, and Sunday is going to carry our

puzzles in her store. Okay, it's fine. Okay, you've said
three things. I feel like I mentioned you last time,
so I don't want to be a duplicator, but yeah,
of course I'm still thinking. You don't mention me, but
I am. I'm so thankful for our friendship. It's so
nice to be able to see each other twice in

one year. That's pretty amazing. For as long as we've
been friends. Um, a lot of it has been long distance,
I know, because some of that. I mean, I had
come to Southern Pines. But then, yeah, COVID we lost
like a good two years and there was a season
where it was just real bad, and I remember you
texting me and being like I want to come visit,
and I'm like, not a good time. Yeah, You're like
check me and a year check back later. Yeah, don't

call me, I'll call you. Yeah. So yeah, I've I
too have enjoyed that. But I was joking. Don't make
I'm not the fourth thing. You have to think of
something else? Well, I will say, I mean, you do
make me think of friendships and how valuable they are
and how how meaningful they are. The older you get,
you know, because we're never as young as we are

at right now, at this moment, and when you meet
new friends, you know that you have something in common
with I don't know. It just brings me such joy
to meet new friends and learn new things. And I've
had a friend that's been over for work from England
and he's getting ready to head back and I just
thoroughly enjoy getting to know him and learn about his life.

And I really love the little things like that, the
simple pleasures. M simple pleasures. That's good. Put that on
your next puzzle. Love that simple. I don't know that
there will be a next one. There will be a
next four things Gratitude journal, though Mary and I are
working on that right now, and we're trying to figure
out the cover. So I'll maybe show you some samples

of like what we're thinking for the design illustration, Well,
what is it called? Well, so this is the one, like,
it's very the first one we did with ty dyes,
it's very much a statement, and the second one was
more neutral, like an own bray peach color. And then
the third one right now currently, what we're both drawn
to is a little bit more fest a specific. Can

I request a mockingbird blue beyond the cover? We were
looking at dinner. We were playing around with that, but
then we thought dinnam might be a little bit too
just too neutral. We like Dinham, but you know, I
don't know. I'll show you you played around because hey,
you know, maybe I want to carry it at the
mocking Bird, the Mockingbird on Broad without of the maybe
you'll want to carry it at Mockingbird on Broad because

my sister will probably carry it at Roothouse. Nope, just
root House, No, the well Sunday, thank you. You know,
we just we're having conversations earlier and she's like, maybe
we should do a podcast, and I was like, you
did one last time, and you're like, you know, let's
just do one for fun. Anyway, so we came up
here and we started recording, and this is what you get.

So hope you enjoyed. Yeah. Sorry, And following Sunday on
Instagram at Mockingbird. On broad I'm at Radio Amy and
I guess I'll be back on Tuesday for the fifth
thing with Cat. But also don't forget on Saturday, I
will have a podcast for Outweigh, which is eating Disort

of Recovery if you're into that, if you need that
as a resource that loads up every single Saturday. I
hope you enjoyed. Okay, say bye bye, Love you

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