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May 17, 2024 41 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
It is Verdict with Senator Ted Kruz, Ben Ferguson with
you and Senator Apparently there's some really juicy audio that
the White House is now saying they don't want the
American people to hear it at all costs. They're willing
to protect it and make sure it never gets out,
and it deals with the Biden crime family.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Yep, that's right. Today's topic is Biden cover ups. We're
going to talk about the Biden administration trying to desperately
cover up the tapes of the Joe Biden's interview with
the Special counsel her and the absurd and frivolous claim
of executive privilege. We're going to talk about how Hunter

Biden's sugar daddy has cut him off, which is interesting
and revealing. And finally, we're going to talk about how
the Biden administration is doing everything they can to cover
up to block the public release of the countries that
the individuals on the terror watch list, crossing the order
from all of that is what we're talking about today.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Yeah, truly shocking, try to keep that information from the
American people, and you're gonna want to hear all of
that all right.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Today was a crazy day.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
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Speaker 1 (02:40):
Be awake, not woke.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
That's Blackoutcoffee dot Com slash verdict promo code vertict for
twenty percent off. All right, center, let's get into this
news that broke. It is actually shocking how much the
White House is now trying to protect this Biden interview
audio with special counsel her and apparently it's so damning

they don't want any of us to ever hear it.

Speaker 4 (03:07):

Speaker 3 (03:07):
That is exactly right, and I want you to understand
how absurd the legal position of the White House is.
So the House representatives is trying to get the audio
of the interview between Special Counsel Robert Hurr and President
Joe Biden. And we learned this week the Biden White
House is claiming executive privilege to block the release of

that audio. By the way, at the same time, a
whole consortium of media outlets including ABCNBCCBS, CNN, Washington Post,
New York Times, all of the corporate media, they're actually
suing trying to get this audio as well. So the
media is trying to get it, the House representatives trying
to get it. And we saw this week the Biden

White House claim executive privilege. Now listen, if you're not
a lawyer, you may think, okay, well, that seems like
I don't know, I've heard those terms terms executive privilege.
What does that mean. I guess that's a reasonable claim.
They're fighting back. Okay, that's fine. I got to tell you,
as a lawyer, as a constitutional litigator, this is one
of the most absurd legal claims I've ever heard. So

let me tell you what executive privilege is. Executive privilege
is a privilege that is attached to the law for
a long time, and it is it protects conversations between
the president and as senior advisors. So if a president
is talking with the chief of staff, a president is
talking with his national security advisor, and they're talking about

what do we do in Israel, what do we do
in Ukraine, what do we do in South America? What
do we do on a particular issue, executive privilege protects
forcing those employees to disclose what they've talked about with
the president. And there's a very important reason for that.
You want a president, whoever the president is, Republican or Democrat.

You want a president to get candidate advice, real advice,
straightforward advice. And if every employee of the president is worried,
holy cow, I could be forced to testify in front
of Congress on this. I could be forced to testify
in court on this. You will end up having people
giving the president advice that is cya that is covering
their own rear end that has trying to protect themselves,

and it's deeply damaging to the executive operating effectively. So
executive privilege is a real it is a very important privilege.
Now let me stop here and point out that the
Democrats and the court system and the media have not
given a damn about executive privilege. If it concerns Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Yeah, that's I mean, you have one hundred examples you
could use to prove that point.

Speaker 3 (05:51):
And let me give you two. Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.
Peter Navarro is in prison right now because the Democrat
House of Representatives subpoened him, tried to force him to testify.
He claimed executive privilege because he was a senior advisor
to the president. He didn't want to testifyabile what he
talked about to the president. He's in jail right now.

Steve Bannon is headed to jail right now for the
same reason. So when it came to Republicans, they did
not care. The Democrats, the media, of the court system
did not care about executive privilege. Those decisions are outrageous.
But what happened this week, I want you to understand.
The Biden white House claimed executive privilege, not concerning his

discussion with senior advisors in the White House, not concerning
Biden's discussions with cabinet members his senior team that would
be appropriate. Instead, they focused on Robert hurr Is, the
special counsel appointed to investigate allegations that Joe Biden committed

crimes committed felonies, and Robert Hr was investigating him, he
interviewed him, and the Biden Whitehouse claimed executive privilege for
the audio of the interview between Joe Biden and the
Special Council. Now, under no way, shape or form, was
that conversation a conversation between Joe Biden and his senior

advisors about a policy issue or substant of issue. Listen,
if Joe Biden we're talking with Merrick Garland about what
the administration's policy should be on immigration, what the administration's
policy should be on any issue, on abortion, on what
have you. That is something that is properly covered by
executive privilege because the president is entitled to talk to

a senior team without it being forced to be made public.
But in this case, Robert Hurr was not operating in
the role as an employee, as a as someone reporting
to Joe Biden. Rather, he was a special counsel. The
reason he was appointed special counsel is because there was

credible and serious evidence that Joe Biden had committed multiple felonies,
and so Robert Hurr was in the position of a prosecutor.
He was in investigating a potential criminal defendant. He was
interrogating a potential criminal defendant. And by the way, the
report from Robert Hurr concluded that Joe Biden committed multiple

serious felonies, that he violated the law, particularly concerning the
treatment of classified documents, that he did so in a
way that was knowing, that was repeated, that was brazen.
And then Robert Hurr's recommendation is, even though he's committed
multiple felonies, by the way, for the same thing on

which the Biden Justice Department is right now prosecuting Donald Trump,
Robert Hurk ultimately recommended we cannot prosecute Joe Biden because
he is so old in senile that he is not
competent to stand trial. And what the recommendation Robert hurt was.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Can we just pause there and go back, because I
think a lot of people forgot about that. Yes, I mean,
the excuse for not prosecuting Joe Biden for having classified
documents that he'd had for decades right updating back, was
that he's just too old and feeble, and we couldn't
get a conviction because the excuse would be he's too

old to convict and doesn't know what he's doing anymore.
Yet he's the President of the United States of America
with the nuclear codes.

Speaker 4 (09:34):
Well, that's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
So to convict someone of a criminal crime, you've got
to make the case that they have the men'sraa. Mensrea
is the legal term for the intent that they're knowingly
and willingly violating.

Speaker 4 (09:48):
The criminal law.

Speaker 3 (09:50):
What Robert Hurst said is you could not convince a
jury that Joe Biden had the mensraa to violate the law,
even though he did so repeat knowingly, that he was openly, brazenly, shamelessly.
But what her said is, and by the way, he
said this on behalf of the Biden Justice department. He said,

any jury would conclude that the Biden was too old
and senileand forgetful, that he could not realize he was
committing felonies and so you couldn't prosecute it for him.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
It's amazing that's the excuse for the president of the
United States of America. Yet he's apparently in good enough
shape to run for reelection and be president for another
four years.

Speaker 3 (10:35):
Like you mentioned a minute ago, that he has the
nuclear codes. Understand, the Biden Department of Justice has publicly
maintained to the American people Joe Biden is not competent
to stand trial, and yet he is competent to be
the commander in chief to have the nuclear codes. And
let's be clear, if Joe Biden tonight decided to annihilate

humanity and to fire nuclear weapons at our enemies, he
could exterminate human beings from existence. And yet according to
the Biden DOJ, he's not competence stand trial.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
Only in Biden's America as as possible.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
The Speaker of the House, by the way, he has
come out and said he is very concerned about this
issue as well.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
From the House side. Here is what he said earlier.

Speaker 5 (11:26):
But first I want to address the breaking news from
this morning. About an hour ago, we learned that that
President Biden has invoked executive privilege to prevent the American
people from hearing the audio recordings of his testimony with
Special Counsel Robert Hurr. The American people will not be
able to hear why prosecutors felt the President of the

United States was, in Special Counsel Robert Hurt's words, a
quote elderly man with a poor memory and thus shouldn't
be charged. Just think about that for a moment. President
Biden is apparently afraid for the citizens of this country
and everyone to hear those tapes. They obviously confirm what
the Special Council has found and would likely cause. I suppose,

in his estimation such alarm with the American people that
the President is using all of his power to suppress
their release, and rather than defend our closest ally at war,
President Biden is using his authority to defend himself politically.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
I mean, it adds up, doesn't it. It's so damning
that we got to do this at all costs. Protect it,
make sure it never gets out there, make sure we
don't see the light of this sees the light of day.
And the next question is Senator for you is okay, Well,
then what happens next on this? Is there a way
to get these recordings out there?

Speaker 3 (12:49):
So the Speaker of the House is precisely right. What
this tells us is these recordings are bad, They are damning,
they are embarrassing. The source of things that if you
listen to them, the natural inference from the fact that
they're fighting so hard and they're making a demonstrably frivolous

legal claim to protect them, it is that the White
House has determined Holy Cow. People heard this, they would say,
Joe Biden is utterly incompetent to be president. That Robert
Hurr of the Special Counsel was right, He's not competent
to stand trial. If you're not competent to stand trial,
you're not competent to be president of the United States.

You're not competent to be the commander in chief of
the United States military.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
And it's not just you're saying what they were talking
about on the recording, which would be damning enough on
the substance and the subject matter, but it's also about
the incompetency that then can be used against him. Of
the American people would see, basically, pull back the curtain
and this is what the guy running your country really
is like.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
Right now? Are you going to give him a chance
to run it for another four years?

Speaker 4 (13:56):

Speaker 3 (13:56):
Look, My assumption is the audio is in dably damning.
Remember we talked about when Robert Hurr was appointed. Robert
Hurr had been the right hand to Rod Rosenstein, the
Deputy Attorney General who had been Barack Obama's US attorney
in Maryland. Rod Rosenstein is responsible for much of the

abuse of power we saw in the doj he's responsible
for appointing Robert Muller too, and as the Special Counsel
to investigate Russia, Russia, Russia. And when Robert Hurr was
first appointed, we said, look, what will reveal whether whether
mister Hurr is actually doing his job is whether he's
willing to go after Joe Biden. If he just if

he walls off any evidence of criminality from Joe Biden,
that will be an incredibly damning conclusion. Now, I will
say his report was frankly better than you and I expected,
because because his report on its face concluded, yes, Joe
Biden is a criminal, He's a felon. He violated the
criminal law over and over and over again. He knew

he was violating, he said he was violating, he didn't care,
he was brazen. But then the reason that mister Hirst
said he was not going to recommend charges against Joe
Biden exactly like the charges that were being brought against
Donald Trump for the same offense, is because he said

Joe Biden's not competent to stand trial. Now, Democrats were
horrified at the second part of that conclusion because they're like, no,
don't reveal pay no, attention to the man behind the curtain.
Do not reveal that the Wizard of Oz is a
fake and a fraud. Now, listen, you and I have
talked about We're three and a half years into the

Biden presidency. You know how many times I've talked to
Joe Biden since he became president.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
I'm assuming it's still zero zero one, And that's not normal.
So people understand how it normally works.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
It is absolutely weird and bizarre. When Barack Obama was president,
I talked to him regularly. When Donald Trump was president,
I talk to him every week and sometimes every day.
And I got to say it, it is an amazing thing.
And by the way, you might say, Okay, Cruz, he's
a right winger. Maybe just Biden doesn't talk to him.

Biden has talked to virtually zero Republican senators.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
Is that because they're hiding him from I'm being serious,
because they say, you guy, it's better to it's better
to protect him and shield him from y'all so that
you don't understand how diminished he is.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Is that part of it?

Speaker 4 (16:39):

Speaker 3 (16:40):
So Listen, the Republican senators, we have lunch together every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.

Speaker 4 (16:45):
So three days a week we have lunch together.

Speaker 3 (16:48):
We talk regularly at lunch about how weird it is
that none of us have talked to Joe Biden. Actually,
there's an interesting story. We were sitting there at lunch
talking and the only center at the table with me
who had spoken with Joe Biden was John Kennedy. John
is a great friend. He's a fantastic guy, amazing sense

of humor. John told the story at lunch. He said, listen,
I spoke with Biden once. And it was fairly early
on in the Biden presidency. And there was a bill
that John had authored that passed, and it was a
bipartisan bill.

Speaker 4 (17:22):
And John said, look, they wanted.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
To do a signing ceremony in the Oval office, you know,
presumably to show they were bipartisan. Look what we're doing
together in this grade. And so John said, he went
to that signing ceremony. He was in the Oval and
he said, Biden in the middle of the conversations, in
the middle of the signing ceremony, struck up a conversation
with John, and Biden said, hey, hey, John, have you

ever been to the cabinet room? And John Kennedy being
John Kennedy. He said, I lied and I said no,
and Biden immediately says, well, come on, let me take
you over there. He goes over to the cabinet room
and John said, but Biden begins telling war stories and
they were from forty or fifty years ago, and he's

just talking about things that happened decades ago. And he's
telling him on and on and on, and the Biden
White House staff is freaking out and they're going, miss
President as President, you need to go, you need to
go to your next meeting. They were really worried that
Biden is talking to John Kennedy, and Biden apparently gave
him the back of the hand and said, shut up,

I'm telling stories. And Kennedy said that Biden spent forty
five minutes telling war stories and it was like it
was like your grandfather reliving World War Two.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Yeah, but.

Speaker 4 (18:46):
That is.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
And it's worth noting, by the way, all of us
know Joe Biden. Remember he was a man of the Senate.
He spent forty years in the Senate. Joe Biden swore
me into the Senate when I was first elected in
twenty The person who delivered my oath of office was
Joe Biden. So it is weird that the White House
staff keeps him hidden from us. And the natural assumption

is that his mental diminishment is so great that they
cannot let him speak to us. And so you put
that in the context of this Robert Hurr interview. Understand
the claim of executive privilege is absurd because Robert Hurr
was not meeting with him as a subservient employee discussing
the administration's policy. Rather, Robert Hurr was appointed as a

special counsel to investigate did the President commit criminal conduct?
By the way he concluded, the answer is yes.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Well, and he testified to that on Capitol Hill. I
want to play that for people because it's important to
remind you what her had to say about Biden's memory
and his mental state. Before I do that, though, I
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Speaker 1 (21:36):
All right, I want to play for you centater.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
This is her on Capitol Hill when he was being
asked questions.

Speaker 6 (21:42):
So you have audio recording from his ghostwriter where the
president acknowledges that the information he has is classified and
he's sharing with his ghost riad.

Speaker 7 (21:52):
We have an audio recording capturing a statement from mister
Biden saying to his ghost writer in February of twenty seventeen. Quote,
I just found all the classified stuff downstairs end quote.

Speaker 6 (22:03):
And then again reciting passages from a meeting in the situation. Yes,
and those are in President Biden's own words, correct, right,
So he's again the ghostwriter has no classified No, he
has no clearance, no classified clearance to anything.

Speaker 7 (22:18):
Correct. That is our understanding that misters Wantitzer was not
authorized to receive classified information.

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Now, that was he said in seventeen, So he knew
he had classified data, classified documents seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
twenty one, twenty two, twenty three when they started to
find these things in his garage right by the corvette.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
Yes, and remember remember the joy Democrats felt when they
began bringing charges against Donald Trump for having classified documents
at Mari Lago. Now, listen, as a president of the
United States, you have the authority to declassified documents. Every
president in modern times has taken documents for the premise presidency,
for his memoirs, to write things that has been part.

We've covered this at length on this podcast. So the
prosecution against Donald Trump for the classified documents was always
weak on its face. But then the Democrats had this
enormous political problem because they were gleeful. They're like, haha,
classified document you have them. Okay, we got you. Finally
we finally we have something we can charge you on.
And then the news broke that Joe Biden had done

the exact same thing. And then the news broke that
it wasn't once, it was twice, it was three times,
it was four times, it was five times, it was
over and over and over again. And then the news
broke that Joe Biden seemingly had classified documents stored just
about everywhere, as you noted by his garage, in his
garage next to his antique corvette, all over the place,

in one house, in another house, and by the way
it wasn't just from his time as vice president, and
it'd be clear Joe Biden as vice president had no
legal authority to declassify anything, so he could not have
done what Trump could have done. It is also the
case that there were multiple classified documents from Joe Biden's
time as a senator. Now, listen, I've spent twelve years

as a senator. I've read a lot of classified documents.
I can tell you. I'm sitting right now in my
DC apartment. We have a little apartment by Capitol Hill.
I can tell you with absolute certainty, there's not a
classified document in my apartment.

Speaker 4 (24:19):
Why is that?

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Because I have never, ever, ever, even once read a
classified document outside of the skiff, which is the secure
compartmentalized facility in the basement of the Capitol. I've read
lots of them the skiff. I go into the skiff,
I read the document, I leave the document there, and
I walk out. So is there a classified document in

my DC apartment?

Speaker 7 (24:42):

Speaker 4 (24:43):
Is there a classified document in my home in Houston. No?

Speaker 3 (24:46):
How do I know that? Because there's never ever ever
been one, Like, there's no chance of it. And it
takes a degree of culpability to willingly and by the way,
like nobody takes them out. I mean, this is it's
weird that Joe Biden had them.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
And it's because it's such a big deal and you
guys are briefed on it beforehand. Classified documents are not
saying you screw around with.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
So when I was at the Department of Justice, I
was an associate Deputy Attorney General. I read classified documents
in that role as well. I had a safe in
my office. It was a big steel safe with big doors.
In fact, once a jam my thumb, and it really
hurt if I had classified documents in my office. You
know what, I could not leave them on my desk.

It was a crime to leave them on my desk.
So if I was reading a classified document, I had
to put them in the safe and lock the safe.
Dealing with classified documents is a big deal. And what
Robert Hurk concluded is Joe Biden had them just about everywhere.
So if Joe Biden has committed the same crime Donald
Trump is alleged to have committed, if he's done so

for decades, if he's done so brazenly, that's a big
political problem for the Biden. Department of justice because remember
early on, their great hope was We're gonna get Trump
on the classified documents because their objective is to stop
the voters from voting for Trump, and they thought the
classified documents was their avenue. And then they had a

real problem. Wait, Biden's done the same and worse, and
so their answer was, Biden is not competent to stand trial. Now,
set all of that aside, understand, the claim of executive
privilege is lunacy. Why because when Joe Biden sat down

with Robert hurb there is no arguable claim he was
sitting down with a senior advisor. There's no arguable claim
he was talking about administration policy. There's no arguable claim
that he was asking give me your advice, my employee,
as to terms of what I should do. That's what
executive privilege protects. Instead, Robert Hurr was a prosecutor investigating

him as a potential criminal defendant. And so this claim
is objectively frivolous. And yet the media and the Democrats
are ignoring the obvious inanity of this claim.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
Yeah, and you don't have to go back far because
back in February, White House spokesman he and Sam's bragged
about Joe Biden not asserting executive privilege during Special Counsel
Herd's investigation, saying he had nothing to hide.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Listen to this three.

Speaker 7 (27:33):
He didn't exert executive privilege over any contents of the report.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
He was transparent. He had nothing to hide. There it
is that's from the White House's podium.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
And so understand, Joe Biden arguably could have asserted executive
privilege in the interview. He could have said, I'm not
going to answer a particular question about the conversations I
had with my senior advisors because of executive privilege. That
would have been arguable. He didn't, according to the White House,

unless the White House spokesman was lying. So he didn't
assert it in the interview. He answered the questions instead.
What they're saying is the tape of a prosecutor investigating
the president for criminal conduct.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
That's executive privilege.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
And that is I got to tell you, Ben, if
you were a one L law student on your con
law final exam and you wrote that this is executive privilege,
you would flunk.

Speaker 4 (28:31):
It is that frivolous and that's what they're claiming.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
Over under we ever get to hear these tapes.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
Um I put it thirty seventy.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Okay, because they're just going to be that good at
hiding it.

Speaker 4 (28:46):
Look, they're going to try.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Look we only have six months still the election, so
they got to delay it for six months that they're
going to fight that. The House is going to now
the next step is to hold Merrick Garland in contempt.
But the problem is, look at our checks and balances.
The House can hold an attorney general in contempt, and
by the way, the House held Eric Holder in contempt

when he was Barack Obama's attorney general. But a contempt
holding is not self enforcing. It takes the Department of
Justice to go and prosecute it. Eric Holder wouldn't prosecute
the contempt holding against himself, and you know what, Merrick
Garland is not either. And so at the end of
the day, the fact that the Biden Justice Department is

so political and so corrupt means, in all likelihood to
be honest, thirty seventy is probably optimistic.

Speaker 4 (29:41):
It may be less than that.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
There's another report that has hit the same time that
Hunter Biden's sugar daddy, Kevin Morris is quote tamped out
of cash after funding President Biden's son. That would be
the famous Hunter Biden. He has been funding the president's
son's legal battles now for almost half a decade. He

quote close friend Karen Kevin Morris, who said, no, no, no,
I'm not getting anything out of this guy. I'm just
a good guy. He's said to have loaned Hunter Biden
more than six million dollars this as Hunter Biden is
facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, and
now the sugar Daddy's saying I'm out after six grand.

My question is the timing of this. He's seen the
same poll numbers you're seeing. He's seeing the same momentum
that you and I are seeing day in and day
out with Donald Trump. He's seeing the same economic news
it's coming out, and he's seeing these trials come up,
and it's is he cutting basically a bad investment at
this point, saying Okay, I'm hedging my bets. Joe Biden's

not going to be able to do me favors for
another four years. Why would I keep spending my money?

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Of course he is so. The headline in the Daily
Mail which broke this story is Hunter Biden's sugar brother,
Kevin Morris quote tapped out of cash after funding President's
sons legal battles for almost five years. Here's how it begins.
Hollywood lawyer and Hunter Biden's sugar brother, Kevin Morris is

said to be tapped out of cash after financially supporting
Hunters legal battles over the last four and a half
years to the tune of six million dollars. Let me
ask you, do you have any friends that are good
enough friends that you give them six million dollars?

Speaker 2 (31:32):
No? And not only that, I love how the money
apparently is supposed to be paid back after the election.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
The Daily Mail continues. The withdrawal of financial support for
the president's son comes at the worst possible time for Hunter,
with two trials looming which could end up seeing him
serve jail time. I got to say this is striking.
Nobody seemed to care. The press didn't seem to care
that there was this lawyer in California funding Joe Biden's

son's legal defense up until this stage. But the fact
that he is bailing out. I got to tell you
that there is the old phrase the rats are running
from the ship that starts to suggest that's exactly what
happened here.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
Yeah, quid pro quote. You got to have somebody that
can hook you up on the end of it. And
if Joe Biden's out of office, what's the point of
keeping your money flowing to this? To Hunter Biden, this
could be major could mean major complications also for Hunter
Biden's legal defense. Can that be used as a delayed tactic?
Is my question?

Speaker 3 (32:35):
Oh, they'll try, but I don't think it will succeed.
Here's what the Daily Mail reported quote the Paramount in
twenty nineteen, during dad President's Biden's campaign for the White House.
They quickly developed a close friendship, just as Hunter was
trying to get his life on track and stay sober.
At the time, Morris helped him get safe housing. He
was dubbed Hunter's sugar brother. After You're agreed to loan

the first sun Or Report to two point eight million
dollars to pay off his tax debts and joined his
legal team amidst criminal and congressional investigations. But now, after
four and a half years of shouldering the financial burden,
having loaned him more than six point five million dollars,
Morris is no longer willing to foot the Bill.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Where does he get the money?

Speaker 2 (33:22):
Now, I'm gonna guess it's probably gonna be some some
of his foreign businesses, or hey, maybe it's some really
nice artwork that will go for more than a half
a million dollars, because apparently getting a half million dollars
to do finger painting is pretty impressive. That's just the
going right now. If you're the president's son, let me
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one other thing that has happened, and this is going
to continue to break and become a bigger story. But
we are now finding out that the White House is
refusing a Foyer request. It is a request that was
filed to find out about the nationalities of people on
the tear watch lists that have been arrested by border

patrol and rec years. The CBP now says they will
not turn over the data, citing privacy and law enforcement
sensitivity exemptions, saying that, yeah, deal with it. We're not
giving you the inte on how many people have come
across the southern border that are on the terrorists watch
list and what nations they're coming from.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
Well, this is the third story we're covering today that
deals with Biden cover ups. That's the unifying theme behind
all these stories. In this instance, they're covering up the
likely terrorist and the criminal threats that are crossing into
this border illegally through Joe Biden, the Democrats' open borders.
And let me read you a tweet from Bill Malugian.

Bill Lujan, as you know, is the heroic, the fantastic
reporter for Fox News, has done more reporting on the
border than I think any reporter in the whole country.
So here's what Bill Malujan tweeted. Quote new Six plus
months ago, I filed a Foyer request with CBP seeking
the nationalities of people on the terror watch list arrested

by Border Patrol in recent years. CBP now says they
will not turn over that data, citing privacy and law
enforcement sensitivity exemptions, telling me, quote, the privacy interests of
the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any
minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private

interest you may have in the information does not factor
into the aforementioned balancing tests. Llugin continues, quote, I did
not ask for any names, IDs, addresses, anything that would
breach privacy, nor did I ask for any law enforcement
sensitive information. I simply requested only, and only, as bracketed

by asterisks on both sides, the nationalities of people arrested
on the list, so the public can have an understanding
of where in the world they are coming from. CBP
acknowledges in the opening paragraphs of their response letter to
me me that all I asked for was the nationalities
of those arrested on the terror watch list, but they

then go on to cite exemptions that have nothing to
do with what I requested, including medical files, phone numbers,
email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, etc. None of
which I sought. And they even excite an exemption regarding
quote records which could be reasonably expected to endanger the
life or physical safety of any individual. I disagree with

CBPS withholdings of this data based on exemptions that have
nothing to do with my foier request, and I will
be appealing immediately. Let me ask you something, Ben, What
is Joe Biden, this administration and the Democrats?

Speaker 4 (38:46):
What are they hiding?

Speaker 1 (38:47):

Speaker 2 (38:47):
And the question is where they hiding and how is
it affecting? Most importantly, are secured in this country with
terrors coming across the southern border. We know they're coming across,
but they don't cot us to know what countries.

Speaker 1 (38:59):
Yeah, and why is that? What is your guess?

Speaker 3 (39:02):
Because it's damming because the countries are countries where there's
massive terrorism. They're Jahatis, their people that want to kill Americans.
And it illustrates I've said repeatedly we're at a greater
risk of a major terrorist attack in the United States
than we have been any time since September eleventh. It
is tragically going to happen. I don't want it to happen.

But Joe Biden, the Democrats are inviting terrorists to come
into this country. Iran has demanded global Jahad against America.
Hamas has demanded global Jihad against America. Hesbel has demanded
global Jahad against America. And Joe Biden, the Democrats are
inviting people in. And I assume from their refusal to
tell us so we know there have been hundreds of

people on the terror watch lists who've been apprehended. They
have not released what countries they came from. I assume
based on their refusal to do so, that the country
list is really damning, that they're from countries that are
danger that have lots of terrorists who want to kill us.
And this is political, This is all about hiding the politics.

It reminds me of you remember, and we talked about this.
We did a whole podcast on this when the data
broke about about the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants
that Joe Biden had flown into America, flown into cities
all of America, and the Biden administration refused to disclose
which cities and they claimed it it was national security

information they wouldn't release it. Ultimately we got that information.
We covered that on this podcast. What cities they were
overwhelmingly cities in Florida and Texas, which is not surprising
given this administration is so political they're trying to do
everything they can to screw Florida and Texas. But their
claim that it was a national security risk to release

those cities was a lie. It was politically embarrassing and
that's exactly true here, politically embarrassing. I hope through litigation
or political pressure pressure, we can get the information, but
Joe Biden the administration accounting on that, they can stonewall
until at least the election.

Speaker 2 (41:11):
It's all about the election, isn't it. Don't forget. We
are going to keep you updated on this story. I
have a feeling more will break on this, and we
do this show Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have a
week in review for what you may have missed on
Saturdays as well, so make sure you hit that subscriber
auto download button on those in between days. I'll keep
you update on the latest breaking news on my podcast,

the Ben Ferguson Podcast, So grab that hit the subscriber
auto download button as well, and I'll keep you updated
there in the Senator, and I will see you back
here on Saturday.
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