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April 3, 2024 40 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome in his verdict with Center, Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson
with you Center. We have got a lot to talk about,
including some shocking economic numbers that are telling a large
percentage of Americans that home ownership may not be attainable
for you under the Biden administration's Bidenomics.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
Well, the reality of Bidenomics is coming home to roost
for a lot of people, and the latest stats are
showing that more than half of Americans are no longer
in a position to afford a median priced home. It
is stunning, and it is imposing real harms on real Americans.
We also have the latest stats of what's happening at

the border and in particular a Chinese invasion under Joe Biden.
The number of Chinese nationals crossing the border is skyrocketing
under Joe Biden, going up and up and up. We're
going to break all that down, and finally we're going
to talk about Robert F. Kennedy Junior, and in particular,
he went on CNN. CNN through him what they thought
would be just softball to say Trump is horrible at

a threat to democracy, and Robert F. Kennedy Junior shocked
CNN by saying no, actually, he thought there was a
very serious argument that Joe Biden was a much greater
threat to democracy than Donald Trump. We're going to break
that down as well.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Before we get to all that, I want to talk
to you about what you can do to help people
in Israel. Right now, we all know about the atrocities
that were committed by Hamaslaks last October the seventh, which
kicked off a vicious war. As Israel is defending herself
from terraces now on every side. The toll on the
Israeli people is real. It is staggering, and it's massive.

Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been forced from their homes.
Entire communities torn apart, lives have been devastated by death
and destruction and war. The International Fellowship of Christian and Jews,
known as IFCJ, is right there in the middle of it.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
Each and every day.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
They are distributing right now critical essentials like food, medicine,
and emergency supplies for hundreds of thousands of suffering Jews
that have been displaced. The need is great, and that's
why I am partnering with IFCJ today and I want
you to get involved in help. I want you to
visit support IFCJ dot org to help. Every donation is

urgently need to help the people of Israel.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
A lot of people who said, how can I help?

Speaker 1 (02:27):
This is how you can help to give the International
Fellowship of Christian and Jews. All you have to do
is go to support IFCJ dot org and give as
generously as you can, because your gift will be matched
to double in impact and help provide twice the support.
Right now again, that's support IFCJ dot org, Support IFCJ

dot org. Thank you and God bless Senator. Let's talk
about this shocking new data that's come out. Fox News
kind of broke it and they said America now need
an annual salary of at least one hundred and ten
thousand to afford a medium price home. That is up
from about seventy four thousand in twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
That is staggering.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
Yeah, it's a dramatic shift. And this is Bidenomics is
hurting Americans across this country and it's hurting virtually everyone.
It's hurting seniors. Seniors are getting hammered by bidenmics because
inflation is driving up the cost of living the cost
of everything they're spending, and yet they're on a fixed income.
But Bidenomics is also really hammering young people, young couples

that are buying their first home. They're facing the simple
reality you come out to get your first home. You're
all excited. You want to have a home, you want
to raise a family, and they're discovering both home prices
have risen dramatically under Joe Biden, but also interest rates.
Young people, many young people of people in their twenties,
even people in their thirties have never known inflation. They've

never known what it was because we've been living in
a little bit of a holiday from history where inflation
hasn't existed. And suddenly people buying their first home, or
for that matter, their second or third or fourth home
as they progress in life, are discovering that the home
they used to be able to get at a two
and a half percent interest rate, now they can get

half as much home at a seven percent interest rate.
And that is meaning a lot of people are not
able to buy homes. They're locked into whatever home they're
at because they need the interest rates low, and those
rates are locked in although they have an adjustable rate mortgage.
A number of those are headed towards expiring, which is
putting people at a fiscal cliff. But they're also finding

if it's your first home. A whole lot of people
just home ownership is beyond their reach. And the median
price home. Look, it's worth refreshing some basic math. There
are a number of different ways to think of averages.
There's the mean, which is the average. You take all
the all the different prices and you average them together,

and the average price is if there's one that's one
hundred million and a bunch that are lower, the average
will rise higher because of the one. The median is
a very different measure. It's not the average price, but
it's rather the middle price, the midpoint price. So the
median price means half the prices are higher and half

the prices or no are lower. So it's identifying the
highest point on the bell curve. And what is striking
And we're going to play right now what Fox News
said about this. The median priced home is now significantly
above the median salary, and that is meaning for many
Americans home ownership, particularly if you don't have a home already,

is being priced out of reach by Joe Biden.

Speaker 4 (05:50):
The average home buyer needs to make over one hundred
and ten thousand dollars to afford the average home. A
new Bank Rate study showing that the required salary to
make that purchase has jumped forty six percent in just
four years. Home Buyers only needed to make seventy six
thousand back in twenty twenty, and the issue widespread. You
now need a six figure salary to buy the average

home in twenty three states, including the District of Columbia.
Four years ago, that number was just six. Mortgage rates,
of course, have played a small role in the bump,
but home prices have by and large kept pace with
the needed salary to buy them. The average home up
forty two percent, sitting at four hundred and twelve thousand
dollars now. Even though the housing market may be pricing

people out, people shouldn't be too quick to think that
renting is the solution. Since President Biden took office, rents
are up nearly twenty one percent.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
You look at the rent numbers there, and let's just
go through some of those data points real quick.

Speaker 3 (06:48):

Speaker 1 (06:49):
You look at your salary, and if you look at
your salary January twenty twenty, they said you need seventy
nine and thirty nine dollars to afford the met price home.
Now you need one hundred and ten eight hundred and
seventy one dollars. That is a forty six percent increase.
As the average American have they've received a forty six
percent raise in the last four years, the answer is

going to be no.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Well, that's exactly right. And you know, forty six percent
is a stunning number because Joe Biden has been president
barely a little bit over three years, three years and
three months. That's not very long. Three years and three
months to have home prices go up forty six percent,
that is a massive impact on people trying to purchase

a home. And and listen, seventy six thousand dollars is
a lot of money that that is, but comparatively going
from seventy six thousand to one hundred and eleven thousand
dollars in three and a half less than three and
a half years, that is the very real impact of
Joe Biden the Democrats printing trillions of dollars we don't have,

and it is her Americans across this country, as home
ownership is getting less and less affordable.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
You also look in there they were talking about and
just again it's a prospective issue. Here states where you
needed six figure salaries are more to afford a home
January twenty twenty only six states. Now this is spread nationwide,
twenty three different states, but the district of Columbia you've
got to make now more than six figures plus to

afford home ownership. That is Bidenomics hitting everybody across this country.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
Well, and ben you know who doesn't care about this. Democrats.
So one of the most important political shifts. It used
to be conventional wisdom that the Republicans of the Party
of the rich and Democrats of the Party of the
poor and working class. That's been turned on its head.
I think the most significant political shift of the last
decade is today Democrats of the Party of the rich.

So if you talk to Democrats, I don't know a
Democrat senator who cares about this because, frankly, who are
they listening to. They're listening to big tech billionaires. They're
listening to the super wealthy lawyers and Hollywood producers. They
are the hedge fund party that is the Democrats today,

And you know who they're not the Party of any
more steel workers, truck drivers, cops, firefighters, teachers, waiters, waitresses,
working men and women. The Democrat Party has abandoned, they've
left behind, and so the people they're getting hammered by this.

And by the way, young people and Democrats want to
convince young people, hey, we're all for you because because
we're just going to focus on social issues. And listen,
if you're young, the Democrats tell you, the only thing
you should care about is transgenderism. Apparently it is the
most important issue on planet Earth. Not a homicidal iatola
trying to murder us, not an invasion at our southern border,

not the fentanyl crisis and the drug overdoses. None of
those are the problem. Transgenderism is the issue that you,
as a young person, should care about intensely. Well, you
know what, there are a lot of young people like
maybe you're in college and you buy that nonsense, But
then you get out of school and you're like, wait
a second, I got to pay for an apartment. How

much is rent? Again?

Speaker 3 (10:26):

Speaker 2 (10:27):
Rent? I can't afford rent. And by the way, look
that Fox News story was really striking. If people can't
afford to buy a home and they can't afford to rent. Well,
that's kind of a problem. What are they supposed to do?
What's the alternative to those two things? And it is
the working men and women who bid nomics is leaving
behind in the dust.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Yeah, twenty percent plus. Rent at rates are up on
average nationwide. Well, I've never said this before, Center, but
the Fox News story that we played was actually the
best way of prison the problem. Yahoo Finance came out
and said it's actually worse than the way they reported
on Fox. Here is what they said when it came

to home buyers. They actually said, in reality, home buyers
need to earn eighty percent more than they did in
twenty twenty to afford a home in today's market. If
you're looking at overall home prices, listen to this from
Yahoo Finance.

Speaker 5 (11:24):
Manny Americans, home ownership is seeming more and more out
of reach. According to new analysis from Zillow, home prices
have jumped forty two percent since twenty twenty, but the
average person needs to earn eighty percent more than they
did at that time in order to comfortably afford a
home in today's market.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Center, It's interesting how they looked at this. They're saying,
there are different ways to look at it. They look
at it as the issue of can you comfortably afford
a home in today's market. To comfortably afford a home
in today's market, they say you need to earn eighty
percent more than you did in twenty twenty because of
the skyrocketing cost the home, interest rates, inflation, and everything else.

So they're saying, hey, it's even worse than what the
best case scenario data shows you. Hear, and they said, quote, today,
those shopping for a home need to earn one hundred
and six thousand annually to afford a medium price home.
But this is the part that you don't understand. The
cost of insurance, the cost of heating, the cost of
everything when you own a home has gone up so

much more that you need to earn eighty percent more
than you did in twenty twenty.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
Well, that's right, and it's striking. It makes you ask
why would the Democrats be doing this? Listen, The classic
question in any election is are you better off now
than you were four years ago? And for the overwhelming
majority of Americans, the answer to that is hell no.
That under Joe Biden, people who are who are working
class people who are seniors, people who are young, people

who are struggling, people are getting started, people who want
to a home, people who want to rent. All of
them their life has gotten much harder. And you know,
it reminds me of what we talked about two days
ago on Monday's Pod, which is California. This week on
Monday imposed a new twenty dollars minimum wage for fast
food restaurants with more than sixty sixty stores. Now. One

of the things that striking California exempted Panera Breads, which
just happens to be owned by a very close friend
of the governor, Gavin Newsom. So it's a classic example
of Democrats, you know, cronyism, that they will give special
gifts to their buddies who happen to be big campaign contributors,
and everyone else has different rules. But what we saw

this week is thousands and thousands and thousands of Californians
being laid off because of this new law imposed by
the Democrats. Just Pizza Hut, there were over twelve hundred
people laid off. And you know, last night I was
having dinner with a number of friends and they were asking,
why would the Democrats do this? Wouldn't they understand, wouldn't

people in California get pissed off? And what I told
them then, and this is actually highly relevant to the
home ownership question. What I told my friends who are
having dinners, I said, listen, they're making a gamble that
enough of the voters will not understand who is to blame.

So they're over five hundred thousand fast food employees in California.
A bunch of them will get a pay raise. The
ones that don't get laid off, the ones whose employers
don't go bankrupt and go out of business. The rest
of them will get a pay raise. By the way,
people who get a pay raise are likely the ones
that are more highly skilled. The ones who will lose
their jobs are likely more likely to be teenagers. Many

of them are low income, many of them are African American,
many of them are Hispanic. They're the ones just getting
started in their careers. They're the ones who get devastated
by Democrats. But I explained, I said, look, the people
getting free stuff the Democrats are gambling politically. They'll be grateful. Hey,
the Democrats gave me free stuff. I like free stuff.
That's good. And the people getting screwed. The Democrats are gambling,

they will not understand who it is is screwing them.
And in fact, the Democrats plan when it comes to
California is just demogogue their employers and say, your mean
old employer just hates you, and that's why they laid
you off, Not because I the Democrat priced you out
of the market and made it impossible for them to
stay in business and pay you the new wage I manded. Well,

the same is true with the higher price of home ownership,
which is the Democrats plan is they're assuming a lot
of the voters will not connect the crazy multi trillion
dollar spending spree that Joe Biden the Democrats went on
with the inflation and with the higher interest rates, And

in fact they'll do the same thing they do with
fast food. They will demagogue, in this case the big
back at homemakers, the big bad banks that are making
mortgages because you know, it's just a bank being mean
that they're charging seven percent they really should charge two percent.
Never Mind, the Fed has increased rates over and over
and over and over again because the Democrats have printed

trillions of dollars in new money. What the Democrats are
cynically planning on is number one, a fair number of
voters being economically illiterate, not understanding supply and demand, not
understanding who's to blame. And number two, they want to
contribute to that by blaming people who did not impose

these policies. And that's what we're seeing happening across the country.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
Inflation we've just talked about is heavily eroding our purchasing
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verdict Senator, you mentioned China earlier, and this.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Was some news that was broken.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
My Fox News bmlusion does one heck of a job
reporting on what's actually happening at the southern border, and
the new border patrol numbers are out, specifically when it
comes to the arrest of Chinese nationals who cross the
US border illegally over the recent years, and when you
compare what is happening now to what's happened in the past,

there is a clear Chinese national explosion of illegals coming
across the border, and this administration seems to not care
at all.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
No, that's exactly right. And I will say Bill Malujan
at Fox is doing an incredible job reporting at the border.
He is doing, frankly, the best job of any reporter
there is, and most of the rest of the media
doesn't report at all. So CNN apparently has no reporters.
They don't report at the border crisis. ABCNBCCBS, they have
no reporters, they don't report on the border crisis. NBC

actually hires no Republicans, no one who voted for Donald Trump,
so apparently their viewers don't want to know what's happening
at the border crisis. But let's just look at the
numbers FIS school year twenty twenty one, do you know
how many Chinese nationals were arrested crossing the border illegally?

Speaker 3 (20:06):
How many?

Speaker 2 (20:07):
Three hundred and forty two. So that's look three hundred
forty two. That's three hundred forty two too many, but
that sounds like a manageable number. The next year, fiscal
year twenty twenty two, it goes from three hundred and
forty two to one thousand, nine hundred and eighty seven.
Now that's a big jump, three hundred forty two to
one thousand, nine hundred eighty seven.

Speaker 3 (20:26):

Speaker 2 (20:26):
Joe Biden came in office and suddenly instead of three
hundred and forty two, you have nearly two thousand Chinese nationals.
Big jump. But even so, I'm not sure two thousand
Chinese nationals is crisis level. Let's go to fiscal year
twenty twenty three. It goes from one thousand, nine hundred
and eighty seven. Do you know where it goes? Next
year twenty twenty three, where's it go to twenty four thousand,

one hundred and twenty five. Wow, So it goes from
less than two thousand to twenty four thousand and one
and twenty five, And how about fiscal year twenty twenty four.
We're halfway through fiscal year twenty twenty four, so if
we were on the same pace as fiscal year twenty
twenty three, which is twenty four thousand, you'd expect halfway

through about twelve thousand, right, sure, you know how much?
How many have Chinese nationals have been apprehended at the
border in the first six months of fiscal year twenty
twenty four.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
I'm genuinely afraid, just because I've seen the other numbers,
and I'm assuming it's going to probably even double what
it's gonna end up looking like from last.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Year twenty two thousand, two hundred and thirty three. By
the way, since this is halfway through the fiscal year,
if you double that, that means we're on pace for
forty four almost forty five thousand Chinese nationals now since
fiscal year twenty twenty one. That is a six thousand,
three hundred percent increase. Now, last I checked, Ben and

I don't have a globe in front of me, so
maybe I'm wrong, But China is not immediately to our south,
is it?

Speaker 3 (22:00):
No, it is not.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
It is really far away across the Pacific Ocean, nowhere
near our southern border. And yet we've got a massive invasion.
And by the way, I've been down at the border,
I've seen at the board. I was down in Brownsville
last year. When I was down in Brownsville, and at
the time, we were seeing a massive Chinese influx coming
across there. And most of the Chinese nationals that were

coming were military age men. They were young men, mostly
in their twenties, some in their thirties, young single men.
They didn't have wives, they didn't have kids, they were
just there. Now, the last I checked, having fifty thousand
military age men from communist China should be a big
damn deal.

Speaker 1 (22:45):
And yet well, and the reason why you say that
so people understand is the intelligence is overwhelming that China
does a really good job of getting spies in this country.
They also get a really good they do a really
good job of bringing in people that are going to
come in and still technologies and still I mean countless.
China is the masters of stealing everything that we do,

and they do this all over the world. But if
you have that many coming across, the question is what
are they offloading from this country? What are they stealing
when it comes just to trades and secrets and manufacturing,
The list could go on and on.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
Well, that's right, and those are the numbers just of
the arrests. You put on top of that the god aways.
So the vast majority of people at the southern border
come and turn themselves in, They go look for a
border patrol agent. They turn themselves in because they know
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Democrats will let
them stay. But there's also a different group that are
called god aways, and they're the ones that don't turn

themselves in. They're the ones that we're aware of. We
see footprints, we see them moving, but they get away.
The god Aways are the most dangerous group. They are
much more likely to be criminals. They're much more likely
to be murderers and rapists and child molesters. They're much
more likely to be gang thirteen, and they're much much
much more likely to be terrorist. If you're a Hamas terrorists,

if you're a hesbela terrorist, if you're coming to try
to commit mass murder in the United States and you're
on the terror watch list, you're not likely to turn
yourself into the border patrol. You're going to be or
you're going to try to be a got away. Now
you know what Bill Malujin reported on April first, How
many got aways do you think we're recorded at the

border the previous day on March thirty first?

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Give it to me. I gotta know.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
Nine hundred and nineteen in one day, in one single day. Now,
those are Goda ways we know of. By the way,
there are additional godaways we don't know of. The got
away measure is we're aware of them, we have some
indication they were there, but they got away. So the
real number of people across the illegally who got away
is going to be substantially higher than nine hundred nineteen.
But those are the known god aways. Do you know

what the seven day average of known god aways and
non is important?

Speaker 3 (25:01):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (25:02):
Seven hundred and sixty one per day? Good, every day,
day after day after day the seven day.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
I know these numbers. They know these numbers.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
These are from the Biden administration, This is from Border Patrol.
These are their numbers. That's just the media doesn't report
on them. And so I want you to think Hamas
has called for jahad against the United States. Palestinian Islamic
Jahad has called for jahad against the United States. Hesbelah
has called for jahad against the United States. The Iranian

Ayahtola has called for jahad against the United States. Does
it give you comfort that in the last week, seven
hundred and sixty one known god aways got away day
after day after day, and how many of those were
terrorists seeking to commit mass murder in this country that
Joe Biden the Democrats do not care about and are

doing nothing to stop.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
And the question I have for you sooner is is
this because illegal immigrants are understanding that, hey, this window
may close if Joe Biden doesn't win reelection, and so
they're saying, hey, hurry up and get your tail here.
Because it seems to be the numbers, as you just
describe them, are increasing significantly.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
In any country on Earth. If you send fifty thousand
of your nationals to invade that country, that is an invasion,
and it's a military invasion. Well you know what we
just described. How on fiscal year twenty twenty four, that's
the pace China is on to have sent fifty thousands
of their nationals to invade this country illegally, and they
are aided and embedded by Joe Biden, the Democrats, who

not only are doing nothing to stop them, but are
doing everything they can to facilitate their coming. When they
show up, what does Biden do? He lets them go,
he lets them stay. And so you know what you
do if you're communist China, you send even more.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
It's incredible. And this is the threat, as you described it,
national security.

Speaker 3 (26:53):
That's the thing that keeps me up.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
And my final question for you in this is my
biggest concern is not is no longer than the numbers
that are coming in. My biggest concern, Senator, is the
number of people that are coming in that are that
are wanting to do harm to this country. And I'm
talking about terrorists coming into this country. We have no
idea who's getting into this country right now.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
Ben I've said this many times and it makes me
sad to say it, but I think we have the
greatest risk of a major terrorist attack right now that
we have had at any point since September eleventh, two
thousand and one. And sadly, I believe we are living
on borrow time that it's only a matter of time
when you have feckless democrats open up our border to

this invasion day after day after day, week after week,
month after month, year after year. The volumes are getting
so great that it is inevitable that that that that
Americans are going to.

Speaker 3 (27:52):
Lose their lives.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
We've already seen the victims of crimes because Joe Biden
released murderers, released rapists, for East child molesters, released vicious
criminals into this country. It is releasing them every day.
We've already seen those body bags tragically piling up, and
I tremble to think about when terrorism kicks in and

those body bags. I hope and pray this is not
the case, but they could well increase dramatically. And every
day that goes by that you let more and more
potential terrorists in this country, the odds of those attacks
go up.

Speaker 3 (28:31):

Speaker 1 (28:31):
And we know for a fact we're letting terrorists in
because we're catching some of them and many of them
that are on the terrorist watch lists. A record number
in the last three months of the fiscal year. We're
proof of that that we just witness and that's coming
from the Biden administration. I want to ask you a
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Speaker 3 (29:46):
Well, guess what.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
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want to talk about our RFK or CNN decide to
have him on, and they thought they were giving him
a softball question that was going to be easy, and

he's going to rip on Donald Trump. Tee it up
from there because it didn't go the way they thought
it was going.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
To go at all.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Well, that's exactly right. CNN tossed to RFK juniors a
question that they thought RFK would say, Oh, yes, Trump
is clearly the manifest threat to democracy, and so you
really should vote for job Iiden instead. Well, RFK did
not play along and listen to this exchange because CNN
was astonished at what RFK had to say.

Speaker 6 (31:39):
I sent too many issues. While I admire his high
minded ideals, his suggestion that there's no difference between mister
Ware and mister Bush is irresponsible. A moment ago, you said,
you you essentially see Trump and Biden as saying different
different issues. But do you really believe that when people
talk about the threat to democracy that Trump poses, do
you really think that that is is an equal Yeah, mull.

Speaker 7 (32:00):
Biden, listen. I can make the argument that President Biden
is a much worse threat to democracy. And the reason
for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history,
the first president in the history, that has used the
federal agencies to censor political speech. So the censor's opponent, I,
you know, I can say that because I just want

a case in the Federal Court of Appeals and now
before the Supreme Court. It shows that he started censoring
not just me, for thirty seven hours after he took
the other office, he was censoring me. No president in
the country has ever done that. The greatest threat democracy
is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president
of the United States who used the power of his

office to force the social media companies Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
to open a portal and give the access to that
portal to.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
The FBI, the CIA, the IRS.

Speaker 7 (32:55):
De SISA, the NIH to censor his political critics. Because
in Biden, for the first first president in history, used
the secret his power over the Secret Service to deny
Secret Service protection to one of his political opponents for
political reasons. He's weaponizing a federal agencies. Those are really

critical threats.

Speaker 6 (33:18):
Tried to overturn a free and fair election. He tried
to overturn one. Right, is he still finding how is
that not a threat to democracy?

Speaker 7 (33:28):
Well, I think that is a threat to democracy. Him
over for trying to overthrow the election clearly is the
threat democracy. But the question was who is the worse
threat to democracy? And what I would say is, you know,
I'm not going to answer that question, but I can
argue that President Biden is because the First Amendment, Aaron

is the most important. But Adams and Hamilton and Madison said,
we put the guarantee of freedom expression in the First
Amendment because all of our other constitutional sides depend on it.
If you ever go the can silence its opponent, it
has license for any atrocity.

Speaker 6 (34:05):
So, just to be clear, you're saying you could make
an argument that President Biden is a worse threat to
democracy than you.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Listen to that senator and it's like they're like, well,
hold on, this is not what you're supposed to say.
This is not you were supposed to say Donald Trump
orange Man's bad and a threat to democracy. Obviously you
weren't supposed to say Joe Biden's actually a bigger threat.

Speaker 3 (34:27):
And by the way, explain exactly how he.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
Is warning Will Robinson, warning Will Robinson, danger danger, danger aboard,
run away, run away. That's what CNN is saying. They're
losing their minds. No, know that that's not the message.
The only message we allow on CNN is Trump bad,
Trump bad, Trump bad. You're RFK JR. Your dad was RFK,
your uncle was JFK. You're supposed to echo our message Trump,

orange man bad, orange man bad. Look. I got to
say listening to that, I agree with every single word.
Robert F. Kenn said right there, when it comes to
a threat to democracy, number one, Joe Biden and for
that matter, congressional Democrats are perfectly happy to use government

power and big tech to censor you, to silence you,
to prevent you from engaging in political speech, to prevent
you from disagreeing with them. They want to use force
to silence you. Secondly, he pointed out, Joe Biden is
disgracefully denying Robert F. Kennedy Junior Secret Service protection that
despite the fact that he is clearly pulling at the

thresholds that would bearret that protection, that he is facing
significant threats of political violence against him, and the tragic
family history. His father was assassinated when he was running
for president, his uncle was assassinated when he was president,
and Joe Biden and the Democrats are cynical enough that

they're willing to risk well, okay, if R. Fk Junior
gets assassinated, that's a risk Joe Biden's willing to take.
It is just dis graceful, and we've we've called that
out on this on this podcast. Before that, of course,
Joe Biden should give our FK Secret Service protection. That's
following the law, that is consistent with the law, it's
consistent with precedent, and the only reason not to is

pure partisan politics. Let me say something else. Look, I
have conversations with people all the time. I have conversations
with people today where they make comments about, Gosh, I'm
worried if Trump wins. He's an authoritarian, he's a dictator.
I'm worried what he will do. And you know, my
standard response is is listen, I understand that. And sometimes

Trump has rhetoric that can be used to suggest that.

Speaker 3 (36:46):

Speaker 2 (36:46):
That being said, we don't have to hypothesize what Trump
will do as president. He was president for four years
and if you look at the time he was president,
he didn't abuse his power. He followed the law. If
you look at the policies he implemented, and I worked
hand in hand with Donald Trump, the policies he implemented worked.

We saw the lowest unemployment race in fifty years. We
saw the lowest African American unemployment ever recorded. We saw
the lowest Hispanic unemployment ever recorded. We saw peace and prosperity.
We saw the border secured, we saw peace breaking out
in the Middle East, and the Abraham Accords. All of
that played out. And if you look at what Trump did,
he didn't defy the law. He didn't ignore the law.

He didn't issue lawless executive orders. He followed the law. Now,
he demonstrated courage. He made decisions that were bold, but
they were within the law. Contrast that to Joe Biden.
Joe Biden, number one is responsible for profoundly politicizing the
Department of Justice of the FBI. Number two is responsible
for the greatest assault on democracy we've ever seen, which

is the four indictments of Donald Trump, the abuse of
the legal process design. Mind you, Trump is not the target,
voters of the target. They're terrified the voters will vote
for Trump, and they're trying to prosecute for the first
time in history, and the second time in history, and
the third time in history, and the fourth time in history,
a former president and a leading presidential candidate because they

want to stop democracy from playing out. To be clear, also,
these are the same Democrats that in Colorado, in Illinois
and Maine threw Donald Trump off the ballot because you know.
Nothing says defending democracy like stopping the damn voters from
voting for the person you don't want them to. This
is Democrats. And let's be clear also, Joe Biden when

it comes to being a dictator to being lawless. Look
at what he's doing on the southern border. He's utterly
ignoring federal immigration law. He's releasing people into this country.
He's releasing criminals into this country. He's endangering this country
ten point four million illegal immigrants. It is lawless. No
president has ever done this. Barack Obama didn't do this.
Bill Clinton didn't do this, Jimmy Carter didn't do this.

Only Joe Biden is brazenly lawless. Let's be clear also
when it came to student loans, Joe Biden trying to
buy votes, tried to give away trillion dollars, a trillion
dollars just in an effort to buy votes and win elections. Now,
a president can't give away a trillion dollars without Congress
passing legislation to do so. Joe Biden knows that the

lawyers of his administration know that they didn't care. They
wanted to lawlessly be political, and so of course what
happened to The Supreme Court struck it down and said, no,
the president doesn't have the ability to give away a
trillion dollars just to buy votes. By the way, same
thing happened with COVID vaccine mandates, utterly lawless, abusive, trying
to force people to get COVID vaccines. The president had

no authority to do it. Biden administration did so anyway,
what happened The Supreme Court struck it down, said this
is lawless, this is not the federal law. You look
at who actually has been lawless and dictatorial, And I
agree with RFK, there's a powerful argument. Bit the answer
to that is Joe Biden and not Downald Donald J. Trump.

And that makes CNN and every other corporate media entity
their heads explode.

Speaker 3 (40:08):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
It was quite hysterical to listen to that audio. Don't
forget Senator Cruise and I do the show Monday, Wednesday
and Fridays and on those in between days. You can
also grab my podcast, so Ben ferguson podcast. I'll keep
you update in the latest breaking news. Make sure you
hit that subscribe follow auto download button depending on where
you are listening right now, and the Center. I will

see you back here on Friday morning.
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