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May 15, 2024 36 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
It is verdict with Senator Ted Cruz. Ben Ferguson with you, Senator.
It's amazing. The left has been obsessed for years about
foreign interference in this country and obviously in elections, and
they went with all the big Russia hoaks with Donald Trump.
But now we have a story with two major countries
that are having significant influence in America right now and

no one's talking about it much.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
Let's cover it well, Ben, That's right, and what we're
going to talk about in today's podcast is something that
you will not see on the news that is not
getting covered anywhere, which is the direct involvement of communist
China and communist Cuba in the anti Israel, anti Semitic,
anti American protests that are happening across this country. And

this is look that there have been two reports that
have come out in the last week that are tracing
the money from communist China, the act divist from communist
Cuba that are driving this, and again the media is
ignoring it. It's why this podcast matters because we're going
to cover and lay out the evidence that is going

to trouble you deeply that America's enemies want this country
ripped apart, and they are funding the mayhem we are
seeing on our college campuses. They are trying to destroy
this country, and sadly, there are a whole lot of
elected Democrats in Washington who are on board with that.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
Yeah, and the worst part is they probably think they're
getting a really good return on this investment.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
We're going to expose it all.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
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And if you want to just dial pound two fifty
and say the keyword baby, it is that easy. You
can help save a baby's life. Today, Center, let's talk
about the bigger overview picture. We have known for quite
some time, but it's really come out recently that there

was a lot of money coming in from foreign nations
that are advisaris US into college campuses. We now see
what they were buying, which was they were buying influence
over a generation. We see massive donations that went into
the Biden Pen Center for example, directly from China, and
now we're saying that it's not just buying influence to

change hearts and minds of college students at the ivy
leagues and other schools. But now they moved into direct
activism with these campus protests, which seems to be phase
two of their plan.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Ben that's exactly right. There's a major report that came
out on Monday this week from NCRI. NCRI is the
Network Contagion Research Institute. This is the same group that
put out the empirical studies of TikTok and how the
Chinese Communist government was pushing communist propaganda on TikTok and
it led to ultimately Congress passing the legislation forcing the

Chinese Communist government either to sell TikTok or shut down
in the US. So NCRA is NCRI rather, there's a
serious organization that does serious research. The report they put out,
I want to go into it in detail because getting
very little coverage and it should get a lot of coverage.
Here's how it begins.

Speaker 1 (04:42):

Speaker 3 (04:43):
This report analyzes the activities and foreign connections of the
Shut It Down for Palestine SID four P movement since
its formation in October twenty twenty three. It examines SID
four p's use of protests, direct action initiatives, and sophisticated
media camp to advance anti America and anti Israel narratives

both online and offline. Additionally, it highlights the involvement of
a network link to the Chinese Communist Party that funds
and supports both alternative, anti establishing media organizations promoting anti
American initiatives, as well as seemingly grassroots activist movements such
as including SID four P. So here are the key

takeaways and assessments. Number one SID four p's emergence. Shut
It Down for Palestine is an anti capitalist, anti police,
and anti government protest movement that emerged after October seventh,
twenty twenty three. It functions as a hybrid online real
world network for mobilizing frequent demonstrations as well as a

gradually escal escalating direct action campaigns targeting critical infrastructure.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
And public spaces. Two.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
SID four p's ties to CCP linked entities, conveners or
organizations operating under the SID four P umbrella are members
of the Singham Network donor portfolio. The Singham Network is
a global network global web of nonprofits fiscal sponsors and
alternative news sources tied to Neville Roy Singham, a known

conduit for CCP geopolitical influence.

Speaker 1 (06:29):

Speaker 3 (06:31):
SID four p's funding. The Singham Network exploits regulatory loopholes
in the US nonprofit system to facilitate the flow of
enormous sum of US dollars to organizations and movements that
actively stoke social unrest at the grassroots level. Four Alternative
media and social media strategy. Alternative media outlets associated with

Singham Network have played a central role in online mobilization
and cross play platform social amplification for SID four P
and five ties to extremist groups. SID four P has
ties to extremist groups that embrace a violent single state
resolution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. At least one SID

four P convener is linked to the extreme edge of
pro Palestinian groups operating in the US that advance anti
American and anti Jewish agendas.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
This is next level, and it's obviously being orchestrated at
the highest levels within these governments. And it's not just China,
it's also Cuba that is involved in this as well.
And this seems to be part two of their master plan.
China and I'm guessing on this one, but based on

what we've seen from disclosures on donations, probably is giving
more money to American universities than any other nation would
be my guess. They're not the top. They're probably one,
two or three. I can't even imagine who would be
above them. We see massive money coming into the Ivy League's,
massive money that came in the Biden pen Center.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
The list goes on and on.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
But this is almost like, Okay, how do we infiltrate
a country, how do we change the opinion of the
people in that country, and then how do we have
literally have revolutions in that country? And they're doing it
all in front of our very eyes and no one
seems to be stopping it.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Well, that that is right, And if you look at
this report from NCRI, it details how China is spending
millions upwards up potentially one hundred million dollars funding these
protests that are occurring on campuses, that are shutting down bridges,
that are shutting down airports. And you might think, Okay,
what does China care about Hamas? What does China care

about Israel? And the truth of the matter, is they don't,
But they care about America. They care about tearing our
country apart. They care about chaos and and fomenting dissent
and dissension that paralyzes our country. Let me read another
portion from this report from the NCRI.

Speaker 1 (09:07):

Speaker 3 (09:08):
On the evening of April thirtieth, twenty twenty four, over
one hundred activists gathered at the People's Forum, a far
left nonprofit in Manhattan that describes itself as a quote
movement incubator for working class and marginalized communities, to discuss
the ongoing gaza encampments on university campuses. The activists called
on Columbia protesters to recreate the civil unrest associated with

quote the Summer of twenty twenty remember the Summer of Love.
Hours later, Columbia University's Hamilton Hall was forcibly occupied and barricaded.
After the hall was subsequently cleared by law enforcement, the
New York Police Department reported finding industrial grade chains, gas masks, earplugs, helmets, goggles, hammers, knives,

and ropes. Following processing. The w Washington Post reported per
NYPD that more than twenty five percent of the arrest
at Columbia University and sixty percent at the City College
of New York were not students. This is communist China
paying real money to disrupt America and to sow dissension.

And by the way, this group of conveners, I'll read
another portion of the report. SID four P was established
and structured against the backdrop of increased pro Palestinian activism
starting October twenty twenty three.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
On November first.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
SID four P officially registered its domain shut it down
for Palestine dot org and launched its site by November sixth.
By November ninth, SID four P publicly list its seven
core organizations referred to as conveners, as well as numerous
organizations referred to as endorsers, reflecting the confluence of far

left and pro Palestinian radical activism. The official SID four
P conveners include the following groups. One The People's Forum,
two Answer Coalition, three the International People's Assembly, four al
Ada New York, five the National Students for Justice in
Palestine NSJP, six the Palestinian Youth Movement, and seven the

Palestinian American Community Center, New Jersey. The seven conveners of
SID four P can be divided into two distinct groupings
based on ideological affiliation and fiscal sponsorship. The coalition's far
left members, namely the People's Forum IPA and Answer Coalition
demonstrates significant financial, personnel, and operational overlap. The remaining four

conveners are all pro Palestinian activist organizations, with at least
two NSJP and al Adwa known to have ties to
US designated terrorist organizations. In addition to NSJP and al ADA,
among SI D four p's endorsers is Submuduan, which some

Western intelligence services classify as a front for the PFLP,
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is
designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the United States, Germany,
and Israel.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
So the question that everyone I think that's listening right
now is asking is how is this then legal? And
if there's direct ties that are going back to terrorism,
how is again this legal? And if foreign finds are
coming in from our adversaries to pay and fund this
anarchists on collage campuses, how is that legal? Is there

anything that the government can do to say we're allow
this to happen and we're talking about the finances of.

Speaker 3 (12:47):
This, well, look, there should be an enormous amount the
Department of Justice should be investigating this. The FBI should
be investigating this. We've got money coming from communist China
behind these protests, behind these anti American anti protests, We've
got money coming from organizations that have close ties to
designated terrorist organizations. And so whether it is Hamas and

Hesbela pushing this, whether it is affiliated allies of their
pushing this, whether it is a Ran pushing this, or
whether it is Communist China pushing this, the FBI ought
to be all over it. And I got to tell you, Ben,
my level of confidence that the FBI and the Department
of Justice is even looking at this is incredibly low, because, sadly,

this Biden Department of Justice is so politicized that they're
much more interested in tracking down some little old lady
on the National Mall on January sixth who was waving
an American flag and seeing God bless America and finding
every Facebook post she put twenty years ago than they
are actually interested in finding Communist China spending millions of

dollars trying to rip America apart.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
And Senator look, education and quality education and going to
a prestigious school was something that you worked incredibly hard for.
But you now look at what's happened at our colleges,
and I'm talking about it our quote best colleges.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
How much of.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Now what we're witnessing with them tolerating all of these
protests the way that they did in the presence is
because maybe they can't say no to the foreign cash
and the amount of foreign cash and therefore foreign influence
it's coming in from these same countries.

Speaker 3 (14:30):
Look, the foreign cash is enormous problem. And let me
give you Let's look at the IVY League. So the
IVY League eight colleges have historically been among the very
best colleges in America. I want us to look at
the percentage of foreign students in the IVY League. So
Brown University, what percent of foreign students do you think
are at Brown?

Speaker 1 (14:51):
It's got to be twenty percent plus. I would guess
nineteen percent.

Speaker 3 (14:55):
You're off by point. Okay, how many students two thousand
and ninety eight Columbia University. What do you think the
percentage is at Columbia? Twenty five thirty thirty eight percent.
You want to know how many students that is? Fourteen
thousand and eighty eight, fourteen thousand foreign students Cornell University
twenty six percent, Dartmouth College seventeen percent, Harvard University twenty

two percent, Princeton University, Mi alma mater twenty three percent,
University of Pennsylvania twenty three percent, Yale University twenty four percent.
We are talking about thousands and thousands and tens of
thousands of foreign students. Now, part of the reason the
university's like this is because the foreign students all pay
full freight, so it's a great money making endeavor. But

why exactly are we educating people who among them and
not all of the foreign students are that case. Look,
my best friend in college who you know well, David
Panton was Jamaica. He was a foreign student. He came
from Jamaica. He arrived at Princeton at sixteen. He was
the best man at my wedding. He has been other
than high Dy, my best friend in life. He was

a Ford and student. That was great. That's very different
a Jamaican kid who's talented and wants to go go
get a good education, or for that matter, my dad
in nineteen fifty seven, coming as a student from Cuba
to the University of Texas, he came on a student visa.
He came fleeing oppression. He'd been in prison, he'd been tortured,
but he was coming seeking freedom. That is very different

from bringing in a bunch of radical anti America, anti
Israel radicals. Look, as far as I'm concerned, if you
have a student on a student visa who gets out
there and is burning an American flag and channing death
to America, you should deport him that day. We have
no obligation to allow people to come on student visas,

which is permissive. It is a choice. It is a
discretionary choice if they are going to tear down this country.
And part of the problem with the Ivy League schools
is when you're looking at anywhere from seventeen percent Dartmouth
College at the low point to thirty eight percent Columbia
University at the high point that are foreign students, you

have a bunch of students who are non Americans, and
far too many of them don't give a damn amount
American or trying to tear America down.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Yeah, it's a great point.

Speaker 2 (17:16):
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eight four three or online it freedom goold Usa dot
com slash verdict Centater. We've talked a lot about China
in this report, but there's also another warning that has
come out. And this time and you just mentioned it,
your dad fled from Cuba. There was a Wall Street

Journal report that has come out about how Cuba is
also fueling the campus protests. They're getting in on this,
and look, let's be honest, they don't have as much
money to spend is China, and yet they see this
as that valuable for disruption in America.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Well, that's exactly right. So just a couple of days ago,
there was an op ed in the Wall Street Journal.
It was entitled how Cuba fuels the campus protests. Some
of the outside agitators against Israel are Havana's fellow travelers.
And I want to again focus on this because again
this has gotten very little attention other than this journal article,
very few other media outlets it picked it up but

here's how it starts. There's a dog bites man quality
to the news reports that recent campus chaos and support
of Hamas is the work of well funded revolutionary groups
out to destabilize the US. Even less surprising is the
charge that quote outside agitators is New York Mayor Eric
Adams's term. The groups share an ideology with the Cuban
military dictatorship and in some cases have attained practical support

from Havana. And it continues. For decades, Cuba has spent
enormous resources burrowing into America's educational, diplomatic, and political circles
in an effort to topple our democratic republic. This truth
was obscured during the Obama administration when Ben Rhodes, struggling
creative writer turned national security guru, shaped US policy to

profess that Cuba is no longer a threat. Who can
forget the photograph iconic for the American left of Raoul
Castro raising the arm of a limp wristed President Obama
in twenty sixteen. The article continues to describe a vocal
advocate of the recent Haydiens in New York is Manolo

Delos Santos. The New York Post describes the thirty five
year old as quote the leader and de facto mouthpiece
for the Peace People's Forum. Remember we talked about the
People's Forum a minute ago. That China's helping fund as
well a radical anti Israel group that encouraged the takeover
of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. Born in the Dominican Republic,
mister Della Santos moved to the US at five, but

seems to have spent time in Cuba beginning in two
thousand and six. In May of twenty twenty three, mister
Della Santos tweeted a photo of himself with Cuban dictator
Miguel Diaz Canal on the island. He wrote that he
was quote leaving Cube after ten days learning with its
people and with mister Diaz Canal.

Speaker 1 (21:31):

Speaker 3 (21:31):
Young people in the US have great tasks ahead of them,
he explained. In September twenty twenty three, mister Della Santos
was photographed with the Cuban dictator in New York during
the week of the UN General Assembly meeting. Quote welcome,
dear comrade, mister Delos Santos tweeted, So this guy's a communist.
And here's what the Wall Street Journal continues to say.

It isn't clear if mister Della Santos was on the
Columbia campus, but hours before Prohamas activist took over Hamilton Hall,
he gave a rousing speech to a volunteer meeting at
the People's Forum offices in Manhattan, where he quote urged
the group to quote give Joe Biden a hot summer
and quote make it untenable for the politics as usual

to take place in this country. On May seventh, mister
Della Santos was detained by the New York Police Department
for his role in a traffic blocking march. It was
in his first brush.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
With the law.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
The Post is reported that he was also arrested by
the NYPD on January twenty seventh, during a day of
Prohamas activism, and the journal concludes with the following. In
a twenty fourteen unclassified report Cuban intelligence targeting of Academia,
the FBI said that schools, colleges, universities, and research institutes

are a quote fertile environment for foreign intelligence quote. The
Cuban intelligence services are known own to actively target the
US academic world for the purposes of recruiting agents in
order to both obtain useful information and conduct influence activities. Well,

you know what, We're seeing those influence activities every day
on campuses across the country.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
So is there anything that Congress can do? I mean,
you're hearing this, everyone's hearing this. Now you mentioned it earlier.
Can you ask the FBI director? Can you call on
them to take action here and to look into this?
Or is this just a Hey, they're on our side
as the Democratic Party, the socialists and the Marxist and

the communists within the Democratic Party, we don't care because
we want their influence and we want their money.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
So yes, I've called on the Biden administration to do this.
I've called on the IRS. I've called on the FBI
many many of these organizations that are pushing these protests
or five to one C three's, which is supposed to
be tax examp. They're supposed to be not engaging in
political activity. So I've called on the IRS to investigate
that already. Look, in a sane world, the FBI would

be examining this closely. We watched during the Trump presidency
the whole Russia RUSSA Russia nonsense, which was totally made up.
It was based on Hillary Clinton campaign OPO research, but
it became the obsession number one of the deep state
and number two now of the Biden administration. And yet
I have no indication that the Department of Justice is

doing anything to examine this. I have no indication that
the FBI, and by the way, the FBI are to
announce they are investigating this. If they were doing it,
they shouldn't keep it a secret. They should make absolutely
clear that what is happening on these campuses is deeply
concerning and they're going to get to the bottom of
who's funding it. But they're not doing that, and I
don't believe they will because many of the funders, in

addition to being the Chinese communists and the Cuban communists,
many of the funders are also the top for the
Democrat Party. And this Department of Justice operates as an
adjunct to the White House. It is a Democrat enforcement bureau,
which means I don't think they're going to go after
the top funders of the Democrat Party because you know
what their objective is to re elect Joe Biden and

so stopping foreign communist governments from fomenting dissent, protecting Jewish
students on campus, preventing our universities from being ripped apart,
preventing airports from being shut down, preventing freeways from being
shut down. Remember, these are the same people who during
the quote Summer of Love, the deep state didn't want
to do anything, and so I don't believe the Biden

administration is going to do a damn thing.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
You mentioned something that we talked about. It jogging my
memory from maybe in two or three episodes ago where
we were talking about it was very clear that the
same people in this country that are funding Joe Biden's
reelect for president are the exact same people that are
funding the camp rioters. And so you combine that right

with now the foreign money. This is a hell of
a lot of influence center over the United States of
America and young people, and it's is it being orchestrated
by the foreigners or is this being orchestrated by the
Biden administration?

Speaker 3 (26:18):
In essence, yes, Look, understand, this is not organic, This
is not occurring spontaneously. This is highly organized. There's a
reason why all of these activists have the same damn
tints because the groups that are pushing this sent out
links to the same Amazon link to buy the tents.
And they are being funded. They're being funded number one

by radical left is, they're being funded by anarchists. They're
being funded by communists. And I don't use communists as
a pejorative, as just an insult. I mean people who
embrace communism. And as we're laying out here, it's not
just American communists, of which there are sadly far too many.
It is Chinese communists, the Chinese Communist Party, it is

Cuban communists, and they see this as a vulnerability in America,
a way to tear us apart. Look you look at
a place we were talking about elite institutions. You look
at a place like Duke University, Ben How the hell
is Jerry Seinfeld now too controversial of a speaker for

campus leftists. We saw a Duke's commencement, oh about fifty
anti Semitic leftist storm out. And by the way, Seinfeld
was not giving a speech about Israel. He was not
talking he happens to support Israel. They simply said, damn it,
I will not listen to a Jew. I am such
a bigot. If you invited Jew to speak to me,

I will walk out ostentatiously. You look at the recent
graduation at Columbia where you had these nitwits walking up
and ripping their diploma in half, and I mean they
are angry. They are bigoted on the left. Being a
bigot Hating Jews is accepted on the left. Now that
is an acceptable bigotry.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
And I don't understand why these universities.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
And maybe it's just because I'm old school and I
think you would agree with me if if back when
I was in school, if you ripped up your diploma
when you were walking across the stage, they probably would
have just taken away from me and said you didn't graduate.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
Yeah, so it's an interesting question. Consequences is what I'm saying. Probably,
I will say, I'm not sure you could do that.
You might actually have a breach of contract claim if
you have actually paid your tuition and pastor your classes.
I'm not sure they could revoke your diploma at that point,
but you know what they could certainly print on your transcript.

Ben Ferguson is embarrassed to have graduated from ole Miss
and tore up his diploma. You should know that if
you're thinking of hiring it.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
Yeah, I mean and the and yet all these universities
seem to know it's going to happen.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
And his tennis serve as like a little girl. Would
that be bad if thee that I transculd.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
Sue them for that that, I would sue them for
the other part. I don't know about care, but I'd
sue them for that because I make that is a
lie and I'm gonna get paid.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
It's actually not accurate, Ben, because a little girl could
serve and get it in.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
Listen to you. Listen to you all right next time.
The sad thing is I'm gonna come back with a reporter.
You're on verdict.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
The sad thing is I have such empty boasts because
you you so utterly destroyed me in tennis. It's not
even close, but I'm talking smack and on this it
is empty. I will readily admit. But if you do this,
but you know what I can. I can take you
at hoops. That's true. No, No, you've got game, I
said the first time we played oops. I was like,

all right, he's got some GAMEZ is like, does he
really have game?

Speaker 2 (29:43):
And I was like, for people that are listening. Diaz
is our producer that does the show. And so Diaz like,
does he can he actually shoot? And I'm like, he
actually can? He was like really, I was a kiss.
He actually scores like a lot.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Now I will say, look, you've got size. You can
post up on me one on one if you actually
he turned around and put your ass towards the basket
and backed up on me. I'm not sure I could
push you out because you're a big guy.

Speaker 1 (30:06):

Speaker 2 (30:07):
No, In fact, we might need to make that happen.
I don't know if I want to do it like now,
because you do. I do end up breaking bones when
I play, so you know I might. I might to
be clear, to be clear who's bones it was mine?

Speaker 1 (30:20):
Mine broke.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
I just have to clarify that.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
Yeah, it took me out of tennis for the longest
of my whole life.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
I finally got to.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
Play today because of this this stupid pinky that swells
it is like the size of a baseball. Right now,
I'm thinking workers comp here. At some point that'll be
my lawsuit. But the final question for you on on
what we just exposed, what is it that people need
to do with this information, and it is this just
more of a Hey, if you've got a kid or

a grandkid that is looking at where they're going to
be going to college is part of this, pay attention
to what they're doing to your kid's mind. And don't
just assume that because your kid gets into quote a
prestigious university, that's.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
The right decision to send them there.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
Look, that's a hard choice. And I will say parents,
particularly parents with high school and college aged kids, it's
a really hard choice. My view has long been that
a kid should go to the best school they can
get into. And it does open doors, it opens career doors,
it's beneficial. I will say, the more radicalized these places get,

the less convinced I am. That make sense. I will
say I saw an article recently talking about how many
top high school graduates are now looking at schools in
the South by the way. You know, it's easy, and
we talked about this in a prior podcast. You know,
it's easy to say, oh, all colleges are just crazy
and this is just a problem across the country. No,

that's not true. This is a problem in Blue states.
This is a problem at Columbia, at NYU, at Yale,
at Harvard. This is a problem at Princeton. This is
a problem at UCLA, This is a problem at UC Berkeley.
This is a problem at usc This is the problem
at the University of Washington. This is a problem in
blue states. Why is it a problem in blue states?
Because you have Democrats who will not stand up against it,

who will not protect you ash students, who will not
oppose anti Semitism, who will not lock up protesters, who
will not stop pro Hamas protesters, who will not stop
threats of violence. These are the same people that were
utterly powerless in the so called Summer of Love and
let anarchists take over portions of major cities in America.
These are the same people who allowed Black Lives Matter

and ANTIFA protesters to fire bomb police cars, to loot stores,
to commit crimes. We're not seeing this in red states. Look,
you and I both live in Texas. At UT there
were protests. You know what they did. They sent in
the police and if you committed threats of violence, you
got arrested, and miraculously you didn't have the garbage you

had at these other schools. Look at places, whether University
of North Carolina or other southern schools, they don't have
the problems Florida. Look Florida and Texas. Listen, you and
I both have a lot of very close Jewish friends.
They're not living in fear in Texas. They're not living
in fear in in in Florida. But you know what,
they are living in fear in New York and New

Jersey and Connecticut, in California. And ideology has consequences. If
you have leftists who embrace cultural Marxism, who believe Jews
are oppressors, you know what, they're not going to oppress
Jewish students. And that is that is sadly where today's
radicalized Democrat party is.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
Yeah, it is.

Speaker 2 (33:32):
And it's going to be interesting to see how much now,
especially with a lot of people that graduated from universities.
You're Alma Monder and others at Columbia taking us in
said I'm not giving you any more money. We've seen
Robert Kraft and others say we're not sending any more
cash to you in many of these Ivy League universities.
And so will that force them to take even more

of this foreign money and the foreign influence that comes
with it. That that may be one of the shocking
parts of this entire conversation that we're having right now.

Speaker 3 (34:03):
I think that's right. I think there are a lot
of lums, alums who are deeply concerned about where the
institution they went to school are I think there are
a lot of parents that are deeply worried about do
they keep sending their students to these schools. I think
there are already lawsuits and then there's going to be
a lot more lawsuits about breach of contract. You pay
a school a half million dollars and they shut down,
They don't teach in person, they send people at home,

they cancel your commencement. They say, oh, we're not actually
going to do what you paid us to do, which
is teach your kids. And by the way, we're not
going to protect your students. If your student happens to
wear a yamica, you know what, they need to be
prepared to be screamed at, cursed at, and be physically
threatened with violence. That is a a violation of federal
civil rights law. And by the way, where is the
Biden administration? Why are they not enforcing federal civil rights law?

Speaker 1 (34:48):

Speaker 3 (34:49):
I looked at Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican president who when
you had a bunch of Democrat bigots, and I'll point
out it was Democrat bigots in the fifties and sixties
too who were refusing to allow schools to be in
and they were persecuting African American students. And these Democrat
bigot politicians, we're doing that and Dwight the Eisenhower sent
in the National Guard. What has Joe Biden done Absolutely

nothing because his sympathies, he wants the votes of the
anti Semis who are protesting. And you know, his administration
also seems to have a zero concern about the Chinese
communist money and the Cuban communist money and supporters behind this.

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Yeah, we'll keep exposing it and make sure all of
you that are listening share it.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
This podcast is easy to share.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
You hit that little forward button and put it up
on social media if you're on x or Instagram or
Twitter or parlor Getter, wherever you are, make sure you
share it so other people hear what the media is
refusing to cover.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
Right now, don't forget.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
We did this show Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and a week
in review on Saturdays and on those in between days.
You can also grab my podcast I'll keep you up
to date on what's happening in the political world, the
Ben Ferguson podcasts on the in Between Days and The Center.
I will see you back here on Friday morning.
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