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December 18, 2023 32 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
It is Verdict with Senator Ted Cruz and a very
special three part series with James Comer. We are going
to take you through all the financial crimes of the
Biden crime family in this three part series that starts
right now. Senator, this is going to be a really
fun multi part series and for everyone that's watching or listening,

if you're listening to this episode, we ask you to
please share it everywhere. We're going to say that on
the very beginning front of this on social media. This
is going to be multi part series with a dear
friend of yours, Congress and James Comer, who's doing unbelievable
work in the House going after the Biden crime family,
and I want you to introduce your good friend.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
Well, James, welcome back to Verdict. This is your second
time that you've been with us. We had you earlier
this year for a two part series in which we
broke down and you went through the details of the
very systematic investigation you're leading in the house. We're now
at the end of the year and so we're coming
back for yet another multi part series to really get

into the substance and a lot has been happening lately.
We just had Hunter Biden defy a congressional subpoena. We
just had the full House of Representatives vote to authorize formally.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
The impeachment inquiry.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
You're sending your investigative team on the road, why don't
we start tell us about that?

Speaker 4 (01:24):
Yeah. So, obviously a lot of these people that we've
asked for interviews and depositions, they're trying to use the
holiday as an excuse why they can't come in and
do it. So we decided we would make it more
convenient on them and send our staff to depose them
or interview them in their home area. So the first

one we're doing is with the owner of America or Health,
and American warp Health was the healthcare company where James Biden,
the President's brother, approached them because he heard they were
financially distressed and said that because he's a Biden and
because of his brother's contacts in the Middle East, that

he could help them acquire all the capital they needed
to get back on their feet from the Middle East.
But they were going to have to pay Jim Biden first,
and they gave him six hundred thousand dollars and by
all accounts, Jim Biden completely defrauded Americal Health. He never
provided any funding or anything else. But what ironic about

this for Joe Biden. Not only was that a pure
example of influx pedaling, Joe Biden received the last payment
from Americal Health they sent a check to Jim Biden
for two hundred thousand dollars. The exact same day that
Jim Biden received that two hundred thousand dollars check from
Americal Health, they wrote Joe Biden a check for the

exact same amount, two hundred thousand dollars. So that was
the first example of evidence that we found where Joe
Biden directly benefited from the Biden family influenced pedling scheme.
So we're going to have our deposers down there talking
to them about how this started and what role Joe
Biden may have played, and if they ever met Joe

Biden and all of that.

Speaker 5 (03:17):
So that should be very interesting.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Let me tell you about Blackout Coffee. Bidenomics is a
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Speaker 2 (03:32):
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Speaker 1 (03:38):
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be Awake, not woke, Blackoutcoffee dot com slash Verdict. It's
interesting you didn't mention the name Hunter Biden in that
story of influence pedaling. That is the part that I

think many Americans have maybe not understood, which is this
is the entire family that's been involved in getting paid.
Can you go into that a little bit more about
about James Biden, not just Hunter.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
Yeah, I think James Biden probably committed just as many
crimes as Hunter Biden. The only reason we don't know
about James Biden is he didn't leave a laptop linery.
We've been able to subpoena his bank records, and I
can tell you there's a lot of questions we have
for Jamis Biden.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
That's why he received the subpoena.

Speaker 4 (05:17):
We're working with his attorney and we hope to have
him in in January. But at the end of the day,
this example with AmeriCorps help sure looks like securities fraud.
I mean, I don't know how else would you would
describe it, But obviously they deserve due process, and they're
gonna have due process. But we know from court records

this America WARP Health is in federal bankruptcy court. They
obviously have accused Jim Biden of a lot of things.
So this is all public record, and you know, it
shows that it wasn't just Hunter Biden.

Speaker 5 (05:50):
This was the whole Biden family, American, Jim Biden and Hunterman.

Speaker 3 (05:55):
So Americal Health paid Jim Biden six hundred thousand dollars.
As best you can tell, did Jim Biden perform any
any service for them, do anything of value for them?

Speaker 4 (06:07):
According to the court records, America ORPS Health says no
other than he went there and you know, made all
these promises that you know, Joe Biden's contacts they would
work together and help them get all the money from
the Middle East, but.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
They never got any This is they.

Speaker 4 (06:27):
Never got a penny. They never got one penny. And
it looks like Senator on Jim Biden's bank statements they
tried to say that six hundred thousand dollars payment was alone.
And I think that's a very important aspect of our
investigation because from the notes that the whistleblowers have turned over.

We know that. You know, sometime in twenty eighteen, the
Bidens figured out that the IRS was breathing down their necks.
They knew that they had all these suspicious activity reports
from the banks that were accused in the money laundering
and having shell companies and potentially taking bribes, and they
changed the way they were operating, and they went from

receiving wires directly through the shelves to receiving payments and
calling them loans.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
You would do that.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
I want to stop it. Unpack a lot of that.
So we hear from the Democrats, we hear from the
corrupt corporate media. There's no evidence, no evidence, no evidence,
especially no evidence of Joe Biden's involvement. So I want
to break down because you had a lot of substance
there on the shell companies. How many Biden shell companies
did y'all uncover?

Speaker 4 (07:37):
Twenty And let me make sure everyone understands this. A
shell company is a company with no assets and no
known purpose. So the bank email that we released two
weeks ago showed the bank examiners saying, you know, they
got this wire from China, and he says it's an
investment company. But it's an investment company with no investments,
and then the account that it went through was essentially

a door an account.

Speaker 5 (08:01):
So there's evidence that the bank examiners, and if.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
You look at and also the suspicious activity reports, the
banks knew these were shell companies, and the banks did
everything they were supposed to do by notifying Treasury that
wait a bite, this politically exposed family. They're getting wires
from our enemies around the world. We don't know what
these wires are for, and they're going through companies that
have no known purpose or no ACP, so shell companies.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
They're not real businesses. This is not a dry cleaner,
this is not a gas station. They're no employees, there
are no paychecks. They're not a business in any sense.
This is a legal entity, and it's a legal entity
created to send money to and it's what is often
used for money laundering. It's what's often used to hide
the source of the money. And you mentioned the suspicious

activity reports, So let me ask for our listeners what
is a suspicious activity report and how many of them
were filed on the bidens.

Speaker 4 (08:58):
A suspicious activity report is when the bank notifies the
Treasury Cabinet that they believe their client may have committed
a crime. Now, I want everyone to understand this. Banks
don't just do this non chalantly, like the Washington Post
tried to say, No bank wants to file a suspicious
activity report center because when you do, that invites the

bank examiners to come in and investigate you. And the
last thing a bank wants to do is the bank
examiners walk through the front door. The Bidens had one
hundred and seventy suspicious activity reports filed against him, which
is unprecedented.

Speaker 5 (09:34):
I was a director of a bank for over a decade.

Speaker 4 (09:36):
Never has anyone received more than one or two that
was affiliated with my banks. And the fact that this
family got one hundred and seventy from six different banks
on dozens of different accounts showed that there's something bad
going on here. Because the banks are notifying the Treasury.
I'm sorry, Treasury, we believe the vice president's family are

involved in some top of fraud.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
Well, and James, let me make sure. Let me make
sure I understand this. Suspicious activity reports are relatively rare.
There's something that the bank files with the Treasury Department
when they believe there may be evidence of criminal conduct.
And if you or I or Ben went and created
a shell company, a company that did nothing, that had
no employees, that was not a going business, and that

shell company began getting multimillion dollar wires from China, from Russia,
from Ukraine, that would be the sort of conduct that
would trigger a suspicious activity report if any of us
did that.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Is that right?

Speaker 4 (10:38):
That's exactly right. And we released an email last week
that kind of showed the thought process by a bank examiner.

Speaker 5 (10:44):

Speaker 4 (10:45):
He was, he was communicating with his superior and in
the end they filed a suspicious activity report.

Speaker 6 (10:51):

Speaker 4 (10:52):
And this email kind of outlines it. The bank exenter said,
wait a minute. You know this account is pretty much dormant.
We don't know what this and he is. All we
know is that the president's son owns it. He got
a five million dollar wire from China.

Speaker 5 (11:07):
We had to contact him to prevent a thar.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
We said, I'm sorry, mister Biden, we need to know
what this wire was. And he said it was a loan.
And there's like, oh, a loan from China. Well, we
need the loan documentation and he said I don't have.

Speaker 5 (11:21):
Any, which is ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
No one would loan anyone five million dollars without having
some type of loan documentation. So then he said, we
feared this could be a bribe, because we know China
influences politicians through vulnerable family members, and we've seen in
the mews where his ex wife said he was on drugs,
he was in financial trouble. We believe this could be

a real national security threat. That's the serious of an
email as I've ever seen from a major bank examiner.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
Yeah, look, that is very serious. And of course CNN
doesn't cover that, MSNBC doesn't cover that, ABC, CBS, NBC,
the corporate media, that email doesn't exist.

Speaker 5 (12:02):

Speaker 3 (12:03):
Now, one of the things as far as the corporate
media is concerned, one of the things that you mentioned
a minute ago that I want to stop and drill
down on a little bit. You said early on the
Biden family business, they would just get wires from overseas
that were payments through these shell companies. But then there
came a time when the irs started coming after them,

when they changed how they did business and they began
instead of getting wires that were straight out payments, they
began calling them loans. Explain that a little bit more
about when they did that and why they would have
done that.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
That change started happening somewhere mid twenty eighteen, and from
twenty fourteen to twenty eighteen they were pretty consistent. They would,
you know, after Joe Biden would meet with these people,
or a hunter would fly on Air Force two, or
Joe would talk to him on the phone or have
lunch with him.

Speaker 5 (12:55):
Then money would.

Speaker 4 (12:56):
Flow through the shell company, and then they would disperse
the money through the show companies to ten different Biden
family members. Once twenty eighteen rolled in and they realized
the IRS was rolling in on them, and they knew
this because the Irish was talking to them and the
Irish was the lower notes confirmed this, they changed the

way they were doing business. Then they started taking money in,
some of it directly through their personal account, some of
it still through show companies, but they were calling them loans.
And the reason you do this is twofold number one.
You don't report a loan on your taxes. So theoretically,
if you got five million dollar wire from China and
you said it was a loan, you didn't have to

put that on your taxes and the RS would never
know about it.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
And secondly, and this.

Speaker 4 (13:43):
Is the most obvious.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
You don't have to.

Speaker 4 (13:46):
Pay taxes on it then if it's a loan. And
that's why I always said, we're going to follow the
bank records. We're going to go with the bank statements
in lieu of the tax returns, because there's nowhere on
your tax return does it show you a loan.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
There's a place on.

Speaker 4 (14:01):
Your tax return to show where you pay loan interest,
mortgage interest, or if you loan someone money, you receive interest,
but there's nowhere on your tax returns would it say alone.
So if you just got to Biden's tax return, you
would never know about fourteen million dollars that we faiund
because they didn't report it to the RS.

Speaker 5 (14:21):
They called it loan.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
So fourteen million was the amount of loans you found
so far?

Speaker 5 (14:25):
Yes, for Jim and Hunter Biden, And look, just.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
To underscore what you said, because it's important. By calling
it a loan. Number one, you don't have to report
it to the irs. Number two, you don't have to
pay taxes to the IRS. But but of course it's
got to be a real loan. It can't be just fraud.
And all right, I've gotten loans over the course of
my life. I've got a mortgage on my house. Now,

the mortgage on my house, the collateral is my house.
I've gotten car notes. I borrow money to buy a car.
The collateral on the car note is the car. If
I don't pay the payments, they take the car back.
Is there any indication that Hunter or or Jim Biden
had any collateral fourteen million dollars of loans? Did they

own fourteen million dollars of collateral that that would serve
as the basis for those loans?

Speaker 4 (15:16):
Well, and I understand loans. Thank god, there's no loan documentation.
We've asked for loan documentation. They won't produce loan documentation.
It doesn't appear they had anywhere near fourteen million dollars
in assets.

Speaker 5 (15:29):
So if you get fourteen million.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
Dollars in loans, you really need to have about eighteen
or nineteen million dollars in assets, because that's the way
that the banking rules are. You've got to, you know,
have more than enough, or you would be underwater.

Speaker 5 (15:43):
So but here's the most concerning thing.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Going through their bank records, they've received all this money
that they call loans. There are hardly any loan repayments,
any principal payments, and no interest payments.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Right, so this goes back to.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
Twenty eighteen principal payments.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
Twenty eighteen they start getting loans, they get fourteen million
dollars of loans. You're saying from twenty eighteen to twenty
twenty three, that's five years. There are very very few
loan repayments at all, either principal or interest. In other words,
this is some sort of magic loan that you don't
need collateral for, you don't have to pay back, and
it sure is helpful if you want to, say, buy

a lot of crack and prostitutes, if you don't have
to pay the loan back.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
Is that?

Speaker 3 (16:26):
Am I being fair and characterizing that?

Speaker 4 (16:29):
That's exactly right? It looked like one loan for half
a million dollars to one of the bidens.

Speaker 5 (16:35):
They may have paid one hundred and ten thousand dollars
back with no interest.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
The rest of the fourteen million dollars we can't find
where they've made a single payment and not a kinny
of interest.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
But by the way, do they dispute this? Does Hunter
claim no, no I pay that back? Does Jim Biden
claim no, no, I pay that back? Or do they dispute
what you're.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
Saying, Well, we we're going to bring them in. You know,
that's one reason we wanted to pose them.

Speaker 4 (16:58):
But you know, you can look at.

Speaker 5 (17:00):
The bank records and there's no there's no payment back.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Best case scenario.

Speaker 2 (17:07):
How much of the millions in loans eighteen million do
you think they paid back?

Speaker 1 (17:11):
If you're being generous, fourteen million, fourteen.

Speaker 5 (17:14):
Million, I mean one hundred and ten thousand.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Wow, it's you know, good to be a Biden.

Speaker 4 (17:22):
So and look, at what point does the loan become income?

Speaker 5 (17:25):
You know, I don't know, that's a question.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
What is the law?

Speaker 3 (17:29):
Look, if the intent is to defraud the IRS, if
if it is a fraudulent vehicle, the IRS can bring
it for tax fraud. You can't characterize something as a
loan that is not in fact a loan that doesn't
intend to be paid back. And I mean that on
the face of it. I got to tell you I'd
be ready to prosecute right now. Of course, you know,
I don't work at the Biden Justice Department, and so

my marching orders aren't protect the big guy. And the
statute of limitations is not far from running on these too.
They've already left the statute of limitations run on what
Hunter did with China back in seventeen. And the clock
is ticking now. Now we started with your telling us
your investigators are going to talk with AmeriCorps Health Company

about the six hundred thousand dollars that was paid to
Jim Biden. And you said two hundred thousand went straight
to Joe Biden. Did that come from AmeriCorps or did
that come from Americorp to Jim and then Jim to Joe.
What was the path of the money.

Speaker 5 (18:25):
AmeriCorps to Jim, and Jim to Joe.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
So the big guys getting today.

Speaker 5 (18:31):
The same day, the same day.

Speaker 4 (18:33):
So in Jim Biden's bank account, the day he deposited
that two hundred thousand dollars check, I think he had
like four thousand dollars balloons. So he went from four
thousand to two hundred and four thousand. Then he writes
a check for two hundred thousand, did Joe Biden? So
he goes back down to four thousand. That wasn't real
hard to trace. I would challenge anyone to debate me

on tracing that check.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
We talked about the loan payments, but can we talk
about the total sub of money that was coming into
the the the Biden affiliated businesses. There were much bigger
business deals that were done. And how hard is it
to trace.

Speaker 3 (19:13):
My businesses call them shell corporate show corporate businesses do something.
Yeah that these these are just bank accounts to park money.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Right and and a lot of these shells had multiple
bank accounts. That's what's taken so long to get the
bank records in.

Speaker 5 (19:28):
We find more bank accounts.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
I mean, we're always finding more bank accounts and more accounts.
But uh, you know, we've identified twenty four million dollars
that we don't think they can explain what they did.
There's more we know where it is, but you know,
for for times sake, I mean, this is this is
just the House Oversight Committee. I mean, no one in

the government has investigated this. Anytime someone got close, like
the Irish and Lowers, they were told to stand down,
usually by Leslie.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Wolf when they get close.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
You just said every time they got close, they were
told to stand down. Lazulaf remind people of the pattern
of how close they got to the bidens and then
how they were cut off.

Speaker 4 (20:13):
According to the Irish whistleblowers in their notes, and everything
Shapley and Ziegler have said has turned out to be true.
We're seeing some of that in this recent indictment in California.

Speaker 3 (20:23):
And Chafflee and Ziegler are the two IRS whistleblowers, their
career employees. They're not partisan Republicans indeed, you know, indeed
their Democrats, the Democrats. But they came forward because they
were horrified by what they saw and and and tell
us what they told.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
Us, Well, they had they knew that there was money laundering,
they knew there was tax evasion, they knew there was
tax fraud, and they had accumulated all this evidence. Now
they wanted to go in and raid a storage unit.
They were told that there were documentation, you know, there
were documents in the storage unit. And they said they

also wanted to talk to Joe Biden. Well, that is
the worst thing they ever said, because when they mentioned
Joe Biden, that's when they were told to stand out
and they were taking off the case.

Speaker 5 (21:12):
So the Irish rolled in on them.

Speaker 4 (21:14):
We know from talking to people and Jim Jordan talking
to people at the Department of Justice, that there were
different jurisdictions looking into different things. The Bidens had because
when you get a suspicious activity for it, the law
is the Treasury notifies the appropriate investigators, you know, whether

it be the irs or whether it be the Department Justice.
So they had to be getting notification of all this
stuff going on and they were told to stand down.
We know from the FBI sources that Charles Grass League
found that they got these credible document this ten twenty
three for them that said Joe Biden had been involved

in a bribery scheme, and yet no one with the
FBI would allow them to investigate this any further.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
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or ninety seven to two Patriot. So let's turn to
the president now, because and I want to go through
some of the lies. You go back, and I think
we should play that montage of Joe Biden when he
was running for president and saying I made no money,

I was never connected to my son, our family, businesses.
There's no connections to China. This you know this is
a lie. Everybody's looked at it. It's a lie.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
Take a listen to this.

Speaker 4 (23:59):
How many times have you ever spoken to your son
about his overseas business dealings.

Speaker 6 (24:04):
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas been
as soon as I have never discussed with my son,
or my brother or anyone else and being him to
do with their business period. And what I will do
is the same thing we did in our administration, an
absolute wall between personal and private and the government.

Speaker 4 (24:25):
Do you stand by your statement that you did not
discuss any of your son's overseas business charge?

Speaker 2 (24:30):
Dan Barber, Congressman, you know that's a lie. I know
that's a lie. The Center knows that's a lie. But
explain methodically for everyone watching and listening, how we now
have the facts to back up that he was lying
to the American people every time he said that, every
time the White House said it, every time every Democrat
said it on his behalf, every sarrogate on his campaign.

Speaker 4 (24:51):
Well, when we began the investigation, the political narrative and
the media narrative was that Joe Biden never met with
or spoke to any of these mysterious people who were
sending his family millions of millions of dollars. Now we
know through pictures, text messages, emails, WhatsApp messages, and depositions
from Devin Archer that Joe Biden talked to all of them.

We also discovered the pseudonym emails where Joe Biden was
using a pseudonym of fake name sending emails back and
forth to Eric Sherwin, who was one of the main
figures in this influence peddling scheme. In fact, he was like,
for all practical purposes, the bookkeeper or the chief financial officer.

Joe Biden also said he had a wall between the
government and his son's family business dealings. There was no
while he was communicating back and forth. There are hundreds
of pseudonym emails between Joe Biden and Eric Sherwin. We
believed there were, and the White House said there was it,
the media said there was it, the National Archives wouldn't

turn them over, and then lo and behold, some of
them pop up in this recent indictment in California. Some
of these pseudonym emails between Joe Biden and Sherwin were
brought out as evidence.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
So this is how many fake email accounts and how
many burner phones have you all found for Joe Biden.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
Well, I can't comment on the burner phone yet because
we're still looking into that and triple checking some things.
But with respect to the email, he's had at least
three that he communicated, three pseudonym emails that he used
the government email for, and then he had some other
pseudonyms we believe, with some personal emails and some personal

communication where he was he was. They used code names
like the Big Guy Celtic and things like that. But
clearly they were trying to hide something or they wouldn't
have been using the pseudonyms. But the fact that, you know,
I didn't think we would find government emails from Joe

Biden to these people involved in the influent pelling scheme.
But lo and behold, there are hundreds of them. They
just used a pseudonym and one reason the House voted.

Speaker 3 (27:10):
So now and let me ask you, James on on
the fake emails. Is it just a name if you
had an email Kentucky Man Kentuckyman at gmail dot com,
you know someone might pick a name of something. You know,
Ben ferguson Ole Miss Tennis star, like you know, maybe
you picked that as an email. Are they signed using

fake names? Or are they signed Ben or James or Dad?
How are they signed? And how much on the face
of it are the emails trying to obscure the identity
of the sender.

Speaker 4 (27:43):
Well, they're all trying to obscure the identity of the sender.
He signed different things, but you know a lot of
times the emails aren't aren't signed, but he's communicating back
and forth. And the most disturbing thing to everyone should
be that Hunter was being copied, blind copied on some
of these emails that where he was using pseudonyms pertaining

to Ukraine at the same time he was gonna Joe
Biden was gonna go over there and fire Victor Choken,
the prosecutor who was investigating Barisma.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
I want to that is new news to me. You
just said that you had a Burner email account. The
president is communicating with someone without their knowledge. That Hunter
Biden's being blind copied, right, because you wouldn't know that email,
which also goes back to a bigger lie. They said
that if he ever talked with his son about people

around his business fear. It was about the weather, right
things it was it was not about business, it was
you know, oh we're just friendly.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
These are direct communication.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Where the Ukraine emails talking about the weather was it
like it's gonna be Sonny on Tuesday.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
No, And the emails weren't to Hunter. It was discussing
with various members of the staff about his speech logistics
and things like that. And they were copying Hunters. So
this wasn't from a burner account. This was the government account.
Joe Biden was just using to suit them. And the
reason we know Hunter was copied on it.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
Say that again, so this is a government account. But
Joe Biden is using just a fake name on a
government account and is using that fake name to conduct
government business and is secretly blind ceaseeing Hunter.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
He's sitting on the bard of Barsma.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
Who's sitting on the bard of Aarismos and being paid
eighty three thousand dollars a month, who has no skills,
who doesn't speak Ukrainian, who knows nothing about oil and
gas but has access to Daddy.

Speaker 1 (29:45):
Is that all of that accurate?

Speaker 4 (29:46):
That tried and the reason we found that email it
was on the laptop. Now, remember when we started this investigation,
the laptop was Russian disinformation.

Speaker 5 (29:57):
But in Hunter Biden's.

Speaker 4 (29:59):
Last speech you gave when he defied the congressional subpoena,
he referenced.

Speaker 5 (30:04):
The laptop a lot. So you know, it's there's a
lot of.

Speaker 4 (30:09):
Pieces you have to put together, and it's very complicated,
very hard to explain. This was by design. This is
an organized criminal entity. There's no question about it. They
knew what they were doing. The President's son is smarter
than people think, and just we see all the stuff
about him on drugs and stuff. This was very organized

and the communications were many between Joe Biden and these
various characters in these schemes, but they tried to hide
it through the pseudonym.

Speaker 2 (30:42):
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I r A Congress and Comer Center. We're not done yet.
This is part one of our series with Congressman James Comer.
We have so many other financial crimes that we are
going to go through. We want to ask for your help, though,
Make sure you share this podcast. Share it right now
as we continue this conversation. Make sure you join us

on Wednesday, and on Wednesday we will have part two
of our conversation with James Comer.
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