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May 13, 2024 40 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
It is verdict with Senator Ted Kruz Ben Ferguson with you, Senator,
it is shocking to see but the president of the
United States of America is now treating Israel like they
are almost an adversary and actually protecting Hamas and where
they are now in other parts around Israel where they
can plan and orchestrate attacks against them.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
We have truly gone through the looking glass. Up as down,
black as white, good as evil. The Biden administration's foreign
policy is exactly backwards from what any sane, rational American
foreign policy should be. Joe Biden, the Democrats are sending
money to Gaza that is going straight to Hamas. They
are sending money to Iran that is going straight to Hamas.

And in this past week, Joe Biden announced that he's
cutting off weapons to Israel. That Israel is now the
bad guy, and the Biden administration, the Biden White House,
is openly the enemy of Israel. It is stunning, It
is shocking. There is no precedent for it in history,
and it is profoundly dangerous. We're going to get into

it in great detail.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
Yeah, it's so important, and so many of you have
been asking the question how can we help the people
in Israel. I want you to know about the International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews and a need that is
right now so important. You've seen the anti Israel protests
and demonstrations that have continued at college campuses. You've seen
so many people that are just absolutely anti Israel, not

just in Israel, but in this country. And as they
are facing these vile anti Semitic hate speech and harassment
and violence, there is a real need in Israel right now,
and that is for bomb shelters. Now is the time
that you can help protect the people in Israel, the
Jewish people who are up against these attacks of people

that are trying to literally kill them. I want you
to stand with the Jewish people by providing an emergency
bomb shelter or an emergency bomb shelter kit. That is
what the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is doing.
Last Sunday, they're over one hundred rockets from HESBLA that
were fired at northern Israel, and IFCJ supported soup kitchens

in the cities there that were directly hit by these
HESBLA attacks. The elderly and the most vulnerable that stay
behind are the most impacted when the sirens go off,
and that is why not only do they need food,
but they need a safe place to go. And that
is where your donation is a huge gift to the

people in need. Thanks to a matching challenge from a
generous IFCJ supporter, your gift will be doubled to impact
to help provide twice the support. All you have to
do is call one eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ.
That's one eight eight eight for eight eight IFCJ, or
you can go online to SUPPORTIFCJ dot org to give

that's support IFCJ dot org to help the people in
Israel right now. Senator, this all started with a conversation
on CNN. The President was doing an exclusive interview on
that friendly network, and this is what he said about
what's happening right now.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
In the warning to Israel, I made it clear.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
That if they go into Rafa, they haven't gone on
Raffa yet, they go into Rafa, I'm not supplying the
weapons that have been used historically to deal with RAFA,
to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem.
We're going to continue to make sure because you're less
secure in terms of Iron Dome and they're ability to
respond to its tacks like came out of you.

Speaker 5 (03:44):
And the least recently.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
But it's just wrong. We're going to we're not going
to supply the weapons and the artillery shells use that
have been used, artillery shells as well, Yeah, artillery shells.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
He calls Israel to fing themselves. It's just wrong.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
And to be clear, Senator, for everyone that may not
understand this, the terrorists have moved into Rafa, They've moved
out of much of Gaza. This is now where they're regrouping.
And what the President just said was you cannot go
after them.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
Well and understand also, this is the culmination of Joe Biden,
the Democrats lying to the American people week after week
after week. Just a few weeks ago, Congress passed the
foreign aid bill that Biden was pressing ferociously for. And
the lynchpin of that foreign aid bill was Israel Aid.
And the reason that Congress was told you got to

vote for it is Israel military aid. And it was
a big bipartisan vote. I voted no because number one,
I said that this is going to provide nine billion
dollars up to nine billion dollars that can go to Gaza,
that can go to Hamas and I'm not interested in
giving money to Hamas. Well, it turned out that the

first aid shipment that went to Gaza, guess what, Hamma
seized it. So literally the opening shipment, exactly what I
said would happen is what did happen. But the bait
and switch that the Biden White House convinced a bunch
of Republicans and even maybe some Democrats to vote for
this because it was military aid to Israel, because it

was artillery shells to Israel as they needed. And as
soon as Congress passes it, Biden comes along and says, nope,
I'm not going to send it. I'm not sending it
to Israel. It is astonishing. And i'll tell you Ben,
last week I joined a number of other senators. We
had a press conference on Capitol Hill. This Well, you

were fired up, by the way, as you should be.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
You were angry, you were irritated, and it's got to
feel like you're one of the lone voices right now
that's standing with Israel.

Speaker 3 (05:47):
Well, I don't want to say I told you so,
but I told you so. This is exactly what I
said Biden would do. Have a listen to what I
had said at the press conference. Well, security policy of
Joe Biden the Democrats is precisely backwards. For three and
a half years, Joe Biden the Democrats have undermined and
weakened our friends and allies, and they have sent billions

of dollars to our enemies. It is exactly opposite what
you would be doing if you were actually focused on
US national security interests.

Speaker 6 (06:21):
Let's look at our enemies.

Speaker 3 (06:23):
Tragically, Joe Biden has been the greatest friend the Ayatola
Kameni has ever had on planet Earth. Tragically, Joe Biden
has been the greatest friend Hamas and Hesbela that there
is on planet Earth. Now, those sound like extraordinary statements.

What are the facts Under the Biden presidency. This administration
has flowed more than one hundred billion dollars into Iran,
six billion dollars in ransom for five Americans, a policy
which many of us said at the time would only
lead to more Americans being taken hostage. And we saw

tragically on October seventh that proved exactly right. Ten billion
dollars in funds in Iraq, that the Biden administration wanted
to flow to the Ayatola and then over eighty billion
dollars in oil. When Joe Biden came into office, the
Trump administration, with the active support of all of US,

had vigorously imposed oil sanctions and had cut Iran's oil
exports from one million barrels a day down to about
three hundred thousand. The Iranian economy was in shambles, The
Ayatola was on his knees. Joe Biden came in like
the cavalry coming to the rescue and immediately stopped enforcing

oil sanctions.

Speaker 6 (07:51):
And what happened.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Iran's oil sales went from three hundred thousand barrels today
to now more than two million barrels a day. Every
one of those barrels is a gift from Joe Biden
and the Democrats. That is over eighty billion dollars. Mind you,
this is from the same administration that does everything they

can to kill oil and gas production in America while
allowing a theocratic iatola. Understand the Iotola chance with mobs,
chance death to America and death to Israel. And Joe
Biden has said, here's a hundred billion dollars. This seems
like a great idea. And what happened with that hundred

billion dollars, Well, ninety percent of Hamas's funding comes from Iran.
Ninety percent of Hesbela's funding comes from Iran. October seventh
was in a very real way funded by money given
by Joe Biden and the Democrats to Iran and Hamas
and hesbel And by the way, Biden also sent hundreds

of millions of dollars into Gaza. Even though many of
us said, if you send it to Gaza, it will
go to Hamas and be used for terrorism.

Speaker 6 (09:04):
They knew that. They agreed with that.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
The Biden administration concluded it was quote highly likely the
money would go to Hamas for terrorism.

Speaker 6 (09:12):
You know what they did.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
They waived the anti terrorism laws and said send it anyway.

Speaker 6 (09:18):
Where are we now?

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Where we are now is the Biden administration is sending
money right now to Gaza. Many of us said, if
you send the money to Gaza, it will be seized
by Hamas.

Speaker 6 (09:32):
What happened.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
The first shipment came in and boom immediately seized by Hamas,
exactly like we said, but they're combining it with blocking
weapons to Israel. The Biden White House has been the
most anti Israel administration this nation has ever seen. Literally
from day one, the Biden White House has been undermining

Israel at every step of the way. When October seventh happened,
when Hamas's death squads were murdering twelve hundred innocent civilians,
were raping women and little girls. While the attacks were happening,
the Biden State Department sent out a tweet at three
in the morning saying Israel must not retaliate, there should

be no military response.

Speaker 6 (10:19):
That tweet was disgraceful.

Speaker 3 (10:20):
I called it out at three in the morning and
they deleted the tweet within minutes. The next day, Tony
Blink and the Secretary of State sent another tweet said
I just talked with a Turkish foreign minister. We agreed
Israel must not retaliate, must.

Speaker 6 (10:34):
Not strike back.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
I called that tweet out again, they deleted it again.

Speaker 6 (10:40):
Where are we today?

Speaker 3 (10:42):
Well, yesterday Joe Biden said quote, I made it clear
if Israel goes into Rafa, I'm not supplying the weapons.
We're not going to supply the weapons in the artillery shells.
I will point out Joe Biden and the Democrats lied
to the American people on the supplemental funding.

Speaker 6 (10:59):
Bill that was just voted.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
They claimed it was to provide military funding to Israel.

Speaker 6 (11:04):
We now know they were lying.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
It was instead to give money to Gaza and Hamas
and everywhere else except Israel. We should have sent this
military aid six months ago. Six months ago, many of
us went to the Senate floor to force a vote
on emergency military aid in November, right after October seventh.
Every single Democrat voted no. It was a straight party

line vote. A final observation, what Joe Biden is doing
is not new. He has spent decades attacking and undermining Israel. Yes,
it is true the radical left wing of the Democrat Party,
the pro Hamas wing of the Democrat Party, is on

the rises on campuses, and the Democrats are terrified of them.
All of that is true. Yes, it is true. They're
terrified they're going to lose Michigan unless they give in
to the Prohamas wing of the Democrat Party. But understand,
these sentiments are not new for Joe Biden. In nineteen
eighty two, when, by the way, I was eleven years.

Speaker 6 (12:13):
Old, young there you go.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Did in nineteen eighty two, Joe Biden was a senator
from Delaware and he confronted Israel's Prime Minister Menachan Begen
during his Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony. And you know
what Joe Biden was doing in nineteen eighty two, same
damn thing he's doing in twenty twenty four. He threatened
to cut off aid to Israel in nineteen eighty two,

and Prime Minister Began responded as follows, quote, don't threaten
us with cutting off your aid. It will not work.
I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am
a proud Jew with three thousand, seven hundred years of
civilized history. Nobody came to our our aid when we

were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came
to our aid when we were striving to create our country.
We paid for it, we fought for it, we died
for it. We will stand by our principles, we will
defend them, and when necessary, we will die for them

again with or without your aid.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Senator, you obviously had a lot to say, and it
was important that it was said. And one of the
questions I have to ask you is it's pretty clear
that Joe Biden has changed he's now not just undermining Israel,
he's literally telling the terrorists this is how you beat them.
You go to populated areas and I won't give them
what they need to come get you, and I will

attack them in the process by saying you better stay
within your area, Israel, or you're going to lose America.
Even though twenty four hours before he said that there
was an ironclad relationship. Well, if you ask Israel, I
doubt they would say that it's iron clad. If this
is how you're treating our most important now I in
the Middle East.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Well, I actually don't think Joe Biden has changed much.
As I mentioned there, he was doing this in nineteen
eighty two when I was eleven. Were you even born
in eighty two? Men eighty one, I was one years old,
So you are a bouncing bundle of joy while Joe
Biden was trying to cut off aid to Israel even
back then. And look, I'm reminded of what Bob Gates,

who was the Secretary of Defense under Obama said. He said,
Joe Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue
for forty years. That's just the reality. Biden consistently give
us an enemy and Joe Biden wants to show weakness
to that enemy, appease that enemy, and send them billions
of dollars. I do not understand what goes through the

mind of a leftist who, to use the classic phrase
from The Simpsons, is a cheese eating surrender monkey. Like
whenever someone is our enemy, the Ayatola give them billions,
Jusha give them billions, China give them billions, North Korea
give them billions. Venezuela give them billions. If you are
an enemy, Cuba, give them billions. If you're an enemy

of America, count on Joe Biden the Democrats to be
santi Claus and come with cash. If you're a friend,
count on to do what they're doing to Israel, sail
you and starve you.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
So in other words, where you're saying is is Joe
Biden basically is a guy that's been anti Israel when
it really matters and when he politically needed to act
like he was pro Israel. I'll give a perfect example
of this PBS News Hour. Back in twenty nineteen, he
said that his own policy now was basically crazy and

was a deadly policy. Listen to what he said in
nineteen News.

Speaker 7 (15:59):
This week, to the extent that some of the Democrats
are saying that if because of Israel's settlements policy that
they would look at cutting off military aid to Israel
as a result of.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
That, it'd be a tragic mistake. I strongly opposed Israel's
settlement policy on the West Bank. I've made that clear
to BB when we're I was vice president, I've made
it crystal clear to the Israelis. But the idea that
we would cut off military aid to an ally, our

only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous,
just beyond my comprehension. Anyone would do that.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
Well, that's what he just did.

Speaker 6 (16:47):
Yeah, that's what he just said.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
What he said was preposterous, beyond my comprehension. And let
me tell you something else he did, and this has
gotten almost no coverage, But do you know what he
did the day four he announced that he was going
to cut off aid Israel?

Speaker 1 (17:04):
What was that?

Speaker 3 (17:06):
He issued a sanctions waiver to allow arm sails to Cutter,
Lebanon and Iraq. Hamas Alah ally Cutter. Cutter is where
the Hamas leadership is headquartered. And there are right now
sanctions on weapons sales to countries that boycott Israel, and

the Biden administration very quietly waived those sanctions in order
in order for the administration to sell allies to Cutter
Lebanon in Iraq the day before they cut off arms
arms transfers to Israel. Now that has gotten virtually no coverage.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
But how does that mean in practicality for people that
don't understand how big of a deal that actually is.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Well, it is US law that if a country boycott Israel,
we cannot sell weapons to them. Many sanctioned laws are
written with a presidential waiver written into them. Well, what
Biden just did is waived that sanctioned law. By the way,
I mentioned before in that press conference, we have in
place anti terrorism laws that says, you say you can't

send money if it is likely that money will be
used for terrorism. The beginning of the Biden administration, there
was a dispute over whether or not to send hundreds
of millions of dollars to Gaza. I joined with a
total of nineteen senators urging the administration.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
Don't do it.

Speaker 3 (18:33):
And I said early on, if you send hundreds of
millions of dollars to Gaza, it will go to Hamas.
Why do I know that? Well, for one thing, Hamas
is the government of Gaza. They are the elected leadership
of Gaza. They control Gaza. There is a decade's long
history of aid going into Gaza being directly diverted by
Hamas and used for terrorism. Look that the international world

would send in things like money to rebuild schools, and
they take the concrete, they'd build underground tunnels from which
to conduct terror. That they'd send in water pipes so
you could put in fresh water and sewage, and Hamas
would seize the water pipes, cut it into portions, and
turn it into missiles. Use the water pipes, steal it

on both ends, cut it off, and turn it into
rockets to fire into Israel. Hamas's obsession is with murdering
as many Jews as possible. And so I urged the
Biden administration don't send money to Gaza. Trump had cut
it off. I'd urged Trump to cut it off, and
he did. When Biden came in, it was clear they
wanted to, and so I urged him not to. There

were a group of about one hundred and fifty House
Democrats on the other side that urged Biden to send
money to Gaza. This is early on, long before October seventh,
even though it was clear that money would be used
by Hamas for terrorism, And we now know how the
Biden administration resolved that question, which is they determined internally

that it was quote highly likely that any money they
sent would be used by Hamas and diverted for terrorism. Now,
normally that'd be the end of the inquiry. If it's
highly likely it's going to go to terrorism, US anti
terrorism law says you can't send it.

Speaker 6 (20:12):
Game over.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Well, as I mentioned, most sanctions laws are written with
a presidential waiver. So what did they do. They waive
the anti terrorism laws and said, well, we don't care
if it's used for terrorism. This is our political agenda,
and so we're going to send the money anyway. And
that is exactly so. It was Tuesday of last week,
which is the day before Joe Biden threatened to withhold

weapons from Israel, that the State Department informed Congress that
it intends to bypass laws that bar the United States
from selling weapons to nations that boycott Israel. And just
look at the contrast, why do they want to send
money and weapons to nations that support Hamas, and they

want to cut off weapons to Israel that is fighting Hamas.
Give me a conclusion other than the obvious conclusion that
this administration and the Democrats, like, there's a phrase I
use in the press conference, the pro Hamas wing of
the Democrat Party. Ben pause for a second and say,

what upside down crazy ass world are we living in?
That there's a Prohamas wing of the Democrat Party, but by.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
The way, is substantial and growing.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
Yeah, And I don't want to engage in hyperbole. I
don't want to let like, normally, you know, respectable, normal
political party in the United States would support terrorists who
commit mass murder and rape and seek the genocide of
the Jewish people. You would think that that would be understandably,
you know, outside of the ordinary bounds of political discourse.

And yet there is a very real and growing Prohamas
wing of the Demosmocrat Party. And the sad thing is
Joe Biden's policies. Name a person on planet Earth whose
policies have benefited Hamas more than Joe Biden. Let's be clear,
it's not Biden alone. It's easy to say, oh, Biden's
the problem. No, no, no, no, name a Democrat other than

John Fetterman who has shown even a tiny modicum of
courage to call out the administration and say this is wrong.
Stop sending money to Iran, stop sending money to Hamas,
stop boycotting Israel. The entire Democratic caucus in the Senate
is terrified to cross the Biden White House and the

pro hamas contingent of the party.

Speaker 1 (22:47):

Speaker 2 (22:47):
In Fetterman, as you mentioned, deserves a lot of credit
for standing up to his party because he's obviously out
there by himself.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
Yes, undoubtedly. I don't know where that has come from.
It is not something I predicted when he was elected,
but I will give him credit. But the fact that
he's standing up. One of the things that's striking is
just how alone he is.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Yep that.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Where is anybody else? And by the way, I do
have to read a tweet because it's a tweet that
is really quite remarkable. So this is a tweet that
Joe Biden sent on October eighteenth, twenty nineteen. I want
to read the tweet. Here's the tweet.

Speaker 6 (23:31):

Speaker 3 (23:32):
President Trump withheld congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they
granted him a political favor. It's the definition of quid
pro quo. This is no joke. Trump continues to put
his own personal political interest ahead of the national interest.
He must be impeached. Now, that is precisely what Joe

Biden has just done. In fact, I want to reread
that tweet, and all I'm going to do is I'm
going to replace the word Trump with the word Biden,
and I'm going to replace the word Ukraine with the
word Israel. Other than that, every word of this is
exactly what Joe Biden tweeted in twenty nineteen. Listen, President
Biden withheld congressionally appropriated aid to Israel unless they granted

him a political favor. It's the definition of quid pro quo.
This is no joke. Biden continues to put his own
personal political interests ahead of the national interest. He must
be impeached.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
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also want to ask you about a second part of
what we've learned, and this actually came out in the
Washington Post. The US apparently offers Israeli Israel intelligence and
supplies an effort to avoid the RAFA invasion. Now this

is I think maybe a quid pro quo. Is that
how you would describe it?

Speaker 3 (27:11):
Well, I would say it's even worse than that. So
this is an article that came out in the Washington Post.
So that was published to a lot of places, and
it was on May eleventh. The title of the article
is what you just said, US sites intelligence offers Israel
supplies to limit RAFA operation. Let me read to the
first couple of paragraphs, because it really is stunning news
when you understand quote, the Biden administration, working urgently to

stave off of full scale Israeli invasion of Rafa, is
offering Israel valuable assistance in an effort to persuade it
to hold back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli
military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the
group's hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the

US offers. Now I want you to pause and understand
what that means. It means the Biden administration is saying
that right now they know where senior Hamas leaders are,
and right now they are not telling Israel where the
senior Hamas leaders are. That also means that Biden is saying,

right now, the administration knows where Hamasa's hidden tunnels are,
and right now they are not telling Israel where the
hidden tunnels are. Now, I mentioned before that there is
a pro Hamas wing of the administration. What in the
hell Hamas murder twelve hundred israelis it is US policy

that Hamasa terrorists, by the way, they murdered over thirty Americans.
And what this White House knows where the senior leaders
are and it's like, Nope, no, we're not going to
tell you. We're not going to tell you, Like, how
the hell is that possible? And now they're saying, well,
if you don't invade Rafa and go out after Hamas,
we'll tell you where the leadership is. That is truly stunning.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
Isn't that the same thing that they were implying by
the way that Donald Trump they accused him and impeach him,
like the quid pro quo with Ukraine, member, I'll go
after the Bidens, even though that's not actually what it was.
It was. The real quid pro quo back then was
Joe Biden withholding a billion dollars from Ukraine until they

fired the prosecutor that was going after the company where
his son was getting paid and he was getting the
other kicked.

Speaker 3 (29:33):
Look, look, Ben, I don't care. I don't care about
the quid pro quo. I don't care even about the
analogies to the Trump impeachment. Everyone knew at the time
that was a partisan exercise by Democrats because they hated Trump.
Had nothing to do with Ukraine, had nothing to do
with quid pro quo. It just had to do with
Orange Man bat It had to do with Trump derangement syndrome.

We will weaponize impeachment to go after Trump. By the way,
it's the same thing that has led one, two, three
four Democrat prosecutions of Trump in the past year. It's
what led to the ridiculous circus playing out in the
New York trial court, just like the last ridiculous circus
that played out in a different New York trial court,

the one the the the civil trial that resulted in
a half billion dollar judgment against Trump, the current one
where Democrats are are living their their fantasy. This is
fantasy poured. And by the way, I don't mean in
terms of actual a porn star discussing salacious details. That's

actually the least pornographic thing for for leftists, they're just
loving seeing Trump dragged through the mud because they hate
his guts and so and so. I am less concerned
about the quid pro quot stuff than I am about
the simple reality. Given a choice between Israel and Hamas,

Joe Biden and today's Democrats over and over and over again,
choose Hamas. That is astonishing, It is idiotic, It is unprecedented,
it is dangerous, it is indefensible, and there are no
democrats defending it. Every Democrat ought to be asked, why,
given the choice between Israel and Hamas, do you choose

to give money and weapons to Hamas and blockade weapons
to Israel.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Well, let's go back quickly to you guys getting notified
about the president deciding to change this and to basically
go around the sanctions. So if I've got the list correct,
there's these newests. Hey, we're going to allow for these
weapons to be sold to places that are basically hate Israel.
We have a ran that we have a little sanctions

on a RAN right now that we're not imposing, and
we have a president. This is coming also from the
New York Times Peter Baker that Biden privately threatened to
rethink its support for the war in a private call
with Netanyahu back in February. That would be two months
before doing so publicly. So lying to the American people

are misleading them. The White House didn't put it into
the readout of the call because they purposely were trying
to I would argue, cover up or avoid quote a
public blow up.

Speaker 1 (32:21):
And the New York Times has got this now.

Speaker 3 (32:24):
Now, look that's exactly right. This administration from the beginning
from January twentieth, twenty twenty one. They have been systematically
undermining Israel. And by the way, some Democrats will say,
well it's Net and Yahoo they hate. Look, there's a
unity government Israel. The entire War Cabinet supports going into Rafa.
That Rafa is where the Hamas terrorists are, and Israel

is committed. We're going to destroy Hamas. The Biden administration
of the Democrats have decided they're going to use the
full force of the American government to try to protect
Tumas from Israel.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
I want to talk to you real quick about your morning.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
You probably start your morning off just like I do,
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Speaker 1 (33:35):
I get them now.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
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Speaker 1 (34:45):
Be Awake, not Woke.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
That's Blackoutcoffee dot com slash vertict.

Speaker 1 (34:51):

Speaker 2 (34:51):
Final question I have for you is this, if you
were is your right now in essence you're being blackmailed
to not protect yourself. You have a country that's supposed
to be your ally, that they're heavily dependent on for
military aid and equipment, and the President saying I'm not
giving it to you if you don't do what I

tell you to do. And you see this, and then
you look at our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and then you
look at what's happening in Russia Ukraine. If you're an
ally of America right now, do you feel like you're
actually a genuine ally Because in the past, if you
were an ally of America meant big brother America is
going to protect and defend you, and you don't screw

with a little brother because they're an ally of America
and if you do, there will be major consequences that
seems to be completely gone now in the world.

Speaker 3 (35:43):
Yeah, Look, I think every ally of America is questioning
how valuable is that with Joe Biden as president, being
an ally of America, you can't count on this administration.
Let's take, for example, a country like Saudi Arabia. Listen,
I think if if Donald Trump had served a second term,
Saudi Arabia would have joined the Abraham Accords. They were

very close to they were ready to do so. And
Biden came in and he immediately began undermining our allies,
including Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia still has not joined
the Abraham Accords. And I think.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
Explained the Abraham Accords th that are made not understand exactly.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
So the Abraham Accords were historic peace deals that Donald
Trump and his administration negotiated, and they were peace steals.
They were peace accords between Israel and several Arab countries,
between the United Arab Emirates, between Bahrain and Israel. And
I was there on the South lawn of the White
House when they were signed into law, and it was

you had to go back forty years for the last
time something like this had happened, had been either with
Jordan or with Egypt, and it had been forty years
since we'd seen peace between the Arabs and the Israelis,
and we were seeing multiple Arab countries signing normalization accords.
They were called the Abraham Accords with Israel. Now, I
will say it was very sad when the Abraham Accords

were signed. Do you know how many Democrat senators showed
up with signing.

Speaker 1 (37:08):
I'm going to guess between zero and five zero. There
you go.

Speaker 3 (37:13):
By the way, when we opened our embassy in Jerusalem
in Israel, I was there, flew to Israel, I was
there at Jerusalem. The day we opened the embassy happened
to be the seventieth anniversary of the creation of the
modern state of Israel. Do you know how many Democrats
were there, either senators or House members the day we
opened our embassy in Jerusalem. I'm going to go with
zero zero, not a one. Now, Joe Lieberman was there,

so you could say he was a former Democrat senator.
But to be clear, the Democrats drove him out of
the party. And then last time he was reelected, he
was reelected as an independent because they'd beaten him in
the Democrat primary. So he had been a Democrat, but
he didn't lose his mind and decide that he hated Israel,
and so that was the closest we have. And by
the way, the defense that some Democrats gave as to

why they didn't go to the opening of the embassy
in Jerusalem, which by the way, many many Democrat senators
had claimed they supported for years. The defense they did
they gave as well. Trump didn't invite us.

Speaker 6 (38:12):
You know what.

Speaker 3 (38:13):
Trump didn't invite me either when they opened. When they
were opening the embassy, I said, I'm going. And by
the way, let me tell you how it works as
a senator. If you want to go somewhere, you go.
You don't have to be invited by the White House.
They don't decide where you travel. As a senator. I decided,
this is an historic moment. I will be there, and
I flew down there. Mike Lee flew down there with me.

Lindsey Graham was down there, Dean Heller was there, there
were several Republican senators. I proposed to Mike, Katie, you
want to go to Israel for the opening the embassy
said absolutely, let's go, and we flew down. The reason
no Democrats were there is they didn't want to be there.
They didn't want to be at the signing of the
Abraham Accords. And the point is the value of being

an ally to America when Joe Biden and theffeckless Democrats
are in charge is much much less than it used
to be, and that's tragic. It should be really valuable
to be a friend and ally of America. And listen,
if you're the government of Taiwan right now, you got
to be looking around, going, boy, I'm feeling really lonely.

And those are some big Chinese missiles and big, big
Chinese amphibious vehicles that are looming on the horizon.

Speaker 1 (39:27):

Speaker 2 (39:27):
Great point, and it's shocking to see this administration doing
this now in real time.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
We will keep you updated on all of this.

Speaker 2 (39:34):
Please make sure you share this podcast with your family
and friends. Don't forget to that subscribe follow our auto
download button. Depending on where you're listening to us right now,
as we do this show Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and
on those in between days, grab my podcast, the Ben
Ferguson podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. I'll keep you

up to date on the latest breaking news the Center.
I will see you back here on Wednesday morning,
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