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May 11, 2024 31 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
It is Verdict with Center Ted Cruz, the Weekend Review,
Ben Ferguson with you, and these are the top stories
that you may have missed that we talked about this week.
First up, the media normalizing terrorist threats coming across our
southern border. Why is it that they're trying to act
like this isn't a national security threat?

Speaker 1 (00:20):
We're going to deal with that.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Also, Conservatives are continuing to be silenced on social media.
That's a big part of the plan by Democrats to
stop Republicans in the presidential election.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
We'll expose it all.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
And finally, Biden's re election campaign is doubling down on
amnesty now for all illegal immigrants. It's the Weekend Review
and it starts right now. There's two things that worry me,
and I want your take on this. Number One, it's
almost like the media is worried the same way you are,
that there's a real chance of a major terrorist attack.

We've seen warnings from Director Ray at the FBI and
others are saying they're or even about attacks that would
mimic what we saw against the people in Israel. But
it's also like they're trying to normalize the idea Yeah,
there's a lot of terrorists in America, and if something
does happen, it's like, yeah, we knew this, we covered it,
we talked about it.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Maybe you shouldn't be as outraged.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Well, if you want to be out raised, listen to
what Chris Ray, the administrator of the FBI, is saying
about the risk we have of a terror attack right
now in the United States.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
From an FBI perspective, we are seeing a wide array
of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. There
is a particular network that has where some of the
overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have isis ties that
we're very concerned about. And then we've been spending an
enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating.

Speaker 2 (01:50):
Race said a keyword there coming across the border. Yeah,
like he's telling you how they're doing it. So if
he knows this, and that means I'm sure he's given
the same brief just gave America to the President of
United States America. Why would you not then close the
border if this is what you know is coming across
the border. And my second question is after nine to eleven,
I remember, like we learned very quickly how they the

terarists are able to use certain loopholes and things to
get into America, and we squeezed down those instantly. I'm
worried that even if they if there is a tarist tech,
they're still going to keep.

Speaker 1 (02:22):
The border open.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Look, Joe Biden doesn't care, Kamala Harris doesn't care, Chuck
Schumer doesn't care, Nancy Pelosi doesn't care. I've been fighting
for years to secure the border, and every Democrat is
on record over and over and over again. I forced
a vote on HR two, which would actually end catch
and release, secure the border, stop these terrorifts from coming in.

And every Democrat in the Senate, all of them, there
are no moderates on this issue, all of them party
line vote, open borders, open borders, open borders. Every Democrat
in the Senate voted to throw out the impeachment of
Alejandro Mayorcis. Hear no evidence, they don't want to hear
the evidence. That they're like an ostrich plunging their head

in the sand. Do not tell them about the terrorist
coming into this country because they don't care about who
came in yesterday, and they don't care about who's going
to come in tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
Let's talk about the numbers, because that's the other part
of this warning. It's not one or two, or ten
or fifteen or twenty that are on the terrist watch
list that we know have come across the southern border.
It's an alarming number in the hundreds.

Speaker 1 (03:30):

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Look, when Trump was president, the number of people that
were apprehended on the terror watch list coming into the
country was every year in the low single digits. Was
one or two, was a very small number. In fiscal
year twenty twenty three, one hundred and sixty nine people
on the terror watch list were apprehended at our southern border,
one hundred and sixty nine. This fiscal year, we're only

halfway through. We already have nearly one hundred who've been
apprehended at the southern border. Again, are on the Terra
shape the terror watch list. And by the way, that's
the southern border, the northern border. The stats six hundred
and thirty terrorst suspects were encountered at the northern border
in the last two fiscal years.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
The New York Post breaking that aspect of the story.
So it's not just as you mentioned, the southern border.
It's the northern border, which is another problem, which is
by all accounts as even more I guess say open
easier to come across many believe much larger.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
And if you are a terrorist, if you are heating
Iran's call for global Jahad against America, if you're heating
Hamasa's call for global Jahad against America, if you're heating
Hesbala's call for global Jahad against America, if you're heating
Palestinian Islamic Jahad call for global Jahad against America, if
you're heating Isis's call for global Jahad against America. It's

not complicated. You come across the border in a place
where there's not a lot of border security, where you
can be one of the nearly two million gotaways US.
The people who've encountered the numbers are even more concerning
of the god Aways and the Democrats at the end
of the day, they are willfully complicit in an open

door policy to terrorists who want to harm America.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
You've been there when Ray's been testifying, and you know Ray,
the FBI director, did Democrats ask any tough questions of him, like, hey,
we know how many are on the watch lists that
we've gotten right that we're on the watch list. But
they even care about the Godaways, or if I don't
ask and it doesn't exist, and then I don't have
to be held politically accountable for it.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
Democrats will not ask a single question about illegal immigration.
They will not ask a single question about god Aways.
They will not ask a single question about the children
being brutalized by human traffickers. They will not ask a
single question about the women being sexually assaulted by human traffickers.
Their approach is just hide from the issue. They don't
have a defense. Ask totally. You know what they'll ask

about white supremacists. That they'll get all worked up about
white supremacists. Mind you, they're not concerned at all about
the anti Semites on college campuses. Well, maybe it's because
the people funding the anti semites are also funding those
same Democrats campaigns.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Let's talk about the political fallout of this. If Heaven forbid,
there's an attack is part of the Democrats defense. They
think that the American people are too stupid to connect
these dots. I mean, you see the report from NBC News.
You see Chris Farray out there warning you you have
a present that knows about it. Do they just assume
that they that the media is going to carry water
for them that there is attack, there will be no

accountability for the people that allowed for the open border
policy which allowed them to come into this country. I
would be terrified if I was a Democrat running for
reelection knowing this is a real possibility. In the FBI
director's warning you, you would think you'd want to say
something on the record that says, hey, we got to
get this under control.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Bett Ben, I honestly don't know, because they don't defend themselves.
They don't present an argument, they don't present any alternative. Listen,
they count on the corporate media to cover for them,
to hide what they're doing, and I think many of
them are naive. For them, it is all politics, so
it's not about savior security. Eleven million illegal immigrants and

they say these are future Democrat voters, and what we
care about is staying in power, and if people have
to die, so be it. Because they know people are
dying every single day. People are dying because of this
open border and the Democrats will do nothing to change it.
It's who they are. I don't know how many listeners
of verdict are PhD students and economics. But there's a

theory called modern monetary theory, and it's a bunch of
gobblygook that is designed to basically justify big spending liberals
just printing money like there's no tomorrow, and it's all
sorts of fancy verbiage to explain it doesn't matter how
much money you can print, you can just spend into oblivion.

Everything will be fine. We can afford free everything for everybody. Well,
I want you to listen, and I'm going to present
this without further commentary. I want you to listen to
Jared Bernstein, who is the chairman of the Council of
Economic Advisors in the Biden White House, so he is

the top economist for Joe Biden, explaining what modern monetary
theory is. And I want you just to understand this
is the genius behind Bidenomics.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
Take a look.

Speaker 5 (08:48):
The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print
our own money.

Speaker 6 (08:53):
It obviously banks. The question why exactly are we borrowing
in occurrency that we print ourselves. I'm waiting for someone
to stand up and say, why do we borrow our
own currency in the first place.

Speaker 7 (09:06):
Like you said they print the dollar, so why why
does the government even borrow?

Speaker 5 (09:11):
Well, the uh so, the I mean again, some of
this stuff gets some of the language that some of
the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the
government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money.
Which is why the government definitely prints money, and then

it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what
they do?

Speaker 2 (09:38):
They they.

Speaker 5 (09:40):
They yeah, they they they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell bonds, right,
since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and
lend them the money. Yeah. So a lot of times,
a lot of times, at least to my year with MMT,
the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing,
but there is no question that the government prince money

and then it uses that money to uh uh so, Yeah,
I guess I'm just I don't I can't really talk.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
I don't.

Speaker 5 (10:12):
I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about, like,
because it's like, the government clearly prints money, it does
it all the time, and it clearly borrows otherwise we
wouldn't be having this debt and depfist conversation. So I
don't think there's anything confusing.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
There wherever you went to college, I really think they
should take back their diploma. And this is the guy
who's the top economic guy at the White House.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
Well, let me just say every economic policy of Joe
Biden has flowed directly from the genius and wisdom you
just heard displayed.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
Now, if you want to hear the rest of this conversation,
you can go back and listen to the full podcast
from earlier this week. Now onto story number two center.
Big tech is obviously at a massive influence over public
opinion in this country. We saw a recent report that
came out just on TikTok, for example, where they were

forty five to one stories that were pro Palastinian pro
Hamas over Israel. That's one example of how they've really
been able to shape public opinion, especially with young people
and the riots and the chaos we're witnessing on college
campuses right now. But there's also something else that's happened
with big tech. I've been a victim of it. I
spoke out again against big tech a few years ago

at a SEAPAC convention, and before I landed home, after
I spoke out about big tech, specifically Facebook, my accounts
were shut down. They have never worked the same way
as they did before.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
The reach has disappeared.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
I've witnessed it, and many other conservative leaders out there
are going through the same things. And it always seems
to happen center right during a big election cycle, where
the Democrats get a free flow of information out and
conservatives get hammered and silenced.

Speaker 3 (12:05):
Well, that's exactly right. So I started last year as
the ranking member on the Senate Committee of Commerce, Science,
and Transportation, and from that position is the ranking member,
which means the senior Republican on that committee. I launched
an investigation into the abuse of power from big tech,
and this past week we put out a major report.
The report is entitled Weaponizing Terms of Service. How online

service providers use broad policies to silence conservatives. Now, there
are a lot of instances that we know about that
get a lot of publicity. We know, for example, that Twitter,
before Elon Musk purchased them, suspended the account of the
Babylon be for making a joke about a Biden administration official.
We know that both Facebook and Twitter suppressed stories about

Hudter Biden's laptop before the twenty twenty election. We know
that Facebook removed posts suggesting that COVID nineteen originated in
a Wuhan lab, something we talked about at length on
this podcast, and a theory that has now been confirmed
both by the Federal Department of Energy and the Federal
Bureau of Investigation. We know that YouTube took down a

March twenty twenty one video of a panel discussion with
Florida Governor Ron de Santis, during which he disputed claims
that children needed to wear face masks. We know that YouTube, also,
which is owned by Google, blocked access to a November
twenty twenty three episode of this podcast Verdict, because we
were criticizing the corporate media's favorable coverage of AMAS, and

YouTube deemed okay, you must be an adult to see
what is on the network news. We also know in
twenty twenty two, DirecTV dropped one America news network, and
less than a year after Democrat leaders in Congress sent
a letter to the CEO calling on them to stop
carrying the network. We also know they did the same
thing to Newsmax. Now I lit Direct TV up and

they ended up bringing Newsmax back. We also know that
into it at the direction of its banking partners refuse
to provide payment processing and payroll services to gun manufacturers
and sellers. And we know that JP Morgan Chase closed
the account of the National Committee of Religious Freedom, which

was created by former State Department Ambassador at Large for
International Religious Freedom and former US Senator Sam Brownback. We
know that gofund me block the release of ten million
dollars of donations to the Canadian Trucker's Freedom Convoy. We've
seen that happen over and over and over again. Well,

what this report does is it lays out an entirely
new area of discrimination and it is using web based
products and services online service providers to ban conservative organizations
from using their technology, and it's going after the infrastructure
that is needed to communicate. And in fact, this investigation

reveals that online service providers are following a playbook for
silencing conservatives. That leftist organizations, including the Southern Poverty Law Center,
which is wildly left wing and hates conservatives, and the
Anti Defamation League the ADL, they together put together this strategy,
this playbook to quote remove infrastructure services that conservative organizations

need to operate. And so I'm going to describe that
playbook and what they're doing in particular.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
When you look at their playbook and this amount of influence,
I mean, this can change and alter certainly an election cycle.
It can certainly, I would argue, change a presidential election
as well. And that's the reason why they're doing this.
When you think about you know, you've got millions of
people that follow you Facebook.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
I've got over a million.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
But if you turn off and throttle either one of us,
then the reach that we have compared to the left,
it just disappears. It's the old saying, right if a
big tree falls in the forest and no one's around
and it make a sound, And that's exactly what they did.
But it wasn't just to one or two people. They
were doing this to hundreds of top conservative voices that

people look to for their opinions, specifically when it comes
to election your issues.

Speaker 3 (16:31):
So that's exactly right. And what this report focuses on
is it uses a couple of key examples. It uses
number one slacks removal of libs of TikTok's workspace. It
focuses on event rights removal of event pages for events
related to Matt Walsh's What Is a Woman documentary? As
well as an event where Riley Gaines was scheduled to speak,

and it focuses on Bontera's termination of its relationship with
Independent Women's Forum, which deprived that organization of may nonprofit
technology service provider services and all of this follows. There
was a report that was put out by the Anti
Defamation League and it is called Bad Gateway How deplatforming

effects extremist websites And here's what the ADL recommended. It says,
quote deplatforming websites removing infrastructure services they need to operate,
such as website hosting, can reduce the spread and reach
of extremism and hate online. But when does deplatforming succeed?
And here's what ADL explained quote. This report shows that

deplatforming can decrease the popularity of extremist websites, especially when
done without warning and they go through We learned four
important lessons about how deplatforming affects extremist websites, by which
they mean anything right of center. Number one, it can
cause popularity rankings to decrease immediately. Number two, it may

take users a long time to return to the website.
Sometimes the website never regains its previous popularity bingo number
three unexpected and unexpected as key. Unexpected deplatforming makes it
take longer for the website to regain its previous popularity levels,

and number four Replicating deplatform services such as discussions, discussion
forums or live streaming video products on a standalone website
presents significant challenges, including higher costs and smaller audiences. Now
I want to go into a little bit more. This
is what the ADL report. It has an entire section

that says what is deplatforming? And by the way, the
corporate media insists when we talk about deplatforming that we're
making it up. Well, if you actually read the blueprint,
they are very explicit. The left is explicit they want
to silence use. So let me read from this ADL
report quote. There are three main categories of infrastructure that

keep websites running. Domain registrars, web hosting companies, and security
protection companies. Number one, the website must be able to
register and keep a domain name. A domain name such
as Google dot com or ADL dot org is how
visitors find a site. If a website is removed from

domain name services, it becomes much more difficult, if not impossible,
to find Number two, Web hosting companies and content distribution
networks provide digital storage space for all the files, pictures, videos,
and software that make up the content of a website.
When a website loses its hosting provider, the site's content disappears.

Losing a CDN a content distribution network can cause slow
service for high traffic sites. And number three, a third
category of infrastructure provider includes companies that protect websites from
external security risks such as distributed denial of service d
DOS attacks. DDS attacks flood a website with fake traffic

to overwhelm it, rendering it unable to answer normal user requests.
If an infrastructure company, such as a network security firm
cloud fare, refuses to provide DS protection to a vulnerable website,
it is vulnerable to being flooded with traffic, rendering it inaccessible.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
As before, If you want to hear the rest of
this conversation on this topic, you can go back and
down the podcasts from earlier this week to hear the
entire thing. I want to get back to the big
story number three of the week. You may have missed.

Speaker 1 (20:47):

Speaker 2 (20:48):
I want to talk about what's also happening at the border.
The President of the United States of America has come
out and it's pretty clear we now know what is
reelection campaign again. I guess for the onslaught of illegal
immigrants coming into this country is going to be it is.
We need to start handing out amnesty somehow. That's going

to fix the problems in this country. And it's something
that we can all be proud of if we give amnesty.
Here is the President of the United States of America
in his own words.

Speaker 8 (21:21):
I love him when people say why dreamers. Can you
imagine a kid two years old, Sam, Mom, don't take
it because real ground is against the law. Give me
a break. These have been model citizens. Congress has to act,
and the right thing to do is to keep pushing
forward until we get it done. Get it done.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
So there's this famous line, get it done. So he
is doubling down. Now not only do we have it
wide open borders, we have countless millions of illegal immigrants
coming in. But he refuses to admit the carnage is
taking place in the southern border. And now it's pushing
for amnesty Part one, which would be all of these
as he describes them, dreamers, and then the next part

would be well more our illegal immigrants, and then part
three would be even more illegal immigrants. This is what
he's doing for this election.

Speaker 3 (22:06):
Well, listen, Biden's making clear that Joe Biden and the
Democrats they stand with illegal immigrants. And given the choice
between illegal immigrants and American citizens, they're with the illegals.
Given the choice between criminals and law abiding citizens, there
with criminals. And that is a consistent theme. It's why
eleven million people across into this country illegally, because they

look at those eleven million illegal immigrants and they say, hey,
those are future Democrat voters. We stay in power if
we let them in, and they turn a blind eye
to the people who are suffering and dying. You know
who Joe Biden didn't talk about this week?

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Who was that?

Speaker 3 (22:44):
He didn't talk about Marvin Perez Lopez. Now, who is
Marvin Perez Lopez. Well, he was arrested the last couple
of days. He is an immigrant from Guatemala. He was
arrested over the weekend for kidnapping a minor under the
age of thirteen and sexual assault. That's according the Palm
Beach County Sheriff's Office. Marvin Perez Lopez was in the

country illegally was arrested on May fourth. Perez Lopez reportedly
left Guatemala in early January, crossed through Mexico, and what
did he do. He turned himself into the border patrol.
But of course, Joe Biden, being a Democrat, he turned around,
he let him go. Do you know when Perez Lopez
was given a court date.

Speaker 2 (23:26):
I'm afraid that you're gonna say years from the moment
they let him go.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
Twenty twenty seven. There you go, twenty twenty seven, he
was released, he went to Florida, and then he turned
around and he's now been charged with kidnapping a minor
under the age of thirteen and sexual assault. Now we're
not going to say the miner's name, but we are
going to point out, week after week after week, every
single week, there's another violent crime committed by an illegal

immigrant Joe Biden releases and what is he is he
talking about?

Speaker 8 (23:57):

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Does he care about this child who was kidnapped and
sexually assaulted? The answer has to be known. Now. Look,
when I say that, Ben, some people might say, gosh,
that's harsh. What do you mean he doesn't care about
a child kidnapped and assaulted. If he cared, he would
stop releasing illegal immigrants. You can't keep doing it when

you see, Hey, when I do this, children get kidnapped
and raped. Maybe I should stop doing this. That's actually
what someone who cared about the crime and wanted to
prevent the next child from being kidnapped and raped would do.
Joe Biden, And by the way, every single Democrat in Congress,
without exception, every single Senator, every single House member, they

don't care either. Why do I know they don't care,
because if they cared, they'd be willing to stand up
to Biden and say enough is enough, stop releasing violent,
criminal illegal aliens. And in the Senate, every single time
I force a vote, and I've done it over and
over and over again, every Democrat, all of them vote

in favor of releasing illegal immigrants, even if they're committing
crimes against children in America.

Speaker 2 (25:13):
Yeah, I know, there's you know the old saying, you know,
see no evil here, no evil, right, and then you
can insulate yourself. The Democrats, though, have heard enough to
know just how bad it is the border, and now
every state's a border state, and seeing how bad it
is with what's happening whether it's in New York City,
whether it's in Denver, Colorado. I mean it's widespread, the

chaos and the anarchy, and the destruction and the abuse
of children, the sexual abuse, that the human trafficking, the drugs,
the fetanol.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
Is there any of your.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
Colleagues that truly still don't know or is this just
a if we don't talk about then we don't have
to admit what we already know.

Speaker 3 (25:55):
Look, it's hypocrisy. I'll tell you tonight. I was in
a classified briefing in the Senate. I was a classified
briefing talking about all sorts of things, including the threats
of terrorism in the United States, And there was a
Democrat senator who at some point was sharing that, based
on the briefings he'd received, there's an enormous risk of terrorism.

He's deeply worried, and we do much more to prevent it.
And I remember sitting there and thinking, Gosh, what you're
saying sounds very reasonable. Why do you keep voting in
favor of releasing eleven million legal immigrants, Like at some
point you can't claim I'm worried about the threat of
a terrorist attack when you have nearly two million gtaways

when you have Iran calling for global Jahad against America,
when they have hesbel On Hamas calling for global Jahad,
and the Biden administration letting them go. And he was
what was interesting is sitting in this classified briefing, this
Democrat senator sounded emphatic, he sounded believable. I'm like, wow,
he's really worried about a terrorist attack. But you know what,

just a couple of weeks ago, we had a vote
on the impeachment of Alejandro Majorcus, who has let eleven
million illeg immigrants grit go, and this Democrat, along with
every single other Democrat, voted to throw the case out
to hear no evidence. They didn't care about the risk
of terrorism. That's the simple reality.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
One other thing, and you talk about hypocrisy, which does
make me laugh. The Democratic Convention is going to be
held in Chicago, and we're now hearing that ahead of
the Democratic Convention, they are going to clear out the
area of illegal immigrants. Take a listen to this from
local NBC News in Chicago.

Speaker 7 (27:41):
Strong reactions tonight from residents after learning Mayor Brandon Johnson
is considering plans to open a new temporary migrant shelter
in their South Side neighborhood, and you.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
Don't know where to put him. Why would you put
him in our neighborhood? Well, why don't we go by
your house?

Speaker 2 (27:55):
All of that money that he's given them, we've been
begging for yous.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
We've lived to our whole life.

Speaker 3 (28:00):
We have a lot of bad things that happen here already.
We do not need this, We just do not.

Speaker 7 (28:06):
Located just blocks away from Guaranteed right Field, the proposed
building near Canal and Pershing is in the city's eleventh.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
Ward look of words, Yet it's hid in the back.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
Why is that a good location? We have no amenities
here as it is.

Speaker 7 (28:20):
Alder Woman Nicole issued this letter to constituents yesterday, saying
she was notified earlier this week and met with the
mayor on Thursday. She says the city wants to move
migrants staying at the Standard Club near the Dirts and
Federal Building to her ward before the Democratic National Convention.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
This is just insane.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
It doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
Keep them downtown, keep them.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
I don't know, I mean, this is not our problem.

Speaker 7 (28:42):
The alder Woman made it clear she is against the
proposed plan, citing safety and location concerns and lack of
justification for the move. She says, quote, as our city
grapples with this unprecedented influx of migrants, it is crucial
that we handle the migrant crisis safely, responsibly, and with
full trans parentcy. The well being of our communities must

be the top priority.

Speaker 8 (29:03):
For all we want to do is all's our veterans,
and they're getting kicked at a side for the people
who didn't do.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Anything for this country. Yet those mount and women honorably served,
they should be coming first.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
I love the last guy there talking about our veterans,
but you go back to why they're doing this center
read behind the lines here. This is because the residents
are downtown in the area where the DNC is going
to be.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
They're saying, hey, we got to clean this up.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
It's got to be nice and friendly and look good
for the Democrat National Convention. We got to move them
out of this area, all right, throw them out there
in this other part of the city.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
Yeah, no, that's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (29:42):
And I thought the most revealing comment and that montage
you played was the Alderman saying, this is not our problem. Now,
she's a Democrat. All of those elected officials are Democrats.
They keep voting for Democrats. They vote for a wild
left wing Democrat mayor, they vote for a wild left
wing Democrat governor, they vote for a wild left wing
Democrats senator, they vote for a wild left wing Democrat president.

Every one of those supports an invasion of this country
of illegal immigrants, and they say, well, this is not
our problem. Send them to Texas, send them to Florida,
send them to anywhere other than our state. But we
want them to keep coming in because you know what,
we want them to show up in Texas and Florida
and we want them to vote Democrats so we can
be in power. But we don't actually want to deal
with this invasion. The hypocrisy is massive, and if you

want to change this, we need to have some real accountability.
If they want open borders, we ought to send every
single one of them to these blue jurisdictions until they
realize eleven million people this is not right. They're doing
it to Texas, they're doing it to Florida, and by
the way, they're doing it to every other state in
the Union. But they're trying to be utter hypocrites and say,

don't do it to our own community.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
As always, thank you for listening to Verdict with center,
Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you don't forget to deal
with my podcast and you can listen to my podcast
every other day you're not listening to Verdict or each
day when you listen to Verdict. I'd love to have
you as a listener to again the Ben Ferguson podcasts,
and we will see you back here on Monday morning.
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