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July 20, 2023 33 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Chalk choq dot com promo code Ben, the Biden crime
family and whistleblowers have come forward.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
So what did they say? It's our two part.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Series from Washington, DC. It's Verdict Senator Ted Cruz, Senater,
it's like midnight. Whistleblowers have talked today and we're sitting
here with Congressman James Comer, our guest for a two
part series. This is probably gonna be one of my
favorite episodes that we've ever done. And we're gonna go
an order of how we got to these whistleblowers. But

before we even get to that, you and I talked
for pulling an audible before the show. We're gonna find
out exactly what those whistleblowers said today in front of
the committee with Congressman Comer.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
Well, Ben, let me welcome comm to Washington, DC.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
It's good to be here. It is almost midnight.

Speaker 3 (02:03):
You're out of Texas, you're out of Memphis, you are
in the swamp, you are in the depth. So my
friend James Comber congressman from the great state of Kentucky,
chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has been deep up
personal with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family.
And I got to say, when we started using that
phrase Biden crime family, I thought it was too harsh.

I was like a little hesitant. Okay, that seems hyperbolic.
I gotta say every damn day that unfolds, that's less
and less exaggeration. And so James has been the reason
we're starting so late is he's been voting till eleven
o'clock at night, so he just left the House floor.
This is the reality of Washington and today this is

gonna air on Thursday, but today, Wednesday is we're sitting
here almost midnight. You had a hearing in the House
of Representatives. That was a big, big deal. You had
two ground breaking whistleblowers. And so I just want to
start by asking what happened today. If someone's busy, they're
driving to work, it's Thursday morning, they're driving to work,

they didn't have time to turn on the TV yesterday,
they didn't watch the testimony, So what did they miss?
What happened in the House of Representatives? On Wednesday.

Speaker 4 (03:19):
Well, I think we had a very substantive hearing on
a very serious subject. The subject was the Biden criminal activity,
and the two witnesses we had were I think the
most credible witnesses we've had in front of the oversight
commending the entire seven years I've been in Congress. These
were the two highest ranking IRS career employees from the

International Tax Crime Division. So these were the guys that
investigate all the suspicious wires, all the foreign influence, any
type of tax evasion from foreign entities, the influx of
illegal Chinese money. These are the guys that do that,
and they're part of an elite team. And they're only

twelve on this team. So this was two of the
twelve one sixth of the entire international Tax Fraud team
for the IRS. And what they had to say was
very concerning because I never knew over the past six
months whether or not the RS even you about the
shell companies that the Bidens had, if even you about
all the suspicious activity reports that Treasury had that showed

that the Bidens were laundering money through shell companies through
various banks.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
You know, pretty serious accusation.

Speaker 4 (04:33):
We've been talking about this, and the Democrats have said, well,
there's no evidence, that's not true, that's fake news, Russian disinformation.
So we finally had two whistleblowers come forward. They gave
a transcribed interview to the Ways and Means Committee, which
is the appropriate process of the ones, as you know,
in the House that has jurisdiction over the irs.

Speaker 5 (04:54):
Then they agreed to come to.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
Committee hearing for the House Oversight Committee. The American people
got to see today a six hour hearing with fifty
members of Congress, each having six minutes to ask these
these iris suposial blowers questions, and there were substantive questions
on the Republican side. Now, the Democrats, all they thought
about was Trump and racism.

Speaker 5 (05:19):
And things like that.

Speaker 4 (05:20):
But we asked very subjective questions, and what we learned
was that the Bidens have committed a series of crimes.
There were many more tax evasion issues than what Hunter
Biden pled guilty to. The Irish Supssal blowers had investigated
this for five years and they were told to stand

down by the Department of Justice. And what happened is
they took so long they let a lot of the statutes,
the limitations expire, to where the penalties that the Bidens
were going to have to plead guilty to kept shrinking
and shrinking and shrinking. There was nothing left.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Ye are serving zero jail time, zero jail time.

Speaker 4 (06:02):
Anyone else in America would already be in prison for
the amount of money they evade.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
All right, So let's start at an initial point, these
two whistleblowers. Look, an initial assessment you've got to make.
The House of Representatives has to make if we see
an impeachment trial, the Senate has to make, and ultimately
the American people have to make is are these guys credible?
Are they telling the truth? If they're lying, that's not
very persuasive. And so if you're trying to assess, right,

are these credible witnesses, one of the questions you ask
is do they have a bias? You know, if you
have a witness who is, say a disgruntled employee that
got fired, sometimes they make up all sorts of crazy stories.
If you have a witness as a partisan, maybe they're
a hardcore Republican. They hate Joe Biden, so they'll come
in and testify to something nasty because they've got a
political bias. So one of the things that I think

is striking is that both of these guys their career
IRS employees, they've spent their entire professional life working with
the IRS. They're both Democrats. Neither of them were partisan Republicans.
I don't know if anyone asked today, but I suspect
neither of them voted for Donald Trump.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
I think that's a good suspicion.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
They've said they're Democrats, they've identified as Democrats. The number
of career IRS employees who are Democrats who voted for
Donald Trump, if that's not zero, it's pretty to durn close,
very close. So that suggests there's not a reason on
the face to doubt what they're saying. They still might
be lying. You've got to test what they're saying. Anyone

that comes forward with serious allegations of criminality, and to
be clear, what they've alleged is criminality by Hunter Biden.
But look, if we were just talking about Hunter Biden,
he is a troubled soul, he has substance abuse issues.
If it were just Hunter Biden, this wouldn't be national news.
But they're also a legend criminal conduct by Merrick Garland,

the Attorney General of the United States under Joe Biden,
and they are ultimately a leegend criminal conduct by Joe Biden,
the sitting president of the United States.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
They were and they were headed towards Joe. They wanted
to interview Hunter. They wanted to interview Joe Biden's grandchildren.

Speaker 2 (08:09):
They when you say they, so if people understand who
is they, they is who are the two with us?

Speaker 4 (08:14):
There were more than two. There were seven that were
set to interview Hunter Biden and his children. So they
had a plan, and they had a plan.

Speaker 5 (08:23):
It was IRS employees as well as FBI employees.

Speaker 1 (08:26):
So were they working together or separations working together? So
they all come together, they'd all agree that they should be.

Speaker 4 (08:32):
Interfew gotten to the point to where they we need
to knock on his door and say, hey, where is
all this, what's the source of this money? What did
you do to receive this money from?

Speaker 2 (08:41):
You said, we're going to knock on his door.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
One of the things that I found really stunning is
what the testimony was that they're getting ready to knock
on Hunter Biden's door. And if you're doing an investigation,
you knock on a suspects door. You want to interview them,
You want to catch them off guard. You want to
get them to say something they're not expecting, like, you
want them to to get them to say something stupid,
because the sad thing is criminals really are stupid. They
say all sorts of dumb things. So what did the

whistleblowers tell us happen? That is unusual when they're getting
ready to knock on Hunter's door.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
The Secret Service, because at the time they were going
to knock on Hunter's door was at the point where
Joe Biden just got elected president, so he had Secret
Service protection and he had the transition team. The Secret
Service was notified that Hunter Biden was about to be
approached by IRS and FBI employees, and then the Biden

transition team was approached. Then the Biden lawyers called Hunter Biden,
and then they called the FAI agents and the RS
agents and said, don't knock on that door. If he
wants to come out, he'll come out and.

Speaker 5 (09:48):
Talk to you. Just wait.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
Well they waited, and nothing ever happened, and then they
were told.

Speaker 5 (09:53):
To go home.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
So they were there at his house.

Speaker 5 (09:55):
They were there at his house.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
So let me underscore the Department of Justice tim off Hunter. Hey,
they're coming to question you and Hunter called it as lawyers,
and they said, don't talk to him.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
On guard's side.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
Like in any other circumstance, if you're investigating criminal conduct,
do you tip off the suspect beforehand?

Speaker 5 (10:13):
They said that today.

Speaker 4 (10:13):
No, they said that never happened in their decade long
service to the IRS.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
When they were told to go home. Who told them
to go home?

Speaker 5 (10:24):
Their superior at the IRS?

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Was that unprecedent from their testimony.

Speaker 5 (10:29):
That they said it never happened before?

Speaker 3 (10:31):
All right, you talked about suspicious activity reports, and there's
been some discussion of this. Look, if you're at home,
you're watching TV, you're trying to figure out what these are?
What is a suspicious activity report? And like when is
it made? When does it occur?

Speaker 4 (10:45):
I knew a lot about these because I was the
director of a bank for over a decade. A suspicious
activity report is when the bank files noticed with the
Treasury Cabinet that they suspect their client has committed a crime.
Does it mean they committed a crime? They have a
strong suspicion that a crime was committed. So it's to
protect the bank as well.

Speaker 3 (11:05):
So how frequently do these things are?

Speaker 4 (11:06):
Very seldom, Despite what the Washington boast or in their
defense of the Biden they say, well, everybody has a
suspicious activity report. That is beloney. I was on a
bank board for ten years. I think we issued two
over the course of ten years.

Speaker 3 (11:20):
And how many were issued concerning Hunter Biden and Joe
Biden and the Biden family.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
Over one hundred and seventy. They were direct.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
You were at a bank and they issued too.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
If you had two sars, they're called sars in the
banking industry, if you had two stars against you, it
would be hard for you to open an account somewhere.
There wouldn't be any bank that would want to have
you as a customer because it's not worth the paperwork.
Remember when the bank files one of these, you could
understand this appreciates this center. That's inviting the regulators to

come in and regulate.

Speaker 5 (11:56):
Okay, that's the last thing the bank.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
So one hundred and seventy get filed. That means that
somebody is getting a deposit in their account. It's a
big amount. It's from somewhere suspicious. I mean, what triggers it?
Why you're a banker, what is it that makes you
say we got to file a s R.

Speaker 4 (12:11):
A large transaction that comes out of the blue. So
what's large? What is there a threat you had? You
had a million I'll use the Robinson Walker account because
we subpend.

Speaker 5 (12:19):
That was the first bank account we subpoened.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
Now, who's Robinson Walker?

Speaker 4 (12:22):
Rob Walker was one of the associates that they used
to uh funnel money from China and then in Romania
and then down and launder it down to the Biden.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
So he's a guy that's doing business with Hunter and
Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Yeah, okay, we don't.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
Know what that business is. Yes, they got a three
million dollar wire from from China.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
So this so one wire three million dollars.

Speaker 5 (12:45):
Three million dollars.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
Now, remember we got the bank records for ten years
that bank account never had got three million dollar.

Speaker 2 (12:53):
No, but I want one. Well this is not right.
That is a charming guy and he would like three
million dollar. Yeah, I'm not going to do it. Yes, No,
you don't have to work for three million.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
Apparently, so this account never had much activity in it
over the course of ten years, maintained around a forty
or fifty thousand dollars ballance. Then one day, out of
the blue, they get a three million dollar wire from China.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
And so their bank says, this is weird. Yes, and
it's coming from China, like, on the face of it,
from China.

Speaker 4 (13:26):
Yeah, And he'd never gotten a foreign wire before. And
there's three million dollars in a in an account that's
never had more than fifty thousand some months, you know,
had ten thousand dollars ballance, but never more than fifty thousand.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
Then all of a sudden, a three million dollar.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Wire and then what happens to that three million dollars
when it lands.

Speaker 5 (13:42):
Twenty four hours later?

Speaker 4 (13:43):
Because that's the minimum amount of time you can you
have to have a deposit in the bank.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
For at least, like the wire needs to clear, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (13:52):
It needs to clear.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Yeah, twenty four hours and two minutes later, he starts
you seriously, Yes, he's really twenty four hours and maybe
an hour give me a right, all right, it was
more than two minutes.

Speaker 5 (14:06):
It was like fifty six minutes.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
Okay, nineteen pinocchios because you ad.

Speaker 5 (14:11):

Speaker 2 (14:11):
So, but it's just after twenty.

Speaker 5 (14:13):
After twenty four hours.

Speaker 4 (14:14):
The next day they start wiring incremental payments to different
Biden shell companies.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
So how many Biden sholl copes.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
And you know what that's called. When you set up
a bunch of shell companies for the sole purpose to
launder money, that's called racketeering.

Speaker 2 (14:31):
Let me tell you about our good friends over Patriot Mobile.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
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Speaker 2 (15:13):
They do this with your dollars every month.

Speaker 3 (15:16):

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Speaker 1 (15:59):
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Speaker 2 (16:05):
All right, I'm going to ask you. I call these
dumb questions, but they're important questions.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
Understand this one and I'll intervene. Look, one of the
great things about this podcast we try to ask lots
of dumb questions. Yes, and I'll tell you, James, actually
the sort of vision for this podcast. We launched it
four years ago. We launched this podcast on the first
night of the very first Donald Trumpet peachment, and that

night we started actually at midnight. We're reliving our origins
because hey, yeah, I left the Senate floor from the
trial of the Trumpet peachment and I went to a
studio and we recorded Verdict. And I remember with the
first few times we did it we'd get into things
that I'm our early production team. They said, okay, Ted,
you're getting too complicated. This is too detailed, and they

said dumb it down. And I said, look, people don't
want dumb down. People are smart, they care about it.
Now what they do want is understandable. And here's the
analogy you I've used a bunch of times. If you
have a terrible disease, you ended the doctor. You don't
want the doctor to tell you James, you got a
boo boom like you with the doctor. If I got
a problem, tell me what that like? What's going on?

Speaker 5 (17:12):

Speaker 3 (17:12):
But you don't want them to talk to you in
a way that you need, like a medical degree and expertise.
So what we try to do, and what what Ben
is doing asking dumb questions is to say, okay, we
keep hearing about suspicious activity reports, what is that? Like
a shell company? What is a shell You hear shell company?
And like what does that mean?

Speaker 1 (17:33):
And explain the show companies connecting to money laundering, how
those two come together. Because a lot of people that
hear this, but they don't understand why you need so
many of them and why you would cipher money into
multiple shell coming.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
Come from the banking background, and yeah this is people
want to know that for me, I mean it has
a double a sword derb. But a shell company is
a fake company. Okay, it's a company.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
So it's not a real business anything.

Speaker 4 (17:59):
They don't produce anything, they don't provide a good or service. Okay,
they're just just do that created off.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
You can go to the Texas or Kentucky Secretary State.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
And file a company in two minutes that says Cruise
and Comer energy company. But that doesn't mean we have
an energy company, right, I just have an LLC limited
liability company that says we're an energy company.

Speaker 5 (18:22):
So they just create these fake companies.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
And how many are we talking about? Twenty twenty twenty,
so twenty different Biden fake companies. They don't have factories,
they don't have machinery, the real products on real website.

Speaker 5 (18:38):
They don't have a business card, they don't so they're in.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
Twenty they don't have a storefront, they have nothing. Okay
they're and so that's where the laundering. Yes, so explain
how you launder money and how that works.

Speaker 5 (18:51):
Money laundering is hiding money.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
You're you're hiding the source of the money, and you're
deceiving the Internet the internal revenue service to try to
evade taxes. So if if the Hunter Biden was doing
something legitimate for China, they could have just wired the
money to Hunter Biden, but they didn't. They they sent
it to a company called Robinson Walker. Then they wired

it to a company called Ouasco. Then they wired it
to another company called Bohee something or another, and then
they start.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
Did these companies do anything with it? And they're just
it's just it's just like a bucket to.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Pour the water.

Speaker 4 (19:28):
If the partner that's exactly somewhere else, that's exactly what.
And it was organized. This is like organized crime. This
was very organized.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
So how did you unwind this? So you're sitting there
doing a congressional investigation. If they're trying to hide it,
presumably they make it hard to figure out. So so
what enabled you to twenty show companies? How do you
figure this out and connect the docks?

Speaker 4 (19:50):
Well, there was a we had a good start. Your
colleagues Grassley and Johnson had done a report, Miranda Divine
had written a book. There were several good reporters that
have been investigating on this for a long time. We
took pieces of that, and then when I became chairman
and got subpoena power, then I was able to actually

subpoena bank records.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
And the bank's cooperated.

Speaker 4 (20:15):
Most of the banks have cooperated. It's getting harder because
here's what happened. Everyone on cable news, some people that
I don't think are as smart a legal mind as
you ted. We're giving me lots of advice on what
to do. The first thing they need to do on
day one is subpoena Hunter and Joe Biden. I didn't

do that, and I think that would have been a
huge mistake. I think that's what they thought I would do.
If I had done that, it would have ended up
in court. Then if I had subpoenaed some of these
bank accounts, the bank would have said, we can't give
that to you because there's ongoing litigation.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
Right. So what we did they started gathering.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
We started by subpoenaing bank records for ship accounts to
some of these companies have been abandoned because they.

Speaker 5 (21:03):
Never were real company.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
Yeah, they never seen hide the money they were getting
from China and Romania and Ukraine.

Speaker 5 (21:10):
So those bank account.

Speaker 3 (21:11):
So let me stop real quick. Are those the three
countries that are involved so far? China, Romania and Ukraine.
But all three of them, you've got payments from China,
from Romania and Ukraine going to Hunter Biden, Joe Biden
or the Biden families, right, not.

Speaker 4 (21:25):
To Joe Biden yet, but to everyone else in the
Biden family.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
How many bidens have have you identified? They've gotten money? Nine?
And and and when you say identify.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
Yeah, what's the heard the number twelve? So so what's the.

Speaker 5 (21:40):
We actually have nine?

Speaker 1 (21:42):

Speaker 4 (21:42):
So we're proved nine, we've proved nine. I'm I would
bet a lot of money if I were on the
craps table, I would put odds behind three more members
of the family.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
When you when you say there's nine, the reason nine.

Speaker 5 (21:55):
We haven't gone after the brother yet.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
And the brothers Jim, that's Joe and Frank.

Speaker 5 (22:01):
Don't forget about Frank.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
Te gotten about Frank. Okay, so I hear about Jim,
all right? So how many Joe has two brothers?

Speaker 5 (22:08):
Two brothers?

Speaker 3 (22:09):
And so I got to say one of the things
I've wondered. In fact, I was having dinner with some
folks tonight who asked me. They said Okay, Hunter's been indicted.
What about Jim? Like, what about Jim?

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Now, Jim was the big dog of this entity before
Hunter Biden came along.

Speaker 4 (22:24):
Right, Why Jim's not in the in the news right now?
He didn't leave a laptop laying around. But I'll tell
you what Jim has done. He's in court in about
four or five different states being sued by former partners
for fraud.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
Really, yes, why has that not been covered?

Speaker 4 (22:42):
Well, you tell me, so we'll get to the point
to where we'll start subpoenaing his bank records. I think
some of these kates part of the reason we can't get.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
It because he's in litigation. Right the nine or twelve.
You've got Hunter, You've got Jim, and Frank. That's three.
Who are we talking about as the rest? Who are
the other players?

Speaker 4 (23:03):
The other players are Frank, Frank's wife, So Frank's wife,
uh huh. And we believe that Jim's got family members
too that may have received wires. And then you know,
ultimately with Joe, I suspect there are offshore accounts and
we kind of learned that today.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
One of the last queste, what's the evidence of off
shore accounts?

Speaker 2 (23:27):
That you learned today.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
There are the ir S whistleblowers confirmed when I asked
if they had documents pertaining to foreign accounts, and they
said they did.

Speaker 5 (23:38):
Wow, they couldn't turn them over to us.

Speaker 4 (23:41):
They have to go through that process and turn it
over to the Ways and Means Committee, and I requested
they do that and they said they would.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
So the three million dollars that you saw transferred in,
you said that got transferred out?

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Where all did it go?

Speaker 4 (23:52):

Speaker 5 (23:53):
So Rob Walker kept a third of it?

Speaker 4 (23:56):
There was another guy that's the.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Business partners, right million, you helped lounder money. You don't
do anything. Yeah, okay, I'm not sure, and you get
a third.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
I'm not sure the exact pricing on it, but that's
I think that's better than pimpskin.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
Yeah yeah, I don't know, Yeah, but I could. I
think they take a third.

Speaker 5 (24:14):
Somebody else got a third, and then the bid.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
We know who the somebody else is pard to you
and you can't.

Speaker 5 (24:19):
Say no, I do we put that in a report?

Speaker 3 (24:22):
All right?

Speaker 4 (24:23):
So somebody else got a third, somebody else got a third,
and then the Biden's got one point three million of
the three million.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
And one point three to different Biden family members.

Speaker 2 (24:30):
Yes, okay, and that's just from one take our.

Speaker 5 (24:33):
Transaction went to four different Biden family.

Speaker 3 (24:36):
So that was one suspicious activity.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
One and there's one hundred and how many?

Speaker 4 (24:40):
One hundred and sixty nine more plus just because okay,
those were suspicious activity reports that were created by Joe
or Hunter Biden. Then they were the subject of another
one hundred suspicious activity reports.

Speaker 1 (24:56):
So that's two seventy if you're counting individually at least.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
So if you're the Treasury Department, because you Treasury is
getting these these sorrows, Yes, what do they do with
the SAR? Just generally speaking, they're.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
Supposed to turn it over to the IRS investigators, which
they knew about the TSAR, so that part of the
equation work. Somehow the supposed to blowers knew about the
suspicious Activity report?

Speaker 5 (25:19):
All right.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
I asked these questions because this is complicated for a
lot of people. So normal course of business, a bank
fills out a star's report. Walk what normal is compared
to what actually happened with them normally?

Speaker 4 (25:32):
If you get normally and here's what the suspicious activity
report said. I've had access and I've read them all
at Treasury. They said they suspected they were money laundering.
They suspected they had uh.

Speaker 2 (25:45):
And this is from multiple banks.

Speaker 5 (25:47):
Yes, there's multiple banks.

Speaker 4 (25:48):
Banks you've heard of, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, US Bank.

Speaker 5 (25:52):
These are bank of big banks.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Because of serious banks with real lawyers that like Noah.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
And they knew who they were. They said, this is
a politically exposed person. They suspected some of these wires
were coming from state owned entities. They said that from some.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
Of these So you're going to what that means communist
government is sending the money.

Speaker 5 (26:12):
Yes, according to.

Speaker 1 (26:13):
And the and the whistleblower in that scenario is the
bank who's saying the whistle blow.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
So JP Morgan is saying, we believe.

Speaker 5 (26:20):
Morgan Wells Fargo, Bank of America.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
So they write this suspicious activity report.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
Like all of those banks, JP Morgan, their CEO, Jamie Diamond,
is a prominent Democrat. I mean, none of these banks
are Republicans. None of these banks have it out for
the Bible.

Speaker 5 (26:33):
We've lost Wall Street. They're all Democrats.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yeah, I mean that's not so.

Speaker 3 (26:36):
These are all banks that are reliable political donors to
the Democrats that are nonetheless looking at reports saying, Wow,
this is really concerning.

Speaker 1 (26:45):
But they're writing in the report, I'm in shock by this.
You've seen a lot more of this stuff in the
legal world that I have. I'm generally in shock right now.
The fact that you're telling me that an American bank
is writing that we believe a wire transfer coming into
the Biden family coming from the Chinese Communist government, not
an entity, it's money, and we're saying it's money laundering

on top of it coming from the Chinese Communist government.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
Is that in the moment when you said, holy crap.

Speaker 4 (27:11):
Yeah, wire fraud, tax fraud, money laundering.

Speaker 2 (27:15):
So they're naming all the things they think, all.

Speaker 3 (27:17):
Right, So then Treasury reports it to IRS, they begin investigating.
When did did they open the investigation A hunterbody twenty.

Speaker 5 (27:33):
Eighteen? I know they were investigating in twenty eighteen. It
could have been earlier.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
So at least five years, yes, now this investigation. Look
if it's been at least five years that they just
announced an indictment weeks ago, that's a long time.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
What took them five years that.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
They were stonewalled the whole time they said they couldn't
do it. They were ready to go at the twenty
twenty election, and they were told by the Deputy US
Attorney Wolf in Delaware, all the optics are bad. We
can't do this before an election. And they told him
to stand down and then once show.

Speaker 3 (28:09):
It's doj that was stonewalling. Then yes, all right, let's
talk about So a number of the potential offenses that
Hunter Biden committed, the statute limitations has run off. Yes,
the most serious tax crimes he's committed, statute limitations has
run on.

Speaker 2 (28:28):
Why what happened?

Speaker 4 (28:30):
Because they were told to wait, they couldn't do it
because of the election. Then once he became president, they're like, well,
we don't.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Need to do this.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
You have to understand this. This is what they said today.
They knew that Hunter Biden committed a bunch of crimes.
They felt like all roads were leading to Joe Biden.
And that's what was making the Department of Justice nervous
because they.

Speaker 5 (28:54):
Weren't It is they they didn't feel they were that.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
Concerned about Hunter Biden. It's just they were worried, Okay,
what's he doing to get this money? There's no legitimate
business here. It has to be something his father's done.
And good God, he's the Prision of the United States.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Now we don't can you explain statute of limitations? A
lot of people it sounds so illegal, but I think
it's important we explain this. When you have a five
year window, as it's described, right, you've got five years
on some of these crimes that you should you have
five years to basically charge them in that crime. Once
you're outside that five years, you cannot charge them for
that crime, even if you know they committed the crime.

Speaker 5 (29:30):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
And look, a statute limitations is really important. You know,
if you were in high school and you knocked off
a liquor store, I'm not saying you did. I'm not
saying you didn't. Yeah, but if you did in high school,
I did not notice how quickly.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
H Yeah.

Speaker 3 (29:45):
But even if you did, there's a statute of limitation.
The idea is you shouldn't have to face the possibility
for criminal prosecution five, ten, twenty years after something happened,
because if someone charged you with something you did twenty
years ago. By the way, it's more than twenty years
ago you were in high school.

Speaker 2 (30:02):
Yeah, I just know, I'm getting all. I know, I'm
getting all.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
But look, if someone charged you, How would you defend yourself?

Speaker 2 (30:08):
Yeah, like you do.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
You don't have any evidence for twenty years. Part of
the reason of a statue limitations is that it's impossible
to defend yourself from something.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
So long ago.

Speaker 3 (30:16):
There are no witnesses, there no records. So the idea is,
if you commit a crime, there's a period of time
for which you're liable.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
But it also means.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
If you get past the statute limitations, you can't prosecute and.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
So and prosecutors know the statue of limitations. It is
critical and you focus.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
These guys knew it, and they knew it was getting close,
and they were still told to stand down, all right.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
So the most important thing that I heard James say
is that the investigation all understood that the real focus
of the criminality was Joe Biden. Yeah, and that they
wanted to investigate Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
Hunter really wasn't important, And.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
That the Department of Justice blocked them, interfered, obstructed with
their going after Joe Biden. That's a big damn deal.
And you know what, if you want to hear more
about that, this is a two part series. You got
to listen tomorrow. Tomorrow we're gonna do the second half,
which is Joe Biden's direct criminal liability and how the

Department of Justice obstructed justice, covered it up, block the investigation.
We're gonna do that interview.

Speaker 1 (31:24):
Right, and make sure that you share this because this
is why we're doing this.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
People need to take this. Put it on social media.
It's on Facebook, it's on YouTube. If you're listening to podcast,
share that as well, so that everybody knows what's going on.
This is what the media is not covering. Make this
go viral and.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
Ask yourself, have you heard this on TV? Have you
read about this in the paper? Has anyone explained what
a suspicious activity report is? Has anyone explained how strange
it is that they're one hundred and seventy of them.
This podcast exists to give you the facts that you
can't get watching TV news, you can't get reading the newspapers.

So share this, like it, get others to watch it
and watch part two that's coming out tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
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