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May 18, 2024 33 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome. It is verdict for Ted Cruz. Week in Review.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Ben Ferguson with you, and these are the major stories
that we talked about this week that you may have missed.
First up, the White House takes their hand off of Israel,
actually threatening Israel that if they go into Rafa, you
can kiss your support and military aid goodbye. Will this
backfire on the administration and what does this mean for
the terrorists in the region. We'll get into that in

just a moment. Also, is there anything that Congress will
do after we found out that the anti Israel protesters
on college campuses are being funded by some of the
biggest adversaries the United States of America in the world.
And finally, Hunter Biden, sugar Daddy cuts him off after

letting him borrow more than six million dollars. Don't worry
another money has to be paid back apparently until after
election day. So why did he cut him off just
weeks before he's going to trial. We'll explain the backstory
of what that may mean for the present's re election campaign.
It's the Week in Review and it starts right now.

Speaker 1 (01:07):

Speaker 2 (01:07):
I also want to ask you about a second part
of what we've learned, and this actually came out in
the Washington Post. The US apparently offers Israel Israel intelligence
and supplies an effort to avoid the RAFA invasion. Now

this is I think maybe a quid pro quo. Is
that how you would describe it?

Speaker 3 (01:34):
Well, I would say it's even worse than that. So
this is an article that came out in the Washington Post.
So that was published a lot of places, and it
was on May eleventh. The title of the article is
what you just said, US sites intelligence, offers Israel supplies
to limit RAFA operation. Let me read to the first
couple of paragraphs, because it really is stunning news when
you understand quote, the Biden administration, working urgently to stave

off full scale Israeli invasion of Rapha, is offering Israel
valuable assistance in an effort to persuade it to hold back,
including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the
location of Hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels,
according to four people familiar with the US offers, Now

I want you to pause and understand what that means.
It means the Biden administration is saying that right now
they know where senior Hamas leaders are, and right now
they are not telling Israel where the senior Hamas leaders are.
That also means that Biden is saying, right now, the

administration knows where Hamas's hidden tunnels are, and right now
they are not telling Israel where the hidden tunnels are.
Now I mentioned before that there is a pro Hamas
wing of the administration. What in the hell Hamas murder
twelve hundred israelis it is US policy that Hamasa terrorists,

by the way, they murdered over thirty Americans, and what
this White House knows where the senior leaders are. And
it is like, Nope, nope, we're not going to tell you.
We're not going to tell you, Like how the hell
is that possible? And now they're saying, well, if you
don't invade Rafa and go after Hamas, we'll tell you
where the leadership is. That is truly stunning.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Isn't that the same thing that they were implying by
the way that Donald Trump they accused him and impeach
him like the quid pro quo with Ukraine. Remember, I'll
go after the Bidens, even though that's not actually what
it was. It was the real quid pro quo back
then was Joe Biden withholding a billion dollars from Ukraine

until they fired the prosecutor that was going after the
company where his son was getting paid and he was
getting the other kick to look.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Look, Ben, I don't care. I don't care about the
quid pro quo. I don't care even about the analogies
to the Trump impeachment. Everyone knew at the time that
was a partisan exercise by Democrats because they hated Trump.
Had nothing to do with Ukraine, had nothing to do
with quid pro quo. It just had to do with
Orange Man bat. It had to do with Trump derangement syndrome.

We will weaponize impeachment to go after Trump. By the way,
it's the same thing that has led one, two, three
four Democrat prosecutions of Trump in the past year. It's
what led to the ridiculous circus playing out in the
New York trial court, just like the last ridiculous circus
that played out in a different New York trial court,

the one the civil trial that resulted a half billion
dollar judgment against Trump, the current one where Democrats are
are living their fantasy. This is fantasy poured and by
the way, I don't mean in terms of actual a
porn star discussing salacious details. That's actually the least pornographic

thing for leftists. They're just loving seeing Trump dragged through
the mud because they hate his guts. And so I
am less concerned about the quid pro quot stuff than
I am about the simple reality. Given a choice between
Israel and Hamas, Joe Biden and today's Democrats, over and

over and over again choose Hamas. That is astonishing, It
is idiotic, It is unprecedented, it is dangerous, it is indefensible,
and there are no Democrats defending it. Every Democrat ought
to be asked, why, given the choice between Israel and Hamas,
do you choose to give money and weapons to Hamas

and blockade weapons to Israel.

Speaker 2 (05:51):
Well, let's go back quickly to you guys getting notified
about the President deciding to change this and to basically
go around the sanctions. So, if I've got the list correct,
there's these newests. Hey, we're going to allow for these
weapons to be sold to places that are basically hate Israel.
We have a ran that we have a little sanctions

on a ran right now that we're not imposing and
we have a president. This is coming also from the
New York Times Peter Baker that Biden privately threatened to
rethink his support for the war in a private call
with now Who back in February. That would be two
months before doing so publicly. So lying to the American

people are misleading them. The White House didn't put it
into the readout of the call because they purposely were
trying to I would argue, cover up or avoid quote
a public blow up, and the New York Times has
got this.

Speaker 1 (06:47):

Speaker 3 (06:48):
Now, look, that's exactly right. This administration from the beginning,
from January twentieth, twenty twenty one, they have been systematically
undermining Israel. And by the way, some Democrats will say, well,
it's not in Yahoo they hate. Look there's a unity
government Israel. The entire war Cabinet supports going into Rafa.
Rafa is where the Hamas terrorists are, and Israel is

committed We're going to destroy Hamas. The Biden administration of
the Democrats have decided they're going to use the full
force of the American government to try to protect Tamas
from Israel.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Senator, final question I have for you is this, if
you are Israel right now, in essence, you're being blackmailed
to not protect yourself. You have a country that's supposed
to be your ally that they're heavily dependent on for
military aid and equipment, and the president saying I'm not
giving it to you if you don't do what I

tell you to do. And you see this, and then
you look at our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and then you
look at what's happening in Russia and Ukraine. If you're
an ally of America right now, do you feel like
they're actually a genuine ally Because in the past, if
you were an ally of America meant big brother America
is going to protect and defend you, and you don't

screw with the little brother because they're an ally of
America and if you do, there will be major consequences
that seems to be completely gone now in the world.

Speaker 3 (08:16):
Yeah. Look, I think every ally of America is questioning
how valuable is that with with Joe Biden as president,
being an ally of America, you can't count on this administration.
Let's take for example, a country like Saudi Arabia. Listen,
I think if if Donald Trump had served a second term,
Saudi Arabia would have joined the Abraham Accords. They were

very close to they were ready to do so, and
Biden came in and he immediately began undermining our allies,
including Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia still has not joined
the Abraham Accords. And I think explain the Abraham Accords
here that are it may not understand exactly what that means.
So the Abraham Accords were historic peace deals that Donald

Trump and his administration negotiated, and they were peace. They
were peace accords between Israel and several Arab countries, between
the United Arab Emirates, between Bahrain and Israel. And I
was there on the south lawn of the White House
when they were signed into law, and it was you
had to go back forty years for the last time

something like this had happened, had been either with Jordan
or with Egypt. And it had been forty years since
we'd seen peace between the Arabs and the Israelis, and
we were seeing multiple Arab countries signing normalization accords. They
were called the Abraham Accords with Israel. Now, I will
say it was very sad when the Abraham Accords were signed.
Do you know how many Democrat senators showed up with signing.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
I'm going to guess between zero and five zero. There
you go.

Speaker 3 (09:46):
By the way, when we opened our embassy in Jerusalem
in Israel, I was there, flew to Israel, I was
there at Jerusalem The day we opened the embassy happened
to be the seventieth anniversary of the creation of the
modern state of Israel. How many Democrats were there, either
senators or House members the day we opened our embassy
in Jerusalem.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
I'm going to go with zero zero, not a one.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
Now, Joe Lieberman was there, so you could say he
was a former Democrat senator. But to be clear, the
Democrats drove him out of the party and then last
time he was reelected, he was reelected as an independent
because they'd beaten him in the Democrat primary. So he
had been a Democrat, but he didn't lose his mind
and decide that he hated Israel. And so that was
the closest we have. And by the way, the defense

that some Democrats gave as to why they didn't go
to the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem, which by
the way, many many Democrats senators had claimed they supported
for years the defense they gave as well. Trump didn't
invite us. You know what, Trump didn't invite me either
when they opened. When they were opening the embassy, I said,

I'm going. And by the way, let me tell you
how it works as a senator. If you want to
go somewhere, you go. You don't have to be invited
by the White House. They don't just where you travel.
As a senator. I decided this is an historic moment.
I will be there, and I flew down there. Mike
Lee flew down there with me. Lindsey Graham was down there,
Dean Heller was there, there were several Republican senators. I

propose to Mike Katie, you want to go to Israel
for the opening? The embassy said absolutely, let's go, and
we flew down. The reason no Democrats were there is
they didn't want to be there. They didn't want to
be at the signing of the Abraham Accords. And the
point is the value of being an ally to America
when Joe Biden and the feckless Democrats are in charge

is much much less than it used to be. And
that's tragic. It should be really valuable to be a
friend and ally of America and listen, if you're the
government of Taiwan right now, you got to be looking around, going, boy,
I'm feeling really lonely. And those are some big Chinese
missiles and big, big Chinese amphibious vehicles that are looming

on the horizon.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Now, if you want to hear the rest of this conversation,
you can go back and listen to the full podcast
from earlier this week. Now onto story number two.

Speaker 1 (12:09):
So is there.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Anything that Congress can do? I mean you're hearing this,
everyone's hearing this now you mentioned it earlier. Can you
ask the FBI director? Can you call on them to
take action here and to look into this? Or is
this just a Hey, they're on our side as the
Democratic Party, the Socialists and the Marxist and the communists

within the Democratic Party, we don't care because we want
their influence and we want their money.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
So yes, I've called on the Biden administration to do this.
I've called on the IRS, I've called on the FBI.
Many of these organizations that are pushing these protests or
five to one C three's which is supposed to be
tax exempt. They're supposed to be not engaging in political activity,
So I've called on the IRS to investigate that already.
Look in a sane world, the FBI would be the

big examining this closely. We watched during the Trump presidency
the whole Russia Russia Russia nonsense, which was totally made up.
It was based on Hillary Clinton campaign OPO research, but
it became the obsession number one of the deep state
and number two now of the Biden administration. And yet
I have no indication that the Department of Justice is

doing anything to examine this. I have no indication that
the FBI and by the way, the fbio to announce
they are investigating this. If they were doing it, they
shouldn't keep it a secret. They should make absolutely clear
that what is happening on these campuses is deeply concerning,
and they're going to get to the bottom of who's
funding it. But they're not doing that, and I don't
believe they will because many of the funders, in addition

to being the Chinese communists and the Cuban communists, many
of the funders are also the top funders for the
Democrat Party. And this Department of Justice operates as an
adjunct to the White House. It is a Democrat Enforcement Bureau,
which means I don't think they're going to go after
the top funders of the Democrat Party because you know
what their objective is to re elect Joe Biden and

so stopping foreign communist governments from fomenting dissent, protecting Jewish
students on campus, preventing our universities from being ripped apart,
preventing airports from being shut down, preventing freeways from being
shut down. Remember, these are the same people who during
the quote Summer of Love, the deep state didn't want
to do anything, and so I don't believe the Biden

administration is going to do a damn thing.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
You mentioned something that we talked about.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
It jogging my memory from maybe in two or three
episodes ago where we were talking about it was very
clear that the same people in this country that are
funding Joe Biden's reelect for president are the exact same
people that are funding the campus rioters. And so you
combine that right with now the foreign money.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
This is a hell of a.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Lot of influence center over the United States of America
and young people, and it's is it being orchestrated by
the foreigners or is this being orchestrated by the Biden
administration in essence.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
Yes, Look, understand, this is not organic, This is not
occurring spontaneously. This is highly organized. There's a reason why
all of these activists have the same damn tents because
the groups that are pushing this sent out links to
the same Amazon link to buy the tents, and they
are being funded. They're being funded, number one, by radical leftists.

They're being funded by anarchists. They're being funded by communists.
And I don't use communists as a pejorative, as just
an insult. I mean people who embrace communism. And as
we're laying out here, it's not just American communists, of
which there are sadly far too many. It is Chinese communists,
the Chinese Communist Party, it is Cuban communists, and they

see this as a vulnerability in America, a way to
tear us apart. Look you look at a place we were
talking about elite institutions. You look at a place like
Duke University, Ben, how the hell is Jerry Seinfeld now
too controversial of a speaker for campus leftists. We saw
a Duke's commencement, oh about fifty anti Semitic leftist storm out.

And by the way, Seinfeld was not giving a speech
about Israel. He was not talking. He happens to support Israel.
They simply said, damn it, I will not listen to
a Jew. I am such a bigot. If you invited
Jew to speak to me, I will walk out ostentatiously.
You look at the recent graduation at Columbia where you
had these nitwits walking up and ripping their diploma in half,

and I mean they are angry, they are bigoted on
the left. Being a bigot. Hating Jews is accepted on
the left. Now. That is an acceptable bigotry.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
And I don't understand why these universities.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
And maybe it's just because I'm old school, and I
think you would agree with me. If back when I
was in school, if you ripped up your diploma when
you were walking across the stage, they probably would have
just taken away from me and said you didn't graduate.

Speaker 3 (17:10):
Yeah, so it's an interesting question. Consequences, is what I'm saying.
Probably I will say I'm not sure you could do that.
You might actually have a breach of contract claim if
you have actually paid your tuition and pastor your classes.
I'm not sure, they could revoke your diploma at that point,
but you know what they could certainly print on your transcript.

Ben Ferguson is embarrassed to have graduated from ole Miss
and tore up his diploma. You should know that if
you're thinking of hiring it.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
Final question for you on what we just exposed. What
is it that people need to do with this information?
And it is this just more of a Hey, if
you've got a kid or a grandkid that is looking
at where they're going to be going to college is
part of this, pay attention to what they're doing to
your kid's mind. And don't just assume that because your

kid gets into quote a prestigious university, that's the right
decision to send them there.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
Look, that's a hard choice. And I will say parents,
particularly parents with high school and college aged kids, it's
a really hard choice. My view has long been that
a kid should go to the best school they can
get into. And it does open doors, it opens career doors,
it's beneficial. I will say, the more radicalized these places get,

the less convinced I am that make sense. I will
say I saw an article recently talking about how many
top high school graduates are now looking at schools in
the South by the way. You know, it's easy, and
we talked about this in a prior podcast. You know,
it's easy to say, Oh, all colleges are just crazy

and this is just a problem across the country. No,
that's not true. This is a problem in Blue states.
This is a problem at Columbia, at NYU, at Yale,
at Harvard. This is a problem at Princeton. This is
a problem at UCLA. This is a problem at UC Berkeley.
This is a problem at usc This is a problem
at the University of Washington. This is a problem in

blue states. Why is it a problem in blue states?
Because you have Democrats who will not stand up against it,
who will not protect you ash students, who will not
oppose anti Semitism, who will not lock up protesters, who
will not stop pro Hamas protesters, who will not stop
threats of violence. These are the same people that were
utterly powerless in the so called Summer of Love and
let anarchists take over portions of major cities in America.

These are the same people who allowed Black Lives Matter
and Antifa protesters to fire bomb police cars, to loose stores,
to commit crimes we're not seeing this in red states. Look,
you and I both live in Texas. At UT there
were protests. You know what they did. They sent in
the police, and if you committed threats of violence, you
got arrested, and miraculously you didn't have the garbage you

had at these other schools. You look at places, whether
University of North Carolina or other southern schools, they don't
have the problems Florida. Look, Florida and Texas. Listen, you
and I both have a lot of very close Jewish friends.
They're not living in fear in Texas. They're not living
in fear in in in Florida. But you know what,
they are living in fear in New York and New

Jersey and Connecticut, in California. And ideology has consequences. If
you have leftists who embrace cultural Marxism, who believe Jews
or oppressors, you know what, they're not going to oppress
Jewish students, and that is that is sadly where today's
radicalized Democrat party is.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
As before, if you want to hear the rest of
this conversation on this topic, you can go back and
dow the podcast from earlier this week to hear the
entire thing. I want to get back to the big
story number three of the week.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
You may have missed.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
There's another report that has hit the same time that
Hunter Biden's sugar daddy, Kevin Morris, is quote tamped out
of cash after funding President Biden's son.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
That would be the famous Hunter Biden.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
He has been funding the president's son's legal battles now
for almost half a decade. His quote close friend Karen
Kevin Morris, who said, no, no, no, I'm not getting anything
out of this guy. I'm just a good guy. He's
said to have loaned Hunter Biden more than six million
dollars this as Hunter Biden is facing two criminal trials

starting in a few weeks, and now the sugar daddy's
saying I'm out after six grand. My question is the
timing of this. He's seen the same poll numbers you're seeing.
He's seeing the same momentum that you and I are
seeing day in and day out with Donald Trump. He's
seeing the same economic news it's coming out, and he's
seeing these trials come up, and it's is he cutting

basically a bad investment at this point saying okay, I'm
hedging my bets. Joe Biden's not going to be able
to do me favors for another four years. Why would
I keep spending my money?

Speaker 3 (22:01):
Of course he is so. The headline in the Daily
Mail which broke this story is Hunter Biden's sugar brother,
Kevin Morris quote tapped out of cash after funding President's
sons legal battles for almost five years. Here's how it begins.
Hollywood lawyer and Hunter Biden's sugar brother, Kevin Morris is

said to be tapped out of cash after financially supporting
Hunters legal battles over the last four and a half
years to the tune of six million dollars. Let me
ask you, do you have any friends that are good
enough friends that you give them six million dollars?

Speaker 1 (22:37):
No? And not only that.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
I love how the money apparently is supposed to be
paid back after the election.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
The Daily Mail continues. The withdrawal of financial support for
the President's son comes at the worst possible time for Hunter,
with two trials looming which could end up seeing him
serve jail time. I got to say, this is striking.
Nobody seemed to care. The US didn't seem to care
that there was this lawyer in California funding Joe Biden's

sons legal defense up until this stage. But the fact
that he is bailing out. I got to tell you
that there is the old phrase the rats are running
from the ship, that starts to suggest that's exactly what
happened here.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Yeah, quid pro quote, you got to have somebody that
can hook you up on the end of it. And
if Joe Biden's out of office, what's the point of
keeping your money flowing to this? To Hunter Biden, this
could be major could mean major complications also for Hunter
Biden's legal defense. Can that be used as a delayed tactic?
Is my question?

Speaker 3 (23:40):
Oh, they'll try, but I don't think it will succeed.
Here's what the Daily Mail reported quote the Paramount. In
twenty nineteen, during Dad President's Biden's campaign for the White House,
they quickly developed a close friendship. Justice Hunter was trying
to get his life on track and stay sober. At
the time, Morris helped him get safe housing. He was
dubbed Hunter sugar brother. If you're agreed to loan the

first sun Or reported two point eight million dollars to
pay off his tax debts and joined his legal team
amidst criminal and congressional investigations. But now, after four and
a half years of shouldering the financial burden, having loaned
him more than six point five million dollars, Morris is
no longer willing to foot the bill.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
Where does he get the money?

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Now, I'm going to guess it's probably going to be
some some of his foreign businesses, or hey, maybe it's
some really nice artwork that will go for more than
a half a million dollars, because apparently getting a half
million dollars to do finger painting is pretty impressive. That's
just the going right now. If you're the president's son,
let me tell you about Patriot Mobile. If you have
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Speaker 1 (26:16):
Upgrade to a new one.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
All you got to do is go to Patriotmobile dot
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slash verdict or nine seven to two Patriot. Finally, Senator,

one other thing that has happened, and this is going
to continue to break and become a bigger story. But
we are now finding out that the White House is
refusing a Foyer request. It is a request that was
filed to find out about the naties of people on
the terror watch list that have been arrested by border

patrol in recent years. The CBP now says they will
not turn over the data, citing privacy and law enforcement
sensitivity exemptions, saying that yeah, deal with it. We're not
giving you the inte on how many people have come
across the southern border that are on the terrorists watch
list and what nations they're coming from.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
Well, this is the third story we're covering today that
deals with Biden cover ups. That's the unifying theme behind
all these stories. In this instance, they're covering up the
likely terrorist and the criminal threats that are crossing into
this border illegally through Joe Biden, the Democrats' open borders
and let me read you a tweet from Bill Malugian.

Bill Lugan, as you know, is the heroic, the fantastic
reporter for Fox News, has done more reporting on the
border than I think any reporter in the whole country.
So here's what Bill Malujan tweeted, quote new Six plus
months ago, I filed a foyer requests with CBP seeking
the nationalities of people on the terror watch list arrested

by Border Patrol in recent years. CBP now says they
will not turn over that data, citing privacy and law
enforcement sensitivity exemptions, telling me, quote, the privacy interests of
the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any
minimum public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private

interest you may have in the information does not factor
into the aforementioned balancing tests. Llujin continues, quote, I did
not ask for any names, IDs, addresses, anything that would
breach privacy, nor did I ask for any law enforcement
sensitive information. I simply requested only, and only, as bracketed

by asterisks on both sides, the nationalities of people arrested
on the list, so the public can have an understanding
of where in the world they are coming from. CBP
acknowledges in the opening paragraphs of their response letter to
me that all I asked for was the nationalities of
those arrested on the terror watch list. But they then

go on to cite exemptions that have nothing to do
with what I requested, including medical files, phone numbers, email addresses,
home addresses, dates of birth, etc. None of which I sought.
And they even excite an exemption regarding quote records which
could be reasonably expected to endanger the life or physical

safety of any individual. I disagree with CBPS withholdings of
this data based on exemptions that have nothing to do
with my FOIER request, and I will be appealing immediately.
Let me ask you something, Ben, What is Joe Biden,
this administration and the Democrats? What are they hiding?

Speaker 1 (29:51):

Speaker 2 (29:52):
And the question is where they hiding and how is
it affecting? Most importantly, are secured in this country with
terrors coming across the southern border. They know they're coming across,
but they don't want us to know what countries. Yeah,
and why is that? What is your guess?

Speaker 3 (30:07):
Because it's stamming Because the countries are countries where there's
massive terrorism. They're Jahatis, their people that want to kill Americans.
And it illustrates I've said repeatedly, we're at a greater
risk of a major terrorist attack in the United States
than we have been any time since September eleventh. It
is tragically going to happen. I don't want it to happen.

But Joe Biden, the Democrats are inviting terrorists to come
into this country. Iran has demanded global jahad against America.
Hamas has demanded global Jahada against America. Hesbel has demanded
global Jahada against America. And Joe Biden, the Democrats are
inviting people in. And I assume from their refusal to
tell us so we know there have been hundreds of

people on the Terror watchless who've been apprehended. They have
not released what countries they came from. I assume, based
on their refusal to do so, that the country list
is really damning, that they're from countries that are dangerous,
that have lots of terrorists who want to kill us.
And this is political. This is all about hiding the politics.

It reminds me of you remember, and we talked about this.
We did a whole podcast on this when the data
broke about about the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants
that Joe Biden had flown into America flown into cities
all of America, and the Biden administration refused to disclose
which cities and they claimed it it was national security

information they wouldn't release it. Ultimately we got that information.
We covered that on this podcast. What cities they were
overwhelmingly cities in Florida and Texas, which is not surprising
given this administration is so political. They're trying to do
everything they can to screw Florida and Texas. But their
claim that it was a national security risk to release

those cities was a lie. It was politically embarrassing, and
that's exactly true here. It's politically embarrassing. I hope through
litigation and political pressure pressure, we can get the information,
but Joe Biden the administration accounting on that, they can
stonewall until at least the election.

Speaker 2 (32:16):
It's all about the election, isn't it. Don't forget. We
are going to keep you update on this story. I
have a feeling more will break on this, and we
do this show Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have a
week in review for what you may have missed on
Saturdays as well, so make sure you hit that subscriber
auto download button on those in between days, I'll keep
you update on the latest breaking news on my podcast,

the Ben Ferguson Podcast, So grab that hit the subscriber
auto download button as well, and I'll keep you updated
there and the Senator and I will see you back
here on Saturday. As always, thank you for listening to
Verdict with Center, Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you. Don't
forget to download my podcast and you can listen to
my podcast every other day you're not listening to Verdict
or each day when you listen to Verdict. Afterwards, I'd

love to have you as a listener to again the
Ben Ferguson Podcasts, and we will see you back here
on Monday morning.
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