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May 8, 2024 37 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
It is verdict with center Ted Cruz, Ben Ferguson with you, Senator,
it is a clown show, this court case in New
York City. Yet you have a judge that has made
it very clear to Donald Trump, I will put you
in jail. I don't care that you're a former president
or is he put it maybe the next president of
the United States of America.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
Well, I got to say, Ben, what you're saying I
think is profoundly unfair to clowns. What we're saying in
New York is ridiculous. It is a partisan Democrat judge
who is threatening to put Donald Trump in jail. We're
going to break down what that looks like, what the
threat is, and what the consequences would be if that
actually happened. We're also going to talk about what has
happened on the border. It keeps getting worse and worse

and worse. The latest breaking news is yet another illegal immigrant,
in this instance from Guatemala, has committed yet another crime.
He's been arrested in Florida over the alleged kidnapping and
sexual assault of a minor under the age of thirteen.
This is another illegal immigrant. Biden's release this is happening
week after week after week.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
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think me every day when you wake up. All right, Senta,
Let's get to the overview of this trial in New

York City. This was a trial that we need to
remind people. The federal government refused to prosecute you. Then
had Alvin Bragg, who was a guy that said vote
for me, I'll go after try and has raised literally
one hundred thousands of dollars off of prosecuting Trump. And
then we find out even more that the entire team

around this trial representing the state and Alvin Bragg are
primo lawyers that took massive emotions to come down and
work on this specific case to get Donald Trump. And
that's just the beginning of where we are.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
Well, as you said, this entire thing is a clown show,
and as I said, that's not fair to clowns. But
we are seeing a disgraceful display in New York. This
is the second trial in a row brought by partisan
Democrat prosecutors who hate Donald Trump, who are ambitious, who
campaigned promising to go after Donald Trump, and we're bringing

wildly unfair partisan cases against Trump because it is in
their political interest. The law doesn't matter in this case.
We saw this week testimony from Stormy Daniels. It was scintillating.
It was all desired to say sex, sex, sex.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
I mean that was enough to scream.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
And you know what, if you are a left wing partisan,
this is like, this is cracked to you.

Speaker 4 (04:13):
This is just.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Dragging Trump through the gutter. And mind you, this is
all intended to be a distraction. Understand why this is happening.
This is not happening because a politician has a sex scandal. Again,
that is not the first time that has occurred. This
is happening because Democrats are terrified that the American people

are going to vote for Donald Trump in November, and
they are trying to interfere with the election. They're trying
to stop the election. They're trying to do everything they
can to stop Trump from being re elected. And they
don't want the voters focused on what actually matters to
most voters. Most voters when they go in and vote,
what they're thinking about is how does this affect my life,
How does this affect my family, How does this affect

my kids? And if those are the questions you asking,
you're going to vote for Trump. Look under Biden, everything
Biden's touched has gone to crap. It's been a train wreck.
The policy agenda has been terrible. We've seen inflation out
of control, crime out of control, the border out of control.
We've seen relentless partisans, an attack on our constitutional rights,

an attack on free speech, on religious liberty, on the
Second Amendment. And that's not to mention the utter chaos
and disaster. Foreign policy of national security is whether it's
the Afghanistan debacle or Ukraine or the horrors unfolding in Israel.
Everything Joe Biden has touched has gone to crap. So
if you're a partisan Democrat, you don't want to talk

about Biden's record, Nope, can't defend that. What do you
want to do? You want to try to smear Trump?
And I got to say what happened this week? Listen,
this judge, by all appearances, this judge is a hardcore
partisan Democrat, just like Alvin Bragg, the George Soros prosecutor.
So he is now held Donald Trump in contempt twice,

he's imposed a gag order that said Trump can't talk
about anything.

Speaker 4 (06:06):

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Trump has well, he is the Republican nominee to be president,
he's running for president. He's going to talk about the
political persecution going on against him. Well, he violated this
order and he's received ten thousand dollars worth of fines
since the trial began, one thousand dollars for each violation,
and the judge is imposing one after the other after
the other. And on Monday, here's what the judge said, quote.

It appears that the one thousand dollars fines are not
serving as a deterrent. Going forward, this court will have
to consider a jail sanction. I've got to say it
is extraordinary. Trump sent out a fundraising email on Monday
that said, quote, the liberal judge in New York just
threatened to throw me in jail. All caps and read

lettering and throw me in jail. They want me in handcuffs.
And the email, of course sought fundraising. But I'll say
Trump is saying he will stand up, he will go
to jail in order to defend the First Amendment. He said, quote,
I'll do that sacrifice. The circus keeps getting crazier and crazier.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
The fantasy of the left, and this has really been
i think since twenty sixteen when they went after the
first impeachment in Russian collusion and the deep state, then
turn and then the going after people around Trump to
try to squeeze him with General Flynn and other And
that's just a few of the highlights. But we also know,
like for example, the FBI, they knew that the Steele

dossier was user generated, they classified as user generated. They
knew that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC Democrat National
Committee paid for that dossier. They knew that it was
made out of thin air. And yet the Democratic Party
still weaponize it to try to get rid and overthrow
the will of the people. That was the very beginning.
But even since then, there's been an obsession with this

idea of putting Donald Trump in prison. There has been
an obsession with him going to jail, and every time
they keep coming after him, it seems to come back
to that idea. This is now a reality that he
could in fact go to jail. And if he does,
would this be the most egregious act of election interference

that the United States of America has ever seen. Because
he's the front runner and we're within six months of
election day.

Speaker 3 (08:26):
Yes, but it's already that it has already crossed that barrier.
And I understand the left, their brains have melted down.
They hate Trump so much that no norms matter, no
standards matter, the rule of law doesn't matter. They want Look,
you're seeing leftists fantasizing about murdering Donald Trump. That that's
how extreme they are. And and and you know, I'm

going to say something that may seem extremely in to
back it up, not a single elected Democrat in Washington
gives a damn about the rule of law. Now as
I say that the sort of middle of the road.
Reasonable person immediately kind of recoils and says, well, boy,
that seems extreme. Surely there's a Democrat who cares about

the rule of law. Let me suggest a test. If
you cared about the rule of law, you would speak
out against this horrific political persecution that is occurring directed
at Donald Trump. Now, listen, you don't have to love Trump.
You don't have to vote for Trump. If you're a Democrat,
I get that you wouldn't vote for Trump. You'll jump
on board with with Biden. That's okay, that's your team.

But we're not talking about who you, as standard Democrat,
senator or House member, is going to vote for. We're
talking about basic standards. Do you think it is right
to abuse the justice system to have partisan prosecutors run
and campaign saying I'm going to be elected so I
can prosecute Donald Trump? Do you think it's right for

the results of those prosecutions and over two hundred years
we've never prosecuted a former president. We now have four
pending indictments plus a ridiculous civil suit seeking a half
billion dollars from Donald Trump, all at the same time.
This is the absolute abuse of power. And I don't
know a single Democrat in the Senate, not one. They're
fifty one of them. Ben, I cannot tell you one

of my colleagues who stood up and said, hey, this
is going too far. And you know what, you now
have this judge literally saying threatening, We're going to put
Donald Trump in handcuffs and send them to prison. And
by the way, it's May. There's an election in November
where he might be just about ready to go back
to the oval office.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Yeah, and it's very interesting to watch how the media.
The media got us to this point that we are
right now. They're the ones that have taken these stories
and weaponized them and give cover to these attacks and
these ridiculous indictments of Donald Trump. But what's also interesting
now is just how scumbaggery is the best way I
can describe it with words I'm allowed to use here

the media is even while they're covering this moment.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
But by the way, Bennett, it is a podcast. You're
allowed to use this any word. But I will say
it's a family friendly podcast. So even though the SCC
will not block you, I might have Rump disapprovingly if
you drop some profanities that's true.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
So see, this is why I'm this is why I'm
keeping it PG. You look at and see it in
and it's like their bipolar gosh Diggley Dunnik.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
It's like their bipolar while they're covering this. So there's
this obsession with them to put Trump in jail. But
then they say, well, we're gonna make fun of Trump
and say Trump couldn't handle jail because he doesn't even
like being in a hotel. But then we're gonna say,
if the judge does this, it could have repercussions for reelection,
maybe in a negative way against Democrats. And they did

all this while live on TV listen.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Violation to the gag order since then, and my senses
he probably won't.

Speaker 5 (11:59):
I just want to read more of what the judge
actually said to Trump today. He said, mister Trump, it's
important to understand the last thing I want to do
is put you in jail. You're the former president of
the United States and possibly the next president as well.
There are many reasons why incarceration is truly a last resort.
For me to take that step would be disruptive and
to these proceedings which I imagine you want to end
as quickly as possible, just politically, Caitlin.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
What would this mean?

Speaker 6 (12:26):
I mean, the argument is that Trump would relish it
in the sense that he would be able to argue
what he's been arguing every day outside that courtroom, that
he is being politically persecuted here, that he can't use
his First Amendment right, he can't speak freely, that this
is protected political speech. The idea that Donald Trump actually
would want to go to.

Speaker 7 (12:44):
Jail is ridiculous.

Speaker 6 (12:45):
Anyone who knows him knows that he doesn't even like
to stay in a hotel when he goes on foreign trips.
When he went as president, it was a whole thing
to actually get him to stay over night in places.
So this idea that he actually does want to do
this for the optics perspective, I mean, when you speak
to his closest advisors and allies, they'll say that's completely
far fetched. Now do they think it would work to
their advantage? Maybe politically, but I do think Donald Trump

heating This is something that you never see Donald Trump do,
which is actually watching his words, and he keeps acknowledging
that every time he goes into that courtroom, even if
he is lying about what the gag order actually says
he can and cannot do, he is being careful. And
he did the same thing after the Egen Carol verdicts
came out where he was found to have defamed her
and it was going to cost him a lot of money.
He changed the way that he would speak publicly about.

Speaker 8 (13:31):
Her until until he to fame Drick with you in
your in your town hall, and then she ended up
bringing him back to court over that incident.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
I mean, I love that there.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Even on TV when they're trying to make a point,
the other host on there's like, well, except he didn't
do what you just said, because he went back to
court for doing the exact opposite of what Caitlyn Collins
just said. And then she's like, alwa, he's a wish Oh.
He couldn't handle jail, always be afraid of it. He
can't even handle a hotel room. I mean, this is
the insanity of the media. Why anyone watches these people

is beyond me at this point.

Speaker 3 (14:05):
Well, CNN hates Donald Trump. It suffuses throughout their entire
fake news media organization.

Speaker 4 (14:10):
They hate him. They hate him, they hate him.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
Every moment of news coverage they have is designed to
attack him. But I'm gonna make two observations. Number One,
I do not believe Donald Trump will spend a single
day in jail.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
I do not believe.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
I think Number one, the judge, I'm not convinced that
he has the guts to do it. I think he
recognizes it's a big damn deal. As was quoted, he's
the former president of the United States. He may well
be the next president of the United States. I don't
think this New York trial judge wants to send the
president to jail, even as he's a partisan. I think
he recognizes, Wow, that's a big step. Secondly, if he did,

I think he would end up having the order to
go to jail overturn on appeal. I think the appellate
judges would be very, very nervous to send him to jail.
So my prediction right now, Donald Trump will not serve
a day in jail. And I'm going to make a
second prediction.

Speaker 4 (15:00):

Speaker 3 (15:01):
If Donald Trump serves a day in jail, he'll be
re elected as president in November. It would be a
moment that would move the polls. And by the way,
I'll say a year ago more than a year ago,
when the first indictments were coming down against Trump, I
said on this podcast to our terrific listeners who listened

to Verdict regularly, I said, if Donald Trump is indicted,
it will be worth ten points in the polls. Now,
at the time that was viewed as kind of a
wacky proposition. I can tell you within less than a
week of the first indictment, Trump rose ten points in
the polls. That's exactly right. I'm telling you right now,
if these partisan left wing Democrats put him in jail

for even a day, Trump will win in November. It
will cost the Democrats.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
The White House.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
Well there's also, by the way, and this is, as
we mentioned earlier, their fantasy since twenty sixteen, to put
him in jail.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
They may be agreeing with you.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
I'm talking about the left and specifically the media that okay,
maybe we don't want to put him in jail, and
maybe that won't happen. They've moved on to a new fantasy.
By the way, Senator Jensaki on MSNBC saying this.

Speaker 7 (16:11):
I think many of them want to be close to power.
They also assume or have this thought in their mind
that maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he'll go
to jail. Maybe he will die. Not to be too morbid,
but maybe. I mean, he's not a young man.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
So now we moved on to dying, like, well, if
the jail thing doesn't work, well, maybe he'll just die.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
So, Ben, can I ask you a question? Sure, is
Joe Biden a young man?

Speaker 1 (16:36):
Yeah? No, of course he is.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Remember he can run circles around Jensaki, the former White
House President tery who you just heard speaking there, right,
It's hard to keep up with him.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
They said, Look, there are fantasies on the left. I'm
reminded of, like like when Trump was president, you had
Bob Maller investigating him. Do you remember who's satur Night
Live had playing Bob Maller.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
Who was it?

Speaker 4 (16:57):
Robert de Niro?

Speaker 3 (16:58):
Oh, that's right, And they had to zero playing Muller.
And there's one episode on SNL and I grew up
watching SNL. I've literally watched SNL for more than forty years,
going back to the nineteen seventies when I was a
little kid. But they have de Niro playing Bob Muller
and they have a point where they're they're asking him.
They say, hey, hey, are you going to get Trump
or you're getting get Trump. And his whole message was

I got him, trust me, I got him. He's going down.
And this is what is called left wing porn. This
is their fantasy Trump going to jail. They hate him,
and never mind rule of law, never mind if he's
guilty of anything. This is just I hate my opponent
and we must destroy him, and let's put him in jail.

And and that is that abuse of power is one
of the many reasons why I think we're going to
see a great election in November, because people don't want
power abuse. And by the way, to all the hypocritical
leftists who say, oh, if Trump is in power, he's
going to set up concentration camp. He's going to prosecute
all the liberals. He didn't do that before. Did you

see any concentration camps? He was president for four years.
He didn't use this power War three.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
Don't forget that you shouldn't be trusted with the nuclear codes.
And yet he started no wars.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
Wait, wait, who's the one who started I don't know
about World War three, but who's the one who started
the war in Ukraine? Who's the one that that withdrew
from Afghanistan and caused a disaster. Who's the one that
caused the horrific war in Israel?

Speaker 1 (18:26):
Yeah, that was that with Joe Biden. Joe Biden, Joe.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Biden, yep, and and and so all of their talking
points run into real trouble when they're confronted by facts
and reality.

Speaker 2 (18:36):
Final question on this, Uh, how does the left figure
out how to to deal with the political fallout if
Donald Trump survives all of this? Because on the view today,
I know you're a loyal watcher. Uh, the view, they
said they need to send a point, and a point
must be proven that Donald Trump go to jail so

that no one's above the law.

Speaker 8 (18:59):
I'm sort of about whether or not he should be
held in contempt and put in He's already been held
in contempt, but put in jail for it. But I
do think that seventy one percent of Americans have said
that he should be put in jail if he is convicted.
The other thing, I will say, we all saw many
of us are old enough to have seen the oj case.
I remember how Judge Edo lost complete control of the courtroom,

and I think that had a lot to do with
the win. You cannot let Donald Trump be a runaway
train in that courtroom. No, it's not his courtroom, it's
judge's courtroom. And so I think that make a point,
to prove a point.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Put him in a clink, why not, And listen to
the audience. I mean, listen to the audience. Oh yeah,
let's put him in the clink.

Speaker 4 (19:44):
Are they going?

Speaker 2 (19:46):
Who I guess, yeah, let's whoop be up there. She's
excited about this idea.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
I mean, it really is. This is fantasy that this
is they hate. And by the way, let's be clear.
They don't just want to put Donald Trump in jail.
They want to put you in jail. Ben They want
to put me in jail. They want to put half
of America, the deplorables, they want to put all of
us in jail. That is their fantasy. These are people
who believe. And let's let's be clear. Let me ask

you a question. Let me ask you a question.

Speaker 4 (20:16):
Do you want to put Joe Biden in jail?

Speaker 1 (20:18):

Speaker 4 (20:18):
Do you want to put Hillary Clinton in jail?

Speaker 1 (20:20):

Speaker 4 (20:20):
Do you want to put Chuck Schumer in jail?

Speaker 1 (20:22):

Speaker 2 (20:23):
I'd like to anybody in jail because they're a Democrat.
I only want people to go to jail that have
actually broken the wall.

Speaker 3 (20:29):
I'd like to get him the hell out of office.
I'd like to get them out office. They're doing real damage.
But there is a vindictiveness, there's a self righteousness on
the left that they say, if I don't like you,
I want to put you in jail. And by the way,
you look at the fantasies where you have Democrats saying
and for Trump will take away your Secret Service protection,
so that way you just get murdered by jail gangs. Well,

who isn't that great? Will kill you like that? Is deranged?

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Yeah, jen Zaki, maybe I'll die, maybe that, and maybe
that'll happen. Maybe I'll die and then we'll be done
with them. I also go back to it. We played
a montage on the show Gosh, it was probably a
year ago now, Senator, and it was a montage of
the media saying that we needed to send all Trump
supporters to camps to deprogram them.

Speaker 1 (21:19):
Do you remember that?

Speaker 2 (21:20):
And when we played it, it was like, this is real, folks,
this is what they believe about you. They want to
send you to it basically camps to deprogram you from
being a conservative that supported Trump.

Speaker 3 (21:33):
You know, I'm reminded about a story that I tell
in my latest book, Unwoke Ow to Defeat Culture Marxism
in America, And the last chapter in the book concerns China,
and I opened the chapter by talking about sitting down
with the Chinese ambassador to the United States, and then
this was a really creepy meeting. I don't regularly meet

with Chinese government officials. I despise communists. The Chinese ambassador,
who later became the Chinese f Or Minister, asked to
meet with me, and I wrestled with what to do,
and I decided, Okay, I'm going to take the meeting.

Speaker 8 (22:05):

Speaker 3 (22:05):
I'll tell you when I took the meeting, I did
not take it in my office because, frankly, I didn't
trust allowing him in my office. I didn't know if
he'd bring in listening equipment. I just I don't trust
the Chinese. Chinese people are great, I don't trust the
Chinese government that are communists and their murderers and their
liars and their abusive So instead I took the meeting
in a room in a Senate building that was far

away from my office, and I sat there and the
Chinese ambassador. I think he was expecting me to be apologetic.
He read all sorts of negative comments I'd made about China,
and he was expecting me to apologize. And I said, well,
the reason I said you're lying, murderous, torturing, evil bastards
is because you're lying murderous, torturous, evil bastards. And I'll

stop saying that. When you stop lying, you start stop murdering,
you stop torturing, and you stop being evil. And he
truly didn't know what to say. But the reason I
draw that analogy is I called him out for genocide.
Over one million weeks are in concentration camps in China
right now, and I called him out on it, and

he said, no, no, no, you are mistaken. Those are
not concentration camps. You see, these people refused to acknowledge
the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist government. So they're obviously
mentally ill. So we have put them in facilities to

give them treatment to help correct their mental illness. And
I got to say, Ben, the creepiest thing is he's
relaying this was the absolute calm with which he described this,
It was, you know, there are fairly few moments in
my time in public office that I felt like, really

the presence of evil. And Hannah Ran wrote about the
banality of evil, about about how Nazis they weren't all
just comic book villains like you know the joker in Batman,
that that many of them were ordinary people. They were
people who were bakers or shoemakers, or plumbers or electricians,

people who were regular people who became horrible mass murderers
and torturers. And what was so eerie about it was
the utter calm because of his political indoctrination in which
he said, if you disagree with the government, you are
obviously mentally ill, and we are going to put you

in a camp to treat you to cure you of
that illness. I gotta say that same approach is the
approach of the leftists. And so what do they do.
They accuse conservatives of wanting to put them in camps,
which is an utter lie. There's no one on the
conservative side because the that is not something you hear

conservatives say, but it is something that left us talk about.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Yeah, great point there.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
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Speaker 1 (25:14):
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your phone and say the keyword baby, or go to
preborn dot com slash verdict. Senator, I want to talk

about what's also happening at the border. The President of
the United States of America has come out and it's
pretty clear we now know what his reelection campaign slogan
I guess for the onslaught of illegal immigrants coming into
this country is going to be.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
It is.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
We need to start handing out amnesty somehow. That's going
to fix the problems in this country, and it's something
that we can all be proud of if we give amnesty.
Here is the President of the United States of America,
in his own words.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
I love him.

Speaker 9 (27:39):
When people say why dreamers, can you imagine a kid
two years old, Sam, Mom, don't take it because real
ground is against the law. Give me a break. These
have been model citizens. Congress has to act, and the
right thing to do is to keep pushing forward until
we get it done. Get it done.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
So there's this famous line, get it done. So he
is doubling down. Now not only we have a wide
open borders, we have countless millions of illegal immigrants coming in.
But he refuses to admit the carnage is taking place
in the southern border. And now it's pushing for amnesty
part one, which would be all of these, as he
describes him, dreamers, and then the next part would be well,

more illegal immigrants, and then part three would be even
more illegal immigrants. This is what he's doing for this election.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Well, listen, Biden's making clear that Joe Biden and the
Democrats they stand with illegal immigrants. And given the choice
between illegal immigrants and American citizens, they're with the illegals.
Given the choice between criminals and law abiding citizens, there
with criminals. And that is a consistent theme. It's why
eleven million people across into this country illegally, because they

look at those eleven million illegal immigrants and they say, hey,
those are future Democrat voters. We stay in power if
we let them in, and they turn a blind eye
to the people who are suffering and dying. You know
who Joe Biden didn't talk about this week? Who was
that he didn't talk about Marvin Perez Lopez. Now, who
is Marvin Perez Lopez. Well, he was arrested the last

couple of days. He is an immigrant from Guatemala. He
was arrested over the weekend for kidnapping a minor under
the age of thirteen and sexual assault. That's courting the
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Marvin Perez Lopez was in
the country illegally. Was arrested on May fourth. Perez Lopez
reportedly left Guatemala in early January, crossed through Mexico, and

what did he do. He turned himself into the border Patrol.
But of course, Joe Biden, being a Democrat, he turned around,
he let him go. Do you know when Perez Lopez
was given a court date, I'm.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
Afraid that you're gonna say years from the moment they
let him go.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
Twenty twenty seven, There you go, twenty twenty seven. He
was released, he went to Florida, and then he turned
around and he's now been charged with kidnapping a miner
under the age of th thirteen and sexual assault. Now
we're not going to say the miner's name, but we
are going to point out, week after week after week,
every single week, there's another violent crime committed by an

illegal immigrant Joe Biden releases. And what is he is
he talking about?

Speaker 9 (30:15):

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Does he care about this child who was kidnapped and
sexually assaulted? The answer has to be known.

Speaker 10 (30:21):

Speaker 3 (30:22):
Look, when I say that, Ben, some people might say, gosh,
that's harsh. What do you mean he doesn't care about
a child kidnapped and assaulted. If he cared, he would
stop releasing illegal immigrants. You can't keep doing it when
you see, Hey, when I do this, children get kidnapped

and raped. Maybe I should stop doing this. That that's
actually what someone who cared about the crime and wanted
to prevent the next child from being kidnapped and raped
would do. Joe Biden, And by the way, every single
Democrat in Congress, without accept every single senator, every single
House member, they don't care either. Why do I know

they don't care, because if they cared they'd be willing
to stand up to Biden and say enough is enough,
stop releasing violent, criminal illegal aliens. And in the Senate,
every single time I forced a vote, and I've done
it over and over and over again, every Democrat, all
of them vote in favor of releasing illegal immigrants, even

if they're committing crimes against children in America.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Yeah, I know, there's you know, the old saying, you know,
see no evil here, no evil, right, and then you
can insulate yourself. The Democrats, though, have heard enough to
know just how bad it is the border, and now
every state's a border state, and seeing how bad it
is with what's happening, whether it's in New York City,
whether it's in Denver, Colorado. I mean it's widespread, the

chaos and the anarchy and the destruction and the abuse
of children, the sexual abuse, the human trafficking, the drugs,
the fetanol.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
Is there any of your.

Speaker 2 (32:05):
Colleagues that truly still don't know or is this just
a if we don't talk about then we don't have
to admit what we already know.

Speaker 3 (32:13):
Look, it's hypocrisy, I'll tell you tonight. I was in
a classified briefing in the Senate. I was a classified
briefing talking about all sorts of things, including the threats
of terrorism in the United States, and there was a
Democrat senator who at some point was sharing that, based
on the briefings he'd received, there's an enormous risk of terrorism.

He's deeply worried, and we do much more to prevent it.
And I remember sitting there and thinking, Gosh, what you're
saying sounds very reasonable. Why do you keep voting in
favor of releasing eleven million legal immigrants, Like, at some point,
you can't claim I'm worried about the threat of a
terrorist attack when you have nearly two million gtaways, when

you have a Ran calling for global jahad against America,
when they have Hesbelon Hamas calling for global jihad, and
the Biden administration letting them go. And he was What
was interesting is sitting in this classified briefing, this Democrat
senator sounded emphatic, he sounded believable. I'm like, Wow, he's
really worried about a terrorist attack. But you know what,

just a couple of weeks ago, we had a vote
on the impeachment of Alejandro Majorcis, who has let eleven
million illeg immigrants grit Go, and this Democrat, along with
every single other Democrat, voted to throw the case out
to hear no evidence. They didn't care about the risk
of terrorism. That's the simple reality.

Speaker 2 (33:36):
One other thing, and you talk about hypocrisy, which does
make me laugh. The Democratic Convention is going to be
held in Chicago, and we're now hearing that ahead of
the Democratic Convention, they are going to clear out the
area of illegal immigrants. Take a listen to this from
local NBC News in Chicago.

Speaker 11 (33:59):
Strong reaction tonight from residents after learning Mayor Brandon Johnson
is considering plans to open a new temporary migrant shelter
in their South Side neighborhood, and he.

Speaker 1 (34:07):
Don't know where to put him. Why would you put
him in our neighborhood? Well, why don't we go by
your house?

Speaker 2 (34:12):
All of that money that he's given them, we've been
begging for yous.

Speaker 10 (34:17):
We've lived our whole life. We have a lot of
bad things that happen here already. We do not need this,
We just do not.

Speaker 11 (34:23):
Located just blocks away from Guaranteed Right Field, the proposed
building near Canal and Pershing is in the city's eleventh ward.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
Look it works, Yeah, it's hit in the back. Why
is that a good location? We have no amenities here
as it is.

Speaker 11 (34:37):
Alder Woman Nicole issued this letter to constituents yesterday, saying
she was notified earlier this week and met with the
mayor on Thursday. She says the city wants to move
migrants staying at the Standard Club near the Dirts and
Federal Building to her ward before the Democratic National Convention.

Speaker 10 (34:53):
This is just insane. It doesn't make sense. Keep them downtown,
keep them I don't know, I mean, this is not
our problem.

Speaker 11 (35:00):
The alder Woman made it clear she is against the
proposed plan, citing safety and location concerns and lack of
justification for the move. She says, quote, as our city
grapples with this unprecedented influx of migrants, it is crucial
that we handle the migrant crisis safely, responsibly, and with
full transparency. The well being of our communities must be

the top priority.

Speaker 9 (35:21):
All we want to do is hal's our veterans and
they're getting kicked at aside for the people who didn't do.

Speaker 1 (35:26):
Anything for this country. Yet those Mountain women honorably served,
they should be coming first.

Speaker 2 (35:33):
I love the last guy there talking about our veterans.
But you go back to why they're doing this center
read behind the lines here. This is because the residents
are downtown and the area where the DNC is going
to be.

Speaker 1 (35:48):
They're saying, Hey, we got to clean this up.

Speaker 2 (35:49):
It's got to be nice and friendly and look good
for the Democratic National Convention. We got to move them
out of this area, all right, throw them out there
in this other part of the city.

Speaker 3 (35:59):
Yeah, I know, that's exactly, And I thought they were
most revealing comment and that montage you played was the
Alderman saying, this is not our problem. Now she's a Democrat.
All of those elected officials are Democrats. They keep voting
for Democrats. They vote for a wild left wing Democrat mayor,
they vote for a wild left wing Democrat governor, they
vote for a wild left wing Democrat senator, they vote

for a wild left wing Democrat president. Every one of
those supports an invasion of this country of illegal immigrants.
And they say, well, this is not our problem. Send
them to Texas, send them to Florida, send them to
anywhere other than our state. But we want them to
keep coming in because you know what, We want them
to show up in Texas and Florida and we want
them to vote Democrats so we can be in power.
But we don't actually want to deal with this invasion.

The hypocrisy is massive and if you want to change this,
we need to have some real accountability. If they want
open borders, we ought to send every single one of
them to these blue jurisdictions until they realize eleven million people,
this is not right. They're doing it to Texas, they're
doing it to Florida, and by the way, they're doing
it to every other state in the Union. But they're

trying to be utter hypocrites and say, don't do it
to our own community.

Speaker 1 (37:06):
Yeah, great point. Don't forget.

Speaker 2 (37:07):
We did a show Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please share
this podcast wherever you are on social media as well,
so that others can hear what we're exposing here each
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my podcast, the Ben Ferguson Podcasts and I'll keep you
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Speaker 1 (37:32):
I will see you back here. On Friday morning,
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