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April 5, 2024 12 mins
Man Makes fun of Someone with Downs Syndrome, gets beat up for it. - Karma!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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One O seven nine KBP I andyour show time for stupid stories STO Yeah,
yeah you are Stupid stories brought toyou by steal and Steel Dealers dot
Com. All right, uh dolittle ticket sales. Jennifer Lopez is renamed
her upcoming tour. It's now calledthe Eras Tour. I'm sure renaming it

that's gonna help, right, Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Let's see.
Uh new study found kids who getgood grades less likely to get enough exercise.
Oh duh, Uh yeah, no, sher Lock. Uh, it's
those little roughnecks out there playing inthe dirt, the bad grades because they're

out there playing. Uh. Manin Indiana's been arrested at the police say
he robbed his barber and threatened toshoot up his barbershop over an argument about
his messed up haircut. Oh hey, man, messed up haircuts a real
thing. Yeah. To see howa baud this haircut is for? I
figure out if it's batting off thebullet gun. I mean it had to

be pretty bad. But still,you messed with a man's hair, would
you expect it was gonna happen?Let's see one of the largest this was
crazy story happened on Easter Sunday.You guys know there is money storage facilities.
It's just a big ass warehouse fullof cash. Ooh right, sounds

sounds delicious. And apparently the largestcash heist in Los Angeles history took place
on the Easter Sunday where thieves madeoff with thirty million dollars in cash.
Oh wow, what thirty million incash? Man? For you and I,

that's like sixty million, thirty milliondollars in cash man, that is
crazy. We have no clue atall either. It's like, oh no,
yeh. We found out that amillion dollars will fit in a backpack
pretty easy. Yeah, but thirtybackpacks it's still a lot. But right.
A balding fugitive in the UK wasupset when police told everybody that they

were looking for a man with areceding airline. How dare you say that?
But it's true too funny. Look, if if you've purchased produce at
Walmart in the last couple of years, they're gonna owe you money. It's
one of those you know, classaction lossuit deals where they had to settle

and apparently they charge customers more thanwhat they should have for way goods.
And that includes like, you know, everything from your meats like chicken,
poetry, port chops, all thatnonsense to you know, fruits, bag
citrus items, anything like that.Okay, if you had to weigh it.
Oh, there's a good chance theyowe you money. They're showing out

forty five million and you have tohave receipts or anything or what it is.
So that's the deal. I don'tknow who saves their receipts from Walmart,
but man, that is a boringperson and sounds like some something that
somebody with a small penis does.But if you did, if you did
save your receipts, you get alittle bit more money back each persons share.

See, it's gonna be weird becauseif you bought fifty items or fewer,
they'll give you ten bucks. Youbought fifty one to seventy five items,
they'll give you fifteen bucks. Oh, buy over one hundred items,
you're gonna get twenty bucks. Soand if you've got no receipts that you
get to zero nothing. Uh no, you gotta go to the website follow
this thing, blah blah blah.So I could lie and get ten bucks.

Man, Yeah, yeah, Ithink you got to tie it back
to some sort of purchasing the count. Okay, but hey, go try
to get ten dollars. Let usknow if you're successful and if it was
worth it. All right, Sothis is probably the scariest things of the
day. It's gonna fly under theradar. But just note, we'll side

note. You heard it here.Chat GPT's parent company just unveiled a new
AI voice generator. These are thesethings are so terrifying. It's even better
than what it was before. Sothis is another evolution in it. Okay,
it can impersonate anyone's voice with afifteen second audio sample that's undetectable from

the person it's impersonating. Wow.Yeah, you can't tell the difference between
it and the people it's impersonating.If it's able to listen to that person
for just fifteen seconds, that iscrazy. So this is probably a good

time to remind people that you shouldhave a family h safe word if you
will that just your family is privyto that way you can verify is this
really my mom calling me asking mefor money? What's the password? You
a sucker fish? Okay, it'syou, No, but seriously, that's

not a bad idea because if you'regetting these things, imagine, right,
we see people all time taking advantageof elderly people. Just reading the story
yesterday about you know, this womanwho was selling her house to save her
boyfriend. Her boyfriend was just somescammer, you know, and the bank
teller did a reverse image search onGoogle and you know find you know,

found out about scam and alerted her. So you're seeing all kinds of people
being taken advantage of. And whenyou add another layer of like voice recognition
or being able to impersonate somebody's voicea family member for that for that matter,
imagine if you're a grandparent and yourgranddaughter calls your grandson cause you saying
that they're in you know, they'rein dire straits. They're in you know,

Mexico and vacation for spring break andthey got arrested and they need all
this money sent to them, right. They don't want to tell their mum
or something like that, and itsounds just like them, it sounds identical
to them. Of course you're gonnasend money. I'm imagining this is one
of those layers of technology that reallygets twisted up for you know, the

various purposes. Unfortunately, I seethis being an alarming number of victims falling
for this. Uh. If youcan't tell, then how would you you
know outside of that safe Ford scenario, how would you know the conversation isn't
real? Right? And uh,with these days cell phone numbers can be

spoofed and all that, it's alwaysgood to get a uh. I mean,
the vacation thing might be a littletough, but it's always good just
to say, hey, I'm gonnacall you back, give me a second,
right, that's just wild Man,Florida man was arrested. He cause
to fight at disney World at abart disney World and he's intoxicated. It
made fun of a woman with Downsyndrome. Sixty one year old Brent George.

He got arrested charged four counts ofbattery after an altercation unfolded apparently just
after nine pm. Officers responded tothe bar. When a ride of the
scene officers, George was intoxicated.He had several injuries to his face.
Then he claimed this was the resultof being hit by a glass mug and
it was the whooped his ass.Let's see. According to complaining, the

family was sitting near by a tablewhen Georgia protes him started mocking the couple's
daughter, he described as having downsyndrome and was wheelchair bound. The girl's
mother then confronted George asked him ifhe was making fun of their daughter.
Oh, man, this dude deservesto be down, does he not?
Absolutely? Apparently, George stood upallegedly show this woman a couple of times.

Oh yeah. He proceeded to alegsli slap another guest at the table
in the face when she tried tointervene. The husband of the woman who
was slapped got a bob George allegedlypunched him in the neck. George was
then punched in the head by thehusband, according complaint uh and then Huggas
says where the husband picked up aglass beer mug and cracked him over the

grill with it like good all right, you know, and uh, it
looks like it looks like they workedhim over a little bit while they were
waiting on the cops. It iswhat's crazy to the cops. George said
he didn't recall anything. He didnot remember anything specific due to being intoxicated.

He said he was just having agood time with his you know,
some other individuals. He was attackedby those other people. Yeah, I'm
guessing a lot of the other bystandersare out there around there might have the
same story. Didn't see nothing.I don't recall seeing anything like that.
Uh don't know. Oh, Ican't say I recollect that's too funny.

Yep, don't know, sir.I was turned the other direction. Kind
of crazy how sometimes people get whatthey deserve right right, Yeah, that's
funny. When I was bitching.My scenario is a I went to college
at Eastern Kentucky University. It wasa football player and he was making fun
of this girl with down syndrome acrossing the street and I thought I was

gonna be this hero crack on,man, this is like midnight. I
hit that dude with everything I had, and I thought I had a good
punch. He just shook it offlike he was some you know, I
having drag off dude. I waslike, oh hell no, he went
to whoop my ass man. Iwas like, oh, my bad,
my bad. I think the ladywas down syndro't en taking care of me.

Yeah, I got mopped up.It's not too often I can say
that, but he did porch pirate. How funny is this? This dude
was caught on camera stealing the packagedressed as a trash This guy had a
trash bag over top of the movingtrash bag. The homeowner, a guy
named Omar Munez, shared doorbell securityfootage of the thief kind of waddling up

to the porch underneath his tied garbagebag, and then the person under the
bag shuffles over to the package,grabs the package up in the bag like
and then scoots kind of you know, hobbles off inside the bag. I
mean, you can't tell who heis. I mean no, but man,

that's hilarious. So Omar he saidhe was angry at first and he
thought maybe it was a prank.Now he says he just finds it funny
because watching out the difficult it wasfrom the package said it wasn't anything important,
He told police not even hassle withit. It contained a couple of
phone chargers from Timu costs like timBucks, so he just reordered them,

he said. He helps the thiefhas a good one. Is that a
trash bag and the security footage ismoving up to the port. Yeah,
look at that. It's just funny, all right, thinking about what's the
worst animal you can find staring upat you from the toilet. I've told
that story a couple of times.In that snake frog that scared the crap

out of me at my mom's place. I would think a snake would be
one of the worst. I don'tknow, man, I feel like this
is probably up there. I mean, just the phrase toilet rat speaks volume.
Oh yeah, oh damn, Wellwhat a toilet rat? Like?
You raise the lid to your toiletand find a big ass rat in there?

Like, damn, where did youcome from? Like it doesn't climbing
from the outside, if you knowwhat I'm saying. Anyway, a toilet
rat. Seventy six year old manfound this rat in his toilet. He
decided to remove the rat himself,so he reaches down to grab the rat.

Well, the rat's live, soit did what a rat is gonna
do, and but human tries tograb it. What bit him. He
went to the er. The ercleaned his wounds, gave him a tennis
shot, but he was back lessthan three weeks later with the fever,
headache, semi pain and wrap ita heartbeat. It turned out the toilet
rat was well surprised, pretty disgusting. The guy had a bacterial infection called

Wild's disease. Anyway, he wasstraight rabbaging his kidneys. Oh, it
can be fatal. However, theytreated this particular man and discharged him from
the ICU a few days later.No word or what became of a toilet
rat. But yeah, uh,I'd say, never attempt to pick up

the toilet rat. You know whatI'm saying. Just keep flushing, uh,
flushing and plunging right. Hit hisass with a stick. He came
in that way, he's going outthat way, right, Or the two
by four will work, and youjust use gloves to pick him up.
You know, takes some precaution.
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